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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1894)
ihe cmon:at. REGULATE EVERYTHING In every land where men hve divided Into occupations the success of agrlcukuro measure the extent to which other Indus trie can subsist. The return from agri culture furnishes the scale by which wage and incomes are everywhere else limited. Not one of the worklngmen whose pro tected employers heve by compulsion or persuasion induced them to sign pe'itiom against tariff reform Is so Ignorant that when this law is laid plainly before him he does not asaer.t to its unqualified truth. Employers mayjnot cut wages when they have power. Trades unions may increase wages when they are strong enough. But he income from the farmer's labor is the general regulator. In tills country the farms are the market for every thing else. They support the traders of the cities and the labor of the fac tories. The lawyers, teachers, clergymen and domestic servants can be paid for any length of time only when the product of tha farm is profitable. The richest gold sand ever found wou'd not be worth wash ing if agriculture were not worth pursuing. Profit on the farm is then the rca prob lem for every American, no matter whether he ever saw a farm or not. La'ely the visible supply of wheat has been the lowest the exchanges of tSe world have contemplated since the phrase "visible supply" was coined. The surplus which will remain over from hst yesi's crop is the smallest, unless there may be one exception for nearly IS years, The wheat eating popula' lon has kept on increasing. And yet the price of wheat has been going down ward until men talk of 50 cent wheat atx port points. What Is the cause of this Strang condi tion of the wheat market? 1 here are several causes, but the most potent Is the imperfect distribution products the inadequate movement of wheat to those who want it and of other articles to the wealth- groTer. Profit in any business consists in findicg customers to buy. If you have more goods than customers will consume you are a loser. You are a bad business man or an un fortunate one. If a country has more of a product than consumers will or can take, it is a foolish or an unfortunate country. Our larmers must have profits or they cannot buy from the merchants. Tne mer chants cannot buy from the factories. Kail roads cannot get freight'. Cities and coun ties cannot collect tax's for schools. The whole nntion must rtanJ crumble away. It would be supposed '.hat the first object of the dependent industry would be to make rong and fat the induslrv on which it . .. .. : , , . pends. The firs; object of factory labor . riianr-r very cnance ha.. The nange. t tie .u.npicoipwuu. uT ciihjo. 1 merchant, teacher and lawyer should be read v for revolution against a government wbicb wiituliy illmir.ishes ihe mivement ol corn, wheat anJ cotton to anv market. In America this ia the whole problem of tariff reform the profi: of the farms. Tarifl reform-more properly trade reform is modest enough 8 a friend of ihe farmer. It does an aak for bounties. Nj demand is made that railroai and seasships shall work for hira without pav. No claim is filed for taxation of other industries to supply him wilh means to pay his hmJ; Tne only p;tltiji iit iath.s oa Govirnai;nt aha'l let hi.n aloae anJ take from hi profits ohijuh ,cauiuMi)rgewp,.r. I05' Much mora j-Jst man tli-- McKinljy tarifl and much more useful tote masse-: of sxr . '.. ...,..! 1 I. . I. Ml .:l . ... v..v -.... ;.....oS..i..u. to carry waeat without ch-.rge, in order to encourage agriculture, if would be a oad'naibegur more than hopefu;!y. Ir law, even a demoralizing anc dci'.ructive law, but it wou'd not be as suicidal as a law whiih deliberately restricts the trade oy wnicn Hie larmer nas a market and by which every min, woman and child In Atniri;a. either dire:tly or indirectly, ii en abled to obtain sustenance. No factory laborer should'waste thonght on Ilka aenoawl of the Wilson bill. It is a fi sajasare, as every measure must be Mail we got lid cf protection altogether as an ohjert of taxation. I, is about the best we ran get, and we can pet tbe best ou'. of it by passing it at the earhtst possible moment. Every petition which does not pray for an early pa- of the Wllaoa bid fails to ask for r.ood wages and good profits in ail American cccupitions. St Louis Repub ic. Sin e iS8l, the durability cf tfearlyajSM diffe':rt Eigt Indian timbers has has under test a- the Fcreo School i Dehra. Per- pepdi.tiljr posts were ue.. placed half undct i.roun'1, and one by one the tofter and wcsaCT woods disirpeared under the attack ol rot and v. rule ants, until alter a time only Miree cf the timbers re nained sound The were Himalayan cypress, teak ar i rj .n, which had been exposed ten, nine an l seven yen, respectively. The great Sou li Dakota cave in the B'acI; (lil;s region is Slid hi be fifty-twc miles lo"i and cinlaini a:fy 1510 rocms, aom two baadre J fr-ai h'gi hiving leen opened. Thure are s'rei-ns, waterfalls, snd t!iirty-evcn lake?, on of which is aa acre in extent- The cave is six thousand feet above the sea level and four thousand feet l'ow tl.e earth's surfice. Mr CarencK Km,;, the wcll-kno-vu geolo gii-t, has compj'td tlie rge of the earth, taking for his hail tha effect, as siiowu by Cartful experiments, of heat and pressure on certain nsCfM, He conclu,1ei frona these dats 'hat (he Aot'd has exh.'e I a a planet twenty-tour million )cars. Ttja will stand for a good caOwjk goes until some one else gueascs better. A member .f tl e K ial Meteorological Society has tspwrlasenlasl on the sie cf raindrop", wliinh virv from a speck so im ill a to be aim 'St invisible up to a d' rretci of inches. Urojsof t lie -ame siz- tin r.o' always contain the same amount o? w . t SaMseflpi largest svof4 are Ii i . On tlie Andes. In latitude two d-greea, the limit of f rpw' snow ia 14,761 feet. In Mestce, Iatllu4 nineteen degrees, the limn Is 13.800 fe-t ;on the peak of Tenerllle II 454 fret; on Mr Etna, 9,900 fei t on toe P)rttnri, 8400 feet; in I.apland, 3,100 feet; in Icelan ,2,89 0 feet. '- - Imtle 1 they contain a cer ri asa mat of angir, which ferments thtii in '1 tht.' aciinn of minute spores or cells ; these bre.ik the 'Ugar up into alcohol and carbotiic aci.l gas. when the cork is with drawn ih? ga instantly ite'cape and lisjef la hubbles,produces iff. rvesceucc and froth. Dr G ilip.'e reports to the fren;b Acad emy jf S. ence, after eight years inveati ga'io.i, 'hat all stones, such as gravel, found in thehuniin bod., are produced by microbes. Microbes ar ; the autnura oi that c.'ie nic.i decomposition winch results n cer ateou. depot its. Immense as the bulk of Jupiter Is. fit makes a complete turn on Its axis in a tritle lest than tea hours. Bishop Coxe told his congregation in Buffalo last Sunday that when he visited England a number of years ago drunken ness was a fashionable vice there, but on the occasion of his last visit he saw very little of it. The change struck him as astonishing. Minister Runyon has won already the proud distinction of the finest whist-player in Berlin. Years ago Minister Sehenck won recognition that survives to this day at another and more distinctly American game of cards. A petition is being circulated at George town, Colorado, which calls upon the silver states to secede and io'n the republic o Mexico. Mayor Parker, whose name heads the netition. savs it will be circulated in every mining camp in the West. Tills is an rg of specialities. The suc cessful men of thn wor'd today are those who devote the.nselv.ji to spscut work1 Every man has some liking or possibility which .la greater than any other, and which Is in 801119 wiy different from those of other, men. Thla is his vocation. and he should devote to it his bast thought and endeavor, in this w'y ha will con centrate his ene'glsa an 1 secure Urger results. Mr. McKinleyseld at the Oh! banquet in New York that w are now taking com pulsory education oa the tariff question. The statement is a trus. one- It Is a fault of our system of government tint the peo' pie, thoroughly convinced in 1890 and 1892 ol the business disaster embraced in the Mo Kinley law, r re now compelled to sn ffjr they siught to avoid. It is a hard school' On the other hand, though we Lave had McKlnleyi im for a long time a tariff reform law willbe good for at 1 . ast four ye ill" 1 proceed- The first woman to be ordained as a preacher in the Congregational Church in Massachusetts is Mrs Amelia A Frost, who was received into holy orders at Littleton last Wednesday. Up to within a compar atively recent time Faul's injunction against the prominence of women in the church was rarely disobeyed, but the suc cess in the pulpit of late years of Miss Kalloch in Chicago, Mrs Patterson in Boston, and Mrs Stetson in New York has shown that woman is peculiarly fitted to be a religious teacher. Nobody eve.- hir i ofj a re'.heaced man being sunatru?k. Way a re 1 kad should afford any protection from the " "-" "u Uy fm, of 9 m 'nlr ff Uons that huoaanitv is heir to, i on o L. mvslMri-, rh.t . rh- tr.r . T ! ' n fathom, but tne fact .remains that . . . . . m3n with red hair can eland almost any m:-n with re,l hair can siaml almost amount of exsrtiou in or out of doors , during the hv.tast waithsr' and nerer , 3l anv sen is ria'ts frjn it. The Chicago clothing manufacturer, so loog idle, are again busy and more than ; hopefal. The signs of promise ia their business arehryind inesappreh ensign. Toe demand for c o'-hiog, long suspen ieo, is, j growing greater than they cas m-et. In spi-.e , of t'ae sacrifice cf enormous sto:ks bj em ' barrasse j - ....av.anu merotanis tianng tne ssi lew minthg. ineir renmd activit : la already tailn- the capacity f rhe mill , , .Hppiy cio ns anu catling in o active ! ,n'n of workmen who have been id'e lor m3ntn- AnJ what u true of i o,;,. ;ndutiLl centor. ami n-Sr I Jnart- I .... ... menMctiadnsUy. me revival of bu sines, Chicago snd the clothing trade U true of oniy Tisea. mat ine ..-na'c sua. s"ji . cmn'ete ,a. a. -a Z . .. a great wave of prosperity mi; fljw over the country. The sile di.-r now lies in Men - i country. The ale danger now he in Sen atorial deby acd the oncertainty it iscipable of causing. KCSTEH'H FORECASTS. W T Foster, of St Josf Mo, whose fame as a weather prot.het has risen to the renua witnin t'.e las', two years on accoun ot tne accurate lalhlln.ent of his predictions issues an unprcmi-ing forecast for March. He savs that one of the muat severe storm periods of ie:est wi'l p-evail over the United States and Caoaia frcm March ! , 7 to ApHli3. la man, part, of thejeountry adrj;; flS7mt 'l and great floods mv as expe.ted. Sevei principal low barornr cr. will Cios, Ire country during this priiod. Tornadoes may be expected In lho.- par a fre-jueniew by these d."Strorer T mntrature will go to great extremes a id steal will damage early crops far south:.' Electric s'.onn, will precede and cold waves follow jotne of these low barometers. The dates fixed for the principal storms that will sweep acrois the continent are fro n M ircli 6 to 11,12 ;o to 16, 18 to 24, 25 to 2S, ana he said that from April to 13 e'loall be carefully watched. Our hope ii tliai t: itirm area wil be confi.ieJ to eas; of Ihi Rrcky uioon-'im-, although fie lalas uiia prophel does not gay so. IThlOIa PACTS There are now 'e'entcen treina ories in the Un-ted S'ates. In 1891 the railroaJ of ihe worl I were ertlmattd a- 370.281 miles. I' is ni i th it South Abicj last yar gave a profit ol it voo,ooo Irom i s go'd aslavs and $7 750,0-0 from .id. The average weight of bay tboaaaad iiicn anu women waaanaw .: linstnn wrs, men 141 poinds, women 124 poundi. Humboldt d tribal an oak tree which he saw ia Fnn;e ninety fee: in circumfer ence at the ban?, and e.tjcnatfd to be two thousand scan old. Tl. I 1 ... ne cave a.inn Ml ot .Norm, ac cording to l'rof A S Packard r,f llrcwo Unlcrity, comprise 172 sprcies f hilnd creatures, nearly all tf which are mo tl v whlic ia color. The l.i t ve.r Eiijii-iii asa aataosaraled abojt 5 100 aomen who .1 .- prelestlaaall gardners In tt:a". country, and ix w!o are emplove-1 in supcrin'endin the draiaage of towns Wl.en the o.tiicti ia to be nivestcd sf i:s plumage a loni hio I it placed on its head, ard il la then confined In a 1 died larloeaia about tl.ree feet squire, l h.j bl.l rarely show fight. In the tannin,; in 111 ti)' -:kc.ii. :y ii be ginning to play in important pi't, Tn largest tannery in Swi zeian; will Sj n Be constructed and enlarged for the jtirpii,e f adopting the process of e'ectric ti uiiri. Tlie longest voyage or. record in 1 balloon was made hv ,Tnh 1 W . -n.i, S' rsj . lo lUml.'i in.i, . if, 1.1 jo.y, ioji, 1 ili;auce of 850 miles, which was mid? in nineteen houis, or at the rats of fo-ty-iix mi- in an hour. Dimensions of bi.liar.l tables (Collen.lcrj four feet by eight feet, four fee: two In , by nine feet, and fiv-f.i-t hy ten Let. Size of raom required respectively, tMrteen by seventeen, fourteen by eighteen, ftarea by twenty. MKT THE ENEMY AND AHKOUIS." TIIKY Fosver, Or, Fh 26. 1804, Editors Democrat: The peoples parly paper-i and speakers say the old parties will not meet them on the financial question. l)r tiibson challenged us to de'jate the question: "Resolved that money has no in trinsic value as such." We, members of Franc's Wuyland I. League of America, promptly accepted the challenge and met them in our hall, on the evening of Feb 24. Pr Gibson opened the discussion, spending : minutes in laying out the policy taught by his party, and did it in a very able manner, displaying more than ordinary tact, as a debater. T -"I Humphrey followed him, giving defini tions of "money" 'intrinsic." "currency,' ' bank," "banking," "bullion," and offer ing as rebuttal such men M Edward Brooks M A, Francis VVayland, Jno Stew ard Mills. Henry Parnell, Kobt Feel, and most emphatically answered all arguments offered. Then followei on affirmative tl B Wliitoomb, who displayed a wide range of education and close reasoning, but on account of not expecting to be called upon, had made but little preparation, conse quently he only occupied about 20 minutes time. S A IHA'uney fo'lowed with an ex tensive discourse on the subject of paper money, handling it candidly and in an effective manner, beginning with Issuing of paper by the merchants of Lombardy and tracing it through Listory down to the present time, displaying at times the elo quence of a muiu more lUe man . When he came to the history of paper money in America and when he quoted David Ram say of South Carolina, and the experience of the early history of Mass, Rhode Island, Conn and H H, and when he reached the bonded debt of the V . the opponents weakened. And when he clinched his re- 1- -. 1 - i i . , , , . , , ,, . i j i . i questioned the people seemed dumbstruck, i L, . , . . , , . ,, There was not to be heard a heavv breath- ing except inat oi it musiin anu Joun Burnett and wl-en tin speaker told aby the 1st ICC.OO.i.OOO were always at par. the "on demand" greenbacks, and asserted that any sort whether they had the excep tion clause or not un!ess the pccie was in the treasuiy on demand then they would fluc'uate, and in c'osing his minutes be had said many thing? the de'uded dem 'WK HAT ocrats and republicans too could see the ( A drummer in the citv yesterday remark tru'h of. Jno Burne't followel on part ed that Seattle wai the best situated in a of affirmative and wita the burning elo-' business sen o of anv itv in the M W and quence of -ockless Simpson, walke.1 up and j eventually it will 1 the metropolis, down the little space allowed him like ii ro.-u-ini? lion, and in the he udthe hall shook from the laughing ; audience, whose tumult rose and fell like me niga uue mrown on a rctay promcn- I 'ory by a raging storm . II. in his entisi- , .-p. tnT mA, sa. nn.i ! mcre ,!me' aDti WMM il was near I A at . . , ., , . . , Sunday morning, and after the closing by ,,.,-,..,. ... . leAae's me juuge.. m j .vicv-iure. shot ard Morrhead and T I! McConnack render ed an undivided decision in favor of neg. If you know of any P P speakers who want to meet us in our hall on same subject, any three in c.uniy will be roe. OmsTt m OBIIS.I-' i3U9tOS ISLAXD. I. h 101 c--ncr:;y knov.i t'nt Juan Fer- rinor. .he uun! on wMh A'emdtr ; sUirk. 1h- Rnl.inn 1'r.r.n ,. mn.rr. lived for so mtny . i . e--s 1 at .h.- piesent nme inhabitel Two va leys winding , djwn from .Iffrrrni lr-ion. imlm . .1. ; duUoc. from ,hc ,,,orr. ,,, stand a little village of unall huts scatter- 1 a! ronnd a Ion j low ne.-.&'-nril hnililin. I " j with a v-randa tanning its whole'a ; In this house lives ihe man who rent, the , siand irem ins t:..lnn t.ovt rument. an I the ri tm miLns, 1,- . .a .1 f . .. ' in sawsajpissaaaimiiH. ' The low a 1 cald San loan BaaiLta- an 1 t hi fr.:tT. : kc .rm 1 th i m 1 .- n n Ki -K iiissitmb.1 nni.-, l,x,nJ ;-ii,l,k itlssitniteLanuwre Alea.nder Sdklrk hrsi lande IS now Cumberlan I Bay. lit iMar.u i rented lor iboui tioo a y-ar. The ten. is paid partly ii diitd Safe. Catch, ing and dryicg the . vrrietie of fish, iand raiai-ig cattle and vegetables wholly occunv the con'cctel ef!er: anc mach 1 0f ,fctir Hitle inccrr.e : ol taned frem eatUw and v,tal.'es v. 1 to pa-.log v- sels. The cattle Deed no rate, and the vegetabl-s almost g ow wl!J. rurnips snd radishes, first sown ncre ! y Selki.k him- tlaw'f '-...a. r- j t -,' mm It iSlal Ira t B m mum I kmm a a ike weeds. Tnere , aho a .ace of wild . depen.iing for n a nly upon seals, They are the descendant! of a breed of dogn Uh 1... the SoanlarIa. At the bizk of the little tonn In th Hr.t high cliff, is a row of csves f remarkable appearance, hewn mto Via m : 1 . 1 , , , u nustd pat, led to th,m. ard a short climb brings one . their 1 ark Abo.-. fortvvears ?ea the Chilian Government . - : - mouht that a poo-j way to be rid of ita worst criminals would be totrarsjort them to the is'.r.d if Juan Fern.nder Iha uno r locaireciion or v tii lan . : rs, mete these poor wretchei were miue to d g caves to live in. In 1854 thev were tikeu bic' again, how ever: and the caves hive inc been crumb ling away. The narrow ridge where Selkirk watched is now called "Trie Sirtd'.e,' eeeaasa at either end of it is a big. rocky hummock rises li'-. a pirnmel On one of these is now a '..'ge table' with Innciip-ions com memora'ing Alcxtndor -Selkirk 's long and '01 , stay on the Ulau'l. It was placed therein iSSShythe ofhjers of 'he Rrltiab ship "Top!." A small excursion steamer now runs from Vitparjiso t Juin Fe'nan dezl lmd. The ruun I trip it made in six dayr; and three of t.ieie may bt spent n the ibland in fishing and visiting the lenely but beautiful ajaUt Which nearly three hun dred yeais ago were the l.aunls of Kobin son Ciusoe. a c ilcula'.lng th ino. i'.s of itie meritr of the Ittand aasgnrtslfaa htU, theeconoin itscf the litis si n I bear In miii'l worenoOri Koing to in, I fr l,iislnes" pstrpoaas all tho o:t;-)i n siored In th baiilis, and may i-e a great deal more Siivar eerlifloaie? ara tistter nion-y ihan grrunbauks, even in tho view 01 go d bi gs. That seiciiiir.igo money wl uselui when tiao tx tn goln Thea U BO truth in tho wory that th cn. .torn o' h listing Ih') flag on tli dom,. aft b Cap ol at Wastiingt in during Uo dii y so.-.i ns of 'Jongr.r : ha heon di- cciillii'ie''. It probabl originated with somo rabid moxs - back R 'pubitnaD, who woulilu'. mind tolling you that thn sun wou d MU'p rising and BailJttg If ihe I)eiii ocrats rem tilled in control . f the Govern mint m i.'h lecsjas, H. St '.S 'fje l,oiitji,ii (iinlrtt Hays Kuipitror William of (jlermany is ilevotint; great attention to biinclalisiu. He desires th government to tae every step possible 'o prevent a further fall in the price of silver. Thare 1' a n d p otninent Pop 1 lis'. 11 I Kansas not. now u drier charge of I'lirrn,, ti.L Z old arti are erloln; . Tl w Z ! while the reformer are reformiog. GALL FOR A DemocraticState Convention At a meeting of tho Ex, cutive Commit tee of the Democra'ic State Central Com mittee held in the city of Portland, Ore gon, on February 2, 1K94. it was determin ed that the State representation at the Hem ocratic Mate Convention to bo held in Astoria, on April 27, 1804. be as follows: One de'ega'o for oach county and one dele gate at largo to; oach 150 voles, nnd each fraction of j5 votes or over cast for Hon A S Bennett at the State e'ection on June 6, 1892, which would give a county repre sentation as follows: Baker 7 Benton 5 Clackamas 8 Clatsop C Columbia o Coos I Currv 2 Crook 8 Douglas 9 iiiuiam . . . Grant Harney Jackson . . . Josephine . Klamath . . laike l.ane Linn ; Lincoln Malheur Mai Morrow Multnomah Polk Sherman Tillamook Imatilla Union 10 Wallowa 3 Wasco 10 Washington . 8 Yamhill 8 Total 223 It is suggested by the State Central Com. UH4Ce HH'- ail WUU'ica uihjh. to State Convention, but defer county norai . , ., , nations as late as possible. ) R IfDBPB V Chairman S ate Central Committee CfluU N Wait. Secre'ary- The Pendleton K. O. savs that the man rho pursues offi.-e most is least fit for it. ' Salfm lias a new city jail. It : n?de of " m utrongn I . . - . . . . . .1 1 neltinrr. It is one of the attractions of the i n capital ity. proliably next to IVnnoyer. Tlie followinif is going the round of the pre, of the I S with the name changed to suit the location: A yoong man down in California took his gir out for a huffgy nde. She fell out and he drove a mile be - tore noticing mat sue waa misnne. iou can bet that such a thing would new ..i,'l-n iu ,-it,-..u. mmmc iiu, iiiij.i.1 ... . out of the shaft and n"ver be missel. Ml the pirl. never. TV 1 - ll . Mr. 1 -.1 i ni- DOSDsan win now im arnioni wiui a i i 4 -3 3 t -- n Linn 12 4 Malheur 3 Mation 15 Morrow 4 Multnomah 30 ft 4 - .11 tariff debate of several roontha. What tl " ", country neel is to have tlie matter sflllt.1 j A state War. and at once. These tariff deiatos are a . Dnveb, Feb The rate war to C!i gonl deal for buncombe. j forma opened in earneat this morning, when ihe Atchimn i: Topeka announced a Application wa. mail ve;enlav in the : '.,'.0, to il rointt on its . mtbenB superior penor court at Tacoma to have Michael u. i 1., l i - . .'i.iir.ii. 11 . II ..!- lvi - BV ll I -.... .' ici, in ,i!l Vitr. driard an hal.iluat drunkard. Murohv is worJi over SltXJ.030. anl own the largest truck business there. Ihe Salem Iadepenlent gets funny aa; follows: They are now putting J L HUl.of i Aihanv. forward as a eaaafitSE for cover-! nor on the noouliat ticket. Hill mav u a iliil mav U a Iv one b,xx1 I pul.!ilied a xiUrience ha m-.t man II. h,i rtimrm nnl . ... thiri. in hii fat-nr .k. s. w r naw. Tl.t u.. c.i.;.. . . iT . 1 .. u.u,,,t.,m,.HT. As coaipensation for the destruction of , trun ana contents during the small 'Xlwareill Ai,orU roonth mf0 a circuit court iurv vest, rdav iaanlHl damages of $80 to Charles Olaen. in hir suit acaintt Ir MM Waier, tlie city physician, by whose order the property was destroyed T'ie court held thai the ordinance appointing Dr Walker city physician did not de'egate to him the roaesiroy properly is going the round, of the An item Orcan Ik. I in,n .r ..rin, r,., .ii.l.,rrt. I, ..,..i , 1 , stockings. It is made the Meet of numerous jokes. . , . ifSKll tiS -from a conntv office to a county jail." ! nly about thirty feet. Mrs Jas Van R nk!c. of A!ht:ir.nnn( a few day. in the city daring the week, 1 . , m .0 - .- i3 a get j some time to bo home - - - " 4 The work has ! progressed to far now , however, that day SP" cn 1 - Toledo roat. ' I -7 WZ"" o( he I Aihanv llnim Albany Orange and black Sale m- Scarlet and gold. McMinnville Pink and green Monmouth Scarlet and gray. Forest Grove Black and red. Portland Royal purple and old gjlj. U. of O. Lemon and yellow. A Portland corresrondent of an ex rays that Cant ll'Rrioi, i. ..wl In k, U,;n.. - - w - . .v.. .a .-in 1 v w ij tug iu wait lor the democratic nomination for state printer. Me is Pennoyer'a expert who passes on all the state printing bills nnu measures up an the thousands of dollars worth of work that is performed by the republican state printer. Being a democrat and a labor man he has had the scrutiny of all the work done in the office the past e'glit ycarsand knows juct what there is in it. nr.n x siiK 1 oh m 1 rt: hh.tim. A meeting cf the l.inn County Cen tral Committee cf the Democratic partv wl. be ne'd at ihe Court House in Albany Oregon, on Thursday, th; 8th day of March, 1894 at the hour of two o'clock f M of .aid day. Ail members of caid committee are requested 10 be present In person or hv proxy, ts business of Im portance ' ill be transacted at said inci t ing DaicJ Albany, Or.. Feb 24, 1894. Geo W Wright. ' Secretary of Central Committee. Perh p. the ol.bia', of.'ice aeakor In the UnlUd Stit(i is Jarod Terrell, who w in! to li Pjltoaxatet at Attiua In Wyoming Comr.v ff.Y. It ia an ofTiee woilh (l.otiO.r Tete In more thau HO yearn old, but h alill attiveiy engaged a conducioro" Iho Attica branch of the New York Central Itiiilroa', a position he has held or 4S yetrs. About 1 year ago tho rosd retired him on a pensinni but, as ho wi. an active man . ho would not stay retired. He resume 1 his labors sa coadr.otor on the eleven mile branch, making at least two round iiipj every day. Ho Is willing, however, to take tho Post Offico if he o.n gt it. and ho has ntn df baeklng avjoug the Demoorata of l.Ueountj. The timo of the presbnt I'ostmster dost u'it expire til Deceit? bai 1s t ) hut Terrell's fiisnda urgo bis Imme dliite appolatment. Thousands of Uvea are saved annuallv bv ihe ui,e of Aver's Pectoral. In the treatment . . . . - ........ "Itro"P0"- wnotiping co'ign, inet'ectoral ; TJLTmhlZ , i. in ii..tiiii, frees the obstructed air passage and contro s the desire to cough. The II In ml Dill. Washikoion, Feb 27. Again today was Bland unable to muster a quorum in the house on his motion to rlns thn ilpbnU on the seigniorage bill, so he allowed the ueuatn i to run on without limit. Cooper, after finishing a roast of Pence for his con duct yesterday, closed by the reminder that ns ihe latter had large interests in silver mines, nnd thereore had a direct pecuniary interest in tho (lending legislation, he should be careful how be attacked the motives of other members. Merely Kuuiora, WasbiXotok, Feb 27. The wild rumor In circulation yesterday afternoon, that a disaster h id overtaken the vessel on which I. ...... i',.. , i ... i 'i i i t, k. Z. ucni .it-veiunu, oecreouy Gresliam and others, in a storm of the Bight before, were set at rest today by news from the Indian Head proving j grounds, 24 miles down the river, that the' " - p-wcvi Micro juiueiuuy giving no evidence of having suffered any damage or of anything unusual on board. liladstune Bolgned. LoHBOX, Feh27.-Tho Evening News, of Edinburgh, announces on what it calls rcuuoiu uutuorny mat uwOafOM has re- signed as premier, but will retain a place I In the cabinet nnd continue to repiesent i Midlothian, tradicte l rue Tlioutih fnllowintr manv con- I tradicied rumors regarding the intentions : of the great statesman, it meets a wide be lief in well informed circles. A Bailie oscow, reb 27 .A sensational story! is current in military circles that a de- i ta. hmont of Omm&m f..n,i some 1'rusMan uhlans using a Ruwian j eagle fixed to a post on the Russo -German i ironcier us tarpet, ana thai a tight be twecn them resulted, in which several , were killed on both sides. Oflkrs here decline to talk of the matter, sa ing they wish to avoid international complications. A Jail Srnlrurr Nebbaska Citt, Neb. Feb 27. Z T White, one of the parties who recently banged in effigy J Sterling Morton and son, Ca I M Morton, was today found guilty of criminal libel. The penalty is M hnc and n months in the coun'y jail. a Ike II LiMfUff Oodexsbuko, N Y, Feb 27. -Matthew Steiner. of Sjracux. and V Bjrrett, of Montreal, while driving across the St I-awrenoe on the ice from Precott to this city last evening, drove In o an jirho e and were drowned Bather rvra Wamuxoto. Feb26.The Froceediag m the hoose -ere full of exciting incidenU' Uland beicg unable to secure a qucrum concluded to a.low the debate on the bil to proceed, at the same time declaring h would rvturn to tue asaau!: tou.orrow 1 Two sensational upeecbca followed. One was by Pence of Colorado, who denounced the republicans for submitting to the crack of ex Speaker Reed's whip. He calU-d I hern "tneakers" and 'Vodeer ' I A rf.-h-lMT ha 111 I . . . 1. . y,--." ' P'".1 ,h?4 fir repaW leans who refund to follow Keed's filibustering on the roll of bonor. and warned him that if the election of iTt-.iJont n thrown in'., th hmiu in j 1, he would rue his filibustcrinc course. I A ftraiilr Tragrr Seatti.k. Feb 36 W X While a ; prominent oo tractor, fire.1 three ballei lorn a 44-caiibre bullJog revolver into James S Halt, formerly bis foreman, this ?o:aj ia a tMTO :n ortu .!ti. anJ a fear micu'es later put a bu:iet thrueh Lis own heart to em-ape captur;. Wr.ite has been jeatoa of Holi, who roxaed at hU houe for lhm rear previous la !t . . n .i. l-1ornu f'eai. and H i0 Ien- ver lo .n;J-. r.,i ret-jrn I bn it the - . . . . ' ? "? lt n buine is i "own from the fact that the regular round trip rate up lo today M ween I leaver and I .''an Francisco has been 60. klt id wtlaa r;b . xl,J- eb J6. Ciar! Pow- V'i"1 s"m KT- aliepberda employed by 1 t-egroar. Id miles south VVaii.i A.'- L?TO- mt'ea south VVal la hecame involveil in a quarrel Sal- j urd" txeBS- Powell struck 0T" lb h i,h c,nu- lecturing the : ov we u-aa aim a Club, iraciurinir I sknH Ra i. rmnrsJ la 1. in. .ri. ou cood.lion nd n,.r I. Barrlwa UbIb;. , isoianapouk. reb 'Ji.-Kt-l'iniiwait Harris and party left thu mornm for California via Iho IVnnavlrani. v.. I and Southern FaciSc. A number of ' friends gathered at the station lo m , oft. T.e party will spend Sunday at San , Jose. CV, and Monday will go to IV i Alio A Bal.tljb Feb '26. Harry Murray an Irs trans Iwo bovs M years of age. while V "riD5 &2mml . V i . V" " .m y I" ."-uiji.! w - i.mi lum wiri. iunag rue n'.i.i Jlur- I . - .i.7ai!. , --J --- ...11 - boart. causing death in a few minutes. a Big Moral. Msairms. Tenn. Feb Another imrat snow storm i . ln raginjr in toe! VOT" E ,s "EEB cn,-v T"-T Tiir CM Mll.'nil rivr t 11., . ... r. --:r i l...l.Vj a; i r.t i 4. i m. ppi nver vaiiey mat. "laViii iti nasaa il il lai isnii il I isjs . ground IS covereii with snow, fcoch a thing twmaxrrill. dxx4Wd. bj ih unif .van of as a snow plow i unknown in th's nart of il ..!inrr . J rt;- on many freight roads is en.irolv i bv sleet, which nrv.trjfmf II tnUnnh 1 r Ul-1 II.IC . . 1 OC fiCOW . nriU WilH I fvHl.M t ii , i-. t. i . ..1. i; wires, and reports of damage to the early vegetables and fruit in t'e ou'lyii. dii- trcts ar-coming in slowly. :ng DrrldrdlT I .1 v. . I "OEHOJf AL .A en.:-:nn axpee to . Kfi.t.. N X, tel. '. u.:enely Jeorvie i posaeaslon 1 f eostol lerab! co.d wp.ilher baa prevailed the p -t 4- , money shrrtlr, and deair. a .virre-pou-hours. Yesterday the temperature here 'dene' with some adv. wid.-w r-ferr1. was rj iirgrees llow zero nt -.'avliht ami scurrrl v got alxv zro nil l.t'. On the t aUk ill mountains it was 'J2 Wow. This I morning it was 14 be'ow in he lllage and j 'X be'ow in the mountain Arct fTA. Feb 25. The leas erature was ibe K.wast of the season in this sre i lion to-l.i . In this city it was '21 ijcr I--j low n-rc :md at Waterv'ille -'il below. 1 . aassl ! Raleioh. N ('. Feb 2i 'iiughti-r, of Carroll county Iai,le Virginia. wiui Mnuueu two men to uo.itn ano cm in 1 b'i.l- i' wedd'ng In Allegheny county, in thin t 1 c two weeks ago, was taken by a mob I,, .to the jail in Sparta, Saturday nigl't and lynched. The jailer mado a stubborti resistance against the mob. ol iu ",-rj in Miu VV,.khixotox. Feb 'J6- Controller Kckels haa decided to go entirely outside of Oregon and take some FaHnil man for receiver of the Oregon National bank. After going over all the papers of candi dates Prrseuted and securing information concerning them from other sources, lie decided on this plan, in order to got man who would not he influenced by local con fident! ions fVhate I until) Prrlah Gukpun, Ark, Feb 2S. News his reached hero of the burning of a farm house and its occupants, 10 miles west of Murfrreslioro, Pike county, .lohn Wort, wife and live children occupied the house, and all i'rishcd iu the ILimca Will Crl II Astouia, Or. Feb 25. The Astoria railroad proposition will be settled favora bly in the course of a few days if nothing 11 u foreseen occurs. The subsidy is almost complete and nothing remains hut to se cure the nght-of way from this city to Gob'e. As soon a' this has been acoom plished the contract will he signed THE M lLlt W AV Coinmendi Itself to the well formed, to do p'easantly and effectually what was fonn trly done in the crudest manner and dls agiecably as well. To cleanse the system and break up colds, headaches ant! fevers without unpleasaat after eflecis. use the delightful liquid laxative remedv, Svnip of Figs. "Now lathe winter of our discontent made glut tout summer', by Ay re's Sarsa parllla. This wonderful medicine so In- i -..ii. 4Mii vigora es the system and enriches the weather becomes posldvely enjoyable. Arctic expbrcrs wotilddo well to makers note of thls.J ,,. Tr- tr-cn vr a rtT V PURELY VJCVJCl AtSttli Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, They're a compound of refined j nt,ot,.d ljtanical extract. These tinv. surar-coatcd Pellets tho smallest ami tho easiest to take absolutely and permanently cure j Constipation, Indigestion, Sick and liilioua Headacliea, Dizziness, Bil ious Attacks, and all derangement. of tho liver, stomach, and bowels. Thev cure vermanentlu. because .1.,,.. Tiinir Ann't. ll.fV,(,n-tiin nttcm. like the huge, old-fashioned pills. And ; they're more effective. Ono little i 1. fl.. Im .. HMHriiaa ir larativ ,i,r fnr r.athartic . .1 ',aUiartJC- ... Thev re the cheapest pills you can buy, for they're fuaranteed to give satisfaction, or voor money is re- turned - - T j i You pay only for tho 70oa iou KLt- For a perfect and permanent cure of Catarrh, take Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Its proprietors offer 500 reward for an incurable case. Wnticf for Publication U, S. I.A9D Orrii-a, Oae;o Cnr. Or,, February 15, 1S94. Notice is hsreSy given that in couipll SHCS WIIU 111" (11 1J . i-HI Ll.n t 1 Cocgreeaof Jrn3, 18T8, ent'.iled'-An act tur tne sate oi t rnixr H3d in tne of California, Ore m, Nevada and Wash loglon lerruory. as titnuw loan ice public land stales bv adif August 4 lk'.C James 8 cf Dttroit, cuntv of Marion state of Oregon, has ibis da v file t In this office his sworn rlatetnect S , 2891 ! themrcba the B I Xf 8 XV I 0 i', ? JO ' Wand will otor j pno( tn ahow that the land ioaght la irore valuable fjr , its Umber or stone Ihm for airrlcu'turat nurposea. and to er!-r.:ib hin eia'-m to said land borethe Kegttranl Keeelver r f this office at Ore n Cu ; Or; on Tuea ( day; tha li:n day of May. IffiH: Ue ' names aa wltneawa: L C Ives, Alber. Ive. R M Poe; laaa? Routk, All ol ; Dearoil. Oregon Any and at! persons e'ain ing adversely tha described I lands are reai-'"! to fi'e their claim in this ofiW ou or bjfore aa'd 1Mb day of May. 1S5M K .. A Muj.ii; !;-:-l.- Notice for Publication. LaNU OPKIt E AT OIUUIOX CiTT l liui. wi. I'.H. Notice is hereby jriven that the following named settler has filed notice cf hi inten- tion to make final proof in support of hi claim, and that said proof will be made be forv the County Clerk of I.innt' Albany r- . .tn Majs ii S:h. !fl. vir: l-ri Piert H K No 7J35. for the S ' . of X K and X "j of S K V. sec 5. tp II. U I E. He name the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vii: Hewrv Mvers. Frel Myers-. Marshal Clark. Cardwelf Clark, all of LaMmb. Ore. IUireht A Millek. Kegiter. Notice for Publication, , LasoOrn, a at c.ea-on c ity. ok., Notiuh.rrt,iriwnVb?iW me naniei settler Msj fi;ed no ieeofh-s tnteo-.-.nn 10 make final proof in support of hi claim, an ' mat aaid pro ( wia be nia-'.e before the Coanty Crlinf uinn made before tho County C.rli of Linn ' Oo, at Albany. on Kar.-h i;h. 1S94 via Marahal S Ciark, I! E. So. rtn lor ih ; w N E ' and N E ' , t f N W 1 , a- . tp II S KIK lie r. e the lot lowing wiweaavi tn t.ove h-coiticu aui retdnce upon and ewJUltasj of i aaid land, vit fvi hlmr. if M'SO Myi ra, Cardwo I C ark. Fr-i M vr. a'i of !. :' I. Co, lire Bosrcv A MlLLtc lte;li r ADMIMSTRATRiJCS NOTiGE BilOTttT. is IICRZBV GIVES THAT THE I X- is . . ..I r vbMa laao ojttnl. t'fw. duH aacwiaiil ckrrnUir ' iolUxlMS .liisJ WSUam-l mt S li V:lvr..: iu 1 at Libs wui j .Orr.i.iirJ. A.1 r.R avinx aioia arui tuii ui r berrt-j do' Scd w prm mm uwn j - teriSwd l - iSt uJmiiMi l hi, nakacBoe rxr the ill; ut !.- Uam oa i . Ore lroa., .nam xi ri-.t,sr m-m usu i- uasaa ua int esa ay wwr. h i a k 5ico..xau. ir I- ii...,. r asvaen.? lor bsMMl ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. I saaa swaasf, unra. uai mm ptom ! tiwfnt MaiHl ml tt are berrbT il VZZ KJh'SSI . " - n i , ."r, "i , miuun 414 in--: ; ii. irvn. I- txl bmiei Dccanbri V.h, ISO. J W hlUWT, Atlj- St A.lmio . " E Clatr. wi:u vi w to inttnmoir i ire.s. P. raonal," care DBXocatTofBea, SrknilTS SALE. Ik tie Cirruit Coutt cj lie Stmt cj Oregon for I. inn eoun'r. Md cn Hale, I'i.intiiT. TI.e lln'i oflheapn, J W Bbxis sad W 8 Thotnpann ar assignee of iho Ions uf Orc- : gnn. Ittt-t ii-.ut. Notice ir I erehy givo n thatl by v.r.ue of sn eie-cnliou and i ider ofcaiedu'y iaed out of the shove namedco3tt in the above ssttfslai suit to ma direutea an-i dt-livrrsd I will on Sa'urday tie 17. ii day of March, 1894, at the front door of the Con it rloaje :u the city ot Alliaoy, Ijnu IVunlv, Orx-gon, t rhe hi-or of 1 o'clock p sa of day, tell as aahfta ucticn for ca-h in hind t' the highlit hsddaf the iPti property decribad lu siid rierution sud Order of sale as fol io sasri : Iteginning at a point on thr. ooitl. 1 naasxt line of lot thiee (3) in block nine 01 the city of Alnauy I.iuu County, Oragne, ! (f) feet westerly fro u ihe notth east eon ir 1 f f a ill lt three ')) and rnnninii thence westerly on tha noitb line r.f said lot twei.ty-four (24) feet and ten inches, thence southerly asid parallel with tho eant ern b. undary ,. said It oue hu; dred feet more or Iras to the Berth hue of the alley in said hlccX'.thence easterly on aid lice 24 feet and ten iuches, thence northerly to the p'ase of hrgiiiuinK' The proceeds from ssi.l sale to he applied as in said exe cution directed aa follows: Firt to ih payment of tho cosla of aa d exs cutioa and ex pent as of sale and thuoiigiual costs of suit taxed at S3S.S0 and to the pay ment of ths attcrupyn fse In the sum of $250; second, olhe pay ment - f the amount due to the plaintitT herein, from tha i , t of Oreeon and J Vf lllain towit: thsj sum of 4?5L95 and intersat thenon fiom the 2nd dt of November, 1893, at the rate of 10 :!- ceot per annum, and to the payment of tha amount due to tha aaid plaintiff from the Bnk of Oregon alone, towit: the sum of $25t!.83 with interest thereon from ,h ,,i r v. ........ i.. ibim ., n,...i. ot 10 per eetit tier annum and the. overplus any.wiu oe paid over to the defendant,the Bank of Oreou or its leval ipreaentative. uaieo tnia i.hii nay ol February, 1S'J4. C C (ai-kson. ShaiitTof I .inn County Oregon. By D S Smith Dspnty. A fiBNlH MAKE FIVE DOLLARS a selling the greatest kitchen uter. sll ever Invented. Retails for thirtv-flve cents. Two to six can be sold In every house. Millions sold in this country alone. Don't miss the greatest opportunity ever known to make money, easl'v and oulcklv. Satr pie sent, postage prepaid for five cents. McMakin k Cm., Cincinnati, Ohio. CURES PROMPTLY LAMENESS. SOOTHES, SUBDUES, CURES, Call On READ. PEACOCK 4 CO. AND See Their Nice and Trimminera. (Jifaa Pirip RVlflPC: UWB A1AO OllUCH. FORTMILLER Indertakcrs and w E KtEP ci nstantly cn I ar d a full j w cciinr. hlch will be old at coffira. Also bona rotxs ar.d The Lowest EMBALMING ni tht proper HO EXTRA CHARCi FOR . D A IV M 1 B A 5M Y , - MASONIC The Oregon Land Co .Vim ICS r 3 AT .j!aM: - - te Cray lioci., corner Lleriy TIAKK. S a 6p6ClaUty of .UniiyBlde fruit tracts Pi-ar Oa!em; t, - ,,. cs,-, cn a, i" ..r z-J i Cre Small C&sll payment j qj. partictl'a."?. j I I " " " ' I MEAN W ill sell all crfx fcerv COST- Here ar some prices: Lamps, wortb 50c for 25 ceat?: lamps, worth $2 CO for $1.00 cups and saucers to 40 cents a set: phi es, 40 cents pei set. Every'hing Ise ui proportion. Call on m- and yon will not be deceived. J. NEW : PQPN1TURE, MV SrUBK aS JSOW FTJLI i)f F1K-T CLAS KCKXITCERfOONSISTIKO I li rwmi 4.U. ch.i-. vkich I will sell at BOTTOM PRICES. Tbos. Brink. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSKPII. Proprietor, S) .Hi JIG PHOTOGRAPH ft WILL drive the humor from your system, and tuaka your skin clean and smooth. Those Pfmples and Blotches which mar vonr bcautv are caused by IMPURE BLOOD. They can be removed in a short time, if you are wise and use the great blood purifier, Sulphur Bitters, 3 Try a bottle to-day. Why suffer with Boils T Why rave with that terrible Headache ? Why lay and toss on that bed of pxia with RHEUMATISM? Use Sul phur Bitters. They will cure you where all others fail. The dose is small only a teas poo nful. TRY IT and you will be satisfied. The young, the aged and tot tcring are soon r .ade well by its use. liemember what E you read hero, it mav save your life, it lias SAVED HUNDREDS. If yon are suffering from Kidney uisoaso, mm wish to live to old ae, use Sulphur Bitters. They never fail to cure. Get it of your Druggist. WAIT. GET IT AT ONCE. Sulphur Bitters will cure Liver Complaint. Don't be discouraged; IT WILL CURE YOU. ni' if n nm Send S 2 -cent stamrw to A. P. Urdwsr A Co Itostou, Uue,, for bot luedioal work pubuahed Dr 1! F, Beers. Dr O kl Bee Physicians an(? Surgeons Special attention given to diseases of women. Hou-a 10 10 ia A M. a to a aad 1108PM. Offices and residence Blum - , "erg funding, I- Irst Mreet, between Lyon snd Klswcrth. W TAYLOR General Jollier. Carpet Laying and Cleaning, Chirane Cleanloa;, Whitewashing and Window cleaning a Specialty Call at Boot Black Stand at Land ret h havlng parlors. v II 1: MC SWELLINGS, BACK-ACHE, Dress Patterns Also Their La,- & MiNG Embalmers. lire cf i ttaiir, l-ih ar.d xtrrd rtetai luits. I readcJoih, -iir. luring I'rufii. care of the dead a specialty. HEARSE OR SERVSQE , TEMPLE, - - OR.EGOI ',rr.c office at - OBliG-O I" :s?ate siieet, nrancb effice in Porlau t . . . .. acre 101 at au io st ptr !opetioiv7on balance BUSINESS. war and holiday goods a Gradwohl. ab'.net photos from $1.50 to 14.00 per doi doien. pictures a y, inxao crayon: tramea .00. ve tarry a arge stock ol 5x8 and steresccn'-- views of Or KB. c" Star Baker j Cerftroailalkla anrl rirt Sf. CCNRAO N'EYfP, FRCFRIE1IR. sasvl a rat - lis. -1wssee', Frinf, Tsbares, Magair, nflff, Kte t asasBie (If 4 4acaawar Vrssi,B. CfsjEasvai I CO . Teas. Ete., he tvr-Tss,,jj thai ia ken ia MirtT mad liiween atora, Richoi marLet pn awid (or tSI.L. KIaTlS OV PfiTnr-t na.O .t-MiJ Uf FKODUOE ' . mi WANTED At the stoie Allen Brosi., formerly owned by BUTTER, EGGS, LARD, BACON, and CHOICE APPLES, for which I will pay the best cash prtee possible. 8 F RAMP vr yjj 7 t ; ' : i ' ' . 03 ilia) FKK iVtSEC s j sUerai v 1 1 aa furnish a horse and travel through the eoun- tr ; a team, though, ia not necessary. A law vacancies in tcwua and oiuaa. Soars hours may be need to good advantage. o r joassoa tvo. 11th and Main Sta, Riohmou J,. Va. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Voiw s Fair flrgheet Medal and Diploma. EXECUTRIX' NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that I was on the 10th day of January, !, duly appointed executor of the last wslt of William G Montgomery, deceased, by the County Court of linn County, Oregon, therefore all persons hav ino rlaima aoaiaat the estate of said dece dent are hereby notified and required to present such claims to me with the proper vouchers, at ray residence near Scio. in said coun ty, within aix month from the date hereof Dated this 12tb day of January, 1804. W R BrLTEl", HOWABD MOXTOOJIEKT Attorney. f:xecuto CITATION ! In tht County Court of Ihf. .Haley Or'gon for the Count! of Linn : - In the maner of the eUte of P B Tock I er, Deceased. To Clara E Bradley. James E Tucker, Nana E Tucker, tfary E Tucker j and Ida J Tucker and to all otfters known and unknown having any iniereai m estate of P B Tucker deceased, greeting : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OP OREGON, You are hereby cited and re uired to appear in the County Court of he State ol Oregon, for the County of Linn at It.e coon room theieof , at Albany in ih-ounty aforesaid, on Monday, the : 5:1. c . ot Mrcn, 1394. ar 1 o Clot in 1 alurrri on of that day, then and ihere to f show ttuie tf anv you have why a license tfcouV not feaue to tl J P'.lchford the ' adxi' traor of the estate oi said deceased ' liceiis ng ar.d directing him to sell the 1 real piupertv belonging to said estate, dea ; cr.bed as follows, to-wit : The west half of the northwest quarter of section 17, tp n S K 1 east of the Wil 1 lammetie meridian in Linn County Ore- pen; . ines w ;4 inc a n y m tion 14. The N W of the NWol section 23. The S XA of the X E of section 22 in tp 5 S K 20 east of the Wil lamette Meridian in Gilliam Co, Oregon. Done by order of the Hon J S Duncan, Judge of the County Court rf the State of Oregon, for the County of Linn, with the eal of said court affixed, this 20th day of January. A D 1894. N Y Pays. Clerk SUMMONS. fm tie Circuit Court f tie State for L-mn emmty. M Sternirg Plaintiff. A IS Seal and J L Sea! hi wife, Geo E Chamberlain and S W Chamberlain his wife, J W Cuaick,E D Cu s!ck and Cuu II Cuaick paitners doing busineaa un- : der the firm name and style of 1 W Cuaick Si Co., and Charles Smitii as the ad - ; aainiatrator of Job C Smith. deceased . Defend ants ' To A B Seal and J L Seal, the wifeof . said A B Seal, two of the above came liefer dants: IN THE NAME OFTHE STATE OF Oregon, you and each of you are hereby required to appear and anawer the com plaint of the above piaintiS in the above entitled court, now on file with the clerk of (aid court, oo or before ' thm. Int itsv mf f nt rewalar term cf ' said court, which said term begins on the u-.ncaTm Marti, .oy. at the court house in the citv cf Albany Lir-n Coanty, Jregon : acd ycu are hereby further cod fieU that if you fail to appear and answer the said complaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will take a decree and judgment against you for the reJief demanded in his said complaint towit: 1 . A judgment and decree aganist A B SeaUor the sub of $400 in United Sates goad coin together with interest thereon in like gold coin at the rate of S per cent per annum from the 16th day of Novem ber, i99t until paid and for the faiiher sum cf fr53 attorney's fees for inrutu:ing this sun, and for the costs and disburse ments of this suit. a. A deciee foreclosing the mortgage made, executed and delivered by you to G W omiih co the i6:h day cf November, 8S9, and directing the premises described therein, to wit: The soaxhwest quarter of b'-ock number one hundred and twelve (irs) in Hackleman'a addition to the city of Albany, Linn Cour-tc, Oregon ; and also desoibed in said complain', 10 be sold upon execution as required by law and directing the proceeds of such sa.e to be a; plied as fol'owt: First to the pay meat of ihe costs aiid expeuse of making such sale and the sum of $50 as attorney s fees i for instituting this suit. Second, to the ' pay rot nt io the plaintiff of the sum of ; $400 in gold coin of the United Slates of : America and interest thereon in .Ue gold coin from the i6t"day of November, 1S91 ; udil paid, at the r:e of S per cent per annum. Third, That the surplus, if any. be paid out in such sums as the -rourt may direct. 3. That you, all the defendants above , named ard each of ihcm, and any and all person, claiming bv. Uiroug. 1 or under ' you or them or any of Utean. be forevei . barred and lor closed of any and all right title or interest, right of dower, or equity I of redemption in or 10 said premises or any part thereof ; that if tne proceeds cf ! the Hsle of said premises be not sufficient to pay the claim of plaintiff together j whit all co,t and disburse -rents and ex t penses and a reasonable attorney's fee for 1 instituting mis sui tha: plaintiff have a personal judgment and decree against ; said defendant A B SrsJ for the deficiency. I 4. That the rri". e executed hy G Y Smith and VI u B Smith his wife in favor of Job t" Sm th as men Jotved in said complaint, be decreed to have created no I lien upon said premises or anv part there of. I e. Thit the deed, mmticned in said , complaint, from A B Seal to the said dt. fendanl, Geo E Chamber! a in , be decreed ' to be subsecpaect in lime to said plaintiff's ! said mortgage, and all rights acquired J thereunder by said Chamaerlaln to be ! subject to ihe'tien of plaintiff's said mort- summor.s is published by iirdercf , the Hon Geo H Burnett, ihe judge of the above entitled court made at Chambers ia i the Citv of Sa'.em, Marion Countv. Ore gon on the 36th day o! January. iSoA. V R BlLYCl". Attornev for Plaintiff NOTICE OF FINAL SETTUKENT I TVroTICK IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THE nt ; XV lias ail aJ admiBiauwtnx at I lawastat ol JoaaUrwIaaaa, daeawtad, has Uml ka Ihe offca ol tha caark ol the OoontyCoart at Una ev.ontr, Kt.att arm acwuni ana teat sua coon asa anwiowd th 10th day ol xlarea. ISH. at the bear oi lOo tlcek a aa ol asM 4av. as th km lor aaarina; all objoMioos. it aav, to aaid taal accusal, aad lor th aaSUsaaait atSXBt SB ata. Fbraar. ISM. B H.IIcam, Buaaasv Caasaaji. Attcnwj It Jim. Aimitustralri DISSOLUriQH NPTISE. ' I e pannersisip BMUSieia svuticg an .doing a blacksm.thing basineaa ond.r th I name of Ciamer dt Bo ia dissolved by ' mllill ii.ii .an t this . 1 . . Alt 1 .. j the firm or owing by it will be settled by ; the old linn at the shop on Second street between Ferry and Washington. Jr Cramer retires and Mr Bowman will coo -tinne,lherbntiness. February 1, 1894 Cramkk a! Bowma FOR EXCHANGE. We have 50 acre, of very choice sen-bar-ban land, suitat le for platidg, adj lining the city limits of Portland which we are c Hir ing at the low price of one thousand dollars par acre, subject to an incumbrance of $16, 000, most all of whtchbas two years to ran. The equity of $33,500, we will "exchange- for improved farm land in the Willametta Val ley. We will alas exchange equity ia soma very central prospective business property, paying good rental, for unincumbered farm land. If you are on the trade write for fall particulars tn Lonu & CvBJtn, 131 3.1 street Portland Oregon. WANTED Pushing Canvassr of good dress. Liberal salary and ex tenses paid weeklv ; Permanent position. BROWN BKOS. CO., Nurserymen, Portland' Ore gon M Ms. Dr. I-tt terse a-Ha,l !, Th Noted Clairvoyant ard Ut hat, and can ! found as haw SSI J B OowaHa. .Baa tu ami .11 l and furor: lo trouhlaa .aaut iou can ruar trom year dea4 rlaaj.