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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1894)
A I'HAl Attorney at Lw. Will practice In all courts ot th MM. Special atunthm given to matters In prob-4 and to oo.lsctlont. OFKICR-In th Fllnn block K BULYEU Attorney at Law sml Solicitor In Chancery. 011 Uoiu made on all point. Loaaa negotiated on rable terms. Albany, Oregon G EO. W. WRIGHT, Attorney at law, and Notary Will practlcelln all the omnia of this aUte Special attention liven to rollectioni and matters la pre bate WMW Next deer to r ostofllca, Albany. Oarn . D. s a, 1 11 1 1 1 B i,VC:4H('lt & nriM, H lenl msttcrs will receive prorop Ac r. Odd Fellow's Temple, Albany, 0 attain!.. i J J WHITNEY i Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. iyONTANYK ONTANYE alls HAOKIEBIAN, Attorneys at Lav?. Albany, Oregon D K. J. I- HIM.. Phydcian and Surgeon. OFFICE Corner Far-y streets, Albany, Oregon. D US. HA8TOV A OIVI. Phystciani an Surnons. OFFICB -Corner econd and Br.-.da!bin streets. Albany, Or, Call proapt.y 1 attended 1 citv an I cauntry . fCOICK A- t!8.,B4KISR OP AI.RANT, OKKOON. TRANSACTa central BanWni usliKas. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on Sew York, San Fr a go and Portland, Oregon, LOAN MONEY on approved Mearity. RECEIVE deposits subject to cheek. COLLECTIONS made on favorable term. INTEREST oaid en tims denotata B ANK OP Wl'IO, OTO, ORKOOia. . J Mesa .A J Job EAST AND-SOUTH. THE SHASTA "ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co. Kipnsaa Trains laava Portland Dally South fkHr. a. I Lt 10 13 r L . 1:5 a I Ar nu jT.t 1. ItR, PjrUaad Albony Sail Francisco Ar g:-M a La t is a a Lt I 7 r m e iv triin-i sdp . ail sUiloia from nd ta Mbtny inclusive, also Tan hd i.Ualsey.Harrtsburg. Junction Irving, K.ignns and all station oiebargto asnland inclnsl'e HAIL, DSILT g'is a Lt l?:45r I Lt Mr Ar Portland AlSany r' 4-0r Lt I tito :l0al Ma a 48a a Lv Ar Lv Ar sjhaiy Lebanoa Albany Lebanon til 1 10:?laa SO a :25f ts PULLMAf BUFFFT SLEEPERS. -AHT- Diuinsr Cars on Ogden Route. SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached I., all Thrasutk Trala Tes aiae Mvlslasi. ateTfTKKy roarrusss and tun ins Man aaiiii (KxeeptSnnoay, T-JO a m 11:16 r a Lv Ar Pon'an.1 Corral lis t c5 T n liCO n BirasSI ISIIW bsilt rxci:ptSni.lay. fct" r a I TTS6 r I Porslar.J ScMmnTi! e TTfcrottp:!! Tickets tv all o4nt in the Kutern Sixv?- Cinvi Eom t nbflwl &t uwett ra.i from C If t ru'i r , Aibruiy. . K'lK'ILCr E P. iHh-Ki:- H wr t O F. dJ Oregon Pacific DailfOdd, His. CLABIa, KerelTcr. Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Conn.- 'it.,' eteanidr qaina an. Msn I i . Ilamer between Va- raua ass raascraco Bomei aai a Feb 20th, M 1, 1?, 22, and Hat, raoa raarma. Hom-rsai s P,b 2'.-.h, Mir-h.7, 17, and 27th. Tb ''onipan' rmntrro lh ngnl t I'angevailine datsta v'thout notice. For freight aid pmen tnr r tes app'y to any agent. I'aw'es J II indrva. H-n 4 Oi. N 2 In 8 'k it H'. Han Frandsen Calif. ChasClsrk recivor, CorTallii Ofapsa. A HUM COLLEGE Send fiif CatalogiiH Address, REV. K. V.. CO.NOIT, Albany, Oregon 4LP4NY QOLLIHIfl IBSTITUTB ALBANY. OREGON 1891, 18&12 ir Or -it pcftt-il -iljiitrr 9 tf i 1 oorps of inHtraotor, . CU -SICAL, SCIEKTIFIC, LITERARf COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. t surst ol atarly arranged nMat all grade of students, Vffiu tuaucementt eftrtd lo tludtn from abroad. v. blmkt a ioidit iNTE'J. Pushii u Can si r of its Liberal savy nd ..i.-n-.. paid Waeslv ; Permanent 1 rui- 11 .."PROVVN , XSKIJs. JMureryuieii, l.rtau.i e- gon I J KVrhF.RFORB What Causes Pimples? Clogg ing of Che pores or mouths of the seba ceous glands with sebum or oily matter. The plug of sebum in the centre of tlx- pimps is called a blackhead, grub, or coiiumIhiic. Nature will not allow the clogging of the pores to continue long, hence, Inflammation, pain, (.welling anil redness, later pus or matter forma, break or is opened, the plug comes out and the pore is once moro free. There arc thousands of these pores in the face alone, any one of which is liable to become clogged by neglect or disease. What Cures Pimples? The only reliable preventive ami cure, when not due to a constitutional humor, is Cuticura Soap. It contains a mild proportion of CTTICTT5A, the great Skin Cure, which enables it to dissolve the sebaceous or oily matter as it forms at tho mouths of the pores. It stimulates the sluggish glands and tul.t s to healthy activity, reduces inflammation, soothe and heals irritated and roughened surface and restores the skin to its original purity. This is the secret of its wonderful success. For bad complexions, red, rough hands and shapeless nails, dry. thin and falling hair, scaly and irritated scalps ami Sfl i le 1-aby blemishes it is wonderful. It is preserving, purifying and beautifying to a degree hitherto unknow R among remedies for the skin ami complexion. Sale greater than the combined sales of all other skin and complexion soaps. Sold throughout the w orld. Potter Prig anu Dsn. Corp., Sole Pro prietors, Boston. Women full of pains, aches and weaknesses find comfort, strength and renewed vitality in Cuticura Plaster, the first and only pain-killing, nerve-strengthening plaster when all else fails. FromTerminal or Imarior Poii.ts h NoTlta Pacific 5 Railroai la the line to tithe To all Points EAST and SOUTH It U the 1IM; CAR ROITE. It mnsi through Vl.STIBI I -KD TRAINS EVERf DA V t ii tbe Year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO 'NO CHANGE OF CARS.) Composed of Dinio Cars I'nsnrpassed Pillnan DrawiD Rcom Sleepers VI Latest tfioiDment TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. 15.. ' i cttbt 3 astr;.;le I anj in TAla i i - a n kstion are l vth free 1 1 I ft-nib i 1 fr h 1 Jars of Frrr or 1ii 1 1 1 ii i n Hnim. .,i ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A OjiUuiii L ai .9BwUiZ iah al linss, affording Direct an d Unintarraptei Servic3. Pullman sleeper reservation cat 0 secured lu ativance throuicb any agent of tbe road. t-icKETS to and from : points m Americas in-l anj En rope can ta pnrchawHt mi rxj ticket office of this ooo-pany. Fnll information con.-trii.n raus,time of trains, route an I otnor ietuls ruro ! isbd on applies! on to any agent, or A D CrfARLTON. statu Oecral Passenger Agent. No !2l First St, oor. Waahington, PortianU. oiegon. ICO Bjrkair.. Iojai aSMt Good Is Essential to HEALTH. Blood Yon cannot hope to be well if your BLOOD 15 IMPURE, j If yoa are troubled with) BOILS, ULCERS o! PIMPLES, SORES ftyonr blood is bad. A few bottles of 8. S. 5. will 3tboroughlT cleanse tbe fystem. remove all im-J purities and build yoa op. All manner of bleav- . . ...... ..a I CLEARED AWAY I Sbvttsuse. It is the best blood remedy on earth y Thousand wbo have used it say so. Hy blood wasbaolT poisoaed tut yrar.srUcfi grA mvj, ' fwboie irttem out ot order diwiWtsd acooIJB1 vw'-f, joTsnaeiiaa: ao appetite, no eniorea of liSe. Two botile j saKVBVgiJ jrouat sse riSt out. Tef ts ar. Leltr-r A 'BSaVarKm renodv fm Mood diseases g sa JM John cavim. drtoa. Ohio if ffTreatise on blood and skin diseases mailed SWIfT SPECIFIC C(l.,AtlanU.Ga. SHERIFFS SALE. In Out Circuit Court of Ihk Stall oj Orrf.on for Ike Co tnty of Linn. D M Oahorn & Co, vs S P Darger and and Sarah E Barger his wife, Plaintiff DeltnJan's Notice U hereby given that by virti an execution and order of sal ilulv issued i outot the above named court 'in the above entitled suit to me directed snd de- 1 livered, 1 will on Saturday tbe 7,h day ol j April, 1894, at the Iiont door of Ihe court i house in tne city of Albanv, Elnn County, Oregon, at the hour of . o'clock p m ol said day sell at pub I : auction for cash In hand lo the highest bidder, the real prop erty described in said execution order of sale to-wi' ; Beginning at the north west corner of H L Brown donation land claim no.ification numbrr 2028 in rp 14, South Range 2. west of the Wfllarn ette meridian, in Linn County, Oregon, thence east 35 chains, thc-.i south 9 chains, thence north 50" w.t 7 chains, thenct south 80, west 16 50 chrtns, thence' north 66 west 50 chains to the p.ace of beginning, except 3.6 1 acrrs nn the cast side of the tract, deeded to W R Kbk No vember 6.h. 1886, recorded !n volume 30 on 1 page 291 of th; recordi of deeds lor aii Linn t onnty. Tne proceeds arising Irom oald side to be app led first toibc pavment of the costs 01 and u,on said exe uMon and tne original cost of siid suit I taxed at $23 81. Sicond, to lb- payment cto the plaintiff 1) M Osbom & Co, ihe sum ot 9ios o-i witM interest thereon at I ht rate of 10 per cent per annum l oin the 23d day o October, 1893, and tljc lur thersumof $2500 attorneys ec ard the overplus if any to he paid to the said defendant X P Birger Dated this 7'h day of March, 1894. C C J SCXSON. Sheriff of Linn Couiny Oregon Gladstone has A clear Head - - WHY? Because he follows these rules: "Kecptl-e head cool, the feet v arm, and the bowels open." You can have a clear head and live to be ninety if you do the same thing. Wien the bowel fll to BWVXj dur ing the day take on retiring two Smith' Small Bile Ceans. Their action is to mild that you are not aware of it. AH day yourmind will be clexr and cool. "Not a gripe ir a barrel of them." Ask for rraall sire. Take no substitute for SMITH'S Bile Beans ! TBI ARMOR FBACDfl The report which the Secretary of the Navy tias sent to CoagiffM ft gar ling the de fects in naval armor-piate (applied ta the Government by the Carnegie Steel Company, Limited, is an extraordinary document There is no doubt thai cheating was suc cessfully practised. Apparently It never would have been discovered but for infor- .nation which certain workmen volunteered ; to furnish to the Secretary for a consultat ion Nrverthless, the professional experts selected by the Navy Department to which , the progress of the woik in all its stage re ! carefully exaelpate I. I i ne rsecreiaiy ooiaincu swwti wmaim i proofs of crooked work tuat when he sub-j nutted mem toaiessrs rricK tun ituinicu i of the company, ihei had lo acknowledge i their cogency. In fact it was confessed j that somerenortof cxrelessness had to come to them, and the had, therefore, cau'.iored the supeiinttndent in charge. j Messrs Catnegle, Frick and others inter-, ested in the company paid a penalty of over $i40,coo on acrount of tbis cheating, with- j out attempting to escape tl eir liability. Bu , Scittiy Herbert exculpates all the direct j ors of the steel con. pan from any guilty i knowledge cf what was being done as care i fully and completely as he exculpates ihe department's special officers. It appears, then, thatth'.s fiaud must have been voluntarily undertaken ard persisted it for many mouths bv underlings of the co.npany hoc-u!d have had no adequate . motive. Nobody who could have made something by cheating lite jrivcrnment was i awire of wh;it was lijing lionv". The cun j ning, elatorate anj tzleotlrr wrong was ; concreted executed I-T pt.rons wbo wou'i J profit not a cent fcj It : tucc and j risked their situations fcv at'.euip'ing it Theie may be some besides Secretary ! Herbert who will beliive this, but Ihey ' cannot te numercu Kiaudsaie not com- j milted tor the sake of commitiing them j T.ley are committed ot instigated by those 1 who expect to profit by them. Mr Bryan'.-t jo:nt r-'.utioa lor chan ging the mode f ,lcting United Statra Senaton has ihe great nt-rit that it in more likely to be adopted lhan a more 'tnperative uieasu'e. l ie .' o isti.u,.iona smeiic.nient hich will 1 preentoJ to the nalion if b'a raaoiution is successful permits each State to choOM wittherit will elect Sen tors b. direct vota f tbe P'ople or by ths preent leg'. aiaUra meth oJ. It t daabtfal tTli:'ir the Senate i , Tt.t reSoiuti the ir.ajoruy resolu'lon, to an'n is an amendment. proposes nn amendment lor electing .11 the I n.te l States Senators by direct vole of 'he wtvle in the respect ive States. OutsUIi of Ibe aomewhit ltitr rliaoce of pissing It. tbe Binn imcnJmriil smacks of gooii El sad i at J. Iha State is always -he bet! jaJge in Iti own eleciions. It tbe peoi-h of a S:ate prcler the presert lejis'atlve remain, .no'.-oW else has much cause to be '.roablexl. Ani no fii.-nj of '.be reform can fear fur the resu't if the rj iestioa is left to tbe peo ple of the Slat :. It i safe to p-edi:tlh.t all of the Boattkern an 1 Wes era Slates, at least, would be c'iooing L"ni:eJ S ates S;n ator by il iect vo'.e ii the Keieral Coniti t.ticn let", the op'ion to them, Ev;n wtthoit regard to practicability as a parliamentary proposition, the strict Dem ocrat will prefer Mr Bryan's amendment to the mjori:y reaolatioa. Let the States (fecije all qaestions atTec'ing thelrr eore entative an-.l the p:incip!e of free (jovem ment will be presersed. It is a breath of pure PtBsutiatie doctrine, tfaiw reo!ation. It is doubtful if Sena or Hoar is qui'e such an "innocen"' in roli.icsas he pretends to be. He says thai ihe mnnev which being secieily ra'scJ ! y 'he Ker ublicsns ol i ! hb State to be'p ihe canvass of a I'opuliw ' canJidale in AlaSim.i is to Oc u.ed Ii "ad - j tt'e argument to the v ater cr, national , questions. "Argiiiiatf i an elaic j word in the ol men iie Mitt rjiar j and Bill Chand er. wiio disburse the fane's j which ;he Wanamaker1. an- Hoar help to rai?e. Poli'.icil twule ranei in sec- ret tor partisan int'lgue is rM tn use i lor any honest purjoe. It is satisfactory to 'kn iw that the evp -sure of this pint bs ended Kolb'f, as lie XI , said it wouhl. The dra!ts to the if pablicaa coun'y convention who th'ooge i ibe city tester dav afternoon, while tlie draslll rail, con- v ion as In s.-ssion. s-ooi around on the street coritr 4 and woie very don cst countenances when they learned of ihe hearty harmony and goo ! feeling ibat pre- viiled among democrats and the very excellent ticket nominated . The mercury in the republican thermometer jmmeJirie'y reached the irerz.p;; point. of 1 i.-e on TtXcs i going into be culture an esvnsire scale. 1 nere are localities aesr the GjU of Mexico wl ich arc well m do;.ted lothiscro;-. I. vrge elevator have been built for storing rice and mills for I cleansing It from imp-iitic;. The Govern- ment has dn ldcd lo Issue a s; ecial monthly bulletin as lo the condition ard prosnect of aa. i t . u . i . the r'Ce CriK lt to ,h' hi buIe,in w"' not be so misltading : s have been many of tho Government; bulletins re garding !,, ' and ether crops. A St I'dersburg editor has hit upon th notion 01 printing .lis journal on pip?r suitable for making cigaretts It is said .ht its circulation hai; been 'arge'y in creased by tbi means, as the Russian are largely given to smoking cigarettes, which they make themselves Mat t Scott Jld the handsome thing yes terd .y in the democratic convention when h arose, upon the nomination of Mr Jack sen for sheriff and moved that the nomina tion h; made unaininous and pledged his support to the whole ticket, lie made rnany fiiei ds by l.js course. Mr Payne and Mr Djvis will ( cot ri their respective o Tices on the first slay of July with the hearty approval ..f the peiple without regard l' patty. Thev have proven tlicn.nelvcs competcn', lattl.hil, painstaking officials an I their workg ss ill lollow litem. Al eady repuhlicsns a-lmit that the dem rcrats have a strong ticset and they bav ton, ''and don't you forge it," or words i effect . The democrats in their convention tool, the people into their cinfideiuo and nomi nated a ticket to suit iHsas, In June t lie peopls will return the c ompliment by en dorsing the nominations. In the near future the DgMOCKAT wil have hoiiiclhin ; u i ,, , , ibe r o.-cll .,1 th -ticket nom'naied vesterdav. I Corset, have hreri found on the mummies of Egyptian princesses of the royal family. Lob--ters have a yreat dreitl ol than Itr, enn wnen tua's are very 'ono wi I Kwin de ' er water. ri,eow! swi8e!o,kisthe;e., I 6.,log,cal oddity, hi etc, betas; feed ine-J lUUYoujr Ml lUBU BJcnsia. I PBKSiOM IM-WMII A dispatch to the Evening Foil from Washington gives ihe following extract from a letter received by Secretary Morton from "a prominent citizen of Nebraska, a veteran who did highly honorable service in the Union Army during the war:" 1 havo a list of sixty one names in one Nebraska company who are drawing from $6 1024 per month. Not one ol them ever saw an enemy or ever tired a gun at an ' enemy or contracted tny disability during j the eleven months they served. One of them, who wns in the guard house a good j portion of the time lor robbing a poor woman of $150 a common drunkard who has whiskey rheumatism is drawing 1 1 month This is an alarming tt'to of affairs. If sixty one men out of ono com- j awaaj m wrongiuoy uniwiug pensions, what must the total number of fraudulent pension- oer There are numberless similar caw of i gross fraud. The country is full of them, j Kvery state has its ouota. In the light of rapidly accumulating evidence it is imposs lble to dcubt that the pension lists ar i honeycomLed with fraud. Kxposure of (he facts is not an attack on honest veterans or ' upon any good men. It is the necessary preliminary lo purifying the peusion roll and making it a roll of honor, - Our republican friends are not at al afflicted with modesty. To hear their fulminatlons we might suppose that all the i prosperity tins country ever experienced ; was under republican regime. That all invention, and all discoveries were made! since 1S0. That before that ws were a ; nation of barbariaos. living by the chase. and clothed in the skins of wild beasts. Such U political bombast. Yet I ha census of lv), republican authority shows that the genera! wealth increased during the de cade from 1S"0 to under low tariff, VX per cent, or over per cent per annum, simple inteest. W bile from !0 to 1SS), ten years of prolonnJ pace and '"'go protection it increased but 4." per cent, or sl per cent less than during tue former derade. Such ia fact . With improved methods of voting, mak ing bri'jery and corrupt practice at elect ions more difficult, it has becr me more easy to prevent these evil practices, and le punish their perpetrator- This has lesull evl in arousing the public consc'-erce on ibis subject That i even more important ' There !nan what Ihe law can directly do is scarcely any law which may not be , evaded in seme way. but if public semi - i ment is sound tbe corrupter of the ballot will be regarded as tbe most dangerous ' enemy of the puUic. as he certainly is. It seems Ibat this rcfrrm ave is spreading n, ,. ajajnfj f TTllllll TTlH ' is no abcut to dissolve, becau'e proof has been furnished that IT of its rcemlrs wen elected by corrupt practice. Not only will member thus elected be ousted from 'heir positions, bat tbey wiil be ine'.igib'e to holding office for four years Yet if we mistake n.l bribery in e'ections has been in ire common among our colonial neigh than it has been in ibis country. I:mocrats in Tangent, Oak Ore, aa olfer poln'g base orgaai.-ed cljbe fjr the purpose of doing more efficient i.ik in the coming carrfjujc. This is esaCil the tiht thing to do. It baa been observed in time psl that orginlitd clab r.ive been abie 0 do much hetvt work that :f t'ie t e mem- bars who make up these club labor without method. Then let the Jernocra' in each precinct and locality proceed at oocetoor- ganizeand pat cn the armor for the coming conttic. All parties have maJe their nomi nations and ii is very c'irar that ii the demc- cra s n every prec nc: do the'r da'y sictorv : arr! again emblazon the oanner ol ihe demo- ' cracy ol "O.d Linn". As soon ts cub are organized sproint mertinis. letnre are.ksrs at i and hve t" prir.clple l the true faith ex- poanJed lu the peop.e. Tfie central ;om mittec will soon make a .V- for theorgsn- i i"ti..n of such . !vbs but co rot mad l.ei prccirct ct mmi; tee into orjrr it: at oarc. After trying in vain to eo'.'st ih- g-ner I Goverr ment in a warfare against tbe Russian thistle, the State of Iowa ha de cided to begin the wr.r on ila own ac ; count. A law hs been paassed re ;uir:ni; every farmer to dewtroy Ibe Uiisties on hi own land. This is weil aa far a it ,(t: out there are millions of sasma un j cultivated wbere beibist e baa ne-cured ; a lodgement. It la epe-rially preva -i.; on the waste .'and benide railroads, and j it is (rem such places that tbe danger of soreaiinc it I, e-reai": Tlnuab tbe j Ku.slan la an annual weed and j easily kiile-t arklia younit, 1. wili beta Iremely difi'i j:t t ce: rid of because of j i babit of growing ii. out cf the way p aces, and after ri.oinng. ila aeeds b.siag drivea by tlie over a are rzlent Ot country. Wlim tbe seeds faii on grass Itnd Ibo) do not usually grow until the ftel 1 Is plowed. This will make a contest that will last several years; but if all ihe crop the comtng scwaou is destroyed, the labor, each after year will grow smaller. I The cable map ol 'he wo'ld, prepared by j the Cnited States Navy D.-partment, shoas ! that the Me.iitrrrentan is iMckly netted I with cables wrst ol Malt. SO Ir. ibe north j Atlan'ic l.elwcen the thirty -eight and idty : fifth paiallels. The North Sea, the Red S;a and the Ara'.ian S;ahavemany cables. I The only crpit u 11 budge I ipice are Ihe ,1.. 1 1 Pacific, the south .itlanti: and the great stretch of the Indian Ocetn !e' wec;i Mada gascar and Australia. Tncre.s no consider ahle cable north of Stockholm or south of Nelsod, New .eland. The iliack Sea I completely girdled by land line' and crouni by ore cable. The ISulf ol Mexlci is cross ed, though not t Its widest, by several cables, and the waters ol the Wet Indies are becoming thickly netted with short cables That many republicans are dlssaiilirj with the ticaet nomioat'-'il ty their county convention is fall a: tested hy staal repel -Means t'lemsclvts IW, It was no uncommon thing to bear tcpohlicans say al the ctoea ol the convention that the ticket was a weak So lar ss the wtiti:r knows Use randiilales are vcty respectable gentlemen and it is no par. of the purpose of the Democrat to Indulge ill personal attacks upon these gentlemen. It hopes I lie campaign may he Iree from dirt. The public course ot candidates is legitimate subject ol criticism. Later on we shall offer such lair Criticism 1 as ran-'ldates on the opposition might ex peel. Wiil take particular pleasure in a few days in diss-cting nn I anall sing the re I pub ica'i platform . A hollow ecletdial globe of copper fit Pembroke College, Cambridge, Kngland, was constructed In the last century us a lecture room, and will hoUl a ba'f dona person or more. Tbe, constellation are .1 .pie'ed on its Interior, and it rotates on Km axis. The, latest fad in the treu;nent of suiall- j pox is to shut up tho patient in a room I from which ultra violet ray are excluded by red window panes or by red shudes. All fee Wheats thus treated in the Hergen BoiBitaJi Nor-vay, recovered soon an.t with few 3car . AN obDPAl'Ht Rev W A Trow of this city has p'ueed on our table u facsimile copy of the first issue of the Dally Republican, published at Springfield. Massachusetts. It bears date of March 27. 1844. It is little over half the size of the lliily DEMOCRAT, a four page sheet. It is accompanied by the j issue of tLe Daily Republican of Match 27, i 1894. This Issue shows the great advance I made In journalism its well us the reaching progress of the people of ( Hie union. The latter issue l- t .1 . I s mane up ui , pages of fresh, ni news vertising matter etc, a lirst class a nrst class news-;'. paper of to day. l'he lirst issue contains I nn artie'e taken from the New York Coin- i men ial Advertiser giving an account of : the reading of an interesting couiniunica- ; tion ueiore uie iioaru oi aiaragcrs oi tue Missionary Society of the M V. Church in New York, written by Kev Jason Lee, (a name imite familiar yet to many 'old ( re- goniatis.) the superintendent of the Oregon j mission. .Mr UM tells of Hie arrival ot three detachments (three trains) of i nil grants on the Columbia liver and of their sufferings on the trip over the plains, Another article under the caption of ''Sluves manumitted a temarkable cao'' tells of one Dr Hritbane who removed from Charleston S C to Cincinnati, Oh'o, but before leaving Charleston sold his slaves to the number of 27. After residing at Cin cinnati! a few vears. he determined to free those slaves, so he returned to South Cam lina and bought them ad back at a cost of ! $6000 more than he sold them for. and took them out to Ohio and settled fhem on lands he had bcugh Id its editorial UM new paper declare it "will lie wbi in Dolit'iT Fannel Hall Whig " In speak- ; ing of .leuiocra's it cal' tbem ' Ioco locos' an epilbet tery common among whig pa- per and politicians hf'y fun little extract taken from the Ne ago 1 Kxpresa reads as follows: "liettcrs have been IwCcived in this city i New Ycrk i from members of congress, stating that all this agitation about Texas and Oregon, is perfectly needless, and that there is not the least reason for appteben sion concerning the annexa'ion of the one M. .. . . , , k'T lUIMl'X UIH i ...... ...... These letters are from Ix-jfoco members, and Hkey speak very decidedly." This was evidently a campiign canard gotten up by ihe Kxpre a the I.wfoco a'l favorexl the ann.'l.i'ion of Texas and the occupation o( Uregon l.y foroe if necc ' arT- holh of which wen- then immediaie'y accomj lisbevi. An extra, t is given from a let!er written by ileneral Jackson in which be saja that "Ihe annexa'ion of Texas to the Cnited State promic Ui enlarge ihe cire'e of fn-e institution, and !s esen'ia! to the l aiteI Mates, part'a!arly as lessen ing the prjbabilitie of future collision with foreign pjwers, and giving tbem greater efficiency in spreading the bless ing of peace." A Washington correspon dent c-f ihe Sew York Kxpms inveighs strongly ag-aint I'n-ridenl Tj-cr because of bis being favorab'e ta the annexation of Texas. An adici on 'be cimmn schools ol Springfield shows that the city bad 2yl school chi'dren between the age of 4 and 16 butcnlv about IT'S) at'sniM the schaol. The last ihal wheat prices vary as do those t f ai:er has been maie esiden: by the hitWf ol He ast aix man:h. There is ni doubt tha; wheat U advance !f silver t-ut u t.'ias rutnt wilt it advance.' Tbi i a qacs-Um ol g'eaf ioterest for OltstVwU. Wttat mmi alaays oonliace to fe one cf bCT great staple. We canco( irjrn all the great valley of the State into bu t orchard as ifaeTe would be no market for their proluct. o that they m;ut . CTf0rcc be devcted to wha". win a ever have the old price back again.1 The outlook does net favoe ref-rr.rcg an answer in the affirmative. 1 h? Argentine, for io- stance, ran produce bushe.s. ot more llisn Ibe en'i e r:op ol Ihe am'.! at ;rent. Tnrn'h.'ai she great natib i west tcii'c.ry ol Caiadi, n4 inary ctier !ti I v.rgia fje-da o be , Jilivaled. .r-.n c ;ca:tgehas the fcl'.ow'rg oo t-c sol-jrc': "It re-ooabie to believe tut the tirr.e humane by loi sel;ir.g wheat a! a 0 ara bushel. He ; ire that the American rroJuc OvgH lo have in crdt to ruiie Iha !.u!nrss ry in a satisfactory mei-urr. T r- present , phenomenally lt price l ' aat v-mtieue I idefinittly, st ait safety assume ; 'butit wi'l rise sloaiy, an i It will s o, a" a point constdcrably btlaw a, so lar JscrJi nsr y years are cencamed. Those that rre-dic- that it will not tnin go ave 75 ients. eveett in special i" :mcrs r I general soar ci:y or oliuilen xcessive dnnind, hare gooi for their opinion It has been conrlasite'y drmirst-ateJ that ihe prod u:ts ol the Coiled i aies alone no loajer govern :he market, fluences ar; bf'ond The t-galating in ur control, in otbe words, anl wc arc ptatleally at ihrir mrcyj whether we raie much or littie. 1. is ie Rnucii or miie. i. i hile to afemrit to re the lirg ..rpbr. ha, al.h a I hai 1' v worth whih problem by holding 1 view t forcing all that ;s needed. I r- lact tint other n-e Hi : prerated to ktep taa supji'y up to the '. lessofour relation to the wrrarld mar'se'.s, la the forr that fixes the , ritt Icr :ll the whrattVi is prudiued. m l are ieal;y j pweih- t 1 anipiVt the clrcumst-nce 1 tint rfeto. nine 'he joetion for th; who'e uiisrrsr- llirre are countries where wheat cm be uwd is bsjbta raised at a ccut which I iinpii-. avitabla loss i;i ihls coentry, and 1 .tare ol tdsjt they rc sure to in Ihe keep tl level i.i ola g. not tithe present lowjer.ihen so much Urlow ibe figure i iTtrfit for our lurnicis, at leas'. that the ctoji cannot be coun ed upon as one ol the substantial ourees of agricul ual success, tskini? one tear wi'.h another, T prospect Is not an agree able one; but it is one to be considered in a candid an I sensi ble wv." Journal ol ("jmrnsree. (S F.) The loftiest scientific -tat ion in BefOfM is Boaawock'i Ibati salory in Alps Hie keeper, lMcr iho Austrian . . . hitherto led a hermit life, bu " . found a iM'.i-ant uirl who will share hi lofty aad si'ont abode. The we iJing took place at eillago at Ike foot of the litotint- ain, nnd among th. wedding gifts were Kuiperor nnd from I presents from tl several native nnd foreign scientifi societies. A process of plating aluminum has been devised by l'rf Necsen, a German ch.uiiiiit, which shows very jrojd results. The alum inum is firHt dipped in a solution of cans'ic (Kitash or soda, or'in muria'ic acid, until bubbles of gas begin to appear, then into corrosive sublimate, then a second lime into the caustic or acid, und lin.Oly in a solution of a oalt.of tho desired metal. A film of the metal is rapidly formed, and ad heres ho firmly that, in the case f gold, silver or copper, the plate mv be rolled out or po'iabed. I The report ot the Oregon .in ii'i'wi uie seasoti to weeks ahead ol IS93. Wheat anl fruit, piospccts are good A feeling ol encouragement prevails. To preserve a youthful appearance a long as possible. It is indispensable tliat tbe hair should retain I'a natural co'or and f t'lne, There la no preparation to ufy.ctlve a Ayre's Hair Vigor. It pi event, baldness, and keeps the scalp clean, cool, and healthy. JB VERY INCH l)r Charles Edward Locke lectured last evening nt the M E church before a fair sized audience, tnueh the largest of the present course, ilia subject was. "Kvery Inch a Man.1' The Man about Town picked out the following from his elo- ! uent and talented discourse : Civilization has been moving in a west ward direction. It bega.i in the Occident , and must end in the orient. We are ap- nriilt.-'liintr n ureal, erlyta Nbi-ur airu t n ftfaifl ! .:n .1 ..i. t . . . . I . I win n.o inini i.c riurucii oy great wars. iiucago nas neen presented witli the ' ureat Kruno irun that Mi, on ., . y u" v i, ,,.;,.,,.,, it .til never fHC(. an eneiy a8 jt points out on the lake The great purposes of God are carried out in the thoughts of men . , """" ' " r " w , i, Drosnnt lowerlne elond. Are thev not the nortents of the at.oro;i-bin atr.rm ! ' ... ' n I rhcre will come tortli two men each a man, like David of old. every incl 1 here will arise men to hrinie men to humility. In this age there is a great dutnand lor true manhood Have met i reonle who Hunk the world is comins to i an end He has sympathy for Mich p?o- pie. We are just beginning to live. The time w ill come when men will handle . invisible forces with soul and mind be-i yond our comprehension now. The time ia coming whan men will love each other and suffer for each other. We build our- selves strong by going- deep into a sub- ject. The men who will be ready for the crisis are those w ho have been specialists. The selfish man is the most unmanly of men and deserveu to m marked. The world will never be made fietter by sel- people, vv iea 1): l-o.-ae go- through " BCi',e' "e "a " V grease spot ielt. litis every inch a man wilt have a big heart, one you can hear beating across the street. We need heart as much ax money. He will le a busy man, invincible. The speaker likes to hear ot '.he man who wears hiro sell out Irotn over work. It is better than to rust oat. The chances are in (avor of the man who works. tV need lo "get there.'' and tha busy man is the one who will do it They will be men of earnestness and persverence. This man will be radical. Man is difTrren. , from an animal on account oi bis bead i power. We must stand (or what we be lieve, that rcake the man. Notoriety does not make greatness. It is bard to tim. out w hat nien !e.ieve. in imsiness, r m Rf1 leame.l. or in politics. Tins individual must e not particularly educated. i'lenty of educated men who arc not learned. A vast difference between tbe two. Ideas are wan'ed. Our man must be moral minded. Why hasn't a woman as ttjuch right to say w ho shall make tbe laws as man. She is vetting into lai medicine and the ministry, and the fu ture wi'.l see her volirg. It won't make any difference whether this every inch a man is really a man or woman, size will have nothing to do with this indiv idual, nor wiil 'color nor physical forma tion. Above al! tins individual must be spiritual. A well worded peroration closed a ler'.ure that was an inspiration to all wbo tieard it, a least ol reason, skilttullv illustrated. at Ml i at (J X ai-. J ' Wlu. .1 I . ... :. l. rj.-b, In the matter of the Bafaaioa of time for sh-ntT lo return assessment into the county of k rt. it w.,. ..rd.-r-l luat tbe time balAUlMilew to the 14tb day t May I8M. Bi'.i o' B xan tl2. Pets tion cf I J W hit ft st f -,r i hana of supc-i-vis -r cf dtst :l dismissed. Pentjoi "f J J fWunl H al f r division of rM-l dit 22. .lisiniMvd. Bill of Oregon sgl Laa Ha ani Wild Bill. & r-. li-winmil. Bill of Mis M K Miller stlliios ren -j dered Mrs M Tarkc. p' .) iisa;; il. al so bill U Ii Shaw. t.oo. Disallowed tiil of Mr PA liendson a'd self. Petition ol D B Thomas eta! forcoanty road continued. Continued.. bill of H A Hecker. 9tM Petition of Malooltn Miller for county road was dismissed Continued. Dr Arimon, $3t.90. Waallnad. bin e m lewet. MSi. Mrs Rebecca StreithorT kept at county expense. was ordid Bills allowed : O 1 Coehow. aid Hail GCCootay, aid fiark W E Savage, aiJ 'ox 1 1 y 1 rawlord. aid Mrs Robert B 'fiite. aid poiir .'. Klizalieth OafaofaV, aid Mrs Sarah lime, aid S W Mo.. re. aid Hawkins, and Junkey ' M XVare. aid Henderson S.00 ".tiO 11 .is.l Kl.vlO .oc s.00 10. 9. 5 (. cr 1 I! V Craw, keeping poor. joon 1 sner, janitor . ... Jeff Men ill. MaWt . ............ Mate agt Archie Ferguson . . Oraw ing jury lit precmct S J G Morgan. fnmKee H R Hyde, acct poor V G Moore, aid Taylor ..... , Pete- Rutner. bridges John Vineyard, rebate las . Mr M Taylor, aid poor Mr J I pav's 38.40 1 1 ii 1 .-.. 7. ie.00 1 4.3 12 i 42.UU n 13 SJ 43 It 15 C 22 (W j ."in '' .-..11 II Hurtensbaw. rebate lax I. I. Jew nt. aid poor ?2!!"f 9- M APsany Water Works Martin Paulsen, janitor. (j If X 1 kes. sunt XV i ' i .iriev. aivt t I'en C Irwi'n A Co, i Aid Mrs Vail sta'ion.irv 4.50 1 Qjjjf .;'ii ajj K0ir, QiUoek s 1 .uniau. wl.jsi McFeron A Propst i A 1 unialt. wood 17.50 ... 2.50 1.00 j .1 f Morgan. hmilT 40. ..1 DAI Mont, lioriffs igtai . . A H Mcllwain. assist po-ir xv XV t rawfon). Iumlr II C Harkness ic i i to '' ?. 4 t I jan Matthew a ffasbklini aivtjail. M Sternberg A t'o. a.vl poor . . . D P Loixaejaaor, boiusty ' I! Foster, tsmnlv.... 1 lV. 10 ,l : Chas A McKimcn. bowxtty P .1 Basilar, stationary j .1 J Hurkhart. an t jioo P 0 Anderson. C H and jail ! Di Mastoa, ttkmbuet tit Snoaogi ) I r J w Geary, bob! AHrt Bay, i P I'ohen. aid poor tM o.w 111 .V) 6.00 ; 37I.4.". 22.60 ; ' N P Payne, act t clerk 1411 ,-l W - Allmnv Kbvtric Light C . W f IVakins. assessor . . M V Sanders, rotate tax lstV"0 -'.jn s W Moore ail J K Morri II C Kemp, aid !! 00 Prel. ex. Kd t'ox, tleo Pugh Witness f.vs grand jury. . . . Witness fees stale cases. . . C W Watts, acet assessor. . . Win Kuiiiliai.g).,nivt roads GeeCroop, iuvt cn A B Mortria, aectC H 2S 63 30 09 :i 00 :. r.) :i 00 I Chius Pfeiffe. ntis.vlian.-tis ll.l I'.vn- llr.,.. i.n.i, ..i a,... 1 or. ,at leaner, ll,sj(.0j.lck;ol f,v; .'.1 VS'.l .VJ Ml It rVfll( I V I-... . . . i I . inimMn. salarv 100 QQ Win ifumbaugh pjr diem and mill) mje J W Ptih. lier diem and mileage. C 0 facksnn. sheriff San Wa, ac t C H ARK HKBP tl JO 12 00 12 00 3 00 I'aikvr tiros, grocera. V. M. French keeps railroad timet Hny your groceriea of Parker Brow grojories at Conn'a. New cream cheese just received at Conrad Meyers. P J Smiley job printer, Flinn Block, doee first class work. Smnka the celebrated Havana tilled 5 oast cigar at .1 alius Joseph's. Dr M II Kllis. ohysiolan and surgeos 6.1b sir. Oragsi. t,s male In oity'or oountry. mi: si 'ittuN wtt I Commend) itelft. the well formed, to do Weather p'eaaantly and effectually what was foim le ihree er'y done in the crudest manner and dis agreeably as well. To cleanse the system and break up colds, headaches and fever without unpleasant alter effects, ue the delightful liquid laxative remedy, Hyrup of Figs Hkiloh'a Vitahaer what you seed for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kid ney trouble. It is guaranteed togive yon satisfaction. Prioe 75c. Nddjby Fes hay St Masoc MTSFITI i Poor Willie Breukenrufae. led astray bv a little school girl and kept at gea for ten years. Tho biggest fool in tho I,' H are sending money t i Coxey for If 1'on.ey doesn't prove a fake the his we people army mis: ;ur giies. The plow it doing effective work through the country. As the price i,f wheat drops I... ... ... 1 . . . i . .1 n . tin- cost of tiroilm-f irm mmJ aUtilifln Ti i. - ..J .. .. " 1 . fanner with tiie small tini-iiinmln-rcl iuin e of land, which he caa manaife himself. the one who aill ctve the mo-t in a vear an interesting leature M tod s pro- ccetuiigs wait two tiiflitu both of which oc- curred simultaneously. The usual excite ment pmsilod, and the usuxl crowd con B(fawa. Hoys, it is bad worl gregated, ffovs, it is bad work, had ;- havior. and bad all around A conservative ...... . t . I : i , . . i . ', way oi BCWJDK Ollierences l letter. uon l drink too much hiskey You are nil good hoyn;Jmt the.i- .Princville News. i ' swooi- i m i i no wrought iron range men ar n dowi tove-i m rig down through the valley. If you want r ranges patronize Home m.-titu tl'" Don't deal with itinerant The democr.-tic ticket in this county ia universally ri ognized as a strong one. There is not a oor man on the ticket. Kvery part ef rt gives satisfaction, a rare thing with a ticket, which generally has some weak point. .. ,,. y ntai to he repuWican congnional II t a - at nvention oul.i save money l.v eUymg at ome.for l'.ingor Herman will be nominate ! as su.-e aa the convention meet, probably by acclamation. It is all cookei now. This Sat'.inlay night, how's your psjtf. Have you the blue or can yoa see a silver lining to everything Be phylosopbical; look a held. Ii n-avmable. not hair bntinej. lit- unselfish. I-ook up. It is in order for n oruer .or lwmw. to start ure tour through the I. f, Ue rove a drawing card , : . - , I - . . . OM a lect would p We are under obligations to the Ku-j gene Register for the following news:! Albanr people ara confident that tilf. Southern Pacific is about to build a .oilroad from that city to Astoria. Al a recent performance ol tbe "Pas sion Play," at Taeubaya, the actor -a bo ' assayed the role ol Judas, "rendered tbl villainous part ao well, that the audi ence (ell upon him with claha and stones and nearly ...-; him. That was one way ol manifestin; their applause. A society yoang mil ot this city has written to inquire how a button-hole ocujuet should be worn In the begin- ning of a great political campaign "bis ouest.on la rattier irrelevant, bo' let that pass A button-hole l,uet should be worn in a button hose, if one can tie ionnd off duty. Hny available butten hole will do, e suptiose. wi'n the ex cepti.-n ol Ibe one in tbe shirt, at tbe bac nt the neck, where it would give :r ri-stior. t! at fociels- is going backward. Tlie old cus'om of wearing a La l-ran.-e rje in French origin, and m the left ear is ol a- ceanv oneoiete in Astoria. If the I'.nnll iw come chronic tt:e best the patient can Kt Kf.n.i. April 5. Tbe mahontent In do is chacg Ma socke once a wek and nn are gathering in bands ot 50 and let natcre take its course. Hc. igett. picking off smaller band of whites unable to cope with tbem in battle- A party of 150 cowboy are said to be scooting the 1 -Mps ar people wbo make poblic pri- country in tee vicinit of Sejrer patting to ::..,tf-r- m n i.ii,'r.t-; I --ji. A.. yroiAe tals about their neighb-irs : bat Uvy ioo'f nee.! to gttcfin. A peraon cottdoet 1 ; i;.;ic pr'.rTly. wivT'ver it goes oataide lite carta HI: but tbe gossipy listen at tbe j key bole. Ey all means do not gossip. The lark Heicn W Amr. which arriv.xl at San Vraacvsco Kri-iay from Fanning Is land, lirought a strange stjry. When off the island February -k the sighted a small schooner, whicrs. fter a great tleal of effort, ran under her lee. and showed a tinr of mivst pi?cuiiar dign. tbe like of which was never ssn bflftSBf. II wa in two pieces, and tbe Kw.r half was $tri;s from the Ameri'an flag, while the upfer half was like a bUi-k j-'rant. Toe vessel had leen white once. Ml BCff ids w,-n covered with mmumrn TU. . il ,...-...l )-. mm an i a- I r the 1 th-ne srs only half of one. and th.i : was at! patsnes ami holes. Tlie aasag lie male out. Lmkv from f! tne Fittie craft u. 1 n t ww bsal a re-pectful dis- MiZ; 0EMCCRnC PLATFORM. Ttie iflfMCab s nf IJ. n . sot u. n ma. m. - .1 . ':.-. . 'W- . . ' 1 01 principle, .sr. 1 Measures in convention assent! ing declaration ot prate aj their iJatfonn in the ui;ing campaiga: 1. WV rcarhrm and again declare our faith and advocacy i-f th imperi.hable principle and duvlltUOS of ihe democratic : I arty as promulgates! by its early founders and stated at t BiClgO by tbe last nation al convention. 2. We cha'ge upon tiie reHi'blican party .ind its rerkies and liiadvised legulaucn all the exi.s and troubles fp;im hich the wc-pV an- now. and have Iwti. safferingfor a sossar tune. 1 tie low priiTV ot tarn. tr. " . . . . . - s of farm iro- daoas, the non-employment of laJkor, the CniTal and wide spread depression in hi s ine and the .ilmost universal staamation of all our industries, are. without doobt. the 1 results of the unjust and bsardaaxmaa taxes of ttreir high and overprotecti tariff svs- teiu. an-i otner c:as legislation j. e iiieve tmit ail tax.s snoaia oe e.pi.i; and ju.t. ;ind that the wealth of the , nation should lir its just pn .port ion of tbe iHiiiann car saegorerniiieiii . 10 tins eno. .;C5 : we most earnest! v favor the taxation of tbe incomes of the rich. w"e claim that a t:xil sv.tem of sal i ;iriis for all public officer should tike the plis-e of Uie fee s v dem . .' - sar, ' - . .1. "e ari.iiKii iiie i;im . itviNaiun in ... this state for its reckless ..iiandenn of the ikmii e s nioiiev. l.v estrav iL-ant and nnnee- i r!8 money, by extravaoint and unnec android X : eary appropriations. ; llkan noftv of the state n-tvnsible for the , . , , i .- , . , , In Usal th.i ST1H assri saa hea vi rctmg upon the neplc of this state ni.iv le reiuoveil bv leirislation. im.Ii .win the wrf-i .,f 1 ;,. mil the f I rr-lU .i "rsf v.tV . " a in tne oveniirow oi uie repiiititciin pirty through out On-iron, at tl appRWching IAMlaBCWM. w - n. ,r o. aiie I'em.x-racy i i.inn vouniy favor sound monev, the monev ot the constitution, every dollar ol w hied shall I lo of eiitial intrinsic value aud purchas ing power and readily exchangeable at the w ish ol the holder and to that end favor '.such legislation by Congress aswill'ur'n atatit the free coinage of si'ver al the rati.) of sixteen lo one .. "C e lelieve mat tue-vctoi tne legislature providing for the election of a.lilif . . 1 1 I . tl.aa llne.l . 1 . - - 1 an additional Judge for the third judical district of this State was wholly unnec - . a V V eaaaxy, lor the rvreon ttiat one Circuit Judge can easily perform all the Judicial lalors required in said district without: iBCOBTeateOce or being overworked ; , thereforo, in order to avoid tho unnec - esearv expense of such officer, we de- niand the repeal of said (aw by the next Legislature. B, a denounce in unciualitied terms the act ol the last Legislature ol tin State whereby it repealed what is known as tne mortgage tax law ana we tie- niand its reenactmentnt Uie next ses- sion. !. We believe that the law allowing otluction of inilebt.slness from as,wsmeiit waa founded upon principles of iosticoand equity, and that its reDeal works a .-reat hardship aad injustice upon the deUot classes wbo are unnblo to withstand such bordens, therefore, we .lemand tbe reeaact- ment of said law bv the next legislature. lit -- --- .... -A. .. I IV. x in n- .'i-ii-i; 1111 tiui-iiu.iiv i.ii, oil. ,n.r ,talnte nooks providing or the saJWy mill sis'nritv of iierons who .leimsit monev , , . - A r 111 banks 111 Ureson, we therefore demand Il.t fl. I.uria,,lr.. f t Uo . " u"n l ai next session, s a l pass su. It laws ., the if. il 11 I siasa lis! Y.V I laa ttlwf l-i.l lit-, its..!- Ill f j -1 . i. s j 1 a. iv .wis j -i - -s a oalculated to secure the general stifety. H. VU bold .that the people are the stun. .' 01 an ciii aim direct vote of the people. 13. tie iuihiiu HH nooiisning ot tne railroad commission and tho specific con - tract law. therefore favor amem 11, r the e.mif fnt 011 ' !.-, KK .a . , , I . ". - eis.w. . . . i. - : : si ", f.i.inini iu give lessons ot . DaaX too' 53 ordars i nt the VniUnl Mates so as o rtspun-all the vocal and InstrumenUl music to .Ingle J9S.25. ftttustvi Cir i liiu-ii .iaii M'iiiuui hi in r iH'itM iY ;i mint's nr riiai nr raann.kl. . . CO. Beaaaalng work. Csiostowk, Pa, April 6.A mob met here this afternoon and decided to meet at ! Olive, near this place, after midnight, and inarch to Fric's Kedttone works, at Hrownfield, where an attempt will be ; made to preve-nt a resumption of work. The sheriff's dt pnties are watching the ; movements of the mob clos ly. The j authorities will start for Bedstone in ad ranee of the strikers, and will be there to WOrs receive the mob when it arrives. All the; of the irick company in operation prior to the strike will resume tomorrow morning. All the works of the McJlur-; Coke Company and the Moyer works of W I .1 Hafiiey tarted this morning, and there' was not an idle worker between Connell ville and Mount F easant. All the works in the north end of the district, in which tnere are two-thirds of th coke ovens, are rmnning, and the McClure Coke Company will start lament, Nos 1 and 2, tomorrow. f) la reaaajlvaala. McKbutokt. Fa. April 6.- Coxer'a army paswni the nifrht in an icehouse on the nver bank at Homestead. This morn- ' ing Camp Homestead was left behind and ; the army. .VjO strong, headed bv a local band and an escort of dtizens, departed for Discuy. At r.e tirow ot tbe inn above Duquesne a braas band rn-t the force and escorted it to the to irn commons. Then a lunch of crackers, cold meat and coffee a tarred. Tae HilnmrlH Krtil It. WAsnisoTojt, April 6. Herrrarn has received many conimun'caXion stating there is danger of the caving-in of Use oanit 01 the V illaioette at OorvaMi. J'.y the disolay of these cotnmunicition. r,a, 23i an increase for ....proving be "' rrr" Jl'Jii tiff ili' If? I'lT I 111 UTH llfcc 1C t c-n .1 dfi r,"i:..i. an.H wi,.n i.nv .. , 1. lor a survey of the bar at Gray's ha'lxjr without tie usual preliminary examination. i r xastr CoUTIIBOS, April 6. Tbe "'ate of Ohio ; ha no money.' The Hon K W lioty, i chairman of the finan. committee, yes terday introduced a bill in the legislature, to authorize the commissioners of tbe ' sinking fund to borrow tj0.ij0 at per ' cent because ot denc.ts in tbe general fond : fa not Jq, , m J ciGte, of indebted are to be iasoed J fof ,he am0(.nt ftf m rat(ed money a Csmxi c pi' WffBB-OM, W Va, oriI 6.- In ibe Mrs Mar 1 L nited ta' cour. tiere today garet Moore, the woman recently indicted ; for obtaining a fraudulent pension of t'JOOO . was convicted and was sentenced to one i year in the penitentiary and dIOOO fine. A t'aawiUseaer f r 4 task Wiaajl ail Ilia Apnl 6. The presiden bySay nominated Lycurgns K Woodward of I'aiifornia. lo be conamissioner in and for tbe district of A'-aska. After Ike lawaslrtal Aiaay. , Oaklaxu. April 6. 3l A SI. Major ; O'Brien, commanding Use Firt bat'alin I of the Kiflb regimen', was summoned to I the city hail early tbi morning and noti- hfl to prepare for a.:tton. bnen sum mned bis officers' an 1 men and notified toe police that he woaid report for do'y with two companies tbe moment be received order from the governor or adjutant-. .-en'ral. A genera! alarm ha tost been sounded to summon citizens to tbe city ' nail, wtere 'bey wid be sworn n as depu tie, and at :i o'cock a move wiil be made on the army, as tbe mavor has ordrwl that trey mast be driven on', before dayligbt. troop are sti.I in toe neid ard uckss - . marudJng I'hevenne are :ined by the : - - .. a tbe, military will have to subdue tbem ia a I few day. Ctwafe (awaly rayrn'Osa Pr.ixEviLLE.or. April ii. Tbe poo ubsta of Crook county cave nominated the MSaariav ticket: Reprtwentative. iuon Springer; cocn'y jodire. ! V. Templeton: cierk. Jaiue S McMeen . sheriff. S T Hlack; Lnocb Cyrus; awswr, J ii Man5-!d. treasurer , C L Salomon; sveyor. P P Nelson; school supenntendit. C M Hedg petb; coroner. H H Bird song. Paiasi . aaal Paris. April 5 -At a meeting of sbxk- I ne rabarr.a canal company yweruay. it was lesc-iveu to appoint a com nit tee of five to establish a near com ! Pc? ,or, "' Purpose of completing tbe J can'; also to take mea" to provide the i p-cposed capital cf f."..vj.oaO franc, the ! Srst installment to be Jl,000.'J franc. A s.aed Bad Anrii.". -Yej-lenlav H H".-d K'sLni'a'i ! Inberf and Aaron Rose. r. , treosurv lo ST5 75 ,, - , a fi- iulance doe from tbem I . r,; w V 1 a paid into the in cash, tne on ex-Treas- I f; rsr Arriogton's bond, rrakirg a total of: 51.575.75 Tbe tiondsmen have now paid in the 'ull amount of ihe defalcation, togethr-r with tost of suits. a Creat Seheaae IS" . . - r ... asui.M.nis, .-vpn . iepre!nlat:se Daophy. of New York, has intrc-i-ced a I bill providing for the apt.!n;m-r.t bv the; 1 president of commission to ex truiae and ' rpPort aP" 'be feasibility a' iesirabilitv r1 1 ".un a BOwaLiaiO :tJm ibi At 1 I e- - . '" Pacific oceans A Terrible Fall PoKTLasn. April 4. About 12-39 tbi afternoon a painter. Edward Sheen, fei from the roof of a bav window of a vacan ! "' helonginjr to Thomas H Smith, a 1 .ircti street, to toe siuewaiK oelow ! and sustained and arobably fatal in- 1 jnnee. He n jtaoding on the roof of 1 the bav window engaged in paintiag above it. when be lost his foothoU and fell JU feet, striking face downward ssaewjik. A be feM ho extended hands forward to break the force of fall. Aa KxetUa: Tine UjuoMvwa, Pa. April 4. it oaM uke 1 u'.uuiu.i m iru iu ne. ait .tie exemny in th ConnelUville region. At leaft ,: . . . . i"s i columns to tell in detail the exciting events . i. . , - i, I,, - . . . . t r?J!i to!-- O. IS- ' nine " l f. OI " . i riiifiiar inierterts, tne dead win lie connt- -. RioUng began ul .J .. . J . v early Uiis morning, the climax not being j reached until 3 this afternoon. The deputies "."" - . "iriaen, nait a mile . 1. . . a. I i. le -a from fP- CO 0.01 . The strikers tired in return, but ran on. Koar ; , strikers fell two being killed and two i mbm (a(alIy W0BDjed; The TraassM PiTrsmsu. April 4. -The Coxev army remains in camp in Allegheny. The lock Bfe were filled last night with men be- longing, or claiming to Wong, to the ,' artliV. Th're wore ill rh i ...I...I.I 11.- ! j incs' in the AnVo-hanv i iil T.vl .r w ; were brought up Moro Magistrate Mc-! Kelvy and sentenced to ;10 davs in the , work house. Utter it was developed that . several of the men were reaUv unetuploved i 1 .1 . a . 1 . - . j workmen and not onhnarv trumps and' 12 ! were released. i A lle'rT. Xkw Yokk. Apiil 4. In the subtreai- ury yesterday afternoon a cnut of admir- 1 ing officials surrounded a pile of paper cur-1 j reney, the dimensions of which wers about , ol) cubic feet, lt represented $6,740,000,! and was the money paid in bv R T Wilson i t o, the all street Unkers. for the 1 bond ol the I herokee nation, which were awarded to them altera long tight. . . Miouiersaes, OuKtioN City, April 4. The house of J. A Kckstorui. rtvtor ol the Kpiscopa! : rch. wiw entered tonigbt. while him- w ana wife wereat church, and silver-' WilrV diamond rings and three gold ! au',os. "m '""en. all vaiued at $300. ue, lue" ""paf" cnased, but so i ,ar Bas "ot wn caught, a hanahal. , vi-u it .... I A T 1.1 a t fa f nghZ oc ,. .. ' . ""usual isvu piest uy toe natives, and despite all the ! i...t .v. 'a .l. , . ! " wa sue uatues tcey spread in 1 every ui reel ion. men ,ie,trovi ug jooo houses. s a The fire burned all night, f sooal and Instrcmen tal Mti c Mis Hattle Warner a graduate el tl.e Mis. Warner has had a thorough educa. tion and Is an experienced teacher. Hei ' refeiences are: Prof H A Shorey, Wiiliaar 4 Trow and Mrs Jennie Lee. ar w 1 - sviuimiu s isii viuir m n rrom in , sat i k r.ka sa. - . s - Those who have a Good Digestion have little sympathy for the dyspeptic . They can eat everything that comes along. While they can eat rich food without fear of'; the dyspeptic's bad experi ences, they neverthe less greatly appreciate a delicate flavor in their pastry. Cottolene when used as a short ening, always pro duces the finest flavor ed pastry, which is en tirely 'free from the many objections which the use of lard always produces. Test its value by one trial. Eefoa aU aoOatUuu. Falrteak Co.. Cbleafo. Car hand- SSScSmmmoX 3oo.cniaa1 bit six handrail raetpaa. feswoT nfajoenuaegt aathortrte on centring; Cteocjeoe m aua l,j aJ grocers. Made only by If. K. FAIRBAKK & CO, ST. LOUIS and -MICftGO. KtW YORK, BOWTOB. SAi T M. mm urn, city n ST. L EASTERN CITIES. 01 D A.Y TO ) 2 CHICAGO HOURS t"SSSSm HOUPSAsWarr" FREE PECUHISC CHAIR CARS. DINING CABS. SHH Ciark. O.iver V Miuk, E Elr Anderson, Receivers. For ram and geneva! info mation call on or address Curran .S; Monteith. Albany, Orejon, or ff II HL'RhBCRT.AssLGtn i Pass Agt, 254 Washington Su, Poartaxn. Owaeow Star Bakerj r .iii aa - si EtHU IVlflR, rWttftlta "Ms-si re "'J ware. rled Fraii.. Ttbare. Wagaxr, wOee. Eta,. laxawe-ss m- . QateeaxMssnr Vere.aHjtw. Urw Kpl?. Trav. Kte.. tat tun-X tha: is kes ia a ger ntT aad rswenr src, tltvt mar prwr paid f r ALL KINDS r PRODUCE DR. S, DKaTB aEGTR.O BELT tATtSTPATTKTS wTTT! ElfCTaB- uoirii-j SUSPEKSCRY BEST itipsovEsutrrs, eenibi rt inn .. aaaawiawawai ...... r.uu.a -..a. wn awiiiiaaal as aaa iav, laior. rtaaua. tiT.r . -..TIT Sr5 saawwa,.,,, tri . : m rv-rrct tSal W buoai.r rut t. Uv mnitmSrltti i.Ma. u4 - . ir i. !" ? aawaaa ' ntsiii :sa s i, ssiIm .Vr B Stf iwAx r, ,,4 flsa aaaoaSaariasttssaaSsIs ia iXi. aa t-ttt ilfcw nuu arpratM ivtdlj lUlttH StSrilalll is. t ---.,A , 4n.iM.tiriTtniiiiHii BntttaSiliMwianrtsI n.miD jtt ., jc , swrwi rwara u. a . ma, m, ium e-aji5jEix jaxjsxrrxticf co., . powtlanc. oe. CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DCSfOM PATENTS, COP TRICHTS. te-J for laionaauaa a-31 rrea uaodtxxk write te MI NN a 00V avi BKviauwiT. Nxw York. Oldest. Sanaa for seounrv rwtRots in Amrtea. Frerr patent laaert ont by as ia bruhi bl.vra wiV I'uwi.- a uvuw: ,nru irwe oi coarge ia taiassl rHroalatton ef car snecuac taper in the world- st-iaodid; Ulassratad. So letnaUlcao snan sbeuMbe without tt. WeekiT, S3.IJO a Kiri HJOsia invmths. A.'..!re .- MCSN a CoZ ausisiu. salt Broadw- York otj. lmm . .. j Agext WASTKDonSaiaryivndComrnigsion .Tuc rikiiv nrrtMsna orTHE ONLY AUTHORIZED Kojrapliy of JAHSS G. BLAHfE, By Gail Hamilton, his literarv with the co-operation of his family, and for Mr. Blaine's Complete Works, ' Twenty Ykars of Congress," and hu later booa Political Disocssjons." Ooe proapectns for these 3 Bast selling books in the mar ket. A K P Jordan of la r,,L 1 1 j from tirat 110 calls; agent's profit 1BS0. airs rsauara c.U, took 15 order. 13 ia) Kusaia, il day ; profit $26.25. K N Rice 1 of Mass, cook 2? nnlnr. in a. u. 547. 2j 3 PaUidge of Me. took 43 cnien. E A Pa mer n 3 days; profit rtiBV oin if I ..artirteK fo"termV to ' aa.B..t& 1 a ii. c , i.w- - ir r & bHRhRVSRR9xs Mas : "awSBtSaaB I bjsV V - wajsaaDr I W al mmmr z.1 WHsaam aaa aaBBBBBBBaw