The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 09, 1894, Image 4

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Mil Pad BailFoaH
In h line to take
To all Mats EAST and SOUTH
Hi MMltra Alt itniiTG,
It rnn iii oKh VK iiKin.
c; kvi,u ntv
it. tbe Vcsr to
CtaposH r KaiafCan Gutrp tss;id
Of latest Eqniunrati.
It ' .1 ot. u ::irti ate I and la
w:i:: i t tt a I st 1 i tra bith. frea
a i I l'.tr 1. 1 a. 1 ff nlHrsof First or
Bs Hl al slnHsta, a-i
1 In; i ii j 1 1 ni)jr.ijT i:h
al litiss, tiffo din r Direct sti i
iJamt-ni -a jtdd S jrYiC3 .
Pul;uii sleeper reservations can b
scared lii adt nice through any
SSSjBi l the roa.l.
' HR i Nil vcKtrs to am from sit
pota a ... a me ic Kmt and and
Itotopa can putt at mi y
ticket r ihis coir party,
(fell itif-rmati n coin' rues, time
oflraiiu 'oii"aaat ot'nr :o; sits faro
lsh:i o i appli . on to aay or
Aartataut Garer! ParnjrHr Agent,
Ko 121 P'ir5t fit. cor. Washington,
Portland. oie;on.
C a Barlc'i -. r: i agent.
S 11 H Clark, Olivet W Mink, E Eller
Andcreon, Receivers.
For raies and general infot matlon cail
on ot ad irous Curran Mootellh. Albany ,
Oregon, or
W H HI RI.BURT.Ass Gcn l. Pass. Agt,
3'4 Washington it.,
Portland, Orioox
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat
ent biis ness cocducten lor Mocrnarr rzix.
Oun Ornce is OeeoarTE U. S. PTtwT oate
and we can secure patent in less time man laose
remote (rem Washington. .
Send model, drawing- or photo.. w.;a deaenn
fion. V'e au'ise, if patentable or not. tree of
rv,e- (m not due till ratenl is secured.
. "Bow to Obtain Patents," wtti
cost oi arse in the U. S. aad feraaa cwmtrias
sent free. Address,
j Opp. fSaTtur Orrce. Washimstow 6 C
l ST
rrm wtn uhfvt UmAiAa b-i WriifJB mcitioc
letiMiilst of brsia, kcTfr fei e,rBa r ietf tBereilBs.
Ac ' x i 't.s.nj, 1 . - t.c . dbi!Hj. v.
Mat, ULSaftUOr. rt"BllaBt'. 1. WMfj Hr B04 t;m4'T
CBtMI'laltatS. '-ark. !in,.itf-, BCIIr-.Lai, ffMrt' ill bBltk,
ric T i$ e '-t- tMM er.iitcitaa kr'al Ibim"bi fcj rer
all trthcrs, an 1 rtvri a enrrot tbat U iBaiBotiy fJt by tbt
B-ers-r tr r f- rfett'. bc4 will nar all ot the tbTB
liBBBe or BB yip, Tbotitaiida are bcae ccrd bj jsr
vf'e ir iiti Niter a'i other remitet faned. anal w
jire tastaa'clv --t leetlro i.bU la ll.f ami ererr etbtr rl
nr t-va.-afj' i h i-i. v r t runsii M HI t ItMVa thB
rrtt Imw t r cKt "tk mu U Tt WITH A A. MLTt
iteairh hs4 tifow iurpttA n ST Kt'isOVloM Iran
btma Ur .''.te!, taalJc.r, fr, Addr'tm
ei.r- u it Xajcirrvx o op.,
Send for
' . m, REV. E. OOaDfT,
Vlin iy, ' "-,oa
1.891, 18012-
r-i r, - ,1 ispene'l aepteissber sih
-At I corps of Inatruotors,
M stBstY '.rranaad u- tnt
y -I.,. ..1 .tndentaa
m .,. - c'-rn'i to tud:
'rom al-out.
1 if r n i
l.tllU.i VI I I OX .11. attlai, -I
F tl.HArsy, oatBSAMi
rueu'.u .
Vloii Ciia.
rtA.T 1 'KNKKAt,,.iiii,l'Usi,ia
.. i: -.:-.fl aulijint to eueaik.
log a, ..I ti rtpiiir iraaal r, yaM
''r,.i. in,u I'tilnaif tail P-itl r,''
i.. lAOaaa. aaw,fcsa iirma
1 w ..... ....
, . . b, rwas
Sasasa r . Sox.
,5 i.
-- - a.
tax. sf
Dreadful Skin Disease 9 Years. Doc
tor's Medicines Useless. Cured
by Cutlcura for $4.75.
I feci It is rav dntv to toll yon my experience
With vour Ci n i it IHBIBI. I have been
troubled lor over nine years with a Urwulfiil
BKtll intense. 11 mu 1 ilia.
felt It, there appeared a few
small rod Bpots on my breast,
and it kept on spreading
slowlv. It started the same
on my back, between my
shoulders. A few days after
the spots turned gray, and
began itching. Small scales
would fall otf, so it continued
spreadiug all over my body.
I tried all the patent medi
cines I could think of, or get
hold of. I al90 consulted doctors. Yes, they
would cure mo In a short time, but they always
failed. Then 1 gave it all up, thinking there was
no cure for mo. Some few months ago, I noticed
vour advertisement in the Tacouia Jtorning
'Globt. Thought I would try the CiTi. ru a
Kkxikpiks, and, to my surprise, three boxes of
mmiu. one cake of CUTKJUJLA Soap, and
three botUes of Ci ti tka RissoLVKirr cured me
tie 6km is now as nure ami wnne as
that Ma child. I send my photograph
1 have
many friends in t hicago anil BE, niui.
F. O. Box iouj, WTiatcom, Washington.
CrnocRA and Ct-rtcmA. Soap, externally,
and CiTici RA Rksolvkxt, Internally, cleanse
the blood and skin of every eruption, Impurity
and disease, when the best physicians fail. The
cures dailv effected by them are simply wonder
ful. Ko other remedies are so pure, so sweet,
so speedy and so effective. They are beyond
all doubt the greatest skin cures, blood puri
fiers and humor remedies of modern times.
Sold throughout the world. Pries, Ccnnnu,
SOc.; Sour, 24c.; Resolvent. $1. Prepared by
Potter Dbvo and Chem. Coup., Boston.
Mf" How to Cure Skin Diseases," mailed free.
PLE8, blackheads, red and oily akin pre
vented and cured ty c iticlra boat.
Backache, nervous pains, and weak
nesses, relleveo la on minute oj
the Cutlrura Anti-Pain Plaster.
The only pain-ktutng plaster.
t (BAH
AtMraers at La. Will praetice in all courts el tU
Spsoiat atuntion civeu to millers in prob-.
and to c lettians. OFFICE In the f .inn block
u iiiintr
Attorasy at Law snd Solicitor in Chaucery. Coll
'ions made an all po'.nta. Loans negotiated on
rakle terms. Albany, Oregon
Attsrasy at law. and Nntary . Will practice 'in
all the caorts of tte.s tata Special Attention riven to
collections and matters id probata PBSXS- See',
doer So Postoflea, AlbanT. Ogu .
V. 1 1 a ' I l
AalfJ&tftl S -t
II leral aiattcrs ari l receive pnmp
iltenti ,n (Bee
i i Fill aar's Ttfitvl, Albanj,
Attorney at Law, Albany. Or.
Attjrneys at Law.
Albany, Oregon
11. rHHWKttE!X . . D..
aemeoiaathtat. a"Spe; 'Jiu 'a diss
Offloe hoars 7 Itli :
oi . A . OretB
s ol ilu- Ere.
and I to 8
It. J. I.. HI I.E.
r"7 atret, Albr.T, Orctron
kb. n tirov .t ntTi.
I PtarBctana an S'l-noos. OrFi ' ' -
I and Brf;bm str-Mta. A:tin , Or. Ca'-! ra
. jiot.a
attended i atT and ceantry.
or uvr, BstssBoai
TUASSAt-Ta wwaJ Bulrinr
tinr osa
on Se a
ork. an Fr a
sco and Port 1 And, Oreyeo.
LOAN MOSEV ea approred seoiri'y
RECEIVE deiKjaita subject to check.
COLLECTIONS oaade oo f- . tens.
UTTCRCST oaid rn tim- deonaiu
. i Mesa
A J J. I
-OF 1 HH
Southern Pacific Co.
Cipro Trains '.eave Portland Daily
South 7oa atnr 1. ase, I rtt
tt'tte. at, la P.jrtland Ar I 1 is
lv-.'Sr ;.. Albany Lr I l'3 t
W:a si Ar Sail rrandscq Lr 7;Ci r a
iivt '.rsirii, ir m i nil sttllo si from
nlti . Ibny in r'ualve alsrlan
h d i.t s.y.H trriib'l-g Jnni'i
Irving. '.tin i a'tl nil uttt'uns
oeh'irrt'i in'an I inliiv -i
ansa: ua il, pailt
W)k u I L
l.':lir I Lt
M r k j Ar
P'.n :jod
Ar 1 4f r
l.v I l-a-5 )
"Lf I T or.
.-to a a I Lr
a .00 a I Ar
Ifr a I i.v
09a I Ar
IU y
be balm
Lv I
SO a
Dinine Car3 on Ogtlfn Ruute.
Attacked laall Tbr aria Train
eTe.l HI- lili l-iloa.
rtnaini KsiatrLAMis stn csfBvaltsa
Mail asi dam 1 lK:tpi hsjaaaj ,
7:911 A a I f,r
(3:15 r m ! Ar
r :f. ?
sxrasssriars sar.r Huwlsj .
A:4H r s I l.i
TrlS r tt I Ar
am At
Ttronjrh Ticlcett-t
s all point In His Pastern lit ilea, rtanvls a,id
EurnpAcaii bs nh imi 1 1 at oweat ra'ea Irora C at
Fraab.Arent Albany.
Siar.aatr Sss'l O v n.)
rort'tr.1 OreiM'S,
Scientific American
For !nfnrmatin ani free Handbook writ to
MUN'N a CO.. )l BuiiausiT. New Vouk.
Oldaat bureau for securinir patents ln America.
Every patent laken out by us ta brnuaht before
tbe public by a notice given free of charge in tb.
$tieutific jIVmmcaii
tatrcust circulation of ny scientific piper In th.
world. Bplsndldlr lllustntad. No IntallWren
ccan ahould be without It. Weekly. S3. 00 a
Kir; 31.aistz inimtlia. Addrua Alt S.N A CO.
uusuuts. Jti I Uroadw- s'aw Vork Ut.
anratwLn Ui! llrw'T?1 rBam
ff aBBSBv 1 aw
S.'ltAI'S UK kivt Ltl.tii:
When dam.-nin
uge water m hot i
sprir.Vle the linen.
I clothes lor ironing
; the ban I can beir,
old TO" t dy, roll up
ttgH nl ibtj will ir .n mveh
hot water ft neir ie BBo r i
It Is not sjectMat t SBIM ei
wl. en using col I w'fr. A
a ier ibc
adily, and it
0 BBSS ns
d all Statist
broom kept foi itii miri'
forms it
band implement fur
The moat delicate
topo:;r Un. a .it t
it to remain, H:u i
It wiM b- f ton i t
. rtnk'lag .
i ,i . hi ho 1 u.t I'gfi is
v i It ml allow
. n la ; Iji n ihlnates.
e pet ( tly cooke I .
one drink is maue by
uiifiiis , I 1 bwley
A cooling, a hoi
mixing two tables
i,h ollirl,.r a nnun Gf i, sliiiu.
Pour on :i ratliei mo e ! i i
boilinj; erater. Add the p:
lemon I.-t It land all ntsjrtt
and it Is read) for use.
2 quarts ol
I ol a fresh
then a' rain.
A GxhI wsy IO imusr
catnot -It up or i '
ori'inarlh dear to I He i
arrange a mirror on r
i k
hil.l v ho
1 1 self In ways
f . loal is to
1 surh a wsy
n f om the
1 . ablr an cp
. , of t chair
d 'be mirror can
tod no.-e.l back-
iff, r, nt portions
as li rene. 'trie ot) i
window. If no : o I i- i
right stick fastta -i
will answer th ptsrp ?. ,
be tiited at vaiious sn'e
ward and foiward to Mm.
of the cutdom seen- lu te
is too weal j SO eare to I t.
of the f.ieet t e g' I n
the restful blue of th kj a
If th? chil-J
a, piacrama
uiads to regsc1
i tho billowv
cumulus clouds, wli'c w II g- icrally have
a soo hing effe t and m k m eyciidsdroop
and tticd bodies rcl.x in'o h-'al'h giving
siumhfti .
If it is BfCaeenry to ti th in lurJ water
add a few drops of ammonit, ir prepare
powdered borax in hot water and pcur In
a I'.tt e. The borax can i e kep bo-.'lei for
use. -
When you arc hcste.1 ooict balle the
face in coli water Al e' a jour; ty give
th-face a ho: bath, whseb iti raaaaia ihe
dirt and coal dust rMch has Permea:ed the
skin; tt en rinse in c i I water. At
before retiring, bath the face la hot water.
then incjU. and wipe .lr, t:. a soft to.el
Ipedn t:i a soft toael
a:.entr.epievebe.e.t.unc is chicken.
don'. a'k a guen if n; :r-t-.s wnite or dara;
met;erre a p-ttion o tx b. VVi:n a roast
it Is customaiy to fir-d oi, il lie iii.e the
beef raic ur e:i c.cnc
Healths el cheese i. ile'i-iO'Ja f it a,rea bng
a broara-brrad sandaich. UarS the brs 1.
thin, BM very litt'e butter then spread
with tbecheese. Dip so re water crease. In
a rrenctataaociresaing. cram a moment,
and Inclose them lxccn. he :iceclbead
TliE TAitTlXti Of f HE WllttLS
Tbe Weld's cartfol retorts from tie;
industrial towns of Ne Knr;lsr.d leave
little room for cour-t - hat he tendency to a
revival oi business is com; ara iveiy strong
this week. In .vet tasra frum which ic
poits have ccmc tiaere are aiarke-i sidns of ,
renewed activity, ahtch e Uckiug r
wee ago
II ill be impossible to these,
result. sec uratch UT.i. eva.t ata'istlcs lot
the werk are asatic ip., t la a general ara
the ntvr la laKrwatagia i. Many rniils hive i
opened after p.oor.gtd will ana Many
tic running on Ml 'ioic. ! c.-c before ttey
ere only in part at w.-rk. Fiom almost !
ail the report! ihai u'ders aie coming
more freely than hr rcuotcs a.L
In sijrt. there i somt- re.oeeiy of coo-
ceoe in cor.tMttlon eltla-tLe Witaaaj bill.
The feeling la etow ing thai foal action op-
.- ., , , . . .
on it is not like!) to be povtooned too far in -
. . ; . . .
... ll,,H. -. . . I ....... . . . . 1 I
.w .1,, .....u, .1111 "IIIVII . . 1 1 c - 1 iu
porUnt that Ii it prett.i turc 'o be paysrd
without any rtiy rasttcsti in its
To mer. lajiig lasysaaeaa pi.n, and git Ing
oidcra for many sumlu ariccd this Ust
point is of great consequence. So long sa
they could rot know or confidiotiy i ; ct-
ure what the general character of this
year's arid legislation is o be thev felt a
natural hesitation about profafttBg opera-'
lions well into the fa urc leal somt'h-ng be
put into the lass 10 chance bus' ocas con
ditions in radical ways. Having now settled
down in'o the coofiJca; be.irf that the
Wilson bill substantia :- repreacata sshat
t to be done, they a'e ftr m-are ditpoted
tall tbey were a week ago lo giye their
ordrrs and HftdaftatsvC a spring trade.
The change i a hesitating one of course,
and its ex'ent is not at all what it would
be if tbe i-sue were fina ly settled. But at
any rate thrre is a marked gain mule and
a better prospect than has recently been
ooservible. N Y World.
in the great Nr;iiwt? vtpreent priooa
for wbe t.alinoat anv ot -r grain yields
arg-r roturn. Un I whih w. II prod no.
good apring whe t wi'i -1 a- y bring large
crop ol 01 Ui rod barr-v, ei Ler one of
hi.'h i worth morn par pi ml than
whea'. Thare writ I aJao baa aub.tlio
tlon of ' rn tn I p 1 ",es fr w iaat.
Tbeae c :iaetawiil t u 1 maierialiy to re
duce this year' wh-tt .-rop, un ons there
hero in a vry mttsris' .'viriiii'i
pn ' . h.f ,n apr if .nil r tim.
If the ' -ii. ratic party woald relieve
itself of the damning cha'ar of '0i'ecilt
Inelhracy anil cowarii'i-c, in ass-ig if
prlntcp e, It shou'd wifhou' di! prepare
hot conls for the bac.s f hariishell
representatives In the Sana e, wi ll a view
to expending i!ie lerrap'n like sloth lhat
has beretofu-e been exhibited In that body.
This is no tim: for un i" ng h irs, nir for
spli'ting the party erhrr. Tnere must be
eome method knots n to be th people,
by which the Scn;tor can be reicheo, and
that plan ahould be put into execution.
Point Pleasant Register.
Many people imastlue lhat by b owing
tbeir breath on thai lu.nie of r. kn'io ilmy
ctu t" 1 whether tho b,a lei is f. or iot
meti 1. Now h t HOB, bri ath will sMllmr'
to a pol'atsaial I. ad" and fade awsi
ihe sain? a OS a.tei-1 but nlite
often mi lota 'I know ii In. and that I
tin, rra"rr why o many imonla carry
lil 1I1 r 1 ' ukftt ki.ivera.
H re in lattl l'-m w.'ilo.i will bo of
fonilierbl vt'ui lo t!i buyer who
tri k lo jit-t - No. 7 font In ii f No. 6ahie
A .?.. bj a eot it an Inch; 10 unusrwiiar
tt Is tw ) iiirboa: Inn iseh ino'; In a
rvallar on afi f i'l h. I , . Mrt one
hi ll inch; lr absMa, 1, ..xii.ot' an incbi
in panlH OMitsebi in gliaraa, onahalf n.h
and in taU one alKhi 1 f ! Inch.
The p. opit'a pany ii . , .!.:.. ,t of i.-irry-'114
tha lounty an 1 ihe stat'i and scorns
ii-inn sviUi ttie demo :uats; ' a lurg proport
ion of the dcinccr.-is woul not vote a fusion
tkkt if tt ar. pMoadlo 'lie field, and the
lepubMcn ri ii uie tne Idea "I being beaten
by ihe pouplm a. Orcm. City Courier.
There M a BBa of ,,ve, par j J S'n" " '" i Yd f or in th. Mc Kialey I... hy did , Wnt havl U,; Vof': S-iowitC been Tound ii;;,! ur dlrvctmg U;c proccCAU4 st.C sa.-to be
cant, in the acreage t w.ntar wheat Pf0"0 v"'y "npr on t h- ) IO iapo,t more ,aB.r ; . ,893 hard-worked farmer , wife waa ; whal aPf" suspicioua cir- -JPh fobows: I-irt to the payment
aown lat fall In this enumry. -Ma waa I V,rtD" lrrMf '"" "v r',Jr wa ,la I than in iS-ji? la 1891 we imported 5 611.. matbing vicious looking abotit her ou.usla- ce. As rear as can lj .cured 'he com ano expe.e of making uch
d,. mainly t lb low - f wheat at j m "'' ""Ml J3S poo.d and in ,8.,j 7, I ..-rd i W & Courier reporter she ; . e had employed a man to grab tor 4 mM to as .Morney tee.
, 1 , . jv.-- ... 11-. . . overahowini 'bedaugen that i,.r. to ' .. . waa seated ns de a ninare breakwind him under con'ract. and. a tew nights ,or ,n"itu" - . - - aa' m ln
thai though tn,te, w.r, -rom Kr8afla 10 ti. Keen i 3 3,7'6n Pouna' belo a " ioc'"1 " ovr ' compose.1 of tie. near the S. I' i. A 1 since, tnis man was ordered to kmvTtom I fy ?.". ?
12toI5cent....uhe hlgh.r than wheat T.T " . Tf llVaa of os ld art. strwy ai, satlBtsta ho -se. eating a l,lgCnit she had i mmuDity by mat ed m-.i H- tioo in gold coin of the I. rite J states of
price, nw. Wbttw.ll r..t0rily ta. .la f .fT. " T. j three tuaatttBsl sod one tbousnd. four hun- probably lge.1 some here in town She "red at tbe pa'ttes ho Uied to drive mer,ca and interest thereon m.egOid
r.ault.f wheat coniimia. pra-nl price. ,8 '' ftaet"" Jb" "' dreH tnJ ,.,., r, , tham, r j Ld an old newspaper spread on her l.n ' " W Nothing further BBf h.r.I of the ,6thdat of November .So,
unti ihetim.forsli.g hssorlur crop 9aBftBB atlU be.u ;nd , 'f fjunda. ri. l.osas th,r J 1 I Ml0 . the mat-er till this morning, wben m, URtil paid, at the r-e of b per cent per
unu " nssoriu, crop was t.u: Utile If any incte.e lon with al ...: 1.. .i. .a Amaru aa. f.nm,l 1.- t..... 1 annum. Third, That the surniu. if any.
The Oregonian a few days ago published
a dispatch from Washington purporting to
give a conversation held between two
prominent democrats, (very wise'y con
cealing their names,) ono being a member
of the democratic national committee nl
the oiber a prominent West Virginia dem
ocrat in which the latter w.l reported to be
bewailing the dire diamines to tlt, coal
and lumber in'eres's in cans the Wilson bill
shull pass. He is reported as saying:
Our lumber and coal mining industries
an threatened with practical annihi at 1013,
and Northern capital, which was besiB
niuyr to invade t.m South, has been with
drawn, both because morey is frightened
by uncertainty of the times ami because
tne proposed tariff legislation Is in the line
of redaoag the attraction ol capital :o ou
limber and coal fields. In lumber we
shall Lo thrown entirely out by ,-,iiii,. i ion
wnn tue Canadian protlnci ami in coal we
are already beinif crowded by the 'totl
Scoti 1 prod"c'. It is poorer coal, but Is
beinjf bid down at Wl centn a ton less t! an
ours. With the tariff laken off. with the
Canadian advantage of cheap water trans- j
1 n 1 n 1 Vu , l n. :! . i
frmino e,,! ., "rK'n"w" . '!
'o mine coal at a proht with anything but!
starvation wages
It is sufficient to say that no democrat I
ever said such Iniatg No intelligent man i
would niakH It. A liMta lamaHaaiias S.III
fi.Hyvcr.fy this statement. Le.'ns look iu i
to this matter of importing coa, from N ,va !
Sooliu and destroying the coal inVis of j
U'est Virginia IttbeUni
send coal now to Nova Sco'ia and
sell ii in cosy petition wish the coal of that
coun'ry. what danger can there be in re-movi-(t
the duty from coa IV None what
ever. This proposition is too plain to be
controverted. Well, then, "for the year
ending Iecembcr 81st, 1S:1, there rere
Imported into the United Sta'e from at
ons of l.ilumi -
ilch the duty i.
s. frr,m the en
fore ign eouutries 1,108.' 61 '
nous coal, (the kind upon wh
place! ) Of this 64.3,92 was from the en
- p, , . . no'-been able to perform any duties at this ' of 8 er cent: but the mayor vetoed the or-',
tire dominion of Canada. Probably the ; T friend, -that include. 1 declaring that ft should be paid
half of this was from Nova Sco'is Dur-; n- bu- tou IncnJ ,Dat ,Dclu'1 ; ollt of the , urrvi:i Vt.-nwea. Consirlerable I Be
ing the saaie period we exported of the "very" who erer came in contact with , uCU)win p.!t, ft,Jltl ,!.,. tuMU:.. A gei
same kind of coal 2.325,591 tons or more
than twice the amount we Ituportetl- Then
where can be the danger of removing, the
tjuiy from aI V There is but one danger
J anj tbal i(! that (acn Teuxoyi mav 0pera'e
i t0 deprive the coal barons of the couotr- of
,h wfer l0 form
, bines and trust, W. ihe. are saablsai
bines and tmata lu.n.',v ib n.',l.-l
ln ,riBC, nri, frJ ,h,ir .W,
iu aarin ciorui iini pricca ur tucir us a
fr.ln, tbe people. But among; tbe people
' tl,u would be a consumatinn iBUBitlj to
j be a isbed . Avery significant fact ton
nected with this matter of the amount or
c3ai exported from tbe foiled Statea to
' foreisn countries is the dne that pesrle
half of it. 994-sOl tons. was shipped to
tae dominion ol Canada, to compe'e witb
whose coal cur cjal barons fear so much
,ounrt4k. THe same is true of -umbe
, ,7 , . . , . . ,
-nd the manufactures of wood imported
' for the period abore m-ntionel was tit.
780.96J and of that exported was 26.59.-,
195. S-o it will be seen thst we export "
more coa! and wood manufactures than e
import and hence that l '. is pure nonsense
, I , . ... .. .
to have any fear of competition from im -
, . r
Te Biand substiiute arigclorage bill carrl
ed etrday ky 171 10
are at foliowa: The first sec'ion of the sib
.it,.fe is identical i Ii l e (ir; section of
ht origin:) b!:, except that coinage i to
proceed as lat is potable ' ' instead o
; ''practicable." Toe substitute foi the sec
ond section is as fo!Uwt:
. ,.f .
,.a.. a a - ,i ...
l ..i . ... . ..
srre remaining "fa. Iter bullion rorrKiMt i. ' of tbe Vi ol Ju:y ,4. 1S00. sh.l
L , , , , d" .l7i'.il
. . . . , t ,
dollara fast as possible, aod the cola shall
. .
be he! Hor redemption of ti
' . . ..
sued a -ainat such bullion .
easory notes i
Aa fast aa the
bu'.ion shall be coined lor red-mj-.loo, said
no'ea shall not be reissued bo: shsll be can
cttlel in sraxii i "it' ti ''oia hell derived
fiom th: fMnage heraja pririiel br, an '
silver certiaca.oA aaa,! tar issoH on such
com in the rainw now pnvide! for
'"Provided this act shall
ot be co'str-j
j ed to change the eaintm,' law relstin; to the
letjsl teabr character o iajd
olredempt -
;Oj of aasialiaar treasure no'ea under the ac
: ,c a tc
2 -
to carry Into e-ct the provisions of this act.
i at cho'erA and o'hr diaevsea tha l!n
bammadan pilcHmaao to Mace l hi. year
coat tha lives of mora than thirty Uiou
..,i , . ,
aand people In the apaeaof a fortnight
Mediaeval pi criinaijes to Jaruslem were
probably the cause of not a few olaene erai
. .... a, . .
demies. A Mu't-jlman doctor and employ -
... - " "
ee of the Kgtp:nn G iretnment, io a treat,
BB on the rilfN-nape,
total supprcsaiou at
inoiiifl. a'ion.
lemands, if no it
least a .-!-.;
with which it i.eov iop 1 as with a gar
ment doe not detnsc. from Ui char-xi.
B'lt tha lean a : ns't.rr i .:n a Waab
Ingtonun tao iu sr. Iiksly hi 1 1 to bavn ,.
e'ear concep lyn of h s duty to tli Ami
loan MHp'ie Their v l M appoirslo teach
wasbingtoO 11 toneaninreor Inaa iniiffled-
Representatives Jerry Simpson of Kansas
is out in an interview advocating the nom
ination of Senator WiMam V Allen of Ne
braskaforthe piegiden'-y in 1896 by the
Populists. Hj says Allm is the only ma.i
in the l'opalis. rtna. who come, fall up to
the measure; that benator P'ffet ol Kansas
is a gocd and able man but too timid. He
regards benator allen as the brainiest, ner
viest man in ali the Populist party.
Duel. ing in Kassla nais beoonie ho
very on umou th it the govanini ant
baa bass ROtnpelle I to ilecr a code of
pun'sliu'en'. lift k:lla an anlax,
oiilt. It will cost biui raix years in rrison,
for aev-re wounding, tbe penolty will be
three joars; tlu.l without Injury, alx
months; pmvokinga duel, lis weeks to
three in .nib
The country at large without rcgard to
puriy will be (lud to learn that congress
man Wilson, the author of the tariff bill
and who has been so seriously ill in Mexico
is now reported out of danger.
Judge ilarra't. of the court of oyer and
terminer, has denied the nlay of proceed -in-
for John Y McKane, of ( Iruvesend,
and McKune was then taken to Sing Sing,
to begin serving his sentence.
Accidents to B'o'.'p walkers can be easily
prevunled by laying upon the carpet by the
Mile of tim sleep walkers' Iteils strips of
slice' metal iron, zinc or copper so wide
anil long Hut whan tbey put their feet up
on '1mm the coldness felt wi I wake them
1.' ill
limn. Mrs Hague, mother u( (J G
Hogtie of this ci'y, died at the home of
Mr Houue, in (Jorvallirt last evening at
an advanced age The remains will be
brought tn A Ihany to-morrow and interred
in the Masonic cemetery.
I . I u 'r,"'J r una" ",c ooan.y.j-tem Pr-a- 'Yl'. "u ' . .a- ' i"v' Il.mat-.,. 1,.. i ik. ,1... . '.. . ipon execution as rcq-lred bv lavr an
From cur regular Correspondent.
Washington, Feb. 26, 1894
Iluruiony among the ueuiocratic senators
an the tariff bill is not yet as complele as
it might be, although concessions have
been made that it was hoped would secure
it. Having held the blU until they could
tee no prospect of benefit ta lie gained by
lunher dly, lhfl sub committee this
morning snumiitej it to uie run nmince
committee, which in turn submitted it to a
caucus of democratic senators, not for the)
snrriwA ,.f mumiIIim onn lanolnr
suo; orl i-. bnt fr,r sort of fnn.llv consult.-! I
,, . , . , ,. . . , !
tion at which a I cninii amis could lie heard :
and Prorvluvl. cAiihl 1..,vau In .1,1
in bringing abnu' that hsrmnnlus action
thU v. ill hr absolutely necessary to pass
the b'll, even allowing hat Ihe jMipulist
u""' I
they j
senators will vote for it. as they say
will I Men use cf the retention of the income
tax. The caucus appears to have had
rrood effect and s nators who have been
worrying are now smiling over the pros
... .
peets for democratic unity.
11 lcld ifcal the Biuwoe commiltM
w.'1' at "ncfl r,Prt tlie bi". to " e M?r'uUf-
""""W e indicaUons ot an nten -
U; W .he part ol .he pul.Ucan
of f "? 2 ""f,
0D t,,e ,bl tbe-v lihou!d ' ',vcn ,,me
, , M.UIVI. ) i,
' i'ii srs . i : . i i .
uiii. a Acy uiy ue given se-v era. uaii iu
pare their repcr. but the democratic
sentiment is m strongly in favor of prompt
ard speedy Kttoat 'hat the'r time is bound
to be cut short. They should not really be
given a dar, ts ti e report em be at '
anv limp fii.r th bill i. .. l-n r. , r-. I i
Mu-m uneasiness is felt among enaton
' at the reports concerning the onoi'ion of!
1 J ,
"fna,or V unw ' Leal,h- wh,cb k no MUi .
to continually ge titig wore. He has
to be continually ge ting worse. Me has
turn are 'old to believe that ru illness is ;
hopelee, as press dispatches report it to be
i 1" - .uv.. ihh
congress g-t down to business that there
was a weak .ivil in the seslaa nf the hn-.
.., .. .
but it was not unt,l the long contest for a
1 e on IM Uiaiul LU. Ur the
I 'mioraJ. me ena OI
C0IDe 01 Uie 'sroiordg;. the end of
' Ur je. showed the help-
IIIIBM. ot the house in the abs-nce cf a
vouna; quorum tbat member fullv j
aroused to tbe necessity rf a change. But!
.u a . , - ..
tbey are now. and Dearly loO democratic
members hare signed a ca'l for a caucus
to be held at soon as the B and bill is d,t.
. . . . . ., ...
posed of. to decide upon the nature cf tbe
caanire to ie rcaaie. l'emocratt do not !
t l -, . . .. ft . . .1
nsu tue speaaer lu lotiow iteei.1 an 1 count
"iT them
! want a ru'e (bat will p-event memljers nt-
i,- . . . .
mg in the houe and refusing lo vote lo
make a quorum, and they are gointr to
baveooe. too.
The senate committee on printing has
katflfl iKaB inratliiMlirtfi n$ rKa oVisatau nt
, Z . " i a ,u . - a
the improper award of the contract for
' ... , .- .. n . . n ,. , .
IpBHMBBS the Patent OSce t.aiette, bnt
tue eviuence so rar later amounts to n. lin
ing, and the source from which the charge
- . wHBM vUm.Aw
came is cj itsaliiwtaafficient to disprove
Tlie feeling amoaK southern democra U In
rongieae oat account of the recent speech
' f -.......n..r, 1 1 c U . -
v.. n wa "c- ii ua
r-, eaaggerated.
W t h few except.ons Ihe southern oongm -
"t irsu iu' iiaaea -i u csti'c luuiurr
a la . r rs t- I
euoc rTsiaute Aram, or n.y.
! "He is bis dot2." and Bpresel -t ve
! Mc J" ! ".
, ' -nakc Mr Uemltt a national Wae by Ulk
ling about n.t ha sy. " laaav of the
elder members :eCll tiuaseioua ictaacrs
Of Mr HtWiU'l Jevo'loa a'etialhe'. cote
to protection sod opposition to
any tavdl
refo ni tiat cat ta o aay ol the buns.-aset
that he or his .-!- (:ne l'e Peter
Viooptri i ao n.aiev myrate n sn '. sin le
at hit ;.rk on I'etnocaa'.ac Congretsmen
. tA Ihe me.'fit riaa BTAwe.
tneroiWr Ol
j Congr;s Mr He Witt en j t ed th' -c: o'ation
cf ' ct 12 a com m an t ottl.
?nater Faulkaar, of VV Ve. ii iimaa o
ill.. Cmi.....!...! - t
..... w . J?
, twtiijji arc. a Uwaiivii . .aj lui-iiB .Taj ijril Is
. ; men a mrnii oi mc firca tt
i au.. : . n - i r . t
' T ' . - 2 . a- . .
Mitchell, of W is. Smith, cl N . i Pafco
of Fls, and Re, rescntatives Pigot
of Conn ;
i M.AI-er. of Pa. of In-: MM l.,n
j M Te,n. M.Rte, , Ar: Whl:g. of I
i ... , .... , . . .
ears1,ol M ; V heelo. of AU; 'oce. of
Va: sol Fotmao. of
s;.nlFoim.n. ol ll: A m eingof tle
i ,.n.. ...
' v..,.
, u ii m. in map jg ir oaiiue. aaa mc
1 .' ,
I campaign aork, an ' oselect a ama.ler com -
i .
ui mi . . - n i . i - ii.
II Ihe rnanufactare of bee: sugar deeclop
the bount
TRt: si in i: w a
wiwowi n-ia 1.1 uie wen iiirmr.1, u aa
p'easantii and effectual v aehal was lotm-
crly do 1. in the crudest manner and dU
agrxytabiy as welt. To cleanse the system
and bicai up colds, hradachea a- ' fevers
with u unpleatast afler effects, use the
delightful liquid laxative remedv, (Syrop of
Top.istrvea youthful appearanc aa
long as . 1-. It it Indispenaable Ih.i the
hair should retain I' natural co!or a'd
fri'lr.ess. There la no preparation -u
..'.ctive a Aire's Mair V i..r.
Ic pievents baldness, and keeps the tci I
clean, cool, and healthy.
The nnde-sicne l. pro
printer of tbe Pioneer House desires to in'orm
th nuhi... th.f h. ha. r,l,...,l ah. , l
b.isrd without Indent tn S3 ner w. r. with
1'i'iiiii.f $ per,' week. Single mftlaSo oenta.
Tin- public ta invited to call as I keen good
hiU an.i sat a good table. Have tir wood for
s!c. C arn-r of Broadalbin and Watar
l... .... .
Or. Price's Cream Halting Powder
Most Perfect Made.
The Best
The reason why AHIcOck's PoTOUt TMtg
tera are popular It that they may b lied
on to cure.
1. Lame back, sciatica, stlflmv, ,,r
twiteldng of the muscles.
a. Chest 'roubles, such a pleii'; pneu
monia, consumption.
3. indigestion. dygepsio, . .isncus, j
kidney complaint.
The success, however, will depend upon 1
the genuinaness of Ihe plaatrr used. The!
popu'arity of Alcock't Perms Plaster has
been so greot that multitudes ol jaiitatlons 1
have sprung upon every hand. The only J
sure cure 1 10 get the genuine AIIcoch's j
Porou. Piasters.
Uiandreth's Pills Improve ll.e digestion.
Portland, Scramento. I.os Angeles 1
Stccaton and Saiem have the same insur- .'
ance rates. Albany, Or. Butte and Helena.
Montana, Salt Lake City,, and
Walla Walla. Wash, and Spokane, have
the same ratea.
Or. Price's Cream Estuoug Powder
Port' Years tla. Standard.
i ..a . ; ... . i and siamei! rarfiactle tr Itnma in l,.. Holman nceired word frui the vicinitv n'
Aberdeen Wash., is asketl for a bonus of
150.000 by Illinois parties to build and
operate a rolling mill that will employ 150
men. The dny of big iKinuses is past, the
people have been boned until they are
It bikes an editor to fail in a nianiier to
leave creditors out in the cold. L O
Cummins, a newspajier man of Pomona,
Calif, has filed a jwtitinn in insolvency.
His liubilitii s are $2'.)4,J.40. and his assets
nr. - viilued at flsHI. uis.n which there is an .
incumbrance of 11895. Figure it out. j
I'niMiliyt lithtninir r '.1- ore bri
stlinrr !
" aniifipaiion Ol uic ci.-cirn al
at the priinariei nixt Saturday. At each
: -. a: i ;.. i. .1,
uiiiiiuiy a, in nil iijii ii in iv uin' "
L . ..l.,.;..- I ...I !.i:nlnL
madeatthecountv and state convention, ;
and the voting of diy after tomorrow is j
generally cons . . -red prettv nearly a prac- '
K , 26 . .i . .
tical settlement of the county nominations I
The liguring tip of th. votes will lie some-
wuai oi a jou nseu ui in,: ci.uiii i 'inden
tion Ashland T,lings.
The low price in wheat comes from the
continual drops in the foreign markets, and
ct Willie ieupie sie so iiiirror ,is in lay il
to politica causes in the U.S. j
A Portland judge has net a good exar.-iple
j" 'tf Vl.".:
' -ik 1 of any'one u"
, '(? tbem. the mental ruination of any one
wlu stifkifs them
T ,.r.. '.,!,,.. ,l.r. ..v tnarn l-
lieTes in Ijeiig reciprocal if not more so.
Nat Holman gave the little urchin some
candy. the other dav; the "kid thereution
took from his mouth a wad of guu. and
handing it to Nat said
'lull vou new
my gifm while I eat d
,jv'i" I iillaji
1 her IbbHm city
ootstaiidin'r indebt-
. . . , . ,
Salem tried to ljn
Mt of MM so that
tdn would only drat
ediie would ..nlv draw per cent instead
, . , ,
I lie f..!l,, are the ,rnnti.i of t Ireiron
auij me mimie-i 'I uri in L" in e.w u . ia
iker. 21; BssjtDB BM Lincoln. 23; CIa;ka -
Bo; -latsop. W. t Olumota. IZ; toos.
24; Crook. J1; Currv. 9; iKiiigUs. ll."i;
..ini., .,. ,;lan, Hames If, Ja. k-
p. ; Joaewunc. 12. Klamatb. 12; Utke.
; .s-sua-. of. waa. - ataiaej..
I :. rXU-Lt, i rT.H,
. ,; .... vv.u... i. tt... . i.
".-athiDirton' 16 Yaiobill. 1-.
I . . . .
"Stranger, will vou tell, me out V he
said, as a fijrore apprutcbed him in the
aarir on State streeHast rabt "1 atn
i out ot money nasim ohi.uit are.
j cut at home, my children are out cf bread. !
out oi money aaa run oai,my nre s
rav pacta are oat. 1 am worn out and mr
Tiu a II II l L I . .. .'-
uee out. " in jcu paeasae aap me out r
'My friend," was the reply of tbe Sstlem
aian. l li aumit you re taaciy out,
and I would hate to be tbe meant cf puttimr
you out anv more, but the fact is I've lrn
shooting craps, and I'm about as much out
ay yorj are. " ScJem Indepecuent.
. , , . .
The Bandon Kecorder. a mi hot popuiist
journal. ublistiC a detlaraticn of inde-
peTi.ien It says: "With this Usue
the Recorder or-Ase to be a disfinctivelv
partisan jonrnal The new.naper bttsinesi
u Governed br those laws cf tra,iewhnh
, . - . , . , .
' trol other enterrn. and -e bavefelt
that a live independent paper were better
than a dead popokst journal, antltbe
whicli is wby with this iue the Keoarder
. t'-' t tiuiictiveiT rsarttsan .jinial.
I ea alst d c " t . I biv aW I .J.- .- swat I it w
' - viu uiri in i:iiu
,i. ...i;.i.. : .u, ejj
ik.!..i,,.i;.i,;i, ik. auaa
' colomns open to them -at onr mmal rates.
A Kaiera voung lady nerentjy read in a
, ncwwyjuTaer
' the following:
.lnt ,? .-i. y nrl- w-iii tuilim
' logical garden was suddenly grasped and
j hoggrl by a nasty python. The lady
woauesl and it was -.- raj days t-efore she
r-: fr.i ba r ikflek 7". amaaalssai
itanntta-r a aarawlr e4ta.tias.l Kt tha. in.
'. dignant spectators, and w dare iar it has
' lauirki kim lauM. -k".. S. Wa H .
- -- - -. .- .. v
forget. Tbe Salem ronrtg lade real tbe
. . - ... , - . . ....
al. inii... i: . .: .-..n..! :ir l Ihia u
the nanner in vhich the commenteil upon
I it: 'Poor, foolish jriH. sin she ha been
"OV - a m.Ml Wl ai wan A I
i : l :-,.,.. . . . n.
nave in-.ietM sne win never lair.- -n
the contrary she will enjoy it. I think i
just tfrand. Therv ytwj - -c the difference
between ; Vrk an t Saiem alriA."
The Joomal ralU the proposed road
from Astoria a !' P. mote. Certainly,
an OP the river move, oat into civilixa-tion-
, w
' t-ntOBoai.
The niwri are full of the
They have nara.A.1 .,! ,h. nar,r.
crncising the Prtnce ao freely that be
talkins of chailenemc a w lork ed.-
, title.
A female hoto here a
10 "hitting the road" armthward lact
week. She camped with Ave cf the male
fralernitv in the Company. woodoile
cut tobacco au.i pnacea'detl to prepare a
rigarette. Mie ha in't much to eay.
When nsked where she wa goinit she
, aimpiy pon-.ieu ana saiil sotitti.
1 tarants l asa t ottrier.
HM." MTITC wr.tTacs BBBTica
Nummary. Sla'ion. A 1 bant , Or.
Kehtua-y, IS91.
Kleyatioo above sea level, 2.7.7 bet.
Mi an temperatu.v, 38 04
lh parture fmn. t ormal, 3
Maximum temperature, .I-i; date, 24.
Miuiiuum temp, ratere, 21 ; date, 21t.
Mean of mxxitnum temi eratarr, 44 9
Mean of 111 in mum tenipcratire, .14
So. timtas Maximum tvmiMratara 90 or
I, 0.
1 N.i.timca minimum tempraturt: 32 or
I below, 13.
N.J T11111 minimum t c -n -n r ,1 n r . 'tV ...
t V.mM
; ... .... , -. .
tot" crccipitation o.i4 inches
! "fiaitu trom normal. 0 43 inches
Utaatatt precipitation in 24 c
boura, xnldatr, 0 97 7th.
Total depth of uu melted snowfall. 0
i ..
iiig direction of the w ind. S.
No. of clear daya. 2.
No. of pa. tly cloudy dayr, 3.
No. of cloudy dayr, 23.
No of daya on which .01 or more
precipitation tell. 15.
No of day son which .04 or mote piec'pi
t fo I, 14.
Dales ou which hail fell, 7th.
Datca 00 which snow fall, 8, 9, 15 to 18
Dat.a of thunder storms. 0.
l)at s of lijjnt troat, 6, 8, 11, 13, 14, lo, 19
and 24.
Dates of killing, ir injurious frost, 1 1 1 4, 10
20 to 25
Dates of solar halos, U, 23, 25.
Dates of lunar halos, 1 1.
Jobs BaiGOa,
fot an tan O'-serve-.
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, lioldet.
t'omnion every day.
HtBaaBf .
Thousands of lives are saved annually by j
!f'AIr!1' I" the treatwtetvt I
1 .i.ii, ., 11, .i.i-iM eo'ign, tne sectoral
has a most marvelru effect, lt allays in-
ammatloii, freea theobatructedalroataage
and controls th. desire to cough
Or. Price's Cream Besting Powder
World's Pair Highest Award.
A Brave Engineer
St. Joseph, Mo.. March 2 Engineer
James McKinncy, of the Rock Island, saved
I.:- - l i i : ..I. , t,
Kot train No 18. east bound, Conductor J !
A Wisner, left the Union depot at 7:25 P I
M. As the train glide.! into a cut three
miles cast of here a red light Hashed across
the Iriek. McKinney saw several men
with uns. He pulled the throttle wide
and jjmped down into the bottom of the
cab, and not minute too soon, for the
robbers hred a roiiejr into the engine and
,.,.!,. i,t ,rt ,, ,... Tl. tr:,i ,ll,f.(l
Ibrough a shower r,f ballets, ihe bandits
firing into the roacbi-s as they passed.
w,lea 'he train eached Sux:kbridge it
i was loana over 1W bullets bad hit it
In Hi. fcenatr.
W ANiiiNriTox. afaieh 9. Tim
ii' . .. .- .. , ....
ASHIMiTON Ma i ll 2 I lie dPIIlO- 1
" '' . " f ' ' 1 " '
""" SiETLTj l"-..L -1 JlL Sa i ',i !
' " ' , , , ' "
as amended nv the vrintp mKMini 'ec on '
jjp ,
IT Senator Hill was the lirs' admitted.
leaded for protect on of be ina-'ufac-
: luring inb"evt f Sew Kngland and New
. York, an no ew Killla. d wttt'e is rt-nre-
sented by a democratic sena'or. A arg
part of the day wag given to a discussion j
of the income tax. and ihe changes made
iifj me c'riiriiiii- rroiri sjs.-'iie r :.'l vio
rem duties.
Hr .i . ,
' tt" ;"
teli;ilm ,., V. ..
Uka direct 'ax ftin.i o .,n 'li,. ,i.l
coontits of lie. state, MOCOrdlag to their
area. Iast Ver I i.eT'- V I -.itlTHlt M'i tSsl
but this year there is not to mucn, pro!-
ly not to exceed 40,100.
L.,aii. !ULarit u,,:
Marc'i i Mi-- Iiuise
b'eliogg. trie a shot b.i Pc; Mc-
Iff abb Wedceiuiay nizh' at the Hl Eiffel
died this morning Her l.u- an.i. H
IlWkwell. was notified teaAeittay and
left Califurni i for his ci'y a' once Mc
ail,s I-mIv wis k niaaif ei kia nisi V...,,
al Mt Vernon, ).. .nt evejiina.
a Bia tic
rvkut, N V. Marcii :5, i .'-'t) A M
general alarm has been rung in troui tire
I ocparlmeu' tie quarters.
;n the Allis od r.finen,
c... J , , .
i ijc tire a acieJ
owned b the
riT filsn" is
wl I be ta.aliji
mei are em-1
a u-u at ' 5 ' oor an '
! dttroved. Kis'e i.uotrct
po)e-l it the ru,
i . .....
7. .
! aoo icatioo will be rcade to tbe court for
an order fir tne sale of the Oresron PaciSc.
l bich time an order wil' be asked. a
c",,Jnr th J,-4r
I wasaaitaossvsv taeaaatui aa toe S'ie oi tne
I road made to Zephin Job for $1,000,000.
and on which i-is.OOO was deposited, for
t be reason tbe r-.;. nr..: f.".,,
hai never Hat pa a .
The Xt and Bill.
Wasiiisuton. March 1 The lone
ttrutrgie in the boose oyer the Bland bill j
tor tne eosBBBt 01 tne silver seitrciorajre
and silver bullion in toe trrurr was end-
ed today by tbe paaire of tbe bill by a
; vote oi 16s to 129 The special order to I
; britig the bill to a vote was adopted by a ,
' bare quorum immedia'ely after tbe noose ;
jeenrened. ThU broke ihe opposition of'-
the filibottera and they ware powerics to
do anyhicg further.
' a i:.r Traced;
j ErcEsr. Or. March l.-This city was'
. i.ti , i. .1 . . n
.... , 1 '1 nw- i. -111;,, crime
w .icb eter urre,! here Albert Mo, a
rouc, man aJa-aut 9n itm f ; ,
' irw..rT cf w afseopted to ancibl'ate fnei
j Coleman faniiiv an.ralmost nvxrli
bi, territ'e porpose kiilinw one daoehter.
" t -. - . .
t;:; tr.
1. . "r- . .
hlltir.rr an.Vhr inrl nwr. n ...
. ..a-" w.
1,. ZJTZ
nMrt wh.c. canno. e- -,,1
away ior rjoy utcvTi teat I'avi i t,ole-
; man. a neignrtir. mica aitn nu fattier hi
i 'he dispute Mo-s went on' and secured
ion ol a revo.Ter. M l
then snot
ta!atlar Aaxta.
taOTDO.v. March I This afternoon
la adtona' nntale i,cr!afr cai.t ak.l rlv.
resiirnation c-f the rrrxier cansot 'on?
ayed: tha: at tie andwncs. with tbe
' Qtieen sete'!.iv be rf.rrrd la his iavwsa.
. sT dirhcuit-e. t;w,nt lo tathn sufjt.
..fM., ..1. . I .-II 1 - . .
i-iiit ai..i . . .. , ri-r ;ia t f-a
'ooow not lonsr . -.n- to hesw tea- re
, sponubittttei ,4 he premiership.
A l.ib.i e
stare arlsra
FsMur.yi.-. Or. March 1 The tathsiic
church in this city was rohbed 'h' mo. n -
ing- of articles v ued a" 1X). The i-urar
s"o!e the chelice. v"tmeof and silver can-
tJnticka used At Msa atar. I here is no
cloe. except that the n-n wore a remark -
ably larsre boot. An in p-int was left in
the mod where he jumfd tbe fence alter
having finisLied the tacr.lrgious deed.
A Battle tt tea-lew.
I sex iokk. .Marcc. t. 1 e Wl
special d'tpa'ch from Rio de Jansiro
. Uii -;-! j;i ..i.-. t
. , -t-. ,
lots. March. 1. Tt V orid
r says
, oe greai im wo ten trestden- tVixoto
mi lad 'eroln'ion.
Inf. ? J- - TV?"
r , , . . . .
Tbe , i at aouare aa teen put in
rrsasMf Karatcrrd
OBBOOM Cmr. Hb 2?. Coroner R L
! the nian who was doing tbe grubtJing
i niHMDg.
BawBsB ;: .-..:
laOXDox. Keb in spite of tbe co'd.
j Ul.tdstone drove in an open phaeton this
ancrnoon I0 nticKingnam rsiace it was
1 ui roed lately admit c1 to the presence c-f
tbe queen.
la atlstone s private 1 IITIS BlaBI I asserts
that lbs premier has not resigned an I that
I the situation is uncbanvtvl.
Remains I aemaaxed
j WAsntN'oTON. Feb 23. The deinocraiic
senatorial caucus is over, and both sides
claim to have nude progress for the inter
eta they represented. 1 he outcome ia in
Ihe nature of victory for the democratic
members of the finance committee who
prepared the bUI, for It is returned to
them without any instructions to make
tVaaauay la Order
Washiniitiin. Feb '2S. The orfieia
statement ol the treasury receipts and ex
penses, to he issaed tomorrow, will show
in round figures that for the eight months
of the present fiscal year tbe expenses of
Ihe government exceedod the receipts bv
A Lively Pane
Romk, Fab 88. father Kneipp, famous
for bis advocacy of the so-called water
cure, had ;tn audience with tie pope to
day. After his examination of Lis holi
ness, Futher Kneipp expressed the opinon
die pope will probali'yBive beyond Ihe end
of the century.
Heir Praise.
Sell prai-e Is no recomuiendalion, but
there are not times svhen one .nuat permit
a person to ell the truth abotit himself.
When what he say is supported by the
teafjmoat of ctlier no reasonable man
will doubt his word. Now, to say thai
Allcock's Porous Plasters are the only
genuine tnd rellab'e porous plasters made
la not self praise In the .Ilghteat decree.
They have stood tne lest for over thirty
years, and in proof ot their merits it Is only
necessary 'o call attention to trie cuies
they have effected and lo the tuluntarv
1 testlmonia s of those who have used them.
ic wan ot imitations, and do not be de-.
AllroVk' and let
.cwluce yot!
no solicitation or cap! a
to accept a substitute.
Thin or gray hair and bald heaug, so
1 displeasing to many people a mat kg of
Iage. may be averted for a long time by
using Hall's Balr Kenewer.
I 1. - ill If a t a -A k a -ji? VV on tbe l6:h da t N ivember.
VllS l d. - ;V,aIdn ; 'SS9, sod direc:ir.g the p-emKet .'esc.ibed j
. , fltt ?1 " ff0rt ' to wit : The sol hrZa quarter of
few dava tbe n-w act liefore it can enter the h.rtor. t. . .... . . . I , I
The call to arms has been made by al4
political partus in this state. An tleC-
"on " ,0 be he,d ln Ju3e- 1 he Pob,lc U U
n" "Passion at the pel's. ITiis expTess-
Ion, to be permanent, should be int;lligent
and patriotic. Oar first duty is that of
American citizens. Democrats mast buckle
on their armor to wage again the battle for
' the tlg'nts ol the masses and the iDtegri'ycf
American cibzcnahip. The ancient faith of
t:ie fathers as prumulgaled by Jefferson I
Mon'oe. Jacks' n sn-J ethers, ihonld be the !
derrj'Kiat-.c slogan Ef a and exact jus'ice j
to a!i men cf -h;ev i sta'-ioo in BtV or of
what,;v.r p ,lni(.a' -r religions belief is al
tardul U
ii Ifce djaoeilfc fai'h an-fj
f. Pect
,ra "-'! a loncst, sira'.gt for wan
friends . n wi t. a.l t. ,o. an- ,n'a, .1 . ,
' ,V ' "I " H en anj gi i
llianc.- wiiji nor.
is democra : ,' .y
'f sute g,verr.i..eott
dl ihlr ri!e a
Xn vi 9 mm au-
and at c aui. or l
b'g lbe .no comiicnt iod fit adrr
traiion t-r our rounlciYal and H e surest
bu-stark .ir is' al. aoti- 'i mocra i - t-Od-
C -
11 i
- tie do
it ii tv
- nd j re
.c criA.n I
lous tare of :i e
(Cplf,, un'r.n;-
' lf
a r
j -he
et election
Of i-Ji
i- -riee -. a CesiltB
t, as :' e. "J
full iiiii e -n.. : as ajsdataesrssor u. trie de
e'.sioa o-toe Tisj-r.t. ,ti e pfin'-ifle cf
allr-po i - the sjjfcmacy of the etrll
tw n; it i-. stubantv: econsmr lo alt
p Ii ' p t In i-ier tiut labor -Tijy
be bit IsasxtesxcdV the boast payment oft
a. i, i . y.i --t o.' ", sod ti.e preserv ,
m ft cc-.mtnt of
gri.ailurc an ; i commerce s t s tiaad ,
i ctis i. cf htfoinMi' r. amoog '
ne imtKi of peOj U, and th: arraign - J
men' of all aba.ei al the Oar of public
; opiaioa.lrtred itn "l reiigioa. be.ief freedom
IgiA,. r,tett an t tictrdum ot pcr03 under
r j
UK .a-K.I Cifni-, ia;i -iw e i -iai iaxa.iijti
' bttl D?3o tbe amount ol property and
" ' "T . V . 'Z
' r P - y--,
t e tun i.mcta. tents o. ,, ever- -
"" r
Let drmocra's
rentia; ioc
of princ:p!es
in O-egor pl-.ce tiicte ffreat
iriocs in heir fia'.iorm
-a - , , ,a. . a.i.
i g JtiTe pto li. .
, ernetre of purpose aek ttcir endorse
Ea.kjT T-aa sick, -e gava bc-r Caalrriet
mn .Sic was a Chiil. she CTie.1 for CaWoria.
Wlaen atje becsme Bias, sfas cSsacT to CassyvC .
ft ik Ctrrmt Crf of th Stale :
fac Limn -tnrr.
M :ern:rt; PI!n:ilf.
A U Seal and J :. Sea! hi.
;fe, Geo E Chantber'ain
and S W Chamberlain hit
at tie. J W Cusick.E D Cu
sick and C '-at t! Cutick
pat Inert doing butineta un
der :he Srro name and : Ic
of J W Cutlet, i Co.. and
Charles Sm.ti. at 'he ad
ninrttratsrof Jvb C Smith,
deceased. Dt.'er.dan!
To A B Seal a. id J
ta'd A B Seal, tiro cf
Seal, th wifeof
.- above rise
""l!oe -tcu n1 h ol tou are hereby
required to appear ar d answer the? corri-
, ?Mr" jx " aoote ptaimta .n
I nit'.,-l r. .t nntf rto
. . . ... . -
'he above
! entitled ci-urt, now on fi.e aitn '
- - -a - i
the elerk of said court, on or iarfjre
t!ie firt; day of tr: lieu icgalar tenc of
said court, sehtrJa Mid "erm begin on the
'Win das .f Marc's. ia, at the court
house in he cat of Aibanv. Lien Counts.
, Oeton ; and t u are hereiv funhei aod i
tie that if sou tai. to appear and ar swer !
the said aompiaint a hereby requlrto the I
: p-aintifl trili ti.e a d-crae and judg nent j
! j-'n: aou fot ihe re iet demanded :.t hi
I said cornplainl tossB:
1 i. A judgment ar.d decree A B !
ai!.j the sum of $400 in United State !
: com ;ogether with ir.lerest thereon j
ir, .lie 0 0 cold a. 'r.e ra.e w o pea Aeiai r
' . ..,. bta I
! .tm. aa u i-.k...i
vv , .-' a. 11 . . i-. i.a ava. mi. aanue.
sura of $50 attorney' feet for insvturing j
'his su'l.and for the cost and c'sburse 1
meats of this suit.
c. A deciee foreeloting th
(113) in Hackieman' addition to the citv
ot Albany, Ltnn, Oregon; and
also described in said co-npiiint, to he soid
nsi.l citit in
ta 1 1
, may direct.
3. That you, ail the a'clend ints abore
named and each of ihein, and an; and ail
ncron elaisxssaja bv. ti roue.t or under
sou or them or any of them, be fore-ei 1
j barred and lorclosed otany and ali right
I title or Interest, right of dower, or equity
of redemption in or to said premises or
j any part thereol; that il tie proceed of
i the sa'e of said premises be not sufficient
to pay tne ciatm ci piainun togetner
with all coa1 s-nd disbursements and ex. .
penses and a reasonable attorney's fee for
instituting tnis sui', lhat plaintiff have a
personal judgment ami decree against
said defendant A It Seal for the deficiency
4. Thaw the mortgage executed by C
W Smith and Viola I) Smith his wife in
lavor of Job C Smith as memioncd in said
complaint, be decreed to have created no
lieu u . nji , auii .'iciiug in mi.ii. .
S. Thxt the deed, mentioned i
aid ds-
complaint, from A B Seal to the sa
fendant, Geo E Chamberlain, be decreed I
to be subsequent ln time to said plaintiff's
said mortgage, and all rights acquired
thereunder by said Chamoerlaln to be
subject to the ilen of plaintiff' said mort
gage. This summons is published by order of
th. Hon Geo H Burnett, the judge ol the
above entitled court made at Chambers in
the City of Salem, Marion County. Ore
gon on the Hh day o! January, :S A.
W R BtLYri .
Attotnev for Plaintiff
tCAVt A 1 0,1 nAUt MARKS.
fomiatloo eonoarnlDst Paleaia and bow tn ns.
laruaa cajncwmlrw Pate
than aant fswlln - ,
asau aou araansirao nooaa sent
awuedweeAly, elearantly 1 llnatrateat ELaby faitSa
Cora. Ma
KjasafSwuSi l2aaw?eSal3rri IxlfiSSlffH&Mjk
latest dwsistia and secure cintraota. Addna.
AfUriN tl, Maw sous, ssi BauAuwa-
V. Mil'KGT, M.D.,
PhyticiAn ami Surgeon, Office Uyaatirs arr Ua
Badk of On-giin.
iicaldaracw. 1
aanstr 10th and Cslaaooia at.
rr- ,.Ja v.-,, -A .n.l -.a I-,- w,,i I.-. - t
u-VfV.a iiuniksci ti- iitinvi. . va aru a 17 ,
o eai arc
Still better When
made Vih
tcl from Q?EIS8
Hd are easily d
oestcti . "for "frying
itorTemn , and all
- ' S A-
cffof-EHe is oeiTcr
Snat buret Tnn. Urd.
Cesmtve cmiy by
toESTs Wasted on salary and Co;
Bicgraphj of JAMES G. BLAHS,
l.'y Gall. HaatlLToa bn l-'-rxrj execator,
with '.ftr oo-p--ranr.s of M iesaily, and foe
Mr. biaia'. Com:-f-:.. W.nk-, 'Twim
Veil- or orso BaBB " and 'iU i iter bor..
i --PoLincaL Dmc aatoss " On ; ropc:tAS
. - V I, . ... , k - . .
. krt A K I J rdao ot iie..t -o' 112orie
, io- 11.-' .1 r I - I ; . L 1 . . v .- .
saTA tX tt 4d
. pent i2t$.25.
E X Bee
Mw fv.k ui 2 tare, profit
(47i J ' I Me. tut 43 ',rlcra
Ur.m 3S c!i; t r.-tj-. $75.25. E A Phaser
ntS. 1E. 53 '--d-rs in 3 lays; profit
998.25. Ex -LrT TxatarroaT cirs. If
ftm with tamaae LAKtaE XCiY write
immediately tor terms to
bt Help Dill Pib. Ct.Jrvsfa,Cfii
01 ICE IS HEKE8Y lilVEXth.t the
owieny ned caeca tor of the las; will
ard t-eatameti-. of Frask Sheatd, deceased, has
pled with the clerk of the UsasBtJ Cottrt for
' Linn Cooatv. Oregor, hit hail account, and
' the court has fixed the 5th dar cf March.
1594 at tbe cocr 'of 1 o'clock p m. lor hear
ing ol jectHacs to said aeeooat, if any, and to
settle said eatata.
This Jasatry 15, 1S94.
JEW EATHZEtroao Ezeemtcr
Atto-cey ior Ex.
IT WILL drive the btanor from
your rystenL, and make tout akin P
ctean an J? moot 11. 1 nose r-jmpiee ana
BI. hack nr aar ItanBa ar;
caused by IMPURE BLOOD.
They can be removed In a abort
time, if ymt are wise and trse the
great blood purifier. Sulphur Bitten,
tThv rnff.T with BoDs ThT rave
with that terrible Headache ? ' Why
lay and toss on that bed of pain
witb RHEUMATISM? Use Sci
ph or Bitters. They will cure yoa
where all others faO. Tbe dose is
aasali only a teaspoonftd. TRY IT
and yon wiil be satisfied. Tbeyotaxg.
the ased and tottering are soonr-ade
well by its ne. Kemember what
too read here, it mar save vour life,
yon are suffering from Edney
s.r. 1 wish to live to old ac?.
use Sulphur Bitters. They never tail
to cure. G-!l it of your Drnggist.
Sulphur Bitters will cere Liver
Complaint. Don't be discouraged:
1 ar
1! MUff
Seed 3 S-ea to A- P. Ordwtv Co
gallon. Base., for UaC x&saiicaS work pabBxkaia
Bade so try too c ose apoikcaaaow to aweawasw aa
vere tseatal strain. Sesaal Bssi saai ta BsMK
B lire, or vicious kaNa UMUiatlaB ta JOwBs.
wtnaa r SC xsjtBMB titttt nTrr Wis saw.
eauiry or
me... Uaea with Karly D.
sjaw aTiisy aawl aWiaaaa A U bacfci7iaar
sad stnecflb. wB. sexual organa tBawarad aws)
BWiTaTi' crTBYwT5fJS
BowMoaa or s-emlta m many the
Seated and enretl in Use rasas Masai
Ooreoetbodoi trtrodnctasj rvwa. a
juaicukTEa rj
ts one wbk-h caimaseatrat HasH aa
nam fia ilia iswa 11 lAaa s a aiamii
aawataeirjaadsrawstorttaTalaa. laaBliw In Ills
way of eapeoa b. rood a postal emJ asai a two
m mtnaiXMl v t ayr rail aOtuaai mad tn poaaV
ueiaaBpforUw 1 rt-rr rriTiiniliaT tim wtrimin
ci iMr emm fot t ic we tWaraMvttMB.
rnikoy tot me hi racCTaaUaaT aifcim ttilHL
aBBRBl WRsJS BJBJ t.sxp GllfU .Va, BsOU B
wa Qa art rTOtrlTfJ CBbV I
a I
: TBI as twattoeaa and leeward s .ivaaaa
1 .1 'h paetwi in pi aa AJoaa lUitaa
aw a wa Sena rail directajo lor assitaat. Tba
treataaent cacses eo pain or I awassa aod
Oo aot prevent aBsaBBja ta Ijwaawsesv.
WeBavathaatuuterot asssaBai cuotas aattraty
srtsb tkoae ailn. taw trw trkal trwarasawA. Ba
kag aaiaiail those aendioc for triad aaiaana
Ot oar abaaity so benefit tbetn we (aal taas tawy
asotw nary aaiasasaaa stsssa aaasiina ka
tinatnat tlx use of traa Faataueav Wa waakw
PtSesw aa lovr a posalbis). aan th was. to aR.
y are aa rotloars: aaaa tor one sraoath: SSJXS
r two coon tha: ST JO for Shrsw saotatAa.
We ask all pcrser s tteedtna liaauutaS ta aasat
ttatr addre eu po. tal or by letter. All eaatasw
DioatK-ins eooaetenttaJ and abeaaad Imailiiiii 11 u.
I It a. rsativrtta atatutcu,, 1
a :
Oregon Pacific RailfOdd,
rats riARK. Seeelver
Direct Line
Quick Dispatch
Low Freight Rates.
(Vinnsctinc with steam ar
qaina and litn ; r . Ltco .
H Hner betwau Ta-
raoM at 5 rtAsctscu
Bomci sa, s Feby S0t. .r-h S, 1, SS, tut Staa,
raoa ttacitti.
Bsaaaasi s r.b iMta, Mtrvh ;
IT, atd trth.
The Companw ceaaer van ma. nsrt'
0 angareatllng datea without notice.
For freight ad patten jer r tes app?y
to any agent. r
rhar ,
J llicdns. Sana A Co. X.. ta.
ktarkel St San Fran ci too Calif.
Chas rtArk retxiter. Corral: ia O' -goa.
KP22 U. J18?81 G1VSN' THAT THB tTV
At ctartajrnwlriarebtwii appointed adiuuiiamator
aocetwrt. All pyraoa, baviag auairu. sraintt' ' iSi
"Ui r i" iid so raawiata deJ.
riaed as by law ,,alrd to the uudaiTatgoU Z
sWe'rw r; ,Ua' a8S Tttm
Dated uau itik day ol November, lg(
Waatktaew et Oktvrnker ."
ANTS ler A deal. aMatunltwaaars,