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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1894)
tights Itmonm. Maw VOL XXIX. ElKrti t the Pt OlMrr at Albaay. r., as roond-( lass Mall Malleri ALBAN Y.O REG ON, FRIDA, MARCH so. .8)4. U-TE4 4 il inw,, rablUber and Proprietor.: m o ag for Infants T HiRTT y awes' oboiratloa MjfflfcBS gf parooaa, pwraalt It la ymm rtaoaaUy ao asawt rommody for Infasata ajta Children Qsw wart aaa wr kaoww. It la fcayaalaaa. Ckildraa ajfca It. It 1 tferm thorn health. It wiU aayp taalr Utw, In tt Moth or. fcgajg sawaefalas; which la afcoolwtaly aatTa aid practically aartoat a laJUM'a aaediclao, Cavrtenrla Joatroya Waraaa. Casartarla allays Faroriihaaaa, Oaatarla arawaata voanitiaa; Soar Cant. . C torta ooroa PUrrhoMt aad Wlad Colin. Caatorla faBoraa Taotalmt; Troahloa. Caatorla Payee Conatlaattoa aad Flataloncy. aoaOwllsea tha oaTnoct of carbonic acid aw or poiaonoao atr. doaa apt contain aaorphlaa apiaaa. or other aarootin pi ajiat 1. aaafanflataa tho food. TOKnlaUa tho atomach rawd Wgjfo lassr hoalthy and natwrat el p. ria la pat wp In ono-alao hottlaa only. It la not aold in halh. 3a H allow any ana to aall yon anything olao on tha plea or atrasaiaa It la "faa I a good "and" will S that yon got C - A - S - T - O - Tha fcc-atalla ! alanatara of (Children Cry for FORTMILLER Undertakers - and - Embalmers. rE KtEP constsntls cn hard a full coffin. Alto buiiai rol-r and which will be old at The Lowest EMBALMING nd l),e proper HO EXTRA ALBANY, - CNALRCfc FOR - MASONIC I MEAN BUSINESS. Will sell all crorkerv ware and holiday goods a( COST- Here are some prices: Lamp3, worll 50c for 25 cei'ts; lamps, worth $2 00 for $1.00 eup8and saucers 25 to 40 cents a set: pla'es, 40 cents pei set. Everything else iu proportion. Call on me and you will not be deceived. NEW : P UFN1TURE, MY STORE iS NOW FULL OF FIRST of bed room'aet. chairs, Icungea, etc., BOTTOM The Oregon Land (Jo sVH.-. its home office at SALCM- - - me Gray Block, corner Ll'rty and MAKTSS3 a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tracts neai SaleroJ Will soil 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 pfr cre small cash payment lopg timoon balance or particulas. PA-RONIZE, HOM THl FARMERS & WEUm IMSURANCl 10' litany, 7 f aBAi), Preaidaat, J L COWAN, Treasurer. -niRBOTOS I Cowan, Geo F Simpson, W F Rad, J K Weathertor I. OJ -also DtavaiOT aoknts roa- several Mid Eastern MANHOOJ lies, ail n rauin unu 1 17 overexertion, youmini rrroi a, wauvaaiv e unci oi loua uianu. Wulco lead to VI per box, imm mti ara n 6 druKatitt. A -a for it. luuiulu wrauixtr. A (id aruKaftntn. a na tor it. reraaieln Albany , J. A. t l M,.Mi SanMtMaTBadLan TStiiuT ir ar-tlk s'v,ss$y and Children. of Cantorla, with tho ISteBMsa wo spoask of It wttaowt araaaotssj;. anawor jggf parpoao." R - I - A Pitcher's Castor Sa. & IRVING Hr.e of rnetalic, clrih sr.d v.ccd caskets ai suit, In hicacrlcih. atlr . rs.l n 1 1 1 . living Profits. care of the dead a eclalty. HEARSE OR SERVICE , TEMPLE, - - OREGOf J. Gradwohl. - CLASS which FURXITUR BJCON SISTI NO I will sell at PRICES. Tiros. Brink. - ORGO I 3tate street, branch effice in PorUano INSTITUTIONS.- Oregon. J O WRI'inMAIV. KoetstaiT Geo F HIMFHON, Vioa Preaidoiib !i B Uontnit'i.M. liarnnarg,J W stu it itVriUman. flu and Foreign Companies RESTORED! Tins wonderfal rerae.lf guaranteed tucuraali iiervim9dleoj,uch an Weak Memory, Long of Hralo Power Ueadacho, VV'akefulneM.IUit Manhood. Ntjiutly Km I union-. Nervous t h wer 1 1 ucuci asu vw wr-gaiia ti eivOwr sex caUHt'Q 19 of tobarnti. nnlnm r atlm. innnntiy. n nflnntty.ConanmDUonor JnaanltT. Can b carrind in mv. S for ata. bT mat! lirfonlil. With aB.t nrria wa alve . wrlttni gunrunlpp lo cure r rufaaei the mmmey. Hold by cH w ror va re lo vut take no other. Write for free Medical Book I rets M KV tl&KD CO. Muawnlc Tern uie. taae no oiner. w rue ior tree Meatcai Book aent neaJfd uuicAog. and by 110 DOES X Mcr AUl.ANlJrIruKKiM. THTJESDAY A GartTT Womvs Miss OHie Rey nolds, whose home ia on the middle fork of the John Cay river, arrived in Pen dleton Monday evening. Her journev of 7S miles to the citv was one which could be taken by but few ladies, for the reason that it involved the enduring of bitterly cold weather and tin passing along some trails that were dangerous in the extreme. Hut a small party made the tri, riding a fraction ol the distance hi n hack. The greater portion of the road was covered on horseback. The animals were compelled to plough through largt diitts of snow, which lav over the ground from two to live teet deep. Sometimes the horses tyn urged along trails that seemed impossible of passage. Hut Miss Reynold) was supplied with both fortitude and exper ience in handling horses, so that she came through all right IVnd'e on K O. Foot Bam.. The Albany college foot . ball team will goto Kugene tomorrow night to play the university team on Mttarao. afternoon. Ti.e iuard savs of the approaching game: Mu-h inter est is anticipated in the foot ball game which is to take place on the university campus next Saturday. The Albany foot ball team will try their ability with "he team recently organized at the uni versity of Oregon. A Guard reporter witnessed the latter team in their practice yesterday after noon and to judge from appearances the organization is a good one for this game. Some of the members were rather averse to a contest so soon for scarcelv one Hiew on thing of practical foot bail ten d tvs ago. The team is exercising under the ;reful direction of Mr Weatherbee of the department of pnvsical culture in the university. The instruction in the arts of the game is given bv Cal M Young ami the boys are proving apt puoils. Ax Qui Biildiso. The Corvallit News says that the building which has! just been torn down, on the lot south of Creighteu & C2uive?'s implement estab lishment, was an o'd laud mailc to CorvalHs. As near as we can learn it was built in 1851 and was known for a number of years as the Shakespeare saloon, and was opened by John Thomas, who died as its owner. Others conducted a saloon in the buildicg, a id in the ear INjcI a bowling alley was built on. In later years tne business of the town moved farther north and the old build ing was vacated and afterwards converted into a dwelling house. Still later, it was occupied by Chinese. The old timers can look back and recall many a "gay " time in the old Shakespeare saloon. In those Jav9 monev waa ac-arrp romnara- tivelv, but gold dust and 5"0 slags were plentiful, and many a dollar changed hands on the green cioth and the bar in this old sttucture now of the post. Children Lost. A Brownsville dis patch is to the effect that late Saturday night word wa brought to that city that two children of William I Riggs,' aged respectively 4 and G years, who lire about I'j miles east of" the town, wtre lost in the brush. Larly unday morn ing some 75 men and boys started ont to scon- the brushy hills. The rain had fallen nearly mil night, and it was cold and stormy, and grave fears were enter tained tor their safety. That had gone with them, returned home a'une abont 8 o'clock In the morning, the search was diligently prosecuted, however, and about 11 o'clock the two little ones were lound safe under a large tir tree, about 2,'j miles from home, over on the slope of McDowell creek. They were not hart, but cold and hungry. They were soon re'urned to their home, after an absence of about 19 hours, (ions were fired over the e.-ent. ACorvai.lis IsDt'sTEv. J P Huffman. Neal Newhouseand F P Sheasgreen have bought the old Titman planing mills.on 1st street, including theground. tuilding and machinery, of John Rickard, paying $1700 therefor. The worx of thoroughly repj'.ring and renovating the entire plant has already commenced, and ouite an ad dition will be tuilt on and the building pot in an attractive shape- New ma chinery will be added this summer and next fall a box factory will be an im portant addition New. SnoT at A MAN.-Dacsmuir.Cal .News: "Tom C Young, who U9ed to brake on the freight train out here, passed down the road Thursday night in the custody of Sheriff Walker on his way to San ytientin lor one Tear. He shot at a man named Thos Frazier in Montague, who was too familiar wtih bis wife When arraigned before the superior court he plead guilty and got .one year. e was verv loohsh lor not making a light for his liberty." Young was form erly a brakeman on the S P road here. Cci ntv Taxes. Reports from different counties indicate that taxes are being paid at the usual rate. The Eugene Guard says for Lane county : Taxes are coming in right along at the sheriffs of fice. Since the rolls were opened the sheriff has turned over to the treasurer weekly, as required by law, the amounts below. These amounts include state, county, school and city taxes. Three cities and a districts levied taxes. Verv few warrants, comparatively, are !eing received, the greater portion of the amounts being ca-h. For the week end ing Feb 24. $329i.2i was received ; March 2, $3182.21; March 9. 161 B0. 88; March 16, $6102.30. Total, 20,8I9.1. After liE.ia. Ihe Uetroit correspon dent of the Salem Journal says: Nat Bowman and Jim .Stearns left here last week for the lower country to kill what few bears there are down there. Then they are coming back and are going to Eastern Oregon to kill what fw there are left over there. Then they will come back to the summit of the Cascades and kill all there are between here and the summit. Marion county will have to make an extra appropriation to pay them lor bear scalps. M iss Pollard's friends deny that she will kill Breckiniridire if she loses her suit for breach of promise, hut. in any event. they nay she will writs a book trivinir all the unfortunate events of her life and a graphic account of her infatuation and re lations for 10 years with Breckinridge. Sheriff Jackson went to Salem this noon with Prof Kussell . The iikmocrat is in formed tbat HiiSBell expected a sentence of seven years and was unite pleased at the lowness of the sentence. 1 he sheriff left young Black at the reform school. The trial cf Kd Hill charged with the murder of Summers at (iarfield, Washing ton about two yeras ago is now in progress at Dayton, Washington. Base ball is being agitated in Corvallis. In the Eariy Days of cod-liver oil its use was limited to casing tho s e far advanced in consumption. Science soon discovered in it the prevention and cure of consumption. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil with Hypo phosphites of lime and soda rendered the oil more effective, easy of digestion and pleasant to the taste. Pn pawsj) by Si-ott IVuno, N. V. All dnicslsta. Or. Price's Cream Bsklog Powder World's Pair Highest Award. CTJIT OOTJRT W J Brnce A Co, vs Wilson & Ohaso and W B Thompson. Fore of Lien. Continued , Berrigan & Humphrey vs Kvang'l Ch Wuterloo. Fore of Lien. Continued. Bettie C Crow vs Lemuel J Crow Dl vorce. Motion for a new trial, overruled. Henry Woikini agt Albany Milling & Mining Co. Recovery of money; attach ment Judgment for plff . E H Maple iigt W H Muple, Recovery monev; attachment. Judgment for plain tiff. Oorbett. Failing & Rofaertaon agt F C Avers A: Co. Recovery money; attach ment. Judgment. W S Thompson, assignee agt K S Har rows. Recovery money ; attachment. Con tinued. S H McKhnurrv et at agt Hugh C CaJd well. Foreclosure. Continued. A A Keliey agt H C and K V Kleenex. Foreclosure. UMNO for plaintiff. A I Crandall agt Will A Chase et ux. Foreclosure. Continued. 0 B Zeh agt L V and Julia Bailey. Re covery money; attachment. Continued pending settJemen. Oregon agt G I Ruatall. Forgery. Sentenced to imprisonment in the peniten tiary three years, to begin at expiration of sentence for obtaining property by false pretences. Oregon agt Q F Rasaeli. Obtaining property by false pretences . Sentenced to penitentiary for one year. Clinton Black, 14 veais old. was sentenc ed to the reform school. Milton Hale agt I 0 MeeW et ux. M jtion for deed by present fheriff. Ied ordered. O C McKarland agt C C Jackson. Man damus. Demure' to writ overruled and peremptory wri' issued. Cnder this de cision the sheriff a ill issue receipts for lr.'4 for Albany city taxes as prayed for. W C Meyers agt Striae Hilhreeht; judgment on pleadding. J A McBrid et alagl Bank of Oregon ; injunction restraining sale of bank build ing. Delta to answer by April 1st. Plain tiffs to reply by April 10, 1894. Adjourned until May 7 to hear addi tional evidence and consider. matter of application for removal of W S Thomp son, assignnee oi uregon nans. At the Y M C A annUersary on the ;oth one of the features will be a series of toasts. The S P pay cr went over the road this noon circalatlng considerable told and silver. The Pioneer Stone (Jaarry ol Toledo has just cljed a contract with the Build ers Exchange ot San Francisco f or tons of stone. The Homer left Yaqu'na at 6 o'clock this morning for San Francisco, with 650 tons of freight and 11 pawengcrs. It is becoming a popular boat. Mr Casper Vandran is con'.inually add ing to his pheasant rookery. He now has eight celestials and a couple of nun pigeons. Other birds arBl be added, until the place will be one of great attractive ness to travelers. A letter received by C H Siewait toiav from Boston announced that the rchoo! t-onds w ould be Issued as soon as possible The bonds will be engraved and sent to Albany for signatures at an early date. Ar.-angeim-nlt will be made for receiving bids for the new school building in a few wreks. Three ihonsand men went to work Mon day morning in South Chicago, tor the Crst time In six months, a: the starting of the Illinois S'eel Works The new p'ate mill will be completed by SepteTibei aod sri;l give employment :o nearlr 2 wo more yhe shipyards which opened up 'wo weeks ago gave ' work to 400 others, so that limes have suddenly brignt- enen tor the laboring man. I he 0Tvaili Times t:nJj connotation in defeat of the A I at Portland, that Billv Smith the famous prio fighter. Maud Hoffman, the talented actress, and L A Baaka, recently prohibition candidate for governor tt Ma-s.ichu-!t once n-ioe.1 there. A sensation will explode in Corv&lli in a few davs. savs minor, that will put to ep any thing of tiie kind that ha hai- for ycirx. If the guilty parties could be brought to justice and the community pared the dirty details it would l a mat ter of congratulation. News. Miss Vesta Mason went to Salem this noon to visit ;riends. Ir J L Hill wsnt to Corvallis this noon on medical business. General II B Compson passed through Albany this noon ou the south bound train-" Mr H W McF.lmurry has returned from his recent trip to Arkansas, and reports a pleasant time He found the people there contented. a'hey didn't have much, and didn't want very much, did not feel the hard times. Rev and Mrs D N Mclnturffand family, arrived home this afternoon from Mon roe. The gentleman report IO7 conver aions and that IK) joined the church. All the populace in that immediate vicinity were deeply affected. Guard. Quite a pleasant evening was spent at the residence of Mr and Mrs John Bob son, on March 20th, it being the occasion of the sixth anniversorv ol their married life- A number ol their friends were in vited in and the usual pleasantries of such occasions ruled the hour. Fred Obeiar and H L llolirate went to Albany today by private conveyance, on matters pertaining to the toot bail game to have been played here next Saturday, but which has I seen declared oil on ac count of the members of the Albaay team having changed their minds about com ing ovar here. Corvallis News. The game was given up on account of several ot the Albany men being away. Tuesday evening a delightful surprise party was tendered Miss Linma 1 leiffer at the home of Mr Chas Pleiffer on First street. The rurprise consisted of the fact that Miss Pleiffer thought the party waa for a friend- Music, cards and danc ing were the order, and a repast of much merit wai served in the Revere House dining room. The party was declared a great social success. Klla Higeir.son, now a famous writer, at present attached to the staff of the Ladies Home Journal, was formerly the wife of a La Grande druggie, who grew up ti.ere almost from babyhood. Her talent seems to have been hidden while there and was not a matter of particular publicity. Some ol her first work ap peared in eastern story papers, and after ward there were several articled pub lished over her name near hone. RBft HUP I'aiker Bros, grocers. F. M. French keep railroad tima Buy your grooerie of Parker Broa Fiaa grooone at Conn's. Hew orsnm cheese juat received at Conrad Meyer. P J Smiley job printer, Klinn Block, does irat class work. Smoke the oelebrated Havana filled 5 oent cigar at Julius Joseph's, Dr M H relit, uhyicisn and urtreoo oit 'or Alhs'iv. Or ii . I'slls ma U ii oonntry . MTWS, United elates Land Oifice Oreirnn i'Hs- Oregon, March loth, 1894. Notice Is hereby given that the aproved plat of survey ol township, 13 south, range 10 west, has been received from the surveyor general ol Oregon, and on April 23. 1894, at 2 o'clock a m ot said day said plat will be filed In this office and the land therein embraced wld be Biihiert lo entrv nn and utter said Amtm 1 . V ' . " Robert A Miller Peter Paqu:t. Register. Receiver, AT THE I tl IE Huff Hint! writes to the Ubaiion I'.xpresi fruin San Franciato as follows: This is a fast place for Oiegon nn-n and lii.rsts. I think we can snare Uregon beauty's eves with a log chain.trheu hla; tart up M.iket street; but she will compare with anvtliinir , here in the horaojiilic, and the '..iTTe a!-u. j hut the jiecple IB Uii" ttate lo.,k at Oregon peoiile as is-ingtHu K in the bru-li pretty well. Tl ey tlailB an 'regoti man shaved off his heard liete Uie .,ther day and taking a stritll through the fair came across a large lixtking-gUM and thought lie iutd met the man before end went to shake hands with him and brought his tist against the glass. I am located with one of the' Oregon Wonders, in the '49 mining camp, which is a mining camp from away buck. The crooked, narrow streets, log cabins, old stage htations.poek horses, mules and every thing in the pockir.!.' line, gambling halls and dance haJtt, were all there. I saw cowboys, miners, and women of every na tion in an old Mexican dance saw them make one another dance by shoolin- tit their toe. They had a sad accident fcutur day. There worn :5." or 40 women and men in ati oM "WJ KsBr-norsc statn- end, gut to making a great fuss, and driving in 49 style and upset. It was a '49 scene 14 badlv hurt. I boled to turn the stage up off of them and pull them out. They were a horrible looking set. Some one turned in the tire alarm instead of the ambulance and the firemen came dashing up. and al together it made a '49 scene. A Dtuxt Axbanv Chinaman, l ie fal lowing strange item is from the Corvalli News: A lew days ago a Chinaman from Albany came to Corvallis and had l.n men. ling chairs about town He look sick, and List evening. a' it 60'. l-.k. It- pass ed into the Mowery kingdom while sitting on a box near his bunk in the building north of tVeigfaton end Qwivey's imple ment eatubUshmer.t. The death of the celestial was reortel and later on tewenl citizens went to the house to sv him. They found him in just the position in which he died, which was accounted tor by th.- superstitious of the Chinese rate, as they appear afraid of the dead, and would not touch him. Bv reo-aest, a couple of the citizens laid the bodv on a table which was in the room, and then left. 1 ther white persons soon went to see the dead China man, and after viewing the tody, they returned down stairs. One o them, who is somewhat cf .1 ventr il iuist. made a peculiar noise that sounded as if it came from upstairs, and the Chinamen helow- were led to believe that their dead coun tryman had come to life again, whuh -ousted a stampede among them. One of the prominent physician of the ;ty was at once summoned and rushed to the nene. but hecjuldn0traisethede.1l. The bodv ol the dead man was buried ULy at the eipensc of the Chinese of thi city, though they made an art-nipt to have the count y stand the cost. Tkkateii LikE a Kouiitn. A paper tells the following, which s a em -the.- t rue or Cot is rather lively: One 'av last week, just after a heavy nil of snow, and rain, a collector lor a well Known Una ot Salem entered the corridor of the tourt house, hi countenance showing dejection in the extreme. When lie got to where a small party of taxpayers w. re. w no bad just emptied their pockets to lohn Knight, and who were not in a very good mood, either, be broke out in the following mel ancholy strain-. "I will tell you sshast'a the matter, I believe I'll jump the 10b. 1 wos out ail day veterdav and mv o ui-..- si on on what I collected amounted to just fifty cents and to get that I had to aMBsl forty-fire ceBU for beer. Ai it w.tuid not be B0 bad H a fellow was treated half white. Why. for a fart, ome of the per on 1 have called up.-n aetu.iiv tteem to think that I am a highway robber, and thev treat me aa such ' hie man whom I had a small bill against when 1 pre-end it bad the "nerve' to want to borrow a dol lar of roe to ry hi bill with. Now. :.-lay. 1 made thirty-five and I hope to le deivrtesi if it didn't ctwt me fifty cent for beer Itesides losing ray umbrella. A iiooo Thiro. An Albany ntan sais the following is the beet artical on the subject he hae ever read. There was once a Ing Headts! Man ho invented a Household l'eti-l ol such general I'tility tbat instead o! giving ii a ame setting tjrtb an loteiiiKibi idea t. :(a character, he ca.lesl It timp.v a Good Tliina. So Proud was be of bis Good Thine that he would not make it Kxitence knoan in Press. Tf l'eople will not come in and ask lor theio-d he would say, ' I don't Propose, to go to the Trouble of trilinaTbem abiut it. II people don't knw It when tnev see It, they must suffer the Consequences ol their Iliindnese " When a Mor araee was Foreclosed on hlro a Little Later, the Successful Ridlcr Advertised Ihe Good Thins in Several l'aner. and he had Hifficultv in emidov ing a sufficient number of Men to till the Red Vagons that Hacked up at the Door. LkniNtiN. David Fry nil "cave todaa ttw Me-lffP.i. where he and 0 A Zahn will open a confxtionerv store. We wish the gentlemenn the U'sf .-.f raatMSS. Charle; Amierson tikes Mr try s place on the Lx press A party of sloth! i-ertons have tirrivesl here fmm Illinois with the intention of eating. One of the g'ntlemen is a brother ot wm It ilea ot this City. A young man from Nebraska also arrived here this week Many eastern people are coming to I 'reg-m P M Smith ha concluded that he does not want the office of assessor, and the democrat of this vicinity will work for the nomination of S O Wallace tor that place. The democrat cou'd not make a i tetter nomination than Mr Wallace: indeed there i not a more honorable man or a more deserving man in the county. Advance A Motntain ok Skow. We have had soveral little storms tliis winter resuttm in a total fall of several inches. How a eoninared with the following from Ui Idaho World: The reconl of the ftdl of snow kept by Ma Hutchison for the last thirty years foota up the enormous depth of 4-1 1 feet and II inches up to the I rt ol March enough to make the most expo; Itnoed mountaineer wonder with amiie ment at the great oiiantity he has wallow, d through in the last thirty years, nn winter's fall. 1 understand, is l'.ki inches of the Iteautiful. and more coming, and that is not what we want just now. Cavk Dkvloi'mkxt. II O Mtt'iilli wan in this week from the caves, lit reports lots of snow, but two substantit log houses are now in readiness for the Kxaminer party who have been telegraphed for. Fifteen men ar now May packing and making trails in from Williams to the mouth of the caves, but the party froi nan Francisco will have to foot it throng the snow for several miles. The promoter ot the enterprise are in a hurry to Inu tile caves come into prominence during th Midspring fair at Sunset City. Grant Pass Courier. Tuack ok a OtaJiT, Hob Orapbell waa up the river hunting cattle this week, and on the divido between Simpson creek and the creeks running into the ( Hal la he run across tho track of n man, which track measured 19 inches in length and was proportionoe accordingly. Not only one but several tracks were found and they were all of the same size. Hob vouches for the truth of this story and cites us wit nesses Dudley and ObattDoay Trapp, who were with him at the time. Toledo Leader. I lit. HOOBKM WAI Commends Itself to the well formed, to do p'easantly and effectually what was form erly done in tne crudest manner and dls 1 agreeably as well. To cleanse the system I and break up cold, headaches and fevers I 1. l l . . . n . ., I wunout uiipiesi ner ciiecis, use tne delightful liquid laxative remedy, h rup of J Figs, Josephine county owes $50,000. The atiesMnent shows Dallas its be ahead of Independence. Work on the telephone exchange ha been begun. It will stait out with about thirty stibscilbers. The populUt candidates were In town today preparing lor the coining campaign . Time spent in vain. A wife beating case is reported front (,e Third Ward. An over dose ol whiskey is reported to have been .. the bottom ol it Seveial citizens bay- received noiire from Chief ol Police warning them to keep thtir chickens confine 1. enclosing a copy ol theorJInance on lite subject. One ol the best tooling priaOtBcra brought to the pen for a long time Is the emhaaaHog county school superintendent ol Linn County, G-o F Russell. Inde pendent. There tra 117 cases on Ihe circuit court caleml r for Yamhill county according to the docket puh;lshe I In the Telephone Kegbter. Irvine and Cohow. formerly cf this clti , aie attorneys in ly cases. A Vr Johnson fiom Nebraska went up to Ihe front on the OP jesterdav and purchased ibe W II Haines farm on the Mar ion County si Je and will attempt 10 bring in a roiony of immigrant from Kansas and Nebraska. Rev Little preached another for-ih!e sermon at the L P churcn Last evening. Tonight the rvanells:!c services w.iic'i have been held for four weeks, wid close. Considerable Interest has b;en manifested, and mu:h goJ cone The remains of J W Will were brought t Albany this morning from HcaMihurg Ca ifornla, where Mr Will died. and taken to lor burial. E L' Will and iamily and Mr Frank Wit! atterded the tunrral f-o:n ihlschv. The kindergarten movement opened In Chicago and St Louis simultaneously. In Ihe former cby these have grown from one to oi.e hundred; in the la'.ler. in the same propjr::on, with the excep-.ion that so' fwuiii .tiooi kibkm rarjens lake ; e ; ... - '.t c ' 1 j 1 i-...i:on fr.-e kindergartens. Tom Rjlord an old resident ol III! r.v, wai here last week r-j!i -.e the Yaxn- hlll count v republicans in tSe inirmi of McEliov for MCfCtary of sta'e. And .til! some people belies e ihat Ihe repcblican machine is not in working ortler. McMin use le.epiior.c Kegister. The Portland ileri-urs- sa s Mrer ihe Populist county convention In this cits- even ot the delegates went u Tre- mont bouse to spend the nlnh. ard uron retiring five of the seren blew out the gas. OneoftheSve had has handsome cow e on "the ofhir shore" when the afarht. watchman broke into his room, hauled Ini to the window and gare r.l.u a breath f?rth air."' A carreipanJent in tne Prinevilie New n rr.'r.tior inij tl-e candidates for cottnlv udge. pass an Alianr man the following Ornptlmcnt : M, k E Brink, face about. 'i'- I wan: t te'! yoa aomelhii;. ou a re to i-. jch. Uut everv time vou aae a ca for a c ient vou try to win it. Now. -.bat's r.o was lor an attorney 10 do. I'm afraid, if in; become counts ' o-.loe ha: sou will decida everything accoi ding to '.aw and evidence N M Newport went t Mr Pertie Cochrane Salem this noon, if U'cndbam.was n the c':y today . Mr C L Bark retnrnr-d this noon from a trip to Portland M Senders went to Corvalisth.s noon on insurance baseness. Dr Kciter. who h-s bssen attending oe medical cailese in P.rttanl eieral months is in the citv. Mr lien K Fish is oneninir a oi-jmhinir estabiishisent in the Vhloer Ifi'dim.- pposite the old postoffice. Ignatus ikirteliy. Henrv Waterwn.tioT- err. .r M hir.iev. Jerrv Sirjn. ii. Sasasaair U-wart and Chainnan Tariliwk will I in "regsm a Unit the same time. Wiil the ublic recover from so much oratory . Mark and Ham Samtnerrille.and Miaaea Nannie Nurkle and Lula Powell, of Har- ruburg. came up on vestets.Uv'-tra;r.. Ti.e IsWrs Sumrcerrille intend moving here in i lew days, ami are n 'w furm-ium.' tiie -1-1 F. H l.uckey residenoe. which thev have eaed Kugene QaaerJ. V.-- e-ta Ma. n. f Ailonv. arriv-l in Salem yesterday and is the goet of Mt ieoevieve Hughes n South HiA reet. Si.e was ..f the truest. at the lsartv given last night for Mr and Mrs J I-rank Hughe, it being the anniversary of their we . .sr.g -S;i;em Mateonan. Mr I. J Bailev. who is now ruining a conduct, t .u.!.i le. Pret-ot: A: Ph-tenix railroail. u in the city on bui ik. He wiUretiirn to next week. He likes that country, and the Dkmos rat i glad to know ha a good noeition with a company that liquidates promptly. Willi s I'uniwav who was ban at Needy in this county is rtrouiinentlv r:n- tionesl in connection with the ofitwef state printfr which he is thorouglily competent to conduct. Mr Duniway is at present at work on the liregonian. As .s, . . - . . . .i s. i.e K.i- i- county itoy we w:n nun soc- oe-. 1 'rrg- n I itv Lcteritnse. Mr Dum- wayarrive.1 in Allsiny night t- meet old friends, thi once lteing his home and to work up the state printing business; btst the Albany delegation on his ticket wil be solid for an alhaar man. Mr Lis. lieu Maude Milior. of Kusrene. who is studs ing in the Boston Colleve of Oratory. was highly ctmplimentel tijson the clever work she did in the pupils' recital nei.i a: mat in-ti'ution tet.r.i.irv th Mrs Miller gave a recitation, a selection one of Cable s stones which called in to u-e talent of a hiuh tinier a it alternated from pathos to humor. She also took the leading part in a three act paatomime with dramatic skill and intelligent interpreta tion. Her work was much applauded bv a rvptv-eii'aihe Boston audience. Florence W est. Taxes are "oeing pahl into the sheriff's office but hardlv with the siHtuI desired. llie following were yesterday's payments Maxon . 1.00 T W Hansell 23.00 ia.38 3 05 37.20 H Kawlings Cha Scott Lizzie N Thompson French .V Co Mr D Rice B A Liggett I 'has Arnold Mrs N O Baker.... J X Smith . Meliama Smith li F Terrell A Ames M ary K A uus JT A me 15 weli amea Joseph F Ames E Paddock J L l'utman v K Putman David llanchelt . .. Lizzie Kuvkendall . 11 0 19.11 I'.s.-jt; 3.7 r. iss 7 w IM I 8.59 Jam 51.1 57.33 89.80 lti.80 1.00 .1.00 17.60 3.00 Taxes will lv dclitiuent after April It!. RETJOtOUS Sbrvicbzi. At the morning service tit the Congregational church. Mis Warner will sing Handel's aria "1 know that mv h'lMloottier Liveth." Sundav school exert ise in the evening, with solo by Mrs Lee. Other services as usual. All are welcome. The revival meeting at Cloverdalo on 11c OOOnt ot the Fourth ipiarturly mtvting will 1' c-ontinued this evening at the l-.vangel leal i-hurch. Uev I It rislier. P of the district will lie present tocoiuhicttlte meet ing this evening. aBu tomorrow inornmg. t diiiiiiunion servii'rs at iu:.w a 11:. All are invited to attend and enjoy these services A union Sunrise Faster service will l held in the First M K church tomorrow morning at 0 o'clock, by the young peoples societies of the city. All are cordially in vited. Shlloh 's Cure, tne great cough and croup art, is fur sale- by n. Pooket sise contain wenty-tive does,oaly 25o. Children Hveit oahay & Mason. Dr. Price's Cream Baking' Powder World' Pair Highest Medai aad Dtolonv- SATURDAy- ABROAn $4,4A was the amount oi the Febru ary pay roll on the O t. Frark Daves- writes a letter to the Salem Journal that he is ttill In the race for State Printer. SBC inwo Ward mm who whipped Ids night to sober up las'. I his is Oregon weather, not California weather, r.or Italian weather, r.or Haw Han weather; but Oregon weather straight A bill proiiding. amon-j other thing 6oofor lighting ihe entrance to Ya ' sjuitia, mv, was passed at the hist of congre.-- . session An Faster en'er-amrr.ent will -e held at the WCTO had to-night. A program wi 1 1 presented, and there will be Kaitcr egs lor sale. An AihleiU.- Asociattion is being organized in this cj-y, for amateur ath tetics. lioilrg and out door s-or'swdl be the order A game of backet ball will be p'ased thi in u.e gymaastwaa, Ev'erv body come. The ror.T. ha been!-erably improved in arrangementa. Vf rV''J l ,et ,h,t ,he nne of J Johnson of tr.atcity will be presen ttd tot tha cfTtce of Senator, of Or J W Cole for c.tintv clerk and ft Sheltosj on Ihe democratic ticket frr coun-.v recor der. a L f ..... ' ewiuan count his jir-h I'om the fit st day cf tte year In whict: he was torn i ne child tha: is born the fore Nc Year-. i two sears old tla r oc on ibat OBJ . .e- ri (lav is a na'iona- birth- u.s. aswan tne only popular Itolldas- ta China. In ceustquence . f other in-ertairnwst, nierferine. Ihe kir.deigaren .ntertalr. rr.enf which was to have bern i.rxt Wed j J g. te ro'ror:ed. J-'peaklng ol sas : foot La!, the ' e:ie of Allans is orgar.ia;n7 an wo teams to -neet Cor idirop a Wt fr m Ira. eleven fr. in ihe i vallls on the grid morrow. Tn. ssrj Ibe season The D; : ., . sentence -on vir.i: - game of f?w a gave a i. 'he titers oltr.e al piituci ana aec.arrJ I known An Albanv fohowing shorter 'o . . . . . . , . to be the shortest man hands in the ie: 'Qjick brown ttn urfS'. ever :te lajr An " ine rort.aod l)i-ra:cr, .ivs- I. V Guthr rie, farmer! 7 a cordtt-ior nr, ih. Southern PaciS; railrcoH, ani a very pop u'ar gentleman, has 9nnn,.ne s.': ia as a csrtJl 'atr tnr m. ..t,u . nation fur clerk of ihe circuit curt. It Is reqaes'ed Ihat a i meroberr who former.y belong! to the Willamette Bate Bail team will meet WeJnesJav ese Mar IS No :'t entice ha!:. The fo'lnw. g are resjucs-ed lo be present: Messer Thompson Chambers. Wev.iwook. B. en. W Bile. Ber. McFariand. Oorris. trailer. a.:d The Bhelbain affair was resented to the consideration of inc grand jury, last week, ,r their finding a true b ll against F P Montgomery. Deputy Sher-.ff Bilyeo.of Ini ci:r, anjat to Shei bum Tuesday t.i arrest Montgomery, but he bad changed bis quarters to rasture new . bci.1 Prts The College loo; bah team wen: to Eugene iat nlht ard were to play the L'nlversitr teim thre at i o'clock The Guard gives :he average wcign: of the Vaawaty eleven at i6? lbs ar.d ihat of the Albany College eleven at 147, a difler ence of zo I js. It is the Man about Town's opinion that ihe Aibany team will win. A telephone rr.cs.age w id be received at : 9. ONAL Vm Rurbee. of Salem. L- listing in building the new telephone line. Rev J R Ikildw-n. of intlependence.wi;i preach in the Baptist charth :a the fore BrOon tcmorrow W C Burkhart has reiamed frcni Port land, where he has just graduated fr:im the Portland Bu-ire- 1 -g . Mrs C C Kelly, wether f Mrs C C Hogoe. of this city, retttrned Xo Iter home in AHanv today, after a vssit of several days in thi city. Corvai;i Nesrs. Prof 0 H Hart, principal of Use Browns ville ss hools. was in the city thi forenoon. Mr Hart is a candidate before the lUptulj lican county BAWtaatfea f:-r school Htpetin tenrient. lrTC Macker. ol Allans , is in the city. He as Grand Master Workman of the A 0 1" W and a i ir - 1 v; imrnen meeting of that order at Independence last night Joaina' Rev S O Irvine was down street reaw8T dav.for the drst time since Aug l92,the sun shine of the day offering a gocsl oppirtun ity for him to see the outside world. His progress a!0s ,treet in a rolling chair was slow on account of tho many who were glad to greet kim igain rirrtsirVl of his home. Bert an Clove and wife t ame an bv tle last steamer fr..t:i the midwinter fair and will rvmain is town a few weeks. Ihiring hi stay he will assi-t in the presentation of a tlrama to te given almat the middle of April for the benefit cf the Marine band. Bert is an actor of no mean a'.ilitv and wii! leave in about 4 eeks for Portland, where he will play a comedy role in Cor dray's theater. Corvallis Oaiette. ' Hase b.uj. Ihe Gaaette of Cet-osBs civntauns the f.tilowing ldt. UJ! item: While in Al'ttany Messrs IF! ate un,l 1 rtserer with Mr Bnn:s. Alharv's league pitclier of last sear. nswaniiBtw Iwiseltall matters. Burns' thin-s that a siuwssful imateiir league -cult U organ ized to include Corvallis. Albanv. Indepen dence. I.ugsmo. lakinon and Ss-io. He h:is already rev-eivesl letters from some of these towns reg-ardinir the nnnx-ss- ed asaasas. Hi.: idea is to have a profes sional battery, or at least pitcher, ant! relv tmm amateurs for the rest of them If the thing matur satisfactorily he wi! soon call a meeting of the sovera ! s al m.ina gers and take steps toward the necessary org-.inization. lonallis should make a move m this direction . A Bto Loss.- original cost of the carriagv factory property Itc-ught at Cor- dlis at auction by Mr Btaos, was about ..000. He naid S19.601 for it The Times says the loss fell uisin the ersHlitors who were not in the pvl with Mr Brace aim upon the sl.x-kholders. wooes entire paid up capital of iM7.0i0. together with the earnings of one year 1 business done bv the concern, said "to have Uvn M3.000. were swept awey. The Us tears n great hole in the earthly belongings of some of our citizens, and is verv mucn to lv reinvt- ted. The 119,691 Hint the property brought was just $1 more than enough to pay off the mortgage held on the property by the Portland Uink. An Kastk.ii Wixdow. Mr J A dim ming, the druggist, has an easier svi ndow that has been attention, whioliproveil one of the attractions on First atl Sal during the day. It consists of a hen and brood of chickens, colored with Dia mond dye, in faiitus!i,- colors, sporting on a grassy lawn. Ivautiful with hyacinth.! and English primroses. A coop covered with pretty moss is in tho rear for the pioud mother. A F'isk -Mr C L Buck, of this city, has Iven manufacturings itritiii! brick this side of Portland. A sample inspected by the Dkmoch.vt man shows tho product to be a very superior one. This is des tined to U tM iKipular pavement and il is Ui be hoped Altiiiiy will ho able to secure few blocks of it. It Was in Vain. A former school mate of the Man abont Town dietl a few- days ago In a private insane asylum at Stockton, Catit. He (made money his Ood.and at one time was worth 75,ooo. The Reed hotel block iu Ogden is left as a monument to his name, lie died poor, under mo couapseoi the last year or two W W Rowell returned this noon from a trip to Elk City where he was the guest of L W Deyoe. He brought back a large amount of tan. f ". W.37 had leen Uken in thi, week as the sheriff s otnee dosed last evening, liie total receipts fv.r the year were 1 1 .440..V.. Most, of this is from ouUide the city. The i nceiptl yeterdy were as follows: Georn Sjght. . . . Y. H Huckett Fred Holzapple. .1 P Cheshire - D Smith Mary Maxwell PL' Wvatt J W w'jatt Jai Mi-Bride A Farlow 8 Smith J W 'ieary .1 J Brown 1 G Dove . . Frederick Hoffman. 0 W Gray Iiamon Smith Smith .- Holt Henry Albera Alfred Snell A V. Ansorge Oeo Biiaff f.'han E ' heeler. . . .. W Young x.10 2t.o:j tm :r.77 7.:'.2 .60 41.04 90.13 31. S9 6. 3.00 21!I -1 U-'i 4S.IK 29. CO 2.fj0 74.1 10.40 40 V.40 30.1 wlTCt Miss He' tie Draia, of Ailony, is visiting Ir.- sd- , :. . re.a::-.e- :-.t 1 ale; - Jrro'ii.'l- ing country. C D Bevier made a trip to Albany on Saturday retomiitg Tutsday with a team of horss. i e are having exceptionally good weal her for March. The fanners have started their plows and harrows and even -body is confident of good farming weather for a week anyway. The republicans of Marion county he'd their primaries last Tuesday. Delegates to the county convention: Charles Thompson. W T Foster, J L Head. John Hentim and John Shaw. The republicans will cast ahott40 vote in Horeb precinct, demo crat 1C and populists 55. At last the republicans have scraped sand enough together to furnish a speaker for a joint discoseion with tne populists, but even now they will tola with only a ba.kwols school teacher. The republicans on 7 p m Friday. March HOth at Mill Citv. will be represented by T T Geer. the repub can who wants to be governor, the populist by T J McClary. the crankiest crank ot the I pper Santism. The question for discussion at the Gales literary society at their last meeting was. K solved that the democratic victory in 1 X is the cause of the present hard times. The affirmative was led by Ed Davis, the negative by F I Bevier. After a thoroogh diacusiim lasting some two hours in which t was plainly shown that Cleveland cor the democrat have nothing to do with the hard tin, the jadgw &:luzd in favor of the negative There is some talk oi pieascra f or the rear future. The Ladies Christian En deavor society U talking of giving a picnic Bsj Ma v dav . The Istvs and voting men are talking of palling off the Fourth of July t- .-at. i at tc-s pur. Stcces to both. Neal Dow" !)0rH Bibtbdat will be hcn-jreil in this city on next Monday even ing at the W C T D tali by an entertain ment a', which the following program wiii ! presented . fk-votional eaercLes Mrs D H McCui lagh. A Memory cf Neal Tsc.w Mrs Fmma Tat ham Sc-lo. elected Mint Warner. Recitation. After Many Days Miss Eva Simpson. Neal Dow: His lirprsprtnnitT and How He Improved It Mrs T J Wilson. Sclo, A Song for the New Revolution Carter Lee. Oar Opportunity; How Shall We Im prove It.' Rev JTAbbett: Rev Rilev Little. The - lined old Man"' of the pronibi t km tnovemr.t t worthy of honor; let u add our rr.i'.e to the general greeting, snd see what .mpulse we mav receive from his IHe. A Ooru ixprsTRV. Mr J H Brosm. representing the Linseed Oil Works. was ;r towa this week- He is engaged in making contracts tew the raising of flax for oi! pur-r-"se and rarnisiung seed 10 the farmers. We are uaforised that He effected contracts in this vicinitv amonntini- to about 500 a. re-. He guarantees- to pay the farmer the Chicago price less the freight to Port land and the bags. The farmer will be able to realize from (tJ5 to 1.25 per bushe!. In ths'sedays of 40 cent wheat this is an op- pTtaaity n-.t to be neglected. tseio Press. line of the most foolish things in the 0 S is Coneys army that is to march to Washington. It should disband In the mean time congress should liquidate in the interest of tne masses. Temple Commandrv No 3, Knights Templars, elected the follow ing officers last evening: t w Langdon. t. C : J 1 Oalbrailh, generalissimo: A B Matthews. Capt lien ; D P Mason, prelate ; C E Hawkins. S W; PC Schell. J w : E l Cusick, l'reas ; C B Winn, recorder. Mr Harrr Souare of Independence, a fastest hose team. member of Albanvs is in the citv. Cal F J Farter, of Walla Walla, went to tne Bay this noon. N"KwLt"BtR Yard. The undersigned is prepared to supply all customers with all kinds of lumber, 'drain tiling, cedar post, flour and feed on the most favor able terms. F G Power thedd . A Little Daughter Ot a Church of England minister cvrd of a diatraaaing raah, by atex'a Sarnaparilla. Mr. Richard BiRKSsthe woli-kuown Druggist, aY7 JaeGill st.. Montreal. I. Q., says: I have sold Avar's Family Medicines lor 40 years, and havAhaard nothing but sjpod said of tltsmi. 1 know ot tnaay Wonderful Cures pastKmed by Ayer's Sarsaparilla. ona aa particular being that ol a little dasvjli'sr of a Church of England minis saw. Tha ehild was literally covarad awoni head to foot with a red and ea saduigly troublasome rash, from which SV had suffered for two or three years, in spite ot tits bast medical treatment WSasilable. Her father was iu great sahstresa about the ease, and, at my aaouiuiuendation, at last began to ad aafnistcr Ayer's Sarsaparilla, two bot tlas of which effected a complete euro, asaash to her relief and her father's waaaght. I am sure, were he here to-day, sa would testify in the strongest terms a to the merits of a Ayer's Sarsaparilla tksrarsrrJ by Dr. J. C. Ay.r At Co., Lowell, Hut. Cnres others, will cure you BotL the method and results abet Syrup of Figa ia takea; U la plepsamt and refreshing to the tane, and acts fen Jy yet promptly on the Kidney.?, iver and Bowela, cleaa the tem efTectually, diipKls ccids, bead achea and fevera and curs haliitaal constipation. Svrup of Firjs is the only remedy of its kind ever pre dticed, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt .a iLs action and truly beneficial in ita effects, prepared only frcm the most healthy and agreeahie mbtazsxz, its many excellent qualities tximmend it to all and have mad? it the meet pipular remedy known. Syrup of Ftg3 is fcr sale ii 50c and $1 bottles, by ail leaug drug gists. Any reliable draggtst ia may not have it on hand wil pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try iL Lkj not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIR SYRUP CO. SAH F3JUC1SC0. CU tovancx. at. roaa; .r. J F KM, MitM, Of riesfjMolaes, lows, wrtUa ncderdate of ;Mrt:h 23. 1j93: 3. B Mi:.",. Co., Dafar, Oreoe. , Oc arriving b me iaat week, 1 found all well and aazioosly a-raiucg. Oar littia ?ir!. hi and one-half years old, who had wa ted away to 3 pounds, is tow well, strong aad vigtroo. aad well ileahed op. 9. B. Ccagh Cure has d see it wora welh 60th of the cbiliren like it. Yoar i E. Cough Cure has cured and kept awiy all hoarsraaeas frora ire. So give tt out, wuh gre'iEg for all. Wwhiigjaa PToMti y. we are Yossrs, Ma & Mas J F For.n. U row rish V Uti t.nt u.4 , L. ifnf ts-r ate Sswiaa-i wort, deaaaa iasw mtm m wok taw -j rasa t-r-r t. zrv, br taunt- two or W i,ti per t.eji tj a2 So ' ars'r saaMas raant t J ACUMUING. waSawawBaislBr.wia w aiBaaU tHjCtS mm afala, and :.J0per BotxaeT cnt a cose. Tua Geaar Corca Cnca paowsptly eons . where ail others taiL Ctraeb. Croup Scr Threat, Rcarseena. Wijccpiag Cccsh as4 Asrina. tor toissrrcca rt oas no r.-.; has cured tbocsada.and will cTEE Tor if titrs in ttme. tv si bj Ltrusy-. 3 rs. & For a Ljep Back or Cbes. tss BBILOB 3 BEL-AXNNA PLASTERSi CATARRH REMEDY. are reoCatarrt ? Tais rfraesje i a-uarao- Red CrownMills JOHN I30M. FR.FEiaOS. 11 rs-vRi- ri.t; t srrss;.-.; rot. ravi'ia axe aastiu ssaai itEK! sTORAGS -ICKafllKS FOSHAY A MASON -IVjU-l'sl ASB sJaU M ttjigisand Hookr?eilfrs, s cet te for Jocn n. Aiuec a cttfiwi J a..h srs 11 at p:hliriBera prieaa sit sUaswst.'iSs. 1.8.41T. tSKKKO- Scientific Americai Ageacy for CAVEATS. TRADE at ARKS, OESICN PATENTS, COPVRICHTS. wt tfor tnformatiisn a-1 frw aaaaraaoak -smte to MI NN X 3u New YORK. BlaaaK btireau fvsr se.umt pa'ms i AnterKW. KTrr rwtent taaer. out by as is brtstaslti tsfltsro l iHibiic br a a, t. given iroe o; charts ia IM Larwot circulation of ;nj scionttSe pPer ta tba wsWu. stpleasltdir lUoouatOsL So IMotttceat aiaa should be uboo tt. Weekrs- as.) a max; SUs'stx mon lks Actress MfSs A CO, asytsrf hhcu atai Isroauw-- v Vsira saHRt jOR RKN r ,-Th ii-ra house sio.e, 1 splendid lticatiofl. Ca I on tha secretary at the t'EaucRAT office lor wt ticulara. aHIL0H'sy Tl A v waax -1 mtF' 1 s. - ram auaw REVERE HOUSE klBAtsi - ORStlM AS. PFtlFFFH rKOPUIMO iU. McFarlatndi :- psalkr in - Harness -and- Saddlery. 0- Display in the Dooi