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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1894)
i 7 VOL XXIX. Entered hi (he Pot Office at Albany. Or., an Second-Class Mall Mat! ALBANY,ORbGON, FR1DA, MAKCIt 3, 181)4. .TITE A I TTIYI., Publishers aad rrasrlelar'. S O 9 Eights Brmorrat. infants T HIKTT yea:-' obsorvntion of failHoaa of parsons, permit as It la naqnoavionnnly tao 'boat Jao world has over known. It ia jgwgj than hosslth. It will tavo which is aasoIwtsJy aodioino. for Oastarrbt doatroys Wortna. Castorla allay Foyorlahnoaa. Oastnrja nro-ronta sr" "'ng Soar Card. Cnatoria ear Diarrhea and Wind CoHo. CaatoHss roiioroa TsntsstSsaj flj)gM . CeaullBa.iua anttnM taw oansota of oaraonio acid tjas or pojaonons air. d not contain morphine, oplnta. or other nnreotio arss-porty. Tfrlnt tho food. 1 oarnlato 4ho stoaatscb. tad aowwaa. arrrina; honltay and natural aloop. C&to ria ia pat np in oae-staa battles I allow any ono to gag yon anytaing ol on to." plan or proaalao t it ia "iwm i aa rood" aad " will anawer every onrpoae." j that yon gat C - A - S - T - O - R The aatnro of OAJUcAd P- (Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. i nc Best Stipes aA : NIvaBg iaaaVaBBBVy 'jay ' 'VKanM I I Ml 1 IN r. W. L. DOUGLAS Shoes are stvllsh, easy fitting, and give better satisfaction at the prices advertised than any other make. Try one pair and be con vinced. The stamping of W. L. Douglas nanu and price on the bottom, which guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars am.uaiiy to those who wear Dealers who push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps to increase the sales on their fulj line of goods. T,-? run nfrord tn wri at a teas pr-, and we believe yon eon pa-re money by bir-tnt e'.l rtf r-w- of ( - - - - Said below. Catalog-no roo upon application. VT. JU "?"-fi Bnscztaa fat aale by thet'E BLAIN CLOTHING CO Jewel Stoves and Ranges Best On The Earth Matthews & Washburn. SOLE AGENTS At Perry Conn's Barrel of Pickels, Chow Chow, Fine California Honey, Horse Radish Roots, G rass and Garden Seeds. Always keep on hand a choice line of all staple groceries a well ag a superior stock of crockery. ?A"R0HIZE, H3M TM FARMERS & KRAUTS INSURANCE W Albany, v w HKAi), President. 3 Jj COWAN, Treasurer. 1 Cowan, Geo F Simpson, (V F Rsad, D B Monteltli, si Sternberg , J V7 "t, re J K Wstubartarn. O J Stunt 1 O Wrltsaaan. ALSO DISTRICT AOaHTB FOR - several Solid Eastern and Foreign CoiDam G.C- MOON. Su:cestor to Flour and Opposite Ruts House. Has on hand s fall stock of Chopped Feed , Cotvallis Flour, Bran, Shorts, Gtrm Mea -Graham , Buckwheat, Rye Floor, Fay, Oats, Straw, Potatoes, Applet, etc. Children. Castori with tho gatronaygof to spoak of it withont tsssaaaajga. wmtdy for Infants and Children harmless. Childran Hho it. It tholr jjym In it Mothora haw aaa sued prmetloaUy porfoctaa a and Flatnloncy. only. It ia not aold in hnlk. - I - A. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE 6EM71EMEK. 85, 84 and S3. 50 Dress Shoe. 83.50 Police Shoe, 3 Soles S2.50, 82 for WorkingmeJ 82 and 81.75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES S3, 82.50 82, $1.71 CAUTION. If any dent offer you w. i not ahoee a a reduced poire. or aayahoaaa them srith- oai uo name stamped. the bottom, pot him a wa aaairaaav IHSTIWIiJNS. Oregon J O WRrinMA.IT. Societal t Geo F SIMPSON. Vloo Preelianfc I A Morr't Feed Store. THUESTDAY RTJSSXlUCe SheritT ,ltcson arrived in Albany last night by way of Portland, alter an ab eenceoft.v Ive davs, being on the road teu days. He brought with him "Prof I U F Russell, wauted on the charge of embezzling about $:UKW In school funds and forgery. About two hundred peopla we:e at the train to meet them. Russell was taken immediately to the jail where he wag placed in a cell adjoining Lewis and Dr Sponogle. A Democrat man had a pleasant talk with Sheriff Jackson over the trip, a hard one, in which cold weather formed an important elenient. At Hushuell, III, he found the Prof in charge of the mar shal. The aheritr, who might have earned the $150 reward was too lethargic to act and so the marshal captured the money. When arresttd Russell was the guest of Dr Kmmett, an undo of Mrs Russell. He only had $7 50 on his per son, w here the rst of his purse was is not known The typewriter heretofore spoken of iie had soid there for $25, which money Sheriff Jackson secured and I rough t wish him. Russell was, of course surprised, because he supposed me nonofum. imimd noma wan safe v made. Sheriff lacWson ran no risks re sardlessofMr Russells tractible condi tion, at limes breaking dotn. Be ra fused to make any statement on arriving. He was considerably confused at the rtception given him. At 1 :30 o'clock 'bis aflernoon Prof Russell appeared before Justice Curl and court room of people. J R Wvatt represented the state and H H Hewitt the defense. The justice read two com plaints :JOne charging tne defendant with forging the name of .1 W Yost, io an order for $45 on January 25, ISill, the other with larceny of $244 fiom Liun county on May 8,18l)3. The defendant waived examination and was held in the sum of $3000 on the first charge and $2000 on the second to await the action of the grand jury. His father-in-law, Mr Smith was telegraphed from Kansas City to be present and go on his bonds ; but Mr smith wilt not respond, and the defendant will in ail probability" be un able to secure bonds, thus being obliged to remain in jail. Mr Russell looked very natural and quite calm. If there was 'any sign ot paleness no one conid detect it. Of coarse he declares his in nocence and will plead not guilty, but there is nearly $3000 to account for and several signatures to explain. Star. rut Bondholders - A well known attorney, who for a number of years past has represented the interests of certain New York bondholder, in the O P litiga tion, recently related his experience in attending a meeting oi Bondholders in New lork, some of whom hold whole blocks of Oregon Pacific bonds. While the said attorney has ever been bitterly antagonistic to the parties who projected ant built the U 1, ins story is no: alto gether improbable. In the palmv davs of Oregon Pacific projection and exten sion millionaires and bankers as well as people of limited means readily pur chased the bonds of the road as a gilt edge investment some ev u put every spare dollar they could obtain and in vested in bonds of the great transcontin ental scheme that was to make its pro jector wealthy and give the hulders ot securities a bonanza in the way of pre minn. interest-bearing coupons, said the attorney,widow women in New York City are scrubbing windows and floors for a livelihood, who once lived in ea?e and comfort, before Oregon Pacific bonds collapsed on the stock board. A farmer living in New Jersey went to New Yotk City and invested his accumulation of years, amounting to $12,000 in these Dot..!?, and not lonz ago went up from the almshouse to attesd a meeting of the bondholders; a prominent financier, a president of a bank, invested $300,(00 in oon ls and when the crisis camv was compelled by the stockholders to step down and out ; several millionaires dropped a portion of their stock board ?ans in the O P hole, and are fearing ong and hard how to get even. F.x. RsiirxiscKNr. The Prineville News has this: "I. is claimed that the ill- fated vessel. Brother Jonathan, has at last been located. Among those who went doau on this vessel were the parents and a sister of Mrs Dayton El- lott; als3 Jerry Lacker's w ife and her lw3 tittle boys: also a sister of Mrs Elliott's mother, whose name we have not now at ::and. Mrs Elliott's parents were Mrand Mrs Saimie! N Luckey. uncle and aunt of J L Lackey, of this place. they had been east and were returning home when the old condemned balk, known as the Brother Jonathan ran onto rock and tan in a few minutes. It is said that a trnnk belonging to Mrs Jerry Mickey is the nniv property belonging to the unfortunate fami'y that ever came ashore. The Warm Spring Indian agent, whose name we have forgotten, was ons of the drowned. He had with him tlO,- 000, which belonged to the Indians. The United States government never made up the lose. S N Luckev bad wit him between $3,000 and $4,000, all of which funds were doutb'ees locked np in one ef the ship's safes. The vessel carried $1,000,01.0 in gold, most of which was proDabiy government money." A Little Deceiver.-It cannoi be called a little fraud, as it is of too great value and ia not to blame for being misused. Vick's New Branching Ater when cut resembles the chrysanthemum o closely that only experts can tell the difference, and as it comes into flower six weeks be fore the ''mums," and at a time when flowers are is a great temptation to the florist to sell these Asters for mums." The Branching Aster ean be easily gtown out doors, and the seeds cost only 25 cents per packet, so that every person who has a foot of ground 'an enjoy a grand treat for almost noth ing. If yon want honest goods send 10 cents to James vick's sons, Kochester, . I., for Floral (inide, it coats nothing, as the 10 cents may be deducted from first order- Mucn Made. Money stringency ia'not the only eause of hard imes, and it takes very little money to make a good deal of happiness, aa the following thowt: Mr B D Kyle, lawer lull. Appomattox County, Va, writes that he was afflicted with rheu -matism for several years, and physicians gave him no relief, t inaily be was nib bed all over with St Jacobs Oil and it cured Uiinng Ins illness he had spasms and was not expected to live. This points a way to many who think tlinos hard, but who can find an easy way out of their troubles. Ssaos la the Way. The snag boat CorvalHs has been pulled off the Eugene Harriaburg route and has been put to work on the river between Corvallis and Harris- bnrg. The recent high water lodged so many snags and other obstructions along this distance that it rendered the river iangerouB and well-nigh impassable. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder forty Year the StauCarC. Notice for Publication. Office at Oiieoon Citt, Or. Jn. 5tb, 1894. Not ico is hereby given that the follow It name 1 settler has 11. ed notice of hit tention to make final proof in support his claim, and that said proof will be ado before the County Clerk of Liun . at Aihany, Ore, on March 8. 1894,vl.; nnery O Mvers, U K No. 7358 for tbe 14 of the 8 JS A and S X of S W - sec 28, tp 11, S K i IS. Ho names the following witnesses to prove hit continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Levi Pierce, Of rd well Clark, Marshal 8 riak. Fred Myers, all Of Lscomb, Lilnn Co, Ore. Robert A Milleh, Register. Judge at rahan, of Portland, is in the city. Mr Ed Hall, the Portland insurance man, was in the city this forenoon. M'ssos Ora and Ruth Flinn went to Eugene this noon on u visit with friends. Rev T J Wilson returned this neon from a months sojourn at Kugene near his forty acre tract - Mi Will Cowan of the IT 8 collectors office, came up from Portland this noon on a Washington's birthday vacation. W H Burns, of Albany, has accepted the position of I'nion Pacific agent ut Oor yaiiis, and entered upon the discharge of his duties. Mrs Win Pfciffer and daughter and Miss Maggie Murry leave tonight for Oakland, Calif, where they will be the guests of Mr W J Henderson, and will do the mid winter fair. On sccount of making neceitarv chang e ihe steamer Homer will not sail from San Francisco until Friday Feb ajL Re turning leave Yaquina on Wednesday Feb aS Passenger leaving Albany by train Tuesday Feb ay will make connec tions. At the rmettng of the city council at Oregon City last night, a resolution was passed ordering the removal oi all arc ituX Hit o take ihe ir place, the total bill for MghMng the city net to exceed ioo per monlh. Poor economy. Mr LeweKyan, of Oakville. io this county ia a brother of Gov Lewellyan, of Kabaas, who has been having a duel with Mrs Lease for several weeks. Like his brother, Mr Lewellyan ia a red hot populiat and is the leader of the populist agitation at Oakvilb. He ia ready to meet most anybody in populiatic combat- Rev J E Keyes, Associate U S Mission ary of the Universaliat church, was ia the city this noon for twenty minutes on his way ta Eugene, where he will preach tonight. Yesterday be stopped off at Millers and visited his former Iowa neighbors L C Stratton and family Mrs F O Breckenndge was a student under Rev Keyes In Iowa several years ago. The marriage of Mrs f L Woodwortb, nee Laura Ramp, and Mr I D Driver. Jr., better knowa at Salem as Will Driver, took place at the residence of Mrs Mary Ramp on Capital street, at 10 o'clock a m today, by Kev O W Grannie. Mr and Mrs Driver took the morning train (or Eugene whera they will make their borne. Mr Driver ia a son of Rev I D Driver and a painter by trade Independent The Ladies Auxiliary will meet in their rooms on Friday, Feb 33, at 4 o'clock. Subject for the month : Oliver Wendell Holmes. The following pro gram will be given : Devotional exer cises. Business. Ladies Quartet bi ography, Miss tiard. "The Chambered Nautilus," Mis Condiff. On Holmes S3rd Birthday. Mrs W H Lee. Song. "The Boys." Miss Eva Simpson. Roll all, quotations from Holmes. Question box. Quartet, "Stars of the Summer Night." by MiasWarner, Mrs Lee. Misses Era and Minnie McFarlaod. Washington', birthday. Polk, hat the lowest county tax in the state, 13 mills. Assessor Lee has 157 dog on the list. No one knows how much money they will bring until the collection Is maJe. A work train under John Can.pbell has been busy for a week driving piles in the west approach to the O P bridge at Alb ary . ao degree above aero 1 about the coldest weather reported here. One would think though to hear tome peop'e talk that it was ao degrees betow zero. At the Y MCA gymnasium last night the association five. Btoteett. Wilon. Smiley. Nutting, Reach Weath.-rford and Beam, defeated the college foot ball fire. Hulburt. Turner, Alunath. McuClloch ar.d Graham, ao to 24 after a liye game. Tbe DeM'jcrat made a mistake In say ing the Amity Pop Gu.i had suspended. We copied the item from a Yamhill papar It only stopped a week. It continue to appear. The outside I the same a Ihe outxide Pf the pojuHat and U printed in he PopulUl office In thUclty. Hoar ha introduced a bill In the senate to uppre iotteriet. The word 'lottery' U made 19 embrace raffie and gift enter prite. The bill make It a felony punlah able by a fine of $1000 or iwo tear' laa pilsonmer.ment, or both, for any person to coptrive or prupoe a lottery, sell letter r. icksts or deposit them in tne msils within ihe jurisdiction ol the L nlted ante, or so I her rosy be brought into the Ceiled State. 1 After Gold. Over ia Linn county lives the family o( Robert Smith. Mr amitb is an old Scotch miner and a couple of months or more ago in response to a letter Irom L 1. Horning, he went to Elliott creek. Southern Oregon, the con dition being that he was to receive a share in the new mine that Mr Horsing as discovered there it be would boss tha building of a flume that is to give tha workmen plenty of water. A man frnja the river the other day related that re cently the son of Mr Smith received a letter from bis father turecUng him to come at once to Elliott creek : that the mine was rich and that the son should have the father's interest in it while the latter prospected for dirt of similiar char acter in the same vicinity. The son left post haste; wherefore there seems rea son to believe that there is a hen on ia the Horning i;old mine. Times. As Opium Joist. Chief of Police Lee and Policeman McOain this afteni'ion made a raid on the red front Celestial opium joint of Chang, on Second street, 1 1 i-lt 1 I : ai 1 . ami luvsiiy nappumti in at tuc ncm time. I hev tound Lining at home and with a friend in the depths of smoke with an opium outfit before them. Each had a pipe, tui oniy one towi. t me wouni einoke while the other waited, and then transfer ing the bowl to Lis pipe he would go through with the peculiar inhaling opera tion so fascinating to the Chinaman. IThey were in the act at the tune, so that the proof is complete. Chung is the one in whose house the row occurred ; hot against whom it was impossible to secure sufficient reliable evidence. Expensive!!! eoaosay . home people begrudge the little money that an Allcock't Porous Piaster costt, and then when they sre racked with pain from the soreness arising from a cold, they will spend any amount of money to relieve the pain. It they only had one or these world renowned clatters on hand they would be aved a vact amount of suffering and be considerably richer. At the first sign of stiff nes of the jolntt applv one af these plasters witt.out nny delay. The soreness will be greatly relieved at once and aeon disappear entirely. It will be money saved to have them on hand, to sat noto- lu of the comfort Ihey bring. Brandreth's Pill contain no Irritating matter, Summer weakness, that tired feeling loss of sppetlte and nervous prostration are driven away bv Hood's Samaparllla, like mist before the morning tun. io realize the benefit of thlt great medicine give It a trial. Sure, efficient, easy Hood's Plllt. Thousand! of lives are taved annually by the use of A ver't Pectoral. In the treatment of croup and whooping cough, the Pectoral hat a most marvelous effect. It allay in ammatioti, frees the obstructed air passage and eontreil tne desire to cough. Dr. Price' Cream' Baking Powder World' Pair gjfggag Award. Yei, You Can see the finest line sam-jjei for suitings' in the state at W Grkham's, where he has a tailor with ie equals on hand to make them up on short notice. Get the best and most stylish tuitt of him. A new feature will be the making of ladles' cloaks to order, or the altering of cloaks to the latest styles, and he repairing of cloakt. Prices are bot I torn ones. PnoTKCTiajaT or Bank Depositors. In view of the efforts being made in Al bany by certain depositors Io get their money the rowwing from the Pendleton K O will lie of local interest, particularly uaiin Albany man will take a leading part in it: Leo 1 Stock, formerly with the Mellis Mer cantile Omipaay. while in Pendleton at the last term of b 'circuit court told an Kast Oregonian imeaeiitutive of a plan which would le canaed out during the coming state aimpajfi. 1! ' ituted that it had never teen inflate pu' . . and hud not at that time I ts'ii thotoaghly matured. P. is noth ing less than aa 0rg.1ni7.ed movement to se cure nationaJJnfotectiiMi fur bank deport. ts. Although at that time in the crudest stat-, a rough outline) was given. A club -its to In formed with headquarters eitiier in Salem or in Portland and brunches in eve y town in the state. It was to be an annex to the democratic patty, and the platform of the bank Depositor a Protective League, some such name baiag given, was to la made, an i-ue in the cwnaigc. the coming spring. No w ell digestif ptan waa to be given out. At first agitafwa, pure and simple, wus t j be the aim ot MB asmajBirat ion . and legisla tors were to haS their attention turned to idintr immediate treatment It would I? urired that only bv adopting a scheme which embraced federal supervision and a federal guarantee to de positors could those entrusting their funds to the care of a banking institution be as sured that no possible loss would come. It is not aimed at any existing banking system necessarily, but amounts merely to giving a bank depositor as much insurance m H given a grocery dealer that his properly shall not be a loss to him in case a fire should come. Mr Stock stated that J K Weatherford. of Albany, would devote his time during the campaign to tbe advocacy of such principles, aad that possibly other prominent speakers would pledge' them selves to put in full time discussing national protection for bank depositors. Whkx Comino THaiiu Miseoi-Ri Sheriff Jackson sat for a few moments with an angular old Miatourian leaving Illinois for his former home in Missouri. II? had been telling the sheriff about attending a hanging, where, notwithstanding bis boasted courage drops of perspiration as big at his thumb stood out on bis forhead when the trap "drapped;" as well aa other livt stories to'd in a very original wav. Some time afterwards the sheriff, thinlt ing tbe Missourian bad gone into another car, repeated the stories in the languace of the man. Wnen be was through a long neck was stretched tut ween them from behind. "Them's the fact, and every wori' true. I'll be got denied if it aint jest ItolJif." Said the greater who ha 1 baeo sitting l-ehind them. The sheriff's embarrass ment may be imagined. Hv.vt Hi-xtixg for So.OOO.OJO.-i; W Hunt, the railroad contractor, at one time a resident of Albany, con Lis net to he heard from. He has just brought suit at Seattie against the Northern Pacific raiipaul cetap any for th modest sum of $J.0u0 dainagv. Mr Hunt brings hi sua u re -cover daniages for losses suffered by reason of an attachment which be allege was fraudulently sued out against him bv tie railroad In 191 he owed tbe Northtm Pacific II 40. 0O0 and the attachment of hi properties was secured si a time when be was actively engaged ia railroad construct ion, and all his plans were frustrated, hi subsidies lost aad hit mills and camp abut op. In his statement of alleged losses Mr Hunt estimates tbe value ol the many sob tidies promised him at tbe time the suit was brought, as weJi aaUtercasooabio rait of the railroad and the great value of credit which a man ia his position if possessed of. Bad Roads. Ab Albany doctor who has recently made several trips to Spring Hill wish to kaow if there is any way in which tbe road supervisor bet w teu this city ar.d that locality can be made to fix the road, now in a frightful and almost impassable condition. We refer the matter to the county court of Benton county, in the mean urn? a great cry it going op generally for better road. In the first place competent supervisors can do much: in the nsvr,.l place we most gradually secure more tiring ant road laws. Wno Cax Vote. As there is some con fusion as to who can vote at tbe tie- lion on bond tomorrow we give the Law. after consulting with Director Klinn at to its cocTvrtness: "In all school districts in this state with a population of one thousand and upwards, any citizen of this state shall be entitled to vote at a school meeting who twenty- one years of age and has resided in the district 30 davs icsmedtatelv nre- ceedinar the meeting and who bat prof erty in the district upon which be or she pays a lax. fit course the voter must have re ssuan in tne stite six months. v omen who are widows and have children to edu cate, and taxable property in the district and who have resided in tbe district thirty uys, aa aforesaid, shall I entitled to vote. The Ki!nsniARTKx. The best edu cators of the I'nited Stab's and mot peo ple who have investigated the matter in telligently admit the great merit of nv kindergarten system. The development of it ia continual, and it ia getting a firmer foothold everywhere in the I S. There are many cities with the fTeekindergartan. Albany will proliebiy not be among tl.eir number for several years, and no f!.rt will be made until greater pros perity justifies it; but the time wiil come when the kindergarten ilaiaai I iitaail i feature here as well aa elsewhere in the C S. It has come to stay. The Foot Ball Gaue on the 3rd of March, one week from tomorrow will be the liven athletic contest in Albany this season. Tbe Unknowns under ibe management and captaincy of O M Mc Fartand i doing some thorough training and the College boys are taking advent age of every thing 10 perfect themselves lor the contest. It will oniy cost 25 oenti including a sett on the grand stand to see an hour and a half of the livest foot ball warfare imaginable. A Poor Bocndart Lijie. Following is a description of the south boundary line of Marion county: Commencing in the 1 middle of the channel of the Willamette river opposite the mouth of the Santiam river: thence up said river to the north fork; thence up said fork to the Cascade mountains; thence due east to the summit of the Rocky mountains." Under it it is said to be nnpossinie to tell whether some land is in Marion or Linn counties, and one has to go a long ways to the sum mil of the Itockios. A Foot Ikjlred. This forenoon W W Rowell, foreman of Linn Engine Co No. 2, was assisting to draw the engine into the house, when in some manner his foot got caught under one ot tne wheels. The en gine was stopped with the fall weight on the toot, crushing it in a bad manner. Or W 11 Havis wus called una dressed the 111 jured foot, which will necessitate Mr Row ell s walking with a limp lor several days. a Pistol Accident, Wade Davis and several otner Doys were across tne river yesterday practicing with a 22 calibre re volver when the weapon was accident v dis charged, and as often happens the bullet took a bee line for Wades hand, hitting two fingers and entering the palm. Or Mnston extracted the bullet. It will be some lime before it is in condition for the many uses a boy has for his hands. An Important Qi'estion. Man's eter nal destiny. TliiH question is disturbing the minds of a good many in Albany at present. Dr Gwynn will discuss it at the Presbyterian church tonight at 7:30. Be makes himself understood oy all him by his practical style. Who hntir R Fined $50. Lung Chung was examined this afternoon on the charge of keeping an opium joint, which has been for white men and Chinamen. He was found guilty and fined $50 or 26 days in jail. The court de clared it the determination of the police I force to break up tne opium joints of icity. The Indications are warmer temperature and we may look for rain fa a tew days. Yetterday Dr Matton removed a tumor fiom the back of Georje P Warner, about at aig at a hen' egg. This morning George Stlmon' expre wagon collapaed In a tragical mannet ; without injuring any one. The northeastern heaven 1 t night were fi:led with aurora boreall, a beauti ful tight and one of great brilliancy. vV R Mfgginwn. while fording the Sllelz' river on the Itfth lntant was drowned, ills h rc began s rugg'ing, throwing him under lie water The report that an effort is beng made to get a free Kindergarten at 'he pr;ent time Is aboutcly untrue The Kind-r-garlen is being brought aa near to that basis a low tintion will make It. That I all. About Mar.l, 5. h the foil.twlng upp let will ne forwarded by ihe ccr;tarv of state 10 the crunty clerk, for the June election: Linn, 18 precinct Pencils, 124; p bks, 56 and 14 ; t s 70 of each ; copy t s, 28 of each ; needles, 50. The north jelty at Yaquina Bay is 4,800 feet long ; During fie year ending June 3, 1893, there were 65 arrival of vestelt wish a louaga oi a6.39i.Oo. Tie number of passengers arriving was 474 ; depirslng 481. In the supreme court yetterday was the following case: I II Van Bibber, respon dent, v Hugh Fields, appellant, appeal from Linn county ; argued and submitted. H Clay Waf on attorney for respondent. Wright & Tutting attorney for appellant. Tomorrow occurs the election on boad tng school district No. 5 for $20,000. It l to be hopeJ our public spirited cl bteos generally upxrt the movement bv vot ing ye. Tne sentiment of the pubfi: has already been expressed by a vote that way, let It again be expressed the same way. The prltwavtra In the penitentiary yes terday were given a holiday, and present ed a ihcctrica! performance of consider able merit. One of the performer in minlstrclsy, Mr Wldgate, hold eleven medal tor being Ihe best bane artist in lbs world. The Browntsilie time sayt: Tne trial ofDrJ DSponoglenho hat been con fined In the county jail for the pal three month on the charge of rape, wlil occur In Albany on or about the isth of next monlh. A targe number of people arid attend from heie, tome bavinB been tab poenaed at witnesses in the case. It prom ises to be quite interesting. J H Townscnd, of Ne cllr fo- a few dsss. burg, it In the Mr C C Hogue will tpeak to C A Sunday at 4 o'clock. the Y M Prof Horner, of the State Agricultural college, went to Koeeburg this neon. Mr Jacob Stfeitei and Miss Hale, daugh ter of Mr Andrew Hale, were united in marriage near this city on last Wednesday. It i rumored Dr Henry, of Brownsville, and Miss Nettie WiUoughbr. of near Co borg. were united in wedlocks. Feb 13. Hairisborg Gorier. Me 1 Ssrait, ssl.o recently ret-irr.ed from California, reports Grass a'lev ant NcsaJaCity the litest places visited Their mines d it. H C WaV,n. referee in the rase of Perkins etal agt J E Noland. sheriff of Lane coun ty, went to Eugene today to bear the argu ment of the attorneys in the case. A E Roe. of the V pp?r Santiam it in the city on his way to San Francisco, to order the machinery for the new taw mill to be erected on the Santiam near the month of the Brei ten bush. William Dunn, tbe vounar Southern Pa cific telegraph operator, left yesterday for Oervni where he will assume a temporary -' : - as Bsnaaana aer.t wswaBntnta. Mr 'ilj Merriman.the agent, is in Albany visiting friends. Obatokt. Melvin Williams and Arthur Foshar went to Eugene this noon to attend the state ora'orical contest. There will he eight orations delivered in the following order, with music interspersed : T H Adam. Pacific university. "Mount Mcria and the Acrapolis," C J At wood. Willam ette unuersity. '-Conditional Citizenship." Peery F Chandler. Portland uaiversity. Sunrise and Sunset." G W lone. Univer sity of ( msgoo. "Ktetnal Vigilance the Price of I jtswty." Gertrude Lamb. I-acific College, "A Nineteenth Century Possibil ity. L. K Latouette. McVmnville. "Pop ular Education tbe Palladium of Democ racy. Angetine K atson. Monmouth. ' 'ir Republic.- AM V. illiams. Allans. 'What Keadet Thou in Nature. " Lebanon. Arch Hammer, of Albany. was here Ttsesdav. I'ncle Dave Brewer is only "-4 voars old and bis wife pright!y Her mother lives with them, and passed her 99th birth- lay on Jan 5U. regon a tine place to live. J W Cruson and wife attended the fun eral of ilenrv Ibtvidson. a cousin of Mr t ruson. at Halaey Wednesday. Mr 1 'avid son was 76 ears of age. and was an old and highly respected cititen of this county. tie leaves a wile and tour children. Me-isrs J R Metiger and Q W Whitiier of Jefferson, were 111 Lebanon a couple of slays the first ot the week, looking around with a view cf starting a butcher shoo at this place. Advance and Express. The long hoped for n ail rout from Brownsville to Halsey and return it about to materialize. Toe" contract has l-een let to Geo Urtnkard fo- tito per rear to perform the service on uch rout and will begin on the tenth of March to perform tna work. 1 bit will give us a mail daily direct from Portland and will be a great great convenience to the people. Brownsville limes. A large vo'e ss as being polled this afternoon on ihe bono for a new school bouse. Tbt Men about Town predicts a maiorltv in (avor ot bs"d. though an effort is being tr ade against the move ment. Wesuimo nvitayiorb. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Golden Common every day. "HstUJtY. Td grow o'.d gracefully, one must live temperately, calmly, methodlcallv ; be Interested in all that is going on in the world; be cheetful, happy and contented ar.d above aO, keep the blood pure and vlgirous by the ue of Ayer's Sarsaparilla Be ture you gel Ayer . 'Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious lummer', by Aire's Sarsa parilla. this wonderful medicine to In vigorate the system and enriches the blood that cold weather becomes positively enjoyable. Arctic explorers woulddo well to rnake.a note ot thit. To prtterve a youthful appearance a long a possible. It I Indispensable that tbe hair should retain i's natural color and fullness, There la no preparation so effective at Ayre's Hair Vigor. It pi events baldness, and keep the sca'p dean, cool, and healthy. seir r raise. Self praise It no recommendation, but there are not timet when one must permit a person to tell the truth about himself. When what he says is supported by the testimony of others no reasonable man will doubt hit word. Now, to say that Allcock't Porout Plaitert are the only genuine .nd reliable porout plasters made Is not self praise In the slightest degree. ri..... s.-.. -.a . . . . . ,9, ,. iklpu , i lie t im.c Kiniu iiic n.v w, u'n I years, and In proof ot their merits it Is only Ineccttary to call attention to the cuies I .. . they have effected and to the voluntary testimonials of those who have used them. Bewatc ol imitations, and do not be de ceived by misrepresentation, Atk Allcock't, and let no solicitation or expla nation Induce you to accept a substitute. Thin or gray hair and bald heads, to dltDleatlng to manv neoole at matksof the j age, may be averted for a long time U.ll'. Hair I.' SATUEDAT" AMD Judge R P B ise is mentioned for lioth supreme judge Isopulist ticket and attorney goneral on the The ice works have leen leased by Casey and E I Lanning. by whom will be run this summer. ('has they Ihe Pre d Seta, says that at the revi val in that efty there, have been 7 conver sions ami Doug Hamtlton. C D Kennedy told his naptha launch St Charles to Coquille parties, last week, and it will be used to cany milk to the Coouille creamery. Coos Bay News. The O A C football team of Corvalli ent to Portland yesterday to play the L'n iversity this afternoon. The Man al-on hown prMiicts a comparatively ea-y victory for the 0 A C. " Ex-Treasurer 6 K MurpV.v. of P.akerCity. was on yesterday convicted of larceny of public money. He was short in bis ac counts $41 10 The jury was out 20 hours ami recommended tlie prisoner to the mercy of the court. A corresDoudeul of a r.t ',,n Waterloo -av.: ri .r t.v.n j- tlm home of the crank and literary aspirant. Slander runs riot on onr streets, and chron ic grumbling takes tbe lead in society circlet. A fellow went out to Corvallis last week ami circulated a story that tbe editor of this paper had been forcildy ejected from the office of the Posi by Coll Van tleve. Of course it was untrue in every particular and the person telling it knew sc. Lin coln County Leader. H Adam, representing the firm of Allen A- Ie wis. is in the city. Mr Adams is note.! in Port and as "a whistler, being highly accomplished in that line, and hav ing frequently delighted large audiences at amateur musical entertainments. Astor ian. Albany will nut up two to one on Mr Walter Ellis, of this city, again t Mr Adams, on a whistling conuit. Geo L Alexander, of the Lelianon Ad vance, is mentioned for the office of stale printer on the populist tickt. Mr Alex ander publishes the clearest popultat paper in Oregon and is a gentleman besides, facta which entitle bis candidacy to considera tion, so great is the contrast with some of the brethern. The Hammertley mine hat been a source of much unpleasantness almost since its first discovery about a year ago. The own er bonded tee property last summer and litigation soon followed asking the courts to either invalidate tbe bond or compel tbe purchaser to pay up. This matter at still before the courts and the end is not yet. Medfcrd Mail. This it the mine Mr lrew. who. with Mr Clark, recently bonded some of the Santiam mines, was interested in. The Jefferson Review advocates Dr J L Hill, of this city for governor, and gives several reasons on tbe subject. The Review says : We notice many state papers advo cating the nomination of Dr J L Hill, of Aibany.for governor on tbe Populist ticket. The Review ba.- received letters from parties in Eastern I kagm, who say that Hilfis tbe choice of a large majority "of the people in that section. Nominate Hill, and there it no question as to who will be tbe next gov- OBTAX. Mr R A Rampy, of Harriaturg, was ia the city today. John Barrett, the Portland Telegram re porter, who has been appointed minister to hiazu will receive $7,000 a year. Leigbton Jefferies -recently arrested at Yaquina City for ateakiog an over coat, is in the city, having succeeded in getting bonds last evening. In the oratorical con'ett at Eagene last evening Cbartat J Atwood. of Willamette Cniversity. won the fi'tt prize aad Gertrude Lamb of Newberg was second. Prof C F Rowland returned this noon from Eugene: where he attended tbe ora torical contest Grand Chancellor J A Waddeil. K of P was in Albany today. Mr James Irwin, who has been a resident of Albany and vicinity for several vears. left this noon lot Arlington, where he will work fur his brother-in-law. George BkJxe. Hon R A Irvine was up street lodav for the Srt tme in a year and twoday. ben he truck lik! corner of Broadaibn and Second streets he hardly knew where be was. Rev S W Frvvlaad went 10 Albany today to occupy the Congregational pulpi: of that l 1 . r , - f r li.iceon onanatl re'xi. rsev ss a irow. 01 Ainanr. will preach in Mr Free!ar.d" tsise here. Salem Independent. Col Will Viscber tbe poet humorist, will pounce down upon Albany one week from today. He has secured the opera house.and for !." and 23 cents will cut the atmosphere ith his pungent, original remarks and take off'. Mr Vischer is a Keeley cure man. The Ladies Auxiliary of tie Y M C A held a very profitable meeting yesterday afternoon. The program publishes! was arried out. Oliver endail Holmes was honored in cssav an I recitation. The aux- liarv has i-n stoa.iilv.growiniransl yester day abont thirty members w.-re present. Hawthorne will ba the subject at the next meeting. Rev J E Blair is now pastor of a church at Newport. Yaquina ly. He returned to thai plaiv- yesiemav having in J-aiem tor a few davs. The reverend gentleman form erly occupied the pulpit in the Cumberland 1 resbvtonan church ot isiiem. but ome time since decided to change lus belief to that ot the 1 irst Preshvterun denomina tion. Statesman. The Toledo Post savs that Rev Mr Wal ¬ lace, a reformed lawer from Junction Citv has been reviving the christian sentiment at the public hail in that city for the last two weeks or so. with good success, lawyer McFadden. druggist McNeil, publisher Stewart and wife, printer Collins, deputy county clerk Pears, Dr Outer, senator Crosno. U lilloUon. C h lYubler. Mrtovall and Mesdames VVadsworth, Neuland Jones.Callamore and Crosno have all united with the Methodist church by letter, while rrank Wadsworth. Ado I rwsno, Mrs ied Parker. Jud May.!. Miss Eftie Crosno and Mrs J H McNeil have joined on probation A Child EbJssts Toe Pleasant navor. centie action an soothing etfect o Syrup ot Figs, when need oi a laxative, tnd If the father mother be costive or bilious, tbe mo gratifying result! follow Ra use; so that Is the best faun v known an every family U bass a bottle. Whan Baby was sk-k. we gar her Carioria. VThen she waa a Child, she cried for Cast oris. When the became Mlm, she elutu: t.s Pastor! . When sho had t,lt.l.'.ren, she gave then; Osstorla Wear Em Out! The wav to do it 1st stake vour wash ing to the t-hinanien. II you want vour work well done at living prices take It Richard V Phillip's Meam l.aundry They know how .svithout banging them around a pee. v'ocal and Instrumental Mvsic. Mist Hattie Warner a graduate oi the conservatory connected with Gates Col lege, Neb, Is prepared to give lessoni vocal and instrumental music to tingle pupil or classes, at reasonable terms. Miss Warner has had a thorough educa, lion and Is an experienced teacher. Her refetences are; Prof H A Shorey, William A Trow and Mrs lennle Lee. for Whatever may be the cause of blanch ing, the halt may be restored to Itt origi nal color by the use of that potent remedy Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer. by A Penitentiary Dude. A Portland man who went up to Salem a few days ago went out to visit the penitentiary and to seo Atwood, the ex-chahier of the Van couver Transportation company, and who was convicted for embezzling several thous and dollars. The gentleman says that At wood is the dude of the place. He "spruces" up on Sundays and sings in the choir; in fact, is the leader in the chorus and con siders himself far too good to associate with the other fellows. Atwood is very ex clusive in his ways, and despite tbe staid prison garb manages to look as nice aa pos sible. On week days Atwood works in the laundry at the prison, and even at this humble labor keeps himaelf aloof from tbe association of the other convicts. "Heseems to be very well satisfied where he ia," says the gentleman, who is well acquainted with Atwood, "and does not seem to regret the days when he bandied money, whereat he now turns the clothes-wringer." A MoNOPtnisT. fhe Corvallia Gazette says: A number of onr exchanges have re ported that the Amity Popgun has tuspen den. According to Mr Long, one of the publishers, this report is not correct. The Popgun missed one itnns m asMant oi changes mode in the mechanical arrange ment of tbe office, and the Popgun wiil continue to pop in future as in the past. Mr Long is a short little fellow but hat rather lengthy ideas and not only con trolls the Popolistic field of Amity and vicinity but now sways the rod of social ism over Albany and Eugene, a new plant having been sent tbe latter place recently. The territory of Yamhill. Linn and Lace counties is rather an extensive newspaper field to be controlled by a concern with no better mission to perforin than that ot advocating demo-populiatic doctrines in this serial manner. Speaking of monopo lies, how does this strike the average ca lamity howler';' LieetheD P. Charles E Nicholson, former'- of Corvallis, but for many months in the engineering department of the Eoeebarg A- Coos Bay railroad, arrived at Corvallis Thursday, Active operations on hit road were discontinued some time ago, and will not be itsninrd until funds can be realized from a sale of bonds that it now being attempted in England, or from other sources sayt tbe Times. "Rais ing money now to build railrords with," said Mr Nicholson, "since so many Amer ican railroad art in the hands of receivers, and especially sines the O P sold for such a miserable pittance, ia difficult business." The Roteburg road it twenty-six miles long and -o far has proved a paying prop erty, as it runs through a rich dairy. Coai and timber country. Coal deposits are so heavy along the line of the road, that veins are often uncovered by the graders m mail ing cuts. The distance from the present terminuj to Roteburg ia sixty-five miles. A New War. According to the Ash land Tidings this is the wav they hunt wild cats in Southern Oregon: Two of the Wor low boys -sad James ru midge had an ad venture with a wild cat on Antelope creek Last week that furnished good conversational food for bad weather in the vicinity of bar room stoves. Jim Woriow treed the cat, had no gun not good shot with stones, got no cat. Went for Jim Turnridge and hit noted lariat. Jim climbed the tree, "laaeed'the cit lowered him to the ground and the dogs did the rest, with Woriow and Turnridge at up-tree spectators. A Bad Offense. On Wednesday night George Averv. having indulged ia a little too much cf the fluid that displaces a man's senses, sought to amuse himself and asso ciates in relieving one Chii amen Chariy of his queue by catting off the same with a sharp wnife. which it is said he always has in a bandy place. Thit poor Chinaman's ssstt for heaven are bow slim, indeed, if death should follow soon, for thai seems to be a part of their religion to wear a long queue. What iadujeznent Mr Avery had for indulging in Chinese pig-tail on this occasion is not known. Corrallis Gazette. Ta New Cobtaxv. The Sugar Pine Door A Lumber Co hare transferred their plant in tbe A ibany branch to the Sugar Pine Mill & Fixture Co, recently incorporated under a capital stock of A1 r.W It was fnrnd to he to the t,.t.l tho rimmnc make tbe division. Following are tbe officers of the company : W F Read, president: , - is .7 . , George Horhstedier. vice president and manager. Edward ye, secretary. Ihe com pa it has a hrst-ciaes plant ana win play an important part in toe mture de velopment of Albany. Nick Bacon. The Corvallis paper have been having considerable to say about Nick Baeson being lost. He went to the world's fair last year aid has never return ed. In anticipation of his being lost a Corvallis creditor has attached sJl his prop erty. The truth is Nick is in Spokane. Mr Geo E Fish, of this citv. received a letter from him several davs am and he is all right. Religions Service. -Service as usual this evening in the Presbyterian church lr Gwvnne will preach, large audiences gather nightly to hear the Dr and many are being stirred by bis forcible words. All are invited Mr C C Hogue wiil make an address l fore the Y M C A tomorrow at 4 p m. His subject will be the 'Manly young man. i oung men are ( arneeiLiy mviiesi to c? present. Rev S M Freeland of Salem will preach in the CoBgreg-ational church tomorrow in exchange with the pastor Mr Trow. Ser vices begin at i:oJ ana . omer servi ces as usual. "Only the Scars Remain." Sara Hesrt Hcmon, of the Jamea Smiui WtWMB Machinery Ca. rhiladelphia, Pa., who certi fies as follows: " Among the many testimoni als which I see h in regard to csr- tain medicines performing cures, cleansing ths blood, etc., none iiu press me mora than my own ean . Twenty ye are ago, ai the age of IS years, I had swellings come on m y legs , which broke and became ma niac eoree Our family phy sician could, do me no good, and it waa feared that the aanos would bo affected. A last, my fOOtl old Mother Urged Me to ty Ayr Saraapartlla. I took tares asttiei. the aores healed, and I bare not snvan troubled ainee. Only the scars Baaaala, and the memory ot the oat. to remind mm ot tha good Avor't Sarsaparilla has done a I avow weigh two hundred and twenty in aamnua. and am In the beat ot heaitn X have been on ths road tor the pas ayelve years, have aotioed ayars Bar ajBntllla advertised ia all parts ot the ttaltsd States, and always take pleaa- aaa in telling what good it did lor me. Ayer's Sarsaparilla sttrsdbyDr.J.C.AyaCo,IwtahaUss. Curos other-, will euro you A Pi l m "As OM tM thebillaaxWI never erceli ed. "Trie,l and proven" ia the verdict o f millions. o 1 m m o n a Liver Jiegii- 1-Scrtcr ; K; medicine to which you i you? for a . A n d 77: kith c a r t mild tive. van purely va;- etab 3C- Pills ing oiti .r on the timet and Kid ueys. Trv it Drug'Vs in L;.;il,or;.; PowdeV to le taken dry or made in :o 1 iar. T!-e Kit I -.1 Ur M tik&mt " I ;ta. --- -;i ;. .-. -.- , rr, . - -,v r Fx-rts tetrj-and ran ssoojisisi1 srftoaay sr.s t i-iao klayofal! tivs-r msIK tne. I roti4t it t atstasffnoenati 1 1 t:--ir. o;,. 'A, j us IVuua. v, asnaatxaats. S-I"V i I1V PACXACr-M lli Ct irop la i-r- on ssrraiis J F. FOBD, MiM, Ot Dim M'j.'a. fowa, writes ac le-Male of March 2S. 1 '.',. S. B Mxii. V. rr. Co.. Defer, Oregon. On arriving bane bot week well asd acxioasiy airaitiog. I bsrcdall Oar Httls girl, e. m and one-half years oid, who had ws ted away to 2H pcusdt, is nsw weB. ttrocg aad ngntcMt, and well iabm op. B. Coogh Tore baa done it war welL Both of the children like it. Yosr S B. Coogh Cure hs cared aad kept away all hoarseness from me- So give it to every oee, with grs-ringt for ail. Wiaamgyats pew 01 i y. we are Yoara, Ma & Mas J F fosn. it ' -3 wish to tod una maA 'S"' sr. tosMiaj" itt.-K j icrr: -Jss h;si L.Ti ijirt. ij usiaaf :m j Xavj p I Hi I lij i li sag tat ss. ttsdol r-i f3rt ts I ACCMMING. HILL taatnannwl I I M.llaJiaS1 v.zand SiaBper cue cent a t Teas Get at Coh mo promptly eons T rs iiii.c.ccc, 5-ro-F ot Tnroax, tioataeneaa, wt Ccu;a ana Atthnrs. For Couas, ni;siion it has no mas atBcared thousaads, ai will CTBB TOtTiT taken In time. Je st by Drocgtata on a cast antee. For a Lame Back or Chess, use SHILOH'S BELLADONNA PLASTE.K2C r r ILOHS CATARRH REMEDY. are Tosi Catarrt f Tina una itrlttrnaisas- teedtoeuiwyou. rrioe,7csa Lij.v-.-rireo. M. HeFarIand -:- DSU.tR LS Harness -and o Saddlery the Oqoi FOSHAY & MASON - wst'-A'-i saa aacaa - Druggists and Booksellers, I eta tsfor John B. Aldee's publlrs. 'Joca uich w sell at p-abUsaer's priests wits 4Xsaddx "t.B11T, OatESOS VIGOR MEN ExsiN. Osk:?. Ftrasa; .nfii sic.ii r. WEAKNESS, OEBIU7Y. s: ' all ts rratnc; erCt rrsni tssr . nssr err tat tsaiatat. Uii si ssnS r?c ovcrwsik. slvk:.ei, owvv.stn rti4tnc'i. .CTTKHsu-ei-l ana t.s.s alsen tosserycrvanerd Stlsa cf It,' b-stjr. rojsl. a. t on. t tne.' SBs, asasstsksM tro ptwattjata ktc r':ur Imssssetis. tvrsrsrncsfsv sss-. eiplanatson and isv: ntallcst teanll . ERIE KEDICAL C?- BUFFALO, N.v REVERE HOUSE LBANY ORECf-l AS. PFtlFFEH eROPUlKT'si 51 am 5 Red CrownMills JOHN ISOM, PROPRIETOR. aw raoCBsa slocr sitekios re a rAAtniB and baxeks vsa, EST STORAGE MCIU fl rS .ACADEMY ZOF Ladj of PsroBtnal Help