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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1894)
Rights 0 State (tnorra VOL XXIX. Knleretl at Uic R'os Ofnre at Albany. Or., a Second-flat Mall Mat. r. ALBANY.OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23. 181)4. HTITF.S .i Xt'TTISt., rablUkcr and rraprlelen: AIO i9 for Infants T HIkTY years' observation SjSB5SB& P1 It la unquestionably th best regt.e.yr for Infanta and Children the world hea wtr known. It Is hermles. Children like I. It artyee them health. It will save, their lives, la Is jtothere have eonae thins; which jg ahaoawtely safe erl practically perfect a ay cMld'a ediolne, Oaatorla destroys Worm. Oaatorla aJlajre Fevea4ahjaeaa. Cajtorim preventa Toanitinar Soar Card. Osxateria cwrea Diarrhcaa and Wind Colio. wnatorl rellevea Teething TrtmMaa. Catoria "fflgj Conatlnatlon and Flatulency. neutralise thw effects of carbonic acid mmm or poijsonona air, do not contain morphine, opinm. or otter narcotic property, aaaiwiitatea the food, r ettwlates the stomach tnd howtj. ggfcjg healthy and natnral sleep. rta la -pat np in one-alae bottle t allow any on to aell yon anything else on the plea or promise t it la " Jna r aa rood " and " will i that yon get C - A - S - T - O - The fae-aj-ill I aigaatnre of ' 'Children Cry for The Best Shoes W. L. DOUGLAS Shoes are satisfaction at the prices advertised than anv yinced. The stamping of tV. L. Douirlas' -V (or the Least .doney. cfa Vaaaarv -i ' ' aVv BMs axsnviiii.' sdaluc iirvr & r nrr-i s Tei. 1 sanssnananentsm .. - l -. guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear iters. Dealers who push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps tc increase the sales on their fuU line of goods, x-y ran afford to am t a li and we believe yon can save money by bnrlni; r.:I rone ! pent of t- o-..t-li s a a below. Cataiosrao free upoa applicatlou. Y," . .nn For sale by the i'E BLAIN CLOTHING CO Jewel Stoves The Earth Matthews & Washburn. SOLE AGENTS At Perry Conn's Barrel of Pickels, Chow Chow. Fine California Honey, Horse Radish Roots, G rass and Garden Seeds. Always keep on hand a choice line of all staple proceiies as. well as a superior stock of crockery. G.CMOON. Successor to Flour and Opposite Has on band a fall stock cf Chopped rt9d,Coiva.l:s Flcur, Brae, Shorts, Ge.mMtal Grabam, Buckwheat, Rje "Icnr, Haj , O.t-, - POONIZEi HOM m FARMERS & MERCHANTS 1KSURANCC CH -Albany, KKai), Prealdeat. J It COWAN, Treasurer. niRaxrrons-' I Cowan, ieo F Simpson, W F Read, O B Wontelt'i, vi Sternberg rJ WJ'"i. n J K Weaibertord. O J Stu tit O Writaman. ALSO DISTRICT AGaXTS FOR Jf several Solid Eastern and Foreign Companies and Children. ofC astorlr with the ytttron aw of 0 sp-: of without arnesL.g;. oaly. It la not aold in hnlfc. anawe? ovary purpose." R - l - A. Is eg every Pitcher's Castor ia. Wc L. LIOUGU; S3 SHOE GEKTIEIO. 85, $4 and S3, 60 Dross Shoe. S3. 50 Police 8hoe, 3 Soles S2.60, 82 for Worki ngrrrei 82 and 81.75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES S3, S2.SO 82, $l.7t CACTIOJt. If any dealt offers yon W. I.. Dotarfa. nor at a reduced urJre. or aaya he has them wlth- OQI tne lame ataxxtpyd ute miud, put Mm down Manama, stvlish, easy fitting, and give better other make. Try one pair and be ecu name and orice on the bottom, which van and Ranges Best On I A alorr's Feed Store. Ruts House. 8 raw, Potatoes, Applet, tie INSTITUTIONS. Oregon JO WKI'lcM APT, MoctetaiT Geo F HIMPNON, Vice Pre! lento THURSDAY Siun Simpson, now of Astoria, is the best poet in Ortcon, hnco li'a poetry is iilwitva interrating. The following on Astoria' long fait want, a railroad, ia worthy of being read by every bod 7 iu Oregon. It is rich : There'll be music in the air When the railroad coiuee, And the world be young and fair When thw railroad comes ; For t lie legioiiB of despair And the strain of caik and care Will be banished everywhere. When the rai'ruad roam! There",! be joy to vouth and age When the railroad comes For wa'M turn a brigtiter pae When the railroad comes; W'e will turn brighter page Iu the glorious go den age That oar prophets did presage, When the railroad comes! The peninsula will bicotn, When the railroad comes, There'll be glory after gloom, When the railroad come, The peninsula will bloom With the banners that illume EeryJcold obstructor's tomb When the railroad comes ! Ilow the headlands to the bay. When the railroad comes. Will rejoice and seem to say. When the railroad comes: "We have waited for this dai , We have teen it in the play "If the rainbows in yon spray." When '.he railroad comes! Let beauty turn w iih scorn. When the railroad couui. From the latgaid all forlorn. When the railroad comes; Let beauty turn with scorn From 1 he moss back- wrongly bmi. When the railroad comes! It honor never crown, When the railroad rojies. Any man that beld us down. When the railroad comes; But let riches and renown lie for them tha' saved the towa Under dark misfortune's frown When the railrev! orues! Sam L Tuat Cave. Tbc Josephine county cave promises to lw ths great attraction of the coast, and hence every body will wish to be kept posted on the progress being made to open it. The lirants Pass Conner says : Th motor line construct ion party uncier Capt A B Smith, the su perintendent of the Oregon Cave Im provement Company, have made rapid strides in buildiDg a road to reach that wonderful regtou of grandeur, with a party of 15 men. A supply station has been established at the end of the county road on Williams crees and another on Henderson creek at the head of Sucker creek, where we diverge from the trail over the Meadows mountain, which is so formidable that a trail cut around it can not be lnnch longer and a wagon road ran be made there, as the caves are but little above the camp on Henderson creek. A cabin has been built at the caves to accommodate the workmen while building the road and cabins for the accommodation of he "Examiner party," who will visit it at Its earliest completion. The enow is uow eo deep that the working crew has teen reduced to eight men. When the snow subsides a little, more men will be pnt on so there will be no delay in its completion. The Fata J B Binebart of Eogene, writing to a local paper of the mid spring fair says: The Turks are on every corner, aad representatives of all nations appear to be as thick as mos quhos in Sacramento Everything is conducted very smoothly although rx hibits are still cominc, and last of Feb ruary is soon enough to aee the fair rln!y of chances to ea! on the ground rooms in the city can be had for SS to (0 per month, and a person can eat wheie he happens to be when hungry. KIM special attractions are - the Os trich Farm," "Esquimaux Caanp," "Indian Village,'' Minnsc Camp," whsre you can get a lunch of beans on rough Vard. aad fee pis'ol shooting in old California sty e and the sea lion's aak. 1 lien the c nr.ty buidl.iga and exhibits are ali fair. In buildings, sx r.ibits. a: d particularly the arrangement of both, inside and outside, with a world of ee, vthing to eat ard look at about three days inside will hardly take it though one week ought to be spent at least to do it justice. Or. Price's Cream Baiting Powder Most Perfect Made. The Best Medicine. J. O. Wilson, Contractor and Judder, Sulphur Springs, Texas, thus apfaks of Ayer's Pills: " Ayer's Pills are the best medicine I ever tried, and, in my judgment, no better general remedy could be devised. J hare used them In my family and recommended them to my friends and employes for more than twenty years. To my certain knowledge, many cases of the following complaints have been oompletely and Permanently Cured by the use of Ayer's Pills alone: Third day chills, dumb ague, bilious ferer, sick headache, rheumatism, flux, dys pepsia, constipation, and hard colds. I know that a moderate use of Ayer's Pills, continued for a few days or weeks, as the nature of the complaint required, would be found an absolute cure for the disorders I have named above." "I have been selling medicine for eight yean, and I can safely say that Ayer's Pills give better satisfaction than any other Pill 1 ever sold." J. J. Perry, Spottsylvania C. H., Va. AYER'S PILLS Prepsrod by Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Matt. Every Dose Effective Notice for Publication. Urjrics at Okeoon Citv, Or. Jan. 5th, 18'Ji. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named aettler has li ed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of bis olalm, and that said proof will be made before the County uisik or latin Oo. at Albany, Ore, on March 6. 180i,vlz; Henery D Myera, 11 K No. 7853 for tbe M of the 8 K Vi and H X of 8 W 'A- aeo a, tp II, s K 1 H. lie namea the following witneusog to prove hit continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: Levi Pierce, Osrd well Clark, Marshal 8 dak. Fred Myers, all of Laconib, Linn Co, Ore, Robert A Miller, Register. A HIU (1.1m The circuit court room at the court house, is tne busiest place in Albany to day ; alive with applicants for teachers certificates ; some old in the service; some novices, some handsome, some homely, son.e bright, scire dull, alto gether an intelligent gathering of men and women, whom the committee will divide into grades, weeding out the in competent: Following is a complete list : Flora Ovcrhal b, Klla Waehburti, Slielbjrn ; Lora Thomas, Coburg; JE Calavan, Jordan ; Frank Kobiuson, Rosa, Reeka llomyer, Lebanon; J H Blaker, W II Ross. Lebanon ; Iona James, May Burdiek, Sbedd; Claia M Reynolds, Albany; Win B Ralston, Halsey; RJ Skelton, 1 W Wiight, Cora Cox, Haitie Cox, Maiy Brewsler, Lebanon; Ella J I Maxwell, Mae R Maxwell, Shedd;! tlarencc Ingram, 8odaville; Arthur Camber, Albany; C F Swank, Lyons; Monna Fronk, Lebanon; J F Altermatt, Ubany ; Eva C White, Ijicomb; tirace Michael, Spicer; J E Dow, Kan'.iam; 1 ait-.e I) Jackson, Sweet Home; Cora L loughton, Spicer; E F Carleton, Leba non ; E V Peer v. Sodaville: lulu Howell. "Brownsville; Hattie Geary, Halsey; Daisy Kirker, Hamsburg; James Smith, Brownsville ; John M Klaugher, Lacorab; Anna Worrell, Albany; E R McDaniel, Halsey ; A H Loofbourrow, Laronib; Blanche Collins, Uahey ; Bessie S Rand, Sweet home; Ethel BaBselt, Halsey; J S Smith, Tangent ; Ruswell Gordon, A M Clem. Albany ; Claude Beard, Tangent ; Ralph L Knapp, Albany; Kate ti Mc Cuue, Bertha Davidson. Slel'a Davidson, Shedd;T E Harris, Scio; Samuel Wil on, Srjo; Jerome G l.aseelle. Albany; Jennie limberlake, Silverton , F.dith Glover. Albanv; Mrs i W Munkers, Scio; Mrs R L Devanev, Jeffeiso,. ; Ollie ; Robertoll. Lucy Robertson. Stayton; Martha A ilson. AIVnv : Minnie Maiters. i artha A'ilson, Albanv ; Minnie Mage Albany: Cora Hudson, Tangent; Ora Crabtree, Carrie Peerv, Scio; Nellie I'ugb. Sbedd : Carrie Van Winkle. Hal sey . Helta Brow n, Scio; Elsie Martin, Lebanon ; Maggie Shupp, Georgia Beard, Kate Skeliy. Ina McCullough, Albany; l.e'a Davis, Shedd ; Nellie Jester, Hal sey. Wot sta'e life dip'.oma, ti C Wilson, Scio. State t'.iplomas. C J Brown, Sodaville ; Eva Bassett, Miss Nellie Sampson, At any;Li nie Ramsey, Dorena Marshall, Albany ; O B Cyrus, V G Goin, Scio. State certificate, Wilt F Chase, Shedd ; C -V Mullin.Jordan. The Elwood goes to Pirtlsr.d to-mor-iow at about 9 o'clock. The motor will be running In na great length of lime. A 3i foot car with a capacity of oe 50 passenger ha been ordered. People roisa the service of ihe street cars and will rejoice when they are again running. Only 1 2 mea, Including l.tcon.otive engir.ecis are now nnder the craplor of Master Mechanic t'hipman in the (!) P shops at Yacjuina. Formerly there were 'hirty men under the .r.asur mechanic. While speaiing of old books. Prof D V S ReiJ goes Judge F!k and Dr Wa: .er one better, reing the oaner of a tchool diciior.ary dated Augu' 1777. Look up your old books now and tec If you can beat It. Gcard The Dk.mocbat it requested to return the thankt of the Social Club 10 all a ho aided in making the social last evening a ucctt 'o the young ladies f if their Well filled baskets, 'to Mrs Frank Whsistr, Mrs Hunier and Mrs Mll'er for coffee and those heard In the rxcellcnt pro gram. It may urj fe toa e people to llaara that Alaska has 0 school population of abont 19 -90 Schools hare been tupportrd id thai country tin. e ISSO, sar evn a; loin: Br row. the n.ost northern p4ol f ika sua 'and, the Bskisae eh:'dreo Save (he beoetit of idolUoO. Yesterday af.'e-LOon R I. Biidle and K M Pode. two wall dressed atnSaTSM wars u- I reted unjer the n.e ':;.. for red - diir withnot ! reuse, a-d w- re ho'd i apiece and cn-1 . Though ther had the money Ihev decided 10 ;:..! three data at the esise of the city in the ut.tile near the P O. The Kindergarter will open on Monday Feb 19th. Toe has been reJuced 10 one do'lar a month. All pal root of the school are urgently requested to tend ihtlr rhtldren upon the rt rat day if possi ble. A primary g'ade of Firt and Second reader will doubtlcsa be acdrd. The Kinde gaiter aoriation will meet at thilr room at I he o'.tl L P church on Saturday evening for the lrantac'pn o' Important butines. Ail the members are requeued to be present. V C leer returned to Albany this noon and will I in the city a ccupfe days, giv ing Ce'estials an opportunity to register. Rev Jones, of Grants Pass, Presiding Elder of that district for a good many years, has leen in the city, and contem plates locating here. Iait evening a delithtful St Valentines party was given by Miss Bessie Settle mier Cupid was in his elements and many hearts were made to flutter. Sheriff Jackson left for Bushneil. DL a week ago to-day. He was to telegraph 11st before leaving for Oregon: but tne rhxaard delayed bim. and nothing has vet lieen heard from him. Mr and Mrs J A Gross returned this morning from California where they have been several months seeking health. Mr Grose is now is as spry as a boy. They will reside on their suburban property during the rpring and summer. Lieut H C Cabell and Miss Emily C Failing, daughter ol Hon Henry Failing, were married in Portland yesterday and tiassed ibrougb Albany last night for California. They were met at the depot by their Albany relatives Mr ft F Mer rill and family. Dr L J Lemieux, of Gervais, was in Salem today and from him it was learned that be has been appointed by the gov ernment of the Republic of Columbia counsel general for the state of Oregon 1 he doctor received his appointment last week, and has the honor of being tiie youngest counsel general in the t'nited stales. Salem Independent. The Albany Social club gave a basket party last evening whirh wi.l long be kept verdant in the memories of those attending. About one hundred were present. 1 tie ice was broken with a pro gram full of merit. The club's orchestra were heard in several well rendered se lections, Mr Bert Van Cleve sang a solo, well, Allen Chamberlin declaimed in sen tentious sentences pugilamerously ; Miss Lillie Crawford was heard in a recitation finely presented, likewise Martha Risley. Willie Craw and Mollie Hunter sang a duet in a pleasing manner; Mrs Craw was heard in a recitation, followed by Miss Rose Mespelt. Then came different kinds of games, and about 11 o'clock, or later the baskets were sold at 25 cents a niece and a ticket showed the pur chaser whom his partner would be. The Man about lown had one ol the squarest leasts since the hard times set in The members of the social club know how to I entertain and do it in a very nice manner. I. million el Hi. skin I nr.., Ed Venney, Brockyllle, Ontario, Canada says: I have used Brandreth's Pills for the past fifteen years, and think them the best cathartic and antl-bUllous remedy known. For some five years I suffered with an eruption of the skin that gave me great pain and annoyance. I tried different blood remedies, but, although gaining strength the itching was unrelieved. I finally concluded to take a thorough course of Brandeth's Pills. I took six each night for nights, then five, four, three, two, lea soning each time by one, and then for one month took one every night, with the happy result that now my skin Is perfect ly clear and has been so ever since." Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Highest MetJa! and Diploma. FRIDAY XiUWHH I'HOEKIX tU, Feb 12, 1894. Eili on Democrat; 1 wish 1 conld adeuately ilescrilje a sandstorm which occurred here on the 10th ! , , . msUnt. Abaul 0 o clock a m as 1 went fo the iiostoiiice, 1 noticed little whirlwinds here and tlicrc lossing up scraps of paper! and straw and .conally a hat. Z clouds overhead had ragged and sharply 1 ,1.. I .!rr.,u am .1, .. .1-1 1 1 I wh, v n u .ii ,i .ii.veii ujre anu : thereby sharp irrego!. r gunts of wind. 1 gave up my morning iontitutioDal walk aDdwuutto my room. Very soon I saw off to the southwest a wall of gray clouds lama n'K'i in me ueaven- . n pproai tanif the rile it hrul thn ir.n..n( ,3 I iiaing high in the beavun. Approachin . ; 1 tliose aemte sea toga that seem to roll noise- iesslv over the surface of Uie ocean. The wiad proceeded tbo Uiickcst of the clouds by some minutes. Tho strong. -t gust struck the city with the thickest of the cloud and for an hoslr there was a geusral ahakiiiii nrrtimfa,,Wj fsirt rln i roofs, sheetiroB roofs were ripped up and small sections sent flying into the htrrets. signs were tossed about to the terror of pedestrians, and doors ami windows were closed more tight' y than i, often seen in Uiis place. The dust and sand were everv where, the sun was entirely hid and at times buildings just across the street were obscured by the sand and dust, it drifted in through doors and windows until every thing was covered, the atmosphere jnsl through my window had iifiMiuin bits of Iiapcr and straw and small stic'ta which were tossed high and proniiscuuiis!;. a'.jiit It was the gloomiest, darkest day 1 have 1 T0 " ,Mle. nt. -Aier uie aanu nao in wntsxmff wmn "! dir !or an.bour or sr it began to rain. after a few minute the dust was all Uyed. an.l the rain turned to snow and (or con- ! siderable time the snow fell in very con siderable quattitiej. There was cocjader- of it on the rods of houses the next Ei jrn- ing, thougti little was left on Uie s'reet. hat the sun did n .t melt the snowball tiend gathered uu. It has not x nosed hetv for fourteen years prior to this and it was the first that many goodsiiel children had ever seen and many citizen have not seen snow for the above period . The roofs of houses, projecting porches and favorable street corners were all occupied with the inevitable snowball Send and woe to the unwary footman who passed in reach! The Arizsna bustler and real estate boomer has another "unu-aal" to apologize for and an explanation of the storm can be bad on any street corner, and it is good. For today ( have been silt ng out of doers much of the time and a more lovely dar would be hard to find. Buds on the trees are swelling and even bursting. The robin, the herald of spring, has keen here for weeks, and we may anon expect to hear faa the land the song of the Gila mentter. of the centipede and of the tarantula and soorpion. People here seldom see these things, so they say, but I remember p! t ing hide and seek with one in a parlor in Sil ver City while sundry women t -I on chairs and sighed and look.-.! paie. the gentlemen of the party kicked and aorau. wen at a rale that would have done crvoit to foot tall scrimmage. The centipede was .1-:.- i. Most of your readers docbtiess know what the tarantula, centipede and scorpion are. The Gila monster is more rare. Its habitation is along the Gila river. At iu largest it it perhaps twelve inches long, h belongs to the lizard family and looks like an alligator on a small scale. Its yellow and black spots are similar to those on a rattle snake. It ha a mouth with jaws on very loots hinges. It looks like a mouth If any cituan is farnrsatLpis st mouth of unusual tus. or is espMaWT garrulous, he is pretty apt to be dubbed the 'Gila mon ster.'' The bite of these creatures : I mean the genuine monsters) ia very poisoraosts. But the worst thing in Arizona ia the mos quito. I have lived in Jersey and bave een and heard descriptions appropriate ; for a pteryilactyte But the sWnption of I the Ariz wa moeiuito outrank, them all . ' His seaon nat not vet come an! 1 wait to : see if be has been slandered. ape sin 17 ; reief fromtltengoroftt, c,.rt;.err. wtr.- ter. If my imagination ever trett s.itS gets sua-; play and entitle it Tha Coughing Chorus.' i By turninir down thelichta and oaimr om blue light on tha stage I think perhaps a 'he city the guest of Mrs Ihjrri. stage effect might be produced equal in j Jas Brady .a deaf and dumb Iwv.of Lyons ghastliness and horror to Man5e!a"s por-' was taken to th" school at Saiem vette.dav trayal of "iir Jevkvll and Mr H. Ie." It noon. is Incoming well known that climate 1 the ! . 1 1 e . . , . , I great healer of lurg troubles, and thanks to the beneficence of the Creator there is no danger of exhausting the climate. tne principal attraction in rhe. .six this week ia Chinees New Tears. The inevi table gomr" makes nhrfat hideous, but the hrwracker it ostracised by the city laws I shall devote my next letter to the sub ject of work and wages in thit region. meanwhile let me say there are no excep tional advantages here save those of climate. 1 nis is my seme 1 conviction. I am yours, very truly. J ames J Charlton. A Bright Idea. W C Peterson. the irrepressible real estate agent, has hat. hed a novel method of advertising the products of this section of ountrv. His plan is to construct of Oregon wood the frame work of a glass house, to be placed in the flower garden at the depot in Albany, and hlltM with the products of th? farm and orchard, so that pecple iu traveling through the state mav see at a glance the resource-. ..f this part of Ltnn county. advance. This should be put into effvit. Mr andran. of the depot hotel is a public spirited gen tleman who would be glad to co-operate in such a movement. A Toledo Fiout.- They have l-een having live times at Ya-ptina Bav. In a newspaper fight Col Van Cleve hit Stewart of the Leader a heavy ran. Stewart got mad, h'red an attorney. A L McFadden. and called on Van Cleve for a ret met ion. The result was that loth men were tire.1 liodily from the Post office. Van Cleve is said to have been pre.Tenled with a purse by the citizens of the city for the act. Stew art, a very windy fellow, threatened to arrest Col but has not yet done so. Santiam Wood. Twenty or thirty car loads of wood have Ix-en ordered by Albany people from people up the Santiam. The figures in connection with it are interest ing. The man cutting and putting the wood on the cars gets "5 cents aeord: the owner of the land 2b cents for stiimpage: the rvilroad 75 cents .for transportation, and the dravs 40 and 50 cents for hauling. making Hip wood cost the consumer 13.26 a cord, which is very cheap. A Cold Rids. A hobo came in on top of the l ist Pullman coach on Saturday morning's train. It was bitter cold and be could hardly limber himself up suf ficiently to descend in safety. He tried to shake the enow off his garments but it was frozen too stiff. He beat his hat against the end of the depot, but the snow refuged to budge. He then struck out in the direction of the round house and disappeared. Grants Pass Courier. Married: At the residence of Rev TJ Wilson yesterday afternoon (Fb 14, 1894) Mr Henry Meng of 111 , and Miss Cora B Thrift of tshedd. The ceremony was performed by Rsv Riley Little. To grow old gracefully, one must live temperately, calmly, methodically; be Interested In all that la going on In the world; be cheeiful, happy and contented, and above all, keep the blood pure and vlgirous by the use of Ayer's SarsaparUla. Be sure you get Ayer's. Whatever may be the cause of blanch ing, the halt may be restored to its origi nal color by the use of that potent remedy Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer. Thin or grvhair and bald heads, so I displeasing to many people at matksof age, may dc avenru tor a long lime by using Hall's flair Renewer. Or. Prtoe'araain Baton? Powder Forty Years toe Stenfafa, COUHTCIL. Th tirade tmtmino Fi. IB l'rr... M,ivnr RmwI. r u' 1 1 - ' J - I i. m 1X4 Eli, . i tin,, all councilmen. 1'he committee of the whole prrmented n written rejL.rt to the effect that the special policeman should not l di-harged,that an engineer be eli-cb-l So. encriri". i . . i .. c I t , . , it ai nil lirria ..J ' ' ' M - .... ....iv.T rti.'i at--iiiuu lire ill it during the day. the tMejaJ pieman to Vif it heated at night. Tins engineer to l'orm reasonable ser-es as J?ZSu,S?, that of the pr. iit nighlwat. h an.l engine, r CilO J- - . 7. 1 V. v. .n. uiiiuinriitfiftjv. .10. 1 s n- gine was ordered left in No. I k hall John 1 en Jones was elected engineer of N'r gine. Counciliniin W'hitnev pirnenteo the tdate ment of Un arxhiho t that No. 2 hall could , .,. be arratigi-d for I with eniriues at a cost of . . T ' c un ,lre ana water nav- Ing repotted that it would coat 12011. which (treated 11 hot discusaion ending mostly in smoke. Mr Chas I'feiffer was granted permission to move a wooden building from the east -Side of Ellsworth to the wett side of the strest. A clocV found in the possession of a thief several mcntbs ago was ordered iet-inwl to Mr Meranda, who hail identtlied it as his. A wedding occurred In Albaany ihls we.-k, wherein I he groonu was tore Inn at old as th bridr. Up 10 thi noon :a, r.iore (VlctUlt had registered, Sa in all About 10 more will register before Mr (Jeer leave to morrow. The cpera house ttore, well located, car. be rented the coning year at a very 'ow price. Ca! on J tiradhol for par ticulars. The IHeWCnSI is informed t,.at Mr Martin I'ayne, who ha been in California several m-jeths, will return to Aibar.y to reside in a (ew weeks. A bany bott ard men will take warn ing. Edward Bourner his ju.t been ent to the insane atylu-n from P-ndleton caused by exretive cigs.rctie smoking with a little drink added. Ruff !!itt and thas Wmlth hate bought a long maned horte f the Oregon Beauiv ttock. They wili ae it to the Midwinter fair about Marcn !t, and ptace It 00 ciHokion. Express. Tha acousl meeting of tba Balldla Sc Loan Asaociation oc.-ora to-oigb:. Th re tort of tne secretary will show tha Associa tion to be in a healthy condition regardlers of qawt limn. An editor wrote a beaj line, "JL Horri ble Biandcr," to go ovrr a railroad acci dent; but though It was the printer's fault that it got over th accouut o! a weddir.g. the edbcr wa; the man thrashed alt the tame. Tba Htfch'a. d whist dab b!d their aeekly n esting at eveoing wi-h Mitt Mrt Miiier. A p!asaat vrntD wasapsnt The brat pr a- aire wrn by Miss bertha Kifr end M' Sutrk, the booby (.ria.-s b7 Lscs Kuler aSal ATaJore Baaaetl Tee h r I tun-- teasns to car ha i a mi-'- -.c-the numher ap'tiog for j .sc: ki geoerdla- (hrooh Or ;oo Lute ciOf . leads with applicant, LsSM has m, and Martoo W. Astoria people are g'vmg ;o per not of their rca. estate hoM: g In order to tf. a railroad, and tbc Attortan publishes to columns of narr.rt of pei'e agreeing to do so. Thai It wanting 1 taSroiJ wl.h a Prinevllle New Is I estimated that 900 jack rabbits have been kiiled within eight mile of Prioerilie during the past two months. The time will corre when tnese beautiful animals wiii become praciicail extinct. Wtn Ralston went to Salem this noon. Mr Ralph ihiing went to Eagene on the ntson train. w E Chandler tame over frv.m Corvallis this noon Mis Lulu Clark returned to her home in9 Ashiar J this noon. Dr J M Applewliite. of CorvaJlis. anas in the city todav. urn .1-1: 1 i:j.h -j... .....ra . . ' ' - - . - ea vuutacK. s-a u f,, ,e. ,1; ,,v c,ly 00 b",nrt 'vening. '-.' I rris. of auVMBslaac w c 1. t . jr s- . .'..qiiMiiur. 01 irLstin. IS ueiDtT Ilrl to run for th- K, f 7 Mate on tbe Populist ticket. Mr Joe Waldrop who was advertised to speak to-night at the court bouse was taken ill with the pneumonh, at Scio, and will not 1 able to 11 his engagements. The remains of Joho Beard were brought to AIIany this noon. Funeral services oc curred this afternoon at the Catholic chnrch. Mr Beard came to Albany in 1S50. return ing east again and again crossing tbe plains in 152. He has since redded at Tangent . Henry Laug. tbe grocery drummer, is sweeping up through the valley with a chained chameleon under bis coat lapel. This tad is a year old in the east. Most fashions reach Oregon in a wek or two; but this was an exception. Of alt fads this is tne ni'-.-t Lsijis.i. Mr umg. though, is wearing the chameleon more for a tike off than t H in style. From Thk Mixes. H miner, arrived in Albany this White, the noon from Quart rville. with Messrs Drew and Clark two prospecting miners, whom he had piloted out. aoconiUiied by Jim Collins, who had taken tbem in. Thev were two days in reaching Gates, travafihg the last nig'it until 12 o'clock. The snow wa 12 fe. t deep at the summit, and so light that their snowshoe sank until their knees were just out of the snow. It was a hard e;;.enenec and the men do not want any an of it It wa reported at Gates that ll.ey were lost. A Xkw Invention. Lebanon is the home of inventive genuises. The Advance tells of one: Ruff Hiatt showed us recent ly the mode! of a patent that M a marvel of simplicity and usefulness. The invention will most effectually foil baggage smashers in their wanton efforts to reduce trunks to the condition of kindling wood, while in transiiortatioii. The model was constructed by Mr Crandall of this place, and reflects much credit upon his mechanical skill. Mr 1 Vandal I als.i made models of the rotary harrow and Beattie's device for lowering coffins.. We doubt if there be anything in the line of mechani.'s that can balk his gonitis. Contract I.kt. -The county court met today and opened bids tot building a 113 foot span for the Sanderson bridge. Thev were as follows: It B St John, IWS; Dan Large, $1035; J B Tiltotaon, 11044; H M Stone IIOSO; (Jeo Eticungcr, $1077; B F Thayer, $VM; Jas Shahan, $11565. The contract was let to H B St John. A Very Old Hook. Several pupers have been boasting of old books. Rev W A lrow, ot this citv. is the ov ner ot "Modus Conci mandi." printed in tpuin in 176, durikg Uie Elizabethan period. It will take considerable age to ecmal this. , With pure, vigorous blood oourting through the veins and animating every fibre of the body, cold weather Is not only endurable but pleasant and agreeable. No other blood medicine Is so certain In Its results as Ayer's SarsaparUla. What It Cot for others It will do for you. "Now Is the winter of our discontent made glorlout summer', by Ay re's Sarsa parllla. This wonderful medicine so in vigorates the system and enriches the blood that cold weather becomes positively entovable. Arctic explorers would do well to make'a note of this.' j Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's FalrHlghsst Award. Shiloh't Cure, the great cough and croup are, it for sale by us. Pookat aise contains wenty-iir a do tea, only 2 Jo. Children lave it oahsy & Mason. SATDRDAY Tin: 1: 1 . 1 he annual meeting of the Building A Lan Association was lield last evening. Directors weie elected, as- follows: Or J I waiiace. 1 I" .Milt ng, h w Washburn S' 8 train. HSlewait. If J0ant, A J Hodges, A I! Woodin, fj B Winn. Audit ing OOatmithie, George vV v right, E X Condit and 1' .1 Smiley . A loan of SfiOO was made to S W Krs at "' months ir terest in iulvan.-e on sbx' fiecurity. The annual reiort of tho secretary showe.1 a flattering progress in the business ol the associa' ion The first series of the Frank lin association, of Portland, matured iu 9 vesu-s and 11 menths. I he value of a share in the first series, in the Albany association over 9i more than in the franklin at the same DSIOtt) which would indicate the maturity of the fmt st-ries in a litite less than it y:irs. The gnat increase in the va'w of th- t,r.t a -r ,. ' -:ir- in the la- three or four years, wlien interest is coming ia. and particularly now on aixount rif withdrawal creatisii by demand for ready money. The report nho w : tteceive.1 frfm due during Uie year. $!0.80,' snd other items making a total of eU.OlO.:. Lran. h7,7tt,9v: withdraw als, f 4.'j.4C: other items making a total .f VMJU4M. ' ash on hand 225.9I . Mortgage loans in fares, 74.t.V..-2. I)ue from meiiiljers, fU.'toi Qaia during year, t6.457.Ol. U ing fBUAJSJ interei,t earnest, lines $135.90; et.tranc and ex. fees. $13.01; profits on withdnw-ilr. 307. 01. The value t f the share in the 1st series. M payments is $81. 73: withdrawal value, I7O.K0. During year there were to loans on "I share: highest at 'X, months, lowest a 60 months: av.-rage 73' months. Total shares issued. 1217: withdrawn. 3W: in force, H37: shares loaned upon. MIX. in: Car Coi i lkr The fc'alem Inde pendent says of a car coapler, heretofore rtrferred to by the DkbWCKAT, in a triple headed article: About :5 :30 this afternoon, on the switch at this city, a test was inade pf the Erown car coupler, which, after a few minor changes.proyed satisfactory in every respect. This eoanlar was invented by Samuel C Brown, tf Niagara. Oregon, and a company formed of four, viz : Samuel C Brown. G M Power. J M Brown and E C Kac. who are the patentees . It is not the intention of this campany to manufacture these couplers, but to sell the right to sub compaaies who will furnish them. Tbe head office will be estaUuhed at this city by the gentlemen named. This invention is of great merit and will undoubtedly be employe.! by nearly all railroad companies. Scio. C H Stewart the popular Albany hardware merchant spent Monday night in the city. An effort was made last Friday night by Prof Davis to organise a vocal music class at the M E church l J .scholars were ob tained with the prospect of as many more. Enoch Miller, of Crabtree. was in town Saturday- While here be inadvertently mentioned that be wai a candidate for the nomination for the oSce of assessor, sub ject to the action of the democratic conven tion. En?ch. in .jar opinion, would he a good selection for that position, and could he be elected, would perform the duties with credit. He also stated that H S Williams, of Lyons and P M Smith, of Lebanon, wen alto aspirants for that position. Prest. Killed a Piieaa3ct. Alva Simmons, who lives on the Mckenzie above Spring field, was arrested this merning.oaa charge of killing a Mongolian pheasant on the Mc kenzie stock Farm, daring the month of January, the prcsieruting witness being Kate inant. He was gnen an examina tion before Jcstice Kinsev this afternoon. His attorney. Ge- B Dorri. interposed a detrurrer to the complaint claiming thai aid variety of pheasants could be killed at any tune of the year for food, teat the jus tice overruk-i the same, and fined the voung man und costs. Mr Dorris immediate ly gave notice that he would sppeel the case to the circuit cvirt. Guard. IV v so Hi. Rfis.FD Smith, fcr-.aer-ly of Wagner, who drew the big Examiner prize last yeir. died rxentiy at Lakeview rrom the effe-U of amputation of a lken limo. Tne bro -en was nseiveii in a runaway, and boas exposure gangrene set in. mitb never livcl on his orxage farm. tut sold it svvto after he won it for 96000. This be uianaged to get rid of fcv dtssir- Uon in a few mont'os. an i be died penni less. He was in his caps when tbe accident happened which resulted in his death, and what be thought his great good fortune proved to be his undoing. Fossil Journal. An Old ParER. Among the effects of the late Richard Pea was a copy cf The Ihuly Democrat published for awhile dur ing tbe year ls7. I,ast evening when peo ple calling at Parker bros asked .to see the Democrat thev were shown this old copy. They opened their eyes cn looking at its contents and wondered what was up. until examining tiie date. WjH Parker. now fore man of the Herald, worked on the Demo crat at the time. At this office mav be seen a bound S'o of the paper, as well aa of the weekly beginning with Volume I W'e Miles Cary. of Jackson county, Orecon. wrote a letter to his son at Hollev saving that he had a prune sprout of aass tear s grow ui wtiicu umt&urcM ) ien o inches and wanted to know if he conld beat it. We are pleased to state that Jackson county positively is not in it with Linn. Mr C Carv. of Hollev. has a prune spreut of one year's growth which measures S feet. 8 Inches. I he natural wonder is on exhibit at the Holley pcistorfice store. Brownsville. Times Rklichus Services. Kev t H l.trynn is conductinrr the evangelistic services in the Presbyterian church. He is a man of spiritual power and an interesting sjeaker. Services thi9 evening at 7 :o0 . All are cor dially invited to these meeting. Preach ing tomorrow by Dr tiwynn both morning and evening. Toil are lorxlially invited to be present to morrow at the men's meeting at 4 o'clock. Rev C H McKee will jjive an address at that time. Hood music. Foot Bali Cnder the training of IVz .ash. of Corvallis. tiie unknown foot ball learn is doing soils' excellent work. As a matter of fact the college 1vs know tbe entire elewn they are to bseaJe, and are uoiiig the training of their lives to meet thetiL an assurance of a hot gume at the DBII grounds on the JObd, On Saturday night, tebmary IS. the aewly elected orti.vrs of the Sons of etentns will be installe.1 bv LolLHvifer. MouiUts of the ti A R and W K C are invittl to Is? uresent. and all sttns of veterans who wish to become mem Krs. M. 1. Patrxura, Cant. T . -. ... iMivuTNr iiacisiox. it will he re meiultefSl that the question as to wether tne ooanty money deposited with Haui iltnn, loo A; t a yvas a trust fund or not was argued several days ago before Judge ruiteriott, who look the matter under dvisemcnt. A decision was sent vester- day sustaining the plaintiffs demurer to the several separa'e defenses set up by the assignee of hi., J & Co , thereby holding the county money a trust fund and giving alie county a priority over the general depositors. The College case Standi on the same ground and this de cision in effect gives the College the same priority, in the set off cases the cour made a decision sustaining the objection to the set oil's, holding that no set-offs could be allowed, a'hu cases will be taken to the supreme court, and if the former is there sustained, there will be ?Ju,(XJ less to lie distributed among tbe general depositors, w hich will be a bard blow. News. Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers does ita)work thoroughly, coloring a uaifortn,brown S black, which, when d'y, will neither rub, wash off, nor soil linen . AM) Sno .v fell thia af:er.ioon; rut it is Ing. fleet- Or..' f Ml ami ida. f.icetiK of Chss k The fj. played at night. snow at Fre-t benin.'ir. Grevc tha sa 1. ued to , lav fas I He snetri S.i.. .If r and L.zz e Wonder, ga-ne of basket ball will the Y M C A gymna-i-m st Be efeea ttsst lha writing aftaaa ietssss i an ey-idence of insanity it to mi sliafsaasl id Pott and. Popu'ist piimaiic will be held on Fr day, March 2, ibe county convention o Match to. Tbe K of P will be 30 tears old In a few week. It now has the large membership of over 400,000. A miniate; at Buena Visia Is accused of kitting an unmarried member f hit flock, and quite a sensation has resulted. As th: Southern Pacific's net earnings last j ear er $ 1 7 ooo,ooo,that railrcad has no kick coming. Do they want the world. T'nt O P Is economizing to such an extent ih.t the mail clerk it being utilized at fireman, doing away wth the regular fireman. As ons eult of the hard time thre of .Salem - sa'.ootit have go-.e out cf bus inest. 1 ' is reduces. the cily's revenue jatl $!2or. Go,frrr.i r Pennoter will deliver popo listic s, In Albany in about two month'. At l.e has a long lime in which to prepare It, it mav be ixpecud lobe asssaa tonal 1 2 S J-cktw rr v- I in K in m Cats Eases bosbneil. Ill , thia corcnv, ti. l tele gr.i bed nia depcty Mr Sni h that hz aa ne'ltr in health and aoa'd look for a cu pa ch at Decver. A very bold train robbery occurred near 1-ot Angele last n:gh. The train was wrecked, aad two men. one a tramp, were Aiiiec. tne robbers secured tie W F't treasury, a good many th rutand dollars. Schuo'. Superintendent Nwell, of Mor row county, who was put off the Union Pacific east bound passenger train the nigot of December 5, lias sued the com pany at Pendleton for f -0,000. Another attempt was recently made to burglarize the store of Weir & Son at Jordan. Mr Wer Cred In thedaik at the point where he supposed tne was, ana tne man, sto was somewher: else escaped Tobacco chewing has about stopped in the Fossil Metheditt chnrch tince Rev Kawant HSH vear Ucted up within the building sererai placards bearing tr.e following verse of scripture: 'Please do uot use tobacco in ihe bouse of Goc." Sheriff Mattie, the populist sheriff of Columbia cour.'y has been heard from tie is at Cape loan on the extreme tocther.i coast of Africa. Considerably more successful than our school superin tendent in getting away. Superintendent Wesson, of that Che roawa Indian training school, has tender ed his resignation, and it has been accept ed. It seems impoctiate to get a taper ictereVnt whh the sand to run Ce school more than a few months. Last night four hobos were given their supper and a bed in the calabocs. Thev refuted to work for tbdr breakfast, de claring that they would not make a spectacle of themselves for any body, whereupon marhc.l Lee marched them out of L-ve dry towards the north The Oregen City woo led mills, the larg tt: west of the Rocky mountains, seating upwards of j;; ,ooo is ass. ill as a moose. Not a spinning jenny or a loom H mov ing. It has stepped aad like a courier at a generaTs tent, is waiting for orders. A Journal correspondent from Detroit get off the 5oIk wing : We see that Salem nas made a bid for the Corbett and Jack son fight, for $45000. We'l, we will do better. We will give them 50,000 10 cnse out and fight at Detroit, if they will tase orders on tne u r K K Co. lor - 000, and lake f2s,xx in cord wood. Dr W H Rowland, of Ogdert, Clan. H ia Ashland with hit East India Catarrh Remedv and another aon-letf ai dUcorerv for the tttiaalhaa of teeth that i - - - II - - : 1 a V t a a wa a f u, . rsecora. ini. n i.k umc urao.tno:o ti.i-!.-i- dent of Albany a couple of tears ago L C Stratton and Dr Grav inves'ed in hit catarrh remedy quite extensively. The Harrisburg Courier says: The biggest mistake the populit Lir.n coanty have rr.ade is to throw off on the Lebanon Advance to he!? the Oregon Poou.Ut. The Advance by being true to its partv and honest with its op ponent, has won tbe respect of all. while the Oregon Populist is not voicing the sentiments of the party It represents, but is making enemies in its own ranks. A country exchange whose edror seems to have lost the Seller judgment that genaerallv characterize him calls it a swindle because the pivperit of Mrs Johnson, of Eugene, was sold for taxrs under the recent sale, perhaps because h was not advertised in b:s ; aper. One person is as much under o igations to pay taxes as another, and tlae wrto do verv naturally rejoice when others are made to do so. That is justice. Mrs Johnson can redeem her property vt ry easily. BRSOK. I-awver Fay, of 0 P notoriety, who want $'24.0(s) for 10 monts services, was in the city this noon. Mr George Landreth will move to oppos ite the Democrat orhce cut the comrletion of the room being arranged by S E 1 oung. Col Hosier, who sreaks out in plain English, in the Salem Journal, b in the citv. and wiil install tbe new orhcers of the Sons of Veterans tonight. tieo Beeler. the insurance man. left for Sodas BaS today fcr the purpose of retrain -ing liis health. George lias had a hard time and we trust he will soon be well. Journal. Mr George F Simpson returned this morning from a three months trip tcCa'- ifornia lcokingand feeling like a new man. and greatly pleased to shako again with his host of Albanv friends. He had a splendid time in tbe mdd climate of the orange and almond country. On bis way home he topped ti the iunl-sprmg fair, which he reports a tine thing, though not yet com pleted. The patronage though is not Urge. and it is liable to prove a nnanciai laiiure. Better weather, though, may improve it. Tne home of ex-Sheriff Scott, on 7th street, was ablaze with youth and enjoy ment last evening, the occasion being a sur prise partv tendered to his daughter. Miss Eva. m honor of ber ISth birthday. Her young friends to tbe number of about forty met at the residence ot air I'tto lan "about 7:30. and were conveyed in car riages to the home of Miss Eva, and she was more iban surprised when returning from church to find them gathered there. The evening was spent in music, games an.l cards.and a general good time had. About 1 1 o mock an elegant repast was served.and at an earlv hour they all wended their way homeward, after wishing Miss Eva many more such pleasant and happy birthdays. Those present were: Misses Laura Trabont, Nelia Marshall. Lilly Mcllaigue, Ora Mc Karland. Tilly Dorris, Elva lorris. Myrtle Miittr. Edna Miller, Rose Messpelt, Maggie Kirk, Grace Looney, Eva Scott, Leva Scott, Mrs 0 Clelan, Mrs L Dorris, Mrs B VaL Qta; Mersrs 0 Clelan. B Clelan. Phillips, Neeland, Sacre, F Ross, W Ross. Xohuid. Van Cleve. B Crawford. F Crawford, E Peary, of Sodaville, Ketchom, Fisher ami Veal'. Yes, You Can see the finest line sam vies for suitings in the state at WR Graham's, where he has a tailor with few equals on hand to make them up on short notice. Get the best and most stylish suits of him. A new feature will be the making of ladies' cloaks to order: or tbe altering of cloaks to the latest styles, and he repairing of cloaks. Prices, are bot tom ones. Shiloh's Vitalisar :a what yoa need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow akin or kid ney trouble. It la guaranteed tofgive yoa utiafantion. Price TSo. Sild"bv Foahav & Mssoc "As OH lfaehaia"and never excell yl. "Tried and proven" Is the verdict 0 f millions. Simmons Liver Eegu 7 , t Iator is the riPTTPVoKXj Liver rnelicine to which you can pm yonr faith for a cure. A mild laxa Th an tive, purely etablo, and Pills ing directly oa the Liver and Kid neys. Try it Sold by all iJniggifit? in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry ormade intoa tea. The King ol Lirer Metbrfne. I have ased y.mrSImmoo Liver ftesm "sas and ran cinseJeotaooalr aay it i tne king of all liver medlrdnea. roonstderlt a medleme ebestla lUelf. oxo. W. JaCBV sxjt, Tacoma, Waahicgton. 49-EVEST PACKAOi.-iS aa the Z Stamp tn aed eta Wiapataa, J F. fDBD, faTaiEelisl, Das'" MoVea, Iowa, wr.taa underMala of .March 23. 1SS3: n B Ma. Mrs Co.. Oofar, Oregcc. 7ewrstea Ce arriving horr.c ii week. I feudal! well aad ar-i.. o-iy aTaiting. Oar IttUe girl, SLsht and ooe-half year a eld, who bd saattd away to $1 founds, is bow well, strong aad ttgoroa', and well let hed ap. S. B. Coogh Cure has dice its work welu 60th of the ctiidren like it. Yoar S B. Coogh Care Las cared and kept away all hoarseness frcm me. So give rt to e ery one, with gre -tings for alt. Wishing ysc proaaefi y. we are Yoors, ilk x Mas J F Foan. If m wish u, fsri uasa aad eaeerfai, art Ttdj is, -x. cMtaas raeragMteaa wwataa aaaaeJ laaaeCsaaa. bTUktar t w tana teacfa K ot&ts f-r hacl: hj a2 arojzwc. Ba i L.r-iar3te ir I ACCMMIXG. rets. asssal Jl.cOper Bon! uae cent a coae. TTtrs GsziaT CorscH Ctu raromsc'v eara wT wtiere all otters faiL Coocha, Cro-p. San Throat. Bcaraezeta. cotajas st-i At Lr. a. f rCci u sa it nas no mrax :: ana 1 has cared tcccsa i. and will eras Tv r it taken in t;ise BaM by ftusath's on a arear actee. Tor a Lame Back cr Chest, nee SHILOH'S BELLADONNA FLJtSTERJSc I CATARRH REMEDY. ive you Catarrh? Ttiis resnrcvasrmiraa- tecdtocvireyou. I'rfcc.yca. Inject -r free. -:- DEALER rs Harness-and - Saddlery, Display li in ihe Oooi FOSHAY & MASON ,Jrugistsand Booksellers. rw ta for John B. Aider's pco!t iioca sttieh we aell at publisher' rrioraw :: tKawa.t.tar I.BT. KEiO- VI60R of n Laiiis. Q-tc. r-crxar-!. Rc&icrci. NERVCJSNESSa DEBH iTY. Bti tKttatolateK" it afXsNfBaasL. ti? r;ul - tTtrtttxlt, -Kt'-iM, J laxarrv.rtc. Fuilirc. sr f 1iB9miBBmm i atia ihs jrti'w tt.r.v;j wfc.ea.rt ia twxit.'Hl Cf t t tlTtr,' i?:r.ic:Hl ,a. feMLT4jtetirbawa farasMV. Kstlilirer-llRi- N spUnatKva mb4 itls DiJt-atO. IMLbM ; flvt.-. ERIE KED1CAL C3. BUFFALO. N.' D. SANDEN'S ELECTRIC BELT iATEST PATENTS WITH ELECTnOs BEST MACtlETIC SUSJEHS08T IHPSOVEMENTS. ana r WBtaat nti-ia ewaaaai rmg rscsa ,rtlB el Sll. Br i!t,ertt. u .,tuo. ttift.. rta Spirit.. lM :Mr. tbvaAtiiB. tidM. U.r 4 bt44cr cu,:uBU.IUI baft. t,B. tslMlM. tMr 111 Se.'.t. ,u- TL lrt tl etttait. W4.KI Itr.. e,t. . . 1 k. , ,. ,..!.. : . r-lt t, it. 1,.,, or y. Tau.a1. ba srv.l by isj -r-.,S, l-tttia Ker kit oUi.c nxmriW f.:i.J. kb4 w rrr t . rorrett ,wuv. ana : - ' lr . . htn.K' SI Xk-KSSlIt: 1 . ( ... unit ud ,iavrui ,tratta ta-CATtKtmCtf low : . s.u.i r.r aaaaeaaas rtiiitaittt. .. . w trtVJV X1-:TV BLSICTItia OtOs, No. .72 ?trst St.. PORTLAND. OPE. REVERE HOUSE tLJJAM AS. PFKIFFEK tftOPklKTO iiifa-n.ini.s 0 fHlL0HV mv WarSrVT