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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1894)
FromTerminalor Intarior Pit.ts th Mill Pi Railroafl la the line to lake To all Points EAST aai SOUTH! Ct I the DINING CAR UOITTK. II rnim Thronfth V V.s Tl K I I -Kit TRAINS FVER DAV lu the Year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO NO CHANGEiOF CARS.) Composed of Disinp Cars Unsurpassed Pullman taming Uoora Sleepers Of Lata. Ganmnnit TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. Kv. tin', cu in :::. At I and ia will n tt a ati i i irtt 'h frea a 1 I tl 'h'i i I f rt n l 1 lee tt Firs', or S.till ' I" tl KO.t. i'd ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A JnViuuiLia) miwttdiKh al lims, affording Direct an d Uninterruptafi. Sirvica. Puiiina'i a'eepcr naarmtkMM . kKUiM! li adTtutae tbsrosagil any agent of tii s roa-1. IHKOUfJIl rH"KET" to ar. l r.-otnai. points u Amorhas Kug'and and Kurope. tan le purchase I t mj ticketotrica of this coirpany. Full irfrinati n coneernlng ratus.tluas of trains, rnu'es an I other letsila tare ishftd on application to any, or i D CHARLTON, sriMii: Utu-'ira.l Passenger Ageut. No !SI First SH, or. Washington, Portland. fies-or. C G 8u.kuir:. 1o;ai agent. ! Cleanse The Vitiated Blood When you see Its impurities Bursting through The Skin J In Pimples, Blotches And Sores. Rely on Sulphur Bit ters and Health will follow. wfr1 .T iMml ttnmm to A. P. Orri-rvr & Co.. Ikst.i.'i, Ma--., for XmssI medical work i'cbil?J lmC Biff" ALT AJH-&9 ncA&v men Matc SO br too close ar plication to basinets Be rn., mental strain, trial! Exee-eaea In m Id le life, cr Tlciona habita contracted In wcutn. SVElAjm. MBIT are .ictimatoKa-Towa Senility or Kxhautatlon, IFanlat Stk- a, la a a.,...-- wlta II irl J, my In Yanaujtnnd Middle ArS; lacS t f rigor nd atrerxtb, with sexual o-w-ana impaired and .'eaawnotl DremaiorelT In apiraacunat old ace. rVHEX H UliAI CCHK we apeak frjm now ledge of rhn Ita in man T toottaand i awatad and cored In tbe pwat fl rt few yeara. OnrmethiMlof tntmdncinff Ft rwT. HARRIS- MI VBLE MEDR'ATLB PaSTILLB treatment Is one which commends itself to nil feasible persons for the ren-v j that we supply it opontbeirjudirmentof Ua value. Nothing in tlx, way et expend! beyond n card and a two cent nute stamp is aaked. Tbt; poatal cird for we In sending us tnelr fuS addre. asu the pom aae ,urup fi.rtbe letter returning -.he statement 1 1 their case for which are supply the ti trlth ques tion blank, to be CUed out, and a scir-addreaud enrelope lor use In returning it when niled. 1 w M . . n we receire toe statement a L,l&aAon blank we prepare el :bt day 9 a . . treatment and forward . runt V3 i wiati.,TinaDwtJuro.Aionaii itb the treatirent we r? nd f oil directions: for uali-g. Tho treatment can s no pain or Inconvenience, and Ones not prevent attention to business. We leave the matter of sending orders entirety with those nsinz the free trial trtotment. Uar ing aatlaSed those sending for trial pa.'knt-ee of our aNotT to benefit them we feel that they are more l-.rgtly Interested tha:: on tel?ea In 11 usecf ibj Paamiec We make tbe prices os K nt as poa-'ole, anu the 'ameosll. They are BafoUoarSM Sl.fjO for one mouth; HJM for two months; IT .10 for rtree months. We ask all pemms needing treatment tn send their aasasssa aa postal or by letter. All omrco- I rlcaUonst .riflderitij.l and should be addressed to THE HARRIS REMEUr CO.. as?w.Chmsts 99 Binrtrwaw BTHFor. New TT "zx. ZJ5. SAIsOSirS LEGTBIO BELT i.'.'tSTPATFIITSJI -it- TCi'.hii.t t. . 1. .11 a.,tsr.a rri sis.!' o of t, .ta, ti-rr. awBSAaWSSSaai r Is-4! .. im.i ..Mssti-c. irvis,, lowi a imm a.biittT, ii..a . ....... i.f or. ri sssasu-w, kiSt--.. i,,.r ui tSasaVr' rcanil.lia. . bask. IusiImi. sci..u-.. Ssassal 111 tsaKfe, ss r vieetrii, ti!t ctititAiu. . ssl.i-i.l l.iminM.1, iabci - ssd girt, a current ttsl it i - - t, . hj tii. BSftSaWWI farfi-a SS..HSI. sod stl rm. .M of thasber, lasesafarsaasg. TSoii.saSa ire sast earai b. ihu .r . uu. 1 . ..ii law .for .11 ot-i-r i-fi- - '.i.'il ids I i BSSSBSatl uf IssMsaasiatl In thi. sad e.-, .li,rc,1, itiir -..rrfi.l Ififuotl.l, I M.I I Ii El HI-l,a,,HT. lb .iilril bene , -,r i ff, as ..k Mfii HEX WI1H 111 Ski lb rinjtb sud i k. wim sttaagrsai tea stkei i ii sWsstwiiayS t.iid tar illuitiatcil r. . -, :. rrta. Aiir tsyaJviKir- Co., a.- c, '- . PORTLAND, Cil. iimi 00LLE8UTE WWtlJtl ALBANY, OREsJON .1991, 18&i2 A I I torpLt ni inatrucLCi-n, ..ittiSSOAL, SC?r -TIFIC, LITERAJfr COMrVitROIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. ursif a a'.! t -tuiy- unagasj rjea ofatudenUs. t'ini imiMCCincntf c'irtr! lo tluiU from abroad. rr. H ititT rasioiT aiyCLsEsi GBEfiSE 1 I IE WOC n a. a arc raw is, i f r.uv r . i-tiirrTU . ii. I. i JCaveits nd Trade-Marks nbialnad, aa i all Pat-J Sent 1'- s.r,e-a conducted tor wioc.rtaTt Ftrt. S 'oos irncr it ceeoare u. 3. PATtnTOrree; and wo can secure p-Jtcnt lu less Uuie Uiau luoae laaawiiai iiii,iuii. oimn.ii-.-eil to cun lllnoun .tit," O ltloil. .ShioU lllle II. 1 rViTH CLECTnC- I rS?? MACHFIIS ' 4 " I Lr lltfatl tVatata. I trwrf i v tt! rlie : aillSi i Send mdel. diawmi: o- photo., wrta oesenp-a jfon. We ao'-ise, if paten'ab'a or not, iree oC $chare Ou;'leo not rlua lu! r i en: is secured. A Fa jvmlit, "flow to Obi I Patcnta," with I coat of ti uc in tin U. 2 am, .orcis-ceunuics! I seta free. Address, i SCaAaSNOVJmmrCO. LlSeP. PATENT O" CC V '. H1NC.TON 6 C 1 . ... . .w.Wb,.w.vll Those who have a Good Digestion have little sympathy for the dyspeptic . They can eat everything that comes along. While they can eat rich food without fear ofv the dyspeptic 's bad experi ences, tney never-ue-less greatly appreciate a delicate flavor ia their pastry. Cottolene when used as a short- ening, always pro- ! duces the finest flavor- ! ed pastry, which is en tirely free from the many objections which j the use of lard always produces. Test its value by one trial. I Refuse aU robaututea. I SanJ these eanta In .tamps to N. K. ? Tairoank A Ok .Chicago, lor nana- I m Cottolene Cook Book, contain- hlng six hundred iadpea.prprKl by Si eminent au thorn los on cooking. fnffj Is aold by all grocers. Made only by N. K. FA1RBANK & CO., ST. LOUIS and ilCAGO. NEW YORK. BOSTON.; 7iircv SAI T LAKE, m-NUI-H , 1 1 1 II 1 1 II . n-iiiirn 1 " OMAHA. KANSAS CITY ST. L EASTERN CITffiS. D4.fd TO CHICAGO f)2 iHouRsn;TMG0 tHOUPSSKcnAHA PULLMAN AND TOUoT SLEEPERS, FREE PECLIN.KG CHAIR CARS. DINING CARS. S H "ii Clark Oliver W Mb.k, E El'.ei Ar.derson, Recilver. For aasaaassa gerieiallnlo. mailne I or. or address Curran Ac Mo,itelth.A.iaii Oregon, or V, I. HCRLBCR I", aaaa .Gaa 1. Pass Ast, 354 H -sshi.tgton St., Portlavo. Uks.gon AST AND SOUTH f2 THE SHASTA KOU1 OK I ME Scut: am Pacific Co. i 1 rains I c"prtlaii-l liailj ntcs irtT 1. t:14-. a. 10:iS t l.4Si a P inland Albany San Fran-Tis. Ar I l s a L ; Mi a L. I 7;in r a i- . all attain from ta 1 -uaiv.,. sW.'laa I t. ,7.n .r,.u I H. a..M. .. n 1 ..I rf.ii.a. 1 1 1 is; Li's Jt'i i a I L. IMS rait. teCr-i. Ar SSiisnS R. a- t-r r 1 yr Lv I 11.' a L I 7 0C :WA I Lr S OU a a I Ar l:tcr a I Lt MlllAl la lhai a Mban. Lcliatn.1 ar A Ar Lr lo-naa 30a :2Sr 59 r POUMAf BUFFFT SLEEPERS. - AVD Di.iinar Cars on Ogtten Route. SECQND-CLK3S SLEtPHMS CARS Allaebed la all Thrcatga Tralaa rTeal SHr Irislalww. grrarK raafLtJia i loataina Man saisaiu; (KaiwptSuinaj, eon's-.d Cnr.-aiUs r I I -S r h I 1:00 straaaaraaia oun.r (Exc.-p' . :ii r a Triora Lv Ar sajsalsaal MiMionvil a Ar I S:1S i a I.t 1 s.'a) a a Tickfcti j tn alt i.,lnt In ih Ktstern S' ite., Ctnaila . Eumr.- can in ' b aine 1 at owstt rV-ea sTsaaC a ; Frunlt. Airer.t Altnny. . KOKHLEf P. Hlttr.H- Waiisr.r sss'i il F Port'r..i Oreaois i a. DTDE. w. B. DIXDIBOEa. I. II JAME ALBANY FURNITURE CO., XNCOPOXtArFa-D Balliraort: lilork, - - AHmiiv, Ore FURNITUR complete line of IIlEltT4KIK in all iU branches. EMBALMING ialty Kesidencf er 3rd ami Culapooiu Albanylnsararce Agency We have had over sevrn tears rxier ience in the Home oilier andloc.l insur ance budness, and can BWerantrell Mir.ince written bj us lo be pviiperl looked idler. The fi.'iinw lug is a partial p i i rom ni n set Foreign No-th Brills. Ac Merr.niiilt, Norwich linlon, Pbcenii f London, Man Chester, Guaidan, San, Qgjrd nihn , L,t,. dor. .V Lar.caahlre. Ame'ica'i sTrmtltienlel ol New York, eairbi e l .' i Vrijk, The Cm f aea al nl N's y ort aed Maaefirah r of fLng-leari, arHefarro hi-hineu,isi,iii notes lor the 'i' o n. in, wl h arriple Hme I r pat men'. We lespeclfn ly solicit any gaad bssaiaeia. Oirice opposite old t-ost- o(t:i:e. M SENDERf. Jl L'-JJLIIJ. !Hli! cmoaat What Sovereign Says. The manifesto of C.eneral Master Work man Sovereign to the Knights of Labor is aa follows: "Chicago, 111. July 10, 1894. Totho Knights of Labor of America. 1 red ing : A crisis has been reached in the affairs of this nation that endangers iho peace cf the republic Kvery fiber in our civil structure is strained to the break ing point. Tae shadow of factional bil j treil hovers ever cur fun hind with terrible I ! forebodings. Iho arrogant lash of sitpo- rionty is being applied by me corporations ; ! with relentless fury, and thecliasm between : j the n-asse and the classes is growing deep- j j er and wider with each succeeding day. j . , . .... . . t ii peace is restorea ano una i.aiion ami cu i j from acts repulsive to the conscience of . I Cbliatiaa people there must be wise action, : ard that quickly "Sincerely belicninc that the Humes of ! - r . .--. discord are being purposely fanned by ihe ; railway corporations, to the riK of the life of the government, I take the liberty to appeal to you, and through you. to the con- j science of the whole people imploring you ' to lay down the implements of toil for a mt short season, and under the b.iniu r of peace ilots which they t! enielves have caused, and patriotic desire to promote the public . Hut who iue the capitalists and millloo- I welfare, u the power of your aggregated ait is against whom all this vlo'ent abusive numbers through pcacoabls assemblages declaracticn is made? What were their an to create a Lealthy public sentiment in ; tecedents, and how did they become favor of aniicab'e settlement of the issues ' wealthy V In nine caes out ten, perhaps, ' growing out of the recent s'rike of the i they vice the maker. of their own fortunes. Pullman palace car employes; aud you are j And t.ow did they naWe them? Lit as go to further requested not to return to your j usual vocation until a settlement of the pending troubles is made known to you through some authentic source. "In the present strained relations he- tween corporations and their employes is involved a prlncip.e near and dear to all true American citizens the right of labor to present its grievances to owners and representatives of corporations and capi- I . i r - . til. The Pullman I'aUce Car Company 1 refuses to arbitrate the diff -reocea between iiUelf and its employes on the ground that ..... . .... car were tmiit beiow cos' ana, therefore, there is nothimr to arbitrate. Hut the con- . . - ..... I ' l 7 be that if such were the facts. ,t cou'd ..1-.,... .... .1 have nothing to fear at the hands of an 1 arbitrition committee, but the Puilman I Company goes further in its autocratic policy than a refusal to arbitrate. It has refused to join v.ith the business men and i the board of alderman of Chicago In a cotn- mittrt: to discuss the question as to whether i there is anytuintr to arbitrate or not, and 1 behind this autocratic policy stands the Ibe'r wealth was not inherited, but made tieneral Managers' Association of the rail- oy themselves. And waat 1 th: character 1 way corporations, backed by the I'ntted ! ofsuch men? Are they selhsh, hard heait ! Sia'es, as tLe aiders and abettors of this ; ed, unmiitiful op-irewors of laboring men f social crime." ! Scne few cf them mat be su:h; butt' "Suppose the Podinan Cmpany had In-; ..iurg4U.i'"u arouia.e anu oi - smtaiaBll.tMabwa iho laaiiiHim s ... and refused to diacusa the iiuestinn as to whether there was anytning toa-bitrae I or not? lt is needless o say a wave of popular indignation would obliterate every J abor organization fiom die face of the ! coun'ry, and no more cou d be formed for : the n?xt ,"0 years. The st'gtna of such a !.l foli.,- .'rt man ennnaetoil with organized labor to the grave, bu. in the present ctiaif, sLe corporations, whose wealth has ben created bv labor, take the position that they are prior to and above the'r creator. Like toe brigands of old- they rob the laboring masses and emt los ; the swor.1 ard an.l act un a throre on the bones of ihe vanquished and hold I their divine ri ht to rule the remain - Idcr Pullman claims tbi. notwiibstand- j ing tbe wages of the employe were reduced j to starvation point, here is nothing to j arb'trate tecaosoe ca:s rave been built at a kss; yetceglrcts to state that the stock of the company has been watered three times over ar.u iiiai tee company n... i,fn aoie ... ... , . no! on I v to oar iU r- .-' ns water and all. but is stocks have lonir 11 -iloeki have iontr been, and at the present tim-? are at a pre- 1 mium on the stock mark-it , "Pu man cries povciy to 1,1s starving . , , . , .. - a-1! 1 , ' . .. i. . ... .w k'i"" y ( summtr man. Ion on the S- I. awe-tare rivrr, j aud a. res the ou.lnts- u.t oi Chfcsgo that , be hrg r.o'rdi g 'o aibl r-te. Like Ntro, 1 he iaughs in luxu'y, hi!e hit devoted nartvrs b-Jtn. i( the ptcirnt so ike is lost to labor, ti will retard th.- piojress if civiL. izatie- and reduce the r av'bil'.ties ol laboi So ever emancipate itseif from the tbralliom ofg-eel. The dijniiy of labor and all tbe vi;ioiies wor. the past ate at slake in th, oafhet. 1 brseeeh you to your obligatione n IhU sasaareat NUL C-x-.Ti th. in mail a tion ot a crnerous public, stand hrm and united in cur common Cense, and the victory will h; one of peace and pro.prrity foi the the f.i-hful (Signed) J B Soyekiii.n, General kSstter Workman. ' - i'i e carnpign in South Carolina is at trading mote than ordinary a't-i. . t. in (Washington. The S mib Carolina dclrga- tion in Coiitiess and Iiemocrats from the j States adjoining Sou'h Caro ina are antici pating b'oodshed before ihe campaign Is finished, an I will be agQ mWj disappoint- I ed il tne principals In the content, ffenalor Butlei and Goveraor Tilirnsndo not par ic'pa:r. Ilereiof-jre in hit woi.derful po HtJca career Tillmaa nas wonmostol lis succe-s on the treses bv vi upration nd bulldt ing It I- evt tent tnat he wiil have to lo ego BwUdnTirg ahile Butler is ad jacent tohhn. TasPe i. no braver man in the United Sta-es ihnn M C Bu Ier. He Is alwayscooi. level '.ta'td and absolutcjy feaflest. His dclea- -culd not only be a los 'o the ll mocratic party, but to the Sena-e of the Cni'ed S itis. Itocaslly takes rank a . one of the ablest men in Congress, lie is a skple I and trained de bjter. lie taarfgel ni it cry over all the gr-at questions r!ivji!lrj( EsoHtcal iiariles and public men. IPs Influrnre In the Senate is very grttt and t.e enjoys the rriptrt and cO'ifideLce of men ol ah parlies. Senator Holler iione of he lew men from the South who n.vcr ciiugc helore North ern DflbtrC Opinion or conceal their views for a mere policy of rxicnency. As a sen ator he Sas alwa,s beta aggresiive, snd the New li0(; men Use Frye, Hoai and Chandler, wlio make ii a (irattice to r fcr to rrtr iHaa.teeeu'ea, aatHka'ioa aad other matters of that kind for the puipose of .neeri-ig at i lie Sou'h. never at'emptt'at play In their dealings iv.L'i liutler Tbe lihling rapacity of Butler has been lltiglrateJ on the stump during tl e past we k in Sou'h Corn ma Ills fighiing ca pacity in he S.-ni'e waeprOVesj during ths long -irge over the f'trci bid anil the emirs' lor th: seeetl ol ihs pu rcaastfag ddUte f ih: S i rsaa i f).i bo h nf qicKtiori' Mi Itu'lur -i itde a tatCe righi. The st..te popuii.t convenilon of M.nnl sota nominated K M Owe.o, of Minneapolis for governor, by acclama'ion. The p adoim reaJinn- iheOeaahs (ilaif rm. It demands tlie r. (or n of n i im-t lias, upposs the oea'ralbta'mv 'endea lea of the geeereitiwsj favo s inl I illve ami rrfcrerdun , anddt nutionllzat' in of ihe l.iuor trafe. Additional resolutions extending tympa hv to organized labor and characterizing the arrest ol Il.hs as unwise and unjust, weie adopted. ls ItKight. What? Tliis eternal tirode against "cap italists" and "milllcnalres". It is heard on the street, In places of business, and wher ever men meet each other. Populist pipers are full of it, and It Is the Mock in li .ul: o populistic deniogogism. It hti found i's way ever. Into the pulpit, and one preacher at least. Is under a $7.oou band for his tirsdrs. Why all ibis violent, abusive dec lamation against captatiistlr Arc they sinners above aU men on the earth? So we would he led to believe. If we accepted as true all that lssaid by theaa tlradeis. How, tierii gHaji weknow whether the cf: repeat eii assertions of these violent declaimers ,te wcrthy of acceptance or no' ? It will ; iip us gr,swer question, if we ukea : lo0k it the antecedents and character of ! ,hese tiradcrs. Who are they, for the most j ,. ... ( ,t I pari? ihsguintled poll idans, wuo uive i failed to get oflicc, spendthrift workmen, who squander tndr wages In li.-,uor saloons and otherw ise, an I a species of the genus homo, which is knowna, -hum," including i J s Ooxey and ih whole army of tramp. To th?e may be ad led all the laboring mea j who have been deluded by Mogul lu-Wa j and Sovereini. who have th? prrsimp'.ioD : to dictate what Piesident Cleveland and ' his Cabinet should do In suppressing the I Ct.i;ago, where ' he present trouble began ami what we can laara that ssill helo us answer tbla questior.. "Was our lather one of the dowalrodlen millions of tbis rniilionaiu accuied landV" said a well , known Chicago editor to a ycuni friend, who is one ol the rising business xen of the city. "To be surr." was Ihe reply, I and a fanner a; thx. with leu o! ui cad itr-n In laL.n fir. of " 1 i ,r um; edl- -.v. - - tor, soon after this interview, nut oa the streei, one cf the tea: ki.on angeianls cf the city .to whom he put theueatloa, J . .-.. i.-." .v . you ever a 1 00.00, r aner. 'fori wis the latherl it. fun o( ... . , . . ... 1 nru''iir '..I ir. .11.1 civ hi,: jainiee v T ' , , .u . . ol a.S week wen, to be Ifi.. mother in her need.' mar.j other wciotiy .H.aoan were iatciiocatcd in a similar manner, and substantlly the same answers were girea. All hd been poor bov, who by Induatiy. economy, ski Hal an 1 prulet managv-meni had found a place among the much abused capital . true of the And what ig tiue ollnemi. great mijaiity of ri:h m;o. .m the e ; i"- " Th.-tn'y poasih.chance that luieoe V lhave ivrJ a longer or shorter ilm-wL..... . . ... ? . aevea :rferen'. sta:e ..I . ... . . - tnethmg ol the private raeaeuc nous . . rtany wealtiif men. whj-' aaaaM I cjuH meniioo. This, .oever. I will not do. , P- is eu-.ogMo say 1 hat they annual!, give , awiy hucditd, and thousands ol doliarf ol ah;cn the wotld knows nothing. od ' when one oi them d-cs. rnare tears oi sor- row me sheJ at his trve by mis: aaom ; be has i elped than will ever be shed at I e cia.tol F.aetne V Hebs by his dupes. Hut , these private btnelaUlcna are not tie on'y blessings which cipilaPtts cenfer on their fella mea. r... -n.i.l i, ilj v.ll.l.l.i. . , ... . ..r t ... . . , . . .. ... - : nir and sun.-.-f. of chLrchaa.'ouad ix ieces ! eaublish hospitals ar.d asyisms, and half 1 la ihe varous mf.hcsJe emfilayeu far the bet rn-cnt of the hpsara family. . Bat this is not a'l. If these were na c i- i pi'alists' n.eic wouid be no manufaciutiog j er ablishuents no raih aad and steam iiipi. no commerce and tiaflfo by land or ruining companies and ba-s. no public i . . , . , ini pr.u'e rn'o-'ements i it nut "OJ ........ -..-.r. ..i asaaasaaal amsa atsaaCtM ' ists for , heir subdsterce. Tis Is i pin: irt lor ,Uir sub.isterce. lis l 1 pais: j which see-ns to be ,nire'y overlooked by Itliote wt.o make tueir tirade. j;nns 1 .nen. The b.inded eyes ol ti.eir envious wh'cb i-eir is no nin -ri i ... mi. M..-.-1 . . 1 the' adrorae are saic;da. In iletr -ealency aoald in the en! de.troy ihtmse'.vea. and . They do not tceaa to Le aware of the fact 1 tnat the Lanktuptcy cl capitalists would be j the lettruction ol the mean 1 of thtir on ! -xistence. l-et Eugene V l)rb and coecpsni 1 have their wiv. an I mere would sOjo be . ns, capitalis. 10 bovca.'. and no rail'oads to ' tie up in all ti M lair land of oars. Business i ol a. I kinds wcul i not only be'iiled but utterlv desfrovrd Irom one end of the II 1 i 11 i i ul i .11. aw asal.a-rin.i. i ble -tjuisite ot busmeia. .Not even tie j most diminutive c'g.r shop or candy store ! could exist withcu' it; ar.d Debs and com- pany have just as mucn right to bojtxtl the proprietor ol one of ihese as he h.-.s ' to boycott Ceo M Puilman or any capital- ist in tbe United States, hut this Is not all. IvVhilethey are bo;cottin Pullman, they JU. doing a wrong to every capitals! n county Hl.and eveiy other cne in w hich losses are iocurred by the rials which tl.ey ! Inaa tho-e of either ol ita Luat orpontnts. have hrough: about. And these capitalists When Use charge is frtely made, inj wlth are numbered by Ihousandt. All tne cap!-. out dei.i.l in any retncnsible quar er. tha' Ul in Cook ciunty is not in the hands of the Popt list leadeis were patties to ihe pre millionaires. Par from it. , cipati.n . f existing d.fficultlct wi.hatiew The chief owners of it there, as well as i ' mn..enceing public opinion Ij me in all parts of the country, ale farmers snd ,a" " 'C ions, it cannot be fu go-en that professional men, widows and orphans, j ''e r-' fae only aty leadeis in a ion seamatreases and st ho.01 teachers, denositors l,ocn' into such an a.rargcui?nt . leba in tavina-s banks and aU others, wbo. fron their hard-earned savings have laid away something for the time of sickness and old age. In the hands ol such persons is a large proportion cf 1 tie wealth of the country; and upon them, as well as upon tbe merchant princes, manufacturers, pro ducers and trailers, rr.nieit Ihe burden of Uxat on for the payment of losses caused 1 al Ial a g A 1 a I. a 1 by the Lhtbs rioters. But what do he and his unreascniiig and unreasonable duties care at what cost to peaceful and law ubid- J ulUtySader can he expected to s ing citizens they attain their unarchita' : -aiuib? Their will must le olwyed, cost what it may to ill o'bers. It makes no difference to them how many millions of dollars it cods Cook county to make good tbe losses which railroad companies and others sus'ain through them. The work- ing men who spent f9,000,000 in drink- ing saloons in Chicago during the year 1803, of course have no capitul which can be taxed, and they look at the destruction j of properly with indifference. But the losses will have to Is; made goo.1 by Cook county, even if tae payment of them al most bankrupts the coun'y, as In the case of Alleghany county, Pa., e.fter the strike and riols in Pittsburg in 177, when the county hud to pay damages to the amount of f'i.OOO.tlOO. And why this burden of taxation upon law-abiding capitalists, many ot whom are widows and orphans.' I Simply hocause Kugene V Dels is silly ' enough to think that he cau compel Gee M j Pullman to obey bis dictation. If he i. i he man that he thinks he is, hit ought lo know that he has more power over Mr Pullman, than he has over President Cleve land, even if he has ihe inipudonce lo dic tate to him. It seems very strange to me that so many workmen are deluded by the silly dictu'ion ot mogul neb., and I Hat they do not see that obedience to him Is backruptcy to themselves, and not to tirn M Pullman, who can shut up his shops nnd be the gain- ier. They have a perfect right to strike, ' ! but this docs not involve the right t. hit.- der others from taking their places, and to Abraham LiaaAn in hil mmngt to con cause the destruction of millions of dollars I p-rcss. December 1851, said: "Capital worth of nronertv and the could not have existed if lalor had not first business over tlis whole country. And ! strikers as a rttle a'o detrimental to the interests of the strikers. They are not always successful, and even when they are, j the slight advance in wages does not com- . pensute them for the looses sustained while ! they are idle. How long will it Uke the I . . . , ,. , .. , miners to make good the I..000.00U lost J during thsir recent strike? Whi n will the Pullman strikers bj likely to unkj up their losses? Thuy cannot compel the Company to resume business at a loss, and they have no asoraoco that they will be ' um"leu "B pcsitions wnicu mey nave i abandoned.. ; Moreover, every time workmen trilt I without good reasous for it. they loose t he sympa'hy of the people. This is the reason that so many are in sympathy with j the railroad strikers at the present time ! Sympathy is not automatic. It must have an ent i,e external excltinE cause Tl erc I IV v. i tl f i: t . . must be a Icllowfeeling (sy mpathei,) in one heart excited b the peculiar condition of 1 another. The peculiar cord tion m-c-.ssaiy to call I: forth does not exlt. when a workmen, according to hi own admission, baa ac gii.-vince, bat strikes kecause a nailer workman oi-Jen him to do it. ikwii.A.'ifle wjnVl sympathy lor railroad Vt'iacrs at this Tne among sensib;e! law V .. rrr . avmir.g people. They have it for U.o,c bo have real ri ,'vances. ,i u.,; .' r s -h have none at tl!. ttl!. ) natua anfortunate as i, u, . . . . T , and oppressed by a bfer- j If workmen .'downtrodden i heaited aim remau employer, a siriife.a - , i , . mJ . ttaouah tetima( "la Jm Hit. tat rnkti.. ! cl attaining fae oarermcnt of VSfcf find;- I ition. If moral suasicn will nd'. touch the heart of their employer, it is not probable that a strike will, and it is bettor for ibem td ipiietly withdraw from Lis employment, Pkll'ful. industrious, temperate, liw-abi-J- !ng workmen cap a'way. find ISM Hall SSI at if mv . I tat , m. to. tun, .iuu wii. neter i.tii to cure the svmnathv of the Last oanaUw nl ,i,e ummuoity in which they live Tha- - .. , . ,.mM. b - ri-, c the ones who sptnd -he most cf thnr e..r-t- , . s jj.l; , , , t. a na MHwn. are aiwaia reaay . ... . . . . . I0r a 8 "Ke. and are lawless and riotous , , vrB,urt. je ; thB WOrkcien of Chicago bad not snent co nim aaa i - . . w - . -'.---t-' iu 4 1 ivi b 1 ktj 11 l km" irr ' -t tiiere wou d not have been en? tenth of tieno'ieg this far during 1894. Driakiag a.ooas are fie i-til's devicr lor the di ...... arr.t aoa.a anu Dame; ar.u H men would bos cut. Dlibcius ic-'ead ol Geo M Pu'lman, there would be na n.-ed I tX,t " dealer la-re $9 60. and there are few ol Ptetileot Cievelsn:-. tending the Lnlttdi,0,JeluJe4e,la, th-t Pn- Slate. '.roopa ,0 Cnxag aed e'eiw-reto ' .gj acu e.eiw.reto suppress .rot.. The hoycoit cf hi, satanict. Majeay aid ail bis eaii ariesi s'waig and S so. even h-re iuiUiwble isd m:ft. th 1 aeuie U,e m ,1, f V fiersra,0'con..cir.s ,-,ple Urn a. . -asZ a- I.... 'a i VP. r te; ra t: c.-n'-sti-.? tcnsitle nwanlr ll,at . 1 MIS v - - a- V . a.wv. aa- a... Wt. V t 1 : V. 1 J r , r,, , lkmmm . is by roiag to :hcm that CiroM PuI'miB is anenissai ol ihe t'evd . and unih he djes this, he win be rrgai.tedag morally res poo sible lor a I ile'osa cf life aed distraction oi proper ly wl icb bae rrtulted from the riO!nfr0a,ogcvtol h; li'ly, uujatliriab, -flabo'.ica' o der So boy-: nt Geo M Pullaaaa even if the I. iter .-,e two-' oppreaiire ard i unmcrci'u. tpl'M i'tiel aid Su es cf Ateene Tnese are the seallo-enta of on who j .' 11 "J ,71 rjri'M-ni. He bad st-l there far aa. ore i ... i . ... 1 sr- .- I iiwhl. . ..... .. ., . -' inc. lor srra ., . wages. ' otiKV awe lrnO hing a-d raid baar-iir-g A.vri PoiCoii. Iss!ltic- nJ Strikes.. ' Ifttoeis pfli to n she t crt sortef po'ttica tie coun'ry ........ . j ii : . ti . i .. , " - ..j-e, i. . o, ui.i , - i I'ica II e ccunliv vaats no more t-f the Pu. u'ut rarty ft is lohelitte ' J, a m fi".. i that ihe manag'ra ol any palaical Ofgaai zittoc coual havr Veccme puto 10 any scheme ul widespread de--'. a'.'n. Mail at 1 bavirg lD r.eCes lilyiavalrrd n a a'rtkc basing lor t.savoaerd obj;ct the pari!,,!, I of public commerce a a tneara iowa'd Ihe a'ta:: ment ol privit-; ends Whatever may be ! e ,!a9frx.w.ires of the old noSi'ital ritt. I es n-lthrof them cat be chtrgtij wiff rcoit 'O meihotJa disauc'ive ol ihe highest iuleoti of io. iet . a mnni ol prt: agi. - .... ting heir doctrir-. and advancing their ' inttres's Xeiihcro' there could suivite a prcv.d nsrni- tidy for such ccnditions as now t ahl. Ar.d in either ot ' I hem it It te fish ard rorrur.t Irjdcrshin so ,. - s:rong,iy ts-ao.tsitu ss it mate nscur.nn!-j i tal to ut h aa unpa-rlodc cocrae rthr conscitn-e ol its electorate a nos.ibi! t. When this Is said it does not fol oa that lb r voters in the Populrt t'v a-e lessde- soel'o j nthc interest Ihsnit'ur. I- rt . tnjin. . fact, however, that tlat party i. ! me ihcroughly urdtr tie domination of a t 'w m:n tnan any other in ur j olitics, led to.'. its methods are Its o,-n and pub.ic 'm 1 ' ,,ODe in "or" of prosfr-ting ; tmmm aw mi e.e.troy.nK connucncr. n... k - I n"'d to lers and ha. one man aould b, "dlltg to accept the great re-ng".,My K'ow,nK ' a n.nonai en ..t . aUj"v local d.fftience. It i equall, hsid t . ir- sist ih conclusion that Ihe'e It polilirr in ' ,,,e s,'ikc t..l what an art nf eolklrnl i j "Onager can to gain out of a s inanon Utl ii n 1 e it ,i.iUilv lirvin ' I rl-icCsaa ivf rxaavv , - w 1 whlca Teara oeavily upon a, I classes of peo- P'e bd w. r.s advaatagt toncne.oniy a Vase- A EMtpalch from Chicago siys: Judge (irnsscwp sent for Deb; and Ul-trict At lorn;yo!i1ehii.t to lay. -'Mr Debs " said the Jue, "stands c-.iiei in this court ol a grave crime, bail he Us all the lights of a j piivate cHiaea. Ills privste affahs are not to I e irquired into, and if ,ou have in your possession any private pa, ers or let'trs or 1 oth-r dctumeo-s ol that chancttr 't It yo-.:r duty to return them." Milchri-t gllihe ollicers had taken papert which they should not have se'zed. Vina wss due to the ex citement of the moment. He sta'td the letteis had not been opened. Ilebs said he was satisfied willi this statement of the iiis trlct atiomey. "I deslie to 'hank the court,'' he, "lor the kindne-s and consideration aad piotedion given men." ile then ac- rompanicd Milchiist to the latter s ofhee, and the letters which were ie a -d hist night were (;ivcn him. All ihe bioksolthe r. ilway union and recouls filling a laige basket sir: kept lor the use of the grand jury. The indict ment against lleba and o hers contains bat one charge, that ol In'erletlng the mails j arro aMawrad at a ago appears at a ! ssmssssss. : lebs, some months ( populist tnoeting, and being called upon for a speech declared that from thut lime forward he flight be counted on as a pop- ,. . " ulwr' MISFITS. , V1'1- ('"I'ib'l is only the pwluct of labor. Labor is the superior'nt capital and deaervea by far the highest uisiileration." It u reported (hat the real cause of Sheriff Leveus rusigmitien in Douglas county, was because, under too law tomiM.'lling the "'riffs P1 their own and deputies ex- tK-nsea while traveling about the country, it woul(, takp Dewlv ,lU alarv 1rvi,,., , 8J,r,00. A new question of damatres has been dc- cideil by .liutge u,i)nrn or rung couiuy. Wash. David Darville was killel by an ' nr. 1 Ar ...1...... III I II II I ill . Illl nv., il-llll 'II nilw w of ttgp m(;l the ,.tr(,,,t oar comamj. The juilge dismissed the case on the ground qS?.1LrBfati IrfS ft aancSed to recover no damages at his death . ... get bis Manager Kothler was i he lirt io J"1 0Ht ' ,,le wlwk a ,l,,,e lo 'lo il itb hi own men. Mr Koehler did not iw, iiftnr tim limn v. I T ' iron In MSSr. anlfl lers ' Vi ....... ...... .... j .. a,l ,mtling guns, and suctnliM in having his employes give up for the time being the cooperative spirit educated in them for! years. Mr Koehler doesn't put on aa much luster and WOII aa the h r managers in . Kan Francisco but h geU there in trying from Tai oma, since the inauguration of I 'clock tod 'he regular soUiers in at tinifs when they g,'t it in the neck Ke- ( the tttrike, came in today under a guard ' tempting to stop a distorbance of the aink cortl. of deputy marshals. A delegation f j ersfirl into tbe crowd killing two and A business man might a, well toke his :- .!.. s ,,, , ,u door as t.i t:,w ,lHimnl ., rf the nanor .' 11 ...I ii.. r..,,,iir.. !nrr -.U-erti-ini,- htil I the advertiser should give his patrons in-, ducements that wilt I appreciated for eeonomtcal reasons. 1 he outlook fur a; KO01 fall trade jg E0Ol, Wn,le pricm , r . . . .. . . . . . low for ts thev have been raiwrti at a less cost than ever before, tru inc a fair mari Don't be a lam. This i th way the Ashland Tidings views a Linn cr-u.-.ty matter: Among the tutiilly uneal ed fir exinditun of tne lait legislature was uu appropriation of KM to improve the minend spring, at Sodaville. Lir.n rountv. The money ha. Ixwn expend - ed. it is said, with an Uea o! getting 1)7 il'J" .1 help from tlie next legislature. i... u& Lnl, MOaaluaaiLI UaUl next move is likely to I.- to hate tl. tat ' et a immer hotei there, for the free me , ,,, ,, ,. ... ,.nn ,.ln v, l. m m in ,' ta ,. .1 .-j,t o far .-.s freight i comerned. Ihe K , ,. sag., Article, of ail kind are ahort the stores, bhonld tlM tie-up continue UIW.U lunger sur w.u .a: riiwi. . : 1 1 1 1 . a un s mi' tTia it w.ini 11 hi (ii ii.iir. -aa w 1 pounds of coff, his u.ual sales for one J week. When the present uprly is gone. there will be no way in which to replenish and per pie will I compelled to do without, with manv other tommodits A case s case of lemons brought from Walla 'a W alia raa are moving near.y every a j.ere in the eat, and will be on the Pacific. . At :n . f.-. ,1-va in all nrriKattiiitir 1 ti.. " ZZZZ 'r .,. ' 0 Z ... ' rT j f ii now act nr ,mpuy insr taken life from ambush. Hie most ' K ' ij'e rom amnusii u.e ,."k" ' 1 cowaraiv oc an wanare. ire atriaera win I " .. . .. . . . .. ... 1, ,T ' f r H ' . " ' r f I 1 V fill BT t s I i ,aU ,,, ..,,v ,,..i f mini. A good storv, says the Hsllsboro In ' dependent, was told a l:tt'.e while ago. on Colonel T R Cornelius A few year . ago lie :ad a lot ol goats which in sum mer browsed on . me -lax on b:s old 05 Utrt titir "a one ocratmn : h. wanted to bouse then: in a barn. Ac cordinglr be stations 1 himself so as to I some time as 'he ttream i--l goats came arouci.l t.-.e oarn rurr.rr from I back . . . . pas ure wum i..i rvanr. a ueignuor, rode up Kane ha J a good p zi smile onhislaceas he accos-cd T K with, "Colonel.'- you are bousing vour goats I eee.' -Yea; I want to select cot a few. Km I dt.ln't enrer I I,..! an manv " Wait don't voo tidok yoo had better shut that upper hick window ? Maybe there won't 1 appear to be so many then. An in. est i- in the West i eiimatel bv the g. .vern al ro,d strike ' tioa howed that the goats went in at m. nt otfn ial- at h:llvI .OOO.ttJO. It mav 1 1, - i . .. . I .vr - I .... . . ., . J t .' .. -T. " :. . : i , . i aud passed cut the upper w inl v, men . - . . , j . - -T-. - - i i arounu to me iron', rt-aiu. tuia eircie -I K-als had d-ceive-J 1' jlone, Tom as to tbe number he oaned Th. sheriff j Tbeil tad b ojuickly hi 1 ,j. nei aha I an of I'.'n.lltten. ir . is ner of a v-duaole relic. It i-a swortl , onoe ths property of Doa Antonio Uez .ie Santa tnni leader of th Mexican forces in their war wit i th- l mt.M Btatsai in 147 I Shorllv after the ranititlation .if the Cifv of , Mei. in Septemlr. ;l7. ;. neral S.inta Anna -am-n len--l to t.ereral loe ..ane. f. ther of Colonel John Lane and turned OTet lo him two sw.irds which be had teet. us inir. This nartirular swonl has a hijtde ..hirtv-four inches in ieneth. with an elab- , oraMy c based hilt and scabbard. UpOB hilt aie ensravod the words "Mexican lleiMiblica 1 1 -Kx. strik art; quite proper.only -true right : Strike to pur.sse. but not tor a fig; . , , , Shike tor your manLotxl. voar lumo.-an.i fame; , , ,,. Strike r.ght and left till yot win a good name: striso f.r Mir treedom trm all that is rile; . . . .. strike on .-..e.siii.otis who men la-guile; I strike with tne hammer, the sledge and I th axe: , , , . ... .. Strike off bad h..btts with troublesome tax: striae out unaided, uep-mt on no other; Strike without gloves and your foolishneit m. 'her: Strike off the fosters of favihion and pri le; Strike where 'tis l-r. but let w isdom lecide: Strike a gocv! blow while the iron is hot; strike :u..i keep str.kmg, till you hit tne j rj(.llt s(M,t j in 1 1 well conider the result Thousands of cartvm- of g. Chines strike iors and other mechanics have Iven for some time engaged in repairing the imperinl pal- 1 aces l . cKtr.g. 1 lie stame-. conservatories , ,, L. ,.l , . l i and even tne dognouse naa 10 oe gone over. : lK,tohP)1 u,, ml d.H-onite.1 in the latest style i . f I'Li L. L A 1 ih. AC A I. .1 of Chines., high art. In the midst of their task the laborers irrew discontented. Per- . j hap soire la-cult wave from the coal strike in America was watted through tne air across the lMcihc and struck, ineir Utile yellow heads. H struck iu. too, and caused the laborers to strike out. lliey laid down their tools and vowed by all the orthodox gtals, and Shinto deities besides, and the spirits of their defunct ancestors, that they would not do a lick of work till they got higher wages. Mark the n'siilt: The em peror heard of it. He ortlered in detachments of fresh tabor-era. He issued at tin same lime his mighty ratafee thai his soldiers and police should arn'st every son of a pigtail who was caught interfering with tin' ; rogr-'ss of the work. Trembling ly his minion- obeyed. A large number were arrested. The ringleaders will tie strangled at once, and the rest will be banished to the lever and mosquito region for three years. By that time tney will be dead too. The dispatch adds naivi ly. "The strike has collapsed." Tired. Weak, Nervous. Aans Impure) blood, and overwork or too much strain on brain and body. The onlv way to cure Is to f-ed lo feed the nerves on pure blood. Thousands of peop e certtfv iliat Ihe best blood purifier, Ihe best nerve tonic and a'reagtb builder i lbaJtl Sarsapariila. Wont It ha done for oiheish will also do for you Hood's Cures. .-Nervousness, toss ot si ep, loss of an- petite and general dehMlty nil disappear ; when I lo0 t s Is persistently (aket and strong nerves, sweet bleep, i .""Tl4 lmdV. B,'rP apjmHte. and h. a word, , ))ea (l, ,,) happiness fallow the use of ! Hooi's Sarsapariila. I 1 The strong point about Hood's Sarsa " '" " Ii 1 , . oe.-us they itxrt from the toltd foundation o ' purified, vitalized and enriched blood. Trains .Waving. OncMo, July 13. The railwayH orr atcd their principal nasKenger trains at Cbir: ) yegterdav, as they Lave been ; doing lor several dim pant, and moved j trng. employes to work. President some freight. So change waa made in I'ebs action leaves only the original strik the national and NtaU. trKjpn guarding er?' tne employes of the Pullman car shops, the lines, but United States Marshal ' Arnold Ix-gan reducing hut force of dep- ' is generally understood that the con uties. The Toledo Aasociation of Hail-' ence of the federation of labor gave no Wgy Superintendent decided that all ! profnitse of material aid in settling the i places shall be tilled at once, and with i and that with assurances from new men, if the strikers do not immedi- 1 Washington that Government arbitration atefy return, and that tfie roads will re- i aa', n forced was the cane of the unex ume traffic this morning. Thev w ill i I'ecfi action of the strike managers, pay no more attention to trie strike. i eneril Master Workman Sovereign at j 10 o'clock said "papers to call the strike ttig Rewards wen! tl'" P yeiterday.they contatne! , , two provisions. first there should be arbitra SAJitAMEXTO, July 13. The Southern j tion arid second atriKng employes except iu.iiii. Lvu, uut'icii ,i p'MTiu rew am oi $'..000 for evidence or infiiriiialinn lMit. ! ing to the arrest and eotnrktjon of the persons guilty of any . rimes set forth in the train-wncking act passed bv the last eibitnre, committed up,ri any of the lines of the company. The rail r.yad has hK offered a reward of t.3,000 for the arrest and conviction of any iK-rsons Hi 1. 1. .1 ,n, , n m .... I E ...:.l. it.. ......... ... ii, . iin,.- ii,,,,, witii tnir intent of killin ar.v t.r.n thereon " Ci.vmi-ia, Wash , July 13. The lirft treight train over the Vr.rthern PatiAr ! . , -i . . .uiiurtcaii uanwav Lnion men, that has j" here during the past week endeavor- 'K 1 irinuence the crew on the 1'ort iownseml Southern to go out, b:is left t"C city. will . Cm, j , . . . the Federation of wui Umt strike -The conference of Ijsbor adjouancl at i 7 al ti.m ...-..: r. , t . aer riavnig uecidt-o . fa"-t a genefrai strik The TM.sif '.4,1, tA IM8 was endorsed, however, and 1(J.- 0CO ItOted for the defense of his forth. j cominfi trial. The executive council will ! bold a final Ke-ii,n tomorrow. j aa BxaveM BsMasl. : ... , M " i ,i . , . T, .. J ; ""-na. Mont., Juh 1. -The , real ' r'xl' --o"Inv was robta-d rl III! It a a If a. S -Si lit II .. . . . . I . " avaa.( V-rv AAA II' 3 1 aa east of 1 jf this city, this morning. The money be- ! i lonaed to Cart-v k Co. wholesale eroe.-r. j Tlu r"bla r overpowered the driv.-r and the express wagon. - - - a.r 1 im jaiyi... 1 i.e j,ui:iiixii 1 raijea r :i . . j action uutil it. ntrular m-titii. tonight SZJS s VUIIIII MI t. Illeak;!,. W lilili fia1 . i.!i-rri.l ty t,, Bj., ,le American Rail av ,Mori SUl ;tctua Iv unanimous in refe... 1 . . - - 1 g such assistance. Aa Arbitraita olficiallv WaaajJURa. Julv 12. It j stated at the White Hoi aaas that the nre. i,l,.nt has t.rr.mial m .n.;n, 1 tration i-,,inn,ian'nn u . . .u j:.- turlmnces in Cliicago have sutisided so!th,"ir P'P 0,1 in 32 recoods. Albany run j far as the strikers are retw-n-nble 'tor 1 and did not get their wproer fmmel aa I them, and ptc restored. This prom-,?S. Albany and t orvaliis should read ; w . comn.iii T,.r.rin the association rules governing nozzci-. 1 ' the j,. .:.;, ' President Cleveland mrt-ie.,1 t,.la.- . Alter discussing the various features of , SZJL i WouU warn lo Oiit and tise Uieir aw. wait aw vain agu aaaa tiss tneir - inttm-nee toaartls restoring peace and order, he Would snrriZ eJnli.n : . , ,, : r 1 . iniiueiire t. .w anL. nlnnnj ' . - as Ihe Ut-turtanc- i:ad tx-a--H-.i t such an extent as to render a careful the tournament and on the field. Now thorough, thoughtful investigate -1 r-r.- i Kicker Wan I will give you a little hL--. '. . tory that will partly explain to you why our watchword i? anvihing to beat Albany. a -ii right j Lebanon Fngine Co. Ha. 1 was organized West iUklaxii, Cal, Julv 12. The 1 Miirch 5. 184. About one mot, th later we first eonliict in West. Oakland i.j.. the Strikers himI radio.- reornwl ihniii A this evening, and the strikers were worst- etf. .Master Mecltanie Mc Ke-naae starte.1 to clear the track, when :X strikers at- Hit a score of depute , sw tiw.M, iflisl sheriffs keM then. then rushed to the railrui.; , vard, where they encountered Captain Wilson and 30 i 1 -- -. --. tj.ic-. i nt-re was some nerce raftitirm, during which the strikers were knocked right and left lv c!ut in the hand-of , officers. The m..b tinailv dispensed . I t tae . rrwsssra:. W ahin..ton, duly 12. The etet to the . I'nited States imttirur down the stride erai.h bills, tit nut v marshal' rxxv and . - - - . . " . : . tne tr.mM-irtat;i,ii tnin-ia.rtati.Mi ami auintt-nann- of troop. Tl.e olimate for marshals' pav in Chicago, abrfie. is from l V.0(Xto 30O.OW. an 1 congress in a few davs will la- askd toatMtnnriate thi-. as it' is ur- ; - TS. S.ltmiil f B I Ct i : .o:-. J :.y I'd. avr.-.i-tl s I.a'.i. ailh aiellag i aH Ilj of 10.000, was! trow deal this morning at the opening ex- erases of the international Christian F.n-' deavor convention. It is estimated 20.- 000 stra.igers an- in the citv. An ad- ' dreat ..f wefcsattie was deliverell bv t;ov- emur Mt-Kinlev. whose remarks were ' vigorously .ipptandtNt. h the absence of President t larke, on account of ill-i nena, Rant Charles F I'illing. of B-wton. ! pt;dt.l. a SWwardly warmer . lmesto. July 11. Samuel B Clark, j engineer: Invate l.vrne. Private Lub- ' Iw-rding and filiate Clark. Such is a correct list of the men w ho ere UIMO in t he derailment ot the train two iniies ana a nan tielow mis city thL afterno..n The wounded are : iTivate Jiaumler, lujured almnt the j bead and will pnobaUv die: IVivate Wii- 1 fon left leg seriously lacerated IVivate Pugan eft arm cut off; Private Klhs. , inieniau, injure.1. .V10 derailment of the train has result- " 're oii.icm nation 01 tne stnkers. many ot Hanir ariwpwhigera nare deaart - i l thtMii since the dLtarttlv work, and oix-nly dtylare that they will be against I them in the future. Ai Aa late I r-ailcwd I v .'. io. t rainwi strike is practically at an end in Cliicago. j Trains on all roads are moving, paaaaaa- gvr trains are almost without exception on time, and irvight t rathe is rapid) v la- coming regular, ihe Kick lame ot the'jp ahn acct poor ; strike is not only broken, said Agent ; Harrislmrg Lnmber Co . . . i.Iii,i.i im-iivmiai jiiuiafcis .twcia- tion. but the Kirklmne has entirely dis - ' appeared. Callrr'r Disregarded OsTJcaao, Jnhr 11. Th lilt illl'ltat .iTT.sabf , , , . . ast night by t ,nmd sovereign of the ot the appeal issutl last Aiasier orKtmin :overvign. ot the ! Knights of laitwr, calling on all Knights siasii tl... m..S 1 il .Master Workman i throughout the country and those in ! svmitathv with them to onit work, and tiie order issued alout the same time bv j the representatives ot the allied labor associations in t uicago, to do likewise. innot In- crt aim - foreseen. All that is now deliiiitely known is that the Knights of labor at all p. .in;.- heard frxtui. including nearly all the large centers of potiulatioii in the United States, remain ed at work today with practical unani mity. 1 cl 1 llat Kaa YotuX, Julv 11. The lalvr situa- tion ia Unchanged here tonight. Kverv- thing is quiet, and the anneal of SoveY- eiirn received but little Mii.-,,ti., one meeting ot importance was held This was at a toilwr l.yeeuui, where ar rangementB were txmanletorj to hold a in Union acjuare Saturday night. Mao Thrwaga With t-anla BatUOTA, Mont., July 11. A Northern Pacific train from the Fast, which left St Paul Saturday last, arrived today. .one ol the railroad men here would go to work, and it w ill leave for Mifnoula with the same crew that it came in with. Ihe train from the West will he in to - morrow. wa. .... Tfctee am. l-asseil ASHrwrrOrt, July U. Three of the annual appropriation bills were missetl hvlhe senate fmhiv nm..ii,-,,lli- v. ,tl...i i i discussion, and vit"h little more consiuim- tion of time thiiii that taken bv the clerk i ha reading them. Thev wero " the diplo- mafic and consular, the invalid penman ! .,,..1 the, ,;iii.,, i i.:ni mTl ... ,.., , !' .III. Ill, I'lll?. lilt ' pension bill appropriates a round $1"0,- 000,000. Ur. Price's Cream Bakrag Howdei Forty Yeara the t The Strike off and on Again. Chicago, July 13. President Debs de clared the strike of the American Railway Union off at 9:30 a m today. He immedi ately proceeded to head narten of the general manager's association nre.umablv to endeavor to arrange for a return of the "''J-; '-"hi h'-'j wuo ixime snail uien Wit l,r th mnln.nn A. ,l.iir.n .. I to be seemed and thus a great victory ob- : tained Debs has done just right, as soon as ! I see him 1 shall isiuean order calling off I ; the KnighU of Labor strike. The general! managers refused to holL-a inference; 1 with Debs I Later-Managers refuse to accept strik ttvt, mmmamASab f il... A I .:U- n w. iiiviiueiuiiiih, ijijt, up.imm mile iiyi ! off. Several Killed at Sacramento. Sacuaxksto, lulv 13. 1894. At 1! I wvlniiati. wr.ln.linn fji, i.f llm in.n I ', , ' ' ' ,r tet prevails. Prendcrgrast flanged. -iiica';o, JQiy l., iosr. rrenuergraax. , ; the murderer of Carter Harrison, paid the InaI,y 7. "t? at 11 :40 cloc,t today. He di-d game. THAT4TH OF JULY K ACE. In answer to an item in an A Ibany paper Ihe Telescope, the Chief engineer of the lebinon fire department publish the fol- , - .u . , . . .... low,D8 m " Ai mAmt M' 1ai)V paper, copy," we give lt a D!aiy tu f,ur C(Jlumrl, tt is pretty bot Ouff: ; In answer to the above garbage. I will a' that the Lebanon fire department is not tLSfJlSfTSSfJtJSt i "-" -.. . ... - urunken nremen from Aluanv av mev re- I oeiveii at our tamla. r were not aske-l to ' tumisn rooms tor urunts or rarniinre u 1 .1 1... -.1..1 1- atw... e ; uira uii, uu. H43 -.fc"i ii .111MU.1 uicuuii to furnish dance Uckeu free. In regard to iuS5?that 1 aafad the coatteej , to g bood honest men and not get Cbas watts, i tie inree loom were noaes. nea , and did not Offer to wager money On the vi . ..t.r i :.,. s.i t u .i. ,1 .1: I give Albany time to show them that they- ' had had a levelheaded hos Irreaker and i pipeman (and if Lebanon's hydrantman feli down thev would have won first raomv- 1 he sum of it was, Lebanon run trot Uhann wa the only team that nia accord- ( mg to association rales. A' "any h:e team Know mat liijy nave a j ' TyTu withaai trving to steal a prize with the he.p , - ir e oae Watu.wbo has figured well in several : bose team and l.ajehaJl meals. The Leb- I a a .S 1 a". B .1 amai uau toe urauuiu. atig a. t w re invited to aiter.d tne innuai f remans , PlCniC in Al V . - ? . , - loe '?,01 w"n a azra . aow am ne uo ii r , 01 d,d toad our engir-e and hc cart tnem m a .tvery oarn r Answer. WetL in tee aftercoon we hau hose races ! t P!. "!H j a,,-,' on'. , - . , - , i .... ij m U UI"iUl. x- lsjer NUU r l-inilU I :-Tr-- ja" .' '.1 " ' i ,u a "maj wjaaaasmBmaaxyww D ' aar .aaij-i sata xnai ' A!&anT oeat us 1-20 of a second, A grievance is claimed to be written by jl,, order of Alhnr Fire derjartmerit Sow 1 Albany F D do you remember Juiy o. "96? i isc yon remember tbe excuse you had to offer because we beat yoa 3lt seconds? Now in regard to returning eocd for evil, don't do it. or yoa will be left to hold the sack. as voo left us one vear after too beat .... . . . a . . , - , ' . f"1 " '." : UCT.T' ot.e .n-r our ooe cart io D.!1,", the toorraament races m Admy. " If? that you were afraid that 12 eouU not beat alem 1 20 of a second I t.e gaspipe frame cjkI the tongue was cut . almost off with a pipe cutter so that in the . race i: would break. Weil, it broke, and ... ... 1 guests Albarv t l lartte with it. as we dei n- get paid for the cart, Sow if you think that your ham is a world-beater, what is the matter with run- ninSf the race over? can raise a purse any day. A'bany F I, if yoo want eny more ' - tory of your hose teams, send a stamp aad I will answer. Albany papers please opy. Not by order of Lebanon F I . Allen B. Nn .. aasor. t. mcf L. F. D. COINTYCOIRT. (J N. Imncaa. county jisage; J V. waters I and J. W. Ptarb, C mints mees. 1 At the adjourned meeting held yesterday - fiflnaiaa busines. was transacted Petition .of Mark Curtis et al for bridge across Moddv creek, cnntiimed. j PeuUon of M ShKkiefortl aad J N Rice for vj CnbAraooia. diamisaed. x0 WXf ia matts of tile ap,wintment of t M RedSeld as deputv J i ,.,ntr ,-Wk ami 1 1 Pni u .hsntr .Mnntv ! sheriff. llie matter of an ariroointuient of ' j a .utv recorder was dissmisaed. ' hoe 1 airi"Vt taftT,fe1 MaUeT application of C I tones tor 'aul , tojniing clear Cr?ek in to Santiam. .Winned Allowed: ! agtIWltoggS. C15.00 , 4.00 3.00 14.00 sua 7500 i 2.00 ! 8-0 15.00 ! 10.03 ; 9.10 o I.. ,ii. " - Igleisch A:' Kverett, acvt roads. Kxamination f J Harrison ! f" tJ Havne noads ! ! i s m Winkle aect OH.. .Hku1V Canal V CXO 1 n Xeedham. postage : P It Kellev. dist attvs fees ETT Fisher, fees 8.00 4800 itS.OO 38.18 1.00 50.00 137.80 808.98 il.J" K.0S . con- Keiviirinir Maddv bridge j Ben C Irwin A Co.books printing j c Uo0lk vj. W w CirothtaV, refumW John Jenkins, acct roads J B Tillotson. bridge Blue Creek C C Jackson, fees .1 W Pugh, mileage.etc J W Waters . as com Bill of W W Miller. 5 for bounty tinned. Adjourned until regu'ar ter.u. Th-re was a reminder ol the "palmy davs'' adout the I'nio.i Pacific wharf yestardav when the Cslitornia steamer arrived, hun diet's of people, most'.v ont of eurioaltv. helm? comr reeated on the dock ' The nas'semrer list wa the lareest that has bee.i known In years, and besides the ; usual heavy catgls of trel.jht, she carried i icoo sacks'of mail, nrlncloallv destined to Eastern cities. Astoiian. A ( lean Heat W ho ikes nearly all the washing in Al- . bany? Why, the Albany Steam Laundry. Why, becaaae they do first-claj work at i low prices. v ho patronises tho hinamen t Im'y a ! very fe-v. lXm't mention it j Have you seen the new wagon. It's J modern ilnd holds a stack of clothes. Their j : big business demands it. Richards Jr. Phillitu un de it. They know how, as well 1 tis low to do superior washing. . Tho St0aui Uind0-wivshes for ricii and j poor tuid does trootl work tor nil alike, i Try it, try it. WgllOINO NVITAVlOSla. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Uoldens Common every day. atssff'SMILBV. M nre til a f r trimming, iu the staple and new ahatlst, just received at S E Youog's. ITCHING SKIN DISEASES Are Instantly Relieved And Speedily Cured , By Cuticura Remedies A warm bath wif.i CUTICURA : cr a r, j . -t - rt,-.; ,ti ! SOAP, and2SingIe appl3tl011 OI j CUTICURA, the great skirt cure, i will afford instant relief, permit rest a!iJ seep atl(l co'tl to a Speedy ,.nrimi 2S rvrmwr rurf of economical, ana permanen. cure 01 Hit. Ili'Jit. Untiv.M.S, VI ilVHl.l,, JAM IS in?, bleedir.e, scaly, ard crusted skin TrjA . !p diseases, after physicians, hospitals, and ail other methods fail. Cutkupa WORKS Wonlers, and its c . es of torturing;, disfiguring, hum 'hting humors are the most wonderful ever recorded in this or any age. Cimcca BeaatMES art xil -.-rotMrJuutdat-asrH. Price, Citsccea, sc: So.', jsc: RoLraT, IJt. Pmu Dare ro Cmck- Oiar.. Sola Prw-. Bcmr.t- "Afl about tae blood, Sc, rjcaljj, aaa Haar." frts. niaaPLES, taackaeati, rtii izi !y skia or rlBl teased and ctued t, Csnccxa. Soar. 7k MU8CULAR 8TRJUN8, PAIN8 aad weafcaecft, back acae. weak tadejx. JIM lllll M 111 23kd dMfat oe ml note by Cm Pmtn FlMfter. w EalfiEHfOBD A t'BAR- ABorwera a; Laa. Will practice ia all c-crta al the aula. Sseoal auotiim ci.ea So aillirs fas orokrae andlot., lectioas. OFFICE lathe f.inn Wiek W H!l J.V CI w u,rvr at Law -jtd it Cham. 17. CaU wMiaiiiiw. u al a naaw - - fiflO. M. WBI6BT, v attoraey at Ua. ant S aar. Patnac Wii! peexieaSa ail -r n i of Oi-jai Sr-i. att I jo -itata -Cv matter, ia rreba. oaBc-:-Sett 4,, t, p.aa- AJhat... oca . aC .era! XAticr, I ' ' ..e rr.'iip il ft.1 rV Tempt, ttbaaj, O ' WHITVIA Attorney at Law, A'.ban . a0T.4'VK aPt H A HUKteaR. Attjrneys at Law. Albany, Cregon. i.. !. i.. HajaWaii to- -ir-? - , v Far-7 atrarta, AJbwar, orecna.! Or H E Beers. Dr U K ' - PhaBininnn Fill PrffinS r wwaaw Sjrcit' a-ev.ion tprin "t d'seaset o women. Iloo-s 10 to i: A M, J m 4 aad 7 to S P M 0fires and reJdea:e Bit: ru be rg Cuiiding, First Stree'. bet were Lyon and Elsacrth. D Rti. tlxsirov A DVIa. satrtattta. OFFICE -Carx stain. rla'txa AhVaat.Cr. CaJ.s st, aci try. si KKV. M.D. Fayskasa swi Sa-f- it. Bswk of Or.guw. OS .- - Upstairs aeae tars : j 1 j f I i . BBS I ill H E t'a.Bx'aKR or SLflAST. OKSOOt.. TRANSACT a receciJ Baatioz wstaam PKAW SIGHT D AFTS aWeSaW Vvrt. San Fr L'TAS VOXET co tatei-.t-dweurttr. BXCC TE decuwts sub; ... check. COLiEtmOXS made a U alCe te ISTtSEJT oajj ask liecaaa B ajK OF ii IO aero, onrasiw. . j aexe .A J JOB r Gladstone has A clear Head VV'HY? Because he fallows these rules: -Kexp -.h .- head cool, the tert trarm. and thi boarrls open." You can have a clear head and live to be ninety if you do the same thins;. When the bowels fail to more dur ing the day take on retiring two Smith's Smvli Bite Beans. Tb-ir cction is so mild that you are sot aware of it. All day your mind wiH be clear ax... --00L "Not a gripe u: a barrel of them." Ask for smalt site. Tsdao uc suhstirute lor SMITH'S Bile Beans ! C C rs V astkd on Salary and Comtni tsion rTHE ONLY AUTHORIZED ,3fapufofJMSG.BUm By Gail Hamilton", his literary executor. with the co-operation of I ia family, and for Mr. Hlamea Complete Works, ' Twfnt Years or Coxgrbss," aad his later book, "Political Disccsssioss." One prospectus for these S BKsrr SKLLlSi; bsooka in the nir- ket. A K P Jordan of Me.. took 112 orders from first 110 calls; agent's profit 1J0. Mrs Ballard of O. look 15 orders, 13 eal Kuasia, in 1 day; profit $26.25. K N Rice of Mats, took 27 orders in 2 data: profit $47.25. J PaUidge of Me. took 43 order from 36 ealtt; profit $75.25. K A Palmer 'N. Dak. toot 53 orders in 3 day a; p.'oti IS.25. KXfLCS'.Vg TaERTTOBY given. I .jwish to make LARGE MOVtVar-.t . ntd iately for terms to i tHvtr Bill Pub. Co. ,Xorviifh.Conii riwUi'iafi mL-aamBamE i atmai COPYRIGHTS. OA1J I OBTAIN A PATKHTT For a 'iic5Su. ,vatesta and bow to obt ""fifXA'ao a catalogue ot mecoaA. sotJi tad tatSBfi books sent traa. Patent, taken through Moan A Co. iSasarra fgua tVVt" meriewTan f? brcaaght wktoty before the public wita oot east to th Inrsntor. This sDleratid euewanti, uraatratso. Baa by tar tbsv sstttassm wora ta tan th- sra luvuauuu oi an Uful plates, in colors, and PlKjtcarranha of saw nouses, witn plans, oust Una oulMare to snow AOCLTCtM BmoimDVAr