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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1894)
1 4 W..1.1 U.. 1 ' K ATlkERFORD A (HAN BEKlaAlN, Attorneys at law. Will praatlcs In all court! e! tas tats. Suecial attention glvan to mattsra In and to oollecUous. OFKICK-In the Flltin block Itlll.YF.l Attorney at Law vnd Solicitor In Chancery. Coll 'Jons roads on all po'nu. Loana neollatad on rabla tern. Albany, Oregon KO. W. WRIGHT, Attorney at law, and Notary Will practice In a II the courts of this statu Special attention riven to roller-ton am! matters l.r prehale Otaee: Next door to Postntnee, Albany. Opi . p. i . 1 1 i 1 1 B v v r n . II loyal rattlers will receive primp a Odd Fellow's Tcinplo, Albany, 0 attenUn-i. tHem i. U'lllTMKY . Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. fl OWTANVE A HACKLEHAN, Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. rHAMBERLtlH. H. O,, Homeopathist. CTSpecLJist lu iliswsos of the Kye. Office honra 7 toit a: IwS m. and 7 to 8 ni . A J Oresrin. D R. J. I,. HILL, Phvciciin and 9an(yn. OFFICII Corner Fr-7 street, Albany, Oregon Pnystcu and B. adaas an Surgeons. UmUS Corner econd Calls proaipt.y k'avtalbin streets. Alban?.Or, attended i City ar.i country; OF ALBANY, ORRSOh, TBASSACTa eenoral BwiWn? nsineos. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on New Vork. San Fr n SCO and Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approved security. RECEIVE deposits subject to check. COLLECTION'S made on tsronble terms. INTEREST naid en time deoosiM B ANK Or Ht'IO, SOTO, ORKQOM. IM'. SllM . j M a .A J J :h EAST AND-SOUTH. VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OK THE Scuthern Pacific Co. Express Trains lave Portland Daily I 70)1 JtlT t, 1SB2, PjitlanJ Albany Sail Fraa-isco I Korth Ar8.- a a Lt I VJ3 a Lt I 7;00 r a blie. a. I Lt 10:23 P L 10:4 5a I Ar t i ra trtlas sups, all statlo-ia from nlr tUiiriy inclusive. alsoTan n d ,HAissy.Harrfab'.irg, Junction Irving. Kigons and all stations ooburgto xsUlan l me'.ust'e w aosatcas tun., nan.T M Oa I L Portland Ar 1 4 '10 r IMS r I I.t Albany Lt 120 AOrai Ar tt-nebtrir IL I 7 jDC aaaana :10a I Lt ;.- ArllO-naa :00 a I Ar Lebanon Lt SO a l:KraLT Albany Ar I :2Sr .-OSaalAr Lebanon Lt I Vr PULLIIAK buffet sleepers. -AND Dinin? Cars on Ogden Route. SEC0M0-CUSS( SLEtPB tCARS Teal si-le tMvlslsa. SET1H( rWatTLAnW AM I SRI 11 LIS Mail aiariT (Except Sinoay, TJU a 1 12:15 r a j Lr Ar Pon'and Corrallis Ar I f S5 F laCO m xraaas rxaia itrtr 'Kic.p-. Sni.'iar. 4:40 r as 1 Lt PorrUrid Ar Tatars A r VcMinnvile Lt ':25 It s .'0 a a Tb.rotaprb Ticlcet4 t all pn'nt in the Eittern .Stte, Cuiaita a.irt Eurnpncai hs 'ib-ainsd at oflflest rates from C V fro nil. Aeot Ailuuiy. K. KO - II.KB E P. BCHiER -anaarar sat O F. nJ 'rt'v.d Oreifon FromTerminal or Intjrior Poit.ts th Is tta- line to take To all Points EAST anil SOUTH ft In the IHMXt. t'AK ROUTE. ' It runs ThrooKta V !-:. I I it I 1. Kl TIC t, I NM F.VERI IKV ST. PADLDtTcHICAGO r.O CHAIVGE OF CARS ; Composed of Dining Cars Unsarpassed Pullman Hrawinz Ucom Sleepers Of l..ili'si EquioniAnt TOURIST SLEEPING C"S. Bit' . Wj' 1 1 a-i 1 f ! SJ.3 1 I ii 1 11 It 'U 1 I . 'ill for 1 t . II I'cetH. m 1 in 0 1 1. fioe if Kii-s or a I ELEGANT OAY COACHES. hti 1 ni; d 11 mi3i)ii; i-h al linis, affording Direct an rt tJnmt9PPii3t9d Servic3. Pnllma 1 (,-ir ruscrvatioiis ean b wtU'is1 in ad vmiics through any auo'ii ni the road. rHR'iUHII ""OatSfs In and from all poin a 1.. me iua Kug'aud and Karops en 1 pomliasn I at nry liekf-tiifrle u Itsra eeliratl'lf ! Fulliiif r rial 11 .-oii'-irn n r it.isi,tiins Sf trains iu 'is tn I V r in 11 4 furn anaii o ' apal u o 1 t'i toy agen' or A Ii IM tBLTOT as haaswi 1 ij . - 1 1 1 H ,...), i ir Agent, N. '21 Kir. 1 Si. cur. Washington. P.irt'an'l )e on. C I t 1 ; 1 . 1 1 11 1 r it. a m ilt f rift .71 1:. v. : tU 1. ""ii. -r.a. eitt aSBtlrr. . ; IV. L- ..s CI :.y mtCt4- ..l .y hiSHi- l'C. TI. . Si it- ..o aJSj a . gV'''-' Wi) 2 25 CENTS Proves the efficacy of CUTICURA Since a cake of Cuticura SOAP costing 25 cents is suili- cient to test the virtues of these great curatives there is now no reason why thousands should go through life Tortured Disfigured Humiliated by skin, scalp and blood diseases which are speedily and perma nently cured by the CUTICURA Remedies at a trilling cost. Cuticura Works Wonders and its cures are the most re markable performed by any blood and skin remedy of mod ern times. Bold thronichout the world. roTTiR Drcq ANDC'hkh.Cokp.. Solo lroprittors, lt. niton. All about the sWm, ttealp and Uair," free. Complexion, and hair proaorveflj. pnriiied and boauUticU by Cuticura Soap, Pain is the cry of a suffering nerve. Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster is the first and only pain-killing plaster. A Medical Firm tines An, Cash. J. F. Bmith & Cb. of Ko. 255 Green wich St,, New York, tho manufactur ers of that favorite cathaiV ; known as Smith's Bile Beans, have adopted a novel plan. They ask the individual buyen of Bile Beans to send their full name and address, vrith an outside wrapper from a bottle of Bile Bean (either size) to their office, and they five 3 for the first wrapper received in each morning's mall, and $1 for tho 21, Sd, 4th, 5th and th. Every day $10 in cash is thus sent to their cor Twpondents. ask for SMALL size. Oregon Pacific Rail.odd, II 1- CLARK, Beeclver. Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Cnnejrr with steamer qniaa and San Fra?cbo. Homer rtrn Va- raoa aaa tmajasse Homer aai!s Fcby tOtk, Mvh 2, IS, 2, an-J Sift, raoa vsanaa. Homer sai'.s Fib , Marvb 7, 17, and i7ih. The Company rmsjrTS th ngnt t s range sailing dates wtlbont notiee. For freight aid pssenjer rte app'y to any agent. Cb tries J H n.lrta. S-s A C". So Ho Hartal St San Francisc-. Calif. Cbaa Clark re tcirar. Corrallii O-jp.n. "PICT SUIT LAKE, KilSAS CUK ST. LOUIS, EASTERN CITIES. DATd TO f2 UslllDQ QWC EST TO CHICAGO 1 nUUI.0 AND THE EAST naaaua f OMAHA i UHIIRQ QUICKER TO OVAH nllUIi Attn vakiQac riTv ..ww. sw, PULLMAN AND T0UH3T SLEEPERS. FREE FECLIN.MC CHAIR CARS, DINING CARS. s 11 U Clark, Oliver W Mink, K El ei ! Anderson, Kroner, For and general infoi malton ca I On or address Curran fi Monteith, Albany, Oregon, or VV H llURI.BURT.Asst.Gen'l. Pas, Agt, J.S4 Washington St., PoRTLANSr, OllKGON 0 flaTaTaraTawa.aflflflflflflflflflflaiaTflflflflflflflflflflflflflflfla- . t Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtain id, and a!l Pat-; Sent business conducted fur mocckatc Frrsi e ' and we can secure paiect io'less Uui-J Uiau UioasJ remote from t astimgton. i Send model, drawing v photo., with descrlp- J tlon. We advise, if patentable or nut. free of J scaarje. Our tee not flue till patent is secured, a : 4 Pamphlet, "flow to Obtain Patents. " with s ' cost of arcne in the U. S. and foreign counuiesj ' sent free. Address, iaf A OwltimtU Mm tfSlT il ' w s eiiwTiuiivi Ora. PaTtNT Orr:ce. Washington t Those Pimples! ylrc tcll-tnle rymptoms that your lihxA t'stioj right full of impnnties, cauMntJ a tlugguh and unnighih eomptexUnt, A few Ijottlet of 8. 0. S win, rnnon all foreign and impure matter, cleanse the ihoa thoroughly, and a dear and rony complexion. It -a moat efftct uui, ana entirely Jiarmless. Chas. Hsaton. 7J Lauisl Street. Pliila.. snv: -'1 have had for years a humor in my blood J which made mc dread to ahave, assmalllxiilsor pimples would be cut, thus causing sliavine to be a great annoyance. After taking three Ixrttk-i, mt mm mw aa bv lace Is all clear and smooth a , KBflNKrl it should be appetite splendid, 1 sleet) well ana Ic-i 11 well and feel like running: a foot race all for the use of S. S. S. Treat'aer.r bloo'l .-ind .I i'ifl.seaaes mailed free. bWIf T SiVIiUr'IC CO.. Atlanta, Ga. w AN! ED -Puahii u t 'anv ler of k mI dieaa. Liberal as aiy and eien-.- piid week lv ; P-fli-in -ne it i osiHu i. pjtOW'N BriO''. CO. Nunei, 'lien, and' O a goa H .1 H BARG A (NS in ral M!e ailclren, I r or e 111 ou James W Card wall A C JtH'tjrson. I cuiuctat. WASHINGTON I.KITKK. From cur regular t'orrraMndeit. Washlaglon, March 12, 1894 DtnKXraU, oven those who are personally opposed lo some of the changes made, arc (flail that ihe Senate Finance committee has at last got the tariff bill In sv.ap" to nuke lis pillage, by the Senate certain, It Is rcaily surprising, in view of the radical change made ly taking suijar, iron ore, coal and lead ere, from the fiee list and putting a duty upon the-n, that the democrats of ihe house sre not louder m tutit objections But they regard the mat from a common sense point of view, knowing that the democrats of the Senato Finance commit tee yielded nothing that it was not absalutel' necessary to yield la order to get the votes necessary to P-Ss the bill, and also that they will have another chance at the changes ! when the bill goes to conference after its passage by the Senate. The republicans of the Finance commit tee wculd like to waste a month or so by keeping the tariff t ill in committee, but : the democrats will .iot allow any such tlms. ! u tney win agree 10 nave tne mil rrponcu j in a week, the detnocnts iU a'low ihem hat much time ; if not, the bill will be te- ; ..1 . . -t . wicu sooiiei wiuioui mew cu.ncn. . Stcretary Heibert's answer to the house rnlntirai sttnarliT ailiataarfhnrltr hti nritir J ed Admiral Skerrett to obey Mr Blount when he wer.t to Hawaii as Special Com- raissioner.w ,s in slierl.thst it ca ne lrom Hie Ccmmandei-in-Chief ot the Army and Navy , the President t the I nlteJ States; ar.d he j cited seven prcctdents for the aciion, e"allrg I fioni 1823 to 18S1. Senator BUnchaul assumed his new duties 'today and Justice White, his predecessor, j was sworn in ag a member of the .Supreme Court. If Mr Btanclurd makes as cood a j reputjtion la the benite as he leaves behind Mm m the house, the peoi le o' uouistaoa j will doubtless ratify the seieciion ol ihe pj.ernor ot Keeping mm s'-eri. Keiesen stive Kilgore, ot Texas, was nol altogether wrong, although rattier too jene- al, when hr said M the course of ire debate on the District of Columbia arpronria'.icn Sill concerning the r.ewsnar-eri of Wasli- ri.i, concerning the newspaper, ot asi n,u"- ne"V'per " """' nensiipjrs ! have ntvrr fadJJ t-i sdvjcxte my scten.e, I ! don't care how infamous it was, that looked j to the evpenjiture ot the public money in ' the interest of apcula'c.-s in and aiounj the j city. 1 never knew of an insures in which I they did not advocate siich schemes." In renU to a protest from Rerresen ative Blai. of N jj, Mr Ki'.gore ccniinued: "Well, II mike the distinct charge that the newspaper are corrupt and thit they .: . a: - cverv ' j corrupt scheme that has been iutrodu:ed 1 into Conres;o plun jer the Treasury in the interest of private interests. Uemjcrats in congress are in thorough sympathy with the dentrtmentil congress- ion commission which has been engaged for manv months laokin in:o the business mt i . ,. , m?thoiiof the oover.i:ncnt ,:er artments with a tie to recommending changes look ing to a reiiuc'ijn of unnecessa-y re I and of unnecessary oMi ia's K.e.-c tape re ommeodatlon of the : k . , promptly acted upon by congrcu i , i..e 'aat one-for of customs of the tre'sury ftapartsaent having been pissed by Ihe rtottac ni-.hout an hour's dis cuts.on. Sioartf but surely tte ieaten of e'orm Ii working The I JWatl of -thirty tears ol extravjgiace anl tavorititm no: b: overt) rowa it a day, or a year, but ihey aili be s-erthr jwr, in the end. This, the democrats are determined upon Senitor McPhe-s-jn has t'.is lo say ,loat , the charge that the gugsr cla-se ol the re- vised tariff bi.l give; the saSar trost an andae advantage: ''As I drew the s-jgar sc.edule, I otght to iw whit f mea-.s and I certainly know aha' -t was Intended TSa Mt1,a iti il ' " 11 1 " accord. n to rny ca'cuhvi-ans, that refined sugar at accr rded bv the bill it sixteen-J kanlredths ol one cent. Now, when you' talrr lnln ft.-islns Ihs l,:ir.lft mt 1 h.- I i i. .i , V i " ' TS I mvm .:ic let thit Geraiaa sugar i. shipped in bigs which are nat dutiable, and which can bs used ! over an ! oTer again, it will be seen that the American refiner i given no advantage I over his German conp:iit r,. In truth, ! the Gjrmin exporter has one -hundredth of j a cent t pound adranuje over the Amrr. ' Icaa refiner after he his paid our import duty. Now, if any one ifspu'.es these ! figures of mine, and can sho mt where the American ret'ner receive any greater pro I tection t'-iaa I have slated, I will se; that I the bill is changed." I Tne senate will vole noon the hill for he Minajf . ; 1 H m ( intaraaa .... .1 U will c.-rUimy pa9 I-ublic oplolun is Ji1JeJ t "tether it will be vetasd. the maj Jriry incltninfi t- the bilief thit it wil be. sugar sebedul, ill tho tar.1T bill ;9ePr'e,J bythejenalelinanoe committee U "AH sugars made of bottom. riyru pa of cane juice or Lett juice melads eonsentrattd ennererj ami fnr. cn..pj u. t-.-tinz Lt rnlar asnn. n t above KO do ., psy duty of 1 nt pr pound; fur every a'ditlousl ile re or fraction a atove 8 and noi ab jva Bo rlefr.. ah jsva by p-ilarlacops. test, shall psy .ol of a cml per pound ad ditlona', alov9j anl 11 .t abive 9i drg, for every aMniontl djgroe or fraction o degrse ahosn by pnlarae ipe tent shall pay adn yof oZ of a cant par pound ad " " il.ior; u . .n a 1 sugars Usting above OS d'v . ! slaiis?op nwi or . a by Daten ta 3d ard in c!.j' there all b leri'-d ami c llloctix a duty ot ooe rlgbtli oflconc rerp-juiil in ad-JUi n to tn dut imposed upotn sugr les'inu abov i93deg. "Molassos tmting mit abovs 5 deg by poariacope hll jm a duty of 2 earitn pergil ou. Mo a-moh testing sbovs S deu shall 1 ay a duty r,f t cents per ,..,, ,. rl B"" " flflflflflflmmaj t is not ontv to the credit ot the l):mo- cra'ic new.piper ol the country that are quick to denounce the tliortoming I Il.-m craiir; S.-nt'ors, but the prac'ice Is sulking onia t wilh ilmof Ihe KepublU '.an newspapers. The popullstH of & "1 rMiinty havs noin ilia c I Ihe full'i ingtlcket: Cijunty judge H Kcbrooder: shtr ir.W V Cage, clerk) D F he-u,- couiiiilsionor, BFttoaaj trsa urer, V VV Hayes, X h , ,1 nuoerlntonilent Jamofl fterktaa ; assess r, K 11 Handor; surveyor, Willlsm Hamilton; o iror r DrJ.i 11 llodsoii, rejireanntallvd 'Ilioma Bunkson; j nt ranrttnntatJvjs ofUooa am Cuiry, fr ik A Stewart. item wrata in ev r prteiinct In the eoiinty lastrwet tsMir dslefr ita 1 1 thA eonntv c- invention In Mtftflaai the vlv yoci meihoiJor vntm m ii,h eounly con i t ventl w. It im tin. fulros' w 1 1 mm much the sp "In ! t w.iv nf .-'iii'lue'lng aeon vsntkin, Mrs w , Ply Male, of .Liiksoiivillp, baa! i been appointed a notary public and wil attend to all sorts ol business in thn nota . I rial line at the county seat In Ortgon, as -. ... j . r mm I 11 . . . - I . r r .1 I . Jl . . . wen u vuiiiurnia, ine lames are lieing j recognized in notarial appointments. " A seien ist da'mt t" i'.ive duu.veitd I Im I ihe eye ol man is iiiiiiliniH to the ex'en-. tha' o.itcin. in 'e'al larKiieuH, see toe itiove- ment ol his arm by the light if his own eyes. senator II ill, -s " AVK. When a member of the House of Com mons becomes dissatisfied with his party ami proceeds to "flock by himself," he is said to "go into the Cave.'' The reference Is to the Cave of Adullaui, whither David of old repaired with his few followers to give vent to his discontent. A Washington correspondence which supposes itself to be friendly to frnalor Hill represents him as having retired to "ihocave"on the tariff question. The chronicler reports that ihe large number of men in Washington "whoso business is about the tat iff" have, "as a rule, especially of late. s. mght the Nov; York Senator tor conversation about the Wilson bill.eonirrn- Ing which, for one reason or another, they have come." In him, it is aid, "they ap pear to believe that they have a friend," and the Senator is represented as encourag ing Ihe belief. Of course everybody knows that the vig- itors at Washington whose business is about the tariff" are the principals or the agents of over protected industries who are J seeking to save their bounties by defeating j or minimizing that tariff reform which the people have demanded and which the dem- ocratic party has promised to effect. , omer worus. u u toe mcniincj -ouuv uui , is reprcseuled as Hocking to Senator Hill ; "cave" and receiving encouragement there mi. ,..11 ai - 1 ne n unu iu ixUi. u.. " r . : 0f Senator Hill'V false friends or secret I - David U Hill has too often anil - J too earnestly advocated ihe wiping out o i McKinWyism to be now engaged in seek- i lng to preserve tragtnenis 01 it in tne in- ; terest of favored mdustr:es. Ho has been i too 'enaciocsly proud of his reconi as a i consistent and "reliable" democrat, and is too honorable an antagonist to le now en (raged in a conspiracy to defeat or to urn - tilate a democratic reform measure in order to prevent the adm'nistraticn of j lirover Cleveland from gaining the glory j lhat will uit from ., iuSlmcut of the ! democratic pledges, Xo-Senator.Hill has been mi.un i.r stood or misrepresenteil. He has not le to u,e t-ave 0f Adullam. He has n t m,je himself the agent or the confidant if fce McKinev i0hby. It is outrageous toto , , iv, raster and r.ord i t r - i uu tv.i r ; of liavid II Hill "orl1. ! . . ... , ,- me camor pw a new iu new isue of Uoveir meat bonds of small nominations . prob- mmtm .! ir.-.t.) Iff it m tljl wie. . . A.,o . trenchrucnt, not fi r greater facil.ties for in creasing the rubllcdebi. A "popuUt losn' ' ,a "T'r a ! rT - debt. ll.inri! . eonsciecu.i-s statesman oagnt to teach th.- people ha Cebtlsa burjen, not a blesdag. A deb rajan. interest Interest means taxis. A newpape:s and debt.iio matter how popular its form carrls the obligation of future paymen: of the orio cipal . Not evtn a popt-lar" loan caa auke "t-pajtB. peasant. The Secretary ol Ihe Treasury already his i author i.T to issue bonds to protect the credit I - of thetiivernment. lie bis recen'Iy .id "t a wiiar nor wi-i ne cut ins pji.u ' in bonds to make good a par t-010" 'mitaUve!y The democratic I ... - - . - party cannot depend upon a hsb;t of obe- -4 ii...... .i s .- I UOIV m I'P-CftMi T. U-ftfl v.. V - . eress is to make any lurer increase Ol tr. ,..- . 7" ,T . . J . shcuid da rrecively bat ao hor.est indiviJ rial wou'd do who found his outgo ciceeiinf bis income. He woald e.onnnlje. He would seek atrtruoutiv to iacrcase bis WW i .... .. -.- - - .,'l i,yc. i ' , v. m jvu. ssi .11 u J ' . 3 " - denomination! would scarce y !m;.rcvr his I credit. It woulJ assuredly not make th day of final settlement anv easier. Ketrenc i.-neni anu reiorm. oot mere atm I " "ue P-KJ- Tn not t lh- P'i"''ng-prs. is the rlghl rt,oar e The prolusion of go d ihioaghaat trie world ol $i,-3.x'5,oj for fie caleniar year .... i. ik. I..-.. Ska. !..,.. a th; mint. The nc:eie ol ) 1 1,000,000 is mainly furnishel b; th-; Cnitel States, South Africa and Kutssi'. FiiTures lo.- the Cnlte! States, altboug nottetoaltc com letc. in" dicate an'nc.-eas. ol 4.ojoOT.TheJtncrease is Sjuth Africa is a'ont j',oc-o ; -n Ruagla and Australia f 500.00 each. There will be smill gtin in other COaatritS, in - .eluding China anl lapin.biit ihey may be offa-i hr smVl loasesis wh-,e Reirt offset by sma l loasese wh-. Keport reaching the treasury department Indicate the "roduction of gold is telng pushed ia the' maximum: that ipro.ed processes were bemused to the to incr . , , . the output for 4S94. This is Ibe time lot democrat to stand hrm, to bold ar.d pull together, in oruer 'o ram-tlw nariv nvpr llimin trvino- time ... ... .. . .. . 11, aitfl-r which ihe uem'H-ratic itany win oer Uin-y be the on, of the future. While i, is known by a" fair and thinking men that the demrxracy is in no way responsi - ble forth- panicky times, yet because r tho party happens to be in power and there is great financial depression many connect the two facts and unjustly blame Informer for the exUtence'of the latter, spectacle to see a man de'ert It is a sorry his friend wnen misioriune overtaatu mm; uwi w n 1 1 fl , . L : a is to see .1 man desert his party when damrcr fao it. especially when it is no way responsible for the existing state 0f affairs. Jacksonville Timet. The ro:t's Washington special says a political sladsticlan, ho has been examln- ing .lie fiel 1 whh treat care and absolut lapartiality, reaches the conc'-usior. that graniinir Hip tr-publicans every seat which can probaldy no to them, in the next scnatre they and the democruts atil be practically tied, the balance ol poair being held bv the prpulitts. In case the democrats succeed in evtrr conteat lor hgisla'i vn majonies ntxt fall tl.e v 111 s'1'l retain a slight major I """"" u"c- -r tne .,.an.Kcme-t . re Itv overall. !n rase the nomilist obtain U- to 'rcognlae union labor. A call a, balance of power 11 will bring Se-iaior Al 'en. o! Nehragta. ;o the front a a diet 1. or sflerlhe Mahone fashion of I years ago. JoyValdrop, tho populist candidate for oon'sress, is sonmwhat on tlu political onltr of Ilennis Kearnr-y. Ho can best be described as the latter was some years ago by an admirer. "Ami who is this man Kearney, Mike, of whom you ure always bilking?" "Faith, if you wasn't juct from Im oUl soil, Teddv, I couldn't excuse your gnoram e; why I'ennis is the greatest roan n America." ' Hut phat does ba do?" 'lo; why he don't do nothing hit's a working man." IHspatch. In a rubbery case at Denver, counsel for the du'ensa objected to one of ihe jury on the ground that he wr.s a r.emdtr ulllic A P A. I he challenged, ar. 1 It was f jund that ii out ot tiie i ' were inemdelV of iha r(Mltation, The attorney asked 'iiatthe oroner snmmon a now venire on the groun hat the shcrlfl was prejuillc.-d against h ilelenda'it hrctuae he w is a Catholic. I'liatl a sound propositi in the Marion iiity Kenut.'ican platfo-m lh.'.t two-thirds t.l ihe people should not be taxed t'ut "ne- ii ,,(i may r .ne itec on i-apuwi , , Journal. but how aboul your trilT system tha I taxes ninleen twentieth of the people for 1 the benefit of the other twentieth . Thin or gray hair and bald heads, so displeasing to many people as maisgof age. may be averted for a long time . by using Hall's Hair Kenewer. NOTTooJtUi'll initY When toe session ends, republicans and populists will be under the necessity of hunting for somo other fault in the demo cratic majority thin subservienco to Hie president. U is a'ready nppnrenl tnat DO man elected as president ever had to meet " ! RattCfa opposition in the legislative branch : of party government. Harrison had cuckoos in nauseating abundance. Cullom was an- : gored over a few offices and Hlaine smashed his hat in wrath at the foolishness of the Harrison, Reed and McKinley combine. Hut the Whie House ruled with patronage and discipline. Western republicans gram- I.I...1 w... 1 .. . un.11, ..ui o jet en. 1 .ainnniL-n i.itL'ain. were executed, though somo congressmen uud senators knew that the sentiments of their stales were being outrageously defied. The protec ioniat section had Harrison, Harri son had the patronage, and the patronage held the cuckoos in a mass. Hen Hutler wort'.i was silenced by the promise that he would bo tnlren care of. He received his lay. John Anderson of Kansas, the real progenitor of populism in that state, swore be would ne'er couseut. and consented. He was also provided for after his cockooUm lost Idm the mpport of his district. u,n we taik of cuckoos, Me must turn ' back to the fiftv-first eontrress to find them n perfection. On the majority side of , , n,,, WJj ,)ot , We.teruer tteateruer -.1,0 too.l out for Ui. ,.;.,.i n. (lii;l , ,1 n, . . n .: 1 ,u,.,.i ii yji iic IUUU UK I I I .1 ; ; . ami i his manager had made with the miil own ert anj 8uoijjy hunters. Colorado and No j vaja j1(i (,cat f0Ke Ult tejr i senators had not been extensive owners ol i ailVcr mines. tby would ave been lore il cuckoos as they were tariff cuckoos : f it i, the dcty of a legislator to do as . he p'eases, there are T.ore consc-len'ious mn on (he democratic side in tlu- I n ; gress than have ever been seen IJ Wash , ington before at one time. Scarcely a dele i gation has followed the preaident New York was with him on the silver .uestion ...I i -1. - ,l I a. .. .. . " at , . I ami otKes .taoiuer iac on me lariu. ir- gini.t ii with him on Hawaii and aga'nsl 1 him on lilver. Alabama i against him on nearly everything. Ix-uisiana Is divided in ' a different way ever time M i 1 .. tv In. l . ii .-..i IVr,,-., - n. r baa inted for a, little ' ai It doe HOW. faere never was as littl . ., i inci-ssion 10 tne orace 01 cier r.iecuuve. t.l l.;. ii.- .-...,1 .-lr.,. the president and his public m tii.-. are more penerillv admitted to be worthy of the highest respect than at any time since ... i - .- i tvajiiinfcicn reiire.1. Ilepublicans can make nothing but a boomerang of the charge that a democratic " . ' ingress ha been influenced by patronage I or o,'euiouness. Whether for the better ' or worc, democratic legislators have 4 t 1 t fl. . I , -.n,.r.... h .4 ...n ,,,, ms ,r nalmi.aa ol10"" ineir own impu;te. it was itie nfiy-Srst congress which had no mind but the mind of the cuckoo. It is a democrat's strength and Ue ocratK party's only weakness that can never b; a master. The democrat . -1 1 . -it ft . . , i i : . : uience. boi must atrait snreetnent and a;- mm v.. , bat :t sometimes beaU itself. ! Couldn't Mr Clsnd and a.l .he ntner Couldn't Mr Cleveland and all til? o'nr democra's come to an understanding, an agreement, an adjastn-.tnl ot itiaerences, wchJiit setenscing too mach of pc:tonsl and lxal opinions? Tbey have all cleared away most eoective y any saspicion or snt ervieoty. ince tiieyie cas uren no cvmpieie agreement from 'he Cleveland term's open tog a tear ago uttil now. Affw a year's rivalry in tba democratic iri.ft. 4 mm tflw.. L. . f .i'k . virtue of inifl-txndence. ale. month con. tention for boners in s idifying the rjarty rould not be distasteful to the rank and S e M IflOule hlic. i 4 : . ii. . r 1 . - - ... . .. . . wim an sr-ltsa eeniy U at terms taucti more sensible aad prscikatte than lh - wlippingst fashion. amsniscoa.icte,lol beatiae hU -ile. he : U allowed la continue his wor'. . 1 ft. 1 isl-whed afts-r by the ;-olke and arreste a every Sa- urdayand locked up until Mo-day mornicg ! when he a again delivered to his cr.ploier. H.s wages arc tl-.a to his wife. II he ' won- wwk h. U t.ken 1, i.f hrS woo t woik. he is taken to jti.. where h has to work harder than ou'slde. Th moie one stadirs this plan tlw nio.e tcnti- Die it seems ' BaSaUh-s- ..a..taa rWih u si- . , Kttalliuon against Canada is ;,r v : il Introdnced in the house by Chick - enrg ol New Yoik. If pror ides that hen -er -he President -be s.ti.nea that tae , ' 11 , "r iheWe'and or other cana.s in tna ' - ........ .. f'.-j Lj, .1 i 1 .,.."..... by,, ,rs0por:i,n acos. j tl,c t -Sr- la nJ 'lhou 1 aayaaawl of duties, by merchants imp-w::nj; ! oJ p'Ung Irm anv foreiCn nmstrj to a. 1 t uui a i. a sU Toe wa, relerred tothe ( ! to-i-.t.y to Canada. The bill a referred t" alT.Irs commiltee- ' I TI ere i a good deal l sprcu:at:un as to theprc -i I -nt.s probable ac l.n on the selgn- orKe '",! Th e bee coinage member 1 o ' ,he hon-r- 'eluding Bland. is asserted . y ''e s -ignoraue hill is mere y ich!ent- ' 11 ' 'f8'',i''. nJ 'b f:ee-coin age bill will berrparted tothehoasr, wlieth ' er the sident signs the bill or not. It U a vv'ed in the treasury d.-pai'.neii that ih-.- presidrn! has so far male up hi mind on the silver hih that he I d'-p-'cd to s'gn it If he can cmvlnce bimsell thai no b.ijn(. 1 disturbance will result War Ul the ki.lle is 10 be declares! by th Knights of Labor againat a score of brew eries in St Louts, controlled by nn b .a n 1 ii... 4 . 1. . ., j been Issued for a convention of Knigh's aj St Louis, April iS. to dech'c upon measures I for dilvinr; t'ie pioduct nf pie Knglis'' I syndicate brc-.veries out of the n.arVct and J comprll'ng them to suspend. Senator liansboruiigh, o( North Dakota j is prepjiini; an amendment lo lie tarifl bl' rrstorlnu the preient n duty ol ii ptr cent ad va'orem on refined sugar He thin he will receive the supportof all -.he repub Means, populists, and two Louisiana kena tors, wWctl woull Cany it in the senate b a rnaj irlt ti or.e vo'.e. Il I' Thompson, .hulge Hennv, Kx-tio Morsly. 1 W Fultton and Til lord are in the middle of tho candidates stream on the republican ticket, with ahoaJ even chalices at the present writing. GUflSMal Compson and Judge HcArthur, in the leading catididatOH on the democrat i. ticket There is no claim made for Aver's Sarsapariila which cannot be endorsed by scores of testimonials. This fact plainly proves that the blood Is the source of most disorders and that Ayer's Sarsapai ilia Is Ihe best of blood purifiers. Try U this month By using Hall's Hair Renewer, gray. , laileJ or discolored hair assumes the nam I raj color of youth, and giows lusi-rlant an. "imuy, picusn:g everyuoov. WlCDUINO NVITAVIONB. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Qoldei." Common every day. rgjrs mii.l:y . Or. Price's cream Baking Powder Moat Perfect Made. A native Ijorn Oregonian, McKinley Mitchell, who was beaten for a nomina tion in Marion county, for office by a two year grasshopper, is tired. John Hughes of Salem received 'i",000 1 sound of Munrhv steamer Homer. So lavs t 1 ii' 1 it. l.n nr.rli!il S . 1 1 1 1 1 1 VMMH nnul 1.- pretty well situated these hard tunc, to buy WWW worth or ugar at a time, An editor is generally a thinking man. lb? has to think a great deal, but it in gen erally how to pay off his hands at Ihe end of the week. Salem lndcs:ndent. ilatare pf Pennsylvania, did 1 It dis id.-d that 1 ouiity news- 'I'll.. I l.l I.M. . ". .v-'e' t , lung. papers nuve become valuable its mediums of information, social, legal and politic ll, and has enacted a law directing county com liiissioners to subscrils) for these weekly papers, have them Isiuml in serrate vol umes amUkeop them in their offices as Issiks of reference for the u of the public. Each commissioner i to select one of the three wi-eklies. I One of the luiin:i!i wonders of the South Seal is a Victoria, New Booth Wales, , youth by the MUM of McLean, lb- is now I 17 years and a few wonthl old .1 mi weighs j 1 in the neigblxjrhood cf IJUO pounds. He i ' , not a "human mountain of fat." u "mon- ster of obesity, or anvthing of the sort but is a well proportioned 70003 man of surpassing stitture and great height n his 17th birthday he llieusllre 1 H feet .1' . i. lies, aiel it he keep, uji his regular hes. and if he keen ui. his veiarlv inenvan of stature will far suri. i. ; in height nil modern ;nls. " In a circular issued by tne C;Uifuruia bnsnd of health the following in regard lo i cigarette smoking is addressed to tirim-i- ; pals and teiu hers in the public schools: "To - an lialutual smoker of manufactured ciga-elles is to tie an 01 lum smoker an a habitmd opium smoker tt n"t I mm the .-malof an .o-ta ner. wh.-i, even - thing else was equal. stam-es should them i i... ,.i 1 school, or at home, if tin teacher, by munition, advice, ptwanj inllueniv cm pr--vnt it. 1 r llailis-k, pastor of the t irst ..ngrega- . tiotutlist church of Taenia. J-in.-ns) a; sermon on Sunday hist utpsilt M follows:) (food i itl7 nshiii demands tiiielitv in rwer- i-tering ;jid votinir. li ssl ',-itizenshif ! enianda the hon.-.t ,,aM,i.-nt ..f t.i.e, witn- ,.,,! . ... ttrnta to him who is willing to see. tliat Intake , ... . .. .. iwiffhW's withnlii that whirh ITTTT t T7.T-Zl i. ir iur iwuin u--.i.- ii.. is miuj anoai aitr.ut mat wiu.ii i.ajn?a.iy in. citizen. hiti dern.inds i-aholl. itv lilartv. .,-iA ri,.. an 1 i.-rf.. t. Inn '. Ml Home at least gained toleration for all re l?tons and scored one in the grand march lowaxiis uu" i iv i:ir.aum ; lei us iiijv K OIJ tba,. j.crooov demande.1 it. and traversed Holland and the teas to win n . 1 - . ' : 1 : . . : I . . . ... i'lvmouth Roik tr-.nrel it. and America iJla . . Wen IIS ile-ni 1 ni".. T-a:: . n . :: JII a return of the dark ag.. .. . , I'sck my tot wita ttiree doxen liquor jogs,-' is the shortes-. sentence winch contains every letter in the al i'"auei. I lh.. o one n:s s-j well on a b.cycle as a sis- - ....... i fl.v fluu ill the bicye'e in the dim future when she create.' him. -Salem Journal. Of alt riders thejow-legsjed man r.tscn the ma-! struggled for snprmacy to the de'ight of ' )f iit Milul chine in the worst shaie. The lnde-1 the cheering crowd in the grand stand, j Geo. W. WgjainT, Chairman Demo pendent man is no posted. J but neither side scored. Secretary. cratic County Centra! 1 a Fmi. euu-h Committee. . ...., ...,r:vi.i.t.,..., impossible lor tlie s'.esmer Engen-to get Albany bridge Satnrd.y. so she epent the dsy here ao 1 put in the' time giving 10 cent ercu'sions down the i river a coup e ol miles. A great manv . : Kugene could not pass under the bridge 1 Character is the nobles: treasure a person can p-.-esess. ta- s the Salem In dependent. It is the crusn and glory of III. ti i : : at . . - .inc. it uigniaes every etau.rn ami eM. WfT 5. ,u j ihn that o'f sold : its iritluenre is strona- I :fl . fl . : t . . . - er than that of position. The founJa !'on of society tests upon character. apo ;enn once saij that 'he moral to to the physical is as ten to one. Charac ter commands ; influence gains respect and admiration. . anl ailn-iratinn ..... a . r ........ -ft ft - r.l . .. ft .. ... ft . , . . ,, .- 1 1 children and voucg foik. enjoyed 22 fa!al A i i steamer ride -Register. There has not , da"v h,cb. .. 1 1 1 been anv water eo huh this year that the uaT ,Di3reJ No licnal tna!. h' isc ta,. days, before aj , , ma , a. u ,.,. J-'i'- Mr ard Mrs J II Barnes Uachtrs ; an,. Llw M00S.V -. iUtf.f w SvthnT flJa l and rems.nrd over mKht in IVasllelo. u, -r Th. g- SLj ! Ur Si.rL.fl Kl.i-A. m ... ,. ' .. . ... . I Q Mr . tarsey. w.u.e a c ntiemsn ol tbe sacrea cai'ini. has managed durtng the r , ' . 4.., .;..T r.. i ! lde jmxtmvn in ..bserving ihe 1 developmen of various localities. He' has traveled throngli fie west lfore. i and now believe that a tidal wave o. I mi ! Kenturkv etlitors cannot ba t-x care . tul about they print. The citizens f tf,e blue grass commonwealth are t 'Ufhy , and st a temen ts published with ,,e most amiable intention arc iiae.y ( to ?e ,roao Jlre jfJ the elitor of the Mount Sterling Tunes, for example. , ."M. wtndinT up j with the perfunctory statement that 1 "il,a .Wl ,.! ."..,. 1.. k.l.. ! a , lj- i i. 1 . . . ..-. .c .s uu. .11.- -iruui.i m ! f- honriS , ,wi c'ti,e paper to press he J r j(Id!t. of tll0 .lrcr. ,flt, ,rricj shotr (tun at full cock. The notice wa, gratis, -irw ;voo. ! a m an and his wife, minintr on Yreka 1 Hats, found 9310 in gold under ma MHUden last w-ei-ii. a nea srut not ili j talritafl wwriny faah tjWM pf tte ariaal, j - . ' . 1. '.hallow ' A convevsation betwesai two well iKsied ! politicians on the siltor .piestion was Oim j .leard on our streets the other day. "I'm I tn for K to 1," said one. "Well. I am too. but say. what does that menn'?" U'l,, Si l,f o n-lll 1, .... lit .,1 -. en one we have now lv ... . ......... " ' ' t-i , , ti 1- . 1 lie Ornson I Opulisbi in , o,ne.,iion - rderaonaKad theji at .o.ial I .uanl and liarWj to summon tho .uanl of the state '.in-. ,.ft. ...fti.a-, ft.i sa- ...... . .- va ti.t vvsiat-., Uov U wellintr calletl on the NaMonal (iiianl toenfortv his defiance o5 the courts. Journal. M, 1 i- 1 1 1 i Knight, of Saloui: cltrk. I, V Kh'en. of anv persons who have sldusl closely l, , , ,, . f j the l.i, :.l hen. ... Douftl-;' i ner; r-orvler. K VV Wa teVs. Sa'em: .-..nntv an- of the optattW that popttU ntttwliuWl, j S tlraha.ii. will not pill nearly so large a vote as they' did two years iitfo. S-veral reasons an ! ttasi Haas iven. the prim iNil one of which is the at f an able leader. 1 laitideali r. . a ii al I a I Lum .M.inty also their stretuth has ban I 1 t .1. 1 ft la. a 1.1 It .it 1 u . a t t.s a...! enaggetated. lt would not l just to judge their stength make. the amount i t the "Can I gi't Hits in ?" siiid a ntiiii with a roll of Pant in his hand, to an editor. "What is it about?" "It is a reply to l'rof Huxley. " "N'ot much you can't. ' said the eilitor und the man went away, l'rvtty soon another man mm in with a roll of inisr. "Can 1 pt this in?" he enquired. what is- it? "Its an item about n preacher and a deacon 's wife." "Voujitst let your life you can get it in." said the editor. And so it is. seine men succeed while others fail. All Indian from the reservation dropped into a certain Klamath county town last week ami iirocee.leil to an iindertakinj7 es tablishment and Ordered a Coffin for a rela tive. The Indian handed the dealer a string to indicate the length of the desired eaakel, and the latter not having one long enough, slyly rut the string- to lit the short Isox. The Indian paid his money and tak ing string and coffin, hastened back to the reservation. A largo crowd of sympathiz ing and wailing unlives wen. on hand when the corpse was put u. the eollin. hut what A..,,. ii ui,.".;.. f Ma. i...i;,.. . - 'V . . 1,1 1,1 j V , V"1 thuv discovered that that the dead Injun had imnmsod in size nearly a foot shuts his demise. The Indiuns were ovtiwnm with SUIKTSfllltlllOll UllU ftsoimi'iflii m'-.iti.i, IUIL finally knocked out one end of the coltiii and prox-eeded with tho burial. We are not lnformetl whetlior tho Indian's head or feet are sticking; out in tho cold, cold ground. Klamath Fal's Kxprtss. tic. ThrMludrnla atlol. Ill ija-I'i:stii. March 23. The excite ment over last night's riots has not yet subsided. The students declare that they will resist any attempt to open places of amosement during the MHoo of mourning for Kossuth. 'J'he jsilii ! are preparing to prevent further disturbance. The major ity of the police sympathize with the stud ata, and will make onlv a nominal resistance. Aitojt '3) persons were injured In !ait night's rioting, none seriously. A Darts Warder I San r ham lS';o, March 2:! A man went into the branch hank of the .-san Francboo i Savings I nion, which is situated at the! corner of Market and Folk streets, about 9s this morning. He presented a writ-' ten demand for money to Cashier William a iierriiK. 1 h iK-matuj was refiiheil. ,. M.;ri.,aul niuroereii 11,- uwiiii-i aim in.-u, uut was capiureil a lew blocks away. Void Dlaraverj In I Mb. Sait 1 ,akk. March '2 The excitement over t lie new gold discoveries l running lilgb In the li'tletown of Iehi. I tab, aljout miles south of this city. The discover ies were made u few days ago The ore is a pink slate and las in stratified veins. i'Le Ijelt has t-n traced for 'so miles. It is over .'JO feet 'n thickness and assays about e'Jt in gold to the ton. Kakerlllr I rlrrarhlBK DAKKR UTT, March ii. At the city council meeting it Was decided to reduce the expenses of operating all departments of the ei'v e-nvorn'monl lt aalarioa mnat : submit to a cut of .' per cent The arc : li',,u fnh tr.i. c.n l- .l,nA .ih I ' enlirclv 'I'hia wa o.l i,nnoralit i J ...... .H.,u,v, cause of the large floating debt now hang- ing over the citv, to say nothing of WO-1 oiai t.f i... i, r,;..',i,.,in.. r.r , r.i- mentor which preparations must b.; made Eaalera Wraifaer OwTAalA. Xeb, March The great I 1 " "een prevailing over ir;e Middle West has entirely abated, and the ' ' , . '""' . J I L'nion l'acifn: and Burlington lines are 1 now open between Omaha and Cbevrnne. , ! Twenty eight carloads of people who have ' been snowbound on the l'nion Pacific reached here t.-siav. I ur trains had i - n consolidated, and tlie prtssenger- were j from 10 to '.'A hours late. Owmm UMlJW Six Fiwxi no. March '!'. The sec- j ond of the series ot Ittiisl.v fr-J I . 1 1 mmt 1 , wa i.atel today at the fair srftjund. ' The rr.ntes-anta were ihe i irou'm ami ttriiU'r. ' amtHSteam- r in a - -. for the Bri'ish Coinmbians - r f : : bo won by ( Irarral WasanwTosi, Karr h 22. It is believed in well informed naval and diploma'ic circ'es tea, ihe IJebring sea matter is as- - . suming an aspect of grave an i er:.-j im- t'Ortance, and that recent sudden caangea in Iha ejt n. .l rH, ' 11 ,, i v ..... ic ' axrnbable to this cause. The department of state has at Isst call- ! d upon the navy depvrtment to supply s rt ..l.. t tu l I , " e"' . -oics. every effort is being made to get ibe ves - I sets together. They will number 10. if so many can be assembled. , Sax 1 km isco. Marcn 22. The first game r.: me itogny tootoa i tournament u-; a-.-! a. te :.;.-.- ti.r ,r. , today, the cootesUng clubs beiug tb Ue vuuwi auu viuHKiiwii, suu toe gBJuic - resulted in a tie. For an hour and a half I the athletes twtei a-.s Cither's necks and r.t!i:. March 22 A bomb exploded it arremooo in tne cnurci ot tiauen near renoble. as the congregstion aasi departing. The exploatijn was jaat inside I ne maun entrance. Twenty wee injured. panic ecsjed. were 'ram pled arrest. A Cwaaawaaarr for Hawaii Cait AGO. Mrch 22 -Tn Post iogt.-vo special ray--: aral circles ae icite-1 crer the der recalling Commander . . : - . I I . a Ki I He Ian. I mi I . . fl . It : . 1 . . : . , : im w uaair. um i raj-i-y .-vuniira i Walker to take command of our naval forces at -' .tatim. Admiral Weiker' bas jaM finished ;t 'enu of sea duty and. npatMM to have long spell of shore co y. A Rru: it . h "I lurifr t Hl.w F.I n. .UatVII Altera ss-nsa After , " - , , hat Mrs tarr.. w .rv out switch after .m.-.x, .-,.1 i.:i, r f,vv, sw.ift.. a.. . w.,.. wait.rc; i..r more from I 3 atttcked tte chiU with Cf "" " W.,mi,m;T,-,n. Mar h T-.o presi ilsnt ha. nnmmatsd ll... llnwi.,- Ja K Murphv. tVahicgton. register of Ibe i 'and office Olympia. Wash; William H ; I'unpby. Washington, rrceiyer of pub'i - n,r.e, . at Wall, W - K lawkin. ahiniTl--n. receiver of public ::..v-a. .::,; . a. Wath. A B. BlUaarw ' ' iti " "ours, and tbe Ics oi range cattle will be very great. No train has amvei from the Mast t siav. 'and ail trains, including - . r ; ; ! i-'xbe i ' jb1"" "nH' tomorrow. A mesags from bullilo says the storm has a'sumed the proper ions of one of thf- worst lilic:arl ! in the history of that section. It is feared 1 ,oat lhe ranws WI" lr? cowred with cattle "' lipiatni tOttW tttaam. ' t- Reparlea, tasarably. aaaiMUToa. Mank 21 eprvn'a- ! Hermann has reported favorably from tne couiniittve on war claims, his bill lo re iiu'.iurse t a norma. t'rei.'on an.i cvevadm ! for monevs evrjonJeftl bv tbem in the sui 1 nmo 'sion of the Rebellion. Toe items men j iionesl ire 'California Oregrn i Nevada cl.kl.9iroo ! :53,V1.V2.S8: i.vl."40 i0 f U - . , fl. ft... - " ' Salex, March 21 The tountv republi ..... ... . : flu- 1.: . 1 " t. (..- ".iiai--.iii.'ii, ii'e t'ikjin.1 .mo nsv's. i monious fc , , heTtoA made tbol ,ollolr,n nominations : State senators. 1 1. ,. . f w-.l.. I sft i 1 Vf SvTVl aaieitluwl 1. laiit-ist'ii, "i ci,iicui, una t 11 !to:ion. C H M cores I , ... lA. . is 1 u..rl 1 - ,.:T-J , , . "- ' ' Sa . .. 'l .-Al:tal. Macleay; H U Harcleay. cf Wixalbtirn, and j L Calvert, of lluhbur; commissioner. J M Watson, of l'urnfr: sheriff. lohn Ottaw v. IN. March il. Chief Justi.v. 1 p-' --- ,...,. I " -.aa--va -...I tV'UM. liil rffuscl to grant a supersedes in the case I a a a ..a . 01 i remiergast, the murderer of Carter tlarnsoc. who is sentenced to be hangd Friday. The judge said that thecourt had carefully exwnincd the recor.t. slsstisil and briefs in full in the case tud had con cluded to deny the application. An told firm altarlM .1 KosKiitiio. March il. The old und well-known firm of I'aro Bros was doted today bf an attachment, amounting to WOOD, by Um Doocbll County bank, of Koseburg, and bv San Francisco creditors. i i Void anil tah Bataare WAsuiMiTox. March 21. The net gold IB. the treasury at the close of business to day was 107.(K4.47;l. and the cash bal ance 1135,279,101. Elderly people remcm'jer their snrin bitters with a shudder. The present gen eration have much to be thankful (or, not the least of their blessings being such a pleasant and thoroughly effective snrlnv retKws as tiers tsarsapariua. It is a fl. i I.I Eajoya Tne pleasant flavor, gentle action ana soothing effect o Syrup ot Figs, when in nMftll i1 4 '..,'!... ... I 1C Ik. f - . ,. i " r '. ' "' " .". "' '"cr or momer i.e costive or bilious, the most gratifying results follow its use ; so that it j is the best family remedy known and . every family should hav a bottle Shiloh's ViUltser :a whas you need for dyspepsia, torpid Hear, yellow akin or kid uey trouble. It ia guaranteed to'give yoo satia'aotion. Hrioe 75o. Sild.'by Foahay i Maaoc. MS nnt DEMOCKATir rOUVKITIO The county convention of the demo cratic party of Linn county, Oregon, will be held at the Court House in Al bany, on Wednesday, April 4th, 1894, at 10 o'clock a m to nominate candidates for county oSeere ; to elect delegates to the democratic state convention, and to transact such other business as may properly come before the convention.1 Primary meetings will be held at the usual place of voting in the several votJ ir"g precincts of said county on Saturday, March ?'8t' mA' al,tw. 'c,ock P - I a unanimous vote of the county centra! committee it in il,.i n... viva voce system of adopted by the next convention . f.r a. it , ,.. ply to the nomination of candidates The several precincts are entithd to delegates as follows 1 it ...9 ...3 ...4 . .. ...4! .. 2 er i 'r 'ordeville Ess' Albany Fran- ijn Butte . Vox Valley liaise 7 Jordan ..3 1 North Brownsville 51 North Harrigburg 6! ; North lljanon 6 Orleans -. . .2 I Price 7 I Hock Creek 3 Santiaui ft 8cio Bbadd Kbelburu Sodaviile 8outh Brownsvil'e . . .4 ' -.4 . 4 9 i .-4! . . .4 . . .O I ...S ...3! ... ...3 , 1 South HarriebuTg. . South Iebanon ! Sweet Hotne ; yracuse ,7,1ent 1 Waterloo . . . Albany H Total 123 ; All voters in sai-J fJnn county with-; out egsra to lorroer political aninaiioua I who favor an honest economical, admin- j .etration of county, state and national governments, so as to conserve the in-1 tereete of the masses as against trusts : and monopolies, are cordially 'nvited to .join in taking part in these conventions, it"V,' Wniriin, Mart MiUU. Secretarv. Chairman Pro Tern. KIM a stic rRiti ti elci ritia Notice is hereby given that on the 31st ' ay of March, 14. between the hoara Ol I o ClocS n in and 4 OCIOCKpm, OS e10 oay, a primary esajmosi wassi am mmma in West Alrny. Albany, and East Al- hanv in I.inn eonntv. Orerron. for the nurooae of electine Jeiesrates to the Dem- oeratic County convention. o be held at Albany .Oregon, April 4, 184. The poll ing place in Wetft Ai'jany precinct will be in the circuit court room at the court bouse in said West Albany prcinct and s Cline, J Y iiai"railti.ana m Kum hanflti arc !h inHmm r.l sncti oltfse-tinn ( o - - j - - . i The polling place in Al'-any precmt will be the treasurers ofnceai thecourt bouse ! in said Albany precinct and the judges i nl msh arl nn 1 U Ifltua Slaraknra I ; - ... .... - - ' ; Oliver Busnnelt and l. a .uocanye. ltae 'polling place in East Albany precinct; will be at the ofSce of the Farmers ware- house in said East Albany precinct and i ; R L Borkhart. 1 C Dickey and John j Isom ?r will be the judges of such elec- ' ot eucn eiec - etcn u t ion . The number ot de iof -c'i-' at sr.rh r.r-rr.arv foilows: In West Albany precinct 6, in Aioanv precinct ana in rasi aioauss precinct o I sated the 22e.J dar of Vanh. latsl. ' rftataieinoa rmt 0STr t f tTI l s c-oa The C'juntv C nvention ot trve Prohi bition party fjc Linn coaity wi.I eenvene a! the Court H'js. on Sa'urdav. April : 14th, lSo. at 1 o'clock p m, for the pur pose of nomria-inj a cnuntr tickei and , j transacion ol uCi other huslaess as may J properly bebrough- '.sf ire the conven-k.n. j All prohQxtionU ol '.inn coualv arho Or- i , j .... 1. .i.:.t . 1 . . k . . . f ... ... ftflii.-.i . .tfl.-flj .;ce- in 1 . - mmw9mw ar, 1 who in"end t i nir. rt rhs. unp in the tnsutr-g e'ection rsill be entitled to j seats as Ce'etrales in the convention. ' Eery prohibirionial In Linn roun'y is i earnrs'ly and rordia! t invited to attend. ! T P Hack i: wax. chairman of Linn I iuny! Ci-nmittee. 'l trrie satawaanr. Some feop berrude the little mow 't" -er cos.,, swi "heR thT.,re .cked 5f" f'.m i if wicncs arii.i irunr 1 CSJ:a, inc wrii ' , i ,", - - - " ,V "u..-.. ..t... ... raain. If thev only had one of these wrr.1 unowned oUster, on hand they wou'd be j sacd a rati amount of suffering and be I . iTf.'TTV. V TL-Z - stiffness ot the pint! applv one at these I piasters wiii.out any delay. The soreness ' etwatlj rellertd at once and soon ' -disappear entirely. It will te money hve ,,h'"1 a hnd. to -' ntb- the raaTatcaTt they bctng. TtveCMarBes. The reason why Al'coc' r rous ?!as- TST'" ,. Lame back, sc-.a twitrhlv of lh-. m..u-t..t ca, sttffn'ss or I rit imnU. - ' r. 1 mjnia, consumptrcm. 3. Indigestion. dyspc-rio. ;sness. aunev complaint. The success, howeter. will depend upon tats genuineness of the olaster used. The . popu arity of Alcock's Psir-us Plaster has j been so gret that o-.uliitudes ot iwiitations harre sprung upon eerv hand. The onls ! sure cure is to get the genuine Allcock't 1 oruai natters. Biandreth's Pills Improve the digestion. Portland, Scramento, Los Angeles Stccston and Salem have the same insur ance rates. Albany. Or. Butte and Helena - i !?,"Un ?!tke Clt-r- cons, and; - ' V " " sh' lon. n" the same rates. TVi nisssrv. a ana r n. . . nn a M,m. If t, - - . .s . . ,),... - wiw "u - 1 ratines. There is no preparation to Wltfil.. mm a 1 11 ft. al-:- ft-1 '.,). , ', 1 1 . I I.. 1 1 v s ii"t n" . ina, H P'eveaU b.ldness..nd keeps the 4a'P clean, cool, and ne.lthy ti - ! pursirfs pur 1 sntnin onu. In I V Circuit Court o tie Staff or Oregoa for tie Coxntf of Lis. I M llsborn .V Co, Pitintiff vs S f Barger and and Sarah E Barger his wife, Defendants Notice Is hereby given that by virtue o an execution and order of sale duly Issued v... v.. ,,,v. ..... i.aiiiTu Luuri in inc. above entitled suit to me directed and de- ! livered, I will on Saturday ihe 7th dav of April, 1S04. at the front door of lhe court house in the city of Albany. Linn Countv. Oregon, at the hour of 1 o'clock p m of said day sell at public auction for cash in hand to the highest bidder, the real prop erty described in said execution and order of sale 10-wii ; Beginning at the north west cor.ter of II L Brown's donation land claim notification numbr :ojS in tp j 14. South Range j. west of the Willam- j ette meridian. In l.inn Couuty, Oregon, I thence east 35 chains, thence south 9 ) chains, thence north co west 1 chains thenc; south S6, west 16. 50 chains, thence north 66 west 50 chains to the p. ace of beginning, except 3.(10 acres on the east side of the tract, deeded to W R Kirk No vember 6th. 1SS6, recorded In volume 30 on page 292 ol th: records of deeds for saict Linn Connty. The proceeds arising Irom said side to be app led first to the payment of the costs 01 and upon said exe cution and the original costs of said, suit taxed at $23 So. Second, to the payment io me piainuri n ni usoorn cV Uo. the sum of $iS8.S6 with Interest thereon at. the rate ol 10 per cent per annum from the 33d day of October, 1S93, and the fur- j ther sum of Sit. 00 attorneys fees and' the overplus If any to be paid to the said defendant S V Barser. DlTed this 7h day of March, 1894. C C Jackson. Sheriff of Unn County Oregon Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Fare Orsnc Crssua st Tartar PawaSii That Pie V I bad for dinner waa the best I ever ate. Thanka to COTTOLENE, the new and aatccesaful shortcningj. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. REFUSE All SUBSTITUTES. C ia Badeoajyby W.K-FAIBBANKA.CO., ST. LOUIS nwd Chicago. "oa. oarroav NOTICE CF APPOIkTMEtiT CF EXE CUTRIX Nolle is be'eby given 'ht ths under" signed has txen by tne Ouoty Coort of Linn Count . i-a-on. duly at pointed as exflratrix of the Iat will and iestttr.n of Jfeicy Bisier. dceessei. nd ail par j tn9m harine claims acrinM id entaie will Dresunt the same tio.y nnnti rimri or awa to the nncerigoa at the "aw offlte of Blaekorn A wstaon, ia AlbanT. Oreeoa, whhin aiz month om the date hereof. Vbanv. Or, Feb 1U, 11. Blackbom A Walaon Matilda J Kins; At y's for Kxeutrix. Executrix. a w f- a v . la K Ail 1 , ril , I C OLLE GE Send for Catalogue Addre, REV. E. 2. CONDIT, Albany. Oregon COPYRIGHTS. CAW 1 OBTAIT4 a rATaOfT M C WH k CXI-. wtao ksTw haat aweoal stgtaec ta tike sVriratlaVe a thwa ara ta-rxarat wsdaiy beson tkc yasaae wttfc-Sii??lalljjLu!!l-Lr,'tj iiTtawfjartaa w? S3 a year. 'sHraas'iSaaaawsw rrtav eflgSJrgL. atCSX 4 CO, Saw ToaUC SCI Baroaswa' iLFlIT COLLEBUR lISTITUtl ALBANY, OREGON 1891, 2.8S.2 ir.t Teraa wavraeU SVatraiSrr se A f - I corps of insu-ucsoa-a. - CLASSICAL, SCIEKTinC, LITER?' COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. t CJarrar ol atady unngec? t . . . -all" grades of student Vjt-s-aa. tiiKrsara ' rttml 4wt Srvjaw ii-mu. vv. uinr s roafoiv. IRHT StTIOStl, BtRE, or ALSttT, OftEOOS ! Vk PreaKlect l. FLIXS a. 1.TOCXG .K. W. LA NO DON rSANSACTS A GEXlTRaL tweatoe'tuaisflaw SCVOCNTS KEPT aat jest to dflflsck. SIGHT BXOHANsiC -.: trt -rapaue UflMl r, so a New Vork, Saa Frucuco, Cttiea(o aad P a uami flats CO JJtCTIOSS SAPE on tatoraala am a, W Laa B Bum. Kasaas t . Sox. Ta r :oifl r Cataloc ot TflitaalM aaa r : . sr ; rs ISartalas t'i parrs x 10 14 iaekf. witu aVseriy tlaas taal d-u-rik. aat aiblraa; il'.aatratiaaa taat iastrart, aat riarrerals. Thflj eoTr-r Is chami-nf ia hanuonioas MadiRf ef sat.rn!.ir iir.t tcrmA and white, v:ta a ssxta rsacs yrMan.l. a .'ream of S.. ttv. tt yacra of NottIut jfttlntea In S .t'Oreat eelara. AU the !lns- Dorltt-a ana le Is-sl of tlie okl vanetirs. Thwe hanl liars tui eanna nff. nl to ran any rasa. Buy aosxsT eeoca alwnsTea will rrerifla rtrtl. atXASCSX It U nt nn-. j 3rTt.ii.l-iist-.atV5.-kaflsftHaTow.tals ia known j tSa aTjrU ovyr. altO. also thai IV ti.irflyst x? . A Trry litllfl. s;s nt l'.TPMfr SSaawBI sft-e em.-rr's ami aas. Wslills. V.-r.- is'::cflsl VWc wal tluWy ihahanU- a.iii.-ss y.. ---I.- r .r ISSJi. lr yii l,.c otl .j... ar-i.1 atlsN. n.w. flrith 1'. rrnls. which ray te iHsiurtea te.tu -. . ;ss CaaL rriaaa nir Vwusaaa. cs-tier.x.T. JAMES VICK S SONS. Gladstone has A clear Head WHY ? Because be fellows ihese rules; "Keep uV head cool, the feet e-arm. and the bowels open." Vou can have a clear head and live to be ninety if you do the same thing. When tne bowels fail to move dur ing the day take on retiring two Smith's Small Bile Beans. Their action is so mild that you are not aware of it. All day your mind will be clear and coob "Not a gripe ie barrel of them." Ask for smail size. Take no substitute tor .SMITH'S Bile Beans R fafa to 50-00 PER WEtK .J.UUusiPR and selling Old Re. li'bie flster. Every family has rusty worn knives, forks, spoons, etc. Quick ly plated by dipping In melt ,d ieta). No experience or hard work: a nood ait uatiou. Address W P Harrison Clerk No.14, Columbus, Ohio. A Co, Far a TZSa5-w? ooija acrtexly ouuaaatutaal. A II a a eTa a a eat lw. rorrflijgfloei oorrwPfli trfliHifld bosr SB.- ieaiasdasaTa!Wtsrtas