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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1894)
AS (HAH- it RL4IN Aturmi t L Will praotiue in all oearta ( tha -.tata Siik- tl atlaiitl n tve t natter ia are.t-.te u;.li ini. OKFICB-ln the Kiian tloe w It Klll.Y.:r Attenaay at Law ni Solicitor In Chancery. 011 loss made en all ae'nt. Laant MMM aa raele tome. Alhauy, Oregon riKO, W. WRIGHT, K Aturney at law, ana Notary Public Will practice In all theoaurta a( this etata Special attautian tiven ta raUeetiona ana mutton, i.i preaata OBaee: Next dear ta aVvtofflce, Albany, Or1' IV f t i 1, II lanl matter will race Ira promt. aUontien Biw r, 01 1 Fellow's Tempi, Albany, o fj- WHITNEY . a 1 Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. M OXHWK HA KI,KH4N. Altorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. t it. ( n. d mameapathlat, t?rSpci Jlst In it I titer ol the Eye. Oflce hours 7 t a nr. I o 3 m. anal T t I m A Oreron 1) R. J. It. HII.L.. Phycician and 3ur-eon. OFFICE Corner Far 7 etreets, Albany, Orearan. US. ntSTOV A OWis, PtiTKdane an Surreont. OFFICE Comer , eoond and H. at lslbiu street. Albans . Or, Calla pro-apty attended I citr and eeontry; J riwii it x ( ...;smR OT ALBANY, ORttOO. TRANSACT renral BanVinr 'lsi-iase. BAWSHHIT PRVFTS an v, Tark, San Ft n aand Par 'm.), Oregao. UUB MONKf aa approTadaacurlty. UEVE.VB denosita euelsct ta cheek. COUJiO IOVS made on Urorabla MRBwSVatBl -0 tinas 4aoti WK OF t to. Olo, ORKaeN, ,.T J Mssx . A 1 Job THE WEBFOOT ROUTE Oregon Pacific HailfOdd, B W HIDIKI, Beeelver TIME SCHEDULE, except Stmdaa.) LmraAINuiT 11:20 r. a,;L.-ar Yaauina. T:00i, Lsars Corrallit 1:0S r, a . Leaaa L :SS a, arrl'e Vaeulna l:S1 r.a.j Arrlaa AlWoy, tail a. Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates k'etween Wlllameite Vallev PoInU and an Francisco ocba srsisEt a(Lia naa tan raaxcoce WulametU V.May, Ear Sth, ltth.2Sr, rua raa'.nra. WlllaaailU Vallav, .far Sth, 1 Sth ana Mtk The CoBipaav reawrea ha ngat haoga xailing dates witkout notioe. RiTEB ITKAHKRS. aaa'T ''Hoax" leaves PartlaaS Wa4aaaiay aai Satunlay Can, H C Day.Can Ai-t,8almoo Street Wharf. Persian D E . :r Dsn Ban I . a- Cal. K S Mnlrahr, Caceral Sapt: FromTerminal or Inturior PoiLts th Norta Mc Railroafl Im i 1 it to laka To lH Points EAST aoi SOUTH "t la Ut IIVIiU CAR H"TK. I rims i hres(b VKs i llll i. B rKAlMM EVER tY i.a : Ye ir to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO 7 O 31 5 GE. I CAB3 ) ' ConOM 'i ef ftoiw Car r'isarw,l t'v)ax:: ! nfrinz ' Hrrs Of 'X K!ilrflt;flt. -aO- it Mi a a n 1 .ia 1 and ia 1 I ra- b .'h tVas r iif 11 rat or 4 Vtif5 1 a t. id far IHttS at oH el 1 . i f ir ii 1 . I11 et-a. t 'EGANir .Y COACHES. u fiaii. miwi Directs a fl t'ni .uiv: aieaspor r? -.--etl ans OBI l hi iiral m.1 . .m -1 thr-augh any se'tt ' lh a rm l. IHR 'ill UCKfcr lo ss-t frotnal: ..i Auie ' n and aa ) t.tai e.oo it .ti i iiiircra wi st iiiircr wi st I Rlfa .' th: coir, ,' hi r i . i iq .rising rit.aS,tltD aftl'-ailX MkBaaOl a ttiafiira Ishs I Sppltott no t . soy agent ar A l CaRI.TON, iBwatsm iJai'srsI Pavjngtr Agent. .1- 21 F'ir-t fi-, oor. rVaahingtaa, Pon'and. oil letea. 0 B ' i : t i agsnt. ALBANY COLLEGE.::::: Semi for Catalogue Address, REV. E. If. CONDIT, Albsny, Oregon .. RATH :.iFOEI What is Eczema? It is an agony of agonies. A torture of tortures. It is an itching and burning of the skin almost beyond endurance. It is thousands of pin-headed ves icles filled with an acrid fluid, ever forming, ever bursting, ever flowing upon the raw excoriated skin. No part of the human skin is exempt. It tortures, disfigures and humil iates more than all other skin diseases combined. Tender babies are among its most numerous victims. They are often born with it. Sleep and rest are out of the question. Most remedies and the best phy sicians generally fail, even to relieve. If CUTICURA did no more than cure Eczema, it would be entitled to the gratitude of mankind. It not only cures but A single application is often suffi dent to afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy cure. CUTICURA works wonders because it is the most wonderful skin cure of modern times. Bold throughout the world. Price, CTTicrsA, SoT; Sop, Baa ; Rksolvnt, 1. Potter 1bl-o w Oni. Corp., Hole Prope., lioaton. "All boot the 6 tin and Blood " mailed free. Notice for Publication. U. P. Land OrKics, (Jreoon Crrv, (p. July iltr-, 1893. Notioe is htrebv given that ic com p'.l anee with the provl-ions f fthe act rf iwngreaeor June 3, ls.ts. eniu ii - a aoi , for the sale oftimrer 'sns m ths -tat.s ofOa itnrai. Onwan. Nsvidi n.' Vash i iDgton Territory," Albert Coliver, of Green Basin, county of Maiion, state of Oregon, has this day rile I in thN office his sworn nUie oeut No 2874. fbr Ike purchase of th - S E of saet'on N 'Jd.iu township No 10 Son h ranae No 5 Kast, Slaii will oSer pro f to i-h w that the lnd sought Is more valusb e fur Its timber or stone than t. r aeilculturai i iirpo e-s sn? o establish bia claim to saU land before st) Register ' t Receiver of this n'S,- regon City, Oregon, on WednestUy . th 24u .jv of Janusrv. 1894. He nani-as aa "itnes-e: wao n iieiiisr, 1,1 ',r,a "-"! eaonj asuiy oiiau3,i.i ,ainiiT- jt. Berry .of Rerrv, Brecon, H M Heroera nrunum Basin Or Any and all person ? i?r:j. aV-sTS s-iss ns this office on or . , , .e. . . m hAin.Aaa n -4 u iiar tir Jannaiy, 1894 Kobxrt A Miller, ttegiatcr EAST AND-SOU7H. VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE -OF THE Southern Pacific Co. Biprata Trains laara Portland Daily Boots ytarn,Tl7jSl J CiMrTaulLr Partlaod iris ai 10:SS r L Albany Lv ( a a 10:45a a i At Saia Fraadaca Lt J,01 r " 3TS trsins stap a. all statto a from nd to lbmy inoluslve, alsyTan hd i,Ha!sss',Htrrib jrg. Jnnetiojs Irving. K igant ail all stations ' oae ui i atalao 1 instnsl-e aoaxaraa bail, psr.r - II.V PartianJ At' W If.ti ra Lt AThuv Lt It) MBra Ar Eawatwr JLr yat BBJBtTt m a a I Lt .Mteay Ar I 10-n S.-OOaalAr Labanoa L I a 1:STMIL Alhaay Arl 'J r BSaalAr Lahanaa Lt I t:Sr PULLMAr BUFFTT SLEEPERS. AWD Dinintr Cars on Og:den Rout. SECOND-CLASS SlEtPINS CABS attashea la all Thraasah T raise eTaas SlSe BI vial am. faBTLASB aSBJ tSEI 4111s Ban. maiSaaitT (Except Sanaay. MOaa Itatra L7 Ar rart'aoA OarralUa Ar St axraaas raaw taav rExeayt Bmiday . BiOra TaVra Par land Mextinnrll.a Ar Lt 1 : a a -' Ttronsrla Tickets sa all pal at in the Biatem Stataa, Canada aa Bornaa can ba oS-ained at owest rates tram C B FTeah, Araat Albany. '. EOBHLEB E P. KOiKM Maaatar Vss't O F. nJ FtetiuS MsH Jl aLUtfai.l LI txEEtyaaEaBEaMiiiB Yi "flaTnifasl actse iT)wit,L Sct cure. 1 An aarteabts Laxative and Nzbtb ToBtrx BoM bi Drnfa-iata or sent by maiL 2Jc,o0o. anfl $L00 per packaga. Samplea free. laTrt ITA The Favorite 70071 PTXTO JrVV H.W to the Teeth and Jireai o,aao. Cay -aln Sweeney, UA, 3an Dierc.CaL, arys: "Shlloh's Catarrh BexnaSy la the irst BEstBEEBB I have ever found that would do ma anygood." PrtoaMcts. Bold by DnxggisTa. SHILOH'8 CURE. Trs Obbax Cocqh Ccki prenapU? extra wiaare all other ralL FarConsunptionlthe 90 rival; has cored thousands, and will cors tateulntlmc PrbsSc, Wf-a-.tLCS COPYRIOHTS, etoJ Por Inf ortnatlou nnil free Handbook write to MOMM CO.. 361 KitoanWAT, Nxw Youic. MlatS Imraau for sairurlnte patents In America. Bvery jdUcnt taken out by us Is brnugtit before IS puMic by a notice xiran tree of cUir;-e in Stat tamtt circulation of rny scientific ps per In tha world. Bplandldly illustrated. Mo imiiiirrnt aaan abould be without It. Weeklr, B3.0r a KIT! HJuslx jnonltis. A ldrtrs S1I'.N A VOm BSarSBBB, al Uroaoas- s-'uw Vi.r otf. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEHEBY OIVE.V THAT THE US deraijiiod have been appointed administrator o the aetata of L Uerhard, lata of Linn aaeaty, Or., daeaaaad . All persona havliif ciaiina sjialnRt aaid aatate are hereby required to prvsaut them duly verified as by law tequired to the undersigned at Corvall a, Oregon, within als mouths from the da'e ha'raat Dated this 24.1i d.iy of November 1 -H3. LEO OEKIIAKU. HEN KY UKr.IIA.KD, Wealherfurd at Cliamberueln, Adiulnlsirator.. Attys lor Adnnn. EXEC JARS NOTICE. N I El? iiE ui' i.a li.t tie uuil.-r.l i.ed rXecuior el the lost will aud testameu' M Frank Hhedd, deceased, hrs riled with tbe c-lerii of ahe Uos.Sty Cum for Linn Coantj , Oiegoi', bit Dnsl scCSBMl, and th court haa lixsd the &'h rtav of MSrsh, 1894 at tbe hour of 1 o'clock p in, for be -iog obj action to aaid accoanf, if any, and lo settle at'd estate. Thl Jaoueiy IS, IVJ4. C J -HSlJla J K V BATHsr.r. ai Ksert,toi Alto uty i .r x . " d!fjftBWWsVEATS, B ? yBJSS TRADE sharks, tl. -mWF DESICN PATEWT3, wssmssm Golil ran be beaten twelve hundred times thinner than priming pape r. One Ounce will cover 146 -qua re feet, James F Campbell, ex-govtmor of Ohio, announces tha he is oui of folitlci for life. 'When I said I would cie a bachelor," remarkai Benedict, "I did not think I ihculd live till I were married." The hottest mm la the world are the Comstock On tne ioer level the heat i to grea. that itie men cannot work over 10 or ictnimi nl time. Evrry known means of mitigating the heat hive been tried in aia lex meltt before it reaches the bot'om of the shafts Careful ohserv.-rj have noticed that a fish hawk, after tacarirag Ka prey, will often rise very hith In 'he air, drop the fish, quickly swo. , i'"n up"n and seise it anil then fl' homrw 11 .'. The object ol this, as fjv I linrd hy n old skipper in the Lower Bi . of Now Yoik, Is t" get tne fish "l ead on," a Uk iil Beeei fly with the tall of its prrv tnrerao caughflt th.- w y. aivi'v So, If It hat 'wirl it drops head point- It and seizes it age n i h ' log In the right irre'lon TUe democratic sawn bet of the finance coTitnlr ee have deci led to grant no more hearings on the tat:T Ui . Senator Voor hees is an I Otised to prep e a statement of reason acii tiling the committee. It is understood hr will say that In present con ditions of I us-ii.tss of he cooftry, time Is an ts-entiit e ement in he sett'ercent of the tariff question, aid the commit'.ee could not allow a hearing 'a go on indefi ttely, and could nor cut them off In the miudle without doine tnius'lce to some interests. The national wool growers as- ; country expects ts to romp etc .n -r. oe. socUtion Is naw in session at Washington j sTOn in the house. .odatkto be heard. "na i" ' , . . These "protected iet have been heard hundreds of times during Ihe last five yeais and everyboalj atii'si just what they would sav. Ths committee does well In -...:.,. . m JiUlnn. ti-ii w .m lh i fir. uei laii.n.ii: w w. w " . . of those who seek to fastm a burden ol taxation noon the ne ,k. of the t mill- ion. of the land fr the Kene t of few. -aw Ex Govei or Br A P.nsy Uanla is a U U .- I II...... m 1 a mlrlinnia , it'i..iuu . '.f r - afler ,be most atricict sect "' He is an ex soldier having lost a leg lo ihe tale war. i from the stan. point of repub leans he Is an h r.on m., be 1 . 1 . .. 1.- . I. .. 1. 1. . s .oea cianaiu ai.u en. mt ii.,n ,.... s too candid and ie me iraih sum it, ought not to be told. He has been talking ' i.i a. . -- a a . i j lateiy er.e eame ua sue ,neeu na.u timet, lie says: "To be can W. I don't believe this de- . ression in business is 'he iu!t of nemo- craiic policy. Tnis wsve of businees de pression was coming, and i. is only the good fortune of the Republicans that the Demo crati got in power in "irrae to tie caught by it. It is one of loose pc. lodie-al depressions that regularly affect 1 he raunuy,and nothing could have avoided it. 1 don't believe the Isemocisla or their policy have anything o do with it. It wou d have come anyhow, and if llarrlaon had been elecleii it mll.t have been even worae." Beaver mav n t b: but iie is an holes a nru ient pouiuiin. , can iJ, out iOE .lie tiutn should be) ! man . He believes spoken for the truth. hence the above o: inlon. Thit view is held by tbovtaodt of i.puo..eani a., over IM country Lnt they , happen not to be aa candi I as Beaver. t I RlUl S I'ArT. Eight cu'ic fee: enbic foot of; water. '.f snow produce one Tbe Sicilian rnlphui c. oslt employ I . eighteen thousand mincra. Men attending the pan, In works are acver kt.own to hav choler. totall pox, scarict leaver. or ini.uetzt Them are two mountains to lower Call fornia ti at are esiln.aied 10 contain 100, 000,001 tons cf pure alum . The valuat oa cf wealth in the United Stale is three litr e as gr&at as 1S60, ant! twice a great per capila. An ordina:y elephant produce isa pound ofivorv. Two exhibition tusks Inl-ondoa rslgh 162 and 173 po-td respectively. In Fiance targe quantities of charcoal are made from fCiWrr. J "scn-.y ton of fresh . 1 seaweed or lour tons of die . , " -cd proJuc Color blindness, bean found to occir i in about four per cent of civiiixed European i and Ametican maies and acr.o'g two-tenths I per cent of females. Tne Finlaadert and Norweg'ans ran up as high at 5 per ren: while the Du'ch go down to 1 43 Froit ball are tol ed in mi ol ths wine districts of Fiance when thre it likely lo uc a vc.r u,.. awe . a uurra ol 01 tactf null e 1 p. ace qjan'.i ties of tar be ween 'he of vine.. Then a signal is, Iven t. l:ght . e .ar. and In a few Wahtatet a d ase c Bd of smake ane which c 'inplttely p estsuU t- tinis from 1 he atutf, M' J ol ;hc &rin ol Mrsara, VVilliam & l.'n Lnn. .n. nas , n cha-r'i t ie M xi a 1 mahogany log on t r -).. .i e o' Be F .re try Building to 'le Chica: Kx ii .10-. T'.e log is for'.y '. 1 nil ., - ni.rtii.iil, ,. fart long. It was a t 4gc 1 an f.v. forest i y I e-wtlai- B7 or lij,5i . -(j ure : i .1 -to tbe in i . Five) airs ag , II .11. sler, ess wees irueL ap wini it t judges of t of Ijinber s cat t.vei.ty I Inrrth cn feet in the tsssrin uucr-sH o.iie-uu the untraiy. But BOW, on inol BB . . p stice it ie- Ters. el. Na rtsBSB ht tsve oi:e, t!..t vi ,i j:cts li going !., h o d:aagreea'!c. The'- It that hitevcr di-u-ht iVr.-. fur this 11 one ol- rtot is often j i.inal reaaon ; ed is more , agreeable if I Comes :r...n .i I ths bsn if it olons In list face head " An ostrich's eg is a's'tit sev.ntoen In - ches by fifteen inches l'he measurements of the egg of tbe crocodile are normally nine inches lay six an 1 oae half inches. I he Real iifllsaai'ts. The reason w I iun w iiy A I c iuu!ar U that Al'cock'a Porous I a tera are pot; 01 to cure-. 1. I.aine brck, aciatica. stiBnrbt twitthlng of lie muaiclea 2. Che-st irouf.let, suc'i a pleurlty, pneu j monia, consumption. 3. Inci, stlon, dispspsio, biliousness.; kidney con. plaint. 'Jlie sli'css, however wih depend upon the gciiniu jncas of th: iilattrr uted. The popu ai ity of Alcock's Pot ie Plaal'r ha been so greol that mil It It tides of iaiitations have sprung upon every hund The orU suie cure is 10 get the genuine Allcocs ! Porous Plasters. Hiandreih't Pills lmpOve I l.e digestion. Portland. Sceamento Angeles rBccstoa Bjsd be ttti hve Itas aamc if. alli ance rates. Alhanr.Or, Hutic and Helena. Montana, Salt Lake Ciiy, Tjco ns, and Walla Walla, Wash, and Spokane, have the same rates 1 To preserve a youthful appearar.c aa 1 . ni : p fl'ilr. it Is Int'lspensable that the j utir - .mild Talain Pa iiatitral co or ' ':.t..', there it no prrpava'ton so ' ciia-e- a8 Aare'a Miiir VftEray, . mi piev'rnti. baldness, and kee-p. the acu'p j clean, cool, and nealthy .', THE WILSON BILLS TRIUMPH- The Wilson bill wat triumphantly pass ed by the house of representatives yester day by a majority of 64, or more than double thai which was expected. In spite of general and special opposition in spite of the clamor of local interests, in spite of the demand for continued pap on the part of bounty-fed sections and inter ests, and in spite of the parrot cries raised against the income-tax fea'ure of the measure, a democratic house hsj been bold to redeem the promises rnado to the people. In this result The World is justified in feeling a peculiar satisfaction. Alone among metropolitan newspapers it has stood firmly by the principles under-lying the effort for tax reform. Alone it has in -sisted upon the vital points of the bill, the abolition of subsidies and the taxation of accumulated wealth in the shape of in comes, in lieu of the taxation of necessar ies in the form of consumption. It re joices especially that this principle has not been stricken down, and that the bill which frees 'he raw ma'erials of industry and re duces the tax 'on the necessaries of life also compels those who profit most by the protection of government to pay a share of ) Uie expense of maintaining government. The most encouraging'thing about the hill is that it decrees that most righteous of all imposts, a tax on large incomes. The house has done its doty well. !t has fulfilled so far as It can the pledget of democracy to the people. It has voted to sweep subsidies utterly away. It has put a heavy foot upon that sham "rec:rocity" which untaxed foreigners and transferred their burdens to American citizens. It has legislated for fre: raw materials It hss taken the first great step to ards the freeing of life's necessaries. Now what of the senate? There is a dem ocratic majority there also, and the 10 every senator ice unexp:;ea major ity in the house must have a peculiar sg- a . , . - I niBcance- That body it compar.iively fresh from the people. Its members are In closer touch tban toe senate is with the nonnlar '.elinar The renretant stives ! . sT T a. ' wn,fied lt ,n,tkf r MD; f m wrre personally hosUle to particular fei- turescf tie bill. But their overwhelming conviction is manifest that the country's i ." I ,.,a-.,. . I l'... M.nttn.1 linM -if , . , i -- this mea.ure is too strong to brook defeat or unnecessary delay because of any man's objections to particu'ar features of the pro- . eatmeu,.. i be party and tee country are to be con - ; gratulated upon the triumph of reform in I . , i - -a a .a. tne nouse. it. n ior me ueraoeri in "a sena'e now to comp'ete the work of re deeming tbe promise upon which the peo- ' 1( UeU lhe.r rtT jn power. N Y World. TUK areas TKlar The placing of ugar on the free Ht will crush the Satjai Rctining Trot', one of the Creates, n.onopolifs, if not the greatest, c-n tiie face of the earth. The Trust was of benefit tu the wholesalers and jobber be cause it protected them from a 6aclaaling having tuch coolrolxiver th trade i ... I,,,,:., fix aa,a maintain niieea. Some jobber compUi.i because th Trust j to oe smashed and saSk as 15 i- was a b'ess- fn4 to tae p, wt lS to the,,,!.. to have tuch a Trt. The Sugar Tmst j has groan tit on somebody and a the obj hers are standing up for it did grow fat oo them- Tne deduction Is thettfore 'hat it has grown fat oa the people. Aad how fat? In 189s the Sugar Trust declared a - mt a IS. . mm. . . . . 7 rer cent cn ihe preferred stock. Ia I r . . . Uarc 1S93, an extra dividend ot lo per j ct dtc;.reJf bs,ldrt , aor.,t:. diri. d of . cUrta. The next special dividend, which is due aed would hare been declared but for the fact thai the congress is la session, will no doubt be ttili greater Thit dividend if declared On a capital t'ock watered op to f&,ooo,- . 000 when in fact '.lie plant ia not worth over fo, 000,000 Basing the earnings on the ,,ul rnouit involved tie Sugar Trust has oer 3a per cent upon Us stock sn- ' nuslly. This enormous prcbt is not legili mate, and could oolv be real lied by the absolute diwlpatioo of compt itio aai irMMr a-sf Km it- a r L- as f mrA fr. ta. j Rcficing Tmt U a bydr-Scdwl znon I Ar r..1 Ita r fr t.-'itn sita nl ne.e.ti' w mean a great deal for the people And it ! j, Joorred. ' 111 1 The water supply of Antwerp is drawn from tl river Nitre, snd Is puri6ed b passing water tr rjugi cylinder containing ran filings. T'ie water whlcn leaves ihe tfrer i the fi tides! imiainiole Alt., . j,ralton lt ,t ,lvi r, pur both clae.nir- ally and visually. T..e experience wf Anl werp ia a practical iiluatration of the princi ple laid Joan by e.ien'ia'.s mat contac' : with iron remove by far tne most isBger OJ8 propetties f:om contamintcd water Tiut experiments have sh:awn t'Xt by thi. means the percentage of organic mif.e- ia reduce i from 45 1085 p-rcent; of alsmi noid ammonia, from 50 to 90 per ..ent; whlie free amuiar.ia it en'.itely eliminated. U S Comptiollt.' of Currncy , J H Kckel saja that between May 4 aid Oct 4 1S93. ilh .awalsct indivi.lualdeposits Inna'-CM.- Bibaaks ale wore (;,, ......o ,nd ot bank 1 nd beakers' depodts to the amnunt of 79'eoo,ert)i a total of $378,000,0x10. To meet this drain the banks were compelled looll in loose, thus deleting the resourret of s: ive liadc to the mtent of ?;,lS,:nc, 000 a-id frcm binlta ai I banknrs to the amt-kn' of $51.00 a 'ii e t'S 'hair Lor- ltriaa aa stUed 37.oixixio TSSf!tS!?!fS! Thv. c .inen Six Com :auies repret:o'. th tlx dit riets sear CaaStrti, Ckuu.tiarn wi,ic'i almost a t tiie ImTaiirrants come t Ihia jCountry. The Caotpinles bring the immi- is.""1 herc. psvtng iheir pasaaBe.supportlng I lhem "nt" ,hey '1 wo,k- baiying them I w"en '" d'8 knd Ik'nl lh(ir bones backto for an mi tuv clmrte exlr. enorm ous ra'es ol intereat.and blacamail Ihtlrt ub jtctt frjm time to tltas ai oeeaaton arnet. The Hilihinders aie simply the agen-s of thtco nime-. In l.lackmslllag or in remov ing Chinamen alio refute to lie b!acamailed or o herise obnoxious to trie coir, paniet Corals increase by eggs, spontaneous division and germination. The rate of irrowth has not been fully determined. Prof Agassiz indicates the growth of reefs at Key West at the rate of six inches in one hundred years, and adds that if w doubled that amount it would require seven thousand years to form the rrefs in that place and hundreds of thousand of , years for the growth of Flot ida. Great as have been their atlvances in ra cen' years in other respect, the Japanese people have remained singularly deficient in at, ii tire and physique. A government commission, after prolonged investigation, at tubules this to an almott exclusively vegetable diet. 'rati I Thin or gray hair and bald hcaos. so i displeai-ing to many petople as mat as of age. may oe averted for a long tlms by using Uall't Hair Rene wer. "ZEALOUr fortuuth," In reading the DEMOCRAT of Jan 29, 1804, 1 found an article headed, "A Re ward." It begins aa follows: "To any ono finding any of the following words or phrases ia their Iliblcs whether in l'.ng lish, (ireek, or Hebrew, if they will send in the pame of the bookin cither old or new testament stating chapter and verse, I will pay a reward of 8500 and a cow: Immortal soul, deathless soul, deathless spirit," &c. "Also the same for the pass age saying that either Christ or his Apos ties ever sprinkled or poured water on the head of any person old or voung for baptism." My pure was like Ihdo, "collapsed, and I was anxious tocbunge its appearance I accordingly wrote the following let'er: Albany, Or, Jan HI, 1394. Mr A J Carothers, Aluanv, Or, Dear Sir: Thee are hard i times with m. ami 'ETiOTI and a. row- are I just what I neeu. I am tj'ad that I saw your "reward" in the Democrat of the 29th inst. If you will look in your Graek Testa ment, you wid find in Matt 2stb chap 46th verse, two words which mean and can be transited, 'never ending tormmt,' 'end less misery,' ceaseless anguish." 'eternal sorrow,' or 'ever'asting tortcre." The matter can be decided at follows: You will select a man- I will select an other. Theee two will select a third. 1 will present my argument You will p re s' nt yours, rhe three m-n tnosen as judges i I decide the question on the ar gumen s pr tented . You's trulv, Alex Scott. AreordiB to the lanonnoe of the reward if the decision of the iudirs- should b. in ... , ... , ,,, . mi favcr. I would have more money than I eve, h.d-t2.S)! And if some oM else honhl h snccesaful In lindinir tha o'.her " UenfT phritet Mr would have ,0 ay thfL ,Qm of for ..j . tnr ,,, n, ,;M(; t.l i .a., ra ' c-s. - .-j.-- ..i thinkthtt bis seal for truth U not to greatas it was oo Jan 29. 1894. His waning xexl, however does not re ease bim from the patent 0f hi offered regard. There ; were c.ditionj in the offer except one. .... . . . and that wis, tbe bndine tne chapter and nUinin K. .. fi -hrweea sriwn That eendition has taaaaa i falfil'ed. The chapter and verse hsve ! been sent, and be can not free himself 1 rnm .w. ...,. ,h wsar,l k.. ! puhHc jon of an entirely diffarent offer. i ... Mr ii W Ketchum a name did cot in tbe offer made Jan 29, l&M, and I do not accept this change in the offer. If Mr Caro'bcrs thinks he baa freed himself from tbe obligation, I think his teal for truth it not a consuming one. My private opinion is, that Lis second communication is a virtual admission ibat he is wrong, and I will to tegard tbe rustler for the prevent -If be wishes to sett e 'be question ia the manner proposed, 1 am ready with my Greek Dictionary snd Testamert. Tbe collapsed condition of my parse docs not justify me in offering rewarels; but I will nay Mr Carotben a nickel, if he will name the book, chapter and verve where it I says that Christ baptised any one by im I rnersion or otherwise, I will pay bita o ' ... , , . . . , . , a . v , I -ae DBStTWbus it lnfo.-me-l that two Ai- DKke .for satisfactory proof that there i.xae men sUoped down to Port was a baptising in tbe heathen jail at Phil- j land recently ami settled with creditors for ippi. in wbuh the lailer 'was laptiicd. and ail bis stra'ghtay If he wdl lur aish undisputed evidence thai tbe ;. bsptiio, always and everywhere means, to baptise by immersion, I will pay bim three nickel. Now t have a word to say in regard to 'corditional Immortality,'' one of tbe ez preetioiti used in the second paper of Mr A J Carothers Tbe first thing I hare o say in regard to it is. that, accordirg 10 b's cwa argument again', some express-ont 10 which he take exception in h first paper, he has no right to u.e such language. Cannot s Bible faith be s ated in a Bib e language? ' be asks, i have failed to find any such expression in ay Biole from be first of Genrsi to the i.xat of Revelation; and if be will name tbe book, chapter and verse in the Hebrew Old Testament, ia the Greek Xew Testament, or in the F.nglash Bible, where such expression otcurt, 1 will pay bim fire nickels. Until be doe '.bis. be cannot, consis en'Jy wi.b his own logic, say another word in tbe Democrat or elsewhere about conditional immortality. 1 bare no more regards to offer, bu' I have something to say in regard to soul sleeping. I will begin by saying that some of tbe most foolish, if no the most irreverent, utterances 1 ever hear I a preach er make, we-'e made, on this subject. I.y an AdventUt in ihe town of Sumner. Wash ington. Hi Srt a ertion araa, tha ,).. , . , a. ... ... awui rieartaa aim iu.- oeius irom urvii .hi the resurrection In proof of thit as trtion he quo'ed a few passage of scr;,ttire. which bad no relevanry o tbe subject in hand, u-id his whole argument was a petito prinripii. a begging of the qaeatiOB. Ui next assertion araa, ibat "men will come 10 tbe judgment bar and not know that they ure lost till sentence Is jtassed up on tbetu ' This be regarded a a corollary an obvioi consequence deduc-el fpani bit first ; ro, osition (fir-t assumption, -he ought t have said, for that is what it wa Hit :-n.,J corollary deduced from the origtsal . stampticn was. that the sou's of the rishteoos do not sru to heaven at alralh A n il nitration of ti e tru-h ef th corol ory he -ad the account -f the raiting of aaaBaroa, ued made ' he very tape remark, that, if tha atmi of i ..tzar its bad gou to he. ten, Jesus would have said, "Lita in. comedown." And Irom thit he argued the righteous de.-d would come down froxa heaven, at the reaBirecHoo, if tbeir souls went to heaven at death . His next eater. Ion was, that the wicked would not suffer eternal punishment Lut would be annihilated, ,'1'hey will," he said, be- thrown into a hot caldron of brim- stote, stirred with a fcrk, and be utterly destiojed." That It the kind of stuff he preachcei. And wtiat was the result? Sensible pco pie were dlsuseted, and a few toune mtn were at nn-t inclined to fall In with bit an nihilation neory. The minister, who Wat supposing the Presbyterian church at the time, thought that such teaching ought not to go unchslmged and with '.lie consent of the session of ihe church.preache I . imn sitting fott'i the teacnlngs of llie bicla on lite gabject au ! giving the Adventlst presets er some pasaaget ol tcrlpcur, which "were loo much for him," the would be an nihilation youog men said. One of them mother that the Adventiit's leply wass meie quibble, and he believed the Presbts'lsn wss tight. I will give tome of the pstsages nf acilp- tures, which were too much for bit reven ence. The first it found in llie fourteenth chapter of Isaiah, In which "hell fiom be neath'' it said to be moved by the coming ef the king of Babylon. Ills arrival in hades caused s commotion among the dead over whom ho had tyrrantzed on caitb,and they taunted bin by aaklng him, '.'Art thou so become wcik as we? Art thou become kt unto us?" Were these Inmates of bsdes asleap whsn tbe king of Babylon went tbl'.h r? H,d the day of judment come? In the sixteenth chapter of the gospel ac- cording to I ,uke we read: "And it cams to pass that the beggar died, and was carried , by the anecls inlo Abiaham's bosom :The rich man ain died, an I was buried; ami in hell be lifted up his eyes, bking In torments." Then we ire told of the con versitlon which took place between Abrah am and llie rich man. Were they both a tleep? Do men glecp when they are "in rouble"? In the six-h chapter of Rev Ution It i s written: "And wnen h hti optne I the fifth seal, J saw under the altar the souls of them lha weie slain f i. t'ie ml of Goi, and for the tes-lm.ny which they held. I adi incy crie i wnn a toua voice, say.i'i;. How long, O LrJ, holy itid true, dost thou not judge and avenge our bloou on them that dwell on the earlh?" The resurrection had not yet come. Were fioef under the altar crying out foraenimrn', in Iheir sleep? In It four'e-nth chapici of revelation we read: "And J h-s-da voice from heaven i st ihe voice of rosny as the voice I a - . , i a ii i . . . t m re"1 ",uuol-r: 1 '" c -'- - h'POr harping with their An ! they sang as it were; a new song Murr Ihe'hronr, I and before the fcur beasts, an I the elders; and oo man con d learn '.hat song bsri the . . i nunared and forty and four thou: nJ.wich were ledeemed Irom Ike ca'll'."' Were tBOIB I redeemeJ ;ouls, in their sleep, rajslng Heaven's many man -ions to rewaun J with their lou4 halHuj ih, ndpealini hosannihs 1 did not hear the . vmt preicher's reply but aboae who did repoile i iha- it mas ' mere quibalc". Alter thU, hn. cong:egrat ons were very imail, ,i ..! he left Sumner, d tgus'.ed with the place and the people K I ' - Tl. - - n;l SJ, ei.e eiatui.. nit uiuiuai. lie ..vw- ' pie were desgusted with ;h! preacher, and the preacher uith tiae people. Now, what good did be accoinplU'.i hi pitching his tent there w?ek in th- town of T"" " TZ - " ' ! - .a - - a a a I , Carothers expect to accomplish by OBeflOJ .. . T ' . .. 500 icwarJ wrii.c location ui sny oi mt . . , I ;y n p.. o.eo n,s, com- I . . . . uiuii,iiui.. uv i nt ... v"".. . -'.'i I tic 11 L' P ! Oil On tno.laer '.race 1 anew i " ' ' . . ,. ,. . f. !k I V he wool - o me-1 me wit u oreea - " would qulobe on the m.-anmf th: or d, . now than I did before they pitc'.eJ tleir ' teal in Sumner, and am better prepared lor iheir quibbling. But I n:ver did an I never will pab'icy ctacutt "Soul sleeping" oy "coadiiloatl iiamoitatity -ariih them. 1 simply say 'hst there it cot an Adyentist on tne earth woo can nnd nber ot tneae ex-j pretslona In the Bible (rem the first verse in Gessataj to the last one In Ktaeia'kan, ad who can prove from scripture that the tool tleeps from death liQ the reurrectlon and that the wichid are then annihilated. And If he cou'.d. what gain wouid there be lo the church and the world? 1 think that VJe Awake it entirely c jrrec'- in hit es timate ot the practical importance rf the! : subjec's. i ! Albany, c Keb. Ua 0l3, FITS Scott. Two or three reports have been circulat ed about people making assignment wheat there was absolutely no foundation to tbetu ; t;rii. ri '. owing who!eale house any thing. Some one need kicking witb a pair of loggers '.ts. ala-jot .0 cents e.u the dollar. Several mer- ciaact whs pay their bills propose not to deal with wholesale nouses who do Uisinesa that way. A writer in an exchange give tbe fol" lowing among other reasons of hard time which while sounding rather humorously are suggestive-. We waste tbe wax twt of our pine and gum bis and boy chewing gum for our children. We throw away oar ash? asd by soap and axle grease. We give away our heef bide and ouy bamettrings and shoestring. We land a five-centcisb with a four dollar hhini:-rod. sV e raise dog and buy wool. We send a fifteea-ceot bev out with a twenty dollar gun and a four-dollar dog to kill birds. A church society down in Kentucky raited soma money to bay coal foi a poor family. The money was Kiven to the family, who, instead of buying rraal, bad their photographs taken. It is now lent, and y on matt be careful what yon eat and do. The use of flesh meat, eggs and w hite meats is a'loweJ at every meal on Sundays, as well as tbe principal mral on Mondays, Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays Saturdays of the Ember days and Holy Week ex cepted. The use of whit meats and eggs is tolerated on ail davs of Lent at ! the evening co'lation anet at the pnn- ! cipal mea's on those .lav oti which 'be use oi urr.t aiiraa. .a la-ri-iaiuri- The Dexter correspondent of tbe Eu gene liuard, perpetrates t e following: In this vicinity not long since a ronug lady and her best fellow was quietly e at iog supper all by themselves. She took some preserve on her plate, be gszed at her piste with much interest, she says do you -'. n;y prrserves? lie says no, it hss got legs and upun examination it proved to lae a full atrown mouse. Yon can better imagine her feelings than I can describe them. Yailiant, the French anarchist. diel with the words "Iie.ith to Society; long live an archy," .an his llp. But what is the world without society. Now adnyt when a man acts very pleas antly, smiles and shakes haiuli. with a grip like a vire. ho is -1 of being a iiws didsito fear some oftice These rainy day suits BIB sensible things, and women generally will do the proper tiling to wctir them. Miss Ball leturtied BABBB today in ono. which c'iuiunded itself to ail who saw it. The Yaquina News givos the oxsct situa tion when it says the Capitol .letirniil still keetw up its howl about the 0 P rottwiiBBl and imagina it is accomplishing grotit ends, while in reality it dises not amount to "a tly on an elephant." Shoo! The art of confusing one thing with an other tl an ri shes in every country in the world, says Uie Argonaut. It was in Can ada, for instnnce, that a newspaper adver tisement of a nursing battle concludeel as follows: "When the baby is done drink ing it must bo unscrueal and laid in a cool place under a tap. If the baby does not thrive on fresh milk, it should be'boileai." An eelitor eleclares that the world neoals a religion today that will make a man's word as good as bis note; that will make its professor pity 100 cents on the dollar, sell 10 ounces to the pound, .'U) inches to the yard, 4 pecks to Uie bushel and 12$ cubic feet to the cord; Unit will make u workman do a full day's work for a full days pay, whether the eye of bis employer is on him or not; that will make capital' disgorge the lion's share of tbe profits and divide them eaiualiv ami justly with labor; that will cause the manufacturer to cease from adul terating his goods, the clerk from robbing his employer, Uie official from embezzling the funds committed to his trust; a religion that will muta men upright, honest, pure and trustworthy in all the walks of life; a religion that not only muses men happy but righteous. This is what Christianity teaches; but the trouble lies in the number of black sho.sp in the wrong colored liveries. Sab bath religion is of no avail if it does not go wiUi a man through the week, as it does with tbe genuine christian. i Darius Bobbery. Carson. Nev, Feb 9 About 7 o'c'ock this cveuing when the Virginia A' Truckee mail train was u mile out of town the ex press car was smashed in and the box, con taining i he money to pay wages to section hand - along the road to ItVno, was de niani'ed of Jack I'age, Wells, Fargo & (Jo's express messenger, at the of a sboigun. It is customary to pay off the men on the 10th of the month, and George Mills, paymaster of the road, boarded the : train at the depot this evening with a tin box containing niony to an amount not ' ?!frl1'0' tl, 'T,"1 ,could not be learned. It was secured by the robber who escaped Beroril Brwkrn Medina, O Feb 9. -Sensational di'do BUits were made 10 a in eouneetioii with the failure of the ."5eMl e Excnange Vj,tnk, I wnicu tiled di-ed oi as-itf .ruent eiln-.s- day 1$ Q Mil'er was nomiuated at as signee, and to ay tne sheriff Btade a levy, and could lind ats amounting to only 169 The dep lts iiiuu.iliii to i-jH 000, and a.'Vsl tax eol ectiosM nad ju I been dy Itusilci by tne co ui tre ourer. Thr 1 I KM Bl.l. Wasiunoton. r'.-n 'j ascertained that Vourhif, ,Plr "l.e Wl1' '" '' rburid.'iv. In.-jt. , w-, r ,)r1t.,( , , jBjJB it the .n exceptions, n..w. v. i . ..- It is t'rfioi e inteniU to re i 'In senate. ... -he 10 . .iitial the r wl! lae rti . m ur . "ii and n tj- datsasil e I-, The i L ' wl. 1 V ' ;mHleria, bepurOs of Voorhee. thus j made known puts aaend to he reprt of a t p!D jn fot to construct an entirely new 1,'lliT r i.l ir. uril 1. p..n,i.r tjv t im- I bill. Staaasasaasxe Bersaaaa vsashisoton , t e .-.jregonian or-j .. . . , i ItVrmarin said trialas lli..t SMI twtiild not ha. me, Corcoran ouuamg j-iae, reen ut iti aiD ,ujae for gov-ror of Oreiron. but would U a candidate for congre-s again . He aas reached this ccmc tuion becamae ot tne lat-oplt of bis dntnet who have bald! j him tbey prefer to have bim remain in tei eB fcissi BJlii i , . D , Piseviixe. Ky, Feb 9. Bol Marier baBgedber oday for the niurder of : jiis .11 .1 j j I . uuauca Th. UirUr Ivnva Ii i lj ai :.i i i I , . . , i . - a I ...... ' J-vi iiuu itjuim: aiiu i uh.ii aiauaea. aaaaac. and swore vengeanee. Bob boanted a ,rain at Middicsoorough- The conductor resembled Lng, and Jtarler bred at mis. but missed him, killing Mrs Bowdej. Bo"j Lr that icrg to ioipruonmr.t for am, mr a. 1 Wasiiinoto", Feb 8. Geerje H I'orand sDctial counsel, and K A s ood. sneciaf agent of the treasury department, have re ' turned to their homes in Flint, Mich, after pending a eek here oo the Portlaad smuggling cases. Tne dapartment of past- j ice ,nd the treaary department have de lei BBSS! to have the cases poshed, and at tbe next terra of court both Durar.d audi Wood will go to Portland bo push tbe j trials. William A Bantz, of Portlacd, is here for a tew days. Charles A Cogswell, ot case inveiviRg 37,000 acre at Wa nar lake, decided in his favor. The genera UtvJ office wasag-ains. him. bat t bop. for betier luck frou tbe secretary I 1. '. ' m , uu ,..T 11 11 . HaS 1 J 1 1 imi Will Bajrtl ihe Brewertr. St Iavis. Feb . Tbe teer delivery drivers' war asrainst the syndicate of brew - cries has Uren put into the bands of T B McGoire, of the Knights of Labor He says a national boycott snll be placed on the breweries invo'lyed, all of which are owned by foreign capital. The Knights ill a'so urge congress to tax foreign capi- al invested here. , . . . u. Albant, X Y, leb S. The bill f jr the annexation of Brook 7 n sad other tetgh- wiiuj msm 10 lue cai.y oi .-sew 1 -ira ot ew paeaed the assembly. 106 to 7. Te tsanth Anserlraa War , , , BbSSBB A tbe?. Feb S -I.patches rrom K10 mve Lac f.I advice ) Daily cannonading is still kept np. bat Tbe ship AqnkUban and another iosa'gent .: hara. Ut tha. h.rtasr It ia antaaaajl TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. they intend to mtercept aaxsBBBBw'Bssri1 ' .! W the squadron and rftaHeSJ U to an encounter r01,dv:,!.C:,u, cont"rf OvatboOBUide. where iicoa'd no- l ave oo M.Lk oure ana" support from tbe eovr.nmem for. I .by of,A-'" ' Owm$mm. rB Be ure you get Ayer . a ew riakiee . Dktboit. IVb 5. Samson, the atroag ; man, ann -jtice be haa decided to coal rswiae. ken (re Corbel t for fight Samson si nek e j st-e-tf prsiae no re-.-ommendation bur a iX pound blow He say be i willing j there are not Hrce wtsen one .nasi pormir Corbet. thouUI trclf aim. but be would a person to eil the tratw aha himse: sorely bresi a CBtwatts am or otherwise i When what te txeys i sjpported ta the disable I Itn in lure He states be will gv lstimon a of ctrsra no r-atsai'e inan into training lo perfect him-vlt also in the j will doulK ot word Now, torav'har science of tpsrr ng. Alrcoc- s r - ... Piaster are .he ml. 4 gu, m.mU j genuine and re'iab e poroat olasters r ade ra ,-. r an re. c a. t -i ol self oraJse in the siigh'eat deeiee. Dallas Or, Feb 8.--rbe Eefan family. They have tsood ine test for overThir t STMStssB ar estl last .N.-vemoer oy ner- iff We'ls. have broucht suit aiiMrxauu . a -" imtniotitwst lne partie were arrested on a warrant for resisting an officer. C-eet.ea BUI raswal WASIUstaJTOS. I rJ 7 Tha hill rvrsaal- Uw. regulag tag in toto all tbe fedeial laws regulating the control of congressional eiectieo has passe.1 liolh ho-i-sea of congress and only! awaits the signature of President Cleve- land to become a law. After several weeks of discus ion. tbe senate toelay Scaiiy ' esxne ts a vote on tbe bouse bill repealing 'bese laws and it oassed by a vote ot 39 to 2S. Numerous amendments were present- ed by lie republicans, but were voted down. .raia isast eawaaa Washixgvox, Feb 7. The treasury aiu.cJ looay was siaieti io oe tui.iio.- J25. This is tbe first time it has nis is eue ir-se iiur it uas eaeva ateTO tba tIOVa.000,600 u i k for several month. Thit is accounted for solely by payments of subscriptions for new 5 per cent bond. Cf this increase f2S.(a;,'J34 is gold and $5.63,140 currency. XI al l let II Washington-. Feb 7. Both senators of Oregon and lieprrs. ntative Kliis had j coute'rence today about Tbe liailos im provemrnt. Representative Hermann sjy ' that the house will not agree to anything, j except what tbe eng'ceers lesvmmcnd. I and Senator Dotph sajt that the o-ate j will not aviisent to a pe-rtage road- Slier Sweat Ball Boston. Feb .-Representative Buck-! ley. of Cambrio'Rv. today introluctHi in the 1 i.-gi- .1 -a-o .1 petition for logi.-la'i"n p'O-j hibiling tl.e game ef football. The hill which aexumpanieei the veti ion provides! for i eiit for any person "whei tises pan 111 u game of tenvtauti wtcn ueii game i phiyeal in the presenev of bTjbbb who have Bsstj n admission fee to witness the same, or w'-.o promotes tbe playing of the game of football when money is charged lor adsnittiuB, or who offers or sells tickets of admission to a game " Ullked Oregaa IVaple San Fuanoisco, Feb 7. Mrs Jennie Bates, the sati Francisco w idow who has lately been living in thtland. seems to have swept 0 1 etron and -Nevada with a on ono of s tuula eel love and to have caught many suscepUble men in her mat rimonial not. As a result of be'r financier ing she is under airesi and en routo to Reno, Nev. MUalaaarlea far Baeae Xkw Yokk, Feb 7. Pians for a cam paign in the city of Rotne are being made bv the missionaries from the Methoeiist hpiscopal church in America. A lo has iust been purchased in the heart of the Italian capital, on which it is propositi to erect a large and hamlsome buiUiing. to be the headquarters of the rotation in Italy. A SALOON BOBBkD. Lyons, Fob., I). --Some body broke1 into .1 11 Batilin's saloon last night and stole all his liquor- The other saloon will be obliged to do (bauble duty until H.i'iliu oati sto -k up My fall lias of M AC1N rOSHKS and OS iAMKKS, luolaeiing m.uv mavrltis or i h.--. mtasae d oliildren, it now e, m; Youna. . ItoUX. POST. In Salem, Weelnesdav, Feb 7 1804, to Mr and Mrs Ben Post, a son. Mr Post is steward on the Elwood. .WErnxtiorFHniBiTioxiTft I Alp.asy, February 2nd, 1894. There will be a meeting of the Linn i County Central committee of the prohibi- , tion party at the oftif-e of the undersigned Room 20, Strahan-Pearce block, Albany, I Or., Thursday, February 22nd, 1894, atj 2 'i Vlr;k p in. Members of the committee ! and all prohibitionists an urgently re am! invited to attend. T. P, Hacklema.v, Chairman Linn Co. Prohibition Com. j TBIBITE. Whlie it is over thirty jeart ago Allcock's Porooa plaate'rs were first Intro I duced to tne medical profession and pub He, lh- marked BStCCrM and unprecedented ; populari y whlcn they met with not only ! OootfiMsaei but s cadi Increasea Iv I o l.rr p' era I evr hrcn produced -hlch 1 gali .! mailt 'rr,v last of hljjh valu- a- h'r eO'innu.ius.i t curled 'o Alcmk ' Poroj Hia era, and he only motive f tnce excepnora' i-ttu es ilet In fact oil their hrlng a rri- licinal and pharmaei-j'i j ca' par, ar l . ofsupr.ioi Value i!li iljn il prnttl of Hie true v ue of A'c. k' ! Porn "aa- r- ie . ' - fac' tha- an Isnetj erfeit iriandby u-.uuiu i lot.t ti... e. k o deceive tor pun j lie b. .rlcrir. p' m-r. Mhich tbra csa to - rfr arje. .'-eaua' b-t O...U. p as ' atD tvi i.-rri re n , sati lie thai ihej , -of Use iv s -f rnrn f.iert w ra(. f po- BTJ Emaatlaa aritM -aiwf'airra. Eo Ve.aney, Br . v ; e, 0,.lario, I anadt .., h, .ed Bra. dreth". Piili fr he sir, ,-ara and thir k them lis fv-,1 : eathtr ic and tpci li:liiua remedy known V . r a,, ma fl v f . . r . I inff.rMl vlik a .. en o( ,he ,iirl h, ,Te me . ari anrj,,nce. I ,Hed ditfrreM It. . ...... .,,h,.L, .- - lff.ength tbr i ching' ae unrrlieved I naiiy eo i c . aoe j to iae a tnoroagn course ot ttrandeth's fills 1 took six each night for right, then five, four, three Jo, iet i each time by one, and then for one month took one every nisht, with ihe happy rcauil that now mv akin Is perfect ly clear and has been so ever since Teaeker'a Exawttwatlaa: Vot'oe ir hereby given thai for Ihe pa I tussM mAKLig an oxa tiinationofeli as r K hn rtiti nfTr thnnaAlwa mm I :atas fir teacher of Use ac:ooiaof eonratv. the county sopsrineendent th i of wijl lio'd public xa-ninaiion a a wgronme at i r, cioca d m. ' S .V Vdneaday ,Fsd.I4 iSS-i, and contina -lay A 'ee f fl wl I be charged . esauiinaMai! srclicanU 1 ar s j Sbi Dated ibis 23ih day o fannarr.ll G t KL'-SSr.LL County 8cbiol ? .p ExpeaslTe Eewwaasy. Some peop'e begrudge the little moaev that an Allcocit'. Poratct Plat er cost ai d . . . , " "K Kca wl" P"n lro th rcre" raia- ro:n coId- J -f'1 ! ,end S tBOnnt cf -non-r to renere the ! UiVt hd e ,J lhw -J 1 .astTa on hand ther would be saved a ut amount of suffering a:.d be I cor!dtb'T richer. At the tiraa tier-, of , tiHnes ot the joints app'.v one af these j ! plasters without any delay. The soreness ! j will be greatly relieved st once and soon ! I disappear entirely. It will be money 1 saved 10 have them on hand, to aa isov. . h.gof the coasfjrt they bring, Brandreth't Pill contain r.o irritating j nastier. ocal and Ixarse MEjrr al Mcsic. 1 Miss Hattie Warner a graduate of the j carters star v connected with Gates Col- lege. Xeb, is prcpar-J to eive lesson in acacsi aia instrumental music to :e.2ie ipupi'or CMBtea, a: reonle terras, j Miss Wsrner has had a tBOfBstj h educa. tMiiiaiiiiieiititrttJ teacher Ker s ret--e nee. are. Prof i I A Shores. Wi.lism a r... ,. 1 ; . t Ta grow o'-d gracefully, one meat live -rWr-.eiy, ca.m a. rr.ctCOSICe.lT ; Oe rears, and in raroaaf or rfselr meria. s. .. , nccesaarr oca ! attention to tne cuie 1 ane-y arc en"ev: Inj to ttle TO untarr tetlmonia s -f those who have used them Bewait ol imi'ation and Jo nor be de- cetveej by mtrepreectation. Atk far ' Ail,a. and lei no t3licftsiion or expla ",iCn - tc - -itut.. . Backibghaaa'a Dre for 1 1 e W itafwos k thoroa.blv. e;nrfc a u. black. wbcii. when d- . will nth off. cor soil Ibsen ' nfeajra tie f at m brv wa ; cei'.her rib. mmr ' Trie node-aigneJ, pro prieter of the Pi.-t eer Hnoar desue to in'ortn tba pa hue that b- haa the ; roe of i bo'"rxi rttoout lodging t. 3 per weak, with jlodgS p-'w.t. -i a m saj, 25 cnt The pablic i - a .. u .e. ci! as I keep seod : -iit ami ei u g.-oo taBBs, Maxe brwoo-1 tev ; saie. 5. jruer 01 d rose a; --:n tr.a s aeer , tret J H MEXtaJtTSA. Skin Eruptions and simitar annoyances are cosed by an impure blood, which will result in a more dreaded disease. Unless removed, slight impurities will develop into Scrofula, Ecze ma, Salt Rheum and other serious results oi Bad Blood I hve for son time been a Mr from b ab vpj l JbJood troubas. for which I toes many remecues tnat cud me no good. 1 have bow taken lour bottles 01 with the most wander! ul results Am enjoying tbe best health I ever anew, nae c-iineei eweniT pounds and my friends say they never saw me as well. I am feeling quite like a new JOHN i. l.irl i.. ekircrancAt Pltatlaa OeVcp. Was&aafeoa. D. C Our Treatise cn Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free to any address. Agents Wasted on Salary and Commission or THE ONLY AUTHORIZED ffio&rapli! of JAMES G. BLAKE, By Gail Hamiltox, his literary executor, with the ce-operalioQ of hit fami'y, anal fo. Mr. Blame. ' Complete Wiaikr, TwBSTy Yea us or COBBBBBatM and hi later boua, roi.iTU-Ai. DaSCVSaSOirs " One proapectas for these 3 best m:i t tso books in the mar ket. A K P Joratan of Me.. took 112 ord.r front ttrat 1 10 calls: agent's profit $195 50 Mrs l'...llard of O. took 15 order. 13 -esi Rassia, in I day: probt $2t.5. K X Rio. oi Mass. took 37 orders in 2 da-.: pro tit $47.25 J Patrldge el M. teaok 43 order., from 36 oallt; profit $75.25. E A Pa mer of N. Dak. loo 53 o dersin 3da; prortt $98.25. KxoLfS'VB Tbhritobt given. I vet wuh to make l.AKtiE MOlfgYwr;'. immadiatelv for terms to liellonrv Bill Tab. Co. .urw it h.Coiin CSIKS4T JiUIBStl, BSt. (W ALS. oastos raatdant ...... Vioa Preslviaui .'aahiei........ .i.rLl'N s. B.TOCM0 -K, W UlN0leN r HANS ACTS A OSNKRAL eaualos Saaiaeae ACXXICNTB KEPT eubjest to akeuk S10HT BICUANUS aad tal nahte urtsat New fork, Haa Branolaoo ("M.a aad e CO J-StrriONS SAOSaa tasarahia area e saaTvaa. a. B uaswaoa ii. Fuaa a. E. loose Bawaas I . Sax. DON'T Find fault with the cook if the pastry doe not exactly suit you. Nor with your wife either perhaps she is not to BLAME It may be the lard she is using lor shortening. Lard is indigestible you know. But if yon would always have YOUR r Cakes, pies, rolls, and bread palatable and perfectly di gestible , order the new short eaug,''C0TT0LEIl.,, tax your WIFE SOLO BY ALL GROCERS. Stare a a Aax Seaatmnn. Made only by H. K. FAIRBANKS k CO ST. LOUIS and V CHICAGO. BEW YOfUe, BOWTOU3 fi ml Ikits i stasia ai t r E. Falrtaaok B Co.. Cbieaee.. tat bswd aoma Ootl plans Coot: BoaB. eosttsssv Saa all iir.ryirwl rwripaa. letiar1 by mnr lllUHial 'vV t-sX. I w- Sill LAKE. DENVER. OMAHA KANSAS CITY CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, wmwm. V- DcVYci TO CHICAGO QUICKEST TO CHiCAC. AHD THE EAST 2 HOURS UnilDQ Ql?ftatS TO OMAHA HUUpo d kahsas cm- rUUIIAl AHD TOURIST SlEEjffIS, FREE FECUtliwC CHAIR GARS, OiKIHG CARS. S H H Ciark, Oliver W Mikr E EUer A-derton, Receivers. Oregon, or W H Hl"RI.Il'RT,AHt.Gar i Pats. Agt, :15a Waahlngtoa St.. PoBlxaNra. Otieov T3Ttm SAJSrDH05t5 LEGTRIC BELT i tanaaattaa Sa ll ma STj SefeayTae aa. aa S eva aaiae saaatwaa -jant j.aVa.oralsttaja' . :r-eattea a.1- ' ni -a taj.rf. s ?a a eti rftaaiiaai rtaaa tasaa. . raslnaa ura-i.e tunas sirrspiT.aa r-. -? -irtw, it . arm atx rrixyi JJ1 .... . . . 1 mm -ml 55 1 .72 vrat St.. PCBTiAJIO, C"- CQLLEB'ifE ISSTiTOT ALBANY, OREOOfi 189", is Ira Tera o;,-irl erre&e-r Set A f i eorpa arf inairei.T.-. i.i 1 1 imi 1 m..s. . 1 i aa a COMMERCIAL AK3 M8WM SLASSES. I oarxera ot atnclT errstij a . -. . -all grxsdaa ofstadeata 'Veaa laarnesiauas rfrr4 araad e rrswt : c... Start. KLBSBT S BBtBBsBS MARK? COPVfUaiHTS.' CAB I QBTAIB A PATBytTS Vkw a fiSa1bATWn sxpaataao In ta caaaaat Tmtllnaa ? m.SHT sgawawiexty nniitaasiltsr roriaiaooxa evoearniia fat losJaaao wi entitle twoas aaxitfttax k as i-sar I 1 1 ixraaa aaaa sarooaB 1 lauaaail waaStj. at larraat ciraalatloo , Twr. tsMtUti'xrora ta the cv -itj e'ea; Bs uILST T"r" ff afai paataaa. In eotort, aalotoa TaxofMw kouaaa. with plans. anabttaa Wiatoabow Uas ! 5ll5SorivSt BaSSwlt (Had stone has g A clear Head WHY t Becatu he loCcws lhe ru'.es: "Keepthe head cool, ths feet warm, and th bowels open." Y'ou can hare a clear head and lia-e to be nhwty if two do th same thing. When th bowels fail to move dur st g the day take oa retiring two Basith's Cassia Bile Beans. Their tion ia so mild that you ars not aw art of it. All Bay your mind will Is clear and cocl. "Not a gripa it a fcarrel of thsna. " Atk for I mall size. Take r.a sobstituU for SMITH'S Bile Beans! WTsnt ana c"t-. Ocnstiaattba aa4 1 AKSJE .oabrhajat,U-tT'rUa:t.. 1 a-as 9R SajuE BY DgAI vrt C. fJiAlZ.y. S, ' a ' eT3wB .Ti;T?AiaTS:;gx?rrB rtKTSB ";viiiTjrrs. -ttwj sssrasav? yiitaesnaaaa w ta ia rsaSaxaa ! 'jaJaaa! imu'm. onr saTn?ls aajiatil T . ecam tea aaaaataa WMarSI liean wa. IVil nt I I SARD fee. east .r'iU - aas.