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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1894)
mitrat. Rev T He-Witt Talmage has announced f mm liis pulpit that; in response to the ap peal of trie board of trustees, he had decided to retain (lie pastorate of Brooklyn taber nacle. The harbjd-iie mllt'end tolling mill o! the Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Com pany of V.'orictfer Massachusetts have started on double lime? Cheering reports ol resuming raids and furnaces, after long shut -down, come to the Tradesman of Chattanooga from all parts of the South. Last week 22 mil's and fur naces resume, 1 operations. Tnis wetk the Trad. man has repoits of 20 works that have reuine ', The School Superintendent of Polk county, replying to a question as to how long a ciiizsn must have been in the state in order to be entitled to vote at a school district election, decides that six mouth residence in the state is not necessary. Mr Hutchinson Ulks volubly about the consti tution of the United States and citizenship, bul he makei a regular mess of it. His de cision is wrong and is likely to lead into serious complications, notwithstanding he has no authority as superintendent to decide such questions. Reading along the political column o the Rosiburg Review the other day we gathered mu;h choice democratic pabulum which we proceeded to masticate and dl Cst with avidity. Changing column we found ourselves in the fulminating meshes of a column of populism and in wonder and surprise we aera constrained to exclaim "where are we at? " Looking further we found we were in "The Populist Column ." 1 hi granger of Marion county have j i' ti i,i it,. an, - . Re-.'.ved ba Marion county convention j tlir e he retrjf endorse 'he principle of tho I tnHiaitv nn Ki'ferend. m nl Kfferend..m as far at it Is P7hcaie endcr the constttnllon and if not applicable that the cangtiiution be so amend e that it do ip'V lu a'l general legislation In Lit ui t. TnU it s'.rngly In accord wbh the tieaaffc ilfc idea of retaining the largest pof possi e in the han la of the people th r wc hesia'e nil :o give it our endorse ment. .Ti v ore of tSe most prom ikoaat cu ae'.s of Pitt county, North Caro Iioh is in horilv for the statement that i . r, ii an aw. ill his Btte. is the home of the mcst remarkb e fre-.k of aature this couiitrv ha probably ev,-r produced. Tbi - freak is a 7 year a d sou of Mr. t,aa it, r. BUM oturD coup y. a. u ttie pui-il of each of the boy's ryes, incir H , . . ,, . cu:ai is lUe word "America" in ; orfectc'-araclers. lhe bay's eye are viark and the letters r brown -nd le? iib The fo! -owing Is told of the ii'e es'.eemed m'r s;tr of Corgletcn chcrcl-, Rev Joseph Moo.-e: As 13 generally known, Mr Moore was a lnend of Livirg-stone O.-a the return to Lcr.Jon cf the gieat traveler after an aienc- of nearly 3oaearsin Af'lca, he was visitel by Mr Moore. Having found the adrirrss of hi old fi lend, Mr Moore knocked .' t th? door id inquired of ti e 'ervant if Mr Livingstone was at home and was much suprtged to here a v- ice Call out from an upper landing: "Halloa Moore! Is that you?" It was indeed remarkable that a voice should be recognized In that way after cot leing heard for about 30 year. ? , anire is a scneme rmo.-r..nemcrerecent cony,ato popuh.mfn hi county .(who are now forcing thenaie've to the frontai 1.. ,.r . . ., 1 ,.,-.. ih. .nn,i r j a miU ihi- nMrr lawJaew nf ine party who hve been candidates in either of the old parties for office. What will those old leaders who were pioneers in tbe organization of the third party think of thi schema? What will Dr Hendrix, Joha Br)an, Tom Ben Irvine and euch old leaders as wer the founders of the party ia thi-county think of Ihi scheme of the, frsb rtssasj leader to t-boo tLem and fori v r rVprive them the humb'e privilege j of 1 l.cinij a candidate tor othce. lt.eae old Iradeis ere latajring aears ara teais to orga. iaeihe third paity m thi. coon-y whea there i. not a corparals gua d of tbem ar.d n"w a hen tv.trej a tolem f hop; for an uff ce to b -compelled to tnd He for "these young ups'ait,'' as one old, hoary hen- ct pppaHsf indignant y .Imomima'e them, is .T.oie than poor human nature i likt v to bi .k, bfaca It i ; if f on eh( ad e to gal tnere -Why ahoold A j crali"t oigan auss: the proplt party be abused and villifiedb 1 m m eis of the oi l paTtaf?" Shades of Anan r.-!. rthyr.ot revarsa thi questlon?j At a' vent lbs pertinent q ietion is why hot mtn.lei of the people pa 'y make pe-i ), and wai fare upon theieri: -r i' par'.v in Linn coun'j? Kvei7 Onhrf. , ... rved laal c- rtain popli-t leader have lai.l on' a campaign ol abuse again! the -teraaocrats of tUt couDty. This ab-iae i. mac!-, more coirs: aii virulent tsan bat neaped ispon the rrpu'i.lcan. This fact ha-, been ol -?:ved by all and demo crat :iave nut IaiUh omae a note of it The d -tnorra!-. care no-. C n.cious of the '." D sne-s of i.i: ca-i-e of -limocracy and th.; mclllude of ih:r i-'te-ti m they il continue t j pugattl thjevn -,-n .r of their 1'j afl it ffihiarta lias introduced ia lbe h' use h t'i'i to e nstrue ths law which Hi vet the so,:r. t 'rv of the tiexnury riahl to redeaiii ol IgatiotM in gold r sllvr at his il Tiior. It provides MMatail ob!,git'-n Inaarrsl btha .y erj.ajAi.i, whathar they oar int rest or not, vthir-h ..-.rdi a to the r t'rms call lot Py0iea1 in a n, nh li be payable in (told ,,r m verra ids diaenation r.f the saeawtary of 'he I n a.i'y n-f tbf the right oMl.a b'lhter t dn:tiar.d payment In any parib-nlar kind of j- in la exprrasly anal lad. Tl e oflhe trnpaury is directed to mxinti. in .Id unfl Hlfvnr coin on a psrlty, up m rirss- nt legul ratio or euch r.iloa- rn y p iv-i l by lw, by ro eivini Ih-a s.m3 with in dl-sorlrnl na'P n jalnst fitl.or inrtul in (a m-nt ol al ' pu'iodu- 'ji'.t itDMii 1 r ix j . WHAT IBAW. Rditors i)cinorrU : f OS I led in a" 'he court house 'n-t Krirjay to afmrss the p'octedinga at the populist prlmai) meeting. One significant feature .truck me quite forii ly a..d coi,firme l me In the opli.lpn 'bt many republ c ns ta'k popu'.i 'ii fo. a purpose. I aw several re publi a U.e'c who have, tor lumt time, be.n talki is; populism very k udly on tl. fct'ee'it. in (hey were very car.ful to al siai fforo ad p ir'.i.lpadon in ihe pioreed ings of the mee'ing. The e men are no populia i, but they nope by mi. course lo delude unit' iikmiror tl.oolitle democra' into the rank f tue populist, while they wil'. on t ic m jrnlng of the fimt Monday in June, hi f und t lie GOP tl.ket a usual. This scheme was practiced in several place in H I c'J'inty two year. ao and was quite succea-.f .l U.-ai cat, be not deceived. It ia the sane old. ancient iienv, a wolf in hi 1 1 'h cl ihlng Odskrvkb. Ik ARE TI1FY DODGING The attitude of the populists towards a number of questions Is qoite significant. When steps were being taken in this state to organize the party, all the leaders en gaged in that work were pronounced tariff reformers or rank free traders. Itork, who did more of the work neeessary to s'ttrt the popimsi ban roiling in this state than any other half dorea men. carried with him in all his travels, Lis black board and chalk, and with object lessons and indis putable figur'8 showed the outrageous character of the republican policy of pro tecting the classes at the expense of the masses of the people. He made no failure in establishing the doctrine of a tariff for revenue, and his efforts were hai'ed with delight by every populist in Linn county. Mrs Lease and Gen Weaver also made the tariff question one of particular importance, and treated it as a leading issue. But very suddenly they dropped the question and in their national platform they were mute. They now answer, when spoken to upon the tariff question, that "there is nothing in it. " They treat it as a matter of indifference. Hence, it is fair to assume that if they were in power they would net interfere with the high tariff laws tha now stand on our statute books. Thi must bo so or such extreme, high protect ionists as Dr Hill could not become a lead ing light in the new party. Populists who were formerly democrats, and life-long tariff reformers will find themselves in a very awkward attitude when they find themselves being led by such protectionists as Dr Hill and others. It will be interest ing to watch the populist state convention, in framing its platform, when it comes to dispose of the tariff question and the sub- treasury scheme, which formerlv occupied i , , f . ... ..... .1 front places in the articles of faith of :i.a party, but which recently seem to be en j tirely ignored. Now the question naturally ar,Ses' tLese PPu"st Al1 dod'n aM ""M0 T The thriving village of Morgantown, situated at the base of the B'ne Ridge on the Western North Carolina Railroad, ha a considerable number of negroes as a part of its population During the war a large number of negroes crossed the mountains, entered the Union lines, aad joined the army. When the war ended and they were mustered out, they returned here to live. Pensions have been granted to the men an 1 their widows for all the ills that tlesh is heir to, contracted in the line of duty The amount of monev to the widows de pendson the number of children. During! the past, eek these colored people have . Wn q q rervon5nefg a3 nmh ... . . . . . of the appearance of a special agent of toe . r ' " ' . " -l uiajnt" -- ulauJ I the widows ot soldiers nave baa since tbe death of their husbands. The ageot has arrested M V Blake, the pension attorney who had p'osecu'eJ successfully these claims through the Pension Olfice. fot charging illegal fees. The ageat is not 'h ough wi:h his mis- The debates of the silver cooim-ssion. a B.riin, Germany, will be chiedjr concerned i w t"mi r n nafinr. c ----- r aw a Jnralnn nf ti n. f-,t,a.a BaII enltl.aa f . j.-if J I iiu Am At .;. i ur uLinauiu a ".'a lviu at a. i Second Have the lac's of gold and the ' (Wnaral faanririn rfanltin? from its All k .1 ..i., u-. " -- ; ..,ri. ! with a irold currency? 1 . 'a . - . 'Haat.-'l 1B1UC wwvu il . .1 I '., r " - fluctuations cxk Un the monetary and economic situation of Germany ' K. iirth How c.-iu d tne evi s or dancer ... . caused in Germany bv the present cur - rency be removed or lessened ? Ureat interest 1 laiten in tue silver com- , plall of uMon , itn ,te p., mMJ no, mission, and financiers are awsitinj; the be agreed upon as touc mi; a state ticket result of i's deliberations with great , Tbe intentions cf taate democrats no doubt anxiety. Dana Hoton, the bitetali. j good deseed for !he tst interest has come to Berlin and set himself in com- 1 of the fU e but h, , the) oWrTan municatio3 with tbe German cbampiots of 1 0f t)je COUIe 0f ev,.,,j. ,h u r .j- at if. silver. He watches closely the proceed. : ing cf the commission. d,ittr.ce a m- can ee when sta.adingon a j . ity on lbe p. k of ;h, bita. ' moon ! ain say at a height of 26,66$ feet, or a j tttle over five bove the level of the j ,ea An cbserae: mu-t le at a height of 6 667;t at ovesea ie.el to see ol jtcts at I .'distance of loo mi-... The du-l.r ce of ., .... . . , M . , miles ar w ..ii.u -n l 1 of the earth U yisii'ic i tqO'l to 'he quare ; . ... . . . .. i . . . i , I ioo: c r I i .ffltH'i- i.i-i ni oi iw u; -t iiti I 'Cet aboVC ' -'owi,n" Some allowance ' h male tor i .c erre:. oi a uwb, it 1 refiiacLion but as lbe rifrac itn vaii.s t pheric different height and t lT-cted by the variou. atates o. the weather no frecisly accurate 6gure for gtr.trai purpooes can b given. PfababfJ frcm on fourieer.'!. -o one tent), of tlie dis-ance gl-tn ,y ihe fjin."la would have to be derlucttd, owing lo lhe retraction of ! atmop;:ere. hicbard t'roker, Taiimany chi f. .in. Is very wralby ova- t'oniro-a in lm pby'. lettar of resigria'ion.esp ;i .sly t!i'. patt which ar.itjufr' hun a Ihn pbioo er an 1 upn i !er of l a'ililei. vHio,; and election criuios in Su a- Y irk (Jroker ald . 'If I uup'ia ma Jo aboae . barges sagainst me, I Will have him atie-i'cd. I never eocour g vl lau 1 j!oat v tin and f any on in Nsw Y-ra a-.o ata ihs eloo tion laaria Tatntnai. if I will prosecule tbeui. I do not care to tu tk any answer to Duuph a 's cuaigea uu il l have - en hi" ! letter. He ha I batter bsi aiton to baa affairs in the ucond ''ialii t. If on.., ny thinks Tammaay ia goinv, tn pi. eea anal I losing streogtb, hs wn: ba lubt diffHr ! ent'y this fa'l." '.v bary T.Wli it w .s arraigned i efore Jude Chapman at Nebraska City Nob. for 89iilenoe Tliu 'aday for h haafuag J Sier ling Morton in afliy. Whn the curl sbke-1 if be bad Any taio to m. why nan irnoo ahouid tot te sel, W'.it o .-.i I a'; he wanted wa io ift the ami b lare another court. Ttiejulget m r.-n , .) Ibd case, sayl'ig r lis banging of a warn iu eraVa v.-a ILesmst insult thatcoind be otfert d a j.i r .on, lie then imp -t U a (lu of 'i'20 and costs. A motion for a ntw trial was oveiru ed and va tiio' . atl-iriiey prepared papers for an appeal io tho su prame court Chairman J If Manley of Maine, of. the republican stale committee, bus Issttad a letter to leading republicans Iteoagh tbe state announcing the state couunitlee de sires to print and disiribu'.e 7o,IHW copies of Hon Thomas II Heed's spee-di on ihe tariff. The le ter asks for $5 eonribtjtions for ihis object. The step is rega'ded us the rinit n!0ve in CongresHinun Reed's presiden-ial bo'im. Seveial gol i, silver, ropmi and frcn mln'S -'i,- It. s 'it t M r.- ' a li.ive ju;l been tmrilibsd hvtiroi.e W l'.alloll uhn ' " represents a S)ndlca'e of New York capita-j Hats. The pilce pal i Is t,ooj,o.:o The j mine will be extensively developed and large concentisll ig works erected 1 lie Jersey C -n'er railway earaHns a. Klz.bclliport resumed work on lull lime to day, employing 500 men . Dr. Price's Cream Baking; Powder World a Pair H Ighest Mesial aad Diploma. The muai. ainualog m"1' acle In Orego journalism is that of the Po i a''d TV f gram being m under the guise of a democra'ir paper throng! the Orcgonian ofl'ce. The disguise is so thta however, that no one will be d(C(iCd Eupi-ne Guard. In the leport of the piooe'lnfc ol the Linn County Council as published in the Herald the s'aionient w is mate that the committee appointed to examine the public records at he court oust- re; Dried that they had discovered uume'iiis brajgalfcritie in the manner of conducting the office. Upon thehe-t authority w can ttj that no snch leport was made. Tlte extiavaganre si the I isl Republican administration lelt the United i-ta'.es Treas ury bankrupt and a largo iitlictency for the C'eveland adinu i-ti..'in to make good NuW Republican spinel most of their lime harping upon tlie d pletod Treasuiy and other evili for able) ihc Ri-pul.llcan paity is f olely reej cnsib.e, i' vain endeavor to make it appear that the Demo.ratic party is to blame . The peop'e are aa nun b interested In the enactment of the inco ne tax law, or they should bo, as to self pj alio mei sine evs-r ocntitiered by Coagreet, Tho passage cf this law means that the nasi of xtraordin i v aige I' d shall pai tin ir proportionate shawa t -wards lbe sup port of 'h-general govt-rniuent. An In come tax It w will equalise tie burden' of government tnd te leva the farmer and workers of at least portion of th taxation they have heretofore been forced to pay. It deve.ops that (base is n-ncr(cd act:oo f iirulicti hi airis in the effort to take ut the Bland f"ign' ragv b;i at ihi time, Kl h Ka ,-i.irrw.u. jif ,. I...1 1 t.. .. . , ., , ,. ' theaovisory ccmmi: ee fa t;,e republican senatorial caucus. While rejh'ican tena tccg, both fatoraMc to ami adverse to silver expresstherr.M'.vts in f o of the movement there is no great ical atMHestCtl on either hand ; reittur the i.e.- CojB( reputi'icam nor anti-silver -enttoia - are much for the Blund seigniorage bill A-such if course the ar.ti silver rrpubli'ans wou'd oppose the bill, aad if the, -up v It n sr appear to do so tluir on! milivr is to ita.aj off the tatiff bill. Tlie ilvn mm l I no", conaiaer the passige of 'hr bill aoai , av anj Influence wha.tvei m til al ai lwrr. It is difficult Gro's vote in rtn.i iiv ljr Mr ' ". - - , . rrnns.iva.aia as i o, 26,000 train east lor at Large in iSoa any ea thousands of "disgJ- e : 11. c i.ooaeman 1 MaCO ihal many ' Djmocra's voted tor hiru Tbe rnormcu falling off taf 1 JcV ,o .he vo e (jr Ue D ,,.. f,nJlw..le av . . n ,1..U4l hnl inAicl, m are ladtSe Mac djer at airily to the fact that lane wa- the s igbs- ! est cnanc f elec iiag th-' can 11 late ia a j Slate that i aiwravf to n; at ted ia its vo'e 1 or Congrjtsjjnij, (The 1 taefa i- a similar ' ly ooc-sided clcc'i Ml In Sau'hern S'a'e ' we are tcld 'hat it I be ausc the . vo'ers are ii.iiaaiiatei, a .d it is siggesteo that so:nehin ahoul.1 be done to reduce j the represea a'icr. Is tnat dissappcaraoce of 15a, 000 l) m raic io n in Peaa-y' : vania, Hie Rvpub'acan v."e w is re 0t I aod not'in.reasr 1, evidence of d ii.n-O- -ment or int mi.lati .11? If - , 1 3 a:, I . I a . j . , "'a '-v v - - .a, i 111 1 1 J M At a iiiceiBK of pr-a-inect democrab 1 I . tl .1 1 . 1 . .. . . - ...... l . r.1, l lltf , l 'Ul " IUL resolution offered y Jdre strahau atl ! adopted ; - Keoived, lost an advisory ooaauattw of seven be appoin ed by the chair lo con - ; ter witn any .-on-mit'ee tbe populut. may ; appoint ,0 confer with them. to obuln ! uca information a it.e; ni.y be able to . , .. 1 uemocrauc sta e conver.uo:i lor its cob- 1 xhe aaWMM evident a is tj see if ome ,j, W0(J , w (lje u.;w f JU , ( j!tj)n insr to uiak-a fu-io i lth t:;- iauulitt that would res-i It in j.va5, an-I tai con ,iinaa!-alkiWfi,.-,d.. the 1 approval of one stW h o' t of the sta'e. e .leuarxrat. ' lo fie a" ale, U. 11 1 -1 aanlad a reto u j Uon ssetting forth tint - tbre was n amouncsvl ISM I . s W (W f r lli. 1 curren fl er ,b pro "!. to i'i"' mi it-Hi mu. h r.v-nii Ironi ibe t it'll an I to in fle:i-ey b itltvn dirt St -. j , a mr. n. n . I A ! h- uble ) tax-ati n. the ur. I n fra,,, atiirchnc-: la lo tht the pr j pog. j ,lew in t , , ,4, x . ..., IIiake io , I Mmm il uihlmi r . . - - wmtmmmmm j by tafMLntJ oth r f-.r g . iiup.rta an 1 rr ' T.siti the tariff wi . .u ra:in; -ncy. II of ie li s" roniin of Um an In doing m aa ai l earnest a 1 vrc.(i . -.i in vd a -o:n! ei'-l r gn bl -n .ne w a mar. rr .iug- I ut lbs -e w one q i ! w aiOt .h.uld tik i ire: ': ni-e aad i i fi ' I. ' il" CO 1 coinmn'e' w . t the lartfl i objec'.eii ii. i se.goiora- u it wou d hv i ! u; a broach ig . He ihsrefore '-.iii gs on I be r that ot j etion 'a', r dsr. Th-- r.-por' ol ne . Forei. K - la in if so iraat . i ' . tbe dip ami r o the Dniti i 1st n. i al ' "ommiitec on . tber any, and h - . v.; occurred in r i r.-ourse between II iw iii in relation i i IllKal r.-. In'ioa in Hawaii r pic' bit of patchwork. ; ., i. a ra nz bu' it i not pi the least consequence That an'ique Southern Whig. Senator Morgan of Alabama, ntaaa the majority 1 report, but he could g.-l only tbe republican members to sign ii with birr., and they dissented from wi n of his most importan conclusions. The tiemocra's of tbe com mittee joined in a minority report, in arbiea they dissen'e.l from those opinions of Morgan to which the republicans assent ed. Morgan seems to be in favor of annex ation, and to any in i-rfercnce oti 'he par of ihe United S -itrs ihat it sees fit to make unless it should nave the effect of restoring uioiiarc'.y or shotting the door to future annexation. He has the peculiar notion that "Hawaii is American Sta'e," and that the monarchy denied i s people the right of self-government, to which lhy were entitled, and wbioh presumably H.ey were seeking when tin monarchy whs over thrown in spl'e of ilieiu and agam t tho r wishes Morgan finds not iiincr wroin mo r WM i Morgan awls nothing in the eoadoet of Stevens and the Tli urrison Adaalniatraiion, but kindly allow that Cleveland had a right to change the presi dent's mind when it boa ma his own, nd he refrains from flfamnlrg lilount or Willis. That is where tin: noobikaai dissent, of course, anil the demnc.rui die-1 sent from the Rpproval c f it-e St. ven-1 I. - ' Tl I t IJil.lJ .J.'H. 1 1114 ..-.'- I r UI fX . I ciont Wbif in J 1 a position all ills own lii. He la now o king up the joung pickaninnies, and is finding ihem to be very nu.nerous. whose father' bones, aa the roc. j orog of the Tension OHiee show lie b'each inn on the ba'tle fltld of tlnrly jears ago. j Ulake ia a aegfti soaool teacher, an 4 in I charted with collecting exlorlionaie fee. and of ad ling to the nambtt of chl area the widows have, in order to Increase ihe amount of the pension MIS A Prinevillo saloon Keeper ml as follows: Pure corn whiskey, direct from North Carolina, just received. This old liquor was made in a North Carolina "moonshine" distillery, and is the best ever brought to Priiteville, CH and sample it. A young lady of Salem has lieen found foolUhenoug'.i to wear tijihiinieleon. Albany has some pretty sensible young ladies, una it is doubtful if there is a single one hflM weak enough in the upper story to do such a silly thing. According to our exchanges in the initi ative voting by the Populists Nathan Pi area is generally the choice for governor, W II Sputigh seems to be the choice for secretary of state. Hoiso and Cluslon will divide honors for supreme judp though in this valley lloiso is far in tlie lead. In Southern Oregon Lish Applegato is crowding 1 ennoyer for I ' S .Senator. Wake field. Elliott and Kamp are the choices for congressman according to location. A boy camt from school the other dav and told bis father that he believed ail human beina-H were descended from apes, which made the old man so mad that be said. "That may be the case with you but it ain't with me, I tell TOO. that." Ex. An Oregon paper booms Pannoyer as follows: Here's to old Pennoyer, The People's party sawyer; We will send him to the senate With the sawdust in bis hat. MrtieoH MoSett baa been lecturing on ournaiism in roriiniiu, anions uiurr things telling how to ,un a daily paper. t v-;u. i ti,. f.,., K.i M, affJei. C ., ,- ,.ii i .i. ra I rut- runui ui lou 11 . run ui .lie- vie- goniaa the mere fact niav be considered A linmnrnna item bv Koine a hutnorons item b wine. The Kugenetiuard contains the follow - ing two items growing the certainties and uncertainties of life: Mrs 8 C Sladden, second wife of Capt 0 1 Madaen tor many 01 una city, we are miormed, died suddrnlv last week at Hotel Florence. San Diego. California. Mrs Nellie Sladden has returned to her home at Los Angeles. Cal. She will eaxm be married to a gentleman ot tb.t j(v At the last session of the lejo-lature StSVi.tW were aopropriateal for the benefit of different colleges in this state. The OfUnoati iiururU M-nool reveivett ?..vs-.'. 1!, n;r.riv .-.f iw.v .;v.l -. raisa. : tk- .i ,i .,mr.,,t.i n. o-v. . V,. ..' I , It- U.lllUllUliH ll'lll-UTrBUV... I, IUI tX I. i.i. . . . . , .. .it.i - T . state normal cboal at WoaWn $"JI.0t': for a amaeu scnooi in -auta rtsiern " 'regon as Man An eicharge say this $136,608 would have dorr more good if given lo assist the country school. Over (4 oo to each county ir. 1 he state would have aited the choo' dla'rlcla very materially. On of st novel timepieces ia now . on exhibition at J ti HarT's iewelrv stoiv on State street, and is the nsu.t of a conUn- ual two eeks- tudv bv II W Hair. to fatiiom it. from a aWriptlon in bi no.- ak; It U called tie ;J?. pssoe. for the reason that there i- no vUible mean by which the baud, are -nade to go the circuit of the clock face Mr liarr h.u not vet o.moietd his work, a he bxtaudi attachini; an hour hand a it is he only ha a minute hand in operation . tlna hand is twenty one inches long, made ol wood act upn a la?tenexl to the pia. ot an ii are marked upon wtiicli the a-Wc are for the 12 hours. !t k-pa good time, and fin.v Hh wcM and elU w ataVCW va ia. s. ntrk - n 1. 1 vauiu 1 1 1 1 -a- u.r iv ' phihiA-cal hhlar of &tlem snd even I . . 1 l- . . I I Ea . f , - ' " ' m...... . ' ' " ... it a "vtunner I Tbe ftmt clock of thi kind was invented lri.L.n U l.-,-,.r,l a,t a riia.ui liaUJ'"l Ultl.l.UU. Hf II f l edubtted to the vestibule of the r.rand 1 opera house there in 1819. Since then : there is not much known of tbi iavenion j and there i. preUbly not another up in the I nited States besides that oc exhibi - .u" iuinu...-.-aii-iii im-imun.i. A man gave a stock farm to his sons and called it 1 crjs. for there tbe s-jn' rays mtet 1 the so-.' raie meat.) See. A crank eivine h": name as braham Juliet, K.slfr. of tkJtEZt JZZZi tZ .i.-'vi,-;..... 11 ........... . -L:Z. '.. 1 an'nouni that ho had .-orae' lo take tv-- essian of it and turn it over to the Jews I lie Artona papers continue to hit each ZTJ. , .1 iKker'l ape of wealthy men tnd boodle on ltirian. t ia nurthor ..I I . . r, f ... and ta. ker of everything that is dirty and and eorrut ti! :. I Helena men bav- plenty of nerve. A , short time sinoe en ' $ V amn sccnrl i ; an otion on a minir.ff claim for UdOOU ...... I j-i , , .m . . a. Saturday Mile rinlen offere.1 him Iu.'.k'O for his l-araain. or fi'v'Aal fr the ii.ine v,'arren deman.i- d $."i0.'). Finlen p fo ;poeai a an game wl.-tner be tate the option off Warr-n nan-l at Srlo.tKiO or i.r.-.-i. He threw ulen threw three a pair of t:ve duces and won ? d I There are a good many thimrs that should not be done earn f.-r fun. 'Die following gives a very emphatic exsmple: A girl named Task, aga-d aboil 17 jpaars died in iJayton Sunday from a scare. It api'M.: that laet riiunulay she was returninr MMM from an entertainment, when several bovs who were behind a f.-ii.- lo.:h-.1 i ,ier 'be 'eg while she sat iiassing. I he I the iitanci. I K w,s artgcb-neil tliat she be-iiuie hvs . Mencal. epileptic fits followed and resulfe.1 is,e... 1 in her death IVname. ntik. U.. ,,n not lie arertuned. The i ; 'i . - in their primaries vote for their choice for different officer, under the initiative and referendum idea. A sample vote in North Ktigene shows bow it i done. Jovernor Tennoyer received 22 a otes for U Senate r. Judge Boise 5: Nathan Pierre for governor 27; W A Sample for Secretary ot state m. Hr llcminx, S: I J Klliot. 'Ji for congressman ; M L Olmsteail was the choice for attorney general. Judge Boi-e for supreme judge; Ira Wakefield for state; Oeorge L Alexander for state printer. W II Snuugh for stntp senial-.r vil la this county the initiative was not taken ut most plaaes heard from . A negro pretu her expl.iins the story of Jonah and the whalo us follows: His ex position of the story of Jonah and the whale is, periiaps. the funniest of them. He say-: "iat eountry war a sen shoali. an de hotels .ley was named after lie tin;-, oh il.'-ea. Itiir was do Sailor' Kent, de iner"s Bettnat, da Hoafaiinfl Man's lloine. an' a lot ob sich places jest as yo kill tin' 'en at Norfolk now. Among dese plius's was one called de Wha e's Belly. Jonah come along. t.n" he dfdn t bah no script in his purse. He sUiyed dero tn days, nnd phen da landlady found ho didn't liab uny money sho ipewed him out It is giii to us ti show how. when we don't treat man right kase bo's riore, we may I kickid' an angel unawares!'' An event indicating hard times occurred in Salem r.t the anniversary meeting of the Y M C A. After the regular exercises one-hundred-doliur gifts were lirt solii itil, then smuller sums asked for. After this .1 m. i ,i ... - - :.. .truct.Ml to pass cards through the audience in order that those desiring could BHska their donation without publicity. It was at this juncture that the exciting ncene hapiietiod, two or threu arose ut once to go our, men inure, hiru nearly tlie entire au- diene-o was pushing for the door of exit 'Vtpr, ". f'!w "!inuH. iiiet wiw again re- -ti.r..i Imt -it i' laatMi tl... '....., ... i wiasy I . K n ! Hit; III'IIL M-.ll 1 wtm (ha chnrch. The speakers were greatly embaruHsed, but suw that hi carrv tlie meeting further would bo useless, and us ii consequence) tho remaining assembly soon dismissed. A.CLlId EBJ07 Tue pleasant flavor, gentle action ana soni hbig effect o Syrup ot Fig, when in need of a laxative, and If the father or mother be costive or bilious, the most ! gratifying results follow it use; so that it is trie best tamtly remedy known and every family should have a bottle. XO. After Tlrkrt trainers. Washington, March G. -Senator Wil-j son, of Iowa, has introduced a bill to put an end to ticket scalping. It provides for un amendment to Mie interstate commerce j act. to reuuire rallroinls to snnnlv nil their ticket agents with u certified of Appoint- ment, which is to bo exposed to public view. Ail tickets sold must have the name of the agent and the date stamped on them. It is unlawful for anyone to sell tickets of a road from which he does not hold a certificate. The penalty is a fine of J.' Railroads placing tickets in the bands of unauthorized airenis are liable to a line of foOOO. Tbe Ni u I'reruter London, March G. The offices occupied by Mr Gladstone as premier were formally taken possession of by Lord Hosebery this afternoon. The new premier was cordially gieeted by the retiring prime minister upon h i arrival at the rooms in the ofti. ial resmence n wowni .g sarecv. i 1 he l'uke .if Devonshire, in the course of his speech at i eovil this evening, refer ring to Mr tiladstone's retirement, said that it was a source of great satisfaction that, in spite of his age and Infirmity, Mr Gladstone had not ouUbiyed his parlia mentary reputation. Keallle's I ! u u Urn i i i. r i p ti. i i i - ckattlk, March 6. I he biennial elec- tion for municipal officers wa held today, and the city was swept by tLc republican. In fact, the entire republican ticket was elected, and by a v,ide tiiarEin. There were sU tickets in the field, republican, democratic, populist, prohibition, citizens' and single tax. Tbe single-tax, prohibition ana citizens voteshowea up far tn the rear, a ue popuiisi ngures ioi'ow not lar behind the democratic vote. ttlcbt la llllae-l c . . lb t' .v. i .l J& u"0'"0,11 frUr i fTh, U"1 n has been held up and robbed I by bandits at torrest lawn, III. a station ; . , . i -t j , , , I 1 ".VJV & V?',a 'T- 14 ? from this city. At 10 O clock beneral .11- , -rittttii,llt McKrcn received a telegram from Pittsburg cros-iug stating that tbe , south-bound train had been attaciied and he'd bp by three masked men at Fumat Iawn. The dipa'ch was barren of de tails. au withdraw u . v. .. . ... I . March 0 -Notice of witb- drawl from membership in the Western 1 .r A,TocUo" Ml ;Ody b, ,h At-hisoia 4 Topeka It will become : effective in 10 days, but in the meantime I the road will act as if it had already be- , come operative. It wl.l rot attend any association meetings, nor act in any way , n conjunction with the other roads, a Blc SareelMarr a. Jiaraii o. a tie rarmer i-oan 1 . . . 11 1 1 rn . rt w i Tnist Company, of New York. . -, . . . , . , , . . . m uaii in the federal court today f. r fore clo,iare of a tst.i4j0.000 airtini airaiaat ,. , . . , the Amencan water work of fhu city ti..:-. t 1 1 lA.iiuu. us i-u.-ier- iur r.asirro oonu holdem. dire. to sell tbe property or re- organic the company. Seattls March 5.-Oovm:or Svlvester rennover of Ureg ,a arrived in the city tbi evening, and addrel about M pe"P'e aa ue national uuara armory. Ine S b",n a !-fple Prt.-v, Toroorrew i. the city election in and the popu.tu. tbouajh irral... - - Hf t'S lM " : 'nd hn' r ,to M !nu T 'De, ol u e ny '".ir' " power to atuiint!-r aTOgpaJ anairs rriaiti. aakwaa. Cokvau.Ii-, March At ; the chool l Jan a.,d K -te were .1. -r. on f 6 1 ,b V I "S9i V 5 ? "dly-. re.i,xoeJ. and J L rraJerwoc-l r iie!ed cle k , - l-ond of wa utoiiM4 aad.kat by . vote of 2tol. The proportion to leay a 1 mill , - . . . . . . - . ... Dd" eq-al amount to repay fund, advanced by tbe I trl National back, botb i . , - , 1 "'rgr majri..o.. ... -i r a.isia. i 1 tBov o U.rrh S -The fit f . ' Ji fiSlerlodav 1 w ul of a rj diwracefu. affair . ., IK- Ul it...,,.. .nn4, ....., 17 ,.r' , .lour mile mmi U of ihi caty Tner 1 a division nvw tbe paor. Last night tbe congregation met to discu b Tbe eburefs was filled. Banal j the pastor a liar A trieiad ol lit retention. me one called I n the preacher , koocaed Ibe be lijrerent d-'wn. an.i that s'art'd a general figh- Ihe lig! U were ..?srln-d. d in the battta that follow- -d ti.e puuii furnitu.T ... wnvkd. tae r!,iacd- tlH c"pt man -a) perou were tr,iur-d women fain'ed. and tie ct-ne wa one. wm A Sail. u.l irlUe. Maswlu.s. March -Tbe nation! ea- ! " Mine-o-km "i auin -in wuimiu. a inuiar thrx-usib i'mrider.1 lohn McJtrn'a an 1 iM secretary, in which all miner no tnke are advsed to re urn to work. ' " IM Kld I ward cill upon all uunew. r.-r to tlrt-mse ve in readine.s f- r a general strike f"r higher wag-s ut as early a date tbe '-ii.rra ion. ci'.w ui-ip ixtBna, 1 he e 1 . SxtATTUX, Slarj i '. r Clerllaa . . . ... . a g.eai oeai or in- terest is taken :n tbe biennial election lor eats othver. wi.;.a oca-urs tomorrow. There are six tcke' in tbe field. r-p : .:...n deuioc.-at-c. iK-pult-.r. citliAn. and single tax. Many eauc on'ni. i o to make the el-.i tion exciting. adminUtration is democratie-. Tlie DMM nt a ew r M. Wamiixi.tos. March ' Maiti.i I.yon ha l-en appointed postmaster for Axtell, ! Liui-a'n coun'y. Oregon. riaeShaallnx Sas Kkascdm o. March 4.- George Helm broke tbe wor'd' record at the shooting festival at Shell Mound par- toJay. mak ing a laaaiafa 7a on three bul ' -eyes in succession. Th" target at which the record av made is the mid-winti-r target, with the hull's eye just the sue c-f a sliver dollar. The shooting was at a range of 2U0yard.. Tlae l.r-r.i iI..k: I m I a .. .1 i . .... . Ii.).. VI l. j aa ..i come Irom tbe opal mine of tbe finding ol ihe largest opal in the world. It is aid . ...-., r...... ...a.i.', ...Al. .1 " vm to lie us large as a ben's egg and without a ' Maw. I' ia estima'cd tha'. the grin will dres carat and prove of the highest quality and immense value- The ' regun Hi) Mill Omea Cm-, Mirch 4. Tbe m n mill will start up in be morning with a i part of the force, after a six week's down. Premier lioaebery Lomhin, March 4 Mr Qladstoaa today wrote to Lord Kosebery cor.gratulating aim upon hi accession to the premiership In bis loiter Mr liladstone promised to aid lbe new prime minister whenever his assistance was asked, it is understood that Kose'aery's communication to Sir vtiHiam Vernon Harcourt lias lesuHcd in the iat'er consenting to retain his position us chancellor of the exchequer, and to accepting the government leadership In the house; ot common. A National Strike I'lTTsui iK!. March 4. The joint con vention of tbe railroad and river coal miners cf this district will be held here tomorrow, when ofliccre of the United Mine Workers of America will probably again be urged to declare a nation '. triko. Tnis would affect between 80,00 and 100, 000 miners. Setrive n Medal. CaBSQXi N'ev, Mirch 4. Iaut night t lit home of Johnny Crow, the boy who s.ivaii six children from drowning iu the Carson rivet January 14, burned to the ground. The family, consisting of nine children, be sides the father and mother, were asleep when the fire broke out. Johnny was awakened and promptly roused tho others, then openeel the windows and helped to get thi children out of .lunger. The house was a total loss and the inmates ecapad in tiieir night clothes. TUB M0DEHS WAT Commend itself t,a the well formed, to do p'easanlly and effectually what was form erly done in the crudest manner and dlt agreeably a well. To cleanse the system and break up cold, headaches ane' fever without unpleasaat after effect, ue the (lellgbtfiii liquid laxative remed-, Hyrup of Figs. (iAHFIKM) VERSUS M'k IM.EYIsM. , Jhs W"" bil'M the Hou.e ; did not sall.fy either free-trader, or pro. I tectionists. It wa In many leapects a more i highly prott-c'ive measure than the Morrill ! . ... , .... ... . . free- trailers onjectcu to it on mat account. The protectionist objection to it was that ti Juilcs were lower than the McKinley bill and that it rejected iheprlnclple of prohib itive taxation. When James A Garfield dcclartd ia Congrc that be fa vored a pro tection which looked towards free he meitit that the theory of prohibitive ta xalion should be repudiated in framing a tailfl ia and that all dulita should be adjus'cd to give no more protection than Is ln blent to this meuna of raiting revi-nur. The Wilton bill is oUtCttd to by extreme protectionist bee a s it comp'i, wuhjand Trimming's. f what a protective tariff, t Ti f - Garfield's tl.eo.y of , ought to le. While U levies ilutirH hielier in seme cases than have been which did not ' lok to fre levied tr-df onder refuaes to a that any ciaa of men have the right to uae the taxing poer so aa to isd'ate tlie American people from the res, o' ! the world to the and that may be 1 ' ' I the more maintained, While the bill, a it wer.t int the hands of the Senate, did not natUfy the more ; . , , . ! h'"8h-going e.cmmt of the Iicmocr.tic P'Iyi tbey are disposed to accpjlece and I are liaely to do o unless the txtteme pro- , tectlonit .ucceed in mu i;ilnE tl ig the bill in th: Senate. LET IT HUN and your cough may end in some thing serious. It's jirt-ttv sure to, if your blood is jor. That is just the time and condition that invites Consumption. The fkt-ds are sown and it has fastened its hold npon you, before you know that it if j near. It won't do to trifle acd delay, when the remedy is at hand. Kv- . ,;,.W that tan be reached IV- ! ! U .U kt :.1J- i - j . ! .l ,l .u,. iuiou"ii 111a- L-jwj yieius to ut. ... , , . , , , - - , . Perec's Goiden Medical Discovery. , ror Severe Coughs, Bronchial,' i Throat and Luug Diseases, Asthma, ' ' Scrofula in everr f.inn, and even 8crofaloU3 aff-ect:oa Gf the Iungt ' ., ,1 r- 11 B cajltu vonstimption, m au it aaja, - earner siai-, n ia a positive ax. a , complete cure. It u the only Hood - cleanser, stwncth.rt.t..rer, anJ enh builder , Ibut. that it can be guaranr UfA if liefit a mm. f" " "n U?nCl11 f CV i in every cxe. y'-ti ram your mency bavi. AH mcaiicine caic-rs Lavu it For i v. rv .f C atarrh which ther e-anr.ot ruri iha nmrirattorn of ... .... 6- ,fl . .. v.,..- 7l.A to pav .'.t'O in rah. by ita mild, nj, cleansing, and healing properties or yocrYf paid. NOTICE CF APPOIKTMEkT OF EXE CUTRIX i b. ehv .en ih.t U.. utadfr slcnwoM SnVtnTvwPvjTo' ', Un Count-. "re. rvo. doly arpolo:d a , 1 i-u:nx r-i m ,at win ar.u ttan,.ii ' . : 1 . . w- - ZLJZL 1 - L't V-- Lt l" Mill- l 1 ""i I U " 1 SW4 f k i .-- . I ijuu e--ia v w ai , a hid uuur' ia ax it, -.w o'ffl.e. . f B'a k'-orn A aVai Ii A ltianr. (li-n . wl h 1. -i m anth. Itom tta - i 1 Alhauv. Or. Feb l.h. I-sl H .ckbu A Wataon M. T , I ?'" r KaMStnx. .-u. ix ny Nctict far Publication u. s. lasDflmri, Uu.'js l lav Or.. PbrKr !.".. i--l. j .t SSSa - wla r nf J ..... X I S7K ' . ... I . . 6 to as e of .'-r !'...! m the vt. r' i titjrru .n, . u. a aa- ( ana-ton T. rrnor . aa eaundt-d loa' 1 Ihf pu' ilc land afs lv a .f usu- -I lssa: BUM Jslll a i. is . r "lr it cunt M I in ih M arson s'e of Oreg . hs trai . dv fl lo ' in ihl odJ- bi sa ..n rtatrott t:t N . f r the pirrJaaa o at SK', "f N K ',Sf" I. I a be I UaT8IU I MM MSB si..f IT... . . j. T ... t, .- v . .. ( ,.. . r, ..f 11 Aho ih I iS. I.. .1 I.' . - w, ... -. . . " - .nil a ... ,1-r I ; . , T B ' . . ..Tsa- ..." . , ' , . , . .' ii.. . . , . . . - .. i . -i .. , , ,. h ... . ,, , , . f lhi tu v t . r.i; n I i a ; Or-. I um i dv; tha 15:h day of May. ItflM. Ba naniea a witneoes-: L C f rasa, Aiber. Ive . KM Pe; ! Boosk, All Ot I l-ear-M: . . Any and i! penaon i a.n ing adreraaS) th ho are e.rlbod :anda are requ 'eit-d to tVe their elalraa in thta otnees ou or before aa-.l IStb day of May. IsSM ItOBEBT A M1I.I.KS: Bad ADMINISTRATRIX S H0T1CE N ITXS THAT THE l AaMoVatffat i-.-.i Ibc OMHatf iMST f Uon M4htr. rwfjpn. Uu'j pMai rttxuUnr tthctfafM utltttra ttan)r.l 4 S li NLU'naW Uu (4 Linn fl .Ofryon ,Attmtm!L. AU pari haiti eiavimj a-a;!.t mu' evafat xir herayh n- ufiani lo yrr efll (hi I. -r .'wr'a, wrlaWat fj Uatr .:.! " a hU PMaaWatnW fpar th Ol? . f S-.-f, LtXtn coun'). Taw r'.n. arithin mi MMM Wmm thi tl lateJ this h.- f-tti .Ui . Jai'.uara. 1 ! , u v. i.iv , , j w R Ram- i:Vcnter ' ' Aiu.rne)r h Ktecowr SHERIFF'S SALE. Ih lif Circuit Comtt 0 tkr SlMt i' Orrgi n (or Limn coay. Milton Hale, PWiatM. The II; ni of Oregon, J W Biai . and W S l anoiptou asMuea at the K.ns of Ore g. e. IMecdanta. N-tioe i hereby given that 1.) v.rtve ot an ex.. uti .0 and . idur ol sale duty Sanaad out of n e above named Mirt in the abme ! s ilt anno directou and daliv.rwi I avail ou S alar day ttu I7lb day of March, liv.M, at the Ira nt ibior ol tbe Curl rlocae in the city ot Altwanv, l.inn t'ouotv, Olaaon. t the hour of 1 o'clock p ni of aai.l day, ..til '! at public -uctieo for oaeh in hand t: the! higher! taddor Ihc tear property described in s.i.1 execution and order of .ale . fol io ea, towit: Beginuing at a point on tbe north boundary hue of lot three (S) in blork nine (II) iu the uity ot AUaauy titan County, Oregon, ix (IT) feel westerly fiw a tbe ia.nth aast corner of said ktl throe (11) and raaaxina thence aeterly on the ninth line m.c lot twent-four (24) foet and ten iocne. 'henee southerly and paraJh I i h the east ern bettndasy i1 said 1. 1 onei hui.drad feet more or leas to tbe nor'h line cf the alley in ai d 'il.icK;tbeoee eah-ilv ou ai.1 lice 2-1 'et and ten inches, thence northerly to the p a of l-g ui- i'i e pr noii ads arising trnna .aid sale lo be applied in said exo cation directed .a fjlLwa: First to the payment of the coat of a id upin aa d eXJ ootioc said -x j.eio.' of sale and the original ants of aust taxed at fc!8 80 and to the pay ment of the attorneys fee lei the euni of $Z50; seoorad, I o tho payment '.( the amount due to the plaintiiT heisiiia, from tt.e DaaiK of Oeauon and I T BUta toWt- Ilia sum 1 ' 'C. ,i II., I. ..... I) .. Sad dy of NovcinW. 18t3, at the rtc of 10 naf cent per amuam. anit tn the pay mcnt of tha amount due to tbe aaid pUinnt? from the IVwk of Oregen .lone, toayit: the sum of $f25(i.83 ith interest Uierson from the '2nd day of November, 189S, at the rate ot 10 per cent per an:. urn and the, overplus f any, will ba paid over to the dfondant,the Bank of Ureuau er Its le.jl representative.. Dated thi 13th day of February, l.MU. 0 C lAiaaos. iff of LinnCouuty Oiegon. Hy U S Smith D.pu ty. ST. JACOBS OIL CURES . . Dhaiimiffrm "PERMANENTLY IvIluUI IliulrJl I. Call On READ, PEACOCK & CO. AND See Their Nice uies rme onoes. Jewel Stoves and Ranges The Best On Matthews At Perry Conn's Barrel of Pickels, Chow Chow. Fine California Honey, Horse Radish Roots, Grass and Garden Seeds. ...... Alwavs keep Oil hand a choice line of all Staple groceries i ',, . . . . We!1 as a superior SlOCk of crockery, G.C MOON. Flour and Opposite Ua 00 hand a fall ttcvk Cb pd Ftt-i G.-tlam, FocUtiit, :. llocr, H . , . ! . Tbe Beat ?hpe tot it jmm 1 taij. afflgjW 7r "1 S3 f 5& m S6, S4 and S3 c ' a,) VA. S3.5C Po.'ic S -,' S2.BO.S2f J 4 52 and 6 i7 -'kfr Sm-W S3, Si aaaaaaaarS&Vfo W. L. DOUGLAS Shoe are My fish, eay :;ing. ad j oatUuciior at li:e prices a.J.-er!icd than anv ether make." Try one pa Er Vinccd. The Stamping of W. L. Daaawiaa ra-rae; e.eie on ; , , . ,- . ' J-""" wir aa..:c. lantiMR... ul I Dealer who push the ivsle of V". L. I. ! Increase the f.ale on their faS line of tec aa Ketlere r"t nr nn n.e-.-, b. b-- Hael aalaSBa C!iioa-a 5re lxin aapj.ticai.v K r sa!e by the U E BLAIN Mill wrUtraa wm ant L Aracc 4JL A k for 1 1. tt ki a .Aa4 t i ,. i rlpfA r. A : ' : SSr !i. n. iiyir. w n, MnawB. v. n. jahx ALBANY FITRNITDRE CO., COPORA.TBD raltintirr Bltk. - - Mbanv. Or-. FURNITURE complete line of UNDERTAKING in all its branche. EMBALMING a -fsvialty. Rtiriai :.-:.i : i,' and Caianoooa sir ; V rv'T . 5a l.vner a,'.-aa.i font a '11s l!i M s ' 14 !ni-'.;t s, t ;.a tlrriiA ttMitaaattttf 1 - - - ti ; ii 1 . ffat io Tltf CtTrr v' ' 'nr ti '. i :nn(. :t- ! f-!;t'.c rf wati-roi'-'r j rW '. ar.KIH I, t,:t t.ta i t 1 l'ri'Ht X i fe iXti rmt -v. n I t'if l "f tbt M I m. t.i ; run n i- ;v.i v, v iHap'U hok list". U jfJafBI cf sNorrlUcv t . '. tbf ' -ling n.-TYiUfS '. Ur-. - 1 . , , a r. ... Bar MKH 0CCDS w wrr you 1 artsciry to ftilwif I ttti vorlsj a t r, -1 '.Yi'.-t m -. -T. 11.; to known , rta.l UM th.;:Vi bW mat i . yv A very trWnffaaf aVMatVttl .if . Rnd tlvVf yrsvnvti Vif' i" t..i: :vt?ihsuHi- futnts.t nt-tJ.vt.e mt !. If 'H I Tt, A fine f.irt.ri. If ; MM :t hvsi ii-av,wt!i ' 'fMh, -V!ri t:t:,y t ji V- i;. ) htm i'-1 oi.Ut, fjij Cat. Mm far NMMJaS " tu.:. ,i,r.. v. JAMES VICK S SONS, Paper, I i-utK, I'ninlH, Oilw OlfAHns, Etc J. A. Cummirg ALBIKY, CUlC ttgkadttflj Bsi If- Wa avaaa veva. Jk Dress Patterns Also Their La Earth & Washburn. SOLE AGENTS Feed Store, Rut Houk. , 1. o: v 1 Fico:, Br.r St : . - raw, Potato.,. Ajp't ' C n. U.a -c W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE FOB K) Dress Shoe. Shoe, 3 6olet r Worktngmej 75 for Boys.. LADIES AND MISSE ."iO 82, Si. 7 OX If n; dKc ww W. I rvoojrtj. a a redoevd arier. . he ha t hen: wiah in iia atai&ped lava awtasaxa, prat tam down aaafawaaV gve bcttet a i be c-s- i ;'on, whkb v r th-.-m. I -h help tc i le T-Mr. ; '-lr ta.o i Iava tr. ...I'. . . . . .. ustaa Khm nin t mii i i v T---t ran Ao-tl to e--. ;,t . v. "l lHie eit.Aa, atnacts CLOT HING CO MANHOOD RESTORED! SKHMfiS Cairaiilml tor an a.. . iWubw c.wa.acj as M nsa-rr. Loasot Brmln m i .--Aacb-. Vm ;tic. La sod. NUrhUy 1i1oq Nrrie ?ra.n aua-d iwmt t pvtl &ummw&mOKgma - . ? :Uier r r ranianni ..M(kfgIrftn, rirvv lei p ' BiS Cf StiOJ- u,i,i. wh;cg ti t l'?rf!i. C"dnnp!'i b - r. v van V cavrriaM ta ta rarr ot i , .'.! (It noRfr. So:J br rail ro Otbr. Wril farfiw M await rani R.-Jk rt - Clt V C UEKal 11.. MajaiCik: aamt. CHlufio. Dr H E Bcor, Dr O K Bee Special attention ariaen lo disease o women. Hou's io lo u A M, 1 to 4 and 7 to S P M Offices and residence Biura berg Building, Firsi Street, between Lvon and KUwcrth. T "r- i.r YOc) WORK thns wafciaa .QJJ $ ) ) 1 r-n ave.t.t., l a urrfe.-rs t famish a horae and travel throoah the coun try ; a team, though, is not necessary. A rw aatawataa m trweaaed culea. Si hour may te ued to ns-wad slssbM spars B PJaaaasM SCo. Ilth and Main &ta, Kichmor. i, W TAYLOR General Joier. Carpet Layit'g and Cleaning, im ia C.eaninfc, Whitewashing nd Window clearing a Specialty Call at Boot Black Stand at havitv parlo:. Lanilrelb' l:"K BUST. Onttaari with live room a titocs aiui h.r Irom Pi'. I all u. mi oaua A CENTS MAKE FIVE DOLLARS a Iday selllnR the urtatcst kitchen ule. ail ever invented. Retails Im i i... ... a wva to six can oe sou in every house. Million sold in this counlr. .ir.e,A n.'i.'t miss the eieatest otarxaitunitv known to make money, caaCy anj quLkia. oair pea sent, postage prepa d lor five cents. McM akin Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. ANNUAL MEETING. NOTICE Is betehy given that tho an nual meeting of the .tockholders of the Al biiy lluildiug Atsociataon will be held as t are of J Grsdwohl. in Albany, on Mon .isy, M.rch li);h, 18J4, at 7.30 p at forth election of directors, and such other buai oe. aa may come before the meetius Dated Feb J:ti, 1S94. " F P NUTTING W C TWEEDALE SecreUry President. Dr. Price's Cream Oaklng Powder A Pure Orajss Cream ot Tartar Powder. GREATLY REDUCED PRTCES MADE BY SODTHIRH PACIFIC COMPiHY FOR THE CALIFORNIA i MIDWINTER FAIR R 11 II TEL0 TICKETS GOOD FOR 30 DAY8 Albaiy to Sao Frautlwo AKl D HETTJEN' s$26.90 Inc'udino; FIVE Ga'e Tickets To THE FAIR EXCUB31Q8 flllFS. From San F'ranctco 10 oher point fa ija'.ifornfa will be allowed purchaser of tpecial Midwinter Fair ticket at tbe fol lowing round trip rates To station under '50 mile from Saa Francisco, ore acd one-third one way tare. To 'a'ior.s 150 mile or more from San Francitco, one and one-fifth one way are. Pur exact da'e aod full particular ia- i quire 'if C K Fronk, agent a Albany, Or, i or addrc Ihc andeiigoed. i Rich'd Ghat, T H Goentus. Gen Traffic Man. Gen Penger Agt. San Frarcico, Cal. E P Rogers, agent, t'OtUod Or. I WANTED At the aloce Allen Bro former I a owned BUTTER, EGGS, ! L.ARD, BAUON, and CHOICE APPLES, for which possible. I will pay tbe b' cast P" B F RAMP"; DISSOLLTIOH KfTICE. T. e larir.e'atip bretcfcre :'.!.-g a deaeg a I lies. aiming besirex ttder ' mm cf Ctaaaer A Botbib fa .-:.-.', a i satca! cooaent thi cy. Ai claira iaa J lbe f ra or c-Wiac by it wiii be ctUei by ! tfce eld rirm at the a hoes a eVeord Uaeet j -.! Ferry aod fft-i r . r- Mr t ratrer retires acd Mr Ii ;tr;r. ! t inue'l ttr wsit ess. Vebreary I. If&t C BAima. he ww as An antjeabas Iauatave tmd ITxayya Tcana BoW by Draicyrsts or iwrrt bynmiL ScSan. aaft tUPpea-pactearB. Saanytai tree. D7A VA Thelmwarlte StUSI AV HMfcribeTeeihaadBre rn: -sanksha xnadacxneX hxva evea9onS tha: woxtaddotaa aay rooa.- Fracascta. bosdbyj SHltCh -S CURE. Txtrs Great Cocch Ana piumpO ssl WrttaraaU others raa. IarCaaBiahaaaitaM no riral; has cored ' .-satada. and wai era TOCtt tatentn; rsSsa. Sxa.CkaU FOR EXGKAKGE. We hare 50 acre. . I v.ry choice anrbar har. land, scitatle for pl.ti.jr, acj umbo u,4 city asBtfa of Portland whwb we .re offer ing at the iow price cf one thonaacd doliara per acre, subject to ao incamtarasce of $16, IXJ. most ab of wb 'chinas two veer to rar Ine equity of $33,500, wa srtl 'eachange . r 'mi roved farm land in the Willsanette ral ey. Wewili j,a exchange ecjmtv in are very central peospe.-tiv.. ba ioes pracertv paj an good rent!, for uoiaca nberest farm land. If yea are on the tra.le wrale for fn I particalar to Lokg A Ciwutta, 3l 3 1 strest Pnrtluad !tesop. I J AXTED -Pushir g t anyar of are. L'bera! salary aad e. tenses paid week It; P-nnaneot pasitioc. BROWN BKO. CO., Nursery mec 'Port'.n t' Ore Sn NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. iV0u!SE 5 "BY UVBI THT THE Of SmfSlSH El,;c?ur ' w .all era nMot Andrew K.hh. dce-.t. hs Sled her aa the eaisle 5 Ar Jw RobbT Jesses, , . '"""'J sssa. or ubi o-auav Be saa rililt11 nofsakl Us. coinit Oxed the lh dear td Marxh. 1SW l ti our ot MeAantft in .lTmJ, LI B cvmutr eoury houss ss ah. . TC oaauat sr& the settieaneot ot said esti - l.'Vt F 'hraaaay SUi, ISM. H H nisirr .,.. Anytorecutrla. la.T.nx, NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT aw .SllrM e4 tils ritw .. I k - .. . "aaav al nnA rsTajr r -:-p' fissl - - - asX PJ i.i-..:..ed aa. ims . r Z.TZ' sat hour .d Wo-eleei- . motmuSi TaaTiB ed tor lhe tsru.tseut ..f ssij ea ss 1' Iae.t lhi Sah dsf el Febrnsr. isaa UH Hawser T Ilia la m Attorney lor Adaax. AdrauaiSSratri S10CKH0L0ERS MEET KC. Notice 1 hereby given thatthete will bar a meeting ot tbe stockholders ol the Odd f ellows Hall Building Association, held i ...t.. ibism, in Aioany, L-mn county, Ore gon, on Monday, the nth dav of "March 1594, at the hour of 7 o'clock p m, of said' day, for the purpose of electing sever, rector to serva for the enu:ng year and to transact any other business that' mar come hefore said meeting Dated thi 5th day of February, 1S94 E A Parker, JfLtpg Joseph, secretary. President J rn. Dr. a-tte t-atiersoax Wallara The -Soled Clairvoyant sed Lite Leader, is so uviv, suu veu 3e ivuna sa ner reai.en.-.. ne.t .l.w.. B Couirill'. She idle sb..ut mil nhwt. . present and Itilure; lore tmnbiss, steoat triead. asd busiuess. You caa bear bom your detd ist.Js. HLpawnpg y.a aJoTwfaH BHaHp4wSja4MSf 7.9ns PwwaxaBBSaasjBa Sbs5C r . ;;; a .."'-:7aj CaaKsaln Sweeaer. rO. Sa TMswra.rkI Caauxe Benasdr at T5af H gMblgg