The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 16, 1894, Image 2

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    (Hie Scmurvat
The silence of the people's party on the
tariff question reveals their incapacity to
meet ti ' question Wooilbiirn Indepen
dent. The uigar schedule is receiving iore
attention at present from the democratic
subcommittee engaged on the tariff bill
han any other feature of the bill. The
committee ha1 not yet decided upon any
definite recommendation, and the out-look
is not quite so bright for the sugar man as
ittfarday. The cha ces, however, arc
still favotable that some duty will be levied
upon siij;ar.
A noisy, loud mouthed, disappointed of
fice seeker, formely a democrat, but who on
account of lack of ability and integrity
could not get an office, is again telling to
Ma neighbors that the Democrat is a gold-
bug pnper.that it is In full favor of gold only
and ft von the demonetisation of silver. This
js the tecond or third time the lying ful
rmnations of this malioious puppy have been
brought to our ears. We trust the friend
who writes us about him will -t suffer him
self to be worried about the matter as there
ts not force enough in the mans, reputation
o enable him to injure the Democrat where
he is known. The gentleman T(ho writes
must be content for the present, for the
landeier will be fully shown up when the
proper time comes.
In many respects the Nurth Pacific
Ocean resembles the North Atlantic.
great w.-im current, much lke the Gulf
Stream and of equal magnitude, called the
Black Stream or Japan cunent, runs north
ward along the eastern shore of Asia. Close
to the east coast of Japan it flows through a
marine valley which holds the deepest
water in the world. It was sounded at
dep'h of five and a quarter miles by the
United S:a'ts steamer Tuscarora in :S75,
wi.i e surveying for a projected cable route
between the United States and Japan. The
heavy sounding weight took more than an
hour to sink to the bottom. But trial was
made of a chasm yel moie profound, where
the lead did not fetch it up at all. It is
the on:y depth of ocean that yet remains
Advance figures of Savtm'ier exports
Ircm the United States sh w material de
er ase In ipniing articles. Co'.ton alone
increased. The decrease particularly was
marked in i readstuffs, wheat exports di
minishing by 5' per cent as compared with
November last ear, flour by nearly 2 J per
cent an i com by 3o per cent. Provisions
fell off by nearly 20 per cent, mineral oils
by over 10 per cent. The total of these
articles which cons'itute a substantial
ni-iioriiy cf our tot exports, wss 13 per
cent has than in the corresponding r&onth
of 1S92. Omit'ing cotton, the total of the
otf-er leading articles of the first 11 months
of the year, equivalent to 16 per cent. In
these IHlHUllllom valine ar-- considered
not quiqtiiies.
The possible attitude of the silvei repub
licans in reference to tbe tariff bill has been
the tbcine of considerable talk about lite
teaate since the. Wilson bill has reached
that body. Inquiry developes the fac'
that they ill without exception opjcse the
bill lor two reasons. They are protection
ists in principle, and some of them think
tha. if the tanfl coalJ be allowed to re-
mam as at rresent it would te in the in
terest of silver. They argue Uval if the
tartn is changed still the haro times con
tinue man) will be disposed to find in this
change the caus of the depression, whereas
if the tariff it allowed to remain as it is and
times do not improve it will at once be
come apparent that the tar. if had not caused
the a! .illness, of trade, and the people may
be led 10 beMeW it was due to the scarcitv
of money. While, howea-er, the silver re
publican senators wiil oppose the bill, will
vote against It and will make special efforts
to defeat th: clauses bearing upon tbe
special interests cf their respective states,
Itisprcbsble that some of them will not
aid tbeir republican colleagues in securing
delay c-pon the passgaeof the bill.
You often hear ct the man w ho is so big
n H. es'imatio.i. that Christ's over
coat wouldn't make him avest. Clevelrod
is not that man. When he found hr couldn't
save old b-'ack L:l, br cried out, "God
save the rpesn!"' t ut a tbe prater of the
xyickid availeth nothing. Cleve and' prayer
was not : eeded. l his prayer hid been
arswtiel he democratic party woul J have
c'aime j Chsitt had deserted - heaven and
" the deiuocrats ." Albany Po?
uliUt. We ask pardon of oar readers for Insert
ing tke -.bove paragraphia ovr columns.
We to so, however, on'y to protest against
It. Su h at'eropts at wl are enough to
mae r mtm as anied of hi- species. There
is 11 t i kg fata v in it: bat it is highly vul
gar: insulting to ever Chria ian ir. the
la-it. It f untia too frona the popili.t or
gan,;'! I' at Albiry. We venture to
say ti at '.here are not "hree old party pa-p-rs
in Hie s'ate fi.t w onid publish such a
thing i-- theii aoletnt, an'eaa t retake it.
Sects a tea 1 . .u- ; Tenant at wit will -jo no
more todriv:; ti e bettsr elrroent out of tlie
party Uun tiie aru-ner.;s and eloquence
of Use dem")cratK and republicans in tne
ttatc. IfChrUian poptttat wi I lolente
suib 1 l.-ts -h-mous ribaMry in their papers,
tl ey uu surely erigag d in a led cause.
S lem Independent.
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Most Perfect Made
Both lio method and results rrhei
Syruj; of Figs ia taken; it ia pleasant
and refreshing to the tatc, raid acU
fenjy jet promptly on tho Kidneys,
liver and Bowels, clca"8es the sys
tem jflectiiaUy, dispels colds, head
achea and fevers mid cares habitual
toiigti ration. Si rup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pso
ouced, pleasing to Uie tasto and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
iU actum aod truly beneCcinl in it
eflecls, prepared only from the most,
healthy and agreeable subeta-.ccs, its
many cx.telleat qualities commend it
to wi fiid have, modi it the tnont
pcpnlmr remedy known.
Hyrup of Figs is for sale L 50c
and SI bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist wko
may not have it on band will pre-
cure H
p.omptly for any one who
wishes to
ry it. liu not awtjit any
LouimmV, icy. sw roA .r.
Mr Savers, chairman of the house com
mittee on appropriations estimates that
there will be a reduction in the appropria
tions of this congress as compared with
last congress of $30,000,000. Among
other things he says: "Our committee has
labored consclent'ously and industriously
to the single end of providing funds to
meet the needs of the Government, and at
the same time so to reduce expenditures as
to insure an economical Administration
that can bo amply provided for with the
revenues to be derived from the demo
cratic tariff law We have been working
with the estimated revenues of the Wilson
bill in mini, and I am happy to say that
wo have had the hearty co operation of the
officers at the head of a'l the depattments.
The result will be a saving of more than
$30,000,000 of the people's money, for
which the democratic administration Is en
tit'ed to full credit.
"The Appropriation! Committee has re
ported already to the house the District of
Columbia bill, carrying $5,157,573; tbt
Fortifications bill, carrying $2,219,754; I
the Pension bill, carrying $151,581,570,
and the Sundry Civil bill, carrying $32,-
306,882. These bills show a saving oyer
those of the last session of the fifty-second
congress of ?4,60o,7s9. Of this amount
about $15,000,000 is in pensions. The esti
mate for pensions as submitted by the
commissioner last fall was $160,000,000 for
tho fisca year of 1895. This was a re
duction of $3,000,000 from the amount ap
propriated for the current fiscal year, but
the committee was satisfied that a still
further reduction could be made safely.
We waited, therefore, until the first six
months of the present fiscal year had pass
ed, and upon figures which we were then
able to obtain, we set the sum to be ap
propriated for the year 1895 at $150,000,
000, confident that it would be sufficient to
meet all legitimate lequirements. A
saving of $250,000 was effected in the ap
propriation for the new congressional
library. For this work $950,000 was asked
but a only $700,000 could be spent during
the year, we limited the amount to that
"But two bills remain to be rjported
from our committed the General Defic
iency, which last year carried about $22,
00.000, and the Legislative, Executive
and Judicial, which a year agoa-rounted to
the same. We expect to cut the deficiency
bill tins year to i4,wu,uuu, a saving ot
$8,000,000. and 'be Legislative, Executive
and Judicial probably will be reduced to
about $20,000,000. As the expenditures
provided for by this latter bill are almost
ail authorized by law, it Is difficult to
make very heavy cuts. The economies
voted will be chiefly the result of Congress
man Dockery's Departmental Commission.
"The bills for the support of the army,
navy and Indian service will probably 1 e
about $"2,000.000, $13,000,000 an.l $6.
000.000 respectively, making a total of
expenditures authorized by the appropria
tion bill of about $270,000,000 Secretary
Carlisle estimates that tbe postal service,
including a deficiency of revenue, will re
quire about 890,000,000, and tbe perma
nent annual appropriations, exclusive of
sinking fund, are expected to be about
$53,000,000. To this should be added
about $10,000,000 for the River and Har
bor bill of the fifty third congress, making
a grand total of about $420.000,000 . Tbe
estimated revenue of the Wilson bill is
$340,000,000, and to this should be added
$105,000,000 as the receip's from the 101
Office and miscellaneous sources, to 'hat
the income of the government for the fis
cal year 1895 is pat down at $445,000,000.
There it every reason 0 believe, therefore,
tha, if our commi'.tee receives that 0
cperuticn in beeesmte which v hope for
and confidently expect
there win ue a
eurplua of revenue over expenditures fcr
the next fiscal year of nearly $20,000. ?0u.
A correspoa irn asks what is meant bj
the expresaion "religious te'ts" ia tbe pro- j
vision of the constitution which says that 1
"no religious tests shall ever required as a
qualification for any office Or rublic trail
,l- - - 1 t. a . 1 . . 1 1
uuaci uic ait fl 11 irnpij mriDi inai me
ques ion 01 religion snail not re raised In
any way as affecting the right ol tae cillzcr.
to bold any orBce under the state govern
ment. It meant that the question of religion
thall be en'lrely ex:lu!ed from MB- mat
ters, and th,t neither religious affi.ia ior.
nor the lack of it shall be made the ground
of objection to t eeligib'i'v of the citixen.
All c ur laws on the sa jec
of Ibe personal
rights of cit'ien in t-is respect are of the
same tenor. The consti ation of the United
States Joes not exact an oath from ihe per-
?on chosen tnn.i an otrice. It expressly
provides that tnttca i nf an oath to support
be constitution asdt'e law the ci.izens may
imply affirm. Ihe last s true of every
thing of a sioaihr na ac it the law. oi the
couotry. Wits 't; In ihe court are not!
compelled to twiar, but may arrtn instead.
TZr lMl
religious and poitlc.l matter. sha,l never be
ruixcj , ano any pert Jn u na votes agai is:
or so i:it votes agaiust any cand.da'e for
the ground that be is a member cf any
churcn or that r-e is a member jf no church
v.j'a e. the api it of the c n itutlo 1 an I the
law in that re-prct. As 'egifls qia'ifi:
Mon for office, all ci izns stan-l on tlx same
level as t j religious belief.
Wtnle the Wilson tariff lull lal sati.fa
tory in a'.l of i s detail,the Dimocra ic mas
ses feel that the iiicone-tix feature inserted
by the House compensates them for many-
deficiencies. The 1 emociatt in ihe House
have taaen a bng Men fir ward on the high
way of reform in adopting the Income tax
as an essentia Jitem in the new jarifl tchtdule-
In tbe Sjuth and V.'es- the rank and file of
party solidly inJorse tl.i tax, a.tJ in the
East the opposition Is .unfi inl to a
few un'axed bondholders.
A republican friend desires to kno
what tource the D.-mjc at obtained
statement which it published a few
ago in wl ich Kv-governor Beaver said that
he did not beik-ve t'ie i resint hai.i ti'net
were at rlbuta'de t,j the f ict of the liemo
crats beiie in p .er. The cx r:ct wan
taken from tlie Clarfi.-ld RepuMioan. pub- j
listed In rcnrisylvJtiia, Ks-ijovemor IIea
ver't i wn slate
There coul I he ,iu mr I iexcit iMe w aBt
of time thar. fur tne Finante Commit:.e of
the Senate lo htefta "heiri-ig" fiom in
terested pariirs regarding 'ariff en i.ig v.
The printed ritciidi of -,o 'i S.-n ite an I
HeM contain vil.i.n: at er vo'une of the
records of such hearing. Tin .enp'e wl o
come to them do not come with the pm po-e
of helping tl.p rommittee in their woik,
butonljr to grhd their own axis.
Although Jupiter Is i3;x tirun s Isrjje
as iLe earth it it only 316 times M heavy.
In order to become as solid a the rarth, i;
m 111 pAn t In nup. wwaftaa ni I'.
. - 1 " - - I" -" "
size. Evidently such a ;.!.-, of cind--n-
A large number o( Sowers are born), at
is believed, i bumble ees. They collect
the ncciar in this way. Instead ol entering
by the moutn of the letter.
I h - resumption of manufacturing roh
kiM :l parti ot tbe country will ht sure
to send a great many mournful Republican
prtWh-ioui the t?upboute.
Unless the republicans dig deeper for ob
jections to tho income tax they must be
ueld to believe in raising revenue by a poll
tax, which would take no account ol differ
ences of wealth.
If an income tax is wrong because it
discourages the accumulation of property,
a tax on roal estate is wrong for the same
reason. If it is wrong because it is
European, the tariff is a'so wrong, since
the most despotic European Governments
have the highest tariffs. If it is wrong be
cause it encourages perjury, both the tar
iff and the internal revenue taxos are
Republican argument on the income tax
reduce them to a poll tax, under which
every man, rich or poor, would pay a cer
tain sum to maintain government and to
provide bounties for special industries. If
the federal government requires $500,000,
000 a year and the iron nml textile mills
ask for 51) more, and if there are
20,000,000 able bodied citizens, each should
, be taxed $50. Only by that kind of a tax
can the republicans remove the inquisito
rial lealurcs or taxation and encourage
wealth getting. Foor men would be com
pelled to pay for not having riches and
this, we take it, is the republican theory
of encouraging thrift.
In fact, to make taxation highly popular
among the governing c asses of the North
east, which are the governing classes of
the republican party, the exemption should
be used to work the other way. All men
who have wealth clear of debt above a cer
tain iimit say $10,000 a year -should be
exempt altogether from taxation. This
plan would encourage capital and attach
the best c-tuens"nriuly to the govern
ment. The who has no more sens
than to spend his earnings on a family or
to get sick or to a or . for wages instead of
wrecking railroads or buying up councils j
and legislatures would pay the penalty of
bis ignorarce. It would bo the Spartan
theory of teaching ti e citiz-jn to rob and
steal, nioderr.izod to sui our industrial
j age
A perfect ta, ae ording to republican
I thinking, would be a poll tax, so levied
! that the rich would be altogether exempt
j and the pooiest would pay the most. The
tariff would not be for revenue at all. hut
j al)S0iu.e prohibition f imports for the
j beneSt of campaign conTibufrs. Bounties
j wou!1 bat tbe interests ould pay for.
D republican tax would encounure
thrift and be easily col 'ected. How do the
peop'e like the plan ? St Louis Republic.
Another week of improved trade bring
the country nearer ti its normal condition.
In manufacturing t e gain to have
been greater than that of any of tbe pre
ceding weeks, as Bradstreet report more
than ten establishment' opening or resum
ing business to every one cls'ng down,
and adds that probitly hundreds of coo
cents bave begun work in the past week or
two that have never b-en mentioned in
The calamity howlers are having a bard
time of it. They can't get tbe indutrie-
of the country to wait for the fina' d- cUion
of the tariff question. Whj'e they wail
and while tariff ref-rn i bteonuag
near'y an accomplished fact tbe mills are . Jrt he lias not digested. The person who
resuming wo. fc and the orontry is 1 attack the public school U-lay treads on
na'ly thrjwing off the troj'a'e that have
hen so disss' r jus.
Tbe expor cf sixty mile ti wrought iron ; Recei-rer Clark has startol well by pav
pipe to one cu omer in Canada i an ea - tfnP! month wage, and
ceptional y strong blow at the calamity
nowiers. a' range now badly men nee I
rrotecUoc from Canada at home when they
can .hlr, to eanarta t "1 t . rSt II
1 ... .
: Joeir, s 1 the railroa. and other tiane -
; portation compan e are pavins- for the
privilege of baul'ng
. .
freijjt instead of
cha'ging for it.
i.uckiv; t thu ai:i ton BOaea,
The rrovement 'r uu'bcrn immigration '
amounts to a gteal deal rrure thao talk
1 . .
1 a m
A nitnkyer ul i -. . n
ioto 'he Socth t.are Ittldsd la ran :heap
monthly eacur.iort ffOfla II point cf the
West so a to give tho who are lao-ing
southward far hmts . hance to see "e at
trs. tions of U'C section for tr-itelf e. and
decide after looking over the g'.innd its aj
ean.ages and ijjtlilf niagei
T'.' fac. that ;his che-i :ur:Knt wi:
1 b , - .
1 on-. They woulJ 1.0; taee ben undertakes
if there had been no draia 1 4 for them on
: , he of hn-,..rM. Thera.:ro
taw that the lime was pr-pitiou for the
movetnttit Pr-ople frrm fhT section
are brginning to look on be S iuth as the
'and of promle.
viit to the b jutb wi!l be likely to
,..,t ,1 . . .. . , ..
' a '"s"""
idv-athat the scu'iier-i people are si'lU tail
1 Of s-ctional t .tja .ice aod -01 not
j rccc!,elio lo im:nifcrnu
accord a
from the
nort. Tnis iJea wi!l oc dl clleJ. We Jt
not beleive there is a north.-ra mm in t'le
St)utn who hat 'live t-t himself of section
alism, shiran sav that he l as bt en trea'ed
less ain.ily By tha p oale there became be
waa nil bam aro'in 'hn Of course thoge
who re.ard fie on liern people as aliens
will mike a great mts'ake In moving South.
They are likely ti be ! as aliens, and
oug,nt to be. Thee who com- a. Americans
will find American!, her-.
Now let Florida join in this movement
heart a d tcul. An honest 1 bowing of Ht
poseiti ,iies will place thit state ahead of
any other. There is no need of overdraw-
tn the truth. It it no; les', even fiom a
bjhine standpoint, to raise expectations
that will end in disappointment. Men have
ceased to look fcr El Dorado. AH they
wint now is 11 place wt.ere liard work will
guarantee ccmfoit. Jacksonville (Fla)
The cham -er cf commerce of I'-rilan,
las adopted resolutions against Ihs patt
agf of the WtltOU bill. The only effact of
the ln'roductiin uf ru li resolutions before
the beard was to caute the mrmi ers to de-
finc whether they are -lemocrats or repub
iic"ns As to the effect It may have upon
COBcrei. 1' nisy be said that II i an exact
tounterpart r.f ibe p-pe's bull a-ralnsl the
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Vowder
World's Fair Hi.hcM Meoai and Diploma.
self Praise.
Self pra' c Is no recommendation, bu
there are ,t limes when one mutt permi
a rerson 1 1 tell the truth about hlmtelf
When what he says is supported by the
1'i.tlrr.oiiv of ctliTa no rdsonahle man
will doubl hi word. N-aw, to say that
Alleock'l Porous Platters are the onlr
genuine tnd reHah'e poepals 'lasters made
Is not self praise In the i-lljhteitt degree.
They have stood tne test fur over ihlrty
years, and in proof or their merits it I only
nerestary n ca'l -ifr-o'lm to tne cures
they have twVciew and to the voluntary
testimonials of those whs have used them
! Be wait ol linl'ations, and do not be de
I ccived hy misrepresentation. Ask for
j Allcock's, aid Ict no solicitation orexpla
: nation indu.-r you to ai::ept a suhatllute.
Bee ! '.',! f.,r he Whitkert doft
ittwoik UaMM-ly, aoloriog a uniform brown
-i . whtetl Whend v, ill 3 ,e t'.er rub,
wash off, nor toil linen.
Western and Sothern Senators, reported
to'jbe representees to Wall street Influence,
but who seek re-election, ate unlikely to go
on record sgainst :h income tax. There Is
no argument against thl measure. II this
tax breeds perjury, perjury may be made too
expensive for even the rich to Indulge In.
It it not cUss legislation because the 2 per
cent tax Is levied not on the individual but
on thj income in excess of $4,000, I a tax
on champagne class legislation? Person ac
customed to paying their just proportion
of the expenses of goveniuent woul 1 not
bjeel to this measure were It not that lt
opponents have always been industrious to
associate it in the puMIc mind with the un
popular word "inquisitorial." But It Is nit
moie Inquistorial than the law requiring the
farmers to list heir hoga, or the law re
quiting cigar-makers to account for every
ounce of tobacco. In the widen times
there was a tax on liveried servant and
ostentatious wealtn. If latge incomes are
scarce in the aVest and South a good dtal
of this (ax wiil be co'lected In New England
but the section having most tax. A para
graph from a pamphlet bv Mr S S King, of
Kansas City, is instructive. He says:
'Let us contrast the relative gain In
wealth dating the last decade of twenty-one
producing States like Nebrsika, Iowa, Kan
sas &c, and of nine weal'li -gaining S at'8
like Massachuset s, K"ode Island and th:
other North Atlantic States,
',The twenty-ona Slates am 95,665
square miles.the nine wealth gaining .states
contain only 16S .665 square mils nearly
six to one in the factor of land. In 1880
the producing Statehad 58,142,922 popula
tion and the nine wealth-gaining States
only 14.507,407 two to one in the factor
of labor. In i8Sa the twenty-one had an
assesseJ value of $6.839, 554,62s. and the
1 nine S. 559 928,915 nearly rqal in :he
ac or cf cpi. al
"The t.eaty-one producing States had
six times tne land to work upon, twice tbe
labor, and nearly the sam: capital to ork
it has tntni ie wealth -gaining Sutes. Tie
twenty ahu'-iid have gainei ten times
as mu:h as the nine, whereas the nine
gained double as much as the tave'-ty-one.
The former galoed only $1,059,195,657 and
tho latter gained $3,054,762 722. In 1SS0
the twenty one had 56 per cen. of the pop
ulation, but were able to keep only 23 per
cent ol the total weaitb gain, whereas tlie
nire having onlv 21 cer cat of the tvopu-
la-Ion, were able to sive 4! per c-n! of tie
t wealth gain."
Facts surh as these make themselves
narj aJ nil. be trouo esome 11 me locjrne
tax be defeated by a Sute already aaaocut.
lated in the pmblic mind with a "club of
A verv smalt railroad which doesa t nin
anywhere near Salem fumishe about all
the local and editorial Use Capital Journal
can find Id print at present. Oratgonian.
Chinese Xew Year's ha closed. It wa ;
a quiaH one. TIk-Albany Steam I-auniry 1
has made it so hot for the shirt w a-hers
that they didn't have much money to spend
OB Sre cracker".
The speaker at the college Monday even-
' ins wh.i su.l there is no moral fon-e in th
public school should seal hi mouth on sub-
i 5.
urn win wacy aaiu up j v uwii t puv-
ne tiui Kina 01 a man.
. l.P niFu l,aSt aBoupia-ioT awciw,
.ana ciaer uow w-r arc in uie
; ,, f .Mibw In t at a
I blizzard -( terrific severilv is rnadlv aidinir
1 . .1 - . - . . , . . . w
w wm aamtruons or piveny. nere 11 it
spring like, and at no time has it Uan cold
1 eneugh to caute momentary tuSenng.
An a-stern papr talk
x-n in a
manner that
thoutd uiien the ?ves of l-osi- ;
nets men : Certainly, when trade is must
1. eeded. it beboove the merchant to main
his greatest raort to obtain it; and if he is
' using mediums that bave proved them
's selves valuable and effective in producing
returns when business was brisk, ne should
oonunoe luing thtwe medium when it ii cafe was blkd with smoke, and Iving on
dull; and if any chanae 1. maale in the 4 the fl'aor were a number of persons" w.-jud-amount
of advertising done. t -bould be in d. Tbe man was capture.) when ISO
A1?' increaatng. rather than ?ut from hc cafe after shootirg one
liiMuishing. the same. He would thus. Uf m-,.
stead of add-n to tlis panicky feeling, iin-
press tbe reader of his announcement, with i tierBr
wm of his own confidence in the value of ! Atchison. Kan. Feb 12. The polioa to
ll is good, ani serve to b.inff to an end the day tooit Mrs Fran si in out ol a car of
period of depression, and hasten the re- household goods billed to Uraaha. in which
.,-., 1 : k ... 1 t 1 1 , . . I .
uiiu ui wuuirucr in uir cuiuiuuui an 1
normaJ comhtions ot trail.
The Hepner tiazr-tte say: There is an
item afloat to tiif effeti than in a rteighbor-
! ing lown i a lodge or rann Alliance,
j which meets Monday night. There i on-
1 Iv oru l.fcli-P rotiin in tha t,wn ami T11 t.
dav mchts it is
ll bv Kniirht of
ryuiias. i in- pmsMenl jt one ot sut-
alliams 1., r.,wn Tni-v ,.n in
lio-ht in th tnAmm mnm nnrln,1wl V,
would go over there. He gave th proper
knock at the outer door. Ihe wicket was
caet was
he past-
raised and an ear placet! to hear t
word. "I ilow. I hi
I plow. 1 hoe. I spade. " whinnered
the alliance man. The ear was rrttlartd
with an eye, and in turn, it gave place for
pl.u-0 for
. 'Tlie
a mouth,
b d
rhich wln-rerHi 111 iff
von do. and the wicket was
..rop,t. wiiii a i,ang 1 ne in.iignani
farmer short y after met a brother,
whom ho told bis talf of woe. ' VMn. il.l
a 1 -. 1 1 in. - 1: &
durn it." was the sharj) reply, of the
brother." "them's Knight of Pythias and
you'a-e gia- 'em our password " "Itrsred
if I tun t."was the re.iponse. "but, (bright
ening up) durn 'em I've got theirs."
"T c,T-.- r V
to bnna back her defaulting school su-
I! I t T : ... , ol.
perinienueni. 1 nere is a ceu oui ai me
penitentitrv that will fit hiui nicely.
8tf teaman.
The republican papers have been pas
sing off M F. Fulsotn. the defaulting
treasurer of Umatilla county as a demo
crat, whereas he was a republican.
Honors aie now easy. Each party now
has nt least one defaulter in Oregon .
Xo morn toil and no more worry,
W hen Iiib bill becomes a law;
All may get r'ch in n hnrry
Out of money made ol straw.
Unele Main it kind and cunning,
lie has heard his people call:
When he gets bit presses running
There'll lie millions for ua all.
-Nebraska State Journal,
Or. Prlce'a Cream B. king Powder
World's Fair Highest Award.
The Deal orBrasona.
The reason why Allcock's Porous ?!as
tera are popular f that they may be relied
on to cure.
1. Lame back, aiiatica, sllffnrss or
twitching of the muscles
3. Clhcst troubles, such a pleurisy, pneu
monia, consumption.
3. Indigestion, dyspepsio, biliousness,
kidney complaint.
The success, however, will depend upon
the genuineness of Ihe plaster used. The
popu arity of Alcock's Porous Plaster has
neen to greot that multitudes of imitation .
have sprung upon every hand. The only
sure cure is to get the genuine Allcock's
i oious Plasters.
liiandreth't Pill Improve the digestion.
Portland, Scramento. Los Angeles
Sucaton and Salem have the same Insur
ance rates. Albany, Or, Butie and Helena.
Montana, Salt Lake City, Taco ns, and
Walla Walla. Wash, and Spokane, have
the same ratct.
They are Slat-era.
Washington, Feb 12 There aro few
states which furnish such persistent oth'co
seeking delegations as Oregon. It may lie
that it is very hard for the democratic of-hce-sockers
to travel to and from the Pa
cific coast, but for some reason the men
who come here to secure office seem never
to want to go away. Last summer there
were a dozen or 15 men who came here
antl remained many weeks, some of them
s'aying for mcntha. There are now a
number of men who have been here for
months and so seem determined to stay
tint il they tret Bomethinar.
A Bailie 1 ii it hi
Nkw Yonu. Feb 13. A special from
Salvador says: A battle took place at Teg
uciga'pa today between the forces of Ortiz
and Vaequez. Ortiz opene I a breach In
the defenses of the city. During the bat
tle there was a hand-to-hand finut between
regiments of i.ifantry. Orliz claims a
yictjry. and says toe road to Tegucigalpa
is now open. Telegrams to Amalpa, how
ever, say the city is still In the possession
of Yasqutz,
II VTrnt Eastward.
Boston, Feb 13. Ad New Kngland
iowub una cuies report great embarrass
nient from the storm. Haverhill is buried
under two feet of snow, and the drifts are
10 feel deep. At Lynn the stree'-car com
panies hav given up the fight. Lowell,
Salem and Gloucester reoorl everi storms.
The bl.zzdrd .eached its height at ;t o'clock
this morning, and has flilbtly abated I
since. It it the severest in vcars. Urn-i""
end traffic is imi.ossibie.
a rim is.die.iu.
Washington, Feb 13.- Reports of in -
ternal revenue for the first 10 days of the 1
present month were 06,079.211, against'
$4,514,804 the corresponding period last:
year. Treasury officials regard this as a
sure sign of returning business activity.!
It significance is Increased by the f'cl
that since the beginning of the fiscal year
till now the Internal revenue has constant
ly decreased.
It Was Trrrtar
Dallas, Tex, Feb 11. The thermome
ter as H deg above zero this morning.
The wind decrea ed to a moderate pace
daring tbe nigbt. The ground was frozen
today Passengers from Kansas, kla
boma. the Cherokee strip, and the Icdian
terri'ory today report the most terrible
blizzard on record at these placet. A great
many lives have been lost .
Ita -atua Wdterl-ws
Rio Janeiro. Feb 13. Admiral da
Oama. commander of tbe rebel :!-, who 1
was wounded iu the neck and arm bv l.ul-
lets during the battle of Armacao
'(Tort is
' 10 a critical condition Evo y
be'pg made to save bis life.
ATrrtlSsle Stla
Ciiicaoo, Feb 12 Chicago was visited
today by the wildest hurricane evr seen
. ,h;s rlil. TK tin,1 - , .,, .11
; night, but a'ont; towa'd 4 o'clock this
j orning it suddenly increased in force and
ao aour taier a sma.i cycioce was on tne
city. By 6 o'clock snow was falling, and
un p a sai-tpg ttie'mometfr also
We were treated to a nrtt-cla bliirard.
I d,, oiti. t ,.;i . .-!
t le. Tbe storm is genera! tn Indiana,
' .n' hm, Michigan. Illinois and New
I;0- 'n OkMahoo.a Territory several
deaths are reported,
SWVeUl I ppalDlmral.
. v . ,. . i- 1.11,41, ,r
v AsttixriTOX. reb lee prva'.dent
tnoay sent a gn.t of ap?ointmenU to tbe
senate. Among tnem were the following
lor tM and aa ashington :
John Barrett, of I'ortand. minuter to
BtOTj Joseph !S Cooke, collect ur of cj
torn for tc southern dittrict.
j Receiver' of public money V H 1 :.
at ibe l'alies. an 1 Ao'liooev A Cowioe al
Registers of land offices Thorn a Jones,
at Burn, and Wmm A Wilb. at Lake
view. rrt ltd "mantla; un
Wasuinoton. 1'eb The Chinese
and optom smuggling cme at i'ortland.
! Or. in which several politicians are said
: to be involved, will be brought to trial
some tine in April. The Hon J H Geann
tiei 1 or ice roverc.mi, sit
--a u c.u:. . n w,,o
- " 1 1 iiw rtn avurv. an- nas been
I rett-d to utMtnut v -. ir -
specUve of ihe political or tocia! notation
.1 .1 r , . . . . . . i. .
vt w -rienuani. atr ufirui 111 I or
. Oregon tonight.
mm t pi atlas
I I'aeis. Feb 12 A MM man. acting
frum molivr of rev. mUUI a Iwtn-.T.
at 9 o'clock tonight in tbe cafe lnelh
the Terminus bote!, opposite St !..ure
railroad station i he place a full of
people at tbe time A man. who bad dined
in the cafe was teen to raise ht arm and
throw something into 'he middle- of the
mnm a lm-it. 4 vl , ..- T I
tne oau wen laline her way fro-m I'tca-
'nr. Ill Shp h-.i -'ri ani h.-t ln r.n in
the car by ker hn.b .nd. who did not wnt
10 pay car tare. B e had ueu in
three dayt, and w.s nearly froien.
I BU - i rm
. - c ir
Kansas City. Feb 1 1. Tbe grut Sew
' .?T " '-ot out.loe i the
j - - mm j 1
"W neon an.i ua cinttnueel ever iu-v
tbe snow coming down to thick 'hat it
looks like a fog. I'rto5 o'clock '--nigbt
'.L ' .-Tt i i
w." ,nen. falling.
me prtviptiation wa tuiiy one foo? .md ;t ;
accompanieil bv a i
nln ,W,D ' ' ,'np. '
street car linr were
Cdiiielled to abandon buir.(x at 4 o clock
I'i-pj!-. lies from Kansas indicate the storm j
; : ' ' Y-
" -'
A t.lrr..a ul'i
1imios, Feb 11 A r r.-t
' b.s invest igated the I,m!l. n
1 ., ,
"nd of the
. , j , o ll,ITJI"UI 0'-ll .-I
inie I'll-
ley. ihe i!i-known American ai't'cst. and
tbe rum d disape;iranc of her prop
erty. I hen this dispatch is published,
Kobert Fulford. the husband of the de
crcl ."" tresis, Annie Jovca, her maid and,
Mrs Fr:i ir. sistor of Fuiford, will be in
New York city, for which place thev sailed
ia'"-kMOonbord the steamship Ne
A r Inner r Itrail
Mi Misnvim.k, Feb II Andrew Shuck
a pionivr of IU47, died here last night,
aged 73. Foxyeirs he was one of the
most noted men in this part of the coun
try. He wat the first sheriff of Yam!. ill
county under the territorial R-oveniiuent.
being appointed, by (iovcrnor Joe Leaf in
119. lie was afterwards elected sheriff
and was a repreenta'i'e In the legislature
three terms. He was a great hunter and
Man glnl Ilottea
Pauls. Fob II. In the "1 hosrs' race,
Cody today went 10'J miles and 11 yards
on I'oraeback. tlallot, the Belgian, on
loo', went 150 miles and 17 yards In the
Inst hulf hour, Cody, who was allowed two
horses. clmninHl every two laps, to the dis
gust of (he onlookers, several of whom
were expelled fro'.n Um building for pelt
ing him.
A l M Onslrd
La (iii .NDK, Feb U. A tehftui from
I'astmaster-tienernl DissoU today, demand
ing Postmaster Lincoln's resignation,
elicited thu information that such action
had boon taken several days gu J ho
cause of Mr Lincoln's disfavor with tbe
administration seems fo bave been a local
quarrel aa to where tbe oIKce should be
Asa Englltb Morns
IxiMioN. Feb 11. A fouthwest eulelias
blown over Great Britain for 24 hours. In
many districts trees bave been uprooted,
roofs have been lifted, and chimneys and
light buildings have been wrecked. Many
accidents are reported from the oust and
the interior.
The nnde-iue I, pro
pridtrr of tho PiooeT Houe deairet to ln'orin
ihe pahiio that be has reduoed the pries of
bntrd witbont lodging tn f3 per wek, wiih perjwrek. Sings mh & dtaeta.
The public is iovittd lo call as I U:i Rood
h.-il uml set. a good tahlo. Have rir wood for
sale. Carner of Broadaltiin and Wattr
treats. J 11 Ma-ANDA.
1'aiker IVos, grocers.
P. M. French keeps railroad time.
Buy y oa r groceries) of I'arkor Bros
Kiaa je-ttafiet itOjil'c
Saw sream l!e just received at Conrad
P .1 Smile job printer, Plinn Block, does
first 1 1 wniU.
of diseases start from a torpid live
and impure blood. Dr. Pieroe'u
Golden Medical Discovery tures ev
ery one of them. It prevent them,
too. Take it, as you ought, when
you foci the first symptoms (lan
guor, loss of appetite, dullness, de
pression) and you'll save yourself
from something serious.
In building up needed fli t.h and
strength, and to purify and enrich
tho blood, nothing can equal tho
"Discovery." It invigorates tho
liver and kidneys, promotes all tho
bodily functions, and brings back
health and vigor. For Dyspepsia,
u Livcr Complaint," Biliousness, and
a SvL anA aUtTnU.
atya-tv--, .
j cases, it is the only remedy tnat s
1 guaranteed to benefit or cure, or
1 monu' U ntuaM-
A Rl!iii'i JiOIriE in the CaTS, head- '
..!. A..C..
eyes weak ; '
obstruction of
nose, d is
cbarges fall
ing into throat
. ram a alula.
t , toms of Ca
tarrh. There's
a medicine that will euro you, no
matter how bad your case or of
how long danding. That's Dr.
Sage's Catarrh Ilemedy.
NOTICE is hereby given to all whom it '
may cootfni. that I wa- on the 10th day of i
January. 1V4. duly appointed am Mtor of 1
the Lvst well of William i Montgomery. :
deceased, by tlie County Court of Linn
County. Oregon, thafrefore all tiwi hav- j
ing claim ag;nt the eatate of said dece- j
.-nt aje h.Tebv notitifl and renuircd to -
pn"ent such claim to jne witii the j.rojier ,
; voucher, at ur re i.lenoe near fio. m said
.,.... -;.i,in i i,r..,ti. fr..n. H Hmt
Dated this 12th day of lana-ry, 18M.
v It liil.TEt . new-W mum nwaan
ftlnj Exeruto
, TJrt"" nfi
1 "U,t
Oma nOnM Cm
Jan. 5th. 14.
Xotice is hereby given that the following j
namexl settler has 6kJ notice ot hi inten
tion to make final proof in support of hi
claim, an t usa: s.-U pr-t mi 1 m ue
1 far. the Coontv rk 'if A!!-ov
Ore . an March Ctu. a 11: Levi Pierce
' M K No ?25. for ti ! f X E !. and
11 r. .o i-t. ivr us- a . -i r.
X cf S E w. sec ti. il. S R 1 V..
X W ol S E -a. c . tfil.SRlR. H
ruuu- tbe lttH wiineasse to ivve hi ;
cntin".ious ri-ietsce ojon and cultivation
of said land, vii ; llenery Myr. Krel j
Myers. Marsh! Clark. Cardwell Clark, ail j
of (u-i:ub. Ore. Kbkkt A KtUB.
Register, j
Notice for Publication,
UnOM a; At Cxt!.;ojc CtTT. On.,
Jtt 5:h. ltl.
No'.l'e It bertby gtven thai th f ji'otr- !
ing ntiu1 aeilier h Q d notieeotbts
!oiti::on to :nk Gntl proif in support
of Ism) cLatm, as-' thai asr! prwaf wl;l be !
maJe before ihe county Cvt.r of Itnw j
Vo, ml Albany. 'r on Var-b C h. IttW
Marshals C.ark . H K, Km, TKaJlir lh ,
of W E !. and SE'.cfS W '. att '
a, ip 11 8 HI E Ue r-. tha tot,
lowiraK trtoMMM to fjtove b eotliao
I ous realtteoc upon nd eufiira-i r ptl
Immid lard. The Ievi Ke-re. H-nery
My r. Oardwe I C ark, Fre-i Myer. a'.l i
of n,b Ur-n C, llrw
K..eraT A Miur,
Raiar I
WrM l a baao alta Cowqlr rt c4 I
LiaR cuanlT. lrrr". ptttl4 ctoraW
4 aba kaa wall a 4 ut) ct 4 S O -OuraW iata
sl Laws wayjBmf sf mm u -ttttitc
wtut ricit tM cattlaarv crvv r- 6.: u prr
sawt arwi fvfrrtf trrnVd tlx uiVrrtfr. al '
tus WM tw-r tttt c) rt So-j, Lstr. aaMya r- '
r. wi
c. witaut wt nx-aaKt frtts via .
ikt taa i or aar.rv. lets
i . it c-.t : (T tllCJWf
Tl Kaa a
!il-4 airnic
tla 'i J.tK.ti
irttSr la atrau
U4 frl
uv mnm
L. 1 , dTiJ
cir-c iwiEt ew:it i an; bctb na
.-..M.t to nmtx the wnt J; Tart&td to nat
al nj tmt atom ai mil s llamabare, Una
o-tala. Orwrna, althlv t nalt trvm Uw data
, "filuj rwaatv
Hk, iatt.
; , , ,
TE v ,
dminutrtto '
Ataj at A im,
20 Easily Made.
W wt maay man, wciwan. bat, tit tlrltlt
work f r at a lew botrt dxUr, r:jSal teaadarar
, thatrowu bo-wa Tb basiaeas tt tmrnj, a!aff
j " taun - !;? t- ta
1 oa,trtM agtott. i-u !. a rlr CM mm.'. n
at ml aavatt. Yu ha
-aiS:lilon Ecpvrirnce aud spool) a-Ufn ft.
nteatsarv. Ko capital rauirad. Wi aslr JM
wii vtrrthlac tttst yoa Ded. trwM rr wtjl
aiHi betp ret 10 tarn Ua liaw cHBrjtrr vtet
Vfoiaen to a writ at men. aa1 beys and .r
Dijk food par. Any ono. anrw-v. tan d -
r All toecae-l who follow i arpku tier
lie dirretlont. tarn.-t work will eekj art.
vita a grvat dtwl ot monrr ErTyn-ag It nW
aod In great dernartd. Writo Icr oor paac FfV'
efrealar, and rx-'-lrc fall ic.ormatloc Be ha
I .n U y toaclade not Is t CI trttli tf.'
George Stinson ,Co.
Box 488,
IT WILL drive the humor from
your Byitcm, and make your skin
rli-an and smooth. Those Pimploe and
Blotches which mar vour beauty are
mused by IMPURE BLOOD.
They ran bo removed In a short
time, if you are wise and rise the
great blood purifier, Sulphur Bitters,
Why suffer with Bolls f Wiy rave
with that terrible Headache? W'Uy
lay and toss on that bed of pain
with RHEUMATISM? Fso Sul-
piiurjiiuers. iney will cure yoa
where all others fall. The dose is
small only a teatpoonful. TRY IT
andyoitwillbesatisnod. Thoyoiuur.
3 tho aged and tottering are soon 1 .ado
ty Its
uso. Remember w hat
you road hero. It may save your life,
.If you are suffering from Kidney C
disease, ami wisn to live to old ago,
use Sulphur Bitters. They never tail
to cure. Get it of your DrogglsL
Sulphur Bitters will cure T.tvnr
Complaint. Don't be discouraged; g
Iw" fH
Sostim. Maaa.. for btmt tudii s ,..i-f
tH'iui .1 -.'-eent aramtw tn a v i
Jewel Stoves
and Ranges
The Best On
At Perry Conn's,
Barrel of Pickels, Chow Chow.
Fine Calif ornia Honey,
Horse Radish Roots,
Grass and Garden Seeds.
Always keep on hand a choice
a- well as a superior gtock of
E K EP rr r!r.: lud a 1U
cctBr. Alto 1 1'iial rote ar.dta.-itt. in rcadc'cih. 'ta-i
wbicsi will be oM at
Th Lstft!
EMBALMING n proper
m4 w Ct-tr ef Zi rar AnVVa" -
Ti - fre! :M r-ar- J the world write the
ml rjfiapo eeWsHj lor THE I ORI..H.
Etr ;
fetlic atlcetioa j
,tci is taasa n bt
it tnutlae by lt
tmmm en tba;til
er crttua It
f tbt iiaa. as a t'.ber servc: cett.
To auuy thauiMtail pe-Te. the pric
biNtort : n-rJ aJ the frea: Review bat e bcea too bi.fa in prior or the
mt inUUigetat rra Jcrs. Bat atom tbe number al rewder ot tMbtrnl Ltcrwtttrc
-mmm anJ tta ca who wtsb rM to know what U gtaag 00 ia the -.-rlJ . -1 -tUt
the r.arixm limits ol part tec la.- mc: acd parties-is great enoaj. ia ttj
t railed 5tate to warrant so rettdntiesary a rrdoctian ia price. The Fe-cat
dUcnsscs isaportaat 5ubrcis. bat it Is riot dull. The lltrratare cd c-rU . po-
latw lint actiaity is. ia lact. tbe taost
dtirewsbip itaplte that a nan shall
tad the tattvst great c-ktemcsts ia
The Fer-m is bow as cheap as the
The Forum Publishin., Company. Union 5jurc, New York.
25c. a Copy. $j a Year.
The Oregon Land Co
aVttn is
Sv-L-vt - -
,u Gray BIocU. coiner Llheity and
A lx K8 a specialty of Runnysidt? fruit trac' rear Salem
Will sell o. 10 or 20
ore small cash paymsnt
r partit. tilas.
f ten room sets, chairt, knegaa, aU., which 1 will sell at
aaraalmd to iiin a. i nervous dtaea tel. loth a WtU Meniorr. Loaaot I
rower. lledai-v.Vatelulnt-LoatMahaod.NIlu. Kmi..rtr.V. drains and loa of
v) tiierrii-nu'ii. a .. vxnm ute or aocaeco. opiaaa or ai
u'anrs. wblcu tad t.i InBrnnir, Contumpiloaor Intanliv. ia be earna
- vejil pife. w ci
kni-t twrlttea i
tiriii.-uiit!t. A- a fo
lupmln wrapper. AdilrosaMUtYMi
InAlbaaj.Ort.ibjJ. A. CL'SUtlNO
& Washburn.
line of all staple
and - - Embalmepse
t.e of nit ta!ic. clt ib and t
ed m asset at
I'Vltig Profile.
care of the dead a socially.
50c. to 25c. a Copy.
$5 to $3 a Year.
Ttt rants ttfta It Mttwnltt eat lata
best atrtberttie, wtllnal rrf i ta p rtita i tiers ad at tba taaa a a
f The Forw-a has hitherto
iBtj5t,a ol all literatare.
faasw the opinions ol the lore tos
every direction at -clivirj-.
m-gaiincs ef were ertrrtaiaaieat
BS' CF ' C (-t.I ... ,
home office a:
- 0EJGrO X
ftttte street, branch office tn Portlai-
acrs ots at 250 tn faf)
lore tints on balance
Thos. Brink.
powrtatinruvavarana of ttlaar ax earn
' r i for by mall prepaid. VTiiaaN orwar a
tea iiiial' itlttlttaratrNftltil the money. Sold or I
tt foe -is. .lake m Mher. W'mafor free Medical Bwl ant
uu as e mcfj
ing but buyers. They will
come I hey will ue eaua
fied. Thev will buy at
Visitors are not asked to
BELIEVE but are shown
goods to CONVINCE them
that we arf leading the trade
If you want VALUE FOR
YOUR MONEY call on .
Yours Truly
Read, Peacock A Co.
Star Bakerj
( rrailt,
si'-aasa wasre,
irld Wrmttn.
Tobr teo .
I's-aa H- s
b. ratW aaa it kepi a
tartavf ci ptaj rtara,
a rtas tec p m far
Allen Brosv,
for which
ill pay the beat cat prase
I . General JBlfc
Ca'ttt Layirg ard C'.en--g, ChitBi
C ear.intj, WhirewasHirtg and
TA cieacing a
Call at Boot Black tsane
i having pa r toes ,
Drll E Beer. Dr O K. Bee
Phy sioian s anc Surgeons
Specia'. aitec'.aoa givon ta il'iaeaat ef
women. Rout to to it A M. a to 4 aa d
1 7 to 8 P il, OOcet and ran,'.enee Blum -berg
Building, Firtt Street, b-tweca Lvoe
mmi Eltwrerth.
a . R. ETDK. W. B. riMMSGEa. B. H- dans
Baltinore Rlifk.
AlbaBT. tyTt.
retupSete line ef
in ail its branehet.
EMBALMING a .-.:..-.
Residenee oorcer 3rd sal C k'.t? nt ssir
Wall Paper,
Jrn(, laintat. Otis
CxlSta-., KtC
J. A. fiui! using
Phjticitn tcrl Swrjtaa
O few Trw win oiwti
KMidaoea, auraer 1Mb aad CaJasseiara.
J. .oay telling the greatest kitchen utj
wt ever invented Retails far thlrti
item- )'-.-, f . i j i Jk
house XtiiH.-,-. i ,1.1- .. JmVreTJ
r, r JTT. - W1
i known to make -oney.eaeTvTnd quleklv.
- w titc L trja ri; iinrkii r ia ta.
, ,' "'TBI PrP or cent.
McMakin Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.
Stationery, Toilet Artistes, M tatea
lnstnmenr, Bte.
Hodp k tmm,
The Cornsi Drug atore,". Albany 0a
LfM Dr at terse ts-tl ttUnre
The KotM CUir. ojut ard Uf Kevler mo9
heie, nd u be found at hu rondaiee. n.n ,7,
J B CWul' sae ua
- - . " " iua an tbi
Kawul ami tatau ; lot ttvabla ahwet
iatm. Ton Ska Sear traaa -daaa r
loioa. atwect frieada mmi
i veur dtaS rtetj.
- . . fwwiaw