(The Satwctat. Weekly Democrat. $i 75 per year n advance. $2 .00 at erd cf year. BaowN'a Car Covplkr. The new car coupler, invented and patented by Messrs Powers, Race, Brown & Son, has been much improved since its iirst trial, which was given in Salem several weeks ago. When it then required live pieces of ma chinery to perform the work, one now does the coupling. The cost, therefore, in the manufacture has been reduced 50 per cent. Since the test given in Sale"hi it has been inspected nnd tried in Port land by the master mechanic of the Southern Pacific company, nnd was pro nounced a grand success in every detail. The matter it now in the hands of the bands of the Southern Pacific managers, who will soon decide what that company will do with it. Before this decision is made, bowever, the coupler will be sent to Sacramento, where the superintendent of motor power will make a tborougb in vestigation as to its durability and strength. This investigation will be completed in a few weeks, and the owners of the invention will then know the value of the coupler. Salem Independent. A Sad Esdinj. A charivari party in Camas valley las'. Sunday night had a sad ending. It had been organized out of a love for fun by quite a crowd of young men and boy's, to give the newly married couples there a good "send off," and before they left the last place visited in the upper end of the valley, it was 2 o'clock in the morning. The'crowd had separated, two your.g men, Thrush and Hon Lydell Baker Is lecturing on Cae sar and Bon J R N Bell on Hamltt. Secretary of State McBride Is lying very ill at his home at St Helens. Twelve 'nches of snow had fallen at the front on the Oregon Pacific this m cuin The social by the Epworth League an nounced to be held at Mrs Roscoe's 01 Wednesday evening has been posponed. Mrs Pauline Fullerton, a milliner In Albany a year or two ago, was arrested In Portland last week for stealing jewelry. About an inch of snow today, a rare March occurrence in Oregon; but it is only the tail end of the terrific eastern weather. CIRCUIT COURT A Hackleinan vs The City of Albany. Injunction. Argued and submitted. J H Malta vs The City of Albany. In junction. Argued and subletted. .1 A Thornton vs the City of Ubany. Injunction. Argued and submitted. J W Brown va J B Wirt et al. Fore of Lien. Continued. Solicitors Loan & Trust Co vs W ft S A .1 Hawk et al. Fore of Mtg. Decree. Annie Vulgnmore vs Arthur T Vulga more. Divorce. Pefault of defendant. f! W Cnaliinrr v w Phil;,,. ia Mr John Twav. the O P conductor is of Lizzie Blakely vs Chas A BlaMv. Divorce. Continued. J L Berry et at vs Chas llotv at al Injunction. TXJlL, CHAWPOBDft VILLI'. ; taking a rest for a week or two on account of a lame arm, received while boarding a train. The Ladies Aid Society will meet with Mis W R Bilyeti tomorrow at 2 o'clock. Business of importance will come up for consideration. All members are requested to be present. The Oregonian says that ut posits in crease more tnan $7,000,000 in the New York banks and loans only a tritle. The money is probably flowing westward again to restore the balance violently dis turbed by tne recent congestion. Poit Townsend expects lobe reduced from a focond-hand to a third clas pod office this year w itliout any doubt, and the Leader sas unless sjperhuinan effort is made to inciease the office receipts the street boxes will be taken out mm! the tetter-carrier dispensed with. 'What's In a name?" Well, th.it de pends, for instance, the name of "Aver" is suffiicent guarantee that Ayer's Sarsa paril.a is a genuine, scientific' diood-puii-fitr. and not a sham, like so much t iat goes by the name of ''sarsaparilla." Ayer's Sanaparilla is the standard . An ex says that down in Coos county agt st.uT.ml Didnon el IHjfault and decree. J. 1'ore- Injunction made perpetual. K I. Dnmont agt Eva Dumont. Divorce. Settled. H Bryant Foreclosuro. V C Smith agt J II Bridges el al. closure, t ontuitied. C A Elson agt Foster Mill Co. et al. Recovery money; attachment. Judgment for plaintiff. W B Donacu agt T T Knrgeson. Re covery money; attachment. Judgment for ylff. .1 B toin'ev agt .his II Shahan closure. Judgment for ulff. Mrs Robert Class hos been very sick for several weeks but has now passed the crisis of her disease and is on the road to recovery B W Moses, who has been confined with In grippe and its concomitants forjnearly four months, is now convalescing. He walks about tho house and yard and hoies soon to lx ut business again. Miss Swiinn, also on the sick list, re mains very low. J N Rice, John N Wright ami others also sick. Rains continue, streams swollen, money scarce, business dull, roads bad and tppe ites good. Several aspirants for office around here. One thing especially t" which legislation should be directed is the necessity of estab lishing lighthouses and buoys on our roads to make navigation of them safe. As it is j a bird can scarcely By over them. The in- itiative and referendum is what is wanted. ; Rev Bryan and wife, both preachers and ; good ones at that, have lieen engaged in ' bank holdini; a revival meeting at this place for more than two weeks. They are zealous workers, have caused a rattling among the I dry bones of the old church members and warmed them up religiously, and have near ly 50 converts. The meeting dosed and I believe their good work will tell through time mid eternity. So may it be. Mrs Annie Kggleston. ofltrowiiKuillc.hu 1 ....... -- - - I. ...;,. ,1... I . ....I.. ... . , .,, -I" IIMIII I. IV, 111," l.lltttl. cregon agt bunion mack, John Ward, 1 of I S Moses. and Felix Hamilton, larceny from dwell- ' it an , , ing. Plead not guilty A few c,f tllp. saw ,mlls aml e nu,tf'e ,. mills ore running, so this section will fur ttregon agt G r Russell. 4 icdictments. j nish lumber us usual. I learn Mr Arthur 1 lead not guilty. W ill m0ve for a con- Hamilton, whose store at Sweet Home was tlnuane I burned lust fall, has bought the store at Albany B & L act A S McDonald : Holly and will move his family to that place Big bows, almost covering a peiton arc the latest style. G A Cable was yesterday appointed post muter at Rowland, Linn county Oregon. James Wellington Brown, of Michigan, has rroked the recoid by having twenty six wives. Sheriff Jackson and Cal Burkhart went to Salem this noor. with Dr Sponogle and E F Lewis; who will spend several years In the pen. The game of foot bull announced lobe played n"xt Saturday between the un knowns ami the Corvallis team has been declared off. 9At the democratic county convention in Salem today, the following were noml nated: Sheriff, A B Hudelaon; clerk, Wm Egan ; recorder, Mr Potter; county coin missloner, Henry Wal.ing. Lecture at the Viavl rooms Thursday afternoon j:3oo,clock Monday 2ind sud ject, "Pregnancy." Misa Hall will be in the office on Wednesday afternoon also. In his notice to taxpayer Sheriff Geo A Landts of Lincoln county states that he win not receive checks or uralts on any Landls it a populist and U terv- Hlcjhea'cof all in Leavening Power -Latest U. S. Gov't Report. RoM Baking Powder vBSOLlTELY PURE REAL KATATE aaLEft. j C H Stewart to E F Sox, undivid ed interest in 40 acre 11 w 1, HO acre II w 3 and 4; 72xl.V) feet, bl 116, H's aild AHiuny Elisabeth Simons to Mary A Cur ran, property in rlrownvill;. . . ; Klizabeth Simons to Mary A Cur- i ran, strip land N Brownsville. . , R C Miller to II A Miller, 5x159 feet, I-ebanon Mary K Curran to Elizabeth Simons, 2 pieces land, Brown- yille Elizabeth Simons to Diantha V'en ner, 2 pieces land, Brownsville. Sugar Pine Door Lumber Co to Sugar fine M ill& Fixture Co, lot on which mill and warehouse are V 050 10 300 "WEDNESDVY .RIBO 3VA LETTER Forc ing In the spbrre of a al.erirT through the , appointing power of (i vernor Pcnnoyer. ' Mrs Thos Holman t ok the 11:17 local today for Albany, whrre she will join Mr Sad Mrs John Holms I and in company, with them go to Ca'i'oi nia over the Ya qulna route. Quite a 1. umber of people Irom Albany and Oofsattl will also go over the same roiec. This steamship ser vice i becoming very popular throuxh I the efforis of i s gentlemanly manager, ; Mr W F Crosbv. Salem Independent. Br Heine Marks, superintendent of the 1 city honpital, of St 1. claims that chol- ' era and typhoid fever can be cuied quicx- ly and snrcly by a surgical opera' Ion. Estes, going home bv themselves. As I wbara the populists made so.ne little they were crossing the bridge near the showing last election, the people are upper school house Estes made a mis- heartily tired of them, and it is said that tep in the darkness, and fell into the the entire county, irrespective of party, swollen creek, disappearing from his ' will combine aad vote against the clam companion's sight. Thrush gave tire ' orous pops. alarm snd a thorough search was insti j The klndetgarten aims to train all the tuted but at last reports received from senses and faculties of the mind bv sup the valley the body hail not been re- , plying proper rr.-iterid for Its natural ac covered. Ed Estes. the unfortunate ; tivitles; the eye, principa'lv through color vietim, was aged about eighteen years i and form ; the henis by eona'ant ex-.rcise in and his parents reside in the valley. It ' carrying out the !deas gained bv the use of was a sad sccideni. Roseburg Review. I gifts, occupations, and gesture; ih; voice A Fatal Accidkst.- A sad accident1 occurred on Mil creek, a branch of the Mohawk river, twenty miles from Eu gene, Thursday, March lo.abont 1 o'clock , in the afternoon. Wm Crawford, the ' unfortunate vie im, was engaged helping Wood A Lilly on a drive of 1,500.000 feet of logs for the Harrisburg mill. The wa teT in Mill creek was very high and the : current strong The loggers were em- ; ployed breaking a jam at an old drift. ! The logs started, snd a long log skat out ' on the bank above a tree T!e moving i logs caught the end remaining in Ihe! creek and swung the other end -epid!y and music. the 1 through harmoni- by conversation expression of ernoti ous sounds A rr.an we nerer heard ol bef jrt writes to tiie Democrat from San Francisco that if we will forward our oreJrntia's he will write us Midwimer le'.ters RstsI The Democrat as bored f.r nearly a year from Chicago by ihese coi respondents wi;hout a repu'a Ion, aid no ihe malls ire being fljeded from the Golden Gate city, Recently the DbkOCKST published an item about Jas C Scon being arrf sled for sending an obscene letter to Mrs Jennie Nonsuit on motion of plff J M Waters ag: David C Cochran. Settled. Chas J Howe agt F J Eggleton. Fore closure. Settled. Dr J D Sponogle, found guilty of rape, was sentenced to 7 veare in the peniten tiary. On being asked if he had any thing to s.iy lie declared his inuocence. fc r Lewis, found guilty of bacon was sentenced to three the penitentiary. Hie trial of the cases asainst JG bonlln. as set for tomorrow at '. o'clock. An incision Is made in ihe abdomen iast aliove and resuuie his old pursuit of selling poods. I the ileocaecal valve, then Insert a tube in W. K II I . I the Intestines at a point where the bacilli 01 these diseases work, and flood them with an antiseptic solution, killing the bacilli. stealing years in up the bank. the treV forminz a fulcrum. I Compton, and hned The Portland Crawford was standing on the bank and ' Mercury has gotten hold of the affair and was caught by the log and carried along to a drift above, where his head was caught between the log and drift, crushing h's sKall and killing him all most instantly. A companion standing near caught his legs and saved the body from being swept into the stream. Guard. Orkgos Cow Bovh. A drummer tells a frnny incident that happened down at San Francisco lasc week, where F.-ed Varue is playing on engagement at the Baldwin. He was on the point of pur chasing bil tieVpl at thf theater Kn- office, when a party of sheep tanchers'. Hw r e of the income of people irom asco county came out and dt- '" a'"'"-' -e 10 louneen mem puo isnes over a column of letter receiv ed by Mr Scott from Mrs Compton and other rratteis, making a very unsavory mess of the whol: matter. Capt Bell, who came up with the s'eam- er tuger.e 1 hursday, came up to Eugene on the first boat that ever made the trip here. That was about veais ago, ir. iS55or 1S56. Capt Bell a s" it took three days, to make the trip from HarrUburg 10 this city. The river was ;hen a nature had made it and snag boats wVre unknown Eugene Register. Assignment of A F Hamilton. Assign -ment. Assignee onlered to uv 4" -r cent of assets, and continued. E E 1 arrish agt Farmers and Men hanta InsCo. Recovery money. Judgmsnt for plff. no execution to issue for six months. A V Tapson agt J W jfrOVnn Re covery of mcney. Verdict for defendant. David Swank agt ElizaMh F an.l F A Landes. leeree for plaintiff. v-regon ;gi t. t ftussell. Plea of guilty withdrawn, lwo esses of forgery dismissed. Plead guilty to one case of forgery and ohuining property by false pretem-es. Will be sentenced March 22. 9 am. The political questions are discussed here every day and there is no place where the people are better informed, there is no one man in Oregon as well informed po litically as our postmaster. He has heard the same argument used over and over so often that he can repeat everything lavor a1 ile to "free coinage of silver," "protec tion." gold standard" and "fre trade." Mr John BuImt of Shedd called on us lat week. He was on official business. Mr B is a staunch populist and feels confident that this county will go pop by a big ma jority. Our precinct has more than doubled in voting population in two year-, in '9J we polled 105 vote, and this year the popu list have 50 and the republicans (. the democrats JO or '25 and the prohibitionist 20: 'here is probably ome mistake some where. not 1 Sylvester TenLOver has appointed A Y ' DEam notary public. am id . lr W H Roland hn reached Eugene with hit catarrh cure anJ dentifrlre. Mr Eugene Prot nan was on yetierdav sppolnted nostiiastsr of Pawtfanl. Mr i'rulzmin Is a son-in-law of Mis Margaret Lyle. of this city. The appointment Is s good one. The university fMba!lteam appeared on Willamette ttree' last Saturday after noon in full uniform. They make a tine appearance. They are ing drilled reg ularly now for 'lie game with ttie A'banvs on the nh Inst Guard. Mrs Prof Russell came down from HVaty this noon. Mr Kellcgg. nephew -f Mr Frank Wood, it in the city. Hon E R Skipwortii. of Eugeiw. the city tilav. and went to Leba ,011 Oregon. manded the return of their money "What's the matter?" asked Mr Ticketseiler. '"Well," said one of the party, "We didn't know that man Warde was a cripple. or we would Vt have gone in all. We don't want to see no dutned cripple play king." "Yea," said another, "an' the infernal fool begun by talking about being dis contented with this winter, when it's the best winter on sheep we've" had since the war." Ex. bers of the roval family, $3,000,000 per j annum. Miner with family, $590 Arch- bishop of CanterburyJJ75,oooyear. Avtr ; sge clerics! income,$6oo a year. Aitorney general, $65,000 a year. Average barrister I making anything, i:oo s yaar. Sir Andrew Clark, physi;:an, (80,000 to $100,000 a year. Average medical man. : $U0Q a year. Head cf great pub'ic i school. 30.000 to 4 .a year. Sub master in small school $5 o. You -annot always tell what i hidden under the ragged garment of a tramp: I '.he wanes. limes J A Mcllride sgt Bank of Temporary injunction granted. Oregon agt Jas G Bolin. Suit for selling liquor without icense. dismissed , by disl attorney. Plead guilty to selling ' liqnor to a minor and on Sunday snd ' will be sentenced March 21. at '.1 a in. Oregon sgt Clinton Black, John Ward i snd Felix Hamilton. Isrcenv in dwell- ! ing. Plea of not gailty withdrawn, and guilty entered. Defendants Ward and Hampton were sentenced to the reform i school. Blsck -sill e sentenced on March 22 a'. 9 a m. T T Blount agt Frank Zimmerman t orecWure Lien. Iv-ree for plff fees fTO. A I: Fenniagton vs E X Cahkaa r orrclosnre of mtg. Settleil. et ol. Atty et a!. OS Illl s (THIBX UOIMJlKl March tttt, UM. tieo Miilican of WaltervilU" Lone county spent two or three days in this neighbor hood the first of last week. Alex Davi called on friends here last Friday. He was returning to his home on McKenrie frin a trip to Craw'ordsville. Sweet Home and other localities in that direction. Several of the dog that have ivn so troublesome to sbefp owners met their jo-t rleserts last week and other may follow. Mi Belle Lincoln luis been engaged to teach the spring term of school in di-tri. ? 55. I -?-.- ctHinty. and will beg'n the first Monday in April. The new sdkool house will be realy by that time. Miss I.irzie Ihinn is stopping at Mrs Locke at present and will Ugin teaching Paotnx, aria, Maidi 17, lwo. In a Miaibn of letters 1 have ijcen askel '"What are the opportunities for lahnr ! the southwest and how are wages?" Any j thing like an adequate disriiioa of thys ipiestions r"uire a knowlerlge of the cm-.-- aateowkBEl to prwsent comliiions. I But most writers dOBOthiag but rant wlien I this pie-ticn is broached and I am not j going to run the risk of doing ny rack thing, but stick as nearly as may !, to , the narration cf simple tacts, j It is important to I rear in mind sevr.il , thing- in studying the question of work ! and wages here. The climate is always I favorable, there are ierhap. not ten davs, j in any consecutive 12 montfcs, ilurfng j which a man in health may not wor in comfort, out of doors, without over rvtt . During the summer months the "philos j phy of clothe" is answered by a dress that I allows fro' ovaporation and keeps out heat, j The'i again there are not a few Mexn an I of the lower hiss io this region. These i-eople. f..r the in nrt port, have no ambition I beyiSSd CXaStMea. Tliey live in hovel. ' exi-t on (ii fri;"les. 1.1 Mexican bOBB, , dry , bread, ruffee and ligarettes Tlie frijole is to the Mexican what rue i- t.the China man. These people do Bot find employ ment where intelligence is required. Tbey UMWCr where brute strength and endur ; ance are eEMCtsd and are well ;uLtpted to certain work in the hottest months. Again, this is the great -ros roads for the :mny of ; tramps that are forever moving backwards and forward north and west in Mimi-er. least and south in winter not seekiug I work, vet always by their pestiferJt:- pees j ence allevtiiig wage-t unfavorablv for t:i in-.ltistri' ;- ii.en. Recently, at T.-.-n. in ! the territ'TV. a gang of l.i) were her-iet at j the det"t and -Iriven by the city oth iai atwawl a passirg freight trsia for free ixasage to nowhere. I saw one such sight j with my own eves. Men ranging from j fifteen to fifty years, some singing, some cursing, some nosing, some munching all j seemingly resolved against honest work 'and avowed enemies of society. This condition ol tiling I saranecti uufavor- Dr M II Ellis smile- in the possession of a lox containing Marshall Near, Li France, and other rose, violets, etc. fresh from Cal ifornia gardens, sent by i.i si-tr Mi--Eertha. wh is visiting in that common wealth. Geo Will, music deader of this city re OBfSM a tetter from hi brother Alfred, of St Helens, that John Will, their brother, wv there and lying at the point of Jr-ath He is r.ot expected to live from hoar to hoar. His complaint is .ui- k consumption, tieo : ably wage, even though the txausp is not 'iii went 10 (...njiii- t.siay to arrange 11.- pr -r:v a wonoag man. vosinesfotnu brother and also to notify ; He- ki Mm...!,;.. r . . a yvBATHaa c B uamoie. ol , fair specimen of art adorns the wail of Ukish believes in the forecasts of Key I the city jail. It i a martne view drawn A Hicks, of St Louis, and hence can not I with colored pencil by s hobs who was refrain from admonishing sheep men as arrested on thr street for vagrancy. A Well as the pnblic in general to be pre- ship In full sail u i.i the foreground, white pared for some trying weather between ; the pcMpectiye shows a lighthouse and the 15th and 21th of this month. The the outline of the ihore For ofihand reasons are these : An equinox of Mar occurred February 28, hence the cold of winter may be expected to extend to the latter part of March. An quinox oi Mercury is central March 20; this means destructive sleet- Fill moon and eclipse of same on March 21. Equinox of Venus March 21, this means sudden changes from heat to cold for two weeks preced ing and two weeks following; and last but not least is our own vernal equinox on March 22. Let no one who reads this be unprepared, and look for the first half of April to be but little better than April of 1893. One day in thy courts 13 better than led tosoliitie. Th a thousand." 1 oeen paid for two Program: All dav Dravermeetipg. . donment of the roa'H. in conf lr-ni the exercises will drswing it is a very crcditab e piece of j work, and anyone possessing such an j accomplishment should not be wandering I from town to town, following t M lile of a j tramp. Tlie Leavenworth, To-jeka A' South I .vf stern railroad ws practically zbandond j at 7 o'c ock last evening, and not 1 wheel 'urns on any of the 6S miles, Maii ! pouches sent to regular train were re : urned to the lostomce. The order to abandon the road ra:n from S II H C!rk ; chairman of the Cnlon Pacific board ol , receivers, the board refusiug longer to pas- opera ing expense when rctip'samount ii.irri-ourir v aier rower I.i rl I- , 1 .i 1 i-... . -. and-W r Mendenhall. To cor.lemn right a- d v , r. j ss uungnaw w;vs caiieu to r.ng-rie I s a s. a i. : . ai l- , ial vo sre ins lu.urr wok was slii-htly ill Mr Macy spent last week in j Eugene taking care of hi mother who was . reported quite seriously ill with the grip. Miss Juanita Wiikins haa quite recent ; Iv taken up "ner residere-e with Mr and Sin Am. is WiPiins and will nrobablv A mem led petition for removal of liuiinvv ; aerent of the irruniianshiD for the next waa filed and matter was on trial. eighteen year. O C McFarlanJ agt C C Jackson. An or-! Just for a change we are having a snow der was asked for requiring the sheriff to I rtonu todav. rather hard on stock, give a receipt for citv taxes for 14. and I -: of way. Continued Chas Smith admr si.r I V.- " ,j .1 1 r, k , , mi . To correct and foreclose intge (Vmiinued. Oregon Mtg Co ai.-t C V RatWrf m l Onier matle restoring II Burkhart to estate in laml jedeemed. In assignment of Bank of md- of w rk lien' off.tv-1 a-e. r'r-t. the faun It a wife and six children. Salem ; farm work. The deniinl is n-i-t great, yet Independent. I this is an agricultural region an t d-s- I.st evening quite a numlser of the ' !inei' 10 lr'w 'n imj.rtan.e as puji!ation friends assembled at the home of Mr Frank ' increases. Include in rhe term fanu rk Purdom and Mr H mer Phillips and mr-; nnnery work arel irrigaUon. The wages prised them conipietelv. Card were the P"'1 "n" 'ollar per day awl feature of tjie evening.and also other games. ' 'anl. Mmj of tie- wtU4a4 Gat M r Tnose present were: Mr and Sirs Purdoo. k "'P '" 'n ti; " ir mmi and their time is Mr and Mrs Phillip. Mr and Mr- Ctsod eWpM attending to herds and ocks, Mansield. Mr Va Pkiatma, Mrs Bewie irrigating aifa.f . and the sowing Swan. Mi --Maggie and Jennie wart. , liarxet;ng of the rdinary reals. Mvrtle and Wna Miller. EH and Martha The fruit in lurtrj i, not yet cWioped, Rislev. Lm and Iiertha Kieffer. Emma m -t of the orcharl ore young. Smead, XeUie Sedgwick. Lena Hobert. Some wort i- Uiag done in railroad aa i Bertha Wallsce. Stella Rankin. Karbei CMi 'asf lion. Tbi. however, is an Deaktn. Mvra Weslbrook. Minnie Fuiier. , "K" arve of employment. The Sadie Tniax. Lora asal Pearl Purdom. Santa I ee R R is i?in ; built from lresoott Messer Will Xolan. Charlie Bueiow. Wili 1 southward to Phoenix and wiil reach the llswkin. Kd and Homer Mitchell Wren , -,,''r within toe present year perhaps. An Easter Kntertainme-.t v.i! be given at the W CTV hall by the ladies of the union. A program will be rendered, and lunch '.erv.-d. The ladies will have a' fine variety of Easter egs for sale. COn F.lday evening, March "o the V M C A willjholj the firs anniversarv exer ciscs of the new ball. Arrangements re being made to make this one of the most Interesting c v nls of the seasao . At the annual meeting the Aihinv Building Association elected the fo'low ing directors to manage the opera house the corning v ear : J t rid who!, J Joseph. W C Twccdj'e, W F Beats, C II S ewart C Meyer and P Nuttir'g. Dr Powcil Reeves faliai Van Monciscar) and pr..f Rorlt are in Caiif;rnia. Tie should be exhibited in a glass ci.se at the Mid-winter Fair, labeled "Two Sweet Plllv from Oregon." Jacksonville Times. .Several petitions to li e county commlr sloners cour', asking that taes shou'd not be declared de'ir.i'.jent un'.il June 1st, have been in circulation Cats week. Th-y were quite extensively signed. Eugene Ouard. Rev Um Dilloi 1) D Bishor- of the United Ilrethrcn Church (O Ci wi speak next Tuesday everir.g at the Evangelical churchon the I ibjtcl "in,mona!iiy and endless (piinishmen. vs Mortali y and annthiution." fhl topic handled by the err.lnem Bishop is ure lo be intruc'.ive and ent-r atr.ii, It is fre- anJ all are invited. Mr W Oifford Xaeb of Corvallis iia just arrived home from Germany where he has Uren for some time 'aking a thorough course in musical instruction from the most cultured of musical in structors. Mr Nash .11 g;v- a piano forte recital al the A O IT vV bsli at Corvallis on Fridsr evening March 30. Ifcfrl at S o'clock to a number of his friends. It will be a rare treat. situated. John Gnte&to H W Cooper, IM acres, VI w 3 E Coins to Q W Phillips, 2 pieces land, Scio J F Capiei to Klla Besirick, 10 tu.res, 11 r9 Robert Bedrick to J F Caple, 10 acre?. 11 w Plora H Stewat to fiarah J Robbtaw, M feet, bl 41, AlUny. Harrv Wilson t C H Stewart trust, lot I, MS, R'sadd Leb anon 0 A- C It R to tianford Cochran, lot 4, sec 2!fth, 14 w 1 Brownsville B A L A to P I. Oerow, 3 lob- 1 X Rice to T J Philpot.lt acrea 14 w 1 O Morris to Henry A Davis, 10 acres W I' Baltimore to Ephraim Hosier. 4iacres, 11 w 2 E b.ler to W L' Baltimore. 42 aires, H -2 A K I'avis to C A Zobn. 1 lot. Irlanon E R Loekey by C 0 Jacxson. sheriff to Hovey. Humphrey k Co. 112 acres. Hi lj U S to John Lewis, Bl acres, 15 Kl John L?wis to Ratio 'Lewis. 10 a res, 16 E 1 Wm Ba-vsett to C J Pitner. 9S0x5M feet 14 w 4 aad bJ . H:il-ey Ii A -tafford to D J and C J Pitner. PX) acres. 14 w 3 M.-fy M Lackey to Hovey A Hum- plirey. i(0 acres. 16 w 3 A B Powell to Jas E Potter, 1 lot. B's ail. Albany A B Powe3! to Ella M Foster. 1 lot, B's vl 13,00fi.80 4YJ) 009 j 1 1 am 1 25 j IS m tm 1 1 isCO ISM GREATJLY REDUCED PRICES MADE BY 1 i SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY FOR THE CALIFORNIA MIDWINTER FAIR ROUND TRIP TICKETS GOOD FOR 30 DAYS Albany to San Fran'io AND RETURN Ine'uding FIVE Ga'e Tickets To THE FAIR 7.0) nco ranrtmi trifs. ol From Sn Francisco to oiher poin's in I QaEEawaaa aW be allowed purchasers of ICO I special Midiri'er Fair icVet ?t the fol- i-KomsiTios rim couti tTI. 100 VEKSOK JkJXU Monday Mr Jsu' I; evi-ning. 'ieaeral Kuseii A Alget AHony a few day agc. H enry W'attenwn will ! in Orejm the st of April on a l-tarir. t'-mr. Mr Kay I'.--rs !"f. tbi- aooa for Pbil oma'h. where ni- father if Iviiur LmsKToa. lyill. C B W'mii left on last nirf.U overland tar California, where he will do the Mi l winter fair and take iti tther attractions. 1 A di-ra:. h r-ived by E C Will 11 ' tveting annoiinoed the death -f hU br-'ttvr , J W Will, at Jst Helens. CaJif.. A mrick j cn;iinpUon. Mr Will was a resident of Albany a; one tif-e. He was a man of ex- e:i;'.:arv nasiu ana leaves manv re The Cjunty Convention ol the Prohi tirjoa party for Linn county wi.! convene at the Court House on Sa'urJav. April 14th, 1 Sy4- at 1 o'clock p m, for the pur pose of nominating a county ticket and transaction of such other business as mar oroperly be brought before the convention. ruii,rh Al; prohibitionists of Linn county who j voted ihe prohibition party ticke. in 1S9J m the i r' vcho intend t tupport the same in !hjensuirjf election wi!l be entitled to I seats as ce.egatcs m ihe convention. : Every prohibi'.ion s. in Linn county is ! earnes'iy and cordially invited to attend. owing round trip rates j To stations uncer 150 rxiles from San J Francisco, ore and one-third one way I tare. To i'a'xin; 150 miles or mo-e from 8n ' Francisco, ore and one-fifth one nary I :are. For me: dates and full particulars, in quire of C K Fronk, agent at Albany, Or, or address the undeisigned. Rich'd Gr sy, T il Gocdmak. Gen Traffic Man. Gen Psenger Agt. Sar. Frar risco, Cal. E P Rogers, As". GFi" agent, Pon la.id Or. ' TI'K stKLEv.vN, caairma-. of Una CVn'v Centra' Committee. Or. Price's Cream Baking owder World's Fair Mrxbtst Mcdat aad Dlfton Star Bakeri err r . J:uln aad Firwl of ex- glW C Ail A wtK rId o ladle 14 mf'Xn t and gnte :o ell tieRapli in Wasoer Washes rd dries them f , .IB IW'J U1IUUICP lliflfaU. Pt:uB " Mrar.lKr ! a on Wheeler have returned 1 1 i. . . .,1 .Iht rrm runt rsriisnn. AidnM V, an-i fnen-l to moorn hi - death. can.e in lot rancv s tae; at a rei.ienos in a 1 ii.y w-re at .-"an lose and M ware aanahinv .Lvs Tue Ui iwinter . fair pieasii llMal very math, thoaph even '. now tnre jar .:. vr." . P Harrison A bus. Obk). Co., No. H. Co cm and rtad Rs. Frank Walsx. Harr. Satt marsh. rlando Nejiand. Arthur I'urdoin. Jim Hunter and Jack W'arner TaJspKST. Mar l. L. Editor 1 tirmtatnU: not for lt$ftl an in betnp done. This is a At ID I" P Cut M il last nifjbt Hev ' called ( 1. I this a chhstian nation. r : it M t.wt 1 1 . . ... 1. . , 1 " m , tTm; SVaid " T',ar ' P"1 a , of hich ! the followinjr is a svnop;s: It is n4 n.it ' r.in.l an.i pent jurors dis,harjrr-.l. Ural for n person toV.nfs sin. M the re- ! iults of sin makes it nee-ssary for us to do so. hirst. Wt wn tM 'inner, anil win al ways hate more er less of sin in ur virtut-s. I. Is it tbe will of tijdttut tneli-,03r ' traffic should ba perpetaated in this na- 1 mtmm f Seven hun lrl men are now emplovod. I that number will n-t be increasfi mat.T- tally. Then the San L'iego A Phoenix R 1 R i projected. Bot it is aa unoerlaia 1 uantily. unite a mnch so perltaps as the I " P. Canal construction is snasmodic and j offers litte inducement to the iabvini; man I for laat reason. Hig. in these emr4ov- . menns are tiTia!ly HBOat ?J r day and board. k,ll xaries the rate f.f "wae I somewhat. ! fhere are roor' ot less mines in this territory, gold, dim and etnaez, The depression of the silver market has ttirau- art. in -rur . nu.i 19 REPORT OF I.HAXn Jt'ltT. W e the prand jury of the circuit court of Linn county for the Mwh term would re speetfully submit the following report: We have examined the UmL-i r,f V sheriff. 1 lerk and treasurer an.l found them j kept 11, a neat an t boataeai like manner, far short of ,-rf.i tne-s. Alvi the Uv.Li of thm ,1,. , . our characters are confession on ihe t-art of tb.e out of Christ. Christ caine not to call the righteous, but innrs. to repent ans. The sinner most realite that lie falls To be a smner suirintn- ' 1 - .. n...... ...... ,il.)n- lent and found t.lut they had lM kenf ' ..-.-. l. I, ,, u.tnuwl li.v! . iaw I in :l vsr irmm,hp ... .. j . . ' .... II I IT i . exercises will open at 10 a m and cloee at 3 p in. 10- 11. Confession : "1 raid I willcon fesa my transgressions nn'o Ihe Lord; and thou forgavert the iniquity ol iny sin." realm, 32:5. TJ Wilson. 11- 12. Thanksgiving: "Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the neme of our Lord Jesus Christ." Eph. 5:2J. Pres E X Condit. 12- 1. Qualification for Christian Ser vice ; ''Create in n e a clean heart O God renew a right spirit within me: cast me not away frrm thy presence, take not thy Holy Spirit from me; uphold me with thy free Spirit; then will I teach transgressors thy way and sinners shall be converted unto thee.'' Psalm 51 10-30. Rev W A Trow. 1- 1 :33. Practical work ol the church': "Go ye into all the world ; preaching the Gospel to every creature." Rev DC McFarland. 1:30-2 Personal Work ; What shall 1 do Lord?" Acts 22:10. Mr Pollock. 2 3 "And we are witnesses of these things." All whose hearts are willing are invi'ed to join in a fast during the day. " I bis kind goeth not ont bat by prayer and fasting." "One day spent in lasting and prayer to God is worth a thousand days spent in complaint an I lamentation be fore men." the recent policv cei rrs . laid down w;t i bv Ihe rc- We have also employes have noi examined the jail, it is kept as neat as the months. The aban- j construction of the btiildimr will nermit We recoiuoiend that the jail be made se cure. We farther recommend that the roof of the court house be reiain-d. Bt ti.br. foreman. I al IIond '; W Cun. I A M Brim.. A It Moot-. I L Nvk H c U.s. vi,. Oregon atft I i Boa&a, selling liquor to minor. Fined $50. A Loss; Separation. Ilavid Warner. ! of South Bend. Indiana, and More- Warner of Pendleton, brothers, met Monday, after I a separation of forty-two years, savs the Kast Iregonian. The latter is 63 years of age. his brother 70. though hale and hearty and still engaged extensively in the agri cultural implement and grain and seed business. Moses w.-a a young man of 21 when he left his South Bend home to see's his fortune in the far west. The brother David a short time ago started out to search for the long absent one . He went to San Francisco, came to Oregon, rnd finally in ''rv alii- where Moses had lived, got track Contrition, sorrow forsin. unlcs this . contrition if fell, the man will not come to Jeaaa. The mtn who feels contrition bnt i for a few houts at a time ir like a runner ball. Confession, if we vheris'n siu in our . hearts od will not bear us, we must have ; sorrow for sin. and confess them humbly. then we may 1 pardon, and we must not lienli in 111 o'l. iieans. .iin;:ian musi How . an men pray that IM will ot i laieu arunrr m sold and copper minim i i l I done on earth as it is in heaven. 1 do not think the laV-rinj man has macy ' and then vufe I j pcrpetnate the ii.j uor hanoes firnlinjr a mine that will make trafSc? him rich, there is an opportunity to earn a n. ilw cilvs, ktvr m M into I wages as high as three dollars per day in remi.il!,., n do tbei- no! lake K miJNMH HM i. - a. ., i "f i tit seldom realu-M "Imnanra sjrise. tZ I , '. j "l YL T ' ; There are 4acer let where f rtnnes have No; but it ems to be the wul of man. , oun. bu, th al) i)f WJ,..r nuk who i. a free agent. 3. Tbev cannot con-1 diffi.,. . n,.-r, i, rerr autenUy. 4 i e,. bot most y from tbore ,Mk, m & M,w dirtrirt; linn are no urussnsn i nr tirsiisrr asar I . -, , t , , j profitably at current nri i:' ur. er nttnini: tum.t-. l:u- is . i surer r:.v.i to fortune than the often dreaiuol self, though, is likewise responsible. The aw irirrw tlie sal wn keeper the rixht to sell liquor to any one but minors, women j and habitual drunkard-. reg-arv'le of rhe ; neels of fanulirs and orphan-. confess. We are surrounded bv sin. and sometimes fall. o we must confes-. If we sav that we have not sinned, we make ! ' a iiar. Confession frees us from sin. be I cause Cod is always willing to forgive our transgressions. There are m silent parte- Ocecoa act J C, Iulin. selling liquor on in u,r'1 nrin.is me r-a .. Snndnv V , r, ... I ' i , 1 onfess with the nioutti. 1 1, how, oolih to In the matter of the a-signment of tho Bank of Hreifon. Assiirnment. Petition to remove assignee. Tne.1 and submitted! UMMasj probably not until taut ..f the r- ult in legi-l-iti -n at v'a,h ::--...:-..- .1 I : :i : - r. -1. . t a- poaittaeif h vtile lejrislation. This whole region i- full of invalids and semi invalids who weui i like light em- ploy ment for even a MfruifHM III Jraes v lerks -t trOCi $7.1 a MsA d -wn to n-th ing. ihe ts'lter sa.esinen iret ot wurre the better wages. He is fortunate who as or srook' call Ut Joseph I a clerk now jrets a chamv to earn a livid); I Ihe sumiuiT The Xin'.h ftirital Coareatioai of the! Oregon Stale .Sundav Sch-l Association ; will be held in the First M K chanli. in Saiem. owning Ve.lneday. May 2. 1 14. at S p aa and ti.-rur Fri-iar. Mav 4. at coon. Itiis i- a inas- convention. Kvery per"i interested in S mday school work is eordial! incited. Kverv schl in the state i urge-l to seel as many deleirates as po. sit-;s. Itf !.- ' ; Mr i.....ni;v- noeis. Ia4eauataoaal Fiild s-q.-nntenJeni. ill aKI m h to tne vaioe of ti.e meetinjrs Xooe ran afford to miss them. Attendance will open our eyes. and give os fr-ih oocrage foranotlnr mart work. The names of ali p?rson exr. -tin to ;!-s,r.t an I te-irt.: j "nvrtairr.. - i. t ue sent to .V W ir ):-. Saie-n. not later than April -Sri. Iwesraf's taa fall-fare tickets to Salem will nvs'itv cert::.-.-.t rtv -rst: ! , entitlinjr tiieni to ret ire trip tickets at one- thirvl fare oer Southern Pacific lines. The : irsp.n P.. ;ti riilna i will als. mike j special rj?e of one anl-a-hulf fare for round I trip. r Ktwi. SaentaiT SHate s is lav ii .: A - ; ition. , K WISH to employ c few eocd men i o aaake to $100 a week se - :ne our Home B ectrie Moccr Runs sew in naachirses. printing pres-, pumps, st. Everybi-sfly bays them. S?eaJy em ployment. Ev altnaiion - i i wagea. sddrasw W P Harr n A Co. C:ark So 14. O umbos. Ohio CONRAD Viyii, FF.CPP1ETCP. uu d I rcds, d'ssoisri. Oried Frail. Tab aero, . ((, (anurs He liuirossari Vege.ab"e. Clgaia Spice-. Tern. O , ) - fg - to $50.W5 PER WEKK ij) Z .) .UUj''"? "3d selling Old Kc pai rlstar. Eveiyramuy naa ruasv orn knives. CartPV spoon ets. Q-aiek y plated hy dippiaa; in n.-'.t-i mesa . No experiene or bar J work: a good sit a tuna. Address W P Hrns?n A O Cerk So 14 Clumbu. Obie. MANAGER WANTED to ar?om salesmen to sell the Rapid Dtsh Wash er. Washss anJ dries the dishes in tw. mir.ir.ea without wetting the fingers $7; i M' and a'-' expenses. Easy position no capi'.a! : no hard mork; can make iao . week. Addres W P Harrison ft Co. N. 14 Cj'umbus. Ohio. Ws sTsrjvl.. tatst a tevs ,b mrwvj sjsl rxsasry tun. I urktt r-rsce sl ba I.L KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED At the stote iien Bros-, lor-r.ertv owned in rjx-s. sANDEirs LEGTRIG BELT 3UTTE3, 3QGS, 4rJ OHOIOB rfacin iniiiM f r.eir to ludire. j May. Isaac Saltmarsh et al. before of his whereabout. He telegraphed Hiram rncKingerano cameupto i-enuieion. n Isaac Saltmarsh vs M II Miller ran in an , accidental manner, on Moses, but , Action to reform Uee.1. n trial wouiu 1101 nave recognizeu uim unless 1010 jnAam without iurv Strand ;r Kromin act A I Powell and A E Bloom. P.eoverv money; atta-hment. Settled. . W Philips I be detered from rlomg so by a light lane'n or a mocking aratd. Ihe ail day prayeTmretirg t.'aj ws?i great success. An Obbsmm Da gene In the MaJrid was to d before I it was his brother. Forty-two years had erased the resemblance to the boyish Moses 1 of 1852. A FoRMEB A: h vn r Mas continnee to iret into trouble. The SValla WaUa i Buck. Sta'esmau says that W H Creenwood was arraigned before Justice Arherry at 10 o'clock this morring and pleaded not guilty to a charge of nsing abusive lan guage and provoking an assault. The evidence showed that on Friday mrrrn ing be called the prosecuting witness a number of vile names and seemed anxious to create a disturbance. He 1 was fined $32.20 and costs, amo'intimc in ! all to 899. in default ol which be was ! taken to ip 1 - ufrt Con'inueil. I" IS Hayne ami C L o m i: AII Sta If yon want a white labor cia Tb hesf.roast -oSee is the e.ty t ( Viuad dcyrr a II M ti: 1: . taw IsaAiaf dras, tors. Allaay, Pi . Will Sc Stark's large ilnr of silver war has criatrd a great deal cl talk Pa ronixa borne 10 Inttry by smoking thf ielebrti white labor eipars. manafaeiired by Ja'ios Joseph. ; Bslb. at irrrcka thav:ng j cutting par'.ors. Both tte metrjorl and reeulta r;ncr. Syrup of Figs ia taken; U is pier :aut and refreshing to the tate, aud acts fently yet promptly on the Kidneys, jiver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt ia its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from tba most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and havo made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs ia for tale iu 50c and 91 bottles by all leadicg drug gists. Any reliable druggist tLo may not have it on handwill pro cure it promptly for any cne who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRAUQI8GO, CAL. toumiut. r. mew roac r. KatlCS. Owing to the evangelistic ; meetings bein held in the city the N-al 1 Down meeting arranged for to-mono: evening is postponed until alonday I evening. Coal, Ella lligginson. of Whatcom . has been 1 awarded first prize, by a New York pub lishing house, fo the best short story Mrs Higgingeon wrote lor the West Shore during its last days A very entertain ing writer. The state printing office at Salem should j have a new man at the head for the com ing term. Tho present incumlxmt has certainly hail his share of the public funds. Probablv some eastern mail tomorrow none lor four or five days. Milliner Opening, On Thursday, Friday and Katurdav, ibis week, the Ladies Bazaar will have their grand opening of spring and summer milli nery. The display of trimmed bats and bonnets, together with all Hie latest novelties will surpass all former efforts. All ladies are cordially inv'ted to at end. Mum II J fc'ow'KU. United states Land O.Tice Oregon City, ! Oregon, March loth, 1894. j Notice Is hereby given that thr aproved plat of survey ol township, 13 south, range 10 west, has been received from the surveyor general ol Oregon, and on April 23. 1891, a'. 2 o'clock a m of said dav said plat will be filed in this office md the land therein embraced will be subject to entry on and after said dale. RoiiF.Rr A Miller Peter 1'akls.t. Reglgrei. Receiver. J R Sllles. of Ku lowa. News says: "I came here ths. they never r.aa snow, dui I nna 11 is a mniaac. On the night of the 8tb Inst three inches ol snow fell and It la r.ot a:l gone yet, but it does not hurs anvtnlng as It does not I Ireeze. I can look out of the window and see tlowers partly covered with snow. 1 will enclose one In this letter to prove my assertion and you can wear II for a button- j W Sawden, agent. hole hoquet, and also a spear 01 green grass ever lry store for yon io look at when It is 20 degrees below zero. Today Ihe sun shine 1 nice and warm as it usually does on ai Iowa Mav day." A Lkcti kk. I'r U F Fuller will deliver sgoa his lecture on the Hawaiian 1 or Sandwich) i islands. I living1 a full and accurate account i trench haa Hie largest ami finest of the natives, their manner of living, the of srec:aclts and eve g product of the Islands, ami description of 1 County 1 he worn rtu tale DBOU iuou or r.ve'iasi- and hair See- th Mew Improved Slrgrr iw log m chine. The 1-.tis r :u- : ' Office at K M I rrnih Sevtnu Machines nevtly repaired atd warranted by a Ihorooahly c.-miitnt oik man, at r M Frmch a jewelry si re, Albany and eve glass. Price to suit the limes In stock Llnn Si'Kino WiiAi-s. '1'he Ladioa Bazaar desires to announce that they have just re ceived an elegant line of ladies and misses capes and jackets for spring wear. Thsae garments comprise all tne latest Parisian tvles and arc tailor made. The prices to suit the times. Call and inspect them. Ni-,w Li.'MitKR Yard. The undersigned is prepared to supply all customers with aM kinds of lumber, drain tiling, redar posts, Hour and feed on the most favor able terms. F (i Powca Shedd. Stukti.t 1j It. When it couics to washing the Albany hteam lauimlry is strictly in it. It is doing the business of thn city; the Celestials are going to the wall. 20 cents a dozen for plain washing is cheap enough for anybody in any kind of times. Richards & Philips do first class work and spend their money at home. Patronize the Albany Steam Laundry. Dr. Price's Cream Halting Powder Most Perfect Made. I III VI 'Irs !' v WAV Commends itself to the well formed, to do p'easantly and effectually what was form erly done in the crudest manner and dis agreeably as well. To cleanse the system and break up colds, headaches and fevers without unpleasast after effects, use the delightful liquid laxative remedv, Hyrup of Figs. Lain of Fire, at tho W (.' T f hall. Friday evening. Iieginning at 8 o'clock. Admission. 85 cenb ; children from 8 to 12 years, 1" cents. Won I rat II or. The aeXHn of a spring medicine i universally admitted. This Is the bes time ol vear in which to purify the blood. An'(-hier Dividend.--1 ne dispatches to restore the lost apellte, and to build up announce that the Litin County National I the entire system, as the IxMy is now pe Bank of this city haa had a dividend of I culiarly susceptible to benefit fro.n mcd- o ner cent declared. Inquiry at the I wine As Albany Jewelry Stork Worth patronizing is that of Will Stark. They cairy the finest line of silverware, watches, cocks and iewelry generally in the valley, and sat- isfac.toiy prices are always given for the saoerior quality of goods they keep in stock. Never buy without calling cn them. BOItN, SP1LLKR. March 19, in Albaay, to the wife of C E Spiller a girl. NKKDY. March 19, in Albany, b the wife of William Needy a girl. FOB REN I'. Tb.9 opera bouae store, splendid location. Call on tbe secretary at the Ukmocbat office lor par tlculara. C E Biownelis grocery store is increas n ; in popularity. He carries a fine sleek in a light room, easily accessible and gives bargains. Next door to the P O. MAKBIED WAUSTAFF LAPORTE. On Sun day. March 18, 1894, at the residence of the bride, by Rev J T Abbett, Mr Elmer Wagstaff and Mrs Rachel Laporte. both of Albany. bank confirms this fact. The divi dend will probably lie paid in three weeks, three months alter the first divi dend, This will put 8.17.000 into circulat ion Fresh Cabbage. Cauliflower. Celery. Onions. & Turnips. At C E Ilrownalls tomorrow. Don't Swear. Of course you fee like it some limes; but there Is nothing In it. Slmplv learn a lesson, and the next tlire go to Pari er Hros for your grocer ies, produce and baked goods. No one ever ejaculates profanely after leaving their store, for not only are tbe best gro ceries in the market sold; but everybody from a child to an old gentleman, Is treat ed courteously. Tl.elr baked goods, In a larre variety, are superior and popular. If you wonld keep In good humor with the world always try Parker Bros. QaBDXX Seeds. Every body should have n garden. Are you one who will. I linn trn to Stewart A Sox Hardware t o and muke your selection from a fresh supply of all the seeils in the market, tne largesv stock in the citv. Ls0ies,iry the Eglantine Massage Cream Ihe bit preparation ever made tor the compaction, to be had of Mrs Rowell, at Russ House Albany Ore. Clean towels to every customer at Vienok shaving parlors. Visiting politicians of all color have to u medicine. Buy It from Fred Daw n at the little drug store 01 2nd st. The great popularity attained bv Hood's Sarsaparlllz, ow'i.g 10 its real merit and Its remarkable success, has established it as the very best medicine to take in the spring. It cures scrof ila, sa'l rheum, and all hamors, biliousness, dyspepsia, head ache, kidney and iivar complainti , citarrli, and all affections caused or promoted by low staie of the system or Impure blood. Oon't put it off, but take Hood's Sarsapa rilla now. It will do you good. iiriter list Foilowirg is the list of letters remaining in the post ollicn at Albany, Linn county Oregon, March 20,1894. Persona calling for these letters must give the date on which they wero advertiaed. season 1 dall in a Utsines sense and the summer Is, at tin shortest lour months long. Kent an l pnv ar high it seems t me. Qrowita. drygols. clothing and booas all iviue from ten to twenty-tive per vnt alsve AlKuiy prices, and Ot mtrv luen .iy they are double pruv. iianoilliag in the shape a house rents for F-J p'r mcnth. ir.a!l nmis sav vlo f,st ren f -r ST.' i'r month and npwards. Ston1 pvoms ot the ordinary sire rent for IOU pT month. I think, however, tii.it the tir.- dem v of pries is down. Lirp-r railroa fai'ilitit-s wiil eiualize matter.- veiv much. My conclusions, therefore, are that this d.s aot offer anv neejal advantages to UM boriaw man for in.ikini; nn,nev. to the man who wants a home under sunny skies; where be ran live in comfort for an honest effort: where bs can avail hiuisjif of the opportunities of Inking on the ground earl . and gr m ui with the country and where he can enjoy health, happiness aad comlort. Artaosa offer- many attrac tions. I o the party in delicate health re sulting from threat. Inn-- and bronchia I trouble theaS. sunnv days, this balmy an dry "ir. are a Isvon which only he who lovs it and realizes its beneficial an healing influence can fully appreciate. Some have asked DM directly if 1 woaj adviie them to come lo Arizona. 1 must decline to advise If I can give only tl c imlitions Ihere I shall he satisfied. The responsibility of breaking up a home and moving two thousand miles is too great for me to assume anv part of it. And e.tcl gathering the facts, must art and lie re sponsible for his ow n movements, t or sonally, 1 shall never ceas to ln grateful to the physician whose mlvire sent me into the southwest. I have often aoaxleied, when in robust health. what the Creators design was in leaving this great arid region so dry and Imrren. have found a r;irtial answer to niv wonder in a check of the ravavri I of the most insidious and destructive of On eases and in the hope of a complete restor ation to health and activity. And this result has Isvn brought alsvut without the aid of medicine. I shall not again attack the drug stores until 1 hava exhausted the St iv at Ho Mi.. In sevra! pi.u-e in 1 Oregon men have the Booth Africa fever, j T K Hraiiil. writing frvmi Johannesbcrv. s?utii Africa, lo a Seattiejpaaer ars: 1 am a fcrem.ui in a rsine. Mv ivjy is fT"- Mr nuata: I yard a month wit'out - .1. This is no cyan try for a white man. Ne- j groes do all the tumm-r as.i drill wvirk j Their jur is US oeati par iar. There are ' SldlOO of them w rkinr within thirty 1 sjuare miles cf hate. There are 1,500 1 stamp mills in on.' line of 00 miies. ha:a ( miil has boa 10 to 100 -tamps lh-? rock j is low grade a-s.iv from Ssl t . 1 ." .1 ILirs ton. It 's suipharets. and re-msres the 1 Ardle proi-. The leslg's have leen ! pppvtesl by dtaai n l drills 2.XW fivt ! down. Tnis i a prairie vt-ttntrv. The soil I is red ami ar.d an rr. It will not pr- ( dure witho'it water. The dutch l'vrs are a ai-. ignorant people. There are T0AW j and 80.000 of them 1:1 the Transvaal le- j public. The negroes arv- worth nothing J here. 1 . 1 ran Imv a o-vsl strv n s hnck tor 100. 1 will leave this country as soon as I can earn nionev enough to pt awav. There ! area great manv American miners here out of employment . Africa is no p'.ve for a tradesman or a l.iUirer. jkTSTPTtlHS BEST SFflUVEMfKia -'-T!VsV isi?' s asasais a WITH EUCTaO WACNETIC rJSffKSGRY IS, a'iia r r 'i esBsWil iaiBr aa4 trs a --ssi'. -.hit U tmrtattlw Ml i- wr ' r ...; ti. OaMV aj.4 Wal Bkil ft a faay. Tfcttrtir Is Ua b nrtf fc ia atf UllH asfWr alt itfcit rwaswatte fa.sy4 uf w . r 1 . - . .- ' 1 .-1 v-r ; .jr stat Wwi Ili kUOP kLJUIKH MM-i8fcl. tW . e r ! ftt se: Flat 1TI lU MLT hi iiTU9.:l'M;'ti Tnfmlsi-1 Tit su ri. frw. A-itsjm SaUVDEPf BLECTIUC CO . PORTLAND. OPE- APPLES, set' cast one 6 F R&P Wall Paper lrafwaa Paints, t: Uftauis I'-tc DISSOLUTION NPTICE. T. e partnership hsretofore existing a doing a black smithing business onder name of Ciamer i Bo vman is dissolved mntoal co fot this day. All claims daw j the firm - . wing b) it wiil be settled bv ' the old arm at the hcp on Secocd strse. I tutween Ferry and Washington. Mi Huckmaii, Mrs II lturkhart. Mr A Fisher, Klder Kli 2 K inner, M iss K at tie Nurthiip. Miss Mary Ihurston, I r llurkharl. Mrs N C Davis, Mr Klige Hester, Mrs Minerva o McCallistcr, Mr .I A Robert son, V. H Williams, Mr T A Tiir At". lv praver meeting at the' United Presbyterian church yesterday j was we'll attended, eh, istians of all de nominations were present and tbe inter est was great from !egitir.ing to end. A spirit of unity and christian feliowaaip prevailed. Such meetings cannot fail in bringing tbe people oi Cod n'arer to each other, anil so there is power in united prayer, may we not hope for a great spiritual blessing as the outgrow th of this day o' prayer. Key Mr Little pru-bed to a large and ience Las ev ning from the tvo fold sub ject: "The wages of gin is death, but the gill of Cod is eternal life through Jesus Christ." Tbe wages of sin. both phy- j sical and spiritual were faithfully put.; making a -very dark ptdttre, Hut the pictures were i biminate.l when the speaker showed hat these wages need not tie accepted, i n! instead of death, the gilt of God, which ! eternal life through Jesus Christ, is freely offered to all. Ser vice again tonight. .VI are corviiauy invited. Cramer retirea and tinae'trielunaeis. Mr Bowman wii coo February L 1S9. C ram Ac Cowman J. A. M.BAHY. CREGO WT. OOT r , .-' -rf aBBLuaaars mmmmrfmSmmmmV tot tjuiaesscoiiv UCieU foe Moc3Tt Ft ess essaa omcc SBOsiBHa U S. Pstxsjt Of utiiwa can secut ; vx-.t:.: 10 .casuatt sa t-cad model, drawan; or photo.. srti desnip- tJon. we au".se, u ptcaw c&arze. Oarise not ;!;'.: - : s -.vr.retL assmuii .n-. . - r '". cost c: sscce ir. its v. . trje jA.icrcss. Oee. PaTCrtrOrrter.. WasrfistGTo r. ' An MTvha Tacratire and Kaars Toyra Seed by Drutrg-ists or sent by XBalL S5v, Wo suaG tl.00 per pacXajre. Samples free. KO HO supplies in the meat markets ami bakeries. The thermometer now rises to above s ' in the shade every day. Teach, apricot nnd almond blossoms are out and the cottonwood tire is nearly leaved out and everything has iipoaraiiro of spring. The sons of F.rin have their innings here today and St I'nt rick and the green are the common theme. 1 remain, yours truly. Jaws J Cn vui.tos. By using Hill's Hair Renewi faded OT discolored hair BSatMaca ra color of voulh, anvl giows and strong, pleasing everybody. WummMq NVITAVION.n. Wooden, Tin, Silver, tioldei. I'ommon every day. '', Kr.v the nata- 1 u variant ; The Tarortte SHH NVOB for theXteetti and Breath, M t ar lain Ssrocney. r3rXSan Pieces Oal ftrys: "s'".:. h's Catash JJeraedy is ther arsl I nieuicine 1 nave ever aruna mar. wovnu nviw any good. " rrlccaocta. BoWay8waslk SHILOH'S CCRE. " Tuts OrkaT CVvcoh Otri pronrrjtaweaaraj war re all others faiL For Coosuu.ption it hn io rival; has cored thousands, and will cm TOP, it tat.cn In time. MsaMsa, 6Scta.tl. F Nev Acivertisemetus. K BKR'J AlNSm r-al ostate addre-si or ci'.l on lames V Card we'd MEsisjcmu C'. Ior Sale or Trade, a hon se and lot in ' gtvrxl location in Albany WJll sell cheap for cash or will trade for land part ly or wholly improve 1 not verj far from town. Callor write to this otii.e. Wilson, Adam Tuos. Moarmni, P. Albaay Market. I M. WhBat,S9c. Oats, 25. nour, fS.OO. Butter, BOB. Kggs, 15a. I .ar.l. 12 to 16c. Folk -hams. 12 to I fie; ahjiildera.fl t . 10 -, tdrts. It to 130 Hay. baled, f 7 Vo a toes, 4(H Apples , 4 Hops, lo. Dried frull pluma, 9oj apples, 9o Chickens. 1 00 par doaan. Beef, on ft ot, Hogs, dreased. 6Xe. Awarded Highest Honors at World's Fair PRICE'S Baking Powder. The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. 5 DOLLARS PER DAY 20 Easily Made. IVr want many mm, wenasn, boys, aad girly j work toriis a few hour daT.y, ri,ht isawlarea&t ; laetrowa hoim l'tio basinivs is easy. i-lt asejSt trioily booorable, aaa asyi bettrrthaaanyoihi I onVix-j afeata. You bma i rlar tttil akd in , nnwprttlbia Krperieoo nud special atklity nn ) rnvessarr. No capital rxsjuirvd. Wo equip voa i with ererrtatag itiat yoa nerrd, treat JOB wij an lirlp yea lo earn tru times onahutrv vaRt I Womru ,io as well as men, and bojs aad gifts mate good pay. Any one, anywtere, can do tfio ' work. AU succeed who follow onr plain and aim pie directions. Earnest work will surely rist, yoa a great ileal of money. Etstj thing Is new and in great demand. Write for our pamphlet circular, and receive full ix'.ormatloa, ro harr done U jm rooclude no as Q aa With tV business. Geoce Stinsok&Co. Box 488, I r 'JM I LAML, MAIPKi pott SALE 20 sha-es of Albaiiy o'.eo r trio light stock the b.wt drVidend I pavinir sto!s In this eitt. Enquire at ! this office. Til 1 isl.d one suitable for small store or offloe, one for store, 20xt feer. W i;i l9 ready bv March 2'. Call on lr Q W Maston for (vartijulars. UTANTED.-A young T ? place to do Udy itesires a ireneral house work. Address Clara II Re nold, Albany Ore. I)l"RK BRED Silver Laced Wyandotte eggs for sale by D 0 Woodworth. UOR RKJiT.-The I iiied by J W Bentlv aa a batvt shoe shop. O roim reoentiy oc;n ana 1 on L Viereck. EBCia, Eta-.s, Ecus. Pure bred Silver Laced Wyandotta. Egiis er setthi2,at the Albany Poultiy Yards. From pen fo. i and 2, 1.25 par t3; pea No. 3 $1 per 13. B Plymouth Rocks, 75 eta per i3. Jonn Bruah, Albany, Or. Cor 4th and R R aU ARRASTS Bjught and OUSW sold by HJ Merrill.