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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1894)
Bcmofrat VOL XXIX. ALBANY.ORLGON, FRIDAY, APRIL Mt 181)4. I.nlrrril ni I In- osl ! at Albany. Or., as fceeoml-e. Isss Mall Mailer: sTITKs aft N I I I IN 1., rubllsnrr and Praprletera: NO 39 L Eights for Infants and " Castoria is so n'J adapted to children that I recommend it :is superior to any prescription Uwwu to me." IT. .V. Arcbkb, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 'The ssse of 'Oastc.-ia i.: so universal find Its merits so well known that it seems a work of aupererofration to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within w.-gr reach." Cxkuxs XUt.ttx, D. D , New York City. Thx Cmi Coarea-vr, The Best Sheet L. DOUCLAS Shoos are ft.tUf i.-tirin .f Ih. -. T " -' . i ,i . T F---;riii.u man am- i or uw Least idooey. &wt ante xjbv xaats aaabaaaTraS TOpS?583?, ik. aa,iru. utac nnerdi. aa- ?rv w. .... .,.,,TS . ... tuuSus name and price on the bottom, wine! guarantees i their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them Dealers who push the sale of W. L. Daugfa. Shoes gain customers, which belos u ZZ . -e a. taW below. Catalooe&caipoaappUc; L. E ILLER Undertakers r r vp i' i. r- n A "'tr rcnsiHii) on .rd a full FORTM ww coram, niso Dunai rotes and suits, in trcidcloih, -fi'l which will be old at The Lowest I.. ting Profit. EMBALMING and u,e proper care of the dead a socially. t O EXTRA ChRGI: FOR ALBANY, - - MASONIC NEW : FURNITURE, M Y 8JORE iSNOW FULL OF HKsT f f bed room.wt. chair., lcnnta, Mr., BOTTOM The Oregon Whti its homt SALEM- - - l"f G'ey WocL. corner Liberty nd mm AKfcb a 8p"ialty of Sunnyside'fruit tracts near Salem', aK Will sell 5, 10 or 20 ere small cash piymcnt lore or particulas. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH. Proprietor, Hi: l.: "iXt PnOTOUK.IHKRH.eKn PATRONIZE. HOM TPI FARMERS 4 MFRCHANTS IMSURAfiCE EB SbMaty , .O'.MI, r-roHldSHt. i L. COWAK. Tretvsuror. niRK"roRnj eviw-an. Jo K Simpson, W V J K Woathorion. Kaol, rj J also m.,r7titrr several Solid Eastern lu olulii wraniKT. AcclruHi nrn 1 w 1 s. For aie in Albany, Ore.. by J. A. CL'MlWiNia TBosTallusr-iaiil'tisu, If your bones ache use CTTRE-AKE made only by Fred Dawson, Children. Caatorla cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, 1 '.nictation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and pronv otea fH pest ion. Without injurious r.icdicr.t'.oa. "For several years I have recommend. your ' Cjitoria,' and shall always continue U do so as it has Invariably rroduced Ivneflcla lesults." EPWIM F. T.UUIEK, M. P., liMh Street and 7th Ave., New York City Mihrat Strxvt, Kkw York Crrr. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE JSU SB, $4 ana $3. SO Dress Shoe. S3.5C Police Shoe, 3 Sole, S2.CO, $2 for Worklngmei 62 and SI. 75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES S3, $2.50 S2, $1.7, CAUTION. If U7 deale or; r. yon W. 1.. Dourlo. tnoti at at reduced price . or ay D nan 1 Bern w 11 lw oni (he name starupess ua Dotiom. put bin uowu Mama -';.. fitting, and give beths Trj one pair and be cors- . . otner make. T-y r-ia aSorn to aril at a I a ls re W.X. IJCCOlLa. lta pa ri!r Bate BLAIN CLOTHING C & IRVING and - Enibalniers. lir.e of mttalic. dcth frd v cd caskets ar ' it r j e. ' HEARSE OR SERVICE r TEMPLE, - - OREGOf CLASS FURXlTURK.tCONSlSTlSG which I ail) sell at PRICES. i'hos. Brink. Land Co office at - ORliJCa-O. h State street, branch effice In Pawttaiw acre lots at $50 to $60 per Urn? on balance Jabinet photos from $1.5010 94.00 . per dozen. .niaiging pictu rsrs a II' WHIir, i':o crayon: 1. amea - 1 1 , ...... if. i ..... ,....1. 1 of 5x8 and stereecor.''' views o i Or- 'liiSTITUTIONo.- Oregi) 1 1 J O WRI'i.-iMArT. S(etetu:y Oeo F SINCVSON, Vieo Prod lo 'i B Monuit'i.M (Rarntiorg , J ltd sit ) Vrifsrnin. AOaWTS rou- and Foreign ComraAieb Sfl ANHOCD RESTORED! WaEgf5SSS ftiaruii'ted U euro toll nor mutt ucli u Wt'Ok Mi'morjr, UNMOC BralBi 'ower, lieavdaurhf, Vukorulnens, l.ot MaitluMxI. Niititly Kujlflahms, Nervou iifbtt, all dratMH and i. r power, i Generative oriiaus of ettUer sezcauoed by overexerUuri, jroulbfal rrrort, exceaiTe uae of tobaccu.opltuu or Btltn tpanta. whieti l'd to Innmilty. ( onsuiiiptlmi or liiNanlty. tfan b carried in vcm. rius:a.cfv. vt pvi u"i,u iurui uy uiun prvunm. nitnafO Order W yajBivs it written niiuraiiiff 10 cure or n-fuiid the mostey. Sold by" S.U is sn , a. tji'- ' v. ii t i Wirai I01IOH rtl n S, Ml; It l'U) 9i HU. VK itKU CO.. Mu.tMiii('lnriiit rmi'tiiti. and by HODGES ft McKAKfANI, DruggUu. 1 THTJESDAY" TICK Senators. V R BNym. Albanv. Jcd'ergon Meyers, Franklin Butte. Representatives. J M Philpot llanis- burg. I J Whitney, Albany N P Grama. Sbedd. Commissioner W E Potter, Fox Val ley. Clerk C F. Stanard, of Brownsville. Recorder Riley Shelton, 8ck). Sheriff-C 0 Jackson, H alley Treasurer E L Bryan, Tangent. Assessor S O Wallace, Lebanon. School Superintendent F M Mitchell, Albany. Coroner -Frank Farrell, Albany. State Democratic Ticket. For tiovernor -Win Gahowar, of Ynin- hill county. Congressman, from the 1st district Hon J h N eatherford. of Albanv. I ongressniaii from Sad district Hon Jos it ivuiey. ot t'endleton. Supreme Judge A S Bennett, of 'Hie Dalles. Secretary of State Charles Nickell, of .lacKsonville. School Superintendent -1 V S Reid. Eugene. Treasurer Thomas L I'avidson. Salem. Attorney lieneral-- W II Holmes, of Salem. State Printer J, hn O'ilrien.of Portland Circuit Judge 1 J Ialv. Prosecuting Attornev 1 tat e. H Mon The Lord's Sidk. Kev K 1! Satton. memlr of the National committ.v of the Prohibition party challenges Kev I 1 l'river. who undoubtMly said the w. mis re ferred to. as follows, in "a letter to the Eu gtne (iuarJ: The K.?v Ir Driver of your city is itioteI in the Portland Telegram as saying that the republican iarty is not onlv on tlie Uml sides but that the lrd is on the side of the republican i-artv. i do not believe he said it. But if h'e did I here and now challenge him to baa debate ui.n that proposition, he to take the af tirnutive. 1 the mgative. If he will meet me at Mount's hall this evening at 7:30 o'clock, where 1 am billed to speak, or if that is too soon I will be in this citv on the afternoon of the "J6th of this month to at tend the county prohibition convention at the court house at 1 a m. and I will meet him on the evening of that date. AriER a Sokt Bur. Oregon people generally are down on the bonus business- Men looking for soft snaps now adays must have lots 'of gal'. Bonus banters had better go to tba bone yard. The Eugene Register says: The gentle men interested in locating a woolen mill in this city, have been here the past week, but &ft again probably fir good this time. Their proposition as we un derstand it vj; to remove a two set mill which they liave in Iowa to this place rhey aanted the citizen here to tae half the stock ta the mill, which they vahieil at thirty thousand dolla's. A cite would oe donated to them, secera! offers having been made. The gentlemen found no encouragement on such a prop osition and have gone to other held. Uiey have been lookinc over the coast for some time looking for a soft snap. The Sxsvsm Scow. The steam aeon is to htn aaoUier trial tris Wednesdav afternoon. Castings for hitching her wheel to the shaft tha'. turns it so se curely that it will slip no more, were cast in Albany Saturday, and a couple of days will be required to complete the repair;. The owners have an opportu nity to contract for carrvine to Salem 100) coidi of wood frucj Rork Point, a ointonthe ,-iver ceven mile above. Billing wood flora that noint to Salem has been done by scows towed by steam boats for years. Corvallis T mes. Side Tbacked. The freight last even ing arrived at Jefferson loadad down with men. berg of Coxey'sarmy of umemployed ass MS astungton. I hey were railroad, and when the ' I train reached Jell "... ,1... :. ffenon thev bad become o thick that it was necwaarv to taae oteps to thin them out The freight, a Ei'ua1. oejan switching it. car., and hen the signal aas civen tha train pwil?d out leavinz the army in the cars oa A sidetrv-K. Ther were verc ini!:ir- nant over the treatment ami swore ven geance on the railroad. Independent. A Great Atiractiov. Reid Avhat he nre say about the Chicaeo Indies Qawrtettc: Chleago HctaJtl: Theintng ing is pejf-ct i i precision and their shad- ing and phrasing sre excellent: added to this line musical f-elini' cives '.o their singing a chartu that jnakes it most at tractive, and thev are rapidly winning a rugi place in puollc lavor. Y M C A ol Chicago: We consldr Miss Neltnor the tinrst reader that has ever appeared in Farwell HalL At the Ore'a House on Friday, April sjth. Bio Snipe Kim.. Judge Whalley and Wtt Monteith returned to Portland with an immense bag of snipe killed yes Uiday. There has lieen som complaint that there was :o hunting aroand Al bany and yet these experts captand l.'lO plump fellows. Mrs ieo If Williams the faith cures, died in Portland yesterday at ttie jtge of 1! years. It is probable she fastest her self to death. Mrs Williams has been a remarkable woman in her way. Of medicinal ayent. is gradaatlv reguls' ing the old-time hrrl s. pills, ihacghta uvi vegetable extracts to the rear and hringin.i into general ue the .- i.t at -i tfbetivt hqoid laxative, Syiop cf KitiS. To get tha true r.medy see that it is mar.uf.ctarerl by the California Fin Syiop t o only. For ale by all hading druggist.. 81 doh's Cure, the great coagh and eron ", is for sale l-y os. Pocket size ouataim. went-iive dtues.oaly 25c. Children Ijts it oshay A Maaoo, flEKMA:; Lijisoss. Thou; wishing fo to study Herman should call on Mrs ''Coh en at the corner of Third and I'alapooia streets Albany. Will teach vviting and speaking. Cerman. Please call befsM April 1st. Mil- C Cohen. New Lt YaBD. Tha undersigned is prepared to stinnlv all customers with all kinds of lumber, drain tiling, cedar posts. Hour and feed on the most favor able terme. F O Power Sliedd Mi Glow cneeic brow ITi V! Ill ) d v is tthig proper nourishment. hen this glow of health is absent assimilation is wrong, and health is lettinrj down. Scoffs Emulsion Eta ken immediately arrests vca::le, regardless of the tcause. Consumption must wield to treatment that stops waste and builds flesh anew. stlmost as palatable as milk. Prspsrad In- K.:M t A Bonn, N. T. All itrurri'M. " "" 53 receipts wertS written Tuesday and Wednesday at the Sheriffs office, as follows: E fatter S M Leister (i tiribby S ti Col litis John tiavln .1 K Miller Mrs R J S inead C W Martha Susan Pearce Mellissa Kitchen. . . W II Bartges B FIV.odgett J F Morris .8 l.fO ll.tiO 4.80 'J7.00 B.eo . M . 03 .s:i . 10.17 2.t4 4.50 G.00 1.32 . 83.78 7.:!) John Doran 1.00 Henry Stephens . . . 8 F jenks W PHollida . .... htiO H.tiO !.0S i W Cox 10.80 U-.50 John Mad in Charles Marsh It V A Kastburn i E Mobley .00 F J Denny -Mrs Eliza Warren. . . S0.5 148.10 12.48 L B Tvcer Thos Brandon 74 70 10.50 Eliza Brandon . I N V'anwinkle W V Stalker Mrs Blodgett Ira Blodgett ti E Hollinger Atilla Uertz Wm Power Miller Page M Doughty H F Fisher Jessie Puh G BTrasV J C Standish Mrs C A Rolfe Mary E Cox Frank Maloue 8 S Doty John Morrison T Smelser Sarah J Smeleer. . QW Sykes Daniel Iedy O K Bennett 2S.88 4(1 4fi 11.55 1.81 -'.10 8 : -'.60 4.60 41 107 7:i 7.62 1708 3.i 1.18 1 00 1.50 HUB 2..'x 2.70 4.80 103.25 7 '.U 142 85 7 20 110.51 Trites A Miller usan Boles Edward Barrett ... Hon M A Miller Is on th Sistc Cen tral Committee of the democtatir party lor l.inn County. An attempt wae made to get a Jio pound sturgeon to Salera alive; but it failed. The fih dtad in its tank ol wat:r On the way. As a good mai.v county warrants ate being used in paying taxes, when the trestutc: makes hU call for them the number of outstanding warrants wijnot be very latgr. A system cf sel! letting clocks aid . xn be Introduced in Albany. Thci- .re a' rtady five subscribers lo it. Cnder It each ciock i; connected with the L!ck obser vatory and is set to the se'ond cverv noon. An exchange refers to a nominee on the democratic diairSd ticket as a drink ing man. and set a nominee cf the re publicans on the district ticket, according to reoorta. drinks three sytaasea cf a hi.. I key to the dtniocra'.'s one S::ch (tones' retxi;na. The Southern Pacific railroad company exhibits two locomotives at the midwin ter lair. One of them, the CP Minting, ion, was btought arourd the Horn in It weighs ibboui 13.000 pounds and cost i9,(o-.a: the olber No 11)99. I a compound ergine sscighing, beside which the tiuntlngun look like a baby, yet ftcos! but a trifl; aiore than the latter.' Mrs E A ScuiiHes from Newport. returned this noc n J A Dummett. Y M C A traveltstg stc- retary. is in the city. Mr Ed Cusick went to noon on business. Portland his Mr and Mrs John Holnran returned Has noon by way c( Ya-piina lom a trip la the Midwinter fair. mm 1 ... v 111 1 .1.1 ..iltl c 111 1 a ' i u iiic , if r it 1. 1 , ' . ( , .... 1 ., .. . 1 . .. city yesterday. Mr Conner is making cxrangements to locate in Drain. Wrn M Hoag and a couple rf eastern capitalists were looking over Albany today, a snggestive fact. ) I Daly, of Ialla. was nom.nated by the democrats lor Circuit judge and Hon L II Mootanye. of this city, for Prosecut ing attorney. Miss Be.lha Ellis returned this noon from a several weeks visit in San Jose and San Francieco.snd repo,-:s a delict.. ful experience. C B Stanard, oi Brownsville.and Riley helton, of Scio, the iropular r.ndidatee for clerk and recorder, are in the citv The indications are that the gentlemen will move to Albany to reside for a coup'e years, about July 1 4t. The young people of the Cnited Pres byterian hnrch gave a box social last evening at the residence ol I. L Blain. A feature was the large vaiiety of gsmet Clayed. Farlners were secured for Innth y duplicate button hole bouuets. MrOPCoshow.Jr., o! McMinnville. president of the t'oung People's society of the Baptist church, of Oregon, spoke in the nsptist rtiurrti last evening to a good audience. MrCoalsOW is a pleasing speaker and bis address is highly spoken of. Hon J K.Weatherford returns to night from the state democratic convention The convention did a good thing in plac ing him in nomination for congressman ; the jieople would do a tetter thing by electing him. Hermann is simply a pol itical demagogue and the people of this district should put a stop to his congress ional career. It has already been stretched out too long Tax Notice. Tax payers will bear in mir.d that the county court has fixed May 14th as the time when taxes will become dclKiuent. All should pay before that date so as to avoid additionalcost. C C Jackson sheriff. A t Iran llrm. . ho tioiti nearly nil the washing in Al bany f Why, the Albany Steam Laundry Why, because they do first-class work at low prices. Who patronizes the Chinamen? On'y a very few. IJon't mention it. Have you siren the new wagon. It's modern and holds a stack of clothes. Their big business denmmhi it. Richards & Phillips made it. They know how, a well as bow to do superior washing. The Steam Laundry washes for rich and poor anil does good work for all alike. Try it, try it. nouin tosrsiDttaiMU Will U Stark, (If ,rwefe-. If you want a line tmoka uall lor Joseph a wbate labor cigars. The bostjroast ooffss iu tire eity t Com ad adsryer a. Hoslges Hi MoKarlaaa, '..tie trading dru Sera, Albany, Ci . Will & Stark's large line if silver war lias created a great deal of talk. la.roniz. home industry by smoking th lelebrated white labor oigtra, msiinfaotared by la'ius Joseph. WkiioINO NVlTAVIONS. Wooden, Tin, Silver, tioldeii' Common every day. Kmii.kv. There is no claim made for Ayer's Sarsapariila which cannot be endorsed by scores of testimonials. This fact plainly proves that the blood Is the source of mtat disorders snd that Ayer's Sarsapariila Is the best of blood purifiers. Try li this month. Dr. Price CreMtTBkliiM' Powder World' Fair tllgbcst Award. World's Fair Highest Award. FBIDAT An Ekiht Hot'H DKBATK. Albany was Ih; sceno of a big debute yederday. A man OUM all the WttJ from Los Angeles to debate on the immortality of the soul. Bishop Dillon, of Salem, of the United Brethren church, and Rev Uowmnn, of Los Angles, of the Adventist church, alternated every half hour in discussing matters im mortal. I. mat: claims that in Adam all sinned, and that a soul is created onlv through Christ, that when a man dies he iceps until the ludirtnent day. when h. judged; if COndemued, eternal death is tin punishment, bis): i, Dillon mashes the iiimiiirtalitv ot the - Mil straight, two an . I Li I ... . . . i nan nours mine i i.vnuon. lie same in the afternoon, and three hours in the even ing were occupied in the discussion. Thi debate ended ivs it begun. To (put acex- icni it. was a noi mu game with word. Both sides probably claim a victory in ar gument. 'I he Man about Town "did not bear any of the dcliate and liurn of it through those who did. The judgment seems to ue that the followers of each side remain of the same opinion ua before.'"peaking of Hie demo cratic excursion over the liar Uio Astorian says; ibe cccupantji of the estnneries and factoiies fin ing the river bOTTrWI etieer to tue exeurs:onistH by the waving of hand . i.i.-i- ,ui i iui occasional iiurnui lor uailoway; and even the sea gulls wn' thicker than usual, as though thev were surveying the crowd with the ho that thev, too. might have nn oi.norlnni',- i helpamusethe strangers. Thv aWtataa over Uie steamer for wimc distance il,.wr. the river, attracting the attention of all on Uxird by their fmicrful swoops and cir- lngs. and one that mivl to be the I..-. sea gull of a! came down over their protec tor irora Linn county, the Hon "leaf," Myers, who had l.d.irnd sn h:irsl u-liiL. in the It'-'Ul.ittin- for tho Bssaaassa of Hms for their protection, an.l gave him the right baud of fellowship v -s. lm- it lo him twice. Closed Koil AVII! Li: i'hoi k'-.r La shut down his tannt.iv and will mtnm '.b an etlort to organize a new comjanv to run it. He say. it tv.ys een tetter than the woolen mills and the product in the aaVsM it takes capital to run it. Th-x Kav says they have nw $10) in th- tanne'rv and money i- ti..,. i! take- all hi. ' apt tal to run the w..)len mill. A meeting will be called a'ter Mr Kay return from '1-risco. to consider the matter. He s cs next week! Sa,em Journal. The Bttutni! Home The work on tha Soldier Home i rapidly nearimr comnhv. I . l ! :i . n. and President Ms!: ,.tt,vi. in t,..,. the liuilding ready for c.vuiancv not later than May .'.th. The v..,- ...... DOW U-ing laid thr.-jghout the workmen are busy in every direction pat ting on the tinishin work The electric ugbt wires have been put up and the home is now oOsaafSiad with the power sta tic.n in the city. The water eOasfsxay lutxe m force of men putting in a main from West RoseLarg to the home and it will be a tear days until the water is tampion L'ery thing will 1 in readiness tha dedi.ation of tha home, which is t.. take place on the l'Jth cf next month I-.:- uaJer. ;;v Ilvll.n. Word dji-Ihw Bert Waugb. a former brateman P ivMsenger train, wz. recently haitd. at I lWS Bay. where he had cn the hang- g : : -1 wu. iuai 1 sen was waking on the vejweJ helping to load it. Jst lefore ths load was complete I the mate sent him dewn in the hold to work, and whik- he wa. down there the vessel got under way and sailed with Bert an unwilling paaassi ger. The vesw-l was San Franci- o bound however., and it is moie likely that Bsrt was peifixtiy SataaW to he shangfaied after he got over his scare. Toledo Leader. Loxo BuiTaacw. IVpofy Sheriff Sise more. of Jackson county, brought two pris oners down today and turned them over to upenntendent IKwntng. for safe keeping. t". . : . . . , . s . llhe miscreanU ar Frank Haney Martin The Srst w sniias and . senlencesl to j fifteen sear and the latter twelv I -. ear. f r the anie crime, and that of as U.t 1 .. .,i ,. IC - . I , 1 -:.-!: , l a !..-:i, v . riaiem Independent . The latter received three years less on account of pS.., ; guihy. Harver Martin is a son of L Martin, n w de eased, an old resident of Albanv. Harvey went to sciiool at Albany tnd an average kind Of a boy. was Win. Need Tui.a -sav : There is in no The Toledo Leader us'- talking. The uominatum ot J h Wea! hrt rd. of 1- baLy. i the strongost ore thit possibly could have Wn made, and lie will run Binger Hermann the race of hi- life. Mr Weatherforil is extremely popular and i a jnt. honest, upright and con sSajtaSM man. and a man of great ahibty. The aSSJsahsscan majoritv is an immene on- to oyrn on.e. l:t Mr Hermann can just thank bis lacky shir that it is just as large as it it. for hois going to need everyone of them. Dkatii or Jscii Newvvx - Hon Jsasoh Newnnui. a we'l known and highly re-ejsii-1 t itizen of this county, died Monday after a long illness, agvd 65 yar. Iv oeased t'k an activs part in polities, and a memlr of Hi legislalup one term. He l.-ave one iLiughter. Mrs i Kinder. His death is mourwd iy a large numls-r of t - a . 1 - . . irstsnsn.Au vancc. una county ! a gan.1 itnjen and many will regret heari ng f hu -leath. SlPttovs JAtTinrxT. A di-patch from Brownan die state that Frank C Sfanard was kicked by a liors.- lat evening cau-ing serious in;usies. He was inscn.iUv but hopes wrs entertained of his nv-overy. The Lebanon Advatco says: Dr J A I aianarsial of this citv. Ssatahaxww a nrom - inent republican, has renounisl allegiance to the "g o p" and oraie over to the "party of liberty." The Dr does this through a sanse d duty: says he has bSM under conviction for wmie time and feels j happy since he threw off the burden. The ui is a wen nai man. a laiKer. ami withal conscientious, imd will lie an able champion of the jeople's rights. The ,V ooslburn ladejiendent says tha though there are no saloons there men get drunk right along. It wants to know how to remedy it . la spring Nearly ever. body neadt'a icoil mcd ciic. The impurities which have accumulsted in the blood during the cold months mutt be eipsllitl, or when the mild dsjs come and th 1 fTcct cf bracing air is lott, tin body is liable to le overcome by dtbi'ity or some aenous disrate. The iitnaiksnle saccsoa achieved by Hood's Sarsspsrilla ano the many words ot praise it has ice ed, make 11 worthy your confidence, lie ask veil tc cue th'S mid. cine a trial We are suro it wtll do sou good. the testimonials published in be. all of Hood' Saras parll la, all fn tn relisble, grateful people, t'bey tell the story. Mrs Lancruish. "Tired! Oh, so Hied all the lime!" Mrs Smart. "Well, so 1 used to be until I begun lo take Ayer's Sarsa parllla as a spring medicine, and now I don't know what It Is to have that tired feeling. Try it my dear; only be sure you get Ayer's." The work ol the Quartttie is of the very highest order of merit. Tlie voices are well balanced and blend together delightfully. Iowa State Register. At the opera houeo April 87. See the Mew Improved Sli der Iswil g tn chin. Tho t is alwsys the. cheapest. W Sawden, stent. Ollice at K M French ewelry atoro By using Hall's Hair Renewnr, gray, faded or discolored hair assumes the natu ral color of youth, and glows luxuriant and strong, pleasing everybody. Whem Baby was sick, wo gave her Tastoria. men slit) was o Child, she cried for Castoria. When she become Miss, she. ctunB to astor: . When she had Children, she gave them Castoria attf-sfttw The S P pay car was circulating a arge amount of money here today. This Is clean weather. If iou would nave your clothes washed In a clean manner send them lo the Albany Steam Laundry. Yesterday was oni of 'lie hottest days In the hirtoty of San Franclico, the ther mometer reaching H2 degrees, the botfest teing 88 degrees above zero. The Fast Albanv United Prnln ii.,inr, mission S S have moved Into comfbrtabl quarters on the secend floor of . , fh-ck-ers line building ever Mr Worlev's lore. The Carnival if Nations presen'cd at Lebanon by the ladies of the M E Church netted them $85. An autograph (jullt uuub-hs uy -y 'v rces lor fiij alter a spirited cont:st. Mr (ullus (i'adwohl'i. store in the opera li.iiise b'ock will be simply a branch to bis First street stor. It will be a famll grocery store, where good mtua. at low piices may be secured. Ttia jury at Porremv. In the case of the State is 1 K Edmlston. charared with "' 'Mm $30,000 from ihe Walla W, aa Savings hank, at y o'clock last nlchl brought in a verdict ol not guilty. oncrui Jackson has nrav-n himself nne of the best sheriffs Oregon has erer had irom one enu to the other. The p tin'e realize thi-: ai d they will reelect him by a big majority . Last evening one of loe Mtert de livery teams .ai away taking a wheel off the wagon of Mr Lo'ne. of Oak Crek, hlch .ii resting on Second street. It was quite an exciting affah for awhile. Mrs Bcaltv has rented the boardlne li-'useof.Mrs R F Ashbv on E Iswortli street and will hereafter ru 1 It. Prompt attention to the needs of boadrrs. Tonight the entertainment at th- oM U P church will l.e a great treat lean Irglow's -'Song of Seven"' will be rre- sen'ed, as well 3 somst fine n ii. Apollo club. Do not miss It. A I'orilsiid mn will succeed fr V H Huston as manaeer of Knann Rorrll 4 Co's business In this citv. on Wjv it Mr Hustasi has made a popular manager As there Is no s'reet superintendent In Albany the merchants ol the clt y should see that Fir-; street is cleaned up, ar.d given a presentable appeatane Several are already coin ib'a. Let all fall in line. A pleasant sunri-se tirtv w:is ten.l.irss.l Mi-- N.:,a l'..rk.-r W.-ln. t.iv ev..n:rif. n Bishop Morris will prea. h in the Episco pal chunh Suntlay night. Hear him. Iacense has been i-med f..r the nv.rri.11w f Anthonv Bender and Madalina J fSu Iternagle. Mr A P Butler. :iiv.ime nmsl .,( il.. ant! Stjntag cotaumv. was in the. itv ti-uy. but failed to make a date on acoount cf oilier attractions. GOT Pennover and Ira WakeSeM will jeak at Barns i -org on the evening of Hay 4. and at Albany, May 5. Col X B Alley, state aaaaaaC from I-ane 1 1 S ' II t V W - . im Ik. .a. i..l,.- ! . 1 hi.tise bv SV.1V .if V..-intM. Vr Frank Parton. who has Iwen in the city several days on her way to her home at Waitatburg from a trip to Southern Calif ornia, left on the noon train for Waitsburg. i"' ssf master lieneral Bissell and party passeil through Yuma today on a tnp to the Pact fie Coast. While on his trip of pleasure lie wi 1 Lock ii;to the p wtal wants of 'he west w E Potter, nominee of tie lemccrat fw county commissioner, was in the city to day. Ma Potter is a man of solid worth, a level beaded gentleman of just the make up for a first etas county commissioner. He wiil receive a big vote for the office. Hon Jeff Meyers returned from Astoria this noon Vi hue taking a ride m the Columbia be was attacked by a sea gtill. but of course the report that he would favor the reteal of tie law protecting sea gulls, which be helped to pais, was simply a joke. J T Tichncr an-i Mrs S A Jones went t Albany today to attend the funeral of Mrs Jennie Pierce, who died Tuesday night Her mother died near Saiem in 1880. Mr Pierce was well known at Salem and Independence.- Journal. MrCha NicMl editcr of the Jackson ville Times, an-i democratic candidate fcr ecreUry of slate. sraS in the city last even ing. Mr Nickel! is one of the 'most com petent men in ' iregon for the office of sec retary oi state. He is business and attends lo business. Mr Haight. of this csty. has leen app-intivl suierintendent of traseling sales men for the Spanlding Mantifartnring company of tiwinelie. Iowa, one of tlie largest t-amage manufacturing com janies in tlie 1' S. His authority extemls ovit the coast. The appointment it a pod one. Nathan Pierce and his son. Henry, are in town today. Mr Pierre says be could give work to several hun.iivd now idle raen were he possessed of th? enor mous expanse of acreage attributed to him since be aiwptel the populist nomina tion for governor. Pendleton EO. . ' ' W.i. ..,.. n :. !!; f the deatO for county asaisssnr. was in the city today. Mr Wallace is being recognized as a very strong candidate. He is not only a first .1-- man: but h knows Linn countv property thoroughly, and has had a good d.-.u of experience as assessor. His sound judgment peculiarly tits him for the office. According to the following advertisement in the Telephone-Register a former Albon Biaa has bx-ate-l in McMinnville: PLind gren has h-ased the old stand of Samuel Coiine and tittesl up a complete machine aaop. Ail kinds of lathe anl forge work done promptly. Repairing of engines. Killers and harvesting machinery a siecial- ty. I hilled plow shares ground. Public Speaking. H.e democratic candidates of Linn oBaaY v w ill sneak on the nolitu al issues of the lay at tlie tollowing units and places iiacBsa . May 1. at 10 a ta langent is, at -' p m Bhedd ' V.i. at 1 p ui llarrisburg HiUsey Brownsville . . . . iVawfordsville. . zl, at 1 p m J2. at 1 p m " 23, at 1 p 111 " 24. at 10 a in S steal Home . . ".'4. at '- p m " 25. atlOuiu Waterloo Sodaville as, at a p in Isrbanon Koe k Creak Lyons .Ionian Shelburn Scio Siintiaui Albany 't, at 1 p m 88, at 1 1 " 28, at 1 1 " :IO, at 10 a 111 31, at 3 p in 31, at 1 p 111 J une I , at " p in June 2, at 1 a ni Opposing candidates are respectfully re- ouesled to lo prt'seut and i.irtuipate 111 the discussion. K E Davis. Chairman County Central Committee. dm w Wkiobt, Secretary. A Peculiar Challenge. The following is. taken from the Press mid is self explanatory: - HAiiuisnruo, Or., April 17 W F Deakins Eaq. Republican nominee for Assessor. 1 tear Sir: In our conversation at the hotel lit Uurrisbtirg on tlio Itttli 111st. yOU unauaiifiedlv declared yourself in favor the free and unlimited coinage of nil von also asserted Uie tariff issue toln" largw ly a humbug. Now why do you not stand bv our national and state Phittonn like a man and advocate a single gold stanard with as largo a use of silver us possible and si 111 iiiauiiaii lias parity sw nue-iciiiuijcc.t-bility of cue dollar with another? Know ing this to be republican bimotalisni, why do you talk free and unlimited coinage of silver, unless to catch votes? And why do you not defend the tariff unless for the same reason ? 1 challenge you to joint discussion and will undertake to prove that neither you nor your party unconditionally favor the free and unlimited coinage of siivi'r, or an independent American financial system. II. B Maxwkll. Populist canlitate for Assessor of Linn ounty. SATTJEDAY IWVIM, TAXI S. The a littl receipts for five hiys this week were 1 over IS000. Tliupi.lay..-i.'.d Friday they were as follows: Mm F B Prater Heirs T M Burnett I. II Wassennan . . . Jus tlreenhylgli ... J C Porter Mrs L Fonst i M Smith I has Dwyer Kst Haryey Bbelton Warren Nichols A M Hall .$ 38.50 15.00 1.02 . . 73.00 7.00 . 5.00 . 9240 5.56 . 85.0:j 4.44 . 10.45 7.30 4.75 12i.52 Lowiss J Derrick . If V Sprenger Jas I'lakely F King Margaret Bonier . TP Caldwell J A Pluuimer Eli L H (Tranter Mrs R 0 B0M( Willar.1 Wills.... . . Eat Charles ( iray . . . (i VV tiobble ST. 70 4.37 . 13.80 7.50 7.50 1.50 . 7.30 - 30.70 1.00 . 2.08 I A L-lne Urvant Atbie Brvaiit i Mrs L Bryant f. :. A . 2.08 rannie llryant . . . Oeo II Muiler. . . . C M ilssiiiiiiliiii t Man. ..... P Y Ihincan S A Ihiw-oii A J Craft ileo Wihon G B Bruckman . . A M Acbi-son John F Ascher . . Mtj Martha Joa Kst 0 H figgill John Ander.' .. Selina Burkliart . Thomas Arnold . Wm Phillips .... L B Henderson . . Thos Skellv Kate Skelfv 4.13 1.94 7.75 17.47 25 47 . fKi.SK) 1.00 ft.15 LOO 1020 K..71 . :.00 30.00 . 7.60 42.77 24IJ 5 II M 15.7:! 1.03 .30 :.oo 1500 . 4S. l.9 K K Cooper W w Baines Est Frank She-Id 0 ft c b r. Grasfwatlng subject-. Following is a list of the graduating class of the Albany public school, with the subjects of their essays : Myrtle Woriey Opportunity to Work. Moilie Worre! Pictures from American History. irao. liamber Heroism. Sue Breckenridge Mi-takes. lias-id liotiieb Improsement. Henry Morgan The Modem BsaaSaSas Man. Fred Schmeer Language. Robt Hunt James A iarneld. I-iir Thorap.Mi Class Historian. Mary Parnsh -The Pursuits of Happi n Anra liithens Value of Books. Lillian Brenner Associates. Ktha Cherry Resxlution. Ola Miller-Oat Setfmade Men. Stella Hughes K-lucatiio. Mary MiaitaajS fhafj Waiting. LLtue BsirWscJl Hope and Sierrory. Man-k Hulburt Value of a Musical Ed ucation. Lillian W .man Class Prophetess. Joyce Browned Valedictorian. Jessie Hackleman rol-len Renertion. Eddie Sears The Almighty IMIar. Joseph Beth one rbe sVijard of Menlc Park. R Y Koadi-s A l-:s !r. Edith Rumisaagh. Salutatorian. A lxrrstiiiii. EJi or iVtit: In voVrdav's issue of voor piler 1 no ticed a report of my debate which oon-tmne-.l a mLsrepre-entati.on of my views, that I desire te cvTrert First. I never be Sieved or taUjbt that "all sinned in Adaui.' or. that " a s,-ul is only create.! through Christ." What 1 said was: "Tn Adam alt die." not sinned. Second. I claimed that "Christ brntight life and immortality to I'giit." am! that it wa.- n-ot a present pos session, but a future lnvestitntv. to be put on at the resumv'jen. Please make the above correction and oblige. Yours lespettfully. H W Bowman . The informati n given the Dkwsh Rat aas by a gentleman who attended the en tire ik-liate with a vies- to lea rning seme thing, anl it seem he cam e away not knowing what be had heard, so mixed up and intricate are the distinctions in this discussion on the immortality ot the soul. The Man about Town lielieves such a dis cussion only onfuses and d'.ses more harm than good. He would like to hear a coup'e of men talk for eight hours on how to iseiter mankind, so that there will be less selfishness, from which all the present in dustrial troubles of the world arises, and more of tlie trite spirit cf Christ in tlie world. What '.he church needs is Itss division over technicalities ar.d more nnity. and the tide 1- tWatpfttt; strongly this way Sevex Stsoi.s or 1. ike. The Kinder garten Association gave a pleasing enter- I tainmcnt at the old t P church last even- inaT to a troi n.i-.: a-.idicnce. I he tenure of the entertainment w-to ewn Ingeiow s .-iis of s'ven presentesl in even inirts. showing seven different stasjes of life. It lgan with "Exultation" presentevl by Adete Uoff rerre-enting the child of seen. or seven tiuuss ore: then came "Romaiu'e" by Miss Bmwnell at seven times two; Mis Kdith Smick prtraye.l love at seven times three in a pretty manner. "Maternity" was presentee! t'V .miss fiinlie Anslvn as- isteei bv several Kindi-rgarten childreu. in pleasing language at seven times four. Miss hva Siinisson reiTisss-nteit WidOWaOOd at seven times five with elocutionary efj, ct Then came a bridal scene w ith Miss Kdith Smick and Charles S-ars as the happy eon pie and Ir Littler as the Episcopal minis ter. followcxi by seven times six. in which Miss Annie Fort miller gave in marriage the recital by Miss Fortmiller Wing par ticularly tine. Seven times seven, "long ing for home" was well presenteel by Miss Mary Cundiff. Intenpetscid were six or seven songs by the Apollo club, musical to the core. RKl.totoi i. SatasrtcJBS. President Mc Clelland of Pacific I'niversity w ill speak at the t ongregational church morning and evening. 1 lie subject tor the morning win M 'Christian hducation. A large at tendance is desired. Other servico as usual. Oat skat at tha B.iptist church iiioruing and evening. Other tervioM as usual. Cnited Presbyrerinn: 11 a iu, "The Gathaemane Piater" sermon to 1 tollowed by the sacrament olthe LonPs supper, 7 :30 an evangelistic service . S S - :9fJtC K G.30. Strangers welcome. The set I lues tomorrow at tha Presbyter ian church svill le as follows: lYi'acliing by the inutor at 10:30 a m and I'M p m SiibUith se'hevil at ll:4.- am; Junior C V. meeting at I p m; Y P S C E meeting t 6:46 pin. The subject of the moniing sit mon will le "The Kingdom of Righteous ness FinnllyTriumphant." in the evening the subject will be "The Qocetioa of Brotherhood as Related to the Tramp " All will le made welcome to these servicYs. Wilson Blain will conduct the services at 11 a 111 and the pastor will 1 present in the r of evamngalld preach on"ChristiiinStviirity." v I " ""v's ;'l '':'W pin. AH tiro invited. I 1, ., . . 1 . . . . I w 1 U a i react 111 te 10-nigin at. ine uaivoraaii.i ehnreh by II W Bowman, conimenciitg at 7 'SO, Also to morrow at 11 a 111. Subject for the morning, "The Signs ot the Tinier." Bishop Morris will preach at the Episcopal church in the evening. It will pay to hear him. Mr Thomiis Brink received tixlay the stul news of his fathers death. He would have been Si years old Uw 21st of May, 18M. He was one of the settlers in Whiteside Co, Illinois, having built tlie first house in Sterling, III., in 1S24. Be moved there from Indiana inlS35and lived thore up to his death. He was one of the most enterprising citizens of that county. HOME AND ABROAD The new school house U to be comple e I hy September 1st. For the very best bread tal the city go to ihe U K Bakery. Three loads of young people left lids morning for a days outing at Knox Butte. Iljou wai.t a fine photograph real Theap, call at Ihe gallery cor 2nd and Ferry and have a sample made. E B Sutton prohibition party organizer will speak In the W C T V hall Monday at 7:30 o'clock p m Every body Is Invi ted The bright sunshine is here and with It came Lncle Billy Wright with a fresh supply of prepared horse radish Keep your optics spread lor hl-n. The boot black across the street has more fun than any man in Albany, snd give, a scintillation to ones pedal estrem ties that goes to the teat ot ones optic nerves. Jihn Ennls, who has beer, employed in Albany and Portland In past years in the same business, opened a barbershop in the Grady building on Monday, and will barber and shave at popular prices. To ledo Post. instead ot Joe Meyers tsaas- standing Into Mt iners tearr. . as stated last even -1 ing. Mr t.cng's team Lacked into Mr Meyers teem at It was passing, so that the wheel of the wagon was caught and torn off. A Jack Adams, recentlv candidate for the nomination for recorder on the pop ulist ticket has been appointed deputy P M bv Charles Smitn of Leosnon. A blr . in the band is worth a hundred such birds as the popudst recorder nominee's chances for election. The city council of Ashland held a spec- is.' session and passed an spec tally so as to keep the Evans and a troup from exhibting in that city, they i:l not be in Albanv. Tne opera house management did not care to make a date with the company. Mr Sperrv, of Linn conntv, shows us an old book in the quaint stsle of tvpe a-.d building of our great grandfathers' times, it it a sermon on the licorrtpre- hensibleness of God. snd was published in Boston 17:5. Guard. JustCfty years younger than Dr Irvine's book. C E Stanari, of B'ownsvil'c, democrat ic candidate for county clerk, over Irom that cttr on Tnesoav morning train and indulged In a bout of hand shaking artih oar ctizens. Ed is an excellent young man whose character l without a blemish so far as we know, ar. j is well qualrfiej for the post low tor w.ilch he is notT. mated Scio Press. The Scio Press, a pop- paper says: Among the candidal- s nominated at the ate democratic couatv convention will oe found, for recorder, that of our popular f- How tewnsman snd city recorder, R Siiei'on Esq. A more competent and hon orable selection coaid not have beer, made Ov his partv. His well merited personal popularity givsw him a strong suppoit for anv position to which he aspires, hiendlv end triable to every one, he wouii get there if he was on tne right ticket. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. J Van latrwlingham will hereafter re- ide in Albany. W C Tweedaie and family eue spending a o-:r weeks in ewpjrt. Mr Seamen MeveH left this noon for Jefferson on a fishing expedition. Prof J B H mer. -ina of the 0 A C's tal ented professors, was in Albany this fore noon. Prof Reid. lem-ratic nominee for state sehocl sutwrintendect passed down the road this noon. Miss lhaisT treisendofer. who has been teacbing school in Marion oyanty several months, returned home this nM. K L Power, c-f Portland, brother of F W Power, of this citv. was a rwissenger to Al bany ou last night's train. Salem States man. Mrs Prof Isavis and family arrived in Albanv thi noon from Jefferson, and with 'rof lai will soon leave Lw the east to re- iiie. i.hie of the pieasaatest parties season was one gven in noaor e. miss Tiny Arrick on Thnrselay evening a the residence of Hon J K Weatheiford. demo cratic nominee for congress. Miss Arrick about to return to her home at San Jose and the event was to rejoice at her pres ent e and mourn over her contemplated departure. The regrets at her departure art-genuine, tor Miss Amik bv ber am iable disposiuon and many aevomplisb-nient- has made friends of all with whom she has cc me in social contact. How It A.U'pened . Yes'erdav w ? mentioned an accident to F C Standard of Brownsville. The Times gives the par ticulars as fo.lows : While in the field with a team he went around in front of the horses to fix the halter, when one of the animals reared up and struck him in the fore bead. He rode a horse to the hooee walked in and fell in am nnseoncioos condition to the door. A doctor was summoned and an examination of fits wounds made. The marts of the hoof cover bis ere, which is swollen shut this morning, his skull is also thought to be crushed. However, he will probab ly recover in a short time. Had the horse been shod it is said he would un doubtedly have been killed instantly ,but fortunately tne animal was raretootea Ball's healtn rrcserving corsets, "'Need no bresking in."' Yield to every move ment ol tn- wesrer. If you value vour health and comfort trv them . S E Yovxq SMtrn, of Towanda. Ta., shose constitution was completely broken down, is cured by Ayer'a Sarstyiarilla. He writes: " For eight years, I was. most of the tame, a great sufferer from constipa tion, kidney trouble, and Indiges tton, so that my constitution seemed ! Tse completely broken down. I was traduced to try Ayer's Sarsapariila, and took nearly seven bottles, with such excellent results that my stomach, Dowels, and kidneys .ire in perfect con ditio!, and, in all their functions, aa regular aa clock-work. At the time I begau taking Ayer's Sarsapariila, my tasaight was only 189 pounds ; I now can asg of 159 poiaids, and was never in so joed health. If you could see me be fore aud after using, you would want Mas tor a traveling advertisement. I believe this preparation ot StsaparUla to be the best in the market today." Ayer's Sarsapariila Prepared by Dr. 3. C. Aysr k Co., Lowell, Mass. Cures others, wiil cure you raam Uhemist, mnii SLEEP 1 Eaa-ai a L si it : t r. 11 LentalI is li strong 1 PsJITDCVai EiJi UfDUP-el ' r s 11 1 1 iu 1 t-J tPi as Z AYER'S I SaDCaDAOM I Al l WsWtassaSsraT-ti as sst a ass 1 " Aa oi l thchilLs"an4 ttevter r-xceU-L "Triorl 1 ::l proven" ia the verdict o f millionr!. iirnmons tjiver )i gtv 7") ? g . ttor bi tne Better . in : !!ci whki ran pi. Ltith euro mild tlv..-, JiUT'.-lV et,-i!l,-, ing di On the and to o a our a Th an A la xa- a n d . cg-act-t'-iir taint Kid Pills - - isyK"Trrit Sold f.v ail Vrufypata n L qnid,orin Pom lot to l taken dry or raad-s in ton teav KI:. at Liver l i:er. P.ew- I s .1 if the feaUa-aaft fssa tv, tciftv ofaut llsnrr t .'netileine eli-.-sr -a riir.T 1- 0 a'-i..uiti. V. . W. tmt ETl P-tCKAf tli FORD, imim, Of De'( Moines, lows, writes ander" date sf .March 23. 198: 8. B. Mm. Mn. Co., On far, Oregoa. (aesti-Dirr, Op arriving bome last week, 1 herd all a ell and amicus! j- stilting. Oar little girl. and one-h.-.f years old, who had wa ted away to 3ipiaeds, is B.-.w well, strocg snd sogeroos, and well iWced op. S. B. Coogh Core has d me ih 101 weiL 8otn of the children it. Year S B. Congh Care has cured and kept swsy all hoarseness from me. So give it to ycry oce, with greseiofcsfor all Wisticgyoa prwiseu jr. it are Yoorv, Ma k Mas J F Fostn. If fou stisa io fui ' s. - . ' -, t: st.i i rae i soj Liijt Cere. 7 i. , . -.ore. M cent, per ti., 1 j all a So i sbbJs BtsMtal (Bsaaaats tr I A CL'ITMING. mm BbbsbbbbWss ttm : s -1. tn J fbte per Bottled Une cent a dose. This OazaT Coma Cra raKKnctty cr where ail otners saL Oassgast, Cro--.. Sere Throat, H-irseles, Wtocpicg Cscgh ac-1 Asthma. Fcr Cc-un;rtioa tc has no rivsu: tas c-s-eel tioemda. an l will errRE yoc i 1 taken in time. Sc-ii by Pmajjers on a ft-sr-, , I actes. For a Lame B&cst or Cbest. use a tHILOH'S iSELLAOONSA PLASTESiil CATARRH REME-DY. .avey.iCarri Tuts rraaecy isruarss. teed Ui cure yusi. VriJt.i.'esa. hyes2j-r tree. 6. 1. lleFarliuidt -:- rs -:- Baroess - and - Saddlery Display In tha Oqqi REVERE HOUSE .LBAM AS. PFK1FFFF - ROPfell tt afaysSsaasstsfcsfcssasa Caveire. and Tride-M ssteaabtaiatAsjad al Psl- 3d iraae-.MlTssor;.! Z-CQ, um - sscooducted lir sIccs.te rrss. J :c is Cpositt U- S pset or-:tj a secure risieat ia lesi ui- s- ifisiss . tat bus-ness c.- : Oce Orevcc x-d e ci2 s mni,ifon Vsh.r',:ois SecJ raodel. drawing or pfcoia., we. 5 de-scr-p-i tton. We adrise. U patentatM or cc-.iree otS i..m iitiT tea tw due lit a if p: is sscsrec mm. ...1 r-. nowwuw . i ... . - .. n nvi - IV.. ' ..,;.S J ue St. a. - - .- - rtSS. DR. SANDEN'S niOTRlO BELT iATEST PATENTS WITH EUCTriO BEST IMPROVEMENTS. MAGNETIC SUSPENSORY C li: cur WlttVt Msydlctna. adi Wtsat9st r-tjltiot fre- sertuatissa of brwik. serv frrcsstecsrssr er i.t iscret UKlttl tl aatasllttsl. JrsAaV. isWsi, rio'ts debiittt r;U- - - -at " rt MBit Una, ktslsttrl. Itr ftasl t ajd r cstnt, aiota, - - btaek. luasbavfss. txiartWa t111 IX tsraltk (-. Tl 'a -s7trte bolt cuutaio Taieril BatasMBaa il , . r a othr. aa 1 (iwM c-urreat that U hutaattl flt t v t'.e rr or forfeit vftttw, mai itt ms a!i of ttuaairi trtoswtsea r tw tatty. Tatsutyvo4at Lar Ivrea evrctl by t-'iia ir tstfous IfrvutltMa fter ait s4acr rtmt&iet tea mm tjT tuudrssdrs ol ItjaltBistoUiU ta. thia stBsl rve. v ttbr atat diratatrfal ISfttti.tVU BiLLl t Kit ! MvN'Hl, tht trtettlHva Tr V weak tuea.HtKl WITH ill 1 kilt Healttt and 1 i(vroaa a I re 041 1 ait .ft tTkhl its tS UW !'. Sattsl far illcatrttlasi laaar WU, mailesi, Mainl. Trttva Aiirssaa BVIVjDjBIV jBIiKCTIXIC 00, - c.-- . PORTLAND. GE. FOSHAY A MASON yvoLS'-svs ass ssvsu, - Dro agists and Booksellers, Agents for John B, Alder's purdW -ions s&leh wa sail at publisher's nrles wit ajteaitdad LBtT. OKKUO" PURE BRED Silver Laml Wyandotte eggs for sale by D 0 Woodworth. j fff mm Albany OHILOH'S atsaaaSaaa al sa I sent tree. A-iireS, C.A.SNOW&CO. t Oa. aaTsrTOrr:ce. WasitaTe. W S 1 1