The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 16, 1894, Image 3

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    Sfoe rmartt.
Wkeki.y Dbmocrat. $t 75 per year
n advance. $j.oo at end of year.
Lincoln Coi'nty. Here are some o
the candidates for office in Lincoln coun
ty as given by tho Leader: Populists:
Geo A Landie, the present incumbent for
sheriff, for re-election ; Judge Blue, for
county clerk ; Attorney A L McFadden,
for county judge ; Tlios Stakely, for joint
representative and J W Parrish for as
sessor. Democrats : Lee Wade, of Tol
edo, and Ben Tracy, of Newport, for
sheriff; B E Jones for re-election for
clerk; Allen Parker, of Yaqaina, and W
H Harrrison, of Waldport, for county
judge; T E Parker, and Al. Wangh, for
assessor ; Sam Logan for treasurer ; Wm
VVakefieM, of Little Elk, nd W H Har
rison, of Waldport, for commissioner.
For judge are J O Stearns, of Wi,jport,
the i reseat commissioner, and S V burt,
of Elk City. Prank Stanton for sheriff
since T Jay Buford has taken np for an
other position, and J W Brssfield, of Seal
Rock, and C B Crosno, for the clerkship.
Silas Howell, of Waldport, for assessor,
on the republican ticket.
Tm "BoiiKMtAX Gim,"was presented
by the Calhoun Opera Company last even
ing to a large houre. It is musical from
beginning to end, and musical of a clean
stripe. There is no star in the troupe;
but the leading parts of Wm Schuster, as
Count Von Arnheim, the gypsy king,
Thaddeus, Florenstein, Arlene. the Bo
hemian girl, and the gypsy queen are all
of a superior character, with deep kisses,
clear tenors and rich, high sopranos.
While the chorus seemed all right musical
ly, they were an ill-shaped, homely faced
looking crowd of women, who should only
be remembered for the good music tney
assisted in furnishing. Tne solo of Laurent
Clement. "I Dreamed I Dwelt in Marble
Halls,"Wni Schister. of "Heart Bowed
down," end George Lyding, "Remember
Me," were of a high order, and particu
larly interesting on account of their famil
iarity. For tite Children. At the meeting of
the Kindergarten association last evening
it was decided to place the kindergarten
movement on a footing so that it will reach
a larger number. The tuition will be
place.! at half the old price, and will be 91
a mown . A committee of hve
Ui'N i). i
pointed to canvas for the work with a view adopting some measures for the piotec- j Revs (iibony and Hutchinson , special
to getting forty or fifty pupils. The ' tion of herds, etc " It was a ruse of the synodical committee on the Albany Col
ldea of abranch Kindergarten in the third missionaries to win the support of the I lege are in the city visiting this institu
ward, free if possible, is being considered. Canadian Frenchmen for a provisional tion.
Another meeting will be held Saturday for 1
-a- - i.."e ""m- alio
Latham will have charge of the educaiionai
part of the work, one deserving heartv sup
port. iue purpose tm perfecting the work. Mrs 1
Dtam or Ricuaan Fox Mr Richard
Fox, the painter, died at the home of his
sister in Corvallis, Saturday evening at
4 o'clock at the age of about A) years.
He was a pioneer reside it of Oregon
coming here in the 50's. I hiring the
civil war ha waa a member of one of the
Oregon companieaof volunteers, serving
hie country with credit. He has been a
member oi the G A R of this city since
ts organization. Mr Fox has been iden
tified with Albany since the war. He
was single, a man of excellent habits
and leaves many who will sincerely
mourn h:s death.
His remains were buried at Corvallis
this afternoon
Vots Yes The special election on
school bonds will take place on the 24th.
These bonds have already been voted,
and the sentiment of the people already
expressed should not be changed on
account of a technically. The school
house is needed, and should be built.
The money spent will never be felt and
voting the bonds will not add a cent to
the taxes this year, while it will give
employment io a good many different
persons directly and indirectly. These
dull times will soon pass away, we should
even now prepare for the prosperous era
that will follow.
Brothers Meet. Last night Police
man Mathews had seventeen tramps ic
jail. It appears that the tourists are
now about evenly divided traveling
narthward andsotthwaid.and two of his
quests, from opposite directions had an
affecting meeting. They were brothers
and had not seen each other for 16 j ears,
and seemed overjoyed over the occasion.
Their names went Edward and Charles
Byson, one haiiicg from Southern Cali
fornia and the other from Brit is 1 Col
umbia. They both left this morning
northward boand Eugene Guard.
Tax Soks op Veterans were re organ
ized Saturday evening with the following
officers: Captain, Jas McForon; 1st
Lieut, Merrill Phillips: 2 Lieut., John
Conklin ; Chaplain, J T Abbett; 1st Ser
geant, N M Newport; Quartermaster
Sergeant, Will Galbraitb; Color Sergeant
JosTalt; Camp Guard, John Meranda;
Picket Gnard, Cbaa Meranda; Camp
Council, N M Newport, J T Abbett and
Bert Westbrosk. ihe installation of
officers will occur next Saturday evening,
and will be conducted bv Col Hoefer, of
Grange Contejitios.
Delegates from the varions subordinate
granges of Linn county will meet in con
vention, with Linn County Business
Council, Grand Prairie Grange Hall, No
10, on Saturday, March 3rd, 1894, for the
purpose of electing delegates to repre
sent Linn county granget in the meeting
of the state grange at Eugene on the 4th
Tuesday in May next. Fash grange will
elect three delegates to attend such meet
ing. Ky order of the deputy.
Card of Thanks. The undersigned
wish to express their sincere thanks to
the many friends who so kindly assisted
at the funeral of Ellis Knox, and to
apologize to tbe neighbors and friends
in the country for the misapprehension
in regard to the time of burial at the
cemetery. A D Knox.
P Y Di v an.
Gabdes Seeds. Every body should
have a garden. Are you one who will.
Then go to Stewart & Sox Hardware Co
and make your selection from a fresh supply
of all the seeds in the market, tbe largest
stock in the city.
An Albany
Jbwelxy Stop, a
Worth patronizing is that
of Will Stark. Thsy carry the finest
line's silverware, watches, cocks and
jewslry generally in the valley, and sat
isfactory prices are al wars given for the
superior auallty of goodi they keep in
stock. Never buy without calling cn
4 hem .
Baths at Tierecks shaving nd hair
Cutting parlors.
Clean towels to everv customer at Viereck
whaviog parloss.
A Great Convenience. Owing to the
P O being closed at noon and after 7pm
je stamps and envelopes can be got
I red Uawson s drug store.
healthy flesh nature rv
burdens the bocy with i
nuch sound flesii. Ls
flesh usually indicates poor
imitation, which causes
loss of the best that's in io;
the fat-forming element
Scott's Emulsi
of pure cod Ureroil with li- ,
phosphites contains the very
cssenceof all foods. In nr,of ;i
r form can so much nutriti ;
be taken and assimilated. "
range of usefulness has no littti 'a
tion where weakness exist 's.
Frpimrid Iit Scott & Bi;wn
HewYtnk. Suit! by all ilrii.-s
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
A Fare Grape Cream of Tartar Powder.
The Eugene Guard gives the following
synopsis of Judge C B Bellinger's able
address on Oregon's provisional govern
ment, ft will be read with local inter
est by the Democrat's readers :
During the period when hunting and
Happing were the only occupations in
I this territory, the section was mostly
! under control ot the Hudson Bay Com
' pany. There was no society until agri
culture established itself in the country.
; This pursuit presents those conditions
trom winch society results, the journey
of that brave missionary Dr Whitman,
to Washington in 184'J, started or gave
impetus to the Oregon fever, ai.d, in the
fall of the next year, a train of nearly
200 wagons arrived in the valley of tne
Columbia river the first immigrant
wagon train to Oregon.
On tho 17th ot February, 1841, there
had been a meeting of the inhabitants
of the Willamette Valley, at the Metho
dist mission house, below Salem, foi
consultation concerning the steps neces
sary to bo taken for the better preserva
tion of pea:e and good older. This
meeting undertook to establish and set
in motion the machinery of a govern
ment. It created the offices of a gover
nor, eapreme judge, with probate
powers, three justices of the peace atid
a like number of constables, three road
commissioners, a clerk of the court, one
treasurer and two overseers of the poor.
Most of these missionaries came from
New England and doubtless inherited
the Puritan Mood, and all had the aus
tere Puritan habit.
J L Babcock was cho'en supreme
judge and was instructed to act accord
ing to the laws of New York. It is said
that he rendered one judgment, although
it is doubtful if there waa a copy of the
New York statutes west of the Rocky
Mountains at that time. All persons
were invited to take part in the proposed
government except those connected with
the Hudson Bay Company. The office
of governor was not filled under this
organization because the meeting feared
the jealously of rival aspirants. After
several more meetings, the committee
appointed to draft a cons itution and
laws, consulted with Commander Wilkes
of the I'nited States exploring expedi
tion, then in the Columbia river. He
advised them against organization And
awakened their fear of Catholic suprem
acy, and so this effort came to an abrupt
The successful provisional government
originated at a meeting held in Marcl
The object stated was, ' to take i
into (Vinaiiltiriitnin tlift nmnriAIr ,-if
government by appealing to their predj
udice against wolves, bears and pan-
there. Besides the business transacted .
in this connection, tne following reeolu- j
tlen waa adopted : Resolved, That a
adopted : "Resolved, That a
committee be appointed to take
intn '
consideration the propriety of taking
measure for the civil and military pro
tection of this colony." The committee
consisted of 12 persons. The Frenchmen
were not deceived, however, and did not
support the new movement. At a meet
ing held in the following May the con
mittee's report, favoring the organisa
tion of a government, was adopted Dr
W H Wilson was chosen supreme judge
and treasurer. A committee ot cine
was chosen to draft a code of laws and !
nine more to act as legislative commit-
tu TKa aaaicna nf thi l.ll.mmil.
tee were limited to six davs and the
pay was to be $1.25 per day to each
member. The money to defray the ex-
penditures of ihe! isovernment w as to be '
raised by subscription. Provision was
also made for a company of mounted
On the 5th of Julv, 1S43, the laws rec- i
on mended bv the committee were adopt
ed. Tbe country waa divided into four
districts, tbe committee being careful
not to commit the proposed government
o any definite boundary line with Great
Britain. Two sessions were provided 1
for the snDremeconrt at different D'aeea.
The laws framed by the legislative com
1 I
tn i ttee and adopted bv the people were
w acie
the substance ot our presen.
borrowed from familiar sources. Free-
dom of worship, trial bv jury, the right
to the writ of habeas corpus, :he cxn-
demnnation of private property for pub
lic use were provided for. as was a com
mon school avstem. The adoption of
ex-poet facto laws and the establishment
aa pvni aaasaaj 'ans auu aajaai onaii UICU i
of Blavery were prohioited. The laws of !
Iowa were adopted so far as applicable
to the existing condition of things. A
proportionate representation of tbe peo
ple in the legislatu e was provided 'or
and judicial proce dings were io be ac
cording to the course of the common
With tha arrival of the immigrants of
1843. dissatisfartion set ia with the laws
adopted, principally because only twen
ty days were allowed settler In which
to record their claims, and because of
the reeerva'ion of six miles square in
favor of each mission.
Tbe total expenses of this year's gov
ernment was 917.9r. Tbe name gov
ernment continued until the adoption of
a formal organic act in July, IS45. Un
der this latter the legislature was made
elective; the powers of government com
mitted to three branches the execu
tive, legislative and judicial and an
official oath provided lor. The Hudson
Bay Company was formally invited to
parti-i pate in this government. George
Abernathy was choeen provisional gov
ernor. After the Whitman massacre at
Wal'a Walla in November, 1&47, tr.e
government made provisio s for arming
forces to fight tbe Indians.
Finally the provisional government
authorized the sending of a messenger
to Washington City to inform the gov
ernment of the Lnited Mate of the con
dition of things that exisbrd in Oregon.
Joe Meek was tbe person selected. The
expenses ol the war was a matter of
serious embarrassment but nevertheless
there were volunteers.
Congress paseed the act for the or
ganization of a territorial government
on August 14, 1848. General Lane was
appointed the first territorial governor
and returned with Meek to Oregon.
Tbe latter had been appointed L S mar
shal of territory . "On the 3rd of March,
1849, the territorial government was
established by proclamation and the
provisional government, unprecedented,
unexampled, passed into history, a fair
monument to its founders, legacy of
honor to their succesiors and descend
ants." New Ofeicer. The following officers
for the Albany public school literary society
were elected last evening: Pres. Reuben
Thompson; vice pres. Mary roshay; sec.
hdna Miller; treas. i-air lhompson; sec
on programs, Stella Crawford; critic, Prof
Crawford; editor, Charles Barr.
Mr Leitthton Jefferiefi, of Yaouina City,
was arrested this week on the charge of
stealing an over coat, and held under $-'IG0
bonds, which were furnished, to appear be
fore the grand jury. The coat was found
n his trunk.
STBfCTLY In It. When it comes to
washing the Albanv Steam Laundry is
strictly in it. It is doing the business of
the city ; tbe Celestials are going to the
wall. 20 cents a dozen tor plum washing
is cheap enough for any body in any kind
of times. Richards & Philips do first class
work and spend their money at home.
Patronize the Albany Steam Laundry.
How's This.
We offer One Hundred DsTfarri Reward
any case of Catarrh that mtJUA be cur. l
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., rops. , Toledo, .
Ve the ULJi'migncU, huve known F. t.
Chney for the last 15 years, and bclievo hist
perfectly honorable In ail business transactions
and financially able lo carry out any obllgaUsft
made by their firm.
West &TRHAX, Wholesale DrainrisU.Toleilo.O.
Waldino, Kinnav & Mahvjn, vhlespio Drug-
P'ts, Toledo, O.
s Catarrh Cure is fafa a Internally, act
fng directly upon the bloou and mucous su
fices of the system. Prico 75c. per bottle. SOW
Vs all Drugfcists. Testimonial free.
French has the largest and finest stock
of spectacles and eye glasses In Linn
County. Prices to suit the times.
"Now is the winter of our discontent
made g'.orlou. summer', by Ayre's Sana-
parilla. this wondertui medicine so ln
vigora ss the system and enriches the
blood that cold weather becomes positively
enjoyable. Arctic explorers would do
well to makers note of thU,
St Valentines day next Wednesday.
The Linn county republican central
committee will meet In Albany March i.
Four buffaloes passed through Albany
a few days ago for the midwinter fair from
Norili Dakota. Rare animals nowadays.
DrMullinix, of Astoria, will probably
lie appointed receiver at Oregon City,
charges have been preferred against
l'nquet and he will probably lie removed.
Halscy has a pretty good gun club:at a
shoot for mec'als the following -score was
made last week out of a possible s
Ward, 21 ; Scott, 19; Jessie, 19; L Davis,
I7; Vanatta, Coon, Cummlngs, each 15, J
Davis, 14.
At their annual meeting last Wednes
day the stockholders of the Harrisbug
Water Power Co elected the following
hoard of directors for the ensuing year
E E Upmeyer, W H Brown, D S Busev, J
R Cartwright, J G Benders, E F VVyatt.
and 1) McClain.
Albany talks of licensing every kind
of business In the cltv . That is a poor
scl.eme, as It forces cirtain classes to pay,
as It were, a double tax, which Is unjust,
lefferson Review.
The Eugene papers continue to trv the
case of Perkins against Sheriff Noland,
making mean remarks. In the meat time
Referee Watsnn, has the testimony, and
he is a man whose judgment may be re
lied upon. His decision will be watched
with marked interest here a well as in I
F M Lewis, a man who has had a j
little criminal experience In this city, is j
now tn trouble in Albanv. He is accused
of stealing meat from a Santlam rancher, i
and Is now in jail waiting (or the grand
jury to investigate Ins case.- Portland
At a meeting of board of directors of the
Salem B & L association held last week It
was decided to open a new series of 100
shares of stock. O M Smith tendered his
resignation as secretary which was ac
cepted and Paul H Sroat elected to fill the
vacancy. 1 L Patterson was elected
treasurer vice Mr Sroat resigned. The
sum of $1,200 was leaned at 70 months In
terest in advance.
License has been issued for the mar-!
riage of Minerva J Conselya and Mary C I
Mr Chas H ffart has sccepteu the
principa'ship of the South Brownsville
Mr Bert Veal has returned from Tort
land, where he has been attending a bus
iness college.
Prof Wilkes arrived in Albany this
noon an;, Mourned charge of .the super-
micuurijip UUHI1.
xvev viioonv wm leciure in tne 1 onege 1
chapel toniaht on the subict of Tennv-
son. Anmiasion. lOcents. This will be
a literarv effort worth hearing
rhnm , . , ... ' .
i -7 -r
.vnwu'j oDiunijii evening-
Mrs Jones
i tj. luiiwru win visi. menus nere lor a
: we;k or two.
...I -1-: 1 .1 :,i it- 1 1 1 1
Miss Rboda Hail, a former resident of
Albany has been appointed Post mistress
at Warm Springs, and Bev LeRov, form
erly of Brownsville, P M at LaGrande
Tne latte is a personal friend of Mrs
1 ev anil
Joe ebber, the veteran fireman of the j
Pacific coast, who onranized tbe Albanv
fire department, was its first Chief En-
gineer and manv times ai'erwarde, one 1
of tha heat tU,. in Ik. 1- C . f.,. I
arrived in Albany this noon to attend the
firemen's gathering tonight, to which all I
firemen active and exempt are in- ,'
Taw iWRt V E TELE.Ktf
EJilon D'W-Ocral ;
Ti ...!. . . ! . i a. . , .
tbewor, faland it was so in the
recent cimmunication from .vnft x en
7" romnlnnl(
?erii - containing
an unexplained telegram ;
from secretarv of state concerning the busi-1
ness of ew 1 ork I nderttTiters Aewnev. 1
n i n ... . , , - - i
SmV.JA!l I
""-J y " e- i
ceived by said Senft k Senders, but wbv
y?lve b-T 84,11 Anders, but why ;
l?X.iTC p.i. u "f Ul0tne,to
(S L 111 i''ii luej I in 1 1" none, t .in oniv
lone, can
be explained by their evident desire to mis- i
lead the public and their willincrnMs in raw I
sort to the worst kind of unnrinrit'led
, . a . -
metnod, to J1" companies which I
Office of the Secretary or (
State Insurance 1'etab.tjient
Salem. Or., Feb 12. 19.
Messrs Senders Senft. Albany. Oregon.
lear sirs: Referring to your telegram of
the 10th instant, as ting whether the New
York Underwriters Agency is legally ad
mitted to do insurance business in Oregon,
and to my answer thereto, I beg leave to add
the following statement;
The above named acencv has hot lan
i r.censed to transact business as an insurer
in this state, and therefore cannot issue
policies of insurance in it own name.
I am informed, however, that the said
agency solicits business in this state, for
which tbe policies of the Hartford Fire In
surance Company are issued. The attor
ney general has rendered an opinion that it
is not necessary tor the raid agency to make
a deposit with the state treasurer, nor to
have a license from this department in or
der to aathcrize it to solicit business for tbe
Hartford Fire Insurance Company aa afore
said. As the said axrencv does not issue
policies as an insurer, it is not required by
law to have a licence while acting simply as
the agent of the Hartford Fire Insurance
Yours Respectfully.
Geo. W. Mr Bride,
Sec. of State and Insurance Com'r.
I might add that I have made arrange
ments whereby I can reinsure property now
insured by the Farmers and Merchants In
surance i- o. of 4ll.any witbout additional
cost to the insured for tbe length of time
tneir policies are to run.
JosErn V. Talt.
Aa i:planatlno.
The article in the morning papers doe
not in the least War any reference to an
article published by us. We did not claim
that the Hanford was not lerally admitted
to do business in this state, in fact th
name of that cam nan y was not mentioned
in our article. We have interviewed loth
the president and secretarv of the Farmer's
& Merchants Ins Co and they say that the
business of their company has never been
reinsured In any company, and any agent
can take up their policies if their compan
ies will sanction this action.
We claimed that the New York under
writers agency could not regally issue their
policies in this stab;, which is a fact that
no one can dispute.
Eboroatu ic SurfTi
Don't Swear. Of course you feel
like it some limes; but there Is nothing In
it. Simplv learn a lesson, and the next
time go to Par' er Bros for your grocer
ies, produce and baked goods. No one
ever ejaculate profanely after leaving
their lore, tor not only are the best gro
eeries in the market told; but everybody
from a child to an old gentleman, 1 treat
ed courteously. TI.eir baked goods. In
large variety, are superior and popular.
If you wonld keep in eood humor with
the world always try Parker Bros.
See the Mew Improved Singer new ing tn
chine. The beat is alwy the cheapest
W Sawden, agent. Office at F M Free
ewelry store
My fall line of MACINTOSHES and
OSiAMERS, including many noveltie
r ladi , misses "ud children, it now
e. MR Young.
To preserve a youthful appearance a
long as possible, It Is indispensable that tbe
hair should retain ! natural color and
fullness, There is no preparation eo
effective as Ayre's Hair Vigor.
It pi events baldness, and keeps the scalp
clean, cool, and healthy.
Yks. You Can see the finest line
ami)Ie for suiting In the state at W R
Graham's, where he has a tailor with few
equals on hand to make them up on short
notice. Get the best and most stylish
tult of him. A new feature will be the
making of ladles' cloak to order, or the
altering of cloaks to the latest style, and
he repairing of cloakt. PricesJ are bot
tom ones.
A common cause has made the firemen
of Albany a unit, and what was at first
looked upon as a misfortune is being ac
cepted heroically, and is working to tho
advantage of the fire interests of Albany.
A department meeting was called for last
evening to be held at tho union hall of tho
companies. Several bright minded ladies
thought it would lie tho proper occasion for
a general goodfellowship social. Mrs John
Jones, Mrs Frank Craw, Mrs Homer Phil
ips, Mrs B F Purdom, Mrs Joe Meyer
and Misses Tilly and Bessie Dorris, Clara
Warner and Bertha Keifer were consti
tuted a committee of entertainment, and
the lesult was a firerucna gathering not
equalled for ten or fifteen years, bringing
up old time recollections for the exempt
firemen of tho city.
Chief Engineer Dannals culled the targe
audience of ladies anil firemen toorder,
ex-Chief Engineer Wyatt delivered the
address of welcome in eloquent terms. He
was responded to by Mrs l)r Kelley, whoso
remarks tended to unite tho firemen.
The hall rang with cheers as the father
of the Albany fire department. Joe Webber
arose. Mr Webber delivered one of hi
characteristic speeches, full of reminiscen
ces, going back to '50, when he was a mem
ber of the San Francisco fire department:
then came his service as Chief Engineer of
the Portland fire department in the early
'60's, on interesting feature being a letter
written in 1860 by II W Corbett to Mr
Webber on the former leaving for the east .
In 18(18 he came to Albany and organized
the Albany department, remaining here
until throe years ago, the 1 if j of the de
portment. On the present situation Mr
Webber talked good sense, advising the
fireman to do the best possible for the
present, predicting within six months to a
year a prosperity for Albany not yet known.
His remarks on the subject were an in
I Hon J K Weatlierford followed. J A
i Crawford, now 78 years old, spoke em
phatically in fuvor of. No. Is engine re-
i mnimni vKum it. ia onfi f.lnaa.1 t.a- m.
! mam
marking that he was for the firemen though
he could not run as fast as he could i5 )
years ago.
Councilman Chas Pfeiffer, always the
i i a. c i
t.mtmn A tl ...i.s-U ,.. -k-!
things remarkinc tiiat he was confident
. . rrV' r "
arrangements would be made for an engi-
fi r n. '.' a JtncrinA anil flint ; limrinAit
would remain whci thev'are. CounciUnen i
Schell and Walters also spoke and may be
dupended upon as friends of the firemen.
m Kicuards. foreman of No. 1 s tuned
. the nozzle of his remark into sensible
5 lines of a conciliatory nature. Chas Metz
: gar spoke in firev sentence. wanninir upon
! the subject of the Coffee Clnb. which he 1
.. ., i tu. . t . . . 1 i
1 mwu veu lur wiwu avevurrs UumijUCU all
ai a a . - n t ..
thev never irot anvthinir for their li.iuor
after a fire W W Rowell, foreman of
No. "I t. was heard from the rear of tbe
hall. Judge Klinn. just entering, respond
ed to the call of his name.
1 lien 1 jme a delicious repast and a cob-
fiagratien of sociability. The firemen gave
a rousing vote of thanks, and when a Tat ;
adjournment came it was with the feeling
that the Albanv fire department waa in
good condition and an honor to Altsinv.
Gox Xame-s. The Democrat, in order
1.. 1 1 . , . .
10 seep us readers poasea 01 w mil was na
ing on. recently published a letter from
Judire Burnett to a ii.urir n:n in which
the Salem Journal sru treated in a pretty-
live kind of a manner. In lesiwiise lo a .
nrint. U... ,K. .,.!; 1,L I., 1 "
Burnett ha written Jie following, which
we also give: la answer to vour letter of
tbe 8th inl . will sav that I wrote the letter
you refer to without any thought thai it
would ever be published. Afterward umn i .
..,.a... r ... ;.. i.i:.:
1 out thinkinir much alKut it . 1 had no in- '
tan tion to do vou or vour paper an lniustioe
1 1 hold Judge FullerUn in high esteem, and
i what 1 meant was to give expression to the
; 'f V.r l Lh ... n
P j
,k. i,. :. : i
utmi an,l!v,. any dir in ,! v
i"t i .i t :n: .? j.r.n , !
i. i iiai c uaaaaa -1 i aiu " iiuuk w tao aui i i
-- l"norable man to undo the injost- j
ica 1 miv have Ann v hi in t nmniM.
DririNG Grotnd. Tua Southern
has been in the habit of making
Albany sort of dumping ground for hobos.
bringing them from Fort land to hu citv.
without complaint and makine them all fret '
off here. Chief of Police Lee WTCte to So-
perintendent Field asking that Albany be
treated like other towns and that the hobo
be distributed along the road, giving a
one reason our recent reduction in force. '
Mr Lee received the following chararterirtie
letter. After acknowledging the receipt he
says: "We think vou should consider that
we are entitled now to as much protection I
in proportion to the taxes that we pay. as I
we have formerly received from tbe police j
force of Albanv. and such we will have to
: . . M . .1 I
msisi upon. I ne ract is me D r nas ueen ,
rwniinE more proienion man anv inner
institution in Albany in proportion to taxes
Albany and is entitled to better treatment
at the hands of the S. P.
To-Niciit. The Calhoun Opera Comp
any arrived in Albanv this noon and will
present tbe popular opera "lTie Bohemian I
ill." with the full company. Our readers
are already thoroughly posted, and the sale
of seats shows what mar be expected in the i
way of an audiente. : ne bouse will be '
Mr Conrad, the genial manager of the
company, report an excellent business re- '
garcleas of hard times, a scarcity of at-1
tractions and the desire to see something
good in the operatic line bringing large
bouses. Portland. Tacoma and Seattle all
showed a live appreciation; but Victoria I
and Vancouver gave the biggest business of I
the N W though hard times are there as I
well as elsewhere. There have leen almost
no attractions there during the season. Mr :
Conrad was highly pleased with Albany, j
The company will go from here to Eugene.
thence to .thico. Sacramento and San
A HoriTAi. Corn's. A new feature in
tbe OH 9 of Oregon is a hospital corps
for each regiment, now being organized.
That of the first regiment willbe at Port
land. Albanv is fortunate in having one
for tbe Second regiment at this city. Dr
M II Ellis is the 1st surgeon and J A Cum
mings assistant surgeon. These gentlemen
are now preparing for the formal organi
zation of the corjwi on next Monday even
ing at the annorv. H will consist of
twenty members, all new recruits except
the surgeon and assistant. The officers
ill probably be selected bv r Company.
Tbe hospital corps is an interesting feature
t i i i : ...... ,i : ;.
in uie; .1 'I tuiu in niiuai -i ; in ia im
portant in a regiment.
A School Boy Fhied. Ed Blake, of
Soap creek, appeared before Justice Wilson
last, evening and plead guilty to having nan
tight with Faul Dodele, also ot oap
creek, and school director of that district .
It seems that young Blake had some trouble
at school, when the director was called in
and a tight was tbe result Justice Wilson
imposed a tine of $5 on the young, man
which was paid. News.
A Meeting of the members of the kin
dergarten Association will be held at the
old U P Church building this evening at
ths hour of 7 :-30 p m. for tbe purpose of
considering the feasibility of assuming
control of tho kindergarten school, and
other matters of importance. A short pro
gram will be presented. By order of the
Wuo Can Beat It? Mr John Isom
brought to ths butcher shop of Emerick k
Holt today a licet that weighed when dress
ed 1236 pounds. This is hard to beat.
By using Hall's Hair Renewer, gray
faded or discolored hair assumes the natu
ra! color of youth, and giows luxuriant
and strong, pleating everybody.
C E Biownellg grocery store is Increas
ing in popularity. He carries a fine stock
In a light room, easily accessible and
gives bargains. Neat door to ths P O.
Thousands of lives are saved annually by
the use of Aver's Pectoral. In the treatment
of croup and whooping cough, the Pectoral
has a most marvelout effect. It allay in-
ammaliou, frees the obstructed air passage
and controls the detlre to cough.
sold bj H F Merrill.
SIMPSON.- On Feb. 12, 1894, near Al
bany, to Mr and Mrs Abner SimpBon
Bon and brother.
The De Moss family are singing "Sweet
Oregon" through the east.
There has never been a blizzard In the
Willamette valley. Smoke that fact.
Special services each evening at the
Presbvterlan church conducted by Dr
Gwynne. Every body Invited.
On Washington's birthday there prom
ises to be the !vest foot ball game of the
season between the college tenm and an
eleven of unknowns, to be pined on the
base ball grounds. The unknowns are
ocing imnt-u Dy ue rsstn and the Col
ette boys are expecting W H Bloss to
give thein some pointers.
It was expecttd that Sheriff Jackson
would arrive at Bushnell.lll, tonight; but
he is In Hie mld.t of the terrible blizzard
beginning on Sunday, and which has
been blockading trains gererally through
that country, and there Is n telling what
he Is doing this evening. It is isfe to
predict that even Russell will rejoice al
getting bsck to Oregon.
Ass't Superintendent Bryant captured
Robert Woodmanscc, who escaped from
the Institution two weeks ago, on Sunday
evening at a farm house aboui a inll'e
from Brownsville. Mr Bryant arrived
home with the absconding youth on the
afternoon local yes'erday. This is the !
joy whose homc'sa at Sclo and who
wag probably assisted in secreting himself
by trlends In that view Uy. Statesman .
The school laws 'ay that directors
may annually expend $30 lor apparatus.
1 hat Joes not Include brooms, buckets
washpans, window-shades or wood, they
being counted as Incidentals. Such things
as digging wells; building fences and re
pairing school houses must not be paid
tor out of ihe school fund, but he in some
way tspeclal'y provided for. The $30
should be spent by every district In the
O H Irvine and family, of McMinnviile.
are in the city visiting their parents and
Mr Hubert G Colton came up from Port
land last evening to visit Mrs Colton and
Albany friends, and as well to keep an eye
on business.
Wm Babcock. well known by members of
the A 1 1. any
active seen
M I A has been retained ;i
active secretary of the Salem Y M C A . A
happy choice.
Mrs Kitchens and her daughter. Mi.
Cart- worn, home tatty after a visit of
several weeks with relatives in
Albanv and
Independence. Corvallis New.
Mr G B Haigfat has rented t lie ovner
store 198
fitted 111. otinositc the Iftvo
cbjiT office and will move into it when
ready for occupancy with his butcher shop.
Jerry Shea, the onion producer of SweH
Home. wa in the citv todav. V.r Rhaa
has not lxn affected by high "freight rates I
on the 0 P. As he does' his own hauling he '
is able to meet all competition
. .
Stephen Miiler. who has hern foreman of
! the 0 P blacksmith shoo at Yaouina for a
j number of years, died on Thursday. He r
was U years old. an old soldier and a raem-
ber of the G A R.
Louis I. V lliiains. of Ala-ka. has been
'JSTtp J iSt-01 AU? ,
J;''; of fbo ha. held 1
tbe position for four years arid four month.
Mr Porter will return to tbe valley with a
i nice property at the result of hi residence
State Printer V (' Baker and wife
i up from Salem last night. Mr Baier c inv"
w , aurui aildn OCT rriilllll MT JoQIl
T n.i , I i - i ..: i . t
Heard is lying at tbe point of death. Sat
urday eveing at the age of Sr year. Mr
Beard received his first babusin. Katlier
Vfatanr nerfarniimr (U ..rri
" 1 " lOC SeTTlce
091 mwrriEir sot Bint
Feb 12th. I -VI.
Last week, with tbe exception of Men-
day. w a wmrn
stormy one. Iner -
boat M.,ncn of n0,r S" '
snow on the croon ! K i
Uy siornuur
Mr M Wilkirs was aide to be taken to
visit his son Jasper last M tsd.iv.
some of Mr He Man children are skk
disease, the latter has been uuit sick.
. Morrow mourn tbe low of his
bird dog since the S S pay train made il
last trip up the road
0 , . . - . . . . . -
k.IV1"" f"
"l " ue- sj, m :. .-
t jamas Harger of togene for $318. part
of the lumber i alreadon the ground and
work will he besran immediafelr
It U said that Mr CretdtefJ U'nooa to be '
married to a Salem ladv. Another wed
ding is reported in the near future and
three mot,- of the too numerous ri.l.ia-m
make frequent trip to Eoirene eo it is to
be hoped this rjeigfaborfaood will be leu
lonely nest winter than it has been this
warn ."eitie v r.iougnby has I
i-k the last few davs
aahar taMaWMH
Portland. Feb 13. Ihinbar. recently
found guilty of smuggling, was sentenced
today to two years in the county jail
w ay a nee oi ji.iw.
wwavti resilt tKlf
W,H Aj Stmrk, iew.!
If yon waat a tat ttaokt call fvr Jowr.K.,
white labor cigara.
Tbe fMrViui onSe in the city -' t ' or ad
r a
Hod & Mf ariaaa. ;k !adm dra.
tor. Alswsy, Oi.
Will & Stark large line of Uver ware
ha crtated s grot deal of talk.
rVronit betne Industry by (noking th?
celebrated white abor cigars, macafaclartvi
by la'ia Jotwph.
The O K O rubber I sold on trial. "ro
try one doe not mean you are compelled
Bi. . VF
o bu y.
Mfg'd by Jas. Fis-r,T & f-"-js.
. k.-.js
I Oct!
The war to do It I t takr our waah
j ing to the Chinamen. Ifyou 'want your
wora wen aone at living price take It io
Kicnard . fhWip's Steam l.aur.dry.
They know how without banging them
around a pc!e.
A cotton carpet oon look faded and
soiled, while a good linen warp matting
win remain tmgtit. and sweep samer, von
can buy tho best of the Albanv Funrtnr
Co. They havs a now lot.
While It I over thirty year ago ilnce
Allcock's Porou Plaster were first Intro- '
duced to tne medical profession and pub
lic, the marked success and unprecedented
popularity which they met with not only
continues, but steadily Increases. No
other plasters have been produced which
gain so many testimonial of high value as
those continuously accorded to A I cock, s
forou Plaster, and the only motive for
these exceptional tributes He In fact of
their being a medicinal and pharmaceuti
cal preparation of superior value. Addi
tional proof of tbe true value of Alcock's
Forou Plasters He In the fact that they
are being largely Imitated by unciupu-
lous person, who seek to deceive the pub
lic by offering plasters which they claim
to be the 'same,' 'equal, ' 'a good,' 'better,'
best porous plaster,' etc, while it Is in
general appearance only that they
ble Allcock'. Eveiy one of the so-called
petrous plasters are imitations of Alcock,
Pbrous Plasters.
Avoid dealers who attempt to pilm off
Inferior and worthless plasters that arc
purchased by thcrn at low rate for the
purpose of ubrtltution.
Sbiloh's Cure, the great coogh snd oro op
o re, is for sale by ut. Pooket tise contai nt
wenty-five dotet.ooly 25c. Children love it
otbsy A Mason.
Albany darker
Oats, 25s.
Hour, 3.t.
Huttsr, '10.
Rgaa, 16o.
Iastvj, IS to 16o.
leik-hams.l2to 15o; shoulders.njta.lOet
lMs. It to ISt.
Hay, baled. 7
St ttosa, 40".
Awplsa ,.4"
Heps, it)o.
Dried frull plums, ftst apples, 9c,
Chickens, t,00 per doaen.
Bearf, oil ftoi, IKo.
Hegs, dressed. 5,4i.
Highest of all tn livening Power Latest V. S. Gov't Report
St Valentines day.
383 pupil In the Salem public schools.
At Ashland boys appear on the train
regularly to sell apples.
Annual meellnKof the Building A Loan
Association Friday night.
The lldi it turninp. BroaJen your face;
we will have good Hint that will open
your eyes.
A republican club ha been organized
In Orleans piecind with J G McCune ar.
The fchnol teacher examination began
this afternoon witn elghiy-iwo applicants,
the largcn number In Ihe history of the
A C Taylor, of H.jlk county has biought
an injunc Ion suit restraining the location
of a branch insane asybim in Eastern
The O A C foot-ball learn began active
training again last evening and the boy
are now making their regular run of three
mile every morning. New.
Tne firtt game of banket ball (:: be
played In the V M C A gymnaaiun. cn
Saturdajr evening. Two team ol five
each are being arranged for the occasion.
It I strange how Utile people generally
know of th; A O U W. For about half
what you are compel!.-'! to nay for a pol
icy In a life inturnce company vou can
carry izooo insurance, which will be paid
to your heii without , .. , or Uw Mat
ai Kz.
Aer' Hair Vigor keep the sca'p Ire
, irom uanaruir. prevent Hie hair trom fe
corring drr and harsh, and make ii Bex
. idic ana glossy. All Ihe e'ements that
nature require, to make the hair abun
j danl and baut!ful are r-upplied by thi
1 admirable preptration.
i At the proper time Ihe Man about
Town iii endeavor to give the turn
he ,oot b" gtv.e between th colle
team and the unknown one week from
tomcrro. In Ihe mean lir.-.e the college
bo will do wtll to give their tear a I
the !rcrc:K and piacllcc noaib!r in
, order to make a close same.
Wilh pure, vlgorou blood oouring
through ihe veios and animatiug every
fibre of the body, cold weather i not only
endurable but pleasant and agreeable No
other blood medicine I so certain In Ira
result a Aver' Sartapariila. What it
doe lor other it do for you.
The Oregonian's Washington corr -pondent
cvidntlr doe not have t-.T. tier
regard for llr Biih. Hc think all that
an applicant require to cure an as-
I poinlment unJer IM administration I
I for tbe other fei!o to have Mr Bu!:-
j endoraemen'.. Ex. All ihe same Mr
! Bu.h it all right.
The itiMi pesslailslh. paper in Oregon
I ee a tlivcr 'inir-g and ay: "The hr.t
I vitibie atgnt of re uming prosperily ap
pear in i!ie MCSMM issued today bi Ihe
pfSMiy ilepartuiat. shotting a "decided
' ln'reaf in i-venue receipt. Tbe gorern it the fountain tour re ol all u-jr fi
naticial condition. The treasury it the
j re- index to protperity or ad realty, for
i the !at ! month the treasury has bevn
: running behind a: a fearful rase, and this
fact kept the country in a ta?e of con
alernaikan. Now thai the tide hat lurn
; ed In that direction, butinc will berin to
: pick up in other . -i .
John Banett. recently of the "ree-mion's
Ttlegram. has been appointed minister to
State Superintendent E B McOroy was
in the city this noon. Mr McElrov i mak
ing a live canvass for tbe office of SecreUrv
of State.
Mr Ed Smith, formerly cler with A B
Mellwain. who has been clerking in Saa
lose for a m-mth or two. arrived in Albanv
quite ' this morning on business
I-airt evening the Epworth League of the
; M E Church eave a tocial at the residence
of Mr Anh Hammer. It was a St Valen
j tines affair, and a pronounced success at
every stage- A v aientiar l-x. with cmg
. inai valentine, was n feature greatly en
joyed. Mr Murry Vaughn, formeriy of this city,
who was recently report el to have moved
to Texas, is now residing on a fertile forty
arm tract of land owned bv him in the
suburb of Coborg. on which he is erecting
, a handseme country oottagv.
Kev E A Mc Allister left on tbe overland
;a.t nurht for sotithorn California A ud-
i den recurrence of trouble with hi lung.
' which was injured rue years ago. has
. made the temporary change cf climate
! necessary. Eugene itiiard.
w rriv. or rasHiRiTioM-T-
Aliiant. February -nd. 1S91
There will be a iroeting of the Linn
j tounty tentral committee ot toe profubi
. ... . ....
iii'n pany at uie maw oi ue unaersijc?
partv at the office of the undersigned
Kom 'JO. Strahan I'earce block. A I tuny.
Or.. Thursday. Febniary 2Snd. MM, at
2 o'clock p m. Members of the committee
and all prohibitionists art urgently re
and invited to attend.
T. P. Hacklemax.
Chairman l.inn Co. Prohibition Com.
:C0 Bctvari ,100.
Tu readers of this paper will he pleased to
'..n K.I '...., la -vt Viv cup ,4-,'af...t .1 . . u
' that r-cience b bc.n able to mm in all ttr
and ibat ia l aiarrh. Rail' Catarrh
Cure lathe only pc.;.S c rare known to the med
ical irairrmi? . v ai.i i ik-iuk; a rvaatiiuuvnai
dis-aae. require a coo .ntuticnaJ treatment.
ttalV Catarrh Cure is taken Internally , aciing
directly u pen the hiood and mucous surface oi
the n'a"ni. lhenbv dcstrosrlti the foeadatioa
of tbe disease, and g-irinc; Ihe patient strength
by boiiditig up the cc-nMitutiota and
astnr in dmni lis worn. 1 ne propri
so much fkith tn It curative power
offer One Hnmlpeit Dollars for anV C
The proprietors
in at iney
(ail to cure. Send for Hat of teeUmoBlal
Addreu. F. J. CtrEVKY CO., Tci4.
OaT So! f Draggif' "Sc
Krupllon of Ike kta nrer.
Ed Venney, Brockyllle, Or.tario, Canada
'I have uted Brsndreth't Pill for tbe
pstt fillecn yesrs, snd think them the bett
cathartic and tntl-bl,llous remedy known.
For tome five year I suffered with an
eruption of the kin that gave me great
pain and annoyance. I tried different
blood remedies, but, although gaining
strength the Itching was unrilleved. I
finally concluded to take a thoiough course
of Brandeth's Pill. I took tlx each night
for nights, then five, four, three, two, le
toning each time uy one, ana men tor one
month took one every nignt, wun me
happy result thst now my skin Is perfect
ly clear and ha been so ever since."
AlCklld Eajoya
Tne pleasant flavor, gent'ej action and
soothing effect of Syrup ot Fig, when in
need of a laxative, snd if the father or
mother be costive or bilious, the inot
gratifying results follow it use; so that it
lsthebesl family remeav Known ana
every family should hsve a bottle.
Dr. Plica's Cream Baking Powder
Forty Year tits tandarH.
warded Highest Honors World's Fair.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar PowJer. Ko Auimonia; No Alurs.
Used in MillionsTofi Homes 40 Ye" i's the Standard
Tmmhty evening, Feb 13.
1 resent Mayor, Kecorder, Councilmen '
Schell, Pfeiffer. Liirkhart, Man-hall. Whit-!
ney and Walters.
The following bilis were ordered paid
1 A let t. . ar . w Si . 1
J n aiireron. ys.l.t); . hi Newnort
t7o.00; P W bpinkl, 18.48; O P !annals
$2.50; K M VmthU, 16.00; J If I pbam,
aCi fK)- t'C. n.le, HA. v Ii tw,SA.
son. 18.00; W A Ab" lain. $18.00- John
John Scbmeer, $4M; r a Hale $91 00
JHTillotaon. '25.00; Eieetrk Light Co
129.00; C O Ui- $70 00
m. ' ,
an offer from B B Purdom in which he
offere.1 to haul ,nKin;., 1 im 1 2,01, or Ixitb.
to fires, for t2.9J in the dav and at.'. . rfi ut
nigm, provided he i
a" I a
-. ,, ,. . ... . .
iioweil either itiihie
free of r-harire. Adoiiteil
Tlie committee on streets and public prop
erty that bridge .ver Periwinkle r.-;k hal
le-n renain-d bv .1 B fiilotnon :i :i ,v.r ,A
A( tion ratified.
Mr taOwport gave the faU in' a replevy
suit of ahore Ulonging to Ueorge Pat-
tersen, taken un by the poundmasteV; over
which Uiere had lieen a litigation fornear-
Iv a year.the horse havingd'e-l in the mean
time. Hef.-rr.-d to committee on wyi! and
TL,' -i , i i
tJ nU iil T "Tl'r foa wif'rtof
the special election on killing Uie bndge.
Hid of C 0 fjee for furnishing moabi for
it., prisoners I'jr -) cents WAS reao an-! ac-
Petition of Sarah Brenner a-ked that
sidewalk be built along B, blta-k 73. Ke
ferrel to S and P P com
Petition of A Settlemier -! tbe privi
lege rf moving property to line of Second
street and remodeling the same for business
property. 15efear to fire and water coin
milt. Petition of lr i W Ma-ton ajiked the
privilege of completing tho addition to hi 1
effice already way. tiranted.
Petition of W C Telegraph Co. nuked
privilege of attaching fixtures to bndge for
ufiegrapn wire, ne-ierred to t' r com.
Ordinance bill proviuinir for licens
ing steam weod saws at 5 per uaiter was
read tnirtl time. 2yea,: 4 nays.
Mr Pfeiffer mcved that the citv dispense ;
with its sfa; ii nightwab h .-jd elect night-,
wateh and engineer. The salary to be :
tjO 00. Referred to committee of tbe
wbole to meet tom jrrcw night.
Bills for Judges and clerk, of election al-
Adjourned until TL -7
at Cat tT II .11L
' Kto Theo Lubker to Jociira Luders.
1 acre 13 K I
Wm Conner to 0 W and F M Hnr-
cbett. 70 acres, 10 w 3
U w burebett to Wm Conner. 4 lots.
U 15. 11 s 3rl A
II J Reete to S E Yruntr. 17-1 acres.
ll w4
Wm E Price Sr to Leah M Caidwrll.
2,i acr. Scaianve
more Pugh To Lewis Fox. 10 acres.
14 w I
J W Mc. be to W A Met. be. 40
acre. 1 1 w
ueorge Kncx to Margaret Knox.
MUS acrw near Albany and its
., block , B A -VI baa v"
Marv K I:xon to M-iri:-n Borkhart.
IO6.0O acre. 11 w 2 .
W 0 Bond to Robt F .rnistrony.
5 acres. 13 w 1
ieo A Wilton to Aaron Wilion.
106.55 acre. 11 w4 .
teo A niUon to A Wilson, un
divided interest in 15 acre'.
11 w ...
l L V u,a to A WiLcrti. 1.
:-.t. r--t
in 15 acres. !1 w 4 and
acres. 11 w 4
latiue it unman to a v n.
106 53
acre. 11 w 4
Kveret Ri hman So A Wilson
terest I-'i acres. 11 w 4 . . . .
A Wilson to WiULun Felzer.
urs Nw4
J L tliU to t S locgnton.
acres. 11 w 2
M A I Owning to 5 S l Kwivini:.
:U6 - acres. 9 B 1
l J Wyatt to W R Surry, one-half
interest m HI ares. J h 2
Cxpraaitr 1 -os.-mi
Some oeop'e begrudge the little mooev
that an ... .'cock" I"or)::s Pla.-er costj, ari
then when thv sre racked with pain from
the to re neat arising from cold, they wlil
jend any amount cf mon'v lo relieve Ihe
pa.n. If they only bad one of thetc wnlj
renowned nlatttr on hand they tvOoM be
tared a vatt amour; of tuffering and be
considerably richer. At the first of
atlffne of ihe joint applv one af these
piaster wlti out any delay. The orenes
wtil be great' v relievtd at once and soon
disappear entirely. It will te money
saved to have them on hand, to sa noth-
ir.g cf the coaif jrt they bring.
B'andreth 5 PiU contain r.3 irritating
Mis Hatlie Warner a graduate of the day. for the purpose of electing seven d4
conservatorv connected witn Gates Col - 1 rector to erve for the er.u:r.i vaar and
lege. Neb, ft prepared to give le.ton in
vocal and invtrumental music to tingle
pupil or classes, at reasonable term.
Slit Warner ha had a thorough educaa
Ijon snd i an experienced teacher Her
reference are. Prof il A Shorev, William
i Trow and Mr Jennie l,ee.
To erow old cracefulit, one moat live
temperately, caimlv, methodically;
Interested in all that Is going on In. the
world: be cheerful, happy snd contented,
sr.d above all, keep the blood pure and
vlgKous by the ue of A vet ' Sarsaparilla.
Be ure you gel Ayer'.
WkDOtNO xvttavioss.
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, Goldei.
Commou every day.
ijaSf"Suti-XY .
Whatever may he the cause of blanch
ing, the hair may be restored to its origi
nal color bv the use of that potent remedy
BJla Vegetable Sicilian Hair R-ncwer'. j
When Baby was nick, w gv her t'astorta.
When he wa a QMH, he cried Un Oastoris.
When she Nvanio J!ut. she rlung to Oastorl.".
When she had fliiMmi. she gave ihetu Oastoris
Thin or gray hair and bald "leaus, tm
dip!easli-ig to many people as matks of
age, may be averted fot a long time by
using Hall's Hair Renewer.
Sawt.vo Machines neatly retjsired aad
warrsnted bv a thoroughly BOSBpotsot wsrk
tnan, at F Ni Krench'Jjewe!rv sore, Albany
Shiloh's Vitslixer ts what you need for
dyspepsia, torpid Uver, yellow skin or kid
ney trouble. It i guaranteed tojjgive you
satiafaotion. Price 75o. s : ' by Fothsy &
ttfl 1 atvlariSS. aSXxC
New Advertisements
In the Circuit Court of the Stain of Ougon
for Linn couniy.
Milton (I.
TLe Ban of Oregon, J W B,ai i and W 8
Thompson a assignee of the Bank of Ore
j g'"- Defer "dantr.
Notice i 1 ereby giye.n that by virtue of
; an cxrrntioo and oider of sale doly Usoe
out of tbe above named court io the above
j entitled soit to me directed and delivered
I I will on Saturday tte J7th day of March,
j ISO l the front door of the Court Howe
k t. e c ty ot Albany, Lion County, Oregon,
i t the IwiQr o' 1 o'clock p m of said dv. sell
at public t: i -a for cath in band tc tbe
tilijlieel hiduer II ts ten nror.ertv t,,it.A
1 ! "d lcnt'ou order of ts'o
mm t-y-.ta? i R.m -a I .
' in aai1 .Tamlmn -...,1 . t . . ,
' mcr "i in e a lol
lop, town: Beginning at a poim on the
I """h onda.y line of lot three (3- in block
?,ne (9 la. ,b cl,,y of '""""J- Lio Coooty,
Uregou, six (6) feet weterly froa the north
' T r0!L" 'ot ree (3) and rnnnina
i , ,eDC' . "y oa ,be nofth ,in of :d
'J1 tweut -four 124) feet and Un inches,
'h1 otberl Dd parallel with the eaat-
, era b nndary of said b.t ooe hundred feet
iid i,tock;tbeDce eaaterlv on aid lice -4 feet
, .od ten iichee. theni "rtberly to
' 1 . 7 ,0."10
k VT5 VI "i"iiinii' ihe Tirocee i arume
fr0m said sale to m .nnM .. I. ...A -
cnlion directeel aa follow: Firat tn the
payment r.f the coat of aad spin a d exs
cuti m and expeote of sale and the oriuiua!
coati of suit taxed at HI) and i il . ....
: ment of tbe attorney fee lo tbe ium of
! O0d. fo tbs payment J tbe amonot
i 5 f,t0 lbe he,e'D. from the Bank
1 bf. Jf"" j " w B:io t0it: K
T, i 'tr" 'o'""1 tbereoo fiom tbe
To ' . NoVen,br- ls3. " of
P'01"""- nd Jj f?""'
of the am jnt due to the aid plaintiff from
the Bank . t Oregon alone, tewit: the sum
of $fi25C S-, with iour-art there,- from
tbe 2-d da- f November, 1S93, at tbe rle
I of 10 per cei,t per aocom and the, overplo
1 aoy.wn: lie paid over to tbe defecdant.tbe
ru.a 01 ureeiD tr i's leal representative..
Dated thi 13'.h day cf Febroary, 1894.
C C 'a- k . -. .
Shsriffrf Ijdo Coooty Oregon.
By Ij s Smith Dipoty.
X deraartied adB.:cutr.:rii at
:).- eata'a I J .ti. C r-jham. aaXSSSaL tso fled is
tbo axk rA the derk ot the Come: Court cl Linn
wmtf, Or, her ftr-a. aeeticat atnl tbat aad owl naa
W.U.wi tb K-.h 4aj ot Marra. ihm. at tte
-. ; . : - a:e
Dated Li sth daj ot Febnau-t. isM.
H II Hm. fJiim 0jua.
' nnj tor diax. attasiaiaerat
J with al, cos'- in 1 disbursement and -T.
e partnership hweUfcre aaiatice and I senses and a reasonable attorney's fee fr
doing a blacktmithiog basiteM under tb
aaaao orCitner A Ko-aman 1 duacired bv
t matsal content this day. All claim doe
t-.e firm ;r owins it will be Mf.i.d by
I the old tirm at the hop 00 Seeotd ctreet
between Ferry :nd WaihiBgtoii. Mr
I trainer retire icd Mr rk. mm coo
. tinne'lbe lauoea. Febroary 1, 1S94
l emu i tt wifas.
Notice is hereby given tbat lbe anus!
meeting of U-e stockholders of the AlNtay
Building snd Loan Atviatlon will be
held on Friday, Feb 16, 1691 at tho hour
of 7:30 p m of said dav, in tha, Bank of
Oregon building in Jbnr, linn County
Oregon, for lbe purpose of electing niae
director and three auditors to serve lor
tne term of one ytsr next ensuing from
said meeting, and untii their successors
art eleetsd and qualified snd to transact
uch other buioos sa may coma before
, Jm association.
Done bv order of sMd aaaoeiab I r
I&h dav of Jaou rv 1
C B WlaTaV, C H STKWarT.
Secretary. President.
We have 50 seres rf very choice sorbnr
bsn land, ttutatie for platug, adj swing the
city limit of Purtiand which w are effer-
iag : see tow pre cl one tnosttacd dr-iiart.
per acre, tabject lo an iccsmtn-asce of
000. most all of which baa twe vear to ran.
- ; Ihe equity of 3J.5C0, we wffl axchacge for
j rmprovsd farm land in tho Willamette val
ey . We will alto exchange oqoity :n srtce
very central pcotrpertive bci iceaa proretty,
paying srood rantaJ, for noiDcambened fa.-m
land. If yen tr on the trade write for fad
particulars to Lost) & Craaux, 131 31 street
Portland Oregon.
NOTICE I hereby gvea that the ao
' ana! meeliog of the tockbo!der cf the Al
bany Boildiog will be held at
tare of J Gradwobl. io Albanv, oa Moc
dsy, March 19. h. 1S94, at 7 3Cpmfertl-e
eleotioo of directory, sad cch other buar
oea a mar oorne before tbe meeting.
Dated Fob 9tn, lt4.
W C TWEFPALE Secretary
Noitce i hereby given that here willbe
a meeting ct the atoakholder ; of the OJd
Fellows Hall Building A-oc.aliDn, he'd in
their office, in Albany. Linn county, Ore
gon, on Moudar. the th dav of " Marsh.
i 1694, at the hour af 7 o'clock p in, of taid
to transact any other business ihst may
come Ssfore taid meeting,
Dated thl 5th day of February, 1S94.
E A PARKSt, Jt Lies Jotarw,
I Secretary. PRastaairr
I mmmmmammmmmmmmmm
r ANTED Pothicg Canvater of cood
V V drew. Liberal aalarv tad exen
paid weokiv; Permanent position
be BKOt. CO., Karserymeo, Por
irt!anil' Ore-
For Sale or Trade, a bouse and lot in
good location In Albanv- Will sell
cheap for cash or will trade for land part
ly or wholly improved net verj fsr from
town. Call or write to this office.
block and
this effiee.
Cottage with five roorra
half irom P 0. Call at I
aHStaSHSatta ins aaratb
'rufigistsand Booksellers,
. l-ki tafor John R. Aider's BaaSaaWt 'Jars
rhleh we sell at DUblisiier's r-rW wilk
' "
Will sell all crcrkerv ware and holiday goods af
COST- Here are some prices: Lamps, wortb
50c for 25 cents; lamps, wortb $2 00 for $1.00
cups and saucers 145 to 0 cents a set; plaes. 40 cents pei
set. Everything else in proportion.
Gall on me and you will not ba deceived.
J. Gradwohl,
J. JOSEPH. Proprletar,
j "fa
iat. i.koing rnotOt;tt.PBERS,fon
In llir Circuit Court of the Stale of Org
far l.inn tovnty.
M Sternlierg Plaintiff,
A U Seal and J L Seal his
wife;, Geo E Chamberlain
and 8 W Chamberlain hi
wife, J W Cusick.E D Cu
sick snd 0 a II Cusick
paitner dob g burinet un
der the firm name and style
of J W Cusick il Co., and
Charles Smith st the ad
ministrator of Job C Smith,
deceased. Defendants.
To A B Seal and J L Seal, the wifeof
said A B Seal, two of the above name
Oregon, you and each of you are hereby
required to appear and answer the com
plaint of the above plaintiif in tbe above
entitled court, now on file with
the clerk of aid court, on or before
the first day of tbe next regular term cf
said court, which said term begins on the
i zth day of March, 1994, at the court
house in the city of Albany. Linn County,
Oregon ; and yea are hereby further not!
heu that If you fan lo appear and answer
the said complaint a hereby required, tne
plaintiff will take a decree and judgment
agafnt you for the relief deroar ded in hi
aid complaint to wit :
1. A judgment and decree agams! A "
Sea! for the sum of $100 in Cniied States
gold coin together with interest thereon
in like gold coin at the rate ot per cent
per annum from the fjlh day of Novem
ber. I59i until paid and foe the faither
um of $50 attorney ' fee for instituting
this sun, and for the cost and disburse
ments of this suit.
1. A decree foreclosing the mortgage
made, executed and deiivered by you to G
W Smith on the i6".h day cf November,
1889, and directing the premise described
therein, to wit: The soathwett quarter of
b'ock number one hundred and twelve
fin) in Hackleman' addition to the city
of Albany, Lirn County, Oregon; and
also described in said complaint, 10 be sold
upon execution at required by law and
directing the proceed of such sa.e to ba
af plied a follow: First lo the pay ment
of the cot and expente of making such
tale and the sum of $50 as attorney s fees
for instituting tm suit, fcecsnd, to the
payment to the plaintiff of the turn of
$400 in gold coin of the United States of
America and interest t-iereon m :ue gout
coin from ihe iGtbsiay of November, iji
until paid, at the r!e of 8 per cent per
annum, third, I hat uie turpius, 11 any.
be paid out in uch euro as the court
may direct.
3. that you, a." the oeter.datu a Dove
named artd each of :oe:E, and any and all
bv, through or under
icj or them or any ot toerr.. De loraei
oarred and forcloted of any and ail right
lit or interest, right of dower, or equity
of redemption in or to said premise or
any part thereof : that if t ie proceed cf
the aie of said premise be not ufEeient
to pay the claim of plaintiff together
mtsitutir.g suit, that l - have a
personal judgment and decree against
said defendant A B Seal for the
4. Thax the rr or gage eecated by G
W Smi:h and Viola B Smith hi w;I in
favor of Job C Smith as roar. Joe ew in said
complaint, be decreed to have created co
lien upon taid premises or any part there
of. 5. That the deed, mentioned in said
co -n plaint, from A B Seal to tne sai-J dt-
'fecdanl, Geo E Chamberlain, be decreed
to be suDteqser.: :a rise to (aid piaictrtt't
taid mortgage, and all nghu acquired
thereunder by said Cham aerial a to be
tubject to ihe'.ien of plaintifF taid rr.ort-
7: is
summons 1 pos uted bv ccer 01
the Hon Geo H Burnetr, ihe judge of the
above entitled COBwl made at Chamber in
ihe Ci'.v of Salt3 Marion County. Ore-
j jrw on the i6:h day of January, 1S94.
W R Bixrct'.
Attotr.ev for Plaintiff
tit Coatr Court of tie Statt of Ortfc-n far
the Ceatofjr 0 Loot :
In the matter of the estate of P 8 Tuck
er, Deceased. To Clara E Bradlrv. James
E Tucker. Nana E Tusker, SfaryK Tucker
land Ida I Tucker and to al! olneri known
and unknow.i having any intere: 111 the
estate of P B Tucker deceased, greeting:
OREGON, You are hereby cited and re
utred to appear in the County Court of
he State of Oregon, tor the "County of
Linn at tte court room theteof, at Albany
in the county aforesaid, on Monday, the
5th day cf March, 1S94. at 1 o'clock in the
afternoon of that day. then and there to
show cause if ar.v vou have why a r.sense
thou'd not issue to sT J Pttchford the
administrator ct the estate cf said deceased
licensing and directing him to sell the
real property belonging to said estate, des
cribed a follows, 10-wit:
The west half of the northwwst quarter
of iection 17. tp tt S R I oast of tbe WM
lammstre meridian ia Lin a County Ore
goo. The S W ;4 of the S W -4 of sec
tion 14. Tht N S of the N W U of
section 13. The N S cf the N E K
c-:c- in tp 5 S R jo east of the il
lamette Meridisn in Uilliam Co, Oregon.
Done bv order of the Hon J N Duncan.
Juige of the County Court of the State of
Oregon, tor the County of Linn, with the
sal of tt'd court atExed, this 20th dav of
January, A D iSoj.
N T Paykk.
FOR REN f -Th orer bouse store,
sp'sr.did location. Gov on th
secretarv si the Ikjcckat office for pax
17 OR SALE 20 sbar
of Albanv elec
r triclifbt
paying stock
this office.
siocx the beat dividend
In th citv- Esquire at
T TE wANT YOO WOS'i - uai
V V tho makirg ,0 O $ J 3 J
PER WEEK. Pa preferred vu -.a
furnish a horse sud travel through tbo coun
try ; a team, though, is not necessary. A
few vacancies ia tewnssnd ciuea. Spar
hours may 1 e nd to good advantage.
B t Icaxs Co.
11th and Mam SU, Fickanoai.iV.
IS .l.r.unM! Faaeutor cf the last :t! aji4 tea
is nun
S tueot of Andrew Kubd. aattaSSSata lias Bled !'
' aaweS ia the estate si AcJrew a bb. .Uet
arith toe ceomj- clerk if Linn comi-.j . irvfc
and tbat the county court of tsid linn coQt.ty. sa
'.xed tha lh day ot liana, !, tth
hour of 10 o'ekak tn tha forenoon af said dav, anal
the court b. use a th l-a.a. fbr
i tn hearinc of taMtaxMS ifny to said 8ml -
i Mintndvh settlement of taud tat.
HUHiwrtr aaxxlftoaa
Ally tor Kaecatrix. Ex.-utrix.
Csbinet photos from $1.50 to $4.00
v. 11 .
doxen. coiaigmg jacture a
ipecialty. i6fia cTayoris frsmtd
!or Sio'oo. We carry a Urge Stock
of 58 and steretcoptc vletvs of Or-