The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, June 01, 1894, Image 3

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Wekki.y I)mocrat.-$i 75 per
n aavance. . j .00 at end cf year.
sAUHATii, May U7.
Our citizens were siven the benefit of
5 the presence of the members ol the Cien-
eral Assembly in a popular way. The
i churches of the city were occupied by
r vititing n inisterg. Some strong sermons
were preached and general expressions
of favor are heard. As they were not a
part of the assembly proceedings it is
only necessary to refer to them incident
ally. The writer heard ihe Moderator
in me morning at the U f church in a
discourse of much talent, and W .1 Reid,
he stated clerk, in the evening. He is a
popular talker. lr McClennahan's S. S.
discourse was full of leamiug. l)r Reid's
tale to a mas? meeting of Junior Endeav
ors of the city at 4 o'clock was one of the
treats of the day. Betw een 300 and 400
members communed nt the services at j
the church in the morning, the prepara-'
tory sermon for which had been delivered
the evening previous by Dr Hanna. The j
delegates pronounced the day one of
spiritual feasts-
ncjcday mousing May 27.
Assembly met and was opened with
prayer by Rev Frailer .
A memorial from the lay delegates to
the Assembly asks that the list of de
ceased elders be published in connection
with the minutes of the Assembly, was
referred to the committee on bills and
overtures. The committee on Sabbath
schools made the following report:
'It's 'matter regret', data furnished
ua is not more complete. Five presby
terians; viz, Indiana, Monmouth, Ohio,
Pittahargh and Vermont representing
fifty-seven schools have sent no reports.
Other presbyteries send incomplete re
ports; in all making one hundred and
seven schools from which we have no
statistics. Had it not been for this
omission it is believed that substantial
progress would appear in almost every
department of work. As compared with
the report of 1893 advancement has been
made in the number of elders attending
Sabbath schools; the number of scho'ars ;
in the total average attendanca ot schol
ars and teachers aud in tome other par
ticulars. There has beeu a slight de
crease in the amount contribu ed by the
schools as compared with the last report
In view of these facts we recommend
1. That in as much a i we have forty
less Sabbatn schools than congregations
not withstanding the fact that a number
of congregations report more I han one
school we urge that in every congrega
tion, at least oie Sabbah school be or
ganized unless circumstances render
such an organization absolutely imprac
ticable. 2. That the Presbyterial Sabbath
school superintendents be directed to
make strenuous efforts to secure a report
from every Sabbath school in the church
and report the same to the permanent
3. That we express our gratitude to
Almighty God for his blessing upon this
department of the church's work duiing
the past year.
4. That conlerences and conventions
t held in the different presbyteries
under the direction of the Presbyteriul
Sabbath school superintendents wher
ever practicable.
5. That the third Sabbath of Oct be
appointed as a da? of special prayer for
.Sabbath retools i 1 all our churches ; and
the last Sabbath of June 18'Jo as mission
ary day.
tjih schools be appropriated as hereto j
6. that the ontnhotrnnii if tl.9 a-
lore viz: tirst quarter (July Sept
Foreign missions. Second quarter (Oct !
Dec) Home missions. Third quarter
fjasi Mar) Church extens;on. Fourth i
quarter (Apr June) Freedman's mission
The Assembly next proceeded to take
op the unfinished business leu over
from Saturday. This was the consider-
tiojCLOf the report of thai committee on f
itlls and Overtures. To the second sec
tion of this report, relating to the open
ining and closing of the sessions in our
Allegheny Theological Seminary, Ir A G
Wallace offered the following amend
ment: "That the directors in control of the
seminary be allowed to exercise their
deecrition aa to the time of opening and j
closing ot the session, provided that the
term of study be not shortened and that .
the directors report to the assembly their
action in this matter,'' which after some !
.little discussion wae adopted.
In regard to the third section of this
report relating to a general delegate find
and on which the committee reported
that no action be taken, the assembly
adopted the report ol the committee
Tho fonrth srlinn relating tn hhtii t
eebool music and anthems for children. !
wae likewise adopted as reported bv the.
Section fire of this report, relat
free church papers to our foreign m
ants, was likewise adapted.
Section six, relating to the iesuing of
a church Thanksgiving piocUmation by
the moderator, and which was recom
mended favorably, was adopted.
Section seven, relating to the memorial
from BrookvilU Pres., regarding the
& word "Sunday" and which was reported
adversely, was adopted.
Section eight of this report or memor
ial from Concord'.a Pres., on union of
Psalm singing churches, aud which waa
reported favorably was adopted heartily.
Sectfon nine or memorial from Pres
bytery from Caledonia, relating to the
assembly's meeting in a more central
part of the church and which was re
ported adversely, was passed unanimous
ly The next paper on the docket, was the
report of the committee on Sabbath
school?, which was taken up and passed
the assembly, without any alteration
.Dr Meley's paper on the Industrial
condition of the country and which was
laid on the table a a former session was
taken from the table and reierred to the
Coenmittee on Reform." A resolution
on the preaent condition of our country
waa referred by Elders K C McKinney
and J W Ganlt and referred lo the com
mittee on reform-
Bcirivz 1 " f:f h nte ' J att. rh that
CtlitatJ ;I1TJ,
aa mercorr wilt scrr'j i- "y thi
ame.ll and comples-i denmf : the whole system
when antestng it lUrcuab tb- cr'Jcrnss mirfaces.
Buch articles shm-.ld never it osed except on
prescriptions from rcpuiublc pbv'jiclana, as the
damage "hey will do is t'-n fold to the good yon
an possliiiy jerive iroin 1 nfn. iibi, n t
Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co..
Toledo. O., conraina no mercury, aud is taken
internally, aetinr? airec tiy uon ino moon ana
iniirfm'iiriaeesof rhesvsti rn. In bayinr Hall's
Catarrh Cure be sure you rret the genuine. It la
taken internally and is made in Toledo, Ohio,
by V. J. Cheney tc Co. 'JVitimonials free.
Bf Bsd"1 by Progirist". Brtsa 7&c. per bottle.
ttean towels to every coawnerJatViere-jk
tbaviog parlors.
Moire silk fir trimmim. iu th- tiule
and 1 shades, fea r cnived al S E
Spectacle & eye glaS'ea at f M
if you want a tioe smoke call for Joseph a
white labor cigar,
v The bea;',i't noffee in the city at O mad
soy er .
Senators. W It Bilveu. Albanv.
.lefferson Meyers, Franklin
Representatines. J M Philpot Harris
burg. J J Wbituey, Albany
N 1 Crume. snetui.
Commissioner W K Pot'cr, Fox Val
Clerk C E Stanard, of Brownsville.
Recorder Riley Khelton, Scio.
Sheriff C C Jackson, Halsey.
Treasurer E L Bryan, Tangent.
Assessor 8 O Wallace, Tarbanon.
School Superintendent F M Mitchell,
A Ibanv.
Coroner Frank Farrell, Albany.
aTlOUND.---Near the Jewish Cemetery.
r a pair of aboea. Caisl on J R I'ooala
the ttantlam gardner, or leave word at
Parker Broa.
Heport from the committee) on Freed
mans mictions was presented to Uu s ;
feembly for its coneideratioti. At this
point Rev McCullongh, D 1. of Kno::-
ville College was invited to address t lie
anscmblv. Tim llr snoke enrotiritirinitl
of the work among the rreedinen. mai i
other thiuits being equal; the colored
people are capable of receiving an educa
tion as well as the whites. The doctor
emphasized tlie success of the Industrial
department of this school and urged that
it might be kept up and encouraged. Rev
.1 B Work, of Norfolk College, was next
called upon to address the assembly in
behalf of the woik among the Freed men
at this point. He spoke of the evil re
sults which still follows as a result of
! their long period of slavery that every
noble principle in them has been
trampled oat and that conscience among
them is wanting save where they have
had the uplitir.g influences of christian
Assembly was Opened with prayer and
after the calling of the roll and reading of
the minutes, took up the order of the day
which was the consideration of the report
of the committee on Home missions. The
committee presented a report of which the
following is a synopsis: That never before
has there been such an encouraging report
handed in from the bond. In spite of the
financial condition of the countrv the con-
txibutions of the year have exceeded those
t. ... 1... aula 1 ,.......,-
v ;$i000. It net
jnends a grant in next year of $79,657 to
winch must be added fiU,Yoa borrowed,
from the reserve fund; in all $90.425. Also r
the adoption of the following resolutions.
1st That we express our gratitude to
Uod from whom have conic the
hlf mill of the oast Year.
marked I
'2. The adoption of the annual report of
the board of the General committee. This
included the adoption of some fie resolti- !
tions, one cf which provoked some little
discussion. "That hereafter the failure
of anv mission to pay its full quoto to the
boards of the church shall operate as a
barrier to the granting of its ropiest for 1
I aid. Ir A (i ahace effered an amend-
ment substituting the words, "a reasonable
contributition ' instead of its full quota,
which was adopted.
3. An expression of the high apprecia
tion of the energy with which the board
has conducted its work and seiziug the
strategic points of the mission field.
4 That pastors and sessions le urged
to educate their people to feel obligated to
meet the obligations laid moon them by the
assembly and that the obligations 5e met
5. That financial agents of Prebyteries
send out quarterly statements to each con
gregation stating their obligations and
urgingthat they lie met in full.
0. That the assembly take such steps as
will make the quota an assessment for
which Presbyteries shall hold their con
gregations responsible.
7. While tie General committee of mis
sions is not in all respects saiifactory. yet it
is the best that can be devised at present
and recommends no change.
8. That a comvaitte of five be anotntad
to report to tho next assembly on the con
stitutions of the General committee of
Home missions, with a special view to se
curing, if possible, some degree of eontin
uity in the niem'oership of the General
tnuka uuatos.
The assembly took op the unfinished bus
iness, which was the consideration of the
report of the committee on Freedmens mis
sion. This report was. in substance, as
l 1st. Resolved. That -e record onr
' itude to God for his continued blessing up
on this work.
2. That we heartily approve tlie work of
the board, of the missionaries and teachers
in their several stations.
3. That we esieviail', commend the ef-
. fort put forth to carry on the work in the
Industrial department.
4. That we urtre the prosecution of the
wo$ of reaching the children of this once
enslaved race and "instead of the fathers
take the children and make them noble
princes in lbs land."
This report was adopted without altera
tion. Kight o'clock was the hour set for the
Elders conference. According to program
announce.!, .ur toca, or i numirp. .a
J-T Tf . n" "W" U,UIU
talent in this direction.
The first speaker was Mr T II Gaa'.t. of
Chicago. 111. His subject was: "The
Offering a Part of Worship." He set
forth the truth that the offering, fo be true,
must be from the heart, and. drew ;ji illus
tration from the "widows mite."
Mr W S Heicig ait spoke on "The
Tithe." He spoke from a personal exper
ience ot four years in tithing anu claimed
t has been binding al! aloni-in each dis-!
nensjL!:on l.oner itv U.'ins t n v ;ir,'r I
the tenth which Wongs to God has been
given him. The reward is njt only
spiritual but teinjora'.
"The Envelope System"' a presented by
Mr A M S?ott of Braddock. Pa. He met
t-e common objections to this system in a
forcible ntanuer. The fact that the system
is new or that there is too much work con
necteil with it was shown to Ire groun 1!. .
Mr (oit exploded the niethesi of raising
funds bv socials.
"The Pastor and Finance'" was the sub
j jeet assigned Mr J D Ferjjusjn. Philadel
I phia. Pa. The speaker ras in favor of the
I pastor taking an active pan in church fi
Mr WM Brown, of FparU. BL, spe
on "The Elder and Finance." He spoke of
the leading place which the elder should
take in church finance. He should not
wait to the end of the year to pay his part
of the pastors salary.
1 ne obligation lo pay the quota compared
with the obligation to pay congregational
expenses which waa tae iat subject, was
liscussed by noiiert t Mchinnev. ot Ham
ilton, Ohio. These two obligations were
placed cn an equality and equally binding.
After the conference held last eyening.the
sua. -ess ot an elders conference was mad?
manifest and Presbyterial Filler's confer
ences will doubtless be more frequent in the
future. Happy are thus churches which
have such elders as spoke last erninir and
Presbyteries which have a Mr Hie to
After the usual devotional exercises, the
first order of business was fixing the place
of meeting of tho neiLt General Assembly.
Invitations were rectived from the bth
Church, Pittsburgh, Pa.; from Bellefoun
tain, O.. from Xenia. 0. The vote of the
assembly was seventy in favor of Pittsburgh,
one in favor of Bellefountain, O., and fifty
one in favor of Xenia, O.
An invitation waa then extended from
the Chart iers congregation in C4urrnona
burg, fa., to the committee of Home mi,
sioxis to meet there. Indiana, Pa., also
extended an invitation but the assembly de-
tided in favor of Cannoasburg, ra.
Ihe assembly then proceeded to UU busi
ness of the hour, which was the considera
tjon of the report of committee on Foreign
missions, ihe report, in substance, is as
follows: It has been a year cf unusual loss
and hardship. The death of the venerable
Dr Dales, late secretary of this hoard and
the death of the wife of a young missionary ;
the return of four more on account of fail
ure in health and the feeble health of five
more; supply of new workers lieing wholly
inadequate to meet the needs of tbe Its 1
and three being sent out the past yea
makes it a year of unusual less and hard
ship. On the other hand there have been
anv enaiuraxirit; features, nach held re
porta marked growth and prosperity. The
appointment of four new missionaries by
the Iroard, and their virtual accephtnee
shows that the missionary spirit in the
church is not dead. The following i .in
tions were presented for adoption:
1st. Ihat the assembly hereby express
its high appreciatiation of the very
efficient, and largely gratuitous services of
the lab' Corresponding heeretery, Kev .1 li
Dales, D D, and also its deep use of loss
in his removal by death.
2. That the appointment of a Field sec
retary is asked for by the seminaries anfl
certain Presbyteries, would give tnis board
an undue advantage in its work and is
therefore not now desirable.
IJ. That the salary of the treasurer of the
board lie increased to and that such
increase date from Oct 1KI3, when the
present treasurer entered u-win his otiiec.
4. In answer to the memorial from Mo
nongabe'a Presbytery, asking that a cor
responding secretary be apirointed who
shall give his time to the work, committee
recommend that it be not granted.
With reference to the plans of the lioard
submitted to this assembly for its approval,
we recommend me roiiowing:
1. W'e confirm the appointment to India
of Rsv Geo K Henderson of (ilen Elder,
Kas., Miss Minnie Spencer of Columbus,
Neb., and Miss M Fulton, of Summerfield,
Kas. We also confirm tbe appointment to
Kgyptof Miss Minnhaha Finney, of Knox
vflle, Tenn.
i. We imtliorize the board to appoint
and semi out as speedily as possible two
male and two female missionaries to India
and one male :ind two female missionaries
to Egypt.
vi; iiuthorio the board (o send to
oaon mission dm one or more qiiiiiitied
persons who shall be employed, so much of
tiieir time as may be necessary, in educat
ing the children of the missionaries, pro
vided that tlie parents ol these children
shall compensate the board for the portion
of the time of the missionaries so employed.
4. We authorize the reduction of" the
first term of service in a mission field to
seven years; the subsequent terms of ser
vice to remain as at present, namelv. ten
years .
V: mnmm
Al.IMM Mkbt
KT Campbell. 1
lHiring the session of the Assembly in
Albany the thought came 'o some one to
call a meeting of nil the Alumni, present,
of Westminister College. 'Ibis movement
resulted in the discovery that away out
here on the Pacific coast; at a meeting of
the General Assembly thirty-nine Alumni
of Westminister College could lie found,
i he different classes represented were ns
follows: One from the class of '.'ili; two
from the class of '58: two from 'Ik); two
from 'w; two from 't4: three from '60; one
from "IK- thr.,., f-., 71- I fr.-,ii '7-
three from '74; two from TSj one from ''.;
one from '79; two from 'SI : three from V2;
two from 'St; three from 7: one from 88j
one from 'Si'; and two from "OT.
It was thought fitting owintr to th? large
number present to meet some evening- in a
social way and invite all the Alumni to M
present and their wives. Accordingly, on
hearing this. Mr and Mrs Saiu'l K Young
whoiiossess that large spirit cf hospitality
characteristic ot tins .orui-west, sent a
request that the Alumni accept their in
vitation to meet and spend an evening
socially wiui titem. luis invitation was
Kindly accepted; and on Monday evening
a party ot lorty or more KM by lr ll.uina
proceeded to the home of Mr ;uid Mrs
Young; where they were given a hearty
welcome and made to feel at home in their
lieautiful parlors. This meeting wm hon
ored by the presence of lr Black, who was
among the first professors in Westminister
College: his term dating from 'X! to 04.
the Doctor spoke, in his usual modest
j way. of the little good he had been able to
' accomplish in life: but expressed the joy it
i gave huu to see those who were once under
j him occupying high positions in the church
I and in tlie world.
I This was responded to, in a speech bv
DrJ A W ilson. lr Withersixxm and Others
who assured the venerable Doctor that his
labors had ever been apprecia'cd and had
he?n a moulding factor, for good, in their
lives. Congratulatory speeches, expressive
of the good work Westminister was doing
and of her progress in recent vears were
made bv Rev M M Gibson. I) 1. of San
rrancisco; bv rres
res Sieniw. of Cooivr
Memorial College; by I'r J I Rankin and ;
Rev T .1 Wilson. The following resolutions
were adopted by a unanimous vote: "Wet
the members of the Alumni
Association of
w estminister College, in Albany, irregon
assembled do most heartily irajoice in the
evidence of prosperity that is beina; enjoyed
by our beloved Alma Mater.
Especially are we gratified to learn that
by the generosity of her friends such an
important advance step could bo made in
her equipments as the erection of the Man
Thompson Science Hall. And we would
earnestly commend the example of these
friends to other persons, of nu-ans. 111 ihe
lelief that no more lasting monument can
be erected to a man's mctiiorv than that
which results from the investment of a
good gift upon a worthy institution of
learning. We would furthermoie desire to
assure the Faculty and Tnsstees of tlie
college of our undiminished sffe-;tion for
our Alma Mater and pledge them our in
tluence and cooperation in any afferta that
may look toward the advanceiuer.' of her
iuterest. and especially would we seek to j
direct the young people of our respective j
communities toward her walis to secure an
education and to encourage men of wealth
among our acquaintance to bestow
her their gifts."
AFTE11XiH- SE10X. Tl KSOAV. ilt W.
After the nana! devotional exercises, the j
a&sembly passed to the order of the day
which wa ih rom.i.lpraHr.n of Bsa tVrsit
., -.. , ' i
01 the commiiiee on ejncation. inev re-
port the two Theological seminviee have grrauio-ie to ivr in
been fullv manned with four acting profe- : 6ln uiu oar natetm. The rmort,after
ors i.. each. Une-hunUred and nine ftudents
have been in attendance, seventy-six at the
Alleghany seminary, and thirty-three at the
Xenia s.?minary. an increase of three over
last vear. The endowments of these schools
has been increased bv$l', .7-1: f )0 r-eing 1
receive.1 by .enia seminary
and !.74 by j
A.letlvnv acminarv. in the Ore svn-
li, :il co!I.',m of our church we find that
there hare rtea in atten lan.-.. in West- I
minister. 23-; 1 It of th-' Uing in the '
colleziate depaitment. In Tarkio. IM in i
atten.Ian.-e. 7' Is-in in th- c I.-j'.aV d-
partment. In Cooper Memorial. 100 stu
dents. 17 U-ini: in c-jllekiate department.
from Mi.Kingum. no rep .rt has gaai re- :
ceivzd. In the three afSMPlMlfl th'-re have
been lfil students. 47 in Miris-a, 70 in I
Pawn.-e Citv. ar.d 41 in WaiL-burj. Eai h
of these academies has been aided bv the'"''')" tlieve tliat the money trf 1 in the
hoard of, A memorial from the i
Syno.1 of Iowa ifkinjr ihat the rjeneral
Assembly appropriate i'-OO towards tlie
colleges under the control of the synods of
the I nited Presbyterian church to be dis
tributed -jjder the direction of the General
Assembly, by the board of Education. On
this memorial the committee offered the
1. Resolved, That eai.f)Q be appropri
ated to the colleges of Westminister. Mon
mouth, Muskingum, Tarkio and C
Memorial and the two seminaries, Alle
gheny and Xenia.
2. That the work of raisincr the amount
be entrusted to trie lioard of Education.
3. That the I ward of E location !e in
structed to distribute this amount as follow
tf'HXl to each of the seven institutions
named. Of th- balance two-thirds shall cc
to the college and one-third to the seminar
ies. The balance to lie distributed in pro
portion to the attendance in these various
institutions reported during the year l-'.ij-4,
the attendance being based upon the
basis of the number of students ir, tlat
collegiate department.
The next report taken up for niwslilais
tion was the report ot UM committee on
Ijoard of l'ubliration. The committee re
ported congratulating the Ward on its fin
ancial suctetss, that notwithstanding the
stringttney of the times: their business has
increased and they have made money. The
-inking fund has increased $.1,000. The
imard has ljettn faithful in introducing
llible Songs into uaicn meetings, non
sectarian schools and etc. Notwithstand
ing all her financial tOeeOM, the 'Ommittee
fei.-l that the iKiard of I'ublication has not
enough missionary spirit; that they are
more for making money than furthering
the cause of our church. Its prices are
two high and it is net popular with many
of its customers. Tbe committee present
the following resolutions 1 which have been
abridged) for their adoption.
1. In order to increase the popularity
and efliciency of this board of tin; thun h,
do recommend the appointment of a com
mitUte of three to examine into the policy,
work, business methods, complaints, and
etc., and report to the next (leneral As
sembly. As would 1! expected this resolu
tion nnovoked no little discussion, but was
voted down with a large majority.
2. That the Assembly approves of the
advertisements in the Christian Union,
iiuarterlies and other rieriodicalH to help
pay expenses; but we feel great caution
should be shown in the selection of them.
Dr Ittid offered the following amendment
"Beaolrad that the assembly disapprove of
any advertisement in tho Christian l.'uion
or llible Teaiher" but the amendment was
lost, and the resolution of the committee
was adopted.
Q3. That the busincs manager andfr-ditor
of the Christian . I'nion be direeb'd
b) make this paper wholly devoted to tho
interests of the vounir people nnd not aim
to make it a family journal. This resolu
ion was voted down, but afterwards a mo
tion was made for reconsideration and
carried. A second vote on the resolution,
however, resulted the same as tho first.
4, That the board be ordered to issue, as
soon as possible, an "edition of the Bible
Hongs without the denominational imprint ;
or if this be impracticable to
publish without this imprint another book
suitable for use in union meetings and by
other churches. After some discussion tho
resolution was adopted.
5. That tho board of I'ublication be re
lieved from further oversight of Sabbath
School work and that a suirerintendent and
a coarmitleo on Habbath Svhools Ikj appoint-
en. The assembly did not sustain the com
inittee in this part of their report
6. That the board of Publication be
I directed to dispense with its retail depart-
ment. aa at present COndocUd and that it
do all its retail business through depositor
ies. The vote of tho assembly was against
this imitation. To this report Hr A G
Wallace offered the following resolution
for incorporation into the report: He
solved, that the board of Publication lie re-
Hiested to omit, hereafter, in nil future
editions of the Bible Songs, Ihe preface as
found on the first leaf liev KG Kyle KMO
offered a resolution which was incorporated
and which is: Uesolved. that we rci-uost
the board of Publication to stiike out Iroiu
the title page of the Psalter, in all future
editions the word "Of the United Preeby
t er in n church of North American.'' After
all these alterations tlie report as a whole
was adopted.
The order of the day for the evening was
a conference on Sabbath Schools. Kev Al
liort Wareham. of the Presblery of Albany
presided. I'rof Wiley, of Monmouth, III.,
presented B paper OB the "Organi.ation
and Management of Sabbath Schools."
Itev Samuel j Lindsay, to whom was at
signed the subject of Presbyterial Insti
tute'' was not present and so was omitted.
Kev I A MeCtenahan, I D. next ire
seted a paper M"Adranoed Bible study".
The author of this paper, while not con
denming the International Sabbath School
Lessons, yet endeavored to to show that they
are too fragmentary. To remedy this the
author recommended a "Hook Study" ol
the lfiule and also that it l stuiliisl by
subjects. Prcceeance. however, was given
to book study, as the prime method. Kev
S J Kyle, of Artrvle Presbytery, spoke on
t'rin'mrv Work m the Sabbath School."
The speaker emphasized the nuporl:uice of
the Sabiiath School, they
should lie first hunted out and then in
structed. Childhood is the time for lasting
impressions to be made and the only time
when the mind is pliable. Kev S B Smiley,
of Caunonshurg, Pa., spoke on Ihe pri
mary Object of all Sabbath School Work."
The primary object was set fcrth as being
not merely the gathering together of so
many pupils or presenting to them ivrtain
lessons, but rather the effort to glorify I kti
in the salvation of .-oul-.
av. m ad.
with prayer.
The assembly was Opened
Ihe hrst work of the day was tue consider -'
ation of the report of 'he committee on
: Bible Songs. This committed reported
that the standing committM on this work
has secure! the introduction of llible Songl
, m services connected with the Itible In-ti-I
tute. Chicago, under the ciirgo of 1' L
i Moody. Owing to the prejudice among
oher denominations to our Bibh8ongi:
and I'sa ter as being denomination-! the
committee suggested the publication of a
, book similar lo Bible Song", but withcut
i the imprint that would make it a denomi
i national We therefore iivommend (hat
our Board of Publication be directed to
! pub'ish at early a date as possible a
I look of the general character of Bible
I S?ngs, but wi'hoot Iim ilnnmnlnaiinnal im-
Also. tresolve,!: iba- tnc Hoard of
PublicJtioa be dini ed I Lnacft
Ihe l-".':!:
li-e Bible
1 Psal-r. sc the future editions of
Neat was the report of Doaamittee on
cburcli extension. The wcrk of thi I; jrJ
for the pa;t year has been very gratifying
indeel; and the con.iai't.'e ptmented the
following resolution, for adoption.
1. That we approve of too 1 mda : if
the Board f.r the pa-t ver-
2. That we cominend and recommend
the business methed of Ihe B jrd of
Ctaank Kxtension.
i. Tliat we u'4.ePre-bytery toaruti
nize, more fui v, all pcltcatioai for
I grants in the future, to thut the d 1
funds be not needlessly appr rr.i! d
4. That while we SO not ljk wit j fa -vor
upon irrants to churche-" built upen
'eased ground, yet we wcul.1 rwomoicnd
an exception in the case of Sioax City.
5. 1 hat we urge ccn the B .10 '
press more fully upjn congregalioa the
iluty cf having their property secured to
the Coited Presbyerian ch'rrv :i .
6 That the Board designed a spectii
object for Ihe contributions of the chinch
1 1 1 ." i .. . . we Kra'ela ly ackn-v elae la
'aid given lo this BotttR
laa. we cipre-s uians' 'o tn !:-.?:.i
ben cf tiia Baard for their danug
"'1''' '
Tlie next inatt.-r l u-iic il.i.
Consideration oi the rs'l.irt of the 1 III
mitt., ...1 n.l..n . I...
" .
brief pn faie
many a.t r.t wa-
Resolves! lat, Tliat asi the subjtx-t of
government grants' --,:arhsa and
religioua puqw-. , :. iaiiv aim-ns tl
Indians, are attracting wwomii trail
tentiota aaaornj! tho other denoniinai -
" Christians. And ainoe there at betotrt
C.lik'r.-s a: i.r-s-nt a bill atii.r'.r.riatiri
altont ifts.lWO annually f ilu- pabllC
',ln'1" '" p"noet-s or nim.-t
M """ h "
ehur. h, ; cmbim.!. whkh enable
W;:.-'a e. !. .'al! r 1:1
! tracts of land on the I eau ration, and to
I inuirt ioreiirii Prie-s's and Nun- man-
at:,-lies-e feliesjls w In.-li i- t;r.--'l-,-etitutional
and unAno rican.
2. That this i ji'neral Awsembly n!
ress-ntins a large and patri-.tic ristilu-
education ol l!o- Indians. SUOOId I..- ex
ps-nded, exclusively by wmi is sass
otlicial: ny n gowranent trttfttrlt, and
lanistly protest against that j-inion
of the bill now In-l'-.r.- ('.mgrres which
ciinteniplate.s (fovernment appr..j.rial: .iis
for tsch.sil.s under revtarian control.
rt. That we heartily sympathize with
all thrise deiiominati.iiis !i.i have de
clined to receive any farther appropria
i ons from the national g"V, niiueiit tor
he suppsjrt ii iiiission wrk,
4. l hat a committee lie appointed by
the assemby whose nominatrou a refer
red to the committee on nominations, to
cooperate with other protestant denomi
nations in tbe use ol all lawful means to
bring to a termination al! grants nf mon
: irom me treasury qi i o m -sow "ee
religious denominations arid assucia -
I tions of every kind
5. Tiiat a copy of these resolutions be
forwarded to congrees as an expression 1
uf the sentiment of this assembly.
llsaailll Kesolved, lst.lliat we view
with alarm the growth of Sabbath profa-
i nation and the want of a conscientious
I regard for the sanctity of tho bird's day
even by fjrofessiiii! christians in the uie
of Sunday train, rea.iiug ol hunday pa
papers and books unsuitable to tho sa
credness of the Sabbath, receiving or de
positing mail tatatter.Of tba performanca
of other unnecessary work. That we
urge upon our people the faithful obser
vance of the rahbatb as a day of rest.
3. That we commend all rairoads and
all other corporations which show re
spect for the scriptures and such laws
for the Sabbath by ceasing their labors
on the Holy !ay.
3. iliti we urge the paaaago 01 'lie
bill now before congress known as the
"ltlair's Sunday Kest Mill "
TaatWaAJSca. Kesolved, 1st. Tba' we
regard tbe IkjOOC traffic as the over
shadowing curse of this nation; an
entiny to the peace, purity and prosperi
ty of the, the church and state.
To license this traffic is a sin against God
and a crime against humanity. Being
morally wrong it can never be made
legally rigt-t. "For the Son of God was
manifested'' not to regulate "but to de
stroy the works of the Devil." In this
connection we lament the fact that one
of our states enjoying the benefit of pro
hibition baa taken a backward step and
its legislation has so far forgotten the
dignity of law as to bargain for (ha vio
ation of its own statute. We believe
that Hie time has fully come when
chriitians should cease to be indifferent
and should unite their efforts regardless
of previous party alfilliationg for its com
plete suppression.
2. That in our judgment no christian
can lie held innociit of wrong-doing w bo,
when a moral question is at issue bo votes
as lo be counted against the side of
Caanrrtaa amhndm rn r Hfaolved, 1st,
That we lament that there ig not more
distinct and full recognition of the ex
istence of Christ as the ruler of the na
tion and the supremacy of Ilia law as re
vealed in the scriptures in our national
constitution than it now contains. Thnt
we urge the passage of the joint resolu-
tion proposing the amendment to the
constitution ol the V S, now tabled bv
the committe of the house mid senate
cover'ng this matter.
2. That the petition put into our hands
be signed by the .-.nodera'or nnd clerk for
this Assembly and returned lo fho peti
tioners. :!. That we commend the national re -
- j friu Assembly for the work of bringing
tbe Christian Amendment before congiesa
uurnig trie pust year.
Indubtuiai. Hefoiim. ltesolvcd lBt.
We view with sorrow tbo dcpriission cf
I lie in i nr.d (lie disfrrrt end ,vcrtyof
many of our cititens. That we sympathise
i with tho worthy poor, those willing tc
I work who cannot and employment; and
llioso who have been unable to iiml iuar
' kef lor their produce. And that by our
I prayers and in cvtry way poatible we will
show ihe tjood Sjataritan spirit for (heir
I '2. That wo mm use our rights of citi
; senahip in (be sew (on of inch men fu will
j rule In t,o "fenr of the Lord" and legis
Uto for (he weifaii of our great republic.
1 tufnett the
Owing ic lite pressure of
u icmbly were inublo to take the time t'i
march to the eTreofth- departed sol
diers and to show their appreciation of
their services and heir gratltjde to (Jod
for his blessing cnjtliis natl n the i saembly
organised In a special season ol pnyer
led by Rev J D IVownlec who himself
w.-is an old soldier.
led (he largeil ram
Mrs ( tverman
i an l
to 11
it ii
I. the first clerk of
the Assembly as heii
g Omesfl man in the A
tie laigeet hand
Hi; Was Nor (m The Yaquina
Post savs: T (' .letrries, arres'ed at Ya
quina City and bounl over to answer
the charge of caps vallovt ing a coat from
the regular coach attached to the O P
train, of which he had charge us car
cleaner, was promptly on hand when
court nu t to fare his doom, lie claimed
from the start that he never committed
the theft, and when called liefore the
grand jury here he emphatically denied
Ida uuilt ; and when he was informed by
the jury that they knew Up was not'"
eililtv. that 'n, I
full confeirion, entirely exonerating him.
and only calleil him lo know w hat be
: had to say as to the further prosecution
: of Ihe matter, lie only begged, if 'twere
j possible, to drop the nutter right here,
I avering that he would rather plead guiliy
to a crime he did not commit, and suffer
I the full emiii of the In, than that ihe
real criminal should suffer. Well, tlie
crand Jury did not find "a true bill"
rtgauikt T C h irrie.
MsMOBixi. Srfcviv.. The annual
memorial services begau in Ibis ci'y yes
terday by p. pular pnblicexercics a: the
opera house. Ktv Curtis. f the C uigre
gational church delivere.1 the sermon, a
patriotic etio't, sensible and appropriate.
Excellent music was tarnished for the
occasion and the hall was tastiiv decorat
ed ihe attendance was large. On Wed
nesday tl.e regular decoration exercises
of the day will occur. The procession,
conristing of many ole'.ies ol the city,
school children, veteran, etc, w ilt marc!;
at 9-JO headed by Ihe M-hanic s band,
followed by P Co firemen, fecret so-eta-ietiet,
closing erlth Iheli A R and
citizens. The exercise will r-cur
atoawd the grave of the lale Mr Kdward
Robinfo-.. Pres dent I H B'o. of the
S ate Agricultural C e.e w:ll deliver
the addrtss.
State i:KAN.r Tiie fo'lowicg officers
rata elected for the tnealni two years :
Master, J V'oorheea, of Marion ; overseer.
A S Bolerts, Watco; chaplain J C
White, Polk; treasurer. .1 B BttUBip,
Marion ; lecturer, A K Miller. Mulino
mab j steaard. J li f..-o:t. Linn ; aist
ant steward. Ii R Bepbeaeoo, Clack,; secretary. " M H.llearv. M sri n :
gatekeeper, John Simpson. I.ane; r
mona. Mrs Fmma Spore. Lane: ra
MroReetraJ Phiitipe, Benson, n .-.
ilr W J Kl ard, (iibiam ; Satfv a'- -t-ant,
Mrs M E Tall. C scUma ; executive
ittee, J oorhees, V J Fdstards.
1A l'acn, legislative committee, 3
Vuorees. W 0 Warren, H K. Hayes.
A v Oi n Boo,.. We were show n a book
one day this week by Mr Albert W'tmlatl,
which for an'-ien'.net surely eaj the
climax Ii wag printe.1 at'lxndnn in
!C7j and is therefore 21 t yean ol age
The title. "Tl.e PlatOtf of the l.ivc-,Ar!s
.ir.-. .Ma-'.vr lo::: .: the .,ir vr.v .,i
ant", .Martyrdom of the Holy scr.r.
ut or Rarinr ar.,1 T f,.M'.li.r.' l-.s.
and I.uke, : printetl on the title paze
in 1 . r cm l.r.. I ,. . - ... I
,s,r 1V ..L i... 1 :
vrtl, !,ji f.milr Ir.r ih e...i irs e..,.
Brownsville Tiut's. At i: lacks Itli
years ot being a old as a book 0 Or Ir
vine', of 'Itis city, it cer'.ait.'v die not
cap the climax
Tur. Km
Wa learn from parties
who have recently len in tlie CalanrimiB
and Piiue H rrr Minee lliat Ifsamya np ;
that wa. lifin to lvk as thoagli times
wuii'd be l.velr .ip U-ere in li e near In
trare, Hen arecatiiing Iroiu rrery direc- '
tion and ..n there will be sevral n:ilis
in operation. It :. hooves every
man in
tliis commnnilr to d.i everything ii
n bia ,
power lo tiring the w u read to
p'aee if the prove half as
good as
anucip'ied iim.-s.
A Ms'.v TRr,-K -Mr Charles Curran
drove to Ipe depot laat evening in bit
. :. o meet the t s - irs,un;l Mom
m .
j! !
1 equina Pay The train arrived atet:
11 o rloek, wi.-n Mr Curra-i wentaf'er
Ids horse lo return home. The animal
as gone; but it wa in tbe
Bmyjty. which Mr Curran puMed home
'iimself. dec'a-ing vsngarce on the
pej-etrator of tl; Uick.
QctTK josi alurdcy evi aicg Mr
Kd MffU as t. kicp a steepon Ibeliench
OS the south 1 ide of the depot, when
some of bia friends got a rope and lied
mm in us oanen. am marshal wae
"V.."' . , W.UIVUI , .I.I.U...B . VII II fill
fie placed handcuffs
cn him. And still
he slept The surprise on his awakening
may be imagine !
A Notid C.vaK.- Geo lerker was re-J
jccntly tried at fedgwood. Calf., for the
1 murder of dis w ife and baby, lie would '
have ' hem. I vflsllSw il.a..
j j s 7 . . . v ? -.'.-
. I prodnccd a'ive and Mr Its-cker was dis-
charged. atMSan rrancisco Hummer
devoted a great deal of attention to Ihe
case, attacking Dt-cker severe'y. Mr
1 lirais, 1th Perry Qoaa, ot this citv, has '
just received a leMer rrOOs lerkr. an in- I
tiinate friend and former neiicbltor of his. '
in which me true animus of Hie prosecu
j tian is given. It was spite work. Sev- '
' eral men. including tbe Examiner people, I
will be in hot water nelore the case is
A K' liiimi-i
; bile away
from her home at the west end of Fifth
street Mrs llowar 1 lost $13.75. The doc r
was 1ft t unlocked and some one entered
and helped himself to the money. Mrs
Howard bad in the forr noon advised a
lady friend not to leave her money when
going out.
None a. Parties having (lowers toiiive
lbs Fire lioys for Decoration day will
please have them at the hall ol l.itir En
gine Co. No S by I o'clock Tuesday. My
order of committee.
Mr D YV feat 00 spoke to a large au
dience at the opera house Saturday even
ing. He dealt largely of the money mid
tariff ijuestions and showed by fac's in
contestible that the crv that the prtrent
hard times is the result of the demotrats
succeeding to power is without reason
nnd made for party purposes only.
Dr Hill Is to deliver a populist sjiecoh a
Eugene to-morrow night.
A live pugilistic contest occurred Oftpo
sltethc Democrat office this afternoon.
The graduating class of lha Eugpne
public schools censhts of titty two mliii
bcri. Hon lien Hayden I lo ta'k at lbowns
ville next Friday evening. This will by a
political treat.
The Albany junlorr. defeated the Iiklo
pendence juniors Saturday M i to 3 'tl a
lively amateur game.
There are abjut tw only live applicable
for the position of principal of IheiAl
bany schools, nnd about scventy-liveifor
the positions of assistants.
In V amhill county an effort Is bdi g
made to elect n man' because te Is a cijui.
In ol Harvey Scott, of Ibe Oresonlan It
will have the opposite effect.
There will be one assessment In thei A
0 13 W order for the rnonlh of Jirjjr
1 his makes assessments (tS) for the Urst
six months of lb year. Cheap insurance
on $1000.
E r Chapman Infonns us Iba'. the twi
ning yesterday afternoon struck a tree, at
hi, place at Cedar Flat, and another niar
John McMahan's residence. Eugojic
Guard. fjotM trees were also struck tin
licnton county.
The graduating exercises of the puHjlc
school will occur on next Friday at 2 Tim
and 8 p in, In Ihe opera honse, when kn
admission of 10 and 15 cents will ie
charged. The clais and the lopics 1 as
heretofore been published. The program,
will be given In full previous to Friday,
W K Ortel left th'n noon for hit new
home at McMlnville.
I'r Melloy, of Chicago, delivered the
tnemor'al Mrmon at Salem yesterday.
Tho President of the Rio Grande was
in Albany today on a special. Several
ronils want Ihe IT P ministers to return
by way of their route.
Mr an Horn, w ho has been coodoe
'or on the street car for several months,
has accepted a position on the Oregon
Pacific. i;d Mills is taking his place
llvv W E Dunlap, of Hoyden, Iowa,
' 11 ""-'"l',K'r of (he Assembly, went to Leb
anon i-uiuruay lo sperm me saihatli
with some friends from loirs. Here
turned tLis foreuoon.
Prof W 1! Adams, for two years prin
cipal of the Oranta Paaa public aebooli
is in the ci'y. He is an applicant for the
princlpaJahip Ol the Albany schools.
! Mr Allen 'hamberlin, w ho has l.etu
1 1 the DbMOCba I olliee several vears.
I ''n. leave tonight fur California to reside.
lie is a ralthlnl, reliable young man who
can be depended upon, wherever he lo
Poet master Tboa afosteitb and wife
and (J '.v Simpson and wife returned
Saturday erening from their trip to the
Midwinter fair. Mr and Mrs Mmpson
Were gone sever! UK-liths. Thev rei.orl
a pleasant experience. The trip up on j
the Homer occupied forty-eight hours,)
and was as. smooth arid easy a ride as could
tie taken on the Willamette ('apt i
Denny of the Homer, came over to Al- i
haaf to spend Sunday.
TXT It, 13
i Chaw roHiisviu.u. The I)tmocr..tlc
candloatrs spoae here on 2 th Insl. Thcv
cane too esrly in Ihe dv in have a larirc
atten janci but Use impression made was
decidedly in favor of the ticket. I believe '
it is admitted to be tho best ticket in the
fi-ldand rats entry the full rote ef the I
parry here, T0d.1v (l(tS) the populist
candidates presented their tide ol tl.e ,
question at isuy and to'.d bow that pro-,
posed to serve Ihe country. So far the i
canvass his not beers cl a bitter nature j
here but has been cori'uctcd In a grille-.
manly manner.
The republicans ipeak at Ibis place ?o-
asnrrow and suppose will demonstrate i
t'lat'lna nsBtt rude ol counsellors there
is safely''
Crop tooling w;H. Fruit mostlv
khied. dull though lumber Is
oe'nst scored rap:;:,. 11 ,;i come there
Is plenty. The MM trey Of is row Strralgbt
eninjt Bp ,oJ lines and j suppog- they
wH! oon te in good shape an J conairi. ii
A Iim
Co ACCUNUf. It la rare for a
Oak to pa without a gun accident in
. me cviinn . Thitiarl givj another:
An 6 year DM son of C N Aldriih. of the
JPper Mohawk valley, was the victim of
l the careless handling of a revolver Saturday wiii peonabiy cost him bis life.
a b'otiier a few sears older he was assisting
in hunting s-jqirrels when by some aoci- ,
I dea'ai cause the S calitr revolrer in the
hands of the older brother na dueisarged, 1
tie halt enterinsT tr. ijenir of the mar-Mi
i in the fomarxi taut of the right side. al.ui
l. . i . r
wBsuaer p riiira til tip iuag, riinjring
. . .1. ...... ii .i UW l0lJ c a!" se
IcA i.iis. it will nrrisaiili I fatal.
the j
Btnimiji-.-Itiii-jfikethe i .1 -sir
ft t! 1 1 :.i d are to 1 r-grelet. and
' :- !. w ::.-. ii letter ? tre-
c is thun ker next Kuthern neighbor. A
mailMSI ial UasvJet rejeicnting Ihe large
. p-r.r ause oj c.-octer a t
in Fran-
11 , I
Cisco, made us a call todav. II
, rcsil!y l.-r. thi-o-agh a large portion of
I ' raia ae-l rrn-rt that state atTerir.g
fr :a the u rt r g'h ever eiperiencesf
ii-:.-... i Ut-mand lor ureaon pn-
eth, The fc-y crop e,peciaily what was tu.i;,- ,1.
Bead bv a dolawsi rain a fW .iv.
la; - since.
- . - .- -
A 1' rStRBOt, 'ttir Tangent cr.rres-
.... :.,.,-.. ...
'. ' ui
a si-ech a follow, i
i and e h nby ive n.4iex- that we will
not be r-esi-.r.-.'-.i f,.r the cm merit J
vu-ni. Kpuru: cawintate lor representa-
' i . , , - 'V I
the sps ts h and wari'.isl to pvt out of town
"VV';"' '"" r ,
iirr. tntr rca nf aair- - For the
..... .... .... .
tlurl seas,,n in ttarffeanon Mr 1 II Hngn-
n iTought to the DtMocnaT office from
his tine naataa i-onnty pardeiu a couple
boxes , f strawUrries. faliy ripf They are
the Clark's seedling, a dVUcious berry.
riaheg tbe sViUon m flavor. pssessing a
ryh color and a stnydy character, as well a
the adrnaftagesof aa eaets growth. May
SI r- 1 1 ...... . .. ' '. . . 1 . , . .
Sows Apviri;. When an ofheial has
.t-nscientioasjy cairi,-d out the duties of the
office to which he baa been elected, in tact i
bej n bried and fimnd to fully and perfectly I
perfv rm the duties attaching lo the same,
it i- th pan -f wjadosa to coo tin oe him in 1
tbe j '
see. Herald Ihs-rvf are vote for CI
C lai-kssvn f..r ihasial ht. s .
Wn trie-! and found to U competent
iine rrcTVBaa. ine phutograptte ot
the mc-atshen ..f the pn.-ral assenshly taken '
1 rawi tiii ax;- n ap- a great sucoe-r.
1 . r,. :.rc S.M fats in the picture, very
distinctlv tratlinad. Oaraerai satisfaction is
eipraaaud with theea. The picture niay
swured. or ofiler given ami the photo-
graphs nmi bv 1" S mail or express mai
To morrow being a legal hol.dar the
p ost eff-ce w 1.1 le only cprn iro.n S to o
a m at.d ; to 6 ;' m.
Ihere wfic only lolrty persons out to
Iuar ihe rep'-bican candi iatcs at Oikyb'.e
! t'icluding w-jmen and chi.drcn.
C S Jackn, ol the Fcndicton K 0 Is to
be appointed receiver ol Ihe ftalllMall
j Umk, of I'rsdleton, recently suspended.
It Is rumo'ed rhat the llovey, Hunv
i phrev A Co Janrs will be reorsere.1 in a
snort time
me. after having been reorganis.-d.
iwug ne f'ua-d
Mrs Daniel lies', ao o'd resider.t ol Al
I berry, b,it who has resided in San Lean
I dro, Calif, aareral sears, dieo In that city
a few d.i. ag". M,c was a woman highly
j respictid .
'Ihe Maccabees will b, II a picnic In
Ha.-s.lerr.ans grove at this citv on June u
Mcmht-ls cf the !o,l,'c in t'nrs-al'U
i and JrIdrs.n w id iiartitinate i.. the
festivities of the dav
Tbf O P ale is to occur on next Sat
urday. Will It o, cur. It has generally
been thought rhat the aaic would be per
fectcd on this occasion: but the matt-.r it
! Dot by anv means settled.
While the Willamette river a. Port la nj
j is very high, nearly the top notch, the j
j ilrer at this city Is a- its normal condition,
being aliour - (,-et bove iow warer. :
MOa water causes the raise at Portland.
An hem talen f nm the Albanv Herald
j and pttbthrhed In tl-.e New s of Wednesday
1 evening stated In effect that Willis Nash
i had gone to New York. This is a rnis-
take; I he gentleman is in ibis city attend
I Ing to bil law business. Cor vat is News.
The delegatss to the U P assembly are
Invited to make thempe'ves at bo-ne in tbe
I tXMns of the Y M C A corner jnd and
Ferry streets. The reading room Is sup
piled with tl-.e brsi literature both IlllgtoreS
and tecutar. The game room Is yours;
while here and you are Invited to make
j use of the gymnasium.
The womans missionary society of the
First l'rrsbvirilan church held their reg
, ular monthly meeting Saturday afternoon.
One ol the pilnclpal points "of Interest
brought out was tlie fact that not with-
standing the hard limes the womans
boards ol Ihe First Presbyterian church
had raised during the past year for home
missions the large amount of $168,007 26,
for tlie foreign Held $195,016.39 being a
total of over one half a million dollars
ialscd for missions br these noble women.
O Sullivan bus been senl to the soldier's '
home at Kos'iburg, from Sulotu .
Dr Mruco. the retiring moderator nf the I
assembly, received a dispat.-h yestertluy to
uie home on account cf tho serious illness
of.his 21 year old son with pneumonia, nnd
left 011 the overland for Amies.
1.. . sr -
N Y, his
Parker Bros, lead in baked goods, as
well as In groceries. This
! the truth, a can be easily learned by
a trial. When trading with
them, you get wnat you call
for. Do not hesitate to
Place your cash with them. It bus
guantlty, quality and first class
treatment every day In the week
Old fai' 1 la-nily phh at lo eta
oox at Fred Uawtont : J ' a g Stor
n t he corner.
HigitatS ofJ In Lew x',ng
The referee democrat hi war horse of it e
Rickrea! win tpeak at ibe opera hous in
this city Batarday eventng June ;nd at
7:30 o'clock, beaaocrau. i..,noH.:. r.
(nuoians proiiUM-ioni.ts and
else ir. (ted.
si-uois here pronour.c- Albany the
greyest rose cr'y W,eV have ever etn.
-Sbultz U'os have j jst pt in po Hon 'n
tneir market onem't c finc-t rfrlaera'ors
in the valley.
.1 the nfil,,. fnli.j
Fre-bitenan general a.semblv, still leave
for Sar.Krancisco on a .pedal at lo o'clock.
The prrsrr.t f k od jo Portland, due en
llrely 10 backwater frcn he flembia is
Cie highest yetknovsa, a fact we can
hardly apprcua-e here alter looking a:
the Willamette lowly running p-,t.
Gov Penr oer bad an arpo:ntir,rril to
peak at Hood iiver on Decoratijo day
but the G A R at that point -asied resol
lutlons dep'orinj; the Iac-. :.;,' t!,- ,,v.
ernor did not g..
Resolutions ot ret pec: to t' c mrmori
Of Mrs Sarah A Jo-dan and also other
matters interesting to our cour.trs readers
crowced out, ii t; r y.b bbcJ til a lew
The Nehcrg G.aphlc is rcsp ir.sibie
for the Stateenent an KnglUhrnan
claims to hast di:coseied the lichest go!!
mine In the stilds of the Calipooia ruour.t
ain ever found in Oregoi. ar. J lha! he
will lorm a tsndica c of r.fs countryrr.B."
to work the claim
Claaorn Honey, a rsoy (,t irars of ae
has ued the ci'.V of Kugene lor fzZoo
damages, caused by ihe breaaing of an
arm by falifrg it.rcogh a sideaa.k on
June ), ijt. Tue c:,: d- ir. iS'yl
recovered $500 agairsr ci'v for Ik ot
ss?riccaDd now the b. 'ant tme
Mr A Itn, a cf F E Ai en. of he
inlsrd empire. Is :
... . ..
ihecitr on a s !si'.
Mis Slice Porter who has hmsm!.
ng a BOraUeas college in p.-!'and. rtturn-
ea norie ".nis n3ja.
- Vita ffirheanlu. uf DiJLj, wSi in
ttn city to-day.
alia Emma fteeder, ojast accrebarv of
Us Y W C A i ia tt ritr vesterL v
and paid ;i .. . r'rr' ';.
the t
sae Man abosl Tos-n and hit familv,
I incSpding a Nebraska minister and wife, 'a
I'h; .. : ; uu : : .:-.. n !..-r :. .r.t avl a
, tlaysvUie. IVcn. menhact. had iut -
lft3STS SS. iS,sa3
. . . : . . --
" J appreciatrM.
. . . , . .. .
en, n i ur.-ar. s .3r:'..jn soi a'
- -i -.:... r- :. a gn I aaft I feasa the
m m i r i i - , - -
. uui-sii rumor i mversnv. aJt.r a
I very crediubV college hfe. A tSegram oi
rongratnlation was stnt them by st-.erai
Altony iriecds. They wiil start at ccce
' "na keiii icu cur. Mr ir-niur
Tut' :rn,t Uown for
i-,;- -.v-ii.- ri ti .
ISrv! - Hox witi tj preaent
aturday to bid in the tiregon Pae iS, r
; not. In fact tVre u the usual unnaictr
jaboot what the rsu!t will t The Salem
I IndVpscdect, tfaoub. m.s Sffures! it
! like this:
j Eei-rthic ar.iun.! Csr-raIILs has Wmn
. to csu'me a lively state o.r.; t i ... tad
that ne SatanlaT the sal the tajaanaj
i I, C i ,.t . . .
i anoc nuirvsi i ta;. j. in Ihat utv
aeveras orr.cis oi tbe bout hern Pacific are
in that . ity with their eyo open Kr I
n -nd it is ffineri!y concvl si that !!-. .
coopany wiil be the p.-jrhaser of the Ore
Is ' '"a- '- 1": - li gg fa. -n art:
to swnre control, but as tee oompany is so
deeply in debt, it is believed that the on'v
.- ski ;rr i. i i :. t. - !
. . "J '. v-- t-J-
If the nthern Faci:. awtya the road, the!
freilrht War wlufl, I. '.- i.sen m.irir nn lw
tween tnesv two r:a4 wih a a matter of
cxur'e a
Dteimnox.- A raining fere noon j
' detrscTdfno-r. :h decotatiaa das service , 1
jlhouch rol; ihr enthusiasm ol Ihe
(occasion. Notwitt s'.anding tl-.e et thepro
cess'on formed at 9:3a and marched to t.te
cemetery. T-'e Mecbanica bar..! furnished
' cood mjsic for r!-.e o-casion and lead
t followed by f Co, school cl ildrcn. Sons ol
) Veterans. rncrr.Vr. of the .V R 0 and G
j A R, Veterns an,! actthtewe. The ceme
te.ics were aitractlrc witn a larger decs, ri
1 tion of ll.iarers than twfore. present
: ing an excellent apparar; The grave
of oJ soldiers were formally decorated
and appropr;ate ercises held around the
i grave ol ihj late Kdward Robinson. I'rv
, on returning to the city. '- Ihr opera
house I M hl.K. in Mi m .,1 il, lat
cultural College ' delivered the ad-ircss, a
. pa.riotlc ettOM. listened to with much rn
one d.dng creuit to the honored
; dead.
PaTnra TaxtBa. 1C4 reoaipti wore writ-
ten in the sheriff's office last wiek. a to'al
I of 2S89 for Ihe sea.s.n. The total receipts
toi the weei: , .J-c'.lt, of which '...;. 4 n
; for AlUmy. Total for the s'Ma ?. .
1 887.9S. Thoae paying $10Q tr more the
, last half of the weak were :
I John Sshmeer ? 1.13.SS
i R A Ramphy 232.01
: 8 Cannon . . 1 23. 1 S
I 1 W Cusick 29oSI
j J A Crawford :;ss.-s,i
Milton Hale 10(.j.&S
I'.'st SoVK Mosev . Wlme 011 a recent
' pilitical trip in a urMurtry ncighl-orhcssl.
i wnen he deliv-eied a ppuiist addiesa, Dr
'J L HU1, paid SfO in paper lliual I .
which he slipped, i titvs a pocbet. n arrival
at home the money was grataa, it barring
been htaL Ihe Doctor it mud lo be very
reticent on the money qraeetioa sin.v then,
and at leitst prefers tiie Kind that weighs
down and lets a man know is present.
An I' kv Ni MiiKK. A few nights
ago a couple men entond the hen house
ot Mr John Maxwell and stole thirteen
chickens. The Bomber proved unlucky to
them, for they w. n' s.s-11 by Mrs Mawvel!
and it cost them $5.20 to pay for the chick
ens. Kin GbOVSa. I have jus! received
the new spi ing shades ot the celebrated
Cenlemeri kid gloves and also those
with the large pearl buttons. 1 expect
to carry these in colors to match the
suitings. I Barry also lines of the Foster
hook, Biarrita, chamois and gauntlet
gloves. S t: Y.u so.
Or. Price's Cream Baking owder
World's Fal r Highest Medal and DMoa -
French ibe jeweler kc;
ai'.road time
Highest Honors
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes ao Years the Standard.
Power. Latest 17. S. Gov't Report
Monmouth Reunion.
A very plrssaal reunion of the Alumn
l Monmouth Coliegp was held last even
ifig -at the house of kev Riley Little. Abou
thirty-fire of Moninoutha trradnati and
rtndente were present. Kev Havid HcQifl
I'l). acted hh toast master.
Kev W J Wishart of the claas of vs rr
"I'.'?"' tf' the toast "Old Monmouth "
n it ,. . "ihuwui.
Ker K II Achison of s8 responded to the
'oast "Monmoutha Wires."
Lev K B Graham of '74 respnde.! to iKp
NOnmonUi n Us 8sse i
. . ' - - ' I 1,1 II','
W A BoalnWS Ta.T.j
month Jn the lireat West. ' "
ar i m r.aultof '70 folui ,t..
same subject.
nsi,ii ii.
Iff.,' , O 1 ..
- i jiioer Happily
enterUinment by the follow nr orirrinal
Thes Axo Now.
traveleil many a mile
u erpleasar.t plains and hoary bights
lnrcmjfh fair and stormy weather.
We've climbed the wags amid the snows
m ( loud-enshroode.1 mountains;
And traoed .n flying iron wheels
1 ne nvers to their fountains
'Jay together;
Tliru' chasms des-n w'nr tin. .
r ast butti and
K.. a.,aj r Bigfat v
Aero-, thi, grand aominion.
how the height of eagle's flight
v ith song and salutation.-.
Our chosen band, with clasped hand
Exchanged congratulations.
How blest the chime at ereaiog times
ban through tin; mountains -inging
"r song and prayer swept through the air
lu grateful accents ringing.
Our suppliant cry ascended high.
Afar bejoal the star-land
That He who guides the etormr tides
" ouid guide us to the far-land.
At fair Spokane the river ran
aad tag foaming w ,;rr.
Aed tossed the spray in vapors grey
j i'rjj- wive, ana uanghteni.
1 1 Pogrt Sound tbe hills wer crownel
I .w "h cities kind and kinzlv:
j With wticomeworde they fed' onr hordes.
In couples, tripphs. singly.
; And Portland bM, whose hearu are true
As iove ha ev?r giadOeaed.
Ma le every thoagb a charm unsought.
A dnjua of y y unsaddene.J.
Even old Mt Hood, with all hi brood.
Of grand snow-white retainers.
Has not yet found this side tbe Sound
More w ho!e--oiiled entertainers',
vtar fehdisesv sped, and sja we 3ed.
In viesr of osaahnsi hoarv;
Aiong the plain where frailand grain
Bespeak WilUmett glor.-.
And here at lat by fortune cast
Mid fcesi sri.:h and
Mid friends so rare, and dowers si fair
Araby tie olden.
And so to-night with giad d-.iigtr.
We'll raise rir Elseneeaer
And man to mar. da what we can
In every way u plee-e her.
Uat in this ball we no recall
Onr dear old Alma Mater
Ard in our hearts profoandest paiU
We now will reinstate her.
We glory in the srdended s-tx-faans
And in the mighty rang.
In fU-hing bolt which thunder cloud
With thusder cloud eichangti.
Iniaoay crag tfcit lift their brows
here stars their watch-are kindle.
At i ::.r.:; r-. r.: tempf-ts whin
I pon their viewless stiis-lse.
W elory in orr hidden gold.
' ""or mines of sihered tr-asure.
In pati.!.s .npts of stoned wealth
Beyc-cd ivcpaie or measnre.
But here and cow w glory moot
In ou.- dear A lata Mater.
And from oar hearts sopremest lore
We'll ne'er expatriate her.
Whiie Shasta stands le. Mea mouth stand
ur pri.le. cur hope, ocr giory.
And let te ages yet to be
EnUrge urn our storr.
1 R MlLLF R 74.
Another ir.-.vtce of ladies and c .i'drens
ce-r. sun hat at W.-s Brljeus. Call
early and get ycur ehoice.
Wi!. & Stark keep up with 11 e times in
the latest gttle ol j;wc:rv. Vou wi;. not
mis (ft if joa call on theii fOA arayttdmg
in the jewelry lint.
Untied Pretbrterian soorexiir spoons at
FM French's jirreiry store.
Stamps at cost and Stationery in propor
tion at Fred '.law son's iittle store on the
The place In town Fred Daw
son's iff le drug store on the corner, lor
It costs no more, aid save :!nr.e, to buy
vour quinine from Fred Dawsca's at the
li.tie drug store cn the corner.
!.ate silver sword corsage pir.s at Will
ft Stark.
In new styles, 'ow prices, and fire work
la photos Tinkle leads.
There is nothing new in the pho'o iine ;
that ro'i e.ninol find it Tinkles.
The vtrv latest atj les in silver sword j
corsage pir.s at s HI .V a arks.
Get Tinkle to make your photo.
Drop Ir. and see tbe fi-.e choto Tinkle
s making, tor ind and Ferry.
Tlie latest i4fad,fancdl ck for .irjsses
just arrived at Read reac.sck A: Co's
Trv a pstrof Read, Peac-ck i Co's :
fill v cent 'acc certains. Thev .sresp'n-!
Another ii voice of Gilberts fast black j
satirens in p'aln and brocaded. Alsi per- j
ca'lncs in la t black end colors and last I
black orgrancrrs just r:ceived at Samuel j
Young's. j
Patronii; the A'bany Steam l.'undrv.
Albany white people run it, ork for it
nd patronue it. Are you one of Albany!
a bite people.
Axoriir a large invoice ol Iho- five cent
challie In da-k and Heht colors, just teceiv
ed a'Read, Peacock V Cu':call and make
vour selection while the is
New gtvxls just received at Mrs John N
llonman's. rials soul lor halt what vou
pay e! call and be cenv inced.
CtBAJtaa 0i Timk. Portland and Cor
vallis route commencing May 19th steamer!
Modoc will leave Portland on Mondavs I
and Thursdays at 6 A m. for Salem, Inde
pendence. Albany, Cervallis and wav i Ri turning will leave Corallis!
on Tuesdays and Fiidays at S a m, Salem
00 Wednesdays and Saturdavs at 6 A m, j
arriving at Portland a. : P M. Fare from
Portland ro Salem 50 cents
" ' Independence $1 .00.
" Albanv : .33.
" "Corvaills 1 SO
Meals cents.
C t'l Biownells grocery srore isJ increas
n.; in popularity. He carries a fine stock
In a tight room, easily accessible and
elves bargains. Next door to the P O.
at World's Fair
Harness and Sad
dies at rostfoi
casfi at MeFar
land's old stand
for 00 daj s. Next
door (o A It JIc
i y,rria,re r an exTotion and order of
, ante duly (Med Uy trie clrk t the 7m?.
i cuit court eflhc etnnir of 1 , n ;
1 Or .gon, dated the JLSF
in a cer.ain auit ia th8 ctrenil c urt f.,r'
ZZSLS P aint.ff reeorere,.
a.nm m, ana!-.,in. Annie 1 -
stein. IX.
. - nu'i war 11
r t ,k!' y of Marco mi
rf ,'he an of 118 sn-J Intere-e, on m '
?.VDt fr ann im n i ir,tr on
r. Pound and r.far h. sx
I kJ u , C - . . w f,
iT:w'"P" fr annnin.ali rve.m
: "r- "th.tS91.aii1 costaanl diV-.u,.,
urSH'T f JP! 0'! . ' . M -
nuTi 7.ZJZL '-""-'" njavaanas
a iju'Jged and decreed that ti., rta I xo
err f'aa-,i,i . .'"
I"1 .complaint, t Jwit: Tr. rsonrri-.
. . . . . : .
-T" ' V-'-"" " ci A. irric.;. lot Nr.. 'Soft
, ,n "awiona ;o and 3: . t wn
ship I eouth . range 1 ea't cf in-, Wi:am
eus,rneridian; Also tl.e i.orth ha'f of
norths r,arter of
fjuirter of section J, tba a n h
0f """hi -sn.rr or
tton 3fi, the nor.hwet 'pi-ner rf nutti
east rjuartrof s--;..,q sj. )n r .wnship'j
i armtt, , range 1 west cf tte i larr.e:-j
miidian, all in county of L nn. a-a- of
Oregon and containing ji .-rei more or
laws,, be sold to sutry aaid j i Jmen: end
decrsand all -ov..; aToitoa ia hr-i.T
given that I will on Saturda- ih-j 3 M
day of June Irsfll. a: the ooort h .u-. do .r
in Aibny, in aaid county, at one rcl'-lc
in tbeaf.einvin cfnaiJ dav ae'.l at pob't-r
auction to the highest b dder f r ca.b ail
of the ngbi.ilt.'eand iatre which the
w'i dsiendants or ei.he.rof theai or th
oefendaBt Becjamin H. Ii vine as:jrn
or H, F. Poand, an inwi! vent debtor, had
n aaid real property on aaid 13:h day of
March: IS?, lo satisfy the aaid iadkrn-'.t
and decree rth,. a;i gjg mncl
diabuiaeuienu have or miv ac-ru -C
She ritr of Linn eoun'y
Il9d thi i the 31 day of Hay W1
AlbanylnsaraEce Afency
We have had oier sevtn ear
ience in the Home cilice and '.oc; car. gusrar.".ee'.t.
written by us to be property l--iokei ...
I The following is a r-artial lis; cf coropime.
i represented by us:
Foreign No-th tBritisi A: MercactSt,
orwich Cr.ion. Photcii, LoradOB, Man
s'er. Guardian, San, (JaledossiBa, Lon.
A La-cashirc.
Arr.ericar. Continental cf Xe York
Wes-chester cf New Yo.k. Tie Con
nen'al cf New Ycrfc acd March?. 'tr
Eng'.acd, write farm at sir.ett, takirg ret
lor the prerriu'rr., with ample time f
pa merit. st e rerec.iu.:v toi:c:t a
good business.
cce .
OS-e orr
J. 1. liAIsSTOX.
Coiatr WanaBts
Sold, (fffiff, Sastun
K"D2ht end
Bed, Alb
The car wi'l leave of Firit lad
ashington streets is fbilowf :
7io a m f.-r Irbaron train.
!j:1 " " Oroiiar.'s lijait.
I r :5o " " Nco l train going north.
U:i5 p m for rocr. train tctr. ou".?..
; " ''. Lebanon train,
i Jo ' Onshans llome.
4 " n " -
9-55 0 r"it c" naie fcira cs
1 Fir 0f Fan's Hirre ra Stress iar
itae at ; "o. 3 ;"o ird 4 yprr
'Xrecar wi:! a::o n.ttt all 'r.c
tiatr.icr. the Fictrtc ntcQsoa
1 .
Notice is beflby e:en tha
received bv tVe Couot .
rn cf
coun.y. Oregon, up to 6 oclock p
June 6 1S04. for jj records of oas 1
either grubbs or split, to be not Uss
tonr inches in diameter at sir. ill end of
wood, and to be delivered on ground at
the I. inn Coantv Court iluse. HP
Mayi6iS94 ' N P Payne.
Oosme C.eik.
K. I). T. M
No 3
i meets everv -Saturday evm ng in K. O.
T. MUail. V.siunf. Kn:ght inr-ted to
attend. A L Lamb, Com.
In Your Own Local. ty
made easily and honorably, -without capi
tal, daring your spare hours. Any man.
woman, boy. or girl can do the work hsaid
ily, without experience. Talking un
necessary. Hofhteg like it for roortey-makin-r
ever offered ivfoiv- Our workers
always prosper. No time wasted ia
lcaniing the business. Wc teach you ia
a night how to succeed from the first
hour. You can make a tml without ex
pense to yourself. Wc start you. furnish
everything needed to carry on the busi
ness' successfully, and guarantee yon
acainst failure if you but follow our
simple, plain instructions. Keader, if
you are In need of ready money, and
want to know all about tlie best paying
business before the public, send us yaur
address and we will mail you a docu
ment giving you all the particulars
TRUE & CO., Box 400,
Augusta, Maine.
w no-tss rLora scrEaioa rors ni'
ro Basaas vsa
Ira Poatase, we will send
A KMisptr Envelope, at .-ir her
Will I't. FaJESH or Bill X tTTK
Yora have seen it advertised tor many
year, but have you ever tried it? It
root, you do notlcuow what an lsl-.-al
t'suuirfraksn INswUs-r la.
bostOea beinar an ac ft no wlodgwl baottfior
baa many rvir-esthiiiaj usvs. tpcWt-iiia chiif
Ui;.. suit-burn. wi:Ki-iati,UHip- r'ir:itfn,
etc.; in tactUUft iiM-tciciKHtcti.J jctmb
pruucCiou to tbo Iact durmtt bx-4. woUfcatr.
It la HolJ v car yw haaero.
For samoie. address
. A. POZZONI CO. St. Louis, Mo.: