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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1894)
cinorut. Simply Absurd. The Heppncr. Gazette saye: Dave Hill's speech in the United States senate recently has impressed the country that the Wilson bill will be knocked Out lick and clean, and with It confidence has returned in a great meausre. This is shown by the fact that recently W S Drown, of Nebraska, '. ought Son held of shaep in Morrow county at fair figures. Sam Palmer here and has bought 1 2000 more. J W Wat son cf also here and wants from 5000 to 6 oo head. It is learned from re liab'e sources that L L Ormsby will come in soon to buy sheep. All in all the outlook is mote encourging because the people have become convinced that the day of tariff tink ering ia past. Tne above sta'-emm'. is too absurd to be serious and yet, there arc people who will believe that Hill's speech had such an effect. The truth is Brown htd not had time to come out from Nebraski and purchase these iheep after the miking of that speech by Hill. There is no evidence that the tarift bill will no". pass. Benedict Arnold turned traitor and sold himself and country fur British Gold lad still Jthe revol utionary war was a success. The gold o( manufacturers miy corrupt senators but tariff refoim will -.natch on to success. Ri-Mctallism in England. thereistobe an iniernational bi-me-Ullic conference in London on the second of May. A number of prominent English nen have already announced their intention of being present. Among them are Mr Arthur Blfour, the Co-.servative leader In the House of Commons, and Mr David Idd- erdale, formerly Governor of the Bank 'of kngland. Theie it no longer any djubt of the growth of sentiment in England In favor of International hi -meta'dism. The com mercial distress of India, reacting on the commerce of England and especially on the cotton spinners of Lancashire, has produced. not a revolution perhaps but 1 change in E-.glish sentiment. It decided ; is Eng- j land that holds the key to the situation. When it wants the international coa. fcrence to meet, its Invitation will be ac ceptej by the nations of the Latin Union aud the Cnited States, and in view ot Mr Balfour's at itude it ig more than prcbable j it he that the invltaticn will be extended if the do not Srant cheaper flannels, hence they Conservatives carry the next general condemn the action of democrats in at election. tempting to secure them. In fact the re- The movement for international bi-met- duction on all kinda pf woolen gocd is from a'lbm is gathering ititngth in Germany, an average of 9S.53 per cent to an which for more than twenty years has been : 35.09 per cent, but the republican?;! the stiffest gold monometallic country on Linn county opposes a'l this, for, '.Ike Harri the Continent. This is doubtless one im- son, they evidently bel';e-"e .Cat "a cheap pur-ant result of the change cf sentiment ?n cuat makes a crieap man." We m'ghr England. International bi-metal!ism has ! continue this a'most indefi'itely but the gained in proportion to the looses of above wi!'. shaw the character of leslitien national bi-metal'ism. If the silver men of 1 which republicans oppose and which tiy this country are wise they will bide their , this oppositionpiscrs before th;m public as time. X Y WorlJ. the pronounced friends of the classes and oi- Tbe republicans of Linn county are sail- ! ing in a curious craft this year In their platform they say they favor the repeal of tbe law creating tbe rai'road commission and the enactment of a maximum rate bill for tbe regulation of freights and firw. Thee very things were recommended by the governor to the last legislature but that body a republican body refused to do any thing. In fact tbe party as dominated by Dolpb, Simon and Hirsch will not repeal these laws. Kepab'icans of Linn county need not hope for relief in this matter from their party. In order that the republicans of Linn county may unders'and the atti tude of theii party on this question it i only necessary to state that at the last session of the leghva'ure a bill was intro duced Mr Upton. On its passage the HO received 17 votes, 13 of whom were demo crats, two populists and two republicans. There were 34 votes against the bill, 31 of whom were republicans. It will be the lime thing over again. -Joe Simon will bs5 the cow county repuMicans. There will be something cf a breeze in the Senate when Senilor White bys before hat body t'.e relation adopted by a mass- rneetin of Califataia D-oocrats, in which they rJstlared that ' the iccen" ntierances o( Seaator H:: are trattOCOtM m their purpose LI the! as ump'.ion-, abiurd in their logi. nnd excite the indignation and deiis- ion c! the Ds-nocracf ofJCaii'orrir."' It may Itf noted in r his connection that theSam- I et Club of Omaha, the leiding Derr.ixratic ; organization &t Nebraska, adopted resolu- tiona Jinn lav nifht denouncing Senator Hill a- "a laitor who. having hitherto skulked behind the walcjwood 'Inma Dem ocrft ' ha deal', r. treicherou. blow at tbe the vital of his party at 'he I late of its greatM peril.'' Th- Herald has fjunj its oienniil elec tion m -' nest. For te last ten years it has t and r ne at ihz beginning oi each campa v;':. Thig one now is the name old old Storj a!.ou "i: is reported that the deniDcru' ii: manager-" in Linn county ate willing 10 trade anyihing on the ticket for votes fr Jjcfcaasj for slieriff." Of courte the ttatemeat is '00 alrsurd to be wor-.hy of a small hide of credence. The democratic manisfs will use their beet means to aecure i It r election of the whole democratic ccaiti iekei. Democrats la a vary oreclocl In tne oiun-y ku'iw tiiu 10 be true and the Herald's aiteinut o S'ir up rife will ie bouixi on tuose i. was deti(n 1 10 help. The Ueruid is clamoring loud and long for wiia' it calls a "new deal" in the elec tion ot county olfi'.'ers. Il gives no reason for a "new c'eul " The only reason it can give is that it w in s republicans to have tbe places now held by democrats It does not call for a near deal in the election of a congressman in the place of Hermann, or a new secretary of state, state treanurer, state superiu'eri ieiit of pu!ie instruction or a new lejr ature or a senator in p'acc of Dolpb. Too people fully understand the motive of tbe Herald hi making this ppec -ious cy and wiil not bo misled by it. The senate never mi-s s an oprortur.:' y 10 i iow i's r-i graceful Incoaspsteadi snd itaj Incifl rence lo public opinion. I'rompt action on 'he tariff bid Is the country's most pessoiag nci-d. Two moii'hs have alrea-iy been was td. The bill is liefoie the scnnte and ili-cug.iori l as bnaft. In every possible way the people have indicat -ed that lliey asab 1 he discuts o to proceed and reach:. a end. Yet senators dawdle and dally, mm 1 nd postpone, and In eveiy wjv mate i maiufc-t that they po.e 10 d 1 liti e am' to tike as long in doing it nt ihey can. Drli ince of ihe people'i i 1 tiny regard as 'Migni y.1' Tbe coimn n practise of hanging the Iheriiiunieier on a sing'e nail driven in a peti '.r wa I ofren 'eids to i - breaking by sonu- rareieal pe sons lustily brushing past an I knocking It off. To p'event Hd., drive in two nil Is, just (at enough apart 'o aoiuii the w fie lo p of Ike therm imeier. and hor z mi' .il 10 each Other, Neither wind nor p 1 son can knor:k it off. There is a strong revolt among Mu tnomrh republican! ugrrinst ths noii:nition of Jwp'i Simon for Sena or, but O atpbs, gold wil elect Jo... an I J te will be the boss of the re'.rubli.tsiis In the n,-xt legislation. Kep.ilillcana elected fiom the cow counties will do Joe's bid Jingas usua'. What The Cyondcmn. The republicans of this county in ihclr platform say: '-We. condemn the actien of the democratic puny for itasuppor: of what is known us the Wilson bill." Now It would be well to iniiuiie what I.inn county republicans are condemning;. The Wilson bill makes a general reduction in till tax or dmleson glass and carthern ware from 5- to 37 percent thus enabling farmers,mechanlr and other consumers ol t ue'i article buy 15 per cent cheaper than now. The republicans are opposed to this. Then theie is are ductlon in the tax on knives and foiks ol '48 per cent. The republicans ot l.lnr. county are opposed to this. TheWilsou bill makes a p.eneral reduction of the tax on cotton goods ol 17 per cent. Under this law people could buy cotton goods much cheaper than now but the republicans of Linn coun'y ne opposed to giving them the opportunity o do so. The Wilson till reduces the tax on jute socks for grain 22 '2 per cent. This would enable the faimersto buy grain sacks much cheaper than now, but the republicans of Linn county condemn the democrats for thus legislating in the interests of farmers. In the interests of fishermen the Wilson bill reduces the taxes on gill nettiug, nets, webs and seines of Mas IcS'a per cent, but the republicans opposes this. But the rr.ost stupendous outrage on public Interest Is the opposition of the republicans of Linn coun ty to the reduction of the tax on woolen yarns of one class from 278.66 p;r cent, to 30 per cent, on another class from 105 42 to 30 per cent; and on one class of woolen cloths from 163.09 rer cent to 35 per centl on another class from 114.86 per cent to ,-,5 per cent, and on another kind from 00 50 per cent to 35 per cent. The republicans of Linn county are very much oppose 1 to re lieving the consumers of woolen gold of this heav) and onerous taxation. On all kinds of woolen blsnaets the Wilson bill re duces the tax or duty from 93.12 per cent to 30 per cent. Of course all these reduct ions in tax rites or duties would enable con sumers to buy these articles at much lev prices than now,but the rt publicans o' Linn county opposes these reductions. On wool hats there is a redaction of the tax from 95. 96 per cent to '3-75 Per cent. But the re publicans of Linn county do not want wool hats any cheaper than pott, hence tl-.ev op pose this reduction. On flannels for under wear the reduction of the tax is from 97.04 per cent to JS.75 per cent bu. republics ponents of the interets of the mass s. Curious 1 a pedigree of Lign brt just been published in r'ngland. ta has A crowd of r-e ple ''.' packed equals a weight . f eighly ouuds per j superficial ft. Kngland has win eifhty two per cent ol ilis win s' e has evr bee a enjra(rHl in; but in over a century she has deC a ted no white nation single b-m-1-! Among tbe words re i ' z I by the ates Amsrij 13 di -ti-.n iry so: FI:tro cute, abuses, j- 1 mi e, gracios ty, accu tably and enh tu-dve. Ciar of Rusit receives no salary. His income arises from 1 ,co,ooo square miles of land that he oifns.comprhing fanr, forestr, mines and other resource., litis estimatef to be vorth $12,000,000 a year. Tbe Valley ol tie Amazon is Utger than that of thr Mississippi, tbe former river draining 2,330,000 square mil-s -he Missi- sippi 1.244,630 square miles. The Amszon J drains a grea:er area than any other river on the globe, M-. Mrsons emiov 03tn WOod firM for the pleasure tl.ey afford ar 1 iur the rentiU'.- ion of the rooms. Sime kindt of wool pop the burning coals on the carpets and probcue much annoyanre. To prevent this popping, turn the convex (0 bark; side of the stick to the open rtmm, an! nv'-h of it wi.l be prevertcd. It is general I appeasd that when a mail's heart makes less Dsn f. r y bea's a minute death will won fo low, oahfi raetatltliei are applied. AJ vet "Thomas Lor.t of Benton Harbor, Mi ti, lis lived over a year with a hea t ahoee puls:ion3 have wavered between tigh ten and twenty-two a minute. The man works in hi shop almost eveiy da . Of the 420 kin J ol lowers e'owii.u in Europe, only 420 are OdsffraSSS. Less than one-fifth of the white kind w'.ich nurrilr I194 are fragrant, 77 of tlie 9l yellow kinJn, 84 0lthe 823 red kini" 31 of ihe 594 hlue kind 1, I3 of the 308 violet b'ue kind, and 28 of th: tAu fclnttearWh cam bined colors- Teachers Object to Irwin. l'tnd eton Bast Oreijonian: Jesse Smith, of the A'liena Cress, s'at-s that in Lis opinion "I V S Reid. democrat i nominee for s'ate superintendent of public instruc tion, will receive the support of the teach era ever I be state, regardless of party." The general feeling is that Ihe republicans erred in naming Mr Irwin lor the pLce. He has not been identified with school interests, wbib: Mr Kei'l is u teacher ol high repute The lat'er ger.tleunn has universal respect an an in rector, and from his experience in tbe sp'.i- re of eJuca tlon will be able to pr"per'y attend to the dutiei of the office. The general impres sion is that the nomination of, Mr Irwin was in effect the payme' t ol a political debt. That gent'eman had pe' formed work for the party, and, also, Kastern Oregon had to give something lo balance the Btate ticket. There is ge; on' insist ence that tbe judiciary and schooU be ki p as mui-h as poible free from poluica. Had Prof Kigler been nominated instead of Mr Irwir, all republican would have been sa'isSed. As it is, the election of Mr Reid ia reasona' ly well assured. Important Topics of the Month. In addition to a review of the Cleveland Administration by ex QovWaor l; 1- ); (dein) of Maeaeliustti and Senator Culloin (rep) of Illinois. The May Foraka w;ll con tain a discussion of inusu il opportuneness and point, at a time when "arniie' of tramps are marching towards Washii.gton, of the USUI ion whe'her tfce s'ate should give aid to the uiieuip'oye.', by Dr Stnitjn Coil of New York, who favor sta e aid, and iiy Mr I) Mefjreevw Heaas, who argues that st- 11U iue -its natualista It costs Gieat liii'ain $2j.oii 10 scrape the barnaclrs oil the bottata of owe of it- Ms men-of war snd repaint i', and ihis his to be done twi.ea ear in the case of nearly every vessil , Up to I8S4 the Baalish potoffce had ii-sue I 31, 12, one, 000 posae d amps. Tnat arould -nv.r 3762 s'juaie miles and would reach to the moon and back if placed end to end. Tke Place For Reform. The bloody roll of murder in the United Status is the great blot on our civilization. The United States among all the nations of Christendom has the greatest number of murders, both absolutely ami 111 proportion to population. Among th' United States California has the worst reconi, nnd San Francisco leads the State and the whole civilized world in proportion of murders to population, la the United States over (1,000 persona are slain annually; in Cali fornia over 100; in San Francisco over 30. And in the whole United States the legal hangings average but a tew over 100 per year; in California bareli hall a dozen nnd in San Francisco about one to every four years.. The responsibility fr the frightful record can be traced dire-ilv to the courti. Murder is frequent because mauler is the least likely of ull great crimes! to bring punishment. And m aider i not punished because the courts give even advantage to ib'" criminal. Th re is no use.looki.ig below headquar ters in this matter. The whole control of the trial nnd punishment of criminals prac tically rts's wiih .the judges- They can refuse as we'l as grant postponements. I hey j force jurors to serv as well as excuse j them They decide what evidence awl be 1 admitted, what excluded. There is hut one sure rule for the sup pression of crime. Punishment must fol low the offense promptly and surely. Any other method of dea'ing with criminals en courages those who wo"uld imitate them. Nowhere is the rule of punishment de parted from more widely than in the case of murderers Tho trial court is slow to act Between arraignment and sentence innumerable postponements are granted. The policy of it.e defense is always to delay till witneses forget and die public interest in the cast' is gone, and the tactics of the defense find ready i,pport in the indiffer ence or "courte-y" of tiie trial Judge. IM the heaviest Hispeswibility rets on the Supreme Court. Not only docs this tribunal Keep these c.:ses for months be fore it, but the prinaples ou which its de cisions are based are th-j of settled op- ', position to puui.-hment f t murder. What j ever mav be tke ooiakass of the Justices in - regard to the poll- j of Hanging a man who ., 1 . t has killed another, thr.r interpretation of the law is direct!) opposed 10 carrying out the policy of the law The question of the actual guilt or innocence f tbe convicted man is rarely considered The rule an nounced by the Ca'ifornia code that "All its provisions are to 1 construed accord ing to the fair import of their terms with a view to effect i s objects and pro mote justice" Is not ierJed in murder I cases The technical rules are interpreted ; in every case against society to exclude capable men from tbe jury box aid fair evidence from the trial. A reiding of the reports of tbe Supreme t'.Hirt in murder cases wi.l confirm ary one in the opinion that the justice of tbe conviction is the last thing considered by tbe court. Tbe court deals with technical ru'es. Th-? technical rules it 'ays down for tbe acceptance of jurors and the examination cf wilne-- are directly oppo-ed to t' e ubligiti ms of soe'ely to protect i's nieu!T- .'jr.ui.ft the mm killers. J The first reform in murder trials must j come in tbe at itu.'e cf the court towards j rour e-err. v h.n we iret Judges whotake the ground that socie'y should be protected against murde'frs msead of murderers again' society there will te an end to the bloody carnival that Is going on in Ibis coa n ry . - Kx a m i ner . Tliere are some p-i who believe '.ha' death an dettru. : s'.slii ahroaion Fr day and who have any numtcr of fic: at land to riove their posiin. Wr!, 1 ere it an array of facn ficni which anything pro andcon miglr. beproen: Lee surrender ed on Kridai ; atlSSf 1 1 it '.lirneion Friday Washir on was b .rr on Krtdiy; Shafcat pear vae horn on In 'a v. America was disrovTed on Friday; Richmond was eta.-ua- ted on Friday; B.a ile wa- dot "jcion Fri day; The Mivflowe- wi aa ei 0:1 Friday; Qaren Victoria was roa 'i.- Pa Fr'day;Krng Charles I was beheaded DO Pfiiay; Fart Sumter was bom,,r).- aj Friday; Juliur Caesai wag assassin 'ed m Frl layjN'apoI ean Borapvit- 'vn isjm on Friday; the battl- of Marengo a tnugh' on Fdlay; the bat le ol Wateloo was fcuht on Fridav oanofA'C was ourni-d at ine stake On Fri lav: theth? b tt e of N" O letos was bought onFriiaj; tfceo :l f B inker Hill was foeg ton Friday ; ie Ilclara'ion of Indepen ien. e wis sind 11 Friisy. A dispatch from Washington cily lays: Prcidetit C evel si d is gr-atly disturbed ovrr the coming of Cosejr'a commonweal army and has sough! advice on the subject from members of nis abinet. prominent congressmen and otb r in authority. Yesterday he had a lon conference in the White House with tin- chief of police. Major Moore, and. ai iing upon the advice of those whom ! bus ooaaajl ed, tue presi dent has pneHeaUy decided to issue a semi official pcodaatatson admonishing a'd persons who contemplate vjsitmg the national capital 'n it they Bust respect Ihe laws and conduct Ihwoilwn in a pe.iceful and respeclfu: manner i-r SOiTer the con sermences. The eeutive warning will probably Ire given out n- funeral state ment through he press assoctataoea under the guise of an inlerviea witb the presi dent or one of Ihe r.ffiria s r.f tlje adminis tration. The preatdeat baa beea informerl that iher a'e niniierou" preeerlen's for such action. ml. af'er stiii'jing the filfl stances i t the C minion weal movement, he is convinced that a no'e of warning to all persons who are disposed to vi-it Wash ington for the purpov of intimidating congress wou'd be mos' timely N:w Vork an 1 II slo'i 1 api'alittg are in terested in a gigantic rnle'p' !te, whlcli Is toconstm ( a ship canal acnie abe tiatH ern par' cf Mich.g .n aad Brie Its east ern terminuii would pro lably le Toledo, though one of the proposed routes is from Part I! -mo to n.-tiolr. Ki her wey the line would be iH milestone Its etiolated cost it $55,00 1,000 , and nen com ile'eu it will save J xi miles of ..'aiu rOtts lake navi gation. S iil another cm -I a talked of aklcfa it to connect ihe upper Mississippi at St Pul srttb Lass Superior al Duluth. Tht country bet-seen Ihese points j low, whh many small lakes furnishing abundance ol water, and mak r.g i ne cons rmto1 J f " ship canal both pOsStta e so I easy Chicago has a cant lug club compostd 0 deal mil es. One si asked hoar the) got along cap ained thai a fe-v fe t Ihe vib .lio 1 i" the floor, aoB1 bad j soil ol ins inc f r the time of miiii.", sad O.heri eaitg ht o.c movements by si u of heir neigbbcra If bt wantrd a partaer frir a qiaadrille, h imply p.m,ed Uu first iwo Bator ol its i ght hand ver tical (y u-Toss ihe pa'm of t tn left, anil hi thought that iiwlii eatlei tid quicker than the formal met . oils ol eo,ile who speak. In a.-king for a willz lielwir'el one fare (in gef Veetd the other, and when tie wanted 1 polka he made the hint 'wo linger-id the right hand hop along Ii left. The lorluiie o' L'acli Rhodes, premier o CapeC dony in Afric 1, is set at sun wher from 860,000,000 to 875,0 ao,ooo all made in the diamond mines of that cltv. MISFITS. Henry Watterson will lecture on Money and Morals. He will have Iuh hands full managing the uncongenialubed fellows. Confidence is gradually bring restored. A man in the city yesterday said hehaJ $400 or $500 he was not using, which bJ would bo willing to loan at legal interest. As money has beeen going with a live bonus, this has a good ring to it. The Gazette of Corvallis is trvinir to make capital out of a resolution passed bv the demtcrats. Our readers futriliur witli tho record may judge for themselves. Here is the resolution: "The employment of lady clerks, by the last legislature led to such scandalous actions that we ar.' opHised to the system in toto, and believe that good morals and the liest interests of the tax payers demand that the custom Ire entirely discarded." Port master General Hissell has iskuod a. crdej providing that hereafter only shoT names, or names of one word only, shall be accepted as names for newly established pi et ottices. exceptions may be made by the uepariineiu wnen mo name is Historical or ; haslHvome local by long usao batisfa. t- ; irL!T "i mV W?1?10 tb0 ! , l 1 iiueiii .or . aso l ""'-'- I he postmaster general says that this role 1 department and of injury service. win iviihuu it snurn' (ii uiiuov.uit r m inr ( I to IM iHistal A Walla Walla man buried $1000 near a fence and marked the picket. Then the fence was mover! and it took him two weeks' steady work to find it. We call the attention of the populist candidate for treasurer to the unreliability of euch a place for a bank. J Tne papers are already having fun at Mark f wains expense over his bankrupt cv. Don't fret, you quill s hovers. The Man abont Town would like to be bank rupt for awhile on a private fortune of over 30O,000. It is only the firm he is connected with that is bankrupt. A series ot lectures is being given to the students of the State University. Friday evening Hon H B Miller spoke on "Political Economy in Us relation to Cit izenship." The tiiiard says that out of 200 students only about a score took enough interest to attend. A "daisy"' lot ol students there jU8t keep a sharp lookout and Hermann don't soon bring in a see if bill to 1 open the Santiaiu river for navigation. i 1. .1 . ...... 1.. . 11 IB "".tl '!.i:e lie - livjiiik t - in i . i . i . to stir up his constituents aleui Inde ; pendent. Which is very ugestive ol : Oregon's buncom'. congressman. Watch u,e 0 ispaic vies 11 you wouia npprecisie tteraiann s style ot eiectioureriug At San Krsncisoo on the big tuadrigrss day, with aboat lorty thousand people on ing with John Tooney, a detyitor of tbe the ground of the Midwir.ter lair, au 1- bank. Tc.btn Jiue up! and. drawing a re ban y lady met more people that she rolver, shot at Kdmiston, but missed. E I knew than her companion, who has re- uilton turned round and ran d..wn tbe tided in San Francisco over thirty years, street, followed by Tobin. who fired four Among the number were Mr anJ Mrs U more sbo's without effect, several cititens K Fronk. Rev and Mrs F.daarJ Kggles- caught Tobin. an.l took tne pistol frona ton and Miss innie Mark, of ljebanon. and Mr and Mrs W S Peters, ol Oakland. formerly of Albany. Jesse Smith, of the Athena Kress. states that in his opinion "I V S Reid. demo cratic nominee lor state superintendent of public instruction, will receive the supp- rt of Hi"! teachers over the state, regard ess of party ' The genera! fetl ing i that the republicans erred in nam ing yir Ira in for the place. lie has 1. '. been identified witli schoul interests, w bile Mr Keid is a teacher ol nigh repute. The latter gentleman lias universal re spect as an inttinctor. and from his ex in the sphere of education a ill be able to properly attend to the duties of the office. Tiie general impression is that the nomination of Mr Irwin was in effect the payment of a political debt. ' How doth the little busy ad Kmploy each shining minute. And show, though trade i nuetesl " la-l. Th:.t stiil there's something in it." A recent adrertiiement in a country newsr I paper reads thus: "For sale, a boli-teri e i d'g. two years old. Wiil cat anything: ' very fond of children. Aply at this office." ! "flie Argonaut. San Francisco. The Salem Independent tay that Hon Benjamin llayden spoke in the Grange hall on Saturday evening last on behalf of ilercocrai-y. The judge is an able man and an oriiriuai speaker He Paid nviai atten- i tion to Hinger Hermann. and raited that gen- j t? ore an,) ,l(f khwe,, shorto ol tne last legislature, con tending that that bodv was ei corrupt a ! as ever disgrarj-1 the ball- of legisUticin. A newspaper in Illinois recently brought suit against fortydhree men wlw wonld not pay their subscriptions, and obtained judg ment in each case for tje amount of eai h claim. Of tlaese, twentvright made am davit that they owrje.1 no than the law allowed them, thus presenting at tainments. Then, under the decision of the supreme court, they wen' arresled f ir pettv larceny and bOOBd over in the -nm of 3r) each. All but sit gave Ihe lono The new posti! laws imike it petty to take a r and n-fiis- to jay for it. CITY COL'NCIL. Tuesi'.ay evening. April 1 Present Becowdar, chiof of pottoe, aad Councilmen Whitney. Ifeiffer. Sthel'.. Ilurkhart. Walters and Marshall. In the al.werjre of tlie mayor COeascihjaaa Burkhart wu electel mayor pro tem and pro si lied. The committee on ordinan-- reporte.1 that it was inexpedient to ia-a an ordi nance providing for the pavntent of the engineer of No 21 out of the first money in the treasun'. The following bilis were ordered paid: H H Hewitt. Wf.O S Arheson. tOM; E A Parker, 25. Stewart & Soi. 5:10: C'H Lee. t.lO; Mi Fen.n A Pmpst. $4 '. I ' 1 I ... r . 1 , 1 V-..-I. 1 . . t Iff t.iuri 1111, .is', n 1. .s.isn, iii-ii-i 101 .111 V. $2V. Blackburn Watson 'J0. Sev- eral bills were cmtiued for wtnt of 00T tificate. C'onrad M ever was grantrsl privilegii of .'.j - Jin. finii. 'iil.liti.its Ill 1 lirAil 1 1- .... V.."! . " - '" . I'" '" "-' '".' rirst street, in rear of same: aisa reported th Jndcr. Kln.ha.1 wa. rrnlsl nirmi. sion toere.t addition lo DoioMBieo restau rant property. City recorder repirted $I5X) sent to Steinhart on interest since last meeting. $ir.'lt) in all. Petition ofJ W lientley et al asked fur scwer. The same was grante-i. work to U done in fifteen days and property owners notified. Petition of W F Pfeiffcr privilege of moving store buildiltg at the corner of First and llroadalbin stre. t owned by j W C'asick. to the corner of Second and F.lls worth streets. Petition of F w Bhnttbera lafcing privi lege of erecting snutll ihM at rear of block on First street, was granted. 0 F Association was granted right to erect stairway in rear of O F block, from alley to second :.try. 1 L Holmes was graulavi WO 'he season for sprinkling siiuires rn tl Washington to Lyon, and Second Wr i- inhton to Kllsworth, inc' uding in front of city hall. Petition of f C Mai key et al. a-Unl that an additional night policeman Is- :ip po'nbtil during the tniinp season. Kef er red to committee ou bealth and polioe. Petition of Wa'son & t.'o, et al. asked that ordinance 1S7 Ire amended so as to prevent residents of city as well as non resident, from istddliog without a lici-nw. Q ranter Petition of V L BeoJ, el all showed th:it Ibey could only pay $100 in idvaaOS, ud llob at end of three months for liOenae, on iu:count of dull times and asked for privi leeH lU'cnriling to statement Ueterri'il. Unnd of F I. lh-eee for license to sell 'iipior was reported, with a deposit of JI00. Lii ensi! was ordered issued provid ed ?200 in all 1st paid recorder Ly next Sntiinlay, its provided by charter und or diiiaiiie. Recorder repcrted tax on 01 dogs paid, and OU not paid, several of which have Imtii poisoned by unknown parties. A suitable place for keeping non taxed dogs previous to execution, wan ordered built. Calapooia 3rd to Fiist nnd adjoining streeta were ordered graveled and groiied under sppervitiion of committee on streets and public property. The recorder was instructed to notify property owners to clean alleys within ten days. tic. An independence Urc. XDKPUDEXCK, April 25. Pre olt Veness' sawmills caught fire at 12:30 tl A cuuirht fire at 12:30 this (Wednesday) morning, and are now burn ing. They will prove 11 total loss. Tne fire originated in the engine-room. The destruction of the mills there are two will 1 rove a gn at loss to the city. They cut 3C.C00 feet of lumber a day, and em ployed 20 men. The nulls were built four years ago at a cost of i-2Q,000. It is not known how much insurance the company carried, but it is supposed to cover a great part of the los. f 1 fur fo Mr. Washington, April 24 An I iregr.n democrat went Into the poiitoflice depart ment the other dav to isqulre as to certain pohtotfievs. I'ostmaster-tieneral llieeel went over the list of cndidatei and in quired if any of them were l'ennoyer men. Upon being informed thut some of them had len friend of the governor he put a check mark upon every one. lie then en tered into a long inquiry as to the proba- I.. .!... r.t D - K ... Diiiut's 01 ri'nnovr charues lor tin H.n iitorHlsip. It is thus in every departnji'n A ( il nln. Ull! Atd, April "J4. An ordi'r wan re ,viv(Hi ... . i'ion v,,rii!,,. ,ronl General Manager lickenson notifying .il ".'lar.ed employes that the salaries which wore cut bv tbe order of September but WU1 b nsdonid trnm March I This salln ta. t., saaasaa.ll ..C ll... aT U ssrv -vss "4" it- iv-i-u'l Ul IJt.T lii' ' .n- Ul II.C receivers ot the I nion Pacific held in New York April l'J. Judue llundy's order di- reeled t cat the restoration be applicable from April 1, but (he receivers decided to irive the men who bad been faithful in the service tbe bencnt of an extra 'i-onth AsTouiA. t r, April 24. -The cannery 22 L?n 2 1. UT tact that all the conditions so far have a flivorilij!e fot a lieaYV lun. tun, hsh are till scarce, und th- average pack per can nery is not above GO cases. Tkr t iatr sd I il ur.iii.ui MontOOTK, Or, April 23 Prrtirlirl Costditi of Albany college, deliverel the unday aftermon lecture in tht normal chapel yesterday to a large audience. The r.ext lec'ure in tne seri wiil be delivered by Dc Stratton. of Portland univeisi'y. Tbe date has not yet Ijeen determined. A i na trace. Ss Kkam isc-u, April "J4. The Kvening l'ost tays James iiamllion Lea-is. of Seattle, no in this city, bis challenged Kreuiont Older, city editor of the Call, to ligh' a duel, on account o! an offenie in- tcrwew ih l-xit which aprs-ire.! in the Call Sunday. 4 Mail I . 1 . , . S l . . r Wuu April 89. Considerable excitement was cdurel 'ht- m .rnicif over au at'em; t tu h Ml J K Edasiatoa. p'e-U-"nt of the defunct Wal'a Wa la Saing i-aRV. bv H it lobin. ore of our most prominent dtizers. This morning while Kdmiston was ttacd'ng on tbe street, talk- Luu. Kimi-tnn ran in'o a reiJ-jii.c and tid himself. Tobin a arre!ed and taken before a justice of the piece, where he pleaded guil'y to the charge of aatajatt. and was lined fJt) and cost. Tee shoot ing is a rrtult of the failure of the Lank. Ionia wa a Jep tor in the turn of t.Vvi Vtbai BV 1 ujc Br. all. Nam Yiirk. April 'J.1 Geasaral Coaej tonight was shown a copy of the proclama tion issued b the disIrM cooioiistioaer at asbiogton warning the in-l eatiiel arniy f ouj tnvad-ng the capral. ar..l sav ing ierusl a rarafUry, he said : "My answer 'o it is" this: 'Tbe witked See w uen c j man puroetn . "" 1 has with a Itibiical ao'ation did the conimonwaier seek to answer the ofi :i warning of the anlhorilie. Thr can be no mistaking the fact that tbe gweral in ' 'end to path his arm) la tbe lep ot tbe capitol aad by Its physical preeo- force congress i0 iuten to their demands. Sa lsrar Ucpai). Amiusm.. Or. April 33 -The Krans ."vntag Compaay was billed to show here tonight, bat did not carry out the pro gramme. a the aly authorities refuse-i to grant a license on Ihe givund that tbe p'ay was debasing and demoraiuing. Tbe manager of the company announced "hat the show would be given free, snd a lug erowd gathered at the OfOta hocse. Tje managr weakened, howtver. when it came to llitobajiof the cily marthal't orders, and 'he rforuatice was aot give". rn- l uaiias Law r.i New Ohlkss. April '1 Tt.- - ; r court decided the matter of the State v Ihe Olympic Club today. The eoaVS athrm ed the devuion of tbe l.wer tourt, which was. by a majority of 'be virv. decided in j favor ol the club The cat has been ' pending for mooths. and tbe decision will permit t resumpt1 :n of her cnnteN in luiian.i 4 a 11 at La salle. La SaLU. II". April A. A mob of i.'asi miners from ne gbbj'icg towns marched on La Salle todav to prevent the mea i.erc f'om going to wo-k. and a not pr-s;, itatisi, ;n which a aten and Br lord r.uinler of local miners er- I jurej. i: . -1 t badiy in Pnti.ap. April '.'! Within 90 fett of tbe office of the slieriff. where that official and a -sr-re ol deputies were busily engaged in the 00 lection of tales, within the pno 1 enee a.irost ot a hundpsl idhers var aaly engaged in and aUsut Ihe county toart beajao, t'La-ies B Maiarkey. an aaaMaU io the cifice of hn father, t r.arles Ma 1 key. county treasurer, was shot down yfjaterday , afiermsm by a muplerous ass.iiian . the vault ro' lied of a i its taluab e contents, and two hours before the a'rixious act was i discovered the tbu-f ar.d wou'd be RaatderOT i had escaped. It is the Isjldest attr nipt nt robbery cscr made m tiit city, and wi.m ;t le.'siiie known (r" 1 til an immense stmsa'i.i 1 . far the identity of the tohliet oasaasio is eawlopeu m nystery, but ihe detectivet ,, 1 1 1 , . 1 the cvipral poii''e station. keenly ainv to thj situation, are lianl at work n rafioai cioea, with a ptueaire of tangible tt -lilts. inn g Ifaiarki ' wound is not fiaaiid i nr.. I f ,r . I .n 1 ... I-.. ..... 1 . ' . , Iftfel ly 1 111- aniOUtl acco"nts lie was unt sto'ea bv tne rotdier i- rariouly es iiraled at from JtVij to UOO ' Jaialaz 1 in- iHetke. Si'KisoriKi.ii. Ill, April .'i . Over gtl, 000 coal miners of Ihi stjle j lined II. enerul s'rike folay. In the northern li.- .! the order was (enerii1!' obeyed. Nearly 1 7,000 men are out already, and several thousand of idem are expected la lake similar action lotuorrow at meeting called tor tba' purpose. Ine 30,000 nnners etn ptOyed 111 tbe central dietlict weal out at noon. In 'he southern Illinois li-.lils, the order lo .111 t work was not uli yed In miy extent, scarcely their tools. 1000 men laying dean Doing its i in i Pirate St I's ii, Minn, April 21. Tho tired Niirt hern s rikors resinned their tactic of cutting and side tracking trains 'oday The scene of l heir operations was llarnes viUe, anil the sheriff f I'luy comitv rofmed lo Interfere Moth passenger trims Nob 2 und 4 acre stopped und side tracked at that (mint, in spite of the fact that there were a number of 1'iiited Btatel marshals n board Ixailillani fteasJM Ualrs. Walla Walla. April 20. A mass meeting of husinces raen ind leading fa rea Iers was held at the court house this nfter- noon, to discuss the matter of exorbitant freights. Committees were appoin'ed to take charge and submit a test case to tin-inter-state oomasoreo commission. P It as attorney. The meeting was largely attended and very enthusiastic. Heath of Mrs Mranzr. Roonnmo, April 21. Mrs.l A Strange, of VVilbur, it pioneer settler of Houglas county, and mothar of Kev F Q Strange, of Ashland, Dr .1 IV Strange, of tki- city. Prof II 8 Strange and A C Strange, of Oregon City, was buried today, she having ilied on the 19th inst. Fresh Cabbage. CanliHower. Celery. Onions. Si Turnipi. AtC E hrownallo He ware of Ointments for ratatTh that contain Mercury, un mercury will surely destroy tax :mse cf smell und complc-Liily derange. Um whole system when entering it throngs the DaBCOUS surfaces. 6ueli nrtltlt-a should never be UM-ri except on prescriptions from n-put-aMn physician, as thi damage they wiil do is l.-n fold to tfce (rood yon can possibly derive front theru. Hal. 'a I'atnrra Care, naanafnesufed by t. .1. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, tl., eeetalas no iiaeicarr , and la taken Internally, aelinicdlr. (!,- upon Ihii liloorl und mucous Hirrfaei 1 of : hi item. I n baytng Hall's Catarrh Cure te sure you t the aonntne. It la taken Internally and 1 . n rae in Toledo, Quio, bv K.J. I'heneyAii'o. Tt-Ktlninnlulii frp. Bold by truyi. iit. j.;ie I-c. per buttle. (Kit man- LKedbna. Those wishing to I to stiuly Herman should call on Mrs (' Coh- j en at the corner of Third and Calapooia street Albany. Will teach writing and speaking German. Please call before April 1st. Mir I Cuiu s. A u RUN-DOWN and "usdl-up"' feeltmr is the first warninc; Uial yOOT livc.r j,n't oin .. , , '. . , , . . ,. its work. And, u.:U a torjml liver janJ the :m(UI,, 1)Iooj that fo0Wi it, you're an easy prey to all sort of ailmotits. "c t,inc take doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. as an appetizing, restorative tonic. to refcl dieeaBe and build up tho needed fiesh tnd strength, there's nothing to equal it. It rouses every organ mi'j ln-altlilul action, E urines and eturidttti the blood, races up the wfcola system, and 1 ! restores heaJth and vigor. For everv -lic-ase causel bv disordered liver or impure blood, it is the only 'uarautai) remedv. If it doesn't bx-nefit or cure, in every case, you Lave vviir money back. Can be tvunt.-i on to cure Catarrh lil La. been doing that very thing. It l1SSSrtS- offe?tewrffin incurable cac of Catarrh. SHERIFF SSALE Orrnff Corl ot fir ' ij Oi : l.inn county. tit laintiff. M - A B Seal, J 1. Seal, l it wife Ga K Chamberlain ard S W Chamberlain, his wile I W Cuslck, E I) fju.ick ard Chat 11 Cutick, panntrt do ing besiness under 'he firm name annsttlenf J W v'usick N; Co and Cnar ei 'm'.'.h as a Jmln ttrator of Job 0 S'r- ' 1 deceased. IlefrnJar.ts. Notice aihciobj Riser, that bv virue of an rxcculioi ar.j order of sale du)v it tued out of the above aanaf d court in the aboe entitled action iy me dtrecred ar.d JciirereJ, I will on Sa'.u'dev, the 19th ol Mav, the tront djjr of ihe C'ju". Ilo-jse in the city ct A'.t County, Oregon, at the Lour c p m'of saul dv. sell at pioiic a 'c..-ck on, for r ith in I ar.d 10 ihe highest bidder. Ihe real proprtT described in sai.l esecuilon and 1 ider ol saije as Inllowe. tOWit: The -Soatl wes: quarter ol block S'o. one hundred and twelve 1 1 1 a in llackiemar.'s addition to the cttt si A-baar, Linn Caun.v, Or Tre oreeeedt aruieg from a:d ! wii. a. ' h ii.i. f.i : -st 1.. ll tsinssl .f tlaa msSb of and open . . '. exeeatioo and be - . - cis'i ot iu.t taxl at $57 60 and tbe rartfcet turn of LjO.OO as A'torews IrC, 1'od to the tsvoient to the platnt:6T of the tatat of ti'i raj ard aecniing interest tterr. '.ln to the payment tn ts.l Geo K Gbaaabo tin .f thssu:. ' tool 3) ad in's-es)t there, n at the lata rf 10 per rent rer ant"m from the I2'b dav rf Juiv. I8M 4:h. to the pat-meet te the asifewslaatta J W Csasaea. E i iq-.ct ml t'naa M Cu i.- ill $2I'J - r d th tccrnsd md ce3ir trterest lh-teoo. Dated Hub 19 b lay of sprit, m. C i IACKKOH, Srr 1 sf t.ion '.V-ar'v. Qretae. Notice for Publication V s Ind rrtj -e l 'r c i. Mate Ci v Or . I?th, 1 1 Noto is kataby tiisen thau in -it.: anee witb ihe piOSaatuila f ihe act o: Coanaaa of Juried. 171 ORtsI t-1 Aii a,-: .'or lb-ta p of timber lands in Use atatei of California. Oregon. Nevada and Wr th ington Territory" ewteailoi tn all ih public land slates by ad of AUi.nn 4 t'ol ins VV F. km., 1 f a bany. co.rntv of I. mn t:e of Orogiia baa Ibas ilaj Bsad in this ofhUe bu sworn sia'enient .. B (j f. r thu psarebsaeof the Northwest of s ;-nr. No. 12 in township r... 10 H lans. ! No 4 Fast, ar.d wlii utter priol to show that the land sought is more value Ids foi itstimbsr or sici e lhan fr r sgrUutiia. purposes, and to establish his citim to said land before ihe Register srd Receiver cf '.hit office at (hegon City, (r,on Tacadae the ifth day cf June, "iS4. fe rsn i's a witnetses: Jus Wl I'.nry ard (' li Winn, ot Albany. L W Laaaheed, ol Hal siead, C 11 Laughead. i f YaquinaCltv. ()ri-tnn. Any and al. persons c'alm 1 g adverstlv the above described lands ate requested to f.'c their claims in this rffic on r befire ssid 19'h dv of Jon t5"4 Roai sr A Mntra. Re ;s Notict for Publication 1". S. I and tlnKat, Oan.ox f itv. Or., Ke'orusrv 15,134 Noiiei is h-re'i given that in easapll BBaOS) witb t lw ofttM) a--! of ti"t.r"s 01 Jnn 1 :l, 1S17M, en'l.led An a ttut in. of. iniier lands in tiie tMe Ol Ci if inn, 'lieu n. Nevada and V'uh incten rerriiorv." as extended loaU the punlii-land s!a'r.i t.- a t nf Autusi4 IM2 'sine 9 levale rf l, trult, p 11 tit e of Msrlon alateof Oregnn. bar this dav iVel In Ibis ntlli-e, his swnrn rtatenient N . Hl for H10 ir.'liiw nl the N i ofS K U S K d N K S-e 1 . T 10 X It .r. K .1 Lot 0 9an a, T 10 H, R 6 K aad will oirer i prvaf to show that Ihe land! soi.ght is u-ore val Stable' il i.r stOl e linn for agricultural i purjnisi h, ami to ertahlish his claim to 1 aald land h-i-ireihe Keei-tor ami He:tlve I f this ..illeo at Ores in UW; Or; on Tiien j das ; th 15th day of May, ltitM: Ha ! names s wltnoaMes.; 1, rives, Alher Ives tt M Poe; Isaae Kdusk. All Of ueiroit, uregon Any ami ail persons c alii luu adversoiy tho abovo described lands are reiiii.'s'etl to tile their claims In this offltvi on or before sa'd 15th day of May. ISM ttOBIKT A MiLLtte; Iteglster Notice for Publication I. s. l.sMi Orriei at Oaatooii Citv."k. July :i d, 1SHH Nttijs is hereby given that in OOraPliVMa wilh the inovisiotis of the act ul Ooaaraee . f June 3. 1S7S, entitled "An set for the ssleof tunbt-r lauds iu th s'atesnf California. Ore gun, Nevada, aad VVaalilniiton Territory, ' as SXteatted to all public land states hy act if An. u. t 4, 1892, tVilliam I Hatilh, d Niagara, county of Mtrion, sUte of Oregon, has this day tiled in this ti lii, ! his awiiru statement No '2SMi. (or the purchaae of the h i and the N W i of tho S K 1, and the N 8 ' . of the S V '4 Seetin.i No 9, in township No 10 S.mth liatigo No 4 Kaas, ud will otTer proof te show that the land sought is more valuable for ila timber or stone than for agricultural Jiurpnse.s, and to establish his claim to said and before the Uegister and Keoeiver of this ntbee at Oregon City, Oregon, mi Wed nesday, the 1 1th day of Jnly. 1894. Me names an witnesaes: B T Ueorg, 1 S Meyera, 0 I Hinkle, Allen Smith, i U of Niaga-a. Maritn Co, 0 n. Any and all pe sons claimingadversely the above dt oribed lands aa reiiuested to file thesr claims in this office on or befoie said t Ith day of July. 1894. IloaKRT A M u.i ki:. Ksgister. ST. JACOBS oil Pi MM gB tea Call On READ. PEACOCKS CO. ANQ See Their Nice and Trimmings. cues jrme snoes. G.C MOON. Su;ce jr to Flour and Opposite Ruts House. Ch. j, Jl ed, Coiyail a Ficnr, Bran, Shorts 'lour, Ha), Oat, S raw,' PotatM, App'es, Has on hatida full tt 1 - lOraam, Beekwhsas, K "s1"" Julius Gradwohl ' T1,at Preparing to ntov his stock of go ds into tn Opera House store on 2nd street. A'l his crockery, fancy ?'ds. a,ltl 1 general will be reduced in price for the next 60 day b, or until furtherjnntice, frnet cash. ucoirrc cai c tintnirr a out, In Ov ftrrnU Cjurt of ttw Stat' 0' O. Linn County. Ti.e Solicitort L -an and Trust C-mpanv. I'laintiff. va Wades rJcark. Sarah A I Hawk, Saaaael May and J G Senders Defendants. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of tale duiv is sued ou". of toe above named court in the ahove entitled suit to me direc'ed and de livered, commanding me 10 sell the real piopertv therein described. I wil on Saturday Ihe If .h May. i"ts; at trie front dsor of 'he tVsurt Hcuse, in the c; v of A.banr, Ltrn Countr, Oregon, at the hour of I o'clock pin ol said dav sell at ptibbc anction, for cash in hand to the highest bidder, the real property describ ed in tat j 1 f 1 1 tPr1 and order ot sale as follows, towil: Commencing the North west corner of the donation land claim of VVi.Uam liaak no'.iaci'ion zoit running thence so ith cne hunjred and thirteen rodt(itat, tnence eatt one hundred and islsty nine and ont-iialf 1 if-lt rods, thence ' north ven sd rosSs, trence east one hun dred and sliv and one half 1,153,4, rods, thence north one hundred and tlx and one hall 1 traS'i ) rosis, thence west three hun dred aiJ twenty (J jo; rods to tne place al, containing j; arret betrig trie same premise sliicn Daniel L Zachery and Martha L '.' tchery la, wife, bv indec ture dated Apr j -.h, tSij. aad recudrd ' in the coan'y c er'st urate for Linn Coun , deed hoek Z a! page 144. granted and cons rred unto tne a;d Sasah A Hawk her heirs and at--4 The proceed art rt from sad a e to he applied: First So the pay meal of trie cot's and eirene of si j a.'e and the origin! cat't of raid suit taxed at f jt.o. ard to the pay iner.l to t'.ie plaintiff herein of the "im of fit-Sand interest '.hereon from Jmuarr 1st, tSrjj, . at the ra'e of eight per sen; per annum and $ui at'orneyt fe tin ta d action: isecond to the payment 10 the said defend ant Samuel May and J Q St nders of the mm of and interest th jreon from the I7;h day of June. iSijs, at the rate of , 10 per eeaf per annum and the further sum of t'. 17 and interest thereon from the 1 13 h das of Anril. S. at the rate of S : per cent per annj-n : Third, the rcmain ; .lr ro paid to the said defendant Wil liam Haw and "sara-i A I Hawk. Dated im i7!hdavof Aprit. 109a C C J.xcKs-JX-SberfaT Linn Counii, Ore. SHERIFF'S SALE. In lie Circuit Court o' Urn St ue of Otcge-n for Linn caasaO, II Bryant st.stror.l Die is .11 Knsas II ,t C . f an I Marry Hail. P'a'utiff. K Y in "ft. orp mtinn) lefendants. rtotloo 11 bar shy aiv-n that hy virtue of an exeou iu and ur ler of sale duly l ned ou' of ih t 1 ."e .1 uusii court 11. ihe shore erutlii ! sj;' l til-dirC'.eif and leivsrel, I win hi atnrlav tfo lvth dav of Mav.lV4. s: tlieir ni' djorofihe OMtrt 11 :- in th-i-i'. of bsny IJiin I 'mm:. tlreir.i MtUlshtMM ot 1 a'aiaosi j p m of said dtv se at intt i au "i in f ir ! c-h in han.l to the l-ihe; bidder ln riMi property ilowrlowl in aald eats u If oai and nulec ol uisa. '..liowe. loati: li-g in i'i i ". a aoHil n irtli i' deres I saitaatee ataa ant it 53 itw ebata ate tant fin n tne uoittia- e rner rf tbo iKiualion l and C sun of Jm-s Hick son and wif. . Nutitieallo i S i, UTS, claim No 46s losvnshlpll S.mili Katige I West of tne Wu aui.-ue rreridiau In Litin t'ounty Oregon, hi the inn h line Of said males an.t rmaalixa hoi ce North 90 deft Tee I -'m nutea elssi s;-$ chtui, j thrnce South B 42 ams, North ISV degree and 15 BalnMea vti Srj 79 (Chain, tbooeo N ir:h 1 . turns i i lbs place of lieginning, contaiin n; IWjM acres. Ihe proceeds ariaiaa from araah sale t. s be applied. First, to the payment of the Csistsand dirhurss) ueuls ot suit taxed at 37 -'i and the expense of and upoii said . in.l Irs th. i.a.-m .11 i.f IllA j iilaintllfs el tint amonttmr tn me sum of i 152.511. and tht) further r.uin of 35.00 ' attorneys f.-e ami accruing inteieat on each ot sal 1 sums at lbs rate or 10 per BOM per tanim u, Third, To the payment ol the deman I of the defendant Rusell A UOsMOMBtiag to the sum of 050 34 and the further sum of 50 attorueys f es and accruing interest tberes.n at the rate ot 10 per cent per nniiuin, Fourth, To the pay a ent of tba demand of 'he deft ndaut J K Young, amounting lo the sum of 45l!.4ti. and tne furtuer sum of 50 attor neys fees and accruing interest Iheteon at the ra:o of 10 per cent per annum, ii'ih. to the pa. ment of the demand of deteaidant Harry Hall amounting lo tbe sum of 160.(15 aud interest thereon from Ihe f'lh tiav nt Amrnst. IMB. the rain of 8 per ceut per annum, and tho further 1 sum oi falsaO tosts ai'd disliiirssmeuts and the ov,rplus if any to be paid over to sulil defaiadr at Siatlorii Dickson, listed this 16th d y of April, 1884. C C J ickson Shsrill'of Linn ('ounty, tire. Red CrowiMills JOHN ISOM, PROPRIETOR. w MMMHOJ too siTBRiOK roH si vi vs aso BAk sits vaii, HEST STORAGE FACILlflRS mtM Kaoata be CTJgB Is tvtm. Dress Patterns Also Their La I A Vorr's. Feed Store G'rm Mea Informs us SHERIFFS SALE. In ike Cirruit Court of tke State oj Orefon , , for tie Conntu of Polk. I Nat Holman, Plaintiff. Ha'.e Backer.vto and Henry Backenso. IVefendants. Notice it hereby that br tirtue of an i execution and order of sale du v issued c'. of the above named court in toe above entitled actien to me directed and deltvei-; IS "HE N AME OF THE t r aTE OP cs! commanding roe to levy upon sell the OREGON; Tea are hereby ci'ed aad re real property heretofore attached in said qaieed to apptar io the coooty court of tbe action and described In said execution, s ate of Oregjo, for the Coanty iA Linn at I cid on the 29'h day of March 1S94 duiy tbe court room thereof, at Albasv, ia the lew nponaIl the right, title and interest : OJoan'.y of Lias, on Saturday the i'.h day of of the above named defendants or either j Jane, 1S94. at 10 o'c'ock ia tbe toreooon of of t -iem in and to vhe said real property ; that day. theh and tbe e to th. w easaaw if described at follows to wit: The South ans voo bare why aa o-dcr -bcuil bo one-halt l Block No. 65 in the city of issue oat cf tbe aboye entitled ccut direct Albany, County of Lino, State ot Oregon, 1 mm, attd lice sing John Drrrrg-.r therfahr and wi l on Saturday, the 19th day of appointed administrate r of lie estate cf Mav, :S94. at the front door of the Court Clara Daa-riaer- d.csass 1 to seil the real Hoate In the ci v of Albany, Linn ! property tx-locauag to the estate cf tbe County, Orego- . at the hour ol I o'clock j eaad above caaaed deceaas d. iteseiibed aa p m of said day te ! at public auction for 1 ioKowa. towit. The ardividtd oce naif cash in hand to ihe highest bidder, all , interest ia and to lot No 4 ie block No the right title and interest cf said defend- Owe hundred aad three ;103' is Haexlewtau'a ants in ard to said real property to par ' additiea to the city cf Albans, Lion Cot: o and satisfy aid execution as follows: ty, Orerno, as the the suae is desjaated First ihe cotu and expenses of and tipon aad described ca tbe plats aad larxeyaaf tail execution, and the original costs oi " said eity. bow on 6' ia the ffioe of tbe suit taxed at SiS.Jj Second io Ihe coonty reotrdee of Linn Cocti . Creso. rat mint of the p-aimifT s claim amount- Poee by order f the Hon J N Daocaa, ing to the turn of $195.35 with interest judge of tbe t oentr court rf the State cf thereon a? the rale of to per cent per annum from 'he 5th day ot rebruary 1S94, and the further sum of $2 attorn eys fee. Daied this 17th day of April, 1894. C C Jackson, Sheriff of Linn County Oregon. SHERIFFS SALE It tke Circuit Court 0 lie javite Ofgon fot tke County of .' , . Tre laan Coan'v National Baa. Plaintiff. M A K- ai.d W E Ke' Defeodtnf. Sctice'a hereby iren that hy t-irtue cf an 'if 111:00 and order of sale du'y vrtued out of the above paused roars m ihe above nUti-daai, to'me direct a aat.i delivered ! Notice is herebv ajfven that tht annual I will on Saturday the 19:h dsT of May, meeting of the s" cckholdtrs of ihe Al ISS4, at the front door o the u.itHossr, bans- Farmers Co. sill te he'd in the inlhet-itv of Alhaav, LiuoCunty. On- j office of said comm-. u, H.r citv of Al goo, at ths hour of 1 t-.Kck pm ot aaidday I banv rn the 1- . as of Mav. 1S04. at .l at pub'ic utaao, for cash in band to j , o'clock, p w- Said meeting atil be the hiehest bidder, tbe rea. prrHs.rtt dee- hel for the purpose tsf elec inK ses-ea M ii. said exes-otion and order of sale, 1 dltectors, to serve for the ensuin- sear, , ? of Hock lo. for lhe tr4n,c kn o such business 3 Hack eaiaa a 2-d addinon to the cttv ; 4 m,y regularly (Mc w. tM - such meet ol A1S-0.. sitaatesl 10 Ln-i ' Ore ' ! son, t..grth-r with lb tecements and i ap;.o"eoac.- ih-.ait. le.sDcmg or ia 'ant stise at-.s.taitiii-it. The p-ixds ri ing Irotn sach sale to be applied, rrst to 1 tr.e pa meat of the costs and experses of ! and upoe said execution and the cos t ard i i di-horsemen I sf this suit taxed al $36.40 : ; and 100 a'lorririi fees, second: T.s in s'ltipn or r.air. a - sitn ansointii c to J I072 Ot) ,n I ( 1 th. re hi fi.m the Cold ;oua with io!' re t h dav of M.reh, !Ss4, awn the i-ve. p'us dtfan iaot.s f soy to be paid to the C C Jackson. he.:rr of Life Cnuntv Oregon ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Nifioe Is hereby i ivenjto all whom it may concern lhat on the 3rd day of April, i" I duly file3, my nnal aeconnt lut 'i matter oi tbe estate of John ren nal. densaa id, wiih the County Cork .if Linn County, Oregon, and" that the County Court of said County haa -et Monday the 7tb dsy of Mar. lis4 at the beur . f 1 o'clock P M of said day as tbe tittle lor heaiing and settling ail ohjac tions' to sail account therefore, at persons having any oljeetlona to said aooount are hereby nntlhed and required to appearand present tbe eamo to said Court at said time for adjudication and selllemeDt. listed this :h day of April. ISm. M is kkt F nnh Administratlx. v rt BHveu attorney for Adroinialra trix. FOR SAN FRANCISCO The Steamship HOMER will ply between San Fran cisco and Willamette Valley points via the Oregon and Southern Pacif c railroads, sailing with freight and pas sengers on or about tho fol lowing dates: From San Fran cisco on Wednesday April 4f at 6 p m. From Yaquina: on next Tnesday, April 11 Fare from Albany and Corvallis to San Francisco: Cabin. $12; Steerage, $9. Round trip tickets, includ ing meals and berths,' good for 30 daysj, $ 18. Chas I HksurvJSon 4 Co, Agtnts.H d3fs'o 2 top Harkststreet, San Francis re SHERFF'S SALE: A 1 ti Circuit Gu'trt of lie Statr of Oregon for the county rt Linn. J K tVralberford a ad minis traior with tbe will annexed of Robert John, deceased. Plaintiff va Marv Hcffntan and Fred lloirman. Defendants, Notice la hereby given that by t-irtue o an ezecntlon and order of sslednly issosd ont of th above named court in the above entitled salt, tome direct d and delivered. I will on Saturday the i8th day of April. 18M; at the front door of tbe iouri Howe n tbe city of Albany, Linn County, Ore 'on, at tbe bonr of 1 o'clock: p m cf said day, sen at pofcttc suction, for cash in ) and to the higheat bidder tho real property described in sai I execution ' snd oruer of a e as folios.s. towil: Be i yinmcgS 8 V 131 feet distant from tne soutbweat corner of I t No. 6 in Block ! fo. 3 in tbe wntern rlilitlnn In riAe-rv lTA iMuw.virni - nee :ujn jeei, tiience ! north M 30 riat iiO'A feet, tbei ce north 38 degrees, Kaat 200 fet feet; thence 800th 9 degrees East 500 feet to th. plsee of beginning containing 2.35 sens more or -.-. Tbe proceed! arlMng from aach sale to be st p. led, First, to the costs of and np on said execution, tbe remainder 10 W paid b me to tbe clerk of tbe adove - ' court, to be dUbarted by him ac c-rlii g to the term of tba decrees ef said puw rt. l ate-i ihi, 27th day of March, 1891. C C JsfKaoe Shtriff of Llr.n fonty, Oregon. SHERIFFS SALf . In thr CirmiijCourt for Linn Covntu.filaU Oregon: H II McETmnrrj Flain'iff va Hugh C Caldwell anJ Lizzie Caldwell bit wife. Mar Kenoye'an-l SI a Kenoynr her husband. Defendants. Notice ia hereby givon that by virtue o - an execution and 'order f a e duly ia t sued ont of the above named reurt ia the hbove ent tied nait, to me directed and delivered. I wiil on ?attjrda the 2aih j day ol Apri'. lhW at the front door of the ' Court House in 1 he city of Albany, Linn uuuty jregon, at. tne nour 1 r one o cock p m of ai 1 day, sell at pw-i auction for e-h in band to tbe h ghe' tin-ler. tbe real property described in said 'xeeutioa nd order oftseu f ri io-s, towiu Te E of tbe N W qnarter ana ir t one and twoof.Seetion !6ia Township II South, R ;it one weet of the WilUmerte aerf ::afi in Lion GDt, Cregoc. C -nU.-r.iag Tu acre. Tbe pioeeeis arUinc, from -Hi 1 ale to oespp ne to tt e arment fibec ale of and opon aald xecatioD sndthe'ir g au eoits cfsa'r.UTed at $38 3 . 2 dtlhe payment of the deunn. o'" P am iff herei amounting in ail to the um ot f 1126.02 with aoerning interest hereon at tbe rate of ety ht per cent per anuum aed the tanner 1 am of $100 as auorneys fe. Da'e-1 ih:s 27th day ol Varch 1804. C C Jacxeoir. Sbetiff cf Lien Coooty Oregon. CITATION tin Count? Court of tke Hate 0 Oregon fot tke. Count u of Lam : I In the mailer of th' sefata of (.'iara Derringer, deceased. Citation. i Tc Liornee fcrh art U.-rnnge- ad Niola Derringer, greeting. Uregoa, lr tne t con'v o: L'.an with the real ot said .-sort affixed, tfaia 17'h day of Apai', lSrM. Attest. X P pArss,e'erk. Notice of D-'s solution 1 he copartnership herrs.0'0 -e existina between 8 N Sle- .e and J M Pol lock, ads the firm name of S X Steele Co, iahsreby dissolve I by matnal atrree ment, J M Po'.'ock reiirirg. S N S;ele wi I continue tbe business-, co.lect all accounts doe the firm and pay all cbli iraii ns against ssid rlroi now octaund Ins. laated this th day of April . 114- J M Hoirxxi. S ti Stekle. STOCKHOLDERS MFETikO i tv.1-1 a 11 ri . -o . Afexr: M H .Vilds. I'RcsB MarsbaLL. President. iecre:arv NOTICE CFFIYAI SETTLEMENT. No' ice ts hereby a'yen that the under signed have n'ed their final account as administrators of the estate of Caroline Burkhart deceased, vsith the Counts Clerk ot ina a. ounty, Oregon, and Ihe I ountv t'urt """k Mo"iT 5 ""Z j lts4 at the hour of i o'clock P M of sak said i da for hearing the same ard sett ing the aiu estate, in persons raving objecttons thereto are hereby notified to be present at said time and make the same. WaaTHaaroRD i Wyatt, attys for admr. C XI Bi'rkhar?. Fkid O BesHAR r Administrator EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given lhat the under signed was on the itrd day ef March. i!04, duly appointed Executor ol the. last wiil and statement of E L Knox, deceas ed, by the Countv Court ot Linn County, Oregon. This Is therefore to notify all I PWns iiaring claims against said de- ; ceasesl lo present the same to me at the 'Court-house in Linn Countv, Oregon j with the proper vouchers 'within six 1 months from the date thereo. ! Hated this e.-H .1..- . lo.r W R Bilyeu, Nimrod Pavne, Attorrev for Executor. Executor. NOTICE TO ST0UKH0L5EFS. Notice is herebv given that the An nual Meeting of the Albany Mining A Milling Co will be held at the office of C G Burkhart on April 30th, 18i4, at i o'clock p w of said day, for the purpose of electing seven directors 'o serve for one year and the transaction of such other business as mav legally come be fore the meeting. All stockholders are desired to be present- By order oi board of directors. Attest, J V Pirn, N tl Allkx, Secretary. President DISSOLUTION NOTICE Notice is hereby fiven that the ca part nership heretofore exiattrg hetwetn M Senders and J W Seafl, under the fitc name aad style of Senders Ik Senft, doing a geneial insurance business, has beea dissolved by mutual consent, J W Setf rethijig. M Senders will continue the business, by whom all debts will be pi and account J collected. Dated April 6, i894. Ssaaosatat J W Suirr.