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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1894)
9 Zt cuioriat. Weekly Democrat. $i 75 per year n advance. $2.00 at end cf year. stnrdny evening the total receipts fo the week were $4320.05; for the season $12,709,34. Following were Saturday's receipts: ' Olston Jones WmShelton A W Gordan Mrs N J Uordan A A Gordan E A Thompson L J Trumbull Est Jos Failing Walter Ketchum. . . . James A Pugli A M Kendall Est of Kendall Jacob Allamond James Venter Geo Barton John Harder Gus Harder John M inert John Canavan .... Mrs F E Canavan . 8 E Coleman C W Simons Mary Sim Elizabeth C-imons. . . John McNeil J H McCoy J F Wilson OA C K RCo. ... R R Beaman Rudolph Spring J Spring A Barnes A Eichman Albany Farmers Co R H Babinton Jas Warner Wm Warner , . .5 49.50 I 39.3S 1 133.49? Hi.-j. 1.94 12.00 I 8 25 13.75 144.05 i 21.16 I 10.24 8.10 24.S8 1 10.50 5.50 4.44 1.00 j 4.2O 32.32 12.00 3.90 10.06 7.6S 13.63 121.22 1 12.88 l.OO 3.60 8 92 5.80 7.29 5.95 1S.50 305.25 25.00 3.00 4.80 Standard Oil Co. 27 50 Taxes will be oelinquent April 16.1 he ; total receipts 'or Albany were $406.15 for dint 5, $178.50. U G Hay ne today began Ibt construc tion of a cement walk for the second street front of the P 0 block. Seren inches of rain recently fell in Tennessee fa 36 horns. Oregon never does business in that way . ine weammor mc pi utm universally complimented. Today the j wind ha been In the south with an over-1 cast of clouds, which Is the pvopei thing. ! The team of Vr John Morgan of Plain- J view ran away Saturday evening, start Ing near Bros'dalbin and 7th street. The wagon was tipped over and Mr Morgan ! thrown out; tut lortunaiely was no: In j rr.i 1 1 t . I. - . . 1. 1 1 1 jnred. Mr Morgan lias had moie than lis share of runaway sccMents. Judge Strahan came on from Portland this noon. Mr Chris Hardmsn Is reported serious ly ill at his home a few tuil-s from Al bany. Mr and Mrs Geo T Cox, of Mehama, are in the city to dav and gave this office a friendly call- Mr and Mis J K Weatherford, and niece, Miss Arick, left Saturday evening for San Joee and the Midwinter fair. C E Wolverton, cf this city, delivered an address at Corvallis Saturday night. Mr Wolverton is being mentioned some for congress. Mrs Kenner. of Natchez, Mass , sister of Mrs Geo'K Chamrjerlain, arrived in Albany Friday and will remain the com inglyear. I'hia is Mrs Renner's second visit to our city. W H Alexander, a printer well known in this portion of the state, arrived in this city last week from San Francisco, and expects to remain here with his family for some time. He says printers are having a hard time of it in San Fran cisco now. Guard. The college bovs who played foot ball at Eugene Saturday say the university students there were as white a lot of young men as they ever met. They were greeted at the train Friday night by an immense crowd and fully 1000 people witnessed the game- Of the Al bany team Turner was taken sick and Harry Saltmatsh took his place. The boys think that with training the state university team would be able to meet any'hing on the coast. Clean towels to ererv customer at Viereek shiviDg parlors. Ladies.'ry the Eglantine Massage Cream the bst preparation ever made for the complectleo, to be had of Mrs Rowell, at Russ House Albany Ore. better Lost. Following is the list of letters remaining m the post office at Albany, Linn county Oregon, March 20,1894. Persona calling for these letters mast give the date on which they were advertised. . Fisher E M. Fulton Judge. McWaughton T, Newman C E Robertson E M . Seehele Miller. Himmons F, Ta; lor Charlottie, Tayler Lottie, Thos. MoMTErrH, P. M. Or. Price Vcreaia'Baaang Powder Fortjr Veare Bjj StscQart Albany Market. j "?het,39o. Oata, 25?. Flour, 3.00. Batter, tOc. Eggs, 15c. Lard, 12 to 15c. Pork hams,12to 15c, houldois,u;i0oi Slasa. II to 13c. Bay. baled. 17, vo aloes. 40-1. Apples , 4 Hops. 16o. Dried f.-uli plums, 9c, apples, 9c. Chickens, $1.00 per dozen, j Beef, on f. x, Iffei Uog, dre iieJ. be BOKV. Mr Van Horn, the popular street car conductor, received an Easter remem brance not secured by man y. It is a girl and weighs ten pounds AT doing well. RAWLINGS. In Albanv, March 26, 1894, to the wife of C Q Rawlings, a daughter. i Heart Palpitation Indigestion, Impure Blood Cured by Hood's. Ur. V. W. Bridge .-C I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass. ; "Dear Sirs: During ths winter and spring I hava used a doien bottles ol Hood's Sarsapa r ilia In my family, and I am quite sure we have been greatly benefited by It. For years I bars been troubled with Indigestion, accompanied HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES by sympathetic heart trouble, and Hood's Sat aaaarlUa has done ma very much good. Yfa have also given It to tho children for Impure blood and ringworms Willi very Kw 11. W. BnuxiES. rteasant H1U. Oregon. Tit Best Jokb. The Salen Independ ent tells the best joke of the ssason : A few days ago there came to Salem from the southern portion of the county a wo man. She was in quest of her husband with a keen look of vengeance in her sharp b.own eyes. She went to one of our hotels and entered the office with the air of a person who was after something and knew what that something was Approaching the bespectacled gentleman who presides over the register with signal grace and suavity, she asked him if Mr had been there. "Oh, yes," replied the obliging clerk He was here with his wife hist night ;" and rap'dly turning over the leaves of the register he showed her where her husband had registered. The woman started around 1 he hotel like a Siwash on uie warpain. mic swore vengeance on the man who had sworn to nrotect her. and that there would he nothing lett ot : himafter she once got hold of the culprit, After airing her views on "Man's in-; humanity to woman" and 011 "Marriage ! being a failure," etc, she left for her home; and there she found tbe villain, I peacefully doing the duties of an honest husband. Without a word ot warning i she began wrecking the house. She did 1 not cease her work of destruction until 1 she fell to the floor exhausted. When j she was brought out of her swoon, she ; found Herself in the arms ot her unfaith-1 ful husband. This was too much for her, ' and another attempt was begun. Fin- ally she submitted to an explanation, j The husband denied the charge but! without avail, so he concluded to come to j town with her to disprove the charge. I They went to the hotel and upon a close j examination it was found that the entry upon the register was made two weeks previous, when they were in town to gether and stopped at the hotel The husband smiled, that was all; his wife smiled, and that was all. 1 hey now oc cupy the same ho-'se and are happier than ever. Albany Bkatks. The Albany foot ball team returned to Albany from Fagene ten 42 to 2. Wi-h an average of '.'o pounds more of weight they spt the '. held with the Albany bovs, with I strength more than skill. I'sing the wedge in nearly every instance they j seemed to be able to push their way across the field, turning somersets over I our center rush ou the way. ihe Guard i describes the first half as follows : The game was opened at 2:55 by the U U s with a living wedge. Ine play ,, , . . wfts weu made ami alter several close scrimmages Uie same team scored a "touchdown" and followed it immediate-1 )y, with a goal, scoring 0 points. Shat-! tuck, the center rush, made a number j of advantageous plays, and won hearty j cheers. As we go to press the teams I were lining up in the .center again fori the second round. On the second lineup the Albany s I nflu 1:1c wit Kll. 1111; gmc U If 1 1 1 IIU . i - i, 1 (i. ,u k.. .1...... - : parent advantage for within 14 minutes i from the time the game started the 1' O's scored another touchdown but miss ed the goal. The home boys took the ball on the third bout and were giec a hard rab by the Albanys. At one Mine they had nearly scored a touchdown but before they had made lost ball up the yard, or two necessary, the D O's rallied and car tied the ball directly across the field scoring the third touch d n and goal. Templeton was cheered as a good goal kicker. The Albany team took '.he ball next Both teams were getting tired, but this was the closes: fought round yet. The ground was gnarded closely and it was some time before either gained snv ma- terial advantage. Little by little, how ever, the Albany boys lost ground, and although the ball changed hands several times, they were finally driven back, and another touchdown and gual scored by the t O s. This ended the brst half of the game. Score '-2 for Eugene ; Al- bany 0. List or Patents. G ran ted to Pacific States inventors this week. Reported by C A Snow A Co, Solicitors of Ameri can and Foreign Patents, Opp 0 S Patent Office, Washington, D C. EE Barry, Elk Grove, CsvL. TOtia I Cah, voting et wm tj 1, . T 1 boot; H r Beecher, Port Townsend, VV ash., easel; J Bell. Troutdale, Ore. , reed-water heater: J b Bloo I.Houghton. ) ash., washing machine. A H Carfxn-1 ter, Stockton, Cal., Marine propeller; A W Coats and J Bartlett. T'kiah, Cal I Ir.-.rai .-.-r Art -,.r, IT 1 Pmn.l, I' ... 1 iauu, ore , uyuamo-eieciric macinne: i T Curl, Los Angeles, Cal., sliding door lock. E E Douglass, tlanford, Cal., School program-holder ; W E Howell, Los Angeles, and vv H (ii.bert, San Francisco, Cab. North San Juan, Cal-, fruit-carrier; M Jensen, Astoria. Ore., can-soldering machine. R W Jeseup Dos Angeles, Cal., separator; C A Koltz, Vallejo, Cal, Blowing-er.gine ; D Salfield ana n tvon.oerg. fan rrancisco, u.i , jail consiruciion ; u j .'ineusuu.DS'ers- field. Cab, car-coupling: M Stone. San! Prof Gilbert, of Stanford I'niversity Diego, Cal, dish-washer. C F A Sturts, ; has been in Astoria gathering prelim San Franciso. Cal., elect'ical protection j nary informat'on, with a view to a for safes; J F seech, Los Angeles, Cal., key-holder; L Welspiel. San Francieco, Cal., type-writing machine. Easter. The Easter entertainment given by the W C T U at their ball was a pleasant affair. The dlsp'ay of home decorated Easter eggs was probably the nest ever seen in Albany, containing many novelties of an artistic character lunch was served, and during the evening a short program was rendered, consisting of a vocal solo by Mrs Nutting and a duet by Mr and Mrs Hammer. A pretty Easter program was present ed at the Congregational etiurch I set ening. An aria by Miss Warner with an artistic accompaniment by Rev Trow was particularly a treat. A solo by Mrs C ( Lee was als.i areatlv atmreeiated. Besides exercises by the S S children Easter eggs were distributed among the young members of the audience A sunrise Easter service at the M E church was wel1 attended. It was lead by Mies Ciara Guard and wes full of interest. Lb; Biiokf.x Chas Kite, aged about 50 years, met wile a very painful and seri ous accident yestenlay. He was plowing on his farm some three miles from this place, when he stepped around in front of the plow. The horses suddenly started. throwing double tree violently against his leg and breaking it. A messenger tame to this place and secured the services of Dr Cox, who went out anil set the broken limb. Mr Rice being an old man make: the ac cident worse, but he will soon l out a- gain. Hrowmvillu Times. Dos't Belikvu It. The Prineville papers continue very skeptical about ths Oregon Pacific. The Review says : The following head line in the Albany Herald has rather a familiar ring to it: The Oregon Pacific.Col Hogg will buy the road and extend it eastward." This startling announcement would be encouraging to to us people who are 120 miles from a railroad had we not been stuffed with the same kind of news ever since the road was started. A Curiosity. Mr Geo Stimpson, the Wells fargo express man, has just run across a " gold piece that has reached its three score years, being dated 1834 It is a curiosity in the money line. A Portland father had a dealer arrested for selling his son cigarettes, 1 he man was found guilty and fined and exists Then the man had the boy arrested for it is a violation of the law for a minor to smoke them, and the boy was fined $5 and costs. John Butterworth.the O IVtaleleil; lias two broken hiigere, the result ot a stick ot wood falling on his right hand, bucli ac cidents will not occur when men leurn to let their wives manipulate the wood pile There will be but one assessment in the A O U W order for the month of April This makes five assessments for the first tbur months of this year. Five dollars assessment for four months on a policy of $2000 is very cheap. Jim Corbett nroroses to srmear as Ham let in Shakeepeares great play, a fact that would cause even l'.dwin Hoot to faint, but there is nothing like cheak. Machines neatly repaired nitrranted bv a thoroughly comuetent wo man, at F M French's jewelry. sure, Alban igon. French has thr largest and finest stock of spectacles and eye glasses In Linn County. Prices to suit the times. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Medal and Dlplom . 1 Following- wore the receipts ut the slier ltts omce yesterday: Mm S A Newberry Lester Hulin Dittenhoffer Hasp & Co K 11 Rhodes Mill. PnlpA Paper Co Minor Jackson S 6.88 01.20 ; 4.V00 14.70 12.71 20.33 23.29 21.75 1.00 9.25 3.03 18.00 19.50 5.02 9 93 02.0S 55.00 4.20 209.59 23.00 41.26 11 10 5.10 14.20 30.: 1 8.32 261 .98 6.23 23.79 2.63 7.50 1.00 38.M 14.40 4.K8 30.00 12.00 .90 A ftu-reron . . . J S MeKeron Mnj I olinson W Tl'ary J V Thompson Mart liilaml Heirs John Kiland . Wm Khmer 15 K Jackson C L Jackson S A J I Nelson Q W Cochran n Ijk Wot-odip j.; p Wallace w C Tweeihle Mrs M A ltnv John A Olaen. Wm Kiimbiitnrh los Vlvnn V M ftumbnuirh L C Miller Isaac Flder Mrs S J Elder ii A Irvine Harrison Phillips... Vincent l'ietrock . . . H C Kckert J O Boyd Samuel Boyd F M Rinelmrt T C Rhinehivt et al . . Frank J lsabell Heirs Richardson. . . K T Diffeobacber. . . . Fred Diflanbacher . Total ...$1167.515 Taxes will Ik- delinquent April 16. Pi siiiNo BintHM. I'nder three heads the Salem Independent says: Charles Clark, receiver of the Oregon Pacific rail road and W F Crosby, lnanagvr of the steamer Homer, arrived in Salem this morning. Mr Clark comes to Salon in the interest of the Oregon Pacific's property and to look after business connected witti I that company. It is likely that the peop'e 1 will find out s)me very agreeable news re 1 pirding the O P liefore long. Mr W K I Crosby accompanied Mr Clark to this city, j and this gentleman comes in the interest of ' the little independent steamer which plies i lietwoen Ya.ruina bay and San Francisco. It is by ttts boat that many of our mer chants receive their freight from the me tropolis of the Pacific slope. While here this gentleman will prolablv negotiate for a more extensive freight business on that j line. It is strictly a Willamette valley line and when this fact is thoroughly laid be ! fore our merchants they will no doubt pat I ronize the line more than evsr. Since the i Willamette Valley has lien taken off and the Homer abased on as an independent I boat the olficinls have taken extraordinary means of facilitating transportation, niak 1 ing terms cheap and running regularly, j For instance, the Homer leaves San Fran I cisco tonight at S o'clock and Friday 1 morning, the merchants of this city will have their freight landed in this city. Death ok F M Millkr. Last evening ! Mr F M Miller died of consumption at his ' home in Lebanon at the age of "0 years . ! Mr Miller was born in Iowa in the vear l!44. When the war of the reliellion broke out he joined the 3rd Iowa regiment. After the war he studied law and was admitted to the bar. He was. at one time superin tendent of schools in his oountv in that state. He came to Oregon in 1876 and lo- j cated in Lebanon, whersj he opened a law otiice and has since resided. He ha. held several city offices, and at his death was j postmaster of the city. He was a memlier ol the OA R. and has several times de livered addresses on Memorial day exercises, b 1S2 he was united in marriage to Hulda S Armstrong, who with three children sur vive him. Mr Miller was a good citix-n. hi SM a 111 lie in his dealings with men and ! leaves a good record. His death will be regTetted by many. fMYEjns utn -Tbpr.xer. isps lhl at tt,W.T , iS! t!!Ml5?l". rZ-TZl-ZiZZ- i. ' mstj vi 1'ivuii.uu' tii 11.1 1 it.-, :- ur ' t in n i n ', nf rj,r :,: Mrc , 11 McCullagh conducted an interesting de- Totlonal j. Mrs Tatham tod of fe, ,!-, of Vp.,1 tw in seen him :r. a Michiiran l.rti twentv vear. ago. Miss Warner was heanl in a vocal The Yiolets. Mis Eva Si imp-on recitfil Alter .Many IJays a production ! to the point, with good effect. A paper! on Seal Dow. prepared by Mrs T J if-' son, was read by Mrs Sox. It was a pro- j dnction of merit and was greatly appre ciated. Carter Lee sang "a song for the' new revolution." after the tune o Yankee , Doodle. Rev Abltt and Prof Lee spoke , emphatically on the subject of temperance. I closing the exercwes, full of much tor .earne.t , osideration. ihorousii investigeMon ot the liatuts ot the different species of salmon and other fish in the Columbia He will endeavor to trace the salmon run from the ocean to the epawning grounds anJ learn w hat ultimately becomes of the fish. Some of the canners hold the opinion that the blneback is trie fish that spawns in the Idaho lakes, and Professor Gilbert will ascertain, if iKissible. if that theory well founded. Twentv-hve students of Ya-hon Island ! rnt lesued Marcli 11th. during the ab college Wash., have left that institution. 'n:e of the defendanlt in California, and thev say more will follow. They al- ' The complaint crarges them with adul leged mismanagement and petty tvrannv lery nd was sworn out br Charles Ken oh the part of the president. The cause : Jon, husband of Mrs Kenvon. Both leading to the leavinir was the United 1 were bound over in ito bonds to await State.' survey ship FTailTfT She was at the J the action of the grand jury, dry dock, and the students visited ber. I - Professor Jones, at nlttaooa exercises thj Mat day took them to task for visiting the ' vessel, saying that sailors were not fit as- ' scciates for young ladies and gentlemen. Tabi. TriiSKi). Yesterday afternoon , while K S Miller was enjoying the beau- ! tiful day on his "safety." he collided with ' a team driven by Charass Rams by which resulted in Mr Miller being thrown vio- 1 lently to th? ground and sustaining sevend slight hrsnsea. From the story told by ' Mr Miller it seems that Hamsby disregard- ' ed the highway laws and purposely run j into him. Mr Miller then went before i Recorder Edes Sunday evening and swore I out a warrant for Kaiusby's arrest. Salem Imlepemlent. Tiik Easter Dazaak wan opened by the ladies of the Episcopal chnrch this after noon in the WC'TL hall, and will be kept open toniirht and tomorrow, until noon. ix-rnaps all day. I here are three booths hlled with a tine display ot useful and orna mental articleu, as well aa an eletrant as sortment of Japanese troode; also a cocoa Isooth, where thin dcii'-ious beverage 1 nered . Supper will lie served after 5 o'clock toniirht for 2-i cent. The bazaar deserve.-) a liberal patronage. A Saw Mill Accident. Mr W T Clark, an employe in the saw mill at Crates last evening, was running a buz, saw. when his: left hand wa caught and tteveral tin gem were bad'y lacerated, but fortunately were not cut seriously enough to cause their loss. Mr lark ih a prominent candiuate for J 1 011 the populist ticket. A Cow iielonging to Mr J F Troutman met with a tieculiar death yesterday. She was staked out on a lot in tho Southern part of the citv. when, in some manner she became entangled in the long rone, which she made worse bv her strnirales. until bhe was strangled bo death . Gamden Sekds. Every body hhould have a garden. Are you one who will. '11,..,. M in VI , i. (U. II ..,! , ... I ',, . a i . . ii SS-. HI lii. " 111 1 i, . -ii . . ' " and make your selection fiom a fresh supply of all the seeds in the market, the larK'"d stwk in the city. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castor! a. When she was a Child, she cried for ('Astoria. When Bin- became Miss, she clung to Castor: When she had Children, she gave them Caatorla Sud An Albany Jbwelrv Store Worth patronizing is that of Will & Stark. They carry the finest lineof silverware, watches, c.'ocks and jewelry generally in the valley, and sat isfactory prices are always given for the superior quality of goods they keep In stock. Never buy without calling cn them. The Tangent correspondent asks. Is this a t hnstian nation or is It so called 1 wo object to tho answer. If this nation was truly a Christian nation it would Ik; im possible to elect bad men to Inch possi tions. Are our rulers true Christians? Are our laws in accordance with (Sod's taw? No they are not. Senator ngails, onee said"The law of Muses ami the Golden rule should have no place in the laws ot this nation." Now. if we do away with these, where will we go for a standard of justice- Were the law of God lived up to more perfectly we would hive no need of so much law making, ami if this were the there would lie more equality in mankind (not so m. my million aires nor so many Iteggars.) How can men pray to God "Ia-ikI us not into temptation" and vote to out temptation in the way of the youth, if men would vote us they pray the saloon could not exist. A . Y Smith. Nevertheless in the popular Bed general tense the U S is a Christian nation, the same as Kngland and several other countries. Remember the ipeclal meeting of Beu lah Kebekah Lodge this evening. These industrial annics matching through the country will be a great shlng for tramps. Yaquina Bay salmon aie In the market. Columbia river salmon arc not due until April 15th. Don't miss hearing the "Lite of Abta ham Lincoln;" at the Methodist church tomorrow night. . Hear Rev O WGrannls lecture on Ihe "Life of Abraham Lincoln;" tomorrow night at the M E church. Astoria Is to have a purely literary paper, The Leader. Ii U to be p"erne"d after the Argonaut of San Francisco. We may have hard limes; but we necer have c,t clones and blizzard, and our crops never fall. Some difference from the East. The Flying Wedge ha reached our orticc Trie gridiron Is Linn county, the center ius.i Is the county prohibition committee. Toe opposing team iotem prance. Member of the A O U W should noi forget the enteitalnmer.t to be given bv the Degree of Honor at the A () L' W hall on Friday evening. Ii will be open to all members and invited friends. Dr Alfred Kinney received a ditpatch this morning from Mr Stanton In New York, saving that Mr Csmbell had repcr ted favorably to eastern cipltaluts in re gard 10 the building of 'he Astoria rail road and that the money will be read. Budgett. The picture of Nea! Do exhibited on the platform at the anniversary exercises last evening was the work of Miss Win nie Chambcrlin. I: is on crayon, and displayed teat talent in this line' of work. The picture has been presented to 'he W C T U by Miss Chamberbn, and the frame by the Albanv Furniture Co. Yesterdavs Guard of Eucene finishes j M foot bsIUtem as follows: The game 1 was enjoyed, especially by the students. ' T ie new team at the I'niversity of t Iregon proved themselves good, all round sma ' teurs. The Albanies made a number of good play s and were cheered both durioc ; the game and at its ciose. They lacked i both In weight and staving qualities, but were act! e and had some good rj-incrs. The visitors were a gentleman! ct of fellows and the referre. Mr Sati. gae entire saikfsCtSga. C M Young, ol this city, acted as umpire. It W (irav and son of Salem, were in tha cit)" tbi noon Mr L Cohen has ret time-1 from hi trip to the Midwinter f.ur. Jos H Lappeus. ex-chief of polioe of Pott Und. died in that city yestevlay. Bishop William Dillon. D D. of the Cnited Brethren church arrived this noon, and is the guest al Kev I- S Fisher. Mr and Mr- ' 'liv.T Murphy are in ti.-- ity the guests of tiie formers -fartner re cently in Corvallis. Mr Geo E Fish. Walter Biddie. a member of the Albany foot bait team, staved over Sun-lav t- uil I at the re:dence of his father. Dr i W ! len visiting there.retume,l to her home at !):.) II. W ' . T. .1 T, 1 I . i Albany thii morning. Eugene liuard. I . ; RN Morris and family of Albaav V10 s,em evening. Mr Mortis is atrent for the steamer Blsrood at tht P'ce and is going to Portland on a busi- P'ure trip. 11 is ite is a dauglilar 01 Lev' Barren who resdes on the lurner road. Strtesman. A Portland exchange say: Eugene Protzman. the recently appointed post master of Portland, began life as a news boy in Indianapolis, selling papers that contained an aixount of the firing upon Fort Sumpter. fhen he entered an office as a printer's devil and eventurJIy became a full fledged type setter. He came to Portland in Is", and at first worked as a printer in a job offuvr A few years later lie entered the boot and shoe business, in which he continue! until recently. The pay of the postmaster at Portland is regu lated by the volume of business done, and amounts now to about $3500 per annum. Mr Protzman is possessed of excellent ex ecutive ability . Both personally and as a man of business his .hara ter is abave reproach. That Cobvauh HtrtnUTtrnw h Cor vallis dispatch says that Dr J M Apple white, a member of the board of regents and treasurer of the" Oregon state sgri- is . cultural college, and Mrs Charles Ken von were arrested vesterday on a war- OS THK hVit'ARE. Tiie difference between Living weil and living Poorly is very small If you buy light even In hsnl times. Trade With those who do Business on the square, Giving quality as well As quantity I irer Bros- are such a firm. Their groceries are always First class and their baked goods are un surpassed any where J j COME last year. A M t fM CU it Tangent, March '.''. 1894. Editors thmoertt! According to previous notic e, the dem ocrats of Tangent preoincl met ul the school house in Tangent and Organized a democratic club. At promptly 7::ti) the meeting was called to order by L T Smith. The object of the meeting was stated by A Bievins, after which twenty democratic voters i.mie forward and signed tint club roll. The following ollicers were then elected: Pros, K L Bryan; vice pres. A Bievins; secretary and treasurer. A W Moses. The president appointed the nisi-ssary com mittees. After the business of the nuvt ing had lieen transacted, remarks on the questions of the day were made by a Lum ber of prominent meinliers of the dub. Notwithstanding the slliwlltesi of the in tice and incleniem v of the weather tin house was comfortably filled wit!: roters, and a successful and enthusiastic meeting was held. From present indications our member ship will soon reach fifty and Tangent will roll up the old time democratic majority next June The i luii udjotirnc ! to unvt March 31, Memo. ISM. iihi SMTATa kLK Clarence Stockton to Loella Z Adams, G acres, IS w 4 1 ii W V.niiiL' to Emma J Littler, l lot, bl 14. HV.'nd ad C T Crumeto W W Richardson, 100 acres, 10 w 1 w W Richardson to C r Crume, 40 acres, 10 w 1 Eliza Warren to Wm H and Mary Kirk, 'J5 acres. 13 w '2 L" S to Napolean B i'endleton.lSO.l'.i 200 laoa lOtiO 1000 150 acres, 12 E 1 C 0 Gentry to W L Wallai Patent acres. 11 w I Isaac Hynian to Amelia May. lot 1, bl 8. Harrisburg W H Goltra to Pros U Marshall, lots 1 and i, bl 3. Q'a Pad Jos I,ebn to Samuel Nel-on, 18 ai res. 13 w4 Samuel Kelson to Josiah I dm. lit acres. 13 w 4 H Brvont to H K Trites, JO a re-. 11 w 4. . . William C UVks to Ellen C Cooas, 5 lots, bl :t. Lebanon A P Florv to W II P.s-r. . 70.66 12 and 13 w 1 and S 1400 1 oOO 10 KJ 1000 70 BIS i t III !! tk M. The democratic club will ln.ld aiueeting on Friday evening. April 6th. al 7:30 O'clock. Mr Q W Wright and other gentlemen addre til- !:.-'..: .. Ar- r.uijrements are leing assafa to hae !:ir). crowd out. IVleg-atlons will ! in attrnd an frm Shedd. '.Means . Center and otLer precincts. Mr Wrijfht will mark out the line of distinction iwtweeu the aasaocrahl and popalists .,n the one han-1. and the democrats and republii-ans oa the other. Populists and repoblicuiu as well as all deui'xrat are invited to attend. Ladies are also invited to be present. A Ni.iv Uock jesx iiubUsbe-l contains the foiiowinp on the fir-t pace: "The Ore gon Pacific Railroad Company. Soaie ob servations on a naniphkt. entitled "Tbe n Pacific Kailroud. its incx-ption. and neeb. with toaM suggestions SS to its future development by K W liadley, fie cviTer." Ky Wollit Nah. and Tie- rv -n Pacific Railroad, its inception, j-re-ent eon- :iuon an i neevis, wim some sugeste-n-lo future deveh-pment. by F W II Keceiver. Ian I roncisco. Horon Prints.-. ' Co. I "94 " The book contains lo7 nagm is an etabotate history of toe rjd. hnsjin ning with the inception of tbe old wag a road in l-Vt, and thence forward to the present time, etving a detailed statement of Use prifsent condition of Uie property. Tho interested tuav se the !j-k office lSKTa rsHUBUMK Wtii .v siurk, t sisssasn If yoa want a tar amok call be J tphm white labor cigars, Tbe beat)mal la the city at Gobi a 1 Jcj er a PJsjshsss & Mafasnsana n Iradhn Jtaj, ore. Aibapy. Ci. Will ic Slsrk's large lire of vff war has created a grot deal of taik. Pi roo.M home loJostry by m king the .elebrated white !abr cijart, mr.a?a--tarf f by la'ios 1 t, . . Srwa I ral II osr The ne-tttity of a tpriog medicine universally admitted. This it the bet time of year in which to purify the blood, to restore ths lott apclite. and ta build up the entire tyttem, at the boly it now pe culiarly tuceptible to benefit fro.n med icine. The great popularity attained by Mood's Harsaparillc, owng soils real merit and its remarkable succett, baa ettablithrd it as the very best medicine to :ake in the spring. It cures scrof lis, si'l rhet-m, snd sil humors, biliousness, dyspepsia, head ache, kidney and Bear complaintr, citarrb, and all affection caused or promoted br low state of trie rttem or impure btoo,1. Don't pu: it off. but taae Mood's Sarsana- tilla now. It do rou good. Beware of O.n :aeeu for ratarrh that coui .in Herenry. aa merrary WfB nrrly dstroy tht r.w of SSBSsI and torultt .:,v dcrangr tbe whole tj ttera when it thsaaaSI the zaucrot urfaert.. Puch artir si oolJ nev-r he oscd exrrpSon prescriplious btOSS nutab'e t.h.v;ieiau, aa tbe ctamas- thrr wlit to i t--n f-M to the rorwl vow can positl7 etc from th-m. Iltl.'t Cstarrh Cure, manufsctared by F. J. C'henrv A i"o.. Toledo. O. . cont-ams no nsrrcurr . anil it takra Internally, acting dirt-rtV jt.on'thc blood ar.d m u coat t'urfac- of thr In bay ins Hall's Catarrh Cure he BSrtasna irrt the a-rnuine. It is taken iniemailT find is made in Tolr.lo. U:o. F. J.t tteney at Cn. T stin-.i n-a!s rrr. . jk r bvl-Uo. r tsiid ty Pracsti pet BmM WatatFa. Tbe Ladies Baaaar to announce that thojr have ju.t r.--caised an elegant line of Indies and miss-s eafs raid jackets for si ring Th MS garments comprise all tne latest Paiiaiaa sts les anii an-tailor made. The aHeai to suit the times. Call and insct them. See the New Improved Singer sr-wicg m chine. The htalt M always the rbeaj.ert W Sttvden, anent. Uffict- at K M French ewelry Ptore THERE ig vast difference in the styles the prices of the olothing and men's wear ing apparel this year from that of "93' Has to he hetter for the same money. Ha3 to look neater snd fit as i it wa made for you. It has heen a big prohlem-the solving at thesa two knotty pointss-lmt it has bets done-YOU CAN REAP THE BENEFIT The last few days we've unpacked thousands f dollars worth of new suits- the best value we have ever seen. The time to get youi choice of a lot of firit patterns, at liral lliiril liiiii' Prim i m m. AND INVESTIGATE PRICES fully V ID ESDVX CITY OOVVOII.. I Qeeduy evening Mayor, Recorder MarcJ Chief Present of r Mu nev. Nlie Pfeiffer, Burkhart, Marshall and Walters The following bills were ordered paid: O W Wotta, 153.20: PJ Smiley, $0.25; Pete Riley, alo.ftO; N .1 Henton, 087.35; Beadiy & Miller. 17.00; Chris Ben ler $ti.0"i; W E QUletti WM; Jas Laurent. 01.50; Matthews & Washburn, 07.50; C 0 Lee, 047.50; Basaa Pardon, 0.26; s Com 112.50; Bant Pine A Fixture Co., 15.00; G W Willis, $o.M); F T Blount. 1.00; frank Pnrdom, 61.75. Cost hills, City sgf Chris King, 02.29; R 1- l!.s llc, $2.05 P M Pool, 62.00; Ira Morris. 05.45; Pelix Ham ilton, $j.4; Carl Wyman, $7.00- Long Chung, $4.20. Disallowed hill of Linn Huijiiie. Ci 2, 620.20. Coimnitbs- rcirted that had been transferred from No. l's to No. I!' boose. Committee isytod on tux receipts by sheriff as heretofore published. IJcense was rante.1 John fVhmoar to sell liquor imd bund apprnred. A resolution was passed that I Steinhari ! allowed 0500, one years lnten-st on city bonds, an ! ?'.K) interest on $2250 for six months, which became due on Oct I, Iw0:!. and that warrants be drawn for said amounts, four in sums of idOuO each, one for $oOM and one for $00. Councilman BdasJl nioved that the com mittee prepare an otxumBace embodying the state' law OB the sabjeflt of the sale of tobac co, cigars an 1 cigarettes Ui minors. The matter of payment of city taxe-. as sessment and -ttltoUT ramiilts m as informally diM ussed. W'arrants were Ordered drawn on April 1st for payment of city policemen, to wit: C Loe for 670.00; IT O Hale. 600.00: W A MeClain, .VJ.OO: John Jones. 620.00. Brtasj yottr coal oil cans and have them ici'.licd with $ eal.ons tet I'carl oi; far 75 cents at A li Mcllwain. Tbe press is a unit in dsnonnoiag ItrtckenriJife regardie-s of politics. That is the way the press does w ben it comes to a great matter of morals. When you want anything in 1 he gro cery lir.e do not forg'ct that A It Mcll iim Is tbe place to get It. See his ptice list in this paper. The Salem lournal published a picture of tne new soldiers home at Ruicbur. It is a fine looking structnrc. The frame ft up and it aisout ready lor she p'asler. T:e Mii Ball wiil have an opening of spring and summer rri! inery, on Fri day and Saturday Match 30'b and 31H. All the ladies are cord'.ailv ti.til'd'lo at tcnJ. A II Mcfiwain it tecehing his new gooU; new gir.ghaint. satteent. prints, ai.d teasel downs. Call and gc". prices before you pur:hate, a jiu can site mc-nev on dr goedt you br Irom him AttJrnev B k Sklpworih. it making! preparationt to buiU a handton-.e re dence cn the corner of Sixth anJ Watti irgton ttre;s. He hat alrea-ty ordered the necettary lumber. Eugene Guard "For a long ttme I teffertd with stom ach and livrr and could find on rttief tnti I brjin touse Aer's POU. I upo itssjsa legniarly for a few momht. ins me heattn was comp.ete.r ie;.j-cJ ' I) V tWlae, New Berne. SO. There it ro reason Sltis i ldwlies sSoJ;d be aliowcd to suffer from loathsome scrof- I ulout sores an I granular when ; tuch a plv-atant, erTrctive, cr.d rr annual i ca, medicine at Ayrt's Ssartapari-a nv de procured of the nearest druggist. Be Sure you get Act . Tbe Cnrvallia Gssette says: Tne Utg- ett prur.e orchard ia the slate It located in Benton county. It comprises tMt aces, on which It -'acted jj.ctoo trees, and it known at the Eicltlor Fruit Farm, tieorge K andG A Waggoner, who are in-.erettto in the et.tetpriee, returned fr jm the place iat Wednesday, and tay the treat are si! looking sp'rcdiJ. A mar. br the name of RitSer wat dis charged from the Insane atvlurr. todav as incurable. Me is at the point of death and hi wife came down to taae him to hit home a: Lebanon. A Jitter carried by th'ee men contained the unfariunate man and he wis put aaoard of this morn- inj's local train. Mis complaint is kid- ney trouble and paralysis. He will last bu: a few day t. Salem Independent. --- MaX3CVp-A.JCBfi-- aW w PRICE LIST lef Pat Roller floor per sac's. fi g-al! pearl oil I cans tt tomatoes J cam best table peaches Best loma corn, per can i" ioands rolled Dats 17 pounds granulated u(..t I9 pc.und Kxtra C sugar 1 pound Japan lea 1 pound Gunpowder tea Arbuckle cotTee per pound .... 4 pounds Rrt-en cuffee .HO .10 L00 LCO 1.00 5 1.00 All goods- warranted as represented and full Height guaranteed. A. R. Mcli-vtiN Shiloh's Viral iwi :, ht im need dyspepsia, torpid liver, yelh.w skin or kid- j all kinds of lani!r. drain tiling. cdar aar assaale. It (uumtml toigiv- yoa I pooia, Hoar and teed aa tba moat favor adastnatsasv, Prise Ttc s:dby Psaaaf Je : able terms. Masoc F ti Powan Bbedd . Awarded Highest Honors at World's Fair DPRICE'S npalllBakmg USPowder: The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. KEEP 25 per cent cheaper than Highest of all in Leavening RoYal U&SGiWTELY PURE payiso ta: The receipts at tbe sbarMPa ofii day were about fl'stJO an CpUowS: John Heattie Hiram Hi Ofphre) J M t.'linlo yerter 1.00 4.0 4 0 4.1 IJ0 2.40 032 c.-t.- Hjto 000 174 '3) 4T..V) 183.25 4 .-, 71 2S.71 5.04 7.03 1.4" .7-V 51.12 10.49 19.Ci IS.11 C4J55 W.47 2r:3.In Vj -0 1.00 L4t 17 m 1st 1 M '.'.07 10.W 11.38 if 1.80 Hsiary e, use W"(jee eed Walter J 3 w Riebaedaon Jonathan Was,,),, Kst Jos- Wassooi . II and E WTryon Wm Miller...: Wm Cliiner M C (Tiamlmii Wm S Foster Margaret , Ii 1' Mankere.... J P Mtmkers Taylor Evans W'S Walker Petree Bros A T Smith Henry I IbsUey John Nelson jeorire Bayne , E E i Ionian MnC JLnper John l.uist-r Mrs Lac Wright. V H Caldwell ! W Kumbangh Allert HoUrrtson Susie E Adams i 15 Hart nun- I Shelton E li Ingram Hillev Alley J I lloteil IB tieddes H P Walter Liton D!Carey. Oft CRM At th-? lost term of the county court upon apjdication of Sheriff Jackson that a ment of taxes I- extended to M.iv 1st. Ij- fore Wing declared delinquent, the ounty j r,urt uiaile an order asttbag April 16 as the ' time hx their l-einjr delin-joent. This j should be extended to at least the time asked for by ths Sheriff. Tur. Ba.:vk. T.-r biz tar giver, by the ladies of the Episcopal church has proven quite a saccass. A large number attended last evening ar.J to.lar. Ihe sales of fancy tr.idcs it itttrir.g, at wel; as the ta'.e of supper lickeU. The booth with the fancy ar-.icet was partic ularly admired on account of the e'.eint ditpjay of art. in oil anJ needle mork. Several pieces by Mrs H C Watson and Mitt Morjn Bttraetod a"en.!3nnd wi:n articles e'ici-.ed much ftvoiadle co tner.t. The bazaar ttiil be ket orjen :o- j r.fght, when lnch can be had af:-r 5 I o'chwk for only 1 5 ccn:t. Among those ' ssaiBttag In the hsrsst are Ir Piummer ar.d of OarraUia. i . soas ii.B:.-n: uuium -iiys ggp . John .weiir. r. .1 vry taii pntk-iaan rk- ' in for Wal A Sea Sought several bills cf 1 .i. r..- : -:. ,sr. i r..ud t -r th.em with an ord-r est Veal A. Su. and thn ' - , ! iMaesuy rlisaptwand. W-al a. Sonsaot c w- j mg him anything a -met was issued ! -r hi-.trr--: ! r rwv nn.ier fjae pseteaosa. A di-jatch from Bosrisarg rv.-civtl tius f reno"a annotu-ed that be had ln arres-led at Comestock. Consta lle C V Watts will leave after him t'-nizht. j PtOrn -r FiiDOEfU- Twentv-sii bids were opersfl at Wooilborn f-r ererting new J bricks at that city in piaee of tbe frame lmrne-1 several months ago. Tbe lowaat t'ld w.u th.s? of PtllllliatH A, pf S . $5,197. Mr J M aVeChaaaa, of Albany, j b.,l '-."v:- The highest bid wa tv".. jCoatrartcrs are wati hing eery joint for work I rts.. MttXix.JtV. Mr W it Biijea I ha port-based the miiiinerv store of Mrs . .. i - -s 1 ss stock goods in tne milliner she will r-eiv from New Tork an eietrant 63 j line of jsittem iu's. f ir the inspection of ::...:.--. i A. ..:....:.! ; .: . An , pert minis r "ha !a enure-l.Th , I-"-? the .at-s-t sivie at reasonable price 1 til ih well to 1 al I 'T. Mr- Itiiyec. j Caraa axn J kET.-i have m:ved my J sprii.c and summer jackets dire-t frxnn NfI or niaiiiifajtatniis, Oanes are the thin thi- year and 1 have a tine line of novelties in them. I carry aio a r.ioe i ::; f :....tefi' and triuin:ii)g-s for :.,akin i.ijvs. S E YotM.. Nan LtTsmaa Y.vrd. Tiie undersigned i is prepared to S'lpplv all customers a it!: MOVING The L, E. IILAIN Clothing Go. Powr : Latest U. S. Gov't Report Baking Powder X'EKSOKA JC j Mr Fran'i Wheeler Trent to Independ j ence this noon. I J Fred Yates deputy prosecuting at f torney of Henton coo.-ity, is in the city to day on business - Mr Gnorge Humphrey '-ams up frof. Portland last night to recuperate for several days. The funeral of F M Miller will occur atIehanon :o morrow morning at lo O'clock. Mr Miller was a memlier of tbe (j A It, Maccabees and A F and A M, several members of each of which lodtes wiil attend from Albany Mr J 15 I-ong has retired from the editor ship of the Populist, and E C Meal, of tbe ' I I'-r Santiam, wili -niw him. There ;ire aid j le four or five men who think they know so much more about running the p.ii-er than the editor himself that the man really at the head doesn't know where he is at. Mr Cong is to Ije congratulated upon hL- ecar. iuX e .-ning at the residence cf Mr Tim Wandel. a farewell fiarty was tendered Mi s llerti.a Swart previous to her depar ture with her parents for Nebraska. The evening- was one of much enjoyment. Miss Swart has made many warm friend here and general r-gret are expressed at the 1.., of one from our midt so aocom-pli-hed and posiing so many excellent traits of character. Mr Swart and familv wi! I leave tomorrow for the other tide of the Kj- kies. Tried and true is the verdict of people who take Hood's Sarsiparilla. Thegood eflec's of this n-.edicine are soon felt in nerve strength lettered, apeti'e created and hratth giren. Hood's Pilit ii not weaken, but aid in digestion ar.d tone the ttomach. Try them. Toe place to get your quinine is at F.ed Dawscns cur ld and B'oadalbin ttreets A'banr Or. New Adveriisemerns. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Not:ce is herebv girea that s-alej bids will be received by the undersigned for the erection and completion of our eight room two s'.or school buildinz to be erec ted in A'.bar.y Oregon accordir-g tu the plant and tpecira.iont proposed by D C" Scbell architect. Bids will be received for the tthale and for the several ruru of i said hatUHug up to the io:h day of April 1 1S94 at noon. The right to reject any j and ait bids i: reserved. Plans and spei I iScation can be seen a: the office of DC : Schell architect, Aljanr Oregon. By j order of Use board of directors. Attest, r t Ai en, r;;ra. ANNUAL MEETING. Notice it hereby gven that the annual meeting cf toe's cf the Wil. amei'.e Land Companr wili je held at the ctEre of Curran and Mor.tei h. in Albanv. Oregon, on sii-.ardav the iSth day of April iSoj, at - o'clock P ii for the election of director and such other business as mas come before said meetiog. Dated March :h 14. A H.vistLVAN. Ota V Wright, Presiier.:. Secretarv. Ur N TED Woman bjuse work. Csll d geuerai DsMomtT For Sale or Trade, a house and lot in Rood location in Albanv- W;ll se.l cheap for cah or wi.l trade for land part ! ly r-r wholly improve 1 not very fsr from lowj. Caller write to this cfHce. T1 KK.N 1.- Two .-ojms, newlv fin 1 laUd one suible for smaJ or offloe. one for store, liOitiO feet. VI ill is raiy oy Mti-h 2'. t'a:l on Dr Ci W i MaKon f -r pinialsrs. W'ANTKD.-A young lady des-irs a T p ace ia do ccerl houre work. kdotress Clara M P. nola, Albanr Ore. PFRE USED Siirer Laced Wvandotte eggs for sale by l 0 Woodwo'tth. FOP. BARtiAINS in real s4ateaddretS4 oretll on James W Cardwell A" .. JtfTsrson. I. 'at r. r.. 1 1 he room recectiv oe.-n OR RrlNT. The l p:ed ly J W Bentlv as a bt and p:ed b shoe snop. ti l 03 L Viereek. E . Boos. Ec,.. Pare hred Silver Lacei Wvaodotta. I-Lri? I r settinjt the Alranv Poai:ry Yards. From pen N.- 1 and 2. 8l.2o pr"t3; pea No. " si per 13 B Fivmoath Ko.-ks, 75ctpr 13. lonn Brash. Albanr, Or. Cor 4Us and R R sts ( OrSTY W.RRA.XTS-Bueh: and sold ty U F Merrill. Wall Paper, o tOrufffsi, aints. Oils J. A. f 1 111 Bung ALBANY, GRECO 1 V , nw r r S i - . i s - sy ,t r r A GREATLY REDUCED PRICES MA UK BY SODTHERU PACIFIC COMPANY FOR THE CALIFORNIA MIDWINTE R iFAIR ROUND TRIP TICKETS GOOD FOR 30 DAYS Albany to San Frsncixeo iC -A-JSTTD HETTJP.N $2G.90 Inc'uding FIVE Gate Tickets To THE FAIR EXCUB8I0S B1IFS. From ban Francisco lo oiber poir.:s in California wtt be allowed purchaser of special Midainter Fair tickets at tbe fol lowing round trip rates To stations under iso mile t from ban Francisco, ore and cne-third one way fare. To fatior.i 1 so miles or more from San Francisco, one and one-fifth one way fare. For exact dates and full particulars, In- qu!re of C K Fronk, agent at Albany, Or, ur address the undei signed. Rich'd Gray, T B Goodhai. Gen TrafEc Man. Gen Passenger Ajt. San Frarcisco, Cal. E P Rogers, Asst G F ic P agen?, Port laud Or. Star Baker I orHrmilalbla and Firl St CONRAD sVEYR, FFCFFIET6R. ".-a rraila, tt'as.isan-. rled Fralla. Taktscca, Magar, Et aoiifi ttet TegeUkklea. llgata spiee-. Tss. etc.. W TerTi tl J kept .s & feacr 'trstt; ACvl r rs rtors. If market price paid fcr &.J.L. KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED At the store Alien Brcw former'v owned BUTTER, EGGS, LARD. BACON, and CHOICE APPLES, for which possible. I will pay the best cash, prise 8 F RAMP ' n. R-IIVRE. W. n. DIXPINV-KR. P. B. .IAJIES ALBANY FOUTOl GO, INCOPORATSTj UtBNTI RliKk- Ubaar, Ore. FURNITURE complete,! ine of LAnEKT.iKIMi in ail its branches . EMBALMING apecialty. Beta 11 tti us r l wManj C. a r--T- iiiG M-?i I 13 SJ