The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, May 11, 1894, Image 4

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    A t'HAH
Attorney at Law. Will practice In all court o( the
special susmiovt iriven so rauwra ia prou -..t
and to co. lections.
1UK 111
i the Fllna block
Attorney at Law srid Solicitor in Chancery. Coll
Mon made on all point. Loan negotiated on
rablo term. Albany, Oregon
Attorney at law. and Notary Pubdc. Will practlcein
all theeourta of this Mate Special attention riven to
collection? and matter in pre bate Olllee. Next
doer t IVwtofllce, Albany. Oaii .
D. t . 1 1 1 1
II leial rasHcrs will receive pro
attention. (Boe r. aid Fellow's Temple, Albany
Attorney at Lw, Albtiny. Or.
Attorneys at Law.
Albany, Oregon.
R. J. I.. 1111,1,,
Ptaydclan and Surireon. OFFICE Corner
Fer-7 streets, Albany, Oregon J
ftSm ntsrov ivi.
rtiysk-Un an Sanreon. OFFI0B Comer .-.. ...1
and BiowWIhin Mret. Albanv, Or, Call proaipt.y
attended I citv aniceantry.
A4KKT, W.Ir.
Physician and Surgeon. Odtce Upsta'r orer the
Bank of On gon.
';. l i. . corner 10th and Calapooia It.
I)r It E Beers. Dr O K Bee
Physicia-isanc' Surgeons
Special at'.en'ioi given to diseases o
women. Hou-s 10 to is A M, 2 to 4 aid
710SPM Orfie and residence Blum
berg Building, First Street, between Lyon
and Elwrrth.
rv Dr. l-nUer-on 1TlIar-
The NatsM -J L'.fe R"vter, is do
hict svrttl csvn bs f ma i ml her reaidetioe, aext dooi
J B J acitl. She tcIU al-u. all fuhjectft. pM
present Mid fatare; love trauhlen, absent friends and
binine You cn hear from vturdead i;ei. ).
alt Ji ,V ' 1. IUVHF.RX
or t.nAST, nsini
TRANSACT .-nral B.utinr
aco and Pirtlant, Orr-vn .
VAX MONEY on issml r-mrily
RECEIVE deiKisita ubt v ohxek.
t-ijLLt'-i nx mkt-.- tm EBuaaa : l on tiiu ) ln.-t
ink or Ht'IO,
scrto, OREeoK.
Southern Pacific Co.
Bipress Trains Uaa Portland Daily
jrrJ I
CtUr. a. I L
10:23 r a j Lr
1 n 1 a 1 Ar
: .' : lSBi,
Sau FVan-risoo
I Hart
Ar I :! art
I.v I 4:xS a
Lt I IjDO r m
ft 'i r, s t . all ntstlo ia from
ll 1 . . 1 u -: . . alaoTan
kk l ,'Iiiay.HirrtabU'g. Jnnetion
Irriii, igin-t ail ail stations
ssstteyvi h iii ) lai.u.M'
aossraa Mill., PAIIT
4'J ts I L
IKtS r m I Lt
Orai I Ar
Portia al
At' -S0r
Lt I I 21
;l 1 7 joc
R ,barr
:tOa a
:00a M
I :SCr a 1
ll. J
- AWD-
Dinin? Cars on Ogim Route.
AI.msImmI taall Thraagh Tralas
rTest aide mvlalsa.
i!Tii I'oiifinu ti 1 oat 11 11 a
Mirr aaisainr (Except Bunaay,
7:i a M I
11:15 r m !
1 ..o n
STntsasTsara dim.t 'Exc.p-
I: r m
lib f M
I as
I ' k a
to sit rnilnt In Ihfl Rtatern S: .'.-. C'lnsda s.iit
Knmiei can Ira ub ainei at owest from C V
rronh, Aeent Altruiy.
sfsrurer 'tO P n.l
Port'v.d Orirm.
JCsveuts ind Trade-Marks nbtairud. and all Pat-
S snt at.ess conducted l r mocsitc per. 1
Oua drner is Cpposirt U. S. Patcnt ore cf
5 and we can secure patswt in leas lime losu tnossi
t remote In.'O Washingtoo. 1
4 Send m jdel. drawin. photo., wrta deserlp
Jtlon. WS sdie, il patcntab's or not. iree ol
5cliar7e Our lee not due til! v lent i secured.
i ...... u, n "How to Obt 1 1'stc'its." with
'cost ol sraie in the U. S. ana iteigucciiDtrtes
fser.ciree. Address,
4 Oep. PaTtifT WSMiMCTOi t
w wsvwwaavw
rut up 111 . " Htcn-siiiiM-o bsrll ica,sur,ni
muted. Hitall ri ic, lie. ner le.n,. .
WWsm .wvt CaUlocna of V(tibl a in4 Vflowtn.
C on! Jin, 112 ,nw- K) 1-'-' InrliPh, with dMtrrlp
MMI tha' drriltp, not roUlfad ; Ilutration
tint I nut ruft, not .-nauprate.
'! " tovt f ! r 'liarrn'iig In harmonious blending nf
wu'i-r Mtoff I'tintM In v ami whit, witb a gold bark
Kr..ic.'!, u dnam of IrfaiKj. 12 y- of Novclfl?
I i p ) In N 'lifTiTfiit colora. All thf leading noveltlr.
aii'l Ui l-"rt of th? old varfr'tlrn. Tbcae hard tluiravou
cannot nf. rd t i run any rink. Ituy BORCBT 000D8
whi'i-r you will lalri FULL MEASURE It Is not im
i v t 'i.i . . -i-M- tlint Vkk'a'ltgrw, this la known
ttM rati! i vpr, and olao thatthalmrvwt A Ttry
lllll" Hfi ut fur ns-r iwd will nave grocer's and doc
tor'- till- Muriy concede Vick'a Floral Galle the band-
annifit .i- fr 1SI1 If you love a 11ns fntrdeq
a ii I :i.l '''' - now, with lOostiU, which tnny Ise delucted
fiotn t ' opI'T. $110 Caih Prlxai for Potatoei.
Hoc i.. ..ler. N. T.
inr.' Kill, MK'tl wriliiiKl
If linn. YAt flwlt lo liked per week
Son I h lf nnliea-.-d 'Uiuped envelop
for repvi VI Ke.K KON I a INK. geenerl
nn.i i!", 1 i Ireariinrn St Cbican, III
the efficacy of
Since a cake of Cuticura
Soap costing 25 cents is suffi
cient to test the virtues of these
great curatives there is now no
reason why thousands should
go through life
by skin, scalp and Wood diseases
which are speedily and perma
nently cured by the Cuticura
Remedies at a trifling cost,
Works Wonders
and its cures are the most rt
markable performed by any
blood and skin remedy of mod
ern times.
Bold throughout the world. Potter Prcs
airoCHKM. Colic. Sole I'roprilorw, Hon! on.
" All about tho SUu, ktealp and Hair," free.
Complexion. h:m is uml h:i:r preserved,
paritled and beautified u Cuticura Sua p.
Pain is the cry of a suffering nerve.
Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster is the
first and only pain-killing: plaster.
prompt answer and an bonaet opinion, write to
IU A: ttl.. wbo hare had nearly (thy yean'
experience In the patent bnaineee Com?iunlca
tiora strictly ooafldenUaL A Handbook of In
formation concerning Patents and how to ob
tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan
ical and scientific books sent free.
Patents taken through Mann & Co. recelrt
special notice In the Selenitic American, and
thus are brought widely before the public with
out coat to the inTentor. Tbt splendid paper.
taraedwrtealT. elegantly Illustrated, has by far th
largest escalation of any (demise work in thai
world. S3 a Tear. Sample copies sent free.
Building Edition, monthly, SLSua year. Singla
eoptea, J5 cants. Krerr number contains beau
tiful plates. In colors, and photographs of n
bouses, with plans, enaLliuc builders to show :n .
,imkr&!ssrm asses.-
Easily, QuIcklT.
Permanently Restorei.
and all fas train of rrtls
fromearlj errors or later
cxersscs. taw mulu of
overwork. tckne(
worrr.eie. ruattrecfia,
development and ton
Fire n u err organ ait
portion ot the body.
61m pis. natural raatboda.
n. Failure traDOaattdSw
2.(u retennre. ftuk,
explansnna as 1 pese 'i
iseaiea) ree.
BUFFa:- h.-
, wm cm
, ST. L
S 11 II Clark. Oliver W Ml.ik, K El!er
Anderson, Keci'.vers.
For 'a ei and genera! Infoi call
on or address t-urran .v Monieith.Alban
Oregon, or
W K HURI.BURT.Asst.Gen l.
2c Washington St.,
r... , ,,
- r,
Portland. Ossgos
In tlit Cirru t Cvtrt of ire M.tfe OJ (jmjoH
Jit tkf MrVtaff ot Linn.
John Brown, Plaintiff.
J W Swank and Martha Uwank
I'.ts wife
Notice is hereby given that ly virtue of
an execution and order ot aaieouiv Issued
out of the above namnl court
In the above entitle.' atttt to
to me directed and dellv.-i d. I i.l on
Saturday the 12H1 dy of May, i8yj, at
the front door of the co irt house in the
city of Albanv, Linn County. Oregon, at
the hour of one o'clock p rn of said day
cell at public auction, for cah it. hand to
the hiqhest bidder, the rea' prooerty d-rs
cribed ii. said execution and order o' sale
as fo'low", towit: T" undivided n'.e
m'l of the donation land
claim cf John Duniap
lap hit wife, notification No. s6fl an fol
lows: The south half of tit northeast
quarter; the SJutheast quarter ol tlie north
west quarter and the southeast q iailer
.nd the east half of the southwest quarter
of section 22, and ihe south naif of the
so.jlhwest quarter of eitton 23; Hit north
half of the northwest quarter 01 section 26;
tne north half nf Ihe northeast quarter n
section 27 nd the norlhtasl quarter of the
norihwcst of section 27 In town
ship 14 south, ranpe 2 west, containing
C40 acres (with the fallowing exceptions.
Seven (7) acres of these lands deeded to
Nor nan, A J and one hundred seres of
these lands deeded to Ruth WhlteJ and
aKo Ihe north half of Ibl northeast quar
ter of section is ; the ncu th west quar ter of
taction 21;.md the north half of Hie norlh
west quarter of section 23 In Townt.hip 14
Souih, Range 2 West, and cent lining 320
acres snd containing in all Sctacrm, more
or less, together with all the tenements
and hereditaments thereunto belonging
or In any wise appertaining The pro
ataawS aTSst-w fm Sf or he applied,
llrt lu lias pavincui oi ilie coats of and
upon Hiid execution, and the original costs
taxed at $21.80 Second to the payment
of the gum of $150 as a rensonab e at
torneys fee. Third, to the payment of
the plaintiffs claim amounting 10 the sum
of $1530.20, with accruing Interest theie
on from the i3lh day of March, 1893, at
the rate of ten per cent per annum i In
U S gold coin.
Dated this 27th dsy of March, I894.
C C JACKM) .'.
Sheriff of Linn County Oregon.
tdUNTY ' AtRANT.S Bought and
id i.v H 9 Merrill.
' xdbfA
Make Democrats Odious.
The Idaho Falls Times, under head of
"1 It True'' says:
People from Salt Lake city and Ogderi
who were then when the army of common
wealers were there, and conversed with tho
men of Kelley'a commend, says there has
been a systematic attempt made by dema
gogues all along lln route taken by the
army, to convince the men that their
roubles are due to Mr Cleveland and a
democratic government. The majority o
these men are foreigners and hive no con
ception of the details of our fotm cf gov
ernment. They have been educated by
the ie ttmrggs to believe that Mr
Cleveland, like Ihejabsolute monarch under
whose government they have been raised.
has the power Individually to relieve their
wants and that he and his administration
being responsible, it becomes their duty to
apply to him to right their wrongs. If
thrse reports ate ttue it should be the duly
of the authoiitles 10 treat these political
' demagogues as outlaws and inciters of
i anarchism. It is hard to believe that any
citizen claiming respcc'abtlity should be
guilty of such an outrageous course for the
sake oi scoe fancied political advantage,
while the country is bsing overrun by semi
anarchists an 1 the fires of discontent are
xtnoulde ring a'l over the land. Lit them
remember they are encouraging an clement
which if restraint is broken, that ti er will
be no respect of person or parlies, and that
they are trilling with tire bra ds in dtnger
ous localities. Baker City Democrat.
The Tariff Question.
The democrat'.' part declared in the
Chicujfj latfrtm that protect ioa ;u iphed
: by tlie re uhli.'an (art, espicially lii the
McKin'ev robber isriff, still in lorcr. was
not constitutional. Kead:
"We lov.-laic it ,i te a Ini I'.inienlal prin
: C ple of ttt. d;m vrj Ij part tlut the IcJer
j a! gove.ninsnt t-as nn tons'ilutlonal tower
1 to it:it an 1 gCec tariff dut:cs eacrt 'or of rerrnue 0r."
Tna' itii- j-osi'ton oltl.e Jcnrcri'ic parly
i i base ! 1 n rijjl.t a bten atTirm.-d sod ad-
Bsttsed ty msny f the leaitr ot 11 00-
ponen' lncc the dai l Jttt 'ion. Kvrn
! Wrlisler ai.d Cla. .lti:'ted the correctness
' of ;hr p incip'.-, wi Ifa-i en. the trputtd
jfa'herof the federal cor.stl'.ul on firmly
j maintained it du'ing hi adminUirnion
1 The -.ue"-:ion la a-ke Is 1 Cn He f:deral
governtnt-nt 'ax one s ol ur ctliens that
ano her set of our cittsfM m l-ut the
asu'ruct ot 'hit ;ax in their on pocket-?"
And the couris from I'aiilo 11.1 to Maine he
'ore wh'.ch the tjaasstloa b . b -en ja ': iallj
j te&tet, 'nave hj'aioed the
plink in t'ie d-"mucratlc f' fo'm In the
qurstioa rre'enttd in a Maine cnurt wMca
i codms'' ' l Cht utlcf Apjltton and
, Wal'on rni Danl6tlL tly a- fajl
: lows:
1 here i nothing cf a BciC njr c any
, more en' thr aWsHllajH f tr tojuJlic
i git s than the jailor, he mechanic, the
! lumb.'iniin, or .he farmer. Ojt gosrrnmfnl
, ia haei! 01 eij'ja''i'y o'l rhta All honest
1 cupl jjtnent are trorcrab e. Tie state can
; j: rightfully rHariiataait 0 amonj occapa-
So Mvs the Crcago platljrm, s vly s
The Globe, so ays th: true democrat.
Cataatic ('.ritici-m.
Ihe Capital Journal indults in the
following raustio but jcat criticism ol
Feonojei's Ashland sptecb: In tbeort
j Pennoyer has been a In prat
tire be baa blruaeif joined in exliavt
j gacce and taktn all iliat waa in sight fo
himaasf, as near y everv lioay else stems
10 have done, lie yn be recomrreor
el the abolui-in of the ilome.lie am ma
i com mission for service on wbleb hs get
2-" a year lor sloing notjiog If tu
bad bad tbe JtTersun atmp i-ity ana
j Jacknonlan briots.y to ltfuse to take
tbi 1 ,000 he draw in s yeaas for doink
j nothing be wsuld be a true reformer,
j And so witb thousands of dollars b
j draws on other boaras r-nd (urumiil
j ions. lie clearly dnen not earn a dolli X
I of ibis money on ibe domestic aniens.
commission tbeh h-a notbicg to d
j and never tnrets. if i aereanboneat
' reforms.' hn would not draw ibis money.
Onu act of rctumiog e do sr. tbcadt
1 honestly an 1 illegally - ;u-n leie l by
j law. would do nn re fat iLetaoaeofrt
form than all hia long tiradts about t con
Senator I law ley's reply to Al en on th
subject of Coxeyism was an utterance In
formed h) common sense aril inspired bj
patriotism. But wi:I Senator llawlcy or
some other protectionist Sena'or explain
what essential difference there U between
the march of thi Coxeyites and that of tht
Vforkingmen's Protective Tarrff Leagrjr,
whic'i hai gone to Washington to cCaiind ci
congress the right to live ofl the CUT lings
of other men? Does the fact that tie T'lfl
L-ague hat already got ol-; of Government
bounty money enough to pay raiload far--
' 1 while the Coxeyitei walk, alter the'cr
I In .3 nr 1 ,
y c:nini re-ncci 1 lie ll
id ha
time and again poialer! nut the unassailable
fact that Communis r. an I Socialism in
this country have their root In tbe pro
teciive ststem which gives one mini
earnings to ano'.her. This relation of
cause an 1 effect bttween the two diverse
form. f the name evil thing is now
every . ;,y pattnt in the news dinpstches.
There are mnjr njsors why tlie people
of Oregon gho4d elect lion A S Bennett
a-oci ilfl ;us;ice of the suprerns court. First
of all.cur tupr:uiccourlhou!d be composed
of the aSleit lawyers of the state, and Ju-!ge
Benneif Is recognized as one of the brainiest
n.-a in the legtl fraternity in Oregon. We
Should have on ihe supieme bench raen
wtose Intrgiity and honest cannot be
questioner". Juhge Bennett's :epu atlon can
be plckd thread bare, and not 11 di.honett
act can be toaad. Our court sho jld be
compestd of rn;n wlo are not tools of cor
p nations and iai!road coiiiames, men who
have s'.oo'l up for the rigid of the people
against the grinding oppres.ion of raitrjad
companies as has Judge Bennett. Besides,
E n-tern Oregon sho'ild hav(. s leprescntntive
on li e uprerne bench. Western Oregon
has always had the supreme court; now let
Kis'ern Oregon have a representative r n
the bench . OcHocn Bei'lew.
blioul i ihe S'ale Aid ilie Unemployedl
Tlie twcshaipe anicles iy r (loit and Mi
Means lake up I frit Huhj jet thoroagh'y.
Tlie tllscu : jn bears on the whole large sub
ject of wi .t constitu'es socia'iiin; Where
nstv Stale' hclpmiy hegin. If il begins a:
all, mid wlirre it may tnd. I'hl is one of
the most LlltffCt ing 01 ih- n-r!ci of dis-
eussiga current plans for working fsoclal
form! that is n i appear'uiL; in Tot K irutr.
And imw the Bjlmm .Siiib-sinen is out for
Til Kurd for t It's Tinted Stab's senator.
Tlie same '.ii;r urged Mr ford 'or gover
nor, but his mum! was not even mentioned
in tbe convention. lto!lmrg Plaimleuler.
THING won he con
sidei 1 ri 15 f I he fa tl h.i
WI ! A .-I a ' iiave
Ma and superior stock
of wiiiclies, ehtck. i v , a.n .liver
waie in tried from
They keep u. w
the tunes in trie late
ou wan' trie best goh
eaKoualile pi lets cad on them.
novelties If
Harrison and McKtnleyism .
lien Harrison's speech lo the Indiana
Stale Convention -a characteristically
adroit one for its purpose serves notice on
McKinlev Ihnl he will have nr. mnnonnlv !
of protection as a platfcrm. and that in his
calculations for 1896 he mast reckon with
Indiana's favoilte son.
One thing is evident. However much
Msssrs Harrison and McKinley nuiy tlitTe.
in their choice of republi-ian prelairlentul
candidates, they acree in beltoting that
the people have reconsidered and reversed
the overwhelming vtrdicts of 1S90 and
18W against a tariff for prohibition with
incidental 1 evenue. A good many rvab-1
licans are of (he same way of thinking, but
they will lind themselves mistaken. There cabinet meeting.!. State of the governors
are objections to th5 Wilson bill among j of 8'lltcs wouM no1 ll 'u' f,,t Bttered lf
those who did most to defeat the republi- "ey couhl have heard some of toe com
can patty, but in ninety nine cases not of i UKnl m'l,1, ilt cabinet meetings up
every hundred these pertain to delails and i 0,1 UlL 'nner they have dealt with, or
do not attack its prlncip'e. Nothing Is ' r'''r- d3 with recent mob law
more certain than that if the republican j lM,Be " thir S,'M' president and
party goes before the country wilh the re , fbinet are a unit in the determination to
vival of the McKi.tley bill as an issue the '
result will be, not a prohibitive tariff but a
radical redaction below the rt-s proposed
in the Wilson bill.
Without stopping to inquire into all the
causes of the great depression in bread-
stuffs and other Western products. It may j
lie pointed out that, with the republican i
party, to lose ihe West is to lose every-'
thing. Since 1S.V5 it ha s never had the 1
remotest of controlling the Union i
except by holding the West, and tbey are
indeed Ignorant of American history and ,
American politics wbo believe that any ;
party can hold the West in time of peace
on a policy which wotks to produce a
steady decline in cereals
The West has been so ba ity pinched by
tho republican policy of a closed Home
Market that it is fast becoming the head-
quarters of a radicalism as extreme a that
which resulted in the formation of the re
publican party and 'he nomination of
Lincoln in W0. And though it is poM
b'e that there may be temporary reactions
in the West !n favor of (be republicanism
represented by Mesr Mihin'ey aud
Harrisem. it i not doab'.t'ul that every
ucb reaction will result in a return to
radicalism which will grow more thorough-
going as time pa-
To regain i s intljeme in the Vet the '
republican party would have to insure '
Western exporters a better foreign market 1
and the largest possib'e freedom for return
cargoes. That 'he republ lean party can-,
not do as long as it Is committed to a high
tariff levied for tbe prohibition of import
and the restriction of foteign trade. Con-
se-iuently it has nothing to hope from tbe
West on the iue of reviving the McKin
ley tariff.
Nothing is risked in saying that when
once the McKinley tariff U repelei it
never be revived. The whole force of the
Amerioan political and social movement i
against it.
A Prediction.
"Keep tour tve on ihe election rtturr
from the third ron jtessiooal district in th
Ute of Ohio. Tbe republican gains m this
ictnocratic stronghood wid be anrouccrd
to the worl i in the firs; week cf M
cc -i ev in -se west
Well, we sal at tha fee
Gamalie, poetical prophet.
ol tl.11 nei
and kept our
Oftict well distrnded and we see Ue follow-
ing:, oerooerat, eiecteu to congress
in the third dirtrictlnOhlo by 1711 ssajoriiy
over Ratl.boterepub.ican .' By ibc way
VcKin ey canieo tats
500 mjptitv
district last
fU by
Popular Science.
rUky-m meul are now kaown to eal!.
rbree crn'urle ago only seven were known
The Dakota Kivcr is the -atgest unnavi
gable river ia the v-orlu orer one thounJ
Tbreejout of t. iir-t fo..r Prcsi
tho Cnlted State married widow
ota ol
The mjtalt which bae bten 11 .
S it! 'n '.he sua arc iraa.
.sJ.uni. nickel,
-oPPer, .- nc an 1 tna-ium -
Tomato soup miy l made e pecially
Ood bjr the addition uf a tea (lire of
-range j Jt btf jre serving.
Official-of the Smithsonian I this hae
dicOvered evidences which lead ihem 10
believe that lie mcond Dullorr weieMie
progenitors of tbe tnodrro Itdlaos.
New Zealand is bent on preserving her rc
warkable v lid bird - and Other animal-., an.'
ae -t apart two i. lands on which a!; hunt
ing aad traoj.i 1 is foiiiifda.
The ilrttian fly 1- rx'eodmg 11
avage in Europe, i, in the summer ct
I89-I, it ws r-cordtd, according to Naure.
as ocruring in Notwaj ,iad injuring barley.
A Oeriuin electrical paper .nentiont a
pateat for an aj piratus resembling the Bel)
radiophone in which an intermittent b-aca
O light tocUBse'l on a glass vessel containing
arapblack produces audible notes. Mrr
cadier has attempt rd to use ibis apparatus
for a multiplt telegram.
Tne governor in bis peech at Ashland
said: "The plank in tbe populist platform
regarding taxation which requires that in
indebtedness be allowed unless the corres
ponding credit can '.ie taxed in the os'cs
sor's district is not only jutt. but an ab-1
solute necessity when we consider the I
amount of fictitious indebtedness heretofore 1
allowed. ' It is fair to assume from this
statement that the governor is in favor of
allowing deductions for indebtedness wuen
there is a corresponding credit that can be
taxed in the same county where tbe tax
payer lives who claims the deduction for
lnuebiedness If so, the governor stuUiSes
himself, for in his message to the last
legislature be urgently recommended a
change In the assessment laws and sa'd:
"No deductions whatever for indebtedness
should be allowed." The tendency ol
public sentiment now is strongly in the
direction of reenac'ing the law allowing
deductions for indebtedness and it is to
catch this ind that Ihe governor has un
furled this sail. No wind of public sen
timent ever swept over the hills nml vales
of O.egon that could not lie caught up by
the governor's political sail.
Tl.v following cahlerani was sen' frcrc
Washington to the Lord mayor of London
approposof the bimetallic conference:
"We dc-sir- lo express our coidlal sympa
thy with the movement 'o nromote tho
restoration of silver I., an international
agreement, in aid of which, we understand,
theinee .lng is held under your lordship's
presidency. We believe tlie free colnag
of both gold and silver by uicin loia
agreement, wilh a fixed ratio, wo"Msccur
to mankind the blessing of sufficient vol
me ot metallic money, and what in hardly
less important, secure to the world of tru e
imraunltyl'rom violent exchange fluctuations
I'be document is signed by tne following
ssna'ors, who voteJ for tno repeal of the
. -
Suermari law : John Sheimiii, W B Allison
W"t Voorhtes, George F Iioar, Nelson
W Aldrich' David Ilitill, Edvrtrd Murphy 'sneaked lnt IheTgon'-ial approprl iiion bill. 1
AP (joiman. O II P.att, Clvl-i Biice, ; Salem IJemacrat.
Joseph H Carey. William Krye. C IC Davit'
SMCillom. Henry Cabot lxdge. , On the voe lo repeal the mortgage tax
It is to be heped that this movement will I law n ihe house there wero 31 republ.Vns ;
result in an iniemuioLui setuernent of tlie
liver question by tht aooptlon of free coin-
Washington Letter,
from cur regular Uorresundut.
Wai-'iiaglon, April S9, 181I
Ihe President and his cabinet have
The president and his cabinet
j 8t"rcel' 'm ,1,0"llt lu lh" KlinK now
cum'x'd ,n Vashinglon
a ('0Xl,''s ar,"' "v
I !aJ n "CV' WUI a
i few of ,he'e ,nen ar whut represent
tasMMltw to be bona Tide workiegmeu
I00' tf employment-they 4iave so far
Prven Iterate! rea to be peaceable and law
abiding, thus differing from tho so called
"indurtrial armies" in the northwest, the
on1'"'"! ct whch nave been the pri-1
ciPle ubjects under discussion at several j
maintain It!,! .-onslitutionai power ot me
government with federal troo, s wherever t
na - v he necestary.
loxcy s lizzie, now encamped as a
freak show at Bright wood race track, just
outelde ot the city limits; will, unless Hie
program of Coiey, he chief fakir. La
change.!, march into the city tomorrow,
The gang is not numerous enough to make
any trouble, even if they were disposed,
U thtn we:e ten times as many of ihem as
there are, there would be no apprehension
of troub e in ashtngton as every precau-
tun has been taken to deal with any In-
frac'ion of the law. There are about 100
men In the camp and the kind of men they
are may be jjdjjed from these remarks of
one of the thousands who visited the camp
yesterday: "If the authorities would Haue
an order sta'mg that every in camp
would lie given a bath, dressed in clean
1 ciotbea and put to work tomorrow, I would
wajjer ten to one Uiat nine tenths of them
would bo gone by morning." He sized
itieru up correctly. At tOMR nine lrr.ths ct
them are p'of.x.inal Iramr. here only to
be fed.
It will be no surprise io many shrewd
publisher wao have received its t'ol Sell-
era Million in it" circulars, aking for
advertising, to learn that the "Press
Claims t o." of Washington has gut into
court . Mr W R Hearst, son of the late
Sena'or Hrarst. and pub'isher of the San
Krstncisco Kxauiicer, has aked the court to
oust John Wexlderburn. manager of the
, above tcmpany and ol the "Kxaminer
Bureau of Claim. " in which Mr Hearst
i was a turner, an! to appoint a receiter 10
close up the business. He says that ed-
derburn baa injured tho repu'ation of the
Sao Francisco Kxaminer by tbe mi.ntin
arement of l jticea intrusted to hioi by
conBdiog ub:-ibert rA that paper, and by
advertii-ir-g to give ptite for inventions ,
that he bat witooat authority created a
Ijrge indebtedness and rigned a note 1st
SvtMJ with tne firm's name, and that be
hat tefuted to refund money to crrtain
c'ients. subtrribert 'o tbe St Paul Pioneer
Prest and the Umaba I lee, in a
with contrtc't inaJe with tiem.
.Secretary Hoke Smith rejoice in-the
possession of a backbone of the CV t aland
i.n.,1 u, i s l'n.;r.
w 1 1 1 . l as 1 1 B
lor Indiana, Las lioorereI . Mr SfasjactsT
late y removed one of his clerks and ap-
,,1 fcu ,irie. ,,. lfac ncAacj. t vxm
. as tbe atteo'ion ot the dersirtmeijt was
IraHeatotoe rnatler. tbe frieadt of the
dtiariwd clerk made sure last it didi t
, fje loag 4r Spencer was notified that he
must revoke tbe appointment of Lis sitter,
as it waa a role of tbe department that no
pexwion act shall appoint a relative to
; oce. Mr -peocer came 'o Waahingtoo
and bac .ed by Senators Voorbee and Tur
rie and tbe Rerrtsentatire 'rom his dis-
trict called on Sec Smith, but it
wa use-
lett. The Seen lary lold tliem that he did
not in'end to countenance nepotism io
any form: 'hat the dem-K-rats had for tear
been abusicg the republican for beng
?eT'Hj ol H. and that be wa really surprised
that any democrat hoold deii re to folloi
the practice. Mr Spencer and hi fnends
tw the point of the argument.
The republican senators have been badiy
demoralixcd since tbey learned it wa
pnetteaw settled that ovmocrauc optrosi-
,ion to the Uri(s b', w0n! j overcome by
fiiendly concessions. It deitroyed ihelr
Ugl hope of defeating tariff re'onn.
Tie agricultural srp:o-riatioa h.ll l.a
been ropjrte J to list llcote. It it in line the ret of th- regular appropitatH n
bi'ia in reJocing "tie oxpense of the gov-
j ernm. nt. carrjing guS.ooi lea than ihe
approi ria'.ujn for the current f:"al jesr.
A Deacrvcd Tribatc.
T"r I.etanon Kxpre., an indcj '"dent
pajicr, pays tv folicaing j itt trlbu-; to C
C Jtcktoc, the democrstl- easstttd .le for
Man) of!" ces Lave to be fillrd at the June
election. N 1 ufnee to be fl led.iomes closer
to t:;e rccp!e than the she'ifP ofSce. No
office hat '.o deal so intimately with the peo
ple. Njrflire hi greater opportunity to
express 01 to favor ih unfo-'tur.a-r li icant
and tl;e p vple at larjc lhn the he'iff
lie cin he Ip or can embarrass you. when in
trouble lilt arm I the aim of the law. to
be uied in jostice un I kindoes or injustice
er op resj i
:tsn cliaractrr of the man
lacks m has li c-1 ihit oliicc two veait-
) vtlt,.. the man who can tsv thsl Jack
son ev.-i .i,ed h uthoritv to oppress mv
i man jr t l j or f(,.? he not 4
a i ler n
i ntiiiljjeut wiyn hi duty would irmii : lias
j he not alwat t gone in rain or tcrm ss
Cute hi ordrri? IIss lie er.r been
j in his duly to the county ui lo any Indivtd
' ual? He hs traversed m-runtaln of snow
has invaded t'-.e ramps ut Ir.iUans, ha
traveled without sleep for aajs ond ni-jhts,
in pursuit ol pilsnners anil I as always caught
hi man. None have escaped. Ii he henes.
Look over hi o. Tics' records, livery LCOk 1
accursiclv sept, every sccon- i correctty
i bilmced
no man has lost a cent. The
couniy in never sude'ed one penny. No
better slieriff has ever filled the sher.IT. othYe.
There were good men who wanle !th r office
bul the democrats with one accord gave it to
Jackson. No clique no faction, or house
wcrkc ! for Jackson. Tne people wanted1
him and the people got him. Vo'a for I he I
man ol the people, un honest, p-xr boy, who !
without aid, maJe himself an bown ..J, re- j
tpected and capable man. Al! of tm-. can :
truthfully saU of Lurr. Jackson
The Statesman censures Pennover fur i .n
nlr.g aboat ihe stale making populist sp. neb
iOnaaaiy 01 $ j 600 the greater por ln
of which is unronstltutlona1, hut it has noth
ing to 'ay against Judge Lord for diaalnu
an unconstitutional salary of $,500, If
Galloway Is elected Governor he will refuse
to accept any eompensa'l in except that
provided by the Coatlif U'.loo. ai d he v. Ill j
j veto any opproiirlation bill lhat run tains
' appropriations not provide. I for by nlrrct
I . .....
law. lie wil Inot permit a measure, il
feated by a vteof the letfis'anire, lobe
j voted for it 1
ni 8 voted against it. KItven
. . , , .
roted against it and five for .
1st voted against It.
democrats voted
I Three populUt
The (ienerai Assembly ol tiie United
l'resbvterian church ol North Amu n
will meet m Aii.any May H. 1W4, at
.. ... - . .tir
7 :1W p 111, as heretofore stated, and will
be opened w itb a sermon by the inoder- 1
ator. I tits following delegates have
already Bent in their names to the com-;
! mittee and others will follow :
Kev Thos C Atchison and wife, Carne
gie, Pa.
Bev A K Brownlee, Martins Ferry, ).
Rev J N Buchanan, Hebron, Ind.
Uev .1 W Ballentine, Wlnfield, Iowa.
Kev .1 C Boyd and wife, Monnt Leba
non, Pa.
Klder Win M Brow n, hparta, III.
Uev W W liarr, 1) I), Philadelphia, l'a.
Uev 1) isarclay and wile, Rtxli, t'enii.
Kev John K H
radlord, franiiuility ,
Klder S W Berry, liooatoovillt), I'a.
Bev s P Barackrnan. BalineviHe, Ohio.
Uev J K Illack mid wife, Ienox, Iowa.
Rev W H Barr, Ia Angelo. Calif
Klder Win li Crawford. Augusta, Ohio.
Kev Wm .1 Cooper, Butler, Pa.
Kev J T Chalmers, Philadelphia, Pa
Kev Joseph Calhoun, Imlirnota, Iowa,
Kev It T Campbell, Hanover. HI.
KevC WCoinir, Wheeling. West Va.
Kvv W KCox, Hushville, Neb.
Klder Henry Clark. Walton, N Y.
Klder Peter Dick, Pittsburg, l'a.
Rev W K Dunlap, Boydeu, Iowa.
Klder lames B Erwin,Saanwiek, 111.
Rev W il French, Rutdiville, lnd.
I Klder Wm U Frew, Aledo, 111.
I Rev Alexasder 1 lilrhrist. Richmond,
Kev M M Gilchrist retoa, Iowa.
Kev W R tiray. Coin, Iov;i.
Kev KB Graham and wi'e, Ooaaba,
Rev J S (iarvin. West Newton, l'a.
Rev A A Graham. West Fairfield, Pa.
, Rev J PGilswn. Tingley, Iowa.
Rev M M Gibson, D I San I rancieco, I
1 Cal.
Rev J A Greer, Columbus CU7. Iowa.
Klder S C Ih'gtie, Monmouth, III,
Klder vV K Heade, Cambridge, Ohio.
Rev II 11 Hervey. IlarUlown. Pa,
' Rev T II Manna, I) D. and daughter,
- Monmouth, 111.
Kev J M Hamilton. Reinbe k. Iowa.
Ke. T A Houston, Newcastle. Pa
Kev G K Henderson, (iten Khier, Kan
Kev R 11 HiKxl, Pittsburg, Pa.
Klder Thoa Hart. Clarksburg, Pa.
Bev S (i liuev. Kock Prairie. Wis.
Kev W l Irons. Mcltonald, Pa.
Uev I J Imbrie. liar isrille, Pa
Itev John Jamieson, Laurel. Pa.
Kev J F Jamieson, Castorville, CaJif.
Kev A W Jamieson, Wildoroar, Calif.
Rev S J Kyle and wife, Cambridge,
N Y.
KevJt'in'on Kistle-, Rtena Vista,
Uev C C Kyle. MajOtT, Neb.
Uev A G King tialt, (JnUrio, Canada
Kev W H l.ytle. Lawence. K.ins.i.
Kev I-aickey. tiuernwy. Ina.
Eld John L Mckinn?y and wife, Pine
Brush. N V
111 1 l MoW.nnev wife and .lariffnter.
Allegheny, Pa.
Kev l A Met cnatian, u i", a I egr.eny.
Kid A T Moorbead, Indiana. P
Rev I) f McGUt, 1 1. ne and son,
Alleghenr. Pa
Rev S '4 McP.riJe. Sewickely. Pa
Rtv D R Miller. East Palestine. O.
Rev W H Mcf'ariand.D D.Cambridge,
Kid W 1 Met ii!!. Barlow. Ohio.
Kid B H McMillan. -iaaa. Ills.
Kid James Milue. Seou-i tirove. 1 iwa.
Rev Geo R Mu-ray, Thorns. Pa.
Rev S A Voote. Sti:ppiop''l, Pa.
Kid Wm P. McGili. Veto. Iown.
KM W J McKan. Mercer. Pa.
Kev J S McColloch and wife, Knox.
ville, Tenn
Kid D T Martin, Nortonville. Kansas
Rev 7 II Mackenzie l ine Brush. N Y.
Rev R W Nairn and aife. Foiv.lle, III.
Rev W R Owens and two da'ightere.
Indiana, Pa.
Rev A H Oir. Burminsharn. Mich.
Kid W 0 Patterson. Mac'onneotburg.
Rev Joba M Rows and wife. PrtUborx.
Eld W II thippensbtirfc'.
Rev James Ritchie and wife, oakdale,
Rev Jams D Rankin l D, and wife, Cwtwis.
RevJameaA Reed. Ntw York Cay.
Rev W X Brbb. D D. Jamestown. O.
Rev John P Robb D D. Sidney, hio.
Rev J C Scouller. Greenville, Pa.
Rev D M SleeU, Zanetvilie. Ohio.
Rev J f f-ankey, D D wife and son,
Rochester. N Y.
Rev F M Spencer, Sterling Kias
Rev W II Smiley.,:. Pa
KM Geo M Simpwon. ''oncoriia. Kan
Rev Paul Steaart. Washhorn. Ill
Kev A M xrolt wife and mother. I ill-
burgh. Pa.
Rev Jas Sawhi!'.. Pitxer. Ioa
Rev I C S ewart. Hoboken. X J
Rev K It Stewart, San Francisco.
Rev J A Thompson. Tarkio. M-.
Rev T UTarnbulI. Antyle. S Y
Rv I S Turn-Mill ar.d a ife. Peotoae,
Rev J C Trnesdale. Slanwood. Iowa.
Kid Jacob P Tavior an.i wife, Irwin,
Rev J lt Veary, New Wilmington. Pa.
Kid D P Vincent, "il il . Pa
Wisbart. ! !.' M mmoutb.
Rev W I Wisbart. Allegheny. Pa
Rev John A Wilton. D D. sr. I
1 ife.
Atleeberty, Pa.
Rev Atlwrt sVarebam an.l wife. West
Charlton. N Y.
K'd J II vfherry. (i iernsev, Iowa.
Rev J Iv Work, Norfolk. Va.
Rev J W Witherapcon lP, Allegheny.
Bid D A White, Tarkio, Ho.
Kid ii W Whitelv, McMurrav
Kev W P Whiu, Little York, I I.
Kev A O Wallace. I' I. wile and
daughters, Sewickely, Pa.
' deuiiK-ralsol 15'ownsville held a platform
meetingthat waa brimioM of ectlaOsTtaani. 1 Cawberfain Pi esby let iaa (sBTasjral Aaisgmbly complete. The secretary is now pre pa r
: The city ball was packed, manv of thote will meal in Kusene. and the I'nited Plea j ing the official state ballot, a duplicate of
present heitig ladies. Mr ti W Wright , hvterian ttenenu Assayxnbly will meet in A I- which will be sent to each counts clerk.
.i . i : . . i . . i i- r . i. ! l n i ..i : Last
en nun ci. inane me sp-ei-n ui cue
evening and it was said to lie rep!"te
with sound democratic doctrine. Ihe
democrats at that place are up and coui-
Wssytss l olasablaa I vpcslilaa.
Will be of value to the world by Illustrat
ing trie improtemtnt in tbe mechanical
art and eminent physicians will tell you
that the progress in medicinal agents, has
been ot equal Impona-ire, and a
strengthening laxative that Sirup o( Pigs
Is far in advance ol atl others.
law-Two tf acsntaa neativ rrraircd tu
rrameil hy s thorc-avhly c-Tni-eient work
t r' M Fn-nch's jeeiiv scrr, Albany
I Or
K r.
Dr. I'ricr-'s C rea in Rasuag Powder
nrtv Vear t:s ia.i 3 sn'
h allot 'a; Oare, tne great coos:h snd cmup
a", if- sale by u. Pocket tile ccntain
wiatf-'ive doses, only 35r.atHiiIdren lore it
oshsy k Mai m
By using Hall's Hair Renewer, Riay,
faded or discolored hair assumes the natu-
rai cior of youth, and glows lusuHant
and strong, pleasing every body
Wtien tUliy was sfok, 7.1 gave her Oostorla.
AVlu-c aim waa a Child, she cried for Costoria.
When she became Mlm, she ching to t'a3t.r; '.
Wben alio had Chllitren, the kvc tastSB Uastoria
GbrMAH Li:sst ins. Those wishing to
to study liermaii should call OB Mrs C Coh
en at the corner of Third and t'alapooiii
streets Albany. Will teach writing ami
sH'iiking German Pli-usi call before
April 1st. Mir' t' OOHRN,
.vh l.'li m Vitalise 1 !s what
ed for
tynpniisn., icrpni uv r. yelluw
Bf kid'
' nay trouble- lt is i-uarsnt-ed tojgive yon
I - - '..... M. 1... l I e.
I'rioe 75c. S)ld,hy Knshay &
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, Uoldeii
Common every day.
' . ?,,, th," K"" ImP'vd Sli 6,r tewing m
. line Ihe l-sitis always the (hesuast
w Sawde ofiioo km 9 MlC
ewelry store rrenun
Earnt Klatf, whose plans have been j
accepted for the new Capitol at Olympia, j
aan. wa coiisin or n we uem-
i. ..1 t
110 is one ot the ton.-mrwt architects 1 ,7
.otrv. and rlerifBed st Lake'.
d.inNVw York, a building that
The editor of Ihe Ijldependence Went
1 8id-3 met a coapte oot on a wedding tour
I a 1 -41 .1 rtn- - 13 .
rot ou nay. mc onue was a wiuow 1
with two children and mounted on 'In-
i liurriranc deck of a cayuse, and the happy
! groom came along liehimi packing a Tiara- I
toga' in one hind and a turkey gobbler in
I the other. We will not mention names at
: present, but wish them a happy time on
i the voyage of life.
convicted by a jury In Justice WaltmanV
A yoatqr society tody of Salem, raeeotly court, today, or. the charge of resisting au
married, mad"; 11 rather unique I ret with a ' otficer. The charge wag brought by Coo
Ignntlefnaa acquaintance sometime ago a stable Wolf, of tnis city, who wen' to
to which would U- marrierl first, the lady Jacksonville to attach some beer and
wagering a Jersey calf on the rexnlt and brewery fixtures, the property of ToeUing, !
the gentieinan a young tg. Tbe geatUe , who, when the constable made known his
man ia not married v- and conw-qii -ntlv business, promptly drew a pistol and de- j
1 ht the The bridegroom wan seen at Bed the ofheer to make the attachment.
' tbe il'H'k a day or two ago in jpseat of the He was promptly placed under arrest and
pig. but whether it had arrived or noteonU brought to this city, and, upon trial, was i
. 1 1 , I T. 1 1 . t mm ar- .
not Ijc learned. Jonrna
David Osborn will be reelected sheriff of
, rHmiun county r.y a uanusowe iiiajorii) salaries for April became due today, so the
lca;w he ha, matle a popular and efficient members had their first experience with
-li.-riff. r-o, likewise, in Linn county, j new procedure of docking for absentee -j
,henff Jackson will be reelected, lcaue j.m njtfj,t 213 members bad
1 be ..;u- maile as gooil a sheriff as h: state giej their certiScatea ahowing tne number
I of Oregon ha ever had. It was for this ; 0f faJtf jf ay( lbey haj ,.D aIrter,t.
i reason tbe nomination was so generally , Today alxmt M certificates were pot in,
; demanded from all parts of the .-ounty. j leaving about 100 unaccounted for. Tbe
j The ofh.e of sheriff particu'arly tvU a , maiority ef members certify they
, man of backbone and push one. who does- j baTe not abtent a aU JW)i,
... .iui rvguruiess 01 cowiuencra. wm j
. sheriff Jackson's way.
ftie Atlanta onstilution has reeled off
the following :
We're uiarvhin' on to Washington.
(Jur ragged c-maU we jerk ;
We're hawlin' through the UNWllJ.
We're wadtn' through the fannyards
Where the fattest chickens lurk;
WVre featin' on the countrv.
W ork !
The Salem Btatecman is an optimist.
Hear it: The Astoria railroad is aboot
to be a " go" once more. Certainly thw
seaport city deserves a railroad, and
hen she Beta one it should be extended
from the sea to Salim aud thence across moo-.umi in 1 rcnneciion 11 1 ins
C B ft Q or the C A N VV or some other
, .... ... . . , . ,1 - ...
'"e mat seii coast :er:nina;s
The Flying Wedge, of this city, makes
tba f allowing very live remark: We
think it a little strange that Brother
Driver should take the Doable to hold
tip th republican parti- at the one
especially championed bv tbe Lord
party ted by .10$ simon and the Uregon
lan cannot -laim a great deal of san. ti
ficati,jn If the course ol the Oregonian,
the leadina- orean of the partv. is eeoec-
itlly pleasing to tbe Iord, he certainly
cannot be very particn'ar a't-ont his as-
sociattons r.roiiier I'rtver is ivrnz :n
tbe past. He thinks that tbe republican
ly is the same now that It was when
was young, and when il was led by
Lincoln and Sumner. It is not. Thee
it was young and was lei by men of
great moral ideas Today it it dominated
brtheabttkey power of the coontry.
Tnen it 'oogbt to free four millions of
slaves since it waa p aced ia power its
agen's have M!d Ihe whiskey that baa j Snerjun. Allison. Voorhee. Hoar. Ald
tnfiaved. murdered and mined ten mil- j rich. Hill. Marphy. Gorman, Piatt, Brice,
iions of human being j Carey, Fry. Davis. Collom and Lodge.
Tirt- head artist who b-a- V!en in the i
hal-it of hodooing other people to take his .
pi-tares whether onlere.1 an-1 wanted or I
not. met hit erpul in one place of buti-
- - . 1 1 - 1 , , 1 -
u,-s: iii -r erc voe .lOMsog -
J" ' - ' r -
"" ' ' ', , tTT-
nee.1- to keep
Uu optic, poeiisl ttsaaaj
ru l-m .lav-
Tne populist newspaper Seld does not 1 Postnuster General Bisaeil said: "It is
-went to le tery prostalde. Hie tjregta ' not a temperance qaestioa nor a moral 1
' Stjf H-rJ.I After I .ing seised by the sJaerin tnettion. it is buawesa question partic
when only thrv weeks old was resoscitated 1 nlarly . From observation and,
. by a joint sbvk i-ompany. Tbey employed ' I am convinced that any man directly or
trawimg rin'.er who in turn employed ; indirectly Interested In tbe liquor business
twootbors. Itio tnrw men haalel down
, the names ,.f Hk co!aanv and tubstituted
their own it d are
in full pxxMestsion.
alem J.virnal.
Tb- Astoriaa re-po 'ib!e fw the fol
; lowing: "An Iltraco ni..n ha- a new form
of delirium tremens He was oiKr shocki
by a live e!ectric wiiv, and iviw that be is
' atHi. Jel lie maktts frantic -ff-arts to get
away ironi uce wirjs, wcirn ue imagine
are writhing and sputtering all around
him. Be aaast bate wandered across the
' C. I .i?. 1.1 :uid imbibed some of the iostlv
j lightning tb-y have over there.
in McMinnville even tin- dentists run bir
display a.U I r W right has a fifteen inch
! that rf.uls like Imsiness from the top to
the bwtsTJsa laar. In big letter be says that
for cash onlv for the next thirty dars he
will cut pri-es a foil
r 1, , . . - . -
-?1 "
V,h"J to Jl
5V d.iwn to
$l J0; cement
tilling ii.St to f I ."aj: lxigan crow
t.' S-t.OO; Kkhmond and Wright
nre tis. Sti.00
fPJ.OO to e-10 00:
or under set.
The importance of National Assemblies
; is ters-lv rnt in the followin-r from the
' Salem Journal: Two national assemblies
I will, this vear. le held in t-resron. The
csuic . uiisr annual g-.siiuriug are ueici
1 during the month of May when trrogon
wiU on her most charruiiig dress and wears
ier most Uw itching smile, thir visitors
ill return east with reports of
Oregon aa did tboae of the Preshsterian
tiem-ral Assembly which met in Portland
two years ago.
What csm't a man do
o with sand and
hole S-t-strtan army
cheek. He can be a w
all alone. Wednesday evening between
i.i uiri ..niiuii i:i .i . . i ' i . . . l - ine
stag came along a lone highwayman
stepiied out from behind a liu-go Wilder on
I roadside and ordered the driver to pull
i ,,,, 11.. .V.I..U.1 l . . . . . -t
up. ''e then iwviervd the txissengers cmt of
the stage and the driver to hold his horses
while he hikksWM to blow open an iron
safe which was not levked. The mant
iiowder extlt.!ed and blew to nieces a va
list- and a sealskin sac-quo lielonging to one
of the lady passengers. He then removed
the iron lid on the sale and remarked to the
passengers that he had got nothing. The
robber then directed the driver to hitch up
his horses ami drive ahead and not look
back for five miles. The man was about
six feet tall, core a black cap and mask and j
11 heavy pair ol miners' lioot and blue over-
alls, lie raa armed with a nHe.
Several cases have iecentlv baea cited
1 arising from tcM'-hers whipping pupils
1 ne tencner nearly always comes out
ahentl. which is generally right. At the
sumo time the spirit of the age is against
government by brute force, and whipping
is going out of date among intelligent and
advanced teachers, lt is a relic that should
be relegated into obsc-urity. The teacher
incapable of government except by physi
cal Eorce, only excepting extreme cases,
should step down and give pliu-e to the
modern teacher capable of more enlighten
ed government. This is esptVinlly true of
iii'ise using the whip tor trivial offenses.
Both th incorrigahlo pupil und the ineor
rigable teacher should In- kept out of the
public schools. The even mediocre teacher
though, should always be upheld, and
children should lie raadje to uiiderstiuul
that they go to school to obey orders.
Hut H is Use business of school directors to
keep truck of the governing us well as
mental capacity --f teachers, and weed out
those ruling by ancient tactics.
Beta Woot. anu Ghain Mr A Senders
announces to the public that he is in the
twlil to buy wool, grain, hUea, jiotatoes,
eb-. Call on him at his headquarters at
the store of M Steruburg, corner First and
j Hroadalbin streets, Albanv
i Prirsrtl
j j,. Price 8 Cream Oak I
Baking Powder
A Fur Orcoe Cream of Tartar Powder.
A Rebel Its.
Guatemala. Mav 4. Salvador has de-!
clared a press censorship, and all reports !
. "
. . . " v t .
tbey are sent out of the coun'rv secretly.
1 hey now .
men. and
are likely to be immediately reinforced
from Honduras. Honduras is supporting 1
the reliellion, and, although it has not yet I
exten fed beyond the departments of Santa'
. it .r, ,. ,., . I
Ana anu oonsouate, 11 is teuevea mat tne
revolutionists are ready to rise throughout
Salvador. The Salvadoran official report
of tremendous losses in Dieted on the rebels
is false.
steal. frit aa Oftlrer
Mkofosd. Or, May 4 -Frank Tbeiaing.
owner of the Jacksonville brewery, wa
convicted and fined $5 and costs.
A Lot or Liar..
Wamjisctox, May 4. Congressional
those who certify to absence limit the
nod to one or two days.
Jirlws (! BesBaerata.
JacaaoxTiLLE, Or, May 4. Tbe demo
etatie county convention nominated the
following ticket here today:
State senator, William M Colvig; repre- i
sentatives, J H Siewart, Thomas Wright
and J B ft More lock ; commissioner, John
Iievlin: county clerk. J H Whitmao; '
sheriff. J H hvans; treasurer, D Linn:1
1 assessor, J L Woolridge; school snpertn-
tendent. Mist May GUaon; surveyor, G'
fvksnat : coroner, Dr K B Pickel.
Why It Falleal.
Sanai.ia, Mo. May 4 The First X- -tiooal
bank failed to open today. The
bank had a capital of $250,000, and wa
io p posed to have a reserve cf $25,000.
, Tba suspension is attributed to Iowa cf
business, brought about by tne publication
in a S: Lotus paper, several months ago, o
a tclegr.m satng the bank had tai.ed
whereupon other banks became saspicions
Uarr :lr Ma It
Mlncie, Ind. May a, Charles Robin
ton, one of' tte' Herbert brothers, lately
champion acrobats of America, died at ti
hnm. h... t.nm , ai- -(i r,f unnk
i " - .-' -
j cigarettes. Tlie interior of his mouth ana
throat haJ taraed back. Hs had been
conttaat cigarette smoker for otct 15 yon
It lateraaUa-atl Cm i rwtavw .
Washisctos, Mav 3. The following
1 ilakai in was sent to the lord mayor of .
e Loodon. apropos of the bimetalic confer-
"We desire to express our cordial sym
pathy with tbe movement 10 promote the
restoration of silver by international agree- Jetld for
meet, in aid of which we understand Lbe-
meeting u held under your lordship's
presidency. We believe tbe free coinage
ot ootb acla and silver bv international
agreement, with a tied ratio, would
; care to mankind the blessing of a sufficient
volume of mctal'ic money, and, what is
!j'.vi v tew imponasi, secure 10 me
world of trade immnnity from violent ex-
Tbe document was signed by tbe follow
ing senators, wao voted for the repeui 01
the Snerman law
' a re per Barrew.
W' AiHiscToy. May 4. - Postmaster Gen
eral Buaell has formula' ed a policy of barr
'mm - .-s-rr- ar. I .:'- ;;--? Mai af-
I ........ t-J- ... i i i .
wn tnu wbw there are several
cartdidatea, the fact that many of tbetn
have business dealtags with saloons will b-
given weight, and other candidates will be
sViausi the preference in making appointment-.
1 in a measure nnatted by nit occupation.
ana loii bit interest in that business
necessarily interferes with the full dis
charge of such official duties in any branch
of the postal service "
a Bit swawtate
Taiojia, May II. -L C l)tllinan. a prom
inent business man of Spokaa. is in the
city maturing a .cbemc whereby be pro
poses to make a tig stroke toward devet-
opmf Central vv asbingtoc. and at the
tame lime offer work to all tbe unemployed
laborers in tbe state. The scheme i to dig
. tnree ma? irriffatitur dit.-'rMX. and nwir th
employes tneir uoanJ, ciotmng ana other
expense, and the balance ol u-eir srages in
interest bearing bonds seeun-d bv lands
along tbe ditches.
Krawletlaa lueir.
SAc nAMESTO, Cal, Mav 3 The city is
.icTcn- iruiu cue luuuiuiai aium
armies alone will reiu in their breaking
np. Twenty men Irom one camp will
full of deserters from tbe industrial armies
to work tomorrow for street railroad con -tradnn,
at tl.75 per day. A dozen idlers
were arrested t n.gut tor sleeping in boa
cars, and wiil be driven out of tbe d'y to
morrow. All I lied
Salem. Or. May 8 The stata prohibi
, iiortjjarty nominations were filed with the
retary ol state today, making the list
i Tkree am -Ij J
Washixutox. Mav 2. Jacob Cnaar. '
chief of the common wealers, is under ar
rest. His trial and those of Carl Browne
and nristopher Columbus Jones have
, teen postponed until r rtdav betore Judge
I Miller, of the police court- The charge j
j will be violation of the United states
statutes. The nrrest .if t-tx.-v was maU
, today in the polioe court, on iaformation
j filed against bim last night of unlawfully
j displaying banner-;
kel'j Arrur
1ks Moixks. May 2 Vhe outlook for
I Kelly ' army was decidedly unpromising
i i..ia.i -.-.! . c - r"
.tonight, and the industrials are in anv-
' thing but good humor. Atl hope of secur-
1 lag a train was practically abandoned bv
: the local committees, their petitions hav
ing oeen retvised tcr stocK cars and cut
rates. Offers of from $40 to $$0 a car
were made to the various roads and were
firmly refused. In addition to the pros
pect of a march to Chicago, the army is
ihneatened with an empty larder.
Several Rials.
c'l.tvELANiv May . The disorders
which began yesterday with tbe May day
demonstration of the "unemployed calmi-
I ntted today in open riots. There were
throe separate and bloody couthcts between
tbe police and rioters, and tonight the
troops are under arms, ready to respond to
a call in case of any emergency. The
worst is believed to be over, however,
awaae i Bpala (sweat
Wasuisoton. May 2. The president
sent the following nominations to the sen
ate: James W Ball, to be collector of cus
toms at Yaquina, Or; Tracy R Hangs,
attorney of tbe I'nited Stares for tht dis
trict of .North Ihkkota; Jos tlethune, asso
ciate justice of the supreme court of
Arizona, and V. P Colt man. postmaster,
Idaho Palls, Idaho.
KlS RrcUtrallM.
San Fiusi isco, May 8 - l'p to date the
Chinese registrations number about 44,
000 for Collector WeJlwrn's district. Tbe
time fixed by law expires May 3. and
operations at the bureau on Washington
street are more brisk. There is a propo
sition under consideration to give the
Chinese the benefit of the whole of Thurs
day by keeping clerks on band, if necer
ary, up to midnight.
Went Itesaarrallr,
Sr Paul. May 2. At midnight the
totals on the heads of the tickets can be
completed. The vote for mayor was:
Smith, democrat 13.365
Uoran. republican 12,683
Davidson, populist 1,139
Smith's plurality 682
Co? 1 "How good digtstion mtut on
gji appetit jl
( ottolese Cettoiene trtoiena tttolene Cutiasras
Canoleoe Qxtcleoe CctroUne :otoleBe Cottejsas
To assure both tbe above end,
good, wholesome, palatable food is
demanded. It is next to imposaible
to present a sfficijt rarietv of appe -
luiDS bills of fare for our meals with
out a liberal allowance of pastry and
other food in which shortening is
rtouired. How to make cnap,
healthful, digestible pastry has I
puzzled tbe cooks. A difficulty in
all good cooking in the past has been, ),
lard. Always fickle, never uniform, (earn
mow unwholesome lard haaalways Jj-
been the bane of the cook and tcz
obstacle to "good digestion."
" Ct
romes now into pojiular
i tvor as the new snorten-
o'S i ng better than even the
c ": ?st of lard with none of
cI lard's objectioriable quali-
Ivuea. And
sv. a a. 1 it.
comes attended Dy
Grocers sell it all about,
ftcrusc aLL suaarriTuTerv
or iuin, oRiaos
s. a,rocso
ritAasacTS a general tkita"!
iOC OUSTS EEPT nt J as ckacfe.
HOHT EXCHAKGK and tri Tapttie traasf r, eld
SewTork. Saa rrsaeisea Ctuesar" w r
CO JLECTI05I ADE ao tatorsV. mo
S5.00 to$:5 00 FEE DAY at home
eStg Lightning PSater and piatiog jew-
erv. watchea. tajeware, e:c. t
hou ha S0045 1fcfinf N
perience;no capital; no talking. Some
ze" arc n. ox ..a. . t. u. .......
... . , 1 a L rv t i- n f
.u.xbu. Onio.
(J liE CfjK
Address, REV. K. L. CODIT,
Albany. Oregon
. . mm sast r-1
M. N . flsf 1 21 11 li 111 .
Harness - ar d - Saddlery
Display in the Dqoi
www a-aw m asvajs, -
rBtiSusand Booksellers
ret-ta for John B. Aldwc'a paoUn. ' -on
ray w ell at D-hHske- rHe
twawa.1 twC
I.RastsT. Ht -
Gladstone has
A clear Head
WHY? Because he follows tbese
rules: "Keep the head cool, the teet
T-arrn. and tbe bowels open." Yoo
can have a dear bead and bve to be
ninety if you do the same it ing.
When tbe bowels fail to move dur
ing the day take on retiring two
Smith's SmsX I .Ie Eeans. Their
setion is so mild that you are not
aware of it. A'J day your mind will
be clear anccooL "Not a gripe ie a
barrel cf them." Aik for small sire.
Tike nc substitute far SMITH'S
Beans 1
l ACNE 110
ruirnrr Wltksat SttJi
Wsstawra TTSSlltX fsos.
...r-.l.lK.a j( Slv.' aTSJ s SStSSSTttSTS
irwar-.. iaasaor. rSsawall'W. M,r sbj tu.Jj.r
ssTaisSst,ltaM . :fc.. kiks m ,.:,
' .- ' . a e rrt- S.U eeatsia S S.. M -n itjipi. .....
SU o!Sr. sad gitra ft ISal la tsataaUr rtt S, IS,
Tftrvr or SS.W4NS. ui alii cars sit IS st,
Iimhmw. TsTSSSSta tssw SSSSJ SWtS Uis r
t. l -"'Iaa rr all aster leswatet Mlei. sa e
l.e hutiJrea. of leatlweBlsle is M, sad eeere eiSer .tale
Weperfsi larauisa in iu sisrtvauKt. ia v-ae,er ..ft. weak a.s. I KKX WITH &CC BRLTS
Heail kTaa-tasvtstasaf3t iSUXyS-SwiaatlvSt Daes
SaaJ Sir lllaairaiatl rsan-Slala, acilej. aMtra, Iraa, ajdreai
aSuViax-saaiw a.iaiicTTc.ic exx,
a.- e. . ISOS.TUAND. O'tU
1391, 11392
.-at Term Wpeaed aeftesaber ttk
A ft. 1 corps of i'ltti-ucvors,
Courwca ol atudy arranged t rtvasat .
all grcdea of stud ants
Sftticu inducement i e fared to nludun
ST. LOUIS and lf
ScHiieaotX mwmjiemfi tToii.ff
a t Tocwa E , Laaswasi
t a Bum. L. Fuaa
Eswaas f . Sax.
A aV
T Disorders
yW Are as-easaaoed br as i a pare and ia P
i porerisjSrTinrtitirwcrftaefatood SJsyht 1
, swsyasyasxwall wot corrertrcl, rlewswsp lato wm
t senoet Tr,itams, scci as
an otaswtsonbssscrae diseases- To CSavs Y
A sie ts reqalrevl . a.-e snd re sab ie rwn- k
yW ed rnw troat any ea-ssrul lasrrecbeats.
A aadrreiTTssreta--. ?--ch isaVaafasf
WM it itaoscs ail uaxHxixtxesBBS -V
f frorr.tbetiloodiiJtborwaaS ' J
' A ty deastses toe STstem. Tlnasaads rV mjk
' cases the worst t arras of blood do-
Cured by 8. 8. S.
yM SmA -ar oar pMfel MjLW w toSTfta)sim.
I SWITT 8FCiriC OX, AUaata, Gft.
1. air
"MY. iuui ran kit