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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1894)
lite tmtmt. The Governor's Speech. Govcrnoi Tennocr made a speech at the coarl house Saturday afternoon to a large audience, most of whio'i were republicans and dem cra a To tliase who heard the governoM.democrattcspeecheefour and eight years ago, this ono was a tame affair. He haa lost his old time fire and earnestness. To those who know him heat it was apparent that he seemed wearied.illis heart and mind were not in full sympathy with his words. There was a tinge of shame on his counten ance wUen he faceJ so manv old statwar democrat ; who had assisted in lifting him from obscurity into the governor's chair. He cvi lently comprehended the ingratitude he had shown in attempting to cash the partv that had mudd him what he is. It is plain that he hi8 lost much of his adroitness as a speaker a', the hustings. Most of his speech was half tpoiogetlc and half defensive. It was a miserable mess he made of the mat ter ofjaltempting to explain away. the fact he is drawing a salary that is palpably pro hibited to him bv the constitution that he ...!..,,,'. t HMa ia nKftf nnil .!?. .'.. I Wliaf ! wiriniiM naviv. .- v-vj ...... ... - v. . - makes this offerse the more heinous on the part of the governor is the fact th it many of these acta of the legislmire increasing his salary were passed w hile he has been in the governors cnair, aca wnne nr -ia noi nao the audacity to approve Hum helnd not '.he courage to veto them. He e-mpiy pernoit ed them to'becorpe laws without his official appioval. Bu". morally his course was an approval of tl.ese '.aws. AnJ the evident erearrassment t-.ndtr ihich he Ubored when : parly ever have any to neno, Just as sJn attempting to justify his course in drawing j as some one elfe becomes boss or leader such constitutional salary showed conc'.ue- j Pennoyer will descit the party, Terson I ively that be felt keenly the awkwardness ' aggrandizsmenl in his ch ef and only m of his position. His attempt to draw Mr 1 bition, snd no aattj that does not contribute Galloway in ;o the same attitude with him- self by saying that Ml Gateway had ac cepted bis salary as a member of the animal commission was simply puerile and absurd, Tbe commission was created by the legislat es and tt.e alaty fixed by that body, and hence lecallv and monllv Mr Galloway had ' a right to accept the salary, while the gov- rrnor was accentinc silaties an 1 emoluments ; expressly ! Ilhltl! I il ly the cor.s'.itution j which the governor was solemnly sworn to year principal o' the schools cf ha execute and defend. Most of the audience gene. He will receive the support of a saw t'. is distinction and this was much to j large majority of the teachers of the state, the governor's disadvantage. The govern- ( regatdless of politics. Iiwin, "n is opponent, o- places'.himseif in favor of allowing deJuct- j has no qualifications for the position, for, ions fcr irdehiedntss in assessments, and ! instead of beirg a.teacher, he is simply yet it was through hi. recotoirer.datiof. a preacher with a continud Itachiag or of that the legislanre repealed the law al'.ow- ! fice. Jackcnvil!e Times, ing such deductions. In hi messag; two i years ac,o he expressly said tl.:t "no-Jeduct . The thinnest iron sheet In the world has ions whatever for indebteJ.s should be lately been rcUed in SwaPrca in Wales. I' allowed.' Tie cover, or r.oiv s,err.s to 1 I a t 1 a 1 at.!. - - -- tl. aa-weawiwws mu, .1 an. c.:n not now beceive the p wpl? a to whit 1 111s rea: seniimenu en j-uujeci arc. n aitempno jusuxy nis a:ce, rng an r.ccon- siimtionalsalary by sajinj I t never askei ! the Iffeislaiure to irctesse his salary ! too irivolcn, and absutd to be resided t.r- ious'.y. be-.her the governor a-ked for it or not is not a ques Ion 10 be const it red. Whether he did ornnt be has no ilgiit to it The truth is that be, Judt;e l.Drd.and Judge IS.ii e arc a'l likewise and tq tally guilty of drawing the hard earned taxe of the ptopie from the state treasury in excess of what the arejus'.ily and ccr-tiiu' ionally entit'ecl to Thejoverocr ihe not now raise this qoist ion against Judge Boise though he dii be fore that gent'eman became the candidate of the popu'is'.s fjr supreme judge. A Splendid Offer. The New York World never waits t3 be driven a'ong tbe path of progress by sharp competition, but keeps 50 far in the lead that competition is an impossibility. Tbe reputation of The Weekly World as the greatest democratic parcr published is fully established. It is democratic in principle, "democratic in policy, democratic in its sympathies. It is not blindly or dis honestly partisan. It will not support bad men or bad measure?. Its work is for the peop e. Ihe whole people, and not for any cla s or faction . It will be found at all times fighting for the great cardinal prin cip'es of the democra'ic parly, but never for the seiti-b ends of any ring or individ ual. I s miscellaneous articles are !resh, wed -electei and interesting. I's paged devoted to nome. nisuion ami agriculture are replete with ar ic'i-s of valuable and intere-ting in'orm.i'.ion to all . The "Tar iff Mule' articles now running in Tbe WeeUj World have become celebrated on account of tbe plain, practical way in whitu the tariff question is preserved. It is a large 12 page. 8 column paper for only $1 CO a year. We have succeeded in makiug special arrangeruen'a by which we can fe-nish the Democbat and Tre Wee .'v World one year both for only $2.40. Addre.i Democrat, Albany, Cr. Judge R I' B jise, the ;ecpie' party nomi nee for supreme judge, is "in old Ortonian noted for hi great honesty of purpose and integrity. For year the circuit juige of the Saiem ii rict nearly a'l the Important laws ji'sed in ththistiry of Oregon have had t'lrtr lga i y tes'ed ir. ln couit before beini pa-e-i on by the supreme bench. Jsatsje IJ de rnks trieiii a'l ahen it come to qaaiiticatl'ins lor the supreme bench AhinJ Record. Judqe Iloise a a ui:mber f the con vention that framed the consiitutlon of ti e state of Oreg'n which provides In 'anguase that c m not be raVjnders'ood that Judge o; the supreme court Oiall receive a sa'ary of 92000 per annum and no more, and yet as such judge he eceepted willing the Ir.creaie u! salary allowed fudges by tl"e iegUla' ure. gytoptfass BotL .ho method and restilta t Byrnp of Figs is taken; It is pie: and refreshing to the tatc, end E n Jy yet promptly on the Kid; iver and Bowels, clearses the tern elTectua'ly, dispels cohln, ht aches ard fevers and cures habitual aipation. Sy rup of Fifjs is tlx: only remedy of its kind ever pre c'ueed, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt In Hi action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable subetacccs, iu many excellent qualities commend it to all and havo mado it the moet iKpular remedy known. Byrtip of Figs is for sale iu 50c i'ikI 1 bottles by eu leadjnp; druc fjitfa. Any reliable druggist who auty not have it on hand will pre 1 re it piomptly for any cne who i lies to ry it. iJo not accept any tubstitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FHAUGIStiO. CAL. UkMviuv. ky. new rat, in.r. Hon L II Montanye.if elected district at torney will administer the affairs of Ids office in a careful, judicious way. T L Davidson is a gentleman of the old school and the state treasury wIP te in safe hands In case of his election. Mr Weatherford the democratic candidate for congress grows stronger evey day . There Is a feeling in I.inn, Lane, Benton, Marion, Yamhill and other valley countiea that it is Ttlgh time that the Willamette valley should have a representative in corjress. Kvery man in the valley should vote for Mr Weath erford. Judge Galloway declares on the stump that i( he sha'1 be elected governor lie will not draw one cent mor; fiom the treasury than his canstitutional salary. By the way in these howling limes of corruption it will be a real pleasure to walk up to the poles and vote for such a man. There are four candidates for sheriff in I.'nn county. There is not the least doubt in the woWd regarding the most fit man for the office. Mr Jackson has been tried and has not been found wanting. He has done his whole duty faithfully. Not a single escaped criminal whom he has pur sued has eluded his official grasp ine people aumire a laiiurui. coiuiacicuc " ;no: tor tnat reason win reelect mm j Governor Pennce.- ill rema n a popu -lis, as long as he is recgniaid as leader, and to b? the rsceplfnt of the ofSce tf the Its sireng.h toenatliim to gratify this ambhion ill wag Slick a pin here. his serport. ! I' i There U a marked contrast between the democratic and republican romioees for superintendent of public Instruction. Prof Raid, the liemoratic nominee, is an able. practical educator, and has been for several ik twenty five cnetitnttres long and fourteen S S . . ? 1 1 a a 1 -(. s.swawsi.gsB.1 .wsaissa mette. One may get an idea of IxiM "tr.ick- ness' oy companng 11 :o ir.a; 01 sua paper wb:cn H ordmiy .02 inimewe ttiica. Some iron manufacturtr hiv- ,-ive:lis?0 they make vUiting cards of lite Iwn plates. Kra?P has manur.ctured s.:l, of the thioest or .04 miUinatter. longest steel chip I ! meti jYork. loari an I wis turned Republican Insincerity. . , I C'V . The promise made ay tbe republicans mjabidirg interest in the nomination of their state platform that ' We demand he closest scrutiny and economy in eirendi tures: we condemn tbe prodigally and ex c?3 of past legislature? and call upon the next legislative assembly to keep all ap propriations wi'bin the limits of the most economical aduiin'stration consistent with efficiency" mast, in tbe light of their former practices, be regarded as a pie 'ge to take the "Keely cure" for the-'r extrava gant habits. ' The last legislature in which the demo crat were in the majority was in 1878 During that session the amount appro priated for s'ate printing was $1"".000, hi!e the appropriation for the same pur pose in 193, in a republican legislature, was $99,000. Tbegeneral appropriation bill of 1878 earned an appropriation of $U97.J8 s", while the general appropriation bill of 193 carried an appropriation of tl.490.019.95. The amount appropriated in 178 fcr expenses of tbe legislature of that session was SHO.OUO, and for the year it was 55,000. for tbe same purpose. . This lasl item shows clearly the extrava gance of the republican", there being the same number cf members at each session, drawing tbe same piy, receiving 'tie same mileage and were in session tbe same lengtb of time; yet it took nearly te ice as much to pay the republican legislature of 1893 as it did the one of 178 under dem ocratic control. Tbe above clau-e in the republican plat form is a just and deserving rebuke to the republican majority in the legislative branch of tbe state government but it occurs to a fair minded person that this declaration is not made in good faith, and. to 6ay tbe least, their sincerity is qui'e questionable, for what assurance have the taxjayers of the state of any reform from a party which tot the last fifteen years has steadfastly burdened 'hem with the fruit of legislative extravagance? Klamath Falls Express "One of The Boys." Oak CeEKK, Or, May 1, it94. Editor' Democrat : 'the public hardly ever hid rut "that one doe not knaw anything if he k.-rp stil), but let him open l is awM 11 10 say something and they wi I knr w at once chat he Is verv glnllow. A in nisrrr said 'o an audience once that all thieves are not dem - ocrati but all Ueswoera aie ttiieves, BraaasC on ucli a preacher as that. One of ihe leading cstv'i la'es at the head ol the re jublican county ticket, sal I at a public gathering not lone; dnce in the co inly that all catmocrit are free trade:, though only one noa slid ibcn cm be found who it lioneit enough to own it. Agon we ssy shame r, u;h a 111 in loaaaki such a state ment at that, favisw of the tgrt that fie ha such a g 'and r pportuni'y for an education that this county fTjriN. He lias nut em biaccd the oporlunity 10 post i.imse.f, 01 he has kno'.inj;!" stated .1 nt which he knew to be a falsehood . Then it is no aoeor to a man lo tell a people that they ate not hon est when if h t is electa wii-'i I lm pro! able, will have to r;et a g'ea' many of these arre dishonest voters to vote for bins. And a man that i elected hy ilis lioncht votes must necssaiil v b : el-hnnesi himself. S consider lb' my fellow votcis, and 1 think you will iy bv ro' e that we do not want such a mm in the senate cf the state of Oregon. S.iy Mr Editors, pleafe no notf.a snv Iking ; Isiut that p I'Uti-i coining ititl In. c o -c aigbl not long iliice and talkinj; lo tiie peop Is for over an hour and said nothing and then next morning there was one more i, ino crat in the nipglihorhooi. For fmthcr particulars ask Dr Wallace or II C Jackson, mother and babe doiny wrll and llenrv is , all smiles. Thecandida'e on the democratic: ticket are too well known to need any laudaticn from us, but will lay that if any one aants to know anything about any of them they can get all the information they want by applying to, Onk of the boys. Amusing. CrtAiiTKKi:, May 6, 18M, Rili tars Democrat: One of the most amusing spectacle that ever merged into view before my eyes was that at the court bouse la-t Saturday when Dr J L Hill, was seen on the platform while Gov IVnnover was making his tariff reform speech. Dr Hill is known to bo one of the mos unyielding, uncompromising protecionests in the land, and to see hitu heart and soul with Pennoyer was amusing, aye, it was more than amusing, it was perfectly ludi crous. Then to think of the bitter feeling that has so long existed between the Doctor and the tiovemor over the matter of the ap pointmen' of a superintendent of the In sane Asylum in which the Doctor catuo out second best as an app icant for the place, was really amusing to the many men in that audience who were familiar with the denunciations with which flip Doctor was formerly in the habit of hurling at the tiovcrnor. The Doctor' democracy seems to have weaken d from tlx1 ny when was turned down bj tin Governor as 1, i an ! applicant for the pom'l '" above mentioned, while the Governor's di m s racy seems to have likewise ceased when the State Con ention two years ago refu-e 1 to bend him back as a delegate to the Democratic Nat- pnal . vnYentioii , i iiicatna People out this way look upon Hil! and the Ciovernor as being sore heads, being unable to dic tate tc the vlemo.nicy, tbe . now advocate populism for selfish rather ih u disinterest- 7nv , Mu''e seems to me drove many an old time ad- . B ,.k-l. , !,, tort of the lint', to 1 ' rr.irer from him forever UJ upholding a i lawless body of men in iheir unlawful1 , possession of private proper y was dema ; goiry cf tin-lowes' type. I The tiovernor is for f:ee trade pure and I .... ; j , ". " . . , aitv.H-ate but the Hr tirl.d Ins irinein e hi -i vi-1 , i i , tA i ,.,.i.,r i - , 1 1 , H 1-iriIT i I T i i r i . anJ heartilvcherd his former fe. W now zea'ous free trade fn-nd. 'h" way i the Dr, 1 understand, holds that the popu- i list nam- have no nriactnaaa or naetv Dolicv t on his great national 'ar,n que ion. Starting out to shirk tSMies and urine Dies prettv soon are they not V Talk about o'd " ....... parties dodging issues The people's party ' accordim; to tbe DoeMar nres-ription, is a dolger from way b'ck " ANTIAM llEMCK RAT. Something. I.khanon. . May 1"4. :rrs hmccrot: I i . : u 1.1 i. il is i'ioier iitai o'i.e u'tous suumui ia: saidas well as oibrs Several things should be said about the manner in which tbe populist county o.nv-ntion was engi-', ne,-r,l. rVnsdisi in and about !banon hjve rfa90n to complin about the domi I .- yW ,lrwW, the whole toi'e a "i'mb-r of p-pulist dele. j ajaAaa knew at tbe convendon tha' Hub . B , , , . " ! Vet !-w of them knew of f e sinister and " fifa De . jt,w Now it ig lhU po I tb nk ought to" be 'told. k ,h 1 1 mmt h, alion of "Inrlifj" Hwitoei , lecxTuer. ' for sheriff. nd t'ar wngb ' 1 Kvery thing else wa l.t sight of by him (. except the n mii.a i n t m e wo caadi- v- L. :j ti 1. -i.. ...-u Jackey MieUon ? rt. "Jacitey 1 ' Hub s brotb-r-in law a d it iuans that Hub will virtu i'y be sheriff if "Jackey" is elected. 1 ua' llu expect to derive pecuniary kens-fit from ""Jackey V election does not ad ma of a d 'it. for those who know Hub ulnnf p-i m strcng in deaia know that be BC(I Iraacfaei any thing that ha .loas . .- c . r , ......cia-'s will binc bim a return m munrr So if tbs people want a sbeoff with a head of bis! own tbe mti-' see to i that Hub' man it beaten." lama populist and bvlieve in popu ism but 1 d . not be u ve in the skull- duggary tha: w,iu .1 -j-s "cb a candidate ' M A Jack Adam- for recoedrr and take up snch aa unknown as ( aiwriaht. I will . never vote for ai.v iun -r sheriff who will make Hub us i" ' n- office of she.iff or any other OBtce I. Hub's febetne and tu under a mountain of is people know -now " Jackey" OtmsT. Woman And Marriage. Toe Kci.r-i cen-u foi Jsoo irpoit that 19.60 l7Sw m;nof ma . lag ble age 6.- J33, 237, or one J. . e tin narritd. Over one ., . . ,, , i s43 per centj oi ire women between twen'y and I we nre -re mar ried, and 2S per ce;-t i tvve between twenty live and liirtc. a r.ile 6 per cent wi l nev.r mury. If a woman Hoe lie: mi'n fy tht "ime she is twert). the Bssnsee ate 53 !o 47 lastt she will not be marri. d until saw ht t awt five, snd afj to 72 that cue a ill net )e mar ried even thirty To pa- l In ilmp'er form of every 10a amjii :i rach t'ne a;e of twenty un-naiiied 47 111 1 between twenty au'! twen'y five, while 25 marM between twenty five an 1 tbarty, and six nawtr mar- y. According 'o the ?"'e cenu 1S75 out of each loo wim -n in N'ew York then reselling the age of twenty un:nnled 63 married hafoie they were wrnty five and 84 before they erc thlr y In New ork a a fair representative tt ihe eauntW im ITCa before a fair and fu SnJ fur this nurnose of rom ft rarlatn fy J ", the rcmirkal.' c ch nge in relation to mirr,aKc which scc:a obaeiveri bare tilked - 1 mucl a out n te proved bv ae'ual fi .-urea. One itaoan w by IdLt' of r.-r 10J women mi ag s of tac.ity and t ' as , live a 1 ils on'r 47 marry nor, i because inar-y avenues have beer, opened to women oy whisli lh"y can eorn a living wttboa :: oming the "servant In : liu: ialai 5' la nun. Short- 1 hand and the lypc ril r h vt opened oppot tunitiea f ar aundreds of oU'inds, and ihe ail s i our .illes hnokkee e n and ex Tas:i1gtbe s raientlv txk 1 i burdens and commercial college hav and towns wl b Herts, telegraphs of (lie y,eritlrr wstrfa of in-.'epen.lenct h ' oakance it ininai ini ail 1 acrllice. It may be noticed hai m ewVry between twrn y hVi fifteen years ago -5 is but :he net lo s Is 11 pe-1 While 16 per cen' kaake self suppo.t and irnl. p fad an. I fall buck eaoa lime tl ey ri: 1 . The lubjict i on f sociologists, an I 10s 1 e li to siu.iy lb 11 iotei t M increase 1 . w omen now cl thirty than raiaat 21 thaa; -72ainat H4 s'rugtjle for , 4 pel cent 1 br oiy by the eit tniiest lo ; offi ial da1; 'e enormouab The longest co knoAp to science w in lKoJ, 'he pa'ie Ic'ely una on 11 u. asOflth, li a abplfc slcrp d bom (lermany e nalne.l abso if in i one iiall 1 1 ' r via In 1 ' A tm ol st.,.1 muCeiipinio I Hi,,is when , , , ill u ali liH, 1. ... . . 1 . ... 1 . 1 ........ . one half 'imc s in pure gi ld. ihfvalufi of Mo- wirbt Public Kckakino. - - The democratic andidateii for Hiate officer will speak at. tbe follow injr t ines am! places : I l'!rn1' Tuesday, May 8th, at 7 30 p m. I a many, ntnoiiiav,.Ma inn, i.hj p ai. Lebanon Tliuredy, May lOtti, at 1 I in. Brownsville, lburmlay, May iiJlb, 8 P Ol- llalsey, r riday, Maj 1 Itli, at 1pm. Harrisburg, May 11, at 1 :30 p m. Cm valltg, Tliurday May 17th, 7 :TJ p m The Herald's Weak Huttery. The Herahl has an article about democrat ic management of coun'y affairs in which. by an ingenious, as well as on ineenuous ' uie of wordi it seeks to leave the impression i .. , that coun'y money lo.kcl up in ihe I.inn . Coun'y Bank hail been dcp sited In sbenff Jackson. Mr Jackson authorises the t ttc- 1 ment that at 'he time of the suspension of ; iiu- i.inn county nans ne na ira a uouarcr , , r , . , , , , .,, county funds deposited there. Up to the time of the suspension of that bank he had been I dividing his tai collerllons imand droosKinc ! , , rome in the l.'nn county tank, and the balance in the First National Bank. But at the time of the suspension of the Una v,v-,.v, ..., ,i... ii ,c-. u... i.e. o .1- lar depositcJ th-re to tbe county treasurer I and has his receipt therefor. After ike money was thus turnei over fo the county j treasu.erlMr Jackson had no further control , , ... . over it.and wa$ no longer responsible for it. The Herald has a way of making a mes ; of I It attacks upon the personal character o' Mr i Jackson, It made just as bad a break '.wo 1 yearsagoanJ made Mi Jackson's election Mire. Ai'.iin. it iiklUcs an attack that has no'h'iig at alt to stand upon and 9 tins a'tack will result in streng l.emog Mr ; Jackson befor; Ihe people. Republicans ... ... as well as democrats are ouispo.e i in con- demnlng this mud sllng ng of the Herald . The Heralds Lattery is a weak one. MISFITS. The new ballot law of Kansas is u deadly blow at woman suffrage. It provides that tha lovxr KmKi of flu. vnliir us liiirh nn m I the Knees shall be visible from the outside 1 left otvn for that purpoe." oters wiuitimr a t-ompetent man for sheriff will vote for C C Jackson, one of the "l ul ""V" aarai : wurmi. i-iw.- tious. nromnt. If vmi waut an incomi-tent . man tor the othce. as proven by ia--t le- , .r.. ' ' onw. vote i .r one vi tne oiner nnmin-e-. U a fact and not mere politic. It i- . ' A small DOJ was seen in front of a news- ..a:.. r... : a i.:. i . n iuiti tjiiiv- wrrriiiL' 11 iif. . .ill v'iii'i break, and was aski-1 the cause of his jrrief . "t)h. did has pan in to lirk the editor." he wailed. "ell. hai he come out I "Pieces of him have." the bo repliel. while engagel in a fr-h outbreak of t.trs. i "and Vwm expec?ing to -v Uie rest of him every minute. The I 'range Judd Far.ner wa off-rHi a few wewks since an adverti-ement tciling how to make a "pound of butter from a nint of milk " of e.Kirse it was rvfu-'l. i ' , , w - ? t ,f; Zr:J& , f0,.r ouno pulenael alum. one-ei;bt oum-e pulverired rtiui arable, fifty grain -. - -- --- --- ! pewin.piilc.- in a t-ltle tor ue a-vre.iuire.1 A teaspoenfull of this mixture added to one 1 pint of milk will, upon churning. n-,ake one ' j pound of butter."' of Uie lie!t buMi" uien in Linn tua.s.ti ifultnas nf imlitir. ismtsiMe sw many" republican a demcarat. Iiad money .lep-a.ite.1 in tbe Linn County Nati nil JTd taLaSd t7 T ZLlX ,utementin the Urrabl alat the sheriff lg responsible for tlv county Irmv i were true, instead of ting nntru. it wonlJ , ,i;..o-i;t 1. 1,1. mmm .... aava one having teener there. Such talk i- verv loek acting. Bv the wav th Linn Cotintv National Hank will liav 13 ent the dollar, which is prettv "ood these tjmes " Mayor Friendly received .1 telegram late yesterday afternoon from 11 n Hir.gvr Hermann at Washington. 1 C. hieh stated that the river and harbor UH had paused the house with a S2D.OOO appropri ation to eontinuetba work of imnmtvment at Siusiaw liari-ir, and I-aa.e county. re. Guard. Ilr Hermann ia doiag some live telegraphing n. .-wauays, atr 1 The Independent says: The populists arc fond of a'ing the term "gold bug." hut it don't wrai to bean appropriate epithet to apply to a man poKiemed of great wealth. SO illustrat": i '.e would hardly be i:itifie-l in sayinir that a man having a large st.,k of pofav . is a pitatoe bug. nor would one pt easing a great herl -f hogs ia" a wsiiai;. nor yet is a large de.iier in furniture prop- erly a bedbug. There are some funny thins- in fiis world, ( orbett won over 80n0 a minute in his fight with Mitchell, whi'e the average preai-her i sjti-j-1 if in- e's M.i per cent of hi S500 a rear: and now comes. a -ew 1 org paw which ar.noume- the ' . T." .. Im3Bc aon wim an """""-"t"v.'" :lro 'mmm younir man quick m haiirin to ait a tr,k maker on the rae trjitk: salarv. SIX 00- lar a day." Light adjoining thin adver another which reads a follow : anted -A y nng man quicJx in figure to a'si-t a !ikkeeper in an lmisTtmir hoti.--. Salsn . fir-t two tears. f. a we-k." Here an- some dramatic not f gen. ra! interest" . i a-r ooo i Irving cleared KW.090 in 2b weeks in tours of thi country. Among tn ushers ft i tr l "rk ier- man theatre ar? two 1 ar m letitcnan' and a lawyer. Rubenstein'. op,:ra ' Tne lmon " has had a run of loO nigfata m ft I etersl.urg. A bill bat la-en iu'nxluce.1 into the Massachusetts Ietfi"lature prohibiting rlul iron tinker i"1 entering a uieatre unless accornpaniel by an adult. Mil,,. L.".,ltat. 1,a l.o..l.,ll v;tl .tar in the "Irish Adoni" nxt season. I :,i.. n,i,im. r r.. IU aUasata. . nsasMk nlaro. i l. ,,f..r,.....l f..r and a half hour at a time. . . A Mexican circus showing in Anora P'." r , anytiiing oi v. .ue i ,. .i i.ii.- i 'ii. i.i oi iiiuuifiH a mi oeii ; got a ticket and a chicken a h tnge. icai ago 63 oat The Ul lest actor on the Hriti-h stap i ird between the Mr Kritx Himmii, who stand six feet fcur - ' : I : 1 1 . . . i, i-i ... . ' lnl ues in neigni. wir m-oriionm nw. m the "avmarket. anil Mr Charles jllettc are both over six feet in height. "No brass bands" is what I'ennoyer at" laches to hi bill. Plenty of brass without the hand. Lucky for the band boys, though, for Uiey re generally a nice lot of young men. A I'ortlun I paper toasts of 11 pany H'a inches in circumference. Albanv people an- inviosi to lient this. Albany is a pansy city ami will not Is- 1 1 Jit III bv even Port land. Henry Waterson in his speech in Port land the other day said: "The happy UMB is the one vho believes his own wife i.s the beat woman in the world; the vine covered rotbue he calls Ins home is the dearest sisit li earth, and who would not swap bis freckle-faced brats for the rjeat-drOllBd kids lie ever saw." For some time it has Iss-n understood and advertised that a game of base ball would 1st played at Albany today between the O A C and Albany teams. The khjyi here made the necessary preparations, but bi their disgust the Albany fellows te'e phoned over this iiiorni:itr that they would not play, giving as eacuee, that they were afraid of going lieiiind, liniineially. How ever, the O A C Ikijb, at their own expense, went to Albany (his forenoon for the pur pose of bringing about the game, if no sihle .NewH. 1 hey got Ihe game all right ! w hoever paid the expenses, and we guess 1. 1.. .in'. mi mo.-, i 111: i 1 10 avtaata. - T IIIM 11 t OSStlll.lJISi Will il Stalk, t'f icwebr if you want s tine smoke oall for Jonih white labor cigar, The hest'.rosat eortes in the aty at (leniad nuyer s llodsfe tt MeKariaon, the leading droB lore, Albany, Oi . Smith is on top again. The Smith we mean ia Smith 01 St Paul. Last election )ie wag beaten for mayor by a republican. whom he now defeats in turn. This it ' ony fair. Ex. A initio t Tank. Wichita, May 8. -The chief of police of tins city received a letter today from "ome crank residing in Kenyon, Minn, in which here was enclosed $10 to buy "pure white (lowers to be p'aeed on the body of MrH Ul(He 0 lLp y o hfcr fjni,nt" which he sets for May 20. He also soeci ,if"" 'hat a pirt of the mony must be used j lo " , " " Pur upon ner leet II,, aula It,. V,,-,ir.. i.. l.:, la ,. I.!m ! "a -.- . .-. . - uiiuv u iiiui in u itmuu, cr0liB of b!ooJ on breat., nn(1 commanded hiui to kill Mrs Lease the 20ih, that her designs to subvert his kingdom " car,n miht diwaried. toUDtl lull). Washiniiton. May x. The three coni i monweal leaders Coxev. Urowno and I Jom't have lieen found irnilty of violating . ,wa ,.. .. ,,.r.. ,,f , ,,. IU.,,,S n,i v ,i, have to submit to sentence, hereafter to be ' imposed by the court, for their demons'ra-' tion on the Capitol grounds. Thus ends wmiV ?" leaders ,t;l . d, was the greatest march of the l'.hh century. All ,nrec of ,ue IK.CU6ed wore trC(1 on 10 )ils, count, which charged displaying a banner uPon le capitol grounds. Will Hall Ihe Ur Molars. Dks Moisbs, la. May 8. It is the iain lion oi irvner.i: neiiv 10 stan we nouiv "i'' W" army, now t.i lilt-n. thrt ff. trivet nvir 80me ,1ne toinorrow forenoon. for tt time today the general was obdurate about i..., i.,.. 11.1. .... :' ""B. "uuouncru . r eruiiuuiiou ) to remain in lies Moines until lie was re- , imbursed fur all the money invested in the 1 tiat boats. Most of it was given to h'ra to- ( ; day and he ia now willing to respect the wishes ol tl... people of thu at. and de- i "'""" AKW 1 ullt. May . J lie lfeiald a I?an 1 Salvador dispatch aay a: The government! Aldei. La Cruta and 1.1 Con battles 01 IA oncaU. The rebel are concentrd'ed in tbe city of Santa Ana where seat of the insurrection loca'ed. In thu three battles the rebel hud 400 killed and 1500 wouuded. tieneral (iuterrez. the chief ol the revolutionitU, is severelv wounded, it i ri-ir ci lie u ,l..,,.i H, iiManant i:nr,l -' - - " . . . . , was kil'ed an eu. ABIii irliiat v s . tAits M.i.fc. Tex. May - "ne of the mos- destructive cyclones ever known In the t'hickasaw nation has blown down 'JO n "V T"Z7. I 1 1.1, J and fanu of nx. was dem .lishe 1 an 1 fbe (KX'Utmnis scattered in all directions. Mrs Bfapl rey will die. Kmnk, a lo vear old son, received fatal injuries a Bit ikaMaaawat. WamiisliOn. May The sstre'ary of the 'nterii r has abated the tax, amounting to $'Jtj.trd. on spirits owned by the Port land, or, listilltng A- OaP'e KeedinK torn- pany. which are shown to have been detr tiojed by t'.re April 7. 192. BlaMl) ABalr , dauui, r. jit - i uere was a u pHeo. U of the Oregon BaHm. tr. May 7 -There wo a b'oodv . - .lie i i ii-iay nifctnt i nar rraiai two convict bad a liltie dLainvemeut over reading s newva. "into, wrving a year 'erm fr.m rmatilia county, laxupie-f a lower l-rth in the fame cell witn j H Johnson, from Oregon City. White fH leep an 1 ra awakenel by Ichn.n. woo' was on top of iiim. slashing a', bis face and throat w:th a sheeriron kr.ife. which c-n-rict are perinit'ed to have in their cell'' ; W btte ieceivel aeverai eriou cut aboot ; the (aic and botly. and in grabbing the kn:fe. was cut many 'imes on the hand. Tbe men struggled and rolled out of led. I White in the meantime touiing "xaider" at the top of hi voice. The tumult brough ! tie gn.irJ to the rescue, and upon opening ! the cv!l dvV.r be ffiind the men "ihtin. on t . tbe tl xir. one billing like a bog at a I l04jhter pen. JoLnvm in rem. ted 10 a ducgecn. where be i sti l cunfined. while Wh.te was tak-n to a bo-pital. where be ! will ije fir some days. 1 fcr VarlSr Bill W.shin.tin. May 7. After more than I two wees of aticnt and bard work, the ifemocratK twrn-'e'suf tbe Seance com- mi'tee. acting through 'be committee of ; revision, cf wbi' Senator Jones ha been the head isle this ev.-ninir nice In Ilia I public tbe amendment which bad been heralded a the compromise measure npon wnicn tl.e tiemocrailr parti t. . .miiiv and affr a bruJ Jie 'l t-a.2 bill. 1 here are aooul soxi araenoment ;n all. X Jab. W.suisf.t". May 7 - Md'aiin of Illi nois, chairman of lOe house cx-mniit'ce on laCor. ha framed a ferae jam'. rea5lu'ion ! -p - r.g - a j- .r.l a : ' . :, ttors and three memlasn of the bis to inquire inta the Caose of 'he prrs at indos- !nw dapre'cn atcd M essesa, and 1 1 r" port witlnn 3) days. The resolution i to make the ir jir on lroad line. o taat 1 tbe eCect cf :h tauff uncertainty. 'lver egtslatiow, etc. may all be constderel without reference to the po'itie inv j ved Vsal ine tsria. v.-- Va.. u,,. - TU o- 1. , ,,1 : fooipany has concluded r.fgoltalion with tfce Kaplan oil companies. wb;ch will rc- uit m it !iWsfon 0" t ne entire wor.ii s taar- ti.a.A It ia .,;.t ti... tha ...l.rtl InTianr will havo tliA IT.aln. , ,, , , ( ,i Hhfi.h iles, t race and most of vx rfUrn Kun.p 1 i.e exact tamtoria. di xuloa hae not et lecome rota, A Peswr c . Skatti.k. Mai 7 - It is reported. rith " iie autuon y that tn- ct mt.-l ligencer ha been M.ld by L B J hunt lo t J 'irant, late minister to ll .livia. and the i pnv,.n. ej,,.,,. antl , , ,;eorg. H ,p.,rn manager of the Guarantee Loan t Trj-t . t onipanv. who edited the onipanv. who eiitel tre pai-r ring ,i,rant s al-nce at hi- mi i n. alitg I Is as. , v May 6 1'ispaMa - r-ived , i.ut -how that ye.ter.iav . storm . more widespread ar first reported. At ! Kairhurv. III. great tree and a,..ik struc Sieiis lure were levtietl to the vr ir I in Ihe business part of t n wer' bun I looae :ir.,l loirleil thr,lmrh lh. ol.s vin- jdows. I I.e roof of Capmati s warehouse was blown off and some stock injuri .ireat damage was done in Ih. me. j V ", ' ". Albia. a. waaiiMfed br a eve one and ; ,, , wuich CbUj ,.), datnag,.. ()n ,.,., wa, so in.,i ,)at she i ,llMl died this .itferooon. 1 her a don-n houcs were blown down and much damage wa uone to fruit and small grain. MM aw Wlad. itt.iN, May 6. Advices have rea bed Bl here from Stephanie, a town in the got ciniiieut of Volyhnia, Kussia, showing I hat neurlv Ihe whole villatae bus I wn ile.trnii I by Sre. Tbe flames pread with h'tcat rapidity, and the rlace being very deScient as regnrd means for fighting tire, 'little could le done. The inhabitant were panic stricken. Kive thousand people are encamped In the Held about the burninif town, each family standing guard inrr the prots'itv they bad bastilv removed. V. h'le thus encamped a cytatm broke over the rescued prcjerty aud sweeping by far tbe aTea'eat portion of it away. Kreoanlae Dlaaasirtl. WasiUN'itov, May 0 The cotnmon wealers suffered somewhat from the rain lorm thai prevailed lO'lav. Otherwise prevailed today. Otherwise I ,h-' w upp-ireMly tatis&ed with their present mode of life Carl Hrowne de luered a reincai nation sermon to the crowd twice today. Several ministers nude applications to hold religious service in camp, but were refused by llrjwne, who wanted nothintr but reincarnation preached One minister, however, held service- tit side the fence. There are not more limn 100 men left in camp of the email thai came over the mountains. Nearly a'l these men have become disgusted uud luken their departure. Reached apokaae. Si'okane, Wash, May fi. The big wave of die Western Washington t'oxey ite to'led In here today. Than) were about 100 of them They were headed by one Jeffrie, an airi'ator, who formerly run a paper here and fried to practice law. About 200 cf the scattered Pnyallup army were caught at Pasco by a force of deputy marshals under Sam Vinson. They ar? uifly over their de'ention, U I Vinson bus telegraphed for reinforcements A VVett Vlralnla llnrrlesae. Huntinoton, W Va, May ti. A terrible ! hurricane and thunJer storm passed over j this region about 5 o'clock tliu tvemng, do'ng considerable damage hete. At Cen tral Ci'y. two miles west of here, the Ohio river railroad uliops and roundhouse were demolished, witb a loss of IVW.OOO. ,1 H Burkhardt, the superintendent, wa buried beneath the debris, but was extricated and will probably recover. Other employes re ceived alight injuries. F M Mitchell is making friends every dny. lie will be the rext county school superintendent The fiiein's of Riley Sbelton and they will we tint he is county recorder. are legion elected for la roniza home industry by arnoWing the celebrated whit labor o ctaic, manufactured OV Itt'lll Joieil! . m ' T017 OAS' SEE IT, perhaps, one of Dr. Pierce's Pleas- i :mt Pellets but yon can't feel it' after it's taken. And yet it doea , hnrrn uiuru m'cm uun - tft old-fashioned pills, with their (mp- jug and violence. These tiny Pel- '. j t tb gm:lilet ajld eaaiett to take, g y()U th;il latU ConBtl. nation,' Indiffostion, Bilious Attacks, kick or Hilious Headache., and 11 a,..,, r.t tho livpr Kfomach ,,.,,. r(l wrmanentlv cured. Thev're the cheapest, for they're guaraiiUol to ,'ive K.v ;s rolu -' , , ,,- . , 0Dii' for Uic 'J0"11 satisfaction, ot You pay A sytAUi: offer ol JjOO in gold is made by the jiroprietois ol lir. Sae'.s CatarrL Remedy, for any cas. of C .tarrh in the Head. do matter how Lad oi of how Ion? 6tanding, which thev cannot cure. IT WILL drive the humor from K your avtetn. ar.U make .mr k:n 1 - T-C. . T.:" . I . Blotches w bich mar your beauty are W caused by IMPURE BLOOD. They can W r- bsi red In a abort time, if you are w ie and use the great blood purifier. Sulphur Bitters, TRY A BOTTLE TO-OAV. miTsnfferwlth IV.ils ? Whvr.e with that terrible Headarhe? Why lay and toss on that '.--4 of j.ain trttt RHEUMATISM? Sol Stuff Bitter. They will nif you where all other faul. T!.a oiac is :: - - : ' a ' -" .' TR Y IT h ij you wit! be satisfied. Theyoang, m the agej and tt:erin gsawwomi Wrll he its ttse. Kemnalt-r w hat yoa re-! hM il mar s-ava WOSXf Uie, .: - SAVED HUNDREDS. .If von are suffering from Kidney Disease, and w ish to live lo old aa. sue Sulphur Bitter. They n-.-r tad to core. Get it at your Druggist. 00n WAIT. CET IT AT ONCE. Complaint. Don I be d.-. uraged: E IT WILL CUR.. YOU. w1w-f f"" aww,iwa svrja 3 .-fi KAf 10 A. I Ifrttnr lo thatou. Maw-. Icr tasu svtmJ WWSk pa' nfcail SHERIFF'S SAL. Ui! oi Hsie. V nt 9. t Or - Tl a Ban t of trf--vo, J V Ta p "O f nn. I c f thr gap. Ban If. 1 aan s. Notice n wersSay svm ihst Lv v r.j 01 10 (isrotian s id esslaV i a' (ia y lajtr cut of the sssave aan.r.1 roatt in the sbove nti' Is I salt lo rr.e dtiwtai an i ol.i-rao J wel .o to.-d; tie !fr":h da of June. .1,91. si tbe fr. ot door of the Csasfi tl..-,., -m taw sity e Aihway, Ltaa Unwaty, Ora, .. m :j,a h. or oi I .. . :l o -r, t.f ntsH am , tail at pubV- -octi o fev cash in hcd t the Itgb t bidder tar rswi Msfjaetj He cnM in aid execut'oo so i onler "f ' fcl- !.. tsrwril ' Krgianice at p u t ow lb ncrth lsooda-) lioe cf to; th t,3 in bu nine "9 i the city of At u I.iuo t'aaoly. Oregn. six ( ft wrij f ..n the north nt corner ef a -i 1 t ti te- I cd roon theoca ritHy on tba nos th hoe of -.d lot tWWSty-fowr faMj Uet snd t.n loraes. aaaS Souther; and para! tl wi.h '.he ero h onosrj o sid lei nor hardred feet mora 1 r lean to the oorh lioe cf tiie sliev 10 said '.ha: ;theo.' estlerlv 00 sid lice feel sod ten inches, then." iorthr!y to tb placa o' brgiutloic' TV prre1 annct from said 'e to sppboi a in ssid ear : cution directed a foi-w '. Kirt to the paj ment at the cost of a id opan d exi 1 nfian sod c xpeotes of Bale snd ihe otig:usl coiti of ail taxed st V) , and the foi therfum of $31 ''.", the cttsol upeote u'on Ihe f : mer cxecaii-m aolo thapij ment of the atlirrifys fein the rum of 2o0; econd, olhe p)ina3l f Ihe amount ' due to .he plaintiff heieio, froT Ilia ii . I of OrfM1 snd J W Bliu towtt: the, mm f ft '.'.". '.." ""d intarest 'hrrroo flora the Sad slay wf Nor rasher 1S3.1, tt the rleef 10 nwf ceot per annum, au I to the pes ment of th smoaut due to the sai l ( Limit! from Ska ! .. . a4 I I - ' I.. '," ..a i s . . . a,..,..,: .. . .1 1 1, 1 wawsas m mmmm iiiiiitsl ..u i iiotu thf 9 .d day of X ivcmber, ls;3. at the rte ot III per cai.t per ancam and the, ovetpln f auv.will be id over lo the defendant. the Hank of tlrec 10 rr its le,sl re!rventative . Dated thi '.Hi day of Mav. 1S1M. 0 C Ja KOX. She if i f l.nn IVunty O epon hx V S Smith Deptty. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court for Lit Oregon: C W Cnable g. v W (I ti I f pa n t '." s . s .' 1 : . of I'ialnill. liefendant. If fenaut alove to V s Phi Ills, the nam..! IN THE NAME OF TBE STATE OK OREOOcNj y.u are here hy witiire.1 to ; appear ami answer th complaint fl'ed I agsiiiN. von In ll.o alsove entitled action, I now on 'tile with Ihe elorK of the ab. ve i entitled court, by the rlist day t the n xt j regular term ol ihe above entitled court, -. r. ' ,1.., ...... .it . .0 ili.. 1 1 . v . 1 11" uk inr vainiwen, ..... i..ivlw of ,,, ...mlots. bv publication 'tow it: bv Ibo fourth Monday le Junta, lftwi- tiaw aatxaa beiair tha lain day ef June, is;i and if you fall so to answer. f want thereof the plaintiff will lake jndginr nt aasinst von for Ibo am ount dem tnled in the said eo an plaint to-fit: for tne sum of two buiiirtd dot la's with mteiest tbsreoii from Ma I, 1HI13, at th rate Of ebjht par eent per an iinm until paid t gtther with tha e sts and dl.biirwinents ol ttut aotion 10 be tat ed. ami for an order of court for the sale ofSW ! of ttee 5, t'p 1- S of ft - E V M. In I-Inn t')iiiu , (tregon. coravsin inir IiU) acres, the ono I avmg btou ber tofora duly attache I by i'ib sheriff ol lainn County Ir. thi action- This p..ti'ie.a l i.i U made bv order of Hon Oeo II Htirtiett, judg a of iheaoote entitled oomt. doiy mado in cbatnbertt In the city orSilon, in Marlon Count v. Oregon, on thtStb y of Mav, 1N9J. arid now on tile with I ho einck of tbe atove entitled e urt. w W MoOraite, fx V right a Taaalng. Attorne.M for plaintiff RedCrownMills JOHN ISOM, PROPRIETOR. aa- no rLooaerauuoa roarauiM AITO BAKERS CSV, KST STORAGE FACILlflKs r CURES PA III . SPRAINS, BRUISES, The Oregon Vttn irs home SAL.J3M - - me Gray ftlocL, corner Liberty and MA K ES a HpeciaHy of Sunnyside fruit tract rear Salem Will pell 5, 10 or 0 acre lots at $50 to $60 per ere small cash payment lorptimoon balance or particulas. NEW : FURNITURE, MY 8TOKK in NOW njUL OF FlRST-CLAfS FUBNITUIiE.;CCNSISTINO f bed roofri.u. chairr, leoofief, rtr., which I'wii sell at BOTTOM PRICES. Tbos. Brink. G.C MOON. h'u.ce sk r 10 Flour and Opposite Russ iloutr. Che jp-d FexI.Coirsilis F-nr, Brso, Short Hor, Hs, O.t', -S raw, Psatoss, App's Us eat he a fall tto Cirs'.aan, : . .. V . . , U , SHERIFFS SALE. I Ow Circuit Cjmrl of tXf Stat' o Linn County. The Soilcitort Loan and Trust Companv Plsiitiff. v William H'wk, Siah A I Hawk, San- ie: May and J G Senders Defend r. I . police M nereov given thl h sirtae' of n execa-; r. and order of sale :u t. , sued ou. of tne aJbSree oamrd coart in the aooce entfi;el ui: 10 me directed and de- livered. commanding me lo sell the real propertv therein described. I will on j "jaturdsy the ! ath day of May. iSj : at ihe front daor of 'he (V,Utt House, In the c y of A.tanr, Urn Coan'j , U-egon. at lite hour of I o'clock ? T, of said dar sell at public anctio.i, for cash in "snJ to the highest bldier, she reai pr .feity de:rib ed in sais eecjtion ird order of sale s tottuwa, town: Comrr.encir.g ct the Norih west corne' of the danation land claim of VVilliarr. Haw a no'.ioctkn J-V runni-.g I thence o iti one hundred and 'tur een rods ;t J). tnence east one hundred and ! " .n,nc ' " "n n V " ' ro3- ,nnc ! J"? "i?. "at- !"f.r hU" dred and . 1 I owe hall tfp r.aJs. hence north . itsmdred ar.d i a i ' wt SfaVy nir.c snI n - ha 1 1 itot rods, thence I half rr6'j 1 ro;-. thence west three bstav dred au t wen i 52 a r.J to rhe p cce :t beginni-g. eontsiniwg a"re bring the ' ame premises whicf Dar.iri L Zachery and Martht I- ZicScry bat w:f-. bv adetv daed Apr 3V", "95 and recoided in the cnar.'rc till office for Coun ty . in I'eed ta-k Z t pace 14a. (.ranted and convrre,' cint tm s;0 Sa n A Hak her tsetrs an.i ism 'g . fn-pr.K-eeJ ri -tng from Mlid sa c lo Be applied: Fi's" the pay men" of the eras and ?!.: of sa:.i as e and theoriajtaa cos' of said sui' j taxed tt f ji.40:aeii tu he pawner to t'te ; piain'ift tier.", i ol :h- a-n o' $1 :S and 1 interest thereon from Jinuir. It. iSjt. at the ra'e ofei;ht per oent per annum and ?i:o attOttaey fees in said action: 'Second lo Ins parr..-ot tohesal defend- an's S-nuel Mac and i It S nder of the Mim of f;7 07 arid in tens! thereon fnam I "he 17. h das of Ju ie. iSa at the rate of . 10 ;wr cent per annum and Ne furthet turn of . 17 and interest iher-on from the i3".h da of April. iSsd. a! the rate of S per cent per annarr. : Third, the remain- Ider to be paid to the said defendant Wil ' 'lam Hawk and Sarah A I Hawk, i Oated th:s 17".hdavof April. iS4 C C jACk.s.X. Sheriff Ltrn County, Ore. SHERIFF'S SALE. fa the Circuit Court tt fee I.inn county. 11 Bryant. the S.'at, rea PfaabtUC StstTonl Die 1 S E Young. - II fx C , ('a coi psrat ion) and Harry Hall. Defendant. Notice la hereby aiven that by virtue j of an execution and order of sale duly j issued out of the abave aamed court in I Ihe abore et title 1 suit to ma directed and dsslirwrttvl , I will 011 alurdav tbe 15ah lay of May, 1884. at the iron door of tbe I'o'urt ttouse in the city of A hany tann Ooavsty Oregoei .t ths hour of I o'clock ' p nvof said day se I at put) i" auction for cash in hand to the 1'ic.heat bidder tbe real property de-erioed in ttaidexseu t on and order of sate as followtt, low 11: BegimilnR at a po'nt north S9 degrees 20 in mutes east slid It &S-IQ0 chains 01s txnt f.-taui ICo noithw. at e rner of tbe tsonation Land C aim nf Jamas s iiek son ami wlfr. Nolineation Nn. liTs, claim No til. Towoshtp 11 South Range j S Wwat of the Willamette meridian tn : I.inn County. Oregon, on the north line ; of said clslm and rtinninsr therce North ! 1 '.reei ". minntea Kast 9S.79 chain, ' Ihence South 29 42 cf.ains, U.enee North j Mil degrees arid 18 Illicitae Wont 3(5 79 i chains, t ieiutt N art h 2S.?4 chains tea tha 1 plscss of iat-sglnniog, containing lOtf.Oo ' acres. The proceed t rianj from such sale to be applied. First, to the payment or the CoKtaaud di'tnirseaieais ot suit taxed at 37 20 and the earn nses of and upon said execution, Heooeat, to the paytnitn: of the plaintiffs claim amontlng to tbe sum of and tb tiiither rum of $25.00 attorneys teen ami accruing iuteies'. can each of said sums st the rate of 10 per cent per annum. Third, To the pavment ot Ihe demand of tbe defendant Kusael! tt t'o. amounting to the sum of fM 34 ami tbe further sum of fSO attorneys f es and accruing Interest thereon at the rate ol 10 per cent per r.tinutii, Fouith, To the payment of ihe demand of 'be def- ndav.l 3 K Young, amounting to the sum of $4 2.4t!. and t ne furtner sum nf (60 attor neys tees ami accruing Interest tbeieon at the rate of 10 per oent per annum, Mfih. to the pa. ment , f tba I'emand of deleudant Usrry Hall amountiug to tbe sum of lflfl. tt and intereast t hereon from Ihe 12th liny or Aucust, 1 893 at tbe rate of 8 st eeni r annum and tbe tunher ana of 12.2(1 costs ami disbursements and ihe nvtrplus if anv to !. pant over lo asstd deiendr -il Stafloro Piektton. Dated Ibis ISth tlav of Arn, 184. C C J ckson. shnriffof : Inn Ooontv re. fcXlCUTcR'- hi' 1 ICE Notice is hereby given that tre under signed was 011 the J,rd day f March, 1894, duly appointed Executor of the is' will and statement of E L Knox, deceas ed, by the County Lourt of I.inn County, Oregon. This Is therefore to notify all persons having claims against said de ceased to present the same to me at tiie Court-house In Linn I'ounty, Oregon with the proper vouchers within six months from tiie date theteot Oated this 6th day of April, 194 V R Bllyeu, NT m rod Payne, Attorcey for Executor. Executor. RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA. eri A-rir 9 LUMBAGO, SWELLIWC8, BURNS. JLand Co office at - ORltSG-O T State street, branch CfBce tn Portlanu I A Vorr Feed Store tl'IBI Ml SHERIFFS SALE. 1 ike Cirrnit Court of tne for the Cnnty 0 Polk. St: Ho'man, Sttt "regow P.aintiff . Hale Backer.slo ard Henry Backens o Defendant Nosice is hereby that bv execution and otder of sale irtue of an dulr Issued i cat ot tie asove court tn u.e atsoe entitled action to rr.e directed and delivei- ed commanding me to levy upon sell the : real propertr heretofora attached in (aid ! action and described in said execution, 1 I cid on tbe ;-ath dar of starch iScaa dulr . e v ntionUlS the riaht. title and Iinteret of the above named dsferdanu or either of lem in and to .he said real propertr described a follow to wit: The South osst hattnl Bloci" No. in the citr of ! Albanv, Countv ol Linn, 'jtate oi Oregon. sssdsri'l on Saturdav. the 19th day of Mar. !Vj,.at the front door of the Court Hoave in the cf y of A -a- . Unc 1 County, Oregon; at the hour of 1 o'cioca. p m of sid day sell at public auction !:: cash in hand to the highest bidder, a;. , the Huh- tfek and Interest cf said defend ' an'a in and o s.U real propertr 10 pat 1 ,,, executiceT;,' follows' c-, . . - riri the con and expene of and upon : sail exacuti-in. aad the original cos: of uit taxed at tS 25 Second to the ' pa t ment of thr pain'ifT claim amount ' ing it. the sum of ft 95 35 wi'h interest thereon a' the rate of 10 per o-nt per annum f'om 'he tth day of Febr.iarr 1 1S94. anJ :he fc-rth.-r s im of $Jj attorn eys ftes. 1 ed hi 17 h dt of April, 1804. C C Jackson, , She"-:" of Linn County Oregon SHERIFF SALE 1 1 the Circuit Court : - -lot the County or Linn. Jrrgo Tre la- a Cone stlonai B.i.V. P iot fT. M A K ile, and V E Ke - Defend Tit--. Nvtice ; hereby 4lren that br rirtoe of an axe ation an.'. . rue-of rale da y i'sued out of the above named tOWrS in the above -ntitl-l ait, to'twe dirocta-i an 1 delirared I SI 3 . . tL. 10 c a -r .. wio ia oa.uiutt sue la n Ult OI aiSV at the front door of the fcwH HeW 10 tbe L itv of AlKs-v I.inaCtaaty, Ore con, at th b u- ot 1 o'clock p m of said dav sell at pab'ic taction, for cash ia hand to the big-best bidder, the real propertt des cr.bett in taid exec-otion aad order of tale, towit: fte Northwrt quarter of block No. 3 in Hacklemaa 'a 2nd addition to the city A etna, situated in Lino Coanty, Ore 00, together with the tenements and I v apperteoaocea thereunto, belonging cr in any wie appcrtaunine. The proceed ri I log trorn tech ale to be applied, nrst to lat paymeot of the cosU and experses of and upon taid execution and the costs aod dibnrarmeo-3 of this "tait taxed at $26.40 aod 100 attoroejs fees, tecood: To tbe raavment of nlsiatiffa clsisn amoaatiag to 11072.00 in I" S cold nan with interest tn. reon trom the t2"Ji dav of March. lS'H. W and tbe cvtpla if tny to be paid to th defeodsnta . C C Jackson. Sheriff of Linn Cnnnty Oregon SHERIFFS SALE fn tie Circuit Court ot . , . vy'"' r "go ft.- tfan I,--. M tstembcrg vs A B Sesl, J L Sesl, his wife tj'o E Chamberlain and S W Chamberlain, his wife. I tt. , , . x - .. t riainttff. W Cudck. E n Cusick and Chas 11 Cusick, partners do ing boilaaai under the firm name and style of J W Cusick tV Co and Chau-le Smith as administrator of Job C Sm'lh deceased. defendants. Notice 1 hereby given that bv virtue of an execution and order of sale dulv is sued out of the above named court iri the above entitled action to me directed and delivered, I will on Satuedsy, the 19th day of May, 1S94, at the front door of the Court House In the city of Albany, Linn County, Oregon, at the hour cf 1 o'clock p mof said dav, sell at public auction, for ctsli in hand to the highest bldcUr. the real property described in said execution and older of sale ss follows, towlt: The Southwest quarter of block No. one hundred and twelve (Hl)ia Hacklemar.'g addition to the city of Albany, Linn Countv, Or The proceed arising fiom said tala wit be applied hrst to the payment of the coat! of and upon taid execution aod the original costs ot ml taxed tt $57.60 and the further urn ti $50 00 as Attorney fee, 2nd 10 the piatel to .he plaintiff of the torn of 474. H snd aocrnioa interest themr, 3rd to the turn i 9S01 30 and interest thereon st tfe rt e of 10 i er cent per annum from the I2'h day of Jal , 1 892 4'b, to the payment to t he def oi dams J W Cusick. E D Cusick aod Chaa H utiok the sum of $21ta 20 aad the accrued and accruing interest thereon. uaieu tfti isth Jay of April. 1894. O C JACKSON, SberiS cf Linn Connty, Oregon. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World" Fair Highest Medai and Dlolom - NOTICE FOR SEALiD BIDS FOR BRIDGE. 'J he undersigned will receive sealed plans, specifications, strain diagrams, and bids for a wagen bridge across a slough on line of county road about one mile south of the Stayton bridge, I.inn county, Oregon. Said bridge to consist of an open span 70 feet long to be 2 feet above the level J of bank on guotn de of said slough and ! 190 feet of approach ; the bent of said i approach to be from 2 to 10 feet high, the ' mud hill to be settled into the earth to the gravel about 2 feet, the road way to j be 16 feet in the clear. .Sealed bid will ! also be received for the construction of ' said bridge in accordance with plan and specifications thereof now at the oftice of the county judge cf said court at the court house. Bids will be received till one o'clock pm May nth 1894. A de posit of five per cent of such bid will be reqnired to abide the result a provided for by law. The right to reject any and ' all bid 1 reserved . Dated at Albany, O.egon thi the ?'h day of April, I894'. J N Dt'SCAN. Wm Rumba con. J W PCOK. ; J?oa-d of county romrr.Uior;es. Noti oe Publication U P. Lasd Ornca at Obemos Crrv.Oa. July 3d, 1893 S'Aij-i is hereby yen that in compliance ; with th oaoviaioD of tea act of Congress r. Jure 3. 1878, entitled "An act for tbe tale of imber land in tha state of California. Ore goo, Nevada, and Washington Territory,'' v extended to all public Iscd states H set of 4. lbOJ, William I Smith, of Niagara, connty of Star .on, state of Oregon, ha thi day filed in thu office hi w irn stateaieat No 2816. for the purchase of tne P and tbe 8W ei the S E j , and the N K : . r.f the S W 4' Sectioa No 9, ia township N 10 S joth ftanee No 4 East, and will off -.r proof to . tbow that the land roosht ia more valuable for iia timber or son than for sgr irn It oral porpose, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register std Receiver of , this office at Oregon City, Org m.un Wed- i nday, the Uth day of Jaly. 1894. He names as witnesses: 8 T George, j S Meyeri, C I Uinkte, Allen imith, llof Siairav ilarun Co, O d. Any atd all j pe son elaimingsdversely the shore des cribed land se requested to Tie their c'aim in t hu 'ifcce on r.T before taid tlth day of Jaly. 1894. Ko;.T A Vinta. Ragisrsr. SHERIFF SALE ' the Circrmit Court of tJkt Stale Oregon fur Linn County. A A Keliy. Ptaintiff. ra II C Kiepper and E V Kiep per his wife, J D Walton and S ; J Waiton ht wife.C H Stewar trustee, A P B'ackburp as ad ministrator of the estate ul Owen Kees, deceased, and Ceo j C Cooler and J H Washburn ' partners under the firm nawe of Cooley i Washocrn. Dtfecdanls. Notice it berebv g'ven that bv virtue o : an execution and order of sale duly itsu . eC out of tbe above named court in tbe j above entitled suit to me directed and , delivered, t will on Saturdar the 2&h day 1 oi Mav, 1S9. at the front door or the court bowse ia tbe city of Aibanr, Linn Countv, Oref, at the hour of 1 o'clock p m of said day sell at public auction, tor cash in hand to the highest bidder. the real property described in said cxeowt.oa and order of sale as fol lows tow.t: Lots No tevea sr.d eight, ia block No twenty fire in J M RaUtoa' d dittoo to the town of Lebanon, Lies cocntv. Orgos. as shown by the maps sad plats cf : aawi tuss, new on file ia the effi-.e of Beeorder if Lasn eownty, O e.on. The ; proceeds arising from said sale to be apphed nrst to tn payment oli the costs and die t bwrswtnents of said nit taxed at 231.43 sad ! ewts and sec-nicz cua . i :. sod I the nayaiewt f attorses f-e aad the . PJneat of piaiabfT claim m.!OtUa to the swat of J4. SB together witb interest theet 00 st the rale of tan per orct tr scnaK, from the lOih day of Jatearr. IS.14. and tbe overplus oi tbe t-rccejds of said sale if any there te affer tha pat ment c f the shore teaas to be applied aa in raid axecntion and order cf sale directed. Dated this 25 h day cf April, 1S94. C C Jacwson. Sheriff Countr Ore. CITATION (AW Countr Court of the State 'br the County ot' Linn : 01' Orgo In the aaa'.ter of the -fate of Clara D -rtrgar, deeeaed. Citation. T Linreoce Erh rs Demnger nd Niola ; D rrjj,er, gree ise. ' I.N" "HE NAME OF THE l"TE OF OEE'tOS; Yen are rerebs erd snd re i quiecd to appear in ih cooatr coort of the s ate of O.-rgan. for the Coaoty of Lann st the coort rown thereof, at Albaar, ia the oonty of Lina. on Ssterdar the 9th dsT of i Jane. 1S94. at 10 'clock ia the toreooon of that day, tbec snd '.he e to how eaase if so. too hare wny aa o drr abeidi cot j isaoe oat of Ihe adore 1 ins and beers t.g J appointed admi- -.a I'tara Djrrisg r. dc evled cvui : itireet D rrirctr tberlaiy r of the state if e I to sell the real property hloiiing to the estate rf tba .sail shore came d deceased, deso ited as J iollows. lowit: Tbe a' divides; ote i f interest in and to ia; Ne 4 in blnck No , , - - r. . , ; o-e bat and bne .IO3 in Hacklemaa . ! "-.' .v - s-i.t l'l ailMO.i, ClOD CUBS- ty, Ureson, as tbe the ssaae is designated aid described cn tbe plats aad tar-rets of j said city, now 00 rile in the (See of' tbe i countr recorder cf Linn Caanty, tremor. IVoe by order of tbe Hon J N Dwoosa. . jadge of the Coantv coort ti the State of i Oregon, bar the 1 Yunt v of Lien with the I teal cf taid ijort trhxed, this 17th day of : Api . 1894. Attest. X P Pavsk, clerk. Notice for Publication C S Land Office Oregon Citr Or Mxe . IT.',. I 4 Jiotioe is hereby given that in compli w 1 s WWBBSWi rivlt(SIIWe XS (alls? . VK Congress of June S. 1878 entitled An act j for the sale of timber lands in tne state ance witb the ptovistons of the act of 01 v a.-.itarnta. xrregon. evauia and Wash ington Territory" as extended to all the public land states by act of Augusts. 1891. Collins W Elkins, of Albanv. countv of Linn state of Oregon, haa this "dar tiled in this office hie sworn statement Xo 29tkt for the porch see of tbe North weat of Winn Vt- ia it tiiwmhin ,i. an ta . 1 r - --" f mv. . V 1 .11,17 Not Last, and will offer proof to show that the land souaht is more valuable for i ite timber or store than for agricultaral 1 purposes, and to establish hi claim to taid land before the Register and Receiver ol hi office at Oregon City, Or.on Tucsdav , the i9th day of June, 1S94. He name I as witnesses: Jos Wnllney and O ! Winn, ot Albany, L W Laughead, ot Ha ! ttead, C H Laughead. of Yaquina Clt I Oregon. Any and all persons c'aitnin ; sdversely the above described lands a requested to file their claims in this offi ' on or before said 19th day of Jane Robert A Miller, Registe . ' tSoa Notice for Publication U, S. Land Ofiu e, Quaw City. Or. February 15,1894. Notice is hereby givwn that in compll anew with 1 he provisions of the act of Congress of Jim 1 l, 1878, entitled" An act for tne aale of . tuber lands in the states of California, Ores u, Nevada and Wash ington Territory." as extended to all the punlic land states by act-.of August 4.1892. James S Lewis of Detroit, ocuntv of Mtrion state of Oregon, haa this day filed in this office his sworn statement N" 2891 for the purchase of tbe N of S E lf BBK ofNEt9oc l.TlOSRSEaiad Lot 6 Sec tl, r 10 S, K 6 H and wilt offer proof to show that tha i.n.i sought is to are valuable for tts limber or stone than for agricultural purpoads, audio ertahliah his claim to . wo ,mnJ oetorethe Rearisterand Reajeivo fhis office at Oregon Cits; Or; on Tue isa'i taae 1 atu tit 01 may, xevt; tx names aa witneeeea. LCIvea, Alber i Ive-, R M Pee; Isaac Routk, All o ; I'eirolt. Oregon Any and ai! persons j c-ain ing adversely tha above described i lands are requested to file their claims in this offioa on or before said 15th dav oi 1 May, 1894 Kqbbwt A Millkb; Register COUNTY WARKASTS Bought and aold by H F McarlU. I