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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1894)
citturvitt. Wkeki.y Dkmocsat. $i 75 per year n advance. $I.OO at end tf year. Elswhero an item tells of three Lina coun ty men covering themselves with glory la killing six snakes. Head what a fourteen year old girl did in Kastern Oregon. A I.lles paper savs: Trow ia visiting friendi in left Mrs Rev The lalles. KevT. I Wilson returned this from a trip to Eugene. Mrs Andrew Johnson and child this noon for the east on a visit. Miss LidaRumbaugh is among Albany people attending the iuinv inter fair. Jude KelBay and Judge Chenowith, twoof Denton county ji pioneer lawyers, were in the city today. Assessor Ted Parker and Hon Allen Parker were in the city today on their way home fronj Astoria. Mr and Mrs Wallis Nash and iliiugh- H e were informed hv a nerson who made ler 01 1 orvaiiis, r? l"e , .,rt,,1,.w Hood River a visit" v.sterda,- that "e Mendelssohn concert tonight. , j i.ollr ALII A NY COLLEGE. noon An Institution tube Proud Of girl only 14 years of age killed tea that dav witli a club. He says they were sunning themselves in the rocks when the girl came upon them unawares and killed the number stated. We forgot to inquire whether any escaped, but presume some did. This story sounds rather "snaky," but our informant is a very reliable person, and no doubt can prove the truth of his statement. If a people's party man like Mr Han kins were to boast In a platform speech that he carried a gun, as did Prof Rudolph, he would be arrested and lined, and great won.d be the howl about "anarcnisru !" Bat this vagabond ex priest Is not alone not molested, but tie is treated like a dear friend and 1 brother by some of our protes'ant preachers, w ho, in their childlike gmle-' leesness, do not seem aware of the fact that Prof Rudolph despises orthodox : Protestantism fully as much. Oregon j City Courier. Tnis Rudolph is the worst kind of an infidel. Albany people ! left him gloriously alone, only a few ! heating him. Is the Calapoo:a. Saturday eveninn ; about 7 o'clock Charlev Merer, a son of : Mr Conrad Meyer, was on the tiank of the Calapcoia, in the rear of the ice works, when be fell down 'he bant into the river, a distance of forty or fifty feet. A gentleman who witnessed the affair gave the alarm, and Mr John IV kins, who was at home near by, rushed down the bank and plunged into the ri.-er after the boy, and af'er a vigorions swim, caught hold of him and soon had him safe on the bank. It was a prompt and brave act, and Mr Oeakins deserves a medal, the boy was taken home and is now recovered from the effects of the accident. Wast It Tim Way.- The Astoria Budgett says: A railroad up the river to Portland would amount to precious little to Astoria. It might help matters a little while it was building, and that is about all. Portiaad would control the whole business and As toria would get soup. The only road that would be of any meterial benefit to this city would be through the Nehelem valley through the timber, through th? tanning country and through the coal fields. It would be the sheerest nonsense to give all Following is the renorl by A I- Hutchi son, a member of tie visiting committee of the Synod of the Presbyterian church, as it appears in the Occident, of San Francis co. It gives the true situation; The committee of the Synod of Oregon has just performed the duties assigned it oy that body at the last annual session. We spent a very interesting day and a half in looking into the warmings of the bete named institution. Wo witnessed the class room ia all the crudes and da We me! the students in their prayer meetings of the Chris- aiai icuer came up iroiu roriiaiin uii nan associations. e teel that we can noon and will take charge of the business speak intelligently of the work and gen f ir t 11 .. . 11.. c.. 111 . - :, ... .. . sponen erai cnaracier o: 1111s institution. Allium- of Knapp Btirrell & Co. He is ot as a good business man. R E Mulcahy, formerly superinten-: dent of theOregon Pacific railroad, is now j engaged in the grain and stock brokerage : business at Fort land. This is somewhat I in Mr Mulcahey's former line of business, and in which he is said to he a rustler. Geo Humphrey, who has lieen ill for , some time, is again sufficiently recover ; ed to resume his duties as deputy t' S ' marshal and left today for the front and : will go to Yaqtiina tomorrow on busi- ' ness. oiiege is located at Alnany, Oregon, on the east bant of the Willamette river. The city has ulioiit 4.6C0 inhabitants, and is very pleasantly situated at the crossing of the Nuithern Pacific and Oregon Pacific railway. It is thus easy of access either by nil or water. Flourishing churches of several denomi nations would indicate that it is a city of thorough moral and religious char.uter. where students may find church homes to suit taste or Mliaf. Our prosperous PlOSUJ tenan church welcomes all who come from CitAHMiNd Music The kind of music that, suits the masses is a man playing on fifteen or twenty instruments, a clog dancer nd I clown singing comic songs. Those who attended the Mendelssohn concert last evening didn't get a laugh except when the concert master spilt his music; but they got great masses of classical harmony, brilliant thinirs from Beethoven, the prince of com nosers, some of Verdi's melodv. Schuberoi best and Vieuxtempa Fantasie, perhaps the best ever given aur citizens, clear cut music without a Haw in the ring, erfect harmony, wonderful execution ami the correct expression. But then vou have to have the ear to get the whole thing into your brain. Miss Lila Juel was heard four titnts, twice to encores. Her voice is clear, strong and very flexible, showing great cul ture, a treat to lovers of vocal music, tsh knocked the top off high C without an ef- I not generally followed tort. Mr W Uiltonl .:ili, 01 UorvalllS, was heard in four selections on the piano. He is a comprehensive player, does his execution with filing, sad shows the splendid training he has received. He is a master of technique and undoubtedly has a bright future as a pianist. His Novelette in A. Schumann, win particularly pleasing to the Man about Town. Special meeting of Albany Lodge No t I IOUF this evening. Parker Bros today tent to Yaqtiina City I a fine assortment of cakes for a party to be held there tonight. The brightest place in Albany s oppo- I site the DkmocRAT oilicc, caused bv the successful shines of Henry Burton. I Mr P J Miller Is quite an rgg man. II ha; a buff leghorn that lays eggs right; along about C x 7',' inches In size, one shown the Man about Town being that iise, The prohibition meeting which was to . have been held in the W C T U hall last nljjht did not occur for the reason that i the speaker Rev K B Sutton was detained at tCotraNts, Toe request to remove bonnets and liat was responded Io ny only part f tnose attending ihe concert lasi evening. The Uea Is a good one and It It regretted was Highest of ail fa) Lcacning Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report rowaer - ' ' I J ss CO I STY WAItRASTS. 0tober 1959 57 Novwutwr :o4 'M Deeesafaer ' .. 1827 i,j jnuary ; 105 fiO March 14 .-55 Decemlier, Bid ley J N Huncan at tax sale for Linn Co., Or 1 1(53 24 AMOI NT PAID TO CO! STY TUKASI KKI:. ABSGJUreiY PURE letober. . . November. I tee-ember. , Jannary. . . February . . March OOUSTT WARIIA5TS. "WE 3D 1ST 23 S 3D.-5T HOME AND ABROAD Pn'Jn I.t i'i ),,. niiil nil , . 1 , -li The picnic party to Knoxx Butte Sat- seek its fellowship. The colleiw buildimr is a very inviting place 111 all leapetli. I Its down or more rooms are light, airy , anil comfortably furnished, and heated by furnace. The large Assembly Hall IS bright and cheery, and provided with dec -I trie incandescent burners. The grounds comprise two whole squares , o! the city plat. The lailliundlngl .uv . healthful and inviting The scholastic work of this institution is manifestly of the highest onler. W'e wen' u raay atteruoon was a great enccess socially. These attending were Misses Alita Arrick, Marguerite llopkina. Maud Crosby. Edna Mackev, Mollie Laner. Stella Porter, Ora Flinii, Josie 1 Laselle, and Messrs Oeo Washburn Emit Kwert, Wilifril Campbell. Claud Vunk, Kealto Weatherford and Bert Veal. Two or tl'.ree years ago the Democrat lost track of a subscriber who had taken ine paper since almost its nrst issue. non. 1 ao years at,o, 011 account of failing health, he "eft Monroe, altera residence there of forty 1 ears or more, and went to Texas. The other day Judge Burnet; received from Mr Shan non's brother, at Kastland. Texas, a letter, saying; "Brother Milton desires a copy or two of your county paper. He says it is about convention time, and he is now anxious to know what is going on." Thus from a distant state the old war I ore takes a lively intetest in the political battle going on in Benton. The letter says that the o d BMW is well and strong. Pendleton has two base bail clubs named Potatoes and Hot Stuffs. They ought to T.aae tt hot f r each other Twentx -se en law students of ihe Cni versity of Oregon will be txamined be fore the mpreme curt at Salem. Vav 31st, to be admitted 10 practice in this state. The Elwood will he up the liver Wed nesday her wav to H . the present big land subsidy to some one to 1 "nd will go north Friday morning. Let snipper laae advantage ot the trips ol this popular ooat. MrsBeattv has rented the loarding house of Mrs R F Ashbv on E lsworth street and will hereafter rui it. Prompt attention to '.he needs of boaders. The Boston Quintette Club were in Albany about thirteen years go, exhibit ing in the old Froman opera house. WlkikmiUliMti mnnonlin n..h. 1 lney "ere a grea; sj.-cess '.nen and wi.l ing a cart tround ton with a lot of i now ur'der lhe lmt s :ndid oigan- clothes in it or to have a fine wagon drive j "ation. lhe republican county central commit tee met Thursday afternoon and placed B F Nichols in nomination for county clerkandj H Mi lei for surveyor, the nominees of the coiivention having de clined. OchocD Kevtew. i ue louowing irom ttie lorvaina limes greatly plea-ed with the esprit de corps o: tells about him : Old residents of Benton the in!-titution in all of its departments, count- have not forgotten Milton Shan- There was class enthusiasm, on the Kirt of OXCI AN Press gives KniTOR. The the following Esparto, Gain interesting ex- student and teacher, a most neevseary con comitant with school life, for the attain ment of the highest results. There was also the cordiality between teacher and student, which indicates kindliest interest on the part of the former, and highest respect and confidence 011 the part of the latter. There was also a marked gentility amongst the students, and an excellent religious tone, making the college a helpful retreat to all who may enter there. The class work is thorough, aiattd at the development of the capabilities of the individual, rather than the mere perform ance of the routine duties of the hour. This we conceive to be one of the important j Washington was vet living Her birth 00- ample of the Bps and downs of life : Koliert Bruce Smith, an old printer, dropped into; our otlie last h'riday evening. Mr Smith I began journalistic life by publishing a paper called the "Herald" in Kugene. Ore- j gun. in the year 'til. When the war broke out. Mr Smith and his associates in the pa Mi failed to agree, be taking the part of the north and they being in favor of slavery, i so the publication of the "Herald"was sus pended. Mr Smith afterwards edited a paper at Tho Dalles, Oregon, and at other places ia Oregon and California. He is a good printer and a good writer; but, like 1 BMHy others. h,ul not the good sense to keep that which he made when t lines were prosperous with him. but formed the habit of traveling from place to place, with the result that he is now an old man. growing heble with age. without money or friends. , and wandering aimlessly about, unable to get work at his trade. Nearly a Centenarian. We get the following Linn county item from the Cor vallis Times: Over iu Linn county, near Shedd bast Saturday, died an ag-d lady whose life linked the present with the past century. Her name was Mrs Martha I nderhiil. and she wa lioru while Owe features of a successful teacher's work. Not ; so much the imparting of knowledge, but the training of the student to think, to reason, and hence tj know independently. ; This is properly education. Albany Got , lege is doing excellent sat lice in this I direct ion. Her methods are w-iso. and her grade is equal to that of any other inttitu j tion, cast or weit, with lik- facilities and ; equipments. curred at Dorset, t' county. Vermont I T'.tf. four years before the father of hi ountry ; awav. She iUe.1 at It Is only of late jeas that rheumatism has been treated as a blood disease. But that this It a correct throry is proved by the extraordinary success aitcnd-ng the use of Ayer's Bareaparilla, In this painful and very prevalent malady. It seldom 'ailj of radical cure. J W Stewai t, who In upon Willow creek, Wasco county, drew ihe Exami ner's eleventh priae, a I've acre lemon tract In San Diego county, Cal, worth about $1000. Mr Stewart is a hard work ing and dcerving oung man. The Evans and Soniay company ae having a lougti time getting a place in which to exhibit in Uicgon. Athland, (Scants Pass, and In fact nearly all ot the Oreivjt ettiee, ae rtfusln them license. Mrs Melissa I) Thayer, an old residtnt t or Benton courty, the Thayer farm being a prominent place beiween Albany and Corvallis.dicd In Portland yesterday after noon, at the age o 7 j years. The re mains ef Mrs Thayer will be taken to Corvallls to-morrow for burial. There were eight bids for bulldir.g the reform school simps. The lowest was that of BanttJ & Oiinucr, $S,4oo, the highest that of Gray A Stephens, i,7jo, which ' shows that the stem of figoring on con- ; tracts Is a sort of a fco-a iou -please affair. There are Sarsaparilias and Sartaparillat ; but if you are r.ot careful in Jor.r pur chase, the disease you wish to cure will Only lie intensified. Be sure ou get Ayeta SafaaaanQa and no other It is compounded from the Honduras not and oiher highly concentrated alteratives. The As'.oria Herald, a radical republi can paper, si ; t.'harles Nickel! of the Jacksonville limes secretary of stae i' Colored glasses of every description at French's Jewelry store. Spectacle-, and eye glasse for every Lcx'y at French's Jewelry s:o.e The Modoc met with an accMcm yei erday near Saiem thu ss ill lay it up' for awhile. Do not ferget the fart th French keeps the largest stock of optical goods in Linn county. If you war.t a fine photograph real cheap, call at the Kailer v ror Jnd and Ferry and Have S sample made. A 8 Thai p has just entered lhe peni tentiary lor three y.ars for stealing a calf over in Wallowa county. Eugene ha a board ol trade whicli meets regularly . As boards ot trade are considered to be boom affairs this sound somewhat odd these quiet davs. At the -neeting of Albany Lodge Nc 4 1 O 0 F to be field this evening there srK be work In the initiatory degree. AH member requested to attend. J T Gregg has reined a secretary of the State Agricultural Society and CB Irvine has jen appointed. A good change, one mat will be appreciated by 'be pre'. Wherever the Chicago Ladles Qjartet sing they give unbounded st;itacucm, and ihe advice I universal to hear the. After all good vocal muic tuns the nub- 1: . s. .... . ' nc ocsj. ik not tan to be at the house Friday night. SEMI-A NN'I 'A L STATEMENT, Semi-annual report of the county clerk of Linn county, state of Oregon, showing the amount and number of claims alloam.! ICMober i November j ltcuiler ... January . March j Iecefrjljer bid in I Statk ov Oiieoo i 1 County oy Linn. ) .$ :r7-2! 90 . J849 ft'J . !I749 85 . 1832 36 . 1757 fjtj . 10i: m . 1959 .77 . 304 99 . 12fJ2 06 670 85 1466 35 . 1163 24 I, C C lar.kson. sheriff of scid contifv eb. by the county -vlrt of said county, for what We,'y rtifff .,hat 0,0 U,T9 statement , f - . in wrmi anu em'. """' amount 1,1 warrants drawn, and 1 amount of warrant out standing and unpaid, from the let day October, ' 189.;, to the :lltt day of March, 194, Ujth inclusive : Witness my hand this 24th dav of A D, 194. opera SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. and nominee build a road for Portland. Which The Bstr. The rt-d Dr Adams, of San Francisco, in one of bis lectures to his class said that falls one-ha!f of the opium fiends on the Paciric coast acquired tna habit when young bv wear ing clothes that had been iaundried by Chinamen. Think of the matter serious ly. Which Is the rrost benefit to vou 1 up to your eace and get iour clothes and take them to be done up by white people Who wants to have their children sub jected to all the disease thai leah I heir to, and more than all, the terrible fumes of opium, from clothes djne up bv China men. A Small Blaze. A ckse call to a aprtona tire occurred !aat niaht ahnut 7 o'cloca. Flames were ssen issuing from : clncl nd thc ho,se commen- 1 near the uucaing ana ciugn; us toot mine resilience ot her daughter Mrs Usenet, n-ar I Shedd, at the remarkable age of '.9 years. I two months and 2S days. Ten days ago I she was hale and he-arty, strong iu mind 1 and body, and more Srcy than most women usually are at sixty. A week before her 1 death however, she was seized with t.neu- Ihecla-ssof students now in attendance ! moni.i fever, and to its ravages she fed a ia certainly of a most excellent charact-r, victim. She was the mother f thirteen intellectually, morally and phvically. The : cluktoen, four of them living, among them religious 'one of the institution "is very A I'nderhill. of Philomath, himself a healthful. Two christian aaaocif lions are ' white haired old gentleman of rip r year sustainl. and tho memla'rs are earnest and j than most men live to attain. The re active in their work The members of the I mains vere interred yesterday in the Cu-n-facnlty are all actie christian workers in n,an cemetery in Linn county. touch with the religious progress of the I . Jav. 616 j A Hi-man CiRiosiTY-Within the Here is an institution of which the limits ct Lane county there is a freak ol Synod of OttMB may justly be proud. It ! humanity with few if any parallel, and deserves the full confidence and most hearty 1 which might well interest the student of support of the Presbyterian of this -t.ite. physical scien-'c. About 11 mile west of Parents mav here ti nil a safe and invitinc Fug-'ne near Lji-.g Tom itk.ftii'e resides Arthur Sloan traded horses Wednesday. He rode hi n?w hor; iror.i Ninth to Elevtnth street. There he got off to the roof o! the Episcopal church flue- Chief Er.gir.eer Dannals. Maggie v hue, secretary oi No I s and i)r G W Maston, of the H & Ladder Co and a few others formed a bucket brigade and soon had the flames extinguished without any unnecessary alarm. As Old Book. Though not 'so old as a couple of books mentioned, a book owned by Mr A B Matthews is a very interesting volume. With dark sheepskin cover and yellow leaves it is only a century plant. The book is a copy of the minutes of the confer nee of the Methodist Episcopal church ! conducted bv John Weslev from 177- to 1794, and prist ed in 1796. value. stirrup. Ttis threw it to the ground, one cf its legs btlng broken as it fell, and lhe horse had to be shot. Sloan had owned the horse but about fifteen minutes. Ejgene Guard. GartCaV may herennd a safe and initinir home for their sons and daughters while laying the foundations, intellertnally and spiritually, upon which to build" life's superstructure in time, and for eternity. Presliyterian of Oregon, you owe this institution your support in everr sulistan- lor one of tb? able ! the ' iourna lasts in Oregon. Mr NtckeH is a gentleman whom it it a pleasure to meet, and as an entertainer be ha no equal Nickel) is all light Following is the ticket in Ben ton countr: Joint senator, James Bruce: joint representative, Tbotna. Stakcly . ol Lincoln county; representative. Felix Dibelc; judge. F A Ch-noweth : clerk Perry Eddy; sheriff, Jjhn Kee. recorder, W r Braggins; treasurer, Ncl It Wheeler : cornrr.i-iot.ert David X'arderpol , tuper Intenicnl of sr.VmU, Miss Harrington, eS , seor, R Logan. Sunday afternoon ol 2 o'cuek as Gu Johnson ar.J S T Hobert rre talaing on , lhe latter's farm about tau mile froni Silverton beaeath an old oak t'e which 1 had beer, burning for two dav the tree sudJenly fell, and before Mr Johnton could etcapc he wa augbt by a limb and tfsroarat don and the inaii povM a cl , the fiuge tree fed upon Mm crusnl. (o death. tan went ! Reeburg this Goin, of Seio. were in Mr J.. noon. Mr and Mr- Kd the city sodatv. Among the drummers in MbUKf today were G ld Smith. Good Field and' Would Bury. Gen Xelson A Miles, third in rank in the U S army, passed through A'bany fBS terlay morning. Mr Alex Itennie and Mr Will Blosa. of 1 r.:':.i. wre in the .it v this ncAm 1; tU:r way home from Portland. Mr I unninghaiu. f Miiton. an old j view) cf Mr Frs lieis. who has ben in ' the e-ity teveral itays, ietume.1 home today. I li .ii . m r Den t Milan i.i returnee irjm a sv - ix oi t- aixowfto. County Judge - 'alary TrercstirtT. salary Ck'rk. salary .SherilT. fi;es Commissioners pet diem Aect Assessir School upt Coroner District attorney Surveyor I'tupers and pocr Koads. bridges and lumber. . Court house and jail Stationary and printing Insane Incidental expanses Fuel Witnesses in criminal cases . Petit jurrors Grand jurors WitneK-es before grand jurv. Bailiffs viewing and survejing road-. R"ad supervisors IWnty. "reticinary exaiuiisationi . . . Total amount claims allow ed Lnd ilrawn from M. 1-t. to March L8M $ OfTSTASDIN', WAHUVNTS f.V Outstanding unpaid county warrants on Ui- 3 1st dav of Mar h. IfjfM ...J Estimatsd iataest a.Trrrl thereon MO 00 500 05 K.J1 -J7 U2a 77 174 60 1.177 00 :.94 Io 21 25 ". . to 70 00 I-s; H 357 50 -X', to 99 00 58 152 0Y; 235 50 900 BO UC, 70 2J8 20 163 00 147 ."aj 1799 15 188 00 7-1 84 7..V) 58 i'AtU. ?..43fi :?2 :a', t C.CJACKBON. Sheriff of Lina county. fsemi-annual summarv statement of th 1 financial condition of the county of Linn. in the state of Oregon, on the 31t day of ! March, A D, IBM, LiaBIUTIEK. ., Warrants drawn on the county treasurer, uid outstanding j and unpaid ( W.iyfi 32 LVtimatel amount of interest aoaned thereon ou-i 00 Htate taxes due for year 191 . . . 3.609 12 ; State taxes due for "year 192. . . 10.032 32 state taxes d oe for year 189.5 34,515 87 Total liabilities -65,095 83 SHER FF SALE In tlu Circruit Court of li- Stall Orrgov for Linn County. A A Kelly, Plaintiff, vs II C Klepptr and E V Klep per his wif;, J I) Walton and 8 J Walton hi wife.C H Stewart trustee, A P Blackburn as ad ministrator of the estate of Owen Kees, deceased, and Geo C Cooley and J II Washburn partners under the firm narre of Cooley A Wathbrrn. Defendant. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an execution an order of sale duly issu ed out of the above named court In the above entitled suit to me directed ar.d delivered, ( will on Saturday the 26'h day of Mav, iS4, at the front door o the court house in the city of Albany, Linn County, Oregon, at the hour of 1 o'clock p m of said day sell at public auction, for cah In hand to lhe highest bidder, the real property described in said cxe.-ut.on and order of sale aa f lows to-vi'.: Let No seven and eight, in bloci No twenty five io J M Kaliton'a ad ditioo to the town of Leranon, Lnn Oregon, aa shown by the map ae! plats rf aid tuwc, now 00 file in the efij .e of tbe Recorder cf Lion coonty, Oregon. The proceeds arising from aaid sale to be applied first to tn payment of the coat and dis bursements of aaid tait tixed at f31.45 atd the "cost and acc-t.ios; cota cf sail aa!e acd to the payment cf 25 attorney fee and the payment of plaintiff's claim amicus? to the ram cf 247."0 together with interest thr 00 at the rate of r. per cent per aLt-crr. from the 10th day of January, IVJ4. ar.d the overplus of tie proceeds of aaid aale if any there be af at thu payment of the abor lonia to be appiied as io aaid zcotion and order of aale all acted Dated this 251b day of April, 1S94. C C Jackso-x. Sheriff of Linn County Ore. KESOURt as. P-.-nds in hands of county tresis -urer applicable to the pay ment of county warrants and state tax $ 19.445 09 i Q applicable to the payment of county warrant and state .tax 5,440 -4 -stiraated unpaid or-urrent taxes applicable to the payment of county warrants and state taxes 71.52- 85 1 Total resources. . . ,$9,414.77 err . . 1 w -jgsw i tx-s.- ar Total amount cf unaid warraeL- ... j STATK C.r ' KM,'i'. GREATLY REDUCED PRICES MADE BY SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY 1 J-a T Catala-r sf Tcsaaii aaa Ftavar. rulattal 114 amrrs 3. 1 1-i larks, with esarri. trams tkat aVarriW, rot amies; iilBftratisaa that aot exazzrratc Tbe crrrr It atataaSaaj in haranckioa tlcadis; ' wm-r r prints l&ip-iarl sLia. acciid baca-gnaryi- a dpeaas of la:r. Vf ot Html'.t pria4 in S diBrrrB a. in. AU lix Vadtnj rsoirilJn aal lh br-w of toaold anOca. Taaat fcaxS ttaT csz.-A a?ri to ran -r r: -S. Ear aOSLlf GCC25 wzim jam. wit! m'.n Ita atZAaTZZ. It is arA t ewory loaaTTrtijr thst Vlrfi rd trow, this is Xnowa C s-'.ria oirr. and aim thattbis.-rwt jaj. A vsrj h:: -! f-jrp!-jT awda-ill aire grocsr's aad iur. tor-s'e:!. MasyoooaTKdtaFlonlGsaaethclia vw eatalocwc Sav ISM. If yoo lor a am awtatas mnst .Mini BKtv.Ti-kiSrmfits. aiilcfa ntartedmSiaue fr.Au f orirt. SXM Cas rriaaa ! ratatata. " I ft iiurs i'irc-fs onaic- star. y.I. JHIBLi aitwfV O OUB3, i-ra! l.i Ano.licr tnov :trri Mrs Man Marsh, a wid.iw and tiie r.vther of several ch'ldren. all of hom except one '., l...-..!., I. ..1.. 1 I t ' , .1 . - . I secure lor aquins a tfe savtni miriii I Ins, ma. is -i irl llllrT.. v. -its; ..I a?e. only weijfhs 35 pounds, and is but S! inches in heijjht. Hut tbe straase part of Cotmrv ok Lai, ) 1. N P I'ayne. county cier'a of the county , 'f Linn, slate of ' rr-gnn. io hereby certify ' that the forming -s a tme anl eonct Mainview. flie rert that be was at ian -sBent 01 Ui- number and amoant rf 1 ranciseo was latftmel bv several hundred OWSasje allc-wed by the county court of said miles. ! ccuntv.forthe six months ethling on the.JLt ' dav of Man :.. I '.: u! anortnt th- -j:.-,- were allowed, and the arc-ant of warrants drawn, and the amount of warrant.- out- 1 standing and unpaid as the same appear . 1 . . . . ac t t I u -11 iw iTc.-ciTu.s eii ins cHjiesr arj-i in my i.'l - al custody. FOR THE SI St . . - w . jjiss a-: is it:?iw. one ct jsivrt e s1 1 t 1 unnii'.tf r j; iaii. s. who :- r-i w ! at Albany attendtnir college writes thst 1 if is mu h pleased with the xheJ and I ,.nt -urroiiiidirff-.-Cor Koseb-arx s' a I New Brick Yabu Mr H J Clark is clearing way tbe ground for a new brick yard. Henry always makes good brick ' and those wanting brick should engage him to make them. Well and Happy Thanks to Hood's SsrsapsrWa-Dull Headaches -That Tired Feeling. Gate, erre.. April 22. 1KM. Neat Lewis Las about c-ornpleted his new house. E C Xeal came home Sunday from tbe lower country, wherj with B F Ramp, they addressed several audietces on tbe It is a relic of j political situation as seen from a populist etanopoint. Henry Sullivan returned borne last , week. Henry and his brother Charlie has been taking in the southern portion of ttie country, visiting California.Texas, Arizona and New Mexico. Charlie is in Douglas county. Tillman Ford refuted to meet T J Mc Clary at Turner and AumsviHe, in a joint debate. The cowardice shown bv there republicans would stop a train of ten cars and an engine. Dolpb and Sherman propote to fight tbe ilson bill because it reduces the duties cn prunes. The ignorance of some : people is amusing. The Lnited States j annually exports more prunes than are i raised in the rest of the world. What is i the use of protecting our exports? Surely 1 Dolph and Sherman must have patented 1 a new argument in lavor ot protection. The railroad between this place and ! Mill City is in a bad shape. The lies are n.ostlv all rotted, and coupled with the 1 precarious condition of tbe road bed. makes tbe road dangerous, nor is tins an. In one place water is running ender the rail) leaving it in a dangerous shape. Mr tial way possible. Give it your prayers, of the development of this little girl is that af otsrs Then give it vour dollars, as your ! her mind. She has nvvr passed th? tseinl part in answer ng belb-ving praver. S-nd ot babyhood, and her talk, play an I actions here vour boss and girb. resting assnre-i 1'? ,f two or three year oid baby, that thev wiil return to vou well equipped ' Sb l WfcnnsJ and pretty, ha p.eavint for good' citizenship in our Republic and wa.?': an,i 1'" tmtm. Her also in the Kingdom Heaven. H-r is an ls ''?!' lw?v.v- anJ of. a beautiful oportunity for someone to whom the Lord ' !ui,rf aunt given us by our has I sal I tests il wealth, to n-ar for himself a lt wlrtn n' monument to his own memorv that shall ' .n? passing that vicinity ! -'. ; and see stand generations vet to be. Albanv Col- ; ',' ,vouth ln I""; x?1 ""f lege ncls more scientific apparatns, and d-veIopmenL-t.uard. gymna.-iuui equipment. Mie mssis air-. Tiia Caoi-s. Tbe following .s from ; observe- Ulandfonl' weather teprt. Kavorable weathe conditions having prevailed there is at cheerful vein run ning t hrcjngh tbe reports received ibis i wee . With the exception of a frot which evidently bad injurious elfeetson the fruit crop in the southern counties, tlie work of progress remains unchecked. eoa-t 1 The frost had evil effects in the Willam niay elto vallev owinir to bavin; been libt. mitory. that will enable students, short in finanevs. to attend the college more econom ically, and thus increa- the enrollment. Then. too. she need- endowments, that h-r self sacrificing faculty may receive support Snan- ially commensurate with the abilities and labor be-towed upon tbe in-litution. Is there not sasne man or woman in our splendidly e-juipped church on thi or elsewhere, wh'rse money tbe Ixml us.- in th" i-nlarg-tnent of the efficiency of this excellent institution'.- lb-re certainly i- an open door- who will entr-r ? Oakvillc. and It isi e.sod ane For the past ti! year a service be--n needed in lhat St, than aaatl ihereov many bves cifid have been saved which were lost. Capt B.akeney, chief of tbe iif-- saving a" i."e-. and ('apt Hooper, of tbe '-Ri:bard Rush.' have been looking over the pro-ind- b-jt 1 as ytt no d5ai-te s!-e his rcen e!ec:ed Host B B Miller was in Albany yestenLy. iT 1. Watkins. cf Va-mina City was in ' Albany today. , B Morin. Harris'jurv's iui liit- r.mas ! in the city today. F-asteru Star tonight. Be rare and at tend, itood tune aasured. Licrnre has len issued for the marriage jOf tliarless KinganO NarA-y K Sampler. Paul Brandt, one of the editors of the Portland Siaal An-;ger. has leen in the city. Hon L II Montane e. demorratic nominee for pr-ssecuting attorney, went le Portland this noon. tt K. tiist n Tan-- Betaeen A.bany an.l Cores 'Us B day April 20. 18f. tbe fat passenger Altona wi'l make trips as follows: l.ave rVUkMty 11 a m. and .' p m. Leave ( or-, alba I p ro. and Iave A.iutny for Independence I p m. Fare round trip 50 els. Trips will la potooed until the fol 1 w ing Sunday if weather is stormy. By It. M Semi n v h..n I and the al of the county court I sjiid countv this 17th I b of April. A DtfJBi N V. PAYNK. Ciasislj ' lerk. Iv-puty. CALIFORNIA MIDWINTE K .'i'SsS&JmS WuK MEN Prof Johnson Smith gav- an entertain ment last Tuewlay evening to a few of his friends. The oartv consisted of I E Jun kin. J P. White. 0 N Whit-. Mr Abbie Stot.e and Mrs Kva Bhiek. The Prof and lady are very entertaining and sociable. The evening w.x spent in nm-ic: and all lenjoved themselves to the fullc-sl extent, as only pofiulists can. Mr If '? Farrar r!.;mf 1 bust wtek from a prospecting tour in Southern n-gon. He only remained a few daj. starting for Eastern Orepou yesAuday morning, lb thinks there is letter prospts ting east of the mountains. Mias Kffie BarW. of Lamp Creek, i- vis iting friends litre. We itknowleig a pleasant call frjtn her. fall again Mi-s nor in the coast districts owing to the backward state of bloom in that section. , r'rosts are becoming less frequent. The lack i.f rainfall during the past wek on abl d farmers and horticulturists tn progress in their respective lines. That i the average rron of spring grain will be som n is assured, seeding is far advanc ed in some sectionswhile in others plow- inn 1 a a I. am r.1 - aa,-rr triAn T n I M i ra J a. HS9 .1.1 v riu IU". HUM, au 11ns - spect Marion county seems 10 re the I '-' - i most backward. In some portions of tbe j Bee WJA Tr..w seturnel this noon fr- :xi 1 Willami'tte vallev farm?rs have finished ' a meeting of the '.ngTvgationa! aasociation I'v.xccRoi "m. Salem h-vl anMbfr trolly aot blent yvtevlay. a ctmm a occur rence there. The Journal says: Supt F N Isitby was. badly shocked at three o'clock this afternoon, while adjusting a live .jverhe-ed wire cn State street Hi hajtd was burned some and only by Atotceas saved himself from a bad fall. After n-aching the street he fainted away from the effect of tte shock and was carried in itial statement of the COmSstv ' treasurer of Linn county. rnsgvn. f thte -ix month ending on the ;llst -lay of Marih. A I, 1KM. of monev received and paid out. srooi whom receive. 1 and from what sourer, and on what SOOMBmf BaWBSas pail out : AsK't nt rceiuvu). M4. 1 BSSmSd thnnigh Allcinv yestenlav log Ds-1 5 1 rug-tore wb-n- be wr Uoit to deliver a political speech." laXJOB reviye.1. He had a narrow escape 1111 bis uie. fsee Misse Kva Cwan and Prrmfl Pfeiffev left this nn for Portland, wlveje they will I visit fnendV for two or three weeks. Mr P H James returned last night from a trip east, where he was called, on a. tint of the stricus illnss and death of his Mr. W. H. lolea Ban Francisco, Cal " One of the greatest mistakes people make Is to lock the door after the horse Is stolen, or ln other words, to wait until they are sick ln bad before they do anything for the poor body. Kelther my wife nor myself were real sick; I attended to my business, and my wife to her household duties dally. But we had dull, heavy headaches, and a little over-exertion would tire us greatly, and my appetite was very poor. 80 wa innk thru hnttlaa nf liooii'a fiarsauarllla. and the result was perfectly satisfactory. I be lieve Hood's Sarsapartlla. Saved Us a Severe Sickness And a big doctor's bill. If people would only remember that ' an ounce of prevention Is worth a pound of cure.' there would be lejs suffering In the world. My advice to all who do not feel HoodVsCures well Is to talis Hood's Sarsaparilla.accordlng to directions, and you will be well anJ happy." VT. B. Tons, 143 12th St., Ban Francisco, CaL Hood's: Pills cure all liver ills, constipation, biliousness, Jaundice, sick headache, iudigestlon. flark should attend to this The argument of the republicans, that hthe:. the depression is caused by the threat of 'r Charley Kamford t ailed on . . -r..-- ... I Lu tariff IS ...... UCLULSJiaiB SW iciioc Hi: .miiu io terous. It is a canard gotten up by the republican birlings expressly to catch ignorant voters. This statement is a libel on the voters of this country. The last week. Mr B is an old soldier and is badly crippled with th- rheumatism. He is get ting a small pen-ion. but not enough for Lis support. l , !!., atS ,.t idea that the majority ol the common ; . friJf people do not know what is best for tlie , , ,. .,, , , masses is extremely foolish. It does not ! 1 republicans will have 11 grand mass rise even to the level of common non- meeting tonight. J Hcni S A I'awson and j sense. If this financial depretaion jg I J Fred 1 ates will amlre the nie-eting. ! caused by ti e ll.reat of Uriff reduction, I they "ill explain the new isue that IS 1st as charged by our enemies is true, '.hen fore the people the tariff 1 Tliey will show the best thing for this nation to do is j tbe foo i.-h prohis tnat they are throwing' to have a recei .ersppointed, and change I away tueir votes and the woo OBOBl tbeev 1 our government t . a monarchy The j e s more prote, tion than all the boys on C. of -Russia ia recommended for the ' earth, and then didn t ttie republican party- ire' tlie niai K man.- .in niiniiuui ao K-lte seeding. The Field Pay. Friday Mav IS has Iseen set tor the field day by Ibex MCA. A good many entries have leen made. and some live contests are expected. The contestants will put themselves in condition for tbe rares and contests and i nothing will be left undone to make tbe i event a suecessiu'i one. Tbe contests wili i be 100 a cd iKOyard rnns.l'Jii yard bardic race, running broad jun p. bop step and jump, putting 16 pound shot, throwing lt pound hammer, throwing 41 pound hammer, throwing base ball, 1 mile bi- iu t Photo Co trees Bros for your grocer le. BlUimMattnr!- lbs Columbian l as Isiught tbe tiallerv cor. f.25j 5.00 j 4tX00 10.00 ; in Forest firove Mrs Trow went to thc laile on a three weeks' visit. Mr W Oiafosd Nash will SOQB :it Ai brny a eiip!e tLiys each wr-ek in onier to give instructions on tbe wtvld's favorite musical in stniment. the piano. Mrs F li Koo- lias sold her handsome res denoe on Third -trod, to Mr P J 'miiey I for RfiOO and bet Washingt. ti s-r-. prop- : ertv to Mr Kd Washburn b-r $4-'-" Mr. ' Kos.v experts to g.v to ronian i to reside. ; comr-lectlor.. to t had of M Rus Albanv Ore. tnd end Kerry sts and are 6tting it up with the latest styles of apparatus and tbe finest instrtimetit Io be had. MrTic ' ale who has charge is a st'ictly first class artist, and positively guarantees as fine ; aork as can be had anywhere. Call and see the satii; '.cs and get prices. Ladies,' ry rbe Kelantine MaasaeafC ream the te-st prrpiratioa ever made for the Komrei . at Ami on ha-.d from lost report . . JfT Ami nsaspived from C C Jackson. sheriff, taxe, lMBdjMS-! 40 SfZ Am tree-from sh ff. del tax -s ls-rj ISSilA) Am t rec fr m sh! taxes lSSfcl I1CK.7I ' Am t re d J-j tgmt. eo-t. state vs J tt" llunaw Ami ree'd Smith k Roach, ferry license" Harrisburg A nit ree'd Ja.- McCain isne coll fnm John tt'assom Amt ree'd fn.'t:; C C IsctSQS rine coll fiern John Haley Amt n's-'d tt F !eakin a.t-"sss:.r poll tax collected Ami ree'd from X P Payne clerk costs seale vs J p Waasom. . Amt ree'd Brass J X Duncan f r county road Amt ree'd from X V i'ayne o"eTk trial fee Amt ree'd from Mrs tt" F Jewrtt recseruptic-n of land sold ai lax sale Amt ree'd frra X P Pavne re - dempticn e-f Job Lewis land sold tax sale .... Amt ree'd boss J K Wyatt. jndg- meut cost- ..,re , s Arnold . Amt ree'd from L M furl, tines collected justice court Amt ree'd fro::-. I. M f nrl, tines ROUNDTRIP tickets GOOD FOR 30 DAYS Utatn to San Frsstar) -AJsI r RETURN FOR so brtro dome s - ; .slob so I m as mar Th-1 g i CCnii r r TihiBdlan. Vslllt Wrat- s. h-ll:Utr Lows Wllh Earl y e asar Sa Tasat'a sddle ArrS aaekef Ttsri.r xm Mjvz&h. wxin msxsml I iah i n i-r.izr - r tn I aValEX WK SAV Cf I aVrarleds of reaatlta la c-arr ' awitwl aaal awamS tn lias paa afse tsar o -.-.rt- ra 1f t)l IBLR MIDtt ATEB aammaamaaS t one st erawawaaS R-j.: e ;-: . I t le rea-s: j tB 1 1 ,u iii.ii.ii.siir rif laa itaai star at ial j. naWal card mad m t3 cent sae Smas ts asked. Tt ptam e srd tde est :r. srxt.3a 03 tn ..- .i.i aocrcj isaj r-.- ct iarr caae for wt. e s;- 7 cf taoo alanS So be tt lrl oct-3d a 1 1 lima Trv 1 in irsiil uina tt WtM s Wrsra am itaelre tbe laO TCtSoo biana we preracre eackt days. B Hr. . crraiorr aral 1 raartl it aw ri ! ma aiaa prTtwrrt " treammesm we rtto"! i ct ractaaras frr 1 treatment cars ao pais or 1 aOas DOC preressauectajO to t rcr tzaai vaeasca Jrtl tial '--' 7 -.4 . IE apeak tr.-ei tfeoaamna eases ea MaWaS f. I: 1BBIS- PAsTiii.r i---. :- " mtnawpprT slt-ad.lrea.ijl u. ise . rmrr atStTT Ba . - ua bvm tamstr Icunaacat vaas o rtsmaaf SB macot tbe Pmstcis. Uamawlaasaa casaamaawmm - - We (to all. Tier ae a r i-s: SKO fer one t.rts trci: r .0 We ask aa ) tor liw axastrt. - -. -r2 aa-awl y-. -sl aad abode be al -r THS KAma8 aEQCO.. aStaeaststa C W X WgsSV. 26.90 I ne eding F1NT Gate THE FAIR Tickets Tj EICTJBSI08 TRIPS. receiverslii . C E BioanelK roctrrv siort is n 1 in nonularltv. He carries a fine in a light room, easily accessible and gives bargains Xext door to the P O. I increa-'i lock ! naansnm. I Ve will le irese-nt and re'rort. Asncce. race for Isjvs, ttigol war and nasktt Itall. open Io ins Bl lain ot ti.e Y 11 C A and tliose invited by committee, free lor all mile bicycle race, free for all 100 yard run, and free for all 190 yard hurdle race. N"T AlXOWaSLS. Tbe Western I nton operators at Kosebnrg and Mart h field have attached telephones to the tele phone w ire runninK between the two places. Persons speakit'K in the natural toneol voice in Marshfield can lie did linctly heard in Koseburir, and the operators are much pleased with their scheme. The telephone is easily dis connected and does not interfere with Kev 'I It Ki-her returned ve-ten!av from Canby where he hail been holdine reiifrious j tneetiiiL-. His brother Kev Fisher. Ot At-1 ,.' , , bany. cune down on the afterwoon fain j SrE t at. s U.K.- 1 or the next day. fmm Aloany.tyfstenlay afternoon and will ' of ladies and asjstsi hats, from 35 to 50 visit him tor a short time. Salem State- ct. Call early and have yonr choice, mau. Mits M K Kii.tki . Mr Prasn and son af 1 aapauaa, went to , Portland this noon. Thev will be rviiiem- bered as the victims of a ban 1 i.r in i lent aw !'"; I't' r. near Tc.lelo a ciiinle years aero. 'I lie little' l.ov was Is'inji- taken to Pi rtland to liave , t lean towris to mrerv castcrtrier atJVierecil his leg which smt est off near the knee, ihavir.,: pvb.rr iixeil up. He is one of the bravest little ' Batata at irtecka ahariu j ao.t hmtr fellows in the fj S. Mr and Mr T Bamnela, Mr and Mr- 1 .1 ' Creighton.Mr and Mrs n I -cmr. Mr and i Mrs J A Sounder, Mr and Mr- S X YYil- kins. Muses Cruicr. K 1 Horner. A V bow- ersox and W K lavlor. all members of Al- Ore Ake will tcp. relieve hcadacVte in to C'-rc Ake wil, l'l.tX1 1 From San Francisco to other point tn 1 aUlornia ar!!i be allowed ourchasert o' i specim: Micaiinter Fair ticket at the fol- H-!rcg rocrw trip rates To elation tinder 150 n-lles from San Francisco, on and one-third one waj fare. To fa tion i i ? mile or more from Sn Frar.ctsco. one amd one-fifth ore way are. For exact dates aral lull particulars, ln ejutre olC K Fronk, agent at Albany, O. or address the urtdei sjftaed. 1890 20.00 CSSJM -S 1 :a ILPiJT COLLEGIATE IlSfimn ALBANY, OREGON 1391, Ira Tei-aa asrmriS aeaxeawmwr Sit A ft- 1 corps of iavasTCetotsv WAsiSICAL, SCIEKTIF1C, UTEBABr COMMERCIAL AN3 NORMAL CLASSES. (attnc ot mtndv errar-csv :. -alf grsdea of student,- Sf: tmstaee.-a.-; crrrti ! '1 -irem &9-i&-StV. ftSHT CmWtrtX HOC' 265.6, to.eo collcscted. Total ms j.OO .KtoaS-t-t Rich"d Gay, T 3i Goodmas. Gen Traffic Man. Geo "senger Agt. San Frar cisco, Cal. E P Rogers, Asm: G F te. 9 Jgent, Vort land Or. H. E. HYDE. VC. It. PISPrNCEE. P. It. J AUKS ALBANY MSim CO., HffCOPOR A-T-mS"0 i t Nn. Am' on hand fr::; .t-t pj.rt 51 t 13.4 Amt roc floss C C Jsckstsi sefcod taxes ISsrJ Amt ree'd from -t.ite trvajcnT state appropriation Amt ree'd sale atSalol bonds schxd dist No 7 Amt re-"d J;e lVv,ilin. tine vi oiat- ins'ii'inor law Total the use of the wire in anyway. W j jhs Rnlwiksh lodysatpsal fiatrrnel Tisit tn 1 lie conitrattilited on inaV ing ibis arrange- New Advertisemenxs. G OOD Columbia mcyeie i'orsale. on T L, Dumont. GEO E FISH THE PLUMBER. Tin roofing and jobbing. Opera House. Opposite the During the absence of Miss Beta (iil'oert in California her music pupils will receive instructions from Mrs A M Hammer, who will also commence with any new pupils jy'no wish to enter the class before j. . Gilberts return . COUNTY WARRANTS Bought and sold by H F Merrill. "TJURE RREI) Silver Laced Wyandotte X eggs' for sale by 11 O Wood worth. EO(ig, Eoos, Eoos. Pore bred Silver Laced Wvandotts. Egita for the Albany Poultry Yards. From pen No. 1 and 2, $1.25 per i3; pea No. 3 $1 per 13. B Plymouth Rocks, 75ctsper 13. Jonn Brush, Albanv, Or. Cor 4tb and It K sts FOR BARGAINS in real estate addrens or eill on James W Cardwell fc Co., Jeffersor . AlbanylnsoraBceAf""' We have had over seven year, ience in the Home oftice and loca ance business,and can guaranteelr . written by us to be properly lookei . The following Is a partial list ol compi.nic represented by ut : Foreign No'tb British & Mercantile, Norwich Union. Phtrnii, London, Man hester, Guardian, Sun, Caledonian, Lon n & La ncashire. American 'Conlinental of Now York Westchester of New Yovk. The Cont nental of New York and Manchester England, write farm busii!--sH, taking note for the premium, with ample tirr..- fo payment. We respect fu ly solicit an good business. Office opposite o'.d post off-:.-. M SENDERS. Tne bljoil ii t'ie sjurce of hcaltb. ' Kejp it pure bv taking liooii's Sar.apa- ! ills, which is'pecultar to its self, and SSVl perior in strenir'.h, economy, an 1 medica' merit. Hood' Pills are purely vegetable, raie lu'lv iirepar-d from the Drit Ingredient. 2 ct n's Parker Bros lead in baked goods, as weii as in groceries. Thin Is the truth, as can be easily learned by a trial. When trading with ihem, you get wnat you call for. Do not hesitate to Place our cash with them. It buys guantity, quality and first class treatment every day in the week To retain an abundant head of halt of a natural color to a good old age, the hy giene of the scalp must be observed . Ap ply Hall's Hair Renewer. For 'he very Lest bread In the city go to the y S Bakery. fitr nn to $50.00 pkk wkk-k )ZmJ UU using and selling Old R. Hbie Piater. Ever-family has rasiv worn knives, fork, spoons etc. Quick ly plated by dipping In melt d metal. No experience or hard work; a good sit uatiou. Address W P Harrison 4 Co, Clerk No. 14, Columbus. Ohio. usbakeey: Fresh Br?ad Every Diy, Pies, Cakes, etc. Special orders BUUU1UJU. C D VANDYKE, Proprietor. 2nd etreetr between Ellsworth & Lyon. nocd 11TK WISH to employ t law f T men to Make 50 io $100 a week sell ng our Home Electric Motor- Runs aew In machines. priu.Ing presses, pumps, etc. Everybody buys them. Steady em -oplyment. Eiy situation and good wages. AddreHS W P Harrison A Co. clerk No 14, Columbus, Ohio. E10R SALE I? Linn County, ,180 acres of tbe best land on terms to suit. Will sell from 40 seres up to the whole amount. Call and see me before buying a home. I)r G W Maston. TO RENT. Two loams, newly flu itiLad, one suitabla for amall More or office, one for store, 20x00 feet. Will ba ready by March M. Call on Dr O W Maston for particulars. Km QbOTXS. J have jUBt received the new spring shades of the celebrated Centenieri kid gloves and also those with the large pearl buttons. I expect to carry these in colors to match the suitings. I rarrv also lines of the Foster hook, Biarritz, chamois and gauntlet gloyes. S E Yoi:Na. Young Americans love independence, hence let them sleep independently in one of those woven wire cribs for sale by the Albany Furniture Co. DRUGS Stationery, Toilet Articles, Musica Instruments, Etc. Hodps & McFarland, The Cornet Drug Store,". Albany, 01 Katie P.tirrh is her ingenuity in inent. Keview. A BatBfOOS Accioknt. Adispab h bass. M. Mmnville states that the Hon t) H Ir vine, ex-mayor of this city, and wife and child were thrown from a bugjry Sunday by 11 runaway team, and all received serious injuries, but none likely to prove fatal. The buggy was hurled down an embankment and iti-rally torn to pieces, lhe occupants were , taken from the wreck severely bruised. A teliMitione eeminmnieation from Mr Ir vine to his brother in this city, conveys the information that the only lnuiry done tliem personally -was a badly sprained wrist of jtfrv Irvine. It was n close call, though, to very serious results. SSII'E AND RaTTI.KSsi.VKES OeOTgS Stimson and W M Toner, two Wells Fargo men, Sunday were hunting around Ward's Huttc, where they pulled down the snipe with the alacrity of a Portland sport, getting forfv-three birds. Hesides the snipe, assisteil by Ward Hutte's expert. Scott Ward, they killed six rattle snakes and brought back several rattlers as 7 roof. One big fellow had ninn rattlers, and fought in 11 live manner before making his last rattle. The Iowa State Register sayo of the Chicago Lady Quartette who appear at the opera house under auspices of Y M C A Friday evening ; "The work of the Quartette Is ot the veiv highest order of meilt. The voices are well balanced and blend together dellghlfu'ly." The Elgin 111 Democrat sav : ''Miss Ngltnor both surprised and charmed those who have not heard her before. It was her first appearance In Elgin and we hope to have a' repetition o. her entertainment soon. Uld fashioned family plus only 10 cts a box at Fred Dawson's little Drug Store on the corner. It ia stated that the New York bankers have tent $250,OG0 to the republican bosses in Portland as a corporation fund for the Oregon election . This has given the republicans "confidence, nut S3 head is not enough bribe to control the voters of Oregon this year. That sum will buy sheep but not free men. When workmen's families are in danger of a sister livlge in Aiwinr t ituay nigni. . 1 hey report hospitable treatment at the hands of their Albany brethren. Corvallis Times. Fkidav NimtT. There is nothing so pieas;ngand delightfully entertaining as the cultivated human voice in song. Albany is not often favored with such a combination of talent as will appear in the oneia house Friday evening. The Chicago I-ady Quartette assisted bs the queen of impersonators, Miss Neltnor, will present a ricn program. secure your seats early at Hodges v. McFar The New York Hera d of April 15 re fers to Fort Sill. Oregon Territory, and vet Oretroa haa Men a state .(- years. 'The Herald must have a modern ignora- mous in its office. OT. Ftlcr-'s Cream faK..ig Powder ' ctv Years Vm tar Sal. fTcon Scmino. The undersigned is prepared to do wood sawing, and split ting and piling it desired, on terms to ;tnt tlie times. Leave orders at the feed store of R M Rooertson one door east of the Democrat office. Q8 Acl.eson. Motro silk fe and nr shads Young's. Msaaaiac, the ttle , jait recsived at S E mvned A wot T 44T4.70 5454.4J 70.00 $.t(M 13.00 r.i0 on. County warrants Interest on county warrants. . ... iienera! fun ! on hand To state treasurer, taxes for iSS1 To state trr.uurer. latasfbr l.v. Totsl paid IK&39.M ; .M.fSOl ltH-to.OSl 1 1000.00 . 9000.00 j $44036.84 Street Railway Time Card The car will leave corner of First aad Washington streets as follows : 7:40 am for Lebanon train. 5:15 " " Orphan's Home. 1 1 :o " " Jsoo.i train going north. 12:15 p in lor noon train going south. 1 " Lebanon train. 1 .30 " " Orphan Uome. 4 " " t,:5t, " " Overland train going south. For Orphan's Home on Sunday car wtH leave at J :3o, 3 So and 4.50 pm The car will also meet all Incoming trains on the Oregon Pacific railroad. C G Bt-RKHART Iftan, Ore. FURNITURE complete line of INERTAKIG EMBALMING Residence corner Srd and Ca!.-.pooia FOR CTS. JT. Glee's Creavm KaUinj Powder Moat Perfect Made A tlrnn lieu. Who doss nearly nil tLo washing in Al banv; Why. the Albany Pteam uuindry. Why, liecause thev do (irst-eliiss work at low prices. who patronizes tne t-liiiiatueii t 1 ti y .1 very few. Don't mention it. Have vou seen the now wagon. Its modern and holds a sbu-k of clothes. Their big business demands it. Etichardi A- 1 hillipi made it. inoy know iiow, ih wen as tow to do superior washing. The Steam Utuiulry washes for rich and poor and does good work for all alike. Try it, try it. Mv new goods have arrived. Please call uid t;e' pi Ids. Mrs John N Hon man. sc hool -rsi. Ou school sutierintendent.-' rants School fund on hand To school district NoTi... ..Sl.vv:.15 . )251vJ 42 . . 1998.50 . $10413.07 Kabo Corset. A perlect dress form. Presses lit perfectly over tnem. Appro ve 1 bv ail dressmakers. S E Y01 KG. IBB THING worth eon stdering Is the lact lha Will & Stark have a big and superior stock of watches, clocks, jewelry, unci t liver ware to select from -ri... 1 ... . ...1,1, -"ns;r M Cj' ii(' icii the limes In the latest novelties. If you want tne beat goods at reasonable prices call on them. Gahdk.s Skkds. e,very tody shotild have 11 garden. Are you one who will. Then go to Stewart & Sox Hardware Co and make your selection from a fresh supply Dr. Price's Cream slaking Powder A lure arepo Cream of Tartar Pom Jay. Albaay Market. Wheal ,40c. Oats, 25e. Flour, 13.00. Hutter. We. KgRS, 15c. !ard, IS to 15c. Pork hannuato Ifie; shoulders,to;i0; .(,!. . It to 13c. Hay. baled, f 7 o aloes, 4P". Applet , 4 Hops, 19c Oried frull - plums, (o, applet, So Chickens, $1 00 per doaan. Beef, en fc ot, 1 Hog, dreamed. btc. Tot;d iid State of Oregon. County of Linn. s 1. llricv Wallace. fc liereby certify that the foregoing is a tme and eonevt state ment of the amounts rvveived. 'vaid out and remaining- on in tht county treasury of said county for the six months endiiige.11 the olt dav of March. A 1. IStU. Witasss mv 1 an 1 this 7th dav of March, A 1. 1SW. BRIGE WALLACE. County Tjrasatnsr. ScMiii-ainuutl statement of the amount of money and warrants received for taves. and monev iviici to the county treusnrvr by the sheriff of Linn county. ( regon. for six tnontlts ending on the :tlt dav of March. A l. 189. la rm sssi wo mn asaasi A taaawpte Kasv-tofse. al emer wrairc. ixtvii r BKistns POZZONIS OWDER. Too hart aeen it advertised for raOTy vmrs. baa amve vou ever tried it U hot . vtaa do uot tnovr what an laaas I'naiiailTalr- Pwwtser lav ! An aareeabto IaxaUve aad Nsan iTccrra, ' SoUbr Dnunrists or sent trrraail. 25c, ; arai SjjSj per pacta jy. Saraples tree. VS. fg1 Tne Favorite TJ.'TS . Ay 1111 tor tie Teetaatii lltvalti,S5 SanDieocsCUs StttoU's e"a:arTh Itectcx'.y is the am Ca tain Sweeney, DJSsaV SETS NssMos betna aa ara'a-te.tsel boaaerSor. Ims manj reiraabina amtaa, It mfasamaat ohal au: . sut rsam. wliai-saa Irsaws iHTSiMrnlKn. --.; Inlaclll oats alKarte.-it Joalratjaa 4n.tam u the 1 aWrti.s- r aroalber. at ia mriai assw IS. Mnate. aatdrrss ,!. A. POZZO N I CO. St Louis, me 1 irienctnel have ever tocroa tost srouwero mo fswcooaV ITkcuoOcts. Soidbyliwulsrl shilch-s cure: " Tms QasAT Cocoh Pntx promptly ear i where all others fs;'u rorCeasnrflpuptaltnas 90 rival.- has corr-d thcsisancia. and will CTJJ TOXI, IT taxen iu 11" tw3sic.i.iivM,ti.,v rv.. kstiox this raevH. AMOI NT RKCKIVED. tVtober. . . . N oranbtt . . lHvember. . January Kebmary. . Mare p 1882 05 5090 a tan m s!2 :rJ f.4S :! I7tsa M nuisiuuu b muiiiirja nio iu uauger Ul 1 anil IUtlsc Jfciui dciuvmwh uuiu h iiru suinj starvlng.and their homes are in jeopardy, j of all tlie seeds in tho market, thu largest a 13 bribe don't go. Pendleton Herald, j stock in the city. Awarded Highest Honors at World's Fair PRICE'S npaflliBaking USPowder Star Baker; orftr .s.. 11 bin First HI KKfiAD mm, .ROPRiEieR, tvi i el rutin, t.'nsnware, rttsl rrwlls. Sutjueeo , The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millious of Homes 40 Years the Standard 'otlee. Kt uue Aea. tlueenawar Vegetakles, Cigars Mplcea. Tea. Bis.. ANNUAL MEETING. Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting ot thc stockholder ct the Wlll amette Land Company will ae held at the otSce of Curran and Monteith. in Albanv, Oregon, on Saturday the sSth day of April 1804, at J o'clock P M for the election of director and such other business as may come before said meeting. Dated March a6th 1894. A Hackclmav. Uao WWatGHT, President. Secretary, . svarrth.. that la kept In . ney ana aaocary tora, tog-Daw aamrkat prioa paid for AJJU JtlNDS OP PRODUCE Wall Paper lrttsss, JEainti, Oiln (iliihis, JBto J. A. Cumnung ALBANY. 0REC0