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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1894)
ft Weekly Democrat. $i 75 per year n ad vane j. $2.00 at end cf year. Is It A Joke. The Albany Democrat treats lightly the suggestion in these columns in regard to the building of a good road across the Santiam bottom at the Davis firry so as to enable the resi dents of Scio and vicinity to come to Salem and do their trading. The Pern oci at intimates there is no danger of Salem doing anything in the line sug gested. In this It intimates that Salem business men are prone to stand supine ly by and see an opportunity for valua ble trade slip through their fingers when by a little exertion and small expendi ture they might secure it. The States man warns the Democrat not to be too sure on this head. Salem men are a little slow to move, but they keep a weather eye cren and when they see a first class call for it they get there all at once. They are thinking up the matter of a road to Scio now and prstty soon you will see a move made for a perma nent highway across the bottom and a consequent permanent stream of trade established between that region and the capital. The Democrat will see there is no fun in It. Statesman . Even if Salem were to build the road the trade of Scio would not go to Salem. Most of it re mains at home ; but some comes to Al bany, where it will continue to come. Th:s kiod of talk is always very cheap. A Moi'htain Tail' D J Fry, Er Phil brook and Lee Steiner returned yester day from a fishing and hunting trip ia the Cascade mountains not far from Mt Jefferson. They report Capt Hunt, VV J Culver and the others as having such a fine time that they eed not be expected home for another week. In fact the last seen of Hunt he was hot on the trail of a bear when "the boys" left Friday evening, and be Is doubtless going yet unless he captured that bear. Those who came home were loaded with nice trout and big fish news. The party captured in one day's angling something like six hundred fish, genuine arithme tical figuring and not fisherman's meas ure. They are loud in their praise of a new fishing ground discovered, a lake covering about 160 acres, situated about the head of Breitenbush creek and just alive with the finny tribe. The lake bears a French name, l.e Freihennt and is only known to a very few. Dr Phil brook made the best record in the num bers of his catch and an effort on the part of Fry and Steiner to question his veracity on that point proved a dis astrous failure. The doctor made aolaim of catching 1H4 but it seems they had kept tab on his string and found onlv 109. Statesman. A Bicycle Ccxtkst. An effort is being made to have a series of bicycle races in this city some time this month for suita ble prizes and medals. If the efforts of rthe (promoters are successful, considers Ible sport will be had. It wi'l include riders from Benton, Linn, Marion and Polk counties. A race between Bruce Burnett and the Albany rider of fifteen is what our people would like to see more than anything else. Informer. Albany will probably be on hand. Gowo too Fae. Governor Pennoyer pardoned C W Burleigh sentenced from Lincoln county tor rape on a It) year old girl, and gave as the reason that the prosecuting attorney did not think the prisoner guilty. Mr Condon, the prose cuting attorney quickly jumps into print and declares that Burleigh was plainly guilty and to turn such a fiend loose on the public is itself a crime. A hard hit the Governor with all of his rhinoceros hide ought to feel. This wholesale pardoning 01 guilty men is an outrage on the public. Died. At bis residence near Row land. July 12th, 1894, Lewis Long, aged 80 years, 4 months and 28 days. Lewis Long was born in Oreenbriar connty, Virginia, March 15th, 1814. Moved with his parents to Indiana about 1820. thence to Mercer cocn'y, Illinois in 1830. Vol unteered in B a-khawk war in 1 32. Was married to Saiah Ann Hesser in 1837, moved to WappIon county, Iowa, in 1850; thence aciois the plains to Oregon in 1834, and settled on the farm where he died respected by all who knew him. He leaves a wife and four sons and one daughter, in Linn county, and one son and daughter in Eastern Oregon. An other of Linn counties old pioneers gone. A R uk aw at. Joa Meyers most frisky team ran away this afternoon for the first time this week, scattering things promis cuously along First street. Hub Rrvant's vellow horse was frightened and ran near ly sixty feet before being stopped. The public was considerably excited regard'ess of the heat. That Tired Feeling So common at this season, is a serious condition, liable to lead to disastrous results. It is a sure sign of declining health tone, and that the blood Is Im poverished and Impure. The best and most successful remedy is found in HOOD'S Sarsaparilla Which makes rich, healthy blood, and thus gives strength to the nerves? elas ticity to the muscles, vigor to the brain and health to the whole body. In truth, Hood's Sarsaparilla Makes the Weak Strong Be sure to get Hood's end only Hood's Hood's Pills ars purely vegetable, per tscUy harmless, always reliable aud beneficial. H C Wataon Luther Klkins WATSON & ELKSNS ATTOBNEYS A.T LAW. Office First National Bank building. Business entrusted to us will receive prompt and careful attention. saLACKBURN & SOWERS ATTOENETS AT X. A."W, All legal matters will revive prompt at tention. Office, Tirst National Bank building, up stairs. DRUGS Stationery, Toilet Articles, Kutits Instrument, Etc. Bodps & McFarland The Cornei Drng Store,". A.tsny.fji ftedCrownMilic JOHN ISOM, PR JPRIETPS. w rao is rLoca soramoa roa ani' aw o saaias ess HKHT nTOBAGP FACILiriK ttOB BARGAINS In real aatate address or e til on James W Card well A Co., Jefferson. AN ANARCHIST CLUB IX AT BANY. Not only Portland has an anarchist club, with 100 members, but Albany is the home of a regular anarchist club, called"The Herr Most Anarchistic Club.'' The Portland Telegram received a letter from the club, with a subscription for that papr, not believing it true, it in vestigated the matter, and found it to be so. One letter in reference to the matter : "In answer tD your letter of recent date, I take pleasure In saying that you inno cently and accident ly applied to the foun tatn bead for the desired information. The 'Herr Most Anarchistic Club' sprang into existence here more than a year ago, and from a small nucleus of nine mem bers it has grown to formidable propor tions, beyond our most enthusiastic ex pectations. "Answering your second interrogatory, which you almost replied to yourself, I will say, your conclusion is nearly cor rect; there is but one American in our club, "Our purposes and aims are not of an unlawful or revolutionary character; they tend to the betterment and amelior ation of the conditions of the masses; that is all." While this sounds innocently it is to be regretted that Albany has a club that meets secretly for the propogation of an archistic views, that is lawlessness and the absence of government, to use the dictionary terms. Anarchist is not the right word for a society organized for the betterment and amelioration of the con dition of the masses. A I aree amount of delayed Eastern mall has been arriving. Several binders will be started in Linn county wheat fields this week. Stanford defeated the Multnomah athlet ic base ball club Saturday. Mr George Rtdinger has received the contract for buildirb a bridge in Douglas county at $3300. A scene at the recent races in I'ortland is said to have been the drawing of a revol ver by ex mayor Van B Delsshmut on Sam Casto. In order to bring an action in the Circuit Court it will take about $17 In cash to be ald in advance. This ought to help the P business. The Corvallls Informer and Lincoln County Leader ar; calling each othrr alt the names in the dictionary. Tne in former gives a picture of the awelled head of the Leader mm that is terrific The Guardian Insurance (company is withdrawing from business in the United States, and r.o more policies are being written. W H Raymond formerly of A lb- any has been special a&entol this company ; pedal agent of this company tor Oregon. ; Mr Thomas Brina says he enjoys a , joke its much as any one wh not carried 1 too far. But the person ho took hie I key cut of his Bhop door one day last week should return it and receive hla thsnks. Sheriff Osborn, of Corvallis took Jas Dolan of that city to the asylum to day . Dolan on the 4th of Julv ran with the j Corvallis bote team at Lebanon. He is 1 said 10 have gotten on a bii spree and he ' tried to commit suicide sev ral times H B Hewitt, cf Porttan.l, won all the races but or.e in the toumnient at Ta corns Hewitt is the man who won Uj races at Salem, defeating Charles Seara of this city by only a small distance. Corvallis claims to have an unknown who can beat any of them. At Boston 011 Salurcay J P Bliss of Chicago, rode a bicycle a mile, flying start in the remarkable time of im. The trotter has now betn passed Let the runner '00k out With a standing start Bliss made a mite in an even tw- minutes, smashing all records. The board of directors of the Capital Nationil hnk of K.ln t It. rerenl ! semi-anua'. meetinir. declared a dWioena j of five per cent out of the earnings of the j past year. Tne cashier s report shows 1 that since the organization of this bank j its net earnings for its shareholders aggre- j 79,uoo, over one nunorea percent upon iU capital. J R Wyatt went to McMinnville thi noon. , , , , .... Prof Clifford, of Jordan, was in the' city today. Mrs Joseph Klein and children are vis-1 it ing in Coburg. j MissHettie MCler went to Eugene J hi. nnnn n a vUit with Rv .nj f r. T j Wilson. i License was issued Saturday for tne I marriage of John W Scaaland and Mary 1 K Loot borrow. Mrs Harry Upbam and daughter came up today from Portland to visit the family of Ed Cpnam. A P Burbank. the reader, who was in Albany with Bill Nye, died recently, from consumption. Mr John E Love of this city has ac cepted the principaiship of the Cottage Grove school for the ensuing year. Mrs J K Weatherf ord, Grand Patron ess ot the Star Lodge of Masons of Ore gon, and son re tamed from Portland this noon. A J Shelton came in from Jordan valley yesterday with a band of twenty-six bead of fat cattle for the Salem butcher block. statesman. Prof Reid, of Eugene, is an applicant for the office of surveyor iteneral of Ore gon. The present incumbent. s term ex pires on the 17tb inst. Mr Ed Barnes, the W fj asent, is n temporary widower while Mrs Barnes visits her parents in Porneroy, Wash, for which place she left this noon. Judge and Annie and Ruth Flinn, 1 Judge and Mrs and Olga Hewitt, Mr and j Mrs Fred B'umberg and Mr and Mrs! Bates and children went to the Bay to day. Fred Shultz, Gail Hill, John ConcMin, John Schlosser and Al and Jrt S'ern burg, left this noon for the Mansfield bot springs, fifteen miles beyond Idanba, to be gone about three weeks. Miss Nettie Chace, one of Eugene's best young ladies, was in Albany this noon on her way home from a trip to the midwinter fsir, returning by way of Yaquina Bay where she has sojourned for a few days. Miss Rose Scheeland, of Portland, is in the city visiting Mrs Theo Barr and other Salem friends. Mips Kcheeland was in the millinery business here twe or three years. Statesman. oi :p i l ri . f bs. passed throngb Albany Saturday tnr Salam with an iniin man AIay Mi- j Cloy, whom they took to the insane asylum. They brought him across the mountains by the Lebanon road; the other route being too uncertain. A farewell reception party was tendered Prof W J Crawford and family last even ing at the residence of Mr Jas A Croncb previous to their departure for their farm ' . . . i . . : . iu I oik county. A iiuio o bad. They take with them the best wishes of many friends. Lee Gee Dong, a Chinaman of Balem, but formerly ot Albany, who was always noticeable on account of an enormous tumor on the back of his neck, will now present a more inviting appearance. Dr Robertson of Salem has removed the tumor and Dong is doing well. Chas L Watt is home from a ten days' outing at the Waterloo mineral springs in Linn county. He reports the hotel accomn oda'ions excellent under the managemement of J H Oroe. Among the Salemites at that resort are Geo v Hunt and daughter Mrs Dr i-iteeves. aud Mrs Steevee mother of the Court street bakers. Statesman. J H and Miss Myra Albert. H L Black and Paul Wallace leave Monday morn ing for Mt Hood, which they will climb in company with tbe"Mazamas." They will assist in the illumination on the night of the 19th and expect to be at home in Salem by the 3Glh. Miss Al bert will take her camera along and "shoot" the old peak at several points. Statesman. The election of C E Wolverton and H H Hewitt to the bench has attracted the leual eve towards Albany, resulting in four new attorneys for the city. Besides Mr Nash and Mr Homers already located here, Judge W M Cooper has moved here from California and Mr Norton from KiivKiie lasslsss Conner was at one time Judge of Tillamook county. Late silver sword V Stsrks. corsage pins at Will Or. Prlee' Cream Bsking Powder World's Pair Mlghsst Award. As Oregon Romance. Jas Hards, who wus convicted at the May term of circuit court'in 1893 for the killing of Ezra Arnold, on Big Butto, in this county, and sentenced to Hie penitentiary for 15 years and lately portioned out, returned to Jacksonville, says the Times. He served little over a year. Hards married Arnold's daughter or tep-daughter, and, it appears, at the special instance of Arnold. After Hards had been married for some time Arnold took his wife away from him and would not let Hards come to the house to see her. This state of affairs existed for some time and Hards went to the house one day to get his wife, or remonstrate with Arnold for keeping her awav from hun. when trouble ensued between tiiem and Hards shot and killed him. Hards left the country and was not heard from until last spring, when he came back to Jackson county, and the indictment net having been dismissed from the docket be was arrested, tried and con victed as stated . His wife, for whom lie killed Arnold, married in his absence, and has been left a widow by the death of her husband. She is still hwe, and it is ru mored the couple will be married again lif ter an enforced and eventful separation of SO years. Thk Anarchist The item in the Telegram, republished by the Demo crat, that there is a "Herr Most Anar chist Club" in Albany, is undoubtedly correct though disputed . It does not have 100 members, that is the member ship of the Portland club, but has several, having started with nine. The headouarrpra nf the e n h ia we known , to some of our citizens. It is not a j blood thirsty affair, and the members ! will probably always 1 peaceable ; but they talk anarchy and believe in it. A Defunct Bank. A recent decis ion the case of the Job Bank of Corvallis is against the county except as to money on hand when the bank closed. There is now only $7,000 on band, without prospect of a dividend : The depositors are getting soup. But the court is dis playing economy. The salary of the assignee's clerk, Mr Kothauer, which the court originally fixed at $100 per month was subsequently reduced to $75 per month, and is now only 360. The DtsrAxcE. Albert Weaver and Ca!eb Davis went from this city to New port yesterday on their wheels'. Cyclo meters were attached to ti.eir midlines and the distance via the wagon road was measured accurately, perhaps for the first time. They left he re at 11 nr.. and made Toledo in eight and a half hours, distance 55 miles. Newport was reached in lrn hours and the distance found to be 64 ( miles. They had to foot it up Pioneer hill and two hours were consumed in i cumoing it. rnev returned on the O 1 excursion train. for vailis Times. Save 4 Ckxts. Thirteen freight teams e turned from Corvallis yes'erJay. hauling 25 sacks of sugar and 3 sacks of" coffee. It s claimed that the teamsters haul for 20 cents per cwt while the railroad rate is cumomg it. inev returned on the U 1 excursion iram.t. limes. ! Save 4 Ckxts. Thirteen freight teams eturned from Corvallis ves'erdav. hauling ! -, i, t ., 1 v. K 1 s claimed that the teamsters haul for 20 nts rwt :lmni1 - twenty-four cents. Three or four teams I brought miscellaneous freight from Harris ; burg yesterday and more will go down to- ' day to bring up the balance of the steamer ' Eugenes last lonJ. Altogether this last week's river freight amounted to over 50 i j ions. uuaru Ovkrlasd. Ths first through over land for several weeks passed through Albany last night for San Francisco. The tlrst one tli;s way will arrive to morrow morning' It is expected that they will run regularly hereafter. Bein. SiiTxssrrL. Dr Adams who makes the painless filling and extract ing of teeth a specialty, is meeting with great success. ar be is drawing patients from all the adjoining towns. lie has more work than he can do. and is now l.Ttit.S "al laKes get help. The painless work i Tan Vioilant Wox. After ting de feated six times by the Britannia the Vig- ilant won in the race off Wight, with great ease with six minutes to spare. In an open sea the Rrittanniais no match for the Vigi- unt. ire eonte-ts have been in narrow lant. waters with manv turns, unfamiliar to the American yacht. The Knglish shouts will cease if the Vigilant is given a chance out cense if the igiiant is given a chance out j to tne aucs psssns. n,, x . i , ,1 Dkclabed LxsAXE.-Janes I orier. of Halsey. was brought to Albany today and upon examination was declared insane. to tne iuca" pomb-. .-nenn Met eron took him to 'fcaJetn oa the P. . " , , , .? . is crazy 07 speiis. anu l " PTOOSlOie COe UWUmflll Ot ICe asyillDI w'" bring him out of his present menta1 uwiuir. New Mixing Olaim?. The Golden West has been located by Dr F. O Smith, in the Santiam district: the Elk by F M Batchelor. same district, and Golden Ka-t. by Dr E O Smith in the Santiam district. Boats. Un Monday. July 16, 1894. in Albany to the wife of Frd Veal a girl Oakwfllc. The people of school district No ? wet last Saturday and decided to build an ad dition to their rchool house. The district has 60 children of school age. Our pyit master has the nicest flower garden in town; be also raises all kinds cf vegetables. He is making a new fence in front of his residence. Mr !eo Wagoner of Corvallis called on us one dav last week: be ia engaged in the fruit industry and is well pleased with future prospects of the prune and pear, the ba is a stockholder in a hundred acre prone orchard . Rev Hood, cf Shedd. preacbe"! here last Sabbath to a crowded house. The delayed eastern mail is slowly coming in. letters and papers dating back a month or more arrived yesterday. The Oakviile bane ball nine are good players. They have been in a few contests and have never been beat. The present nine are descendant ; of a nine that we be longed in '79. but we could lie leat every time. Mr .1 W Senft called on us last Friday. Mr W H Crawford and family are yisit ing acquaintances here: Mr and Mrs Beaty, of Albar.y, were here last week. Mrs Geo H Riddell, of The lialle-. u visiting her mother Mrs Hamilton. Mr Carpenter, of Shedd. came over res- terday on his wheel. He made the trip in j less tnan an hour and made two stops on i uie rasw. n. .ni. Real Estate Sales. Rasper Kropp to Feter Black, lot I, bl 15, H's 4th ad lohn Morgan to Thos Morgan, 160 acres, 13 w .'I W H Klum to A Tripp, til acres. 12 w 2 Malissa McKinney to.'Mary K Wrn- dora, 80.53 acres, 14w3 C05 ISM 500 1500 5 100 1 4000 ;oo I B Hayden to Samuel L Hayifen, 168 acres, 10 w 3 Robert L Hamilton to M E Hamilton. 1 lot, Holly J W Jenkins to Mono Jenkins,. 109 acres 1 1 w 1 ........ J F Kinney Jr to' 1 M Robb, CflD acres, 11 w 3 Adam Sisemoor to J L Couey,. Wi acres, 11 w 2 - A C Harden to J 11 Smith, 2 acres, 12 w 2 Lebanon to Wm Ralston .vacation of certain lots and blocks in addi tion to city I860 L Miller to Sally A Cook, IW acres, 9 E 2, bond for deed W Kenna to Jos H Hawley, Vs in te.est 10.60 acres, Shedd 2500 501 Kansas City. July 15, 1804. Mr George Hawkins is spending tbis week with relatives in Monmouth. J K Douglass teceived a car load of lumber a few days ago and has just com pleted a bridge, a great convenience to tbe public Tilden Qainn who has been in the employ of I K Douglass for several months, is visiting relatives in Niagara. Mr Hugbson, a gardener of Benton county, was visiting friends in Kansas City banday. Mr W A Eastborn has inst completed bis new barn. Mr Douglass has purchased Mr Hawk ins interest in his poultry bomnese, Mr D intends to engage in tbe poultry busi ness quite extensively next year. jr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Mnde. Telling A Whopper. The Salem Statesman heads a half col umn article : "A Wagon Road To Scio. Salem Ought to Have the Trade of All the People in tho Santiam Forks." Among other things that very untruth ful paper says: A great many wore thoroughly surprised when informed that Scio could 1 leached in a drive of eighteen miles, or possibly twenty. Very tew had stopped to think that along said drive from the Santiam river to Scio is a stretch of country full of thrifty, industrious people, who raiso an immense amount of produce and who want a good market for it; and when the good market is found a large part of the proceeds is poured into the top of trade at that point . In conneetion with this road proposition is tho very important fact that the distance between Salem and Scio is three miles less than from that ci'y to Albany. A promi nent citizen of Linn county is authority for this statement. The Statesman feels it has done its duty now and will leave the matter in the lianos of the business people of Sulein. Several of them were spoken to personally yesterday and promised to look into the matter. The statement that Salem is three miles nearer Scio than Albany, and can be reach ed in eighteen or twenty miles, is a false hood. Albany is eighteen miles or less, and Salem, as any man will show is about twenty-five miles. Albany does not fear that Salem will ever get the trade of the forks. It will come here, what does not stay at home. Besides Albany has the ad- vantage in her business houses Notwith- stuiitluii.' tin' finntliy in reaching out through tne columns of her papors trade. for River steamers are doing a live busi ness. Two thirty foot black fish did Yaqulaa Bay last Sunday. The strikers at Portland have all re turned to work except one. 13J7 votes were cm; In the r?;ent tMHaV Walla election. $1.50 to $2 per dy will be paid harvest hands in Umatilla county . The Oregon Pacific employe have re ceived their pay for June. A day for the O P sale will he srt at an adjourned session of the ci.-cnH court at Corvallls next Friday. Marshal Lee calls attention ot boys to the fact that they must not bathe in the ditch. Look out boys. S P agents have teceived Instructions to sell overland tickets to California sub- rmllT ject to f ossible detention. All Interested in elocution Miss Octavia Tutt. at Mrs Call and sej IHckinsjn's cor 5'h and Ferry strict, Albany Or. is the way the Informer puts l Reports from all over the sfte go to show lh,t lhe 8r,in a?hi M" more 01 n61 rf0"1'"1-,nd ,h" whe,t cr0 M be fine this ear . A Umatilla Indian who was In town to- day boojtht a t7outfit saddle and bri- d nd Pced 'hern on a $j hore.mount- nd roic ,or home in high glee all the umc "b, Indian me " Walia Walla Statesman. A Young couple from the Front were in the city this forenoon. They were .aid to ae married ; but tne particulars cou.d not be learned. The man Is on!y 17 and ; thefcirli c. The Utter went to Corvallls l on the nocn train. A dispatch from &acramar.l slates that the strike is vlrtaally over there. Sereral , hundred shopmen n e returned to work, j t Railroad officials believe al: shops will be ; ! in full running opera"tn by tornorrow. ; Trains were running or. lime yesterday, j We forgot 10 mention last week s I "treak" lett t this omce by j v taj-r ; 1 It was a young duck w!th two Hits and , , one eye. The eye was in the center of j the front part of the head. It died early and as a verv dead dock wr-ei we saw it Junction City Times. Mr Tony Klein, of alem, is in toe city. Mr Vvatt MteiU;. ot fort'an.. is m the city. Miss Annie Crane, of F.ugeoe. is visiting at Judge Puweil a- "City Treasurer FarW ha returned LJ'y""." home from his trip to Mollala, countv. c,-,untv. I , Judge Fallerion was in the city tbis noon L,biiwtyMoWo,lre l wiil b- l court. ; Mii Hat tie Gail-raith went b R.eHirit the train n a vhit with friads in eir Van Horn, the street car conductor. Ed Mill, and a couple others hare gooe to Ashland to work on the S P. Mias Cajesta Gulliford. of Prinevilie. a former resident cf Albany, is in the city the guest of Mr R B Vunk. Walter C race, of Chicago, will Iwgin his duties as secretary of the Salem 1 M t! A on Angti't 1st Judge J J Whitney, of Albanv. and C 6! Montague of Uban jn. we Suk-m vuitor .yesterday afb moon. .. . ,. . . ... . - ' i ?0" J ILI-e r5' ti lkt?"!le- TM Jwa I ,-v.. u, ,., . , todr.v. He outlook as excellent, me even the spring wheat. I'ili- UA.- CI. ifr Will Lvcn. who has len with Knapp Barrel! Co, for three years, ha rerigned , The Fish Lan. We are iaformed his position, and after taking a trip to the j by the highest efficial authority that as mountains will accept a position ss book- j no, as the water falls totficteatli w .rk keeper at the Red Crown mills. j will begin on the fish ladder at Oregon The families of John Gavin and Neil City. But the whole sum. 10.'X). p Newhoose left yesterday, and John Wiles I propriated at the last session of the legisla and family leave tomorrow for a camping ; ture will not be spent, only a very small vacation at SmDnur Smna?. Several per- j sons from Albany are there and ether are eipecteo. corvatii i mies. Mr and Mri John S Guithar of Toledo were in the city yesterday and today on 1 their bridal trip.' Mt Oaither anil Miss Herder were united in marriage at Toledo several days ago. The gixom is the popular i P agent at that "ity and is a son of the agent at Si let.. Rev and Mrs W A Trcw left this noon for Massachusetts, which they expect to make their borne. During their residence in Albany they gained the respect and es teem of our citizens, and will always have the best wishes of many of our people for prosperity. Judfon DeCcw. whe went to the Peak with tne Pernot party, left Friday for Gre;n Basin. Linn county, in the CsmsnMS. At the latter place his father who a lumber merchant in Ottawa, Canada, owns a large lot of timber land. Young DeCew arrived Loni Canada a couple of weeks ago, and will return in the fail. Conrallis 'limes. Two rival cloth in if houses of Buffalo. N Y. have been saying unpleasant things of each other in the advertising columns of the local papers for several weeks, and not.' one of them, stung by a particularly bitter personal attack in display type, proposes to invoke the courts to test the liability of a newspaper for a libel printed in its ad vertising columns and paid for by a rival concern. Bronner Bros have begun an : tu. it., r. I.. iv....:. Un $100,000 damages for the publication of an, j alleged libelous article as the aitvertise- . . , . , a 1 , T't , il . . mcnt Ot Itieinnans t-o. ine uuverw ment was headed: "Twenty Years After- Flash Light Turned Lpon a Vile Uusmesa Career,'' and referred to the Bronncrs repeatedly as "The Poll Parrot Clothierr,' a reference to tho fact that all few broth -ers look and act very much alike. The Bronners' advertisements have been almost as strong, referring to their rivals as "pup pies" and throwing mud at their business reputation an age of fraud and adulteration, It (s certainly gram vmg 10 Know inst such an extensively used preparation as Avers Sar saparilla may be Implicitly relied upon. It never varies either In quality, appearance, or effect, but is always up to the standard. I hae just received another Invoice o Ladles, Misses and children's new Oxford Ties In a!l sizes and widtlu. Sampbl E Youiso. i have just received soother invoice those popular priced sun umbrellas. Sami-'KL E Youno, C E Biownells grocery store is increas n in popularity. He carries a fine stock In a tight room, easily accessible and gives bargains. Next door to the I' O. Wili & Stark keep up with the tlmesin the latest styles of jewelry. You will not miss it if you call on tbem for anything In the jewelry line. Lacks. The new Point Ie Veulse laes, In butter color, lust received 8 E Young. Hodges & Mc Fat land, gists, Albacy, Or. the leading drag WE! IDITEJ SXXfVST FTKii22 Years. Mrs M V, Chambers residing four miles east cf Albany, near Knox's Bute, was in the city this week. We do not generally mention tho presence of Knox Butte people in Albany, for many of them come to Albany every day; but Mrs Chambers visit to tho city is worthy of mention from the fact, that though in good health, ii was the first time for twenty-two years, her last trip to Albany beingin 1872. That was our railroad year. What a change since than. At that time the only bricks were the Parrish blcck, the stores occupied by Read, Peacock & Co., by Will & Stark, and the old Young store. All of our prominent residences have lieen erected since then, as well as business blocks. An old Dkmocrat of that year, 1872, shows the principal business men, judging from the advertisements, which should be a good criterion, to have been George Turrell, A C Layton, PC Harper Co, W H McFar land A' Co., Blain & Young, Ed Whitlow & Co, furniture; John Schmeer, the familv focer, Chas Mealy, furniture, W H h'tilin Co, hardware; K Cl-.eadle & Co, K A Freeland, books, eto; John Briggs, stoves. Kli Carter, real ectate agent, Mrs II 1! Godley, millinery, A Carothers K Co, j drugs; Julius Joseph, J D Titus, jeweler; B C Hill & Son, druggists, etc; George R Helm, Cranor Humphrey, and J J Whit ney appear in the attorney's column, and Joe VVebber run the barber shop Now you can put your put your hand on onlv few of these. AU the changes have been made since rars uuamoers runieti Albany Del ore. j r, t.'ii - - . ,l ,.! Chops. Following is the report of the I j un. . 1 t S 11 ... ,, 1 i u " n Vv Vf-i' ,l . ,, ' re:m. or the llreon rT..A Vt .-.fiVH-r ..ri , ,, I for the weekending, Monday, July I Jt, 1894. , The warm weather was most benhcial to i the growing crops. The hay crop tUis been secured in excellent condition; baring is practically over, tboagh some little yet re- mams to be crop is ueav roue tons to the acrea, In a r of danirar fron the tields proJuci few localattesT h,.at ihi onto -wheat to Be cut t avbis has left tie full for ha v 1 1-. now on the srrintrfeair.. Soma few are of tho opinion that a small percentage of damage was done by the aphia, while others report that they do not see that any damage was dene, fclie warm weather has hastened the ripening of the gr tin and a f?w binders and headers have started in on the harvest. By the 23rd the wheat harvest will be in full blast and in some sections nearly finished. The hops are coming into bloom. Spraying for hop lice baa commenced, the lice are so few that some growers do not anticipate that i pray ing will be necessary. In Eastern Oregon the cere.i'' crop is re ported from every county a Ijeing the best that they ever had; the weather through out the season has been very favorable to it. Grain is rapidly ripenine and i-. irveling will toon be in full operation. Tueik Sentences Two convicted smuggling conspirators received their sen- ' tences in the I niteJ State dutrtct urt this morning. C i Mulkey. ex-apccial j agent of the treasun- department, convicted Im Ikecember of coupirscv to smaggle Chinese laborers into the United States, wrs sentenced by Judge Bellinger to be im prisomed in the county jail of Multnomah etiunty for the period of one vear and to nflv a fine of .'.!! l C I Hanaro) who was convicted with Musey Md William Ihmbar fenced to serve an imprisonment of .v months in Multnomah county jail. William Ihinbar, the third del convicted on this charge. w& not sent a be is already nnder sentence fcr -e.i. g'ing opium, and if sentenced or charge the two wculd run concnrreril defendant serving bfth sentences wit imprisonment. -Telegram. The Water Sot I'air.K. A many people in Akjany depend 1 water works for their water. The 1 good tne tapi'iv cimes throuch tne antun: In thu strvani the tvs have ten 1 habit of twining, roiing and vitiating I water. Besides this one of the stre-1 the is It kept open tor teams to iass through, should be bridged, and the cthr ccunci doing the people cf Albany an injustics I not patting a bridge arrocs the bra running to the wate- snrt. Enenl lere P- j are people above Albany whj do nt 12 1 "3 , w r ' TV .0 '"s"" 5T.""T ,iumpe. thmgs ui it Ofeasne this u not xbl. to, manigement. who do all thev can to prevent theae things; but liiev . t-hwiid have Mter assiaaoce from every ' liody. The mandu! has given notice that ! 1 ail h ing most stos. and Uus witl be eat ore - ed. Let every Knntr else r-M''te I done to mae the watur good. A Bio Fi rvaE rhe Salem Statesman says that a most brilliant future is in store for the moth aixsahi lregor. Pa.-; tic. That (he road will get ott of the kink and g! times will see it goover the mountains in to kastern Oregon, and on to tJoi , com:., tine wiib a transcontinental line saw men tne papsrwito an optimism saw far surpasses its .oo trade i.lea says: A ine from near StarUm to ialem and on down the valley will give it connection with the great Central Willamett an.l 1'nrtlaml asttl tmm Kabxn i.nnther l5ne will t butit -rith cmst termini at Tilla mook and Astoria. t portion, alewt Pstv. lhe present plan 10) make a fish ladder, or av. tv blasting r eddies. a channel in the rock, with step at hort interval. As Un nn way m only be a hole, or channel, in the solid rock it cannot very well wash away, it is believed that tHJO will be sufficient In dependent. It it about time something was done, for we want the Sisb. Ramus at Yaqjoxka. Beceatly the Dkmocrat putifished au item frvni the Bay ,-Uting that the beach at Newport bad been washed so as to prevent bathing tliet'. A correspjndent to an exchange .sy-: I wish to say that the lthing bch in New-' Sort is better thin ever and that now bath ourcs have been built. Mints A rrsofit t'ouiuiiman J M ' Walters is carrying bis right hand in a I sling, necessitated by the loss of a ttnger. His index finger lost its circulation and it being impossible to get it into into run- j n ing order it was amputated. Dr Kilis perfoimed the operation. Marrikd. On Wednesday afternoon, July 18, 1894, at the residence of George W. Burkhart. m Albany. Mr A J wnts eaker, of Independence, and Miss Selina Burkhart of Albany. Mr and Mrs Whit eake have the bast wishes of atl tlieir many friends each siile of the Willamette. You can never- have a reallv good com- plexlon until the Impurity U cleansed from 'Tour blood. What you need lays through course of Ayer's SarsaparllU which ls absolute')' free from all harmll ingred- lents, and t her t tore, perfectly We. Tals: Is)Chkap; but when you come to facts every body knows that .raw ford & Paaton take better photographs than any other gallery In Oregon and at as low prices as the lowest. Prat stiW adjoining Masonic Had. Heaov Foa Busnrsna. The Union Pa cific lines are now ojcn, and tickets on sale to all itoints East. For rates or information call Ct HRAV & MoSTKlTM. upi in Local Agents Wood Sawino. T undersign d prepared to do wood sawing, and splitting antf piling if desired, on terms to sail thi the tea neat anJHa tames, leave orders at the toeil storoot. K M Robertson one door east of the Ier.: ocrat office. (1 .8 Aciumon of ur. Price's Cream Baci;ng Powder Perty Wars t'w StaujarC AiiiMHj ssaraei. Vhe.40e. OaU, 30c. Hour, 18.00. "otter, ISo. Kggs, 12c lrd, 12 to 16o. Pork hama.l2to 15:, sboulders.tollOc, alrtaa. II to 13c Hay, baled, 7, -o aloes, Apple- , 4 ' Hops. 12 3. Orisdfruli plums, Oo, app e 9e. Cbiokens, $I Of pr dossn. Best, on tool, I H '. Hogs, drtsssl. fS -. at DOME AND ABROAD 1 1 cents is being offered for hops Ail kinds .f colored spectr e'es at Fren ch's Jewelry stores. Buv lour spectacles and ey glasses al French's Jewelry store. Prices in keep Ing with the times. Utah has become a state by the sfjfiia ture of the president. Let everybody strike fo" better times, and we will have them. Jonn C Arnold, of Pendleton, has been appointed surveyor genera! of Oregon Mr J A tiross is raising sotm; of the finest cherries in t lie woildlnhis suburb an gardens. Someiicli gold findings are c Limed for the Nestuccr . Great i-ntliusaiu is said to prevail. It Is Lelng asserted ihat Debs offered to declare the strike (T unconditionally for $100,000, Probably a fake report. ; 1 ry Charles vw; son, opposite tne Dt-ni I ocrat for an artistic shiiw,ora clean poilsh. j He is an expert with lai! es tan shoes. On account cf bard times bathing suits ; are said to be very short, greit rconoms being displayed in the use of material. There are now 4,4 inmatts of the Soldiers home and it is probaVc the legisla ture will lie tsWrd fur an appropriation fo- un addition to it Ileputy V S marsha's who expected to get $s per dav for taking an S 1 tiain 10 Ashland recently, were much pat out a- receiving but $1 per day sals an fc'x. , ......... About 8100 000 wi.l be divided among ,rc schools ol Oregon ttuv vear ajin;i - . . $170,000 last year. ihe decrease 1 tue to the slowness in the payment of interest. Mrs R KAshby has rented a s'ore oppo- ite the Democrat office in lite Maston Block, and will open a rr.iiltnrry store In a few days. Mis Ashby deserves a ggod patronage. The mrth bound overland, which left San Francisco, laa evening, passed Red Bluff this forenoon on time and is expect ed at Albany to moirow morning an hour or two late. One of the imrovemenic in Albar.y this summrrls the erection of a iarge residence by Mr Cooper Turner in the third ward, one that will be an orniment to that part of the city. The Albany men that went to Ashland to work ere at once informed by the strikers that they had not beer, discharged and that they )id be'.ter net ttork. and they havero. yet. Even though the TcWgrarn and Dfcwo cbat were canght in Postal Buttcrworlh's joke there i, nevertt eless, several socl ilsts or snarhiali In A btny, and knowing the lact it was eisy to get taken in. Bullet worth, by the way, is a rat joker B W Aco'.son to day received a monu ment from At-crdeen, Scotland, which came tound the Horn, ar.d which has been anout a sear on the way. :j per ce :duty -aid on ta. The band boys are circulating a peti tion to raise a fur.d to construct a band stand on the i quire in front of the co'-ir-house In order to enable them to give evening concerts toenliven th; inhabitant. Pat your name down and help the boys. The ourg ladies of Albany arc fakirg considerable Interest n bicycle rid;ng. Among new rider are the Mlurs Mar shall. La, evening MUs Doreni.of the pabtlc school, rode ten cour.t'v in minutes. mi'es from the Notice To Water Consumers. tfSce of Albany Canal, Water. Trans portation and Lighting Company, corner First ami Calapooia streeu. Albasy. Or, July 1M. To Water Consumer' : Commencing toilav. durinz the irrica- will no both pump, from I mto'Jpm. This wul give .ojcoincideB presuri' at the pumps and gd j ry sa B r the woote system if ptOMrrj ; head the servi used. If r to water closet are left op hose without norties used, hydrant tt.ii in without hoe, the pressure cannot kept up in that neiirhlorhood. if you do not get gocd service it will be I the fault of the consumers themselves, and ! we hope it will l onlv necessary to call attention to thewe eviis to have them j remedied. We deire earnest? t.-i civ service but it is impossible without your co-operation. ! With ) consumers, if each ran 4 inch 1 hfdraiit open it will easily !? seen that no ordinary water system can turnUi such a -upply under pressure. C C Hoot a. Cashier, Notice to Farmers. Having rentd the Magnc arehouse we are prepared I its M ill and 1'axa.i SO liave ar. ! are secure arring"- M wnesn an.l cats, e a chopper in the house special inducement 1 1 tne :i lcfore making r:r V Sivirs': w Stsnmo OS" THK TOP SHELF ol pubiic rstimal:on tou still Cnd Parker Bros. It h taken year of hon est dealing, a s'ore full ot trie best good, a continuous round ol truth telling and. above a! 1. the right prtc-s for lhe right goods to U-ad Parker Bros to their pesert proud pition. Their groceries are tar.d ard. Ihelr produce Iresh, and thtir naked goods tne besi in the market, and oi a sp'endid variety Yor Aas An. If vou take vour Hashing to the A' hau y Steam laundry. If you don't vou are not. Something is ttie matter ol sou. How ran vou go to a Chinese establishment witii a brst-clsss steam laundry in the city. Don't do it. Be all right by quitting it. Suppose you do make a few cents; what does it profit you, with the Chinese smeH and lurking disease around. Patronise the Albany Steam Ijr.indr. To ii. ale th? hair grow a natural color, prevem b!dnss,and keep the sca!p hca.hty ila'l's Hair Renewer was invented, and has tved Itself succeslul. Hail's egetab.e MlcUian Hair Renewer has restored gray hair lo ii original col or and prevents ba'ttoess in thousand oi c.w.v It wlti do so to ou. Kin Ciovss. I have just received the new stiring shades of the celebrated Centemeri kid gloves and also those with the large pearl buttons. I expect to carry these in colors to match the suitings. I rarry also lioes of the Foster hook, Biarritz, chamois and gauntlet gloves. S E Yorsci, i Hood's nils are purely vegetable, and do not purge pain or grijx-. Sold by all 1 druggists. . m. Kabo Cjrset. A ner-ect dress form ; i"t r""'.' '" s jj is s u.vroiiiaaLii. r su vi j ( Cabbage. Clrcen P as, Celery. Sweet Potatoes, JJ w Potatoes, ot Chert ics At -' E Brownell. Did you know Ihat Tinkle made the finest photos, see the new ; samples and get his prices. Remember Tinkle poitieiy guarn'ee Ins photrs, us you will be sure lo be pleas ed with your pictures if h.r makes them. Try him once. A Free Picture! t-'ee Tinkle about get ling a I'fe s'z? crayon fiee. The bestiroast ooHwe in th oity al V mad - , tloyer a 1r. Price'.-- Cream Daklng Powder A Fare (Irene Osani of Tartar lo ilar. Highest Honors at j World's Fair D-PRICE'S mKsa The only Pure Creac of Tartar Powder. No. Uamonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years tlie Standard. SOCIAL AND IM RSONAL Mr Mark Montr-ill W Henry (Cimsey Poik county farm. in the tily. ijourning i i, Iawyer i ieorge W Wrigl it went In Ore- gon City this mwn on hn-ir. Mr ( has Fuller has atfUntoA rwuriti of conductor of tlw Albanv street car. Mr liniilv Bornett. the athletic hall li of the t) A i ' foot ball team, was in aH, today. Ii lout ha - I eel) e el print if Mi ea il of Ilia the Scio school, assists Carey and Ura Cmbrree. Mr Davidson, recently of the BfJem f !d is in Albany t market, which he ha sole f on his way to South' tangon on son left prospecting trip. Mr and Mrs Will Mack the norm train for the eant to reside Mr- Mask and son will stan in Ohio on a risii with her parents and Mr Mark will go to Philadelphia afb r a tioaitioii in a shop. Mr John BotterttOfth. the well known ' president of the Herr Host Anarchistic no wf;ut t, Portlai.d thi- noon, he in formed the Man about Town to lay in I i supoly of dynamite. He will also testify j in the Brown perjury case. Mr Lowery, uncle of L' tartel for the eari and lunsinuir. has rcta.- tied W Aebison, was tiel to Aliiany to A.-hlani who , up at , I'e treveled from DaSsunatr, miles by carriage, an expe people Him advised hun 103 re ride. The ot to go out rc 1 3 I e blown ; on the tir-t train, as it v.: up. PjnuMorHT ok Hi max I.i -Prof H X RiditoH . hose for the subject of his re- ' marks last nitbt in the ojra hou.-e "'The' Philosophy of Unman Lite."' He explain- i eJ hypnotism, mind reading, magnetism : and the soul nttire of ic.a and its aftiai- i taoa. The lat part of the lecture i devoted largely to the consideration of man's physical nature. The food we eat inriu-' encea character. Aniiaal food excites an imality and paasion. You will never find a pure mind in a body that is corrupted and diseased. Many children tecome in-1 temperate and go down to a death of vice and crime on account of the preverted ' appetite that was made ss by mother'- ' cooking of hot stuff, pepper, run tar! jid ' bog s lard. Brains were explained as a clo-ing thought. Prof Ktdde'l will lectuR-' tonight on "'Heredity." Attestios TwkCBMMB. A count insti tute will le held at Albany, beginning July iJXh, and terminal ing Aug "th lhVH. The purpose of the Institute will 1 the traininif of teachers in letter u)-ti..i- of teaching' Regular cla?s will be formed and recita tions condu-.-ted bv an ample and efficient corjs "f instructor-. Ar. effort will be u.a ie to jo tain redu'.eu rates ot roariing. It 1 imprrtant that ah t-.n hen If piweni at the beginniiig of the la-titate. It is requested that all who intend to attend the Institnt ? sen l to the iupt for information. A It Kt-niEkFoKii. Co St it. All those r.idents of tl.e city of A! dany. who wish to furnish board and rooms to teachers, while the latter are in the city during the couuy institute, which is to b held frctu Jalr 30tb to Aug 7th. inclusive, wiil confer a favor Ly co-r,municatir.g with the county super I intendent- II RcrnEB! n Ly Superintent sen. The Ju tnt. .-ntAXoE City Time! the last W the list on t in both bra ator Alley i ict; tne county headed "yeas' and "nays"" : k '. e " e A t "J ' e t ' i man in rattier a sea'.ed nt t r. M equate and C II Bs- lisl in '.he bc-use. ljr.e ned to sees at the head ker will Lead t county it deter of the procession. The tact that Hoo-i's Sarsa;ar Ua. airly tried, becomes '.he farr.Uy rieJ! speaks autoes lcr i; exctlleoee nesSicinal rr.rrit Mud's Sarsapaii'l Nature's c. worksr . Hd's Pi.. becosae the lav cathartic syfth every one whotrieS t! :?- Lin or Pvrtvrs granted to Pacific states inventors this ee. Reported by C A Snow & Co, solicitors of American and foreign patents, opp I" 8 Patent Of- fice. vvashsngton. lit. L M Banna-.i. an Francisco. Cal. gagt for unfolding eppara'us ; H B-iynton. tlakUnd, Cat. Upej suiting machine; F Ferguoo. Seatt'e, Wtab, lamplighter: W f Harrie at.d V." B D ilen. la e. Ore gon, aifatf a track cleaner. A He'ander, Las An Cad, hoepilal bed: W f Johnston. San 1 rare Cal , abstract so kntsassa Ludovici. lor; J Mc-leam-trap ; 1 ing go'd ar.d si'ver I'r i in potassium cycaide ' San Francisco. -Cal. g Keliar. San Francisc. E J Powell. Snnny So ator; A W Smith. Sai ladder. Ams'fauj We otter Chic It Data Rfra:i f-T any case ot C:. :tia" cannot be cured by Hall s r-.arrfc Can F. J. CHS3CKY S CO., Trcw. . Toledo. O. We U.e havs Vasxm F. J. Cbearr frlhr : IS ..-- . ?r i U'.ieTe him awltactt hf- al I fa - ..-.nnictions end riar;!'T .'-', t .-r. t;: asr -biig-iiioa made by Ihcir 6r-u. WrarSTtrwV ' :-T;ir,..Tp:fJo.O. Sjraasaw.Kimfax - s.Wkol wD:c eim.. T. ' Hall s t-atarrh ' - ' k.-n inicroanT. art fng linvily uf-'" ' ' and mueoas soy ISces ot ih" .v.;, . 73c t Njitle. jcd by ail DntaJaU. r- . . Takv. Xotkk. After this laie. -ve, the undersigne.1. agree to s.iw oak y xd for "0 cents and tir. ab and maple for 40 cent paa cord. July l Oth Uko. AcsB&mt, NBBUtt. Cow n. J. N. Or. Price's Cream Baking "owder World's Fai Highet Medai and Dltoo Jtrut7i Gnanwoni tstnosusa rs th a his branch store 0:. Second street evCI be open from this dav on in reg j'ar form ot business. The same will be a cash store. Come and try and ss'is! yourselves that the cash sisiem is the oniy true one in business, if you take his ad ice 1 an wi! never hrve anv l ard times. J (iRAmv oiit. Cet your fruit jirs a", tra tops and rubbers. Pa. irltir 1.13. , Following is the list of lett rs remaining in the post office at lbany. Linn county Oregon, .Inly 16, IS'.H. I'ersous calline for these letters must give the dste on whicn they were advertised. Collins Mrs H S- Jones Mr l.iur C Phelps Mr" A Ttms. Mokteith, P. M. Another lnoice of Gilberts teat black satlrens In plain an.l brtcadrd. A SO cr eatines in lart black i-nd colors ard lat black orgraiuiics jost riceive.i at haniuel oting s . Moire ail 1 f r trtatSSItari nd new frhadcf, at 1 Young's. stapl j at S E! Bath at Vierecks hvu , mul JStttian parlors. If yoa want a Baa ssaest call for Jou ph s t white labor cigar. t lesu towls to evary customer t Vteraok ihsving parlors. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and j tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than others and ebjoy life more, with ! leas expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best product v i the needs of physical being, will attest j the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the ' remedy, Syrup of Figs. Ita excellence is due to its nresentine' 1 in the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect )ax'. ative; efTectually cleansing the avstem, dialling colds, headaches and 'fevers and jermanently caring constipation. Ii ha..! given satUfaction to millions and mti wua tne approval 01 tne meatcal profeafeion, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it fa perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in fid cent bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Cs. only, whose name is printed on every ; package, also the name, Syrup of Figs', and being well informed, you will not accept anv substitute if oSere. New Advertisements. I COMi; NOW. Ceme at once m l jjil year bisck cap raapjerriea a-:;3 cnu per , o:ui. I hii ruin them in a dm daya with a grabbing hot. W H Waasca. w OOO for ule at hard oak, ash map't.pice, pncea , fir. C C Hct e. ToExchaxo X city proper! f.. id ex'Kant' vamabte perty for agoodfarm. Inquire of m Albany (xenon. njl 1 Loan. -We have a few hundred M. df I ars to loan on gool real - S N StlELe A Co. AJbany Ore. llrASILb V v waaon 1 A sconj lizbi . orHce ot 0 H Da ryrnp'e NOTICE fdA BIDS. DiJ He received rp 10 S ar,i. lal 21, for lOcoids body fir word, 75 cwds ijrnSi ir, not !ea than 4 inches iz. dumtr, U be straigh. awl best qnalitv ir'nere-i at tne public school Hoi'dioe in A baov. 00 or before Sept 1, IS94. F E Alles. CSerk. Tht right to ieje:t any or all bids referr ed. Cui J FRE0 YATFS, ATTOP.NET -A.: LAW. R.xai 35 ac; Strahat: Block, Albanr. U S BASEEY. Fresh Br ad Every D j. Piss, Cakes, etc Special orders solicited. C D VANDYKE, Proprietor. !nd s'reet. between E.Usr.-:b St I.yon r: Real Estale,Collect on 1 bs. Aft Albany. Or. CtuDtj Warrants Ecaght iui t'old. j. y. jTiiST-ox. INSURANCE AND M0NE BROKER. fftorir Warraub UtzU and Sold. Office , Maslon Blwk, Alb Ortson. WALLIS NASH, ATTOKNET AT WiS pract be courts state. tfRce Fir N'.it' Bank building. Aliiany. PIANOFORTE LESSONS. Y Clifford Nash is now prepared to receive a limited Hau ler of pupils. He will be at the residence ,.f Mrs Christine Monteith. corner cf t'lh anl Ferrv streets, on Wednesday after- noons aiid Thursday mornings in each -veek. commencing on WesfsMSSSay neit 9th ins". ,'rtlaui.l. ortn. A. P. Armstrong. 1Mb. AUCll !i.-U,'l . I rtTt ItCSC CVL! I, , 3im. "T Sam cHinvs ot tud. same raws of luitK Business. Shor.lianu, 1 aa-l:i ua thnHichoc tu vr MuJms :n-. j W. L. Douglas sassn gw lirsi? is the scst, Qvjp sjnVasKessuuKiNo, 5. C O RDOYAIv , FREHCH&ENANEii0CAiJ: j VrTrCK3ksWlft 3.5P P0LICE.3 Soles. 0F 2A780YSSGOa5HDS. LADIES- hair 1 SEND FOR CATALOGUE W l-DOUGLAS . BROCKTON, MASS. Von can save sasary bt aurchaslaa W. fc 1 Itauslas slr. , . J Because, wc ate lhe largest manufacturers ot advertised shoes in the world, and guarantee the yalaa by stamping the name and price on tht bottom, whiclt protects you against lush otices and tbe middleman s prohts. Our shoes iuual custom iroil in style, easy fitting and . Wearing uaUties. We have Ihem sold every whete at lower prices lor the value given than inv other make' TaVe no substitute. 11 your dealer cannot supply -ou, we cau. bold by I THE I E BLAIN CLOTHING CO ) URSD Silrer Laced Wyandotte! for sale 1 v l O Wood worth. K. O. 1. M A meets everv Saturday eveu n in K. T. MHail. V'.sitiog Kniirhta lseited I attend. l ljanab, Com, Wall Paoer. utrx, Iairits. OiN iat. Etc ALBAKY. -:- CFEC0 , lM F Oak c, H C P; N 0RTHrRN PACIFIC R. R. s j PtiTisi Qoti iovo ! ArUUman fcjleepillg Cars, -nti , t- - it iHilegailt DUT.? g OafS, . . iTOUTlSt SleeDlI12 GarS' -St Paul Minneapolis Dnluth Fargo, 'irand forks Crookston Winnipeg Helena and Ba'te TO THROUGH TICKETSf,tr to Chicago Washington Philadelphia New York Boston and ail Points Last and I ? t For information, time cards, maps and tickets call on or write G G Purkhatt, Agent. AlbanT, Or. Or A D Charlton, Ast (ien r as Agt, Portland, Oregon, FOR SAN FRANCISGO The Steamship HOMES wiil ply between San Fran- ci?co and Willamette Yallej i points via the Oregon and Southern Paeife railroads, sailing with freight and pas j sengers on or about the W- lowingdates : From San Fran jeiseo cn Wednesday April ! 'at 0 pm. From aquina: on I next Tuesdsy. J-1 n 1! ! Fare from Albany and ' Corvallis to San Frareirx: : Cabin, $12. Steerage, $9. Round trip tickets, includ ing meals and berths, good for 30 days, $18. Chas 1 He?!v, Sos A Co. Xo 2 to'S iarset street, San Accnta r SSSSOBS Bs H0T1CE GF FORECLOSURE GF PUS' Til mO TCACE i Whereas cn the 3d day ot Aagast lSS9. David Scott, cf Linn jroxty, Oregoo, JXe cated and delitsred to Eoasett SL Cs a caas Ui tr, : rta; on ana tj X 40 ili"ii on Sepa iater No 9st2. trok, stacker and all hi tnres leloaug to same, one 6 horse 3 S tractioa saanaa ctmp'e'e 444, uo 125 , 6 inch beltiii, maafactsred by Rss tcl & Cc. itso one X-.w Anitri-a Grindiog as . I, wfcich ix-"i mortaa t as mtdj to teccre the pa meet cf fear promts- r v r.cte dated Auiust 3, Irot f r 375 tich. acd aawliff aatCMat at :be iate ct 10 r ceat frc date: and sKiti" the tsud Datii Stt his !i.ed to pjy aiiol s iid ixiebied 1 ess, ihere still rcmaiotag doe an.l aopud 1 on U last eote the ;um oi 6123.33 and all the interest. And here as the said baiatc ' en the last nc-'e. ili3 t3 and ail the inter est, is now doe and payable, tfce said Kt s;ll Co has ejected to fuasslw said mortgage, mi hv- taks posef ; n of saii mrtgaged property ard now holds tbe same ; acd wrwreas sail mortgage provides that it may be toraalased by seliiag ti prvye.-ty af.rsud at pablt; aujrun apoa giviog to weeai n ti.- of thi sati; i newspaper gere'si circa ia ki ia said ountv. Xcw ihertiire tke oo-.i.'; ihst on tbe 2St day of Jaly, 1S4. at PJ iS: 1 in Foa Valiey. Lion ccaatv. O egen ar d within said ccuaty au.t aaaptst M sold at . . : . aactidn to the 3 got' bMJtr for eah. a d at the hoar cf one n'casak a m. and contmn ' at naUl ail the piops-tt is so.d, and tScs lhe a-d marl grge will be fo-ee:oel aaUs sa'd property is sooner ie.;e md by tbe payment oi said indebtedness. natd this f2-.h dav of JaU. 1SJM JKassei. S C . By l" H HiTiTJ. its aeat and attorney in fc . Qiegon Pacific iailioid, C4S CLACtv. eeelv Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates OasaaaSlan 1 h""- o s j ".h Ftv emir tetn Ta rscaSAS raixciscc Hooki sails Fcbv Jtrvt 13 -.', alii Xlst, F0 T-iy. Homrr sails Ftb iith. jUr-h I, iT.k. - The Company rejrTCs th rtftnt t aogeaallins dates Wthout not lee. For freight ard pasenwr rrtes app'; !o any agent. Char es J llerdrrs. s. FOR j ! t 1 la Positaa?. we ivt 11 A Sinntpl Enselope. oi slttKi' WHITE, S-LESUI or BBISETTK op lOZZONIS OWDER. ! Ton haye seen it advertised for many Years, but have you ever tried it? If iki . vou do not snow what an lleU .'uutk-atua ISiadt r Is. POZZONI S beskles being an ackDowltMsS besutiflpr. has many tvftottQint, nos. It pcevwtsi chaf 11-burn. wiiKHati,UinspriMratijiu etc.: lrirctUwaiXKK-tdoUcawajainibo t'fvteciK'ii 10 tbe fact) tiurms 1k wwtttber. For sarnoie. address . A. POZZONI CO. St. Louis, M f.ntion rais PAPER. 0JU THE PLUMBER, to j Tiu roofiing and plomhins. Opposi'a j the opera houso. semi z em an