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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1894)
ehe St moitat. POTTERY, COIXAR3 AND CUFFS. In the contests of the fifty-third congress between parties there is no new issue to perplex the voter. People have struggled against their governments because govern ments have leen the instruments by which taxa'.ion of the many for the few has been enforced. Monopoly, privilege and aris tocracy have not been chosen by the peoplo, but have always been loaded upon the shoulders of the people by cunning minor ities in control of armies and laws. Democrats in congress are now fighting over the old battle against monopolv and prerogative that the Knglisb of other genera tions fought against the Stuarts and the Georg?s. They contend against the siuan dering of public revenues on favorites and agains: a trade restricted by and for special beneficiaries. It is that fact which aggravates the of fense of the senatorial combine which lias on the democratic side shaken the threat of revolt in the face of tbe party majority. Nothing but federalism and republicanism cculd act the part that Brice, Gorman, Camden, Smith and Hill have acted. It Is republicanism over again to make conces sions to glass, iron ore, collars and cuff and pottery the price of senatorial votes. These gentlemen have placed a few private beneficiaries nbove the general pledge of the varty. abovo the principle of tax reform and above the will of the majority of democrats in their own sta'.es. Hencetorth the democratic party cm owe : alaaaai ..... 1 t , . , 1 1 . . 1 ' . '. tl,. 1- 1 them no consideration. Henceforth they cannot justly assume to exert an influence 1 jjado there is only 7 per cent of the indus on the course of the party. Their view of I trial part of our population engaged in the tariff is the republican view. occupations that would be brought into The Wilson bill has been doctored by competition with foreign countries. Now these senators . If they had wrought their entire will it would have couio from the committee just as bad as to the schedules in which they were interested as any re publican bill. The purity of democratic principle and the integrity of democratic policy mutt be preserved by the West and South or fail altogether. must Tlie past month ba3 put beyond a com promlsethe nomination of a Western nun in 1S96. West and tsouth control the dem - ocratic caucus anil must control the demo- cratic pa'ronage and veto. Ths party can - not fulfill the expectations of the people unless the real democrats formulate and comroi me luiimni rreasuies ui me r-ifa rt v lAnlirr I II ; L A X it 1 " ' Mi hkhhans-s rAMfAIN. . .. .m iifiiiiiim i ouuiuinj ihhisch ,ji cuij. gress and sending men ;11 over the district, beeirine for his nomination, and endeavor- ing to set up county conventions in his In - tcrest the followirg letter written bv him toll B Miller, four years ago, shows how honorably he kept his promise, and how mnch his wird is worth. COMMIT TEE ON" INDIAN DF.rRK DATIOX CLAi.MS. House of Rcnresentatirca 0 S: Wasbincton D C. March ;rd 1890 lion II 11 Miller, Mv esteemed Frien.i: Your kind and w. 1 dm" i inct hanl T lu. In express to you my earnest anpeclation for the generous words you write as to my probable renomination. I need not concea. from you ni7 c."ea: 1'esire to be honored once again w-th the voteoljoeephine County in State convention. Should I be honored with another term. I shall step down and out and give way, I hope, to some friend, earnest and energetic as yourself. Sincere ly yours, BiNiiia Hermans Don't the people of Oregcn want a change? Da they thick a man occupying he poshion that Mr Hermann does, woo will deliberately betray hit wiitten contrail and agreement, and renpdiate his roost sol emn promise, is a fit man to represent them in congiess? Koseburg Review. It is a com 111 u re nark . have heretofore been democrat, bu' who have I ft the party and jcined the pvpu lists, that tbey areatill democrats in prin rdplr; in fart ibey attempt to make tbe statin emphatic bv claiming la be JeflWa n deniocratJi. At tbe same time tbey laim tLat tbe dtmocialic party has u.uu 1 in 1 ipi m enunciaiea in former day. o gieatar tnistike was ever mode. Tbo populiats believe in a anb trea.u.y fcheme t.y which ih. gosern WZ J":TT.Dty .D.J OWner",t V M - . " 10 meet 11 e no Jianm 01 aucn Hchetiie. the gov irjineiit is to bt-ue mil:ion upon millions .f i;ri'ietijiaii o n.t caper money. This wi never democratic doc , trine, n a r indeed ojuhl it e because it omental psternalU.-n' totally s . """"y 'e with ths very genius and spirit Is gove varlan Of the fundamental doctrine of demnera cy that Hi. governoient should arure "equal BSsS easct jus Ice to all apecial pnvilsge to none." So msn. It will OS) seen r-Pin this, that io rder to he a pnputitt It is oerrsrsary for 01 e to em brace a poliii-sl do trine that was never any pert i.r.h. da noera'.i; faith nor In deed eou d It Im, tfi deaa o -rat who huii, . 11,. a pnpii Is. nael not spend blsbrM'h in 3laimi.i to he a democrat for : n who ul thss nrinei plesot . 11 i . wool. I believe such ' aatatr iiji-i 1. ' Ye can ,iot a-rvetiod and Mair iiiod." - ""s; j A few years ao a BMSBbef SctsatUU o . New England mde a calculation as to the amount of wa-er gi'.-n to tbe atmosphere by IfcS "Washington Kltu," Car. bri tge, Mats. Tbey calculated that ibe leaves o that trie would rovrr over 200,000 square feet of surfa.e.and lhat they gavr out rvery fair day duilc the glowing reason 15 5P0 pounds, or 714 tr,n. cf moisrure Bath, at VisrCI en 111:8 pat) NTS, ks shaving arid . hair "As old M tliijhillH"aud never exceil ed. "Tried aod proven" ia the verdict 0 f millions. 8 i rn m o n a Liver Regu- t- . lator ia t ' rronly Ln jLJfi lfC ana Kidrj ator 13 the ver dney medicine to which you 1 tan pin your faitli for a cure. A mild laxa tive, and purely veg etable, act ing directly on tlie Liver ;i 0 d Kid I nan Pills neys. Try it, Sold ty all Drugo m in Liquid, or in Powder to Ik: t&keq dry ormadeintoa tea. Tbe 14 big of IJ v r Medicines. 1 faass used yourSiinmonsI.lverReiru-lato.- uml ean eouwli'iitiouRly say 11 is tbe kins, of all Ilvcr niedh lues, I consider It a siaajPeiBe cliast 'n Itselt. Ubo. W. .1 auk wow . Swoosna, WuahliigUm. li rVEKV l'ACKAtiK'ua J --:- asr- Oak Creek. March 2, 1894. EJion Dfu.CKial: Having been invited by republicans to speak at the Oak Creek Republican Club, but denied the privilege after the house was called to order, 1 ask permission to answer some of the remarks made at their first meeting. The speaker consumed con siderable time in showing that the Y S had prospered since the war. We will admit here that the country has prospered in spi'o of bad legislation, but when we come to consider the advantages the coun try offered at that time we could hardly expect any thing else. There were vast prairies of fertile land awaiting settlement, and rich gold fields turning out their mill- ions of wealth, but now that the couutry has grown cider and fails to produce as it , once did, it is only by the most careful and ; economical legislation that we may expect to prosper. The first speaker that took 1 the floor touched lightly on the tariff .mes- I tion, but mentioned no article except wool, j and said that our country would be ruined i if wool was put on the free list. 1 will nst say to that gentleman that if he will investigate he will find that, for the last 70 years, aool has averaged a better price i under a low tariff than it has under a high tariff. The speaker then branched off on our state legislature and did most unmerci fully score them for fneir bad legislation, and misappropriation of public money, and heaping taxation upon the people, very ab'y showing that republican legislation Is not the thing for Oregon. Now, after MO years of peace is it necessary to maintain the old war tariff and compel our people to w extortionate prices for the necesaa- . . m r ft aa. I ri(,3 at re while. if we had absolute fr;e is it justice to the people to tax 9o per c 'nt of the population of the I" S to allow 7 per cent to accumulate great wealth to the oppression of the masses of the people, for I want it distinctly understood that the tariff is a tax and that the consumer ptyl it, although it was denied by the repubii- can speakers, yet they produced no argu- ment to prove their point. We claim that j WQen good are imported into the I" S the 1 juty 0n those goods is added to the pric 1 and when the consumer buys those good he pays tbe tariff, but sbouM we buy of 1 home manufacturers, then in that case the factory has raised the price of their goods as high as the tariff will allow, and instead 1 ...... . 1 0f the tariff going into the treasury cf the I r o :i ii. . 1 a at 1. o u goes imo me pocac, OI me munu- tacturer. in regard to .Mchinlyim pro tecting the laborer, do my republican ! friends suppose that our factory s can give , T . ... . , . . , i"J"""' - -v..f... ! laboiers that are flocking our shores every year, while thev depend alone on 1 our home market for their manufactured goods'? For several years we have bad a surplus of laborers. Now. so long as this , state of affairs exis's, wages are bound to comedown. If you woo'd do anything for the working man. give to our factories ; free raw material, and enable them to compete with other countries: then with the world for a market they will be able to give employment to tbe unemployed, but; the worst feature cf this high tariff wal , tnat we have thrown up around u is the , fact that it is injuring cur market abroad, j Foreign countries are getting tired of . . . .. , , P? nJ from the sea shores to ballast their vessels, and sailing over here to bny ' our wheat and other produce that the farmer produces. Tbe prosperity of the , wiilcause the working democrats to enter country depends upon our maintaining : the ongressional campa'gn with entbus frieudly relations of fade with foreign iam. I carrot wi hout rjo'ating coonJeoce countries. Let us buy where we can buy enter Into particulars, t ut if this program tbe cheapest, and give in exchange for it ( be carried out tie republicans who ati.l re- tbat which we can produce cheapest- But listen to the inconsistency of tbe howl of the McKinley pets- The Standard Oil Co I says if petroleum is put oa the 'ree 1 i t tbey I will have to go out cf bnsiness, but do we j not know that tbe Standard Oil Co is snip 1 f - v ... w-u..-v. 11 . 1 ing 011 to an foreign coun'nes and success- " vvm. ug niu meat u wn vwm full.' .' .,. . ' ...I i ,1 r ., ' . in I m A n in their own nnmes- loe 1 ennfJ'Tania coal mines ; y cannot compete with the coal "lines of Nova Scotia while in tiie lat 1 ycar fc2.00O.00O worih of I'ennsylran'a was shipped to Nova Scotia.lf they can ship to foreign countries and successfully "-ompieie wnn rt;m in tner own c.juntr'es, ! can they not complete with ihem at home? One of the spt.kers m trlng to del.nd the I extravagance of in, llarftSea, adminUtra- tloa said that Cle.veian :-.fa,at.dmlni.t-a- 1 tion w a more extra vant than Harrison'a. 1 k.. 1 -- .-- but he produced no figures 10 trove his point. When Mr CLvrland took his seat ' u m amoun: in tee treas i urT PPlicable to the f ymct of the nation- Mr C-velan l during b. fir,: asj. ... ., . , nr'ioq paid 355 27 j,6o on the natjon : db', and turnej oe a treasury r"i taln ; $loo,coo,oco to M llar'isoo. I 'urine Harriaor.'. adn.inia'rkiion he managed to pay 273,07J. 5&0. Now what it the rrat'er? ! Mr Harrison paid $82,197,780 le-s on :1k-i national debt than did M- Clev-lard anj 1 turned ever a bankrupt treasury. fhej present (ongrtsa bat already cut dossn their espeme over ao million' b.lcw 'he 52 cor. grts. Now alktSSJ Is me tatravaganci? The last speaker d.claied tbal Mr Klnley- 'm '1,J 'DCreaseil wags in ihe L' S, but ailJ DoX mertli.n a sir'e instance wlieie waes had btte-i raised. Njw has Ifaia in crease in wi0c, b---tn itie ojusc of all of 'he dUsatitf action anion:; la'n rer, for tlie last 3 yeais? Isihis ihe cause cf all the bloody iols and itrikcs USM hsve taken place? Was this the cause of ti e ll.imestead liot? Ahniy frirnd,it was becau e Mr Carcase, the McK.nley, pet proposed to reduce wcge from 10 10 20 per cenv Dot:, thlglo k like increasing wages? The lime was taken up at the last meetiiis; of the cl'i . in reading 1 kTWKi'h rl,9l fi .n.t'nr II ' .1, unrm ml t the benate, and ihe reading of a gooil old tpublican Taper. Mr Dolph ma le a very ood speeci considering the subject ha; he was vtry ably a- : in :lie Senate if you would care to read it. a Daafocaa i , O-ilons are a kind of all lOOnd good medici e, an I tvery housewifj known this w,. bout, s ti j-Ainjr why. S'le knows that a solid in I onion ean at htxttlma will by the next. BsOnJn brnak tbe cold. She am knows that on Ions make ;i good p)ater to remove I-fit niation and hoarseness liut she does not kuowr why. If any one I take an ' rn 11 and masn it, o as to atrara all the ju'ce in It, h w u'd bars a irtost re matkable am ling suhstanco tint wnnld quisl tie most nervous pens 11. The strHiuih ot It "iib sl d f r a tew rnoiraots I will rlull thn Honsn ot Hindi sue w,aktn I tbe nerves uri'll slenp In pr ni.ii;i frr rn j s-ter u'umi ;n. iia.ioo mis I ' m o properiy posesserl ny the oui.i Is a form of opium aril 1 it Tbe W's-fl' r r,T t I' .r ru candid, and impartial, ilmuuh frank and sharp, review of tbe first year Of Mr Cleve land's Administration, and of Democratic control of the Government. I be writer is anonymous, but is so plainspoken that II article will doubtless provoke widespread discussion und comment C E Biosne! s jrocery srort is Increas n; in popularity He carries a fine slock in a light room, easily accessible and gives bargains. Next door to the P O. WASHlN'GTONbETTEK. From eur regular Correspondent. Yashii,;',on, March 19, l8o4 What will President Cleveland do with the Bland bill for the coinage ot the seign lorage, now in his hands? There Is more anxiety among democrat to have this question a- awe red than has been observ able for a long time. It Involves a great leal mote than the mete con:tge of 1,5,000, 000 (liver dollars, fcr which it provides. It will decide whether the attempt now beln made to unite the democrats In congress and the administration on a basis of let by gones be by gone. shall be a fail ure, or a success that will enable the pirly to CO into the congressional campaign wjttl a ,easonable hope of retaining control 0( tile house. It may also dec de. the fate o t)le t&riff yi as there tte many demo, craU ;n i,ol house and senate whoae constituents are more direct!? interested in sjivcr than In the tariff. A nu.nber of eastetn demociats who did everything in ,h.:r nnu.,r . nrevmt cnnmwi oassne ttle Bland bill are now advising the presr dent to sign the bill, or at least to allow it to become a law without his signature H he feels that he cannot conscientiously i;n it, and silver democial-- who have not been to the White Mouse since the big silver ficrht at the extia session have cone to M' Cleveland and urged as a matter of party policy that the bill be a'lowed 'o become law. The sliver democrats of the west and south, how numerous they are in con gress may be seen by referiing to the vole . on this bill In both house and senate. i, ,m ,noorii ihe ..iioinlstra- ,ion ,(nst , eir OKn co vcll) in tccur ing the repeal of the purchasing clause of the Sherman gilv.-r law, say that ihe veto of ,..., . . , .,, , .. this bdl will le accepted as proof positive by thousai ii of truh constituents that presl- dent Cleveland is unalterably Opposed to ilvcr, ana that ;he tesult wou.d certainly : t disastrous in the congressional election. Three nvmbers of the cabinet, secretaries Gre'ham, Smith snd Herbert, have advised Mr Cleveland to sign the bill. It ia telieved that the delegation of New York bankers whoare here asking that the bid bi ve'.oed are adding to its chances cf becoming a law. In fac, there has leD a change in public opinion within a week, and a majority now telievc that the bill will become a law, with or wjthoal the presiJent's signature. The rtvlsvd larilf bin T.ill be rep. tied of he Senate iliis wetk, sr.'. the debate will begin Mo-day, April This is authentic anionic. 1 . No ore can rciMv reerct .he . . , anexr'c e.i oe ,y in genre, ir.e o... oeire the Senate more than ''Je demcratic mem - ' beri of -he Finance ccuimittce do. They have worked until they are almost in a I . . . . . . .... , ..tu v. cons'ani.y confronted them, and as they tonld not be avoiJrd thev hab to he over- come. Since the bili has been before th: , 'ul' commivee. the republicans have 'aken advantage of e-y opportunity to aJd to the delav, and owing to tie absence of Senator Vance, these opportunities have been f r, ijucnt. The -bci s.1 oo'd tct I e for gotten by cri Scatty indited demo;rag that hen ah o the members of ihe Finiaee committee :re present theilemo-ra' -" onlv ore majoritv. Witn cave ,Uu;ocrati: IV .viri".-of an unknown man recently abseniee the com'r.i'.tee is a tie politically, ir, TMi ' K,""", ' : was jrcheI and f 103 in c;i-h and ai--It mm the ib--ice ol N.nator nce that roller sU found upon the irson. fue enabled the -. in ins en si e romrsittee to stavttf 'hj beeioning ot I e debate ami! A. nil -. Cnless atl la-H: alius arc at fault the ad ministration will soon .'tart a prcvr;m that 1 main in federal cfB.s, c ui.ioe the classified servi:;. woull be'trr be lix-king a-ound for new jobs, utiles ih-y have mover enough to s;er.d tbe sjminer in idleness. Tboae democrats who believe that the offices unier a democratic adtninistrailcn should be rilled 1 uciuii.111 11 1 we- y it cu whii I . ..... : i 1 ..1 . . 1 ,. ., some . I ' . 1 . .... I . . enings inat win occur I e near lu.ure unles-s my informal ion is wrorg j kejrentatite 1 ucktr. of V. although no: set 41 st-reeiil ! i a to feel proud of tbe part he b taken in shaping ' tht legislation of the present Connie. Al- though there wire vcral other bills pro- . viding for the ame t! log it his bill fcr the repeal of the feieral ruction l.w that was r-porfed. -assert ar, I wl i.n lcame a j law. Another com, li.o.-nt t a. ,u.t Oeen paid the sklj. of Mr Tucke, bv t ie ksM committee on the election ol Prcsiicnt ami Vict Preiident ar.d Representatives In Cr'ngrt, which selected I i joint resolution presiding for a Cont'ituliocal amea-lment for ibe election "i Senabors by d.iect vote . the peoj le. altbouglnbere sserr aeveral "J"" '"mi'' ;he cornml:- tee, to he favorably reported 10 he houa. ; -1 i.e house has beea wo.ktna faithfully, nk on the rt-galai annual appropriation bills and it has bet n malirjr a good 10-ord. both in the 'juantity of business done and in the amoun' i morey jp!.ropr:ates. 1. very a:-p-opnation hat been rtduce mate'ielly W 1 en I man who b. i;is irll Wie ilcino- cra'ii' pariy ani ji.ined 'be sOpSwisSS ffcrs as a ri-aon for Ul court tlmt be is sti'l a d'.mrK rat in princip'e. and 'hat be still stand" on the platform of dvniM-ratic prin ciple, U him askad whf n wa it that the SuVlsjSSSii j stMSBC now advocated b- 2 emo- mill- p'ipiili.s's was a part of the democ creed P r whf n was it lha it wa demo cratic il'ic'rin-; to ieMie millions Btma mi ion-: r,f B .1 r,..rr aMws in Lsaw in who bail- lauded r-sta'es ;1 s upii was it democra; c doctrine that Ibe government should issue fiat paper money to buy the r.iilrua ls, telegraphic and telephone lines of Ibe country P Fudge: Any man who b.ilf av underiandii himself would know .it the very siigfrestio.! that no such schemes , . . , , , cculd ever !ind a pla- ,- in u democratic platform. L'mred States Inlcrnal Revenue Collector Henry Blackman has made be fol'owirg appointment" : Uiilted Siaietsto'ekce rcr at Grant, where the Ktsrtlecd c'istillirg i- located, ( Herl e it. of The Dsller. Mr llerl eit has been sheriff of Wasco county tiso terms . United S atrs gaui;er al Grant, M A hf!, "f Morrow, S;.erman county, at 'ie.ent a deputy sh -1 iff of 1 1 St countr 80II1 appointees have long reside 1 in Bast ein Oregon. The clerks in lkeCiuaCSs regi-tration dc-pai-tment ol the United SatCS Internal rev enue offi :e bars) ars generuHy I ashed lhe-e days. Thev lire 1 o- registeiing ut tiie rat. of loo Chfn ,-neii per day. M, ,. the be giniiing -if 1 lie current year 650 of ihe If,. 000 Chinese in i)rego i and U'ashingtin hu 'c coinp'ii-d with the (;ery law and the im- pression prevails that a vcr small percent j age ol the rtmaninj number m l refuse to j register. Stkk TLT In It. When it comes to msninsj me iinrny steam Lannury is strirtly in it. It is doing the business of Hs city: the Calestlals are wi'u to the Albrny Steam Latindry rail. 20 rents a dozen for plain washing is cheap enougli for anybody inuny kind of times. Richards At Philips do first class work and spend their money at home. I'atronize the Albany Steam I-aundiy. Fresh abbage. Canlillower. Celery. Onions. & Turnips. AtCfE Brownrils 1UTSFIT8 A new cigar is named Bob lngersoll.and the papers are all being original by re marking that it must burn well. How dear to our lirnrt is Cash on subscription, When the generous subscriber Presents it to view: Hut the man who doesn't pay We refrain from dMCnpuOn For, jiorhaps, gentle reader, That man might be you. In the Inter-Ocean ot March 4th Siege!, Cooper & Co, one of Chicago's largest dry goods hoi sen, advertise to sell groceries, win-, liquors and cigar, and teeth ex tracted free. Their savings bank pays four per cent interest, and is condu ted without the usual requirement of a sixty-day notice previous to a withdrawal of deposits. Some years ago four sons of a Connecti cut farmer were married in the same month, Tlie old gentleman, like the father in tin fairy tale, called them all up ami promts SfvOOO to th one who woui.l nrsi present him with 1 male grandchild. At the present time the eldest son has four daugh ters, the second son is childless, tlie tinr.l 1. . . 1 1 .i 11. . I . 1 . ...... II... au at asm umigier, me lyuim r " j ',.. . man nas r.useu use lummy 10 rio.ow it .1 boy, and the results are eagerly awnited by a large circle of friends. r.s H hard times prove an inducement to men to live within their mentis they will have served one great purpose. ,.,., , . , The Salem Statesman saya people will be falling over themselves pretty goon to getoutof the two-bit party. Their kind friends will considerately not refer to the fact that they ever belonged to it Kred T Merrill, of Portland, who is well known through the state and will 1 always be leraemoered from a oaj:y ' scarred face, beads his advertisements of bicvcleg lhu vear, -slightly d'stigur- ed. hut still in the ring. ' Rotten eggs are in demand in Toledn, Ohio. Ibev are having a street car strike. Strikers have adopted a novel method, pelting the ear with rotten eggs, which not only keeps passengers off, but, being thrown from the midst of a crowd, tbe throwers cannot le identi Bed, so no arrests can Ik made w:lli probability of conviction. The Pendleton B I tells of the follow ing good example t office seekers: A trio of candidates for the county clerk ship met Friday on First National Bank corner. After disc-isting tiie srtution, they agreed to settl the issue in this manner On tbe dropping of a DM by 1 some third party, the three were to rare (from here they ther stood to the Sav- m nn corntjr. one square ibj I 1 VI I. Tbe ! siart wta lairly, and an excumic , rafe aat1 Ooe W4S ralher to, ,,),, , but proved to be a good sprinter. Ti e other two were exactly matched ia I height and weight, although on had the advantage of being ten years the J.ounj!er At this time it nil not be an- ; nounced which won, but it will come , out later, tor all three solemnly agreed J" k ' ' ol lliii Olypian . " "-'mwr oi longrvs w. rv pai-i lor 1 tiie :i til.i! ftni tKa'V int nrufi .'J nri.. , the ! .ji tWir Mv wouM , tuv wou! -.mall un-'er tlsr pnwn conduct. Were : thi law war. a.- it .night to be ! would i less Silii'Usterinf'. tnerv ! OtnssH held .in iniaet and it Uj'; 57 j t. . lfra.v . epw .. . ... -trvet near bv remarke-1 , "t aith. and what a liar. rfcoSS iir for hir-. an.l I worked a n.v i:i.i.. (ii 10 ,j ur a iiiiniu. -ure 1 BS alive. Th" Allsanv man 1 iif to the i-or-!aion that 1 aiifornian ar tbe kssfSCSJ liars in the I S. Sctndal and torruptmn Have hern the ( cont'snt 'ruitt of protectror. When the uovemmen'. under:ook to cor.ttl;n-e itself a partoci In bj.incttof certa n favore." in das'rlct it invited the money roster to come n and ivke a hand in the adrr.inlstra'ion of affairs. L'ndfr Federal ra'ionae ll'r greed of ill gotten giin bat become lnso.-r.t and recklcw It has del-auched the li Sails) Ite and debated I'stslation. It has Butted the irnst and f-tcird the lobby. It hat aull-d the pul.pi . r. leece and been fatal to a nite tense of j r-.priety 'n ofiicial stat- : '""K " "u,'"r'l mil) po u:ci , and set ?p the fan.lrd of thr dollar to ' domina'e public cc'-. 1 CIO. Sa Sarlliac t aart Seear. St Jtxsrsj, Mo. March 27. A panic was creuted in the circuit courtroom at Albany. 40 miles ea-t of this nt-. this SSOTwrasj, when Frank II Karl aid Jacob Miller, two brothers in-law. .Irew pistols. .. I as:n t . f .. . nun .. r -.-'ii urins? .tiiiH-r waa ile- i lenuani in a CUVOrOe suit, and he accusesi shot four times, and as he fell Mil'er turne.1 the pistol on hims,f. but befo e he mU 1 1J.C was knocked down M .Sheriff Rcaa, and then taken to jail. When lockeii up r.ari 01 isusing sue? trouble w:i ! OaCasaa a ravinir inania. Karl OSanM t live. lioth men are very prominent, lM. I . I SJ , I, Ai.i.iam K, . March J7 Twelve mib-s of tbe hirgest free-lunch route on IQUUd was mapped out fur the I'oxey caravan lo day. January wcjither was also 03 the progrHiiime. but the sympathy of people ! , "ne makinsj it pos.i- I ble for the men to Moaiass without anv j particular hardship. They are cheered on I hy (ausatre. bam, bread and black coHoe. j Onlr the "hobo" continirent is provided wiin soap, urn. id they ore not partirulur ! about iihinjf it "ulblaa Uisr Vet Vv AMiiNiTo, March 27. Seven of ten days allowed by Ihe constitution consideration by the executive of n bavj passed since Ihe seigniorage bill laid before the president, and still then lias been no action on ti.e measure. It ha. !en assumed in ceriuin ijnurlers that the 1 president hud made up his mind yesterday , Ufnnl ,i;...;il,,. I,.. .IumIJ I .... j iii '.i 11,3 - iin iiium- II. 11 ' bill, anil would tod ly announce his dw-is-ion to his cabinet. If be did so, the fad cannot be karned. Tbr ! 1 .nil snap Nkw YoitK. Man b '27 Kepoit from Southeastern New York show great dam age to fruit and vegetab'es as a result of the cold v avo- Alonir the Atlantic coast , railway lines the damage is estimated it !$UX0,000. In Delaware it is reported Ihe peach crop it totally ruined, and other fruit prospects destroyed. In the grape growing regions of vi es'ern iew York the buds have been destroyed, and vas- losses are feared in consequence. A Street Hurl, Fi.KMiNii, W Va, March '27. Last night Hoke Napier, a well known lumber man, and a discharued employe, Henry Collins, met in tbe street and quarreled. I'mt'i drew icvolvers und liegan firing. Collins was kilted inntantly and Napier survived only a few hours. Another norm Omaha, March 27 Another big storm, coining from the Northwest, broke on this section this evening. It has been storm ing since .1 o clock, ihe wind is strong and cold . Dr. Price's Cream Qaklng Powder A Pur drape Cream of Tartar Powder. uerray rae expen-s ami t.ury tbe Dotty, tbe tor-of the other win bae to be atn- tnepolive judge fined the corns S for I ptrtated. He ba furnished a wholesome carry ing ntMagssxlral weapons and ronnrat-i k'n f r tbe followers wto might have 1 the gjn. All of which go to show that cj- attempted tbe march, clone- ar-' n t the w r-t v 111 Kan- .- Tbr taarrhHIs ,s. March 25. The Boston anar An Albany man was reientiy in a Qali- ch'st held a 5Wd day with Johann Most as fornix 1 ity talking with a resident tere chief marshal. Most was greeted with 1 who owoexl a 40 arv prune orvhani whicb ' tumultuous app'au, and his rabid r 1 he wislseaj to sell in order to go into an- i marks found favor, if judged by ibe other business He told the Albany man amount of arplause he recrived frwi the' that the trews had been paying ten dollars boO people present. He maintained that a apie.e. whieh would make about .( a : social resolutija was bound to come; that year for the orvhani . After he had g-.te when the time was Hpe it woe Id not break an Iri-hman who had Uvn work in t? .n th- out in in'ated snots bat would be a uni- Heien Tear for Sirng. Skattle, March 20. Ex-City Treasurer Adolph Krug. who was, on Monday last, convicted ot the unlawful use of 810,000 of the city's money, in complicity with Henry Ftihrman, wag sentenced by Judge Moore tonight 10 seven years at hard labor in the penitentiary, and to pay all the costs. He took the sentence with stolidity, and wen' out .f the courtroom with his at torney, apparently unmoved. An appeal has been taken, and no will remain out on bonds. Hlg ttrdurlloaa Ewain.n., nun en jo. -1 ue republican administration kept one of its retrench meal p'edgM tonight by making startling redactions In the salaries of all appointive oilice and employes Mayor Phelps went farther, by recommending that the salaries of elective ollicVrs, which are fixed by ch 'rter, shall be reduced at consent of these otlicers, which consent be believes will ! given He places the power to re duce his own sa'ary in the bund of the council. 11. l::aril LATUCTTSBUao. Kv. March 98. A se Vere tr,.,-l, H.s. - 1 ,s :..i.. .followed f a a fruit trees were in i '.,. ... I, ., .J doubtedly killed .... . - 1 The thermometer regis - ' . . ... . . - " lere.l 1'J degrees above this morning. At aw . the t her mm .1 .i . 1 1 . " , , 1 1 aim wiyimi s. aw "fiow and unmercifully slaughtered the peaches and p'tiT.s. la Indlaaa, March 26. The cold' wave which is n"w sweeping over the country has probably cut the chances for a fruit crop in this state down to a verv lo degree, f or several, weeks past he wcather has been untuually warm for the KHSOa ami ,he w,8 'tbal wipu Ul d snap iaiIie-cauht . frult , lus-. reauy to curst the swelling buds Into b'OCoOOl. More Heads ' n Sax Kkascisco, March 'JO. The Chroni cle says owing to an era of economy that has commenced In Southern Pacific affairs, 31 clerks have been div:hirged from the general freight other, and the superintend ent of the weatern division his discharged ."0 trainmen, lorty of the latter were dismi I in one dav. atiam. r w., aw.rej 1 AarlOHIA, March "JO. The railroad riifht I of way committee returned this evening from a trip up tbe river, and reports that all the necessary deeds have been secured from owners of property Vtween this city an-t if. blr. The MarrL kv.aa C.NTX'X. l. March SSL la the face of a sh.11 p. cold wind, that brought shivers to the frame of ill-c'ad people, Coxey" army BfCfsed eight mi lea today on tbe road to Wj-hington. Tl ere were a few leal tban lta.1 of ibem Not to fxc-l a daen had oiercoata or gloves. Thn had slpt 'at chcerieai circus tent, and tbey were gre-ted night on pal et of straw In the airv and thl morning by the disagreeable ilinoverv thai no definite arrangements had been made for feeding them. from War la rtrataie RlD M lAKSno, March i' Affair ocrr re rapidly rouming their nonnal ar,t, and anle from tbe damage to Ih f -rts and along the water-front by the ir 'rg 01 ibe tn.urgvnt wartbip. ail !ru- or wwrf.irc Mm disappeared. I na past week has Iwer. one of xnttnual fcatjijly, marked by tbe constant tiring ol sa ute and the holding of review. Tbe usual e ligioct proK-tiions were he"d. and the ihunth lanieM were very largely attende-J A t. t Ltsua Hasxbiqsx, Pj. March 2j .- Not one iJ . the AO men whom As'or Krans ciaraied ; to have enrolled ia the commonweal army responded today. John Uammocd. ibe clorel rcr-it vho arrived yetday and ai arrvl Ur sagrsncy, was sent to the ' hospital 'oday. Hi. feet. wLich hae b-en frci-n. are tkrai'lld for want of medical attMttir.fl an.) 1 1 t.k..!a A in. frwS .n.l " -- - .MV .. .- u- . - . .... . versal out freak 1' r 1aa4rlSMl Or. a Tut DaXJJBS, ir. Mirch Bs Wrd has y-tt arriveii here that Ir W I. Vandet jool. of I'ufur. died last evening. He was the proprietor of tbe patent medicine factory situated at thai ptare. and had also gaitv-d a considerable hval repota'ioo as a cancer tpecialiat. A Tertlblr r tprrirarr 7 J..ii N f. March 25. A Urjr body of ice was drive off from I ere last night, carrying with it a party 0 -V) uin who were killing seals. It is feared many have perished. Two dead Iwdics base been brought ashcre. and Moamerj are s-vchmg for the rest of the nar'.y . SHERIFFS SALP n tkr CimiQComrt Ortgtm 18 H MrK niuri j v Hugh (' OWdsSa : an I l.iazi A I :.iwe'l hi- wife. Mart Ke ore' an 1 l at K-ii-Tr h r :..- , ! Ds.f.1. ) . Notice is herKt.y given that or si.-tus, of an execulion and V.rder rfaale dstljr la sit ml cf the afaOWS ntiued eo;nl i i tbe hbove nl tlwi ant, t in tl rerto. and ' ivereJ. I will on ristiird. lh. 2:b iisv i' S.Drtt. tni it SM front door of tLe C'r.urt li 'iise inihcuv of Albany, f.inn I'.iu .lv fmm MS, ai tbe hour f oneYvi.sok p ui I ai I day. ae l a! pu. Is an-Hon f r i" band to the !, hi I ter. Ibe real ptopi rts ds-M-'ibel in iswid xeeutiou nl ordtti .f it's as f.:iow., loarft: PttO , 14 ": i" ' N , '.'urr '"V!1 . "'J'1 .. ' " " ?. J"Z?'. '' 1 S5' 2W ::Ca0rUlX it. 70 sen . 1 he (NOCSaMB ari.ins, from aaid i- Its lwti ksd, tirs! t, tlie psvinent Cat ism e ".soiaini uihui a: I a 1 Willi 111, A II, Tl I.,.,1! I II 14 ' Sll H: J O' ' Z-d tr the tiayaienlof tbe deinao . . ; P:iii iir bcrei 1. amouining in ail to th I aSM W tl Itlt tl witn accruing inter.wl I tnsrSOl ibe ratni-f clitii .errpnt er ' nuum avl tbe luriuer ,11111.1 H) ' anntilii M...I Him atloriK-VM lee. 1 ', Ibis 87UI day ol March. 1SIM. C G Jat Mo . islieilll' Of Linn t'uiity ' ' . 3 Fx. SAWDEN'8 SB LEGTRIG BELT at I -i tAEST PATENTS?- WITH ElECTnQ HACNETIw SUSPENSORY BEST IMPrfOVEMUTS. A i 'tii- i-nol Madi' Wealnvaa rrsnl'ltif fr" ' i ' 1rl, :.. m if it ItsrrrtloB) a nt bauoiiurv ili di. nervous daiilillr. a. r . ta. s, 1. 1 ' - r. rt.. kidney, liver BM bladder stm alnts. run - t ,.- . fwtians' III h 1 i en-rtrtc bait eoKtaltia ". osidarfiil IsB)trsitT'r ii iili-rr. u t ftsa a eurrent thai U iBaUtitlr f if Uh DM 't il r.,lHHl, anid still fwrst all uf tb. iVn MM or mi fa . 1 bouaaiida :.aS tsn C r r! I t. s f IV elilloD - ! r all ml. st I rBietalrs T". I ai . s fl buudjrtssla of tstaf Iruunlalg la this and s-.i-r oihn , i I'm M.f.,1 mi-ituwii ritiiHH NftWM. th I (-.f.-t ever ,,Tf l weak fnn, H KK HITH all Ml l I It mil ft and tlcoroua "tr. t.f i i.l t H (STstt tl lu M tutt' la s 3ou tor uiuBtiau-l I'atni.tilt'U, Hailad, as-atfcl, trsb. m-i ;i r fr A-rU lf-tTV jX3BtC?-jrja.XCJ OO. Bs.. mm w PORTLAND. 0E Street Railway Time Card and The rai will leave corner of Kirst Washington streets as follows: 7:40 n ni for l.ehnnon train. S:ls " " Orphan's Home. 11:50 " " N001 train going 1101 th. 13:15 P m '"' train going south, 1 " '' Lebanon train. 1.J0 '' " Orphans Home. . 11 n 11 1 : ; 5 ' " Overland train going south. For Orphan's Home on Sunday car wilt leave at J:3o, 3:11a and 4.30 p m The car will slso meet atl Incoming trains on the Oregon Pacific railroad. C G Burkiiart j -atv: 'vJJ? pMTfsx-Bsx-Hsl it.n n I.ochhkn anii Hi ; CRiTir'- Pension Commissioner Lochren ba nee more unhorsed the rn'fle-patcd demagogue from Massac I melts, Hi replies to bit crltios are always skilful and convincing, while lliey often plce his assailant in the embarrassing position thai comc frr ni be ing exposed In falsehood. .ndc.e Loclnen, however, I not callril upon to make these replies. He should not permit himself 10 lie placid on the do f.-nse. I f is record is known, and It is worthy of respect onlevcn of adii.iistion. The couniry'knows that he is devoting his j time, till ene-glci.and his abilities toita ser vice. Hit a- 1 ' ints are cither pension sharks or demagogues who seek the vo'rs of the frail ii who are robbing the soHier w hum Commission'-'r l.ochren n protecting, or of the thoughtless wlnm fley can dupe I the Commissioner Ute.ids to his task of weeding out of the (elision bst I lie kind of men whom Congressman Moifc, of Mat tachuteltt, craniptont, he will grow in pop ularity With I he veterans who want their ............ ..11 . . , """ " ,u" a renl ioil of honor. CHILDREN who are pony, pale, weak, or scrof ulous, outjlit to take Dr. Pierce's Golden HedicaJ Discovery. That builds up lioth flesh and strength. For this, and for purifying the blood, there's nothing in all raedi- . cine that can e.jiial the " Diacovery." In recovering from " Gripe," or in convalescence froia pneumonia, fevers, or other wasting diseases;, it speodilv and surely invigorates and builds up tbe whole system. As an appetizing, restorative tonic, it sets at work all th- processes of diges tion and nutrition, rouses every or gan into natural action, and brings back health and strength. For all disease! caused bv a torpid liver or impure- blood, livspepsia, Bilioun-.s. Scrofulous, sin and Scalp diseases even Consumption (or Lsntg - scrofula ) in its earlier stages the Ditscovcrv " is the only gtaaysswfsssaf resaMoy. If it doesn't benefit or cure, in every cav, you have your money back. SHERIFFS SALE tkm Csrrm t Cymrl jr the cc)in! 1 ir jk f Lin 'r'je John Brown, J W Swank ar !.-.. tlr iff. Mar-.l.a iwj Defro.Jar.ts. Notice Is lrebr given that hy sirtue of an e see sat tats and order of tale duly issued out "I the above ntrred court in lh abve en'H'eJ suit to to asa directed ar.J tieHsexsid. I will on Saturday the jStii day of Apn', i(, at Ibe from 1! XX of Ihe cotirt house in Ihe City ot A'binT, Lirn County. Oregcn. at the hour ot one o'uozk p m of said day sell a! public auction, for caah ISj hand to the highest hiJder. the rea' protwrty det cribed In taid tiecutmn and order of tale at follows, lowtt: The donation land claim of John A Duniapand Jane C liun iap hit wife, notification No. 261: as fol lows: The south Half ot the northeatt quarter; lhct)utheat quarter olshe nor:ii- ssctt quarter and the southeast quarter nd the ett half of the touthesl quarter of section ; 2. and tbe to-.ith naif of :Se , aojthwest of section tj ; Ihe north i hail of the northwest quarter o! section 26; tne north half cf the northeast quarter of section 27 and the northeast qua'" "' the ' nor.hwet: qjarter cf section 27 to ussra ship it -th. range 2 west, containing 640 acc (with the fj'olng esce?ioc.. Sesen , - . acres of theti- lands deeded to . Nor-ran. A J and one hundred scret of ! these lands deeded to Ruth WMte) and lvo the north half of the northeast qnar ; ter of section n . the n:ithwest quarter of section 2j;anJ the north half of the north ' west qualr of section 2J in Townthip 14 South. Rsngc 2 VVrs'. and cont tlning 32a acrr and ron'aining In all SsJ acres T.ore or let, together with all the lenrrreri't and l-.erc Ji-aments ttsire aitlo S-'oi'n; or in anT wise apprr iMng. Thv -Proceeds arKing from said sa'e 10 be ar,-!led. B-ml r, K- nit-mn! nt IK- ctf and to the pavmen! of the c..t of an; i upn said execution, an ! ihe original -tt 'axed at Stcond to the rtavnent Cotimty.Sl.iU rf ollhes'im of gi?- asa reasonab'e at -I torneyt fee. Third, to the pasrn?nt of ' the plaintiffs claim amounting to the sum Plain lff of i c Jo. ; o, wi.h accruli.g interest there 'on from the i.s:h Jir rf March, 1S9J. at the rate of ten per cent per ann.-:,i a: In V S gold coin. Dated thit j;.h dry of March. 1S4- t v, J ;km. .. Sherifl of I.'nn C"un' ( Notice for Publication. D S Land Ofti -e Ofayta '! v Or . Msrc 17 b. IM otiie Is Serehy given that in eo-np'.i-ancss with lb Q-nwIsSnmi ,f the ad 01 t'.-r.Rre-s 1 ( Ji...t 87ft enl-l'ssl An a-t for Hi- male ui Uatitaaf mli In tne 'ate. of OallfVseaia, Orsiion. Nrvads and Vsh . ii.g'on Teiritnry" as extn.le t a I th pwblte .And slates bv ai't nf AtlGl.'sl t. ly?, OolllSM W Klklns. of A ban v. e-iinty of Uaa iatp nf fliasjna sxsaihls ilsi ii ed in this oflice Ills sworn ota'enieni tttt 3ttt for th purchase of the NOfthSMat Hot !. IS in township in'. 10 s rausie No 4 Kast. and wbl offer proof to show that the lassd sought Is more valuable for its timber or stoi than f jr agricuttvra, I purposes, and to establish his claim to said and before the Regi-ter and Receiver ol ' 'his office at Oregon City, Or.on Tuesday he iVth day of June, iS. He mints; SS witnesses: Jos Wnltney and C Hi Winn, ol Albans, L W I.aughcad, ol Hal SteatS) C II I.angliead, of Yaquina City, i Oregon. Anv and all persons caiming ' advcrsel, the above described lands are ; requested i Ble their claims in this cfiice On or before said 19th day of June; lJ-'a RfltMtBT A Mut.r.K. I Register. Notict for Publication V, S. I.anii OrrirK, Orju;os fiTV. Or., February IS, Wl Nutlos) is hereby given that in oonipll anixs with Mm provision of tne act of Conyreas olVJun S, lHTV, entitled" An ail for tne sale of slniber lends In tbo states of t'allforrua, Oreg in, Nevada and Wuli Inglon Territory," as extended toall the putdlc land atates bv actof August t James S l,w is of Detroit, crunt of Marlon state of Oregon, baa Uils day filed in this ollioe his sworn siateuieiil N 1 USUI for tho pnrchssse ol tbe N H of 8 K 1 . S B ' . of N B ' . Seo I , T 10 s K S K and Lot i Sec ti, T 10 S. K 0 K and will oirer pnif to atioiv lbs! the land 1 aongtil is ti'oro ilusti e for ' its flintier or stone than for HairloiiUursl ! piirHiseH, and to ertalilisb his i-laim to ; aaid laud ltoretlie Hegistpraud Keoolrer 1 1 1 f this olllce at Orogmi Citj ; Or; mi Tups day; the 15th day of May. IStM. He iiHiiies as iv I; I, t1 Ivos, Allier. e-, K M PiM'; Isaat Kousk, All ot Pm rolt, Oregon Any and ai! persons j c'aln Ing adversely th above, rioscritied I lands are reqooatwd to ti e their olatins In I this oltl.'.s 011 or before na'd Ifttb day of ! May. 1S!M HoliBKT A M ; Heglster. MANAGER WANTED to Hppotnt salesmen to sell the Rapid DiaS Wash or. Washes and dries the dishes in two minutes without wetting the fingers. $75 a wee's and all expenses. Easy position , no capital; no hard work; can make $100 a week, Address W P Uarrtton is Co, No 14 Columbus, Ohio. CURES PROMPTLY LAMENESS. '9 SOOTHES, SUBDUES, CURES. Jewel Stoves and Ranges The Best On 1 Earth ' Matthews & Washburn. SOLE AGENTS Call On READ. PEACOCK 4 CO.: AND See Their Nice Dress Patterns and Trimmings. Also Their La dies Fine Shoes. At Perry Conn's Barrel of Pickels, Chow Chow. Fine California Honey, Horse Radish Roots, ' G rass and Garden Seeds, Always keep on handB choice line of all staple grocciiei a- well as a ?ujTior olock of ert'ekery. G. C MOON. Flour and Opposite Has on band a ! Qfsjsassa. Becks b j pr d Te V , or, Ha , O; I ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY .1. .101. TH. froprietor. II E i.v. iiix;i'iioTot,RtpnfiR Agests W iMi n n ,Arran JComrcis'ic or THE ONLY AUTHORlZED Bioparti cf JAMES G. BLAHK, H Iail Ihsi:;. , hit literary executor, w:-h lae c.v-.p.-rali..n M . fami'y. and Mr. liiain. '. CsMsasaSa IVwlks, Twexti Yi-asis or OmtwS," acd hu later book, His- cssi.ivs " Ooe prnatseetut f..r these 3 rx-T BKUnsj lka in the msr krt. A K r liiidsa id ttowtsak ll-2.rwer lo in rirtt IMoails; agent's (ISS 50 sir- BaMasra :.. to.. 13 or.trrs. I.I ei Kaaisa, m I das ; wrot. K X R-ce ..' Ms trk '27 orders in 2 ds-.s: proht ! f-lT.'s J l'atride of Me tol; 43 nlers ; 'r.-m .TO ralin; tr.-lit $7." .25 B A r:mer too ivl Aiders is 3 I s; r.Ht I 'S.'-". Fx. n s'vr Tri.r.m sT s.ivee. If j tit wish tesaasVa LARliB atOP Y tvritt-1 iDimrd.ati 1 1 for terms t. lifllenr Bill Pub. T n. . orw if h .C on n Are You low spirited and BButatatg from the ex cesses of youth? If so, Sulphur Hit ters ii 111 cure you. Is yonr Frin( thick. rnnj.f Itaalj.ia lilaK tolored Don't wmit I Tour KIDNEYS :ro aatasi ruimnL l"se Sulphur Ititts'i-s. tine bottle of Sul phur liittors w ill do you BSOta govvl than all tho !.' -. nrea criiuinns of drucs and mineral ji sous which will ii malm iu your sys torn, destroy yotS bones, and make von a Kor. Sreak, and broken down lnv.ili.1. No pereosl eaa remain long sick w ho uses Sulphur Isiiters. If YOUR DAUGHTER'S FACE is eovcnsl with ttst'y sors, and feet ering Pits plea, e,io her Snlplitir Hitters. Ladies in delicate health, who are "11 run down, should use Sulphur Bitters. 'ono belter. Try Sulphur Hit ters "TO-N ICHT, and you Will sleep well iuid feel bettor for it. Are You norious and fretty, or in DELICATE health Sul phur Hitters w ill make n 11 a w- person of yon. Sulphur Bitters Will make your blood pure, ricliar.d strong anil jour tlesh hard. Get, a bottlo now. Send ;i fsoBBt stamps to A. 1. Oniwav.V tV, Hosion. mt 1 fTT K'Sl im-dieal work SUUllahail NOTICE CF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IS HKRKItY QtTKM THAT TMM VS tlenilkhtHl Krcuttr cf th Ul will an I t en- men I of Amlrvw It bb, tlrcel. h flltl hr On '.;i t In tho estate Qfl Aiutrew Kobh, ilocaseti with the county clerk of Linn county, revon and tlutt tho CAtuntv ourtofaiii Linn sjountv, h-v rtvinl the UHh ilav -f March, lSvM, tt"h hour of 10 o'cUxk in the ftreiuHn of eaKi 'lav, aud the countv court li.-usc aa tr.e pl.t. , tue hoarlnir of objections if any to aaid ftnal count ami the act Urine tit uf suitl tvUte. Datetl Kebruaay Sth, ISiM, 11 II Urwitt Atty for Kiecutrix, Jink It Keaa Eav-utrix. Tldn or grsy hair and bald leaus, so displeasing to many people as maikgof age. may be averted (or a long time by using Hall's Hair Renewer. SWELLINGS, BACK-ACHE. &UKbNbS5. A Vcrr's Feed Store Russ House. Co: ta 1 . S ra Fka-,Oran. .-tn? Poraiotr, Appl-s eic Gera Mi abinet photos from $1.501014.00 doaen EciatE'na picture a i1t2o craron tri-ned for 5:000. Ve -"arrr a large stock of ;S and s'ereccr," riewt of Or egon IflfB- A U AJlff-fll fcr If LA IV IHCIi Made so br t.x esoas aaptmson to bwatoass) ass fere medal Mmo. SVxwaJ tiuwn ta xcsa- e or tics cs baMta eontret4 in jsli. w sa r aa sBbjbj aitiiowSf BwxsUttr or tibaaMlos. Wal Weak ant, I Tola-ta r-y IsnawM wnS Ka-r . cs rn Tiswi tiw atwSwte Ac lr c f neve and strecjta. wiib aexnal oesran Impaired ana weakesMSI preBxtiarety Sa apprultiina- old fe WBIJf VI SAT CT KE we speak frva k;.-: w VsJire of i raw If to namnr tbonsand ease U tsaiswl sad eanO in tbe pasts Bfntw t jeans. HAK asarxoeabedaf LntnMwetnar ras MLIBLE MEDItAtrD PASTILLK -v i TTrwait Is one wbicb es7ExarIa Itself to all i lib at usasuiti fut tbe rrasrj ifcsst we sansorr K Crsaibriidmr!oritsmse. ISotbinf In lb ear of expecsw beyond a posaal can? ax I : BSKaxSJSSSaWkfaasaaSjsa. lBSSsSJSl wrs szsa a two card for awa la aaod-.tar walbelr run sSBtlsss and tbs posx- c f BaSSr SSSS tor wbieb we snpplT ihssn with a . siaxoD lorxne letter manuax im ajawasawna ih-n blank, lobe eila csAtris cr.r:M for us ir. itxvxsxaa ii wb i self. I JB M . . VWn we reeetrs) Ibe ISY CBBmbtn rrcpaaw xV rmm. a tTsiMin and forward Ii br XS t wisl pc.'i. nar ixcaww. AJotsst wiih lN trrsurtnt we sen fall dipfc-taxw fx wsiac. Tb trealneenl caioew no pwtn or IwSSSI l SkwSaSS and Co pot peeteai aatenisoti to bstaUnaw. Is e leave tbe aawiierof srndtnar orders enttrelr wtib tboae naina tbe free trial rtttraiwiL Uar rrre tnal traauncct. Hsi- ending for triad pwekues 81 ibetn wo foal thai tbey haS tatlaSed tboae asnc 1 1 oar absiiir to benefit are store laryv'y inersssiod than osmelTes tn e rt:--.: -.e '' nseor ice pastuiea. We make lbs prices as has as pews Me. and Ibe same to all. Tbey are as fU.iws: Hit) fee one month; SkDO for two monlbs : St a) tvr shrew nmttba. we ask all pens'ts needins rrratment to sead their adorns on pssial ssr by letter. All cooimn nsrattcais cvnSdmtlaland aboakt be addreased ta THE HARRIS REIwEQIfCO. 5 DOLLARS to PER DAY 20 Easily Made, We w-aat ran; men, wenwn, tvrs, and gad .ra,n w, S.,. wirt I..r us a fwb.Hir dai.y, riiht in and:.:-' their owu homos. The bo.ines ia rasr, pleas bo-o.Mbl.-. and rws better than ar.,vo:tff ! agents. Tea hare a clear ficid aad ps rsisaprlhliau. lrperirnce and special abtlitT oxt newessarr. 'o rapiral required. We eaaip sjp wi;h cetfythlac that rou asaa, treat you wo4 him, help vca Is earn tea times ordinary waa-ca Woataa do as welt as men, and boys and g JSs insk jr.Hat pav. Anv oue. anywesre. can do t3e work All succeed who follow oar tstsia and tins le di:-jtkMis. Earnest Kork will surrfr irirs, : ; deal of raoiier. Kvtrjttiog is nesr and ta srvat demand. Writo for ocr pauiphk: elirslai, and roorin full ici'ormatioe. Ko harr asos if you Conclude aaS is (9 si witn :& bu iness. Georce Stinson&Co. Box 488, PORTLAND, MAINE, EXECUTORS NOTICE NOUCK IS HEREBY UIVKN that the underaitned executor of the last will and testament nf Frank Shod,!, deceased, has pled with tbe clerk of the County Court for I.inn Countv, Oregon, his final account, and the court has fixed the 5th dav of March. 18tl at the hour if 1 o'clock p tn, for hear ing objections to said account, if any, and to settle saul estats. This January 15, IStU. C J f HEI1 I K katiikkfokii Kxecutcr Attorney for Kx . Red CrowTiMills JOHN ISOM, PROPRIETOR. aw raocsss n.oca svrsaioa toa eaap.ia aim aaxaas eaa. EST STORAGE FACILITIES utea. has saast rcs.:l SHERIFFS SALE: l A iht Circuit Qiri of tht State of Oregon for the. county ft .inn. i K Wsaiberford aa adminta trator with the will annexed of Robert Job ns, sMaaaas I. Plaintiff Sfl Marv Hoffoitn and Kred Hoffman. Defendant. Notice l hereby gtrau that by 1 Irlue of an execution and order of aale duly Inaoed out of tb above named court ia the above entitled suit, to we directed and delivered. I will on Saturday tbe VJith day of April. 18SM: at tbe front door of the ! Court House In tht city of Albany, Linn County, Oreoc, at tbe boor of 1 o'clock pm of said day. aell at public auction, j for caah in 1 an I totbe highetrt bidder lb ; real property de?ribd in sai l execution ' and onler ( f at e an follows towil: Be ..inning H H" W 131 feet distant from the noutbweet cornnr of IitKo. 6ia Block r-'o. 3 in the western addition to the city of Albany, Linn County, Oregm. run ning thence Houtb Kl Wet, 'A feet tLbnoeN'onh j- Weat 306 feet; thence north -A" 30 Eaat 130!; feet; ther ca north 38 drgreea, Eaat 200 feet feet: thence ' fsootb 9 degree Eaat 500 feet to tbe placa j of beginning, containing 2.35 acres more I or icaa. Tbe proceea arising from aach sale to be appied, Firat, to the coau of and up i on said execution, the remainder to f paid i'- me to the clerk of the adove : i,u 1 . ciurt, to be difbuned by him ac Ountiatg to the term of tbe decree of aaid ; curt. 1 lau I thU27th day of March, Wn. C C JarataOjf Sheriff of Linn County, Oregon. AlbanylnsaraEGe Agency We have had over seven years exper ience in the Home office and local insur ance butinets,and can guarantee Insurance written by us to be properly looked after. j The following is a partial lis: of companies represeniej oy ui: Foreign So-th British ic Mercantile, orwich Union, Phrcnia, London, Man- I -iitiici, vju.iui.i -jail, .hw.iiib, Mr ' ,jon A Lar-caahire. v. . . r-. . . ji . w 1 ,1 : I American sTonsinen'.a! of Se York, Weafcheater of New York. The Conti nental of New York and Manchester of England, write farm business, taking notes for the premium, with ample time for payment. We respectfully solicit any good business. Office opposite old post office. SENDER? SENFT. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. The Steamship HOMER will ply between San Fran cisco and Willamette Valley , points via the Oregon and l Sonthern Pacifc railroads, , sailing with freight and pas- sengers on or about the fol lowing dates: From San Fran ciseo on Monday. March 26, at 'i p m. From Yaquina: on Saturday March 31. at 6 a m. Fare from Alban- and Corvallis to San Francisco: Cabin, $12: Steerage, $9. Round trip tickets, includ ing meals and berths, good forSOdsys. $18. Cbas I Hemjev, Sos Co, Ajsou No 2 to S Market stceet. San Fraaetxw DRUGS Staticiery, Toilet ArtiiJes, Mj?tJi Inst rumen . Etc Bodnes & IcFarlefl, Tbe Cornet Dreg Store,". A harv.ot notice: of final settlfmeht N OTICE IS HEREBY GtTEX THAT THE rx. 4ersirned ml lakw sSxSi wf sbesasaie U J .m Grisbam. dtassed, baa tM in tht . t in eierk of ibe Cownty Cusan sw Linn ervstv. Or.ber fisat saxassaS and thai said eenrt asa anjisntii tbe lOU aaj of Xanh. M, aa ta boiar ot 10 o'deck i a t saad Say. aa saw taxwa f r kw -btic. if any. to sasd finaj acvoiaBL. awd fur lac actalcanesl of said a ale. DaSai ibis Sib day of Ftbroan. ISJs H H Hswrrr. Euiasrra Gsssaua. Aiicrney f Ajlirj. Asaitisimn FOR EXGHAV.CE. We hare 50 tc e ' rr ctoioe sarfr bar. lasd, snita I' ' -r pi .it. . adj tr teg tbe cits" diciU of V Land which we are effet ist? a', tte i-w j.r:c. f on Inoasacd dollars per acre, sobject to an incom- rarre of $1(5. 0CO. most ai of whcl-has two sears to rwr, lue eqaitv cf 333,300 e HI "exchange for implored farm Used to itac Wiiiamette val ley . We will as exebarge eqoitr :n s. roe rery central pcospeitivj bo-iness prope'ty, pa ice srossi iratal, for uoiccoxbemi farm laod. If yen are on the trade write for fH particulars hi Lsaag A: Cvaaix, 131 31 stret Portland re;or. . r " m J , A( KKY, l.n. Physk-ian and Suite, o. QSaw kbraXwhs .sr tas Bark of Orsxsan- KesMlcoce. eonser tClb and Calaix.iaa si. CENTS MAKE FIVE DOLLARS a Js-dar selling the greatest kitchen uten sil ever invented. Retails for thirty-five cents. Two to six can be sold in every house. Millions sold in this country a. one. Don't miss the greatest opportunUv ever known to make raones-.easi'v and qulekiv. Sane pie sent, postage prepa d for nve centsy w-u.m. . . r-- . 1 .- , f .vvaasi.s ss, .s., s'.nsinran. tnio err; nn A WEEK paid to ladie? and treats to seJi the Rapid VJ 'r L-lsn Masher. Washes and dries them j in two minutest without wetting th I bands. No experience necesaari : aeil st I siiht, perm ment rtssition. Address W J P Harrison Co., Clerk No. 14, Co una ; bus. Obio. j ; TK WISH to employe few rood M men to uake JoO to $100 a week sell. ing; our Home Klectric Motor- Runa sew : in - machines, priming presses, pumps, j etc. Everybody buys (Lent. Steady em -I ployment. Easy aitnation and " it d ! wages. Address W P Harris .n A Co. Clerk No 14, Columbus. Ohio. Dr H E Beers. Dr tj K Bee Physicians ant? feurgeens Special attention given to diseases o women. Hou's io to 12 A M, i to 4 and 7 to S P M. Offices and residence Biuin berjf Building, Kirst Street, between Lvon and Elswcrth. M ra. Or. t-attersea-tl Ths Xotesl Clairvoyant ej Life Rruler, is uow . here, and can be found at her ratulenee, neat dooi I J B Couirill s. She tells about all tahjecta. f ' present and future: love troublea, absent fiiainia and nuam;a. leu tWn bra.-Iroui svur dead 1 Sti ll DISSOLUTION NCTICE. Tee partnership heretofore existing doing a black smithing business under. name of Cramer & Bowman is dissolved mutual consent taxis day. All claims das the firm or owing by it will be settled by the old rirm at ths shop 00 Second stress between Ferry and Washington. Mr t-ramer retires ana air bewman will con tiuuetherbusioess. Eebrnary 1, I894 CaAMEH k BOWMAS. "e tbe S Stamp In red on svrai