WKUhFRKORI) dt CHAM KCKI.ilX, Attarneja at Law. Will plastic la all osjurta ef th tale 8pcial atttntlsn given U mattert la pros-.ta will to cu.lactiuni. 0mCK-In lha FUnn block K IllM.VES Attornay at Law nil Solicitor in Chaocary. Call Jont made on all point, litui nagotiatad on rablatcnnn. Albany, Oregon G BO. W. W RIGHT, itbn -t w aad Mtarv Pub.lc. Will practice in all tha courts o( this stata Special attantlon etveii to MataaMoM and matters i.t pre bite 0ce:-Next doar to PoatolBfa, Albany. Own . r. iwnn ril C B v v r . II lal muter j wl.l receive pronvp r. O.U Fe'.Uw'i Temple, Albany, O attention tllce .1 J- WHITNEY . Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. II1VUSVK. s HA' a.a.r..-iiw. 1V1 Attorneys at Law Albany, Oregon V. CH VXBERL II M . . D Homeopathlsu aWSpacUlst in ditsaaoa of the Rye. Office hours 7 to 9 a m: 1 .o 3 ro, and 7 U S m . A Oreson D K.J. la. HIM-. Phvcidan and 3urirnn. OFFICE Corner Far -J streets, Albany, Oregon. D phiin, i stnrn.,.ii. OKFlci; -oanaw ani Brjwlalbin streeta. Albanv, Or, Calls proaipt.y atsanded i citv and ceuntry . FromTerminal or Intarior Poiuts th i sin Pad R afl Ia ihe line to lake To aH Points EAST ani SOUTH Ct la tlie DIKING CAR ROITTE. It roai Thrtugi VFSTIBI 1. Kit TRAINS EVER! DAY It the Year te ST. PAUL and CHICAGO Ml CHANGE OF CARS.) Composeil of Dining Cars Uosorpused Pallman Drawins; Rcom Sleepers Of Latest Eqaionent TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. Bir, iti. cnbi o I'tstru lie I and in w H3 i t i o ti 1 1 Atone ara bth free a 1 1 f i nib i 1 firo iliers of Firs' or Mo ii I I. s . a . 1 ELEGANT DAY COACHES. 1 httiuiii b'.ii jomasLid? ili al linio, affording Direct an d Unintiarruptad Sarvica. Pullman sleeper reservations cava h scared In advance through any agent of tbe road. I H ROUGH TICKETS to and from al'. points lu America England and Europe can ta purchased at nay ticket office of this coir paoy ; Full inftrmati n concerning rates, time of trains, rou'esan.l other Jatula faro ished on appliantion to any agent or A D CHARLTON, a. s-islam Gersral Passenger Agent. No !21 First e. cor. Washington, Port'and. ezon. C ' i Oaf . ajsnt. EAST AND SOUTH VIA THE SHASTA OF THE DOII T 5T llvw - O,. ,..v,, TJ.nifln Cin Etrese TralDa lastM Porllaml Daily Bontii bate. . I L. 1 1 - : r a I b 10:45a I Ar sua jclt 1, ISO!, Portland Albsny Sail r.-ancisco I orti Ar I 8:W a L v 1 , ,t a a Lt 1 7;on r a iji tri'.ii et 1. ad stitiois from .1 I - vlbinv ui :!uire, si so Tan h d .flalsey.Htrrlsb'.i'g, Jnoetion Irylof, f' t;n ail all atations iMlirgti vs f iiuluti'-e sosast-aa mail, pailt MOa a I L Portland "A?1 "tio r l?:46ra I L Albany Lt lin Mru I Ar Hoaebnrr Jtvl 7 0C Maaea :10a r 1 Lv ajfeaef Arliu ttlAa :00A 'Ar lhanoa Lt I 80 A 1 :Kr j l.v Atksny Ar I !U r Mi 11 Ar fbanon L I t r PUILMA BUFFFT SLEEPERS. A"D Dinintr Cars on Ogden Route. SECQM-CU3S SlEtPIIS CARS ti;--hs.i Is all Thrruah Tralas ! aide I1I1 Isli.n. riHltll.s rtlltfLANIS AMIS font til la Mai: eait aaiii (Ex?ept Sonoay, T:sn a u Idler a j U Ar Port 'and . -.ih. WW flirt 1:00 m tiraat laaM MM 'Kt- t-s.i. altli t M I Lt Ar Portland Mcwinnrll.t Ar l.v A I'Oll ltroiap-h Ticlreti 1 1 all p .lit In the Km -Kur Bt i be oh -tine I at fro ill. Acnt Albany. K i'. IUII Maoaeer '.rtt-vr.-l Orivofy i sthte, Caovla a. id 'jwet. rates Irom i' U K P. KO if.Ht Vs. to P n.l Uiegon Pacific Railrodd. Ml If lAUel, eUeelver Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. Cnoec'iiin wtsfc steam ir qn 111 a nl Sin Kra"cltco- llomyr tietween Va- raoa a rtASiasco Hornet aaila Fehy 0ih, M .rc'.i 2, 1 tt, an 1 jut, ao iAi;m. Hom-rsai . P.k J5th, Mirch 7, IT. a-.d CTth. I The L'amDUT Ntwrraa tbe riant t 1 0 lange nailing dates without notloa. For freight a -tl pts-en ;r r-te too'y to any agont rttiresJ II njr.t. 3-n ft N 2io8 ua k tn mi Fratuiiici. Oalaf . Chat Cl.rk rojclrer. Corral II O-Jtroa. Baby Raw as Beefsteak Rabv vorv sick with MM when three months old. Hail home iloc- I- 1 tors ami specialists. Dot worse all ' thetlme. Whole body raw as becf- , steak. Hair (tone. Kxiwoteilliiiu to die. Sick six mouths before we tried OrTKTRAS. No faith In them but intwo months he was entirely cured. Not a spot on him now and plenty of hair. SIRS. FRANK ItAUKKTT, Winfleld, Mich. Baby Bad with Eczema IHir baby liocfour months old, had lutd case of eczema. Head was a solid sore. Face and body badly affected. Itching terrible. Three doctors did, not help hitn. I lianas ueu sixteen weens. .Mu ter. on his hands to prevent his scratching. Cctiocra Kf.mepies cured him, and we recommend them to other. G. B. & J. HAKKIS, Webster, Ind. Baby Itched Terribly Baby three months old broke out with white pimples on red surface. Itching terrible, scabs on head and face. Vsed every thing for five months. Grew worse. llirchased 0 C TIC U B A Kemkmks. used them, and in three weeks there was not a sore or pimple, not even a scar. Mrs. OSCAR JAMES, Woodston. Kan. Baby Suffering Agony Babv had ceaeuia, worst form. Rained the best doctors here. Was in agony eight months. He ganwithCi'Ttci RA Remedies. In two months the awful disease had ceased its vengeance. No trace ronltl he seen, mv ilarlinir bov was J. A. N HOLES. Banker It ill , Ind. CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS And its cures are the most re markable performed by any blood and skin r.'incdy of modern times, rarents rememlier that cures made in infancy are speedy, permanent and economical. Sold throughout the world. Piloe.OiTicrRA, We. Soap, 2&c. Kssolvbkt, $ 1 . Potter Drcu and Cbix. Corp., Sola lTope., Boston. w" How to Cure Slin Diseases," free. Dl DV'C !?lin atld Sr'P Pfrit" n J brautiAed DAD I 0 ty Cutlcura Soap. Absolutely pur. SAIT LAKE. OMAHA, KANSAS CITY ST.L EASTERN CfflES. DAYd TO 02 CHICAGO HOURS eUNDBEECsStMM HOURS RsTAscrVr"A PULLMAN AMD TOURIST SLEEPERS, rncc PtCUN.NU UHAIK UAKi. DINING CARS. S H H Clark, Oliver W Mink, E EBB Anderson, Recitvers. For rai.es and general infot niatinn cad ! on or address Curran .V Mo.rui'h..ibanv, Oregon, or : W H ftt'RLBL'RT.Asst.Gen'l. Pass. Agt, 3J4 Washington St., Portland. Okecox CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS OES1CN PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS, etcJ War Inf oraarlen and free Handbook srrtte to MCSX CO- sa BBoaowar. Saw ToaK. Oldeslrtjnreao for securing patenta tn Amenra. Very parent taaen out by ui if brmaht before tae pubac by a nouce given free of cbaxgc in tha Scientific maicau j la a Hnmlatwm of :ot tdeaUfle napes' ts the srorld. SpUpadidlr iiloauated. So lotaUlfnt ' tfr: - six m&& SDOOia De wunuua iu nwtiT. sst.w taJrt- Ml a uu. staaa. at 1 i. .- ' w.rt cits- ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. totjce H Hsiixrn' omes nrT the vh the estate ofLGerh.rJ la's ol Liuneotintt. Or. urousrw nc iir,siui.trj waminiiK ii'r o deoaaaed. All persoue liarimc eii.ia airaintt said verified as hy law leiuirnd to the ut.deraiicneu at Corvalia, Oretos, within . tix montht Iron, the Aa'e fee it it. DaUd Ihit 2tta day of t irsmhcr, 103. I.EO GEKI1AKD. IICNKY UERHKD, Wealherford t fhatnteraia, Admit.ir.rtlsr AUyaiar Adcniti. isji- Tlia Floater Catalogs of - aaS riowtrt. f astalnt USpszts '.xlO 1-2 lackta, wiU drsrrlp tinat that describe, not tnialead; illustrations lhat instrart, sot rxarerrate. The coter It rlianntnf ln hansonleas blrndinr of watsr color j.rlnt In crsen and wblte. with a fold hack frrimi'l, a dr.-r.ra of lieauly. S2 pazit of Koveltles printl In t diffrrent colors. All the salinir noreliiea aol Hie lst of the ol-.1 Tarbnb-. Tliese hsnl llrors you canr.iA atToril t run artr i. t. Bur B0NCET GOODS wlii rejua will reclve ItTLL : a. II is not ner- ettnrytoa'ltsrllitliolV; srlt (rrw, thit Isknown the world or, r, and also that 1'ieh.inirtt part. Avirs little snl f'.r rroper is el will rare FOirfr'i and doc. tor's Mils. M.-inv concede Vlck't Floral Guide the band-atnn-t rstalosrue for 1KH. If fm lore a fine ironVn een-1 address n-w, with lOretil, s lilch may be deducted, from fi-' ordi r. fatO Caah rrius for Fotateea. tl' m t. 1 ' r, 5. V. JAMES VICK S SONS. J W till it K V. H OF At,BA!T, OlM 'in IliKKH TKAN3AUTa Tetmral Ii, i'-,ni( lui xta DRAW SIGHT l)KKrs ,' Mew York. Han Pi boo and Portland, Oreyon. LOAN MONEY on approved security RECEIVE deposits tubjecl to check. COLLECTIONS made on rav..raule torma. INTEREST oeld . .. lims deiwialu A Mi OF St ill, 0IO, ORROOS. a 1.1. stisr ... -' 'M . A i JOII iUKll COLLEBIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON 1891, 18&12 rsl Terns opened He pie in iter ih -At I norpH of Instructor , CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERAL COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. 1 Dorses ol study crrantrec i- rrt. a'f c 'lo'' 'rci,:-t iit Sfer.tat luaucementt pftrtd to ttudf from abroad. VS-V. RI.lir.MT CWMUII rmim axle. SB- HKUt IT TUT; WO0I.C. ftt ,rl jk .ir.iuitlesu.e anaurpaaaect, ai.'.-.iailw Outl-j-'inir two besea of aovuther brar-u. Not S0cai.il by heat. trOET VUKGEM UINE roB 8 ALE HY DEATjps CHtlTl-BALT.x, J. cured. I lt SV I aaaW IsSs - 1 ' vam asw was am aHT -1 MM sy. . . a 1. , ,- r I V tmumt SKSATOR HILL ANll THE IXCOlK. It is evident that Senator Hill's resolution authgonizing tlie Wilson bill is aimed prin cipally at the provision for an Income (ax. The Senator has b;n reported as denounc ing this tax as ' undemocratic,,' and" say ing that it has never been Indorsed by a Democratic National Convention , Neither of thea; objection! hat any eiht If equitable taxation la democratic, a proper Income tax Is not undemocratic I is ths most just and 'he least burdensome' of taxes. D.?mo:racy seeVs to observe 'he greatest number. The converse of tha principle is equally democratic ; the aim shotild.in apportioning the cost of Clovern meat, to impose the least hardship on the least number. A graded tax on iarge in COcoei is such a measure. If to tax m?n according to their ability to piy add acco'd ing to the ten:ti:8 thev receive from the Government be not demccratic, then Democ racy ls.no longer the synonym ol justice. As to the party's declaration; the occasicn for it had not aiisen in ihc summer of 1S9J. The extent of the Republican deficiency was not then known But the Oeraocratic party has steadily derlaied in favor of "tax ing luxuries heavily and taxing uecesa'te lightly," A large Income is the most co-i erete expression of luxury. It repreents supeifluity, indulgence, ease, enjoyment. The Democra icpar'.y has furthern.oreprom laea to reduce thetariti'. It cannot do this without providing new souices of revenue. mt Tha Republicans crded against lhat HTrZ7 TT, ''"l't- m.nH,r; ih. cml , anrl cuHimr off . . . . I evenuc is at once so cettain and so little . rev onerous as a tax on large incomes. I urn . ,.,m.t th, K,n..l,- i , . ..... ...in-' icaa d'fiaeacr 0 afJItioiai or higner tann taxes. Pethaps.in addition to resiori.sg the duly on su-a, he would reiropose a 5uty on tea and ceffee. This would provide tbenec eesary revenue. But it WOO id make the fam ily of a woikingman pay at much towards the support of the Government as the family of a millionaire. This result would exactly suit Ihe class that is objecting most loudly to tn income tax. Bat tbissmall class of j rich 'x dodgers is act the one with which Senator Hill !a heretofore affiliated. Instead cf tigtlin an inccme tax Senator UN should seek bv ameodinent to j;ive the right princi; !e tiuer application It. ..,i I do his country and hi party a great serrice if ! he could change the bid o aj to exempt all ' j incomes below $5,100, n-iks a mere'y nomi nal tax on uooo and a progresdve tax beyond that amount. Trial ou d be jast. scientific and democratic taxation. ct'Kior nn- St Pet at 'a church In Itotue trill contain 54.C00 prf.on. Tbe exiret-.e breaitb of Teza laTSl miles ai d i ezt'eme leiigtli 620 Sonu words in the Cunesi language baveas many as foity dlflkratM meanirgs Taking I: year in and j ear o it ibe o d est hour .f each twenty four Is fi e o'clock in tbe morning. Tbe RAinsniri' I e l used u.put truply jugs tn the waila af .theaters to make: :heu rU : 6" I -I- Becau-odul! dt'sty thexs will abtorb I hamt fr.im tSa kiln ear:h and air. 1 Ut shoe briahily Di'.isbed turw off ths heat of of the sun by rd onion. Toe flash of a gun firwl at dls-ance is een long o fore tbe report It brard, be cau-e light travels much.fcisterthan sound. Liirbt would ito S0 limes around the I whole eartu while sound i going thirteen ' . miles. tbe silly goose who preside-, tor p'e- I tends to preside. 1 over Ihe editorial col It la ccmplainod of Eogbsb nuraet who umnj of tb(. i.,puli,t wki ,0 ttTe iu jcomeovrrtotbi . .-ounlry that they are aQ(, ins from fajr (Titic;,m togef.er too gent.el, and 'ry ' ' 0n the part of be i.emo rat by Makirg a sense of sup riirty about with them In such an iffenciv. and e-.Dpleuou man ner as (.reatly to impair their uefu:ine. An i lusueticn of ihe s-ye'iiy ol tbe tlrnislt round in liis fact that two pliys clans iatoiy advertised in a dai y paper offering five thousand dollars to a man who would submit t an experimental sorgica: operation involviog some risk One hundred and f rtytwo suswera were receive!. Senator llenty Blackman, the n I) ap- pointed internal revenue col'.iclor. to aucccru oionci mu on 11 rmici, w tu . 1 tj. . 1 1 lnr . . t. , nave ueen inokccu in:o omcc uy .-special j lterr.a! Revenue Aaent McEiuKh!in, cf San KrancWco, at 6 o'clock this afternoon. Pending bn being torn in. tbe aena'.or was beirg fjreatly rushed w i.h business to day, and scarctly had even enough le:ture to take a Inch. At 10 o'clock A M be anor.jnced the fu!o'trins appolnlmcnl. wblcb In: hat m de it.tb a view lo :bcir es ptcta1 filntts for their if pectivr part", and their loyalty to demotiatic principle: Kor the local ofli.e Temporary cldcf clrk -rt rf.sKi-r I Kmr.Kll Ilcllinger;; off.ee clerk, Randolph .Harrison; and tte- 1 " nmrranher lohn Rmisert. alt of PorllnnH r j o- - - i i Traveling deputies fc I. M o( Pendleton; J li Mul'o), of Portland; A J Barlow, of Gold Hill. United Stavs city giuger Hoard C Dodton, of I leppner . Chid Clerk J Kiank Uavit. of ihe Weid a aiin!nUiration, will be retained at imlrucior. frr W tildri(;ton, the truveiln depulict a-t : J-.hn Nettor. with heac,iuartrs at Spokane; John Leahv, beadonarlers at Walla Walla ; ttoi'-keeper and gauger, M S Hellmin, of Tnttiuia, 't I h head(Uarters at b'niontown. So far no appointment'. Iiave been made for Seattle snd Taconia, Wath, inJ for Medfotd and Grant, Or, at thot: placet are to be filled by the tecretarv of the treas ury upon i lie icro'nmendation of th? col lector And at present the Chinese registration depaitment n'so will ren.ain undiituilieJ . Telegram. Some new use lor piper it hear. I of al tn ist every week. Tl.e lt'ct la to uce paper bayt for the collection and leniovtl of gar bage. They are two and a half tett le.ng. made of heavy manil a paper.co iled with ol' and rosin, anJ cost only iwa centa apiece. The garbage is put in them day by day, and when tlie catt Co ops round the bag h IH e-1 into It and carriel away for (rood. Tiny are 1 nd to b: wat"rproof, lo give oil Hltla nd ir, and fo be recon. mended by tha Sew '.ik boar-1 f health. In the t.i-i.er a'tilsdes o North Caroline, though relatively dry ant! i 1 iblp,the var- iatunof tempera laic, sail Or A N Hell amounts to twenty degrees between d.y and night, Mrecjuiring special e we on the part of Inva'i ! in ! g r 1 1 1 cot.ilns aapitd in ihe clunge on the going down of the tin With the resumption nf work In bait a dozen mills Monday and extensive building operations, hun ired r f idle men nre fist tlisappc-ariiK from ihe public Mreets. i Along the Pawnksi l'c7 evtry ml in ! in opciaiion At Cer 11 villa the Letter ! woolen u oil mils are in i. per a I o". dav and iilglit. 1 he leading mills In 1'ascoag, Burrellville and Ilarriiville started up to day, Rhode Island Ex. THE r'ooMMH I.0IIH8 The political situation in Uieat Britain ha: reached the gravest crista that has oc curred since the revolution of 1688. Then tho hereditary piinciple In Ibe monarchy became subordinate to the will of the nation expressed through the Commons. Now, the hereditary piincip'e in tne legislative branch of the GoVeiMmenl is threatened with destruction. The monarchy has ! cmained In Ihe Hanoverian family, bu' Its power has lu'en exercised under wc ll-urder stood limitations beyond which no rational U'ular head of the Empire would dreum Of going. The House of I.otds tius alto retain ed its pl.tse in t!ie econo my cf Ihc Empire on sufferance, but now It has challenged Ihe j udgmentof the nation as to its future ex istence. No one who understood ihs t:enJ of modern politics can be doubtful of the ultimate issue of the struggle between tSe peopl: and the peers. The I louse of Lords isone of the mo archaic ani the most In- congruous pclitical institutions in ihe woil I, ! was clearly u.ideratood between the popn for it is essentially a survival of a democracy, I list leaders who organiicd the paity herea Therefore, wha'evcr may be (he result of j bouts. that It wis to be a tariff reform party . the general election which it soon to ! e held, This was neceoairiiy so from the eome a the House of Lords is doomed. ! (iopti l bv these leaders in Ircslinp of that Tlie I. ir.is have invited the Isteawitathth eves open, for the Dake of DereBahire, ho has not sa long lef: the Liberal party that h ' has forgotten the scntimtnt- of th.- liiitisb ; public, did hlg best to save tbem the contest I By refusing to yield to the Pariah Counclla j bill the pctri have made the cae against 1 themselves as strong as possible. They would j have had the sympathy of the Knglish peo-i p'e in their action on the Home-Rule bill, and they might have carried the Kingdom . 1 i i i.kh w vsiaijaiooc was never snrcwuer i than when be yielded un.ll Ihs Ltron took : iinu inu on uie measure intcnucu to re- form ancient wrongs and to give the peo- ; ,0rm ,nC,enl wrons ,n1 to S've ,ne V pie of the parishes control of tbtir own af- j r . . . v. fairt. Owing to their own blind obillnacjr i the I.01 ds have now pieced the principle of . hereditary legis'ation in JeHly petil : THE SKKiMXiRAUE Bli.l The following Is the detailed rote 00 the . passage of the Bland seigniorage bill in the senate: Yeas Allen. Ha'e. Ile-ry lilackbum, Hlanchurl. uler. Ca'l. Co-keell. Coke. Cobiuitt, Oaniel. I'uboia. CJeorge. Cordon. Hansbrou rauiKner. h. Harris, .luu-w, Juues ui ti . i . T t Arkansas. Kvle, Lindsay. Mcljarin. Martin. Mills Mitchell of Oregon, Morgan. Pasco. I'ef- fer Perk-ins Petliomw I'.j,, ..!. . H . i , 'ii , tjaay. Hansom. Roach, Shoup, S-ewart. Teller. Turpie. A' est. A'oorhees. White ; Wolcott; total. 44 Nays Aldrich. Allison, Hrice, Caffrey. i v. w ii ii...:. - i tUdlllliri, S-UllOUJ, 49, lUl'll, Frye, Gallinger, Gibson, Holrnan. llale. llawiey, Itiggins. lHlge. McMillan, Mc- ; Pherson. Manderon, Mitchell of Wiscon sin. Morrill. Murp'uv, Palmer. Piatt, Prcv- I i tor. Smith. Stockbride. A"i!a. Washburn, 1 Wilson: total. SI. Pairs Cam Jen for. fcith Gray against; HtU for, wim Oixon against: Jones of Nevada for, -xilh Hoar a raintt: Van.-e for. with Sherman against, Stfain and Cam- eron did not vote- Yesterdav Niaire vot- r ml juire voi ed in favor of tbe bill anJ Camtron was Pi'rJ a t faror. Tr-e bill will bt sent to tbe president to- morrow. Wbelhtr he will sign it remains to b; seen. The belief is be will, though tome hlr.t he will allow it to become a law ! without his signature. From this it will be seen that 30 denio- : craU. 11 republicans and ' lonulUts voted I , , ... , . blint an j 9 ,,,m. ocrals voted against it. s , personal attack upon tbe editor of this paper. It it hardly necessary to say that soc'i puerile t ffott J wid meet with deserv ed failure. It it evident that lhat species , I'll liiimilllim i. Ill .n'. Irln.l f u- 't- . I. ihe-l f ilt ' ,u:l. 1.1.-. 1 1 11 1 yecu.iaf iy nt ani me puouc geoenuiy agree J4V t, , . I , ' , with him. It might be said as a matter of ... . . ... , . , uewa iuii inai paier It eu'ieo, not uy single person, but by an "association of disgruntled gentlemen so callel" who ! have a strong tent of purpcte to traduce one whom they imiginc in ome way ha ttood in their way to political preferment. uui iui stv !e win not work Ibe cam l paign will have somvthing ele in it sides tbe mere pertonali'y of the etHtor any rewsptper . f 1htNcw ' . to 1 Evr rest' Wtth - blglOst lyaclal aayttl has U-.--.ne we'.i un - de-stood that the pr. jeot Intends to per- rnit the tilvcr tiitnrige. The rlieer ten - atort ho have Jural tha pat fe dav called upon him, with a view io aactftalaioa ! hit p si'.ioo loarard the meature, have re - I ccived evative replirt, bai have told their cjle8u" in " t:'f" J ' A-..,U.I I . it . II a 111 a .. . ' " ,ue ' '"P'J ?crn.ll ! tne Dili to lie upon hit desk until ihc con- titunonal i . -:a lave elanted, when i: I enomioutiy increate.1 at a tt-r.e wi.en w ae wl.l breome a law without hit signature I tt'mjiuhip and good j.jdgrmen' should Cleveland purtued this policy In IS87, when J nave DH" 'ercicd in reiierinfi the peo thebill wat pat;d for tnt tedcmpiion of ! P,e of ,n" grievous huident aln-ady exist he trade dollar. ; ing. !rrrmm i . "Teat I W,- denounce tbe corrupt and Helegate Jotepbt. of New Mexico, will endcavji to rally Ins In forc-a .Monday lo pass the long defrrird bill sdinittmg New Mexico lt ttaiehood. It is snticipaled par ty lines nity be sharply drawn on the ad mission of thit new g'ate and republican; expect to iaiae the point of no quorum as a means of deferring Ibe pattag: of (be measure. To tnee: tide emergency Jotephs it using every effort lo have tha democrats attend Monday, and is hope'ui of having a oeceisary quorum, exclusive of republican... Notwithstanding Taubeneck, chairman of the nitional cominitiee of the people party recommends tbe populist state con vention now in session at Oregon City to nominate Governor Pennoycr as the pop ulist candidutx for the United States itennto it Ih clear that it will not be done. The governor is to shrewd to permit that step. He would much ruther tuke his chance after the legislature is elected than become the conspicuous target of the campaign. 0 P Thompson seems to be the coming man for republican nomination for govern, or. It is said republicans regard him ns a tronger man than he was before. Joe Simon and Ihe Oregonian are both for him and this would seem to settle tha Blatter in advance. An Australian routeclicnrr has hit upon the Idea cf piloting the news of tlie day unon i thin nulls ,,f ,1--l, h.Im .I.m.1... inst-a i n ii- ii i i .. . . Ins.ea I of Ink. He delivers these Cake to Lt rf . ,. . . . , Iscutlorne ,h;,,,M read Lum and cat tl.cn w, h their eoOea. 1 I.I. i. a new and novcl "f devouring the news. lliipatches from the ton cf Chairmm Wi'aOn. now in the city of Mexico, are far fiom teasturing as to the ..or.dltlon of the latter. I le is suffering from despondency the result of his enfeelded coildilion. The Sierra Nevada range of California is nearly 500 miles long, 70 wide and from 7000 to nearly 15.C0O feet high IMSAOIiKKMENT Some days ago the Dcmocrat called at tention to the very sudden manner In which thepopiiMsis in this state dropped the tariff question. People have not forgotten that Mr Rork, who was the chief manipulator in organ. zing tue peoples piriy in thistiaie showed by use of the black board and chalk I the obnoxious character of a protective tariff He inula die inl miles of the tariff scheme the leading theme of all hl disxu.- gton. likewise, lien Weaver and Mrs I.esgc made prominent in a!l thel r speech's In Kiii s-a'e an I oilier 1 tales, the nefarl ous ness o! tlie schema of pfotecllng the class :s at 'he expense of the nnsse. These acnli ments werj cheered to the echo by tlie democrats wh hai been to recently conven ed to populism. These facts are yet fresh In the minds of all. Ad these recent con verts to populUm might well ball vti'h ex reine dilllu 'n 2 en inclatijrt of such senti- , ments as they had long been indoclrinaeld In the demjer; tic theory of low la'ifl. I (Ucation. Sjine days ago the Iiemk:kat warnel Ihe-e democratic c onveits to popu ,lsm that tbeac leaders oud not keep faith with them on the tatif) Issue. We warned them ihat the popuHat in state canveatlon would not b; true to their (oimer piofe?nons of adhesion lo a reform taiiff policy. In this deceived or 'iaipointe.l for .ueceiveu or ui,uib eii, to area ia the platform adopted at we were not In all our scare -a."- 'i' " " " a . . . i m ... . . a rounu aooat tarin rctorm- i cut,nave lann .- ii-.. i J .. . . . " FP.'i. u ueceoc ., w.naCu. tne nam ii wner. me to.nmutec on the platform at iheir s ate convention preparing me oeciaratijn or pnnci; -cs or t:ic ( arty, one member of the committee i was unsophisticated atsOuth to feel that i was his dutr lo be true to MM profession! mide to iht people, offered a taritl irfcrm plank but it was unceremoniously rejKted. 1'1'oagh not tna-le public It. the j rest report of tne convention I Ida is a fact ai we hav it from a very rclcble u urce. it now becomes a serious, a tun iametda' question, with Ihrse tatirf reform papatttti as to what course to puriue.secing tiiey hare 'I inUiedanJ deceived. Can they longer Vom In:ne VV" ) '"JC? mrm. p,V. folio .A i f -1 L . 1 II ,l.fc .1.. . -I j be before they may be Bt 1 1 1 a Sou other t rcm-.sc and pledgee ijirect or irr.rbed . . . . I "It I 1ST I'lAtl'iU. The M owing it tbe p'atfonu adopted by the poruitt s'ate convention : Asseinb'ed on he birthday of the sol dier stateman whoe military genius de ttroyed tbe last attempt to subjugate this ; u,0j J j gt.ln)gIJ force, and whose far-sighted i-mianship afterwards foiled for a time all attempts lo fasten noon us tbe vicious i financial system of Great iirtain. we, the 1 peopl 'a party of tbe state of Mreg-on. re I solved to regain financial independence ! ard to recover our InJaitria! protperity' lost to us by the incompetency, dishonesty, orruption and cow irtiice a'ike of tbe re publican and democratic parties, do hereby k. 1 . ,, 11 r 1 - e ! fnllnwinv iWlaraf ion of nrttKi - 1 1 111 j pies, reaffitoiing and giving oar cordial ad - h.. , ...i.., v.,.. . .- . e - 1 Omaha July 4. MM: constituticca "Fine We demand con vent ion at the ajkrliest possible date i ; 1 :..... .u ;. reus- our cv.iaiiiuuoa aiiu iuc-uue uacsvav tbe in Uaiive and referendum in ia obliga tory form, and that the nem contiiutiun b referrcsl to tha peop'e tor approval. W recomrr.ecd that ail our candidates for tbe , legidature indiv.dnally pktdge ibemselve in writing to this effect. "Second We decaod that ail property shall he a vested at its cash value, and . ,, , . . ,. . j. , . there shtll U no dedocttco for indeUed- nets without a corresponding taxable credit fn the assessor's district: and al'. reengages ihall be declared real etla'.e for tfe- rt-rr.--' ct tmaOBttSdN - 1 c the county where tbe necunty exnt- "Tblid We demand ibe enaclrnect of law forbidding tbe tale of property on exe cution, unless the proceeds of such sa-e ball e-iual at Icart per cent of tbe ap .-.1 t ta . ,l.l,,, f : ., .. to costs of collection. 1 ... JL ... . .... fourth e demand tuat no aforney i feet ba adjudged in favor of the cresiitor I other than the costs now rrovided 4y th statute. "Fifth We demand the tcta abolition of fith traps. Sh weirs and sh and of a'd stationary gear in tide whee't. .. and effectual regvit.-i ion of a'l taliiion net, I . 1 1 J Ijii' ue t ai.u .ir :ie-.s. "Sixth We .1. i.ianil tbe abolition of tbe 1 slate railroad comintstioc. and the enact - . r e-- - f - Ilient f t a m:.iiiin-n t..uni.r ati.l ireuhl 1 law 1 "eventh We demand tbe nbdilion the Oregon National liuard ' "Kightb We tavor a tysteni ol in tion and grading cf grain at tbe Kt mt shipment. ' Ninth A'e cordemn the action of tlie bvis'ativc assembly of . the stale of j " ' PnJtu. of the ' m a. a ... . . , w was s ie u uunesessj,., u-e- . 'ess appropriations, wuereov Utat -n sat Vl,-lfi..l lii.-nwnnl if iKa In ar in Ihu isstianrsis ..... . ... - of additional I'nitcd Slates inlerebt-Usaring 1 old bonda at the instigaiion and In the II- terest f tbe money lenders of America and ffnnsia "Kleventh W'e demand the abolii ion ofi tbe specific contract law. 'Twelfth -W demand retren hm. i.t in shite, county and municipal government panicui iriy a re.luction m 01nc1.11 t.iTanes where ihey are in excess of reasonable re muneration for services rendered, and the aboiit.on of ad fees ami perquisites." nn has beau prtdi de I In lha oil umuf, th populints In niate convention entirety dodged tl.e qunstion of high or 1. waiilT stvilen that the leader had not tha easMrag to meat the question with candor. Ibis will certainly aroiiHe tliflsuspicl-n of ttio o il time demosrats In this Htatn who weie converted to pop Hun oy Hoik, Lease anc Weaver, wb at) took very strong ground In favor of a 1 1 1 1. venue, or for free trade Nln. loen out tt every twenty of thn oVn ncrata in (LU county wbu bave jolnof lha popu lists ire free traders or tarilf reforms era and yet thev ar. now following ! cade a .. nave not the courage to even n.. n Hon the tariff question in tbeir pUtl .rip. Hemoeratlo popullata, what do you think of thin lack of courage to meet thla que lion? 1 Another .Populist paper has died fr3m i-t . ' ., r ' , ., law of support-tbe Oheteo Harbor Her L,,, m wlfa lb. llt,drawl of tbe Handon Recorder from j tue tltT) wollW ton , ,o ghow .h( Poml lists are fast losing tbeir hold. .Oold h Uazet-ti. It would take about 1200 globes as large as our earth to make one equal in sine to Jupiter. The populist party was much stronger at this place a week ago than it is now. Lebanon Express. An wrieMMM says that the woman who takes in sewing to supports lazy husband might to be indicted for "maintains a nui- on same. Tlie liOtiulist narf v is like II 0 hoiiui, l.nilt i iiKin the sand, and mm now its foundation being washed out. The few cobble stones ! 111 it 1 an not save it irom tlie looseness or 1 its nat money, two per cent government i loans ami general wisliy wahy character '"'in fUttmm vr . 1 .1 t i- i. 1 lie ti.lli n I'orri'soolli i r t of too Seio I n m. 1 , - , j Press says: 1 ho nl,o- party gave a dance j and Kipoer on the 6th, toe ptoeeeda $17, j being devoted to paying the expenses of j the delegates to the county . invention. A I new way for getting delegates to a political jiiveiition. It seems as if vie had had an immense amount of rain Ihc nasi winter and vet tl. in the past winter, and yet the ' e July 1,1. h;u, only Ix-en about d for the rear cniling July 1st 4." indies". That is not heavy ' total ran since 40 inches, and I. - . . '.ill. Ill 'IIKIIIT .1.1 t !.. I I. il I. ...... in fact Oregon i thai much I hc I record though is not in keeping wiih o.ir I leufea. I W hatcver may lje the rWHOU, the local ; ! hm;ineas situation seems to be steadilv fast ' lirilVinOV l, ' i f i :. ... I ... B " n- i mift.'j ... . - ftft til- sale of art ides which are generally regarded an luxuries, which sales are generally in- Teasing throughout the city, of course. there l- considerable room for improvement yet, but the fat t that the teue of business is swauity iin reasing i- ii.-ring. - .iiein I m I RoendeeK. They are proposing a gam- law in Iowa! "i,"i1ar to ,,,at 0n'gt'u a?'' a cr.rrespond- ent demtunces it as "growly unriMwnal. . j unjust, ,.-sided anJ un-Ameru-an. It : 51 i -IT 14 ."" " rime, mi I u III II I n 1 1 i . 1 1 iiimr. ... i ....... j ; . ' ,, . ., .. ; i"SJWjHl l.ruuious n rS I" inoi rowa irom j killing for his own MB our game bin! ia . season miles, be is the owieT of the laf.d J-i The I U I lea Chronicle eayg : "If you want to eee The Dalles grow, give to it and it enterprisea yonr umiualilie'Ileiip port. If you don't, trail away for any thing ycu want " There ia not tbini alffciltiti-ltf iT.r.sei tle to do, and that is tbe frustration of ille effort of a candidate for office to shake hands with yon Don't make the atteuipt 1'. .... a 11 1 11 1 i 1 1 . L : tiie evl! of c,5,reUe tm,ug it . n.t pitv that our yohng ly. do not heed tbe word of warninif dailv eiven tbem It is a lamentaSie sia-bt o see brixbt voumr fellows eivin diemae'v ung f over la tins habit An'Astoria paper begins ti e campain as fo.lows: When it comesfto "records" "he Budget is thoroughly posud.and any man with an unclean one, who attempts to come Ijefore the people of Clateop county for office, will gel a benefit eTr"it- What do vou think of a climat- in which bo-s can batbe a... - in the river one oay ana almost teacti li.eir sisters to l .nr siatera in skate on it tbe next? Thai is what lire gon car. do alien she is attending to business -Astorian That may be the style at the mouth of the rilumbia. but il is not in tiiis vabey. We boast of our equable climate. . , -, . . , -c : i - About ."J 1 nina:i.-n nave rvsnttered in Attoria. It i. thought ibe other TOO will . s. r--i-t.-r Nut !-::. .1- 1 auau rearisvr. .s -j srontie i. - . T . . uon luno"1 l cmetlurg. 1 ! .... r ifttfsefl 3A.cr mrm h.irn if.inl In. Ql. yataOtt Afaty. Vaar girl fcave always been azirrv-:ve. asd ben.-e mar t il -wnil- ed upi in the big Sgiit they bate lgun ; ' against nn. gainst tin. The wife .,( Jaoob Creger of Ihi city. a drawn a prize with tbe weekly Kxam iner consisting of tix acres of land in Calif. ' .- V . .-.. ,1,. . I ,1... 't -hendan hun. A jurv onoe thought in a verdict of "not Ifui'ty.- and the judge admonished the rn-.rser to keep awav fpm bail cmtan; n atw ' Yw lcmr hooor- g ( "ycu'il never ee me her.- again," ... - . - , . j. l -1 a ! tare There are seven.1 cheerful aspect ! : r :t J . - probably not take Kucv: Bnvheni l itre will , undoubte.ily U .t dwn oa tonally and poiiucajiy. anl ingallsand IHa.kl.urn haine j lfn csmvertssl Witor lachson. of the Karf 1 Urg .nian. compliment Btta Wheeler Wilcox for tell ha imik ; , -k.r t j Yet Mr Jackson objected when in a plain. strairhtiorwrl manner the lemocrat caliesl him a-iying idKst. -alem Is - . i 11 is no wmmwm tie-re are a MM manv j ca-tdiiiates for state printer. Tlie fees of ( the olkr have increasvl until they are im- mente. Here are some cf Hwaa: For the i v-ir 1T and 1n- ". llitl 1889 and I8W, ."4 1CI and SltitS :: j" ,"0Jaj apjsjVii the sWiff of i fcl.tcJO.K wa ixllected bv Mar.nnix.untv the firvt ten dav of ti,x isnlbwtini. a I..-. i ..... .!... ta nari times nave taugnt eronoiny an.l many i i I haveevnlently lieen hcanlmg the neoes of , aary tax money. There is aw thing al-out j taxes: the money aJI'circuiaies in Oregon; and the sooner the ttate i paid the earlier ' will be the use of it at hme. A a matter of "f fact, though, many warrant- are nab- aa at once ami put into means of a small discount. irvul.it ion bv C'r.inkt upon crankt. Here is another , j or- UjbbinK up apin: In S,.pteml.r. j i-'-.inere .is wi.ieiy puimsiuM an avcount - 1 ot an Aiistnau by tlie n-ime of Arthu, iK'iin, woo w:i aooat i.minir fMin rJaea Ayres to wulk to t hii-jigo. He hm tnrnCs up at Panama, hale and hearty, and ed j drown a an Artec, h.ivinc fo 1ow.n1 as t.i.ins ttius f.ir without a midian "ie any exciting adventiires. After neniai .or aU.tit .1 week in Panama, tbe tra"ioR started on toward Central America. '"''' lexixvt to rMch I'liicairo lasfi.n snow -md 1 . - . , ,. 1 n. xt ML :.- i Wc understand the I hin.i 1'he.i.sanN which were turned m,!os idtove town fall or IVnny oose a few eaues above town last fall hive gone through the winter all right, and were seen recently on Wm Irapers ranch. If not molested these birds will ptopagnte cr. rapiniy, an-i will ! iii.un.liint witinn " !p Jf". sportsmen miouia near in ... - there i a Kaon penalty for sl, a . - . " J as killing the-birds in eisterii ( rogon taj Uie men who contribute, to the purchase t them will see that the law is enforced. IMtCao l.eview. VIR li t. I Till. Jitlior Ii'irjxrai; The statement in yourjiseue of the 14th inut regarding my trip to Mill City is liable to be misunderstood I did not go there lo obtain signatures to the prop osition but to explaiu its terms to the creditors. 1 talked with those holding the hulk of tha claims out there and without except ion so far as 1 remember they appear in favor of signing the option but their claims are all in the hands of attorneys and I advised them to consult those at torneys before signing. There may be a cousiderable ntinilier of creditors in that region who do not nish to sign ihe option but if so am not aware ot it. Each man must decide for himself whether he will accept the certainty offered by the option or take tho uncertainty of a prorata of the proceeds of the sale. 0, C, Hout'K. A WOBD HllinilMlHI Edttors iemocrat . Allow Ba through your columns to ex - press the appreciation of n large proportion d the Mob e of Albanv. of the notion of Judge iturnotl in clearing the court room during the trial of Ir Sponogle. If we had not the testimony of our senses it would be hard hi bolievo that so large, a Bomber would choose to bo present at such a trial. One would thing that shame would deter from it, and it is u source of pleasure that we have a judge who cares for purity as well as justice. XXX. IO. Will be Mm If- IHQTOW. March 1C W Ahni.voTov, March 1G -The silver seigniorage bill, which passed the senate yesterday, will not go to the president un til Mondav. The senate not oetntr In ses- uinn tndav. Ihe vie i.r.-uwlont cannot Man It until fhat body niif;'H again Mon- day. It was, however, presented to Speak er 1 1 isp today, ami received his signature. 1: i,nun!livo lilanil f ., on ina rtrrw ! ident toJay and urKed bin to sign the nil- rer seigniorage bid The president lis-1 1 4 u. 1,1 f 1-' innu wsrmwi w ai maim p arguments . . . . , . " m tavor a. H'inirii. uuT- uio noT. commit .JmJl i " at Beaver DUTat. Col, March 1C- This evening (iovereOT Waite announced that the propo , itjon m9de to him this afternoon by a'tor- i neys for the depos d commissioners to sub- ! 10 lhe supreme court the question of j their rightful claim to tlie office of com- their rightful claim to the office of com- rniaioners, would probably Ije accepted by D',n ,mt UP '" a 'ut; hour'he had no' given b''t final decision. No disturbance oc j i . i t , . i -. -. ft currru uuring toe (lay, out tlie niiutia is ready to iusemble at a rnomen'-'s .lotice. A siardrr T(oii.,. March 16. William f'uh- man and W W Kuwll. farmer, were shot this morning at hake TaD. near this citv. i .. l.lin Ar...l ..n.l l.i . '.. LL. . 'j ..n.. . . . . ' i ni, 'i tiii, "ill. '.uiiuihii was killed and Kussell badly wounded. Both of the Arcotts surrendered to the ' sheriff this afternoon Ihe rrime tfiew j out of a fight over a county road at Iake j Tapp, w hich lias kept the entire seltle- , m-nt in Iliat ton at a war for nianv moarth Tbr Tannus) lie. Nkw Yoiik. March 16. The exodus of1 ! prominent Tammanyite , Lpm. , c.ntinu, V.Mcr SbWJcTc Sneeha from the city j rday I'oli Com- Soeeban and hi law panmr. ex jonge rxiwaru nrcwoe. wno ia I . . . , .. i. Juns-i lo tt.e eiclw iam. ioiiiel the lro- cession. At Mr he.-han a office it was cession. At Mr nhan s omce it- waa said that his destination m unknown, . and that he would be gone for at leant a week Alderman Martin baa also ta.en a t travel hi .all. 11. I Nlarra. iSeaTTi-K. March 10. Tbe Seattle Co ft Iron Company has made a 10 to TJ per rant cut in tbe waes of i eiuplo; e at Uie 'ttliuan mines, and, as a result, trouble is threatened, though none is erpecteo. Tbe cut afferts alxut :00 men. ar.d the 'taluna emploed i'i ti.- nun Gr wiid i an 1 threatening, rrirkibllUai.(aaad laeaaarrala OmMae Ues Moisks. March 11 The prohibi tionista rpirtpterpj twn ,rat trtor. . in the general aswuibl.v today The senate ; defeated tbe Carpenter 1-cai option bi.l by ! vOte of to 'o 12. and ihe house kit ed tbe I committee bill for municipal and local al 1 ! option by a vote c! 42 to 5-. The demo - crais v.:.tea witn tne 1 rotiit)iticni!- the ' republicans against Loth. j Te "",u i Ui-.toos ClTT. March I V Tbe populists nominated tbe following ticket today: 1 Governor Nathan Pierc. 1 Congressmen First diMrtc', Charles Mi-ler. second di-rkt. Jonepb Waldrop j rirt judicial district Ao Aiteb. proae cuting attorney. auiue! Dixon, board "!!,n,,ill5- 1 its nnii ni.fn. 1 1 a v.. . .-.- 1 v 3L"Z2 , ' ?T. ' .. ' ' '""'-. mini aistnct Judge. . u BW; attor- rf.v- ' !H IaJryat.le: board of equalization. John I Iloberlfn fourth district Judge. H N Mitiuire and A J Chute: attorney. T A Wood: board ol equalization. J C Miller- 1" , 1 1 1. . I . .1 . t 1 iiAp.i C I,, it l ' s""1' . .. v., . ...i -must l...l ..,t, m Mxth district Judge. .at HuJroo : at- tr.iey. t'al I'atterron: bosvrcl cf laaiica- tion, 'i I Gooda.II. Seventh dittrict Attorney. E I Sine; board of eua'ization. ii K .-earoy . Joint representative for Yamhill ar.d Til- lanook counties J i'yer. Joint senator for Eaker at.J Malhetir t counties lai n rung. Join, tena'or lor Jiorrow, i.raat ani tlamey counties George Gilhert- wretary of eta'e - Ira Wak.r.ei 1. Superintendent of public instruction- Attorney -general M L timttead S'ate printer Geonr" M O'ton Supreme judge R F Boise. turn la SfBiir. ; Desver. M..rxb 1". This has 1 day of inlene c-x-itemc-r.t in 'rea i-KU-n. XToe untera -l in the htstcnr of tne ... ... . city have been - .rnetsssl. t.oyemr a,-e. 1 icJ; J.ood-Jo-' I -h,rs-brides fame.; hi J"11" : :rs r'!Et.n,.'in'J ,b? i blJ-: fCC IlSfat xrtlllrv f.l ntta.-i.- IK. w hall : iu 1 , - . v " s. f ...... ! dr,v tletWrom the ref -rm po'ice com mooer. dene-l hit power. The !"""'. swni 'e enirecoeo cenin-j ( tunmstA oc-r and torreonded by hen- dredt of armed jownen and deputy ,bnf rwJr, ? ,b",r fning - 1 . , -ucurawn. 1 tnatenin .lemon ra'i ns have been ; mad' "P' JX""? U,!e' wb?- ro" ""J.V1 'enoVnce under a military " ' . . " r ' -' I a armed as to nit fety before the arrival ates trvvps. t Viae s:a. Mi.t.K.iti. Or. March Ii. -The Ham- mcrsley mine ennte-t has ln tett ed and he recpir. r ! i arged. Haumierslev pa' l'"-w a l.'.Vai for tbeir tikes rtosarstai..n .f iu min k"inlee .v Bm who claimed an int.Tr-t in tbe mine, '- 'e't in ihe cid. and Heorge K and ' '"eT Hammerslev get full rxssjwsssion of I Oiie f liw '.-v., ,,..- Im , tl,..n. . I Iro.Mi ii vt - n-ta-.il AtXA WAUJk, March l.V Walia i Walla church people are waging war on saloons, gamblers and houses cf i I '-fame, The marshal bat closed a! Louses of 1! fame, and petitions are now l-eimr oirvulat eci lor H)matiires. pmyinc the officials to clcs iramtline houses and cnloree iSr Sunday closing of s;voenv Tbe WllltinHtleal ( rtallia WAsihs..tcx. March 15 Hemann has secured IB tbe r'ver and harbor bill 15000 j for the Willamette at Corvaliis tt 1 I rrssab i rasa AsiiisoTox. March la. In the senate the Hland seigniorage bill ran successfully past the two hostile points of at'a.-k which I r. , .. , . I .. - I . . 1 t ta 11.- asiiinotox. March I:!. In - ii 1 1 1 1 inn irwiini 101 iv. aue Srst was A Uisons motion lonvmsider the vo'e by which the bill h id been ordtrtnl lis llnr.l reading, and tho second was Mandeiso.1 a motion to relet tho bill to tlie conimittei- on tinano with in5tri-!,.-m tn amemi it. so :nat me silver cenncaies pro- vide.1 for in it should be in anticipation of or in lieu of wO.wS0.0Q0 tiiver dollars Allison's motion was defc.it.vi bv a vote of m to US, and Marnier-son's iiy a v o'e of 10 1 The rrnapert. I naswuiwVH .--.-i... is ii ,hi,t Hyman Abraham wiil be 1 ashintox, March H lt i- expvtcd i iuav i .i ........ . win , wpfatwi poatmaattt al Portland Was" j 's prob.,b'y bcxditsl for Salem. Ho I ptaoaa, it is saM, will le sc-jn Mh) Among the Oregon and Washington a soon ap- airncr th Ai. mong i i;e tiregon and vt ashingtoa ap- nointmeius announced today was that of K B .Sheri'bin tc be receiver of public moneys at lloseburg. t'arwarrt Alllaaee OxxgoN Citv. March 14. Tho session of the stito :iiianoe was a busy one this morning, las' ing from shortly after 8 until noon. Action was taken declaring tbe present sys'tun of transportation a failure and demanding government ownership of railroads, lo be operated at actual cost: to solve the road question, the state to build, own and operate electric lines. Othoers were elected at follows: 1'iosident. S H Holt, of Taekson county; first vice-president. John Kverhurt: second vice-president. Jacob Clem: secretary, K H Cooper; lecturer, J C Luce; chaplain. Joseph Ca U; steward, J G Oliver: door tteeptr, K P Hums: executive committee. W II Spaugh. J W Owyor, and M K John son; delegates to the national convection, O Tool and W H Spaugh. ratal Aeelileal Boiatt, Idaho, March 14 Passenger j train No 'I, east-bound on- the Oregon Short Lhsa, was ditched four miles beyond Mountain Home latt nlghl, and three ! tramps were killed, one of them a boy of 14; the engineer. Evan Williams, fatallv wounded, and the mail clerks. Miihon and I 1 Tipton, seriously wounded. The accident i ,i ,, .. i . - i was the result of Ihe excessive rains, and occurred in a 40 foot cut through thel chalk bluffs. Shiloh'a Vitahaer :a what yuu need far dyspepsia, tcrpid lW.-r, yellow akin or kid- h ,. , r.iilil. It la ii . r . . .-...1 ft,. .1.. .. ... " - - - J'" i aatitlaotion oe 75c Sld!by Foahav St y ru"nay . Mason Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder j ot Harrieburg. Rev C C Sperry per WorM't Fair HMhest Medal and Dlplon, - I tormtd the ;eremony , .ZaIITTBB ntoaiow Following are extract from a letter re ceived this week by If V Merrill from Rev i W Hill. Wau Sheen, China, Jan 29. 1894. How I would like to tell vou of all we see along this great river, traveling through j this strange and interesting land. We : IM rtlltUlghat On the JlHtOf U(X. Wei came ('hinee parage on the steamers and th.a an1 ln oth,;r wa'" have aved the : Missionary Ijnion al,out ttVin. If u I V ' 1 ." , . V . . ralhor itatuh .Hmr ihu . ... : a ps-'... av.M, 1 the Chines., coo'uiig and the crempwl ' .marW hut i am aunt all the partv were '. glad to do it knowing how hard the' mon- ; '-y will wio at home this year. Fotir dav- brought us to liang-ow, 600 miles inland (steamer have to anchor at night : on account of the bars; we had to wait there 0 days for another steamer. Wc were pleasantry entertatnen by the Adams i , and 'irays wlw have just come out to ojien , up the Central China Mission AboaM j days more brought us t Ichang which ia were piea.iartr.'v entertaine! ty the Aaams 1 a. i - " " ii . 1 1 1 1 . - l im a eaa uinew wju aiuw tne river j Heament to go. There we took house I i '"a'J' an( bave l;n out sine January 16. S oa can a I'i'-'ture of Mr l.'pcrafta house I i,r,at in Hr Maoiea book, oars are larger, i 9 men in one and 6 women myself and . rtiaator in tl... ,!, a u I.' mr, w,r ; are traveling with u. Inen there a'e t'peraft, Orjenh.-iw. Mahlm. Hradahaw. BeeWsUt, Stake, .Saiuuist. Viing and Myers in one lxat and in the other Mim Inveen (who ame down to help us upi Mrs Viking. Mrs Myers, Miss Cardelin. Mias Blias, Mrs Hill, Chester and myself, i 'llie Ijoats are alxiiit 70 feet long and I -or 14 feet wide and tja:k of flie op -n deek where the crew live (covered with mats at night; we have four rooms where we live very comfortable, back of us is an open ; spice with a higher roof for the helm and ' the captain lives bacK of that over the - -' n iaa w.. u, ,i., ....... , . ... ... - - .,.- ...rv. - a,., (M t..M .: a. . i." t u. iaii fturuuru Ull l.'.li.l i J '!-. U d.S" Udll two heavy sweeps to run with when there is no wind. Ihe main uepenaen' atri locomotion however is ibe trackers who , walk along the shore and tow tit with a .' long bamboo rope fatened at tbe top and at the liotloin . They manage it rpiite skillfully, so as to ar.ud tbe rocks on tlie shore. A smaller boat accompanies us to . carry the rjpes and get the coolies hack i and forth. tf"e have about ''), and at I night they sleep on the open deck right ' hefore our front door. Our goods are all in the hold by shelves and nails, we stow awar our things abjre s that we can live very coinfortahiy. These iunks -are oddly constructed and seem to be old ratti'- trap concerns . but the hinese sail- ' on manage the thing first ra'e. At times they take advantage of the wind and ferry avroa the rives mort brilliantly. Our chie' difficulty is with the rapids, which are numerous 2nd strong. Here they get - out strong rope, wnn-timet two or thrve I out strong nres. omr:iine two or and freiuently at least a ouarter of a mitr long so as to get around the -harp prints of rock or the a'jallow bars. Tker seem to ; know the river per'ectl..- and have a triecial way to get around ea .1 place, hxtra coolies are hired at these hard placet and we sometime see as many as a hundred . men on the line of tome big freight boat : Nobody but the Chinese would think of ' 1 navuratini tuvo a river in tins v We A I have nulied un rarndt wh.-re tn a few hnn-! I dred yard you can tee a fail of two or . J ' three feet . The river it everywhere swift and flciWt over mvat ia-m!iier ami imnml : 1 assM linU ol rocv. so that huge toiling J edlies threaten tc engulf at. Bat with J our big rudder and long bow sweep we I stem the c-arrent and run through the ed-' die. Wrecks m frejaent!y paael: we; have teen al least a dozen. and it ia no 1 r : 1 1 . I syai. tor ua njw ureaat ax times USE L. . . - e . , - . . J r.xks and have a hole ttove in her bottom. , j We hare broken two ropes and gotten some hexwr bumps against the rocks but fortu- . natefy no great damage has been done.! j Sometimes we walk around the rapids, but i since they are so frequent we usually stay on tbe boat. 1 It takes a very practical tcrs of mind to j .... --:r .-r. 1.;. .-s.-t .5. and our- . teivet to start tip one of thss rushing ncisy : : fails at the end cf a large lam boo rope and ' ! not fee! a little bit -T would stand the strain or the grinding on tne hard rocks a these braided bsuuboo I sti-.i3it do but he nave gotten so used to it j after tare- weekt that wi can serenely study t Chinese through itJJ 1 thtr.'sjiar could cc-me up most of tbe way if built to draw tot iittie water for tbe raoidt but the a f 'TnniShr" will nm ! it a w-a 1 . n ut rn at tf. s rale W . haiv loan tie. 1 .i s,tv, i .,-.i ; 1., .1 - v. -,iu .v.-,. .inwAuuiniauiiaiS'iiiu 1 -evoral dar on the usual trip. Ue are now about half war to Chang line from Ichang and perhap due third . 1 . - r- . I . s w- 1 .- 1 ... i tb nest t"..t s.nwthin.U,t ,h.-, . . n wav tc. so; r UI . Lochau. which at Ukst acxunu ha.1 not vet ; ,en secured. We ar" making some pro . jre ia Chine and rind it verr tough I : fora. to ua yoo of TCtfhtCTTui we ha,e pswesi though. All the wav we haw 1 eoaac thr-sagh tbe mountains from Ichans. 1 1W u ntta- .i -.1-" ! sometimes for half a dav we have kiled ! tbrMsh eiTicular cliffs from 500 or ' a hasj to even 15si feet high and the river no pl over 100 yard wide. In SxMfcoen Province we have seen rood roads tutnerimes cut oat for miles from solid cliffs ! ofKf-sded an with solid mascsnry. m vines I Pann' with tine stone arches. . f:ne coming into this province how- tterest anill"" me uiimuuiui nivr oe?n ess at- l rti,u ttiJ mere are somef .-R like foot- i hi,1 entirely under cultiva'i- n rnd just i oom eovered with the t-i d green of ( Tow.in't P nd ga-den trcck. i an lfie tie'.ghts everw wliete are covered with Temri ft. raenriat tr s.hH.ih . . .s . otiere we stop pea we risitecl a verv in-: teresting Temple in a cave in a cliff we i saw perhaps a hundred heathen Gods of ! j various ranks some cut outof the solid I - 1 rvck in the cave. f-ure!v this is an idol- atrous people. We a 'so see on the ii'itiiest nt i lops .-(.on fortihcatioot I ' "l'JH "f 1 1 r in inn t t inn 1 whin tlir will' "icu were trcubiesome We often think ai me oiu irienas .1: .-vinacv anJ wonder what thev are doin. We have .. 'V realh aiiTanV,JiHr hence. With kind regards to all friends. Gaoasi w Hux. , son. Mi Era Scott of 4lhanv L i : . - ... , , ... ,, toting Miss l.u!u Westfali. t0 WfS K Wallace left yesterday for Ariiona. as ' where he will follow his vocation of school ! teaching Wilt s manv friends hate to I have him leave, but thev ln-iiv He will .V i la nis new location. Mrs I 0 htton and Jos. Burtenihaw and wife will leave Saturdavf.ir their new home in CalifornU Miss Jesse McCallev will j aso eave Satunlay for LlM Angel.. I where she will stop with her sister. Mrs 0 I a jaciKmaid. A successful fanner of tiiis vicinitv re cently paid a visit to the State Agricultural college at Corval.iis. He was not very fa vorably impressed with the way farming is tanght at that institution: says he could take a Ixiy on his fartn an.l s xii tench him mon- than a pupil oooki learn there in a life-time. Advance. That Oitiox. Albany men generally who are creditors of the Oregon Pacific are signing the option paper referred to. MrCWWatta has secured $o.),000to the agreement and has had no refusals. W II Burns obtained $2j,0tKi to his pa per. Creditors up the San tin m will sign as soon as thev consult their at torneys in Salem. The prevailing opin ion is that it is the best thing that can be done. asft aisair Paiker Kros, grocers. F. Ni. I' rone h keeps railroad lima. Buy your groceries cf parktr Bros fiia grjjenes at Conu'a. New cream cheese just teceived at Conrad Meyers. P J Smilev tob orinter. Kli.m R:,vl At first claaa work, Smok lh(1 xtXfA H,M filw 8 oi XT ,t juia,jwphv r, ... , . ..?1' M V1 E,,w' fnyoin and ennjeon Albl"' 0rd !" ' c " mU u 0,t otmntry- Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder Forty Years the 5taa0rv. : WILLOUUHBY HAWK. At the I U, j j , "-uv "YV , "ijatwu Wednesday afternoon, March 14, Mr E Willoughby and Misa Clara Hawk, both nl s!(.o.l I ....... ;.. I mMf! -M tsaHssI Good CooKiosf ia cesentiai to . Good Digestion- in pastry you cannot hare either without agoodahort ening. Lanl has always had very otgcctionable features, causing indigestion and many other dietetic trou bles. Science has come to tbe assistance of the cook, and of weak stomachs, with the new shortening. Cottoleije It ia composed of the choic est beef suet and highly refined vegetable oil, in many respects as good as the finest imported oliye oil. Physicians endorse it, cooking expert" recom mend it, and thousands are now using it in prefer ence to any other shorten ing. Refuse all substitutes. Seal throo cents In stamf to Jf. . Fautank A Co.. Chicago, tot ba4-a.-ava Cottottn Oastl Book. crririo log six basitml reapae. (vevtrsnd ty uibf-m:-- it a.j'.r. rakw Couolaae ia aoatf by aI eocerx Utuie only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO, ST. LOUIS end iCHlCAOO, MEW YORK, BOSTON. ALBANY COLLEGE.:: 1 r , Cna 101 (fttnlr?Tiip Addrew, REV. E. :. CfJDIT, Albany. Oregon Those. Are UU-taU symptom that yottr blood t w not rvpafutt of tmpuritaea. canmnff a fiuQffuk and unsightly completion. A fc battles of S. S. S. sriu remore allfoTtian ana impure matter, cleanse the tiood thoroughly, and gvx a clear and rosy comjtltxion. It is meat effect ual, ana entirely harmless. Chas. Heatoa,T3 Lasnel Street, IMbh says: "I hate had for soars a bazaar ra sty blood waidi aside aae dread to tfexre, u acoacUbealsar lazecias weald he czd. thDSeaaaasw shatissi to 9 acTsataacoyaaos. iifatr tazanttreebotttss slsco weU aad feef hke 1 foot aHfortacBaeat b-S-S. T rsatise OB blood arc sir: SWIFT SPEC'FIC CO Atiuaa,Ga. Sa-nmtr weakoejs. lht tired feeling loss of appetite and nervous prostration are criven away bv Hood's Sartapartlla, like mitt before tbe morning sua- To reaiiz? the beneat of thit e eat medicine. I oA is 9 tsksl Sure, efEcier.', eatv Hood't Pilis. FIKtT SATlOHtl, lilVK. ' r iLXA.tf, otmos ' e-ssweai LlUSX 5. E.TOCSO W LASGDOS ntASaACTts a Msstttwssssawaaasai ACc OL STS KEPT tabjavt so essKk. SIGHT EICiUcNGE sb4 tet rapede trass r, sets Sew York, Saa Fraaeasca. Caucafo aa4 T -.tlaad rcn eOAMXTlQSi UDIu fa ..-s. arsea E, a Laawaoa L. Puss E:til f . Sea. COPYruGnTS CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT t Wmr m rai1"" aad sa be osUcat.writai to t ts St CO-wt have 1 1 iiimiIj llfLi STrmtiiasMi bataw patent lis im sancu7 ocaocemaai. a h rate as-i Ifi books aawti tia PWtants tafean throach Masta St Co. Mn JT"51 2i! rtetfiia?aS3 Urns art braarM ws.t-r tr . vy?lT j mimmSSSamMSSSSi : Janreet gsiition of aarscasswiae nf tat BlkWEnnVcwiSry lEaai r'Tll IT rmts UrarrrwMlu 1 I LaySS p-gisssUtwUeSw?twag "iT.lrT.TJ7 "l?- Atrea . I avatoanwA- NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF EXE CUTRIX ! Notlce ls he:eb ,.,.,1 Att ,h3 noder I signed has been by the County Court of Lien Count . . Oreeon, duly appointed aa executrii of the last will and testamen f V -- Wwa UkVCaaaVSJ, sllfU MU Wff a -in i horint r.irrt tr.ir-cr atw as. i i preeent the eame , .iniy Terifie.1 as "quired by law. to the undersigned at ,,h. .'."w B" of Biack'inrn 4 Watson, i lo lony, uregon, wutiin six mouths txoru the date hereof. Albany. Or, Feb 19th. IS91. Blackburn a Watson Matilda J King Atty's for Kxecutrtx. Executrix. Gladstone has A clear Head WHY ? Because he follows itrese rules; ' ' Keep tbe head cool, the fe-a: trarni, and tbe bowels open." Yoo can bave a dear head and live to be ninety tf two do the same thing. When the bowels fail to move dur ing the day take ca retiring two Smith's SX Bile Beans. Their action is so mild that yon are not aware of it. All day your mind will be clear and coot "Not a gripe is a barrel of them." Ask for small sire. Take no substitute for SMITH'S Bile Beans Agknts Wasted on Salary and Commission or THE ONLY AUTHORIZED Bioppiiy of JAMES G. BLAHE, By C ail Hamiltox, his literary executor, with the co-opc ration of his family, and for Mr. Blaine'a Complete Woikt, "Twkty Ykaks of Coxonssa," and hit later boot, "Political Disccssiotca." One proapeetas for those S bust sklllsg books in tbe mar ket. A K P Jordan of Me., took 112 orders from hrat 110 calls: agent's profit fl.1! 50 Mrs Ballard of 0. took 15 orders, 13 stead Kusaia, in 1 day; profit 26.25. E N Rice of Mats, took 37 orders in 2 dava; profit $47.25. J Patridge of Me. took 43 crders from 36 calls; profit $75.25. E A Palmer of N. Dak. took 53 order in 3 days; profit 198.25. ExcLrsrm Txreitoby given. If you wish to make LARGE MOV Y write immediately for terms to he H enn Bill Pib. Co. ,R orwic h.CoiB a.i'- i's " Ii ' easgasst sflfn free. mmw'rWrFi - rT? sBa sW mCAYMiWIWt MffiKSaW wtama nowto c.