Sir jlcmorut. Self-Government In Hawaii. The full text of the constitution of th new republic of Hawaii is at hand, and i is interesting to see how the various prob lems presented by the condition of the C.ov ernnient and j-veoplo are solved. The "God in the Constitution" agitators in t'.iis country would be happy in Hawaii, whose Government has illustrated its mis sionary origin by making the name of God the very first word in its new fundamental law. The constitution begins: "God hath endowed all men with certain inalienable rights, among which are life, liln'rty, and the right of ncqpiring.'possessing and pio tfcting properly, and of pursuing and ob taining happiness At tho head of the new Government is a President, who is to be elected for six years by the Legislature, but to prevent the natives from disturbing themselves prema turely over politics, the first Presidential e'ection is not to occur until September IS, 1900. Mr Hole is declared President now, and he is to continue to serve, without the formality of nn election, until his successor has been duly elected and qualified. The legislative power is vested la a Legislature and a Council of State. The first election will be held in September, 1897, and in the mean time the present Ad visory and Executive Councils will kindly continue to do all tlie work of lawmaking that may be required. When the country begins holding elections, tbey will elect Senators and Kepresenta'ives. The Sena tors, in addition to other qualifications, will have to te worth at least $3,000 apiece, clear of debts, or be in receipt of a money i nivinip of not loss thnn 4:1 'Yin a VMr Representatives must be worth $1,000 ; each, or hava an income of at least $600. To be able to vote for a Representative the elector oiut take this oath: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) in the senale amendments mw ueen seen oy aec presence cf Almighty God that I will sup- retary Carlis'e before they were agreed up- port the Constitution, laws and (.lovern ment of the Republic of Hawaii, and will not. either directly or indirectly, encourage or assist in the restoration or establish ment of a monarchical form of government in the Hawaiian islands. '':: - taking the oath the voter must lave raid his taxes and be able to speak, read and wr'te the English or Hawaiian lanuae. unless be aas heretofore render - ed valuable services to Lie Provisional Gov - ernment . . Voteis for Senator must have all the I qualifications of voters for representatives, I and in. addition must own real estate to ' to bis department. On the morning fol tbe value of at leat tl.WO. or personal j ow;ir the Dublication of taat interview. property wor.h not less than $;,000, or have a money income of at least 5600 a year. In the intervals be'wen the sessions of the Legislature appropriations to meet emergencies may be made by a Council of Stale, consisting of fifteen niembem. of whom five are to be appointed by the Sen ate, five by the House and five by the Pres-1 ident. Mr Dole and his friend seini to have a j cinch on the situation. On the whole, it j looks as if Ms Dominis might a well emigrate. Not A Sectional Measure. The attempt of the McRinley organs in ' bOtn parties to arouse sectional prejudice against the I ami btll because .the Uemo crttic conferees ar; malr If from the South is not warranted by the meatnre Itself. The bill aa It stands provides for free wool and free luo-.Ler. Trass (alone had 4 331.55' sheep In 1894. Thig is Three times aa msny as New York had. It just about equals the number of sheep in the five great AVes'em Slates of Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa. Missouri and Kentucky, two other southern States, have neaity as many sheep as all the New England Spates and New lork together. Are not Georgia, North Carolina and otl er Southern .imber producing States as much irttcttdlv free lumber aa any North ern States" Aa 1 assed by thi House the oill made coal ard lion ore free, it is hoped that the conference wi!l result in a res-oration of this Dm.ocia'ic policy. Are rot AUbama, Ten nersre, Virginia, West Virginia and Mary Una laree producers of these SStJcIss ? The sjgar, of hic h Louisiana i th: chiel brneficiary, was voted by a Re publican C ui,;ie and is icpcated in the pjn ;.rw bii'.. Wca eve? may b; the defects of the com nrom's- rnrasure it is no! a sectional bill. Theic :s no' one more tarifl for trusts and bouB-i-s in the bloody shift. The repabiiesSAS do not se:m to be mak ing a- vr great prrpara'ions to ecn'C the t:-cion of a majority of the new con gre.s'obs clscted flsas fa I However, it does n y a;.ear la i,e necessary, as the dem ocrat.; 'e.m u he duinj ttu wok for then m"rp sTaCtlvet) t an .lie t-itmselvrs could Un'e s 'e BOCtats ai Ttalilagtnsi mend hiir ys lie r.i'j' orr hr use of congies; wid be re. pub t un i.y Isrye majority snd oug t 10 i-. Got n an talk abot 'he -eidenl' in vading .-enaturiil courtesy is bile. How man. senators In times pas'; have invaded , "prt ri'drn ial outtery" liy pleading person a i with the pres dent 10 lgn or ve'o a hill. Tiii- i- as m.ich an "invasion ' as the other, an-1 neither is wortiiy ol complaining about. "LOOK UP, and not down," if you're a suffering woman. Every one of the bodily troubles that conio to women only has a guar anteed cure in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. That will bring you pafe and cer tain help. It's a powerful general, as well as uterine, tonic and nervine, and it builds up and in vigorates tho en tire female sys tem. It regulates and promotes all the proper functions, improves di gestion, enriches the blood, brings refreshing sleep, and restores health and atreagth. For ulcerations, displacements, bearing-down sensations, periodical pains, ami all "female complaints" and weaknesses, " Favorite Prescrip tion" is the only guaranteed rem 1 edy. If it ever fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. Can you think of anything more convincing than the promise that is made by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Ca- larrh Remedy ? It is this : " If we can't cure your Ca tarrh, we'll pay you $500." (iorman And The President. The conflict between the Iioujo nud sen ate on the tariff question still wages and the president his received his share of at tention in the Senate. Gorman mode his speech yesterday, speaking from carefully prepared notes . After reviewing the condition of ihe senate, which made compromise necessary, he delivered his defiance in dramatic tones. The infamous calumnies heaped on the heads of the senate forced from his lips, he said, a plain, unvarnished statement. He would make it, he said, with malice to ward none, but he would look his col leagues and the American people in tha eye and tell the truth . In patriotism the democratic senate had gone to work to save the country and continue the party in power, when suddenly, in the midst of the struee'e. came the president's letter. He said: "It was the most uncalled for, most ex traordinary, most unwise communication that ever came from a president of the t'nited States. It placed this body in a position where i's members must see to it that the dignity and honor of this cham ber be preserved. It places me in the position where 1 must tell the story as It occurred." Gorman then proceeded to detail the manner in which, to meet the objections and secure the support of certain distffect ed democrats, the change had rbeenjagreed upon. He stated emphatically that dur ing this work Vest and Jones bad fre quent conferences with Secretary Crrlisle, and often with Cleveland himself- No material sacrifices of principle were made, and the result was, as he had declared on a previous occasion, a democratic measure which, In his opinion, leaned toward a rad-1 ll,arl11 lonu sentiment, am. ..c thought would receive the support of the democratic house, senate and president. lie charged directly mat every one or tue .... r- . - on. tie drew troai nis desk and na i rcai1 an interview with Secretary Carlisle cn April 30th, in which ihe secretary gave ihe same bill his sweeping indorsement. That interview, said Gorman, had eoftened the bard places for those trying to harmonize ! the differences, and it did much to aid the j democrats of the senate in getting together j He did not believe the democrat would 1 ever have gotten together had it not been ; for that interview. The secretary of the treasury necessarily spoke in a great meas ure for the president on matter relating ' the papers announced the president was in entire sympathy with the treasury. If this was not true, then 42 democratic senators had been misled. As to compromise. Gor man asserted the bi.l as cotnp'ete was sat- ; isfactory to not a single, solitary human being in all its details, but as a whole was acceptab'e as the t bill that could he passed. Our Typical American. Mr Cleveland has once more ditplajid hia strong undertttnding and patiiotlc spirit, The course of the administration through the strikeperiod leftnolhlng f r cavil. Tbe President obeyed themmda ecf the Jaw in promptly ordering the fcrce. at t-eispotal ot the Exe:ative to be used in j protecting the mail ten ice hich the Govenment is ihstged to piovlde for the peop!- Heced the law in coOfiniog those forcvt strictly to the line of federal ine Of sTederal aj'huhJes to and adiaa) cu'v and leaving ihe local deal with local troeb'ra. While meeting threatened ! violence wrha vigor in contrast ittt the temporizing of shalloer politicians he j was equally quick to use his legal o; Jor- tunity of shoaing tespect and friendship for the laboring clars of onr citizens. His , action in deciding to appoint a board of investigstrn under the O Neil! law relieved i a painful situation and quieted discon'ent ; by assuring labor that tt.e Government is impartially de teimined to protect tie rights of all the people at far as its poweri ex tend. Tbe digni y of property and tbe dignity of labor have had equal considera'icn front Ihe Prtsident of ihe United States. There are few fair minted Americans today who are not glai thet Grover C'eve land is the Presiien. ,Ve sre not sure that in history his treatment of Ihe strike trouble will not be the bri ghtegt: part of his career. St Louie Republic. The income tax will become a law and it will remain a !, because it is founded upon just principles. It is the fairest way that burdens can be (Qual;z d between the rich and poor tax payer. There may te crudities in tie present lew, although ti e ; Senate has she rn the mtasure of tie o.'tt of them, but they will correct.-d here after. The law will not be rere.ied. Since the discussion cemmrnced in the Senate the Republicans in a number of States both in the East as.) WeU have held their con. veniions, but 'n not a single instance have thev denounced iSe measure. The income tax ariH no', trail the l):mocralic party. By tha ena tment of that measure they have simply ma 'e an tffort to effect justice. They ha7e r.fug'it to e , ial ze the burden of tax. atlon between tne rich and the poor. The Democrit believes it voices the sentiments of nine tenths of the democrats of the state when It allege4 that the ienate tariff dill it nut what the d mocra'a of the country want or what they have a iij! t to expect Ao.l further 'hat i tsores-et the vie wt of a lare majority of ihe party when it expresses the he ief that it oulil be much better to pass the bill an It rame from the senate 10 pass none i t a'!. Mtn denounce the bill as a protection one, hut it it .0 lum finitely superior sni pttferabte lo the Mc Kinley law th it there .h-mld be no hesita tion in passing it it nothing be er . ai be secured. A hall loaf is much tet'er than none at til . The main point "f d:lfere"ce between ihe l.ouse ai d senate is Ike ad vantage given thesugsr trust in the trifl rats as 'hat given i:. ihe M'Kinlry law. By all means le1 ti e senate bill pass 1 if notidnrr more ed. favoral Ir Can be ecu'- 1 Tbe London Law Journal publi-hes Sir James Stephen's last will a' length. It i not I on 4. Here it is: "This is my las will. 1 give all my property lo my wife, whom 1 appoint so'e executrix " The Law Journal says this is the shortest will ever made by a jnilge. It is a mistake to think tha' women a-e less intellectual ihau ui"n. The brain that can comprehend and carry the fancy work d tractions gwen in the fashion paper 'a awafa etei r t - tptestion of ta e, no m .tier now in j nun ous tl may be. There are very few riu es in I re' ard; but 1 here are anakes and tools tnere. As. to St Patrick having driven the snakes oui of Ire'and, the feat is wi'bout historical basis of any surl. Tin fiik' itp.rcvM in t lie uoil.i wit made l y wa-p-- T hy used Ic f.,r building nests. Tnere is born in the Uni'ed States twenty four seconds a child. I Wathiimton Letter Kn.m our regular l'orronJtnt. Warhlaglon, July 16, lSy4. Now that the strike excitement is hap pily over, public attention is centered upon the daily meetings of the democratic con ference on the tariff bill. There is some disappointment among democrats that after nn entire week's work no agreement has been reached. However, considera ble progress has been made, and it is hop ed that a partial, if not a complete report can bo made to tho House and Senate this week. Democrats are more worried over the failure to reach an agreement, than over the bluff made by Senator Hill in in troducing a resolution calling for informa tion ag to why the republican conferee had not been invited to attend tho meet ings. In their anxiety to get to work the democratic conferees neglected to follow the usual course and invite the republican conferees to the first formal meeting, but it was merely a form that was overlooked. It is a democratic disagreement, and it must and will be settled among democrats without republican interference. It is not to aid i.i settling the disagreement that the republicans wish to attend the confer ence, but to try to prevent their being set tled. Just as soon as an agreement can be reached that will be ratified by the House and Senate, Congress can adjourn, as the Senate, by an unusual spurt, lias passed nine of the appropriation bills and has the olher'nve n good shape io oe passed this week. That will leave the decksclear for action on the conference report on the tariff bill, and every thing now j oints to j adjournment by the first of August. The only thing that can upset these calcula tions is the failure of the conference to reacb an agreement that wi aocepted by both Senate and House, and that is not expected. A strong effort is being made to get the Nicaragua canal bill passed at this session of Congress, but it may be crowded out. The Home Commeiee committee is trying to get the committee on Hu es to set aside two or three days for the discussion of the canal bill, which Chairman Wise, of the firs named committee considei oneot toe most . ... . . . . .1 m0st I important bills that have been before - gress for years. 1 here are a numoar o democrats in tr-e House, who are on prin ciples opposed to the government's enTag ing in any such busites as proposed by this bill, and while they are not proba bly numerous enough to defeat the bill on a vote, they are numeroLa enough to ; prevent a vo'e being taken unless a special ' ru'e is reported limiting debate. So many requests come to 8ergean'.-at-Arrus Snow, of the House, from editors : and politicians, asking whether c rtaln i membjrs have drawn mileage for bo'h the extra and regular sessions of Congress and whether this or that member has drawn . j. pay since the law to dock members for lbsence was revived, that be has bad a cir - tular letter prepared wbi- b politelv de- cilnes to famish the information asked for , . j . 1. 11 nnleaa ins'ruc ed to do so by tbe House. A considerable number of members of the House have reason to fee! trratetul to Col. Snow for not opening the looks of bis office to the men who are Irvine o find reasons for leaving them at borne - I; seems to come natural to some people to misunderstand thing. A case in point wjrTt-e of certain labor leaders 1- announcirg after a recent Interview with the President that Mr rClaaastealBssssssttsslsaswaas. inis ueaui ins uicts Ainenran r t. ao agreed ... , . .. , . to appoint a mmisslo., lo a.bitrAte the dlspotc wi :. Bkugh at out trout rnd coslIyWo all concerned, many i,, direct y coacanied lai! It is nt fla'terng ti'ilcll c fore mentioned libor SMl anderstanding was not iir nt anrfer w! kh pies'.dent Cleveland agreed to appoint iso com-nitsionert act f O - . kh the -a o sorrcrissioner 01 i.iojrin m ng an i . rravestigaiion. doc not give him authoritv to appoint SlSjirills. except under condlU- ons not existing in this case, and tbe con to be appoin'ei mil! unty bave aut) oiity to investigate the strike which oc cared upon lnierslate raiioay-. It cannot investigate the strike at ihe Pullman car j works any more than it cjuII investigate, a strike of the farm bands of Jota Smith. President Cleveland will jpp,!ni this rom m:saion because he wi-hea to recme au'ben tic information to he used as a basis fir rec omendations be ielends to make on the sub ject in his nex; annual m--igc to Congress. 1 He recogn'zrs it as a subject that needs na. 1 tional legislator., not in the intereat of the ' corporations.nor cf be labcrorganiutions, but of the wt oie countrv. which : incom- moded and in the end has 10 pay ibe t ills j for 'be periodical stiikes A thorgli 11. i se reports 1,1 thectntiary, there is no reason lo douM that Pre.Hrnt Cleveland will sign the hill for th? a Imla- 'on of L tah to stdehoo', which ig no at io his hards. Senaro.' Alien of Nebraska told the.S--r. ate on SitorJay that it was untrue aa stale I n the newspaper tha' he had been downel n a w.-ciling match wi'h J ihn Uarlejcorn. No be.tcr r-ast.n f r the e.ectifo of L'nited S:atea senat r by the people reed bt r qu'red tt'an the pteient condi'ion existing ba Ibc United S a'e S na'e. Here a few abject seiviui. of the s Jgar trust comhin Ing wi'h republic aa memhsis wno nearly altogellrr ajc t lie atorret of reiiroads, protecU 1 manu'actuiers, and corporate in'.trifs in general, are enabled lo dtfoat the very t r fl legislation to plainly desired by a U...J rity of the people. Shall this American House of Lords continue to re main a menace to the .tir.c;plrs of the Amt?iiran republic? Tnere is as much nee essi y in American politics for the abate ment of oui hoot's House a. tacre Is in English po itics for tlie abatement of the Lords of tne English parlarnen'. H senators were ele: ted bv the people that body would no' be crowded by representatives and a:, torntys of railrojd, truats, combinations of Capital an t other foes ;A tbe nf the peple. The in t heaiil insure I woman in the Unlitd Slates 1 the widow of Senator Hearnt o' California. The policies on her hie agijr'ate go 10,000. Mrs K 11 Croeker of Klmir.i probably co nes n xt ith a 1 5 J . - OO'J. As eriod hun'ers now ui: a camera l. special con "rue ion and m un'ed ht that i ca.i foiloo ne diurnal moij.mof the ttf is In tliis w.y levi-ml hnndrel I ine M much ateaofi'.e sky can lie watrhel. r'ixe'l ar (ill iiOjjiaph rou id d .Is am! planets as freaks or lines. So pern tri ing is ater at tilgh pleasure that en'y sp-cial qa illties of caat iron wiM be I14M att-ti-ix. It. I ine eatly days of the liyHraullc jack It was no uncommon thing to g.-e WA'er issuing like a fine needle t tr in h the ineta1, and the wafer needle trOnld IM-nei'alS the unwary finger just as readily as steel on;. II G 'troll's teem n' t'-at the senate tariff hi I i lie- mosi law rable lo'ar rt (01m thai tan paasesl is true, thLn the p-irly sthtsa tf pis. i' at once. 1 is so in tini ily l.etttt ihon the McKinle jaw that i, ., iIi-iiim. i. i under ti e (Olirlitions above named shnBld h-sitate a moment lo suf poi t it . the !it ditat I and to I roaU strike. of the be- j iL'thit mil- iowjys The Is MISFITS. Several strikes in Southern Oregon will be endorsed by even our most law abiding citizens, striker of rich ore in 'he mines of that pint of the. state. The Marion County Record reaches us printed on Imtc lera wrapping paper, an evidence of the economical habits of the proprietor. An exchange says then is a regular gambling trust in Portland; that the fiolice stand in with it closing all other lomes. The world over no class of men need watching more closely than police- An Astoria paper says a shark has been seen there "with two rows of teeth twenty-two feet long and a hide on him like an alligator.'' Pretty long teeth those for even an Astoria shark. Won der what the reporter had been drink ing. The house passed a resolution propos ing an amendment to tho constitutioi providing that U S srnators be cjfied by the a big vote. Tbj ienate, which is a disgrace to the U S, aril set down on it unti1 it will be as thn as paper. A student of Bradstreets who has Iters investigating failures fiude Uiat 0 percent of business houses that go to the wup1 are those that do not advertise. The surf-boat is launched on wave. The wave of returning is rising now. launch your ad oil it us 11 is swelling, aim juu better results than those who w reach it height. Mr Backus, an old resident of Linn eoiinlv. who is traveling f.vr his wif,.'.. I health, arrived here last week, and is stop ping with hu brother on McKay. Mr Backus tells us there will be a larp a immi gration from the Willamette vallev to Kastern Oregon next fall. Men who have gone broke farming in the valley are com ing east of the mountains to make a raise. Ochoco Review. This is undoubtedly considerably ex'iggerated. There are M many if not more people ea f the moun tains broke than on this side. As the Okmoi Bat started UB to irive the j comments of Osassaai aanan on the Soldier i ""me 11 aio gives uie loiiowing irom ir:e , home it also gives the following from the : Salem Journal: Klitor Tiain, of the Al- I .1 r II I 11. , 1 1.1 1 am 1. . . .. 1 11 u . .. .! lsuij eimu, ajaai uu naa ujusi digiuii on avou:u 01 an mnoivnt mquirv in 1 n Journal of to whether the trustee of the Soldiers' borne were not taking j.r diem under the guise of expenses contrary to law. He resorts to personal abuse ween he should answer the following: Is it not a fact that the Soldiers' home trustees of which you are one. are allowing theuife'ves ti to t'lO a dav per diem, when 'iie law says, they shall leceive no compensation, but actual expenses incurred. See Sec 18. session laws Is it not a fact that a -a v it -a you as members of the board charge mile- tge when attending meetings of tbe board. wnen as a matter ot tact rou nde cn tree 1 passes r Is it not a fact Mr Train that you r- .y, .. .-,f Jll f..- .... .1, ,...,.. . ! TO Hml "l Kosebutg. when your actual V ..... V . .1 . .- U . 1. . , . , . I V '1 , . 1 1,,,, . 1 1. n j litJli to 'would n't he vou would l en over five dol'ar .- , The Herald says The Journal editor is an ' anarc'iist because be asked whether the i ?7ld 1101 '"R l1 diem as Soldiers home tniste1 when the law for- , bidl wh mmmm&m, Tbe Grants l as, Courier makes the same aswrtion :jid Hm i 1 tregonian copies it todav. Are those f,lU alsoariarehisU - There are liable to ! - ? . T" "7" man who calls time on such salary grab- wia.Mp, w , . ... vj , 1 u iuv iniuiiiiiiir, i , a j trs is an anarchist j ' W L Simmcwvls, of Planifield, J, is to ' marry the daughter of President V -. t of I : 1 1 . . . v . . , . - ' ET " iB "m r'a'1"1 --What's the matter thai there ia n ner r.miiv '' akesl tbe lalmi kaitst f- "Tbe cook quit." replied his wifeV lean ing hack in her chair and fanning geotly "Why didn't yoa irrt it ready Toureelf 1 You know how well enongh.'' ie .' 1 m out on a symnalnrt strike ! with the cook.'' rras, ine I eriine man. savs "let on toP in your business. Io it b. advertising Tnere i onlv one t jo to each business .ik-i f r.i ,.,!,,, , ,4 a nfri nvi.l nn.l , l .. ..-,., rbo gtU on top find it easier to keep the other iop!e off than before 1 be pt there. V-v.-r ' ! up your advertising Cojwebs -How do vou find businei :' Rustle Advertise for it. of course. No amount of argument can sarprs the fact that a gooi advertisement, rightlv plaoed, is a business finder; and when trad" is slow is just the time advertising should lie pushed in the most careful and persistent manner possible. Kx.hange Tbe laotaei .iv for th- ... men t.i get ahead of the capitalist is to elect men to office who will legislate in their interest ' ul 'hey won't do it there is a sample in tregon. ine men e.ecteu to the legiu- ture will again elect Holph to tbe I S seriate. He is n uri-t.jcrat among aristo cratx, and care no more for the laboring man than a whale Tne very men who cry out the most rf-aint monopoly and the selfishness of capital vote the worst. The Jcurnal man and brother editoi must be on very intimate terms iudging from the following: Gov. Fletcher, of the In.leneix-ntlent.vestnliiv le',iveml a iWttire t.v . it, i i , 1 , on tbe hdtieational Problem and the Indian in it unsnu-new wnite.w cent snin. c.iitor Hagg Las conipresse.1 his form by some means so that he occupies a really smaller man rieoiH-r. us iteniocrai man now prese ts a verv trim anrnranee. We fear He wears a . , . - , rxaraat. Father ot thee 1 well-fed moulders cf public opinion, could carry Irvine of the State- mat, abo'.it in the capacious folds of their trrmsers without any inconvenience. Prof feT Doiby of Philadelphia advlr'a-. es the use of tin In filling teeth He clsims equals gold for that purpose. Salarse n. 1. .ut-.i Sit.iNoiiAi, July 21. A dispatch fronx- Nagasaki, on the southweet nide of th inlaiiil of KitM-Sio, Japan, says a tie tacliinent of Corean troof, at the insti- i gation of the Chinese residents, attacked the Rising JHMfift ft" iwuize for it to the Japanese garrison and were ,lef. at-rfM eu. A later telegram nay a Jupnnese ri'lliwil wink the traiiHjiort. Tbe R r Sllaallaa S N KltASriKiti, July 2"I. The Sttilth rn Pai'itie ban inKuetl a reply to the trikeni who have not applied to be re stated. This reply in practically what e officials have oeen saving nil the me. They are willing to take Imrk the trikers who have not been guilty of rime or aetive uh leaden, but make no promise us to when they will do this, tilled Ily A Falllaa Blrvalar. Nkh Yoiik, July 21. Four men wt-re instantly killetl this afternoon by the falling of un elevator in Oh man & Price's: brewery. Their names were lmisi Bner, Hernanl Smith, Tony Karrell and Henry llombieu. Williuni K Kmert was fiituf ly injured. . Jui.iuh Giadwohi. iskorms i;.i tha his branch slore oi. Second street wi I be open Irom tliU dav on in leg.ear form ol b'jsiness. T he same will ue a cash store. Come and try and salltfy yourselves that the cash ssietn is the only irue one In business, if you lake his advice ton will never have anv hard limes. J Ukaiiu ohi.. m in n Traveling. Whither o'l pleasure b.-nt, or hiiainrtj ta-e on every trip a bottle of Syrup o Fis, as It acts moat p'e.santly and ef1 leciually on the kidneys, liver and bowels preventing levers, iieadaches and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50c and $1 bottles bv all leading druggists. Manu factured by the Cailfo - ila Fig Syrup Co only. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Kenewer hat restored gray hair to lis original col. or and prevents baldness in thousand: ot cases. It wilt do so to ; ou, czo. A Oaanallr aceae. WahhinctovJuIv 21. Another dra matic Scene ocarrcd In the senate today, but the premdt, instead of being, iib on yesterday, the object of attack by the lerder of his Hfty, was defended wi vigor ami vimlUr Cleveland's elm pion today wiiP old politic! rival enemy, Senat( David P.Hill, of N tended with mili um! eu York. The Nay York senator miokc al most two houji to breathless galleries and a full sojate. Several times the presiding ollicAr was unable to restrain the enthusianihis remarks evoked, no tably when Nr Hill declared personal consideration would not prevent him from deiendinr the president when be was unjustly stacked. AtaCaral Heath. San Framkp, July 24. -General Su perintendajat .'A Fillmore returned from Sacramento Ml evening. Ho said that the situation QUleted down and did not demand resence any Ioniser. He hud jceoiiml d the obiect of his mis- otbn. The hi lo had been broken, ami the k.; ied a natural death. "The strike ' he said. "It docs not make an erence now whether it is called off not. We have all the men we wa together as ml the strikers can hold s thev please withou affecting at in e least." Me A Lion. Uiin.iK, Jul 24. Puirilist flasrbott paid a visit to Ballinmbe, the birtfiLVsee of his father, yesterday, and was sfvi-n n t.vuou. lie was laterally . aflJl-d t ll1,IiaaMaeBBBBBVBSiU'ril.,r I rf, of the ilia uuitl-, imjv o.inics V:-iHtt ing. People came from air . " . 1 1, , - of the count rv to see him. In the nini; be was tendered a reeepti the toe n nan nix Haul. A emit, July 2:5. Dating the past two or tlaee fishing days the receipts at the canneries have lioe'n unusually lary-, and some of the fisherman have made ' hauls that exceed anything in the histo ry of tha salmon industry for several years pat. Saturday last John Mattsen, ; who grn.-rally earns the reputation of : having the Ligh boat on the river, ' brought X!00 ;::.:- of mval hin.xjk j hI into Kinney s cannerv, the result of: I afaaala .Irift rim ..I !."., .,... m! bv Hut I'nttln.. l',.. w;., I 1 . - .V. ... . . I . .- 1 urongiii in over lu.uw brought in over 10.000 pmndsof San, j and Smear others aie rsjtnrted t-.have 1 mvuhm unusuauy large iiaut.-. 1 , , An Abtroadlag t'lerfc Sax Franis.v, July it. William Melville, the absconding collection t lerk 1 of the Hank of California, is in the citv i jail. He made a confession that he had st..!en S34.000, and that his stealings' DOfer a PSariod Of Si least l:5 years. H says that be expects :i leniency, and is ; , glad that the suspense is over. The lank (iftieials who visite.1 him counss-lcd In'm fo stll- ).. I. A is. I 1 avaatl vs . tnia, 'K IIV lfcl "Ifi I t "i( l v;,,,. A irr in.iifj Stuvento, July 23. George V Vice. vice-presnlent of the union, wasarivsted j today by t nitcl State Marshal IUld. w in on chaiwe of obstructing the I'ni- teI Stati-s malls. ronspiracv- and of insurrection. Mr Vies- is a candi.late for the aasvnihly on the ticket of the reor ganized democracY. He was reteaedea1 t - . rkree ! Btsm tr Om rax, July 23. Worl reached thia (.': r, July 23. AVorvl ' city today oi the drowning thres- ban n l.n.e nv, r saiuMay nigtit, wtule Kit:. llli. I.'irti ITlllrs llria' IVii...... They were Je- Printer, lWrt and Nor man H ills. The firt two were M rears old. ami tbe latter 15. War laeslUUIe sii tSOSUL Julv 23. Tlie reports that . , , , (. hlna ha des laml war on Jarsan ar,i premature-, but hosulitie are inevilable. Twelve thotiaand troops were sent from , lasvu rriday, with a tlcl of gunboat. . lyis eui.ijctiad tin ir destination is L' anl htfht Mi Jatvanew-, it tin- Chine- occunaacr at an v ; point 1 .s5.jfv.. If ar in dortarvl. Chi na win matie a levy ! ui Irom each province and send a deet to attack Jap- , ant-so frts. t htna has notiricj foreign ' cons ul that she is preparing to blookade tbe Woo Sung lur. ttnortjl;:, aeraie W smiinotv.n. Jiily 2:1. Perhaps no more rt-markal le scrnewas ever witness- j" .,hf "l"1 lha,n ,h at w hich vurr- , 1 " l irvr and a ball hours t iorman. the democratic political l-ader. ueiivervil His spes-cli against Hill ISIiSS dent in defense of the tarifl bill. The gali. ri.-s werv ckl to the dootm, and so great was the interest in l.-.r- man's speech that the assEaaben ..f the boose flocked into the senate end of the cai.itol, and the hou.e, U insr to hold a qu.iroui. adhmrned. Ooraiaui. itli a franknetts that amau-d tlew press- ent. dbsrumil orty sorrels, and r-nc! me uoor to party caucuses. A Sals Jaaap m, Coi;n., Julv HCKIsUa, Co:;n., Julv 22. Collie Kichardson. 'X vi-ars obi, a Crvsud lak jmnr-r of considerable note, was killed al Tine (irove station tbus evening. He jumped from a temporary tower. 120 feet high, into 12 feet of water. He struck n his breast. Tbe lodsted in the niu.l at tlie N'tt'irn of the imd. S:ich ardson juniptsl into the same pond. Julv 4. from a tower 100 feet high. I'r. .ii rr Mar BsAStlBUA, JaW 22. Cnina i.intinties to niakt- pn-jia rat ions to aM-rt her ' 1.;... ... 1 .. ........ .I .. 1 j'.-t-M-ui in. 11- emtkm it is odkmi that war will be in- present indi- evitaWe unlos Japan from the ! jKdtion she has hitherto maintarned ' Orders recently 111 Ml for 13 'HX , t lunt-sf tr...s to MVliarf for 1 .-t.nrtnr.- loriorea. Ihe prejtaralions w.-re liur- rnillv i .i:iii,letel and Kri.luv hist tin ; s.,ii', rs w.-nt on iroard tl transports i:iai win convey mem lo tlie ieninsiila. tSaals A I'rrsoaal Rojroll CkOcaoO, July 22. Isolw, Howanl, Keliln r and lingers, the American llail way I'n ion ollicials, txlay isKited an n.l-tlri-s.s to the public, the .-ulwtance of v. Ii it li is aa followe : "We proDoee that the Pullman com pany shall Ite brought to justice, ami in way tbat shall !, -.,. a strike with out its attendant ills. We have faith in the American people; thev uphold juai- tice;they hive fair play; and now, in the name 01 lualice ami lair play, we up- :l1 ,,M' Keat American pablic, SO every inan ami every good woman, not to rule in a riiiitnan car until the 1'ttll man company ds justireto itn eni ployef. lt the care run abeoiotely Vstpty. Tfce l aaeliled TarlB Bill. . Wakuixoton, July 22. All interest in the senate proceedings for the week cen ters in the efforts which will Ik- made to settle the tariff controversy ai raided bv the conference disagreement. The weidc will bemlu with this i nest ion in the fore ground, and no one can foresee what amount of time w ill lie rxmaotxied npon it, or what will be the result of the tie bate which will ) inaugurated tomor row. There in now little doubt that these proceedings: will be of a verv ani mated character. A Sruarae Washington-, July 22. Recognizing the dilliculties in tho way of obtaining accurate information upon sanitary mat ten from Oriental countries, 1 r Btewati Kldridge, the health OMR 01 the port of Yokohama and a member of the impe rial Itoard of health of Tokio, has sent to the murine hosoitnl a semi-ollii i;tl statement of the epitleinic of the plague in Southern China. It appears from his report that this scourge, of which on! v fragmentary news has Mea received, is one 01 too most dreadful on record. An effort will be made to keep it out of the United States, Urclared Off. S.MHAMKSTo, July 22. It. is under stood here thut telegrams liuve lnrnsent out denying the statement that the local railway union yesterday declared the strike off here. The simple fact is that the union did, by at least a four-fifths vote, declare the strike off; but there are a few men of the more vicious elnaa among the strikers who refuse to accept I uie conditions. TB T.T5 H-ZCkJP ss3n: 43HOV-HOVa 'SQNITI3MS NEW : PUFN1TURE, MY STORK iS NOW FULL OF FIRST-CLASS FURNITUKK, CONSISTING nf bed room arts, .vhairr, lounges, ale., which I will sell at BOTTOM Albany Begins the Hll term Wednesday, Sept. 12, 1W4 j r - cend to Rev E IOondit As Many 'Pounds of Sugar. or a Dollar, and in Albanv, at every diing Julius Gradwohls at tbe corner of oecood and Ferry vour eroceriea and crockery ware. G.C MOON. SecCeattw Flour and Opposite ,h--pp-d Fed Has eat baud a fa.l sto G :.aai, llo-k, It r Inor, Ha,, O.t ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOKsEPH, Notice for Publication D S LaxnOrrtre. Oaecox Crrv.-Or 1 Sotscc ta berer-y gieea tbat in com ith tbe p.i.Yoton- uf tee act of Crrs JaM.l, IS78. ssaS ttatt Aai act ;or tbr . (I linUi lands ia lb t stake of Cali rou. Hi fun, tvatta. and Waahingtoc mti3t, aa exunde.1 lo al! ISM SSSMS ofud Stasss bv act ot Aogait 4tb IMS , 1 aa, Whillocj rJ O e,;n lil, umsJ oi fo ,dimu. state rf Or , has thi. da T, 10 th i &s her t..-n .'atemrnt N.v L , t tbe 1 urcnaae , f ihe N K 't 1 Tut? la toansmp i aoat.1 ratvse - u. aaM snd will . rl.-r ptus.f toabo c th.l V . edeuth oir.. va oat !e for Us lim r o- s-ooe tfesn tw agrtcYiliQi.; purposes, d to est Mob bssr oiaiai o said iaed be ' ; irc irt o' this aSkWa Or goo Citv.'rexin oo fnda-, ihe ITm a (( jts.ue, MM. Siw oair.w a wit .Notsss: Ro'.t Cairc 1, J K. SSfHaa, i U Besrv, W T Whites a.l of B.rt. Ore tfo1 Atj and ait petto s eiatmi, g d veiasli tbe asstaa al s.nll laaatts ar re j la'ad 'o n.e cisi "r ;' "eaaid 1 7 day in, i-j Hit ntft se of Au.asr ISM ROBERT A. M1LI LU. K af r. Notice c s Un for Publication e iBBt Citv. Ob. March 2Tth 1M. X.ilics' is Kit, i-v .iv,.Ti flitaf in .',.11 ,.l! imv with the troviions of the m-i .,f COSiaiiatl OS June .1. 1,. entitUM "An act for the sale of timlter lan.U in the static of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Wavhhington territon.-,"a.sextentlo to all the public land states bv act of August 4. 1S2. Thomas Monteiih, of Al bany, county of I. inn. state of Oregon, has this tlav libsl in this oBea his sworn statement No 2vi. for the purchase of in: si a. "a .11 i, "t i"n is. a -,, ,11 1... ; L- 1 .( v a- 1 - --.. .. : 11 t i -j aii'i .s r, 01 . i ssvlion . an-1 r. . 01 n No IS, 111 township No 10 south jangv No 4 east, and will offer troof to show that ti.e land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purjioscs, and to establish his claim to saul lantl liefore the r.'gii'tr and reviver I of this office at Oregon City, Oregon on j Friday, the 17th day of August, MM, . He names as w itnesm : J. H. Coinlev, 1 Henry Suesens, of Allutny, Oregon. Jolin liaiiev 01 l.vt.ins. iircgoii. John clihsser ol Alhany, Oregon. Any and all psnotM claiming adversa-lv the abeve ilest-rilxtl lands are np:iestl to tile their claims in this office on or before said 17th dav ot August 1S94. RORERT A. Mtl.l.ElJ. Register. Uiegoii Pacific Railiodd, lilts 4I.ALK, Receiver Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates 1 -ti attanter qnir.a aut San thshSetaOa. H, nn r tclwrtn Ya raoa ss rssMiaco Httmci ad s Feby Wlh, Msreh 2, 1! Ti, sml Hft, ro Tt isa. Beater sal's FibasUs alarta 7, ".7, aid S7ih. Tho Corn nan? reserves th- ngnt to hnngesalline dutea vt limit notice. Eor freinht a-d pss-enrer r let apply n any agent i.ii- J llirilrlK. S.n A IV. Nt. SlttS Vatktt SI Ki'anrisrti Otl JEO E EI-II " THE PLUMBER. Tin roofll ii nii'l plombing. the opera house. Oppcwite WALLIS NASH, ATTOENKT Ji.T J1.A.W. Will practice In nil tho courts of tha state. Office First. Nat'l Hank building. Albany;, -)rlron IHX009 SS3N3WV1 AUdWOHd sauflo PRICES. Titos. Brink. College 4 , Pi 'residenfrfor particulars. else a? cheap, as at any store New Store. sti -ett. fall there for to 1 A S'orr's Feed Store Ruts House. Co'Va 1j Frfu Bran, Sfcorts l.rrn Mea . 9 ris, 1 j -s, Ap as. 4rorlelor, NotitS for Publication. V. S Id .Sirn re, uaa.i Ja ay CtTir. O la II, 1S93 Neliot is t t-rvy t -n that in omp with ta pi'fjjamt jj Us -et of toagt- ft Joce 3. liTaHalT:;.! ' An act for the aaiauf ttaaasBt 1 Is 11 rte state 'al,-furu-s, 're"B. ''ia sni Waabiegt iti trriSWs," a taHHaal ' all tbe j sbltc I. ad ctsie-by ari .TAcaas: 4. Is92 Henrv VI. Herbrt-. o! llreerr I ain. e not cf Uiii-.-. .la ( .1 OtwajatAj ha- hia la r led in tfcis ,fS;. rt. sts'-m a atcrr ot No 2sTa oe lata io--l-- -.f 'b S I f X W j c ?T. 8 E M o( N K '4 anl N E l "f K 'a rtt'Civo N 2S lb townsMt, No 10 .ostb tii.,r N 3 tsit. a I will nffer (roof I .how that the Urd so .ht ia more t in sble f. r lU lin.iTt -r s- re -ban ar:cnt tara torjses. aod 'o!: h ht c'aiat, la ta-d !aoi b f -r, ; - ri jtister at 4 :e . -tr f tarta sasstsss at 0-eoo its. Utsfsn r Friday, the IT b am) .1 Aa.ast. a94. He nsotes a- i:ese: Ge-i H. Lleilier. H cxos I AltMDV. Oregon. J. L Btry el Hr rry , O A. 8. Culver, of Greeaa Ba it,. n a ti all i,iaosaa claim. n ad verse 'ri sr',e r, Lcr.ljd lansis are r n la I Stei c'siois in ihta , tbee r-n oe belorr sai l Ir Ji d -v of Aajast IssM. K08F.P.T.V Mil LKU. Krgis-. r Notice for l" S LivrtUrm Publication, c at atataxatsa Cirr, Ok. Jaly lltn, 1SSS. Notice ii hereby given that 10 c n.i- iacc. i'h the pror:aion of tas act of .ot great f Jane 3 1TS. entitled "An act for tbe stale el Urda in tt tt-t of I'shfom-a, Ore ft . . Nerada and Washington tetritory." as cx'enlrti to all the pnbhc land sta.ea by act of Augutt 4 1S92, Auga ts Ilenneas, ol Oreasaa City, county ol C.acVmaa stati of . . I Jrri . has 1 11s day hied in tcia r nice ber sworn 'tatement U?o,,l.wtne fuicha'r ol the S i at N W j .N K J of V !4 and S of N ri 4 of Section Na 22 in township No 0 .onth Na 5 es.t.snd wi 1 oiler roof to show that the laud sou In is mote valu able for its Umber or s'one than tar agricul tural ptirtM, and to establish her claim tt Said laud hef ,re th ' r. gister and receivr if this t tli as a 'reoj Civ. Orrg n, on Ki..tay ihe iTihdty ol Augu-t ISM. She names si aiitne sea: J. I,. Beir,W. T. Wtait-oea, 1. IVteraon. I. B. Smith all of lleriy, Oieton . Any and all pertons claim- ing adver e'v alntve deeenbrd Unda ate re qu te.l to rl their claims in 1 lias . flice on ' or be'ore raid 17th day of Au.-ust 1891. ROSIER V A . MILLER, lifter. Notice for Publication. lT. S. LsxnOmci at Okkuos Citv.Or March 2th, 1S93. Notioa is t.Swby given that in coaplianc with the privi.iuos of the act of eortgrvaa of June 3 IS7S, entitled "An act for the aale of timber lam's in he states of California, Oiegon, Ne an - Wathingtoa terrtlory" aa extended to all Ihe public iand states bv act of Au.-o-t 4 lS92.ViHum T bitloek of Harry, county af lauo, aiave of Oregon, has this day tiled in this office Irs aworo state ment Xtt'ij6S. f t the purchaae of the S S ef N K 4 and lota 1 and 2 of section No 4 ia tow ii-h-p No 10 anuto ranee Nn 4 east, and will offer proef to show that the land i sought is more valtubls 1 r tta tim oerorMone than ror a-ri.u.t .ral pt.r poses, and to establish bis clal n to ss.i,i land ref re the regUter and re.elvsr of this ofHco t Oregon OKy, Oregon on Prl day tbe 17th day cf Augu,t 1S94. H lis mee as wit I esses; J L, Berry, Kot-ert t aireil, SStutth. J Peterson - I i f Bsr ry, Oregon. All persons claiming sd this fbee at Oregon Citv. Oregon. on Wed vertey the above deM-tibed lauds are re n ,la. th.. 1 !!. of .lu- ioa M. queMsdtolilelheire'ainis in this oftics on or baforesaiii ITthday of August 185H. RUBaTtCT A M 1 1.1 1. H Regit ter, EXECUTRIX NOTICE Notice is herebv given to all whom It rr.ay concern that 1 have been duly ap pointed executrix of the last will and es tate of Michael Croisant, deceased, by the Count v Court of Linn county, Oreuon, therefore all persons having claims against 1 ..1 - - 1 1 ... , , wiin estate aic neieuv noiitieu nuu re quired to present the same to me at the othce of W R BTTyeu In the city of Albany, Uregon, with the. vouchers within six months from ihe date thereof. Dated June 1$, is. 14. Eliza Croisant. W. R.Bilvru, Executrix,,-" Attorney for Executrix . Wall Pd.D6r, I ! !v UKM, rainiw. Oil -UiKr, Etc J. A. ( i ll tiling ALBANY. 0REC0 DRUGS Stationery, Toilet Artistes, Mu sits Instruments, Etc. lodges & Marian, The Cornet Drugstore,". The fact that Ilood'a Sarsapar.lla, once fairly tried, becomes the family medicine, speaks volumes for it excellence and1 medicinal merit. Hood's Sartapaijlla Is Nature's 00 worker. Hood'k Pills become the favorite atr.artlc with every one who trie them. S-- Real Merit i- the characteristic of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and i' U manifested every day in the remarkable cure this medicine : accomplishes Hood's vartapariUa is the ! LI I IT I - Einu. iry it. That t!rel fe!irg which it so common and to overpowering, it entirely driven off y Hooc's Sarsapari la, the beat blood partfei . Iluod.t Saisapanlla oveicomt weakness Hood's Pills are the bett ar-dinner pills, attlst digestion, cure headache. 25c ' a box. EXECUTRIX NOTICE. Notice it hereby given tbat the codr sigcJ hsa this day tn doly appointed tecatrix A the lut will and testament of 3phta Van Windle Brng,er. slecease 1, b tLe Conntj Conrt of Lin. county, Oregor. All peraocs having claims agaiaal taid teeeated are required to present them to the ondertigned at Fortland, Oregoo, or to Weatberford ft Wyatt attorneys at Albany sritbin mx months from tr date. "T.IS 21st day of Jane. ic4. MwMt BSVCCKB. Kiscutiix of the last will of 'sopbia Van Wiod.e Bnijgr, deceased DISSOLUTION NOTICE Ti-.e partnership bugir.t - heretoiora existing beteen Drs Mat'on and Davis j haa been mutually dissolved. Psnies ow. ; e. 1 he o'd firm can make afi aaiat with I eliher Dr Mas ton or Pr Davit, and those I having claims roar pietent them to iiber. i Dr Mast on will continue the practice of I hit profession at tfw o d o2ce ahi:e Dr ; I)a it wii! occupy an oJice in the Mason & ( rothas Out ding up statrs. G W Msrrox W H Davis NOTICE FOi BIDS. D ids ail. He received cp to fatardav. I fstly SI, for M aatsls body ar wood. 7 5 j c ds grab os s. not less than 4 inches is : diameter, to be straight abd best qoabtv ; It iTcred at the jablic scbonl haildiuga in I Albar. on or b jre Sept 1, tS9i. r E ALLX9. Clerk. The nght to setect an) or all bid restrv- EXECUTOR'S NPTICE Notice is hereby giTen that xJie undersign- d was cm the JVd day ttf March. '&9t. duly appointed ExecutO' of the last ari i and statement of E L Kr.c . :e -eased, by the County Court of Linn County, J.cgoo. Th'ti it therefore 'o nctily alt persons aaving claims against taH de cesel lo present the warr.e to me at tue Covin-house in Linn County, Oregon ' wiin tne proper rournm within n months from the da e thereof Ua-r.l this 6.h day of April, 1S94 W R B-lyeu. Nimrod Pasne. Attorrey for Executor. Execubor. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. .-so'.ice it hereby given that ihe under- igr,J was been M) ap-otnted executrix ol the last will and etament of Wi van-, ; H Henderson deceased ate of Linn counts 'Jrrgsn. All par ies having c'.airet sga-nst said es-are are notified to preteDt tbe-n duly verified to the said execu tlx ' i her residence two miles touih ea of Ho;y, Linn DOaaSj Oregon wihin alx taatatfaa from the date he cof. June 15. 1S94. t'uoEBt Ann- Mrvi.sRsos- : 1 s : r Notice for Publication. I" S I. tod office at Oregon flty Or. Ju t T. Is&4. Notioa is hei y given that lb fo low ing nims.1 seular baa filed n.-xiee of bis in en: ion ta mske final p-o :' in support of bis claim, astd Ihv said proof will be made before Rci-t r and Keee var U S l-tml OrEce. at t'resron Citv. Cr on Aug . 184 Tix Jcsssph Rieaierer H K Mo 721. for the EJiofSW, and lota 3 and 4 cf Sec is T 10 8 R a K Ue nanaet Ihe fo I .w ing witnesses 10 prove his c-ontin uous lewijence upon and cultivation of said iand. Tix: John Render. Daniel Seal, John C Fotta and John Etf. r:, all of , Jordan, or. RORFBT A MS .l.KR I Register. i Notice for Publication C S Land Office, at Oregon Ci y, Or. .'Ulj 7. 1SS4. Notice is hereby given that tbe follow 11 named sottier has Aled notice of hit lnteniion to make final nronf in tatattsBM 01 nis claim, and that said proof will be j auado before the Register and Receiver U a i .mu.i k'lupo, at u esjou UStT, or, on Aug 2., 1S4, vie John Reader, H K Tftu for va? e. -4 01 awe hi io s K '- K. ne : July. 1!5H. at tne rront Coor ot the court names the following w ttnetnes to prove house in the city of Altrnnv, L.lca etountv bAfftsontinuous resilience upon and colli j Oregon, at tie hoar af 1 o'clock- p ui ot" vation ot, said lna, via: Ja Kiesterer, aaid day sell at pu lie auction for easo In Panie! Neal. John C i oils, John Kifert, band to tbe highest bidder, all the right a 11 of Joidan. or title and iatereat of said defendant in and ROBERT A MILLER, - to said real property, to pa v and SAtisfy Ragieter. ' said execution aa follows: First tbe costs j and expenses of and upon ianl execution XTa : a i-s- s a . i ana the origina" costs of suit lazed at JNQtlCe IOr Publication f. --S. Second to the payment of the lT S I .v.. (,.. . . . ,v. . n piaiotiffs claim amountiog to the sum of L.S. Lani. Oarux atOru.o tm Or. jios.So with interest thsreon at the rate J uly 3 d, 1 SP3- 0r 10 per cent per ai nam from (be 5th . . . ,. day af rehruary. 18k, and the fortuer " hereby ,,v0,h comp:noc,SU(r of 25 attorneys fees, wi.h th too visions of the act of Oaatttwaa of rvo..i ,1.1. .-.,. .1 ..r t , . Iff , , ..... . . . " . Juoe 3. lb, 8, entitled "An xct tortbesaleof timber lands in the states of Califoraia.Ore- goo, Nevada, and aahlngton Territory, " as extended to all public laud states by act of .Aa. :it 4. 'iV. William J Smith, of Niagara, county of Marion, st&te of Oregon, has this day riled io this office hia sworn statement No -2S."tv, i (turcoase 01 ins r sou sne n n l t . L - , . i , , . L . v ,i , us xne o 11 j, ana ine a a ', 01 sne o m '4 Sectioo No i, in township No 10 S.iuth Ktnge No 4 East, xud will offer proof to thow that the land sought ia more valuable for ila timber or stone than for agricultural uurooses. ami to eatahltah hia claim to aaid laud before the Register and Receiver of names au witriesaes: rt TtsMtaa IS M-vt-is. 0 1 Hinklr, Allen inilh, rllof N .1 .s , Slam n Co, 0 n. Any and all ! pe soiia claimiuktadveisely the above das- cribed lauds ae requested to rile their ! claims m : hia olhce on or before aaid :1th day of July. 1894. KOBXRT A MtLlER. Register . RedCrownMlli JOHN ISOM, PRjPRIETOS. i paonasa slop a soraaioa roa .ain airs aAKiaa vaa REST vSTOKAGE FAOlUflR str( BftUvt? Tine Card The car will leave corner of First and Washington streets at follows: 7:40 a m for Lebanon tram. :1S " " Orohan's Home. 11:50 " " Noo.i train going north, 12:15 p m for noon train going south. 1 " " Lebanon train. 1 .30 " " Orphans Uome. 1 1 i o r 9:55 " " Overlaid train foirj. icu For Orphan's Home on Sunday car leave at 2:30, 3 :3o and 4.30 p m The car will also meet all Inc trains on the Oregon Pacific railroa C G Bcbkhart ALBANY COLLEGE. Send IUI Catalogue A 'dreaj, REV. E. X CONDIT, Albany. Oregon B. B. HYDE. W. H. DI5DISOEK. D. B. JASSJC ALBANT FlfflDBE CO., coro: folliiiore Klotk, AIlaiT, Ore. FURNITURE complete line of lTXDERTAKIe in all it branch. EMBALMING a per ialty. Residence er 3rd and CaJapooia KOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF CHAT TEL MOnTCACE Whereat on tbe 3rd day of Angast iS89, David !-co:t, t f Lino coauaty, Oregon, exe cstesl and deh.tred to BnaaeH & Co a chat ttl mortgaze on one 27 x 40 on Sepa iBter No 9T?2, lra-k. slacker alxl aJi nx Uirea lelongug to same, one 6 borne S S traction enatine ocmp't- 4434. wrth 125 f et G inch belting, mancfaetnred by Reg ie! At Co, also one New American Grinding m ll, wbicb said mor-.eaga t aa mado to secure Use pavmeat oi four Frntxvtaa..rr note dated Aaoat 3, 13S, fjr 375 tsca. ard beariag iatereat at the i ate of 10 per eeat from date: and whsrea. the stud David Scott baa Isa ed to pas- all of i ii 'i i odebtod teaa, there remaimnz dae an t unpaid on th last cote the 3am cf iltZ.'Jo and alt tbe interest. And where aa the aaud btvlaasea Ca tbe last no-. $123 U5 and a.! tbe inter eat, ia now dae aad paib. the aaid kast AiU A Co hat elected to foreclose said mc-rtage, and has taken pMcesic-n of aaid I mjr!tvd property acd new hoida tbe and whe.-eaa said mcrtaiae provides that it may be foeeel jed by tel. ing tbe property aforesaid at pablic auction opoa , giving two weaka notice of the same ia newspaper 'i general areata a n ia aaid. xacty. Now therefore take notice that oo ihe 23U day of Jaly, 1604. at YA ttfi v. ' in Fox Valley. Una ccuntv, O egos, at d within aaid ccucty aaid proptrty vail be sold at pobiie asctica to lite Diet- si bidder , for cash, tad tale commencing at the boar cf one o clock p m, aad ooatxan ! ig aatal ail tbe prrtpe.ty ta aoid, and that be taad snort : gage will be foreclose.! unlets ta d property ( u sooner redeemed by tbe pay meat ot aaid . icdt btedneaa. : a-e-i this iS:b day c: Jalv, IsM. fKosat.. j. i By T tt HaSbard, its ageat asm attornej- ' is I.e. Notice for Publication Laxo Oef:ce. Okbgox Citv. Oat. Jtuy 3rd, Notice is herebv siven that in com- ' plianoe with the provisions of the act of j t-ongress 01 June 3, is. 8, entitled "An ' act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended ! to all the Public Land States by act of . August 4. 1892, Alien Smith, of" Niagara. J county of Marion, State of Oregon, has ' this (Lav filed in this nlfir. his sworn statement No 2910. tor the purchase of the W t of S W of sec 10 and W of x V of Section No 15 in Township'No f 10 S. Range No 4 E. and will offer proof ; to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish j his claim to said land before the Register j and Receiver of this office at Oregon Citv. 1 Ore. on a"v.eadav, the 2Sth dav oi August. jjto, He -Triiies as witnesses: J S 1 xjvers. B T George. W J Smith and C J Hlnkel, all of Niagara. Marion Co. Ore- gon. Any and all pet sorts claiming ad- ; wrsely the above-described lands ar re- quested to file their claims in this office ' on or before said 2Sth dav of August. 1SJM. ROBERT A MILLER. Register. SHERIFFS SALE tit Ctnarfy Comrl cf Ae Slate oj Orege fm He csnrsrfr ot Polk. Nat Ho-'man. Hale BacWinato, Plaini iff. Pefendar, r. Jfotice la bstreby g'vf n that by virtue of an execution and orviec of s-,e 4-iIt iissussl out of tbe abore raved court in the above entitle-4 acticii 'o me directed and ded vt red. Commanding me to levy upoi and sett the real propertv beretof V attaehsd in sai l action and deaerlbed ic said execu tion, I b-ti e duly levied upm ail the sight till and interest I tbe above nameu outDuaiii, mate ra-ainsta, in ami to ths aai.i m.1 Ma-o ni-.turt. ! described as tollowa to wit ; the Soot's one haifol block No 60 in h city of ; Albany, co tnty or Lann, sta'e or Orettoa, land will on Saturday ths SSh day of I v. .ut...tU, ill. 1 Ol J I. lit?, ICHt She.SiTof Lion Count j. Ore, Bv 1 S Smith, issputy Notice for Publication u S. Lasd Orrios, Okeoon City, bit. May 7th, 1S4. Timber Land, Act lor publicition. June 3, 1STS, Nctie Notice is herebv civeu that in ruinslianm with. the proviaious of the act ot Couitreas of June S. IS7S, euhtled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states ol California, Oregon. Nevada and Wasinnarton Terriiorjr," as extended to all the Public Laud States by act of Auarust 4, ts. 1'harlen H. lAtlrjmple, of Albany. I'ounty of linn. State of Oregon, has this Oay hit 4 in this office hia swon? statement No. 'Js. for the purchase of the 8 K a of Section No S5 in Towutilup No 10 8, Kantte No 6 East, and will offer proof to snow that the laud sought ia more valuable for its timber or stone than tor Harriet ltural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Kearister and Receiver of this othce at Oregon City, Oregon, ou Friday, the lixh day of Au ttust, ISSt. tie names as witnesses: I, Holmes. K W iu this office on or be lore said I th dav of Au- US", iwt. WIIUT A. tixxa, Register. 11 C Watson Luther Eikins. WATS0N& ELKINS ATTOKNET8 .A.T T. a -CX7- Office First National Bank building. Pusiness entrusted to us will receiTtj prompt and careful attention.