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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1894)
lb ctuoriat. Wkkkt.v Dsmocrat. $t 75 par year n advance. $ .00 at end t( year. Musical. Tlio following is tlic nro- j gmni of tho musical given for tho lienofit Couucil Hall of Grand Prairie Uraiine of tnp Kindergarten ntunliiy evening by 1 , j: ti iv, rritticu o, inii-t. I o ' iatna . 1111110 11 neii, jm lve, l iar?., Mrs t'rox -ton mill Miss Warner. 1 itfvuu ii.iuii', i niss iroin WO Mutter- 3VEO CIRCUIT OOTTRT Following is the ilocket for the Circuit court convening in this city on next Mon day March 12, excepting 91 old cases con tinued from the last term, which preoeed these: R G Klum agt (5 rant and Samuel Lake. Recoveiy money. Assignment Tropst & Butler. J L Berry et :.l agt Chas DotJ ot al. In junction. I A Morris & Co agt VY I, Moore. Re covery of money. Henry Watkins agt Albany Milling Mining Co. Recovery of money; attach ment. Sylvester Bros agt Pound Bros. Re covery of money; attachment. Linn County National Bank agt (.! W Pursefull. Recovery money; attachment. W A Lane agt E B Michael. Recovery money ; attachment. P Schlosser agt 0. F Russell and L Viereck. Recovery money; attachment. J W Althouse agt H J and W H Maple. Recovery money; attachment. S E Young agt II J Maple. Recovtry money; attchment. S E Young agt W H and M A Maple. Recovery of money: attachment. E B Maple agt W H Maple. Recovery money; attachment. F L Dnmont agt Eva Dumont Solo. Waltz and r'uble, Edith Fore- r ore-Lorain (jtjmDer, Diabelli, Miss llial Si ca. trartcn. Piano Rowell. Vocal Puett. Curfew Bell, Glow, MlMei Lizzie and LUUe l'.irrell. Song. Kindergarte&. Vocal Solo, Pretty Hire Altlia Pillar. Two Bel. for four hands Od.i Ilnight and Miss Warner XtvalSolo, A Itinl from O'er the V Into. Miss Warner. Piano Solo. In Distant Land, Qoerdeier, Miss Maud iltilbort. Vocal Solo, Stay, Sweet Swallow, Lours. Miss Lillie K anvil. I'ianoSolo, X'iclieUhen, Loicke, Miss Altlia Pillar. Vocal Solo. When the Heart i Young, riuch. Mr J M Isham. Piano Dattt, Man-he Pompiers, Watson. Misses Pillar and Mullen. The program was well rendered from beginning to end. The vocal solos deserve special mention as showing voices that are very promising. The recital was a success financially being given before a full house. The Foot Bali. Gamk - The niticti dis cussed foot ball name between the Col lege eleven and "unknowns." ikuIi Divorce. John ltom agt J S Lisles. Recovery of money; attachment. Assignment M F Pound. JL J Crow agt H M Stone. Due-ages. John Hughes, appellant agt J C and F Cawood, respj, appeal. Reeves A Co agt Q W Young et al. Re covery money; attachment. Harrisburg Lumber Co agt Eugene aud Anna Bashaw. To set aside deed. W I VawW agt X E Fox et al. Re covery money; attachment. W H Templetou agt Nancy A Temple ton, Divorce. F T Blount agt Frank Zimmerman etal. Foreclosure Lien. J C Powell agt J L Cowan. Recovery money. Straudsr From an agt A S Powell and A F. Bloom. Recovery money; attachment. Mitchell. Lewis A: Staver Co act BB Butler. Recovery money ; attachment. W V Brigg? and E r Wyntt agt John Roberts. Appeal. Assignment Boenicke Bros. Linn County National Bank agt 11 L Cranor. Recovery money; attachment. Corbett. Failing & Robertson agt F C Avers & Co. Recovery money; attach ment. W M Quailey agt John Morgan. Re covery money; attachment. Linn County National Bank agt M A and W E Kelley. Foreclosure. H Bryant agt Stafford Dickson et al. Foreclosure. Margaret I Powell et al agt Louis Ross. ' To reform deed. Assignment F C Ayers i Co. Elizabeth Simons agt Mary A and R E tCurran. Foreclosure. Loan County National Bank agt O and Cornelia Jennings. Foreclosure. R E Parrish agt Farmers and Merchants Lot Co. Recovery money. M Sternberg agt A B Seal et al Fore c'oanre. A V Tapson agt J W MeGhee. Re covery of money. Assignment of F L Kenton. W S Thompson, assignee agt E S Bar rows. Recovery money; attachment. S H McElmurry et at agt Hugh C Cald well. Foreclosure. S E Young agt G F Russell et ux. Re covery of money, attachment. F C Smith agt J H Bridges et al. Fore losure. Linn County National Bank agt W W Davis and Louis Viereck. Recovery money ; attachment. Linn County National Bank agt L Viereck. Recovery money: attachment. E Houston agt B F and Fanny Dodge. First National Bank agt 0 P Card. Re- overy; attachment. Assignment Louis Viereck. C A Elnon agt Foster Mill Co. et al. ' Recovery money; attachment. W B Donaca agt T T Furgeson. Re- co very money; attachment. O S Cole agt I D Miller. Appeal. "Mitchell, Lewis & Stever Co. agt A P "Talent 4c Sons. Recovery money; attacb nient. A A Kelley agt H C and E V Klepper. Foreclosure. George W Gray ajrt C W and Lewis Long. Recovery money , attach oient. R G Keene agt Chas and Mary Schoeler Recovery money; attachment. Ed Zeyss agt W W M,d SosephW VVett mer. Foreclosure Z J Malone et al agt Ida Malone et al. Partition . Harrisburg Water Power Co. agt Ella and W F Mendenhall. To condemn right of way. A I Crandail agt Will k Chase et ux. Foreclosure. Jacob Kees agt Lavina McCullcch et al. Foreclosure. Peter Bilyeu agt A H and Agnes Logan. Recovery money; attachment. D B Zeh agt L Y and Julia Bailey. Re covery money; attachment. J B Comley agt Jas H;Shahan. closure. Milton Hale act J T Tate et al. closure. Elizabeth J Cornell agt Fay Myers. ferfecting title. Chas Smith admr agt J W Cusick et al. To correct and foreclose mtge. Linn County Nationsl Bank agt Thomas Morgan et al. Recovery money. Chas Henry agt M Van Alstine et al Foreclosure. David Swank airt Elizabeth F ana F A I Landes. Austin Propst agt J S Lisles. Recovery money, Agnes Logan agt A II Logan. Q W JPtkilips agt 0 G Hayne Buck. The Albanr Building k Loan Associa tion agt IdillaA McDonald. Foreclosure John M Waters airt Sanford Cochran and wife. Foreclosure. J M Waters agt Sanford Cochran and wife. Foreclosure. Chas J Howe agt F J Eggleston anil wife Foreclosure of bond for deed. No Considering the bad snowy day the good patrons of husbandry began to rill the bouse at an early hour. In due time the wortbv president. B M Palmar. I called the house to order. The grange choir furnished some line music for the council. The worthy agent Bro Miller stated that be had no report to make at present. The special committee on trade card reported that it be changed from that of last year far the coming year. The committee on investigating the working of Linn county officials, asked for further time. The chairman on said committee stat ed, that on investigation they found a great many irregularities in the actions of the county officers. A resolution was offered for the re pealing of the railroad commission. Re ferred 'o the committee on good of the order after a good many remarks The next meeting of the council will be held with Sand Ridge grange the first Saturday in April, lS'.H. The worthy president declared a recess for dinner. On reassembling there was a song by the choir. Bro and Sister Walker rendered a song in the "Chinook wawa" which was well applauded The committee on good of the order reported an amendment adding and making the members of the railroad commission to be elected by the people. The committee on legislation made a very lengthy report on the resolution offered at a former meeting of the coun cil in regard to repealing the board of equalization and asked that it do not pass. Bro Springer offered a lesolution in regard to pledging the candidates for the Oregon legislature that the'r YOa for a law demanding the enacting ini tiative and referendum system of mak ing laws Said resolution was talked on by several members explaining their views on question. The resolution was referred to the committee on legislation. A resolution was read by Bro Kizer in regard ta censuring the worthy secretary of I" S agriculture as to so'rie of bis ac tions towards the farming conimunif. Said resolution was referred to the com mittee on good of the order. The usual vote of thanks was tendered grangeforthe use of their hall, and the sisters for the repast furnished on the occasion. Bro "Swansey" of 111, was called for and made a few remarks, being well satisfied with the working of the Pof II. On motion, the secretary of the coun cil was authorized ' procure one thous and trade cards for the use of the differ ent subordinate granges. Carried There were a good many suggestions made for the good of the "order, which were very interesting to all good gran gers, and as many as could should make as Hot springs have cost the federal it ttieir duty to attend the sessions cf j government during the last three years thecouncil. a tidy little sum and one that wil make The convention called for the purpose i tne pouplista of Orepen tear their hair of electing delegates 'o th i state grange when they read of it. to think that I'ncle elected the following persona: A I. "am could be so prodigal. Tneaccounts Morris and wife and H l Pa'mer and ! ' t,,e secretary of the treasury show that !.L. JLL1P.-1L TXJlLi Will Be Exkohced. Marshal Lee re quests the Democrat to say that particular attention will be paid to the enfon-cmunt of the following sections of ordinance 152: Section 7. That any person or persons who shall carry any deadly or dangerous weapons of any Iliad whatever in a con cealed manner within the corporate limits of the city of Albany, shall, upon convic tion thereof before the recordur's court be lined not less than if 10 nor more llOt), or imprisoned in the city jail not less than five days nor more than fifty days, or both at the discretion of the court; Provided, that pcaee officers shall be exempt from the provisions of this section. So much of the following as applies to the business part on First ami Second streets, and elsewhere without rare is used: Section 41. No person shall ride a bi cycle, nnicycle, or tricycle, or any sidewalk in the city of Albany; Provided, That this section shall not apply to any cripple who shall use such vehicle for tho purpose of travol. Any porsoti violating the provis ions of this section, shall, upon conviction thereof Wfore the, recorders court, be pun j ished by a tine of not less than $3 nor more than i6, or imprisoned in the city jail ( not less than two nor more than twentv- hve days, or loth such tine and imprison ment at the discretion of the court. Section '22. Any jwrson or jiersons who shall stand in or upon any street, alley or sidewalk within the corporate limits of the elevens of which were recently pMWtad, I city of Albany, after being notified by came off Saturday afternoon, .be-iou : any police officer of said city to move on. finished about j o'clock. Instead of its shall, upon conviction thereof lefore the being a walk away for either sidoe it wa j recorders court.. bo punished by a tine not a closely contested game, resulting in a ..exceeding $20. or tar imprisonment in the tie, neii'ier side Wiug credited with a 'Citf jail not exceeding ten davs. or both, at goal. Ihougu much the heavier team the unknowns could not make much Clrcut court Is in notion in Eugene th's week. A Hepner man was fined $60 for distur bing services at a baptism. Mr Andy Hunter is maki ig arrange ments to open a harness shop in the Maston Block. One of toe most comfortable places in Albany is the new street car. If isle, ted and rider like a palace car. Try a ride, 46, 080 acers of U. S. land In Oregon Is to be set nUe for the atate University, pro vided a b. I Introduced by Senator Mitche.'l passes. ;, : .- will jusf simply rattle around In Uladsiones seat. For fifty years thee has only been one Gladstone. The Kindergarten stuJy class wit) meet at 4 p m to morrow at tlielr parlor in the old 0 P church. All interested are; cordially Invited. WE1DNESDAT COME M iLXEKO Tne Keely Insiltutc at Koscburg hae been rloffO for the present. The sheriff of Jackson county gives notice that taxes will positively be delin quent Apiil iat. David B Thompson an old resident of ')refion will lecture tonight ct Sa'em on 'Turkey and the Turks." The principal of the Ashland schools receives $i2o a month, and the other teachers $65, $60. $55, $50, and $45 At the populist county convention of Douglas county, In the Initiative voting for choice for state officers IJ K Uamp, of Albany, was the choice for congressman. The Odd Fellows Mall liuilding Associa New Advertisements. HtT,. ri-v Ti t , MDL'KK BB III Silver Laced Wyandotte Highest of a.l in Leavening Power Latest (J. S. Gov't Report Y eggs for sale by D 0 Woodworth. TM 235 head of beef cattle shipped to ion aave elected the following directors .an r ranclsco last week by Fred Uarne for the ensuing yeai ; J Uradwoh' I loaeph burg and sons from Southern Oregon, C Myers, Chas Klefer, J A JliHard L A averaged neariv 14.10 pounds per head. which Ig said to be the best band of cattc shipped this season. Many children ai-- ruined and their doom fixed bc'jie tin , are eight yetrs old The Kiodcigarlen aim to give right idtaa betore thov have learned the evil that is in the world. j uuge uurr.cTt granted .lie Injunction ves Parker, I L 11111 T II McGM baa ben expelled fiom the Central Populist Club ct Portland. Mc Glll once run the Hiayt m paer up the Santbin, but m ivcd to t'orilcnd and be came a plutocrat or something else. Trouble has arUen over the Burns p.jst office. Mrs Iona Whiting wa, appointed last kumiin-r. !t.e had written 10 hoth tl discretion cf the court Bio Bear Story. The monster bear of Admiralty island. Alaska, which has long been a source of terror to the settlers in that locality, was recently killed, and the Alaska News, of Juneau, ive a long account of how the feroc'.-jus animal was made to bite the dust. A c&rtv of Indian hunters was headway against tho ollege boys. On the contrary the latter were the aggress ors and during the first half kept the bell in the unknown's territory, with one exception, driving the unknowns before them. The ball was gotten between the I uufc &ctCICCT rsl, U1U UUV BII.JS S . I " , . . Z . touch down, and the matter continues to i organuwi, anu arme.1 wun nnes ar.u a mm be disputed as to w hether one should have been given, in the theeecoud half the ball was kept in both territories without scoring. It was the general opinion as heard by the Man about loan, that the College team far out played th unknowns, particularly in the science of the gaxie, presenting the-riss cros and other tricks in very good style. IV II Hloss of Corvallis acted re umpire in a satisfactory manner. Good feeling nrPV'.lital an.l tkurd u-a n, Captain McKarUnd received a gash in the the body . In shovelin a . . .- . - .1 ,,...uK lllc location 01 a jranciM irs Cleveland and Mrs Lamon- aud said Insane asylum in Eastern Oregon. It ,DC ra 0 r,OOI wiJuw ThU w;ur(Hl her will be appealed immediately to the u-1 appointment, and now darter have been preme court. fied agal. st her which a,!,Be she Is not For all derangements of the throat and : poor and is a republican, lung,, Ayer's Cherry Pecteral U the speed- j Ah a who ha. lived !n eat and most reliable remedy. Keen in Prinevllle nearly or oulte thirteen years the advanced stage of Consumption, thia ; ef, , few day ago to look j; another wonderful preparation afford, great relief,! location. It Is rot likely lhat he will ever checki coughing, and induces sleep. 1 return to Prinevi It. Sorrc believe that V'.l-r'.. mm . ., " ' I I . . n. i'ei'1'ie iciiicinocr tucir Minn.! 11 nas retumeo lotne fioweri- K. in,' 'orr bitters with a shudder. The present gen eratlon have much to be thankful for, not the least of their blessings being such a pleasant and thorougbly effective spring medicine as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It is a health-restorer an I heahh-malntalner. of giant powder, started out for the bear's 1 .Meda Clinc, aged 16 yeara, was com cave. Beaching the place where bruin waa mined to the sta'e Iniane asylum ye.ter ouietlv sleeping, the leader, an Indian. I d-v bv lhe county judge. Deputy Prcee threw'Uie lag of powder into the cave, and 1 tiding Attorney A O Condi1 and I)r L then made a dive into the soft snow. "Ihe ; Henderson conducting the examioatin. bear," said one of tlve hunters. 'jumpel , fihe na been In Salem about sis months for the giant and fase and began to paw it. ! Hcr mother resiJes here and her fjihcr Zip! boom! tKingl B ar's rueat lew in all j mf ' bo"" Prinevi:;e, Crook uimuum. iue nioiisM-r sk uiusu imo .- - vcrsirv learn and desire some pre'imi- blasted meat. 100 pieces of mesit were j At a meeting of the members of the Bap- na'y practice. gainere.1. weiguing ipouiuu. r.ignteen iu.i cnorLt. last evening a prrmarent call At ihf n,i-.u'ic mim,.i -Prlneville New. J A Jenning. of Grants Pass, who had a hand shot off by the accidei.tal discharge of a gun last wet-k, carried an accident , policy. He wtO receive t(Si in sixty ' days which is the amount pail for the total loss of one hand. In addition to this ! he I entitled to i$ per week until fuliy rccovertd. , Arrangements are being made for a : pracllce game neat Saturday between the ' College fojl ball eleven and' th: O A C of Corvallis. The latter club arc carttmpia ; ting game with the Portland Ci- Baking' Powder (R RKN I . The roim reoMitiy oeni pied by J W Isentlv as a bsot and kboe shop. h I 03 L Viereck. ABSGlXfTC! PURE Ec.f.i, BoOB, Bewe. Pare bred Silver Lacei Wvaodr.tta. Kgga for ettiD?,it the Alhany I'onltry Yards. From pen Wo, 1 and 2, $1.25 prr i3; pu No. 3 $1 per 13. BFIynontb Boka, 75 eta per 13. onn Brush, Al'aanv, Or. Cor 4:h and R It ats OK REN I' 'The opera bonw store, Mplsndid location. Ca.l on tbe , secretary at tbe Liemccbat ottice for par ' ticnlara. buckshot and three bullets were found in was extended to Rev. McKee, lo bat face alter Wing Ucklevi by Full Back j ln ront of, uJf U repin astibarn, and Joe of tbe contest with i of them emerged trom the battle muddy looking crowd. tne snow awav oeen prcacetr.ff in the church itete tor a the captains : few ,nonths, and willprobab'y be accepted gun. tho skull cf an Indian and bone of J Rev. McKee will leave tonight fo- sprained wrist. All tne ouman skeleton near a tree, a Uvrrel ot nome In souih Dakota, ith tl.e eipecu- uu 0111 r.ngiun smnsrun a no a nwuui ue , uon 01 returning 10 Albany retore ic'ooer j were found. Fhe bar killers gun m lit. Since coming to Albanv bis rrsi-! Britwna- i vljie the fj lowing delegates were e.ected to the county convention at A'bany: fsou'h Browr.svilic W Roberts, J Peal, M Butler, I RiggsandJ I) Wlgle. Ncnh Brownst l lie B F Chi'ds. J Se M:I)onaH, Ge rge F'rcy and W Oob'e. i bityken at the breech. He said that this j dence there was destroyed bv tire, and he A Good PaBCcpsNr Mr A It Slanson j bear had killed many Indians in the last 20 in his Washington VtVr savs: Senator ; years. Having the honorof killing the Jefferson Myers and Representative ' monster, he celebrated his prowess by eat Milton A Miller .of I.inn county, have high ! ing the tail and ears of the bar raw. hide A0 r. M (,.I.-TI.. authority for thetr action in trying to induce the state of Oregon to take charge of and maintain io- rublic use lhat famous spring at Sjaviile. The Arkan wite. Alternates: B A Davidson and wife, H B Spnner. and F M Kizr and wife were duly elec'e-i as said and alternates. delegates ts.-RIUK. Cuatrary I law Eilitor' Democrat : Please permit me to occupy a small space in your paper, in regard to the game law and ho-v it is carried on in this vicinity, that is. up east of Larwood on Roaring river. It is an every day thing to ee two or four men with eight to ten hounds go np. Tney always take up a roll of sacks behind them an 4 as they come out they are full, with blood on the outside. A'hat is the use in spending money in making laws when they are not kept in force. Some of the very best christians, that claim the laws of the land are made from the Dlble. will disobey the law in a cruel wit. .hbscbibib. in 1S&0 $3,220.3o were ejpended for the improvement of those springs: in MM. $60,243.C2; in 1892, SJO.OCO; and in IsiCJ. '-'.!'.'..' ' If the government can do this for Hot springs, why not Oregon for and hair, al! went down without the fellow even winking an eye." a Course of LrxTrnE. 'lhe most im portant item that has come to our notice for some time is the announcement of a course of "Popular lectures by popular speakers." which will be given in the First M K church of this city. Tbe speakers are well and favorably known as men of rare ability, and we predict that the lecture will be the greatest treat in the literary line Mia.', has ever been give" here. The lec tures will be given in the following order: March 14. "Kominiscences of Army Cife Kev , uoe, I 1'. of irav will have t.U business there to settle before returning. Mr Mack Monteith is in the city. K F Sox returned this nn from a bu;- tnp to Ha'sey. Mr T H Wallace u Isinar seriously ill at ; bis home in tbe First ward. Mr I- Senders is con6ncl to his home and is reported seriously ill. Col Van Cleve. of Uw Toledo P.1. and ' t!w late receivershii H Y Kirkpatrick of tbe lbanon Kipress, j Those who were in bu-in Iwfore tbe were in the city today. , opening of tbe ( ireg"n Pacific line can re- License has been bntj f'-r tiu? marriage me"J'-'r freight was paid from Pan of Homer B Tartar, of Spokane, and Miks j Franciwi. If not it would be well to lo-ak Stella F Posh, of this count v. I op dd freiarbt bi"S. It i- evident even to Hon K Weatherford. of Albany, lcrlt yeaterday afternoon in Engine. stM ing lor Sodaville? Undoubtedly this will be a church. Portland- burning question in tbe Linn county ; March 25. uLUb of Abrham Uaeoln-. campaign during the nest three ajontbs- j Illustrated bv his own stones" by Rev ti W Deatu or "Dl" PiVAoxDelbert '"nU of Salem ,. ... April 4. "Everr Inch a Man by Rev savage died in San Jose. Calif., on Tls-irs- Chas Edward Locke. U P. of Tavlor street, day. larch L, of tbe age t Portland. of about '20 years. His remains were j April i I. Rev I p Ihiver. P P. brought to Albany on the overland this . s.n iiMc tr- r.V ., morning by his moUier and step father, ti'-kets for children under 15 vear .'.Oc. EJi or Democrat: 1 am infonne-1 that some of our mer chants do not patronize the regon Pacific line to well -is formerly because rates have len slightly advanced and ber-aose of the confusion arising from the deplorable con- '..:: n ! .ja s.-r-. . at ::..- . . : PERSOKAL Mrs T L Wallace and children went to Portland this noon. Mr Chas Hears went to Halem this noon for a few daj s outing. Mr Merrill Fish, of the Oregonian of fice. Portland, is in tbe city, on a visit License has been issued for the mairiage of W W Mosrf and Eva Edward. Mrs 1. Vierick and children went to Jefferson to-day to visit the formers sis ter Mrs W W Davis. Mr and Mrs Jason Wheelei, who have been al Los Gatos. Calif, several weeks write that they will lw home soon. Mr Geo I) Overton, who is tesidicg in Eugene in order to give his boys tbe ad vantage of tbe University, was in tbe city this forenoon. Lat evening th Albanv Social Club jrave a reception to tbe benedict member of their club. Mr Bert Westbrook. A pleas ant evening was pa-d at their rooms in the Crawf jrd block. A whist party was given lad evening at the residence of Mr S S Tra n in honor of MUs Nettie 'bitney. of Eugene. Sixty people were present filling fifteen card tables. ProgTeive whist was played for several hours. Preceding this gaue was a short program of merit. Mr J K Whit ney and Mis Hose Train were beard in a cornet and piano duet. Mis Train in a vocal solo. Mis Margueritle Hopkins Eva Cowan and Edna Ailen in piano solos, and Miet Hel?n Crawford and iiliie Crawford in recitations. A grand march followed and then came the whL-t. It was pronounced one of tbe pleaaantett social events of the season. noma teuiBMue Will 61 Stark, t' ewel' If yoo want a fine amokr call fur Joaspb.a whits labor cigars. The bearoast coilee in the ty at ('. mad dujar a FORSALR-5K) share of Albany o!; trie light o'ty.'t tha bst dividen 1 1 paving BtOOk in this citi . Enqnire at tbis r,ma C10CN Y WARRANTS Bnght and cold by 0 F Merrill. For Sale or Trade, a hsWWettad lot in good location In Alban-,- W.'II sell cheap for caah or wi,i trade f r land part re teadia drag j ly or wholly inaproved not ver (ar from i town. Call or write to this office. Bstha at Viereck on Han parlors. Hodge & MeKanaot, tore, Albany, Ci . Will 61 Stark' large line of silver ware j ha crtated a great deal of talk W. Q A le 17 ft A NPIQPft Pa rentes home mdastry by smoking kha ' TUA Oft.ll 1 Rft l UlOVjU, celebrated white labor eigara, mabcfactired eyUH-j--- . ! The Steamship HOMER abaviog ad ir ; will ply bftween San Fran i cisco and Willamette Valley points via the Oregon and ;Sonthern Paeifc railroads, 'sailing with freight and pas sengers on or about the 1A lowingdates: From San Fran ciseo on March 6, From Ya quina: on March 11. Fare from Albany and Corvallis to San Francisco: $12: Steera?;. $9. See the y.xw Improved Singer sewing m cc r - Th? I t ! always tb cheapest. WSswde-. aent. Offiie at F M Frncb ewelry U.; fr.vvo M Ac HI s as nrstiy repaired tad warranted 1 r a th-r-.Dnhly competent aork aim, at V M Prnach' jewelry aore, -A iS.r.y ygoo. By uing Hall' Uair Renewer, gray, fjld oa .i'.-r' r.'. : hair iuiin.,1 nam. ra1 calor of youth, and giow luxuriant i Cab.n anj trong, pleasing every bodv. Kound trip tickets, mclud goo veir rraUe. la HF.ll y. mi. Eighteen new mrmbers were'ed into the Presbyterian churc'y ei!erday. There will be one assess rrent In tl'e A O U V order for the morth ot Varch The contract for the gailery of the D P chuich ha been let to 'A m Frutn .he seats to be in position txtore 'he national general assembly meets the last of May. Yesterday a lamp exploded in the rsid ence of Mrs Robert on Second street nearly resulting in a conflagration. The flames were extinguished though, and only a small damage done. Saturday afternoon JohnJjHammT was arrested for sending a threatening letter to Chas through tbe mail. Me wa examined bv Justice Curl and held for the taken to Portland I S marshal Ceo U court. He was yvterday by Deputy Humphrey. It will not be safe lor any dea'er in cigarette to ell to rrrnors " if Marshal Lee sicta hold of the fac. H: is keeping lii eyes open for offender We give the businr away so that if there are any dealer idling to inh.or t'.iey wi l keep on tne sale side by quitting It. tsnii (y.-.miirti sriini. uGvJTP,0V !'r'ai E U'-eVecorder. Mack have formed a partnership In the I oaroer business and will ur.ite the two shops and run a five chair shOs in the room recently vacated bv G B Haight, hlch will be S'.'ed up in handsome tvle for them . David Coleman who was ahot In Eugene last week by (irant Mo, In cne of the worst tr4eedies ever occurrlnsr in Oregon, died this morning. It aras thought he would live at first A good thing about tbe matter is tbe fact thnl the miserable wretch who comm tted the murder also shot hinelf. Divorce. and C L air ani .r? t-rank j-eterson, aua were taken to Philomath for burial- About two years ago Toung Savage was indic'.ed by the grand jury on the charge of steal ing a sura of money from C I Kennedy, conductor on the O P and was placed un der $'JO0 bonds, which were forfeiteJ. Oa learning tltat ud could not live an ef fort was made to have the indictment withdrawn, in order that he might die without a crime standing against him. It is to be regtvtttd that it was not se cured Come: COMt! Oeattl At the 0 P church yesterday morning R?v E N Condit preached a very leauCful as well as interesting serui-.ii. shout Blind Bar timus of Jericho, from Luke 18:39. In the ewning Rev Little discoursed upon he "Rtcb Young Ru!t.r" in his impres sive and earr est manner I be meetings will be continued this woefe. a bible read ing e-2i?- af'.ern on a and serviees at " :30 eacli evening. Kverylwdy, sinners and saved, are invited and will lie cor dially welcotii". Come and Le with ns for ' Jesus of Kamwtfa is i .i .a b"." Sllbifrt tmi'ltt - BTtM r-at.t Sal la the (human uiicd can contemplate.' TiiRF.:t Boys. Joe Raymoe Jau.tsTalt and Walter Farrell. i;ie three yoang eien ho tapped the beer keg on the U P wharf, were ta'en lie! are Recorder lien or, tins fore-noon, an i after ieing given a lecture repletit wib ; nJvice, were fined apiece, $17.7." in a', arrange ments !cr ti e p3vn:eniof which were made scd the y.ur.g men were discharg eil. It ill pr.v U:e voung men of Al- tiadv uo heed tbe good advice given by Single tickets for adults 2oc; single tickets for. chilibrcn under lo years 15c. Tiir. axxtai. Mrnoot, meetixo was held at the. conrt house last evening. The chair- A me'-ing of the Linn County Cen tral Commr.tee of the Democratic partv will be ae'd at the 0 urt Mouse In Albany Oregon, on Thuday, the 8th day of March, iSat the hour of two o'clock I M of said day. All member vt .a:.! committee are requested to be present in peron or by proxy, t buinrs it im portance ill e transacted at ald meet ing. Dates) Albany, Or.. Feb 24,1891. Geo W Wright. ficrearv of Centnl Committee. Dr. Price's Cream licking Powder World Fair Highest Award. Mrs T L Wallace, of Albanv. has de cided to change her home to Portland. fortland fcx. DrTC Mackev went to Portland to day where he wiil speak before a big A O U w meeting tonight. Mr John Smith, who is rap-illy gain ing the century mark, waa tak?n serious ly ill on Saturday evening; but is re ported better, the Democrat is glad to learn, today. Hi nephew, Dr Tate, of Port'and, nas sent for, and came up on tne aturday evening overland. The only Casey is spending Boinetime 1 ' ihouipson. UD. John T Wilbangs and at the Mid-winter Fair, renewing old i J1I,B mmme navix, twtii ot Linn county. acquaintances among the denizens or tbe NSaUtlEP WILUAXKS-DAVIS. At the resi dence of James Wilbankt. in Linn county. opKiUM orvallin, March 4. bv Kev I0' .IE Ladie,try the Eglantine Massage Cream the bet preparation ever made for the compaction, to be had of Mrs Rowell, at Run House Albany Ore. '49 mining camp of the Midway PI 11- sance. Jacksonville Times. Also Al bany s. Announcement. We are authorized to anncunce the name of John '' Md )hee as a candidate for county treamirer, subject to the action of tbe democratic county con vention. What is the matter of the following, from an eastern paper, as a cure all fer bines, hard times feelingx, etc: Weather's kind o'crazy Everywhere you go; One day it's a daisy, Next day it' a snow. But, whate'er it's bringin'. You can bear your part If the birds keep idngin Somewhere '8 near your heart. WKSTBROOK MARSHALL On Sa'urdiiy, March 3, 18i4, at the residence ot and by Rev J 1 Atitiett, Mr Bert Westbrook and MissNoita Marshall both of Albany. Two of Albany's pop ular young people deserving the best wishes of their many friends, which they are receiving. DKV AN EY (i ILBERT. At Sherman Heights, near Chatonocga, Tenn. on Tues day, February 20, Mr A J Devaney and Miss fiertia Gilbert. The happy couple is expected to arrive here ii. a short time to take up their resi dence ou or near th-s old homestead. Scio Press. man of -the U-ord of school direot. -rs b-ing absent Prof Crawford presided The clerk C H Stewart, read hie annual report show ing the following: No. of school children 90 No. papilt enrolled M Xo. pupils not enrolled 277 A verage daily attends noe 39C No teachers 10 Receipts from ail sources - - .$-V93 31 Paid out for all teachers 454 38 Paid for repairs 113 Paid for fuel, incidentals 770 20 Cash on band IB 93 Teacher saleries. principal. $125 per month ; assistant.- -"i0. amount of insurance $9,000. A report from Pmf Crawfor-! sbowel the condition of the schools to te a pre-perous one. Thkv LtK Ahk.m. ihe large firms cf j the east never lose their heuds. even in dull tiroes. Take C I Hood & Co, for instance. They continue to advertise aa of old . Tbi firm has just renewed its contract with the : s hat without mentioning bard time, at the old rat.-. Notwithstanding their big reputation they do not try to do busi nea. like some short-sighted merchants on their name, but know that tbey roust keep it constantly before the public. The tame i true of seviral other big institutions who of course may always be found speaking to the public in the Democrat. Tbk sehmom last night at the D P church was the dark siue of Cospel troth; sin. righteousness, judgment. Joha 16-S-ll. Sin a tree; branches murder, lust, theft, etc; the trunk envy, malice, hatred: the root unleiief The righteous ness of Chrii-t. the standard; necessary to meet Ood. The judgment Christ our j Savior. Christ our judge. ood audience I and gooil interest. Come tonight and hear aliout Lydia. Come and bring your neigh bors. A New STEAMEii.rhe new Steamer Eugene will leave for that city on the 12th instant The oat is 140 feet long and 29 feet abeam. There are six state rooms, a ladies cabin, smoking room and dining hall. It is to be hoped the boat will suc ceed in navigating the river constantly dur ing the year to Eugene: but it in very doubtful whether Uie government seep tne river in om.lition atiove iorvai(i. A Mcd Bath. A fanner came into the city today covered with mud from head to feet. He had been thrown from a bih seat into Oregon's Pride. Taylor, the general ioblier was given a contract by the wholesale to clean him up, which he did after a long siege. Yet He Knew How. An O P conduc tor wan getting on the Albany everland this forenoon when he slipped and fell into several inches o' yielding rand on I'irnt street, emerging from it a la foot boll player, presenting a very mundane sec-tacle. ii rants Pans on the overland train Cuard. D D Coffey and W H Odell. of Mem, were in the city this noon ot tix-1- .,y bome from Mill City, where they aryaa ized a republican club last night. Clint Monroe, while well-known aa a hotel -keeper at Salem, chopped ff his left ! thumb while engaged in the feoHstl past ; time of splitting wood. Ex. Mr WiHUm Ralston, left ti:. Olex to remain a month, looking after bis farm there. Recently he purctuned the Ihirbin ranch, adjoining that of bis son Lonner. consisting of 06O acrvs Joxlse Kelaev. of CorraSUs. has solicited by a good many of bis frienls.sart anwai ooaeryer mat Albany is vitally in terested in a good sale ting rr.iJ. of this roa 1 Pntably tlOO.000 u due Albany creditor and that amount of money will go in circulation m-re if a sale is mil? that v. ill pay ail Ux- court' iebts. otherwise a . .rt -p.inHng ifM will b; incurred, to tay nothing of future benefit. It is plain that the road will sell t j better advantage- if tvin operate with a good I Mtaaat of trade, than if cl.teA down for lark of it. l"nder t!ee cirroatancct both p ices in ; a valley institution and policy ought to I iwlace every nBw merchant to hip by I that line. A few d ollars gain now will be poor aalisiaction for senc-us ks a'terwazd C G, Iloora. Mr C C Hocue was the auditor and cva- Atthe regrilar meeting of Albany' Engine Co Xo 1 held Monday evening. March 5. 114. the following re-'!ntion were adopt ed: Wlierea. It has pleased the Supreme Creator and Almighty itod of the Universe to remove from our midst our worthy brother fireman, fieorge C HendVrson, and from the community a good citizen and father: therefor? l? it Resolved. That we hereby express Our heartfelt sorrow and ext.-od our sympathy to the bereaved family, and Resolved. Tbot the thanks of Albany Engine Co Xo 1. of the Albany Fire IV partm-r.t. are hereby tendered to tbe offi -cers and menders of Home Lodge. Xo.35 K of P. of s-ilvervon. and Laurel Lodg, No 7. of Albany, for favors receive! and ser vice rendered during the r kness and death of our departed brother and friend, and be it further Resolved, lhat these resolutions be spread on tbe minutes of this company, that a ropy be sent to Mrs Anna Henderson. Home lodt-e No :P K of P. Laurel Lodge No 7 K of P and a copy be published in tbe daily papers tf Albany. It V IU.S M ETZti ER. D C Scuklx. Wiw. rt niTE. CV-mtaittee, Self praise I no recommendation, but ! r 0(1 An. there are not time when one matt permit 1 u -a person to tell the truth about himself. H hen what he say 1 supported by the testimony of other no reasonable man will doubt his word. Now, to say that Ailcock' Porous Platter are the only genuine tnd reliable porous plaster made I not self praise in the llgh'.et degree. They have stood tne test for over thirty yean, and in proof of their merit it is only necessary to call attention to tne cuie they have effected and to the voluntary teatimonia' of those who have used them. Bewait of imitations, and do not be de ceived bv misrepresentation. Ask for Ailcock', and let no solicitation or expla nation inducr sou to accept a uhtitute. ing meals and berths, $18. Chas 1 Hespev, Son A Co, Agtnu. Xo 2 to 6 Market atreet, San Fraud CO. NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION a local paper, to run for the office of attar- j era! freigt t and pawnger agent of the Ore ney general. Though 74 year of aae. by! goo Pacific for a number of var acd ts the by. the judge is as lively and clear ' well known throughout the valley, beadei as many young men at .15. e think bis word will meet with gen- Tbe Pioneers of "California have expelled j era! approval. Mr Hvgue Ls cow in besi Uubert Howe I Unci oft from tlieir society in Albany end no dosbt has the mter 00 acoannt of U accuracies and false Ut- ; est of the town and valley as MM b at heart, itsent in his alleges! history of Califomta- "ben managing the trairk of the tAegon Hi bistory of Oregon is no better, if as PnoSc. in it better da. gcod aa the other. Ex. Mr Edgar L Eaton, a resident of Albany! c mr. in 187-) is now residing in Wal!a W a-i.i. where he 1 doing a gooa onines a as astro-magnetic spirt ual scientist. In a letter and pamphlet ent to an .Vltany friend be roport several wood-rial cures. DC Havne, Mr Isham. Rev Al.Jett. and MiSMW Kva Mujpson The annual school election wa h.!d !at Monday afternoon. Geo I E art on was elected director to srrve three years ar-'. W H Millbollen clerk to erve one year. Tbey ar? lotn nurserymen and Popo!its. If straws show which way tbe wind Mow tije r.mnu l- -.:g ;.. M..- . I I . , - l . . . . ... ... , 1 . . . ""'V iT - . 7. T. iV Pop wi be on top in tie June election!', i laiaS t.rose to 1 noon for McMionviile to attend tne I'n-snct , ' t . . F. c ' " i0 ! gene, Bmh and oiSTplaces for the same - will furnisn the , '7 itetx r.-TTt alt Joe C Brown to lames R Duntap. 100 acres. 13 4 C S Mullen to Harry E Mullen. 137.1S. the grantor to support grantee James R fanhp to M?rgaret A Bro-rn. acres. 13 w 4 ':...-- H I'JcIapt. 7:U Ann.- L fke. . SO acres IS w 4 A J Pitner to Wm Basset t, 160 acres. 14 w 4 M Anderscio to John Braun and John P Met. l;t acres. St I.. Ii K 1 'end let- r. to Mary E Cnndiff. Aa) acres. 11 w 4 Marv A Hoiman to Virginia Cvras, ."v. acres. 11 w 1 ." John Camming to N II and Maggie Camming. 10 acrv-. 14 w 4 Jas Nanny to Marv- A Simpson. 3)3 aTe.-. 1 1 w S and 4 ar N Bass. i H Qeatbrr, 2 lots. place Tak Norics. year for house This is the titre of the! rleaning, gardening. I carpet laving and cleaning, cl.tmney - cleaning, whitewashing and ay the music will 1 No. I. and the liter ary j-rogram has lea carefully orrange-i. " r :r..--p i.:-.- mm ad Id DNEB I.;- : . ii .. i 1 1.1... , W tnu"W 1 ... 1. v . . . 1 ; c.,w,,' If T"1?'?' Ue?. torone anoUr voumr man get, in ahead OU,0,T, Soeliirn Martha E Roscobv Sheriff to Martha E Roseoe. 1 lot. bl 23. Albanv . done bv an expert hand call o W Tay ler at Ceo Landreth's barber shop. rTY tiiMt unoa SUM 10 4HJ n 1000 :0QO 700 7CO !S0 2100 1 Wanied is CoaVAtLis. In response to s telephone message from sheriff Oshorn. at Corvailie.Cbief of Police Lee, arrested a man by the name of Hill, wanted in that city on the charge of being aii absconding debtor. Sheriff Osborn came over in a carriage and look him bacc to that city. ther f-.. P. and if tbe 1 go borne. The winter term of scbo i wi! Eriday. W H UiUhoiWa i putting 01 hedge f ir J K Mohr. W 11 h.i osage ptanta in his nursery. Mr S can" The Best f Btastai. Xotice is hereby given to the legal voters of achool district N -. 5 of Linn : con. ty, state of Oregon that the anniai ' school meeting for said district, wi l be ' held at ibe .-oonty treaurr's offif- n Albany, t.:. begin at 2 o'eio. kpa.on the w-'-ocd M- r. ! . r. the 12th day j i March lSSst. ihia m-tin is ! for the parpossi of electicg cue AntayM sere fr three yeara. and oi-e c erk to serve for one year, and in - transaction of : bnsine ususi at such rite :. Dated thU 2&-,h tfay aff Feb, 18&4 J K V EATBERFfRD. Attet; Chairman of D' C H -TE V A R T. District Clark. SHERIFFS SALE. I. tk On-lit dart of the State of Oregon for the C'outy of LiuL. Ttx reason why Al'cock's Poro is Plas- i tera ire popuiar is that thev may be relied ' on to cure. 1 Lan.e back, sciatica, or 1 tuif-t.'ns of .he muscle. z. Chest rouhiea, uch a pleur:- - pneu- ' rr. r.u, cont-amptior.. 3. Indigestion. dpepio, isneaa. kicr,i complaint. T -e success, however, will depend upon the genuinanea cf the plaster used. Tbe popu arity of A: cock's Por 111 Pl4r ha been so greot that multitude of imitations have sprung upon every hand. The omts ; sure cure I to get the genuine Alicoca's ' s ' Barer aid and Porou Plasters. Barker h's wife, Brandreth's PHI improve the digestion. Portland. Scramento. Lo Angeles S'-ccston and Salem have the same insur ance rates. Albany, Or. Butte and Helena. Montana, Sa:t Lake Citv. Taco na. and Sa aV: a. Wash. a-J rkar.e. have the came rate. D M Osoorr. i C . Sarar. P a mtm Deieniiat- Or. Price's Creausi Baxiag Powder Forty Vows tk 5taoCxr Notice t hereby given that by virtu; of I an execution and order of sale duly Issued out ot the abeve named court ia the above esititied tu't to me directed ad de livered, I al on Satarday the 7th day of j April, iSt, at the front door of the coin I house in the city cf Albany, L:an County, Oregon, at the hour of 1 o'clock p m of j said day tell a, public auction for cash in hand to the highest bidder, the real prop ertv described In said execution acid crier : of sale 10-wit : Beginning at the north To preserve a youthful appearanc at west coraer o: H L Brown's donation long as reisslble. f; is indispensable that the j land c'.aiai nou&dtkm number zozS ia !p hair should rtain i" natural co'or and 14, South Rae 2. west of ins Willam- fn'lre. fbere i no torepa'-ation to ette meridian, in Linn rirjctfve a Avre' Hair Vior. It pi eveala bakSne. and keeps the sca'p thence east 33 chains, thence south 9 clean, cool, and health v. Sj-n-n?r weakness, that tirJ feeling ' appetite and nervous ; - - .- -ae artven awav bv Hood's Sarsaparil a. like mist before the morning un . To reaiixe the beneSt of thi med-cine, give it a trial. Sare, efficient, eav Hood's Pi'.U. Drm A cotton carpet soon looks faded and soiled, while a good linen warp matting will remain bright, and sweep! easier, you can buy the best of the Albany Farnitur Co. They have a new lot. Whatever may be the cause of blanch ing, the hair may be restored to Its origi nal color by the ue of that potent remedy Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer. French has the largest and fined stock of spectacles and eye glasses In Linn County. Prices to ult the times. Dr. Price's Cream t$aftln Powder Most Perfect Made. Naw Lumbkb Yabii. Tbe undesigned is prepared to supply all customers with all kinds of lumber, drain tiling, cedar posts, flour and feed on the most favor able terms. KG PowEjig, Shedd. Everybody around Harrisburg will be pleased to learn that negotiations are well 1 under way for the final settlement for the j right-of-way for the Harrisburg Water Power Company's ditch across Mrs Ella' Mendenhdll's property. Courier. The Albany Populist ig getting the name of being one of the most unreliable papers published. People want facts, not misleading statements; Stay ton Tim's. Hal.' Hair Renewer contains the natu j ral food and color-matter for the hair, and I medicinal heibs for stnlp, curing giayness, I baldness, dandruff, and scalp core. Wkuoino nvitavions. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Golden Common every day. "Hmutir. COTJF.Y JACKSON'.-Cn Feb. 13, 1804, J W Couey, formerly of Linn coun tv, anslMies Emma Jean JacksoD, Fresno, Cal. lit BO UN. THOMPSON. On March 3, Mr and Mrs i L Thompson a girl. AH doing well. COLLI P. On Saturday March 3, 'i4. in this city, to the wife oi Mr Collip, a bov. KENTON. On March 2nd a son was b jrn to Mr and Mrs Frank L Kenton. An Albany Jewelry Stork Worth patronizing I that of Will A-Stark. They carry the fineat line of silverware, watches, c ock and iewelrv ctnerallv ln tbe vallev, and at Isfactoiv prices are alway given for the suoe-ior quality of good they keep In stock. Nev,;r buv without calling cn them. OaKDXX Skkds. Every body should have a irarden. Arc you one who will. Then go to Stewart & Sox Hardware Co and make your selection from n fresh supply of all the seeds in tho market, the liirgcst stock in the city. ''Now is the winter of our discontent made u'.orloui summer', bv Ayre's Sarsa parilla. This wonderful medicine so In vleoratcs the system and enrlche th blood that cold weather becomes positively enjoyable. Arctic explorers wonld,do well to make a note of thl.J $100 Howard, $100. Thereadrrs of this paper will be p1ear ! to Vara tfcat there is i fas Used disease that sotsnctj has been ante to core ia a.l its atagca and that I Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cuns 1 Sa only poalti.-e care BOW known lo the snwtleai f rateruit . CaiarrU t- : s a con atltnttenal disease, iwqvuwi a coni:ttional trratnuat. Ball'aCatarrh ( are iik n inter nally, actinsr dircc: v iijoi; Uhe blood and mu cous surface of thesvstem. then by dcsliosiag the foandalio of lhe disease. Bad RiV.ri; tho patient slrmgUi by buildsrupthccoastilut'oa n,l ssalstinv n.Llur- in it .r.'J I'.s vork. Tho propnelors bair ao mnch fmixh ia its ciirativo pawrra, lhat lby olfer Ont Hundred IKiUari lor any case Ibat U falls to cure, fk-nd for liat of testimonial. , , Addresa, f. J. CHnNEY i CO., Toledo. O. SaVSold by Dnurciat .. Hockii.gham'a Dve fr the Whiskrrs does ita work tbnroaghly, coloring a uniform brown S? black, which, wbend-y, will neither rut-, waah off, ner soil linen . Don't SwaR. Ot course vou fee like it some timet; but there is nothing In It. Simply learn a lesson, and the next time go to Par 1 er Bros for your grocer ies, produce and based gooa. ro one ever ejaculate profanely alter leaving their tore, for not only are the nest gro cerle in the market fold; but everybody from a child loan old gentleman, is treat ed courteously. Tl.elr baked goods. In a large variety, are superior and popular. If you wonld keep in ijixia numor who the world always try Parker Hios. nru this : Fmimino is t.5 be the sal vation ot Ukaf country. Ibe Asbiand tid iness give the following on the subject : L Leonard. ( .tiwphine 10ur.tT.who returnol home l.vt wivk from a tour through Cali fornia, is an enthusiast on the subject of dairying, and wisely conclude that the manufacture of buttei, cheese ind bacon is the industry to which I rejron farmers must go f-r relief from the profitless results of some other branches of agriculture, particularly ho" rising and in many cassx Uvf and wool g- -wing. Mr Leenatrd thinksd econ r.u ther woul.i make money by shooting the they an fertliiig and turning the carcasses over to hogs or coyotes. He say fine-pediirreed yoang horn's from the Stan fonl and other famous ranches have 1-een selling ut $100 each this vear. The County Ccnventlon of the Prohi 1 t ition partv for I.i-.m coantv i.: eor.cene j at the Court Uotjee on Sa'urday, April I j 14th, iSoa. at 1 o'clock p m, for the pur f ' pje of nominaiing a county tickei and ; transaction of iuc'i other business as may properly be brought before thsconventk-n. All prohibitionists of Linn county who voted lhe prohi'd i-n party ticket in 1891 and who intend t 1 uppo-t the same in the ensui-g e'cc'icn will be entitled to eat as aetevaac in the convention. Eery prohibit ion-st in Linn routi'y is earsei'.'.y and cordlal'y invited to attend. T 1 IUckiew vx. chairman of Linn Coun'v Cer.tral Conmi'.tee. tin 0. The children of the Kindergar:en will sivc some of thetr drill at the musical Saturday night. Admission only 15 cents. ' he's no judge of .whiskey Shiluh'a Cure, the great cough and crooj 1 u re, is for tale by ua. Pocket size-containt wenty-tiv e dosus,only 25c. Children lave i' oahay A Mason. Fred Dawson keeps good quinine bit,t BKNTLEY. In Albany, on Saturday evening, March 3rd, 181)4, Mrs Sarah Bentley, aged So years and 10 months. Mrs Uentley came to Oregon in 1853 from Arkansas. She was a Christian woman and leaves a good record as a heritage for her children, of whom there are living five. In this city are J W Bentley, Mrs W CTweedale, Mrs Winn, in Portland Mrs Judge Johne, in The Dalles Mrs Anna Taylor. Funeral services occurred tbia after noon at the Presbyterian church, Rev Prichard preaching the sermon. to S-rnicri.T l.f It. When il washing the Albany Meam Laundry 1 strictly in it. It is doing the business of the city; the Celestials are going to the wall. 20 cents a dozen tor plain wasiung is cheap enough for anybody in any kind of times. Richards & Philips do lir.-t 1 -lass work and spend their money at home. Patronize the Albany Steam Laundry. C E Biownell grocery stort is increas ing in popularity. 11c carries a tine slock In a light room, easily accessible and give bargains. Next door to the P O. t lean towel to every ouaiomer atjViereck shaving parlors. No St cn Reimbt. In a pablished re port of the proceedings of the Linn County Council P of H the statement is made that the committee appoiuted o investigate the liooks of the county of ficers bad found numerous irregularities in tho same. The Dfvih'bat is informed that Mr Shaw and Mr Fronvan, ot the committee, who have since Ken in tbe city both say theie was no such report at al'. Further time was irrantvd the com. As a matter of fact, excepting the School Superintendent's liooks no irregularities of any importance have been found, and should there be anv found they would ot course be s-pecitied, and not mentioned generally so as to in volve everybody. You can get writing papa and lin velopes from Fred. Llawson if you want to ' Albany Market. Wheat ,39c. Oats, 28. Hour, 13.00. HuUer, ;).!. Ktfgs, 15o. Lard, 12 to 15c, Pork haran,12 to i&e; shoulder,! to lOoj aid's. II to 13c. Hay, baled, 97 o aloes, 40e. Apple , 4 " Hops, lUo. Dried frull -plums, So; apples, Bo Chickens, 11 00 per dozen, j Beef, on f ot, 1 t Hogs, drcased, 6je. Thousands of lives are saved unnually by the use of Aver' Pectoral. In the treatment of croup and whooping cough, lhe Pectoral hat a tnot marvelcua effect. It allajs n- ammatloti, ireet theoostructedatr on-siige and contro a the desire lo cough Shiloh't Vitahser is what you need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow ktn or kid ney trouble. It I guaranteed togive you aatiataotion. Prioe 75o. Sildjby Kothay & Maaoe. Leitrr nisi. Following is the list of letter ren.aiuing in the pott offios at Albany, Linu county r Oregon, Fad 3d, 1884. Feraons oalling for these letters must give tha date on which they were advertiaed. Mr John A Albert, Miss Leslie Critchlaw, Mr Robert Ketehum, Mrs 1 N Miller, Mrs Mary Miller, G Schanise, Thos. Momtkitii, P. M. Expraslse Keanomy. Some people legriide the llltle money that an Allcork's I'oraus Plaster costs, ard then when ihev pre racked with pain fiom the soreness arising from a cold, thev will spend anv amount cf money to relieve the pam. If they only had one of these wcrl.l renowned nlastera on hand thev would be saved a vast nmount of suffering and be considerably richer. At the lirsi sign of stiffness of the jolnti apply one af these plasters win, out any delay. The soreness will be greatly rcllevtd at once and soon disappear entirely. It will t.e monrv saved to have them on hand, to sai not! -Ing of the couiLirt they bring. The First OaarsatUKM n Btnotssz. Rev Little preac-heil last nitht aJnaA the omversion of Lvdia. which was the first conversion in V.nrope. ile spoke of its importance. Lydias character: she was a rich woman, a church tfoer. attentive lis tener to the irospel; she yielded to the nronirtinirsot the spirit and made a public profess in. twk the disciples home with lier to tell th. cood news to her friends. Then' wa.. a large audience last night, but still there is room for more. Cme t- night and he.u- alwut the Second Conver :on in Kurope. H aaTJBU F 1 N KP. Yesterday s telegram savs: I Hammar. recently- held to answer In-fore .1 I'nited States commissioner at Al bany on a rharge of scdina obscene matUr through the mails, was this morning ar raigned tvfore Jadire BellmoT on tin charge. Ho pleaded guilt v and was tided Hiitiim:u- mailed at the IK111v nost office an obsine letter addressed to Charle who made complaint against him The nnde-signed, pro printer of the Pioneer Ileus? desire to in'orm the puhiic that be has redu -rd the -ice of hosrd without lodging to f 3 per w ;, with lasWaaa S i-er?-,k. Sfaavaa aaamls The publio is lafitad 10 call as 1 terp good iwda aud set a fi-i -able Hsve lir WSMn sle. I rn r of hrodain and Vy tt trcot J H iRiiA MTien Pahy ru slcV. -re SWa hat Castirla. tVhen s!u waa a Child, sli OTtett for Castoria. Vhen she Uvame MLsk, she elun to Castor VVTien she bad Children, she t-thinj Castoria Awarded Highest Honors at World's Fair PRICE'S ftpBlIlBaking USJiPowder The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. 7o Ammonia; No Aluov Used in Millions of Homes 40 Ye 3 the Standard : chair s, thence north jar west 7 chaisa, ; thecc; south S6, west 16. 50 chrins, thence I north (- w est 50 chains to the p. ace of ' beginamg. except 3.6-i acres on the east side of the tract, deeded to W R Kirk So : vcmber 6:h. ISS6, reccrded n voiorne 30 i on pae Z: of:-.: rrccris of Jeeds for Itisif 1 1 jam OBMStTa Tn- proceeds arisisg I from said sale to be applied first to tbe I pas mer.t cf the covs ci a- d ufxj- asd exe . cu'ion and tne original cost oi said suit Isaac! at $13. So. Second, to tbe payment ! to the plaintiff P M Otborn 6z Co, the sum of $tSS.S6 wi h Interest thereon at ' th; rate cf 10 per cect per annum f om I the 23d day of October, 1S93. and the taw ! ther ratn of 00 attorneys fees and the overplc if tr.y to be pai to the :d defendant S P Barker Dated this 7'h day of March, i?9i. I C C JaCksok. iheriff of Linn County Oregsr, Star Bakeri ('rBr sdibla atad First St 015 EXJOYS BotL the nthod mnd nsulta wber S Syrup of Figs ia taken; it is ple&iani aid refreshing to the ta?te, and acti eenuy yet pronipiiy on uie tviancys. Liver and Bowels, cleanses the vs tera effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the j only remedy of it3 kind aver pec ' duced. .casing to the tasto and ae- ceptable to the stomach, prompt La j slO at. tiOU aftataJt IUI UVUVMVaui tVM w effects, prepared only from the most neaiuiT aim ajrrccaoie suaeouiccs. its . manr "exrellent qualities command it to all and have mado it the nuet popular remedy known Syrup of F'hjrs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not nave it on nana wm pro cure it promptly for any one -who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP i-fl 54 FXAXCiSCO. CL. lowswtf. kt. ew roast r. CCKRAfj iVEYtF, FFCFBIE1CP. mb ! Frails, tlVssa vrare, sried rrnlfa. Tsaares, ttagavr. 4'See, (aouf tle Hnn-usstN VegeVwtles, Cigara Wplees. les kte.. lac Tntiu thai ia kept vmrietT and csecery tw. Biartet rrk paid t.r 5 s Hv'.-.-A 5 DOLLARS to per DAY 20 Easily Made. We want rasa? wen, bur, aad airlat work for as a few hours daily, right in aud are laetrasya home. The basimss is asy, aitaaaBft strt.-tly Ue;,raW and jiys belter Usaat anyoiuet oSVr?d agents. Yoa have a dear field aa.d us rompctittou. KrperieDce aud special ability 9a ueerssarT. No capital raquired. We (qaip vo with eyrrythlnK that you need, treat yoa sH r.ij.i help yea to earn ten time ordinary w4tca Women do a well as men, and hoy aad gftis mjke good par. Any one. anywhere, can do lae w ork. All succeed who follow our plain aj)d sins pw dirrotaoos. Earnest work will surely rbs. voa a frrwat deal of moner. Kvorvtbiuf aW and in crest demand. Write for our pamphk-l cireular, and mosll full ii..onnati0B, No harp don ii yoo louclude no u (O at With thf basinesa. Ceosce STINS0N&.CO. Box 488, PORTLAND, MAINE, ftl.L KINDS OF PRODUCE DRUGS Stationery, Toilet Arties, Musisa Instruments, Etc. Mm & itMaii, The Cornet Drug Store,". Alfcanj-.oi Caveats, and Trade-Mark obtained, and all Fat-j eat business conducted lor aaactaavi Fte. Our Omci is oefosin O. S. Ptint Omtt J and we can secure -.xitent in leas Uiac laauuiosej remote from Wash.ngton. , 1 Send model, drawing or photo.. rt.:h descnp- tlon. We advise, if patentable or not. iree oij charge. Our iee not due t-.l! patent i secured, i a paateMtcr Bow to Obtain l"ateats, withj cost ot sune in tha U. S. and Kreiga ceuitnJ sent tree. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE IN deraigued has thi day btsm appointed admin uvrslor wish the wijj aQuaxed of the estate ot Joseph SornnMTVMIe, deceased, b the uniy conn ot hum oonnty, Oregon, and all paraoua aaviiig euuma agahaM said eslaw are hereby re Itiirvd to preaaa lhe same July verified to me at my turns about six mileeat of Harrssbarg, Linu oouniv, Oregon, within six nionlha from the date hers. .'. Davsd lXvsmbei Jth, 1S83, TE GjtlMES. J J Whitney, in! nut rat Ally- or Admin . C.A. J ON. PATf aeaeVaa P ATT NT OFTtCt. WASHIKCTW, & C v--j v v .-a T. C. MACK d Y, M.O. Physician nd Surgeon, Offict Vpttair . ntr tl a Bank of Oregon. Keaioooce. corner 10th and Galapooi II. IVrtUnd. lHrroti. A. P. AraitronK. PTi. BUDcfa SclrOul: CavriTiL Bltl Colijh. ; Savicin. ortgriu Stuue courses of study, huu caws u luitiuav Business. Shorthand, Trwritinf, t'evmax. tnj Engluk Department; jfajl Msston thruugbuut the vejur. udesls atettr " ml mujr time. CHU4of'a ftuiu eitlter -:LuJit