The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 27, 1894, Image 4

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Attorney at Law. Will practice in all court! ot the
tate. Special attention riven to matter! la prob'.tt
and to collectlona. OFFICE In the Fiinn block
Attorn ny at Law mi.I Solicitor In Chancery. Coll
Mont made on all points. Loaas negotiated on
rable terms. Albany. Oregon
Attorney at law, and Notary Public. Will practicein
alltheoourta ot this state Special attention riven to
collections and matters i.i pre bate OfBee: Next
doer to PostofnVe, Atbanv. Ojn .
D. a a. 1 1 i 1 1 1 1
H leral matters will rccelvo- promp
attention, tBce r. Odd Fellow's Toinplo, Albany,
Democratic Platform.
Hon J J Paly, Hie democratic, candidate
for district judge was strongly urged by
the Polk county delegation, and in the
campaign will kew (it) to the line, let the
chips faU where they may.
Foreign Service.
I .
Attorney at Law, Albany. Or.
Attorneys at Lav,
Albany, Oregon.
R. J. L. II 1 1.1. .
Phycician and Surgeon, OFFICE Corner
Far"? streets, Albany, Oregon.
Physicians an Sunreons. OFFICE Corner
ww iw.iioin sireets, Aiuanv, ur
attended t ratv and ceuntry:
Calls proatpt.y
Physician and Surgeon, Office Upstairs over Us
Bank of Oregon.
Kos.,1. :. oorner 10th and Calapooia St.
Dr H E Beers. DrOK Bee
Physicians anc Surgeon s
Special attention given to diseases o
women. Hou's io to 12 A M, 3 to 4 and
7 10 8 P M Offices and residence Blum
berg Building, First Street, between I. yen
and Elswrrth.
ra. Dr. i iillcrxin - M ml Istce
The Not1 Clairvoyant a-d L le I! 1 is now
here, and can e found at her residence, next dooi
J B CooirUrs. She tells ml. .in all subjects, pas
present and future; love troubles, absent friends and
business. Tou can hear from vour dead rsaaJc.
W ('!( It 46 CIJ.,8 vNKERI
TRANSACT a rcneral B nk
DRAW SIGHT Hit FT- on N W Xorx, San Ft n
sco and Portland, Oren.
LOAN MONET on approved security.
RECEIVE deposits subject to duck.
V.VII.I.CL 11U.S luaJa 011 fr .rable
INTKIIEST oaid on tints deoosits
ank or M IO.
Olo, ORieeoM.
J Bt-xx
....A t Job
hours vwmm
S It !I CUrk, Oliver W Mi.ik, E El!er
Anderson, Kecc'.Ttrs.
'" 'a'esand general Infot mation call
ot. or address Curran fi Montellh, Albany ,
Oregon, or
W I. HlKLBURT.Asat.Gcn'l. Pass. Agt,
2i4 Washington St.,
Gladstone has
A clear Head
WHY? Because be follows i;.tsc
rules: "Kr.-pd't head cool, the feet
r arm, and the bowels open." You
can have a clear bead and live to be
ninety if you do (he same thing.
Whe-. the bowels fail to move dur
ing the day take on letiring two
Smith's Small Bile Deans. Th-ir
action is 10 mild that you are not
nwar of it. A 1 1. y your mind will
be clctr and cool. "Not a gripe ir
barrel of them." Ask for 'mall size.
Tako 110 substitute for SMITH'S
a-v .
riend Tor
Aslilr-na, REV. E :: COND1T,
lhany, Oregon
Vl Pri- '
" ' ' E. W. LANUDON
fBANSACTS A GENERAL hanking lusfness
ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to check.
8IOHT KXC1IANOE and tel raphlo trsnsf r sold
newrorx, nan rranolsco Chicago and FVtlmd
0O.LR0TION5 HADE on favorable arms
. E. Tooae k .v, Lisssox
L K Blalll, L. Flirx
Edward . . Box.
To know that a single applica
tion of the Cuticura Remedies will
afford instant relief, permit rest
and sleep, and point to a speedy
and economical cure of torturing,
disfiguring, itching, burning and
scaly humors, and not to use
them without a moment's delay
is to fail in your duty. Cures
made in childhood are speedy,
economical and permanent.
Bold throughout the world. Pottkb asd
Chi. Corp.. sole proprietors, ltoston. " Ail
About the Blood, 8iiu, Scalp aud tlalr,"malll free.
S Facial Bletulslvo. falling hair and simple
baby raahea prevenu-d by cutlcum soap.
If tired, achlnc, nervous moth
en knew tho comfort, strength, and
vitality in Cirttcurm Plasters, they
would never lie without them. In
every way the purest, sweetest and
beet of plasters.
FromTerminal or Interior Points h
Norlta Pacific : Railroad
la li hp to Ittke
To all Points EAST and SOUTH
It rnaa Through . 1 1BI L
iu the Year ta
Composed of Dininr Cars lasarpttsed
Pullman Drawing Ream Slcppvs
Of Labs. Koninnient
Bh'. :ti. cu b) )::-. -Let an 1 in
wate 1 ii'iaml alo l are t :K free
aalfi-iH'j'i f ir h 1 iars of Fir' or
so 1 1 t. ;t. i l
Jmniii L ai aaanasiijz itih
al lmss, affording Direct an d
Unincarraptad Sarvica.
The (ol'oAinB is the democratic platform
pdopled at Astoria;
The representati'-'es of the democratic
party in convention assembled mnke the fol
lowing declaration of principle! and meas
ures as their platform in ti e present cam
paign :
We declare cur steadfast adhesion to the
fundamental maxim of the democracy, vlz-
"Government by the people and for the
people, honestly and economically adminis
tered, foi the gicatest good of tho greatest
number." We charge upon the republican
party and its reckless legislation all the
evils from which the people are now fuller
ing, and assert that the low piiceoi farm
products, nonemployment ot labor, general
degression n business and stagnation of
industry, are the results of tu; unjust and
bcrdensome taxes, high protective tariff
system, and other class lecisla'ion of the
republican party, of which the demonttizt
tion of ill'.er in 1873 an I the contraction of
our currency are instances.
We believe that all taxation should Le eua
and just, that unnecesstry taxation is unj .st
taxation, and that the wealth of a nation
should Dear Its just proportion of the bur
dens' of the national government, and that
we are in favor of an income tax.
We favor le 'a l t a constitutional
convsalion, to submit to the voters of the
state a constitution emSodving among other
things what is known as the initiative and
We again declare our faith In and advo
cacy of the imperishable principles of the
democratic party as reaffirmed by the Chi
cago platform.
We have an abiding faith snd implicit codvention.
confidence in the inlegrhy, good faith and
patriotism of President Cleveland, and bc-
Hon L H Montanyo has been practicing
law in Albany many years. He is a tem
perate, steady man, and if elected prosecut
ing attorney will make a faithful otliciuj
W H Holmes, of Salem is the democratic
candidate for attorney general and If elect
od will make a safe, careful law officer ot
the sta'e.
T 1, Davidson, of Marion county, was
nominated by the democrats for state treas
urer. He is a farmer, having a large farm
near BMatg
sheep and stands by tho Wilson bill.
Senator Morgan Las introduced a WII
for the ro-organiza'ion of the stale depart
ment. The bill provides for put'.ing the
foreign service on sounder foot in -r. It
makes both the consular and diplomatic
services permanent, and provides that
members thereof shall be transferred from
point to point when the exigencies of the
service require it. '1 hat the Un'ted States
has much to gain by having an activo and
strong diplomatic and consular service is
quite apparent. This forvice ia vastly
important and its benefits are contingent
upon the efficiency and faitufulness of our
I accredited repreaeatative. In the past
I these oliiees have been used to reward per-
b .nnll n.l nAlti:...! C-S 1 . lit t- ll.A
He is a large owner of fine . T" ,
luiimiiiueni. ui me service to unit extent as
to render it a'l but valueless. I'nder the
C'ievtland administration there has been a
marked change for the better. Men for
the diplomatic and consular service were
selected for their personal merits and fit
ness with the inevitable result tint the
service has be-u restored to a safe and
I T,,c'rtan,i ' f"ll f candidates for mayor.
i new hard times produce Coxey armies and
; candidates f,jr office.
Scio, Oregon, Apr 17th ISM
Ediiort Democrat "
The Kcio Democratic Club met on
April 14, and completed permanent
organization with about 75 members. 0 tlua Industrial army business keeps
They are a little slow about organising j "P Um country will w,.,n . fibjj wij, rilp.
both the other parties leading, having, ' t tins. When Capt Jones, record ia Uxkad
formed little clubs some tiiae ago. But j P in a few years it will l,e found that he
that don't cut any figure, for the little j ! the bead of company 7. Podrmc In
claba make a aood deal of noise, which , ltjti .jls.
the democrats never lo. but they only
We shall iu the near future call the at
tention of the voters of county to the
sound planks found in the democratic state
and county platforms. We shall also cal'
attention to the salient features In the re
publican county and state plat for in.
have one bhot apiece when it comes to
Then, aeema In ha u r1i.l.l,, r.l .1 J n,!v,.'r U.' "'ilrry "who is not intelli
demociata n.iwadnva, being two kind, SSi. 2? ln,llI"lri"'"-- IPd natared
. . . . . iM-.tllV in i.t r-,.M ;inl ,t ...... 1... . t ...
as Hie opposition is pleased to repeated-1 . i ' , ' , 7 ,
ly tell us. Now, this is bad, indeed, and i S?iT m"" ! 5 ;"-!f "" r
is ominous oi disaster if it ia not atop- ''.rS..8 "h:t,'V ,"re
ped. -Some are in favor of the adtninis- to lin ,n H,nl0 b-
tration, w lule some are strong against
it and still call themselves democrata. i u ia prop(J,e(i tl)nt t!ie
ZT. ."ILnil t" , I.1 , fM. 'n the name of the people,
t iineounlrv are ( eve anil pinih'ii .... ., . V . r ' .'
A It la Hetseasc.
Washikgtox, April 20 Representative
I 'avis, a populist of Kansas, has introduced
in the house a long bill the woes
of the unemployed and directing the sec
retary of war to immediately enlist 500,
000 in an industrial volunteer army, to
serve for the period of one year after enj
listroent. The army is to be fed, .clothed
and paid as regular soldi r-. It is to be
employed on publjf orks, such as canals.
rivers ana na'bors, public highways,
f "I peak not out rf weak surrriiat, 3
but from proof." 3
litem girls of Cromwell who have vowed LllV?L ,?uX?KDeH f. tb"i 'rm J?
... i " " luc ireasury is so issue w of legal tender note and certificates
We believe sincerely that lie has acted
and w ill continue io do so, iu the best
interests cf the w hole country with no
heed to party bickering or i bought of
The party in both local and national
matters should unite lit lead of drawing
complete the explorations of the north
ami sontn polar reicions, and make an
annual appropriation of $2:.,)0 for this
purpose. Why cot employ some oj
Coxey's armies for the purpose.
and o'her forms of currency.
a Bia TtrHiat
Iittkiii:kj, April 20. Tomorro at i
BOM tbc great coa1 strike, which has been ,
pending several months, will be irjiuzn-'
f,.,..i t.i' TA-'l Opinions differ as to the number of
i. tiiieu Biauii a m . . e j .
....... s i n3 preniou'
cf the l.'nited Mine Workers elima'ei
2C0.1KX) men as bei.itf enaaged. Secretary
and Treasuier Park Mcfiride is qooted aa j
placing it at 100.000 The strike will be I
confined to the bituminous regions of the
United ftiate.
The increased acreage for hops in Ore-
lor iem
A IIMtl tiff.
Mai-mi, Mexico, April 20. The reported
Charles Nickel', editor of the Jackson
ville Times, 1 ihe democratic candidate
. ... n. i run iter Hitnrr ai l Htcini ui tie inn. ku i'k ! hi ' ini- in Rruittr. jh i
sounu looting and made or some prol.t and t , , . "..... , " aeres. Ho... .r n f " i discoverr of a wonderful drtl cv in it I
remain elevated. j ":m"ur "uuo oi iue -lerre .Tiaore moon-
j tains, in Iiurango, has Ijeen verified by
Maurice i-n'ow and a partv of eiplorers ,
a secret entrance to the ciiy.
exhaustive exploration. Tbev
returned laden itn curiosities from aban ,
cranks and visionaries outside the old
parties. ones whose nurtured dreams that
nothing cn earth could satisfy, but I
jenefit to the gov?rnn.ent. In order to
Jetermine the difference in the men -ont
for secretary of stu'e. Charley is one of abroad by Mr Hairison and those sent by
the most successful newspaper men in the Mr Cleveland one has only to glance over
state. He was elected to the legislature j the consular reports. The consular re.
two years ago ard was found acting in be-j ports under ihe Cleveland administration , prosperity and everlaatinir bappines
half of bis people on all matters of legisla- i are studied documents carefully compiled j Hut, sad to say, there seema to be such,
lion. He will, if elected make a good j and made up of information distinctly ' fn'' tU?r very tnurmuring and discon-
. . .. a ... ! ........ . ... i lent adds certain strength to the oppo-
secretary of state. identified ihe customs of the day, Utlon, w ho are ever ready to make
with finance and trade, information which capital of this weakness. K K H.
It !; a fact worthy of note that no popu- j ig o( Taue ,0 th4) American people I
1st. populist paper, or speaker Las yet arts j ftr j particularly to our business men. If j v j, .,,, .r.ic iaa,frjI1
en up to deny the charge made, time and : ai presidents would do like Mr Cleveland. ' "
again, in the Demcrat to the eff:ct that a ; ect foreign representatives for their j
tariff reform plank was proposed belo.e the meilts ,uere wou,d nQ DeoJ of BUch ,
C3mtuitlee on platform in the populist state i a
Tl. t l l i
did not know there were anv in our . ' ju.ui i.ops .jo.mca ions; iheyfounda
uiu not ttnow mere were any in our enough to very truthlu y remark that and made an
i t ' T .i ,r aioui me only bi criminals cmvicted :
nowadays are convicted in the news- ; doned residences and temple,
patH-ri. ri.e courts deal Bucceasfully ution of tbe city cou!d not ha
only frith the small ones. The b'g j IbanSLOOJ.
Tbe popu l
have len le i
ones either are
never dealt with or ea
A aasalr.
6. April 2rj Five
Jnce COTTOLENE has come to
take its place. The satisfaction
with which the people have hailed
the advent of the New Shortening
R evidenced by the rapidly Increas
K ing enormous sales is PROOF
W POSITIVE not only of its great
value as e. new article or diet
but is also sufficient proof of the
general desire to be rid of indi
gestible, unwholesome, unappe
tizing lard, and of all the ills that
lard promotes. Try
Cottolene and waste no time In
discovering like thousands of
c :crs that you have now
Cleveland. ( , April 20 Five bun-
A gentleman in this citv sold half a ! ur truing sewer diggers ami street car.
cord of wood in al.iss eitr l..t .lr .! ! ,raclt workers martbed to a place where
received in pa three half dollars and
a quarter. Ons of tbe half dollar
Following is the platform of tbe Scio I? J" win worth to.50
t li i ! T ' . r.Tl.ur lisaai ft . vara-, i n m .
. . . ... . ---v. vmvi sitao; ificuiiuui via
Democratic club: . -. vlu. i
w as fnatcT Morinin urotxxes aud the tu ,ir,nAA.a. , t .N,i l- i. ...- t
convention and was rejected by 'he c:nimi.-i , material Knife orwinet. .,!..t ih following .le-
Gcawiae mad only by
ST. LOUIS land
tee anu not anoweu io come p oeiore tne beDeS,s. The Morgan bill is an important
measure and it deserves cieful rellection
and study.
Off Color.
Judge A S Bennett of the DiUes was
lieve that he will tccomplifli, to far as in i Dominated for supreme judge by the demo-
hit power, before the close ot ins term ot erst. A better selection could not have
office, all the pledges of the democratic patty miili A ric scholsr.a mituie iud
cr-ntalna I n th nation. 1 rd.L.rm sil..ntrd . nt .:. . I - ... ..... :.!.. i Senator Iav id B Hill is o'tvicir the
atChicaeoin iSoa. Laestlon. he .nuld lael. Lbta. demagogue to perfection. He is b'owmg wealth ol the nation should bear. is equal
iin iiiiti riMi n" t.ui n his il! ft -i . Kit r i - . r z "
o j V , mtnt. ami to tin
laratiuns of prinrip es and measuren:
Stc 1. We alFinn and again declare
our taith and advocacy of the unperiehi
ble principles of tbe democratic party as
promulgated by its early founders and as
stated at Chicago ny the last I'etuocralic
National 'Convention.
Sec. '2. U'e believe that all taxes
sho-i'.d lie equal and just, and that the
We Indorse the repeal by coigres ol the I puree bench by the force and chancier
odious fedetal-eledion law, and Indorse it j hU decision, lie was the democratic can-
euori in uena.i or taiiii rc-orm ana io urmg dijate t wo years ago, an i tan some j )oo
about mere s prosperous condition of slairs. votes shead of kla tlrhal Thrre is a -
We favor the speely constmdion ol tne j fe-lin. ,nl0ni the pejple that the curt kve been diasipa'e.1. His speech on the
Nicaragua canal by the g.vercment and j .sould be divt.'ed, that thete ahoul I be at Wllton bl" wiJ,5 out harmony
Kssssssi - sinsislsina an I rn- i i. .v- k I wiih the sentiment of bis pirty tint be
r - ...w . - - j
tro'- I Bennett will prove a sttong candidate.
Ye tcuffirm the poiiion lhat has ever '
been maintained by the democratic party, j . . --
that go d and silver are equatlt the peo?le-s R,pab c,n state convention I ave relurnej
money. We are opposed to alf measures a coveteJ mi:h t, ,ry The, succ.eded
ol discrimination agslnst si'.vcr, and be- , nom,M,io6 , ,y . m, jr
uisna tree coinage ;o uPr..T t e aemanu, , . of- fa , .
printer He knows very little about tbc j
"The sunshine's on the river, an' the
fly ia on tbe boos,
The bait is in the basket, an' the min
now 's in the brook.
Things is lazy,
Sort o' hazy,
Like the misty mountain 'op.
An' now I wish
Tbet I could fish
An' fish
An' never stop."
rAc Ci'rest I Cumrt of Jf Stnte oj Orfytm
or tkt county of Linn .
Johr. Brown, Plaintiff.
and in that direction for on- rurpoe and
one purpose only tf.e prvsi'le.tial nomina-
i tion in l?y!. Whatever chances Bill Lad
can nen-r bopc to become I's tA.Jard
bearer by populsr choice. He U a Ksndall
democrat and his la'e speech evn went
farther towards tariff roblvry than Sam
Randal! ever dare go. It was a protection
rpeeO and would have won applause in equity and that its repeal works
any republican meeting fie followed
Pullmai sleeper reservations cat. b
secured Iu advance through any
agent of the road.
THROUGH rcKETS to ana from all
points i Amorica England and
Europe can ba purer aatd at My
ticket effico of this oouspany;
Full ir.( irma'i in coooernlnt; rai rme
if trains. mntesanJ other io; his furi
isbnd ou application to any agent or
a.sriatant Qecsral Pae 4-r Agent,
No !21 Firt s, cr. Washington,
Port'and. Oiezon.
; ) H i ( i i j:ii agent.
of business, and that al! money iaued by
the governxent b; maie a legi': 'ender fjf
all deb;s, both public and private.
We believe that Ihe pension toll should
be one of honor, and we ftvor liberal
pensions to soldieit disabled in ihe service
of our country.
We sre in iavor of Iht election ol Cnited
State senitor? by thi direct vo'e of the
Wc denounce the act ol 'he last
tare whereby was repealed a hat i
as '-The Mortgage Tax," sn.!
printing business outside oi publishing a
small country new pa vet sn 1 has ocrupied
mot of his time in vitifjing Li e Mf
cessful competitot s. It is Io be hoped that
he wili It m Jen out and eadeavor to mike
turns f tit for tbeofBce in cisb.t:s ejected.
Jacksonsi le Times
I 'oe of the most earnest, devoted, and
enihusiastic public school workers in tbe
fe. , state is IVof D S Keed, principal of
hie attack on tiriff reform wi'h an assault
oa the income tu. It is plain upon the,
face of it teat he is -iheuiing to N-w
Vofk in the next convention by opposing
the inc. tne tax Mil and his attack on tariff
reform is a straight out bid for the support ;
of the pools and trusts. Hill Las experi
enced a eeping change in sentiment tbe
past year or two. He used to be a pro
nsarced advocate of tariff reform but he is
BOM mounted on the tariff robbery cig and
is ptvpiring to run with weights up. lii .
is dane for so fir a -be presidency is cvn-
s end we most earnestly
favor the taxation M tbe incoa a "I the
Sec. 3 We claim that a fixed sys'.ero
of salaries for all public officers should
lake the place of the lec system.
Sec. 4 We denounce Ihe art at the
last legislature of this stal" in repealing
what is known ra the "Mortgage Tax
Law' and we denounce its re-enactment
at tbe next session.
Sec. 5. We believe that tbe law a'.low
ing deduction o( ind.ebtns from asset's
menu was founded on principle of jualire. there jutt the same
litr.l (
ship and injustice op-sn oebtors, there
fore we denounce ihe re-ena'-im n". ol
said law by tbe next Ingialalaia
Sec.'J There be:ng n adequate law
on our statute books providing for the
security of thore depositing in tanks in
Oregon, we demand that the legit ture al
its next seas .n paaa such law in the
premises as will le just and proper and
aalctilalea to secure genera' lafttv.
Sec. 7. W'e favor the amendment of
inn . . . i. . . -
wv uicii .ac aa suit un a wwct, i unve
the men out of ibe di'ch. The men were '
armed witb clubs and slicks. A patrol
wagon loaded witb polios s as hastily sent
U tbe scene. The contractors announced
that no a'temt would be made to resume!
work today.
L'lilar niExr
Omaha. Anril 20. Kelly's army is still ;
in camp at Weston, on the Kock Island
oad, 14 rri:les east of Council Bluffs. Fully
HMO men crossed the bridge, two thirds of i
tbem in a Ixidy, to brlnst influence to Ijear
upon i iovemor Jackson and the railrptd J W Swank and Martha 'J ..ank
auinorjiies. to secure transportation rast
tor ine army.
aaalew BV.axlslr i Nte is hereby g'.ven that t-y virtue of
... . a an execution and order of sale duly issued
" ai-iusLius. .ipni s.. ioe rener out j the above named court
resolution for Ibe appointment of a rep- m the aboTe entitled suit to
Misfortunes never come singly The ''on committee for Coxey's army, lo be to me directed and de' I will on
Astoria Budgett proves tbe fact as fol- known in senate parlance as "the commit- Sattrrdav the i2'i. dav of Ma, 1S94, at
lows: At present tbe Budgett torce is , lee on communications," came up ha tbe the front dour of the cortrt house ia the
eligbtlv demoralized. O W Ihinbar.the , senate a few minutes before I o'clock, but d,y 0j Albsnv, Lien Countr, Oregon, at
editor, ia ill and not able to hold down ' in tLo few minutes it received some vary ,re hour & 0'ne O':lock p m of said day
hi post, the assistant editor baa gone rc-ugb handling. sell at public auction, for cash iu hand to
off on a jambarse. one of the printers the highest bidder, the real proaertv dea-
has joined Coxey a arm r and started forj A Mar Tlasr Tn cribed in said execu'Jon and order 'of sale
his home in Missouri, ibe deril bad his Omaha. April 19. Kelly's army o ia as follows, towit: Th undivided oce-
finger cut off in the prew, Ibe democrat- dusirials. wet. bedraggled an! chilled to "alf of the donation laad
tc convention ia in session, and tbe mis- the Lone, broke camp ani started from tbe c'ai.n of John A Dunlap
duel ta to pay geneta ly ; bat we get Council B uffs Chautauoin erounds for 'the lap his wife, notif-catlon No. 26izaafo'.-
Eat !utinif the nirtii tbe racks baassai to ' Sows: Tee south half of th- northeast
swell by the arrival from Nevada of 65 quarter; the southeast qrter of the north-
A hotel register is an interestin" piece of F' m,d'r Pin Oorman. and today j west quarter and the sou-.hat quarter
literature. What a mixture of Vnman- ; fot" acquisitions were made when Cap- 1 and the east half of the south aest quarter
hit, mt .e. f-., ,.1 ,ul 'a n Morgan, with two comnan e of com- i of section 21. and the south naif of the
sir .'Eg. reacceu camp
me constitution ol the I
as to re-1 a i re V S senator to l. elected
by direct vote of tbe people.
B(r. ft. We demxti I t!- abj'.isbaient
of the railroad commission.
St-r. '.. W e condemn tbe !at !eitla
r.v-r tb world
ll.-re . a 1.1m. oe ln (mm tk. R., a mn
House register. ( 'n it leide many from
are J !; Liu e. ..f !;.. be-w. N V.
Andrew Mackay and O Millat Allan, of
"ila'gow. Scotland; L H Coffin, of New
BrtUin. Conn. J M t osier, of Boston
Haas; W P Kknle:aan. cfjChi'ago; H W
Bow man. of Los Ansjvle. and one or two
eaters, oOO strcnir. reached camo 1 southwest quarter of fifttlcr. 13 ; the north
from 'be West by way of the Union Parisc. : half of the northwest quarter of section 26:
, a-,.-., , j tnr north half of the northeast quarter of
a B'i paaaar. c!j(jn 2, the nchc:lfi qo2rter o lhe
1 uiuiizli-hia, Apni ia - 1 6e famous northwest q-jarer of section 27 in town-
led States so fn.;n San Franciaro. ;JI the
home of Bobbv
f the V .
Burns to
from the
chip 1-4 couth, range 2 west, containing
640 acres (with tbe falloaing exceptiou.
Seven , 7 1 acres of these lands deeded to
Norman, A J and one hundred seres of
these iands deeded to Ruth White) and
a;v the north ha t ot the r.or.ftcast qnar-
mand its re-ensc:mer.: at H e next session I r.ugene pub:ie scboo.s lie is neaxt ami I cerne-l. Me woulC not receive tne support ture of this state for IU -eckless sqaan , 7' "J ' . ,or " "W.T
We demand that all pr.perty shall 1 as oul in the work of educating tbe masses of j of bit inrty if nominated and it lenders on : dertng of the peoples money by er:trava-. jj,. fifl'vear1 We ha7
sessed at lis true cast. vaur. and l ha; there the people lie is well and favorably i the contemplate his noniina - Sn -""J nnnecesary appropriations and tjame ltwvrs 'who wxildha-e gsitten
BhaU be deductions on'y for l.debtedn,M ' know in I.inn connty and in Alba-iy. He'tion. Hi. conduct during the past two w,lWyt hamakimmmmitm km. "
wh';h has a corresponding taxable credit . j served two terms as county school supenn years has been such as to forever liar
Southern Pacific Co.
fsxpnas Trains iaxe Portland Uallj
Sooth I
CrliP. a. 1 Lr
10:2S r Lv
lOiSia a 1 Ar
JTT.T 1. lSBt,
Sait Prsn-iseo
1 K.irtk
Ar I iU a a
Lr I 4:3 a
7;O0 r
e ,v i -.-ii 1 , stp. all stitlo ta from
ti vl tine m tluaive, alsoTan
h d '.'I t .ay.HtrrUbtirg, Jnnetion
Irv-inz. -I ti'ni an I all stations
im.'i it,' tsi'aoJ laclusi'e
aosaaraa BaCV, i aau
fMaa I Lv Port.anJ H ITr
It-.ii pb IL' AIVnjr Lv I tx
Mr I Ar H ;.- L I 7 0C -l
:I0aaLv IU y arllOrlac
:00 a I Ar . ... Lr SO A
1 r u I., ajrac :j Art :2Sr
a a I Ar Lebanon Lv I :i '
We demand the enactment and enforce
ment of more stringent laws for the pro
tecliou of the salmon and sturgeon fishing
industry, aod the aboii.ion of all tishtraps,
teines and wheels, jnd favor more exten
sive artificial propagation.
We are in favor of liberal appropriations
for the improvement of oar river and har
bors, and tne adoption of such measures
as will tend most speedily la the opening
of the Columbia river.
We are oppos?.! to Chinese and ail pio-
pet immigration. teacher or educator but was nominated
We favor a change ir the law reguhtlng ' 3me kind of "pull."
the adopt.on of school text booas which !
will invi'e htallhv competition and prevent : There is not a democrat in Ibe sta'e
too frequent changes in ih? same.
as e are in favor of las f.r lhe
! lion of depoti'ors in banks.
W c are in favor of the aUolls'iment
' ten dent and also was principal of tbe . from the confidence and respect of tbe dem
Albany public schools for a number of octalk psrty.
years As a school officer and teacher, Le
was tbe most systematic and thorough The New Rule
going of any ever called into such work in '
this coanty Without speaking as a par
tisan, we hesitate not to say that the peo
ple owe it to themselves and tbe interests i
tney have in public school work to elect Mr
Reed state superintendent of public in-'
traction. We are informed that Mr1
Irwin, the republican candidate, is not a
bv ,
legis'-ature be prohibited by 'aw.
Sec. 10. We tecian 1 lhe abolishment
of the National iuards of this stale
U K HtsLca.
8 I Imtj Secretary .
The detuocraL cf Iann oantv.
The in the tlouse i kepic-
sentaiies htnt done wc.l to adoj t the
new rele whku (nable ::.c Huuse to CJ ,.n
-. ... in' Ia. , ' . r. . . .t
, r " mjr divlazaiion.of inncipU and
I1""""' """are acuaay pre-an a, rjatfona in the .swing camnaign
nouga icinsag t.Tsesaer he ro'l call. I
la ifaffawelf better than tie discreditable
mystery of tbe Charier Boh abd action
was recalled sharply to tbe restoents of
' . erain town tc-iay by tbe marriage of bis
brotuer Walter to Mir Julia Peabodv
Chandler. More than persons gath
ered in the church to witness the r r
! mony. Waiter Roes wa r-iavina close to ter of section li: the ncilhwest auarter of
, the boose with his brother Cnariey on the j section 33:arsd the north half of the north -.fateful
day in July. 17-t, when the ab- west caarter of section 23 in Township 14
uuciurs urove up. en t; ecu tnem into a car- South, Range - Wt, and containing 320
nage and went off with tbem. Walter was xcrrs and containing in all S?3 acres, more
permited to return home, bat Cairley was 1 or less, together wiih all the tenements
nevei seen again- nd heditaments thereunto belonging
or ia anT wise appertiintng. The pro-
Taeawsa. ceois arising from said sale :o be applied,
Ia.oma. April la Some excitement fi est to the oavment of the co-s's of and
' ' ' : 1 -.-r.-...! j eXL-ts in tti -. ; T.i y . -. -r vest g"-.-i dis- I upn nd execution, an-! . i casts
from a $ 100 suit down to a pair of over-! coveries. Yesterday Joseph and tviward taxed at 2i.S Second lo the pay ment
all. Everything fits though misfti as W Langevin filed mineral claims on "JO of tne giim of $150 as a reascnab'e at
t.. each otheT. YetsterdaT we placed a high acre of valuable land in tne residence part ; tornejs fee. Third, to the payment of
ptaiuy suit a; onr tn-nt window. Cast aa toe ci:y. claiming coi-J !s to be foond the ptainu& claim anaouat-.r.g ;o the sum
tbere in paying quantities. Tbe De Lacge of 5i3n.zo. with accruiug iatertst the
yotr vole tat it next
lloil down : boil down.
a letter for publicati.-m
vin claim they discovered 'he goli two on from the i3".h day of March, 1693, at
: yesus ago. while digging a well at their ! the rate of ten per cent per annum, all in
t-i .
. -.. T10 borne, and that when tbev camp tbe Hold T S eo!d coin.
go over it after
Ocrfron. ) too are thni i-rv an.l rwsar mine .,
aa. l.-s 1 . ... u 1 . : - 1 i uv well
mikiri' a . . . r- - . K'.iit- im i.u. n . 001. 1 neo
1 atrai.i ani svw now .:. an v
can Kave out I"mj gij at it
1 We reafSrm and arain d;are our
faith and advucarv t.f tbe imperishable
comes np in in sand from tbe
Ther have a!o disrovered
go OVr' ,-Snai ,Ka.e kn.
I iiieii-.. iw
bctftaaa of
Dated this :7th day of Marc;-;, 1S94.
Sheriff of Linn County Oregon.
M '---w manv w-tI
01 cu
afjnia an i
love out
Wsai asarr Tlasr.
-regi- City. Aprii 19
11:- ::.:ntn
will complete tee time ai:ofed bv tbe
o-anty court for tbe payment of taxes. On i
The .Saie n Journal man i a good figur- May 1 they wi'l become delinqoent. A :
r. Bean fhe deiav in gettinir the . petiton i reported in circulation in the
money on lb. $-0.(sfl0 ljnd. authorized bv 1 connty. asking tbe court to withho d col-
Diitins Cars on Ogden Route.
tli-l.r.l laall Tkreazh Tralas
svest aiac ii . Mesa.
Man aata sail t (Except,
saggeattoa of a fine t-hncites ami doctrines f tbe mm aoatj
T.-.e onls obstae'e to the ado, t! a ol iHia ! party a promulgated by it. ear'.;, fi 11 inarm
ro before Ibis has ten tbc twtge af Tom " I "f1 at ,ho r dl!
. I - a. ronventioc.
hfft Alt h li f!. I I'H " . . I ..- ,r r-' 'a. ... . ;. .. C aS 0.1 I . c I . . . . . 1 1 . li
'- " i.l, 2. We,-i i.TUin tHeretwb .n tsartv VT. " -tius .-.t.r.u whu n i.. u, mi mi., so
KUrfZLVZ 11 . ., 6h,mn 1 3! ' ' -'"tne and it. rerklea ami iiuidvjse.1 lesisiati-n per ux 10 rtMd coin. Hut wonkl may have an opportunily to
pr.tec-, alloway for governor. He is a man rn,fa llliatfll swli traBSscttaa of all the evils and Iron! le frcui which the oa JP" force or , sell their crops.
'""a"' ""' the nnh i- h.i.ln- .1. t-,.4.. tWItikltssnv an.l i :.. I.-" . :ennrf.r "e si.eei. anu ir city ran
bsarrn.!r.f fa!'oln. il-o . .-.s . I a 1ln8' The low pri.Trs of farm pro-f A
I J ,, . I 1 I.., , I . I . j 1 . -
iiiuuiu idj an otntr onaecessiry com- svtiousi'j man 01 lue people, a name "re
missior.s. ' gonian, a farmer and breeder of Sne s'ock.
We favor tiied sala-irs f jr all rublic of- a careful man in business and a devo'ed
tba. farmers
bameu and
ot graduate ol Willamette L'niversit;.
! er Kee
that Mr ;-'!!! lne'.' kis calebrat-
eJ ruir. Ard Ihar did n it reallra that he
ncers ana the atKlishmtnt ol lhe fee sys- . mend or Ibe masses. r.iecteU county judge j nevrr mlJe , , Kaux.t.ic inotitv of the
tem, and are opposed to an officer rereiv- of Yamhill county lour years ago against j n..-i.e ever whi.h be presfbrJ as speaker.
me tn -irj than 1.1 r.,t..l i f ,it t.-,nul .cl.rv an adverve rem.liliran mainrilv of mnre ! . ...
, , , 7 . " cjn etnptib e a he hss daily made 3 Wo thieve that
We condemn t, Infao-.cus ibe attempt than M, he entere.1 upon the management ,ne ,mocrttic 0, (he .te,tnl fsnal and ju-t. an 1 tba
VIM leal legislature to tamper with ; of the business affairs ol that county with Ho.,r Me ba b n holding it up lo ibe n-,,' n taM lr t just propiirtion. f
the puiity of oar eleciicr.s by so amend- 1 an indebteder sa of $27,000 which by ca'e- co . . . . . .. Implen of the mvemment. To this end.
1 " ' we most earnetle favo-r the tax.iti. n .'t th.'
al to ii. ti.a, to be incomes of the neb.
i-npote t. 4. v , laim that a faett mm of sa'-
I Moreover, lhe nc rule is r.j: open to the : aries f..r ail public ntfi.-ers shu-ild the
j chief obj.-cioa again.t Mr Keea's That rOBCst HB XfM aaaajtu
nil to be at such loss. It dors
not be: p matters to Kat. the fault with i Astoria. Aon. 19. A bottle was picked
the ovjtxil. n-.r with t mater. 11-4- witb P on 'a'sop beach last night, containing
the pub.ic business, its
An4m fi-a MB ..e, ManM t f ! ,1... I ; 1
Ttiev did not even seetn to kn.ia 't .... j . Ta i ; . ft
. , ... ... r ". .." i - ' , . . ' ,. in livi.l-jal. Th. nm.U tKa lull a sniai. piece of dortina? naner. aa which
isnasam. nniveraai swt - : t " - wa, written the word Tee snip Marr
f. ... - , : . ,. , . . . , nrown is str-in, j c,jt
t'-simi "I "1 unjust auu .Minieiir. .n,e ttun l. music is very III V M Ce-tr It tne
I their high ami overprotectise l.viff ys- nktm is gootl; but how h-vrrid it i Joks on
tern, and other t!as legislation. , rarer. Hetv i said V I a o.rre. t trans
Jl taxes
the wealth
voiced college
fill l.n.ino.. 1,!,. n ...l,,l. It. k.. ii
, ,
a i ,,.- i
T:SU a a I
IXtlS r
e Si r
1X) r
sxracaa raaia tafW 'Kxc.-p'.Rai.da) .
T:iS ra I
Ar I S-fi A ,
L.T I &0 A m
Thronc:i Ticket;
to all i .-nt In the K-tsUrn H CnaiU soil
Karope cat bt -ih aine-l at "west rve frutn C V
fro nit. As-ont Aibatif.
. KoeilbKI t P. KOEKi
Manacar vc'tO s. n.l
rort'ar.o Orwrun
ISll, 13Q2
Iral Terra wacaett tin
-Al 1 corps of Instructor:',
I aurcca of aturty trranged s us
all grcdea nfBtndents
Sf trial tuauctmi 'n! ' t cfltrtd lo -tud
from abroad.
Scientific American
For Information aol free Handbook write to
ML'NN A CO.. 301 Bmiaowar. New Vohbt.
Oldest bureau for aecurlnir patents fn America.
Frerr petpnt. falcn t-ef t tis li. broucht befora
tar aatMiC UansaiCa a'Vtta irttuof charge lnhc
Lartrest circulation of sny solentiflc paper In the
world. 8plslidlr illnsuwted. No Intalllveat
ing th Aus'rahan ballot law as to
from it sll Us beneficent providoa, and in paving off. and leaving the ouniy in
we earnestly oppose an? change or mod- j very healthy financial condition with a lax
ification of saij law. j levy of Id mills for 1804. Not a voter in
We declare ouraelvcs in sympathy the state would subject himself to tbe
with the just ckcsakfM of Judge Caldwell, j charge of making a mistake should he, in
regarding the rights of labor in ihe recent his wise discre'ion. vote for Mr OsHoway.
controversy between the L'nlon Pacific
Railroad (,'jmpany anj its employes.
We arraign the last legislature for its
tvatta of the people's money bv extravagant
was a rule BOt JppotUd even by tile ex-.
breaker s own peti). It tran-fertr.l
wa arraiOT the
tii is' for its reck l
ution cf j - ;
Vi-n the ?,jn j. l.rigbtiv glo-ho-'.ng
'er the se-een s d beer to me-ee.
And swe-hett the wee-hind is bio-ho ing.
Oh. ther-hen. oh. ther-hen
I tbe-hink
Of the-bee
I thee-hink
I Him link
rxxcxc this :
dar, and all bands lost. Anvone Sodog ,
this please notify San Francisco papers."
A rrew'tar Dreaas
Wikster. O. April 13. Ycunir Mrs
Samuel BofSng. of Kast GmBBeM, dream
ed that she was drowning eat m a well. !
She awrke with a start, to Ear) that she!
had thrown nc-r fV month- eM iby upon '
the floor with such force as to ctusb iu i
; skull.
the Serpent's
appal a I
In all its sans r
W Afifl nrtlOnil eradicated by S. 8. ;
uluuu ruraun stmaw son
it .aM TieM its t
I: reiKreatEepoIxanandbciIixsaBthca
a mui mm e.. ' Ml "i tr
lOxanpireteiV ";
l asm
and reckless appropriations, and bold the
republican party of the state rcponzlole for
tne sbameles, and vie ous legislation of tha(
body, and wc call upon lhe honest vj:e-s
ol lhe slate to relieve ihe ccrcmon weal'h of
lus incubasupon it irdu.-'ry and prosperity
taking the rei.ii fn m the han?s of such
ir competent and unwerthy servants. The
people cannot hope for immunity Itom cor
rupt expropriation! of public money o long
as the partj In jiower is controlled by the
corn'.i' n of s;xismer. which hasandwiM
con-rol :he republican prrly of this state.
J si Weathetford ahom the democrats
have named for congress in this district
needs no introduction to our rea lers. Ol
Ihit nomination and thai of Mr K.i-y stho
I t - ....i .. 1 ... .K. 1. i 1- I- .1.. .1.1. ..1. k . , : I ,w -r : . .
it .n.lenn.. . f fhe . . . .. .. .-..w.. .,,.. K- lTO1Ucoi
Hit' " i - I- -mm "i,'.s,vve'::: nas sent tne to owing nomination to the i
c iM-ottle s t.i.inev !.v efr:. i-rint .mil iinr.e.- I ' . v
power of the II juse to an individu I solo-iwwv appropfiatiW and hold the repute ' ... . . . . "ff .. . . , j
crat. fhdc: the .,. rule the Ho - will i Inan'rcrtV of the state ren-msiWe for tbe . . 1' ' 'h;; fptnion of a law firm in Port- , W-Wtw of Ja-d oS-CharU j
' tin.-.:.tioncl Lad leari slat ion of V" '"'" nm, "-t.- no power io i v
rteti'i me iiiue or oii',iinc t.,es. It us ncur'u". .uviui, " r. xjxjsx. iteiena.
exercise the power nd Ihe S eaker
II mil.!
. , , , i . i , , . .
. - . ,. ,., , ill i..'11-i .ii.ii ii:eelis eii. ii.niieit nun si
tinu: ta be is itisttiioirn .. I hs I .iaiat s t i i .- . i a aa.!
. . " 1 " Imartlr rr-stina npon the isviile of this
tie . l-r-nce belaren the !...';c .t.te mav )n l.r UHru'atiffi v..'
ihe Ote-
Irwin, vbom the republicans have nom
inated for tuperintendent of public instruc
ts n, is another political preacher who
should be left at home by a large majority.
He Is a first class dead beat and by the
time he pays ihe money he owes Salem
merchants he will have very little left for
campaign purposes. He was superinten
dent of Ibe Indian School under Harrison
and the fl'a'BiaaaB was instrumental in e.
curing his removal Now that paper will
be called upon to support hini and we have
no doubt it will cheerfully respond, ag
Bob's job may depend upon i's doing so.
Sa'em Deiiiorat.
If Mr Irwin is that kind of man des
cribed above he should not be elee'ed and
tbe Djemoi it f pabllabes the above to put
voters on their guard.
It has been estimated by competent civil
enginters that the Mississippi Rjvtr anit -aliy
di'cl nrjes ly ,oo,oiO,ooo.oco cubic b el
of wiiei into me Gulf cf Mexiio. Of Mils
prodlg; ui t untity the 12910th pari is
e-itnrnl. Tnus it will be seen that ihe
Mississippi annually (le..lts enoueli mud
in the gulf to co'-er a squ ire mile of surlace
'o a deplh of 240 (e 1
should "ha without If. Weeklv. B3.0II .
few; (UOsIx montbs. Addrefs MUN.K A ' O.
SfUauaHJUia. ou I uroauw- iiuriuu.
a,ior sale or Trade, a
JL' gooti location In Albao,- tVJi kn 1
IM MM BR. On Ap'fl an'h, ij4 in
Lyons, 10 ii. c- v.ile of VV K llammer.i
nomlnte on lite populist ticket f jr rotiiitt
clerk a girl,
PIERCE. In Benton county, on
April 17, IS94, of onneamption . Mrs
Jane Pierce, dangllMtr of Mr Tlton as
cheap for oah or will trad tor land , ' J?r0,uttn OI Llty
y or wholly ittsprovo I not very far from 1 WARRKN.--Y'Ultigejt no 1 ofPoiter
own. Oallor write to this offtoa. Htsta, April 1H.18U1, of scarlet fever
'gn anu
f.r as
Senatr 1 rffll'aS speech iUsciv
but eaCS ation. It 1 mid: in I ma
daatiae'iefl si.itl-. Its lendenry. '0
it kas
render -.rtivc the acik of r Stars lefiumrr '
In 1874 he brgan llejofth. ;.st cmnaton. It was de ivered for
was nemtd in lhe second dislric
gonian saya:
lion J K Wealherfortl wasliorn in UatOQ
ville, Patnam county , Missouri, March l,
1850. When 13 jenf. of age, he left bia
native slate and emigrated to Albany, where
bis youih was spent, a portion of the time
in teaching school.
study of law undc ihe lateX II Cranor and
finished under Humphrey A: Baldwin. He
was elected to the office of superintendent o(
schools In I874, and io 1S75 was admitted
lo the bar. In 1876 he was elected or. tl.e
democratic ticket aa repiesenlativc from
Linn coanty, ana held il.e position of speaker
of the house during his term of office. In
I884 Mr Weatherfoid was elected 10 the
office of senstor, ind in 18S6 was chosen
mayor of tha ci!y of Albany, whic'i office
he held lor tao trims. In 1890 he wos a
gain elected state senator, which p.ititiun he
now holds. He wis jh- nominee lot sere
tary of stale on tbe democratic ticket in
189Z, being defeated by a sniaM majority.
.Iam;s H Ralv, th; no:nin;e for icpn
scntative 'it the second dis ric, i a ntive
of Nebrasku and is 37 ears old. When s
boy of 8 he cam.vtt' with bis paren;s about
whire'be present SI Charles hotel s'anJ.-.
He settled i.i Umatilla county in 1864
where he has sine; made his home. lie
rai a th tig s'ore a while, and won consider
able distinct on Htj Iniilan Hhilii''. He
as twice elecli d county surveyor and !.a;
been in I'ciidieion city council, lie was I
first elected to the state senate in i88S,amt
during the last n.-sslon was very active In
the support nl his idll 10 profi le for build
ing a it re portage railway, around The
Dalles of the Columbia
well as b taeen the two tu'e
- call niKn the honest
and the state. irps-ti-.e of virty. to join
. us in the overthrow of the republican party
lioen the universal custom for the mnntr Mont.
ourt to rtvul.ite the matter in this and I Receivers of public money James Q
1 . 1 .. ... . .. . 1 v . x. ;i . . . .,
tec "f countv ' "wt ouu r cintnues. wumi 1 as the Uw "a'. -wiir ciiy. asont; joon r namei.
, "uijni 10 oe; 11 left 10 any slienn ne must ""it, -worn; j ere 'man conins. neiena.
follow tbe spirit ot th? " warrant in his 'Mont.
:.:.! lhe
Bt Wasted on Sstiarv and Commission
arapiii of JAUB G. BLAH!,
Ik.iaial. .,., 1 1 ..e ,t ii,.. .n,,m..h;no noim-. 1 ue coaniv court can at least
election make its recommendati on. and most snoriffs
fi. The Democracv of Linn Connlv !' verne.1 by it. If left to the
favor sound monev.' tbe monev of the Pfnt sbenff of this , v.mly he will un-
tfiect rn larifl legisla ion. is t i eonatiintion. every dollar of w hich ahatl , ww"? S' V? b 1,lm0 f
iMt of lal intrinaie va tie ar.l isurrlias- ' . . V" sMaiou ..etuaiiu
Ina n..., .n, re.dile e el.a neealile al I " ProKUUe UlOUgr.. llial the COUIt
the wish of the iiohler and fn that end
Ibe pwrpoae of drfcaiiagwlhe only plan or favor such legislation bv Congress !
chance I n even tltpht reforms aon befote as will br'ng aloul the free coinage of . and ih.- countrv, Iliad in ent si'ver at lhe ratio of sixteen lo one.
s.s . s. a. .1. u 1 " . I ,v believe that the Act ol the , There is in e
It tt art ntck tl.e wheel, of PC grts. ih ,ty ; ,,,,,. sxroeidina lor tbe election of able eftM of
v a
make a recommendation in the matter.
By GaJL Hiint-TPtf, his literary executor.
with toe cc-oprratma of his family, and tor
Mr. Blaine's Complete Woskr, Twxx-n
VtvaRS or Cos.; nas." and hi-- later baaK.
A . tmi "FcxLtTlc-ai. PisiTSsjosa. '' One proapectas
' for these 3 best BUM tooka in the mar-
I'esveb, April IS. -The local Coxeyites act. A K P Jordan of Me..tcok MSetxtua
were outwitted again tonight. They went from first 110 calls: agent' profit $19350.
10 miles up the Burlington t Missouri 'Mrs Ballard of 0. look 15 orders, 13 Seal
tracks today to Barr station, intending to Rossis, in I day; profit $26.25. K X Bice
bold up a train, but tbe railroad called on of Mass. took 27 orders in 2 (sweat profit
! the county for assistance, and 'JO deputy j $4"-25- J Patndse of Me. took -43 orders
Uheriffs were sent to Barr. They '.returned from 36 calls; rrctit $75.25. E A Fa rrier
tonight after the last train had gone, leav- j ' N. Dak. toot 53 orders in 3 days; profit
ing the arniv in despair and snow. Depre- j JSS.25. Rzcusttb Tfkmtohy siren. If
dations are feared. vf n wish to make LARtiE MOK Y write
immediately for terms to
A Brilltaat ltfea-
It is a denial of tne faith pre ached hy
Senatar Hill himself ev.r since he tmcrgt'l
Irom pobiiral o'urtnitr. ft rapMi it all
thai is creditable in his past. It cover? i h
shame lhe front of J emocruic viclury
which he led in New fata from lhe tine
when he a.stined '.be acknnwiedgitd Iea4ar
ship of his party. For Seiat r David B
Hill, there is no excase fni the want.ianesi
of Ill's treasury, nor for t'te co'rupt po.lii
calatnblt'oa, seUithnefrt and cite I in Which
ery c immunity a conaider
men who violate everv
an additional Judge for the third judical ! principle of decency and morality. These ! Seattle, April IS. Cap'ain Brown, re
district of this State was wholly unnec-; social leper are in the habit of assuming ' ceivcr of tbe Seattle. Lake Shore A East
essary. lor the reraon that one Circuit 1 that all men are of their own low standard, i m, says the solution of the industrial
Judge can easily perform all the Judicial ' Ibey do not have sense enough to know array problem is that the government
labors required in raid district without j that such assumption is an insult to every should enlist the men under the same!
inconvenience or being overworked ; ; decent man That a majority of the mar- 1 terms as the men were" enlisted during the j
therefore, ia order to avoid lhe unnec-: ried men of the c nintry are true to their j civil war. drill and discipline them, und '
aaaare expense of such offWr, we de-1 vows-. 1 must UMifve, or face the horrible 1 when this is accomplished take them to'
111.1 ml the repeal of said aw by the next j doctrine Unit the mass of our men have no Central America and dig the Nicaragua'
Lt'Ki.l.itiire. j regard for the mos' sacred obligations j canal.
5. e in un.inaltiieti terms j it la quire common to !HMrth.-u women .
tl... ajl .,r tl.u lie! I u.inUliir. i,f lliia 1 nr.. r.Vi !,,.! 1 Ue fill- tlieroen . ,n. I i li. ! ratal aSS.
Sta'e vt iierehv i". repea:ed -vbat is known That if t.iey would demand as clean a rec- , Dktkoit. Mich, April In a riot to-
onl tor nit'ii IkUIi tbev and men do for 1 day at t onnors I reek, in tho outskirts of
as Ihe "Mortgage tax iaw" nnd we de
mand its reeii.ictinent at the next seg-
K ant eneendcred. Hit aaaaa it crossed I sion .
I out of the Democratic tojkg. His place is I'J- w' li'iievo that the l.iw allowing
mon:' iherjmn f.,llr..v f il.e P.l.'i- I ctl ut t ion of liidfbtiMntvs from assessments
pa ty. Tne Djaaocrafjc party must gain
its fut'ite IrfutnOrS
aid hut la Bt'iie of In
linaiu enmity.
ti..t only without Ids
gangrcntd and tna-
was founded tioii principles of justic.1 anu
equity, and Unit its n'til tvorss it crent
harihaiip and iajtsafaue upon the debtor
classes who are unable to withstand such
burdens, therefore, we deinnml the reenact
BMBl of said law by the next legislature.
10.' There being no .id-put- law on
our statute books providing for the safety
anil security of iiersons who deposit monev
1 in luinks in tln'L'on. we therefore demand
t,nH t that the lecislatnre of this state, at its
Tnirieeti allies soatbatst of s .n Diego,
Cal, Is lhe location of n anting sthoBB wat
ers nave tne won eiful power o'
Hie hair fo bald scalps. Ve can iive a ; i.xt session, shall miss such laws ill
troaaen the whole condition would BOOH 18
changed . I do not believe this, but think
the men are responsible. Almost every day
men can Ih hoard vitilying the whole nialo
nace. Doutea over protest ? Very aeldoaa,
and then in a weak amt apologetic tone
mat stairattM itaet!
atlmit the dursea.
to jiuige wuoiu tne? snaii r naif uiiii aad
whom receiva r Are tbev not consistent
in refusinir to senante where all seem !
willing to submit to the terrible charges
heaped on them?
The blackguard lawyer in Washington
City has done itoiYiit men a lasting ser
vice, in that he hits made these charges
publicly in open court and they have ikviv
repeated over the bind by the press
.-N-it respecunu editors nave iwn nil
the city, between strikers and regular city
workmen, one was shot dead and fourteeu
others more or less seriously wounded.
The trouble was precipitated by an i
attempt on the part of the authorities to I
replace Polish laborers employed on the '
Hy their silence tl-.ev waterworks who are on a strike, with other i
How then are women men.
The Trials luair
f-T rauL, .Minn, April 18, ine crisis
has come in tho Ureat Northern strike, and
the company will from this time ou play
its band with sternness. Judge Sanborn,
of tbe Cnited States couit ol appeals, to
day granted an injunction against the
strikers iu boUt Minnesota and North Da
kota, and cited tbem to appear ia his
court in ot ratal. April zl. "io show cause
ho flr-nrv Bill Fib. Cwrw irk.CoHi
IT WILL drive the humor from
your system, and make your skin
clean and smooth. Those Pimples and
Blotches which mar vour beautv are
caused by IMPURE BLOOD.
They can be removed in a short
time, if you are wise and use the
great blood purifier, Sulphur Bitters,
Of the democratic Candida' e for shite
printer the Oregoniati says:
Captain John O'Brien, candidate for
stale printer, run for that office four yens
ago. He Is known chiefly an the presiden
of tho i'ortland Federated Trades' Assem
bly, and an orator of considerable ability
and information on political and labor
uetaia-u nsiery ol llic snnnir.tts tli- nvcrv premises as will lie just proper
and fie remirkable "cures" it lias rough I j calculated to set ore the general safety.
in an article suilef to this department, -here- .,,,., of all civil and political nowsw: we I PUou lo resent his foul calumnv. . why each of tbem should not be erjjinedj
tore e win simply quote a statement n a le therefore favor amending tbe coniUtatJon Priraw individuals follov their ex-; Br fom aisauinig or renuer
concrniag it by the California Boa.d f of the United States so as to require all the ; ! "k" ntterances where- !lla."7m"" or convenient or im-
I nited States senators to he elected bya T1, I zTTrv. '"'XT.. ".
direct vote of the people I lf there is to W anv sixial separation I property of the Ureat Northern, for use in
1" We deminid the iilnil ishW of the 1 between tbedeoant and tbe indecent men. I mlerst .te commerce, tbe carrying of maiis,
railroa.l commission and the specific con- j f ut be made by tl.e men as it is made ifovernment supplies and from interter
tract law llietween the two classes of women hv , "K 'n any manner with the possession of
themselves. Tho women can assist bv "n-v locomoUves, ears or any other property
, , ii , ...... .- rtf ..,1, .1 i'hi v...-i,..- t..;i.... ...
. . UP no ill lir lie Honor ot tneir ins ui.nls """ u i.n.ina, cum
(Jakden Skedo. I'.very iwdy Klmaltl
have a garden. Are you one xrbo will.
Then go to Stewart & Sox Hardware Co
and make your selection from u fresh supply
of all the seeds in tho market, the largest
stock in the city.
Health: "We must ackno 1: Ige tliat this
water ftctn the evidence that lus tieen
Immght before us, has made hail yr jw on
scalps Ciat were entirely ha I J . OI
.his we have had seveaal cx mp'es on per
sons whom we have known for a nmi'lier
of year, u ul who, tinlllaflcr they had used
the waters of this spring, had given up ail
hopeof ever again having a fu'l bead ol
Shiluh's Vitaltaer ta wliat sun
dyspepsia, ttrind liver, Vat low kin or kid
ney trouble. It ia guaranteed to'givo you
aatitfaation. I'rioe 7So. Sjldjhy Pothay &
An Albakv
Jkwklky Stork
V orlli patnnuiiiB is t
I af V ill A Stark . l hey catry ihe finest
Mlneof illverware, watches, cocks and
. . i ... ...n.. t ..... ... ii , i-. - -j is " J - ----j. . ,i.. ,. ,. ,i.i.., r. .L. i...1:...
lalnrlnrv or ces are a wava n In. .k . "- ........ ..v.. ... . ,.,
. r '.i- : win. Kulii.,-., ... f ... it- . .,....!..,. .
i ...... i ; "ii.. wiini ... .... .. in,i,
. and sons, whenever assailed in this gener-
I al way.
These are plain words but tho time has
' passed for mincing words in this connec
ia; , nMl. No man can insult tho wife, mother
or daughter of it true man bv cenenil
insinuations alnitit female faithlessness
Skv.xo Machines neatly repaired an
arranted hy a thoroughly competent work
niau, a' K M Krench's jewelry sore, Albans
"Why suffer with Boils ? VThy rave
with that terrible Headache f W hy
lay and toss on that bed of pain
with RHEUMATISM? Use Sul
phur Bitters. They will cure ygit
where all others fail. The dose is
small only a teaspoonfuj, TH Y IT
andyouwillbesatisfled. Theyoung,
the aged and tottering are soon t -.ade
well by Its use. Remember what
you read here, it mav save vour life.
If you are suffering from Kidney
Disease, and wish tollve to old age,
use Sulphur Bitters. They never fail
to cure. Get it of your Druggist.
Sulphur Bitters will etir I.txw
Complaint. Don't be discouraged; g
sime'lor quality of gooda they
and i
at aajvj ffwmnjfm-f-wn,
Ss-nd 3 S-eent stamps to A. P. tlni t-
Boston. Masa.. for beat inadioaljsork publths'
amr ied ladies to o wriiinir a
t home. PirllSllllnt'liiUii.. .uc
stock. Nev.T buy without calling cni r1- i- . i i Siv mBa s c 1 nrown or Mack, and will onu sell addreaKl stamped envelope
luiiu ui ...... te i .tmiuci in m-materia v . piease tnu sbiisiv vou everv lime n... mr raov . iu A kek riinTA ink .i...
lieeked. C. I Buckingham's Dye for the whiskers. I inaaagar, 314 Dearborn St.Calctgo,":,!.