The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 02, 1894, Image 3

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    Wfa mmt
Weekly Democrat. $i 75 per
n advance. $2.00 at erd cf year,
i H II-.T
crat is given the particulars of a eocia
sensation at Corvallis, part of which oc
curred in Albany, winch promises to
eclipa any for some time. According to
the account a lady residing a few miles
this tide of Corvallis had been doctoring
with one of the most prominent physi
cians of Corvallis, whom we Trill call Dr
A to begin with the alphabet. Her hus
band became suspicious at his loo fre
quent calls and dismissed him. Then
arrangement were made for her to come
to Albany, where she stopped with a
cousin and received treatment by one of
our leading physician, rapidly improving
Last week l)r A came over f rou Corval
lis, and seemed greatly interested in the
case, even calling with the lady. On
Thursday she said she would probably
be leaving the next day, and received a
prescription for future use. The indica
tions are that Pr A and the lady either
left on the overland that nigl.t for Calif
or on the over's k! next morning for
Portland, and thence to California by
steamer. IT bid) course taken ia not
definitely known. The husband of the
lady came to Albany yesterday and call
ed on the ladya Albany physician. The
circumstances were all rehearsed with
the above conclusions as the result. Dr
A has a large and excellent family and
hat enjoyed a large practice. The lady
is a renned woman who has alwaya
born a good reputation. Fortunately
aha has no children. Her husband was
greatly exorcised over the matter and
with the family of the Doctor, are en
titled to the sympathy of the public.
A Mkhama Sxakk. A Salem
tells the following snake story :
A curiosity in the shape of a two
headed snake is on exhibition at the
cigar store of H S Simon's on Commer
cial street- It was captured in a small
stream at the Manzanita gold and sil.-er
mine near Mehama and brought to Sa
lem this morning by one of the propri
etors of the mine. The snake is about
two months old or probably younger. It
has two different and distinct heads, four
eyes, two mouths, whether it used them
able to ascertain. It ia a species known !
.1 1 1 . . I . . . . . .1
notn ior looa ana drink or not it 13 un
1 the little water snake and does not
grow to any great length and are harm
lees- The gentleman who captured the
little curiosity stated that be oheetved
it in the water and after a struggle final
ly succeeded in running it into an open
tack placed in the wa er. representa
tive of this paper called at Mr Simon's
this morning and was shown the delicate
reptile which is preserved in alcohol,
and will after a few days be taken to the
midwinter fair and exhibited.
Ax Oru-M Story. The Astoria Bnd
gett shakes its good reputation for truth
and veracity by telling the following:
There is a rancher over on Vasbon
Island, Vashington, that has his house
painted more expensively than any other
house in the state. Last fall he fonnd
floating in the sound a box which con
tained about 200 pounds of what he
thought was a fine quality of fire proof
paint. The paint was packed in small
tin cans and bore a foreign labal, and as
it had cost him nothing he thought he
wonld paint Ins house with it. The
hoase is now pa:n!ed inside aud out, and
in doing so the greater portion of the
paint was consumed. The rancher ha
now discovered, much to bis sorrow,
that instead of fire proof paint he has
got his house covered with abont $3000
worth of smuggled opium, which bad
been thrown overboard by some smug
glers to escape being found in their pos
session .
Foot Bali.. At Portland last Saturday
afternoon the Portland U niversity team
defeated the Carvallis O A C team 2G to
12, according to the Oregonian outp.av
ing them at nearly every point. After
the game at Corvallis between the O A
C and Multnomah Jrs a correspondent of
the Democrat who witnessed the game
took occasion to criticise the playing of
the O A C boys- This was resented by
members of the O A C. The Oregonian
makes the same criticism, only more so,
thus endorsing our correspondent. The
Man about Town in predicting that the
1) A C would win did so without know
ing anything about the Portland team,
and with an over estimate of the capac
ity of the O A C 1 hat team can no
longer call itself champion, and in fact
has bad no right to do so yet. Its play
ing Saturday makes the Man about Town
believe that the Multnomah Jrs, Port
land University and Forest Grove teams
can all defeat it.
A Qi EKR Family The Eugene Jour
nal is the anthor of the fo'lowing : There
is a family in Eugene who belong to a
queer religious sect. They work six
years and then rest the seventh year.
Tbey are now on the off year, resting the
seventh year. They differ from a good
many other people of the class who as
sume that "the world owes them a liv
in" and who rest all the time. These
people seldom go out of the hon-e in the
daytime, and never allow anybody to
enter their dwelling. The doors are al
ways kept locked, and when the man
steps ont, if only for a minute, he locks
the woman in. They take a bath three
times every day and three times every
night. O, Lord, what fools we martali
A Tan Hocr Debate. Ihe republi
cans and populists had a joint debate at
Detroit Saturday. The harangues were
begun at 10 a m and were continued witb
short recesses for eating until late at
night. It was sort of a foot ball contest,
and when tbey got through there were
plenty of broken noses and scraped sLins
politically speaking. Each side told a
good many troths about the other, and
if those who listened to the disputations
do not all vote the democratic ticket it
will be a wonder.
A Leo Broken. Last Saturday Mrs
Shaw, residing a few n ilea from Albany,
was getting trom her bed, when, in some
manner hardly known, she fell in such a
manner as to break one of her thighs.
Dr Maaton did the best he could for the
broken limb, but on account of the age
of Mrs Shaw, 84 yeare, it is doubtful if
he can survive the accident
Thieves Abound. Meatthievex have
been preying on property in the eastern
suburbs of the city. Mr H D Burt hart
recently lost considerable bacon. Alro
some beet. A cow recently slaughtered,
had abont a twenty pound chunk ex
tracted from her loins. No arrests yet.
You can get writeng paper and Eps
from Fred Dawson if you want to.
strange as it may I t m. 1 :uscd
trom a lack r:t that Wlnttl 13
never exactly di';s;-; -.'. The
greatest fact in connection with
mk ill ivc I it
VAAtt n kLtlitliO
aisiuii 0 unmn
appears at this point
digested fat and
weakened digestion
strengthened by it.
it is partly
the most
is quickly
The only possible help
in Consumption is the
arrest of waste and re
newal of new, healthy
tissue. Scott's Emulsion
has done wonders in Con
sumption just this way.
Prepared by Scott t Bewns, N. Y. Alldrnrriiitf.
NOTICE Is hereby given that the ao
nasi mseting of the stockholders of the Al
banv Building Association will be held
store of J Gradwohl, in Albany, on Mon
day, March 19ch, 1894, at 7:30 p m for the
election of directors, ana sucn other ousi
net an may come before tha meeting.
Dited Feb 9;n, 1894.
W C TWEEDALE Secretary
Salem ia to build a new chuich,
perhaps two.
The Daily Telescope has suspended,
probably permanently.
The price of telephones in Tncoma has
been reduced to $2 a month.
The Steamer Homer arrived at Yaquina
Bay this morning, and wiil sail tomoitow
for San Francisco.
A Chinaman sued the proprietor of the
Hotel Eugene this week for $'2."4 wages
claimed to be due him and received $13,
the amount actually due.
Of the twelve indictments handed in by
the recent grand jury at Salem, ten won
convictions, one an acquittal, aud one
has to bo tried again. A bock! record.
The Elwood had a tough time on Its
last trip to llarrtsburg, and probab'y
will not attempt it again. Be
yona Corvall it got caught on a mud bur,
where it remained abou: a day, when the
snag boat Corvallis got It off.
Judge Duncan hae been bnsy today
taking testimony in the case of Ar
buckle va Union Pacific railway. Plain
tiff claims $6000 damages and "was rep
reaented by Geo M Wright Esq of this
The new officers of the Amphllcgonsan
society at ihe college are: President,
OHe Baltimore; secretary, Arthur Fo
shay; executive commlitee, Melvln Wil
liams, Ina McCullocb, E vY Emmett, O
Baltimore and Maud Deyoe.
Peop'e with delicate stomachs find Av
er sarsaparllla agreeable to the taste, and
therefore, piefer it as a blood purifier to
any other. This is one reason for lis
great populaiity as a family medicine.
Safe, certain, and oalatable.
"I've tried all sorts of blood purifiers,1'
said an old lady to a "cutter," "and you
can't persuade me that any other sarsa
parilla ia as good as Ayer's " There's
where she had Llm. She knew that Ay
er's was the best and so did he, but It
paid him better to sell a cheaper brand.
Special revival meetings will begin at
the United presbvterlan church tonight
under charge of Rev Riley Ltt'le. After
noon prayer meetk-gswilfbe held dailv at
3pm under Rev T J Wilson. An effort
will be made to make these u.oetfngs of ;
general interest to the public All are ;
John Burnett, editor and proprietor of
the Sunday Welcome, of Portland, has j
been made the defendant in two libel
suits instituted by Douglas Ladd and D j
E Cummins The amounts praved for
aggregate $10,000. The alleged libelous
articles were puonsneu a siior; lime aco
in the Welcome, and purported to di
ssruopaa were puonsneu a assssri lime ago '
vu,e the wron 'ongs of the plaintiffs.
x- .O-. 1 t II 1 'II,
Next Saturday Albany people will have
an opportunity to see a foot ball game
that promises to be very lively ; as both
sides are determined to wiu. There will
oe some science in n, icough the game
in Portland Saturday lead one to be -! railroad section hand, employed on 8iki
lieve that science is sacrificed for mus- I vou mountain. cit -o town and
cle during the excitement of a game. It
will only cost 2o cents to witness the
Mr Al. Boenicke went to Portland this
Editor Tip Humphery, of Jefferson, is
in the city to day.
Mr Simpson, of California, father of the
Kcuiai w r engineer, is uie guesi 01 1113 ,
D- I
Mr Tom Kay. was in the city this noon j
on his way to Salem, fro:-i a trip np the j
ro"- !
Mrs E W Langdon :;nd sister Miss I
Grace Piper, and Miss Bertha Ellis wiil j
be among those going to the midwinter I
fair within a few days. i
Miss Warner's music pupils will give P"'cle which contain iton or goid. This
a musical reci'al Friday night at the old j ' done b.v means or a magnet, which de
UPchnrch. The admission will be 15 fleets the partihles of metal as they fail
cents and the procaeds will go to the ' together wtth the sand. Ex. Mr Hiram
Kindergarten association. j Kenton, of this city, has greatly io-proyed
The Salem Independent says: For dis
trict No. 3 present prosecuting attorney,
Jas McCain, of McMinnville, will be a
candidate for the newly created offic of
new district judge, as will also H II
Hewitt, of Albany. Russell Wyatt, of
Albany, aspires ior prosecuting attorney
of this district, and there are others un
seen that will assume shape.
Prof George S Acheson, of Albany,
was in tbe city this week and made prep
arations to organize a singing class. A
meetin; will be held at the M E church
on next Monday evening to see how many
will join. Everyto iy is invited to at
tend. Halsey News."
Speas inz of the arrival at Salem of
Mr Atwood, who won the medal at the !
oratorical contest the Statesman says:
Mr Atwood was the lieroof the hour and
was carried from the depot to the busi
ness portion of the city on the shoulders
of soma of the gentlemen students, the
university band leading the way and all
tbe stndents following. Every lew yaids
the university yell was given and a gen
eral hurrah was indulged in by both
sexes. A reception was tendered Mr
Atwood at the Woman's college saat
TheBoxds Voied The cituecs lSimL
Albany again showed their public spirit. mmkal oT the f( ,h
on S'y. by voting ; tor bonding dist rtpn hilJ tlM gat ni M
5, for $20,000, by the vote of 233 to M.ICT. . . - e . ..
near.v three to one. Bonds will at once tie
-j i 1 1 j . i. i;i 1 ...- -1
lUlcil'Dt'i lUl.UillU illC uuci, HI
readv received, will at least be dupli
cated, if not improved 011 Albany will
rise above tbe present hard times and
will have two good school houses to
meet tbe future with.
The vote on bonds at the election
April 1st, 18-t on account of an error in
which the present election was required
stood 109 for bonds and 22 against
Street Cars. The motor was received
this afternoon by the Street car company,
from Oscar Dannals and I F Conn. As
sisted by Mr Moore these men did a
first class job and to-morrow a better look
ing motor than the old one will appear
on the streets. On Wednesday th new
car will arrive from Portland, and regu
lar trips will be made. The top of tbe
old car, standing near the new motor
bouse, will be cut off, and the car will be
used a? a trailer during the summer.
On tbe first of March the busses will be
taken off by the hotels, when the motor
will do the service after the lashion fol
lowed geneially in the east, where free
buses are unknown in most places.
Am Old Time Relic B F Bnrcb, of
this city, handed n the other day a
sample copy of tbe"Oregon Free Press"
the first newgpayer ever published in
Oregon. This infantile little sheet is a
x 12 folio and is marked Vol. 1 , No. 11,
and dated Oregon City, Saturday, June
17, 1848. The name of Geo L Currv
adorns its editorial page as "editor and
proprietor." and the following patriotic
motto graces the title page : "Here snail
the press the people's nuhts maintain,
unawed by influence, and unbribed by
gain." Independence Enterprise
The musical concert last Monday night
was not well attended on account of bad
The U P church was treated to a new
coat of paper, which improved its looks .
W J Barton bossed the job.
The populists are very plentiful at pres
ent which makes the republicans feel bad.
but they can both count more votes now
than they can on election day. The demo
crats and prohibitionists will wait tid after
election to do their counting.
Geo Barton ia busy shipping trees, but
not too busy to talk politics.
We acknowledge a pleasant call from
Miss Lulu Millhoilen and Mrs M E Stone,
of North Oakville. Call again ladies! !
There will be two or more fruit driers
put up this summer. Mr H M Stone will
put up one in his large prune orchard, and
perhaps air rseeunam win ma up ci..; m
his young orchard.
The Oakville republican club will meet
tonight to discuss the live issues of the day.
They are mostly young men. none over eu
and none under 12. They do not want
the populists and democrats to rob them ;
Why r Ans. When we are rouueu we want
to be robbed by a party of experience in
that line, and we know by the past that no
party can do a better job of public robbery
than ne goou oiu republican.
A w lot of blankets at A B Mcll-wain-,
frein fi.oo per pair up in white and
colors .
If you are in need of blankets co not
forgei Mcllwaln 'can save you 20 per
cent on every pair of blankets you buy
When you want boots and shoes do not
forget A B Mcllwaln, he will sell you
bargaina in that line. Call and examine
quantity and price- An A No. 1 man's
shoe for $1.25, also ladles .and children's
shoes at reduced prices.
There are 2500 children enrolled in tne
Kindergartens in Boston.
Mr G B Halht began moving into his
new quarters opposite the Democrat of
fice today.
It v as the brother ol the editor of the
Roscburg Review who was appointed P
M at Roscburg.
Wm Jenks of Tangent was kicked in his
face by c horse yesterday badly Injuring
his jaw bone. Dr Hill was sent fur and
left for there last evening.
The Long Creek Eagle says Chinamnn
in that town are in receipt of; Instruction
from ihe Six Companies to shoot U 8
marshals If they in any instance attempt
to collect teesfroir them for registering
in order for country newspaper men to
ostuln a riftv cent pass to the mldwin'er
fair, they are called upon to send their
phntographs, measure, marks, and also be
numbered "alle samt" Chinamen.
The Albany Social Club elected officers
Isst night as 'follows. Wm Hand, presi
dent; Bert Westbrook, vies president;
Chas Sears, secretary, Albert Stellmacher
treasurer ; Lot enxo Ross, master of cere
monies; Bert Crawford patter.
Mr Otto Sallinger Informs the Demo
crat lbat the report that he is about to
cijse h's business here and go to Portland
to reslic is rutlrely incorrect. He has no
intention of dulng so; but will continue to
be found at his old place ready to serve
the public.
The repaired motor was to be given its
trial t: lp this evening. Instead of thee
being a contract let at the work of repair
ing Mr Moore has had charge of the work.
He was assisted bv Mr Dannals In ihe
Iron work and Mr 1 P Conn In tha wood
work. The appearance of the motor is a
surprise to thoe who saw It immediately
after the lire.
Geo D Alexi,a clerk, who cut a big swell
at Chemawa has skipped out liter marry
ing a young lady whom he had known
onlv a few week's, and given liquor to the
Indians. At San Francisco he gulled the re
porters by being interviewed as a typical '
seutherner and gave his opinion on Haw
aiian matters like a statesman. In the I
mean time he will be arrested if secured i
The finest catalog of address ctrJs i
ever seen around the Dkmocra. office Is I
ii,tf mui u s.i.k o. I
Rochester, N Y. It Is artistic from be-
.......... . . . II. (i, .1IIUU . , ,
1 I V.-
gin ling to end, containing specimens for!
society rarjs ! a cnaractcr to stamp
them as the best possible to hi secured.
Tbe Man about Town knows Mr Smith
personally to be a reliable, th rough
P'inter, a-, the top in his line, and was at
one time a next door neighbor cf Mr
Smith's brother, an employe in his office.
Ashland has a case. Geo II Phillrts. a
'drunk. He was waylaid In a dark alley
late at night, beaten in:o and
robbed cf 3jo all the money he had.
After beating and robbing their victim,
the thug rolled the body down a deep
grade into a ditch, where the man was
subsequently found. Harvev Martin and
Frark Gouman, young nun of good fam-
lles, have been arrested tor Uie crime.
Thev were with Philips In a saloon, and
went out with him a few BBBMtSM before
the robbery occurred,
The Mack sand along the hkh
is to be used in making pig iron wili yield
from $2 to 7 per ton in gold. The sand
is to be treated by electricity, and a Urge
bulk of it is now being separated, that is
the black sand is being separated fro n the
his imchine for separating th; gold from
the black sand, and the coming summer
will endeavur to do something with it.
Jas F Powell returned to Portland this
Mrs S S Train went to Portland this
Mr Harry Hogue. of Corvallis. was in the
city over night.
Mr George HocastedleT left this noon for
Portland on business.
Miss Bertha Ellis left todav for San
j Francisco by way of Yaquina.
Mr Charles Casev left this noon for San
Francisco on a visit with his parents.
Mrs t I McKay and children.of this city
are preparing to move toAHony.Statesman
J S Van Winkle, who is saaaaaaas in iret-
ting-out a present ownership book for
I Lincoln county, is in the city.
! Geo Ashby and wife returned from Al
j bany today, where tbey have been visiting.
; SaJem Independent.
Mrs F M Redfield and children left last
night for San Francisco, where they will
. attend the midwinter fair.
An Albany man suggests that the county
court make an order permitting the pay-
; , ,. , j.
;ingsatti.el 1 courch.
Mr ticorce Choen left today for San
Francisco; where he will remain about aj
week and then go to Honolulu with a view
to going into business there.
Mark Cary left Portland hud week for
Cape Town. S" ith Africa, going by way of )
.New 1 ork. It will re-imre atio-it a month ;
to reach his destination. Prineville Re-
I- . " . n ?u ;
Deputy D S Marshal Jeo Humphrey. was
I in the city on bis way to $outheni Oregon
today. His grand-son came up with him
and wi'l remain a few days.
Mr Ralph Ohling has accepted a positur.
in the Chambers hardware store in Kugene
and will move there this week. Mr Ohling
is one of the best hardware men in the !
valley, and Mr Chambers is fcrtunatc in
securing his serviced.
Referee Watson returned to his home at
Albany yesterday morning. Dnring his
stay in Lugene he made many friends.
Eugene Ouard. The decision in the
Sheriff's case will probably be rendered
neit week.
The children in the kindergarten will
give some of their drills at the musical
Saturday night. Miss Warner's pupils
will sing. Don't fail to attend. The ad
mission fee is only 15 cents. The proceeds
go to the Kindergarten Association.
D D Prettyman, who is now residing on
a farm southeast of Salem, is recovering
from a severe illness. He was stricken
down with typhoid fever on December 29th.
This is the first tune in forty-six years'
residence in Oregon that Mr Prettyman has
t'een bedfast through sickness for a period
longer than a week.- Salem Statesman.
As Oregon Patent. L B Wborton, of
Lakeview, has invented a contrivance for a
wagon. It is virtually two bars crossed
like an X licneath the vehicle and attached
to both axles. When the front wheels are
turned one way the hind wheels turn the
other way, the vehicle therefore turning in
half the space it would otherwi-e. Mr
Whorton has applied for a patent.
Plextv to Do. The new law makes a
great deal of work for the sheriff and treas-
1 he sheriff is obliged to turn over to
the treasurer all .money received weekly
i'he treasurer is compelled to issue tripli
cate receipts, one going to the sheriff, one
to the clerk, one to the district or city, for
their respective part of the tax. Ihe
treasurer will have his hands full during
the tax collecting period.
MM Shaw's Death. Mrs Shaw, mother
of C L Shaw, who met with a serious
accident a day or two ago, mention of
which was made in the Democrat yester
day, died yesterda. The funeral will take
place from the residence of C L Shaw to
morrow morning leaving at tho 10 o'clock
anj arriving at the Masonic cemetery about
11 o'clock.
An Albany
Jewelry Store
Worth patronizing is that
of Will 4 Stark. They carry the finest
line's silverware, watches, clocks and
jewelry generally In the valley, and sat
tsfactoiy prices are always given for the
superior quality of goods they keep In
stock. Nev-T buy without calling cn
C E Biownells grocery store is increas
.'n in popularity. He carries a fine stock
In a light room, easily accessible and
gives bargains. Next door to the P O.
French has the largest and finest stock
of spectacles and eye glasses In Linn
County, Prices to suit the times.
A Cokvalmr Fhiht. The following
from tho News will be of local interest here,
one of the parties being a former resident
of Albany and the other is well known all
ovor tlio state: The usual Sunday quiet
ness of our city was disturlwd yesterday af
ternoon by a regular old-fasluenod knock
down, tho principals therein being Messrs
Geo A Wagoner und Win Hartloss, two cf
tho city's gladiators and prominent iti
zens, and who are entitled to the title of
captain of tho republican forces of ltecton
count. The light was hot and fast, and
either two or three touch-downs and a kick
off were scored before the gladiators sep
arated. Our friend .1 Finley Kitson, who
is also a prominent soldier in the republi
can camp, interceded as peacemaker in the
hottest of the scrimmage, and for his pains
received a gentle tap, which riled the gen
tleman, and he then pushed the crowd back
and cried, "stand back and let'em fight."
But the battle was soon brought to an end
by otiiers from the camp Considerable
blood flowed from both contestants, but no
Rerious damage done to either. Later in
the evening the forces gathered and after a
council was held the two antagonists were
brought together and a reconciliation was
effected and all took a drink.
FOOT Hall. Has game next Saturday
afternoon lietween the unknowns and col
lego eleven is exciting considerable inter
est, ud it is safe to predict a large audii
ence in attendance to see the contest. The
elevens will lino up facing each other as
Unknowns Leuis Oyer, center; Ralph
Kmvpp. right guard; Frank Marshall,
right tackle; Herman Swart, right end;
Amos Hiatt, left guard; Jas Frouion, left
'ackle, Jessie Barker, left end; Fred West
brook, iniarter back; O MMcFarland, right
halfback, manager and captain; Harry
Saltmarsh, left half back: Charles Burns,
full back.
College. Center. Nixon; guards. Down
ing and Johnson; tackles, Ktumett and
Shannon: ends, tiniham and Hulburt;
quarter back, Stemburg; half backs. Turner
and McCulloch; full back. Washburn.
Evangelistic services were begun last
evening at the United Presbtterian church.
The audience listened attentively to a
strong sermon by the pastor from tie text
"God is love." 1st John 4:8. God was
-shewn to be a G oil of justice; but also a
God of mercy, in that he has provided a
vay ot e-ape from sin by giving
to suffer and die for
Lis only
us. and
nu immeusur.inie love w;i oeauinifiy set
f . , 1.
in u-101 lowing stanza:
Could we with ink the ocean fill. !
And all Uie skies were of parchment
And every stem on earth a ; nil.
! And every man a scribe by trade.
To write "the love cf Ood. would drain
the ccean dry.
Nor could the scroll contain the whole
Tho' stretched from sky to sky.
A bib'e reading wiil lie conducted each
I afternoon at U o clock bv Kev T J Wilson.
Evening service at
?Jf, all cordially in-
vited to attend
A I'snjfE KsTKSTAixatKXT. There
will lie a unique entertainment at the
Opera House on th evening of March 3rd
Col Will L Vischer. the western poet, wit
and able journal ut, will preside and by his
humorous and witty recitations and speech
es prove a very great attraction. lie will
be assisted by local talent and tbe people of
Albany can be assured of a well and pleas
antly tpent evening. Of this gentleman
an exchange says: "lie has been an un
tiring traveler and has seen the wonder
of tbe world abroad, was a ship wrecked
sailor at fifteen, and the commander of
his company in the late war at eighteen,
ia a graduete of law. and is an experienced
journalist and an actor of hue attainments
a ,aa.iauniiion iee wiu w
to cover expenses. 15 cents and reserve
seats at 25 cent, for sale at the usual
place, tome every one and enjoy an even-1
inn if f.,n nn, r.."-. ........... 1 I
A Cbook CotxTT Arr air. Farmer J
Powell and Billy Stroud quarreled and
and fought over a settlement on Thursday.
In the fight Stroud cut Powell with a kmf
in the left aid? in sevtral places; he also
slashed Powell's wrist. The weapon used
is an ordinary pocket knife. Powell was
not seriously hurt. Stroud was arrested on
a charge of assault with a dangerous weapon,
had a bearing before Justice Elliott tbe
same evening, and was held in tbe nm of
$300 for bis appearance before tbe grand
jury. Bonds were readily furnished.
Ix SorTiiEitx Oreoox. A train-load of
thirty cars of live stock left South Tn Ore
gon la t night. Mora stork has been
shipped out this year than ever before, and
but very little wh.-at. Together with fruit
and mine industries, there is considerable
prosperity in Southern Oregon relatively
speaking. There are said to be some TiO.
000 lying in Ashland banks to loan and it
is possible to borrow money there 01 note.
A FtiCMivr. Alhanv Max. Harvey
Martin who. together with Frank You- j
man's, is charged with sandbagging and 1
robbing a man named Philips, st Ashland
last Knd.iv night, was held for jury trial,
with hail set at $800. Martin ami Yoo-
mans are aged respectively about -i ami 30
year. Martin was a son of I. Martin now
deceased, and resided in A 'bany when a
boy. This is not his first offense.
As Obsckxe Vaixstisk. -On complaint
cf aI Bond. Jr., Deputy Fmted States
Marshal H J Day. Saturday afternoon, ar
rested Edward Landers, of Irving precinct,
on tbe charge of sending obscene matter
through tbe mails. It is alleged by the
complaint that lenders wrote an obscen?
valentine to tbe complaining witness, and
procured a party to mail it from Siuslaw
post bffice. At the time of going to press
the examination on the charge before l" S
Commissioner J J Walton, in this city.
A Uecisios h e v ers ep . the supreme
court at Salem yestenlay handed in a de -cision
in tbe case of Mary Couirill. respond
ent, vs Farmers & Merchants' Insurance
Company, appellant; appeal from Linn
county; judgment reversed and the cause
remanded for such further proceedings as
may be proper and not inconsistent with
this opinion; opinion bv Bean. J. It is
held that tbe complaint does not state facts
sufficient to constitute a cause for action.
At the recent quarterly teacher' ex
amination, held by Superintendent Steven
son, in Eugene, there were eighty six
applicant Of the number only 3J were
awarded certificates. 54 having failed.
Two ootair.ed state diplomas, 4 first grades
7 second grades, and 19 third grade.
During February there were 32S ntw
mcnters admiltrd into the A O U in Ore
gon. The dispensation permitting lodges
to receive member at reduced fees has
been extended to April 30.
All members of the Apollo club with
their ladies are requested to meet at the
residence of U C Mc Farland at 8-30 r m
Tbursdav Match 7th.
J C Littler, pres.
Last nlg'.it a chicken thief entered the
roost of Capt EJ banning and helped
himself to three chickens. Chicken and
bacon Ihlefs are very common .
Don't Swear. Of course you fee
like It some times; but there Is nothing tn
it. Slmplv learn a lesson, and the next
time go to Par' cr Bros for your grocer
ies, produce and baked goods. No one
ever ejaculates profanely after leaving
their store, for not only are the best gro
ceries In the market sold; but everybody
from a child to an old gentleman, Is treat
ed courteously. TI.eir baked goods. In a
large variety, are superior and popular
If you wonld keep In good humor with
the world always try Parker Bros.
Mali's Hair Renewer contains the natu
ral food and color-matter for the hair, and
medicinal herb for :alp, curing gtayness
baldness, dandruft, and scalp sores.
hetter mm.
Following is the list of letters ren,ainin
in the post office at Albany, Linn oounty
Oregon, Fed 31, 1804. Persons calling for
these letters must give the data on which
they were advertised.
Mr John Anderson,
Mrs Olive A Barnes
Miss Rose Davis,
Miss Hattie Geary,
N J Hines,
Mr Geo Howard,
Mr Daniel Lasbell,
Miss Minnie Lytle,
Mr John Sumpterv
Mr Fred A mon,
Mr Clair Dawson,
I hos L) Drew
Joshua Godwin,
Mr Fred Hoafer,
Miss Kate Kelly,
Mrs Annie Long,
Mr M U McGhoe,
Mrs Minnie Wilson
Mr Williams.
Taos. MoMTatrrif, P. M.
Lecture at the Viavi 100ms Thursday
afternoon at 3-20 o'clock, Match lis 1894,
The Albany Steam Laundry team ran
away this afternoon.
School district 114, N Bridges clerk, is
advertising ior bids for a new school house,
bids to be opened on March 3.
Lincoln county alread has a big county
seat fight on hand. Toledo, Newport. West
Yaquina and Elk City are the candidates.
Ladies, 'ry the Eglantine Massage Cream
the best preparation ever made for ihe
compaction, to be had of Mrs Rowelt, at
Russ House Albany Ore.
The Red Crown Roller Mills Co, of Al
bany has been incorporated with John It
Stockman Chas Pfeiffer and John Isora
us incorporators.
Deputy U S Marshal Humphrey last
evening arrested Ling Chung on the charge
of buying smuggled opium and took him
to Portland this morning. The celestial ignorance und
ask the lowest senteme of tho court.
Sheriff Knight reports that there U eigh
teen inches of snow at Detroit, Or, on the
Oregon Pacific line. He says that on his
way home the train was compelled to stop
several times to clear the truck of rocks and
boulders which were washed from the
mountain side by the snow and rain.
Salem Independent.
ll W Smith and wife, came up from
Portland this noon.
R F Wyatt went to Independence this
noon on business.
Mrs Uenretta Brown went to Portland
this noon where she will assist Rev
Wallace in revival service.
L B Warner of Albany has sold several
thousand fruit trees in the valley, which i
more evidence that horticulture is destined
to become the leading industry of southern
, i ikn..;iu t:.,.
11 1 ' " 1
A ' - ' smn. nartv an. Andr,l i
i the Misses Coffman last evening at Mr A L j
J Lambs. Several hours were passed in en- j
1 ioyahle games. Those present were: J
Vetton and wife. A L Lamb and wife, j
Miss M innie Mcrarland. M I sues 1 illie and
Hie,;,. Konis. Miss Cora Coffman and
Mster. Mr 0 C McFarland. Dr KISi. K P
Ketcbum, Bert Wentbrook, J W White.
Judge Den ney. now state senator from
Multnomah, who ra in Pendleton Sunday,
went east this morning to visit his brother.
Presley Denny, an attorney of Salt Lake
City. Judge Dennev is the gentleman who
in ISmO introduced the Mongolian, or ring
necked pheasant into the Willamette valley,
the fowls having scattered all over 'reon.
Judge I en ney also in lv2 placed a number
at Japanese quails on lrotection Island be
! low Portland. He had been minister to
China, and at the close of his term of ser
vice in that country bad been in the jy
of the Japanese Mikado as aa advisor.
E. O.
Give us the Orgon girt for pluck . The
Oregon City Enterprise says: "Miss
Blanch Beatrice McCord. the violinist, is
an Oregon City girl. who. at great expne I
has taken a course at the conservatory at
Leipsi:, tiencany. tbe greatest school of j
music in the world. With true rit this !
young girl journeyed alone from Oregon to j
Germany, and without friendi. a stranger
in a strange land, she entered tbe oonserva-1
ton-. But tbe little American girl made
her way to the front, became the pupil of ;
Hans Sitt, the celebrated composer, and :
the famous Dr Kienrai. Here fr two -
vifeMjolleltssil6 it-m-
,loQe weM WJV ... k
,0 Willamette valley. Muss MoCord is
rery a to make her public debut
All Rioot. Most of the tregon towns
are all right, a fact we are glad to team,
while their neighbors are not so well off.
The following from the Salem Independent
is a sample: In conversation with a num
ber of commercial traveling men we hear
the same aaserttoo from all. that "Salem is
all right." That there is not a town in the
Willamette valley that yields them mors
trade or better prospects. Portland not ex
cepted. Portland today ia in a far worse
condition, relative to trade, than she was
despite tbe stagnation of business and the Kt,1' l??il?0 H .fc ?
svmooeT ZTbSTthTX, VtU 4 ''
mMli, MtI tlt tS mm aliuliit c . 1 1
v ik. -t j,t;
affair in that city. Tbe streets are deserted,
business houses vacant and rents unpaid .
One of the most prominent bote) proprietors
of Portland ha not paid a cent of rent until
$10,000 is due upon the same, and he re
uuusted tbe owner of the property to let him
step out of the building, a rained man. He
aid it was impossible to pay a dollar, and
I V.- . . .L..4 v- 11 ...
' hav .. m.t v,u ..! i;i .;. w;.w-.
, i 1 1 '
! Xr..r.A. n,.. . ;. i ,m
rents have fallen from $100 to $1 per
n-il, --.I l II I. ... lI
ik..;, io,,u; ;i v.j
business is running at an expense in that .
A Lira Rcxawav. This forer.oan the
butcher team of Mr H Broders had iust
been bitched to the meat wagon. o Second
street when it took leg bail and came up
Second street at a terrim rate of speed. Mr
Albert Bodin", the horse trainer, was driv
ing a blacK Sllv ahead, in a dog cart and
sought to get out cf the way by turning the
corner at Ellsworth street. The Broder
team also turned and caught the left wheel
of Bodine's cart, tearing it off and throw-
ing air ttodinc out. but not injuring him.
Then the team made a bee line for Al Sav-
lor s dray team, facing tirrt street. Tbe
tongue dropped just before reaching the
horses or it would have been plowed into "The kindergarten take the children be
one of the animals. Instead the entire out- fore bad habi are formed, keeps them
tit was piled up against and on the draf
and team, one horse on another, breaking
lot tongue to the dray, lne ISr oilers team
were gotten on their feet, when one of the
horses again ran away, but was caught,
Altogether considerable damage was done,
and more excitement created than at anv
runaway for several years.
A Torn OK THE World. An nvm
young man named Lincoln Davis, a cousin
of L S Davis of this city, has just returned
to his home in Silverton, after a tour of the
world, lasting seven years. A recital of his
experience would be very entertaining. Ho
wandered throughout the old world until
the state of his finances called him to a halt.
in other words, until he was "dead broke."
At this time ho was in Judea, where he en
listed in the English regiment and was sent
in to Central Asia. from whence after many
weary wanderings, he has at last found his
way back to Oregon, the land of his birth,
which be now thinks is the most lovely
spot on earth. Dalles Chronicle.
Toe Oldest Yet. Prof R II Thorn, of
l'ortlmd, has a book consisting of a set of
almanacs for 18 years, commencing with
1488, and therefore includes the period of
the voyages of Columbus. The volume
contains not less than 65,000 astronomical
calculations. There is a little doubt that
a copy of this very edition. printed at Augas-
iiur in .September, i--vs, was useu in nav
igating the Santa M via and her companion
vessels across the unknown ocean to Amer
ica. There is probably no duplicate of the
book on this continent.
A NlaX Dow Meeting. Tha OOtli
birthday of Neal Dow, the father of the
Maine Liiw and of prohibition, occur
March 20th. Ihe Hnruvumiry will
celebrated by temperance meeting.
world over, and his life and work will
serve the recognition. A good program is
lieing prepared for a INoal Iow meeting at
tho W 0 T U hall on Uie evening of that
day. Will not the friends of tcmjie.runeo
remember that date and make their ar
rangements to bo present. Comm.
Tho Evanoklistic Mkktinm at the V
P church last evening was well attended
The sermon bv Rev Riley Little from
Mark 6, 1-9 was heard with unflagging
interest. The following points were
discussed: 1st, the power of the evil over
the bear's and lives of men ; 2nd, the
freater power ot Christ; 3rd, called
row sin to service. Preaching at the
usual hour to-night by the pastor. Come
and bring your friends. Christians
come prayerfully 1 every body thoughtfully.
A cotton carpet soon looks failed and j
soiled, while a good linen warp matting
will remain bright, and sweep easier, you 1
can buy the best of the Albany Furnltur
Co. Tbey have a new lot.
' rXURING hard time-; consumers
jjJam H Wr cannot afford to experiment Sfe
omy in the
feet work.
caascK itmu.
n 1 it .
' Kie
wa held reb 24th, which was well attended.
""he 3rd and 4th degrees of the order was
conferred upon one candidate, two more
elected to membership, and the 1st and 2nd
tiegces as o nlerret upon one new meniW.
Also one application was received for init
at ion.
The tpjestion of raising and treatment of
children was freely discussed by many.
This is a very interesting subject, and all
who was present were deeply impressed
with the important duties devolving up-in
them. It is a fat that the raisisir and
treatmentment of the rising generation U
i sadly neglected by manv who are parents.
l he utile ones are allowed to run on the
streets, or keep bad company long before
they should be permitted to learn the wars
of the world. I think this question should
be discussed by "very grange throughout
tbe land, as much useful information can
be gained by an interchange of opinion on
this question There are many questions
of importance which should be brought be
fore the grange for discussion.
To make the meetings of the grange in
teresting tbe members should talk freely on
all subjects which come before them.
I visited ak Plain grange on the loth
and had a pleasant time. This grange is
in good working condition and is moving
in the irght direction-
The office. s for the rear were duly in
stalled bv Bro I jjibner of Halsev grange.
He did the work in a plain anil forcible
man. trying to impress upon the members
'.lie importano of the work before them.
The unwritten work was exemplified by a
vi-iting member from a distance.
in these depressing times the grange i
of incalculable value to the member: for if
there was a time when the farmers
need to cooperate together this certainly is
tbe time
So let us be up and doing while the time
is at our disposal, tbn we will bare no
cause for regrets.
Wm Baaseu to T P Patton, 1 lot
Halaer 800
M W Mdler to U W Miller a) acre-.
13 w 2 300
oung, lots S
L B Blain. trustee to Peter Sut b! :-9
'HP add
G 1
T F ' Morn to W H
tJOMBO. 100
acre IS w 2
Neil XLRea to Jas He Kea. 10 E S. .
I C P Church to H Bnant. lots I and
j 2 bl 7 H's 4th add
, J B Coney to J J Ellvson. 2 acre- 9 w
! 1 and I
A J Houston to A J Bllveu. 6 lots
" A D" to t Alstead small
John Isom to bed Crown Roller
J."1 .1, VLiViT mM "J
H add. 1 lot bl i3S H s add. sub-
jert to mtges t;'.50e 56 WJM
I W L Tyler to K T Tyler 2 lot.
' V S to Mr
Jeptba Mars ham. MO
acre I2 w
1 lit L ssi i-LVts or tut Ki.iiiEaoAB-
TtN. "The special urefulness and bene
licence of aindcrgarens are emphasized
j more and more strcngly every rear. What
! is done bv ihe kindergarten drii: and the
Infusion of the kindergarten spirit at-ong
teachers of the prbrarr and higher grades
! cannot be slated In words. It Is an In-
j Suence which is felt in every famiW rep
1 reseated In our schools, and always tn the
i ristht direction. As has been trulv said.
out of the street, them how to
play .to think, to be clean, orderly
i economical, hooest.truthtai and unaeinsh
Thts earlv na'ning more than doable
j the value of ihe public school course which
J lo.lows it "
Ihe allow ii an extract from ihe annua
' report ol fe nu bite schools ot the citv of
. Albanv 7S , and it shows In a genera
I way the benefit derived from the main
icnance of a kindergarttn school.
Remember the musical recital at the
old f P church Saturday niihl for the
benefit of the Kindergarten.
Fun The Mixes. Mr H Whi'e, the
miner, received a letter from Drew and
Clark, who have bonded the Albanv Min
ing & Milling Go's mines, inquiring when
he would be ready to take them into the
mines, and he telegraphed this morning
informing them that he could get them in
at once, and it is probable thev will be in
Albanv tomorrow with their men ready to
start for the mines.
Ieachers fcxAMisaTto. At the ex
animation of teachers held last week the
following certificates were granted : One
first grade, eight second grade', twenty
five third grade and forty five failed.
There were seven applicants for state
certificates or diplomas the result o,
whose examina'ion is yet undetermined'
QaJton Seeps. Kvery body should
have a garden. Are you one who will.
Then go to Stewart A: Sox Han) ware Co
and make your selection from a fresh supply
of all the seeds in the market, tho largest
stock in the city.
t lean towels to every customer at Viereuk
shaving parlors.
BROWN. On Wednesday morning
February 28, LS'Jt to Mr and Mrs Clar
ence Brown a son. Two brothers.
wir.aJ H'u.t
X 'Powder
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Ko Ammonia; No AUm.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Ye 0 the Standard
.URING hard time-;
cannot afford to experiment
with inf 'rior, cheap brands of bak
ing powder. It is NOW that the
great strength and purity of the
ROYAL stand out as a friend in need
to those who desire to practise Econ
Kitchcn Each spoonful does its per
Its increasing sale bea.s witness that
it is a necessity to the prudent it goes further.
1 Grocers say that every dollar in
vested in Royal Baking Powder is
worth a dollar the world over, that it
does not consume their capital in dead
stock, because it is the great favorite,
and sells through all times and seasons.
Tuesday evening, Feb 27. 1D4. :
Present, mayor, recorder. marha. treas-
nrer and UoonoimeB wtitney. nrfcrtl. I
feiffer. M-trenail. Burkhart and V;i!t-r-. I
I he following bi'ls acre ordered paid
J Henton. i.Vi.35. blank work. Hi T.
judges and clerks of election. 32 V): C 0
ijf. t,V; electnc lurnta. $129: W A Mc-
Clain. $60. Alhanv I umiture Co: cost bill.
11.75; E ! 1 . tl.50: K K Crosby.
$17.24; John Chiswell. $7; H C Harknea.
frain o. Wbitner. $10: J O Boahnell.
G: I C Dickey. 13.20: I" 'i Hale. $60: C
Lee. rO; A W McClain. D '.. Ha.
$65: Jihn Jones. $10; electric lights. S1'J9;
F An. t- '13. liill of Chas Metzger for
97 for moving furniture was disallowed.
Further time wis granted on bills of
Susan Punloui. et al.
Chas Metzaer al-lressed the council
fluently in reference to the above bill, and
the bill was allowed.
Tbe committee on streets and public
roirty reported in fav-r of nt irrantinif
the petition of Sarah Brecner for a side- j
Petition of A Settlemeir aAintr for
privilege of moving building to sidewalk I
n .-en!i'i ft.-vr-:. n LTaEtl wKii previs
ion that it siould not le changed, nor ad
ditions made to it. nor any way alter 1 so
as to affect the fire laws of the city.
The Sre engines wc reoc-rteJ in eocd
working order.
Petition of F M Woi aslinir for t-rivi-
lege of erecting a w.den partition and
awning. Hef erred.
Licenses were granted Camper Yrndran
and Herman Buelow to sell liquors.
I pen rjsest the reoorier read ordinance
stating that the first monies received from
new taxes should be paid for interest and
to the policemen on presentation.
Councilman Scheli moved that the city
recorder be instructed to receive city war
rants in payment of do& taxes.
Councilman Walter moved that electric
Lent at Jefferson and 1st lie mo red one
block eat to First and Thurston so as to
light up the street under tbe 0 P track,
and thus drive aay tramps and h bos
tram under the same. Camel.
Petition cf Mrs Wm Mers et al aked
for the impioverarnt of 7th street towards
the western limits, so that it will In pass
able. Ref-rred-
a sstcsBw Est irr
Tt0la Maivh 27 ih This even
ing waiie IWIiliaaT the steamer Hoatr
bound for Saa Francisco. Chas Casey,
one of tbe proprietors of tbe Albany ice
works, stepped from a narrow plank used
a a gangway as-rass the dock, into the bay.
I : . L . ' 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1
uciainc on nis ceau anu guoaiuer on a
lore tend7. A rope was immediatelv
thrown him but as he was stunned by the
blow be . anal .le to help himself. After
a hard struggle he was re-coed, hi only
injuries being, a cut boost ot tee ear. a
bruised side and some wet ciothe.
A Nfisascr.. A class cf boys, or yourg
men. bare become such nuisances around
the depot that tbe S P men have made
complaint to Marshal Lee. who proposes to
stop tbe nuisance. I nlesc :nev teen Bwstf
and behave themselves he states that he
will land several of them in tbe calaboose.
Salem recentiv had this same trouble, and
it wj only by stringent rules that it was
stoppol. It will I stopped here also.
noiivti o:-!8:it.
Will a Slark, '
If yon want a Ka
OaSamS call :"ir Jo4phta
white labor cig&r ,
The bestrnamt as :! 10 the
: t v m ad
rfcysr a
UodfM HwlTaOiaW, the loatin
tor. A a C. .
Will & Stark's large line of si.ver ware
has created a great deal of taik.
Patronise borne industry by smoking the
celebrated whit Labor cian, macctactared
b Ia!ia Joseph.
ca tin
at Viereck
sbavipg and lair
See the Mew Improved Singer rawing
ohioe. The t - t i- always the cheapest
W Sawdeo, aa;rot. Office at F U French
e-velry store
Sew '.no MacRtssa neativ repsiied and
warranted by a thctmaathiy cunpetent work
ansa, at F M Kruooh' jewelry sore, Albany
By using Hall' Hair Renewer, gray,
faded or discolored hair assumes the natu
ral color of youth, and gtows luxuriant
and strong, pleasing
BackinKhim's Dye for the luskera co.s
it work thoroughly, coloring a uniform brown
"black, which, when d-y, will neither rut'
wa'h off, nor soil linen.
Albany ataSSsaS.
Oats, :'5a.
Flour, s.VXt.
Mutter, .'.
Kggs, Uo,
lird. 12 to 15.'.
Pork hams uto l&oi ahon Itiora I'.u.lOii
alvi'. 11 to ,
Hay. baled, 7
0 aloes
Apple , 4
Hops, In .
Dried fruit -plums, 9o, apples, As
Chtekeus, $4 00 per doasu.3
Beef, on f. ot, ! .
Hogs, dressed. 5H'c.
. w . , . I
A li McIl wains is the place to boy j
w:ni ior tne leasx money.
1 iff lbs Extra C Sugar.
i its u ran mated sngar
4 lbs Arbuckles Coffee
4'A !be Green Coffee
2) lbs Beet Rolled Oats
30 lbs Best White Beans
.a! Best Pearl Oil
3 cans Peach Tomatoes
1 lb Gunpowder Tea
1 lb Japan Tea
1 quart bo'tle Extra f-yrup.
4 lbs b-st California Raisins '
3 lbs Fine Italian Prunes .29
1 sk pat Roller Floor 65
Remetrber A B Mcllwain enaraatees
all goods as represented and that correct
weight will be given
thictlt Ix It. When it comes to
: vi
ashing tbe Albanv Steam Laundry is
strictly in it. It is doing tho business of
the city: the Celestials are going to the
wall. 20 cents a dozen for plain washing
is cheap euough for anybody in any kind
of times. Richards & Philips do first class
work and spend their money at homo.
Patronize the Albany Steam Laundry.
Both the method and results -vbex
Sjrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
nliy jet promptlj on the Kidnejs.
cr aud Bowels, cleanses the sv-
tem cfTectuailr, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cares habitual
onstipatioa. Srrep cf Figs is the
only remedy of' its kind ever pre
duoed, pleasing to the taste acd ac
ceptable 13 the stomach, prompt ia
its action and truly beneficial in its
fr 1 1 m .
rut-vis, preparwi ouiy irwm rai cjv.m
health v and Rsreeable suoetazecs. its i
ti.n-.r- ai-illo-.t nnallfiaia rmmaml
to all and have rnada it the meet
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Faes is for sale is. 50c
and SI bottles by all leading drug
gifts. Any reliable druggist bo
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it- Do not accept any
st rajtsasco. at.
L0.:s-iu. .. mst root tr.
Stationery, Toilet Arti-'es. Mj sica
Instruments, tie.
Hodps & McFarlaiil,
The Cornel Drug.Stwre,". Albanyltv
Wall Paper
Isr-iiKs, 3Paiiitot. OHm
(JiasM. Etc
J. A. fi; wining
INJ. Notice is hereby given to the legal vot
er of school district No. 5, of Linn coun
ty, state of Oregon, that the annual school
meeting for the said district will be held
at the court house in Albany, to begin at
the hour of 7 o'clock p m oti the first Mon
day, being the 5th day of Marcb, 1S9J,
This meeting is called "for the purpose of
receiving and acting upon the annual re
ports of the dtrectots and clerk of said
district, and the transaction of business
otual at such meeting.
Dated this aMh dav of Feb, iS4.
.-Mtest : "Chairman Board of Directors.
C II STEWART, Dist Clerk.
'"stockholders meelncT
Notice Is hereby given that there will be
a meeting ot the "stockholders ot the Odd
Fellows Hall Building Association, held in
their office. In Albany, Linn county, Ore
gon, on Monday, the 5th day uf March,
1S94, at the hour ot 7 o'clock p in, of said
day, for the purpose of electing seven di
rectors to serve for the ensuing year, and
to transact any other business that may
come efore aid meeting.
Dated thl 5th day of February, 1804.
E A Parker, Jl-livo Josrph,
Secretary. President
ll ariaud Kxfautor of Ihe last will aai t cata
uient ol Audruw Robb, ilisaasSa ha ftlatt her Sa
ouut la ta as Lata ol Andrsw Kobb, r iiiim
with th sounty dark ol Liuo oiuiitr, OrwlSJB
and that tha couaty cuttft at said Linn counts, Sa
Sxad tha 10th day of alnrah, ISM, at
hour ot 10 o'aloak to th toruoon ! said dav, aaS
th oountv coart houa as th pteoa, lar
th hwriay ot objwmon U say to aald auiai a
oaot ud ta nalUamaut ol said astat.
Ikatad Fabruuy tth, im.
H H Hmrm Jaxa K Roaa
Ally tor Esevutrix. Ei.uuii
Albany to S&R Frsstmo
Inc'uding FIVE Gate Tickets To
From San Francisco to other points fn
California w'M be allowed purchasers of
special Midwinter Fair ticket a! the fol
lowing round trip rates
To stations under 150 miles from Saa
Francisco, or. and one-third one way
To s'a'-ioni 1 50 miles or mce from San
Francisco, one and or.e-Sfth one way
rui iiile baici iii.u lusi . ; -. iu .ri , in
quire of C K Fror.k, agent a; Aibanv, Or,
or address the undei signed.
Ricii'n Gray, T H Gocbmaw.
Gen Trsffic Man. Gen Penger Agt.
San Frarcitco, Cal.
E P Rogers, agent, poniard Qr.
ev Advertisements.
Ei;';-s Eics, Eccs. Pare bred Silver
Lace I Wvar dotts. Ezr tor fettOsj, at
the ft It OSI Pfioltry Yard. Frtsas pes S"i.
I and 2. 81.23 per 13; pe Ko. 3 $1 per 13.
B Fly month E :ks, 75 ct per i3. Jena
Sr..:. Aibaar, Or. Cor i::. acd BErj
nflR RPST Tha nmra hnnaa alnm.
J r sp'endid location. Ca I on tbe
' secretary at tho DxatccSAT office lor par
OR SALE l-l sLa-es of A '.bany e?ee
W tncnebt
:x lao ojat diridena
t his cit . Eiqaire at
paying sto
this office
IOR RE?TT. Cottag- wi
a five toots
I blnck and ha 1 trom
y 1.1. tail a
this ofEee.
C rNYWlRHtyrS-Biarhi
sold by HJ F Merrill.
For Sa or Traie, a bonse and M in
goct location In Albany- Wttt sod
cheap for eah cr wiil uavde for land part
Ijr oc wholly iaprovsl no vers tr frona
lowi Cai or write to this effioe.
CUTRIX Notice is be ebv given that taa coder
: iigntvi ha been by the County Court o!
Lisn Const-. Oreoo, duly aop-in:iJ as
j necuurix of tbe last wiil acd twtamen
iof SencT BTi-eri. deceases, asJall per
0n havlrr claims
wi:i pren: the suae. cu,y veriaxl as
rfOOired by law
th9 uo3er5:0a al
the 'aw office
:.f B
wanaajna Jt iaton.
I ia Aloacy. urgo 1, w; a a six iuou:u
j tiom tbe'da'e herer f.
'.banv. Or, Feb l'Ah. U91.
i B".aekbur Jt Waison Ma:i!da J Kins
! At'j" for Exie:!;. Kaoi aHrfca.
Notice is berety given to tl e te?al
( rotors of schoM district Nn. 5 of Lino
, couLty, state cf Oresron. that the annual
. school meeting, for said district, will be
heiu at the county treasurer s office m
Albany, to begin at 2 afiatoafc p at, on the
second Mondav, oein : the 12th day of
March. 1S94. "lh:s mct:nt Is sailed for
the purposa of electirg one direcarto
serva tor three years. acJ ct e'erk to
serve for on? year, and th transaction of
business usual at such meetine.
Dated this h dav of Feb, IS&t
Attest: Chairman Bard cf Dfreeton
C H oTE-VaRT. Pistrlct Clerk.
j The Steamship HOMER
swill ply between San Fran-
ciseo and Willamette Valley
j points via the Oregon and
c at t J :i 1
iovmiutriu liKuv raiiruaut,
'.sailing with freight and pas
! senger3on or about the fol
lowing dates. From San Fran
ciseo on Feb 20, March 2. 12,
22 and ol. From Yaquina:
On Feb 25, March 7, 17 aad
27. Fare from Albam and
Corvallis to San Francisco:
Cabin. $12: Steerage, S9.
Round trip tickets, includ
ing meals and berth?,
for 30 davs, $18.
Chas 1 Honuy, Sox & Co, AnU.
Ko 2 to S Market street, San Fratcn.
fialtiniore Block- Albany, Ore.
complete line of
in all its branches.
EMBALMING uaxialty.
Resitifnce ccicer Sid . ntl Calupooia Str
Physician and Surgscn, Office DfUir over Uw
a- oa uirfon.
Residence, corner lClh and Calapoein st.