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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1894)
fax m9tut Wkkki.y Dkmocrat. $i 75 per year n advance. $j.oo at end -f year. A Hard Hit. In one of his speeches Governor Pannoyer referred to a young man who thirty years ago was a common cuntry schoolteacher without a cent, now a banker worth as much as 100 of the farmers about him thirty years ago. This evidently referred to A Bush of Salem, and a friend remarked that fact to Mr Bnsh. who replied, saye the Salem Journal, that Bush replied be didn't know as to that, but that over 30 years ago he knew a young man who was teaching a small country school in Ore gon who afterward unsuccessfully es sayed farming, and then the practice of the law, and finally, after a failure in a newspaper enterprise, got into the saw mill business at Portland, from which, aiaeu Dy tne lumber combine, he ac cumulated and kept upw ards of half a million dollars; that this comfortable fortune, together with an ingeniously trebled salary as governor, rendered it unnecessary for him to bring luncheon and blankets from Portland wheu visit ing the capital on official business, and enabled him to bestow dignity upon the executive office by boarding with the janitor in the state house base ment at two-bits a meal and lodging in a neighborly attic at 25 cents a night. A PiONE3R Woman. Mrs Sarah Meek died at the reaidence of James Honig on north Washington street in this city Wednesday evening, May 2nd, of paraly sis, after an extended illness and much suffering She was the widow of Samuel Meek, who died February 22, ISSSt. The name Meek is familiar to all residents of Lane county. Samuel MeW came to this county in 1853 and settled near Junctfon City, where he owned 400G acres of land, together wfth 4700 in Linn county. After his deatn Mrs M.e' remained on the farm for some time, but becoming feeble removed to this city where she could re ceive better care. Several children are living. Eugene Register. Will Speak a Salxm Wm Galloway and Ex-Senator J K Weatherford are to address the people of Salem on the issues of the day on Tuesday evening, May 8. Mr Weatherford is the democratic nom inee for congress from the first congress ional district He is hilled for Dinger Hermann's position with very prospects of being air Hermann s ruc cessor. Thongh he has a large majority to ovecome.his friends are confident that reputation as a clean, I ionest and con scientious worker will De felt by the peo ple as a whole, and they will vote accord ingly. independent. a C Iran I trial Who does nearly all tie washing in Al bany? Why, the Albany Steam Laundry. Why, because they do first-class work at low prices. Who patronizes the Chinamen? On'y a verv fe-v. Don't mention it Have you seen the new wagon. It's modern and holds a stack of clothes. Their big business demands it. Richards A Phillips made it. They know how, as well as how to do superior washing. The Steam Laundry washes for rich and poor and does good work for all alike Try it, try it. Minnie H. Keyaer Pataskala, Ohio. Consumption Checked Obstinate Case of Catarrh Local Applications Failed Hood's Sarsaparllla Cured. "C. I. Hood 4S Co., Lowell. Haas,: Gentlemen : I ought to make Known my experience with Hood's Sarsaparllla, so thai others afflicted may learn where to Had a rem- edy for that aerious anal obstinate disease, 1 catarrh. It troubled me aertously. I had a dull aching sensation In the top of my bead, and the usual discharge from Urn note. I became to bad that morning I could do nothing but haw a , and spit. My lungs were also being rapidly al-' tected and had it not been for Hood s aaraapa-1 rm.f would bay. fllled. A Consumptive a Crave long ago. I bare taken about ten bottles el , Hood's II Jig M, which havs ectaalJy j cured me. Before resorting to this medicine, I ' need all the catarrh remedies, inhalants and I local application, I heard ol. 'uo seemed M Hood's551 Cures reach the seat of the disease. In fact I grew worse wall using them. I owe my can ta the blood purifying power of Hood's Baraa. paxills." Hlnkie M. KEYSK,FatakaU, Ohia Hood '8 Pilte cure all Urer Ills, biliousness, e, Indigestion, sick headache. 25c H. R. HYDE. W. n. DIKDIXOER. D. II. JAMES ALBANY F0ENIT01 CO., Baltimore Block. Albany, Ore. Furniture complete line of IIK0ERT4KING in all its branches. EMBALMING a g uilty. Residence coi n er 3rd and Calnpooia Star Baker) t'orBrandalhln anil Virol H CONRAD rVEYfR, FFCPRIHCP, frail", U's ware, lrlet Frail. Tsbaett, ugr, Van, Bt Kiiue Me (pjceaisar Veajatablca, Clgara Mpleea, Tea. Etc., be everyth.uK that i kept In a gtar Trtety sod goierylore, Utgtaet market pnee paid Ibr ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE DRUGS Stationery, Toilet Articles, Miitiia Instruments, Etc. Hollies & McMaill, The Cornei Drug Store,". Albaay.oi T1( OR BARGAINS In real estate address P or etU on lames W Cardwell A Co. Jelferaon. CIRCUIT COURT. Judge Burnett Holds a Half Days Session. Pursuant to adjournment Judge Bur nett held court this forenoou and trans acted the following business : A Hackleman agt city of Albany. De fendant was given until first day of next term to answer. Same in J H Mullen agt City of Al bany and J A Thornton agt City of Al bany. Isaac Saltmarsb agt H B Miller et al Findings dimissing suit and decree thereon. S H McF.lmurry agt Hugh C Caldwell etal. Sale confirmed.; Jacob Kees agt Lav i ma H McCullouch et al. Order for publication, and con tinuance ordered. J A McBride agt Bank of Oregon- Dis missed as per stipulation. John Leedy agt II Middlestadt. Order ef publication allowed. B N Berdman agtE Llleans aud wife. Default and judgment. In estate of Martha Hunter. Contin ued. D M Osborne and Co agt S P Barger aviil wife. Continued. In the matter of the assignment of the Bank of Oregon to W S Thompson as signee, the petition for removal of as signee having been beard at the regular March term Judge Burnett handed in his decision, with eight findings, of which the following is the suos-ance : 1. That at the time and immediately before the assignment Wr S Thompson was teasurer and Jay Blain secretary of the Albany Building & Loan Association, aa well aa cashier and assistant cashier of the Oregon Bank. 2 That at the time of the gesignment and immediately before, Mr Thompson, as such treasurer had a deposit $819 82 and Jay W Blain as stcreiary $296 as secretary, besides $5S0 dse F S Crosby from the association, which had been de posited in the bank. 3. To secure the association a large amount of promissary notes of the bank were taken and heUl by Mr Thompson. 4. That said Blain and Thompson knew at the time the bank was Insolvent. 5. That money on the notes was col lected and applied to the payment of the BALA deposits, the notes being sur rendered. 6. Refers to transactions with First National Bank of Port'and. 7. Before the assignment the Pank of Oregon collected money on notes held by the First National Batik of Portland while yet in their possession, but never remitted to said bank the money so col lected, nor otherwise settle wfth It. 8 That after becoming assignee said Thompson paid to said First National in full out of money collected by him as as signee from the assets of the Bank of Oregon, some of the amounts so collected. As a conclusion of law the court finds that said W S Thompson as such as signee is guilty of wasting and misap plying the estate of said Bank of Oregon and should be removed from his trust as such assignee. It is further ordered that D H James be appo.n'ed assignee of the said bank upon giving bond, that the goods, chattels and effects of every kind be delivered to him by said bank, also that said Thompson permit said I James to have access to books, notes and other accounts for the purpose of making an inventory and that a final ac count be filed by said Thompson br the next term of court. Matter cf assignment continued. MrsTJBlack, spent Sunday in Al bany with her daughter. Mrs George Waggoner, of Corvallis. is in the city the gneal of her mother, Mrs Honck. Hon John D Daly started lor Al-ea on Wednesday, and will remain some days. Yaquina Post. Hermann Wise has been apr pointed postmaster at Astoria. He is big adver tiser and hence i entitled to the plum. Prof C W Mullin, of Jordan, is in the city to assist in conducting the exami nation of teachers beginning on Wednes- day. Mr Nathan Needham, repub'ican nom inee for county clerk, was in the city today- Mr N will need votes more than bam next June. Dr Avery, of Corvallis, returned this morning from a trip to the mid winter (air. His sister, Mrs George Helm, was j also in the city to-day. Prof C H Jones, of the Geary school, has been granted a lite diploma by the state hoard of edncation.-Kugene Guard. A former Linn county teacher. K M Horton and Postmaster Thomas Monteith left this noon on a trip to San r rancisco and other par's of California, Daring the absence of Mr Monteith F L Kenton artH assist in the P O. Geo M H viand, formerly of Eugene, is now delivering spiiitnaliatlc lectures in Portland.-Guard. Mr Hyl.nd was con- nectea with ihe Ocean House at Xewport last en muer. Therf M e, h nlne bot M ,h reform etnuoi Joeph Andrew ,who say he's the cham pion jumper of the world, on a New Yoik variety stage last week jumped with little apparent effort ever the back of a horse 16 hands high, and In aseri'sof three jumps covered a distance of 43 feet. As Old Case. The case of Charles Altschnl vs the Willamet e Valley & Coast railroad, Oregon Pacific railroad, T Egenton Hogg, the farmer's Loan dt Trust Company, and the toceivers of the two railroads a snit to remove a cloud from title waa argued in the United States circuit conn before Jadge Bellin ger Friday, Mr Wall is Nash appearing for the defendants and C K 8 Wood and Henry Ach for the plaintiff. This auit involves the title to the land grant of the Willamette Valley & Cascade Moun tain and Wagon Road Company and has been tried numerously until it is quite a chestnnt, and yet it involves land worth several million dollars, more or less. A Good Gauk. - The ganr.e between tbe Albany college nine and the O A C's was a surprise to our friends up the river. I On account of the previous cyclone at Corvallis they thought they had a soft snap; but tne Aipany ooys naraenea j bnt tbe their muscles and did some excellent work. Corvallis only scored in two in nings making a fire works of 9 in the 3rd inning and 4 in the ninth, while Albany scored 1, 0, 6, 1. 3, 5, 0, 4, 20 to 13. Washburn pitched three innings and Thompson the remainder of the game, doing; some remarkably effective work. It was an interesting game, greatly appre ciated by the smalr audience that wit nessd it. Looks Like Bl'hinikh. The follow iag from the Astorian is the best railroad item Astoria has bad for some time: Late last evening it was learned that the first eastern money Astoria has seen from a railroad source was a New York draft for $5,000 given to the Knlton Brothers bv Edward Browne yesterday to lift a judgment they held against the Astoria and Portland railroad. Mr BroWne was bunted up, and in an inter view stated that he would not so into specific details, but the finances are all arranged for back east, and that he is here to take up the Metialeui route road and complete it, and expects to stay here until all the arrangements are made and work begun on the road. The Wobbt Gbowlebb. The follow ing from the Astorian is a little bit harsh bnt at the same time there is donsidera ble aense in it: Some people who are now complaining of bard times have had just such hard times for the past ten years. When a man refuses to work and stands around the street corners complaining that there is no labor for him he always will be pressed financially. And tbe sooner the newspapers publish that man's obituary the better it will be for the community. Tne house cf John Marks, of Tallman, was recently broken into ami robbed of $20. It was thought to be the work of a stranger seen in the neighborhood. A Pendleton paper beasts of as many ana as enmusnuiue wneeiiiien as any city in the U 8 of its size. What's the matter with Albany. Campaign nuisances is the head of an editorial in a alem paper. It refers to some af the blowhards going over the state talking politics, or trying to. The head is a timely one. TXT lb 3D AST Stood Vr. The following from the Salem Journal read like u California stago robbery i List evenina as Louis P Larden. Sam 'I Ludi and Thoo Rott went out Capital street from church they stopped at the junction of the (i aulen road. After chatting there, and as they wen- abont to say "good night," they were accosted by a largo man with a revolver ;nd ordered to "throw up hands." At first they supposed it a practical joke, but tin1 highwayman grew impatient and tired a shot, repeating his demands. The men now began to realize their danger.and as they had but little money with thorn thought best to disgorge. While Mr Lar den was getting out his purse the other two men escaped, and as he fumbled over the first dollar, the knight of the highway held his revolver against the breast of his victim, constantly swearing and making threats. At last Mr tardea opened his pocket book and turned the contents onto the ground abobt $3.00 in all when the robber got down on one knee to pick up the coin, still lointing the gtin at his man. After he was satisfied there w;us no more lucre to lie had, he wry politely handed back Mr Larden 'a purse and his tool chest key, which was in it, he started to run, going east on the Garden road. The highwayman was a tall, dark complexioned man, a large frame. He had a pocket handkerchief over his head which partially covered his face, and a hat on top of it. His voice seemed familiar to some of the men and they think they could identify him. j & Crook Covnt y. This week Allen Nye sold 1000 head of mutton sheep to Frank Hershie for the Chicago market to be delivered after shearing. We under stand that the price waa $1.50 per head. There is a freak in the way of a cat in Prineville. U is the property of GeXKM O'Neal, and may be seen any day sitting on ! the planer flume waiting for a fish to swim along, when the cat jumps onto it, catches ; it, and carries it away for a meal. I lirand Master Mackev will visit (Kiioeo Lodge A O 0 W next week, and will hold a public meeting in the court house Monday evening, to which everybody is invited. ll members of the order are especially re quested to attend. J .1 Smith, cf Sisters, spent spent last Sunday in Prineville. We regret to learn that Mr Smith contemplates leaving for Idaho soon. tie has not sold his property in this eo n n however, anil mav return here to reside sometime in the near future. T M Baldwin. D F Stewart and W B Fuller were up to the Ochevo mines the first weTk-. 1 52 MV ,lh,nKS "P then. live placer claims are bang worked, employing!.! men. There are also twnamawareaagiattie McAllister quart. mine. 1 hen? is an uUnn lauiv of water for i imuiutr. una a mm vi mrx lU'DHI IUI5 M1WI1 K'W . : Pa YIN, Ta vrc Th. ..,ai -;t- eu- The total n-ceipts at the - X . 1 Ml IV'U IHI ll'l ' slk lilt sheriff's follows : office Saturday evening were as ' i $ ittM 101)2.(4 32X.71 Dist S... 16... 17... 18... . 42'.'.' 43.47 67.; .... 70.Jr.i iK.-l S .!. y Ati.90 . . .". V.37 J.04 21.16 i!6.00 UdO 74 lt U4 ta Albany Brownsville Halsey Lebanon Sodaville Poll County school State and count v . . . :tWt.4.- .'58.99: '-w'-.12 j ! - . . S?1 A heavy patment Satunlav evening was that of W M Laddof $412.50 on Albany i proriertv ' i Mi -t Axsweb Them. At a meeting of the Lane county Pomona grange, held in Kugene. May 5. the committee on legisla tian reported the following list of questions to he asked the legislative candidates now before the people cf Lame county for election : First Are you in favor of the nenact ment of the mortgage tax law. and will you work and vote for its reenartment ? Second Are yon in favor of the deduc tion of all lna fide indebtedness within the B r , , . . ,, , . I . . r r age of American silver, and w,ll you use I your influence and your bet tffona to eWt a candidate jtbe I nited Mates senate who la in favor af the free coinage of American " arrl- t i i ru.i.. . in yu u.o. a .a, F.v. ....... for the payment of tax.- on peraonal prop- erty in the spy ing. and real e-tate in tje fall of the year t Arrit3j rou Horsk Stkauno. So- daville h:A a peculiar horse stealing case vesterdav. Justice Parrish presided, and ' Ilenutv ' IVrjaw-'tint. Attorney Keller an- ' peared fcr the prosecution and A F Stowe . . w . ' x. for the defenilaint. a young man about 19 years of age. named Frank Robinson. Ac coiding to the testimony young Robinson took the horse belonging to his sister, Effie Vanderpo d. from a pasture and traded it for a pony, fiddh aud $1. He waa held under $'J00 bonds to await the action of tbe Brand jury. It was afterward learned that a younger brother was with Frank at the time of the affair; but no action has len taken against him. AcBOSs the Kiveb is becoming a great country for excitement. Yesterday a Cor vallis justice of the peace considered tbe case of Ed Zeyss, jr. arrest! for assaulting Mr Lintro. "the otier side of Thornton Lake- Young Zeyss and Miss Shannon and others were' there when a dis-nte arose Between Zeyaa ami Lingo, result ing in the former assaulting Lingo, who, though, according to tbe rejwrt, was en tirely too muscular for the Albany yo-ing man. While Linp had Zeyss down Miss Shannon is said to have ued some very emphatic language, resulting in a warrant being issued for her arrest tor asing pro fane language. The result of her case is not yet known. The justice taxed the fine and coste against Zeyss at $1.", which was paid. The R. R. Oims. The railroad com- migiiioners. having finished their inspection 0f the Southern Pacific lines last week. met at the capitol yesterday to attend to some r0ntine details before leaving last night for Albany and Yaquina to inspect the Oregon racihc. 1 wo petitions from up on the I n ion Pacific, calling for newer and more effective cittleguards, were given exhaust ive attention and put on the inspection cal endar of the U P trip, which will be com menced next Monday, ihe board will also investigate the recent accident on that road by which two lives were lost. Today they liegin at Yaquina and work toward the mountain end of the Oregon Pacific. Salem Statesman. "Work" is good. Looking after cattlegunrds is also good. Looking; after free lunches furnished by railroad of ficials is better. This Oregon R R Coin is a daisy institution. A DniLMNii Contest. The Ashland Tidings says : W W Walters.of thisjplace, who has gone to San Francisco to sec the Midwinter fair, will be one of the contest ante in the miner's drilling contest to take place there on the 22nd. The contest will be to make the best showing with a hand drill, single man, in fifteen minutes, drill ing Rjckland granite- The first prize will be for $200 and the championship of the coast. There will no doubt be a large nuuilier of men engaged in the cjnteit, bnt Mr Walters has strong hope of carrying off a prize. Tiik GAR Encampment. The grand encampment of the OAR and W R C of Oregon occurs at Roaeburg beginning to morrow. One of the events of the occasion will be the dedication of the new soldier's home, just completed. Those attending from lbany are S S Train and A B Woodin, who went on last night s ovr land, and John lones, Mrs N H Allen and daughter, Mrs S S Train, Miss Rose Train, Mrs Win Meyer, Miss Kelley.Mrs Rowell, Mrs Woodruff and the W R C Commander Mrs Harkness, to-day. Remember A P. Mcllwuin 1 cutting prices in all lines of merchan dise and will give you the best goods to be obtained for the least money. Best Rlvlted Overalls per pair $ .50 5 pr Kocktord bocks 25 "15 yds Good Muslin l.oo 1$ yd Shirting l.oo 15 yds Outing Flannel 1,00 Tangent. May 7, 18M. The regular monthly meeting of Tangent grange was held the fourth Suturday in ApriL There was a fair attendance for this time of the year. There was some question! of hnpGrtaace discussed. The secretary read the quarterly report which showed a membership of 72 at the quarter ending March 31. SUs were taken for a picnic some time in lime, a committee was appointed to make the proper arrangements. During a rece. s (lie choir g ive us some nice music. During the dull times it is essentially necessary for the members of the grange to le up and doing, for if ever they needed the benefits of the order it is right now, for by strict attention to business the ob toots sought will be obtained, there U no dad of an organization that will Boorish unless it has the proper attention. The fall grain passed through the winter in good condition, hid the late rain has colored the blades in the low ground The cherry crop will bo exceedingly abundant if there is no more frosts. Other kinds of fruit promises well. K&rly gardens is coining on nicely and everything is growing fast. Farmers are not through with their spring seeding, as the rains come too often to let the ground get in condition for work. Farmers are learning to noooomixs as I well as all other classes of people, for the low prices of all kinds of produce compel every one to be as economic aa possible. Politics is raging quite fiercely in this part of the country. If one was to judge by the ubus each party heap- upon the other, it would scorn that we had arrived at a time when honest v was a thing of the part, However I suppose each one thinks they are right, and amhoMal in their views, so ulev ,iv th blame on the shoulders of some one else. At last accounts the families of F Hol zapfel and P Slate had about recovered from the effects of tho scarlet fever. The former iost 2 and the latter one of their children. The First Baptist churcn of Portland is to hare a $100,000 pipe organ, which doe oot look much like ha;d llmrt. I non j h k .Moreioc. a lortner rej.-re-lanatathre from Linn count v, is one of the nominees for represeniative on the dctno- A n-.eeting of the degree of Honor, A U v w wi,,sbe ne!J a, to morf'ow Z. ... . " , , rfa Member, are evne.tly rc- ... . ' ' f received a dUnatch from !ln&'n t d that fhe Krhool bond, were? fti.inrMrJ vrfrr. 1 ' - " " ' I J day. They will be signed at once.and the meuey delivered by the agent will be hete upon their receipt. The man who called tarsaparilla a Iraud, had good reason j for he got hold nf a worthless mixture at reduced rates. " He changed his opinion, however, when he began to take Aver'. Sarsaparllla . It pays to be careful, when buying meJi cine. ,-A wolf in sheep's clothing' the sub- atuute offered by the "cutter" a. being just as good as Ayer'. baraaparilla. II you don't wnt to be bitten, inaist on hav ing Aver' BaeaapanlH, : even if it i a little dearer. Depend on it, ft ail! be cheaper lor ruu in IBM end. The Prctbvterr of the Piesoyterian : church it In session in thi city to day, on j i .4.-v . a special call. Among other things ar 21.07 j range. nca'j will be made for receiving the tmJOO i new pastor of the Salem Church, for sup 1 Connaaght 6.00 i plying the pulpits at Newpjn Mehama anj persnages. 51.101.43 , Independence and l3T receiing 1'W young men Into the ministry. Mr Frar.k Portland, is in i tbecity I- i. . ,,.,. , . . Mr Card well, of J w tanlweli Co.. f Jefferson, was in the citr toilav. Prof school. Adams, of the Newport public , M Cunningham to Grant Cunning hich ha just been closed for the , ham et al. 15 acres. tS 4 season, has been in the citv several davs. Mr ltotur Hamilton, a prominent and learned populist, of Scio. has be. in the citv tiday. Mr Hamilton annxin vs him I self in favor of Coxevism. WE (Jan. of Philadelphia, and FBI t ps,;u i-i.u;. ..i rn: of Philadelphia. and IB Flennning, of t'hi.-agu. am vol in Albnnv I this noon, and during the afternoon were j whipping the placid waters of the ViHa- j aiette. They are doing the coast. Mrs M J Kinney has ju.t returned to j Afloru irom reatiie. vtan. wner oe i weat lo lueet her ;.r Maria White. on her le(urn honie from northeni India. ! wnere for eicht years ahe ha. Wn bbor- i in? at a mUMonary. she Iwiiur the foamier and reaident phician of a large I hospiui in KiaJKot. est.inli.he.1 under tbe aus,,icesl of ,h t nit, Pres.l.vvrian church ,1 the British governui-nt." Ir White i j,lst retovering teoaa a severe il!nes bnwglit on by overwork, and will remain in Sea: tie some time with ber sister. Mrs Kinney, ?he i accompanied by another returning missionary. Miss Vounjr. al) from India. SI' . l , . ' 1 1 jaias i ounif, alter a lew uay s rest, win proceed to her rrnue in Iowa. Astorian. A CaiMFRV. One ot the bet butter i maker In Linn county la Mr Oau Vehrs ol Sodaville. Mr Vetir ha been miiklng j thlrtv cow for wmrtime and shipping! ihe butler lo Portland wiere he ha ro calved cents s roll the year round. The demand has been o reliable tt at he ha decid-d to branch out. To dav Stew I art & Sox received for him the biggest -K...n in t inn f, .. . . n i , , I ,.i . .n .. ...nn. i ,.,.-, with power snachmcnt Mr Vebr ha the praaalM of the milk oTltS cow, and will run a cieamery at Ma place In Soda- i u : . . i. busine . . The earliei svmpiom A dtsnepsia such a dittres after eatini-, hesrtburn and occasional headaches, should not be neglected. Take Hood' Sarsaparllla if you w ish to be cured. Hood's Pills cure all liver ill. blll'ou. ! nets, jaundice, indigestion; sick headache S.eak Thiek. -ILst night some one went into the slaughter house of K.inerick A- Holt and took both hams from a dressed hog. Mr Holt, although a republican, feels quite sure the man who took it is a republican, and he stands ready to give his reasons for this 11 ief. A Goon Suowiso. The net earnings of the Oregon Pacific for April were $157 in the face of the fact that the ex penses were increased considerably on account of several improvements made and paid for. The paymaster will make a tour of the road next week. The effi cient receiver Mr Clark and the Salem Journal man are entitled to much credit for the showing made. Beware of Ointments ior Catarrh that contaij Mercury, aa mercury will surely dmtroy the rtnue ot amell and completely .lerangotho whols system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Btich articles should nrver be used except on prescriptions from reputable physiciana, aa th9 damage they will do i tea fold to tho good yon can possibly derive from them, llal.'a C'atarra Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney tt Co.. Toledo, O., contains no mercury, ana Is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfacesof thesystem. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure yoa get tho genuine. It Is taken internally and is made In Toledo, Ohio, by V. S. Cheney At Co. Testimonials free. . Mtr bold by llruggist. prts "6c. per bottle. Wcoo Saw lata. The undersigned Is prepared to do wood sawing, and split ting and piling it desired, on terms to euit the times. Leave orders at the feed store of R M Robertson one door east of the Democrat office- (r b Acheson. C K Biownells grocery store is Increas- n-j in popular ltv. lie carries a line stock In a light room, easily accessible and gives bargains. Next door to (lie P O, Kabo Corset. A nerfect dress form. Dresses fit perfectly over tnem. Appro ved by all dressmakers. b E Yoiini; GaBDXX Skedh. nyerv body should have a garden. Are you one who will. Then go to Stewart & Sox Hardware Co and make your selection from u fresh supply of all tho seeds in the market, the largest stock in the city. Kid Glovbb. I have jast received tlie new spring shades of the celebrated Centemeri kid gloves and also those with the large pearl buttons. I expect to carry these in colors to match the suitings. I earry also lines of the Foster hook, Biarritz, chamois and gauntlet gloyes. S E Youmo. "WE JOUST IE S HOME AND ABROAD J ut what you waul -jour photo taken at Tinkles .ind and Kerry. There wtli he woik In the First Degree at Albany Lodge 4 1 O O Fjthfs evening. Visiting brothers made welcome by order of N G. Patronize the Albany Steam Laundry. Albany white people run It, work for It and patronize it. Are you one of Albany white people. Another Invoice of Gilbert! fast black saltern- In plain and brocaded. Also percalines in fast black and coloisund fatt black orgar.dles just received at Samuel Voung's. Times are haru but that should not keep from having your photo made. Stop at Tinkles corner 2nd Kerry and sec bow cheap you can yet 11 g,Hd photograph. Owing to the fact :hat T J Slite will be out of the city durjn 'Republic exami nation ot teacher to ! held this week his place will be filled by 1'icf It K Michener of Lebanon . Prof Mf hener ia one of the most successful teachers In the county aiul will make at- excellent examiner. A steamboat excursion will e given by the Maiine Hand of (Jorvallis Sunday, May 13th from Corvalllslo Salem and re turn. The steamer KIwooJ will leave Corvallls at a m ; Albany ":3o: Buena Vista. ;, 10, arriv'ng at Salem at :i a :n.Return trip will leave Silem 113 pm. Dining whicn time the Marine Band will give a Sacred Concert in Salem. Round trip tickets froir Cor vallla and A lb ny , ft 00; Buena Vista, 75c; Independence, 50c. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Mr J F liai-.iei. of Larwoid. was in the city today Misses Eva Cowan and Krr.raa Pfeiffer returned this noon from an enjoyable vUit in Portland. u- v.,1. iu.t ..;r...i : T"". .i:V :.r ."i V. I .... a " organize a class. A recent aftrno.m party given l v 1!---ie Parker, daughter at Mr W II Parker, as- sisted by her bmtlie.s Clarence and Harvey was a great su - es and very pleavm: at fair. Til.? present wen?: K';iu Parker Jessie Chftt.n. 'r.i Harknes-. F ranees aiel French. Teresa Baumbart. Maud and Ka Lanareead rrances tanabam, Inez ur, Mr and Mrs Branson and family. Mr Miller. Nellie Miller. Margaret Cundiff. i Barrows and laughtir. Mr and Mrs Peters. 1 eta and I. m.i llentoii. orj Mm,.n, li . . : M l, , - i s . u.iiue vi-"ii. iciri ri-ner. r.iv niwiam. Lord nrinaj, Clifford Klpin. IKmald ami Johnnie Graham. Pnilo Crawford. Alfie fihewv ru.. i-.rri.r. ru-.L -ar Baumgart. Johnnie French. Kov Parker. Koy McFarland. :uul Flo Nutting. MK-i Winona M Bonbatn le-ves Thur- lav morning f.r Calcutta, India, via the Canadian Pacific. She will be ancon romnan- j Mrs B F I icl be b r paanata. Judire and Ih.nnam. to ancouvr, II V-. and to l ort land by her aunts. Mis;s Bjney. of Kugx. and Mrs J A baker, of Salem. Mia Bon ham will lie met in Hong Kocg by friend, of ladne :ind Mrs B)n):xui and tarse. Mr IUlin A Abbott, to whom she wi'l be marrie! at the residene of Captain and I arn;. rrom nong nonjf icey proceed via Singapore and Penang to t-ali-utta. their home, where Mr Abbott is proprieor cf an etensive indign j !ana tion. Huring Judge Bottham's five yeai.' n.idencie abroad aa consul general b Qat cutta. India, Mis- Itonham lam .iuirm esl with life in the i Hrient, where she met and mingled with many l Kngla:ip' , be was pre- i noted people, among them s-ntei a! ooart to Lord and Ihiffenn. fard KoseKurv, the Iuke and luches of and many other aleai Statesman. inaCB Real Estate .ils.-. M and BUaahettl I Kjwcing la H I Iowning. one haif inter-.t iu 4 15 Vj acrw, 1 1 K I I aoi L tawool to francos t.avocu. . ' ''f- ' - , - A hton to W m lln-nner. 1 lot, ?5?ii iV ' Harriett Maple to Albany HuiMing iJAn aaeocaangB, aa r.. u m Albany Wm Brenner to A M Shelbn. 11x120 feet, f'cio N ' Me .-era to John Smeeser. S00 50x177 feet. Sao Reut-en 1 :w to Marietta Sfii It, .. lot ltanon J A Griffin to Ella and Mafuie Ihinlap . acre 1" w 4 Chas Itan'f r.1 to i 'iriiin .!) icxea, IS w 4 Wm Maag to Ja T and lola Iawe. TOO ... '-' lot. Mill City It Stewartson to A W Gordoa, I lot bl M. li 2nd ad. Albany. E Meinintrer to Ititia Smith. 115 fOOj IfO 2 lots. 1.1 -. S A J !h.-a to I I Foli.-tt and II r Jack sc.n. lease of 10 axre at "-To jt year. . Y M Miller to Hulda Milier. 87jhj acre and several lot. l?!anon . S S to Elijah Boots and wife. HQ acre. 11 E 1 Patent 8 to Samuel Pi' kens. 899.00 acres. IS E I Patent met OakvUlc. The Young Mens Republican club last niirht. C A Canv was the first to ad I dress tiie audience. he scon exhauste-i all j ( he steam he had generated and ha.1 no ! 7 to.!l . Mul on wa,e he ! Itory vest Mr toon made a few remarks. ! He i- a Raravi. a Prohibitionist. but nil a i.rana. ana ne win vou ior pnjiiiniwu in the republican party, this looks cranky to ' "tners i-nr. tnere i- .is nn, n -.-n- t . : .i- . :- 1' is ... 1.1 : S ,11.,, Ird is on the republican side " Aft.-r Mr Coon had said all he knew, and more too. J C brown, candidate for state senator on the prohibitionist ticket, made a reply to 1 Mr 1 '. which called forth a numlr of oues- tions which were easily answered by Joe. The Populist club will meet next Thurs day, br Hill will deliver the address of the evening. Everybody is invited. Nathan Needham is visiting over the countv He is a candidate far county clerk. Billy Morgan treed a own last Taaaday, but it took water so Billy diln't get the hide. Amicv. Meet inn of Presbytery. The Presb7tery of the Willamette of the Presbyterian church met in thiscit '. Y IU' yesterday afternoon, with Rev Hutchi son, the moderator, in the chair. The relationship of Re Ir Townsend and the Independence chorch as dis solved on account of the health of his family, and he was placed at Newport. Arrangements were made for the in stallation of Rev Hutchinson as pastor of the Salem church. Mr 1 H McCullagh was given tempo rary license to preach and will be under the Presbytery. Mr Bert VV right, of Lebaben. was taken under the charge of the Presbytery while preparing for Use ministry. Judge Whitney, S A Dawson and T P Hackleman, talked democracy, republi canism and prohibition, at Tangent last night until 10:30. The democrats around that city are well pleased with the man ner in which the democracy was cham pioned. THING worih con 'sideling is the facttha Will & Stark have a big and superior stock watches .-hirlc. f jewelrv, and silver waie to telect from They keep up wl the times In the late novelties. If you want tne bes1. at leasouablc prices call on them goh Market. V liea ,40c. OaU, :w Hour, ts.oo. Batter, 13a. Kggs, 10c. Iaml, 12 to 16e. Pork ham.12to 16e; ahoulder,9ito10ei aldss. It to 13c. Hay. baled, f 7. Vo atoea, 40. Apple , 4 Hope, ltle. Dried fruit plums, He, apples, So, Chickens, ft 00 per doaen. Beef, en ft ol, 1'-. Hogs, drraaed. 5Ho. Highest of all n Leavening m I ABSOLUTELY PURE A Visit to TUB Faik. The wife of the Man abont Town returned this morning from a trip to San Francisco, after an ab sence of twenty-two days anil six hours. Having gone tosw what she could see, as well Bl to visit friends and relatives, she took in everything, from the Midwinter fair to Chinatown and thj city tail. A 1 thiet days attendance on the fair, last . 11m sometimes till 11 o'clock at night, ' rewnled in..-t at the wonderful sights the natural products of the coast, the muiufao- tend articles of the world, grand diph-.v, I of art. euriiisities without end. meritorious and fake -ide shows, the midway plaisam. tr.e '49 . amp that takes the eye of the old j t'mers, the mysterious maze, the Hawaiian I ullage, the tower, wheel, scenic railroad, ru few things a woman's eye and curios I ltv do not cover. She is tireless in her I efforts not to mi- anything and to g-t the ' worth of her money, and so takes a luneh i and remains until lat at night. The fair ; is worth seeing. The environments of San , Francisco offer many things for the person wnu eye reauy ior tne ijeautital and curious Among the trips made was 00 over San rianciseo geaorally in a carriage, past her monuments and old land marks, a visit to Berkley with her elegant surroundings, a trip to Stanford, where two among the l-t ' . eiuui'U students there. Percy Younir and " -ons 111 .iispiaying - r . ,. 1 . ,M ''"''ngs and grouniU of one of the most (animus ol f the worlds nnit-onitiis. ,! Menlo Cark. as well as the oualitv of the culinary department at the noonday repast. "iolden iaU' Park. Sutro Keights ami Straw U-rry Hill, Piednnnt. the seals aa i many ottier placet and things formed the rounds oefore the ri-it was complete. The Man a)out Town's wife is under particular obligations to Mr ami Mrs Blair and fam- 31 r J c -Mittmg. of .orthheld. Minn, who is also visiting there, and others, for many acta of kindness and consideration during htr first visit to the Golden tiate City. ScaOOt. Teju'iikk... The regular juar terly teachers examination :..i:-r. . in circuit court room at 1 o'clock thi after - n,jOD wttil an r'ro"ln,nt of thirty energetic aI'I'''cant- Following are the name: D Clifford. Jordan Mias Cora Cox, Lebanon. Mi Fena Flory, Sodaville. F M i.irard. Lac. .nib W J Grimes. loster. Keeka Homver. lordan. Fred Horner, Mill City. B B H -irises. Harnshurg. Jess M Hunter. Kingston. Cla.secc ; Ingram, fsodaville. Ml-- : la. ks-.n. .-.-ial;! A H L-'fiamrrow. Lacomb. Mias Ida Miiler. Hoiley. Charlie NemUn.i. Sodaville. 1-ouie New land. Mi.- K!.- ..i Parrisii " E C Pry Mi-- Nettie Pugb. Sbedd. M -- IW;- 1 j Ran i. A:ban 1" L Rice. Waterloo. Miss I Mia Roliertson. SUrton John D Russell. Sci. Mi Ida Smith. Taiima-i. Mi.s liusta tever. Brxisrirrille. ( L Lran. Lebanon. Flora E Tbomps c. Brownsviiie Mrs Liuia M Titus. Kingst. n Cora D Vann. Tangent Miss Anna Worrell. Albany. Mrs Anna Williams. Albany. Til y. Croi-s The crop-weather bulletin of the Aregv,n State Weather Service, for the week ending Tuesday. May .h. 1.4. s M liandford. Observer. Weather Bureau. shorn-, the following Through the intervention of cloudy ami cool weather the frost which occurred on the morning of the second lost it iniuriou ffert. Fnnt is believed 10 have been only aHsjbtty lam age. 1 in some sections and in others no injury ha uvn discovered Thi is tbe condition in all except Josephine. Jakaon and portions of IVxigla county. Ail the report received from Josephine and I arks, m counties are unfavorable regarding the injury by fre-sts and the future prr-spevti of the fruit crop. Temler vegetation aa aiso injurei in tne s.-atbem counties., .. p - 'V r laly in all lections. e-Iing of spring i - somi v,'iuii.-iou. 1 rvjrres in farm ing operations is being made in Marie n i . ' . , iio! ht': i 'iv 1 u use mcsi Wkwar.1 county of tbe Willamette valley 1 during this seacn. Fall sown wheat in some sections is eighteen in. he high. tn ; well drained land abundant yields of grain are cspevted. A pAXTiiW CDatatMRT. The Salem lournal tell- the following: Silas E Una arl returnej last night from the Flkborn OOBsttry, wbere he .iit with a party last 1 Tuesday toeiplon-the pyramidal structure i ' h ack iennite rxics, which was recently assnovataa ser.n mne .st ot Mill t ity He was a-siste.1 by N P Ouimby. of Mill City and Clifford lones. They soon found it impossible to drill tne rock.' which is so hard that it readily cuts glass, i nearly bl.u k and full of glistening diamond-like jartic!es. that take a high polish. Several hou. s were spent in attempting to drill in tne mie but all the drills were ' speedly rumd and the use of explosives j had to l aUmdoned. Tlie party then went to work in the top of the structure aud I ! a jkvs;. by breaking away the north wall and cleaning away all tlie debris ani uin. n na the appearance ot a small 1 pyramiJ. enrase.1 in stone walls, rising at j an angle of alout twenty-five degrees. lut j the mystery of its purpose, or construction II still unsolved. It would probably take in eypert geologist to determine whether it is a product of nature or of human hands. The exploring party has not given up the investigation but will return with a dyna miting outfit about July 1st to continue to pejietrate into the mystery of Coxey's tem ple on the Santiam. PoesoaiMU . This morning Henry Johnson, jr. who lives about live milts north of this city, in Benton countv. was ; awakened by his dog howling to bo let out i f the house. He arose and let him out of i tbe b.snst. T.iltar nn I, a .Mm, .lr.w.-.,.l himself and went to his spring to gtt a drink of water. He returned to his house where hfi Hv.nI nlone. and liegan at once to feel symptoms of jwisoning. He became unconscious and remained so for two hours. Recovering lie started to go to his brothers for brenkfast. He had not seen his dog since lettinir him out of his room. When he arrived at his fathers he found his dog thorn having spasms. The conclusion was Uiat some one had poisoned the dog and tne wiuer in ua spring. SrrEKioit Actixo. The Grisuier Daviaa trap were given a good audience for the times. It teles a popular troup to draw nowadays even a fair sized audience " The New South" was up to tlie best ev pectfttions of the audience, and our citizens were given some legitimate drama f merit Ihe company is full of star performers, the nature of the play demand ing that there K no drones in it. The company is one of the l"st in the I S and always irive the DUbuc something good. The New South is a very entertaining play, presented with a talent that has given the troup a national repute, Hon. tlo to Parker Bio for your grocerie. Highest Honors at World's Fair D-PRICE'S The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Power Latest V. S. Gov't Report rowcier Linn County Council. funcil met in the h:Ul of Charity Oranire Ro. 108 May eta, MM. Called to order by President H M Palmer at the Banal hour. The secretary H C Jor dan ling absent theforeaident appointed J II Scott to fill that position. Tlic choir favored :i- with Wferal nice songs. Hoi I call found sentative-i preaenl grange- with repre- A r!oluHon was off -re,l against the ap propriation by the state of money to col lege and universities, which was pretty thoroughly discussed. The rt-sfjlution was adopted. Another matter of of i uiportance to the order was referred to the delegates to the state grange for itn approval. A committee of three was appointed to wait on Uip count v court and urge that immediate action be tekea in tlie a.llection of fiinibi which is in the hands of certain individuals iielonging to the countv. It waa asked that the cjntv mak.- ano'jier ap portionment of the s:hool fands on liand alter tne 14Ui of Mav as many of the dis- ! tricta are in debt and need the mon.y. Th? next meeting of th- council will lie with HaJsey (Jrang.- the 1st Sxt'ir lav in i June. We bad quite an interesting meeting throughout the .lay. a large numljcr being ' present. Many good suggestions were offerrl by Ihxe in attnilance. Charity is i a live grange and just a its time indi cate, i. very charitable. After spending the day very t v-.intly j we adjourned. A B MCIWAIVS PRICK LIST. Cut Prices for Cash. 9 lb Extra C sugar for I7 lb Grai.ulated Sugar 5I.OO , 1.00 i 1 00 1 1.01 1.-JO ! .20 - J5! S .5! .to 25 iO Ko.led Oai 5 lS (irecn Coffee 4lbs ArbuckV Coffee No. 1 Cream C!.eee per pound GunOlwdr Tea OS. I f.nA T. T ! , mmm J -. OH pVS mf " ' -O ...... 3 can be: To.r.v.ov . Best Iowa Sugar Corn per can ...... i lb Go!d Dust Waahir Powder Eagie Br. id Con.icnd Milk per can Bct Pa:cn' Roller Fiourper Sack C gal Best Pearl Cca! Oil Fine Ocgon Hare per lb The best Broorr. inAlbany for 2o I I : .- .lo .15 ! weight All good. wrran:ed ad fui! Cuaraniecd. A B atcllwain's is the Mace for Boots and Shoes You can get (Jo'.i Dollar for 60 cen- is r.e bor from Sr ; i - cash ani get the lowest p : Below we Bj jote price osi new goodr iat! arrired 1-ot i Men Extra Sinoe . Si. 23 1.85 1 1.1: '5i z 25.0' :.2; : 00 .t;I "' 2 " Iop.go! hoe 3 " HtsnTf Shoe " 4 ' F.r.e Shoes...: " 5 " Hearv Boot ' 6 Mediim Boot. T " Extra Tap Boot " S Ladies Ti; Dongola Shoe j 9 " Tip Fine Shoe 10 Ladies and Misses Shoes A sorted Call ana examiue the above nd be coo Dollars for counter trr vlnced :nat vou can buv Gold 60 cen"s. tasayacfaaa p'.j ca ctnter All ... It Alone. Tbe aesaoeaata, populists and repuii.-ans have taken 3 new departure and "have 1 different 'lay for making the coontr is-. aa aesE iegin at Syraraae en t May l. the reriablican st Foster on the lh and tbe r-ni:!ib t'-re-' ,lat earlier at B.s:k t'rtek. Tbey all end at Albanv on j June "J. Below we give th days, without tne hr-ur . ttemontrubwng May until I and last, beitl in Jane, the ktters mdi- S at the catieg the isart I R P 1- r 21 j , 2s n 1 ?i B -i a 2-2 a-, n 23 -JS -4 2"' L'4 1 S -.".l 25 19 . 2T :) 31 : 31 SB 21 89 h 16 22 lfi 31 22 D SI 1 1 1 81 19 a 19 V r. -:e 11- f. Harrisburg .... - v Brcwnrille ... Crawfordsville . weet Home Waterloo Sodaville lafbannri Roik t rvvk.... Lyons . . Jonlan Shelburn Scio Santiam Albany Ijbertv Holly." Laoomli SI Cr NflF Psaker tiro, (roots. N cream cheese just received a'. Conrai Meycia. P J Smiley job printer, Flian Block, do rst claaa ork. Smoke the celebrate.1 Havana filled 5 cent cigar at Johns Joseph's. Dr M H Kiiis. iihvsioisn and sar.-eon Albany, Ora. i'l male la eitv'or ooantry . Baths at isrcck shaving and hair cn:tins c! - Moirci!kf.r trimmini. in the stpl Round trip tickets, ilicluti nd new shade., jat recive.l at -S K ; 1 , I V. , J Yoang'. Parker Bros, lead in baked good, a weil as in grocerie. Thi Is the truth, a can be easily learned by a trial When trading with them, jou get wnat you call for. Do not hesitate to Place your cash with them It buvs guantlty, quality and first class treatment every day In the week Ben Wool, vm Gmants Mr A Senders announces to tho imWic that he is in the field to buy O0t, KTnia. h'des. potatoes, etc. Call on dim at his hendnuarters at tho store of M Sternbiirg'. conwc First .ind 1 proadalbin streets. Albanv Clean towels t 'every dMoirer'at Viereck , shwing parlors. Old fashioned family pllk onlv 10 cts a ! box at Fred 1jwsoii' lit: lc Irv:g Suie on the corner. i.nirr Lis; Kodowirg is the list of letter ren.aining in the post ollio at Albany, 1 inn county Oregon, March SO, 1S94. .Persons calling for these letters must give the dtte on which they were advertised. Jus A Hilyou. DO Donia, .1 T Nave. I anis Smithey U-vii B Ulea. John William Qaocaja Devia, 3, Wm (ionnloy. J Senders, Mrs Roda Story, Arthur T Vuljrauion Taos. Montkitu, P. M. Call On READ. PEACOCK k CO. AND See Their Nice and Trimmings. dies Fine Shoes. Julius Gradwohl Informs us That lie is preparing to move his stock of goads iuUj i . Opera House store on 2nd street. AU his crockery, fancj goods, and goods in general will be reduced in price for the next GO days, or until further notice, for net cash. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH, GKEATLY REDUCED PRICES MADE BY SODTHEBS PACIFIC COHPANT FOR THE CALIFORNIA MIDWINTER FAIR ROUND TRIP TICKETS GOOD FOR 30 DAYS Albany to San Frsadstv -A-Tsm RETURN $26.90 Inc udir.g- FIVE Gate Tickets Tj THE FAIR EICUBSI08 TRIPS. From San Francisco to other point in California w?:- be allowed purchaser c sper'.a! Mid inter Fair ticket at the foW ;0ing round trip rates To station under no miles from San Francrsoi, one and one-third one wav tare. j Francico, one" and one-filth one w f.r- For exact date and full particular, uv ju're of C K Fronk, agent at Albany, Or, or addre the undeiigned. i Rich'd Gray, T H Goodmas. Gen TrafEc Man. Gen Passenger Ag. San Frarcisco, CaJ. E P Rogers, At GFi P agent, "rt. land Or. FOR SAN FRANCISCO The Steamship HOMER will ply between San Fran cisco and Willamette Vallv i points via the Oregon ana" Southern Pacifc railroads. sailing with freicht and pas sengers on or about the fo lowingdates: Front San Fran- cisoo on Wednesday April 4, at 6 p m. From Yaquina: ojt next Tuesday. April 11 Fare from Albany and Corvallis to San Francisco: Cabin, $12: Steerage, $9. lgtfi lliiis aiiu cf 1 vii?. j;v.'u tor oU days- 1. Chas 1 Hcmdry, Sox A Co, Agents. No 2 to;S Market street, San Fraccitao Oregon Pacific Rail.odd, ( Ris lARis. Becclver- Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Connw'inr with tcsmr utns slid San llaDs-t-. Hs-mrr tclrn T to aas raosctaco Homei aalh Fthy S0h, Varvh i. It K, and Slt, oa wans. llomrat! Fh SMh. March I , aid iTih. The Company raawyea tbe ngnt to ban ge sailing dates without uot ice. For freight and passenger rates apply lo any agent. Charles J llsndn . Swi Co. No i to S Markst Si Son Francisco Calif. Cl aik recover, ( nd !., Orctca. Street Railway Time Card The car will leave corner of Firt and Washington streets a follows : 7:40 a m for Lebanon train. 0:15 " " Orohan's Home. 1 1 :o " " N00.1 train going north. 12:15 p m for noon train going south. 1 " " Lebanon train . t .30 " " Orphans Home. 9:55 " " Overland train going sou For Orphan's Home on Sunday car leave at J ;3o, 3 :;$o and 4 . 30 p m The car will also meet all lnc trains on the Oregon Pacific rallroa C G BlSKHAKT Dress Pattern? Also Their La Proprietor, New Advertisements. PIASOFOEK LESSOHS. W tsifford 'ah is now prepared to receive a limited num ber of papils. He will I? at the residence of Mrs Christine Monteith. corner of 9th and Ferry streets, on Wedneday after noons and Thursday mornings in each week, commencing on Wednesday next 9th inst. INSURANCE AND MONEY BROKER. Cfnatv Warrants Bikt afld Sld. 0"ffire. Maqon ilofk. Albanv OfffM. TO BEST.- A kou'S an J lot near lb Sotham Pacific depot. A growing garden will go to tbe one who take it. Call on Huston corner sih an 1 Bier slrects. K. O. 1 . M Albany Ttnt .xo i mets every Smtorday even r.g in K. O. r. M Hai ;. Visitmt Kaaarhte invited t auecd A L Lamb, Com. gool a-j iree. Libera., salarv and expenses paid weekly: Pmnent pi :ion. HWiJTrr tiKOSt- j, nr4erym?3, Portland. Oreroi. U S Bakerv bread frst class. Call a-,d at Second tr.d between Ellsworth Lvcs stree'.s. US BASEEY. Fresh Br ad Irery Dj. Piss, Caies. et Special orders solicited. C D VANDYKE, Proprietor. 2nd street, between E.lsworth & Lyon. AlbanylnsaraEce Agency We have had over stren year 1 1 t ience in the Home oiEce and loci It ; ance busines,ar.J can guarantee Ir as 1 1 written Dy us to be properly ooke The following is a partia'. list otcompnie. represented by u : Foreign So-th British i Mercantile, Norwich fnion. Phrroix. London. Mac heater. Guardian, San, Caledonian. Lcn n Ji La -cash ire . American Con:ir,ental of New Yc.rk Westchester of New Yoak. The Cont nental of New York and Manchester England, write farm business, lakina; ccte for the premium, with ample time fo payment. We re-spectfuHv solicit an good business. Office aaBMatast old offi. M SENPERJ H F MERRILL. Crjsick Block, Broadalbin st, Albany. Will bur notes, and county and city warrant,rent property, pay taxes for non residents, and do a genera! broker age business. Collections will receive prompt attention. Correspondence so licited. Agent for the largest fire and marine insurance companies in the world . FLE , .tSj acres of tbe best land Linn Couctv, on ierm-lo suit. Will sell horn 40 acres j.- to th whole amount. Call and see me before buv ing a home Dr & Mas-ion. Pl'KE BRKI Silver Lacevl Wyandctte ers for sale bv D 0 Wooil worth. nao e fish THE PLUMBER. Tin roofing and jjbbing. Opera House. Opposite the E ,;:. Iiuis."" Esses'. Pare bred Silrer Laced Wvandotu. Eirs for setiing,t the Albany Poultry Yards. From pen So. 1 and 2, S1.25 per'iS; pea No. 3 $1 per 13. B l iv month Rocks, 75 cts per i3. Jonn Brash, Albany, Or. Cot 4th aid f TO REJS'i'. Two looms, newly flu IsLed one suitable for small store or office, one for store, 20x60 feet. W ill be ready bv Maich 2. Call on Dr Q W Maston for particulars. STOCKHOLDERS MFETIND Notice Is hereby given that tht annual meeting of the stcckholdf rs of the Al bany Farmers Co., will be held In the orhce of aid company In tl.o city of Al bany cn the 15th dav of May, 1S94, at 1 o'clock, p m. Said meeting will be held for the purpose ef slec'.tng seven (7) directors to serve for the ensuing year, and for tbe transaction of such business as may regularly come before 6uch meet ing. Dated Albanv, Oiegon, April 17th, :S. Attear: M H A ilds, Pres B MAasHAlX, President. Secretary. Wall Paper, Ornsrs, Painta, Oils Glass, Etc J. A. Cumming ALBANY, -:- GREGG