The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 27, 1894, Image 3

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Wkkly Dkmocrat. $i 75 per year
n advance. $1 .00 at end of year.
A Briob or a Month. Hon A J Babb,
of Eugene aged 70 years and Louise Lolu
Iwan aged 20, were united in marriage
on June 14. On Julv 14, just one month
afterwards the bride deserted her
sprightly MMiege l:rd and roaster. On
th9 3th, a few days before Mr Babb
showed his appreciation of hie wife by
deeding her a half interest in his farm.
Last week a warrant was issued for the
arrest of Mrs Babb and Duncan Scott on
the charge of adultery. Mrs 'Babb was
found in Portland and taV on home, and
declares her innocence of the charge ;
but says she will not live with her hus
band. Scott could cot be found Mr
Babb publishes the following self ex
planatory notice : A deed from A .1 Babb
to Louise Lolu Babb, dated 14th day of
June, was obtained by falsehood and
fraud, and is illegal besides. All persons
are warned not to purchase the same as
the right will be legally contested to its
full extent.
Later. Duncan Scott was arrested
last evening as being a paity to the crime,
and was bound over to appear for trial
this afternoon with bonds fixed at $500.
Mrs Babb has conferee the whole story,
and conviction of Scctt is almost certain.
List of Patents granted to Pacific
states inventors this week. Reported by
C A Snow & Co, solicitors of American
and foreign patents, opp IT S Patent Of
fice. Washington, D C.
JO Brown, Santa Barbara. Cat, nut
lock; J W H Campbell, San California,
food product and apparatus ; F X Cote
A LCorbeille, Everett, Wash, saw-guard;
M Crawford, J r, Stockton, Cal, tpping
1 machine; F A Dixon, San Jose. Cal,
Fruit-jar; F Enoch. H Fuge), J L Cooke,
Oakland, and G FW Schultre, Berkeley,
Cal, automatic boat davit. E Hanson,
Spokane, Wash, locomotive-engine; W
E J Lawlor, Portland, Oregon, electric
belt; A Lee, New Whatcom, Wash,
magazine gun ; I Lobree, San Franc)sco,
Cal, Dough or batter kneader. F Mc
Laughlin, Oroville, Cal, elevating device
for bottles ; R Nagler.San Francisco. Cal,
truss; M L Noble & E Buxton,- Forest
Urove, Ore. hitge for school-desk seats.
O Olsen, Oakland, Cal.. hair clippine
machine, C A Palmqnist. Spokane, Wash"
washing machine; H Rich, Corrahtos,
Cal, rotary drier; E P Roche, San Fran
cisco. Ca'i, buttonhole repair-pa'.ch ; J
and DJ Shultis, Los Angeles, Cal, ma
chine for the manufacture of ashpaltum
pipe; FCStaniford. (iilroy, Cal, fruit
pitting machine; G V.' Strong, San Fran
cisco, Cal, amalgamator and sett'rr.
Didn't materialize . Charles Stars,
Capt Overman, E E Goff and Charts
Anderson, who have returned from In
dependence, where they went to attend
ihe bicycle races, report them a failure,
for the reason that they did not come off,
that is the principal ones. The novice
race was run, with three Salem men in
it, and was won in 2 :53 ; but the riders
present refused to enter the other con
tests unless the medals were guaranteed
to be as advertised, which was not done,
it being learned that they were simply
silver gold plated instead of solid gold as
advertised, Hewitt, Frasier and Howtlj,
of Portland, and Hears of Albany, the
fastest riders in the Nor' h west were
present and ready to ride.
Poor Mail Facilties. As regards our
nail facilities Brownsville is but a slight
degree in advance cf what she was in the
40' and 50'e, when the major portion of
me inhabitants of the vast expanse
of beautiful plains and numerous
picturesque hills which surrounds
this place, consisted of the festive
red men. Some four months sine;
a contract was let for the carrying
of mail between this place and Halsey.
This, together, with the train, furnished
ns mail facilities, which, while not the
best, were bearable ; but now the route
to Halsey has been discontinued, conse
quently we will receive mail hereafter
occasionally, only. This must be rem
edied. Times.
The CfiACTAucifA assembly a Oregon
City begins to-morrow. The program
indicates a successful gathering. Among
the speakers of particular interest to Al
bany people,re. Rev GW Gibony, who will
talk oa "Our Young People" on Toesday
afternoon ; Rev G K Hawes on "The
Little Citizen" in tbe evening ; Noel H
Jacks, on the Y MCA; Roland 1) Grant.
Dr Brown, Or Edward Loche, Mrs Dun
i war and many others. Rev Coudit is
down for ttie opening invocation Thurs
day morning.
Mrs. Enaign It. Smith
Mb CM.
Like Other Women
I have suffered for 23 years with a eomplicaUoa
of troubles, with continuous, almost uabeara.
bis pain ln my back. Thm Crip also prostre-
parilla A JLr1
ted me. But Hood's
farsaparllla has cured
ma at all my trouble,
and I cannot apeak too
highly of It Mas. E. B. Smith, Box 88 Etna, Cal.
Hood's Pflle cure headache and Indigestion.
WOOD for sale at hard
oak, ath, maplt.p'rc,
time prices
C C Hr.i .
TO LOAN. -We have a few hundred
dollars to loan on good real estate
S N STaELK & Co. Albany Ore.
r-rr,lrtt K-KtiK Will exchange valuable
X city property for agoodfarm. Inquire of
J H Upham Albany Oregou.
Will & SUrk keep up with the timesln
the latet style of jewelry. You will not
miss It If you call on them for anything
In the jewelry line.
Hodge ft McFnanu,
jjit, Albacy, Cr.
the loading ?nt-
K. O. T. M
meeU everv Saturday evening ln K.
T. MHai). "Visiting KnlehU Invited
attend. A L Lamb, Com.
In Pontage, we tHI aend
A Smnple F.nvelupe. ot etltser
Ton have seen It advertised for many
yean, but have you ever tried ltT IT
not, you do not know what an Ideal
Coanplewlon Powder las
baatOes being an neknowlodgeO beautlOer
Iims niunv refresblt.a uses.
1 1 prerenw obaf.
ata.i lntsUlHaro.tallcteandlrnto
mtf .sun-bum. wuw-uui.
t-trarn. Wloa-uu. ..cons pmn rnui ... ,
uruueUon lo tbe face during hot I
1 la Sold Everywhere.
Fnr la. address
b.rt. weattwr.
4. A. POZZON I CO. St. Louis, Mo.
OR BARGAINS in leal estate addrera
r or e ill on Jams W Card well A Co.
it m
President Debs receives 1 35:00 yea
besides perquisites.
Binding twine is cheaper than e' e
fore being only 1 1 cents a pound,
s ml
there Is plenty of It.
Mr Couger, recently from the Ea-t will
open a confectionary store opposite the
Russ House in a few days.
Members of the Albany Social club are
rtquested to he present at a business
meeting to be held at the rooms to night
at 7:3.
D Rumor has U that the Ex.osl.ion direc tors
have concluded not to hold a fair this
year. The last one was not a success and
the outlook U no brighter this year.
Hence this decision. Welcome.
The sale of the Oregon Pacific has le:n
postponed again. Why may not theio
ceiver, with the proper help ana encour
agement, extend It over the mountains?
His certificates would be good. States
man. Yesterday at the fair ground a trot took
place for $io a side between horses driven
by Mr Frank Wheeler and George Rldin
ger, best two in three. Mr Rlding.r's
horse won two straight heats In 3:iS and
Len Stevens and Herbert Condon were
twenty days getting home from Ann Ar
bor, Michigan, trip which would require
about five days in ordinary times. At
Ogden they saw a "scab"' engineer beaten
nearly to death by strikers. At another
place the railroad company offered $150
tor a man tc engineer the train I so mile,
but no one would volunteer, as it would'J
probably mean death at the hinds of their
strikers. The boys arJ naturally antl
svmpathizers with the striken5. Eugene
Mrs Addic Tablert, IMni ear Walla
Walla, Is a woman of Ingenuity. On Wed
nesday morning one of a young brood ol
ducks fell into a well which had been
driven bv a boring machine and it wa a
serious question with the ladv how to
save the duckling's life. A fishhook was
produced, but af er repeated atiempts,lt
proved to be a failure. Then Mrs Tablert ;
bethought her of an expedient. Procuring
the garden hose, she filled the well with
water from a hydrant near by and the i
duck arose to the surface with the wa'er, j
alive ind seemingly enjoying the novel
Prof Riddell and company went to the j
Bay this noon. I
License ha been issued for the marriage
of Albert Cox and Miss Stoner.
Mrs E
Mr Ben Pillar and family, of this city
are at the Hotel Monterer, Yaquina
Geo Anderson and Sid Dorr is have
returned from Fish lake, where they
found plenty of fish.
u.r w i r , , ....
Sundav with his family at the N creek
.. ri --. a.;..
vuimjt vvuc litutni. v ' r i 'J i.aii
Mr W C Bennett, a former operator at
i-yons, u now located at Pans, HI
he has a good position. He repot
terrifically hot there
Mr Joe Khin took a buggy ride to Co
burg yesterday leaving his horse tor Mrs
Klein, who is rusticating 1 here, ar.d re
turning on the noon train.
Mr Bnmbarger, one of Corvalls promi
nent citizens, after spending a day or two
here the guest of the city o? Albany, liq
uidated with the city this morning and
returned borne.
T Wandel and A J Hodges left today
for the region bevond Detroit on a fieh-
: ing trip. They were being chaperoned
' by a drummer. The prospect of some
; big fish stories, is good.
Mr Carl Luderman, at one time a
' resident of Albany, now has charge of
the boot and shoe department of John
' Caplice & Co, of Butte. Mon, at a good
i salary, and is doing well.
Jack Roscoe, the A'banv R R engineer
and conductor has resigned his position
and will begin work on a stationary engine I
at Tallman in a few days. Mr Fred ter store, a boy
Bruckman, a reliable young man has sue
ceejed him.
Miss Haidee Black, daughter of Hen 1
in Jacksonville for the oast two weeks,
returned to Ashland WednesJay. where
she will continue her visit with the
Misses Letba and Isa Duncan for some
time before returning to her home in
Dr H E Beers and Mr E U W ill re
turned Saturday evening from a fishing
trir. up the Crabtree. They each caught 1
"o a. a. '.: : : j a . 1 r.
IS . ' iiSTsZ: ,T- 1 i. ,
the traps had been pacted the '""'
ping away and catching another ia order '
i to have the biggest string.
MrBulkley.who atone time had charge
I ol tbe Oregon Pacific bridge at this city,
j died suddenly of heart diseare at San
; Jose a few days ago. A letter received'
by Mr li C Harknese gives Ihe particu
lars of his death. Mrs Bulkier has tne
, sympathy of A bany friends in her loss.
A conespondent writing to an ex
change from the Bay save: At the Ocean
House we found Judge Fullerton, whose
straw hat and linen duster were not in
order. Attorneys J Fred Yates, J K
Weatherford, of Albany, and W S Mc
Fadden, of Corvallis, also Geo Buhl and 1
wife, of Lebanon, on their wedding tour. :
Miss Marv Stewart.of Albany, gave an
old-fasbioned "candy pull', at the Stew
art cottage, "The Bower, ' Nve Creek
Tu.sday evening, in honor of her friend, ,
Miss Vida Maston
, who was over Irom
Albany for a chort viit. A large num-
ber of young people were present, and j
highly enjoyed blistered hands and the Teachers who intend passim? the exami
fascinatinif ghost stories that followed. nation will find regular attendance at the
.-or. wregoman. ;
The Wasco Xewesiys: Prof Hiram
Tyree and family left Tuesday for their
new home al Albany. Tbe Professor has
been chosen aa princpal of the Albany
public schools. This is one of the largest
and best schools in tbe state ; and Al
bany may we' I be proud of tbe selection
f ;,.-ir,l V are nrr lo apa Vr
It . i ... -..., ,. j..
n-ira . Iiavt A . n ! nialf r
.vice C OU. VOU1J.,, I.Jt uuue. ..o
' ... .
iallv : and while be wa. not re chosen to
fill the office of -UDerintendent.
presence in the county wcnld have a
good influence. However, we believe his
ucceasor to be an efficient man in every
respect, and able to keep the school work
up to the highest standard.
So far this season Albany has fur
nished more visitors than any other
Diace in the valley. The Albany dele
gates own a large nmber of cottages,and
make their headquarters, in most every
instance, at Nve Creek. Many of the
cottaaes are substantially built and nice
ly decorated. Among those irom Albany
already occupying cottages are tbe foU
owing: Jndse wolverton. ol trie su
preme court, and Mrs Wolverton and,1
their niece, Miss iana rrice; juoge an
Mrs tl ti ana daughter, mist
Olga; Mrs Judge Flinn and daughter.
Misses Annie.Ora,Kutn : Mis r. vv iang-
don and little darghter, MigsGracie, sad
brother and sister, Mr George U Piper
and Miss Grace LPioer: Mrs C H Stew
art and family. Professor K N Condi t and
family, HrHU Allen and lamiy, Mr j
M Irvine and lamily. Mr J M KaiBton
and family.Mr W C Tweedale and family.
Mr and Mrs L h- main, Mr and Mrs r e
Crosby and daughter, Miss Maude and
Marguerite Hopkins, Mrs L 15 Montenh ;
Mr and Mrs Frederick Hlnmberg, Mr
James Powell, Mr and Mrs Bate, of
Michigan, Cor. Oregonian.
Buy, Wool and Grain Mr A Senders
announces to the public that he is in the
Mid to huv woo . grain, li'.ies, potatoes,
etc. Call on him at his headquarters at
. ' ail "II linn vu ...a iiumi'juiiii. -
the store of M Sternburg, corner First and
Z ...... . .
Broadalbin gtreeb), Albany.
Ladikh Attention. Mrs Keyes, of
he home office ol the Viavi Co, wil'
give a free illustrated lecture in the
Viavi rooms on Wednesday and Thurs
day afternoons July 25 and Mth, subject
for Wednesday "Nerve Diseases." Con
sultation after each lecture and all day
Did you know
finest photos, see
Tinkle made the
new I samples and
get his prices.
Remember Tinkle positively guarn'ee
his photcs, us you will be sure lo be pleas
ed with your pictures If he makes them.
Try him once.
Late silver sword
c fjiark.
corsage pins at Will
Clean towels to every customer at Vierook
thsviog parlors.
Of. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Petty Years tba
Harrisburg has quite a sen
case. It looks about like this according
to information given the Dbmockat.
Some time ago Avarilla Warner began a
suH for divorce against her husband
Seldon Warner. The cass is now pend
ing. Mrs Warner is living separate
iro.ii her husband, and Vernon Warner,
a relative, is doing her farm work for
her. Mr Selden Warner, it is assorted
does not like the situation, and it is
claimed got another relative, Charles
Warner, to give Vernon Warner a good
sized whipping. This he proceeded to
attempt to do according to the version
of Mr Vernon Warner, this forenoon.
Vernon Warner upon the attack being
made drew a knife, and slashed Charles
Warner, how badly is not yet known.
It was reported fatally, but probably
not. The latter then had the former
arrested for assault with a dangerous
weapon, and the trial of the case was to
j come off this afternoon, with P R Kelley
for the prosecution and O W Wright for
the defense. It is probable that there
will be a big diversity of opinion as to
the facts in the case. It caused great
excitement at Harrisburg, and numerous
sensational rumoia have been circulated
in reference to it.
Gutting Divorcfs. Judge Burnett
has filed his decision in the case of
Guesaeppo Matasce agt Kate Matasce
brought for divoice. denying the appli
cation for divoice as well as the petition
the counter complaint, requiring each
y costs. Ut six rases considered
Burnttt refused to grant the tit
ce in all the cases, ttereaiter di-
voitJe cam wi.i coma in Judge Hewitts
There is an opinion that !
the ccurt is very much down on divorces.
The truth is the court is simply requir-
ing Sufficient proof and whenever fur-1
mshfrd divorces will undoubtedly be !
granted. It is said several cases have i
already been begun in some other dis-
trtct. As a matter of lact divorces can !
be obtained here all right where the evi j
dence is sufficient. But it is no longer a
mere formality. .
no pa
As Important Law. Congress has just ! count of the means taken to cure a rattle-' opinion that under the constitution
passed a law of great importance to a i snak bite: Little Amy, Stephen Stukel'a ! women cannot hold an elective office In
good many Albany people, as well as 1 12 J'ear oltl daughter, who so narrowly es-! Oregon. If he is correct those ladies
Oregon mine owners generally. It sus-1 iaPl 'eing devoured bv a mountain lion h were elected county school uperln
pends for the ysar 1S5H 'he provisions of ' la),t f"" had another thrilling experience ; tendenu at ihe late election will be
the revised statutes which require that 1 Tuesday in which her life was saved only Ineligible. Ex
100per annum of labor shall be par- PgSf ft. cKuon- .W,' Mr Ezra Hortcn m.1 hi the Yaquina
formed or improvements made on each "J? to catch her saddle horse tn the 1 q,,, noon
located mining claim during the term pasture near her father's house at Tuie ;
. - i lake, she was h tten i.n the font I. v rattl ! Recener H M Eeoll went to I 'rtUnd
fore the close of ihe present vear a notice I
itiui c 111c i;sur ui i'niru I ' iin.iK itt
that the claimant intends in good faith
to hold and work hisrlaim he is exempted .
from the above requirements for this
Another bill will provide that in cases
of contest a mining entry shall be con-
8dere mineral land U si
eral belt uutil the contra
tuated m a min-
contrary is proven.
Actdtg FootistiLY. An attemoted
, where , cse o suicide wa reported to tne Dem- . ,ime gTe chiek"ens ha-l been apptieil to the ' rfon 835 from hl" nou,e
oiU ltjocrat:but investigation failed to ecuie ; s foot uj j,, , lv , Mrs C D and tw
evidence sufficient in the matter to etUb- aborted. Amv was liberally dose.1 with Marshfield, are in the city Ui
Uh the fact. It was declared, though,
that a very young girl had been acting
very foolUhiy ;and, right here we would
: like to give several jouog girls of Albany
! the fatherly advice to quit acting foolishly;
keep good company, don't run around on
the streets except on business and be care
ful of your conduct. A good Dime is
better than great riches.
' 'ihti ahy. Marian Johnston, neeFic't
I ie, was born in Mo. Nov 25. lS3rj,enjmigra
i ted to Texas in '49. thence to Cal in '.'3.
; thence to Oregon in '54. She was united
; in marriage to Henry Johnston Aug 1. 1851
i to whom were born 12 children. 9 still
living. Mrs Johnston died July 20th 'tH
and her remains are interred in North
Palestine cemetarv. Funeral conducted bv
A S Copley.
Coivallis papers please copy.
BoRX.-OnSunday evening. luiv 22. 1, 1
1 n B"nM
to Mr and Mrs
BarnAt. of the ..cent conn-
Shcd.t. y
Harvesting in this section; "is progressing
finely. -f
The aphis does not appeaV to have in
jured the grain and a goodtiaetd is an as
sured fact. jiT
Mr t lark Long is prepjnng to stirt
nay oaiw
fl I
Arguile Kendall lost one of his
while working with a hay fork last week.
ln sociable bv the Metl
Shedd was held Tuesday evening
K-v C C S'errv. of Brownsville
. . , i
lie pre
M E .
to a congregation at tbe Sbedd
last Sunday at 4 p m.
Mr tiibson ha been engaged
tafh '
the sbed.t school next term .
Mr Crume returned from bis trip to the
coast last week.
Teacher's Examination.
Notice is hereby given that for the pur
pose of making an examination of all per
sons, who may offer themselves as candi
date for teachers ot the schools of this
county, tne county school
ur-rinUndtnt 1
.... .7 ' !
thereof, will hold a public examination in
the county court house at Albany. I h-. com
mencing at 1 o'clock p m, W'edaesday Aug
tf, 1894. and to continue two days. Ad
applicants for state certiBcates, t;ite di-
ploniand stte life diplomas will pre-sent
themselves and hie recommendation". HO
applicant will be admitted to tbe exaniin
at,0n who is not present at its cneninir.
institute prohUb
of July, 194.
atel this 25tli day
School Supt Linn Co.
. '. It v.ry doubtful if there is another
grocery (tore in llie Wil'ameue valley
win-re so much ri-ins is taken to give satis-
' iacuon a at l amer D.O!, in WI1H Cliv.
Tnev keen a first class stcclt of rood, and
. -w
..II ., n, P.L cll.KI. r. ,1m.. I, . .
' peculiarly the place for economizers to go.
. I heir proUuce, truita Ac, are alway.
Ac, are
I freah. and f rem tbe best garden
Their baked goods' are of a big variety
and are unequalled for excellency In
(let your camphig good of them and
lunches for and excursions. They
have a fine varirty of pickel. canned goods,
yaked gocds, Ac, fur such affair.
Received thi week from New York, by
express Fbter genuine lace gloves, black
Land co'ored, also Jenninga silk mltls and
lacer , In black and colored .
S E Young.
Kid Gloves. I have just received
the new spring shades of the celebrated
Centemeri kid gloves and also those
with the large pearl buttons. I expect
to carry these in colors to match the
suitings. I tarry also lines of the Biar
ritz, chamois and gauntlet gloves.
BE Youso.
1 hae just received another Invoice of
Ladles, Misses and children's tan Oxford
Tici in all sizes and wldth3.
Samuel E Young.
I have just received another Invoice
those popular priced sun umbrellas.
Samuel E Young.
K. i'j . V, r- :. A .itfr.eJl d '
Oresse fit perfectly over tn wt
ve 1 by all dressmaker. a
H3 fr m
. Appro
E Young
Talk Is Cheap; but when you come to
... , , ,
! ' 'very oody know, that Crawford &
1 n . 1. I...I I ,,, tilw.l.i.irsnli- I I. . I. Si SI I.
Paxton take better photograph than any
oilier gallery in Oregon and at aa low
prices aa the lowest. Frst slree. adjoining
Masonic Hail.
Ready Foh Business). The Union Pa
cific lines are now open, and tickets on
sale to all points East.
For rates or information call upon
Local Agents.
Take Notice. After this date, we, the
undersigned, agree to saw oak v ood for
M) cents and fir, ash and maple for 40 cents
per cord. July 10th.
Oko. AciiesjOn.
Wm. Nkslky.
J.N. Combs.
Another Invoice of Gilberts fait black
satteen ln plain and brocaded. Also per-
callne In fact black pnd colors and fast
black orgrandles just received at Samuel
Dr.. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Wolld s Pair Hluhest Medal and Dlplom-
Last Monday J N Gulliford started
across the mountains to join his family who
ate visiting friends nnd relatives m and
about Haleey.
In another column an advertisement up
pears offering the James Klkins ranch, in
the Beaver country, for sale or rent. This
is one of the beet stock ranches in the coun
ty and whoever gets it will own a valuable
piece of property.
Prof O C Maxwell closed his school at
Liberty on Friday of last week. Ho was
in town ednesday en route to his riinch
on Squaw creelc, where he will spend a week
after which he will ijo to Halsey to sieni
the remainder of the summer visiting rel
atives. Mr and Mrs Frank Hampton arrrived
here Thursday from F.ugene, having crossed
the mountains by the McKenzie route. Mr
Hampton says that road is in the worst con
dition he has ever seen it, being filled with
lofes and rocks, and he would not advise
anyone to attempt to cross it.
Marion Taylor, who went to California
with a band of horses about a year ago, re
turned this week. He says after expend
ing about $500 and putting in a year's
time he was able to sell live lsead, and the
rest he gave away. He traveled over a good
uortioa o Southern California and Arizona,
hut did not hml any country he liked bet
ter than Eastern Oregon. He has come
back here to stay. Review.
M Parker of the firm of Spelts, Hitch
cock k Only, live stock merchants of South
Omaha, was in Frinsville the first of this
week, arid contracted with .'Howard &
Sf. !n. Krl..r Timn II nitnlnn 1 1 i-.-ic
and nthdrs for htwan lain ..Si ttctt l.a
n( lwf entile Thco ,,.tti.. nTlS,i t,..
fpUn .i ,;t ,.. . f hS i,
ccrn crop now being raised in Nebraska.!
Mr P informs us that Eastern Oregon cattle !
are highlv appreciated nv eastern buyers. I
He claims they are the best cattle west of
Missouri. News.
. , .
A Rattler's Bite The Klamath Falls '
Express gives the following irranhic ac- '
. . - - - - i
nake. ot knowing what had cauied the
pfcr .oi knowing wnai nau caused me
pain she returned to ti,e hous? and it wa
nevly half an hour before her parents dis
covere.1, by her swollen limb that she had
been stung by a rattler. Live chickens
tw . . ....... I .. 1 .. I. .11 . 1 A 1 1
wi-xtj iiuuinnaifiy Miim, rui open UJ1U ! uA ti . !.; -1
1 1 r 1 ' i.Ti, Hon K A Ininc !
mounted a horse and went t tt.U f 1
I whiskey. On arriving there he took afresh !
! horse and made the round trip of eight
j miles in twentv five minutes. In the Imean-1
"snake bite, went to sleep, and thi
morning i lut little the worse for her
close acquaintance with his snakeship.
Lrr Tuem Bid. In the matter of the O (the county. i not Mr Purtiiuli of rracuae
P sale the Times says ; The circuit court I Preclnc
convened in adjourned tccion Fridav ! Mr Alex Scott, of Portland, a former
afternoon. Judge Fullerton presiding. J student in the college, i in the city on a
K Weatherford representing claim of la- Tuit. llr Scott i now working tor IU'
bor and material creditors axreresratinff ' four, Guthrie tc Co
t.0,OIJ prensnteil a petition, asking tha
an accounting of all labor and material
claim? be taken and their relative priority
be determined by the court prior to any
sale the court mav order, and that the
sums of money due petitioners may be
taken aa money upon the purchase price of
said road if the same shall te purchased
and in by such petitioners either in
sasWnnMni (r...l.vs . V It ' .
that if the claimants i
n-!rr),a .1. M,'t hi tl. ..-lus.v f
said claim, shall lv a pavment upon the
, VT- . T , 1
4"" 1 l" aal.
i.iuiuis. m Bsnasai 01 lanure 01 iiiiion-
! er to give notice to parties at interest the
mH nt;i - - '
term. I
a n ... I
"""" ""r. -m oju.ersjiion wiui
a Xatesman representative tolav Receiver I
Clark exprwed himself fullv and freely re-i
gaming Salem's projected line from Salem
to connection with the O P at a point near
Mavton. or the most fewible point. He
said there wjs nxlout.t but the O P would
operate tbe entire line if somebody would
TV. n p ,;,. ti
dtrec mil connection with Sdem. and -ill
...s .. . . v B a.- "uaiuia- w "".ttuc
tneretore len l any poasinle aid to the tur-
nunpur. iwc uu . j
an aiHin.lance of rolling stork and engine. I
. -. ta. . . . . . . . I
lllWIMIW lT Ifca ...... .rnr:-. Tk. rv,l K a I
are i 11 wouiu i rea.iv to e-iuip tne mad tne ,
moment the rail were laid from Salem to i
the present main line. Statesman. As the '
roaci could be built for probably 1300.000 it
it a mere hop skip and jump for Salem to
attempt. Salem could raise it e vsily. on I
paper. and it i really to be hoped Joe.
In Akkica. The Oehoea Review tell, of !
the doingnof an liregon ly in Africa: KH
i . ..- u. .., t - --. ,j . - - -... ... .
receive- a letter Irr.m his son Marl:, who is 1
tiavelin? in South Africa. In Ihe letter j
M irk' 1 . I . la 1 rrt l.-lt..) at r 1
iT T . 1 1 . la. r . T
haT.,,:c l?U ?f fun elP!ni!!? tb "untryand .
feeing tbe hunter, kill big game, buffalo. ,nrroaDaiDg conntrv. prohablv including
alligators, etc. He rays be has certainly the Metole. Ik- liakeuool tKe party m
j found the land -here the t.arden of Wen iure4 , gt p,torial time.
i tropical fruit, and tropical bird wre seen
on everv han.l Hitting thro-igri the bnh.
He is still pushing into th? interior, where
he expect, to reach the promised land.
Praxnra IJckstioxs. The Hiilsbaroj
'' Indepemlent sap: Nime puzzling question ,
are on for lolution in connection with the
j new salary law fixing the eoo.pensation of
) county official,. The last queation i the
furnishing of the sheriff witn transporta
tion required by him to serve apers. A
few night, ago an arrest was made. The
sh-riff did not feel justified in throwing a
saddle on a bronroe, because he expected
to have to bring tb prisoner back with
him. The salary law may work, but it is
likely to le expensive The receipt of
f.s since the law went into force have not
been sufficient to pay salaries.
A Yery WildRumok. Newport is
just now indulging in a little pleasant
railway talk, ihe rnmor was started
somewhere (and has reached Newport in
full force) that it was tbe intention of
the Southern Pacific to buLd from ite
west side line, through King's valley, to
Newport, and erect a big hotel. The i
dea, according to the rutnor,seems to be
to make Newport a model summer re
sort. This rnmor is a very pleasing one
to contemplate, bnt it is feared there is
no foundation to it and that Newport
must for awhile share the fate of Tilla
mook and Astoria in the same direction.
Cor Statesman.
The Harbisbubo Case. The case of
the state agt Vernon A'arner, arrested
for assault on Charles Warner, whom he
struck with a knife, was being tried this
afternoon. The latter, it transpires, was
not injnred very seriously. The opinion
in Harrisburg aa given the Democrat,
was that Vernoo Warner merely acted
in self defense and that he would be dis
charged by the justice. The case has
created a great deal of comment in
A Costly Plant. The Southern Pacific
railroad's special wood preserving train
was in the city today en route lor Southern
Oregon where several miles of new ties are
to be put in tho carbclizing pickle which
makes tbem almost as durable as iron. Tbe
cars are cylindrical tanks sixty feet long
and six feet in diameter, capable of con
taining the biggest bridge timbers. The
carbolizing plant costs 200,000, and is
probably the most high-priced piece of rail
road mechanism on wheels. Journal.
Acted Badly. -A Benton county farmer
team this forenoon very nearly furnished a
first clans item for the Democrat. The
team, a quiet looking couple, acted sonic
what capriciously, instead of going peace -
luuj' uucw. .U....UK imi. j i uuuk a buuiv,
driving the tongue into a sash of the win
dow, about an inch from one of the
largest panes of plate glass. One of tho
lines it wan claimed broke; but it looked
liked poor management. It was called a
runaway; but there was no running to the
Bobn. On Tuesday morning, July 24,
1894, In Albany to Mr and Mrs Peter C
Anderson a boy, no 4, and all boys.
The nip of a poisonous snake la but a
Hghtremove from being more dangerous
than the poison of Scrofula ln the blood.
I Ayer's Sartaparilla purifies the vital fluid,
expels all poisonous substances,upplles the
elements of life, health, and strength.
The green aphis ha tried nearly every
thing and now has attacked the tobaoco
The Southern Pacific of this city
is now selling tickets to all parts of the
United States.
Looe hay Is being stored in this city and
told foij-j for cheat and if 5.50 for timothy,
baled huv f. more.
Deputy U 8 MarahakGeorge Humphrey
went to the SileU tflhlav after several
Indin who have been handling whiskev
An effort will probably be nude locr
tablish a lodge of 'ben Ilurr In Albany.
This is of a beneficiary nature. The ritual
Utic work is founded on Ihe life of Christ,
The Sun Piloting company ha been
incorporated at Mar ihfie'.J, with a capital
of $J,ooo. Senator W K JVanderburg. M
A McLcod and Thox Howard are the
The Turkith mufc e glance wa klren
at the A rmory lat nirn, being attended
by a inall audience, it i ald not to have
contained as many o. iectlonable featurei
a many supposed.
George D Rldlnser,
th two al'ant,
passed throngh town
rout for Aliea to b
Alea htidge. He
woik on ihe
a to- Jiaye the
Structure completed
the S h of next
innnlh. Corvallis
Follow ing appear I
Lincoln coun-
ty cltcult court proce
ng' ! t naie
v Toledo Coal CompaAy; tale of certain
land in Lincoln county under foreclos
ure to plaintiff confirmed, and the sheriffs
of Lincoln county directed to execute a
dejB rb the purchaser.
p-irtle will arl 1 ji the m ount-
aiqavtn a few day. The W !' nette
vaJtey not on'y has BfJjMRf'. IJe rc
prt on the coatt atltlromnd, but
as well ome of the finest natural mom-
tain resorts any where ln this respect ;
wc irts'ciiir uurcu. .
A tArvflllis ntftfr IwiAsto.l Ttrtir.. 1'
Burnett riding up the Independence hill,
and that Albany bicyclists are obliged L)
walk up. Saturday Charle Sear went
up the hiil with a 63 Isch gear. Can
Burnett do it with more than a 63 gear '
Attorney General Chamberlain is of the
, .
j J P (Ja'braith retumeu lat evening from
la trip to the Sotbs beyond Sweet Home.
J Miss Mollie Luper ha been visiting in
i Corvallis the rruest of Mis Hattie tiains.
home this
morning from K if son springs
lmPr0' ln , ,
Burr Power, of Shedd. .ti in the city
,agt evemu? looking after a thief who had
Uie guesU of the !
-u.t,. t.t
former' sister. Mrs W H Parker
The Mr Purcifull mentioned in the coun
ty court prjneedingM as receivitg aid from
Mr and Mr Bates and two ton, who
I have been in Albany several weeks Ike
gufsts of Mr and Mr." Fred Blumberg. left
I for their home in Michigan thi noon.
Wm N Miller, of Seabeck. Wash . for a
I good many yean one of the city enigneeri
and policeman, arrived in Albany last
' evening and will run an engine In the
country during bay and wheal harvest
W H Burns, the I'nion PaciSc agent at '
"J"" ""cepted a PUon with th-
KruiiSom Puis.- 1 v and ar.ll l sfali,-,nei
i Tshaata. fl MrR, was a relent
, . ... , Hal
. y. "f4 " nnected
with tbe regon Pacihc forseveral year. 1
J H Townend and wife, of Newburg. ;
have been paving a brief tuit to their
) many friends in thi city. They returned
. - . . .. ... - c- . , ,
. ; JL'A i. u. u. j-.
wjfp (,( Richmoml. IndMraa. wh.- are
hew oi0l over reifon I
. ,iM . ,
" a J7iZ i
""r" - - " - .--
i Ca,Uo"t wo ffi" 5 !. u i
.account of the "renlus times he wdl '
. .a . ... . . - 1 .
3E C XT! '
rr Vi;,, wm: j --- j uZ , 1 i !
Mrc Iisrwi. -til .
. , . , . - -
w " ocaJln f1
D i . nj tars . . . .
n "nn. i' i: frwrwm o. .jsir-
maUc theology in tbe Allegheny rseminary
' I 'nited Preabrterian church, i in I
Portland, and with bis two aons. 12 and 14
years ct age. win be m Albany on rn.lay
u Sabbath Ik tlrier will preach in the
P church. Dr 'irier i an nthuiatic
ansW and to give him the opportunity In
Hf? hi a""Uin,Pf1. ba
Tuesday lr liner and
Mns Qt
Allegheny. Kev Kiley Utile. I- It
. - . : . j
Mewart and nn r..l wanl. Per v 1
j ..!, s, f ,hi, ritv Kev tie.. V.
Uaw. 0f portlan.1 . and Kev Hood, of
a a a a
lley. win leave tor t tmm tor a two
or three week, outimr. Thev will visit tbe
Real Kstatc Sales
A C Hardra to J R
Bff I 9
Eliza Brandon to Thus Brrndcn.
400 acres. 14 w 3
F C Aldrich to Alfred K Aniorge.
1 lot ,1ebanon
John B Moore to Lawson and John
Moore, tJ. 13 w 2
B F Burnett to D W Rumbaugh.
165.31 acres, 13 E I
Eftie Spellinger to Marid Miller.
100 acres. 18 w 3
A S McDonald to Annie Chance,
4 lots, X Brownsville
WJ Gamber ta Anna Peterson,
I lots, 13 w 1
E.izabeth Brookuhireto J C Hardin.
4 acres, II E 1
C S Mullen to School Dist 14. 1
1.000 !
A j
SuccEsa Well Earned. One of
Drgeat and best shows In America Is
veitised to exhibit in Albany. Aug T.
show ha ver enjoyed a better tepulatlon
than the Great Syndicate circus had
everywhere earned. It is no known
tar and near as the best three nng snow
on earth. William 8ells, the noted
equestrian, is with the show and rides at
tServ exhibition. Two performances will
bw, given. The mallneaat a qlclock and
thfr evening performance at S ?clock, the
doom opening one hour earlier.
Likes Oreooh Best. Mr D A Oibbe,
who at one time resided on Spencer
Creek in this county, but is now residing
In South Dakota, Writee a letter to
friend in tbiicity in which he ehowe thnty
lie thinks there is no place like Oregon
now and that tnere can tie no piace
much worse than South Dakota. Xlie
have been bavins hot winds and droa
there, and this year's hay crop is totally
destroyed and they are cutting last year's
grass for hay. it the time of writing
they bad been visited oy a terrible oust
htorm. Kugene Register.
Real faith nevei grow weak by hav
ing to wait. 8uferer taainr Hoods
Sarsaparllla for chronic complaint hould
be patient and Ihe reult will be satisfac
tory. Hood' Cores.
Hood's t'Uls act easily, yet promptly
and efficiently, on the Hver and bowel.
(Jreen P as,
Sweet Potatoes,
N w Potatoes,
it Chen lea
At C E Brownell.
Aibnay Market.
Oata, 30o.
f lour, fS.00.
Hutter, ISO.
Eggs, 12c
Lard, lit to 16c.
Pork hams. 12 to 16c; sboulders,fl(to.lOe;
rlaw. II to lSe.
Hay. baled, 97.
-o a toes, 40o.;
Apple , 4
Hope, 12o.
Dried frull plums, 9o. app . n 9o
Chickens, $1 0(1 per dosaa.
Beef, en ft ot, lc
Hogs, drcMSd. 6Xr.
n tie
A Fatii ehlxnb Bridge. A Salem paper
tells about their fatherless bridge as follows
If the county court does rot soon look after
the condition of the big Willamette bridgi
it will lie in the Kmc fix as 11 certain even
ing paper had 1 lie democrats a few days
ag. r runic J hmilh made a thorough ex
amination yesterday 01 the body and lower
parts of the budge and found a sad state of
affairs. IS umeroua nuts are so loose that
they can he twisted by the naked hand nd
the bolts are shaky and loose. The same is
truo of the railings along the roadway and
foot walk. Tho fastenings are so loose thai
the rail CSJB bt easily shaken and is con
stantly swayed by the wind so that the
holes around the bolts are U-ing worn to
such an extent as to have the railing en
tirely unsafe as a guard. It is said the
material used for painting the structure
wun a poor quality of mineral paint moist-
witn coaloil, and that it has nearly all
worn iii' at points wneie ( was useim as
protection. The upper iron have not been
fully examined yet. but many of the large
nuts there are also known to be loose.
Some Fir-ts. An exchange give- the
following: "'Hie first uiarriag.- celebrated
in the W illamette valley was that of Rev
Jiison It- and Ann Maria Pittaun, on
Jun. 16, is37. Darid Lee pea fumed th.
ceremony, and immediately after it Cyrus
Shepherd and Snxaa Downing, and t'has J
jtoe and Nancy McKay were alsn nnite.1.
n. is ing it a tripple wedding. Mr Jason
Lee died alfiit a vear afterward and with
her babe wati interre.l in the lor Mission
cemetery. Isin(f the first grave ever pre
pared in Oregon for the reception of a
white mother and child, iter Da. id f ; i
was- made a justice of the peace in lfSO.
tbe hrst otheer to liear this title in
and there was more title than anv-
to it. since his appointment wm
I'liesced in by trie settlers. Dr J
k was Oregon's first supreme
Be w;u electe.1 when it was de-
to do awav with the ofti.-e of iroVern-
i.ristlMi. He was instmcted to rentier
hivdeasions according to the cole of Neat
Yor k. Mrs Lee is an aunt of Mrs Mary
Louise McCollum, of Xewberg."
Hki.i) pcb the i!band Jcet. Deparfj
Prose--uring Attortey P R Kelley and (i W
Wright . returned from Harrisburg tliis
noon, where they had be;n to piosecute
and defend Vernon Warner for assaulting
Charle Warner. Justice Howell after
heariag the testimony, held the defendant
under $.100 tmb to await the action of the
grand jury. The bonds were furnished.
Accorlin-ro tbe testimony the defendant
besides rotting Charles Warner with a
knife also shot at him twice. in the other
hand it w claimed that Cliarle Warner
went on the farm for the avowed purpose
cf whipping the defendant. Harrisburg
people were greatly intere.-ted in the case.
A CoNUftTOR Ix-it.-Rtij. The follow,
ing fiom the Medfori Mail is about a con
ductor well known in Albany : Conductor
Andrew, running on tbe freight between
Ashland and Grant Pas. came near lieing
I seriously injured while engaged in doing
r.inuuik lit itnr jri.-n.'i'. .uiii". IAS'.
r nday. After making a coupling he feii iuv .iu s, miiimiUfC uu nia uui
' fortunately. anJ with quite an effort, he
succeeded in escaping being crushed by the
, car wheel by throwing himself ;ut
the rails. Br tee fall he was injured about
tne head and blood spurted rrom hi
noae and mouth. He i all right
and is in charge of hi train.
Killed v &t caa. Tbe Eocene Maard I
teHs ile foil' wing : A report enraes from.m. any r ight tu rpi Sa'urday wien
tne region ot Ijowe... regard! r a lb- kuUno !
ot a cougar without a g-jn. Prank Blake-
I v. gel 27 yeors.who resides on tHe Middle
Fork of the Willamette river, was out in
, the alone, with tbe exception cf
hi dog. when he espied a haif grown ecu
gar up a tree. The limb were easy of ac-
, cess and be climbed the tree, but it took a
ooaaaderabie amount ot snaaing to ground
Mr Cougar whe wa not to be scared easily.
uawe esi anj grouna it ran from the dy
escanuic to anrtfcer Lre. Mr HLakelv fa!-
lowesi it on and down several treW until
, s ,
catching A at a diodvantage. be killed it
witn a rock. The age of tbe animal i re -
f ac-ounUvd for it not Sgnttng Uck.
Para Wrrn tioij. Grants Pais
Conner: Few i-sssnle in swam that -
srreeU of this cit an naved with trold . vet
tacil oaje A snort time ago a I ;.
aralking a'ong Sixth street, noticed an
object which excited hercuriotity She
I i W it u? and took it to the lank and
wajt ,,,(,1 that it wa g.ld It weighed
"' S be went Wk to the same 5a.
J ..:. "!TI
.kill il UMWi Hi. pnilHI Hum IJOT
..although .mailer than the fir.
gravel where tb Hid wa.s ,an.i h.v
I r . .. . . . ..
j .:a-i .-ii iir inm in leam uk'n iioia a
' ar on R--gue river anxr town. Tlie lor
l. . .
L. A ,1,. .,., 1.
r.x- l,sn i-s :,-! ai:1 tmrflTTtl well.
Tut Staii; Faia. Mr William (iaUo-
WT president of the s'ate fair board, Mr
j ; Wright of Sale n, and Senator Jeff
Myers. Irom tbe lorks ol the Santtam.
were in the ci'y jeterday. says the 're
gonian. arranging matters for the State
fair which riimmsnrss t Salem Serttem.
hrr 17 Tbe een'.lemen were nc.-eafu!
jn arranging lor lilieral fares over the
. i . . : i .j
various lines of railroads, and lat night
were busy arranging other business in
connection with their visit to Portland.
Capt. J B an Hub. The New York
Clipper of the issoe of June .'th. o tair
the following concerning a noted parson
age wtio was in Oregon for several davs
just after tbe wreck ol the Southern Paci$e
train at Lake tahtsh in IflMfc "Cipt Jack
Crawford, the poet-scout, has been enter-
1 taininr large audiences in Chicago and the
j wet. He wil! sail for Scotland about July
j I "-th. on a mission whirh may result in
! proving him to e one of the principal
! Ik irs to the great Wallace estate, now held
; by the state of New York and New York
, City. and estimated to I worth f io.lW.WO.
They Cam Ekacx. The men who went
from Aliianv to Ashland to t.ike the t.lare
. I of the S P rtrikers on the Shasta division,
came back on Friday overland. Their
reception was o inhospitable there that
I they concluded to let some one else trv it.
I According to the storv thev teil the people
i ;!... ss. . .J: L '
V ill (ICIX.. S.U.I'.tMM wi.ii tor
and all th" hotels and restaurar.ts were
closet against them so that thev were forced
to eat hardtack with the soliiers. Koe
burg Review.
i F:kb at Scio. On Monday July 23
I at Scio Mr Owen Cyrus' house caught
. pre an. 1 was entirely burned. Loss a
' but f00, no insurance The contents
a ti saved. The flames could have been
-extinguished but the hose would not
reach the fire.
lion's mis:
We offer One Il- nitrrJ Dollara Reward for
iany case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F.J. CHESBT CO., Props. . Toledo, O.
We the ut..i-: si : ... hve known F. J,
iciim y f..r . IS
yaara, an.l believe bias
perfectly in
E,,.i firancialiy to can; out any obligation
made by their firm
"W'BST&TarsT, V int. - .' I 'megists.Tolelo.O.
ey I WaltiN, hissv. .-. vi . :s , vv noicseic li.-ug-l
raw, eists. Toledo , u.
111 I TTnll'. v,t.rr!. (liir,. U fi.t.-n .-.
lag etrectly upon the blood :':.ii paneoas sur
faces of the vi.m. I'm TV. .er bottle, Soli
by all Dru::iil.'. Ti al liaaalala free.
Allthosk residents of the city of Al
dany, who wish to furnish board and
rooms to teachers, while the latter are in
the city during the county institute,
which is to b held from July :0tli to
Aug 7th, inclusive, will confer a favor by
communicating with the county super
intendent. A 11 Rl'TUSBKOKO.
County Superintendent.
Moire silk f r trimmtnii, in tha staple
and ... shades, juat. received at S E
r. Price's Cream Baking Powder
A l ure 0"oe Cream of Tartar Powdsr.
Highest Honors
The only Pure Creatp of Tartar Powder. No ABUuonla; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years tke Standard.
Mr Ashby whlics to announce the op
ening of her Millinery and Notion store
on July Call and ne Iit
In the
Mash. n bulldln
for bi'-f-ihis
cat Office
I be In Al
The Oh at S,niic. t
bany Aug 7
Ail kinds colored
ch's Jewelry stores
No ('itngerous .3
Littler Ihe Dentist.
.1 C Littler, Dentist,
iti.ti. -
giving Ihe piiDlli
as near painless den'.i-'ry
Flveiata practice lit Albans mean
that i.jitler the dcntisl Is here to si .
A dust ettling rain fell last night, or
rather af:er i.ildnigin. The indica ions
though, ate for dear cooler a rather.
The steamer Homer arrived at Vaoulna
at 8 o'clock tl.U forenoon vlth a go xl lz ;l
cargo and ten pissc-.gers.
Buy your specticles and er glasses
at French's Jewelry stort. pi ices in
keeping with the
Why pay a fancy price for yoarSMC
tacles and eye Ds'es wnen you can ge;
anything you want at French's Jewelry
store a: prices that are just and right and
fair. Brer pair wa; :... :
Otto Zctglei , of Oaklapd, Calif, rode a
b cycle on a road ten miles in 27 im'es
and 4!',' eCOnd, which ii the coit road
Two pi olograph men have been doing
Alb.r.y today taking picture cf business
houses. By tbe way Albany ! two
among lie l:el ,hcl graph ga I cues in
Orgon, rere lo a'av. l
Tne Maccaleet aie matteg arrange
ments to ho d a 1 Ian. bike at. the beach
at Yaquina in a lew weeks. ' T!i - .)cmo
cral is inf .rmrd that they have a man
there fattening Ihe claim.
A good many of the -nikcr, l o tr.;sk
is.m..'.. . :,., ..!.. 1.
-i.. . . . "LJ.T.rv. , I
J , -J 1 . , J. ' t,i 1 iJUi' . 1U I fllilllU
bympathy is a poi thing when ! unnec
esuitly throw, a man out of work.
Dr Loe ha erne back to Oregon to
stay ; tar this country i good e nougi. for
him. lie will come to Albany at least
once each yeai. A an r.p'icia'n Dr Lowe
has r.o uperkr. Have him lest yeur
eves t once. To tc found at Dr Littler
office tlil Monuv evening.
MrL Viereck hag ti
ie iiai about l'owr.s
eitocus ice cr-am
thanks for a dish of
Mr tertck i. this popular dish
and f't,t' it al a .tin;! af hr horr Inr
only 5 and 10 ecu l a dish. Paifea wish-
ing'iargcr onanilet fur fijiilv ue can ob-
tain a pint for ;o cents ,t quart for 3; cent.
A great convenience. '
The Review of Roseur The
discharging o tie assistant Cof k at th
toidiers home a few da ag... cau'ed
another unp'easaTne thre, the cook
proring altogether t.j hard a hi'ler for ihe
commandant. Tne iiagreeniert was
over the amount of wage due the iii
charged err.p oyec.
Ir Iowe, the graduate optician who
did such effcc'ivr work in glass-
when he a he-e before i again in
Our rily. This is a rare op;or!uni for
our peop to get what ihey need in this
line, ilis ;a is lisnrted to a very short
period. Ee te:cd free a; Dr Liltlcr
Ttie barbers of I.i tirande hase signed
s..J.. r ,n 1,,,, . s-. -
IbeT wiii keeoobeniiU 11 11. They have
also ag'eed to Ireal ihe nr.: one breaking
the contract to a coat cf tar and feather.
Cr.der the game law bj.k deer!
tsr killed aatiT after Awgoal it: aid spoi
led lawns :mro. be kided at any tic.e.
It U un'awful '.o k:II any -Jeer at any li-r.e
unlet the rarcait i utd ot preserve: !
the rerso. kii'ing i?t tx U oid for f.?d'
Kik can be ki led from August 1 tp So-ren-.ber
15th Touc conuot !e sal J or
offered f jr sale any time exc-pt sUiring
the rr.ooth ot ep:ernter ar. j O;'.ober.
A Silem parts has 1 st returned from
the Alsea country by wagor. A
ciou rr.t mSer of the pariv iv thev
caught 230-trout. Thaee deer av.ics.ed
heir r.m-. -.n.1 ha) nAte a n.rmw -. rss
HnsarciiK pert:i rete'reo o. 1 ne ;
profeasor had an ir.-.rodaciton to a large
b'eck bear t a distance of o feet. Neith
er seemed to be afraid of tne c trier.
Journal. Council.
Tae- - :"
Present Reoorih-r. Marriia. and all;
In the alssnce ot the mayor loarni5
man Hark hart wa elected nu.yor ; roteai.
Repairs to city jail amounting to tX) t
were retried.
Several petition f.r improvement to
sidewalks were granted.
Th matter of nuisance on the prcj- rtr
of Mrs Wil'.rt and the tu-h:ng at the
il H T n ...... ....
committee on health and police.
Ail thistle were Oideitd r.-moel from
property within the city within ten day-,
protvrty owners to be axT.'e-.l :n case of
neglect or refufal to comply with the law.
An engine w.vs ordered re-nove-1 frm
Calapooia street as a nuisance.
A mmW n pnwhlif ftp llw naaiaVtiosi
of grading ot Caiap.xia and adjoining
street at north end was -ssesl.
The matter of Cheaper grave; ur.oerprop-
(wiuon irom i r i -si j a- .'.iriip.
hltnej . PtviS- r . . l.:r-:- .. -;
The matter of iron
jail was referrvsl.
QThe following 1 ills were ordered paid:
P I Haltiruorv. SJ i C Is. ? 15:
I'rank furdom. $4 l". Matthews ,v vv .;;.-
burn. $4 lav Frank P..nloi:i. M 37; John
lone. 5 .."; T R C'.evenger. i-I 00; San
tiam Lmnbeiisir Co, $V2 S3: S J tJeafam,
'. :W; Water Co. tV: t'.-: n Sutb n.
SO: B A l.irker. t- 00: C O IH,
0 00: l G Hale, 060 00; W A McCtair,
9-') 0): JohnJone. HO 00.
IU kaway. VcMerday Mr Ed Milihoil
en who lircs the residence of Joseph
Yates this side of Corvallis hitched his
team to a biiinrv preiuratorv to a drive-
Hefore any one occupied the buggy the
horses lvame frighteniM an.l ran over two
miles ami Linal lv tumed the buggy Over
and en.le.1 up the escapade by running into
a fence breaking up the buggy and harness
but not hurting the horses.
A Misct-K Panckr. One of the muscle
dancers of the midway plalsancc cf the
midwinter fair, reached Albany this
morning, and endeavored to get a place
In which lo fclve .;n exhibition, bui we un
deisland failed to do so. Thev were al
Eugene and Salem where thev were un
aleni where they were un -
e ther weie able lo give
able to secure a
have been the!
though In some tner were ab!e log
their exhibition to small audiences.
DmaCl lanntlllk. An institute for
the Third Judicial district will be held at
Albany, Dr.. during Aug 5th and 7th, in
connection with the annua! county insti
tute of Lioa Co., which begins. I uly 30th
All teachers and friends of education are
earnestly Invited to attend.
A. H. Kraraawn,
County Supsiriutetulent.
Yof A uk A i.i, Riqs r
1! you take your vvasliing to
tha Albany Steam Laundry, If you
don't you are not. Something ia the
matter of ton. Hon can you go to a
I 'hinese establishment with a lirst-cla.s
b nun laundry in the city. Don't do it.
Be all right by unitting Suppose you
do make a few cents, what does it profit
you, with the Chinese smell and lurking
disease around. 1'atronire the Albany
team Laundry .
at" World's Fair
J H Gti'lifori, of Crook ciunfy, is in the
Mr Wm Barrows, of Salem, a former'
Man county man, was in the city today.
O W Davis of Salem, went to Toledo
this noon to look after his quarry interests i
Mr N P Payne is making arrrnsermnt
10 go to -Itlknaps springs for health and
nnaalln i.
IraUHWUhi is attending to the
ipennter dents efaee during the latUrs
lacatioa trip le the Bay.
Prof J l fait, of Salem, is in the city.
An item elsewhere indirates. that the Prof
la a great fcherwan.
Mr White came doun from ihe mines,'
j yesterday. He report some pr.spr-ting;
I but otherwise matters are quiet there.
Miss Kdna BreeVenri.lge returned today'
from a severral weeks visit at Stay ton.
1 Hit mother went to Portland on the noon
Irani to viit her son.
Mr George Caldwell, wilh Meyer A-
rrank, of Portland, is Of on a visit with !
j his irent. and sixteen and sisters, j
He will go to tirand Beach in a few .lays.
I Among those who went to Yaquina tc-'
i day a ere Prof Kulberford, Rev I'rkbard I
nnd son. Mrs Fr.-1 Blumbe'g. Mr-, H 1
Bower, Mr. : (t 1ax and sons O.boine and !
Carter. Mrs Wm Kmerick and son Will-1
iain. and Mrs T J Stite.
Mr Dr Johnson, a former resident of
Allany. died in Tacouia yesterday. Mr
Dr K.-llr-y. her cousin. -ho ho been with
, her for a few davs, will bring the remains i
. to Albany tonight for burial.
Mr and Mis H B Sacry and daughter, of !
Albany, tut visiting with the family of M .'
, in un ciiy. iney travel oa bicycle
. and on the tint day out from home made:
mile, ih.y will start home tomorrDw.
Ko:burg Beview.
1 Tw . , , m : j I
att " Trrl ""T . '
attractions for pleasure seekers this vear.;
I Among others who will go E W UsWHOa. others who will go K
u 111111, JI II Matthews and John will leave on Saturday for the,
Metolss and Pish Lake, by war of the Mc-1
Mr and Mrs Jack Souire are now residents
of Baker City.whe.e the f Otasar 1 investing
'r ,:. without mti'.h re
turns. Mrs Squire will be rememljered as
; Mrs Walker.wife of the well known junior
member of the firm of tAver A- Walkor
she recently sold her mldence prorrtv in
Portland for $15 000 to Isaac Kianhnin.
Ite old pnee waf about 40,0t).
Hon John M into took the 11:17 train
trcn Salem Suc.lay to Albany where he,
I'ed to join the party from Benton and .
Lincoln counties who expect to explore the
. v a! region iu: a v lew 10 ex-
tending the 'jtregan Pacific railroad several
mile, and continuing by good wagon road
to an Eastern ( Jreigon connection. Mr
Minto Erst intended go:ng on horseback to
Mill City, but concln jd that at the age of
72 ear he ought tc spare himself a little
so a to be able to take the wood with th?
rest of the crowd reionian.
A very pleasant rarprise partv wa ten
deml Miss Kannie EJwarls. of Crawforvb
ville.on evening of July the residence
f Mr and Mrs J 1" Troo.maa. The even- 1
ing wa- enjoyably spent in sociability and
game and a nice lunch wa ferved at a
.:. i. -: present Mr an : Mr
Trootman. Mr and Mrs Cieland. Mr and
Mrs Mansiield. Misuse Eva and Ueva Sctjtt.
t K -. Mjgie : C ra bbupp.
Bessie and Tilly I orris. Carrie Maloy, ;
Kmma Yocng. an.1 Mrs M L Ik.rri. of !n
deper.lence. Messrs Fred Roe. Willis1
lKjrrs. gandy f'-oott. of Portland, H Philips.
l- r-r..-, Rc . Mr Mai- y as 1 Master Merle
New Advenisemems.
,r'r the beasoa ol lsy4 wo
will chop screenings and ;
. . . .......
o'.an seed wheat for oar pat
rons free of charge.
1 1 (.fa r.
Next S-.i.-n logins the 17th cf Septem
ber. 1'.M.
Tuition, free. Board. $.53 a week.
I ive Coarse : Classical. Ssientiik-. Lit
entry. Kngii.h ;uid Business.
The Boarding Hall for yoong ladies and 1
. the Boarding Hall for young gen'lemen
I will lie under t're per?.. al upen isi?a of
Mr Mutra. a lady of refine -ner!' "and large
evpen. ce. For catalogues, address
Secy Regent.
j "HEAP tl RF.IES.
At Wm Peacock's
. across tbe M!:r. KUsK cars
ana r. raapberrie may t picked for onlj
3 cents er p.ui d.
a re pec'
A respectable cirl wants
reapecta'!e place to work. It-
qalre at th's cmce.
F'OCND: A pair of light tan kid
glove. Hse 0'j Owner rind them
ai this ctfee.
Cusick Bkxi
Al v.O r.
j y
I '
ing an.l I lliattiag, of teeth vvitl-.out
a jvcialty.
Roouis 25 and 'Jb, Str.ihau Blovk. Albany,
Albanylnsuracce Agency
We have had over seven year exper
ience In the Home cilice andlocsl insur
ance businc s.and can guaranteeli surance
written bv us lo be properly looked idter.
The following is a partial list of compi nie
represented by ut:
Foreign No-ll British ft Mercantile,
Norwich I'nion, Vha-nii, London, Man-
I Chester, Ouardan, Sun, Caledonian, Lon-
i don - Lancashire,
j American Continental of New York,
! Westchester of New Yojk. TheCor.ti
I nental of New York and Manchester of
England, wiliefarm buslncss,taking note
for Ihe pteoiteaa, with ample time fo
.payment. We solicit ani
good business. l)trice oppv.sile old post
Y Gtflbrd Nash
is now prepared to receive 11 limited num
ber ot pupils.
Is. He will be ut the random
istine Monteith. corner of tth
.dnvt. on We.lnes.lav after -
of Mrs Chri
mm rerry on weaneeOM
noons nnd lhnrsday morninirs in each
Tteeki cotmnencing on Wednesday next 9th
1 i
I ATTOENEYa j&.'V I-ftW,
COME NOW. Cams al ore . rnd gtt !
your Mac' cap raapberrie i a, 3 ceats ! AH legal matters will re vive prompt at
per pound. I shall ruin them in a fear days tention. OrHoe. Tirst Nutional Bank
with a grubbing hoc. W H Wakku. j building, up stairs.
Brings comfort and improvement
tends to personal enjoyment v ;
rightly used. The many, who live bet.
ter than others and ebjoy me more, witib
less expenditure, by more ptoenpti
adapting the world' beat peodnctl i
the needs of physical being, will atti k
the value to health of the pur.- Ii
laxative principles embntcc-d in th
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its prrsr.tin
in the form roost acceptable and plena
ant to the tas, the ref reshiii? and trnly
beneficial propr;rties of a perfect lax
ative ; effectually cleansing the systesn,
dispelling cold, headaches and feTeri
and permanently curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with, the approval of the medical
profession, because it act- on the Kid
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak
ening them and it is rjerfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug
gists ic 50 cent bottlca, but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name in printed on eeeijr
package, also the name, Syrup of l'.- .
and being well informed, you will ao
accept any substitute if offered.
Star Baker)
'orltr .ndslltin and Virnt
cmiirva vtTi it ntfitftfi.
i.u. .i r . 1 -. .
"riea rrattew.
ma tf
tint mmm 1
Vegf VasL'if
i is.
" r? ' t. tu 1 k tf. n t""
ir-. mx.ii tKorj tCon, U.t of.
nrtel ;-rvc pd lor
PxilJman Sleeping Uars,
Elegant Ding Cars,
Tourist Sleeping Cars'
St Panl
TO 1 i rand forks
Helena an.l
' Chicago
' Washington
. Philadelphia
New York
Boston and a'i
Points F.ast and Sout
For information, t n.
tickets call on or write
cards, irjps and
C G Baikhsrt,
Agent. Albany, Or.
Or A D Charlton. As-;
Port.and, Oregon,
1 Agt,
The Steamship HOMER
wiii y between San Frar.
eisco and Willamette Valit
points via the Oregon and
Southern Pacif c railn-ads.
sailing with freight and pas
sengers on or about the fol
lowing dates : From San Fran
eiseo on Wednesday April 4,
at 6 p m. From Yaquina: on
i next Tnesdav . Ai i
Fare from
Corvallis to San Franc
Cabin, Steerage, 9.
Round trip tickets, inelud
ing meals and berths, gcod
for 30 days, 18.
Ohas t BlHIMI. Sos A t. Aijsots.
No 2 toJS Markvt street, tn r" o
i f rjitit
Real Estale.Collect on 1 s. Ait
Albany, Or.
Count Warrants Bought end Sold.
J. 1. l&ItS$OJ.
Coantv Warrants Iionsht an
SoW. Office, Maston Hid, Albany
Fresh Br ad Every D y. Pies,
Cakes, etc Special orders
! C D VANDYKE, Proprietor.
- . . v , n.. A. ,
; 2nd street, betweon Ellsworth & Lyon