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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1894)
.. i HAM- BMRI.A1 . Attaraeys al Law. Will practice In all oaart of tin Mats. Special atUnUan (Iran to matters la pro We aad H ce.lec tien. OFFICE-In tht FUnn block w U BULYEU Attaraoy at Law ana Solicitor in Chancery. Call toes aad an all pe'.nta. Lean netsuatt-J oil rableterats. Albany, Oregon G EO. TV. WRICIHT, Attorney at law, and Notary Public. Will practlco'ln all the courts of thu stats Special attention eiven to celloctiens aad matter i a probata OfUee: Next dear u PoBtorflce, Albany, Ojrti . p. p k, i w 1 1 1 B firm, II lejfal nutter will recalra promp attention (Boa n Odd IV.IoWs Tempi, Albany, y, J. J WHITNEY Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. JONTAJJYE tfc H ONTAXYE A HACKLEM&N. Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon 1 V. CHlMBGRLdX. l. I Hasnanrathist. afftaaal Jlat in ilistaso of the Eye Oftce hours 7 to 9 a m: lll m. and 7 to 8 at . A Oreeon. D R. J. E. HI I.I,. Pbydoian and Surgeon . OFFICE Corner Fer-y atreete, Albany, Oregon. D and Bi .Ulbm i ryii. Alb&nt Or. Calls pro-npt.T Attondttd t citv anl csuntry. J V I'l'tlCK ri..BaiER1 or ALBANY, OKKOON, TRANSACT a rr-narml ttsuk'm Hal 'it as URAW SlOliT DK VFTS on Sew York. San Ft n see and Portland, Orejrari. t. N MOSEY en si-it tsi security RECEIVE dertait sVatjsSI to check. COLLE'TTIOXS made ou titrable term INTEREST oaid on time deooaiu B ANK OF HVtO. cio, ou tlaw. . J tic A J Job EAST AND-SOUTH, VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Oo. Eipns S- .ut h C:18. a. ' L 10:43 r La lt.ta a I Ar Train '.save Portland Dall l1 JCXT 1. 1S0S, PjrUand Alb.ny San Fraaesssa ArTEsTTa Lv lSt a Lt I : ,00 r a t iiva trains stipa, all atatlota from nUi Mbanv inclusive, also TaB htd i.Halsey.Qarrtsburg. JnnetifJn Irving, Imogens Mtl all station oisburgto vsalan I laelnsi'e nan., raiLT iy BiTaJSKFOKD 8C'a a i In Fortlattat Ar' r If-Ab f a I Lv Albanr Lv Ixu :S0ra. Ar Sraebni? ;Lf I 7 jCsS aaassi :10tirLv llary arlUHin T0 a I Ar Labanoa Lv I SO a l:XCrlLv Albany Ar I :25 r MitiAr Lebaoan Lv I t r Pi LLSrIAr BUFFFT SLEEPERS. ASD Dinin? Cars on Ogden Raute. SECOMD-CLKSS 81EIPIN5 CARS ttln-hM luall Th'. tcrli Traiaa eal l4e tVlrlslaa. HmtO rtstirLASD lll (ttR.All.IK Malt saAaOasasi l (Kieepl SWaSSa. T: a a I IxdSra Lt Ar eon" end Corral!! atratss real ait.T (Kit.- -alir. it'ti T8r Lt Ar Portland RcMmnTlI.e Ar Lt s tt a 1 E '01 Tbrontrh Ticlietfi to all ,r-,i in the Eastern 9to, Canals Enrn It aVaa1 at oweat ra'e Irani C U rraak. V : AitnaiT. K ' tLKB K r. ROOKRs; tsi.srtr F. n.l ."Swtlsr.S Ort-ce Fromrrm;na! or In jrior Poif.ts 'h lil To ail Points EAST anu SOUTH r la he in vi v; it it'H Tfi. II rons 'lliroagh VKVIiill i.- in- ri:. I1) fiviiitt nw In lbt Vesr to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO 'ttO CHAl'tQE OF CARS ; r Coraposeil of )in Cars llnxnriss U Prim lirawiti Rcra Uttn iff Latest EtiairHUfiil- kl 'lSJl ,;k Will I 1 ilj .t 1 sit 1 f 1 1 I'tta 1 . J. i) , 1 I SJ, f OA f. LEO ANT DAY CCACHfS, ti i i j 11 iai liwii i;ik fo affo'iliiig Difiettn d Uiiifltimiptad Srvics. M PullniHi H6par rs-:-TAttotn can Is (u 1 i-i ad .niico thiouijii any .ii of t!tt) roa-t. Ifjlt ' (111 id ant (I oin aV. ptati.a .. Aire lest FlngaiM un i Knr',p csn panaVaavH I . rj y llckft nfrirt" a 'hi 'toirpn'iv, Rttlluif r'na'i to taaofssartl'.ng I itat,Jeaa sftRtJ .. til I n.rtur 11 lt4 t'mn leho I Su appliUsl on to t.iy of A l CHARLTON. SaSslstaill ijoi'ral PttsttaeaaM Airent. No '2: Vtr) Mi, cor. Wasbinftton, Pirtaml. -i" or . C i tlarzitrt, hj i 1'.. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. TTOTICK I i IICHEBY OIVEX THAT THE UN (leni)ti have been aipuiuld uiwinitravor o toe dsie-te if L (jerhtni. U' ot LIiid county. Or., dsWfWd . All perwms) having ctaimt Ratraiiigt said UU are h-rehv rofjulreii to prtfwnt them duly verltlrd at y lw letiuirul n t In- n ri Corvall a, Orvym, wuhin alx MuattiM UwU tht ie ha ituf Da .1 thi4 24; u da of Nssvfniher 1 ..'.. I.f.' ' OERHAHD. HiCXUY QUtU AHD. Vfeatharfora t Cbatnbar.uiu. Aaminifltratum. Ally fur Admin. I I I II III III wr.--- ! Is h I re lo lake ' Pimply Girls Pimply Boys And Every Person Afflicted with Torturing Disfiguring Humiliating Humors Find Instant Relief And Speedy Cure By Using Cuticura Remedies Bold thronghont the world. PoTTta Daro AMD Cues . (.'oar., Boaton, Sole Trope. AS" '"All about the Blood, Skin, Scalp and Hair," free. J" Tl mplea. blackhead, oily akin and felling hair prevented and cured by Cuticura Soap, CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS, COPYR1CHTS. eteJ Wr informatian and free Handbook write to MUNN A CO- 9Q BltOAliWAT. Saw YOUK. Oldeattbarean for aecuring patents in America. Krerr patent taken oc.t by na la brought before the public by a notice siren tree of charge in ibe Scientific JeMim Larct circulation ef my scientific paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No lnteilirent scan should be without it. Weeklr, Bit: l-JOsix months A.1dre.s Mf N A O auaHUss. sti l Uroauw- vew York uir. Oregon Pacific Mui CBla CLARK. Bffthfr Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rate-. CannacAinj with atrainar qalaa and Saa Fraociacu. Homer -:- . Va- raan saa raajtctacj Homei ail Febr tOtb, 51 .rch 2, t, 52, xu-l Stt, rsesl Tei. Homer ei; F.b Jth, March T, 17. ar.d 27th. The Companv -etwrvo th ngnt l c'sango sailing dates without notice. For freight a-d piieoier r te app'y to any agent. Charles J llendrrs. Baa A Co. 2 2 to Market St Saa Fraiieiso . c Cha Dark reetlver. CorvaJlis O- .wi Gladstone has A clear Head , WHY? Because he follows u.ese rules: ' 'Keep the beast cool, the feet warm, and the bowels open." Wa can have a clear head and live to be minety ff you do the same thing. When the bowels fail to move dur ing the day take on retiring two Smith's Small Bile Beans. Their action is so mild that you are net aware of it. All day your mind will be clear and cool. "Not a gripe is barrel of them." Ask for small size. Take no substitute for SMITH'S Bile Beans I I Tin VjYaTT I Aay riutm I rrVlBVaCaTI(AOB MARKS, AyW DESICN PATENTS, Iio':!1 COLLESUfg IHgtTtiTW ALBANY, OrtEOON 1801, 18QL2 Iral rrria epe..t 1 srpiesaiser sit A 1 I e-srykc ' l.atrc' le.r CLASCAL, SCIEmTIFIC, LITER APf COMWERCiAL AHD MORVJA! CLASSES. ( 3irt M tudy i.rrnntrsw4 u s all grm Sea nftudenta vei,, lurturtmemit cftr1 to ts.t Iran .),r-tkwl r :i.n r a rSRStl !Cvets,nd Trade-M ar'ns nbtained. ard all i'at- ntbunescooducteil f"r MociaaT Fits. I IJOun Orriee is OeeosiTt U. S. PaTtnT orstec 5 and we can secure patent in tame taiau Uiees t remote from Wasliinirton. Send model, drawing or photo., with deterfp. no a. We dTie. il peteniatjie or not, tree of chares. Our fee not due til! patent ia terured. A AMetarT, "How to Obtain Pter.u," with coat of trjue in th U. S. sad fsreifS cttantnti teat free. Aoatrea, CA.SNOWskrCO. WmA0t00 9MjaVVaBslVsV9 gSliswwatr r9H acac rr wiul-sjot coAcTi IB IAZflSlvn snfl TnsiTis rtiff slsta or sent bv mil!. 2Sn Kl?? per puckafta. Samples tree. ! KOHO Tho Favorite P 07755 for the Teeth and ilrcath,23o. any good.' Price 60 cts. Bold by trugeista. A ms m SHILOH-S CURE. J" f?BA'r poh l?CTi promwfjy Wrfaarnall Mhan foil T7 r i " '1 ! 6 rival; has cured thousand, and upturn it has dvlll cmie rou, it taccn fntime. nusSSctt, CCc' ,tl.C3 i mm sc.n.01 : 1 arwAL pm. iknxu iTSStfm Ortm MM stMsMM of ulitily , sunie Cl tea of Initio BasinessL ghori hand, ff'rairilmg.lrniia.uhlf.aHj EmgUtk Otfn-'im,;,-r. ' 1 -i.'li Unimirliout tl, vi-ji.. Slti'L-iiTf s. I ,,, .f t ai. tiai'.' ' -(:;. ,. ;.m ,.,iu,r srhnnl Out ' 1 .i:r.r : w. I .16 ,,l ., r , , . M beat, is- n lW t . .7 1. ; . , ikiw . 3aaajaaaBAxasas. Jstsai ' fGt. I i ' ' V fast lis H:, :. i I a. I i.e.. . t. . samm a -'.. He THE Ft Tl 11 K OF IIEUOCKACY. The causes given yesterday (or t'..e con centration of wealth In t'te Lands of the few were ; 1 Monoply in patent right . 2 Moroply in mining. 3 Govern mem con'iao"s. 4 High tariff. 5 National bank act. 6 Speculation in lands graln,alocks,bonrlt, etc. 7 Pub'lc lands squandered, b' High rates of iiuerctt. The Jemocracy are in power. If they cannot give relief from tiie 111 effectt of past legislation within a reao-isb'e time, the peop?e will turn them out. But changing lecrlvcrs will no! galvaniie IK into a bankrup: concern. No reference i intended here to a local bank nor to a local railroad, The firajt remedy It to allow any person to manufacture l patent article upon hi giving bonds to pay a msnoaMa royalty, say ten per cent of the selling prl;e al wholesale, second ta c'mp.1 mine o'vncra to set apart a certain port ion of he earn ings for an emergency fun I to that in case 01 disaster in mine or uia krt there will be no txcusc (or lockouts. It ntlght be Well to ; compel the adoption of profit sharing in all mining operations. Thir-. the day for fat government con tract has t' ine by t . r-'t-rn n m ire, we hope . Foul th, he b equalities of H e ttrllf should be removed and a gra rnel ictarn be made to a revenue bais. If woiklngmen aroatld foim profit ahar ing association for in. nufacturet it might be wtll te encourage then with a smal bonus. Fifth, tl e nattcnal hank act aliould be tripod ftom the staiu'e Looks. They have cnnttacteJ lha s-uc" of ihelr note to $2oo, ooo.oao, and by doting them M theii chart - ers expire we can ri . oar-rlv. of a danger ous mtntce to free govetnmen:. iovetnmet.t tvrir-gt tsaok. ' should bMfaoj using the fm JU as hrancbe. ... . . . , .. , , , Ihe tax on state bank circu aHon should ... . . Covet tul The be removrd un ler cer a n co.-"iti.'nt tetain IntT k vim, vt.lfic li, eaaaaaaea sml its j, , , . i , ! basit. perhap Its prn, log, in the hands of j the'. .aii aat .a aaTnoru;a carr:n:y i oc . male a legal lender. Silver ahoulJ used as su'aidiarr coin and made a legt n , . . . , . OatstanJing toverntnent note of all kinds thoalJ be declared leJeentble, half in cold, half ia si.ver, the latter being ball- j ion at th: market prue. Ill's trovito would tp run on the government far gold com and buliion, and vrou'i not tend to depreciate the curiency. Sixth, tpacu'ation thoald be ruecked in stock, bends and the necessaries of life by that no fictrlou l,an..ct.o... be. Allowed ihua c'!n,cw, a.-hnr.Hnn ; ing. 1 ie nun bating a million bushels of g:aia wool 1 be obliged a give hi check ' for the amount anJ not ttmply deposit a ( mall itargm with a hro'ser. Seventh. The public aattds u miki sasj can be raaJe a source ot reMtetoirieos rev enue, thsagh the ere ni has been given away without projKr return ta Ihe people EuV.I'. the high rate of interest would ! rsor. Liaappear If capital sere allowel trie course by removing th le'Tictuot upon J state bank cimla'.lon. Toe plethora of carltat in the east would tee iovtttrceot in the wca: and by compeutlan would toon I redace he rate of batersjst . A gra eiated mbenutice tax aaa lawt reiirirg a fair dtvuirsn of estate woald in the eotsrtsj of a fea yeaaa scatter thcte eaotco-s fottune isfo a greattr an 1 great er number oi hanj. and in a few geaerat isai fairaet-t wou'd a,aia prevail. The demecratic patty ia teducing t :.e tariff, has repealed the iniq - Siiereaaa act, and wi I paat tse income 'at. If it follow out the saber reforms mrn'iond here, god time will follow very quickly a--.d w'e'her the party it presetted in poaer a.hsciim ia of lit'le cnnsequenie when Cutacared with the bcnfilt to arise to the na'ton . Tt- rich hive iumunrie lht 'te poor er cit di not nhare. It i notorious tlit ran an.1. i vm fs mtkfrmnm I bearing ibe-r just .haieaf .he harden (upportiag the ttte. They hide their wealth at much a possible from the know ledge of the assesort. Titer cc.iie the enactment cf law which ; lace the largest share of taatior. not on wea'tli, not even on Stares) tsa wealth that eerves no end of living or enjaytneot except 'he giois pride of iicreaae, iiu: on ronamption, wheraln they e neirest on an eqaality with all the r. ti. The laa that a rich mm pay on what iie eat and what he wcait ani the furnUhiog of hi haute does not constitute hit fair share of the co.t of maintaining the commonweilt'i, and it represents no sacrifice whatever. It I right that he should pay 10 the government a percentile of hi income wtiTch i over tnd above the cin nrcetaary for comfortati'e, fraction of what he may tve at aril at of w'nat he may ptnrt. ine only rrt . , so far s hit fortune it cmicernrd, i to lesen its In crease slight y The hating It it a luxury greater I an any W. can buy with It, for which' s.'io.l 1 ba wiiing lha the bor dent on 'tis lets foituna'e ftllow citizen thouid It. somawhit llfhtrned. Vws American ortnge in"lutry evidently has a hti;ht tutare. Fruit of American growth ha hen recently introduced into Eng'nd, and if the experiment U a finan cial success, ahipmrnts will also be made to Holland and Helium, aud perhp alto (o Nonbcrn Geimauv. Accoulinir to lie National llo'el Repor er, the first hif me it liO'ii Jacksonville, Via, na made Sept SI, and 'he orange were sold in Liverpool 0;t 6. at prices ranging from eleven :o aixtern l iliing I'rr lion, the STarags price b.lng thirteen s.ti iliingw aUoui3i5. Tne cu'ttire of ora.igei has, grown enormously la Flo i a since 18S5, when the isld was I-s than 1,000,000 ' baaet. 1 Ids s ear' crop is esiiaiated at 4,5-10,000 Iwixes, r.r. mcjsiafS i,f five hunih ed p:r cent In e!it fais. i thi rate Is kep" un for another eight tears, Florida will I e able to r,iij piy all Europe wili q ranges an I atvc CMO-agii biff f,j: home con s' umption There re f ;ur uti'q :i mountains i:i Low iiifo-ni.i, t wo id a'uni, one l stsnt an I artlp itti" mite.' , ano Oi.e 1 ( puie sulphur It Is es1 im it id that ia the four peeks inniei! ttttfet are one headred mtilioe tons of pur: alum and one million ton of sulphur. The cracking of ttSMt whiti If etnaly th ' ckiik to.- end of a of thB air 1 I produced by its rati I movement. The er- K 7 feet with the material iuoi for the whiplash, because some textures present a much greater n'Hlstanc: to the air than i ,, ' olners- 1 '; -. , I W i.aairii llss prenicioi mac uie repuo-; 1ffsnn - tata A o,.rtil AJ 1 1 ln.l :i I-kL 1 lis t IIS.HII jyait.7 VW " V wa.watw.ea aaj , Income tux Silem Dcmicrat. ! And we feel sofe in rasing that lha pop ulist will not dure to attack the policy of high protection. IJANlTKACTURIRS AND THE WILSON BILL. The World ha asked the leading manu facturer of the country whut they think of the influence of the Wilson bill upon busi ness, and this morning we print the ans wers of many of them, formulated and signed by themselves. George A Macbeth, glass manufacturer, says, with the clear-sighted courage of a successful Ameilcan man of business, that whether the bill passes now or a yur hence it will "produce no shock in theconimero ia I world.'' liiit ho adds emphatically; "The sooner It is passed the better. The present chaotic state of business will then regulate itself." 1 B F Jones, iron manufacturer and late n, . ... ... ,, .. , Chairman of the Republican National Committee, declares that the present de pression in tin iron trade "is due to the uncertainly and to rotbing else " He does not like the bill, but deiires its early pass age ou the ground that every month's de lay must bring additional detriment to In dustry, lt is cothing in the bill that he fears, but prolonged inaction in the senate Kiliot C Olark, of the Booth Cotton Mills Lowell, also regards the uncertainty and the possibility of delay in passing (he bid as th- sole sources ol danger to business C M Wd. print cloth manufacturer, is convinced that the measure will conipe economy ou the part of mill-owner, and says that the only direction ia which econ omy is possible ia In the reduction of wnges. He doc not take into consider ation the possibility of making the neces sary saving by cutting dawn the very high salaries of offi era of the manufacturing corporations Mr Blaine vrry clearly showed that the labor cost of American cotton is actually leas than that 0! British cottons, their only competitors. If our print cloth mills cannot compete i h Ihe British without McKinley dutiws he difficulty lies in some other direction than the wages of workmen. ! A 1' Martin, shoo manufacturer.of Boston I doei "not think thai i oarage of the W !-on bill would tidaaa the Bffiea of labor, lt would ooin the il e!s of the aord to other industries, as it ha to th ' ,hoe and 'M,ber ; hr rea'OD n,rin ' - materials i Rufus P Ureeley, a Boaton woollen . , , 1 manu'acturer, i apprehensive lest uiJor the operation of th Wjltou bill thecountiy uiav be flooded wib fo'eign good" to cueapa tocompe. a reuuetmn m prices oi woolens. Itat u a proapect which tne workingmen. the farmers and other con- I i sumera ot woo.en gooo i . 111 co-template . with the u'mot equanimity. j The opinion of nearly all the manufac 1 . . . ' . I . r . . j that the one danger to bualnesa i the pocsibill'v of delay in the passage of the I bill. Those who think its schedules likely to be in any way detrimental declare that their effect has already been discounted. Those who tee no harm In the schedules agree with the others in teeing a very posi- " TJT " - " 3 settlin. the matier. Those who approve ' n.l Ik. U Ilu k;u n ,. ni.a i It ' 'i .-.pivtv lit, . ...i- ... ; one regard ing its passage as certain ned its early passage at desirable in order that commerce and industry may quickly adjust themselves to the new condiUons. The one thing to be feared ta enatorial ; pottering cf tho kind which ha already thi year cost the country a Snanc'a' d ! aster. -lI"i: HiLXSBtEAK i Senator 111'. I ha btoa&t cown ' :'- hi bead the wrath of acme of the more serious I mla lcd cf the f ' y his aciora in tntking public Ihespeecb which he deiiverrd in txr.u'ivc teaaaott oo Ihe supreme court nomxttion. cV-rne ol the en-.nttiatic tie- fenders of senatorial etiquette are talking of the advitabllty ofaresulaUoo of centure upon Mr Hid. Section-. 3 tnJ a. of rale 36 the -ena'e, read: All confaicntlat ccsmmunicat ion made by the president of the I'nited State to the leatie shall be the senators aad officers ff the er.ate Veep tec ret, and til ttestie whita mav be late twfore the senate and all icasarlta, vote and proceritirg ttrreon, ' khall alto be kept secret, unt'l ttss senate i shall, by th. ir resolu'.ioc. take eff the in- i jjanc'lon of tectecy . or sales lie arr.e J shall consider an open executive session j Ar.y tenatar or oftife' of Ha) lenate'who shall dlcloc the secret or coiidential butiae sJ.TrT" , T . ifatnxtor, t tufftr eapultaon from the service of the senate sa l punishment fcr contempt." There seems to Ise no doubt that Senator Mill ha violated tt.ia rule, bat !! he 1 to be punished tor it. It wi. I be the first Cite o the kind ia the ' utoty of Ihe senate. It Is a fact, hi. ever, t.i it t ie oldest geattor In the body canno. recall a previous case where a senator has made public a vet'oatim report of hit speech in executive tettlon. sthifMn iters Petroleum, by a coarg? ol evpeilmenta made by tne Prusdan Uovero.neat, ha proven a re"iit.Je tcale preventer in steam boiler. Prof Daldrar atys a powerful aeacch hgbt cauld project a beam to Mar in four minu'et wiiich could be teen and responded o if they have the appara'us that we have In In.lta 25, ( acre arc: made fruit;.! by irrigation, fn I'lipt tliete are about.' 6, 000. 000. acre, avi In Europe sbout 5 ooo.oasa. Ibr Cn-ted Sia'es hat adout 4,000 000 acre of irrigated land. Taking the earth as Ibe center of th ani verse and the polar star as the limit cf our vision the visible universe embraces aa erial space with a h.-meter of 410,000, 000,000 miles and a en cuuaference of 1. 319 74a.rsoo.000 miles. Aeronaut! canno lis; BWsjh above five miles of vertical height, on account of the increasing rarUy cf ibe air, but double that heigl't haa been nttainel by self -registering balloons, which te'l us that some ninety I degree of frrm j.rerail up thete. If buinan dwellings were constructed on the me proiKirtinnate sca'u as the nnt bill of Africa private residence rvou'd be a mile high. . . ... IJB In n mnftrn inch of the human scalp the hair number about IOOO, and tlie whole I number on un ailt tcalp is about 12 ,0C0. The enrlh, travelling at tho rale of 1000 miles a minute pascn through 55J.O0C, 000 miles of space in the course of n year. Kruplltiu ribe tklu fares. Ed Venney, ltrockvilie, Ontario, (Tanada ays: "I have used Rrandrcth's Pill for the past fifteen years, and thin k them the best catharilo and antl-blillou remedy known. L-, . a. 1 .. 1 1., . v an ' ruption of ihe akin that, gave me great ,nanii annoyance. I tried different llood remedies, but, although gaining rengtlt the Itching wag unr.-lleved. I finally concluded to take a thoiough course of Urandeth's PHU. I took six each night fcr eights, then five, four, three, two, ies fay, eachtime by one, and then for one 1 I. . . -. b ...tan. ,a!,.t.t ...Ilk ,L. t lll'J'llll 1','iIV nil' VVIJF inti.t. VV 11(1 II1C happy result tha now my akin is perfect- ly clear and ha been so ever since." Guaranteed to euro Bliloua AttacKsait ,s -t pation, JSrnaU HUe Usianc. DEHOCBATK' t'ttHMlTTEC MKETIKU A meeting of the I.lnn County Cen tral Committee of the Democratic partv will bs ne'd at the Court fioute In Albany Oregon, on Thursday, the 8th day of March, iStjj at the hour of two o'clock P.M of said day. All members of cald committee are requested to be present In perton or by proxy, r.s business of Im portance i be transacted at said meet ing. Dnied Albany, Or.. Feb 24, lH'ji. Geo W W right. Secrearvif Central Committee. Our exchanged ate being filled with ';ordl!"f men denying thai they are candi- data for office a stated. An exchange says it is like this: Re publicans say it is the el-mocntt; demot-ruta say it is the populists, and the populists say it is both. The man with money to loan is lxwa. He naraej his price, aud "gets it. which sug gests that money loaners should have con sciences. R L Rice wrifinir fo th,. Balaam ImumI from Mill City says mi Mill Citv savs: I see in vour nan nf the ICth. a list of pauper, with my name at me neati ot the lut. 1 want mv name taken out. for wo - nrd itaaisi ".! An not need any county assistance, unless it is iL I a . J ' tne loan ot enough money to pay our taxes, tor we nave land, and some to sell. "Tlie darkest hour is iusf haiaasi dawn- good times art as bound to some as day loiiow night, l-et the cry be. "Kvar on ward, upward; never one step back." East Oregonian. That's the idea. lu a year from now calamity bowlon will not be in the swim at all. The Y M C A is a credit to Albany, a moral necessity, and our citizen should a-tl give it a suppirt that will make it a ilonr ishing institution. There are few institu tion in th citv that do an e.iual aimvint ' of good. You hear blue remark on tl., conior. I but the pre of Alban.' nevar irrU thu 'blue. J her look on tho bright side, an- Ucl- lnJ. advocate tiling that will be to Albany's interest in the coming year. : The preos look, ahead. If it was to stand 'Tyjt J 'here would little progress. Abiany u all nirht. and Cie Dros knows it ' pre" ,noK " A well info.-nuxl Pnailaml nntit, dicU. in a private letter to the G uard, that -s. ; : " TTls.? r, a IT . the rejrtibluran state ticket will be as fol-' low: Cneresstnen Hermann and Ellis: I governor O N Dennv; iudg; V P Lord. sui'iiiri Lr-'imi ... ii r j. 'i- 7 i r ; y j r- .' . . ' ! K in Lh ? 'VVv f T R hinoaid: Printer I- t. Baker; vhoo! sup- orintendent I -K B McElroy. At the election yeterUy far the purpose oi ooiKimg ma acliool distn. fr.'.O. to continue the school work for another term, there were r.H volas 111 ft, m,l 82 against the bonds. The vote was not -- . - , . , , . . ii ste, mat wouau lUTt DSJSJD larger it ne- ary. The best citian of thi. "it v are in favor of the chl being kept up. even if it I ' .Md lhain (m -M.l . 1. . are not opposed to a few dollar coming in- to the count t for circalation. Astoria m ww wwsasaa a- . .- , liudgett. Ditto here This is geiaerally reganled a a aortof! off year" ail around There it even a very (secaliar coincidence in the manner in wnu n me days and date of Kel-ruary and March will rtcur. as a refererKe to the cal ender will reveal. It will be notice! that both month caia n ti-.e . 1 and Thurtaby, arel the day of the week tlie date are just the same all the way 1 thrxigb the months that is, up to Feb --lor that u the last day of the present month- Thi is a moat nn a.nal mvtmn. Jut what aign.5 -a-e may be attached to Uii fact, ii nr, i, a! prrtent a little prob- ! tt 4M . r. In Montettiis Dssrnentary geogriphv the only cities on the map of Oregon are Port- . i i" i ., a . - . . . . avruaawa. Ator:.. - ? .11 , . , , w . , vaiem. Albany. The f ailes I nd Baker CitV England. France. Germany and ctber haropean coon tries are soffering from hard Uroe the same as the l S. wht partv i to blame for thit fact t Will mm-v mimW crank explain it. The Harriaburg I ourier hsad an article Money in Butter." I he Man about Town ban found plenty of oilier things in butter; Isat never any money . As times are pret ty bard we would like tome of that kind. Two merchants of tlie name town were diacusaing the business situation 1 ne said that bit business was distresainirlv dull and the other replied that hi was g. id enough. ! I !.- :.r-t saj. th.t! he h i.' ;-:. sdwaaaaasai Ijeranae it did not pay anal then asked the 1 25 "H K mtich tratle ! the simple reply being. Is vert is. OsaBta ycm.aer. j B F Ramp, the populist speaker, ia ad - J vcsa'ing the follow injr on Assessment: sfassnsm. that the un be rssnntr ed to enact an assessment haw eom prising the following points: That all persons be assessed ami compel let I to pay taxes upon all property found in their possession ; all j ujj . j l-rsons claiming iniet:eines shall K-.r-u a senoxaie receipt tor taxes run tliereon. which shall be a legal bender frtm th- debtor to the creditor in taaym-nt of principal or interest upon such in . ' .ted- ill I 1 1 V T :!....! r.f It,. CI, Pres tails very istmsibly a follows: The ... . -. j . ... v, , ui. .T.ii,. cause of hard times is 1-eing discussed very asseral!y nowaday. Some, hold the nres ent adminitnition while other say that f he hard times would have come no ma'.ter what party w.u m tower. Al low u to ay that we think the people are largely to blame themselves, for Uieir tle BHCRsMS 'ondition. Tlwy have lived too fast, hate spent too much money More they had earned it and pay day is now up on ii-. w tu nounng witn wauca 10 pay. -on vrr, lutis In 1 of T A VVettervelt. invetibirs- fiie.1. real iroperty 412! ,S; widows prop erty set aide. in estate of Isabel Nanny, citation w.ts ordered issued for Feb 16. In estate of M Cumntings. 4th aeet al lowed. In gunnlianihip of Archie C sVilon.ale of real astute conlirmed. In estate of J Cirisham, final ai-count ct for March 10. In estate of Andrew llobb. final account set for March 10. In estate of Z U Mos. Emily and W loss appointed admrs. Ilon.l $.j000. In estate of Nancv Hiirtrers. will V nd ex. set mitted to nroltate. Matilda .1 King, Bond, U000. Appraisers appointed. In estate of Sarah Keenev. March Cth for hearing. Louia I'.ittor adjuilgetl insane. Inostaleof Martin Hunter, petition for sale of part of personal proiierty gninted. In estate of Henry Hirons. 1st account approved . In estate of Muthias L Patton. Rmily Patten tvppointsd admxr. Bond oloOO. Approve.!. In estate of Uichard Fox. A J Fox ap pointed admr. Bond $4000. Approved. In estate of It Johns, 1st account fellowed, ami claims alloweil ortlered paid. In estate of .Sarah White, adm'r ordered to pay to guardian rent of real estate. SER MEKF I mker lti or, grocers. . M . Krenoh keep railroad time. Huy your grocerid of Parker Bron Win graaanee at Coon'a. cream oheeae jut tecoived at Conrad Meyers. P .1 Smiley job printer, Flinn Block, does fi rut cla work. Smoke th celebrated Havana tilled 5 ount cigar at Jutius Joseph's. Or M II Rails, ohyaician and surgeon Albany, Or 14, Galls male In oitj'or oountry. Gates, Ore, Feb 22, '!4. Born to Mr and Mrs George Heath 11 baby boy on the 18th. Mother and child doing well. Mrs Hurley Foster il again around but not able to work yet. T J McClary of Mill City was in town on Tuesday. There sceins to lie a catching dine.tsc among the horses here. A good mary are sick but no one .seems to undr rstand the nature of their sickness. At the last meeting of the literary society the people of Gates were given a treat, in the shape of a song, well rendered, by local talent Some tine singers have been discovered . The Santtura Lumherinif Co of Mill City is 1 1. Hiding all the timlier land they can get until the first of J une. 'I hey arc tryinif to : VZXSST lS' i conuin will purchase lbs ilant of tba com- ! pany I hey will tuke a-y number of acres, tne more tho bett--r, an-l pay a good price j for it . V an Ihn mm iianv has met a counle of thou-and acres bonded and expect to (ret the other eight in a short time. nxxl times for tht upper ranttam. C Drew ( the man who with C C Clark, lllirch:is,.,l In,. AliiMnv- M 1 II in (r i. n. I llimni, 1 Co's property, says the On . . - ............. aH.ville road t 0st H.itJU If it .lid th money was ! t""' i"-"'" The road can lie built H he ' for one-tenth that sum at the most. ! want lab rers or miners bi work his new I . . , I ; . t . . I .1 -.11 A 4 A . L l 1 1'-""""-- " iioum ca at oai RROngR turn hen to run two such mine and have nxen left. He and his pnrtner nave a good tiling aim snoui'i maice it sty. Chan Sweeney and 1' e bear on the Klk Horn bast Hisey killed a (rook. They ! have not Ml in rot. ERn t say how big it i. BD Chase has pun based a team cf horses from some one near Allsany. f .'hare ntemis to io a nt e larming mis summer. 39c wheat notwithstanding. , RATORlt .vl.t:oxTEiT 1 he Mate liiten .j.'ligiati- oratornal ton- test which took place at Kugroe last s t 1 t 1 i - -a a-Vatit t . ' . -f rnmi.a ! as iv.nt. mitte were well organued. and all tlie details were out without a hiti h Tlie delegations from tlie various col - various y,!. lege foumt the -tf ' waning icr which thev them at the R R station by were taken directly to the iinitersity : grounds. They were escorted by the Ku- gene students who mar. he. I in military ..I-. I... .1 . .t... l-.l: on one side of "the street and the gentle- ! men on the other. After registering the ielegates were shown tlie manv p int of ' interest in the various (wildings I RtMRt ON) tavsnds. Kt atarhl ..Vtwk lha .nnn!tast for the exercises to t-git,. about a thou- and people were gathered in the audi- torium. ins ;nurf.i wa miens .... turougnout ti.e entire ereaing, and a storm of well deserved applaud followed i i, nr.,ion ' K each oration All the orations were of a high order, giving evidence of deep study and care- i fnl nrsnjrslinn 11 .' f r i r . almnat wil,r.'l eeaie.altiia ,ami,V.kl. Rood. Perfect satisfaction waa expressed at the decision of the tuJife who award- ed the medal to Mr Atwood of Willamette i , - . , . , L ereny , ton pit eeconu piaca to ' M Umb of Pacific College. While we i reft ret that oar own contestant failed to n nrst !;ev. we feel mat we have j cause to feel proud of Mr William, whose oration received raanv comnliraent. and ; it is the writers opinion that be waa en tilled to the fourth place, and poeib!y . . - . . , The "ercolleg.ate r.,t.:eta are dee- rducatunnT ;nirn-of thifr dirert icfluence noon the eolleses nar- Urinating, bit because of their influence ! Pa Pab!ic sentiment regarding higher education. X i M It AT rti 4 TV ' ! EdJoir Di.rn.tiot: I note a communication frent a promi- ttomey regarding tlregran t" itfa-rai 1 Vs-Sa' ae4Ti tKat cltna ts-ta ' n wa-, '-. thu attorney a few days ago and heard him make the astounding statement that he had been In Mr Blair office in Sew York and had seen Mr C P liunUngton go down on hu knee to Mr Blair for a loan of a mil - lion dollars, that Mr HunUngton dared not A . at a . a tt etas loucai loe Tetran 1 acanc tor ne u in Mr Ultur s tararer. eTeraI bearJ Mr ray make thu statement to tha asjsc, m m m ebliwarr Henry lavid n. dir.; al 111 ey. (tregon. j tebruary I'.'. I34. Is. eased wa Uvn in sayne county. Ohm. May tt, 1-1. In ' lll. lie .-uTOmttanied hu nareats to ra count T. aiirhiaran. Ten nn laf,vr lu ! movi to Fuhon roontv. Insliana. He was naamed Annl 22. to tsarah Mont is children were born to them T an! two tnrls. In 155. he SNSSSt Ike dnsas tea ttsBtaaaa mwA frl.-l ha j Linn ecu-ty. 34 mile north of Ilalsev and rvni i : r. t rhns nnli! I."it .U. i., ....... . l to Ha.'sey. He united w,'th the Christian ing Kerrewntalive Satrr cf Taxes chair church the second Lord's day in Februarv. : mn f ,,ie House committee on Ac.- HRSt and ha serveU the churrh as elder. "B,v" l,rs Talatll Tirve iiiua raise.! ail a p,n ct ia aa i.s While II i over thirty years ago tlnce I cri:e 10 ,he working people Judge Ssy Ai'cock'a P.srou platter were first fnir.i et 'a alw-)- been popular in Wattung on dncrd tr tne medical profession and pub- j beciase of his approtchabilllyani the fame : micro m tne meotcai proiestiota rl pub- lie, tht marked succ- snd unprecedented ' popularity which thev met wl.n not only continue, but steidbv lncrcae. No other platter have been rrod-.iced which gain so many testimonials of hlhh value a Ihnss i.. I . si,.-- . . M. . . u . I , . . i . . forou flatter, and the onlv motive for these escerstioral Iribu'aa 1m f.r I ,k.l. . . " 1 -a cat preraratban of superior vslue AJi1,J .ii.ii ciiiv m mmiLiiis sun nurm .r.itn j tlonal proof of the true value of AlcrxV Poroot Plasters lie In ihe fact lhat thev are being l.rre.y Imi-a-ed by tir.cipu lou petttH.a, tv-i.s .erk to deceive the pub-1 lie by offering platter which thev claim to oe the "tame, 'equal,' 'as good,' better.' ; best pevous plane'.' etc. while it is In j general appearence only lhat ihev resem- ; bie Allcock'a. Evciy one of the so-called rftaroiis plaster are imitation of Alrock Porous Piaster. Avoid dealer wa attempt tt pim a Inferior and warthlets plasters thtt ar purchased by thcn at low rav f- th purpose of substitution. The first of Bras ids. 1 lie reason why I tera are popular M ' Al'cock's Porous Plag- that thry may be relied on lo cure. I. IsSSM back, sciatica. stiffne twit-htni! ,f ihe muscles z. Cttettt trouble, such a pleu Itsrsnte. cnnaumplion. 3. Ini'igestlon. dygpepsio. pneu- i-tics. Ittdnci . unplalnt. Tlie success, however, wilt depend upon the Kcnuinaness of Ihe nlaster used. The popu atity of Alcock' Por.iu Plaster ha been so greot that multitudes of imitations have tprung up on every hand. The only sure cure I to get the genuine Alicock' Porous Piaster. Itrandreth' Pill Improve the digestion. Portland, Sera men to. l.os Angeles Stccaton and Salem have Ibe same insur ance rates. Alhanv, Or. Butte and Helena. Montana, Salt Lake Ci'v,, and Walla Walla, Wash, atttl Spokane, have the tame tales. Don't waste time, money, and health trying every new medicine you m;y tee advertised In the paper. If the cause of your trouble U In Ihe blood. liver, stcmach, or kiditrK, take Ayer's Sarsa. paiilla at once, arid he sure of a cure. Take no other. There i no claim made for Aver' which cannot be endorsed by tcores of teatlmonials. This fact plainly provea that the blood Is the source of most aitorders snd that Ayer's Sarsapai ilia I Ibe bet of blood purifier. Try It this month. With pure, vigorous blood ootirting through the veins and animating every fibre of the body, cold weather is not only endurable but pleasant and agreeable. No other blood medicine It so certain In Its results a Ayer's Sarsaparllla. What It does for others it will do for yon. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. WASHINGTON LETTER. From our regular C'rresKiideiit. Was'nlagton, Feb. 'J, 1894 For good and sullicieut reasons the tariff bill was not reported to Ihe Senate Finance committee last week, although it could have h?en reported. The delay was in the inter ,t of democratic harmony, It being thought best to allow objecting democrats to have their say to the sub committee composed entirely of democrats rather than before the fu l commi'tee The regolar meeting i ine r inunce cnrninifee win lie j neiu tomorrow ami tew present intention is to 'eport the revi'ei) bill It is ;...-i,e that it may be de ayed . day o two 1 j aasuxvl t-y evry nirnter of the H will certain! . rented , ltlt week No time will Ijc hr-t by th dmo-':rat on the Finance committee af'er r..or,.(i in mMna ;, r.nrtd to lh i le 1 ,S,ma'e' a" ihey hiv rn cognizant Sunate, a they ha of i every change made by the sub commi'iee '; If fact the tub committee while nominally I t .1 ... t iubuc uji ui uu j 1 11 1 ' in j r(.aity ljWn Ujp enljre democratic m-mber- . . illr, ,t I. ... ,..,.,;, i r.,r.t 1 ' commiuee. ' Sena'or ance. who is awav ick. 1 he j members of the sub committee feel so cer- Ula that they have made the last change rj sent to the Government Printing office to be put in type Tb best posted demicrat laugh at the idea of the Vi democra' ic senators who ! v.ited to Tt- t thai nr.minailon r.f f'pr-lrham ;.ieing classetl as opponents of the ailminis- tra'ion. One of President Cleveland' moat loyal supporters a well s bit warm ; irWnj4 paU it thU (T. ara , V . . .. ' , . . . . j "wi ui. waj j uisi cvsuoui an irjtoro, aud I know the reasons which governed most of ihe democr ic votes cast attains ' him First he Isol'ed the regular demo cratic ticke at the la state election and "f"'! "a' in defeating i and. a though tht -ere no- encugh to bar hiTi ' from anv favors a' t e ilisto,.! r.f the m,,. anv favor a e uufoas) cf the party, be r eglected to vote at the recent special eeciion in New : York city when he knew G at extracrdin an eff ,rta were being ma.Je to get out the I fu" Partr le- Md wbeo tkeJ "U,u lt ! replied careieiy that be forgot ail ..oout j the election. Now, I don't think a man ....... - . , , 7, . ... ! snCUId DSVe SAT OtOCe. large OT '. tnall. " That thi opinion is echoed by many of the staunches t friends of the ad I ,(,.,,: : ,,: a it is generally U :ieved that il Pretident Cleveland wi I nomina'e a good democrat (at the vacancy those 15 democratic senat- or will bow that tbey bear the admin is- tralion no ill ill by voting solidly for hi The shrewdest democrat in I confirmation I mtmamamm ,t.;lr a-- ,k w.....r-, have ! .a.i, ij a .af-w I vstctu ,.i.Kiruii iKmaixii axaia an taie s . . . . , , ,, , t Pitn!naenU hereafter made should be aT: democrat, men woo can be depended n-.n to hh tr.. naH avin falnns ta :. Bnirtnr Morgan, chairman of the teoa'e j committee on to'eign KeiaUsns. bat, at ' the request of the tub-committee, written the report of the Hawaiian investigation, ; At a special meeUng of the commitltse the A ded de ! fr action upon it to a oeettng to be held j thit week. The report has not been made ' J paWic and member cf the committee ,- . cltrae to discus it. Representative Bland of Mo. has been having a tussle wish the -'no qnoruia' friend, and bis bill for Use coinage cf the There seigniorage it still unacted upon hat been a quorum on the nWvr cf the house every day. but those opp---j to twa bid hxr" 'efaed lo vote a- d tlie frieni of the . measure have been a tew short of a j j quorum . Notice has been tent to salt j , , n M. I ' ! . . .. . . . . . j V- m c f the 1 a. Z I t 1 .1 - a. " S 1 as a a a " win 11.11 i.:. wee-a jn . iaa ine ' bill will be pi, d withou- futlostr &iihatt ay. lD the bii w-s fr tee arpoae d-layiog it in the htwss utii bef re tl:e rate pv.Tcptly ac ed u passage kf tl It. the taniT b;l' get to prevent ita K-ma ihe senate, a it been eoocedoii l-v . all fi.m the f.rtt. ; Tit Vk. ra jriag to u . 1 oo 1 -Atlanta place ct move cn the S:uta. Teattoa. jus: cloned 8a, was elrctcsl a tht fi t. in e seat jr.i 's onven ton . Tr.e plate prin'ert' trn;h of the K of L of U-itcity. have :ooptcd retolation tbaak ! prop 1.1, a,... s,u: A ,l. .1. 1.1, sa ere-tt of ia!or. and requesting al! tabor or- gaaiiatioss in hit dlurict to join ia the , , ... , . , j bectttse of nil appi i be 'a raain aa hi I , ' man " Ch' ' tlo' committee. 0 chairman of the Aprroptia- ortc of the mat imprtrtant t iatha HoaH. has no, taelied ni h-d even j a little bit. J rhi:po.t of Holly asks tlta lrmocra i ... . . lo eP' ' 0? rr-nR"'ent 'he tin, million band are to cost Uncle Sim bu 3 per cent instead of 5 Per cent " I" ne'er , the la authoriaing the Secretary ol the reaturt tose'l Kanls.o tly 5 per cent bonds can tie issued. The Secretary believed he 1 coult? sell 3 per cent ionds at p-. So f save the lot ol ee ling 5 per cen bond at par I when J pe- cent woald tell at ; ar. he In ' trrte I a ; rovio in hi c.icalar ctlling for bidt ttat-mg that na bid woald be consi.ieeed that wa lesg 1'iaa 17 1-5 per cent premium. That each perchaser MM bid $1.17 1-5 tor every dollar the bond called for. Al bld were un to thit figure Tne bonds iuue draw 5 per cent interest but the pterr.ium paid brings ibem down to a three per ct bond . The Secttlary issued 51 mill ion bonds but receive! fifty eight million six hundred ami fifteen thousands dollar in g;ld therefor, which makes them practic ally a :hree per cent bond. Holmaa "i ine oemocratic can;us oi tne house, wi 1 ca'l a caucus at early date to consider change in the hous; tule bv which ihe .... mbe. may te compelled to . . ' ... ,1 - vote to maac a q.10rum. The call u in lesponse to p written request signed by 104 democratic members. The request ia the direct result ol the upioarous demonstrat ion in the bouse yesreaday. There was a rush to get on the paper. It contains the names cf the leading democrats The name of B'anJ was not or, tne call, fur while he is severe In deprecating the disorder cf yesterday, he say public opinion should rebuke those responsible for I: and that a change of rules is not desirable. The New aorkersaro alto an excep'ton J hev are not'anxious to strengthen the rules and thu -: increase the chance of the passage of km ..w . .a. .. bill uch a. the one pending. itn these ' execpuons tne can represents an snaues 01 opinion In the house, anti-silver mtn a well a ilver men The call carefully avoids commiting the member to any specific plan for changing Ihe rule. Most ol those who signed are ready to go to the extent of Counting a quorum; the only question among them i that no quorum can ba count ed without subjecting Ihe majortty to th change of adopting what hat been termed ihe ' Reed rules". Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World s Pair Highest Medal and Diploma. II Will !. Portland, Feb '. For some time past It has been rumored m financial circles 1 that t Wells- Fargo bank of San Fran- j cisco was endeavoring to jret control of the Coram arcial National bank of this city, 1 but no definite information could be had j from those interested nntll yesterday, when the deal as practically consummated. In- i qoirT among the officials of the PortlanJ ; bank elicited the information that the' rumors were well founded, and that 1 arrangements have been completed which will olace a controlling interest in the I stock of the ban- in the hands of the Wells ydT0 Company. T e Tariff Bill. WAsni tor on, Fob 'Si Senator Voor- i he-- d-t:'oe ' lat- '(day to cad a meefi' g j of 'he ena e Snanc committee for riext Monday at 10 o'clock, fai tiecision wa toe resalt Of a eonfere.ics with the sub commi"w, which ia shaping the tariff W , by hir h h wa not S d that tb m a-- bera bad agreed upon all the feature ot twj mo as 11 is an iy prcgen'ea, ana no'n ing remainel to he done excep' to put the ,n ,naP Tate Mtaatlna Ixdov, Feb 23. -The Times, In a !ong ' article o financial situation in tne Cnited States. avs e.onom? is 'he only : remedy The Americana, it ssv. are thrown on their own resource, and will 1 hYe .0 faee tb-i nation Until thir ex- diminishwi i:nt;r . Ine paper declare- it may be assumed that the worst ha be; seen on both aides of ih A'- an : KaailU Beftaled New Vork. Feb 23. A special from San - . . i. r sat:. A courier from Corpiw say In' the battle veoterday the force Btner lio- j "ilia werr? completely routeo. Ine-e were 80 ki led and 150 ounded. The Nicar- .. gotJ, discourage.: frriUral tlnrUad Cuicaoo. Feb 2ft. The Keening Post's j Wash ine on tpec'at tats: It is reported on Pretty gool authority 'ha 'x ttm. growth in President Cleveland's mouth is again troubling htm tUat another eurcical operation i nece-- tiry aDj t.a, 0pbio ha been or d-rI here I.. tafc bin -r. - ; . -. on dered here lo take bio tateoaiblv . d-ck-shooting trip bat reilly to have an r r UKflk-si, Baadred W Hal-cox. Fb 2;) Captain W C B (iraham. an Engliabtnan disingnHbed for lis military record, died here this after , noon, having long been in ill health as tee result of wounds and hardships. He was a rr.etriber of the famoas Ught Brigade im- ; mortaiizl by Iennj ton ( aatard A law. Wasiiisgtox, Feb 22 The session al ; the bouse was today noted for several dramatic incidents. which may pjtmbrr culminate with legal rjnxyHing again i '0 sergeant-at arms tor mprson j rrten' mem'aers of ccnfcres. Sergeant n lrT, fi i. xjr.r.v h.. been apprehending member wherever ' found The warrant contains to came i of b congressmen . A it wa j a letral 1 holiday thi wa resisted. TwaMea Isli rd SoijOxoxtilix. Arix. Feb 22. W b' Sunford. Tuesday fas', killed two Mexi cans at Duncan, this county. He bad, trouble with he Mexicans over an irriga tion ditch on which tbey were working. He warned the Mexican Monday to stop . Tuesday he rode ou to the ditch and when , about ii) feet from toe ditch began firinsr j a-ith a Winchester Trere were Se or; six Mexicans at work. Two were killed. Mat ford was arrested but escaped. Trias Bls-rtuUei Salt Lahe. Feb 22. Train are blocked ' in every direction. Tee Ienver train are ttuck in tre snow in Cc4orado. Be- 'ween here and ( -d-n, both the t'nion : PaciSc and Rio Gnjl 'rain are stock.' At Pocatello the OretTon Short Line it ' I 'oct:pd- Mi no traart.t were expected to ; as ssjioKa iimk . s'j irain na imtea f from California uvlav. the trouble beirc in the Sierras. U ins. and a heavy r. :w tall made the l-Ks-kaJ- aattsaii raj. New Haves. Feb 22 Yale', football ' eleven ol las' fall brck the financial rec-ard of the univertifv for receiDt and raroS t i Man 2 TnLTi bU I prs- iminary n-porr. The total retvit-ts wr sSo 035 .4 and the total expenditures tl3.I7l.S5. leavicg a Ulance of ri2.6:i.o9. j 1 oe -um m el'sju was given 'o tr-e 1 ate Field Corporation to pay off the deb- on ' le field and the rest wa turned over to IN Yale Financial I'ni sn. Hare Trawtsle la rsaaaaa Wasbtngtox. Feb 22 More trcr.'i is i re ing in Samoa AccTdtng to ctBcial ' advices recently received here, the . n of Tatsase-e. one of the rbrnier kings of Stawi, ic leading a soventent against Maiietoa. He :s caiel to have a large fol lowing of native, who are rebelH o. not so much against the immediate rulers as against the tripartite government that con ' trcls affair 00 the Island Caeatstaa trralarwral. v AXJ-A Wau.a. Feb 21 In the npe- rior court. J K Kdmiston. rsresidant nf tht? i - , . . , na.u mm oa .:..- (ace. now cicj.j. i arra gned upon the chj-tje of iarcenv ! 'fn3Ju that ,n;.iju.:n Deoem'- "r9- lefendant asked far f sn aer time to rlead and wa granted Etstll trbruarr 26. Al J adge Cpton wa a stockholder o'f the; i bank, he is disqualined to preside over the I trial, and be requested the attorneys to' agree apon some judge in the state to take hi place. Aaarebj Alive. Paris, Feb 21. Five anarchists were arrested todav on s:?iMcinn of havinrs iiasru an sp iToa in .' Avenue Seint Outin. j rfc' 1 The earplotion was attri chayga; of a bomb, bat it was rofjseonent'.y . . .... , learned that it was caused b, the ignition Of p-as- rhe police, hotrever. found 11 shell bomb on the preuiUe. and thssse t 7i neacj jarers tor examma- t A L. A 1 - as A Bl- Foraery New York. Feb 21 Krastus Wiman. 1 rmerly manager for R (i Dun Co ?A-.tntile asrencv. builder of ihe Statin, former! mercantile agency, builder of the Staten Island Rapid Transit railway, and a prom inent advocate of the annexation of Can ada to the United States, was arrested to day, charged with forgerT 'mounting to (s9M)00. He was arraigned before Judge Marline and committed to the Tombs in default of $25,000 bail. Billys laditereUaa. Washisotox. Feb 21 Senator Hill lias bmueht down on his bead the wrath of some oi the more serious-minded of his j colleagues by his action iu making public j the speech which he delivered in executive 1 session on the supreme court nomination. S 'tr.e of the enthusiastic defenders of sens- i torial etiquette are talking of the advisabil- ' : ity of a resolution of censure upon Mr Hill. I A reewliar Death. j vah Feb katti.k. stash, t-b 21. William ! j Howe, comedian, aired 17 years, while re t i hearsing at the schoolhouse at Franklin! -Monay eyening. for a performance to be i given tridav. fell dead of heart disease, j Hij part him to work hicJwf i into a great state of excitement, and it is ! supposed this brought on the attack. A Big Uaal CRICAaO, Feb 21 Three pickpockets ; made a rich haul tonight on a crowded j Wabash cable car at Twelfth street. They stole a purse containing S590 in cash and : 1 silver certificates and papers valued at! 125,000 from a passenger. Al. v.nts W aktkd on Isalarr and Commisan or THE ONLY AUTHORIZED Bionjaphy of JiyiES G. BLAHE, By GAtL Hamilton, his literary executor, JZm4mm. of hi, family, and hi sjr. tilaiue'e Complete Wotkf, - lira's n Yeaks or OoNORass," and hi later book "Political Disccsaioaa" One prospectus for these S bssi skllisu book in the mar ket . A K r Jordan of Me..took 112 ordta from ant 111) calls; agent' profit $195 50 Mrs Ballard of O. took 15 orders. IS $ea! Russia, in 1 day; profit $26.25. E N Rtee of Mats, took 27 orders in 2 dava; profit $47.15 J Patrldge of Me. took 43 orders from 36 calls; profit $75.25. E A Palmer of N. Dak. too 53 orders in 3 day; profit JUS. 25. Exi'Ll'SlYi TaUUtrroBT given. If you wish to make LARGE MOsTiY write immediately for terms to he flenrv Bill Pub. Co. ,Xorwieli,Conii 'In trrot.Ssiai . .'TTrta? 0 CorroLawsjlQ U I .QTrotanf U jCoTTOtaam " Cnrromtsl Aiir v UUI.OF THE FRYING PAN Has come not a little knowledge as to cook erywhat to do, as well as what not to do. l nus we have learned to nse 53 the most pure and per fect and popular cook inematerial for all frying r. I E - 3 and shortening ptarposes. PROGRESSIVE 11 i3 the natural outcome ui I of the age, and it teaches usncttouu laTd , but ram - M IrOTTOLSE, o which is fax cleaner, and ;ore digestible than any: ; 1 i ird can be. ? t The success of Cotto 4f lene has called on t worth -W isi3 imitations under s timilarnames. Look OUt for these! Ask your:! 5 Grocer for cottolexe, "ju I l. w ! ttasa Lscauac uai ww. " I wm Hade only ty a H . it. FAMBMIs ex- w., ST. LOUIS and jmicagonew voRK.sotrroR.i CoTTOtJJOtoltrrToijaWQ SUIT LUKE, DENVER, OMAHA KANSAS CITY CHICAGO. ST, LI AS- A EASTEEN CITIES. DLY d TO IIIAG0 UnilDQ QUICKEST TO CHICAGO nUU llO AND THE EAST HOURS Was OMAHA CITY- PUUMAII AHD TOURIST StEEPERS, FREE fECLINC CHAIR CABS, DIN. KG CARS. SHU Chart, Oliver W Miuk, E Etav Ar.drrson, Recr:ver- For vA.t and general infen matton call 00 oraddrerta Currar. & Monteith, Albany, Oregon, or W H llt"RI.BCRT,Aa.Gcn-i Pass. Ajt, ie.4 Waahlogton St,, PeT.TT.ATD. Otieos COPYRIGHTS CAM I OBTAtH A PA TEXT f 5rX aVr CO- w Kara aad 1 taoewtlztetrrt i CO. Sri Toax. -es - m t A 1 4 UIRXRaJt Jl COLLEGE. ::::: cs j e Ilu 101 Catalogue Address, REV, E. COS PIT, Albany, Oregon ID Ft. &AJSI3 3? CATBIA DC T IP 8 KIIb iftLl ItRsBSMs HllsaR HnB a umTPATorrs SST WMOyEMErtTS. wt:i wire sriiS9 mruxkil.. . Snls mm. fwf.,i.r, ... i , ...... v.. t 1.. k.sL aaesaas Asa 1 1' i.a,... ls. ri'issasr .ss. tSitss.. ilTsr sa K r,issSstrte tea eestslss Wsi rai; sisis. at sacs. nacs(S Bfawa. I all statrs, sa rites a tames teal ia last. st tsa ta tat aaeaai .,irt .1 . -it saa waa tss ..: .r lassaat sm, sf ss psj. Tossts srsttta tart tt taasr ,. is-ttttisa srwt all steer reeasStas ei.. ss s tyaa asaersa. aaassessaaaaj ta tatsaast tr ,att r.ts v. ,....rsl iirauita aaaavKK stsrlissn. taa p-!,s, .-a asciiaavm aataatvs. 1 . 'J. sa .trr. tiTvsett sit aassvssaiatwsa Date. S.aJ far illasuaM PamrA'tis. wsilsa. sssita. r. AaAaS SAM aOfSRHE EIiKCTRIC 0? R0..7S "Tlret St.. POSTLAWD. 0E. F I T S&TIOMA1. BT.SK, or tuim, oke3o rsstiiiisat vice rtwaaeat ahier...... .russ S. K.YOTSG ,K. W. LANQUOS rSASSACTS A aORRAL baukios; troaieeas ACCOCVrS tsEPr suhlest to thee.. SiUilT KXCUANUB ana M Twhic traauat r. atv liirt, aaa rraacaeco. Caieaeto aad T rfOU CO EJECTIONS dALon f..i.-.V. sa R Toctta R, w Las si a L. rum K Bum, Bseaae I . Sex. EXECUTORS NOTICE TV 01 ICR IS HEREBY GIVEN that the i under it ned executor of the bast wilt ard teatam.'nt of Frank 8hedsi, deceased, haa filed with the clerk of the County Cour. for Linn County, Oregon, his final account, aad the court haa fixed the 5th dav of March. 1891 at the hour ef 1 o'clock p m, for bear tag objection to said account, if anv, and to settle said estate. Tela January 15, 1S94. C J hedd J K KATHERTORD ExeCUtCT Attorney for Ex. WANTED Puhicg Caaraur of good dress. Liberal salary aad eat ansae paid weekly j Permanent position. BROWN Bt03- CO., Nurserymen, Portland' Oregon a - I EE i - - CgrrocaaaSjlol i irj i aswttaaaywTtta ta ate j at. 1 jeait specal taafctae8e4maate Aaalaa7ais riaa are lawaartrt wtgaty bafeewtba tatuTitiis csaa osst to Use tniiauj. Ttaa auli niTiil passer, tawaas sTtaesJy. Situ 1 1 ty lOwaaralad. aaa ay Sj turaat rarmtaUja cat east eotascac wrark ta tat 3VeS!fe tjfal paatta. in eotova. aast lilnaiaianSi eat saw t-ig. rta ptaaa. ecaUiaa; mini toaaxratbe 351 BaOASWaV. SKaan-atxTia- 2l ..,!asTJ?.. v.sHiTey oiNrtrjaT