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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1894)
SUIT LAKE, OMAHA. KANSAS CITY ST. LOUIS, AID Ul EASTERN CITIES. 1 DAYd TO f2 CHICAGO HOURS 4U,CS5WM HOURS WW PULLMAN AND TOUR13T SLEEPERS, FREE PECUN11C CHAIR CARS. DINING CARS. S li H Clark, Oliver W Mink, E Eller Anderson, Receiver. For rates and general Inloinnatlon call on or address Curran & Montelth, Albany Oregon, or W H HURLBURT,Ast.Gen'l. Pa. Agt, 5 Washington St., Portland, Oregon t?i re Vr ASTKDon Salary and Commission THE ONLY AUTHORIZED J Jra3liy or JAMES &. BLAKE. By Gail Hamilton, his literary executor, with the ch-op-ratioo of his family, and for Mr. tilaioo'a Complete. Woikt, ' TwaTx Years of Congress," and hi later tooa, 'Political Discpssioss " Ooe propeotu tor these S best selling bok ia the mar ket. A K P J ordan of Me., took 112 orders from first 1 10 cIU; ageofS profit $19S 50. Mr- Hal lard of O. took 15 orders. 13 Seal Hi- in I dav ; profit $26.25. E N Rice of Mas, took 27 orders in 2 days; profit $47.25 J Patnda-e of Me took 43 orders from 36 calls; profit $75.25 E A Palmer N. Dk. look 53 o-dersin 3 days; profit J.25. Kxcirs'vi Tkuritort given. I u wish sasjsaka UMI MOK vY writ nediv.elv for term to i Imp Bill Pal). Co. .Xorw ieh.Conn From Terminal or In urhr PjiLts 'h Norton. Pacific Railroad Is ill- line to lake To all Points EAST ani SOUTH :t la the DINING CAB ROt'TE. It runs Through VKSTIIU I. Kt TRAIN EVER! DAY Isj lb Year (e ST. PAUL and CHICAGO NO CHANGE OF CARS. Composed of Diaioi Cars Uusarpassed Pullman Drawins Koora Staphs Of Latest Eqiioaeat TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. , Bn Li on b) rjooatra jie I and in w i -i ii nuil ntoal ara bvth fres at I tit ut aid ftrh l lar of Fin, or . 1 1 i .i a. J ELEGANT DAY COACHES. i Jll. tllllLllI 331U3;iJTi5u al liQ, affording Direct an d lla interrupted Sarvica. Fnlioian a eeper reservations cai. b kOfjsjtasJ h advance through any aitent of the road. IHR'-l'OH TICKETS to ana from ail points . Anioita. Kng 'no 1 and Kurope can a purchased at any ticket etrioe o.r this conrpany; Full irf rmati in concerning ratee.Hme ef trains rotate. an 1 other ietuisforn labeJ on applicat on to any agent, or A D CHARLTON, Aertotaiit Gecsral Pameoger Agent, No '21 rrst st. cor. Washington, Portland. Oeon. 08 ll'k'nrl. louxi toot. if. Ha HcFarland. :- DEALER u -: Harness -and -Saddler j. - ' o Display in the flooi Gladstone has A clear Mead "VHY? Because he fellows ii;eie rules: "Kx.ptre head cool, the feet arm. and the bowels open." You can have a clear head and live to be ninety if you do the same thing. When the bowels fail to pvjvi dur ing the day tnke on ictiring two Smith' Small Bfla Beans. Thiir action is 'jo mild that you are not aware of it. VI dty your mind will be cle v and -ool. "Not a gripe ir barrel of them.'' Ask for rma'.l size. Take n-- subsume for SMI f H'S Bil e Beans I for iicnivmcn Marte so tr too close a- plication to business se en mental strain, trim.1 Excesses In mid la life. . r vicious tin hits contracted la vouth. VVmAJK. IkXJBJW are victims to Me' voaa. Irblllty or Cshuu.tlon. vVsailts Weiala , Invola-tury !.... witb Eorlr Ve st In Young and Aged: Iiun.l rigor na siri- jjth, with sexual nana Impaired and .'eaken.-d prematurely In approaching old site. IvBK.t VVK OA Y ICKB we speak from nowlediro of results In many thousHud oases seated and cumd In tbepast of tee a j-srs. OurruHthotlof introducing Prol . UABIII' BO I UHI.E MIUK ATIU PANTILLK treatment Is one wbicb com mends Itself to nil sensible persons for tbe reused that we supply It. upon their JudKment of Its value. Nothing; In tbe way i f expense beyond postal card and a two cent postage stamp In asked. The poatal r aid for use In sending us their full eddreis sno the port age stamp tor Uie letter returning he statement or their case for wh leh we supply them with ques tion blank, to be ailed oiu,BJid a self-eddreststl envelope for use In returning It when filled. lav UK R on blank we prepare alabt (lavs vvuen wq ruwiiv wisnsim - - treatment ana rorwara n t.yrutn SA TglAL prueaylnKprrstaae.Alonav.itii Ihe 1 1 Kiln lilt we rrnd full dlrecUonc for using. The treatment cause no pain or Ineonveolenoa and loi not pre ven t attention to business. We leave the matter of endlnK ordrsrs entirely with those using tbe fren trial treatment. Uov Ing aatlstled those sending for trial packnire. Of our abuity to beneiit them we feel that they rsre more lanteif Interested thnn orr wives In . rntlnuing the usecf tto Pasuiles. We make Uie prices as lot.-as poasiy.e.tuaj tbo 'asm to all. They are as follows; SX00 lor on mouth; tojOO fortwo months: 17.00 for three month. Weask all persons needing treatment 13 send th H addr. - on postal or by letter. All coroniu tit. .lUrriiuc.niRden lal and ehouid be addressed to TH t. HArtKIB REMEOJf CO., Chjiiajt aa BtrtrsrHAW BTRrYT. tnew YORK. T-i.ll.H WI'IJ.! .IJ.W tl.MrCTJWtSl H.ST.M.1 Good CooHirjS? is essential to Good Digestioo- in oestrv vou cannot have cither without agood short ening. Lard has always had very objectionable features, causing indigestion and many other dietetic trou bles. Science has come to the assistance of the cook, and of weak stomachs, with the new shortening, Cottolerje It is composed of the choic est beef suet and highly refined vegetable oil, in many respects as good as the finest imported olive oil. Physicians endorse it, cooking experts recom mend it, and thousands are now using it in prefer ence to any other shorten ing. Refuse all substitutes. Bend three cents In stamps to K. K. Fm.ruanlt A Co., Chicago, for hand some Cottolens Cook Book, contain ing six hundred recipe, preimml by nine eminent authorities on cooking. Coudsns Is sold by all jrocers. Made only by FAIRBANK fc CO., N.K. ST LOUIS and CHICAGO. NEW YORK, BOSTOf IT WILL drive the humor from your system, and make your skin clean and smooth. Those Pimples and Blotches which mar your beauty are r caused by IMPURE BLOOD. B They can be removed in a short time. If you are wise and use the L great blood purifier, Sulphur Bitters, TRY A BOTTLE TO-DAY. "Wily snCer with Boils ? 'Whyr.-vo with that terrible Headache ? Why lay and toss on that bed of vain with RHEUMATISM? Use Sul phur Bitters. They will turns you where all others fail. The dose is email only a teaspoonfu'. TRY IT and you will be satisfied. Theyouni;, the aged and tottering are soon f.ade well by its use. Remember what yon read here, it may save your life, it has SAVED HUNDREDS. If you are suffering from Kidney Disease, and wish to live to old age. use Sulphur Bitters. They never fail to cure. Get it of your Druggist. DO NT WAIT. CET IT AT ONCE. Sulphur Bitters will cure Liver Complaint, Don't be discouraged; IT WILL CUR. YOU. wry Bead 3 2 -cent stamps to A. P. Oil war & (- Boston, atasr., (or best medical work ptOUsbed BILIOUSNESS Who has not suffered this misery caused by bile in the stomacb. which an inactive or sluggish liver failed to carry off. THE PREVENTION ANO CURE S jquid oi .wder, which gives "luiek action to the liver and carries off the bile by a mild move ment of the bowels. It is no pur gative or griping medicine, but purely vegetable. Many people take pills more take Sirjrjcona Liver Regulator. ve been a rlc; im to RiliousneM for and an-r tryiUM various remedies y huo-, s u ;.- in Ihe use of Sim .iver l:. i ... srWeal never failed ;ve me. 1 not of myself, but In.- "vbol. aiiillv.-' J. M. hu, elmav, aaaf-EVv.(Y fACK'.GE-tA 1 Ha our 7. Stamp In r-.l or. wrapper. . 2KII.I. 4 CO, Philadelphia, pa. : . er . H IttiTfcxsisM 7 . y - r a. t.vnitba' r - V. r.fct ? ,; vtr-ficBn . lanrtfc rot c;" .Iflfc The fivr ia H i rn 'nr in tr n rjHMW -v r'! i.ili f n'.rr o''r j-ri. b$W&i-0am l;:e, a r?itl tart gftMPrtl, a i'r ii cf fctr ..jr. tl y:t f Nwi'i print: it In f- iV,. . . t-ui en! . . AI the i'-a'ilnz nov!:ir An 1 L' I i.'.ec..' . 1 : ' - lor 1 CItcmj-oo cain nl .. ran t. k Huy HCUICT CCC-S wVre Tn t wi.l t -crivt T . L t LCV2Z. I is hot'. MHr r . i -.t . . f rw. tlil Is Lof-wn tlue r j; I J . t , . Ua ,.ttt ., I.r.i vet a;n A Trry HltJ nt 1 r r-'i-fT M H HI ' irrw rr'. in l d-c-tor'- ! t t. .v.rAty'- H !"..-al C V. Ituntl "' t . ft:. I. I r iSlt K ; J -ve a Im nrdrq rj I :. t!i JJiant, U '1 1 Tiy- bt 0lnctJ a JAMES ViCK'S S0KS. rea... ar- . J IsH U rafz V; iVlt KRN or A I. PANT, OKKOOSr. TRANSAt.Ts I 1 al Bnuainr uslctss. li RAW .sight bP.APT. on Haw V..rk, Ssn Fr sco and Portland, Orvnn. LOAS MONET on i pfirovadarenHty. reck , te dapnsira sraVjest to chack. CObLECriONd marie 'in fsmnibl vortna. IS TKRErHT rrsid pa lima dermal r)7s. ? A"xzira iA-STPATEHT8 WITH EltCThO- MACME1IC SUSPENSORY BEST IMP3UVEMr.Nl 3. THI euro Wlthoot Mwdl Weak ne. rearrlrlna fro. ifs-rtti itlon of brala, nerest rrrrM,ieeaes or lr, : ,i hMi ia srtual enssWril'-D, draiaa, leasee, D rvotia deliilltv. sjrrp. La..a, laiiffaor. rt euwiall--ra, It Id be y , 1 1 r t and t,mQ'-T coDiplalriita, 'u back, lumhaifo, aettvlka, gene re, lit tea' h le T a eletiic bait aoiJlalDk iToastwrfral I mpn-i , . r al! otbfra. asd gvja a current tbat la iBaUotly felt bv tin. wrarar or wi forfeit ti,WM, and will etrt oil of tbeabawt li'i-'i"! or atw pay. Th'iuaaude ave tn-an eured br tbla iar- ' Ir wsilasMi after all ether rtrdlea failed, and tre 'ire buutiretla of Iwwiiniajnlala In this and every other atata Oar iMMwrfnl IXPMtlVefl KM 1 1 Nit' Ht Kf ksttitll t . thi p, .. ! .'. if V WITH i LI HB11 H .Ir ,ts kt (.lid I ft i.v.aiiuial" tat AUAiy'i r.K tl j tl tMI to Uf I v a. Bend far I li uetrated ratauh lu, tBaJlad, Mavted, frea. Addr en SVJV33XZV BIjECTKIO CO., tw. - - V . PORTLAND. OPli. FRAZER ItKNT ITaT TUB WO ru st - urlj qusllttrrras. a unaurpaais.-':. ur.Liiail Otitliisiinrr two Loans cf any jlkrar brNrn Not eflea.d oy heat. LrCKI 'i ll a. SlMM yOKBAiWYtlEATJIiBOeaEBAIXY. J- . ilAMfED L V DIE to do writing at V b'ltua. Pay tlt.00 to 125.00 per week e da. If anilies'.d stamped envelop forrepvl- M ra KhK FON t'AlNE, gecanorl iiiaa gr, S.4 lean nrn St, Chicago, III. Hf rc - 1 1 rJ jr $hc cuturaat. Another Artful Dodge. Mr Blaine was ths first Republican leader who atlempled to de'eat the popu lar demand for tariff reform by indirection. Ho Invented the "reciprocity" device. He knew that the dy o! protectioa for the sake of protection wsg over. He therefore undertook to save the proterted interest by concessions tha: were apparent rather than real Tte reciprocity treaties opened tome mifaets to our own manufactoiie and relieved I he people of Ihe South Ametl can governments that accepted the treaties from a certain amount ol taxation. Not a cltizea of the United States, however, wet relieved from a dollar of tax by these treat- ie. Even In pretending to widen com merve Mr ICaine took cre to give the slight benefits of his reciptocity policy to the pr;tec-ed lndutries. He simply ex- tended the area of protection. Hal device wis rtihed o he front in Ihe campaign of iSoj, hut h' people recog nized the dodge and aain declared for for lower dutie. 1 he Republican leaders know that thev are very far from tte truth when (hey a;aert thai the people have j givtn a "mandate" sinre tSo-J and 1892 i contrary to the command to reduce duties I which they 'ben delivered to the Demo cratic party. They realize from the protests against the Senate's inaction that the country remainsof Hi min'it expressed j when it turned over the executive and j legislative department of the (Jovsmineot to the DemooraU on their party's pledge ' that the tariff would lie tef jimed. Therefore astute Icacer like Hatrison I and Reed have invented another artful dodge. It Is an sdvaiie on Mr Blaine" ! proposal, but it lain Hie sam: general direction. Mr Hitt ha declared that it Is i a Sogicsl step forward which Mr Blaine ' ; himself won'd have taken If be had lived. ' Mr I.ix'ge, in a resolution introduced in the i Senate, and Mr Re-d, in an interview : published In the Fortnialr iy Review, have formulated ihe new srw)a. Their pur nose it to divert tne neoo'c Irom tho tariff l.-ue 1.. -he s.lver auction Th-v hs oted the siting feding for uiu.e'.allism In i j the coun'rf, snd te pioicse that this Government sha'l drive Or I Britain ioto bimetallism, or that du ie on British goods ; shall be increased and the burdens of the I American people made heaver. Tbe people will n Basara be fooled by this ttlck than thy er b ne rec:proclty scl-etue. McKinlei ism csnnot be saved inthi.way. I: cannot be ave.l at all. ' The Republican politicians woo are coaming on the gullimli of trie peop'e of this coun'ry will once more fiai them ( selves mistaken. The, wi I tin: thsi ihe j issue of 1S96 caanot he 9 if ed, bu. that ! the pec e will vote hen as they voted ia ! 1891 for relief from the bur tent ol taxa tion. They will not be deceived bv the 1 attempt to force so unnatural union a , tween bimetallism and protection. X Y World. Rosehery's Opportunity. , . . . geve'ement is s'rongly in 7 .... .. . The Kusebe favor ol iheabolitirn ol tbe House of Lords, bat how to go about it is a question yet awai'lng solution Under ihe constitution abolished by act of parliament and a every act of arliament lequire 'be as ent ol the ords as well as uf the Commons it I high ly imprub.b.e that t:.e task can be accomp lished in tads way. It oaid seem tha Labouchere' plan i tbe only one thus far presented of any scent. Under the Coasli tuttoa the gcvernment an create a many peers a it tees tit and Labouche-e says that if the Prime Minuter will create 500 new peer, pledged to atolith themselves and the tribune the first time tie are called togeth er, the task will be accomplished, as the Commons ill readily an3 gladly acqulesx. Thi u potaib! .ble the only .ay to- wipe out a tribune which is a cruel menace to ibt mais ti oi the people of Bri'on. ar.d il he sac- ceeds in doing nothing el.e the artxovoplrsh m:n ol this task would he a crowning vie tsry for Premier Rosebery. Use Of Sulphur In Throat Disease. There has been ot late tome discussion on the ate of tulphurin throat troubles, espec ially tbete of a diphtheritic character. This is by no means a new remedy, having been used as a tiiro-at disease ranac-a la certain households for at least s quarter of s cen 'ury. As soon as inflammatory symptoms made their appearence, the throat was thor oughly dusted wits sulphur, thi :reatment being repeated every hour il lb: ce was eveie. At only good cou'd come from swallowing the was used with the utmo't freedom. Som' ines teatpounfal doses were Isken witn the most satitfaciory tettip. One of the very 1 e preparation for throat affections is tquai part, of sulphurous dd and glycerine. Ins .ny be diluted 'a I lie proportion of one testpoonfal of the mixtar- to half a g'as of water. The throat mat be brushed with it or may be rsed as a gaiglf. Freely applied, it will usually relieve a I ur p ea-ant t ympxims at once, and perl.ted in it larely fait to cure the most o is'iru'c rases. The objecllon to it it tbat t !-too simple fir the mrdiol profeslon to approve. New Yo'k Lrdg-r. The Treasury deficiency at the end of the fiscal year (the 30th of this month) ih likely to be $76,000,000. This deficien cy is due to the fact that the Republican majority of the Fifty first Congress made appropriations which so increased the public expcndittireH that they have fo many moths exceeded the Government's revenues. How the deficit is to be met is a question for Congress to determine. It is certain that the Secretary of the Treasury will not Ik; able to float any more bonds of tho character and on the terms on which lie recently procured rX),000,000. While the condition of the Treagury is serious, there is no reason to be alarmed by the gold exports. The tide will probably turn after this month, and our iuiiorts of gold will then lie greater tli tn our exports. This flow of gold back and forth is in accordance with a law of trade, and in the spring it is alwayi o:ir turn to lose gold. Kx. In (lie orchards about are trained about frees, ttee in graceful fe-t-ron. Rome tba vines unit iT.mi free to Tbe populists of Kansas have adopted a woman Miffrng plunk in their plat form. The number of medical iiri'ain is now 18C' and women in O'eat A 'hese twenty ' have become member uf the liritisb icjI AtHocia'ion. Med io 1'arker I'm s fot your guicrrie- Or. Hrtcrr's. wreauai raats.ig Po wder rartir Year ti.e Ctaaiard. Coxcyite In The Marble Room. The division of the Coxey i my lead by Gen Ran om and Theodore Justice Is almoet aimsd as Coxey' own hand. These Cox eyltes are of the palacecar variety, Hut they went to Washington wlih pr ecisely the same put pose that animated the CoXCj tte tramps. They went to bring "person 1 In flaence" to bear on Congreis In betialf of legislation for ihv I on" fit of t heir on hv terests- hobby Is wool They are quite as esrnestto secure a taiifl to their liking on wool a Coxey is to get an appro priation for roads or an I. sue of ncn interest bearing bonds. But Coxey snd Browne are In jail for parading with bannen and step ping on ihe grass. Ransom and Justice kept off the grass but calmly took possess ion of the splendid Marble Room behind the Vice Piesidem's chair, sacred to Ihe conferences ct honorable Senstors with pwerful constituents, public functionaries and beau.ifut women. They covered the long table, a magnificent ipecimen of tbe cabinet makt i's art, with their samplrs of long and short wools, of coarse snd fine wools, of washed snd unwashed wool, of native and foreign won!, until the Marble Room looked like one of the apartment in country hotel assigned to drummers for dis- pl lying their wares. The.t the Senator were Invited in Some Of them did not like the how perse, ard others objected to the impudence of it. , Senator Voorheet actually csllei an o.iicet to put them off the carpet, so to pek. But they apologized ia lime to save themselves from being committed to the ra'per. When they fo'ind that the attendants would no longer carry their I utinets cards to Senator they sadly paced up their wooly samples and departed In peace. But why this discrimination? Why is it e,f'er offense to tramp on t he gran out We ,he Capitol building thin to march In nd PpTOfriate to business purposes the fin"t room ,n the edifice. A Sound Proposition. Tbe constitutional amendment proposed by the National League for tbe Protection Pf American institutions, which proiidcs ihat "tbe chutch and slate sha'l be kept separate, ard tbat no public aid or money shall be given institutions under ecclesias tical or sectarian control," is a sound meas ure and deserves a place is the great code of tbe republic Priva'e institutions, whether schools, hospitals or of whatever nature, should be compelled to stand upon their own bottoms. Tbe state discharges its obligation in full when it provide and mainiairs public institutions of a like nature. Tbe stale exhausts its authority and right to tax its citizens when it has provided for all of its public charges . Taxation beyond or above this is excessive. ! unwarranted and contrary to the spirit of . American juritpraieoce. Tboe who 1 desire an additional legacy sbou'd er-ioT ihe inherent right !o employ tbeir own udgtuent in the promotion of tbeir scbemes, but at tbe same time, thev should be compelled to do it at their own expen'e Sectarian scbemes are private institutions, for the promotion or maintenance of which tbe state is in no way obligated. Whether the state should assist in maintaining sec- - .... tansn instiiotions is a question upon which there is a difaerence of opinion, bat that the state should not. and tbe placing of an amendment in the constitution to tbe effect that pu'alic aid shall not b given private or sectarian institution, would end the controversy and settle tbe problem once and forever. Useful Hint. For The Housewirc. To remove grease spots from woolen goods or silk, place a piece of porous brown paper over the spot and paaa a hot iron quickly over it. Remove the sheet of ratner at once and reoeat unUI the a not j dluppear,. Ur mix together and bottle a quart of a M 1 ounce of palter ized borax and half an ounce of gam cam phor. Sponge Lie spots with this To remove ink spots from white goods, sprinkle with salt, wet with lemon juice aad expose to tbe sunlight. Or sponge ..... a aeuao.e ..arua nuui carpets or woolen goods, sponge them thoroughly, while still wet, with skimmed milk. Wash out the milk at once with a sponge dipicd in clea', cold water. Then sponge with warm water and rub dry witb acloth. To remove iro.i mold, apply chlorinated soda freely, lay tbe article in tSe suu and repeat tbe process until the stain disappears. Sometimes It is quite impossible to e adi- cate it. Mildew is also hard to remove, but a preparation of equal weight of lemon juice. salt, powdered starch and soft soap rubbed on thickly and exposed to tbe hot sun it sometimes efficacious -Acid stains sboo'd be treated with sui- monia; alkaline stains with acids. To free closet of red ant, keep a small bag of sulphur on tbe shelves. To destroy cockroaches, sprinkle the in fected places witb hellebore at night. To destroy ants and insects, dissolve a pound of alum in three pin's of hot water and apply with a brush, while ho', to all the crevices where vermin harbor. To des'roy bedbugs, sca'd with loiling water every crack where they can Snd re fuge, and touch thoroughly with kerosene. Or till the crevices with salt and wash the bedstesds with brine. Or apply a mixture of one part quicksilver to 20 parts of white of egg to tbe cracks and joints in tbe bed steads In a Germsn medical journal Dr I Par. hinger iieat' of the peanut as an art'.cleof food r'ch in albumer., of which i: contains forty even per cent of lt and non aitrogen oos exirtctive matters. He recommends the use of roasted peanuts in tbe form oi soup or mash. On account of their cheap, net peanut aic lecommeuded as a popular article ul focd, especially in and the like; moreover, they are reiommenJed at an aitlcle of food for ihe corpulent, for dltbe es, and for Ibe SJhieCt of kidney dis ease, -n the mention of whom tools In anlrnal tlbumen are to lie avoided. rich The Republican vote In Jucks"n cctiniy wat one third larger this year than in 1891, showing that the Republican who vote I with thr populist two years ago returned to their first !w Jacksonville Times. Thai seetred to be the scheintol republi can pop u'ists al! over Ihe sUte When the tun light of truih 'iall bring out the ri al tact ot the late election, democrat who went off and voted Pm populist t-cket will realize how completely they wereduprd. "The democrat party Is djsd," my a f- w young and Inexperienced people. V'es, d to. Dead line a ' possum; (hamming aw the tunc being, only, the democratic party has died frequently, bus democracy never. Ita life is everlasting, lltlie great Uhictgo fire of 1872,150 live wete lost. 17,431 huiluings were bum. eaon 2124 acres ol Und: Properly destroy ed valued at $192,000,000. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award, An Uexpeeted Gain. Senator White has disliniruiHhed him self in an honest, sensible Democratic way uj securing tbo abolition of duty on grain bags. That is the sort of work be was sent to Washington to do, and if Demo cratic Senators from other States had 11 I r .1 looKoil afier their constituents in similar 1 ways, nistoaa of tryinir to secure them slices of McKinley pie, the parly would have found itso'f in a healthier condition than it is experiencing just cow. In tie lat fiscal year we imported into this country 26.832,234 pounds of grain bags, valued at $1,199,804.25, on which the duliea were t536,804,GS. They were valued iq Calcutta at 4.5 cents a pound, and the duty raised the value here, not in cludiuir freights and profits, to 6 5 cents. Tbe taxes average 44.73 per cent. Of tbe total amount imported .$97,ir26 worth, or ihree fourtLs of tbe whole, came In through tho port of Stn Francisco, and on these importations the farmers of Cali fornia paid taxes fo the extent of 400,000, in addition to tbe su-ns absorbed by the protee'ed Chinese American labor in the Oakland ju'e mill. On an average the tax on grain bags costs tho farmers of this stale at least 500,000 a ye-ir. Tbe bag tax resemble tho coal 'ax in its pecnliarily of being almost entirely paid by California- It is even more in vidiously oppressive than tbe coal tax in tbat respect, for while there is hardly any importation of coal outside of California, there is an enormous domestic consump tion of which is more or lea affected by tne tax. Uu: gram sacks are not consumed to any extent except on this coast San rranctsco. Pottiand and l'uuet Sound handle thirteenSfteentTbs of all those itn- ported into the United State, and there is j l"u arta I would invoke tbe presence of Here is an item Uiat will have a local an Vfmimrm .1 ...... .ilU ..,', , . i .1 'the patron saints of our counties, Benton application wberever read. Study it: Clem no Lasiem domestic consumption to bal- i inn at ,hu tf yoaf' tmjdil. StbOtet carries plentv of commonsense anc? iu importations. In this, if in any j tion. that they may realize how grateful we under his bat. At Tacoma be told a re thlng,' the tariff ia local question." are to them and bow fully we appreciate i p.jrter: "I trained ererv one of my child There are many counties in Cu'tfornia their f110" in.our tha!f. ren to work. Mv boy 1 put in tbe black--. - . .. . . Jki .u As long as time lasts thti two counties smith shop as a helper and let him work . Pl Of ....v. - -r b r'rrrvui ur uvr. amount to as much as tbe exactions wrung from our grain growers through the du'y on bags. There can be no question of tbe accep- tance by tbe House of the Senate amend- ; its! sn .u si i" it 1 s 1 Ar in j Brass e -i . a a 1 nr riri 1 .train 1 jec'etl into tne bill by the Senate, and fhey will be giad enough to have a chance to concur In a reform proposition. The tamers of California may congratulate themselves that Ihe relief for which a Re publican Legislature vainly petitioned a Republican Saae is aanred Tbat fact ought to have a coderable inliu'nce on tbe agricu'tural vote in ths November Exsmiaer. state next Ihm't Break Ranks. A disgusted voter, who aigas him at 1 1 Ao , t to i ea-Iltmocra?."' wiitr the WoiIJ ih nla opialoa tho pertormaace uf ctrtalo Democratic senator In connection wltb the! tarifl bill is enoagS to make aa hones: maa . who voted the atiaight Democratic ticket feel ashamed of hisaseif fcr bavin; done so, snd adds that he himself will never vo'.s that way again. We taa understand tbe t ate of tuuad oi Odrrorrespoadcirrt and eei tympatbixe ' with htm, bat, a'-l the use. this it foolish talk. Ad-xu ::: ; that the present lem crali; S nttr is as a Irylo; paa for banett tariff re Oimers. what can thev gaic by jamjtag Into the fire? Perhtpa oar exasper ated Iriend, who aow thinks be is oa ex- : Dem:rit. bst an Idea that be will be a . Republican. Die tariff retortn lie that way? Suppose it b? conceded t at a lew ua- ; taithlot Djsjcrats hive be'.rayed the Wll- a?n bill 10 the ProtcctiowittA aid rjisAppolot i ed the masaei ot the D aw', party. ' j that any re!n why geaalac Democrat . should deny the faith and forsake ti e only j political orjanlntlon lha; is committed 'c tariff tclorrr and shiough which only .under cxU'.tng emdtttoos, itcaa be Sncured? This it sot the frtt tin.e In the world" I history that a good cause has been e" back by t'.e weak3eta aal com, 01 ioo of wen Chosen to adraoce It . Nor will 11 be tne last. Tne preaen-. cr'ait I grave snd the craven way -In which it It I o'l-g aret dta- , courag ng. ojttnere is to ira .nT ' Democrats should give up I d'.tpair. On the con'rav. the'e it every reason hey should stand ii ia. Even 11 the bit le ol Relorm ba to be loogn: over again, irteiact inai was twtce Wgsj to thoroughly before U.r ; ec; e i full of encoaraeruien if eetersary ,t canb: won o ag.m. even ihsugl one a . . s e s.. . .a. .i , iwcidcnt ol Use fight be the sending ol rec- reantt to the rear. D.-m-acrats thoul ' clove op their ranks and confrJet wl;h un.' unted spirit the fee and all hi fresh .lilet. TV- ,: 11.- 1 s,il. ... thelloueconferreesw.,. be U.JZr& ward the elimination of tbe ptotectioa tn- costs wilt be added to all taxes. Pay while laken a, o c'ock 1 -p Teller . ! .-'J mo' ion to restore the McKinley rate on times, lave orders at the faed of wool. Iist, 29 to 37. a party vo'e. Stew- R M Roliertson ooe door east of tbe Dent art voting aye, Peffer and the other popu- office. JS Arnasox. lis's no. Peffer offered an amendment effered changintf Ihe McKinley rale of II lo7 cents acl ol 12 to 8 cent. Tbe amend ment was defeate-l. 33 to 35. Hill refrain ed from voting. Allen, Peff-r. Kyle and ia 1 Ste rt voted aye ' Tl.e .losn't seem to be any difference olopiirinn unong bu'.lness men, whether they belong to one party or another. a to the necessity of sreedy action In the Bena'C on the peneing tariff bill. It is a pi' t II st Republican senators should not ia this reaper- reflect the will ol their censti u.-nccs. The whole country Irom the Atlantic to the Pacific Is sick aad tbed of delay. Senato' Mitch: I, oi Oregon, hit s-cutcd the pa'sage of a bill providing fur one ad ditional judge for tbe ninth judic al circuit, which include California, Oregon, Nevada, Montana, Washit.?ton, Idaho, Alaska and Arlzuia This district. if this bill becomes a law, will then hive three circuit judges. The sppoin'ment is expected to go to some prominent California democrat. Senator Mandetton' dramatic exclama tion, "I am a Sen or of the Unite I S t'es!"' wa not intended to bes'numoroua. b.i , In as much as noot-Jy even actusedhimof being a senator from anywhere was bo'h humorous and bombastic. The lepublicans and pop.itis's are fasting in Tennessee. Mrs Harriet A Marble, of Poughkecpsle N Y was for year a manyr to hsvtdache, lino never found anything to give her more than temporatv relit f un'il she be gan to take Aver's Pills, since which she hai been in the enioyment of perfect health. Is this hot enough for you."'l a silly question; but if you inee a man who complains of suffering from the heat, ten to one you will find, on Inqulrv, that he does not use AVer's Sareaparilla totone up his syttein and free his blood from Ir ritating humors. Shiloh's Vitshsi-r is what you mod lor dyspepsia, torpid liver, yslluv. Jkm or kid rricr, - It iauarnt'd to, give you I'rioe 75o. Si K.uhay St ney trouble aatistaotinn. Mason. I. INN AND BENTON. At the recent pioneeni gathering at Brownsville, Hon John Burnett, of Cor vallis delivered the principal address, from which we publish the following interesting sentences: ImhSm BEamsmm rtf II... ... 1: . k.T,iittwi urririvri rrrin viir Ul llll? r- riiH'-'., truest, ablest and lt friends of Ormrrm- his predictions of the future of Oregon in J844, reads like prophecy, as b saw with tho ken of a prophet tbo Oregon of lM'J4. lie towered aliovo his fellows us Mount Hood above the surrounding mountains, grand, glorioua.and Btiblime; piercing the stoimy clouds and rearing his crest to Heaven covered with an eternal mantle of purity, and kissed by the orb of day In his coming, while tho valleys llow are asleep. We have given some recognition of tbe ser vices of Btnton nml and Linn in our behalf by giving tbeir names to two of the counties of our state; a fitting tribute to our earliest and best friends; those two counties lie here side by side among the moit fertile, tbe most beautiful, the most lovelv. of all the inheritance of earth that has ever lieen ( he subject of bods alimony to man. Die , lovely vyillaiiiatte sinda it, way between them, adding to their beauty and fertility; j an't this beautiful river has been immor- taliaetl it. verso by one of Oregon's favorite1 I From the Cascades' frozen gorges, Leaping like a child at play; Winding, widening through we vaP.-y, Bright Willamatte glides away ; Onward ever, Ively river, S.ittly falling to the sea; Time that scars us. Maims und mars us. Leaves no track or trench on thee. Mr President: vour own count v from which this honorable association takes its name, bears the name of one of theme great j "'"" , "'" "' ; liZritUJb I Pi.lsst iu .u. ,;,;... .., ..,,..1 fiienils are allowed to visit Uie scenes of ; shall be a living monument to their great umucs uionr lastintT tuiiD irraniie. more uur- : able than brass ! si1 Notice to Tax Payers j All persons will take notice that 1 will be coiutarlled to close the tax roll , n tr r i ----- - .rou ca- sare cosu Hatexl June 12. KM. Jackson. SUetaat, Jl'Lita GsabwoHt informs r thai his branch store 01. Secons street wi.l be open from this dav on in . ci ular form erf . business. The same will be a cash store. Come and try and sstlsfy yourselves that the cash business sis.em is the only true one In true one In II you take hi, advice tou wll! never hsre anr hard times. J (iSADWOIIt To The Lama. I will sell regardless of cost lor the next sixty data my entire stock of trimmed and unrimnjed hat a. Ti.oae wishing anvthirz in the line ol ruillirtery will find it to their advantage to cal. early a' Mr M E BiWeu's. Cabbage. " Urcen P gt Celery S t Potttoe. N - w Potato), A Chen lew At C K Brownell. Tli? latett in ptvotcs The ne ,,-,. - ' i Cabinets only j on per dcx. Call and see em at Tinkle cor and Ferry . . New goods jus: received at Mr lohn N's. Hat sold for hall what tou pay r-lsew rxre call anJ be convinced. Kabo Cor tel. A pertect dttt form I Drce tit perfectly over inim. Appro ve 1 ry an creffiesxen To make the hair grow a natural color. prevent keep the sca'p heaihty f Hall' Hair Renewer was iaren ei a d tsas. pio.aj iucll successful . I It . n fan s,,- .- 1,, I .. A ,,. ,,, . j , ' , ... 1 M, ol er a lingering lll.vest, Prtnce.tort ol J P Morgan he well known coiorei man, at the age ol about seventeen J- Mood rm c-ire nausea, sick headache, ind'gesiion. b(iousn-ss. Try a box. - j ,H " Atu. Rionr II yoo toke your washing ,t,, Albany Steam i..i . :- . it you j .omethinir is thel d int yr.u are not. matter of von. How can you go to 2S? ' with a first class s'eam laundry in the city. Don't tto it. , Be all right by quitting i. Suppose yon do make a few rents: what does it profit jou, with tbe Chinese smell and larking SSTlSI it P',rODiSe ,he Mb' ruoeaw i ;:. mo ment ;;:. a r. ret class "wwi -.v .ur ut.urrsignt-.i is Wosal) o . "Va a f a - Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, care fullv tirepared from the "bert ingredients. 5 cents. AM. Havixo chances on our bievde should bring them in liefore Julv 5th . With every $1 purchase you are entitled to a guess on liean contained in jar. M Stkxheim! k Co, ClofhsYs, Halters, Hoots, Shot and t urnisners. Kid t.ii.uvKs. I have jusl received Ibe new spring shades of the celebrated , t'entemeri kid gloves and also those j with the large pearl buttons. I expect I to carry these in colors to match the i suiting!-. I earry also lines of the Foster j hook, Iliarriiz, chamois an 1 gauntlet j gloves. : k Yor.vo. C E Biownella grocery srore isl lncreas n; in popularity. He carries a fine ttock In a light room, easily accessible and gives bargains. Next door to the P O. I U!i at Vieteoks; rutting parlors. sbariog aod hair If you want a fioeamoke call to.- Joseph s sahite labor cigars, ecr. a car I'aiker Urns, grooera. New oream cheese at teoeived at Coara' Meyeis, P J Smiley job printer, Flion Block, doe first class work. Smoke the oalehrate.1 Havana filled 5 cent cigar at Julius Joseph's. Dr M H Rllis, uhysioian and surgeon Albany, Or. m ia maid la oity'or (oontry . farnnixe home induatry by smoking the celebrated white labor oigars, manafaotorsd by lu'iu Joseph. vTiarlalsfalaaabUw lEvpaslllon. Will lis of value to ihe world by Illustrat ing tne Improvements In the mechanical aria and e.ninent physicians will tell you that the progress In medlctn tj agents, has been of equal importance, and as a strengthening laxative that Si rup of Figs Is far In advance of all others' When Ilaby wa lek, wa wve her Caatorta. tVben sin- was a Child, she cried for Cstceva. When she liecame Mias, she clung to Castor? v When the had Children, she gave them CWoria Wl.eti sn man, people are latin, arwt rlT""" '.T"" ,." ." Hrd loose Unefit Irom Hood', taraar. t.l.n""!??- "W:H B?Te llv be p'se-J. also adding tbat - . ., , 1 ne sin raxae eiery nimtT 1 ran. r.ven m rvmimllsl hr is. . r!l a. why don t ycu tr' it tourte.l? It I 1. ;n 1 . j: u: 1 -r - 1 ... Controlled by Ice cs y I .111 a. .Ml . . . . I waMsrsa art- win a rm aiunrill a'liu "I . imis- w Ibulldvou up. Hocsu. baraaparilla j, He will rustle himself, as be has C alire . Tilt m ike 1 mi a' mri I ..- ...... ' I " . v J ! iWaaTsaSS thl Vftr m.l Will M11 rraSJl that fv-wl W . . --. I 11 MISFITS. Whiskey Hill School is the heading of an item signed by a school teacher in an Ore gon City paper. Tl e Harney Timos says: "A gentleman who is just in from Catlow precinct states that there were only nine votes cast there, and all but one were democratic." One place that didn't lose its grip. One of the greatest IhinTs for the Pacific coast before the people is the Nicaraugua canal. Tho people of tbe coast should do some big rustling for it. One writer says we could well afford to t,i ve a fifth of our wealth for it. As it is claimed that hay levrr is caused oy Kishintr a lras wmow it itenoovea i several Albany men to look nut somewhat fairly accurate estimate of tbe net re alts at this season of the year. ! of the treasury's operations for tbe year. L'p to this time the receipts have aggre gated t28S.9BL.ltl. ano tnn disbursements It all depend. In Oregon the ropubli- i :itlst In-iiti t .' .1 1 1 i 1 . 1 : flu nr.. .1 , u.irjiirKi ! bboo. In Tennessee tbe republicans! ,ave dolilerately fused with tho populist. ' it a) (ie,rf.0ds, you tee. -Ex. ... w . I 1 . , . . . ,1 , m i !'la"! ln.w.n,ch i? " prart. of law ami nereaiior ne win i- lonml at the oftice of J K Woatherford in AlUny. Fred s many friends here wilt regret to lean, of his change of base, and one or two of the-.. " " J friends who will regret his departuro from Uvely Wesaam. Oirvallis are not of tbe male is-rsuasion . Wi. m.v. -' i- , i..t ) Tbe latter, however, have been out of town tor the past few days; to which fact can probably be attrilmte-l the cause for Uie sweet word, of "Robin Adair" that have t fl.i ths., iw ss-Ms, ,.t ihsyiHrmMin. I. '..- that emanate from Freds office, and run as "Ob. what is this dull town to me -lias gone." Corvallis Gazette. ' bis way to tbe front. He is now cashier. . j nwrp sen icf-aioie man i coma rum r find. He neither drinks, chews nor smokes, nor does be swear. Mv wife tauirht our 'laughters to do all kinds of house-work, iliey go into the kitchen and put up a ' .v-r ,-r. , meal tit for anv taste. They swe-eri and ' tiaighten op th boose srseraJly.'' Rain 1 can not come upon thi land so long as its 1 . 1 - , . people exalt patriotism and dignify labor That nercbanl to himself denies The prof ts be may realize, If through a policy unwise He fails to freely advertise. : w. . woman who warned Tre old Indian Uen Canby against meeting the Indians a,in. tb. M.-t--.r it.. t, nu'iri aa "sat ' nur.7 imm sue laavm urja in trie lava rsej ni wl.irh cat him is lit. i. .till " i n Klamath county and receives a pen- tiOD fro:n the government for service , rendered during tbe war. The fallowing isnsirnifiranl item from : the Dalle Timet-Mountaineer : During the prevalence of tbe present flood it wi 1 tie impossible to publish tbe Weekly i edition of the Timee-Monntainer. aa the cylinder press on which tbe paper is printed is now in a boat six leet ot water, and witb the present laeiUues a bail ! medium job press it would be almost I impossible to wors off tbe large edition. We shall print a small daily nntil the water sobsides, and then continue oar botine at tbe old eland An exchanf e gets to tbe bottom of facta I a x. . . . ... 1 wneo uaaysiaai a young maa wttn prac - tical knowledge in hi bead, skill in bis hands and health in hi body, ia bis own letter of reenmmendation, dir-loma and reference. Mix bim np with 00 millions ; 01 Where and yon will nnd him again, as he wul have the hatit of being on top. j Throw him naked on a desetted reiand and he wiil be at the Lead of some:h t ug. I He does not go Inning up and down tne i land, blaming fortune and saying be bas ! no chance, be I goes on and de f ome- thing and cut again and does It j again nettfr. Not half has Ism told abont Use damage to property in t'rjrtiand The parens cf that city have ket nutt'en roverrsrt up. : The devaststioa has been terrible. PortJan.l i is very flt, a fact all will regret. j I r.. , , . , Diverged 1 farming is wording itd into :'rf?on, forcing its w iv am.tur farmers J Sjrt of a necessity it i becoming a fact. high market and not vnut fivr SI a tasfcel laciTiriing to the old style. Kver. this rear ih wist no U .-, narv. bat will take his - I A 1 A l. II a 1 i r 'ike. little man. and tnechances will tJ masvi s' v raiit VliVl UtT? toi" - " ""8 5ne " ,n a! K ULhTstaa. of Lane county, sued the, !ai' ir.- . : r : . p icie- 1 1 a-e was med in fcugen this we-k. and a nonsuit grante-I simply on the a.-.e..ii nuai mm jusunuu nan preser,iei a .were proof of his loss. TbeCnard says: After exhaustiv- arguments by the atlor neys. Ju.ige r tuiervin granieai ice nonsuit. and discharged the jury this morning. In his decision he took pains to say that such a defense certainly did not reflect credit upon the company, but that he could not do otherwise than grant tne motion. The conirsinv certainlv owes its rvvlii-r holders a statertient why thev should take I this action, and if one is not forthcoming, it is our opinion, a number of policies in this section wiil be cancelled. A Wrecker ateaaier VicTontA. June 13. S'raits Settlement paper report that the s'eamer Set thi foundered in latitude 15, north, longitude 97 east, and is a total loss. Two boats containing 74 passengers and the crew arrived at Rangoon, and 25 more reached Moulmein B Molyneux. tbe mate, and 32 others are missing. Tbe steamer was wreck rd i,i a cyclone. m, m Tired, Weak, Nervous. Means impure blood, and overwork or too much strain on brain and body. The only way to cure Is to feed to feed the nerves on pure blood. Thousands of pcop'e certify ihat the best blood purifier, the best rerve tonic and s-rengtb builder Is Hood Sitrsapaillla. Wnat 1". has done forotheisi' will also do for you. Hood's Cures. Nervousness, loss ol sKcp, loss of ap petite and gent ral debHtty all disappear when Hoot's Sarssparilta is persistently taken, and strong nerves, sweet sleep, strong body, sharp appetite, and In a word, health and happlr.ess follow tha use ol Hood's Sarsaparlila. The strong point about Hood's Sarsa pari'la Is that they a c permanent, because they ttart from the olid foundation o purified, vitalised and enriched blood . CiANoB oV Timk. Portland and Cor vallis route commencing May 29th steamer Modoc will leave Portland on Mondays and Thursdays at 6 a m, for Salem, Inde pendence. Albany, Cervallls and way landings. Returning will leave Coivallls 011 Tuesdays and Fridays at S A M, Salem on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 6 am, anlvlng at Portland a. : r M. Fare from Portland to Salem 50 cent " ' Independence ?i 00. " "Albany t . 23. " "Corvallls 1.50 Meals 25 cents. A (lean Ileal. V ho does nearly all tie washing in Al Imny ? Why, tiie Albany Steam Laundry. Why, because they do lirst-class work at low prices. Who patronizes the Chinamen ? Only a very few. Don't mention it. Have yon seen the new wagon. It's modern and holds a stack of clothes. Their big business demands it. Kit-hard & Phillips made it. They know how, iu well as bow to do superior washing. The Steam Laundry washes for rich and poor and does good work for all alike. Try it, try it. C0. regea City Rebeel. Obeoos City, Jane 15. School closed today for the year. The board met this afternoon and elected teachers for the coming yesr as follows: W S Holmes, superintendent- W H Powell, principal of (be Eastham school; Miss May Kelly, Gertrude Kindity, Ella Curren, Erma Liwrence. Mollie Hanklns, Ana Baird, Ora SpangW, Winnie Gra ham and Hat tie Cochran. The wages were reduced to $1000 a year for the upintendent, $60 a month for vice principal and $40 a month for tbe sub ordinate teachers shuuld Eeesioaniae. Wahuisotow, June 15. As the end of the fiscal year is ocly fifteen days distant, ; luc 'reasury omciaii are atxiui 10 give a $35G,17,337, leaving a deficit for tbe i oUao. 1 1ST a? saw! t i- I . V'' A staaaway f,lrl Goble, Or, June 15.-Libby Lemont. a ., - . , , , .. . ?ZVLflZ ? ? t uean f h!ag (WO Tilt M HXt (A hrra ran itviv f ft, w 1 us vf MiijtTT s ciyLD?B on J ne rial r j wore mM found 2S- i ,Le fSssZ .:.,. tu.. : . . . , .r x , ' f ; J". t.h?Kb.,beT.fa,-,,y bav,; i :i, bji a I tETZ ' . . , . o,,.. ,a.. . ' hw.I2P 1 Ji conven'.oa- "f" hel "! ,lfoofbt 7 b"aV met t 'be deoot, Uken from the side of ' clothed in a " Mother Hubbsud" i dress and compelled to march through the streets before a braza band. Tbe meads of woman sufferage did iL rati sratiag. Makysville. Jane 15 Foster, tbe champion bicyclist of the coart, lowered 1 his record yesterday afternoon at the Marysville track two seconds for a half rattle with a flvioe start Tbe time was I .-01 . He also lowered the quarter mile , seconds. doinff tbe distance in 26K . rccom, nymg stair, two ana nine tenuis i sat aasr iraa Sai.ei, Or, June 15. W N Parker, found guilty of obtaining money under (,u.;. at.:. .T .1 ' - mem aia m a.aiy rauuut "even months ago, was sentenced to two years in : trie penitentiary today by Judge Burnett. I Heraausaa A aadtdair- VsHrxoTos, June 14. A paragraph appeared in the News tonight saying that Sena'or Doipo was not going to be allowed ! o make the race for the senate unhindered; that Representative Hermann had many ! friends in the lesrislature who would pu-ti ! bu claims The article was very compli- ! nieiitary to Hermann, eclogizing bis work , m... n..j-,i, 1.- j 1 , whether Hermann i. a candidal am. i n. , - . ' " .uic!, ue aov-s rsotnmg aout ; . . Saijs Or. Jane u It a mint in thai road a mile narth of Brooks station, north jot tliM city, at 6 -30 tan evening, an at-' 'esnpt wa made to bold up R Boo tin, a , stockdeauVr of Cervais. As be was : j aloog on Horseback, two men, armed witb ! ' rifles and with sacks over their bead. leaped the fence and proceeded to order ' ' to throw np bis bands. At tight of me" xsooaa none became tngbteried. J wheeled and.f ruck out op the road- Tbe men shot several times at Boutin, but none of tbe shots took effect. ' is BMdw 1 Warm, I - - n. . ,. , , .! I Jt LEtBcac, Colo, June 14. Five hundred Coxeyites made aaotber attempt to leave 1 the cit v this morning. Thev seize-1 a 1 t - . .. . I l criion ratnoc engine ana rjrooeeaea to , make up a train, bu: ihe locomotive run 1 into an open switch and ara ditched. Tbe 'army then decided to seize tbe rejru'ar ! passenger train, but the Union Pacific 1 j orhfia's Held tbe 'rain back until 50 armed I depute arrived on a special train from ' Denver to escort it through. a SrslraseSn. E. .te. j ; t'tts. Jose U. Toe assets ofHB i Chamberlain, having a face value of 22 '.CJ0. have been sold at auction lor 1 9100 Tbe asie- of the Chamberlain In- rest meet Company, consisting of shares ami deeds, aattrregaiing m.WO.QOD. are ' likewise worthless Assignee Ellsworth ; has no: a dollar to pay proved -!im of uaraia: wuruiies .s.-:-nec - - x I Ssesttes Iteaaverate Hr.fciRsov. Kt. June 14 - Kellv't !army. l.Watroog. landed just below tbe city at noon today Keily called 00 Mayor Jobeton and demanded aid. saying tbat if it were refased he won'd tarn the entire - Toe mayor told him to do aa h would be au:b.-r5ties Tbe cash tsit- ance in the treasnry todv was SI 15-336.-570. of which S69.02I2? was gold re serve. The fact tbat then- ware no go'd . yaS tad been .s-l 1 . 1. x :Vi rv t . retorned to tbe sutitreaiury. is reganled as ; a hepetu' cgn. itesj, nan, jure to. ISM pravnatuct convention rarrassasm Ktsvl tavtav lha. ml . raonty report of the resolutions committee, advocating the pendimr lOnstl'-utional amendment for woman suffrage, was re- I : cwed with a storm of applause. At 1 1 o'clock tbe convention decided to insert ibe suffers gv plans by a vote ol 336 to 28. Tne announs.-etnent of tbe vole created ( tremendous enthusiasm. The audience sang the doxologr. . , ' j 1 twwaer Mill Rt.ww I p Saxta Cacx. June 13. A powder mil) blew np near here about nootr. setting fire to the woods anal endangering other mills. surssrtotendent 1'eyton has just telephoned to this city for the fire department to go I out with their apparatus aad put it oat, j bat on account of tbe danger tbe fireman ! are loth to go, bat the apparatus will be ; sent. A Big File Pasam.v. Jane 13. A fire which broke out this afternoon ha already destroyed i iw "ouses ana is endangering a quarter of all the buildings in the city. The high wind is spreading the flames." At 7 o'clock it was reported about 225 buildings were in ruin and the public market was threat ened. Tbe present estimate of the loss is between 1 .250.000 and ll.5OO.OOO. a Rteh (lad Kr parted jACKsoxvittB, Or, June 13. A report reached here today of the discovery of a very rich deposit of qaartz and earth mixed near the foot of Goldhiil and not far from the former ledge of that name, which was discovered in 1859. sad from which about SsW.tsjO was taken in a snort time. Tbe discoverers are B & Smith and Thoaaa Kohier. A Terrible t vpleslaa LixxEt s. Mo, June 13. The boiler of a saw mi 1, six miles from here, exploded last night. The body of James Logue, a workman was torn to fragments, Aaron l.ogue was cut in twain, and William hemper was blown some distance and fa -ally injured. Michael Logue was blown nto a tree top and bad every bone broken. Skin Eruptions and similar annoyances are caused by an impure Mood, which will result in a more dreaded disease. Unless removed, slight impurities will develop into Scrofula, Ecze ma, Salt Rheum and other serious results oi Bad Blood I hare for some time been a sufferer from a Sevan blood trouble, for which 1 took many remedies that did me no good. I have now taken four bottle eat with tbe most wanderful results Am enjoying tbe best health I ever knew, ha v. niissd I pounds and my friends say they never saw me as well. I am feeling quite like a new JOHN EDKUN, Criviaiiirvlairaroti..Wssaigrara.fc Our Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases miiad In In an j 11H1111 What is Eczema? It is an agony of agonies. A torture of tortures. It is an itching and burning of the skin almost beyond endurance. It is thousands of pin-headed ves icles filled with an acrid fluid, ever forming, ever bursting, ever flowing upon the raw excoriated skin. No part of the human skm is exempt. It tortures, disfigures and humil- iates more than all ether skin diseases combined. Tender babies are amonj its most numerous victims. They are often bem vH'i it. Sleep and rest 2lj out of the question. Most remedies tA the best phy ',kh generally fail, even to relieve. If CLJT1CURA did no more than cure !:zema, it would be entitled to the atitudeof mankind. It not only cures btrt A single application L; often suffi cient to afford instant relief, perrnit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy cure. CUTICURA works wonders because it is the most wonderful skin cure of modern times. Bold tfauugbttut th world, rrlee, CtTKtaa. tc; Boat, i ; tttn, SI. l-orrrr. ban aao Caza. Coar-.. eote iop Bu. "Ail trM JCOB sVUJl PkaA wmim a i w lI'Etlff EKFOKD VY IHlAH Ismail! St Law Wul practsee in ail from 4 Uyt -H? t span siuoaoa (ira v nun m prases to e lectiao . OfV ICE- la t he .ir.a aiaet- Binvit Attarnsy at Ut srf SotVv- ia Csaawrnry. Osil "iaora stmoc 00 sir ixssi. uasaai aajgouaax m rmbim taram Alaaary OregMt : QE. . W RKillT. ASnrmcy a taw. vA oaary fab Je arm rrrsrrsss at antaweoartaaf taeaatssa Speetal rassasaSJea crraata rrsrli-iiie tmi arttsfs ia irshsu OSaee:-!fext dear m PdasorSarc, AJiasay. Ogs . B tr rs ranttera wi I rx iw a 'rati a Oil rVa-aar-s fe ra-M. AJkraay, O 'I BHITiei AMoroey at Law, Alban i r. M OST4STE H C K I. EH Art. Attorneys at Law. Albany. Oregon. D K. J. L. BILL. raj i )i awd jtarraow. OfTICE Coraa Far -7 ratam. AXaaay, Orscorra D ui. tiAsrov at unit, ' Swuaaaw. Offtci B. : rsis: H 5 rinti. A war. Or, QaSai ratv ca naatry. 1 . nnH t n kkv n. u. B : at i .a r.. Or H E Beers. DrlJK Bee . , . . , . Jrliy SICiaaS &TXC & Urge O ITS , women. Hoo-s 10 to ia A at, a to 4 aad ' " toSP M OSces aid residence Blum- ! berg Building, First Street, between Ly on i and Ehwcrth. ' mtM fim --p, a. I wt Dr. t-avMer-waa TaUlaee j Jy 1 Tb N' sird Ctaarr-iyaitt a-d nere, aaaa eaa 1 i a riaaawm. ssrtHa. Bsw UB. stxxat aU Mrrbsstxa. mm ae-i tusar. I st , mm mmtm sr. B ttr it io, CIO, OBRr&Oi. i A J ILBAJT COLLSPUTS IIStTTDT. ALBANY, OREGON 1991, 18G2 sir At. 1 eorpa of luaaUueac.T. - .aJtaSICrU., SGIEKTIRC, UTERABr COMMEIGIAL AMD NORMAL SUSSES. ot tudv vrrwnaW a n , . a! srradea of stu 'ent s cArrrW t sr. .--i war. tuiiT raaaiv EAST AND SOUTH TIA THE SHASTA KOUT OF THE Southern Pacific Oo. Express Taaio IrStW PerUaiad laaUy Sooth I ttlae - a. j L v lorxSralLv 10M$a a I Ar jcvt 1. IS, PJTtiW .v- Sau Frsariw. 1 I sfcarvk ' Ar I san a a t,v I a is a a Lv I : ,- v r " -v i am a:l slvllo from all v'btir 'i sluslve. also Tan h il '.IvUsy.Hirrisb-Arg, Junction Irct.-n, tgsns ai l aH stations irg to n ilati 1 laotasi'e snasatnta auit, aaiav R -vise, is kaal a -AOs a I Lv Perttand Ar tr IJttSr I Lv AlWy Lv I ItSO a Mru I AT acassbarr .tniec sauart. :W A I Lv .MbA-y Ar I lo- ?1 a w 9.-00 a I Ar Labwaoa Lv I so s I a I Lv Albany Ar I :2&r KMaalAr Lv 1 r PULLMAr BUFFFT SLEEPERS. AND Dining- Cars on Ogdan Route. SECONO-CLksW SLEtPINB CARS Attaehaa la all Thraatgai Tralwa f esi tide Mvtalraa. aarsjiKU ra err las an caataiLisi axis laaiBBAni tKxersr-iSaisaay. r.SUaa I Iff Ar atsksai Curvalb VA ! tS r a 1 V ra ttui r a axrasasraaia lattt 'Except Scusday. MOra Lv Ar fortland aeafiaavU: Arl Lvl :H a I Mil rrK ra TtroiTRrli Ticket:- to ail point tn ths Eastern St sUsa, Oaaarts s.rU Kur..e can b. ob-stueU at owerrt from C V rrwak. trant Albany. K. KOKHLEI B r. BOOK&S Mansr.r Vss' Q T. aj Pon'vr.U Oiag.