The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 16, 1894, Image 3

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Weekly Dkmoi rai. $i 75 per year
n advance, $2.00 at end cf year.
MO .A.
The option agreement referred to here
tofore, baa excited general interest in
Albany, aa it means a good deal to the
many creditors here, and elsewhere.
There is a difference of opinion among
creditors aa to whether it should be
signed. We giye the option.substantially,
and our readers may form their own con
clusions :
In consideration of $1 and other good
and valuable considerations, the under
signed creditors of the Oregon Pacific and
of either of the former or present re
ceivers, T Egerton Hogg, E W Hadley,
Charles Clark, hereby sells and assigns
to T Egerton Hogg, of Benton county,
Oregon, or his assignees, the right and
option to purchase at any time before
the expiration of one day after the sale
of the Oregon Pacific railroad and Wil
lamette Valley and Coaat railroad com
panies, their properties and franchisee,
which sale is fixed for on or about June
2nd, the debts respectively due to each,
on the following terms: 36 percent in
cash on the day of the completion of the
purchase of the said property by the said
T Egerton Hogg, under said sale, and 64
percent in first mortgage interest bearing
bonds of the new company which is in
tended to oe formed by the said T E
Hogg and his associates or assigns, the
said bonds to be a part of and equal in
rank and priority with ihe other first
mortgage bonds of the said intended new
company. The agreement to purchase
the said debts shall become binding on
him or his assigns it and as soon as he or
they shall cause to be mailed to each one
respectively of the signer hereof their
acceptance of the option. In reference to
the 64 per cent two or more trustees res
idents of Oregon are to be appointed by
said T E Hogg with the approval of the
judge of the Circuit Court for Benton
county, to whom the aggregate amount of
such bonds shall be issued and v. ho shall
be charged with the duty of realizing
the same to the beet advantage, and dis
tributing the proceeds prorata, without
destination, among the parties entitled
Evangelistic services will be continued
during the ensuing week at the United
Presbyterian church, and a bible reading
will be held each afternoon at 3 o'clock.
On yesterday morning President Condit
preached to a good audience, from the
parable of the ten virgins . He presented
the truth most clearly, bat gave a some
what different rendition of the parable
from what we usually hear. He stirred up
the minds of many christians by way of
remember-once of the things they are
A large audience greeted Rev Little in
the evening; his sermon was most forcible
and convincing. The subject "The un
pardonable ain, " this sin was clearly de
fined aa being the continuous, scornful
wilful rejection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is the work of the Holy Spirit to con
vince men of sin, to teach them of right
eousness. He leads them by natural ways,
but if they will not listen to his promptings
and turn a deaf ear to them, time ana time
again rejecting the truth, they grieve away
the Holy Spirit and aro left in darkness to
their self chosen fate. The burning words
of warning and earnest entreaty uttered by
Mr Little last evening cannot fait in leav
ing their impress upon the hearts and
minds of his hearers.
A cardial invitation is extended to all
persons to come to these meetings, particu
larly those who have not found the light
are urged to attend.
Pbobatb Recobd.- In estate of Carter
A Zeigler report of sale of personal prop
erty confirmed. Fnal acct set for April
In estate of E L Knox, testimony of
witnesses of will ordered taken.
In estate of R Fox .appraisers appoint
ed. Inventory filed, real estate $2730;
personal, 25. Personal property ordered
In estate of Geo C Henderson, Annie4!
Henderson appointed administratrix.
Bonds, $1000. Appraisers appointed.
In estate of A Dodge, final account set
for April 2.
In estate of Nancy Biggers, inventory
filed, real property $1100; personal,
property, $2353.63.
In estate of Z B Moss, bond of $6000
filed. Eveline and W M Moes, admrs.
In estate of B F Zeigler, final account
set for April 7.
In estate of Martha of per
sonal property approved.
In estate ot Ben Serfling, 1st annual
account filed. Sale of personal property
D atk y mo. Great progress baa been
made in dairying in Oregon in the last
few years. Anything on the subject of
cows is always of interest and the Dkm
ocbat will be glad to receive some figures
from its subscribers. The Register ol
Eugene gives the following : We recent
ly published an item stating the amount
a man in Coos county hail made, off
hie tboroug bred cows. The amount
was something less than $40 per cow
Mr A Harlow furnishes us a statement
of what his cows have yielded th past
two years. His are common cows but
they have paid better than the Coos
county thoroughbreds. In 1892 he had
8 cows, and from their milk made 1061
pounds of butter, an average of 207
pounds per cow. Hb sold his butter ier
$437, an average of $53.40 per cow. In
1803 he kept 9 cows, made 1872 pounds
of batter, the average price received for
it was one cent per poind leas, and the
average amount obtained from each cow
was $49.92.
Low Cochtt Mm. -The Oregon ian
mentions Hon Geo E Chamberlain o
Albany as a candidate for Secretary o
Rtate, Hon Jeff Meyers and Hon J K
Weatherford. of this county for state
treasurer; J B Whitney, ot Aioanv lor
state printer, C E Wolverton,of Albany,
for congress ; C B Menlague, for secre
tary of state. It fails to mention several
other populist candidates- Of the above
men the Man about Town predicts that
ot more than one will receive a nomina
tion for the office mentioned.
Both the method and resulu when
Syrup of Figs it taken; It is pleasant
and refreshing to the tate, ana acts
feutly yet promptly on the Kidneys,
liver aad Bowels, cleanses tbe sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs ia tbe
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substacccs, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and havo mado it the moot
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c
and 91 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
louis vilu. at. new ran . v.
The following grand gury was drawn :
O Butler, foreman ; J as Bond, Gro W
Cline, Jacob Nye. A B Morris, J A Mc -Bride
and H C Davis.
W C Tweedale and Luther Elkins were
appointed bailiffs, and A B Woodin given
charge of the grand jury.
State of Oregon vs James Bannon,
burglary. Continued.
State of Oregon vs C Baker F S PLelps.
larceny. Continued.
State of Oregon vs O Baker A F S
Phelps, larceny. Continued.
Staie of Oregon vs C Baker i IS
Phelps, Larceny. Continued.
Slate of Otegon vs J I Brannin. Ob
mon under false pretenses. Continued .
P J Porter et al vs John C Elder. Par
tition. Continued, pending reference.
ToplisdtCovs Mary Cougill. Rec of
money. Continued, pending garnish
ment. Geo J Branaer vs Mary Cougill. Rec of
money. Same as above.
Mooney Valentine & Co vs MaryCougill
Recovery of money. Same as above.
Capital National Bank vs W F Crosby.
Rec of money. Con by
T P Baldwin & Co vs Goldsmith and
Runkle. Rec of money, attachment.
In the matter of the assignment of L
T Henness. Assignment. Continued.
In the matter of the assignment of Geo
W Smith. Assignment. Continued.
J C Goodale vs Serepta M Hansard et
al. Fore of Lien. Continued by con
sent pending reference.
J M Brown v A F Gooch. Fore of
chat mtg. Continued by consent.
J L Cowan (trustee vs Serepta M
Hansard. Fore of lien.
Senders & Sternberg vs L Houston.
Sec of money. Continued for service.
Sarah M Shields vs P C Harper Jt Co.
Leave to issue Ex. Same as above.
L J Houck et al vs J Vernon et al.
Partition. Continued pending sale of
In the matter of the assignment of
libertine Kriesel. Assignment. Con
tinued. Jessie Wilbelm vs Henry Wilhelm.
Divorce. Dismissal for want of prose
cution .
Enoch Cyrus et al vs Warren B Cvrus i
et a). Partition. Continued pending :
ale. j
Allie A McPherson vs M S McPberson. j
Divorce. Continued pending reference.
In tbe matter of the assignment of
the Ore Met Paint Co. Assignment.
John K Herren vs G Rsnfro A AT
Talent. Rec money; Attachment. Con
tinued for service.
In the matter of the assignment of W
R Graham. Assignment- Continued.
W J VauSchuyw & Co vs Huston &
Miller. Rec of money. Continued for
Sarah J Elder et al vs J A McBride et
al. Partition. Continued pending ref
erence. E J Wilooghby vs J M McCully 4 O P
Danals. Motion for execution. Con for
Harford W Smith vs Minnie E Smith.
Divorce. Nonsuit on motion of plff.
The Alliance Trust Co vs J L Holida
etal. Fore of mtg. Continued by
W SDenham vs L A Woodle et al
For of mtg. Same si above-
Davos & Robaon vs Frank Wood. Rec
of money; Attachment. Continued
pending reference.
N S Brown vs Blex A q f Harold. Rec
of money ,- attachment.
In the matter of the assignment of
Isaac Beam. Assignment. Continued.
Frank Zimmerman v John Rometscb
To set aside attachment and lor dam
ages. Continued.
James Nanny et al ve Louisa D Settle
mire etal. Partition. Continued pend
ing reference.
Cruson & Menzies vs Harry Wilson.
Rec of monev; attachment. Same as
j above.
Cruson & Menzies vs Wilson A Chase.
Rec money attachment. Same aa above.
V E Hardin vs Wilson & Chase. Rec
moay Continued pending reference.
Assignment Pro pat tc Butler. Continued.
I A Morris & Co agt W L Moore. Re
covery of money. Judgment for plaintiff.
Sylvester Bros agt Pound Bros. Re
covery of money; attachment. Judgment
Linn County National Bank agt G W
Puraefnll. Recovery money; attaenment.
Judgment for plff with order to sell at
tached property.
W A Lane agt E B Michael. Recovery
money; attaenment. same as above
J P Wallace vs O C Awbrey et ux
of money attach. Settled.
P Schlosser agt G F Russell and L
Viereck. Recovery money; attachment. '
Judgment for plff.
Knapp Burrell ic Co vs W W Howes.
Rec money attach. Settled.
Knapp Burrell & Co vs John Leedy. Rec
of money attach . Settled.
J W Althouse agt H J and W H Maple.
Recovery money; attachment. Judgment
for plff with order to sell attached prop
erty. 8 E Young agt H J Maple. Recovery
money; attachment. Same as above.
S E Young agt W H and M A Maple.
Recovery of money; attachment. Settled.
John lsom agt J S Lisles. Recovery of
money; attachment. Judgment for plff
with order to sell attched property.
I Claggett vs W H & J E Sloper. Rec
of money attach. Settled.
Assignment H F Pound. Continued.
Reeves & Co agt G W Young et al. Re
covery money; attachment Settled.
W I Vawter agt X E Fox et al. Re
covery money ; attachment. Default and
J C Powell agt .1 L Cowan. Recovery
money. Default and judgment.
Mitchell. Lewis Ic Staver Co agt B B
Butler. Recovery money; attachment.
Assignment Boenicke Bros. Continued.
Linn County National Bank aj.-t H L
Cranor. Recovery money; attachment.
Default and judgment.
John Burnett vs Aaron Wilson. Rec of
money; attachment, fettled.
Tho Columbia Car & Tool Co vs Albany
St Railway Co. Rtc of money attach .
W M Quailey agt John Morgan. Re
covery money; attachment. Default and
Linn County National Bank agt M A
and W E Kelley. Foreclosure. Default
and decree.
Linn County National Bank agt O and
Cornelia Jennings. Foreclosure. Decree
for plaintiff.
Assignment of F L Kenton. Continued,
S E Young agt Q F Russell et ux . Re
covery of money, attachment. Settled.
Linn County National Bank agt W W
Davis and Louis Viereck. Recovery money;
attachment. Default and judgment.
Linn County National Bank agt L
Viereck. Recovery money; attachment.
Default and judgment.
E Houston aat B F and Fannv Dodire.
Default and judgment.
First National Bank agt O P Card. Re.
ovary; attachment. Default and judgi ient.
Aarignment Louis Viereck . Continued
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. agt A P
Talent & Sons. Recovery money; attach
ment. Default and judgment.
George W Gray agt C W and Lewis
bong. Recovery money ; uttach client. Set
R G Keene airt Chas and Mary Scboeler.
Recovery money; attachment. Default
and judgment.
Ed Zeyss agt W W and Josephine Wett-
I,' 1 T 1 I L 1 .1
inn. 1 uiijliumiic leiauit. snu uecree.
Jacob Kees agt Iiavina McCulloch et
Foreclosure. Continued:
Agnes Logan agt A 11 Logan. Divorce
Ed Goin vs Vallego Cox. Settled.
Assignment K C Pyatt. Assignee dis
Linn Co Nafl Bank xs Geo W & Job C
Smith. Rec momey. Verdict for plff
siyou principal, 9100 auys tees.
Chas Henry agt M Van Alstine et al.
Foreclosure. Default and decree.
There have been 152 conversions in a
revival at Dallas.
The Idaho building at the world's fair
has been sold for $4000; it eriginally
cost $25'00. It will tie taken to New
York state, for a country residence.
The school election was In progress this
afternoon. Hon J K. Wealherford and
John Foshay were" the candidates for di
rector director. C H Stewart and F E
Allen wen being run for c'eik.
James C Scott, the harness maker, was
arrested this morning by Deputy U 8
Marshal George Humphrey on the charge
of sending an obscene letter to Mrs Jane
Dr Pearsons, of Chicago, offers to give
$100,000 to the Pacific University, of
Forest Grove, provided its friends give
$100,000 more. His $100,000 is evident
ly safe.
The populists of Linn county are
modest fellows. They have four candi
dates for state officers, Dr J L Hill, for
governor, B F Ramp, for congressman,
C B Montague, for secretary of State,
and George Alexander, for state prin'er.
The recent convention endorsed the
first two named.
The Press Times of Seattle says that
Governor Sylvester Pennover .of Oregon,
is a square-shouldered, we 11-built man of
some 60 odd years. He might be mis
taken in a crowd for either a Methodist
camp-meeting exhorter, a Texas cattle
man or prosperous logger. As a public
speaker he will never rank with Patrick
Frank J Darby, ticket agent of the
Southern Pacific in East Oakland, Calif,
and James B Young, a gateman on the
local train, - had some words about 7
o'clock Saturday morning, which ended
bv Young striking Darby over the head
with a lantern. The latter replied by
drawing liis pistol and emptying the
five chambers at his assailant. All five
halls struck Young, but owing to the
small caliber of the pistol and the fact
that Young had on a heavy overcoat at
the time, only one of the bullets took
effect, penetrating the left shoulder a
anon distance, irom which it was ex
tracted by toe surgeon.
M I htav the stenographer, of
is in the city.
S A Tucker, the Parker gun man, is in
the city on his annual trip to the coast.
Mrs Buell and Miss Bitchens returned
from San Francisco yesterday.
nDr Whitney will be buried at or near
Newport and not in this saty.
Mrs Paddock of Independence, stater to
Mrs C O e is visiting the latter iu this
The regular meeting of the W C T 17
TW 06 Md to-niorrow afternoon at their
I hall.
Mrs N L
Calloway, of Salem is in the
city visiitng her parents Mr
and Mrs A 1
Mrs L Bilyeu, of Eugene, is in the city tow in ,ni respect,
on a visit. -
Louis Barzee has been elected princi- TAXCUiT.
pal of the Jefferson schools for the com
ing year, also of the Seminary at Soda-
ville. Tang est. Or., March 12. ISM.
T J Met leary received a few votes ae a 1 Our public school has closed down for
nominee on the representative ticket of j the season unless a subscription school is
the Populists- Some menment was j taken up. We understand that Prof A W
created when Don Smith informed the j Moses is getting up a subscription school
convention that McCleary was a resident I end has the promise of 21 sebnteraand will
of Linn county. Statesman
Til Ford, of Salem, a prominent can
didate for governor, Judge R S Stranan,
of Portland, Judge McFadden. of Cor
valiis. are among the outside lawyers
attending conrt.
Gates, Ore, Mar. 12, '94.
Mr Drw passed through town on hh
I way to QuarUvtile. Ha was accompanied
i by the guide, Mr White, and four miners.
, Success to hi undertaking
n . . .. . . .
iitcic 11 repunpg 10 pc tnirty leal 01
snow on the summit of Luckv Camp and
more falling. It nas been a a'leadv snow
or rain 'nce December. The oidet in
habitants can not recollect of seeing so
much snowy weather.
The republican were to hold a chit
meeting at the People Party hall on
Tliursdav eve, but aa thy didn't muster
a quotum they ajourned for another week
to try It again. At the organization of the
chi at Mill Citv Mr Odeil of Salem spoke
and was answered br E C Neat, populist.
It seem that Mie one ha got a aprte
against t hit particu'ar part of the utdveise
for the last week has been to wet that our
web were slippery.
Mrs Taylor Foster has been quite ill but
is now around.
flnra - Tn Mr VI . . .,1 c l.w.i
... . . H.,u ... , niutui Ofllllll a f
. - - . 1 , . . , .... .. .
ten pwunu gin. notner ana child doing 1 r- , , , 1
well. Also to Mr ar.d Mrs EC an " .L J,fPhmAT, dto
eleven round bov : Minnie spent aturday ami Sunday in Al-
Alfred Heaih met with an accident at
inc mill ui rnmr i,rttm im i- u n
. n . . .
the circular saw he lost part of Kit thumb
and first and second finger by Co ing In
contact with said saw.
aneomcer 01 the literary socirtv were
elected the lat meeting A J Gate Pre i
VPDC Smith: Sec I I Bawten s A Wm
LewU: liniin, riii. mi,.
steal btatc aaucs.
John W (iilliland to Waiter
Howes, piece land. 13 E 1
J T Downing to Wm Itowning 16b
9qq l
acres. 11 E I
L C Marshall to M M Lines. 56 feet,
bl 46, Albany
1100 !
Cora Ann Cox to W M Robert-.
1 acre. 14 w 2
L S to Marcellus Armstrong, 160
acres, 9 fc 4
Patent '
S to Henry W Reeves. 160 acres.
V S to Richard L Gaines, 160 acres,
S to Arnold Wink. 160 acres.
W H Foster lo John R Orchard, t,
interest in 160 acres, 13 E 1
Martha Buoy to Mrs R B Pegg, SI
acres, 11 w 3
Wm Hahn to E J Elwin. 160 acres,
15 w 2
James Fennell et al to Margaret
Fennell, 320 acres, 10 w 2
C P Hogue to H A Hogue, 180
acres, 12 w 4
C H McFarland to Mary E McCoy.
13 acres, 14 w 2
Jas Morgan to M E Bilyeu, l.'i acres,
10 w 1
That Stamp Phoblkm. Fred F Scott,
of Dell, writes to the Malheur Gazette as
follows: I notice in your newspaper a
stamp purchase made by a young lady
student of Albany college. She certainly
deserves great credit, as her idea is both
ingenios and instructive. So you may
say to her if she wiil extend her trade
over this way we will put up for her three
linerent packages, each containing a
liferent numW of statnos. each contain
ing a precise dollars worth, and each com -plyirgjitrictly
with her proposition. 34 2 cent
stamps, 17 ones, 5 threes, total 56 for $!.
38 2s, 14 Is, 10 3s, 62 for$l. 18 2s, 6 Is,
20 3s, total 44 for 91.
Bto Attobhey'h Fkks. The Corvallis
News says: It will be seen by referring to
tbe council procceeUings that the bill
against the city for legal services in the
water bond case agpTOgate we un
derstand that the taxpayers will be re
quired to pay about 1200 for their attorney's
fees in the same case. Quite a difference.
The item in the proeaings reads: The
bill of Whalley, Strahin & Pipes, for the
amotit of 81000. for leiral services in the
case of P Avery et al vs the city, and that
of J R Brvson for $250 for leiral services in
Kame cane, were retcrred to tinanrw com
mittee. ,
Liccoln Co. PoruLiHTs. The populist
of Lincoln county made the following nom
inations Saturday last: Jas uruce, ot
Benton county, and Thos Stakely, of Tol
edo, were the choice of the convention for
ioint senator and joint representative, re
spectively; for clerk, D P Blue; sheriff.
lieoA Landis; county judge, a iijyicrau
den; county commissioners, A H Guynn
and Jas Hamer; school sup't, A W Skinner;
assessor, ) W fansh; coroner, Or ST M
Letter liiat.
Foilowiea is tUe list of letters remaining
in tbe post office at Albany, Linn oountyr
Oregon, Fed 3d, 1894. Persons calling for
these letters must give tha data on wnton
tbey were advertised.
Mr Frank Bruce, Mr Mackie,
liuckanan, Mr John Moier,
James Moore, Mr Ed Olver,
Mr J Rickubaugh, G W Russell esq,
Miss Fronkie Suuons, Helen E Tayler.
Taos. MoKTBrra, P. M.
There seems to lw a good deal of doubt
and questioning as to the meaning of tho
option paper which is being circulated
among the lalwr anil material creditors of
the OP R R. We notice also several in
accuracies in the accounts of it which have
leeii appearing in the papers the last few
days. We havo taken some pains to yet
what we believe to be accurate information
about this, anil the result we now place at
the disposal of our readers. In the first
place the paper ia an option to purchase
these debts and not a purchase outright.
This option expires one day after the com
ing safe of the railroad, the second of June
next. If the option is accepted, in the
event of the purchase of the railroad by
the parties in question, the price to be paid
for the debts is .36 per cant in cash, on the
completion of the purchase of the road,
and 64 per cent in the new first mortgage
interest bearing bonds, to be issued by the
purchasers. Such bonds are to be of
the same rank and quality aa whatever
other bonds are issued by the purchasers.
They are to be issued to trustees, to be ap
proved by th judge, who are to realize
them aa they think beat, and distribute the
proceeds, without deduction, among the
signers of the ootion ixtoer. in proportion
to the amount of their debts. It appears
therefore, that there is no question of a
permanent holding of these bonds, aa some
persons appear to think; but the realiza
tion may take place just aa soon as the
bonds come into the hands of the trustees.
Some such course was necessary to carry
out the intention of the persons offering to
take the option, as the bonds will come .
we suppose, in the usual denominations of '
one thousand dollars each; therefore, some
way of realizing them, and distributing
the proceeds among small holders was in
volved; Some persons also heve inquired
what tho term and amonnt per mile of the
of the bonds would be. Q These questions
,'nnnnt ho nnaffAml nnm- TliA rmrchitserv
11111.1 rial mm i t. a u ti.,11 I It a anla Vtau
made what their bond issue will be.
V ""I" V01 9"9 "W take. "!!"
, they will give to the option sellers.
U tney ;
accept the notions: what is good enough I
, for the purchasers must be good enough
j for the creditors; and the selling value of
j the bonds will have to be supported by
! these purchasers for their own sakes, we
! should think.
Some questions have been raised aa to
! who will lie the trustees for the creditors.
Of course they should have a voice in the
matter. They should have trustees in whom
they have implicit confidence. By the op
tion paper this result will be reached by
the provision making the approval of the
jddge necessary to the appointment of the
trustees. If the creditors are not satisfied
with the names suggested, their course is
plain, namely to- make their objections
known to Judge l-ullerton, who may bere-
j lied on to follow the wishes of the cmli
HMHHdni.t t;,i.a J,, 1 ..r, I 1 I It VI
White is going to teach the spring term of
school at Plainview and we understand Hits
Cora Vann ia going to retire from the
school room and will nuke her home with
James Jenks and wife.
Our Literary society elected the follow
ing officers for the ensuing term : Presi
dent. A Itouglat; vice-president. Claude
Beard; secretary. Cora Hudson, treasurer.
H S Mills, editor. Wmmie McGbee; mar
ahrl, W A Smith.
Mr Robineti, who ha; been stopping at
Lebanon for two weeks, returned to his
borne in Tangent Saturday .
John and Thomas Beard, who have been
by the bedside of their father, have re
turned to their respective homes in Wash
ington and Eastern Oregon.
Grandma Beard of this place has been
spending several dara visiting her
folks. Mrs EUea Casey, of Woodhorn.
is now .5 years old.
Mr W 0 Hudson, will soon move hi
family in Mr Carter Sharp's residence, and
we hear that H W Settiemire intends mov
ing his family to Tangent soon.
A Tea social was given at Mr Jcaepb
Simpson's on last Friday night. Owing to
the inclemency of the weather there was
not a very large crowd present, about 40
i being present It was given for the benefit
of the M E Church South. A good time
P"?- " l1 .lUarteny meeting at Ibe
M I'Sitrfh Snnth
The special ssrvickh at the Called
Prrshytertaa church are still well attended
and full ol Interest One ol the miracle
01 nst-'The ma. that wa him blind.
5" . tn5?e dlscusred Uut evening
flslniv and forcibly were the truth et
.ilth, (howing that phytical blindness, j
I tnougn verv duireumg, wa not 10 be
I compared with spiritual biindnesn, and th '
tact was emphasised that none are so blind
I as tho who will not ce.
they have eye j
to ace, and they see not, they have ear to
hear, and they" hear not." Let 'here be a
good attendance tonight. There U room
lor more, come and hear for yourelve.
i ... .. .
BO longer onnu, out come wncre you
1 may receive the light of the glorious Gos
PC' ot Uhrut. hervice thl evening st
7:30. Bibte reading each dav at 3 o'clock.
Come and ee.
Three Rovs. - About a week ago some
one entered the room of the baker in the
rear of Conrad Meyer's store and stole a
watch chain, charm, and several other
article, valued at $15. Yesterday after
noon Chief cf Police Lee captured the
thieves; a-bo proved to be three boys,
Felix Hamilton, recently interested in the
burning of the Chinaman's tent, and the
votincr Kim of Monroe Vrrd and IVter
' Black One afternoon tbey climbed over
I the transom to the door, tock the things
' and hid them. All the articles were re
covered. It is prohable that at least the
Hamilton boy will lie sent to the reform
A Bin Fioht. The most hotly contest
ed election for school director ever held in
Eugene was that which took place yester
day. The real contest was whether Mr I
V S Ried, former principal of the Albany
public schools should be retained at the
head of the Kugene public whools. Mr
Preston the gentleman favoring the reten
tion of Mr Reid was elected By 99 major
ity. Mr Reid's many friends here will be
pleased to hear of this result.
Hon Jeff Meyers denies being a candi
date for state treasurer. The truth is
most of these so called candidates are
not candidates at all. Papers like the
Oregonian like to have something to till
up with, and so they draw several prom
inent names and announce thera as
candidates. That is about as near as
the se papers strike a nail.
A Gorvaixih Jokb. The foot ball silver
cup, holding three pints and costing $125
has arrived at Corvallis. Inscribed on it is
the following joke: "Presented by the cit
izens of Corvallis to the foot boll team of
the State Agricultural College, of Oregon,
in oommeinoration of their winning the
championship of the stats of Oregon for tbe
The School Election . At the school
election yesterday lion J K Weatherford
was elected director. Though the name of
John Foshay had .been placed on some of
toe tickets he was not a candidate, and re
ceived only a few votes. F E Allen was
elected clerk, receiving 225 vote-; C H
Stewart, 116.
W E Chandler was taken sundenly ill
last evening. He was at his home alone
when the spell began to come on, but
reached the residence of Jesse Spencer
when he fell in an unconscious state. A
physician was at once summoned antl he
was soon revived and he is now getting
along nicely. He is still at Mr Bpeaeat a.
Mis Chandler came over from LsMMMi to
day having been called to the bedside of
her husband. Corvallis News.
Will Tuev 8k Siuneu.
Hogue went to Mill City yesterday with the
much talked of option papers. '1 ho Dkmo-
cbat is informed that a good many are not
signing the paper. On the other nana the
News of Corvallis savs : We learn that the
names of creditors of the O P company rep
resenting $23,000 were placed on the option
papers at Albany yesterday and little or no
opposition was met with. This is certain
ly a good showing for one day's work. We
understand that they are also being gen
erally signed in Corvallis.
K T Lewis, tho nan recently held by
Justice Curl to await tho action of the
grand jury, made an ingenius attempt yes
terday to escape from the county jail. Male
ing a saw out of the main spring of Ins
watch he sawedd off a bar in the top of the
water closet anil broke off five bars. Just
after supper he climbed through the hole .
Taking a sharp pointed bolt, which he
drew frnii the wall he dug some brick from
the wall leading over the corridor, crawled
through the hole, walked along the grating
over the corridor, climbedup through a hole
over head and crawled to the south side I
corridor into which ho soon had an opening.
This side of the jail baa not been used for
some time, being in a bad condition, ami
is not kepted locked, a fact that seems to
have been known by the prisoners. He
threw his coat and vest to the floor. Just
as he did so and was preparing to lower
himself into the corridor, Sheriff Jackson
entered the corridor after something ami
saw the situation oi affairs at once. Lewis
was at once placed in his cell, and the four
prisoners were locked up while the jail was
being repaired. Had he had but five
minutes more he would have been on the
street, and in the dork, it was theu eight
o'clock, might have em-awed. None of the
other prisoners joined in the attempt.
though they Kept their months shut. Tail
is the fourth attempt to break from the
jail, all of which h.ivo been frustrated by
the Sheriff.
- eea-a11
A Mr Hay a died at Haisey last evening.
Particular not learned.
There will be a special meeting of A
ig i
bany Lodge No. 4 I O O F this evening
at 7: jo o'clock. Ah member required to
The PopuiUt of Marion County on
Saturday nominated A F Beard, of Staton
tor the office of sheriff. Mr Beard was a
former Linn County man and was better
known a Jessie Beard, perhaps the tallest
man in the County.
"March to search" is the old adage. It !
marches out anv weakness of the vtem. '
resulting from impure Mood. Those who
use Ayer's Ssrtapsrilta find March no
more searching or even dtssgreeable than
any other month. This medicine i a or.
derful Invigerator.
"I have ned Ayer's Hair Vigor for a
nuraier of years, snd It ha always given
me satisfaction. It is an eicetleni dresa
ing, prevent the hair from turning grav.
Insure its vigorous growth, and keeps the
calp white and clean." -Mary A Jackwn, i last regular meeting was reconsidered and
Salem, Mass. j the light was ordered kept in its present
There ha bee i ome conirverv a to 1 place,
the first white child bjrn within the p'C- ; A communication was read from Albany
ent limit, of Lane county. From the Engine Co. No. 1 in which the carpet on
moat reliable intormat ion we can obtain the floor of the Council Cham I ra was pre
that honor belongs to W P Marin, who aented the city. On motion the same was
was bom Mtv 27, 1S47, on the place now acr.epted.
owned and occupied by Wm Stewart, near Councilman Schril rwwrfc,! nrm,;.!!.!
Corvallls is growing In wealth. In IS87
the two scuool dittricc ia town were
united. Ac this time the total taxable
property within iu boundaries wa about
f5oo,ooe; In 1890, $699486: In 1S91.I749.-,
510; in iV;,(-;o,:;3;i'i 1893, $1,047,000.
Thua in ix years the value of property in 1
5 Pr
cent, or over SCMyaM Gairtte
The following patent have been leaned
to citizens of Oregon. Julius W Flower,
of Newport, tor a viae ; Felix K Froman
and H C Hurry, of Va, Malheur county,
fore sagebrush cutler; Clinton J Kurt's,
of Salem fur a fruit drier; John Over hot
cr. of Cottage Grove. Lane county, tor a
governor attachment tor eparaor? Cha
W Tremain, of Portland, for a steam ttawp
Mr Arch Allen, of Dayton, Wash, is in
the city.
Mr Arch Blackburn, of Brownsville is
in the citv.
SA Hotin, of Harrisburg, was in , The7 ,,r k'ndergsrten In
Albany this forenoon. j Co'.umbos Ohio and more are demanded.
Mr Frank Wheeler returned this noon ' repoblilaw at Oak Creek school
from Forest Grcne where he went yee-' oad a club of about ! last evening.
terdar with a patient for the Keeley cur, i Charles Nkkell. editor ot the Jackson
AO Condit, of Salem, was in the city ! Times U befog mentioned tor con-
during the day. ;
Judge M L fine k a candidate for cir- I A' -TCtcriU-T . h" CM 01 lhe
cuit judge of Multnomah couotv. : Bank of Caofornla agt J L Cowas wa
MimRoMStKehvmd: an expert milliner ' f!"5, J" McAnhur appeared for
J IWIJ vT, T.' . .V7i, rTTti ! ,h defendant .
of roruana. nas accepted a position at the 1 ....
Ladies Bazaar, and ha already begun her The,re.u,u' 5f'n V. ,Ibn-T lod
duties there. j No. 4 I OO F will be held till evening.
N S DuBois will 1,0 to Albany to-morrow
morning, having been rupnmaed as a wit
nets in the trial of I rpnaogie. Eugene
Guard. 9
Jack Dempcey i working for a dramaLk
1 1- .1 Zt . 1 t eocj-, . .
"VT !? C7 TT-Y 7 i-
moat of which be sends to his wife in East j
Licenses have been issued fcr the mar
riage of Edward Willough'bv and Uwa E
Hawk. Wallace Hawk snd Lida F AiMd.
lay Wilaon and Hallie Kichards.Jay Lewis
Perry and Sadie McNeil.
J L Scott, the popular k-rorenr ilniixmer.
""T" 'jt Ihit ol Gardner A Mc Lemon, cf
the near future He meets to make this 1 fyntiXmi fy. W that ol Hob-
Mtw hiat liai.l.itiBrrnrs IIm enminir .n . . . Z .
v.v .... ----- 1 -- "
Is a Bn.ut's Embback. .Tbe Silver
Creek corresTondent of the Lakeview Ex-
aniiner reports that J A Buick had a hand-
to-haad combat with a cinnamon bear
Wednesday morning of list week. Sank
Howard and tieorire Pavne had crippled
the bear and were on its trail when.enierg-'
ing from a clnnip ot heavy pine timber
growing just outside of Horning' field,
they were struck with horror to ben old Jay
enfolded in the embrace of bruin. Payne
hissed his dog. 'Shag" on the bear, which
loosed its bold upon Jay and took up the
nearet tree, from whch a well-directed
hot by Sank laid him low. Jay. we-ik
from Iom of bloo.1. was tenderlv carrie.1 to
' James Ross's nlace. and Dr Sneltina sum -
i mooed, who pronounced his injuries not
, neeesaarilv fatal, althouirh tho strilin."
he says, ia torn loose from the backbone.
- There is mch hope for his early recovery.
Tbe injured nuin is the youngest son of Hon
I f K Kuick, of Koseburg.
Pint. ARMorn t A-lll.AXI V. hile
.. . . .
wanUeruiK uwmi uiwn .-... a. u-i .......
making an examination of what there was
in Ashland to be seen, P D Armour, the
millionaire Chicago packer, accompanied
by two oilier memlwrs of his party, drop
ped into Pelton & Neil's market looked
over tbe very thosoughly equipped estab -lishment
and inquired into the details of
the butchering bua'.nes here. Twj very
choice quarters of beef were hanging in
the shop and Mr Armour remarked their
tine appearance and asked what that beer
had len fattened upon. When told that
alfalfa hay alone had miule such beef he
expressed great surprise and said that was
as good beef as could lie had anywhere in
tbe United Suites. "Yes." remorse I
Louis Werlh. the accomplished cutter.
whose only information of the identity of
his visitors thus far was that they were
from Chicago, ''that liecf would cost you
nine oenbi in l hicago. on no. nitnm
that" replied Mr Armour. "Well, but I
know it would" said t-ouie, intimating
hat he knew a few things about what
good beef was worth in Chicago. "I
think 1 should know" replied the jork
king, "for I kill about 9000 such beeves
aa that per day in Chicago. My name is
Armour. Louie didn't faint but be might
uave done so if Mr Neil had not lieen at
his elbow to smile tit him. Anyway ho
yielded his argument. "Thi shop will
prosper all right" remarked Mr Armour
aa he examined the nicely prepared head
cheese, sausaims. etc. "for I see vou know
how to take tart; ot the scraps. 1 hut s
the seeres of the business." Tidings.
Prssbttkiiy The Oregon and Wl
lauiette Frcsbvteries of the Cumberland
Presbyterian church convened at the C P
church in the city at 2 o'clock this after
noon. Both Presbyteries adjourned at
once and went into joint session to dis
cuss the matter of entertaining tho dele
gates and visitors of the general assembly
which meets at Eugene in this state in
May. The attendance at the two sessions
is good and th people of the local church
are manifesting tneir interest lit in-
meeting by giving large attendance.
There will be services at the church this
p m at 7 :30 o'clock by the Moderator of
the Willamette Presbytery, Rev J C
Templeton, of Salem. The people of the
city are invited to attend All sessions
MOSS KDVARlS.On March 0.
18K4. at the residence of the brides
father Mr W M Moss and Miss Eva
Edward. Rev Gilbert McElroy officiat-
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Tuesday evening. March 13.
Present Mayor, Mw Willi. Chief of
Police and Councilmen Whitney, Schell,
I'feiffer. Hiirkhart, Mondial! and Walters.
Further time was granted the committee
on accounts and current expense.
The committee on streets and public
property reported in favor of granting the
petition of J F Troutman et al, asking that
the west end of 7th street be graded and
graveled. Ordered granted.
The petition of Frank Woo. I
privilege of putting np a wooden awning in
rear of bis brick marble shop was granted.
The committee appointed at a special
meeting to confer with the sheriff in refer
ence to writing receipts for city taxes for
1894 reported nothing done; also that
lawyer consulted had not yet givn their
opinion as to whether the sheriff may be
compelled to write receipts for city taxes for
I'M aa ordered by the city
A report of Chief Kngjnw I (annals, was
read showing the fire department to be in
good eon.lition. He recommended the pur
chase of 200 feet f.'t of hose, also that traps
be it in on Ferry street. Filed.
Thejmatter of cote fjr the fire engines.
, was referred to the committee on fire and
I water.
The petition of Santiam Lumper Co et al
! asked that electric light be alio red to re
main at Jefferwrm and 1st and not be re
moved a ordered. motion the ai-tion of
complaint about barbed wire and harrow
ling pUced on sidewalks and report.-d
three case of dresses and overcoats being
torn on account of the same. On examina
tion the ordinances were found to give
merchants two feet for the displav of good
regardless of their character.
The recorder reported that O persons
had paid their dog tax out of 160 assessed.
A month further time wan given for the
payment of such tax.
On, motion Engineer Jolm Jones was
sascsed special policeman without additional
compensation. The object was to give him
the privilege of receiving cash for hi war
rants; though th- opinion was expnped
that it would not be sufficient without a
new ordinance.
j mere win na w or a id ine tutu oegree-
All member and sojourning brethren are
requested to attend
The wages of teacher in the Eugene
school wiil probably he reduced 20 per
cent. School teachet have to take t-He
-"-'"-" m
bard time doc with
wof iti
the iet ol tbe
In the U S court at Portland yssatt
dav Ja C Scott, oi thl dty, wa fined
: I15 for wndin; an obscene letter through
: the mail to Mr Jennie Compton. The
fine wa paid.
There were thirty bid for creeling the
i new hiinil school at Salem. lowest
kirk .V M.-Kenzie. of Portend. Sis 22.
1 - - -
Cumbiaaiiont usually count, and so will
the combination barber ahop opened near
C M vT grocery tore. Ill light. coo
raodiou, inviting and presided .. -er by
lour gejtlemanly barber.
A Benton Couny man a few dav ago
aid to tbe O P mail agcr,-.. -What t
Butterworth'".' The answer wa, -'more
than Rainwater ". ThU question ol name
remind -1 that an O P engineer has a
very hard oee, Cateel'.
Tbe Eojcne made its hrt njp op the
river saaaniay. It t sited from .
with the M ;v, which went to Kugene, re
turard and met the boat at Alba- y. It i
(low In blgb water: but when low watrr
get here, u will probably be the only boat
! ln" wr-
! eUercay at CorvallS Judge Fullcrton
' aranled . order to pay O P empoye a
, " rrontl s pay Iron, rcb t
to March
1 and ihe money will be distributed at Tot I Receiver Clark'a Uyle ol
doing buMn'M
Prince QsIIISSJS. a wealthy Russian
nobleman, propose to ride on borsc-K;ck
"O" 5t Teiershure to San trancrsro. A
1 be ha already made a 1 ajtSSB mile trip it
, -..,,- h lll .,r. d. mm'rh
for hi trip through this va!lv with j;reat
inter'. He is now in San Frarcisco, so
It will be a long lime to wait.
The Mae populUt convention cenvene
In Oregon City tomortow. Dr J L H'll.can
didtte for governor, B F Ramp, for con
gres, C B Montague, for secretary ol
state, and si! the delegates left for the seat
ot war this ncor. it I probable Nathan
fierce will be nominated lor covernor.
There I much more uncertainty about ihe
other can lidates.
EvAXi.Ki.isTic baa lima. News comes
to us from all parts of the world of a deep
spiritual interest pervading tee entireties.
1 here is an increasing activity among
christian ieople everywhere, and thousands
are Deng nreught into the light. Or 1 ler-
son suvs "tins is the age ot the spirit
and surely Uiere is evidence that this is
true. We are glad to note that our ciy
has felt tins influence 111 a measure. Our
people are evidently leing quickened, and
we lielieve that the spirit will yet come 111
still greater power in answer to the
prayers of christians. Rev Little made
strong appeal to tbe unconverted last even
ing at Uie V 1" church. His text was an
eloquent appeal iu itself--"Behold the
IiOrds hand is not shortened, that it cannot
save, neither hi ear heavy that it cannot
hoar." We are saved from the pollution
and penalty of sin and saved to heaven.
There was a large audience in a' tendance
hust night and we hope for a still larger!
one tonight. Come out and hear for your-N
Gaihikx Seeds. Every Ixxly should
have u garden. Aro you one who will.
Then go to Stewart & Sox Hardware Co
and make your selection from a fresh supply
of all the seeds in tho market, the largest
stock in the city.
Awarded Highest Honors at World's Fair
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Aluu,
Used iu MUUonsTof.Homes 40 Ye.irs tfic Standard-
K Ei Thompson, of Portland, is in the
Mrs I N Woodle returned to Albany
this noon after an absence of several
Mr and Mrs Hale liackensto of Dallas
returned home ibis aiternoon after a
short visit in Albany.
Capt N B Humphrey baa been nomi
nated for recorder by the Umatilla coun
ty popnlists. However, the Captain.
still claims to be a republican
Major Yoran, Capt Graham, and I
Lieut Roblin of the second t
armed in Albany thw noon, and to-
night will inspect I Company and tha
hospital corps as .well as their prop-r- (
ties. j
Rev Geo E Haw, of Portland, arrived
in Albany this noen and will preach at the 1
U P church tonight.
Tfi&rZ rr' -l ZIZZ.,Z ZZ. I
convention to be held touierrow
W U av awsvayawawpssj sw sh psawasasa aa euuc
Frank Lewis, formerly of Corvallis, and
at one time a noted and fleet sprinter, ar
rived here today from San Francisco. It
will be re mem br red that he was stricken
with paralysis sometime ago while in Fast-!
era Oregon, front the effects of which he j
ha not as yet entirely recovered, bet be
says he continues to improve. Corvallis
The lauket partv at the K of P hall held
last evening by the two lodge was a social
suoce . An introductory program was
gisen of much interest. G W Wright deliv
ered the address of welcome and announced
the exercise. Roy Parker. Elma Parker
and Jessie Clifton sang well: a vocal duet
by Misses Warner and Farrell. was a pleas
ing effort. Mis Edna Allen was heard in a
piano solo rendered with a skillful touch
The little daughter of Mr L' I' Will delight
ed the audience with a recitation Miss
Warner wrs heard in a vocal solo and
games followed. Finally came the banket
lunches. 25 cents secured a basket and a
lady's name, with whom the lunch was
U cotsTt tn n KITH . M ( 1 s
The county convention of the demo-1
cratic party of Linn county, Oregon,,
will be held at the Court House in Al
bany, on Wednesday. April 4th, 1S94.
at 10 o'clock a m to nominate candidates
for county oScere ; to elect delegates to l
the democratic slate convention, and to
transact such other business as may
?roperly come before the convention - !
rimanr meetings wiil be held at the ;
" " 11. - - - ' - - eticiw till- 1
ing precincts of said coon It on Satordar, !
March 31st. 1SW. at two o'clock p tn. Br
a unanimous vote ol the
of tbe county centra!
committee it was recommended that the
viva voce system of vottnaube adopted by
u.e next convention so tar as it niav an- '
y to the nomination of candidates. '
be several precincts are entitled to
delegates as follows :
Albany .0
Canter 3
Crawfordsviile 4
Eas Albany. .. , 6
Franklin Butte 4
rent Valley 1
Haisey 7
North Brownsville 5
North Harritburg C
North I .viae n fJ
Orleans 21
Price 7 j
Rock Creek S
Santiam 5
Scio 4
Sbedd 41
Sbelbaru 4 j
SodaviUe S
South Brownsville 41
Sooth Harrisburg 4-
Nouth I ban on o
Sweet Home 5
Syracuse 3
aterloo 3
West Albany 6;
All voters in sai l Linn county with-
out ecard lo former political affiliation
who favor an honest economical, admin-
1 tt ration of county, state arid national
govern menu, so as to conserve tbe in-
tenet's ot the masses as against trusts
and monopolies, are cordially 'nvited to
join in facing part in these conventions.
tiio WKIOIti, Mast MM ier.
Secretary. Chairman Pro Tern.
The case of 1 V Munkers agt the
Karuser A Merchants Insurance Company I
oix-npied tl time of the court veaterdav 1
afternoon and this f-renoon. The case was
given to the jury, which was onr at press
A motion fjra continuance of the ca of j BttOS - CO . , Nurserymen, Portland Ore
A V Tapsou agt J W af dibee brought out J goa
the fact that Mr Uerald M Fennell thei
assignor of a note for insurance to the '
plaintiff, who will be remembered as the j -'
kid glove rtsttrance man. is now in New I A fiENTS MAKE Fl fc DtiLLARb a
York City- Tbe defendant rrhiAd to pay i-dsy telling the grtatess kitchen uten-
the note on the nrounda that the insurance
notice anu not ai i-oniinir to contract and
hail been rejected.
A true bill was found against K T Lewis
for burglary. He will be tried Friday.
Not a true bill was fout.d in the case '
against J II Marks.
The caee of the state against lr J Pi
Snonogle for rape was called at 2 o'clock, j
ine court house was trowtietl witn an eager
audience, but judge Hurnett did not be
1..., ...,r tw
lieve such cafes were good for big audi
encev and cleaml the court room.
Don't Swkar. Of course you tee
like it some time; but there Is cothlng In
It. Simply learn a lecaon, and the next
time go to Par ' er Bros for your grocer
lea, produce and baked goods. No one
ever ejaculates profanely after leaving
their store, lor net only are the best gro
ceries In the market told; but everybody
from a child to an old gentleman. Is treat
ed courteously. Tt.eir baked goods. In a
large variety, are tuperior and popular.
If you wonld keep In good humor with
the world always Irv Parker Bros.
Ladiev'ry the Kclanfine Masr.e Cream
the bet preparation ever made for the
complectlon. to he bad oi Mrs Rowell, at
Kus House Albany Ore.
tdean towels to every omwmer at Viereck
shaving parlor.
Whatever may be the cause ot blanch
ing, the halt miy be restored to it origi
nal color bv the use of that potent remedy
Hall Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer".
Dr. Price's Cream Biking Powder
World' Pair Highest Award.
Visiting politicians of all color have to
use medicine. Buy it from Fred Daw
son at the little drug tore 0-3 nd st.
New Advertisements.
1JUANTKD. A young
lady oesircs a
ff plant 10 no general
house work.
Address Clara M He
nold, Albany Ore.
PURE BRED Silver Laced Wyandotte
eggs for sale by I) 0 Wood worth.
The ro-im recant! v oc.:u
JL pied by J
W as a boot and
shoe shop. Ca 1 on L, viereck.
Egos, Ego, Euos. Pore bred Silvar
Laceri Wvaodntta. Kbits for settlrjL'.at
the Al any Poultry Yards. From pan Vo.
1 and 2. 81.25 par i3; pea No. 3 $1 per 13. j
B I iymoutb Bocks, 75ctsper 13. Jonn
Jruab, Aibene, Or. Cor 4th and It ft s t s
FOK Kb 1 .The opera boose store,!
splendid location. Ca 1 on the
secretary at the Dbmocbat office for pat
noR Sa LB shares of
Albany elee
I fie light toc't the best dividend
paying stoik
this office
this eiti. Knqnfre at,
old by HJ F Merrill.
-Bvujrbt and
For Sale or Trade, abonseand lot In:
good location In Albany W! 11 sell ;
cheap for cash or wiil trade for Jn nd part
ly or wholly improved net very far from ,
town. Call or write to this office.
tiff V OO ttLlSSS
g jfcSBf JS&!S2
, two oninuteai without wetting th
band. No experience neesasary: setl at
aight, perm anent ncsition. Address W
p Harrison A Co., Clerk So. 14, Co urn-
hoe. Ohio.
HXF '8H o employ c few rood
- printing prea-e., pumps,
etc. Everybody buys them . 8teaJy em -ploy
meet. Easy situation and good
wages. Address WP Harris ,n A Co.
Clerk So 14, Columbus, Ohjo.
Star Baker
or Br xdi&lbio SMSt FlrM t
ajet r . ta,
r led sTratta,
sU,. aUe.,
Sac msryUbr tawt ia kepi ia a ftaar
... ., . ...
Jiat.ciery, iouei arusiei, Busies
Instrumeus, Etc
Hodges k McFarlaafl,
The; Cornet Drug; Store,". Albany ,qi
I rrnRs, JPetintss, Oll
Glass, Etc
J. A. femmmg
' We have 30 acres of very choice sartor- !
j ban laud. ssitaKe for platiag. adjotcing the j
j city limits of Portland which we are ctTer-
- mc at the low price of one thousand dollars I
I par sera, subject to aa iocamtwaace of 5 16,-!
000. u'- !' of whcbha to year to roo. ,
The equity of S33,o00, we a exchange lor i
I isapioved farm land in the w lUamette vai- t
ley . will alas exchange equity in sobs 1
very centra! peoepestiva bu.tnt-. property, t
payiD sroo reosai. tor uaiucu-n-ereu mm i
land. If yon re . tbe trace wee for fun
i parties ars to Loc & Ccbbif 131 31 stree. j
fw,tUna vfregoo.
ft r
ANTED Pushicg Canvaaer of good
dieas. L'beral aalaiy and rttrow
paid weekiv; P-rmnent positioa. BROWS
ever invented . Ketalt tr inmy-n e
I cent. Two to six can be
sold in every
bouse. Mblioo sold in this country atone.
Don't mtss ihe wreattsi opportunity ever
known to ike money, easi'v and quickly.
Sarrple ei.:. postage prepa'd lor fiveceots.
McUamin i Co., Cincinnati. Ohio.
NOTICE is hereby given that the an
nual meeting of the stockholder of the Al -bany
Building Araociattoa will be held as
store of J Gradwoht, in Albany, on Mon
day, March 19U, 1S94, at 7 .30 p m for the
election of directors, and such other basi
ns aa may come before the meeting.
Dated Feb 9tn, 1S94.
W C TWEEDALE Secretary
notice: of final settlement
lrirn--t sdmiuinnuxix af
tho cat tn it J.'hn Urishsm. decea-ed, haa Sled ia
Uw offtce of the dark .4 the Count y Court of Linn
county, Or.hor final account and that said court ha
..inted the 10th day ot March. ISM. at Uw
hour ot 10 o'clock a m of aaid day. a the ticw
for hearing all objections, if any, ta said final account,
anil tor the settlement of aaid ca at.
ltate.1 thi Btt day of f'ebroarr. 1S.
K R lit itt, Kuaaacni Gauaua,
Attomcv tor Aduu. Adutiuiauatrt
dcrttgned ha thi day been appointed admin
latrator with the will anuued of the estate of Joseph
Sommcnille, deceased, ) the jounty court of
Lwu county, Orafon. and all parson
lanne claim aeatnat aaid estate are hereby re
lUired to reent th eaiu duly terifled to me
at cyr toaoe about aix mile east .d Harruibarx, Unu
countv, Oreg-M, within l month frn the date
Dated Duube.Uh.181W. T
J J Whitney. . 1 mi: c
Atty orAthiiiu.
Tl partnership harctofore exiatlng a
doing a blackemithiog baaioeas under
name of Cramer A Bowman is dissolve
mutual consent this day. All claims due
the firm or owing by it will be tattled by
the old firm at th ahop oa Second street
between Ferry and Washington. (Mr
Cramer retires snd Mr Bowman will oon
tmuet hot business. February 1, IStH .
Cbamkk k Bowman
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
A Pure Oram Cream of Tartar Powder.
1 upui 1
Alkor to Ha frzmm
Including FIVE Gate Tickets To
From San Francwco to other point in
California wiil be allowed purchaser of
special Mic -inter Fair ticket at the fol
lowing round trip ratrs
To stations under 1 50 ssiles from Saa
Francisco, or.e and one-third one way
To fa'ion- 1 50 mile or more from San
j Francisco, one and one -fifth one way
1 fare.
For exact dates and full particulars, fn
: quire of C K Fronk, agent at Albany. Or,
i or sddrtts the undo tigned.
i Ricii'd Gkay, THGoodwast.
Gen Traffic Man. Gea Passenger Agt.
San Frarejtco, Cal.
E P Rogeks. Ami G F 4 P sgent, purt-
i UndOr.
In tie Omit Comri of tie Stat, or Oream
for tie Cotraty of darn.
V M Osbcrn & Co, Piaistuf
S P Barger and and Sarah
Barger his wife,
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of
an execution and order of sale duly issued
out ot the abeve named court "in the
above entitled suit to me directed and de
livered, I will on Saturday tbe 7th day of
April, 1S94, a: the front door of the court
bouse in the city cf Albany, Linn County.
j Oregon, at tbe hour of 1 o'clock p SB Ot
! said day sell si public auction for cash ha
j hand to the highest bidder, tbe real prop
1 ert t described in said execution aad order
j of vale 10-wit ; Beginning at tbe nortb-
west corner of H L Brown's donation
land claim ootiScation number 3038 Is tp
114, South Range 1. wot ot the Wiliam
I cue meridian, in Linn C&enty. Oregon,
j thence east 35 chains, thence south 9
) chains, thence north $oc vest 7 chains,
i thence couth 86, wett 16. 50 chains, tHence
1 north 66 west 50 chains to the place oi
segBsstSBg, except (jbb sexes aw taw east
side of the tract, deeded to W R Kirk No
vember 6th. 1SS6, recorded In volume 30
! on page 392 of the records of deeds for
unn lonntr. The proceeds analog
from said sale to be appiied first to tbe
payment of the costs of and upon said exe
cution and the original costs of said salt
taxed at $23. So. Second, to the payment
to the plaintiff D M Osbom & Co, the
sum of 8tSgS6 with interest thereon at
th: rate of 10 per cent per annum torn
the 33d day ol Ktober , 1S93, and tbe far
ther sum of $25 00 attorneys tees and
the overplus if any to be paid to the said
defendant S P Barger.
Dated this 7-h day of SUrch, 1S94.
C C Jacksox.
Sheriff ol Linq County Oregon.
iJfPltf sVlfPsYI
for fftAiv men
Had so trrtco does aspOeaOou SO tnamoas se
vete until aumla. S)i titian tn mV
me tifa. or vjci-us lattta coouaeaad fa seesaw
Bekttlrjr or Eikmln. WMbt Wnk
at, laeaeariaew 1 mil with Karly Xe
eae m TaMSraod BMde JLa-eA: tacftof vfaw
aa amcstfc. e-r Ji aexsal Oman tanliwl aad
Smaiaii aa avaeuaoaaas; oas awe.
VI staxr cratE tpcaa &
of RMH tn masr mrmmna ease
and tn ttia paa anwea rear.
of mmdmarnr. HABBIS
which commend tacit to aB
foe tn reasu chaS we awaufr B.
jMnn aw varaa.
wav of mm SavOBfl a aoatal card
SSaB BSSSMBSSsasB suae. Tt nttaal ewe fur
esatn asnnimr aa aeir i
in arain f-TTtn letter
cl caefr case for watch we
Oon li wnr b be ailed oc
suTalnpa fia aw. la rwnmliw it wnen a
1 X Waea we receive ine i
M CEhoi Maak we
torwarS iter nail
nrena; uw poasssw-Aaoaewiia ta
duaetawa fur i
We tsave aha wetter ot
turn free trial
foe trial iinrliisna
ot oar
we leaf taaa taajr
are mo
tenttaatiae the awe of the PaaSlllea. We
thaiaavaaaa Vtrpoei its, net taw 3 aoaH.
Tkey are a f.-ltowa; SXSO tot 00 aaoatb; S5J
fortwoaxulfc: SMJOfonhree Knvittt.
We ak all r r t. needfaa traaaaaeo ts aS
lhali iildnHiii 11 i I'liiTm t VISSSB All coeonre
ilialliaw rr iinilcraial aad should be addressed to
Baltimore Block -
- Albany. Ore.
complete line oi
'in all its branches.
EMBALMING apr-ialty.
Bcfii't re cortr t'ld rd Cal: pcoia Str
derautned Kxccut of the lat will aal tewa
ment of Andrew Kobb, deceaMd. ha filed her oa
accouat la th Delate of Andrew Kobb, deoeawd
with th countv clerk of Una county, Oreacou
and that the countv court ot aaid Unn county, ha
tied the lOah day ef March. ISM. tk
hour of 10 ocUxk in the forenoon of aaid dav, and
the countv court houae aa tha place, tor
the hearing of objection U any to aaid Oiavl ac
count and tha settlement of mid estate.
Dated Februaay Mk 191.
U H ltawrrr Jixt R Kon.
Atty lor Kaecutrix. Kxejuuia.
. .
Pttrtltuid. Orvguo- A. I9. Aftmng,. Piin.
SruK'h School . Capital Bits. CvLUt S, Seuwra. urtgciv
Same covvt ot Hair, mat raias of iQ'Uosjv
Basiuess, Shorihasd,
Ty-writi , PrnmutMS and Emgiiik Gffvkrtmen??
mWl MssTiou UiroaeLout the rear, tuilfau adiuU
sU maj tittie w ie ttuu. cillr Kimul. t
Oar a Bull
taunts in i wBBoaaa-
aad a in lraMnaad
ve huaerr buerctfd