The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 09, 1894, Image 4

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    fe CHAM
Attorneys at ,w. Will practice In 11 curt f tk
Speci" atleilll.m eoen tn iwrns in p.w- v
ee-l o co lee.
yr i IV" -'nine riniii w.w
Attorney at Lw .na Snllcitor In Chaueery. Coll
"anas made en ill points. Loans negotiated on
.able term. Albany, Oregon
, ko. T. niuaT,
i ... sat JMare l'.. :. c Will practice to
. i u . tta Stat Special attention liven to
wa. l matter la prcnsti. "iiirr
d. .r t i PueUoa. Albsuy. OA.
' mi;..r l I .-solve proaop
fellow iVn.4, . Albany, 0
1 Hit
Attorney St I IW, Albany. Or.
Attorneys at Law.
Albany, Oregon.
ap i . i h niiic.KU! n.
Bomonpalbiol. c"SpecUlet in ImM ol the Bye.
Omee hours-!' to a m: US m. anil T U 8
nt A Oregon.
R. J. I.. Ill 1. 1..
Phycician aad Surgeon. OPTICS Corner
sr-y etrueta, Albany, Oregon
rm. nisrov .t istvis.
Fhraiclana an Su'reon.. omnB -Corner econd
anal B, ...1 si bin street. Albans, Or, Call pro jipt.y
attended i citr and country:
TRANSACT a eeneal Wn't .iu' uatnaa
DRAW SIGHT 1RFTS on Sew York, San Ft a
ecoaiid Portland, Orefrra.
LOAN MONET en appro red aecorlty .
REOKIVK. aeiWU auhjoct t check.
OOLLECTIONS made on tamrahle tonna.
INTEREST naid on time doooeiu
: 1111
.T 1 Men
. A J Job
Oregon Pacific Railiodd,
VT H IDll l. Beeelver.
ftattSOUMU. earept Snndaya.1
Vlbanv lirJO r. M,".Le Yaquina, 7:r0a,B
-save Corraliis I 1S , a . Leave Cenralli,10:SS a,a
Kn ' Vaqulna 1:' r.a.lamre a.lssny, W.l a.
Direct Line
Quick Dispatch
Low Freight Rates.
I'etwrr. Willamette Valley
ban Francjiico
Points and
opgvv rtitiisi WbTaf
run sis nu'nsn
V. u-, Valley Mm ath, Mth.Sre,
rasa utvni.
Si'ir.- ral'-ev. Mat. 9th, nth ana 2th.
Tbe fompanv reimiTea th ngat
hang. - 1 tfttag dates wltboot notice.
tes.-i "Ht" leires Pirtlani Weensdy and
Salcrda) C a a,
H C Bay.Qen Af-'t.Silrn-.o Street Wharf .Portlana
D ft v.uivi. Qen A,' l, San FfaaHsoa, Cat.
K Nnlcahr, General Sapt:
Fro.TtFerminal or In'.arior Poii.ts 'h
Is the line to tsske
To all Points EAST an! SOUTH
1 le Ihe DIXINU CAR Kilt TK.
I run Tlirongh VI SI lit! I.
lu ibe Year to
CoraosH f Dining Cars rnsnr ixsd
Pailiii ui !ranim Kct m Slwp ir
OF Latfst EfjniDnieol'
is..- Dii he ocetruetel I lo
wh e 1 1 ' . ii m il ti t in ar b ath :ia
an 1 far 1 . s 1 d r r h it tr yf Firs' or
ft.c 1.1 1 :ii. tli;nts. aid
A 3)1". 1 Ul: !j II UHIWaliial
al liir.8, affodin z Direct ?n fl
UDiii!i9('i-u)t)i Sirvici.
Pullina'i Ht-per
t'cu ed i !
rasayr alirsns can
111 any
Kr.'lt .it the ma I
THBWGH ncicars 10 and foswel.
pfiinta in tin. i -1 Krt .... 1 an I
I'lur .pe osn t i nrehissi at sr y
ticket efBee of ih.s e 0114111
falltcf rmati m cumv.rn iit r.iius, liens
aflrii'M '.11. "os an t ntii3r hstMiw fura
iahe 1 ) 1 afspliost'osl to a.iy aitetn o'
.aosini (iii"irl Panaenijir Agent.
Vn ilSI KIM St,
cor. t nili riti;i.'Kllli.
i tie. on.
'i li .- . hi IM
Stiiid for
Adlregs, REV. E
:r condit,
Mbany, wrujt itj
What is Eczema?
It is an agony of agonies.
A torture of tortures.
It is an itching and burning of the
skin almost beyond endurance.
it la tknuMnHc nf nin.rie'.nlf'd VCS-
nTT ' :: T-7 , i of
;-i .?i i , i ... i , n.i onH rliiul fiver '
lClCS lilicu wnii t l
forming, ever bursting, ever flowing
upon the raw excoriated skin.
No part of the human skin is
It tortures, disfigures and humil
iates more than all other skin diseases
Tender babies are among its most
numerous victims.
They are often born with it.
Ween and rest are out of the
Most remedies and the best phy
sicians generally fail, even to relieve. ,
r-i inn m AA nr miir than
II tU 1 1 v rvrs, uiu i.v ivw ' ;
.a.... it amtrl lv entitled to
mic a- " - - -
the gratitude of mankind. ,
It not only cures but
A single application is often suffi-
dent to afford instant relief, permit
rest and sleep, and point to a speedy ;
, r I
Cuticura works wonders because t
. . . ,! X :
ir fm the mfKt WOndenUl SKin cure UI i
modern times.
Bold thronahout the world. Prlee, CmctTiA,
aiv.! 14isiii-ViST.fl. ronta em.
AHD CHia. Coar., rJole IbMpa., Boa ton.
boot the Bkln and Blood " mailed tree.
Notice for Publication.
U. Lasp Ofkice, Ureoon City, (r.
July II tl, 1S93.
Notice ii hereby given that it conrip'i
ance with
tth the provl-lona of the act cf
1 is of June $, 1878, entitled-'An act j
1 sale ofumijer ianre in the stat.a !
for the
of C iforniA. Oreirwn. Nsvadirnft tVash
to gum Territory," Albert t CollTer, of
Green Basin, eottntjr ol Maiion, state of
Oregon, hathidiy filed in this office
fala sworn 8tt.te-nent No 2874, for tne
purchase of th S E J of secton MIUI
an'', will ofier proof to ah w that the land
sought ia more valuab'e for Its timber or
"tone than tor aciicolturai purpoee ano
to establish hia claim to sale land hef. r
tb Register ard Keceiver of this office a
,,regon City. Oregon, on Wednesday, the
-4tn day of January, 1891. He nam 'm as
wiins-e: Gao U Leteilier, of Albany,
O ,,gon; Henry Suaeas.c.f AIbanv,reRou;
j"L Berry.of Werry, Oregon, H M Hertiert
of Green Basin Or. Any and ail person
claiming adversely the above described ;
i..u are reouested to file thiir claims in
this offloe on or before. sa'd 24th day of
Janusiy, 1894
Robert A Miller.
ft agister.
' .
Southern Pacinc Co.
sprees Train taase Portland Dalle
South I
jsmjtit i, ises,
3au Francisco
1 nrQ'
Ar I 8:S0 u
Lv I .-a a
Lv I 7 r a
C:15-. a. I Lv
10-a r a I L
lO.SSa a Ar
e3Tetrlns stoa. all static ia from
nd ta albsne inc'insive. sIsvTan
hd '.H sy.Hsrrlsbarg, Junotion
Irving, ei 'gsn aril all stuions
oisbai-gt'i ssilao I iae'.ate
aoaasraa sua, sajlv
tSOsa I Lv Pssrttasss ar s ir
I?:45 r a I Lt Albany L I IMS
Wri I Ax Roexibirr CL 7 CC
.lOas-lIr a t Arliu-naa
ISOi,' At uebanoa L I SO a
t rrs L !ty Arl r
M a a Ar Lebanon Lv I !'
Dinin? Cars on Ogden R ute.
AUaikee I mil Ta'ssur Tralws
Tei aiee MrlsUa.
betwbe! roRriaa o m it.i ,
Matt. waiSsaiti lKxptSanaay,
rsva a
12:15 r
--" '
atransTsais ssilv 'Ex -. p". Sni.dsj .
Ar I a
Lv I .'0 a
Ttroiairrh Ticket.
s all p-iint in the Em -1 Stitei, Canada aad
Bttmascan be ob ainel at owest rses from C H
freak, Arent Albany.
ttanarer Ise't O P. ml
PorttstJ Oreaiwi;
for Information and free Handbook write to
MUSS A CO.. Kl BRoainar. New Youc.
Osrl eat, bureau for secunnir patents In America,
averr patent SaAen out by ns la brought before
the public Of a notice given free of chart In the
Scientific mericau
fawfsst etrenlatlon of my scientific paper In the)
world. SplandidlT illustrated. So IntelUawas
man should be without tf. WeeklT.S3.00
fear; tl.S0 six month' AJdress MTJ H N A CO.
Pcsnjawaws. :tn '"' w v..r cit.
bMBH have b?en aiirHsjiitawil i.lininw r r o
m otiau! or laiserniaru. latas m Linn wuntv. nr..
All 'fTsviB timviiiif rissiniB (railniit fuid 1
eUte avre hrrthy rafiuired U yrvwui iluly
Tt-r fi. i fui by law lequlred to ihe uMlwaiteni; t
0rTavJI, a, Oregon, within aix montha from the
U'e '-- rear f.
I mi' : thia 2.i.h Amy f N,vcirr 1 VJ.
I i .' ' fiKHIIARD.
HiafsK V (rKKH K',
Weslherford A Chamberiasin, AdmiiaiatWAtiira.
Attya for Admin.
undersiined txeeator nf the last will
od teatament n Kiaok MsoM, d ceased, hs
' led wi'h the c'url. cf the llonnty f 'oor. for
Liii.i diunti , O eor, his fiu .1 account, and
the rourt hsa tix sl ihe 5th 1av I f Mareh,
1891 st the hoar f 1 o'clock n m. for hen-
I ing objec ions to sat.l account, if any, and to
' set. la ..ill ... I .. t
This Jai.n.ry 15, 1894.
C J eatEOB
tttn ney For B. .
A clear He&d'pi
' -I
WWV I'.., -.., , ha f. .IV .. i.J
rules: "Keep ihe head cool, the fee
rrarm, and tbe bowels open." 'ou
can have a clear head and live to be
ninety rf you do tha same thing.
When the bowels fail to move dur
ing the dny take r,n retiring twe
Smith's Smaft lf '"-. Their
action ia lo mild ou nre not
aware of it. All d.y your mind vrill
be clear and cool. "Not n gripe If
barrel of them." Ask for imall sire.
Take no substitute for SMITH'S
I t : 1
1 wi aaz Aaw
the Jcawrat.
II Sf A.. IH'IV.
It Is a mistake t. oppOS
t i he action :
the house of represent rive
in com- I
ir entirely j
l lie rev- j
tiali tiMhu j
mlttee of the wli c, n klnu
free te.-d sU f'r '
snue. li i h
I nt' suifiir r (
uouniv on
i AwStlltaa " -
' greatly beast r.
i existing l TbeaV
tnontii, wl.l aao1 n.
lisK's e-tnnit
Willi llir
dM not
Mr Car-
ing to
r Hi 1 t I
ft . in .
th' trcM"
! adoptlo i ui . i
exls ing du" v on
. revenu drti' ed
jiJ.95';. 'hl'
' the mtK tru't Tii.
, anJ the
Hal only
itrest of
act gave
itetUI and
nd jroceiy
to Uui monouutj ir,
taxed' inu I
8U,r 1 ,m
been so
enonnolIS ,
tTiit Ihat 1 I isb
m. up.n ii
order to ce i ei l i
' :
Press ssot it Hi tiiit a. i
cf tne CooimitUe oftl
sweep ; sluui t
. .
n he aciion
1 1 indusUlet is
r attempt of the
due finny and v .tlv to
owners andmanagc ol Ue AtatriCM Sugar
Refining Cc" pany to -unir ..ivl lends on
$So,ooo,ooo of wsteieii ap: when theii
plant wag r.ol aoitli OTtl $1 ..ojo.ojo to
2 t r urn rwm On th'S hnielal overval--
tto'i the Ameitcnn Sua' Company
declared in 1892 9 per cent on tne comm n
and 7 per rent on the pref.r.e.! stoc. In I
Maich, I893, n txtia nlii eid of 10 1
cent, was de larei I no- surprising that ,
pending a decision by Congreas on thi
" . , . ... ,.t,
i" du lhe oual ,,B5 ot ',lls.
Ihe su
srclt !
... - a .... tttnoutl.
ZZT -Zl -
making a repoit.
Tht Warner amendment uss a slraifihl
and haid blow at this irus", and if adopted
wi.lwvelhe Trenury at leas
$15 0O3.000
I Uklnl'S FACT..
bji ibii ir"."
clarette while In traial...
The eap oave ).er of di namtc i eigh
times stronger than gun josdrr.
France is the cr.Iy grest coun:ry .hich are to be transferred, in pat", to the sbcul
! does not show an increase in population. ' oeri of the wealthy rienea. Now, let the
The fashion of sereing fish before meat
begaip, it itbeleiveJ, as for back as 1561.
1 Japan, according tJ a new census just
I completed, shows a topuli:ioa ol 41,089,-
It takea abca tbaea seconds tor
j message to le thu'ic.d u der the
a cable
A race horse, gado
clear irv - ttsCastJ teet
a", f.ll soced
.entv four feet
ever) bviund.
. . .
In tbe pat tatlve year t'ie Uei! T-le
pbone Comanv ties paid flj too.096 1 . dl
TidenJs. A..d vet the." saj as is cheap.
It is said "hi cm.' (f toe . j thieji daH,
dien in the or d are in t r Scotti:b
Uignlaod, neie shue. are seldom worn t
an radUrage ihau tssctsa o' thirteen.
N; only du the Aasirian tan the skm,
of dead t.o.te-. bat tnej nnder the tsitw
uul il rum. i an i i. in r,e, tne real Am
for fertilizer. 1 1c . ea I
oi for auuu' V 5 cava
A ne nap .'e.'
contain grounj gtaea a degies ot nn"-n
ed for polishing h.r an
th: usual ot -a
Itm-ybe uad cither
no-s art deposed
" ' "
d entry of tliffer -
.n : .- recoa-ntnd-
ol and lot all
d an emery pa:rr
Uy or af'er having
beet, dimpeaed.
The latest luaur. tot a ma
face is ibe ".vaie tu- .
consists of suo itutitii vas
lather in softening the M-ard
.hi tender
It merel.
me wr soip
M,e. g
01 tneraseuneon tne sn . aonti tacts
j irtat en.? easny. rj-om rer.n or otner.
i DOSHOle oa accor.n" ot ihe 'rub e in in: IT-
en: . ....
lag law vase m. barter, ar, in;llnea 1 1 lOa
wi h disfaTor On this new (lepaifi're
Not many year arjj the leathc
and shaving of the corifera' shops were
"'u " ,D "e VP "' ,D,U
leather board for i-aolts and coun'er in
........ 1 1 - . . 1 -. . 1. 1 . 1
euoes. Of late ,ear. however. No I Itathar
ha been so cheap that I" ha been made so
near the price of tbe lea'her board thai ine
lat'er i no longer a marketable commoditv.
In tanneries asd carrier sbopt the leather
.barings and trimmings are nn used for!
nei in .tore, and furnace, and under boi,:.
with tan. For this purpose thev s.e more
vsl ua '.'. 1 1. in Mflo'l f.,r nre.l.i.'tnw has.
A verr . mplt remedy for .tan meting ha.
ben given by a gentleman who stammered
from rhiluhood almost up to manhood. Go
I to a room, he sajs, where you will be q lie
and alone, get a book ' will isrAaaosI bat
Lot r xci c ou, and .it teeth together. Do
Ibis eveiy two or three d)S, or oner a week
if very tiresome, always taking care to read
slowly and Jittinctlv, moving the lips but
r.ot the tetth. Then, hei converaing wiih
other., make up jour mind Ihat you will
not stammer, ani try to speak a s'oaly
and distinctly as osslbte He add that
by this meann l.e sactee e SS cflecluslly
ruting hi ueSSj, sni ...; n. : the mire
plan to heis.
Aor.NTtt WASTEDonSalarvandCommiaeion
By Gail IIahu r . r his literary execulor,
with the ee operaSsw el n family, ami for
Mr. Hlaine's t'ompl ite Woilit, ' Twesty
Years of CosOBSSa," and hi later ho:ia,
"FoLITICAI. naWSBWWn One pmpec'u
for tht.i" t r.K-T SEl.MNfl bsoks in the mar
set. AK P .1 nlai. of voMtaSk 112 orders
from tii-t 110 cud" ; .iB'.nt - pmlit $105 50.
Mrs flallwrl f 0. "' 15 o Hers. 13 -eal
Russia, i , 1 i.s- ; pr..ti. $i!.25. K N Rice
of M--- tnnk 27 irdns in 2 ila-a; profit
W7.2.") J Patrtdgl nf Mi t....k 43
frojoWealb; profit $75. 2t V A Pa'saet
nfN. iJak. 53 i I wAayei prulil
198.25. KxCtSSrVS TttUTrjfTaiesa, If
yoat wirk 1 9 ansae LAKtiE A10as.V write tor enna to
kl Henrv Kill Pub. Co. .WwielU'oaii
1891, 18eV13
!- irri.i IfttCHCil wi-tn-(i, ,r 9it"
t rpr .f inmt
tair .
.ura.e .j tti
ttif kti adni.
: r. .... uif
it v
Sfttim mauitmeiti! cptrl to tud
rem abnrt.
r, siaref i emu r
j to v.r, MMuwtrarMWMk
, .having uailors.
I " r
If our friomla on the republican press
are not watchful they will give away the
Brovcrning motive of their party, wbich is
to aggrandiz? the few at the expense of
the many.
They call income taxes class legislation
and a discrimination against the thri'ty.
There is scarcely a tax, except licenses,
in the laws of Mlsiouri or of St l.auii
which is not open to that objection.
., . .i ii .... . ..iu.i
. ,i,ii.i., ; mft,!n t (i mil-
't i only a lariff wbich forces a man o
! pay in proportion to his family rxpem'i-
, ,ililioan reson:i'g on P e income tai
rinr aSnlfll anil iminit'i na li I I tie
should abandon tue present syatcin ni.d
levy taxes on conaomption- Kichrs shou'd
ho exeuipi anil corporations should rrceive
premium. A man nhould pay for 1 1
privilege of marrying, raising children a id
supporting hdlpiess relative, 'that is wl at
he does under tin-tariff taxation, ami ne
pays very dearly, too.
Ui. publicans would enwurtge ft e th: ft
ot liuoetl Sage and ilieoi'ruge the fixili-a-
ne of building I home. They wool I p -o
tact the wisdom ..f atorlng up dollars : id
rebuke 'he wate of buying the prodi ts
of !aUr to make a family couifortab.e.
Tariffs ten necearies. An incin:e tax ,
wou'd tax the surplus accumulations nd
not severely at tint. A tariff thinks no h
mg of .'0 rr cnt. An income tax ia satis
fied with 8 per cent.
Republican would bet'er guard tl eir
The pmmgt 0f t;ie Wilson bill with the
hcome Ux pfOVUb attache J is a g.ea
ic!orv ol the m,iSS, over the classes. Th
j.... , , tn. t.rlrTt.aea.riijhtlv inteinret
e!rnesn a lthiening of the bur tens of
of hear, tatatian thi! have so loa '-en bJf
. ... ... .. . 1
b themi,cs..ui peop:eror .ne
of a few. It meins a rehabilitation ot out
erce wilh fj.-i.jnnationa. drivei from
.... .-- - - u..
our jovernmcPt, inaugurated. It mean-
that, b.-foic many yeatk. ihe American floy
will be floating in eveij harbor in ihe world
where commerce ksas a footing. l mean
, . . . . ,. ,, .
that the msrkeuol.inewofM .ill be m.p
plied, in pa't at rat. by iheprolu.-t of the
American tann and W3iki op. Iheinrome
i laa means tnat the iieaey batCeas of
taI4Ii0n heretofore resting so heavily upen
' thcshouldeis cf those least abls to near tbem
! ten'!c P" the bi" ' "ce"
ser.a'.e nasi the bill at once. Then let bo'h
houses paa v law f -r the frse OOi age of
ilver. t?e proJa;'. of Ameii. a" mine, pass
the appropriation bili and adjoura.
i Ol Tut MtLLiuNTIIKIK I j ET.
Some tine ago re sbowtd that tbe cot
ton mm. oi tne joutn were prosperng.and
i wo" d ten nu o prosper without gov-m-
j meet protection. The cotton mi. Is of the
Kant areeMuaJiy we!! ab eto stand alone
Ust year was a bad one. they ray, on the Panama canal liquidators and llartis
atcoont of Ihe panic and of tbe probability j sol, tbe judicial trustee nd bondbohVrs
, of an early reduction ol the tariff, and vet ! "f e?L engaged 'o sub-
. . . . ... .... , s scribe tlO.00a.u0J to complete the cacai.
, the cottcn factories of New England made Thi,. with IJar.issol'. t.OOo.000. make
handsome profits almost wi'bout exception. 15.000,000 already subwnbed- Tbe
Tbecjt'on mill dividends paid in one ff'eat BnarscU: boosei of I'arii aie being
i town a one amounted 10 lJJ.4iO. urged io sabscribe to help a'oog the pro-
l "
f ihe 56 mil' in Fall River only seven
. earned less thn 6 per cent net. and cue cf
Itaeaai rail -Hi rr ,",.,., I n .
! capital of WOO.000 Tile average for tbe 56
j mills, owned by 34 com pa i las, was about
1 11 !Mm Ci aowB
Jtbi, year it will not neon accoon, ot tt.
PhiUe-phia waslhe ea: al ol the foiled
itaei from Sept 17T4 'fore tnere were
ant LV, ted S-.lcs) Bsl'imcae fr.m Le,
" . '' " ' .
o. 177b; fniadelp !a. Iiom March 4. '77'
I.r.caa:c. for one day. gr, t 1? 1777- Xw
Ps.. Set-tti. 1777; pni adel .1. Ju.r a .
I77?. j,finCc,on. jore ,, ,7S3. Aoopo;U
OV 26. I783 Tren-on. Nor I.iji,; Ne-
1 Volkt jan ,.S. pniJiae paia. Dec 6.
, ,79. ffegansa, Dec UOL These
a.. .1 1 ., 1 .u. r-
flalea If. Ihnnl fSe mM'ln- I of IKa 4'r-
,;! Concresa and the fni",d S'a'es
tiacnta! Congress and the L'ci-cd S"ae
I onr(s at
the diff;rent p!ac-
The Rtnui.ican
aiaitnii-.ritun undc
; Harrison was troubled aloat
' tne mlintl ue-,ory. The
1 i
j party at Wasblnnto. , not troabd in that
! war. It is laboring with a deficit. Salem
' Journal
' Toe true
1 .j.i . 1. 1 t ; . .
, iha- tarp as i at troubled there so mJch
Itwas tre carefa' .Tin8 nd accumulation
in the !,..siltv ol h riev.l.aH .dminl.
' ,.Uon Aoi'wht.e d,j th, de(rMX,a.. .e,
i that de6c;t tl... n . iroubl.s then.? It waa
resu t sf h; iitcus tatitvacance U
Harrisons a . ti.'lon.
The less te-
pu.itans say abo-t
a ".rficlt the lea. ihey
will be called upua t
I'rotection may piss fsr a ...i g lo
tho.e It prstecta, bat to those abom i:
plunders it is qiiet another thing tspclfc
Object is to limit the competition lor supply
snd inus enab c th : minufac arer to cbvtge
high prices tj the consamer. Ihe system
rrgarjs the consumer a- hat in; SS itgh'.s
Stall except the naht to be plundeierl-which
'( a blcuing to the plunders, no loubt; bat
i is a ha lne a to w itch g tverneaeat, since
govemm'"nt it instituted for i!ic e j .1 gooo
of all. has bo right to ler.d ittelf Oie,oi
ian. Pennoyer claims one-third cf ihe people
of Oregon are wliho' t sohslsUnce. If it',
that bad In Salem, he better move down
down to Carty count V Out cf population
of J, ojo there i but one reron tupported
by the touniy Time e haid here, but
people find eiough to eat,and money to spare
for what ttiey want to drink. iold Hcach
I'nder a McKinlcy tariff a man whore
income is tlOO a yeHr msy pay $100 in
ta?:e and bounties. I'mler an iucouie tax
a $o,(K)J income would pty $20 or 2 per
crnf on a;l altove $4,000. There i a de
Gcit 'o fid up and the $"00 incomes hive
about h II they csn stand of discrimination.
Let us equalize.
Gn Sitk'es did rot do credit to L's ver
latilitj in opposintr the income as a
"war tax " He knows and applauds tbe
fuel that the appropriations on wur account
nave ii oeased over $100,000 000 in the
test thirteen jeais. Why should not war
expenses be met by war taxes?
: u
The way to.lo It Is t take your wash
ing n ihe Chinamen. Ifyou want your
work well done at living prices lake It to
1 Richard At's Steam Laundry.
j i'i -v know ho without bagging theM
"inui a pete.
When a doctor considers It necessary
lo prescribe sarsaparilia, he almply orders
a b.inle of Ayer's, krowlnir full well that
he will obtain thereby a surer and purer
preparat.on than any other which the drug
atore can furnish . "Ayer's Sars ipariiia I
the superior medicine
j Ur- PrtcMis Crcs..BsKsait Powder
, . msiitr
, Forty Year the Stacdarfi.
W orr Ibnn Albanj .
Crioaoo, Feb 2. The Evening I'ost of
tsday says the salaries of the ci y employ
es are to be cut to the bone. The po'ice
and tire departments are to be reduced, and
every man drawing city pay as high as
$.00 a year wi I be compelled to give hiR
share of It. The situation ia serious, and
unless something of the kind in done
Chicago will iiud itself on a brink of a ft-
"ai'ciai precipice. The controller's sti-
iiiiiu-9 ire tuei i-j.tts).0JU in i-xcesd of
v. l. it ihftrft. ,.. n. -i.l,.,r i .; "'
l.i,..,. ' ' ' "
Th.. w
.1 uuviiJi jrt tua-
i'3i)iinns (lie ti i ttire of the town of
.mi uteroy, and adds that thu iDsnrgenta
now i ccupya MtdtioQ from which luey
tommaud 6aBta Cr ., II e iiito an! tort .
lit ' III- ! ,'.t : .1 ?.',. , II . 0,11- ,t IN., lanai.. i
i't. : . . ..1. r." .l " ..
" 1 .1 ."r i . . !,V-Uf lu.-urK,w
V.' .V-,,V'.. " V"?.
i.ui.iivs ..jrra-a timi i 'e iiaiue. "an eiyni tor
IknIo boa's steaming a! out Hio bay.
A Steal Waa Dead
PiiinDELriUA, Feb 8. George Will
inn 1'hlhld ill...! Bl l.O:t II, la I ul. . 1
corning. Childs' lf illnets U-gnn with
.1 l..i..tiug spell, which seizd him while in
' is office in the ledger buil 'ing. Mr
. . " 7i fti.TiJ.. 3 , ,
i; m:in in tin hni'.., Siut.
u i. I
he no d..ubt he was b In
iL. i,. .
Ihe Ih 1
kn v;u roident of Philadelphia
popularity ii 1 nib city waa wonderfu
A Met
I Aitaiix, Nev, Feb
meteor a
seen sotitheaiit of here last evening about
9 o'clock. Parties bo saw it tuougbt iT. j
struck t ear town, but it has aincc been
lea.-oed that it fell be'ween Hawthorne
and Belleville, making a terrific report.
The force of toe explosion threw the u 1
tion agent at Belleville to the ground
!! Wiuil
Sai.em. Or, Keb2. At a secret meeting
Ll .1 i... .... . 1 . I li J I
mc. j . v.n im 111 I vjuit iiricr it mmm us-
cided to offrr S40.OOO for the Cor't-Jaek-
son con'est. It it lire intention, if the
tight is necured, to const'oct a mammoth
amphitheater wbich wi I accommodate
rtbout i:,00o peop'e.
Talaable Bond.
eb 2 -Sia million dollars
01 ifoiu nas wn ipusifa in tue sou
treasury be . puahat of the new
; mver iment liond. A brokerage firm
offers the bonds for sale at IN 14 and ac
crue.1 interest
Sidy taiiin
' Uostos . M 1 sa. Feb 1 . Corbe' t wiM be
given a banquet by a number of Harvard
tudedta tomorrow night. The champion's
'take nionev in the recent fight was pre
, , on . ,, L
theater tonight by Ac'on, of lat year'
tlarvatd fxtball eleven, who made a neat
presenta ion speech Tbe fight between
Corbet t and fackson will not be pulled off
In Tl,:. - 1..
u '.iii.i"u - i -. rwrrrm iu iwr
by Manner Bnidy s announcement thai t be
iXoA.' fJi?4 .!:lub:.L"h,:C
vun? e-i-y...rjv 101 sue ugui. 10 111 gap IV
offer krj mail and state what guarantee it
can give for the money and what protect
icr it will have from interference.
a aaeee Kir.
MojtttisTows. X J. Feb 1. A init for
, ilO.CuO damage for tbe loss of an eye was
trid tn the Morris countr. N J. circuit
' court, before Supre-ne Court Judge Maaie.
totiay. Ihe par ies in tbe uit were Thos
M liurke and Jchn Dovla. a brakeman on
1,., I 1 1 ........ .1 Y-. : .,., .
short deliberation, re umcd a verdiC. for
the plain iff of JXO)
Thai aaa
i Sa.
p.o, v-. .
Ssse vs hrai SXaraei
IIIK tl.O. IrO I.- riUngCT Eal I aTU
ri.liwsta . astragal rk aa fas aaa t . all ia.taelar ia t Kat
,,,, p:t in ,nAje b; t.fferiojr
j bushe'a of wheat at cents
1 j.i . Tff i. " s7 T! , r OKZ -Tf
f !k Vdhe" i' "efit
of tbe fresh a i'. Mr ParJriims c!ljose.i
phy-ically twice on cbvnge.
: ?LT Lake. l ".h. Feb I tleoeral So
. pmntendeot ttVll-V. of the Rio tlrande
. Western, has issued an order restoring tbe
wages of alt engine's, firemen and train-
men The wag wrre reduced 10 per
cent last ikioo. r. ibe increase in t-nsi-
ness makes the retcrat ion possible. The
' -r io7o rf. i Ihi. morainsv
s e... . 1 . . aiHtu.
. A V t HAM IWX. JB dl ltCTe
.""V- (iumnii. in .si 1 here i
, ,ii.: ;, .1,., a-s finn nf.i ,.. ,i .l-
i 1. 17 " i. T 1
become delinquent next
coliected. and no end of
uoe. mav n t be,
BollHhli, and no end cf trouble will ensue
on account of the refusal ol tbe
loard of
. euwrsisurs w aue use is collector sum-
I cient funds to carry on the businew of his
.. .-:l,i.- 10.1a. iiie laa iu .ni n iiisrnarov.1
; ail -is employes, except bis chief clerk,
- a-hi-r and two deputies, and notihed the
oiar.i 01 supervisor tiat unless me asti
; On appropriation a ed for be granted be!
111 w uuivr w ir 1 evs ice lain.
ssawj aassasi
r.o. . ...e ., ui .e.ueoi AICISCK
Rio nK Ja!EIHO. Jan 31. -TV action of
Adm.r.l Uenham in protec ing the Amer-
I t. I- 1 l. a . ewe.
: an snij s uas nan a salutary enect. ibe
Knglisb and merchant ships of otbt r na-
i tionallMes are now coming op to IMI IM
, without any ign of mo estation by tl. in -
.urgent s'esacls. lionham's bold etj t.
m ,, a ft mm . .
genrciily applauded. The exchan.'t of!
, liot -el ween the insurgent and (rovern
itient I n-p has practically Ceased during
ihe past -4 hoars.
irrh by a Ttatn
Kai.i. itirrit. Mat. Jan A sleigh
ninl ni.ini, '?S nuinldN I , I. .. 1 I -. 1 1,1.1.
: .chool was struck by . train at a crossing!
. on tbe New York k Ne Hampshire and
Hit'tford .iilroad to.lay.
As the train an-
ue occup nts of the U?igh be-
caine panu:
and tlirt-e
stricken. The load was struck
ere killed.
is... ..:tn Jan HI -Thr. ......v. of
&ri.r. i-.rli.'l. . ..,rwv.s.t h...i
proposad bond loan
rhen ibe department
i L . i. . j
was nn y "rurni wr:en mc uepaiiuieni
closed this afternoon for ihe offers ie lake
tne iKiini-rec-iYW today, uddeu to those
heretofoie tAjaved, uiakw an ajitr-u cf
hetsre.-n ooTi.OOO.O 0 and $70.000.rV)
Those received from New York today
amounted to $46,000,000. und n additi..'
offers were receive.1 from It mton and CUi
Wlatltr itrllree
WOaUaWllsjs, Jnn 31 -Win W Windle,
tbechiinpion bicycle rider, announced to
day his permanent irtjiainsat from the
rirrtratk Windle began riding in leO.
He has on first prizes in SO consecutive
races, ami has won over $10,OOJ worth of
trophies in tbe shape of diam mN, pianos,
bicycle., etc.
A I'irrk Arresled
I'sndi.f.tok, Jnn 31 County Clerk
William Pi me wits arrested this after
noon for contempt of court in l.suinir
-tbunty warrants in violation of a decree of
tbe circuit court, and was arraigned to
night. In a spirited trial of three nours.
Pierce conducting his cwn defonse, he was
discliargud by thejm'ge.
The Tarlfl" BUI
Special to the lnnnui
Wasiunhton, Feb 1. Tariff bill with
, . i .
interna revenue and Income tax features
passed tbe House, 200 to 133.
aTast, t sJt ' t i ;:l it.t
a"-e. for suitings In the state
li ie o
at , W R
Grab am 'a, where ho has a tailor with few
equate on hand to make them up on short
notice. Get the best and moat atvlish
sulu of him. A new feature will he the
making of ladles' cloaks to order, or the
altering of cioass to the latest styles, and
hi repairing of cloak. Prlce"Art bot
tom one.
WsswBie lKviTAvione.
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, Golden
Common every day.
VmW S all Lit V.
This Is a great age. The tariff bill
pasaed the house at ( o'clock and the
Drmocr at published the fact two hours
prevloua a! 4 o'clock.
Several Portland men are evidently try-
IDS to see how fast they can use the World s :
fust, tttey 1
fair surpliiH.
some men.
r 1 c, 1 1 1
Surpluses are eve sores
10 1 ,
The 'opiiliht newspaiMTs spring op alwut
as fat as they die. The Populist himself
um-'s - rMMon. as neceuy is u.e
invention. Salem louxnal.
i account 01 ins ib years eapeneac I
jiao ev wmiiH imki tnr 11 mnntnn ser .
v:..,.. 'I i..v . 1 .. .,, .., ui 1,1
geanee Ilia report when analvzed :. ..
saniie of gall not oft ;i witne. il
Bet n c uintv fame r-, "eiierallv
dignun - attbepropoaition of tolling th
bridte. ind Mime declare they will rev -
"-brittto. md some de. Lire th
! cross tl'j bridge again if done It WW
! built a fret! bridge and should Is; kept QM
! Vote Xo.
ma., n . i.. 1. n
1u.-iir.s.... .,A. rii ciKiv ,.i,i, 0,. . u,
Toleilo Leader a live dressing down. In !
tnie populistic milling aivle the I wwfcir
ml u" "c ife sswaarj uuusulihi. a
like tin
.. ..It. I- ' .... .!..:! il,,.i
t a. . .. , . ,
intticta itaelf iiiyin a few of the iiuople of
Albany calls the editor of thi paper a pop-I
ulifit lieciiuse it stale ! up for trie people
agaiuat a rotten swindle that one of his fat J
friend which was in.inirted ovei here is
I , . . ., 1 , ,. . ..
helping to engineer tarough. If standing
up agunst su;h Uuagaaa the Job bank '
swindle, the Hadley ruilrojid swindle, and
the present owner map businesa makes an
iriiiior iskiiim. -.iien we piiit 1 giiiuj
And we are not asham si of it either.
oust. 1 Mill, nantu IBKT1CC
Nummary. Btettea, Alluni, Or. Month
Jon'y. ,SJ-
uayanno aoove sea tevei, s 1 , . , ! ei .
Mean tempera' are, 0 J3
Uepirtnre from i, II
Maximam temperat'ire, TA; .'-. 12 & 13
Minimum temperature, 20; date. 5 h.
Mrau of mamnnm tem eiature, 47.
Mean nf min mo tniix'-afirr. 37
No. u an nam temptr.ture 00 or
ab ive, 0.
No. times itiiuunuui maapeiatera 3 ..
be ... 10.
No. time mibimum Uuiftr.turu 40 or
be!"w, 19.
Tutsi prtciuitition l'J.15 inches.
I) :rtu-e Horn ooraiil. ".70 inchr.-
'1 ?- prscipttatUm in 24 c ul n
bo ire. siddalr. 2 21 13 2 U
Total depth of nnit.e ted snowtal1,
Prevailiog direction jf th - n.i. S
No. of e'etr days. 3
N i. if pa.tly cl dy .). 6
No. of cloudy days, 22.
No of data nn h:cb .01 or more
, , ; . .
XJ h, s M
tstsoe, fe I, 22.
or more piec'pi-
I rales on wh cb hail fell, 3 16
1'ate on which aow fell, '.i, 5. 0
Date of thunder storm. 0.
IS, 4s 19.
ui its.Mi umi, .' . a ....
1 " i "ATiJ ' V 5
Date, of lonar haloal 25.
Remark: "his has bn a vers- wet
: mnath bat not th ; worst oa rtc -t
I find
uiuir m is inci.-; iv, gave
a 14 45 ad iSST i2 M.
1. !.'-.'.: f ' . II the l.aeat
record 'or th - inuth of J.nj ,
Jon Baiciis,
Tit Xarse i
Krrrr sspe leeced mfise .ton tbe t:!g
of a rnsdv ahich. SJattlQel brt: an no
C"ne, wifl le'iere soreness . f lh lim s or
isoeas of Ihe j nt. an. -eb e "1
to si- jr qoietlr and eatara!lr.
Jst sa h a rern.d, ar- I lose I Poros
H.. re P.atcrd r.olfe . on t.
laiek, f ncce sari Ss I t;tn .t ips ,r.l Ueo-i
ore." the n.os.-'eis rf tits !:mV. the sosk
rrs'i'l' in "he a, of so.'h:u a d ba .e ia
r.t:eet-'. Beir.g "if.ct'y eirnpv an
birsn's. in 'h..r ca-.roi'nn. itev c r, b
a-d fiee'y, and -e.iu. . uff.rer a bseV
d tht d fnr a r.ibt ot cia-e: re-!,'o
i.jh , w. ,k i
h to .la, and th... in., .a,. L. h
! R,.,d.e,f. rV'a svlea the
, ,
oel x Imnvrsui. MCSX..
Ml H.ttie Warner a graduate of Use
! Conservatory connected nf.n Gates Col-
j '?' Neb. Pfepar-d to give leisom In
1 voc' trHl Icstrumentai music le sfssgjc
f'"' cU. l 'ehson.blc term.
; -: "as uau -.onujn eouca.
nd u n etrlenced teacher Ker
Tfe-ence sre . Prof H Jt Shorcv.
4 Trow and Mr len.-le le.
While it is over t Irti irli, e.-e ! ne
Aivm-i1. p.... ,. "---- 1 kVt. 1
duced to ine medfeai a ..k
lie. th-j marked succ-ss And unpreredenled
kmuH.., -hi.-' ih, ,e. ... i
! continue, hut steadt." Increase. Xo
,.,... n ...... i .. .. i i . ....
Caln , m.nv tesilrr.orlal. of hlh'a.ue M
! those continuously accorded A lock's
i Porous Piaster, and the oniv motive
these eaceptional tribute lira in fact of
ilJ.,!"....'. r..a?.
i 'oro-" In the fact that they
,re Ma largely imitated by ue.cupu
t.itta PkS sJ .ril ea-K .a aa- L- a awass-.l e W.
r- .., . ... .. . , ; ,e -.-u j-
, "c onermg piatte.s
men tney claim
as good. 'better.'
I ?,
! ' "
Pff "W
h Allege.
i w ,,ie same, asailwl.
;oroua plsste-, etc. whileiMs in
ppearrrce inly that ihev rest SB-
hie Allcock's. gvei v one of th so called '
porou. plaster are imitation of A!-ock.
wou isster.
s"m ueaiers w no aucrrpt to piim Oil
mt-rlor and worth, ess n'XMers that a
purcha-cd by them at low rate- f, the i "r "' lhe teturn lire ty the IVtroit .-
a , y . f substitution. i Two AmeHcao aSaMSSM Ve-scl ,c ureay
, , , were preveateti from goi.ig alongside the
AGoODl't.AN".-ltis . good plan sw,a?a TmHSl M. j ssal the Oe iot
. . 1 to tok e a no-i-.ton thit woul.t pro ert th.
i ,,,r na veaa carerul y your own
no,-c raper. a u . tne aim ot this pa-r
! mTTZ " ,n"
, eommunily. Besides ihat. if ion are out
" hen here i the place -o find" It In an '
Other column VOU wttl find an "ndv.r.i...
OI .1 : aT i l i fa I - r a-1 a - , ,i : . ... - .
' ment of B F Johnson Jk rta. ni ft t.-hr., a
-- '8f Johnson & c o Rlchmon
! v. workers, that ma, Interest roT
Krooitea rate la rarest
Ed Venney, Brockvlile, Ontario, Canada
"I have tired Brand. eth's Pills for the
rait fittce-i year, and think them the best
csthar lc and nntl-bl.llou. remedy known.
ror some ne years i sunerea wttn an
eruption of the akin that gave me great
alnat d annoyance. I tried different
bloodri-in., hut, although gaining
strength 'h letting was unrrlieved. I
finally en c'.udel to taWc a thoiough course
of Brandeth's Pills. I took six each ntght
for eight, then five, four, three, two. ie
rotiing each time by one, and rhen for one
montb took one every night, with the
happy result that now mv skin is perfect
ly clear and has been so ever since."
At Mkal Timks do vou ever considc
the quality of the food you aie rating? It i
mav be aood. It might lie b.-tier nurer, I '
treher and more who'esome. Is it not
worth white to make sure that you tea,
coffee, iiigur, bsked good and Innumera
bleother groceries aie ol ths best quality ?
There is such a trifling diflireiice in lhe
prices of the best and lh w.irst that it
tloes not pay te buy the worst.even on lhe
a.. . ... '- .a - - .,
ia se uiiioiiu or .uni uice cunu m r i lie
bt ,.!w,,, u.e'che.pest, been. ,he
most MUU,,JtorV ,na durab.e.and Use verv
best of everything In the grocery line is
keft at Parker Bros
"Now Is the winter of our discontent
made glotlou i summer', by Ayre's Sarsa
parilia. This wondetful medicine so in
vigors ea Ihe system and enrtcltes the
blood that cold weather becomes posiiivelv
en jot able. Arctic eap'.nrctt uotiM do
well lo make a note of this.
Br. Prise Cream Baking "owdcr
WssiS's Pair lihsst Istaeal aaS Styt etaa .
Shiloh' Vitaliasr t what von need for
dvsoeosia. torpid liver, vellow akin or kid
ney trouble. It is uusrsntasd tojgive yon
satisfaction. I'nce 75 o. 8ldby Poshay ft
Fr.irii t'lir rejrular C-irren(onlrit.
Washiagton, Jan. '-'!, 1894
Victory is in eight It has been a hard
fight and it ik not jet uife done with, but
vu - tnrv ; f ..( Th.,..,i. t,a 1
- r, , " - j , 1
, " . . nc
" "l OU! P'P"nv
order I allow two days for the debate on !
the 11. ome tax amemlni'nt, 'he wi BM I
tariff bill will te psed by the house and
it will include 'he inanmie tux There has
never b en a N
: 1 . t 1 ' 1 : . .
f doubt in tl
Hianua w uaaii u
crsu who bare I
; ln.g r
wta tbi Jvi -be
iiouml I t! a .
, Ihe op!nini o' i.
, ainenuineri' tvl.iy
or(e,)in w,, w,.
p oh
' - ssening .the majority
son bid will b- paaeed
ote. hut the r.l i- h-ng mngbt
he obtained; it will be im"iI
,ae ""w m' "mnnt. BOOptM
from then: approved '" the a
aide 1
mi-aus ccnitait . e. U a." at the red
1 1 , , , , ... ,
I maiie when the bid was hrl 'eprjrted 1
Oolv ,wo amendments, ihat cua- g ig the
date which the free wool cause sha'l take
1 upon, was afterward- changed for a
commit'e- amendiient naming Aug 2.
I8M and that abolishing the ugr
bounty and putting letined sugar oa the .
free lit, of wbich were op-1
poed by the commi tie were adopted by
the bouse, while 'be committee sua-eede.l
ie, wone im coniniiiiee ma-eeaea
ting propyl amendments
4 tn cr.ange the fo'lowing clauses
in defeating
ly backed
ot the bill: coal, I'on ore, steel rails, :m
p ate. agricuUu'al products, cotton, salt.
luniler. besides a nnmber of lesaer impor
lance Corople e pritiled copte of 'be
smrn.fed aUI were on the dnk of rueii,
lrr "oday for the firs', time.
"'It's an ili wind" etc. Wbi'e the
friends of the Wilson aiiff bill regret that
the condition of Senator McPbersm'
health would not permit him to re ain ia
Washington and perf irm 'hearJ ou, da -
ie 'bat perain 'o his uiemtsessiiip of tiv
sub-commi tre of the Senate Finance c m
niit ee. which will have cbirve nf the tar
iff bill as siD as it pisses the hsMBt an I 1- '
: sen ovr to th senate, tbe 'tjoice 'ha es!
. aLinrirli a tariff rsfrirmsr as snali.r Mi I.
of Tens, will take his piao? on tbe sob
commifee. l"he experience of senator
Mi'ils in preparing and getting ibe Mill's
li" tlrougb tie heme several year?, ago
J made him a '.ariff expert ani will make
aable addition to the committee
The democratic seua'ara made it Main to
I their republican cotteagues that they -
' . aaL . uaaZai i , .1
tend t- pa tne bill fcT the repeal of the
odioui election laws, a'lnogh dispMed to
allow the opponents of tte o il al. ibe
time tier can reasonably desire to talk
again. t it, by pomp'!y defeating the mo j
liou of senator Chandler, who lias been j
allowed to pose s the leader u the re- j
publicans in tbe debate, to poefpone j
further consideration of the bs:! to neit
Ripieseatalive Baiey's rcsc-iotioo ex
jirssirgt'e beiiif tha j ol
ttie T.eaijrj hss no legal iaiscrity to a-;
'be rooeedsof Oond so! t coder the rs
jropt: rsa act lor an other j.Brpose? than t.'.a
stale 1 in the act h been farorab r repott
ed to ihe Hous- from th.- JuJir;atr
ee. Bailey sill end earn- to get a rote
On it at er fsr tssrsfl Ins ten r.i .KM. ci
JJe retaty C
r. .
tai.ey. Or
. bl, '-r
h-"' CaC " eosj Aattss la'
may come in'o he Tr. aty ina- t
wie tinappru; rt-e-J" toutectii
' ion. ol -.Legos. , . I - e boa -
iMm ...
,u l " nia-J,e s.tem t
txir.g o, ... Ar :nr.e
of Use Kaagbta .i ajl,Jr to secure
i0nc io-i fro 1 t e S nrem - Coart
. , , , . '. ."' , .t
i.h tac
it): be
ale of
. .
ti: bls Uli succcd. .. ihat
It is or dirstooi hen : trust is .v IHj 'oc4 ;
thit Piesider t Cerr!n : va teederel the? J
roi ion of culdic priote to Ml K A Cras- I
dab, of Buffalo. N ft id that CranJal
has accepted it. The; si. tie a-thdi-s aais j
tiiat the nomioaiioa aid proaably no: go tm I
t Senate unti, tut ol Mr Peckham t 'bet
SuP'"xm: tort racan
hail have Kent
T-oof the rewutar .-rrooiat'on
r . , "w ,
.. ......
'"'' oee..
"r:'"vd to to.. lUuse. The pension ap- less liat the apf-t,-.. r:aticn
, , n. , . . ,. . , .
' . .. ,
Ie than the estimatea of -he 0.-
.!.- ; All . - Z
... l,., .... aaes 1 si im sfiu
;n, ,
wib be csi in the ccv-n nt ca
I . a
Admiral Beahatn has sent the follow irgj
, account of ihe hr,r
uron Amrriran met !
, than' resel at Rio by an insurgent man o
, .eve:, gvfng a ong-ide tte wharf
ano if '
a boat
tt'eo upon to return the fire. M;
. were under eras and clea.e.1 for
i After ii,e Detroit toik her position,
I "
' Inn,son 'e3fc, 'n:'n- a line preparat.-ri
i b,ul in- 1' S,J ,un l!h Swassi fiom
i J . T" ;rtUTl?
t g?, -PO'. the shot sink
; an ms urgen
i it i sw-sr". "- asavsa "ISM w
broadside gui to leewaid, and later lhe in
surgent tire.; a breajsidc cun cv:r liai A
ean ina-:iao; i eswel 'ilie lietJt returned
tne lire with tr.u.keta. striking r . liuiiiKcut.
jsternpost. Passing by the insurgent, he
j was hailed, siyiag: "K yju lire atfain 1 will
return jour tire, and, if neccsarv. one s'nk
. Tl IS.- -. a .
. .via . ue oi iron sa. men , . lo
"co.nmanil both vessels, one aaan : a
sels, resseli havmK been ,arr!ed to a
new pcaUion near the whait, an I the tug
1 having offered their vices gratuitously to
! discharw t' e c tiri. Tlie insurgent lcosicr
wagnoihco bet these vessels would bis.hargc
Irom tneti ejaSstl .option, hut that mv de
termtnaiion was not changed to give the
American vesscU full proicclion to lhe
wharf if the, d -cided to jjo.
(SlgneJ) I'.EMl.VM.
Tl-e Nicaragua Canal must and ss ill tie
come a su jeel of inci easing pabiae import
nee, for lhe lime is .1 e at hind when a
riclinite .lecisio.t must be i cached as to
whethrrwe shall bu l i n a-td get the com
mercial its-til of it no', to speak of the
political and p-.'ssiblo mili'aiy a.ivan'aes--
or whether it shall be built
bv Knglisli in
fiuence an 1 F.ngti.h ironev. In the 1,1'ter
evetii, American comnerce would piy toll
to foreign capital and the unparalleled PS
pottunhy given bl natuie fjr our natural
national development wonld be uti,i-d by
a foreign power. This su'ijici ha l"en
discussed so ttisuy limes and OVey for
so long a per.od, and so many failure have
been ntsde uf ft, thst it is dcuhl) dillicvlt
now to concentrate ssteaUuw on it a a' ten
tlou must le concentrated, if the last oppor
tunity we are likely to have is not soon to
pass from our hand i. A clear statement 0
this slate of aiVtirs,a thorougii study of the
treaties Bearing on it snd an earnest appeal
is msde tn the Kebuary number of The For-
urn by Mr Couttenay De Kalb. who has for
many year made a personal study of the
problem in all its bearings.
Our readers do not necl to lie told what .
the Century Magazine is. It is a great
work in any tense. 'r I8f4 it will be
greabjr than ei-r, 2000 pages (A choice lit j
1 i-niiiir': won iissi iiiuiiira-ioris. 1 here wii
.. 1 , u . . . , . . , ,,
i new novei uj mara iwain, :mponant :
e - mdtttOW, hunting of faW game, art its
adventure, tramping with tramps, nnpub-;
stsTjjjsj earn oc jaaoea komu Joweu.etc
The St Sicholas is the urinceof chilarn'
mtguiim, the U-atof all of them. A feat-1
tire '. the lb!M mnibei will 1 TomSawver
Abroad by ark a natural history
mTu. a rie n uvn an infhrir. itwiee
.4 Ind'i. ' ft wit ,rA Ff nli . n-fr.V
de t).
rhr nrat afBeaa-Ra
The reason
tera at popu'a
ma 1
jjJ&A "
, t:nr,, iroo'de,, atscti a pl'uriay, pneu-
nvnta, conmmptio
: 3 Indigestion, die
j ""'ome
j the gcmtftia' ess .t 'h
tser i -d. The
it s i.f Vcock'a Por us Plailr r rue 1
wen :reii th.r ir.utirudcs ct isnitatum' '
have sprn p on every turnd i he onh
sure cure b o ct the genuine Al!coc'
rornji P asler.
B'andreih's Pilis Improve tbe digestion.
P.riUr-l. Scrair.ei.'o. Lo Ar.gele
CalOB and Si em have the same insur rates Albanv, (Jr. riot'e and rie;;r.a.
i M r.'m, i ! Like Ci v. Tico nt, and
I Va -a VVslla. Wasti, ard 'ipiAane, base
I the earn ra'es
self frsiis.
lhere r M&t 0mta ,
j a person to eil the
sen mr .nest perm"
riitt xut ht-Tieif .
is supported by the
no reasonable man
I When what be says
lrc onv ote th
i ajtoejaja, poro
t'Hirnom ot cth-r.
word. Xow. to av thar
Piarters are the on!v
j genuine -,nd reliable ooto j -faster made
U ,! se.f praise in the slightest degree
I n'v hare r.oodtr.e test fur over !Hrt
'ears, and in proof ot therr menu it I cnl
-a at , .- r -
tney have effected and to the vrvunrary
testi-nonia a of those wfo have uset: tr-em. i
Bewait ol imi'atioris. and Jo n. be de
ceived bv mUrepreseeitatiori. Ass. for
Aiicock', a-d le". no solicitation it espU
aaticn indnre vou to a"cept a su's.ti'ut.
V Your
J Heart's Bioxi J
Is the tsost important part of
tf yoar orgacism. Three-focrths of IV
i the complaints to which the sys- i
tern is subject are due to imptirt- W
tits ia the Hood. You can, there
fere, reaHre bow vital i: is to
Keep It Pure
For which purpose nothirg
equal It eSectcsC
cleanses the blood thoroiighiy V
iaQ ZKuics up trie gcaer-u ncaUm
OswTsWttsCa. asGoadMfi&S -JatXa.3 HSi - V
-5 ij sUiili,
SW?FT SPnC CO., AHqi. 62.
IT WILL rlriTe the Irmnor frora
your syrtcm. and saake r klr:
dean aid smooth. The- Pfe - le? and
Blotches wbich roar vo::r beantv are
caused br IMPURE BLOOD.
They can be removed In a short
time, if yon are wise and use the
great blood purifier, Sulphur Bitters.
Try a Bottle Tooay.
WTiy suffer with Boils ? Why rave
wiUi ihat MtWt Headache? Whv
lay and oa that bed of pain t
wish nrttuniA i idiri r l se Sul
phur Bitters. They will cure you
where all others fail The dose is
small only a toaspoonful. TRY IT
and jtjo will le satLiied. The young,
the aged and tottering are soon t .ade
well by its use. 1;. member what
yon read ltere, it mav save vonr life,
.If you are suffering from Kidney
Disease, and wish to live to old aje,
use Sulphur Bitters. They never fail
to cure. Get it of your Druggist.
Sulphur Bitters will cure Llv
Compialut. Don't he
"tm Iff ""SJSHBiMI
en.1 3 '--eetlt stands to A. 1". Onisr A cv,
IkJU-.., ilH., toe Uil svt. i.uLosIksI
j Notice is hereb, givm t-s- tlu nde-sign-,
ed guardian . f A:c:n C Wilscn, a nui cr' :
I iu acjordat-i-w with a license giante.1 h th
! t'ouciti tV-urt vf tVuutv, Oregon, lo r
salt h real estate l eiou&mg o aid as. . r ;
i will on
Satur.-lar th.- tti day of Jlth, l lhe
! hour el 1 o'clock o na, at the t' urt tl.-uee .
I aVasst in Albany, Linn tYuatv. Oregon, ex I
: sane for sale, at auction, to the highest but
lr, 'or cash, th follow br described raa! j
j aataie lwlongig osai.l aaraar. Ss-witi An'
I anitiv i.- l . u. --ixteenth ol the fl' i
deacribe.1 tract i t ivuimen. leg at a .
point on h north line el the l na'ion laud '
eiaias af Tiawsnal Wataoa aasd Mar. Watson
his wife, t9. 0 chains eait f.cui uorthweat i
0 claim, it Wing not No ITDS 1
claim No ti'J in Ip li S R 4 west of WtUaaa- I
e't a and ruin. in- tiencw KartSIoj
chsim to a eomtr: thenca south 10 2"i chss j
than.-e east S. IV chs, tlivics south IS ch
thnc west 4A.?9 SsatB, tnsnce ccith "JS.53
chain, to the plsee f h kinoiug cout.iuiu
lo6 55 aire, more or le-s, all in l.irn DaAj
ty Or on, eubjuct t tha Ufa retats of
Aaron Wilson in said land,
Also tit fo'.lewing: An SsJisiflefl one
fourtn cf the foUoWaai fact, f laSnfl, IWntiu
ning at lhe .outhwe.t c.rn.r.f the l)
tioc Lsud .-Isim i ti II Hsahes sud wife.
claim Ke T8 iu tj) 1 1 S p 4. we-t cf rt'ilism. ;
et e al. inl'an and lunumc theoceeast 13. As
chains to a point that u link., north cf an
o.s post set on the south side uf li e count. '
MSi ihsese south SO 90' chalus to a state. 1
thnnce west A. 2S chains to a take, thence ;
uorth ifi.70 chains to a stake on the uotth
line cf the Dooation Land claim ol" Yinoent
Watson and wife, thenca west 7.97 chain to
au ittteiior comer of said Watson claim, j
thence uorth fi.lO chains to place l begin-I
ntng, containing
S acres, more or leas, in i
I "V"'- 8ume?1, " ,D'
cn.avt? til nH'U SI l full IU VtSlll IsSUSJ.,
Albany Oregon, Jan Ath, 1SJH.
H C Watsoii,
Ouardian of Archie C Tfilson
Hon aood dirtestion woit or,
And health on both."
O.itolent OMtolem l3itolene Cottrene CeW m
, Cattotw gegsjaas I "ottoiw rjenelaaa
To asiare both tue atiove enoa.
grvxl, wholesome, palatable food is
ilemrjiaeo. Jt bcm m ""f
u. 1 'nt a -,iftiderit variety of appe-
I az bill of fare for our meals with
out a liberal allowance of rstry ani
other food in which shortening
How to mae ensp,
beaHhfoL digestible pastry has j
the Backs. A difficulty in
-ood cookingin the past has been ,
a atvo fe 1 !r.r.ter or.i!vw. 1
... ( iinw.ioieao';) -lord hmt!;- t
1. .v r
'1 trie f'rnr 'T r; - wa -...r'eto
"1' ' ' iesIiuB.''
.'.11 . or 1V tJeu
Cmi.. ' yjlioiene O-uoleni J'
oaon now into popular
Call favor as the new shorttn-
ing better than even the
Co;; best of lard with none of
.-el's objectionable iuaii
I I cis- And
omes attended by both j
Grocers sell it all abont.
v::-.. -: Oxtniwt Oesstass
p 2
DiYcs TO
raE rECuxiiC Qrm cars.
SHHClara O.iver W" Sli.i's. E EHer
At-derson. Receiver.
For 1 a ai d ger.rra ii.hj-i z:ic. call
, Si or ad-Jres Curran o; Moxtteith. AibssH
'RI.BL'H l.t.Gen'i
15a sVashlagron St..
a r- etlTEb VJ
IJil5ai4esW; a cage rr wr-SJor
As as i ee alias Taisljr" arwt V ran TLBS all
ScAl tm !rcjriaor eent tryBauL a&,9aa
ecatlJBperpecaera. Ssairjeaa trees
AVs imSj fertbeTweih afSilhrwUl.Tal
Caj Jtin Sweeney, rAA,
we--3ey, I AA. DieSreL Cl
I's aanS BecaaXr ia Uss sS
ire c lriuud tawt srooJddosas)
iz iije I have
any good." PrtcoMcta. SoMty
Tats Gr.u.T Ooron Octce prctaptlyaw
wcre nil ethers tail. 1la n iieiim in u li
so rival." haactred thorrsares. and srill cr
Toc, if cateain -Jse. rr-: 1- r.- U rju CJa
I. rr
!M?5?tiVtMEh-TS -sf-.lfsk" SLISFEHS3RT
aaa ax- -"
i - w.
Saes. wWe. rwiA Cl Sr'i s.uiw Wi 1 .litl tw
i sai
'"" SA.WSW. aa ewe aBr tkeaSM
isereasa?. T...-k4 '-e Sees esse Sy uiw 1
-i SSOae .W. rwn f 4. ni
SSS lueH. i OSW ot inn .-ae east
irrrM iirsi nnia Ksrs-i. as.
: :i. .a. j.ntMsitii.m .it art r
.ill ,MTif-rrj ..rj..... if Otl.Si.SSl.HtiiW
5i ear t-.tKws4 Psaseasns. awi.a. awe. aasrw
s.iJsrE3 asiaascrrnvro co,
Krs. .TB u-wt S... POrrtaiP. oE.
ll-IKST M'ltOXtl. BtMi,
i r ALBAtST. oaca-N
Vice Preeawawt
I iwsis
lltVfVrs KKPl- iaM! So.
aHJHT tXi HANOS asdtet rsarfuc trsaat r. waa
New Toet, aaa Francises Caicw.- aaa t Usad
CO JJtCTlOSS .15 (a.onS.s ar.-.
a. f Term E. w Laaee. s
L K Bun. ts rusi
Esasaa I . Sea.
aaffafw B MB aaa a a
, FNGR WcAl IflCll
aae so bri esoss a h auoon to hststessT aw
Tero c caial si rs;a. Sexual Emreeeea In mss-
Qla lire, or eK-locs rts.-..ta motrsu.-ta4 In i - ink
JJwkul.s- cr is a a i.u'on. WsMl. WtsT
tstslasiaiy 1 o.,.e stiih Ijrlr rie
S2f 5 " :,J laaie Ars4: laeaof TSaee
.. . to jsa-i
xesratn. w.;n ssxki .imiu inM.i .
sreakanea premature; t tn ar-1 1 vmfi 1 1 o J aaa-
uowlaajrs of results tn mar e thousand cases
txrsuM aad cured in loo past tj acasi vewrs.
OurmiHriodcf i:;lr.Hlui-:a Irssr. h VBB SSI
treaunen. ts one which csmmenda Itself to alt
sensible persona f.v tte ress. ii ma. w svppls i.
open Ueirjudsnientcf Itavalua. Notaina in iha
way ct expanse txjor-d t-osial card and a two
eent aswtssw statu p la asked. Tne postal -sosl (or
use in seadina us tbeir Cull addreoa . -a the nosS.
m v . . . . ..... . rewnuia aia esaon
cf sbetreasefvir wb:.-h wo suooIt them snrh .
t Uon blank, to be filled out. and a tf n 1-tnaalsil
i.eivyo los use 111 returttuia; is mm ICC
as .
i.nen we receive ui
Ms fHHoo Mack we prepare aich. dses.
Bo TBI a t treatstant sihI f.Hsrard it by au
tratrant we sand full dlrectavit for usina. TtH.
- rnfie .11 lyn n i lias 111, law
treatment causa no pain ee liH-onvetueuos sad
.v iimuii, ju,uiiiii w." ousitiesc
We leave the matter of sendum orders entirety
with those usinK tne frea trial tresitruent. HaS.
Ina SSOOStVed thoMi se idlna for trial miAeiiie
' of oar abuity to benert tbem sre teal taat ther
are soore lxrselr lm. .rested than oarsetres in
eoutinuiua tbe u-ev r the raatulea. We aaas
the prices as lo- as pos.lMe, acsl tha same to alt
Ther are as follows: I too for oue montb; tUO
for two months; ft .00 for three months.
We ask all persons needing treataient ta saad
their a.iJrsss on postal or br letter. All r niaaill
r.tcaraouse..:itlOentlal a:id anoukl be a -1 " to
1 1
its trlaaMualiticweanaurna: .alts
nut:...s'.ius: .wo uoxea of any otar 1 vak
stactdbyneaUaarrTHEi.?. slSat
TOB Sjljt HY mALLB? (if F"Tt . t LT. f, .
r ISlelyUr ?S
a. -jsLe:.i:..i.i,' naiLasi rt-r ui n, aaassssaaaeaBea
. .
-i -tt s:.ssri naTinanss sa we raeM
r . r UtAssMa ef .-S K'Ve Tem.tXt4KX
; ..- -?tJ i. v 'r
- a:;: