The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 09, 1894, Image 3

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Wbeki.y Dkmouxat. $i 75 per year
n advance. $2 .00 at end if year.
February 3, 1S!H.
The Linn County P.usiness Council
P. of II. met in regular session with
Harraoy grange.
Worthy Master H M Palmer in the
The wotthy president made a few well
chosen remarks in opening the council.
The commi'tee on investigating the
county affairs, asked for further Unit.
The ex agent made his annual report.
There were several resolutions intro
duced, one was, asking the next session
of the degon State legislature to repeal
the Board of Equalization, and another
asking that the mortgage tax law be re
enacted; another, askiDg that the ex
emption laws be amended, so that all
real indebtedness be taken out of assess
ments. The president anncunced the follow
ing committees :
Legislation, M H Wilds, J (I Scott, J
Clem, J W Swank. A Freekson, J H
Wigle, H B Springer
ood of Order, S A Dawsan, SSTrain,
J Laubner, deo L Reese, S S Myers.
finance, j w Keese, Thomas Froman,
The worthy president made some
lengthy remarks on the mortgage tax
The above resolutions were talked on
by several members of the council and
pretty thoroughly
The resolution in regard 10 thP smvl
emption law should be amended so as to !
read, ihat reductions on indebtedness
here they can show t corresponding !
taxable cedit.
The next meeting will
So. 10 Grange, :he first
be held with
Saturday in
Aiarcn, 18SJ.
A committee on trade, was appointed,
consisting of J H Scott, N E Olin an ! B
A Dawson, report ntxt meeting.
A committee to look after the milliuerv
trade for the vear ISIW, consisting of
sisters N E Olin, Palmer and Clara
bwank was appointed.
On motion the secretary of the council
ras instructed to forward a codv of the
'resolutions adopted toda to the secre
tary of t e Oregon State Grange, furnish
each subordinate grange ;n the state
with a copy of the same.
The speakers who took an active part
in the debate today were Messrs A
Blevins, Laubner, Scott, Wigle, Wilds,
Miiler, Train, Diwsou and worthy presi
dent. Dkath or Kllis Kites. Dispatches
reoeived today by Mr Geo Knor and
County Clerk Payne, announcing the
death t San Jose, Calif, of Mr Ellis
Knox of this city. Mr Knox went to
that city several weeks ago hoping to be,
banefitted by a change of Climate, bnt
gradually grew worse nntil nis death last
evening. Mr Knox came Oregon in 1845
from Iowa with his parents and brother,
Geo Knox and sister Mrs Chambers,
of Linn County, and A S Knox of San
loee . He was born in Bradford connty,
Fenn, C2 years ago, residing in Iowa
about six years- He first made his home
at Knox Butte, where he resided contin
ually until a few years ago, when he
moved to Albany. His parents died
several years ago at the advanced ages
of 84 and 83 years. Also bis wife. Two
ohiidron, Mrs P Duncan and Deloss
Knox, survive him.
a prosperous man.
il.e deceased Was !
8 laithtUI hUSband
and father, a true citizen. A resident
of Ltnn connty nearly half a century he
made many friends, ana genuine regrets
are heard everywhere over bis death.
The remains will be brought to Albany
Thursday morning and buried in Knox
Butte cemetary beside his parent). Fun
eral no' ice will be given hereafter.
Uxcle Tom. Despite the inclement
weather, a crowded house greeted Sot
ton's ''Uncle Tom's Cabin" company at
Cordray's. An excellent performance of
the old favorite was gien. From the
first rise till tbe final descent of the cur
tain there was not a moment's waiting, I
catchy specaltiee filling the intervals be-;
iween acts. ne arama useii was ren
dered interesting by the studied acting
of Harry Singleton, who appeared in tbe
title role. Misses Maud Sutton and
Edna Granam, as the mischievous
Topsies, appearing to excellent advan
tage. Sympathetic tears followed little
Lillian as Era and Miss Laree as El'sa
while great applanse was th response to
the speeches of W H Davidson as Marks.
Mrs Davidson, s Annt Ophelia,
made a decided hit, and she is certainly
tbe beat in that part who has yet ap
peared at Cordray's. The other char
acters acquitted themselves very credi
tably, and taken all together, it was an
exce'lent presentation of the play that
never ages. Oregonian. At tlu opera
house Thursday night.
Ax IsyBsnox. The Lebanon Express
says "Rev Beattie has a model of an in
vention on which he holds a patent.
Tbe apparatus is for lowering a coffin in
to the grave, and is a very neat structure.
Any one who has ever witnessed an ac
cident at a grave, while the coffin was
being lowered into the grave, by a strap
breaking or some other cause, will fully
appreciate this invention. Rev Beattie
baa refused an offer of a large sum for
several state rights. He has sent the
model to J B Thompson, who is now at
San Francisco and will exhibit it for Mr
Bcsixes Oi'tlook. The business
prospect of the Albany Woolen Mills
continues good. The company have re
cently received orders from the east that
will take two months to fill, and orders
are coming by nearly every mail, a fact
that is certainly enconragi ng. The com
pany have receivedfa the last week 00,-
003 pounds of woo, and bence are pre
pared for a good seasons work.
A CaAUfJMoa.- The College foot ball ;
lamviiereby challenges the Albany
iiiaMn i ,.Ur same
foot ball on tbe college camp" next
Wednesday evening
order of the captain.
at 4 o'clock. By
If we are to judge by the talk on the
street the vote being taken today ..n toll
Ing the bridge, will tesuh in favor of a
continued free bridge The vote though
was light, giving somewhat cf rn un
certanty to the result, though the indica
tions are as stated.
The tax lew of Crook county has been
placed at 16 mills, against 22 mills last year. ;
Nearly every county in Oregon is econo
mizing in a like manner.
When a docter considers it necessary
la prescribe sarsaparilla, he simply orders
a bottle of Ayer's, krowin? full well that
he will obtain thereby a surer and purer
preparation than any other which the drug
store can furnish. Ayer's Sarsipariiia Is
the superior medicine.
Whatever may be the cause of blanch
Ing, the hair may be restored to its origi
nal color by the use of that potent remedy
Mall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair R-mewer.
Shiloh's Cure, the great cough and croup
are, is for sale by ns. Pocket size contains
wenty-live dotes.only 23c. Childreu live it
oahay A Mason.
Ye, You Cax see tn; finest line o
aarwtdes for suitings in the state at W R
Graham's, where he has a tailor with few
equals on hand to make them up on short
notice. Get the best and most stylish
suits of him, A new feature will be the
making of ladles' clcaks to order, or the
altering of cloaks to the latest styles, and
he repairing of cloaks pricesj ar; bot
tom ones.
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Moat Perfect Mad.
Shiloh's Vitaliser Is what yon need for
dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kid
ney trouble. It is guaranteed tojgive yon
atiafaotion. Price 75c. Sxd'by Fo'shay k
Sheriff Jackson returned this noon
from .1 trip tollaleey.
Mr Claud Strahan, of the State I'-u-versity,
spent Sunday i 1 Albany.
O V Young and family left yesterday
for Ashland, where they will reside.
License has been issued for the mar
riage of Burt Norwood and Lillie Hyde.
Mr Samusl Nixon, of Harrisburg. is in
the city. A son is a student nt the col
lege. C A Chandler, manager of the Singer
Manufacturing Co, of Portland, is in the
A pleasant young peoples party was
held Saturday evening with Mr and Mrs
Otto Clelan.
Miss Birdie Osborn. a former resident
of Albany, died of scarlet lever, at Cor-
vallis, on Thursday of last week.
Attorney - general Chamberlain has j
been piloting Dr j W Maston.of Albany,
around town this week. Portland Wel
YV..1 1
H C Watson went to Eugene todav
take tastimonv in the case of H C Perkins
et al agt Sheriff Noland. H will he a:-'
lowed a stenographer.
Susan Aiden, of Portland, a lineal
descendant of John Aiden, of the May
flower, has been committed to the state ;
insane asylum.
G W Jones will represent the State
University in thestate oiatorical contest. I
Hia subject is "V.U nial vigilance is the j
price of liberty." A lami'iar ring to if.
Fatsy Cardiff, who once gained a world .
wide reputation as the only man who!
ever stood up for a limited number of
rounds before John L Sullivan, is now
"slinging" heer in a weM k sown music
ball in Portland.
Re? Driver, the evangalist, and O A
Phelps, the infidel lecturer, on coming
to Albany on the cars Saturday had a
live discussion on religious subjects.
None oJ the friends of I)r Driver doubt
but what he held his own against the
populist infidel.
Uncle Billy Wright af er a thorough
01 Albanv went to Eugene this
noon witn nia norse rJsh, after doing
a K"01 Business he'e, on ins best day
Mr Walter Clatk. wife and daughter,
of Wood River, Idaho, are in the city the
guests of Mr H R Hyde, havini; stopped
off while on their way to the Midwinter
Fair. Mr Clark and Mr
were la
went v
the mines together for
J A Smith, of Halsev.
fatVier of Mrs G
F Russell, has been in
settlinwnn '
uie claims lor wtucii Air Kussell is re
sponsible by turning over the household
goods and w hatever property could be
found- Neither he nor his daughter
want anything more to do with the de
fajlting superintendent.
Y M C A social next Frtilav-
. m r
A man wi'h a revolver after
11. an who had Insulted his wife
was a
First stieet episode.
Chinese New Years began esterday
Comment is unnecessary. Hard tlmej
though Is causing less noise than usual.
The football game on the college cam
pu Saturday afternoon was a live con
test. The college team defeated the
public school boys 30 to nothing. Marvin
Turner acted as umpire 'id Angus (Ira
nam referee.
No 2's wi'l ho'd a meeting at their lia'.l
tonight. Exempts and ad members should
be present. No l's will also hold a meet
snsr if they can secure a place in which to
meet, anil wish a.l exempts to be present
There is wheat in Albany for which 91
cents was offered, now worth about 38
cents. The Democrat for years
advised the saie of wheal on the
high riic, not later than November,
seveo years our of eight :h- advicr
hold good. It pays.
Brown answers the Aibanv eirl's
ritii i.e. n liill.ii. c - "' li.f
tk AlKanv irl -r - h,v '
either of tl,p Inllmina. I nc . ran. iril 1
50 threes; or 5 ones 10 twos arui 25 threes; t lvrugias Hint and Kertland t aihoun or
or S ones 16 twos and 20 three; or it one ! the t'alhoun Opera Company. Mr Alex
22 twos and 1 ? threes; or 14 ones 2S twos ! Thompson. Mr 1 tis Thayer. Mrtieo ar
and 10 tlirees; irones x twosaot S threes. 1 land. Mr Jack Boice. Mr J Kdgar McK-e
Hard Os Ostoss. The board of rail
road commissioners were in session in
Salem yesterday. T L Law son of Minto.
Oregon, filed with the ooar! a complaint
ia which it is alleged that tbe rates on
onions, as charged by the Oregon Pa
cific, are excessive ; so much so as to
prevent him from carrying on bnsirtess
with any profit at all. The board look
the matter under consideration
SwsAa .-Of course
vcu fee)
like it some limes; but there U nothing In
it. Simplv learn a leMOn and the next
time ge to Par' er Bros for your erocer-
is, produce and
baked goods. No one
ever ejaculates profanely after leaiing
their store, for not onlr are the best tro-
1 cerles in the market sold; but everybody
trotn a child to an bid gentleman, is treat
ed courteously. Their baked goods, in a
large variety, are superior and popular.
If you wonld keep in good humor with
the world always try Parker Bros.
The war to do it is to take your wash
ing to Ihe Chinamen. If you want your
work well done at living prices take it to
Richard & Ph'lllp'. Steam Laundry.
They know how without banging them
around a pcle.
A cotton carpet soon looks faded and
soiled, while a good linen warp matting
will remain bright, and sweep easier, you
can buv the beat of the Albany Furn'sur
Co. They have a new lot.
By using Hall's Hair Renewer, gray,
faded or diaco'ored hair assumes Ihe natu
ral eelor of vouth, and glows luaurlar.t
and strong, pleasing everybody.
C E BiownelU groeery store i increas
ing in popularity. He carries a fine stock
in a light room, easily accessible and
gives bargains. Next door to the P O.
Price'-. Cream rtasttag Powder
Forty Years Ut Sta- Tfi.
Ernplion aflhe Skta Care
Ed Venney, Brockvi.le, Oi.tario, ( anada
'I bare used Brar.dreth's Pills for the
past fifteen years, and think them the best
cathartic and anti-bblious remedy known.
For some five years I suffered v.ith an
eruption or tne ,v, me
pain and annoyance, t tried different
blood remedies, but, although gamine
strength the itching wag unrelieved. I
finally concl'ide'! to lake a thorough conn
of Brandeth's Pills. I took six each night
for rights, then five, four, three two, ics
rordng each time by one, and then for one
month took one every night, with the
happy result that now my skin is perfect
ly clear and has been so ever since."
Tickets for the midwinter fa r will be 2i
.ale to-morrow at tbe 8 P d. po . otly .-
90, with five admissions an J good f.- 30
Dr. Price' Cream Bckiag Powder
World's Fair Highest Award.
Will At Btark, tv iewelr
If yea want a line amokr call for Joaephi
white labor cigar,
The besrnaat coBeo in the arty t C mad
Ioyr a
Hodges tl Mef an aoi, te iietag drua
tors, Albany, Oi .
Will k Stark's large 1I-- f hilver w-rs
has created a great deal oi talk.
Pa ronizs heme industry by smoking the
celebrated white laber cigars, manafacti'ed
by la'ios Joseph.
The 0 K Grubber is sold on trial. To
try one does not mean you are compelled
tebuy. Mfg'd by Jas. Fin.vEy 3c t-o-s.
Thousands of lives arc saved annually by
the use of Aver's-Pectoral. In the treatment
of croup and whooping cough, Ihe Pectoral
has a most marvelous effect. It allays in
animation, frees the obstructed air passage
ind contro's the desire to cough .
NORWOOD HYDE. At the resi
dence of Dr W H Davis, in Albany, on
Jan 5, 18M, by Rev E R Prichard, Mr
Burt S Norwood and Miss Lillie Hyde
both of Harrisburg.
The old United Presbyterian church is
being arranged for a kindergai ten school
under the auspices of the Albany Kinder
gai ten Associat ion, ami will he occupied
in a short time with Mrs Tatham as prin
cipal, assisted by Mrs Smick and anoth
er lady. In view of the fact the following
is timely. Read it if you are a father
or mother:
The paradise of childhood. What,
and where is it? To rnswer the last
question iirsH we would answer, "In
every intelligent community whero its
benefits and blessings are understood."
To the secood query we would reply,
"That it is, as its nsme indicates, a place
where children are always happy and
therefore good," because"" good child
is always a happy one.- l-et us pause a
moment and tind out right here the
cause of the so called naughtiness in
children. Is it not that restless activity
caused by ihe awakening faculties of the 1
mind reaching out for something to lay i
ho!a oil When the "we" one is hungry, :
we seo to it that it has its proper nour
ishment. What of the hungry mind and
soul? This place then fills the wants of
the awakening mind and soul, and hence
the contentc ent of the children.
How stupid we are wiiJi all our boast
ed wisdom. W furnish the tanner with
every needed implement to cultivate the
soil and all manner of seeds to plan',
after the ground has been thoroughly
tilled But what say you to such a man
who, after having been thus provided,
takes a handful of seeds and throws them
over the land not having first prepared
the soil? Could he expect much of a har
vest'.' Would not the general verdict be
that he lacked in common sense as well
as a knowledge of his busintss. Per
haps someone laughs at this picture
'; What better are we tiian this foolish
husbandman, if we expect from tiie man
I grown a sound body together with a
1 logical, well balanced mind and a grand
i soul, if we have not first thoroughly t II
! ed that wonderfully fertile soil, the
I child's mind. What a susceptible thing
it is. So plastic; taking ii all sorts of
impressions 'hat afterwards harden into
character. The age from three to seven
is the period when the greatest care
should be exercised. One has said.
"Give m the child the state can have
the man." This is the time to arouse
the curiosity, to guide the im
agination, to direct observation to things
outside of itself to the great book of na
ture, for it is this volume the child shoud
study before studying the abstract page:
also to train the mind to be logical, to
. . V I , . ,
re.Ki.n no.i rmnt ror nmap 1.1 dm to
viuniuri .ua cmi 01 uoiuiNi. up iewru 10
learn to
oncentrate the
powers of the mind. In '
short, to prepare tbe mind for all sorts of
! educational seed, to say nothing of the
training ol the tody and the soul wh'ch
must go on at the same lime in order to
form a well rounded chara-ter. When
, a little one has tree n thus prepared all
i study ever alter become a delightful de-!
velopment instead of the druugery it so
often is. But I beer some practical
mother or educator sjv: This is all
good, tine theory, but where will we find I
CI,.-' a ti liii' j In. i,r l,t?'a nr, eta ,c Imm t
such a place tor our little ones, w here
we will not send them to ee "rid" of
them duriug the "troublesome
before school age, but in full sympathy
with tins happy work will our labors
in growing on and up in that purity and
good er which tiod intended fo them?
ihe kindergarten is such a place.
The Best op the Seaox. Tutsday
Feb I3th tbe Opera House will have the
strongest attraction of the season it leing i
he Calhoun lomic Opera Company, r.uiu
bering 45 people, a grand chorus and iU
own excellent en-nestra- ihe nrm. uv.i
b I comprise such weil known people as Miss
first j Iura Clement, last season wih Lillian
and j Russell. Miss Sylvester Coruiish. of tiie le
will j Wolf Hopper Opera Co. Miss Alice Johns
ton of the New York Casino. Miss Ahna
Leoni and Miss Beatrice M. cf the
IliUt.ilil'lli Mr 1 : 1 v.lim. Int., .,f
Mivi I
W l"imiunr Mr H m SHnstar
Wl,n still tho I hff liixri r.miinnr Mr
I and Mr Sol Coulson
of the Pauline Hal!
Uxru Tom's Cabix.
Sutton's Uncle Tom's
To-morrow night
Cabin appears at
the opera boos.
Tbe Helena Herald sar:
ntton's Grand Double company presented j
Harriet Beecher Stowe's great masterpiece,
'Cncle Tcm'sCabin.'tocrowde-l bouse both
j afternoon and evening Saturday. At the I
matinee there was standing room only and j
' little of that, and in the evening it was I
i nearly the same. "I'ncle Tome Cabin" is i
. a masterpiece. which like wine grows better j
wirn age. it is and alwavs has lvn a
drawing card which packs' houses which
other and newer plavs have never half filled.
It is the general verdut that Sutton s com
pany rendered the great play in n masterly
Juoaa FuLi.KKTC'X has made the follow
ing statement: 'The fact are tliat the ar
ticle in the Salem papers as it refers to me
is untrue and unjust. I have not
a:: w- 1
any extravatrant attorneys' fee. I have on
ly allowed during the year and a half that
I have had charge of the Oregon Pacific
matter as judge of the court. 12.000 as fees
to attorneys, and the further sum of 11.000
on account of expenses of attorneys The
receiver did allow his attorneys something
more in addition on ancount of expenses.
and his accounts have not been approved j
but it wo? not allowed on order ot tne court
by the court.
A secret anti-Chinese club is heire
formed, the object of which i to devise
ways and means to get nd of tbe old
opiun. toaked pigs who handle the sal
mon with their dir-y hands before ship
ping it Astoria Budget.
Dont fail to atlsjnd the sociable Friday
evening in the YM CA rooms. The
who aided so materially in making the
carnival a succesa ace cspec'ally requested
to bt p'esi:nt.
A nice lunch will be served
The funeral of George 0 Henderson
' pecurred this afternoon. Among those
i attending were three yo'ing men from
I Silverton, brother members of the K of
! P ledge of that city.
I C C Hogue was in Corvallis making a
jthoiough investigation cf the matters con
i tained in the recent reiort of Beceiver
Hadley. His report may be depended upon
Togrowo'.d gracefully, one must live
Tinperaily, ctial- met hnrtlaalljs t--W-..f.-re-
t-d in all that is going on In the
world; be cheerful, happy and contented,
ar.d above all, keep the blood pure and
ii4 )iou by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
lie sure you get Ayer's.
You can never tell what a slight cold
may lead to; it is be t, therefore, to give
yourse'f the benefit of a doubt, an l cure It
i as soon as possible with Ayer's Cherry
' Pectoral. A day's delay, mav result tn
' uaJ " '
,erioui cse.ucnc
We ctfsr 0sm Hit t
any case of O .a: : h I
Hull's Catarrh Cnn .
F. J. CaEXaTi i;
Wo the :i. lenttgn
Choneyfer : 1
perfectly r. .:' i
t X'sUlI
red Dollars Ileward lap
-t cannot bo cured Br
Preps., Toledo, O.
u, liavu known F. J,
I, una believe bun
'.. all bur-iii. K transactions
ut any obllgatioa
and fiean-:' .ii .' c ?
made by tlicir flrni.
W i a Tatr A3 , ii
.Valuin;, Kis
. I 'vroftfrfsts.Tolodo.O.
, Wlmlew.'o URiaV
eists. To CU'i ,
Hn!r (': !!.: is .:.:. n Internally, nets
Ing airectfy ii end raueoas suns
fycesoftlio iv stem . r rice T";. n-r botUe, Qola
by all Dsesasfats. 'l'e cimonialii free.
The nndersigned, pro
printer of the Pioner-r Mouse desirea to inform
tbe pubiic that he haa reduced tho price of
board wituout lodging to f3 per weet, with
h iiping$ per'week. Single meals 2b cunta.
The public is invited to call as I keep good
l'us and set a good table. Have nr wood for
sale. Corner of Broadalbin and Water
treets. J H .Mkkanda .
My fali lino ef MACINTOSHES and
OSiAMlXRS, incladiug many noveltie
or ladica, mieie .id children, it now
e. S K Vnnn.
Clean towels to every customer at Viorswk
thaviog parlors.
Bdh at Vieiecks shaving
cutting parlors.
and hair
Sea tho New Improved Sluger sewing si
chin. The hilt iaalwsy( tbe cheapaat.
W Sawden, agont.GOffice' at P M Frent h
esrelry store
Stoi.k Bacon. E T Ix'wis was tried be
fore Justice Curl for burglary this forenoon,
.1 li W v:tt appearing for the prosecution,
and N M Newport for the defense, and
held under $400 bonds to await the action
of the grand jury. The case is n peculiar
one. Lewis proposed to a man named
Molton to rob the smoke house of Daniel
IiSedy, on his farm on the Santiam. Mol
ton informed the prosecuting attorney, and
arrangements were make to capture Lewis,
as it was thought other thefts had been
made by him. So Melton consented and
had N llridges and C A Winkler on hand
to make tli arrest. Saturday night Lewis,
;.eeonipnnied by Molton, broke into the
Smoke house and took aboo! HO pounds of
bacon. Aa Lewis eniergr .1 from the smoke
house he was captured by the two men,
who were viitinir outside. He had a thim
lantern made by the leg of a rubber boot
U'liig placed around a lantern. Mrs ..ewm i
ami two children were in court. As the ;
prisoner cannot furnish hail they will lie j
obliged to I00K out for themselves for some I
Tn Kihkmkn. No. I'l and No. 2's
held lively meetings last night to give the
present trying Mtuation a thorough dis
cussion. No. 2's voted to advertise their
heater and coke for sale, and invited No.
l's and the II A L Co to meet with them.
No. l's accepted tho invitation to meet
with No. 'J's, i.fter first voting it down.
Wm Tichiards. Clias Metzgar and Albert
Stellmnker were appointed a committee to
confer with the H A L Co in reference to
the sale of the furniture and also to confer
with the city council in reference to the np
iintment of an engineer for No. 2"s. A
like committee, consisting of W W Kowell
and P C Anderson, was appointed by
No. 2's
The DntOCBAT hat heretofore given its
opinion that the proper way is to appoint
an engineer of No. 2 s who shall also do
' special work at the dspot and other plaoM
' where required, in case of fire getting his
engine there if needed as soon as possible.
Laruk Hocses. Sutton's Uncle Tom's
i Cabin drew the biggest sort of houses at
Ming's Saturday, both at the matinee and
j at night, A year aco the same attraction
I under the saraj management appeared in
1 Helena, and it gave such a first class pro
duction of that greatest of all southern
plavs as to insure the people going on Sat-
iird'av. The show is ail the aJvan.v notices j
claimed it was Uie best I'ncle Tunis
Cabin company on the road. Nothing is
slighted, nothing is cut. and nothing is
injected into the play to mae it "go.
-. . I o ., .- ,
lne management ir-iieve that 1 nele lorn
n vtll(j ,i .j,.! hv ti !
;a i .,,,;, -,' i " .1 " .,. '
prtf of the merit of the company was f ur-
nishe.1 t'v the t.ut that a largo numi-er
, the people who attended the matinee paid
their dollar to see the night performance
Nothing is lacking in Sutton's I'ncle Tom's
Labin. in?at tails leader.
Who Anr. Yotkrs. Toe Dkmck rat is
j asked the law providing for tiie qualiiica-
tions of voters at school
treetings in At
baw. tt is as follows
... . . ...
tn al! cIko! du-
tricts in this state with a population of one
tate slill be entitled to vote at a school
meeting who u twenty-one yoars of
" '
aii'l tia.- in Uie district .sj d.ivs ici
mediately pm-fding the meeting and who
j has property in the district upon which lie
. or she pays a tax.". .rf course, in addition
j to the above the voter must have resided in
tbe state six months.
Jcst A JoKB. Mr Casper Y ... i ran is
decidedly interested in Chinese Pheas-
; ants, r.; ready having a fine collection of
live birds in a pen at (he depot. Know-
ing nis delight in the bird yesterday
some of his friends at the depot put a
stuffed bird in a tree, and informed him
'of the fart. Thinking one ot tbe birds
had escaped from the pen lie made a
rush for the bright plnmrnged celestial.
and caught it : but it offered no resist-
! XoTKwoKTiiv. Tnere will be a note-
worthv attracti-n at the opera house. Mon- j
day. Fe:. 13. It will be the Calhoun opera
company (f 4- people, and their own ex- j
cellent orrhe-tra. Tbe opera selected is :
j Balfes most charming and very popular I
. "Bohemian Girl." It wiil be handsomely
i mounted and corKeouslr costume,!, fbie '
of 2." well trained voices
, and tbe capable orchaatn go to make up a
perfect prod-j-'iOE. It is not often Albany
.T. v -r- h ive a -hanci t iin- i
n .
a splendid ion and tiie h.".ie w ill
no doubt be packed to the doors.
A Free Bkidok. A small vote wa cat
yesterday on the bridge question; but
enough to show the sentiment of the pub
lic. A fulier vote would have len more
in the same direction. The majority was
4"J in favor of a free bridge, as follows i
For Free Bbidc.e.
Second Ward
; Third Ward .
First Ward..
or i . ar-i
TiiM iWard . .
A Will Case. A very interesting
ill !
contest is being beard today before Judge
Duncan. The point to I decided
whether a will made bv an unmarried wo
man is revoked bv her subsequent mar-
riaT-. Mf -f w " J "PI" for
surviving husband and Wm Hunter and
U L Sav. the administrator, and Mr II If
' Hewitt for parties claiming under the will.
Ax Immessk Hoc.. Mr Jeff Iom. of
Brownsville pre -inct. recently killed a hog
which has teen rarely if ever equalled in
size in Oregon. A 30a iiun! hog is con
siderm! large; but one killer! by Mr Isom
weighed 710 pounds dresod. being worth
at 5M cents loUOo. Instead of selling it
it was put up for home use. The entire
state of Oregon is invited Ireat this
record .
Blrolart at Scio. Burglars entered
tbe store of A J Huston, now in iharge of
Ramsey and ! Meyers, nt Scio, last
night, and captured quite a stock of shoes
ana other articles, departing without leav
ing their card. .No clue to the thieves
A. (J. ! . W. MfctTJ?".. Tbercwill be a
nablifi meeting next Friday evening at the
opera house in tha interest ot Hie AVii n
order. Mr Frank "Davey of Forest (irove.
State lecturer and Grand Master Dr T C
Muckey of this city will deliver addresses.
There will be music to enliven the occasion.
Aiimi ., The pttblic are invited.
Acceited. The Albany foot ball team
hereby accepts the challenge of the Albany
College hum to play a game tomorrow af
ternoon at 4 o clock on the college campus.
They also challenge the team of the Albany
College junior, to play a game on Saturday
at '2:'JO o'clock p m.
Knights of Pyiiiiah, Attkntiom.
All members of Laurel Lodge Mo. 7,
K of P are requested to meet S( their
Castle Hall, tomoirow, Wednesday, at I:3o
o'clock p m, from whence they will attend
In a body the tuners) services of our de
ceased Pythian brother, Geo C Henderson.
Dated this Feb 6th, iSot . C C.
Am Albany
Jewklry Stork
Worth patronizing Is that
of Will Stark. They cairy the 6nest
llneof silverware, watches, c ocks and
jewelry renerallv In the vallev. ami snt.
Isfsctoty prices are always given for the
superior quality of goods they keep In
x iiever ;uuy wtttiout calllnir cn
HENDERSON. -On Monday evening,
Feb 5, 18'J4. at his home in Albany, of con
sumption, after a lingering illness, Mr
Oeorge (, Henderson, at the age of C
years. Yhe deceased was born in Linn
county, residing here all his life, with the
exception of a residence 111 K;ivtirn I Irmmn
for awhile. He was the son of Mrs f L
w ir r ocl0' anu hM one urother, Mr
I )5 jilIenderiion.
"iu ueiiuerkon, ot uakland, Calif. A
wife and young son are left to mourn the
iubb ot u gooa nusuand and father.
Funeral services occur tomorrow after
noon at 2 o clock ut the late residence of the
Mr Henderson was a member of Albany
hngineCo. No. 1, and arrangements aro
being made for the company to attend the
funeral iu a body.
Tbo residence c( Daniel Whyle
slroyed by tire last Friday night,
was away from home but some
was ile
Alr W
of his
neighliors nrrived at the fire in time to suv
forty sacks of wheat, tie had four hundred
bushels of wheat in tha-bouso, which with
all of his household goods were destroyed.
The house was built by Capt John Smith in
the year lWifJ on his Donation claim. The
cause of the fire is unknown.
The Populists aro trying to capture all
the voters :n this precinct but have not suc
ceeded yet, we know of two or three they
will not gat,
J 11 W hite is able to bo around again.
Robert Smith and R II Finn started to
Jacksonville last week. Thoy intend to
prosttect for gold. Mr b is an old and suc
cessful miner.
Ihe Populists are invitiui; the other
parties to discuss the issues with them, but
they are like the street t-aiiihler. have all
the advantage; ami the oilier parties wants
to save their credit. See!!.
W H Millnollen called on us this morn
ing . Mr M is in the Nursery tatfaes.
He says there is a large demand for apple
trees, an 1 although the times are dull, the
sale of trees oe a! ut the same as they
were in good times.
Some of our young people are going to a
school entertainment at Greenback school
house, on Monday evening.
Our merchant is stinking up some. He
has received a largo lot of garden seeds.
The prune men are fighting mad boot
tho Wilson bill, but it U hard to suit all.
MUTIOv.l, IISIIT 1111.
Albany. Ore, Feb lg'.U
The article entitle! (a reward) in last
Mondays' daily. Mr Kditor of DnOCmAT,
should have leen prefaced by stating as
follows: Mr tieo V Ketchum state evan
gelist of the Fwond Adventist Cliristian
Church formed this article and as 1 wanted
to be zealous for troth. I thought I would
have it printed with my offer annexed, but
here is Mr Ketchuro's own statements in
his article: Lost, t'X) reward, I am in
agreement with four other men in Ventura
county, California, who. associated together,
have decided to offer the above reward in
order to find "The faith once delivered to
l"ei V. ' . 552?
Pf tradition
the saints," that lias been lost in the errors
Now all this should
have ban prefixed to the article in qaastkM
in order to do justiiv to Mr ti Ketcimm
and mslf. Also please let me call the at
tention of i he public through vtur columns
that some of the lira minds are looking
into the subject ol conditional immortality
into the ulie t ot conditional
and kindred subjects and not a few f.-w in
AlUuiv as well as elsew here. For th- lne-
0f ; fit of the public, let me irive you a few ad
1 1 j dresses wherv th-y is.ue work, from Ieaf-
i lets to volumes, on conditional liumortalit
i and kindred snbjtt. ! wish the people
! wou'd read "rise I'nspeakahle .ift" bv
j Prof Pettingeil $1.00 or Views and Re
views for the same price, by the same inin.
j tww address I C Welcome. Yarmouth. Me.
j W R Young. Central Ban' Buihling, Ua'c
! land. CaJ. or the World's Crins Office, box
N4D, Bten. Mass, either ofli.-e will fur-
nifii ysHi a catalogue free of their books or
trait Now if the puUn- wants to hear
ill." (Mat .niMtinn .if ( '.-.n. I . I ii.n . 1 tn.mnp.
P"- t ......1.- ..... .........
tality di-assel. I have stronir reasons to
believe that I can find a christian gentle
man that will take the sou! sleepers ide of
the pies t ion from the Bible standpoint,
that will meet Dr IriveT or any other man
of standing that thinks the soul net
sleep between Wath and Uie resurrection.
i for the sake of getting at tho truth. I for
j truth much belter than error for any
people that ill follow it. "Try all things
i and hold fast that which is good. " Paul.
Yours For Truth.
t.vis J CaIK'TUI.:.-
The l)e! Noste srfH sail for "van
Francisco from Yaqulna r.t! iV.rJji
I morning.
There whl b a literary entertaioraent
i at ti.e puMlc school house thi cer.ins.
The r,ub'ir u 'n'ited.
slem " ,u" ol ctndule for the port
tj7: T1
M" Ant Dtnsraore.
The Daily Oemocra. ol Saieir. ha
suspended. It wa a go d pa?er, but it
started whea the field wa already more
han filled.
Services every sfternoM wd e-arlng
thhi werfc It tne Cumberland Preb'crt;n
church.tonducted by Rev t f Lonnottom
anlsted bv Ktt t Ingle. All
ngle. All are in
Park McDonald klll'd a large swan
while coming down the fircr in hi boat
last evening. It u a beautiful bird and
can be teen a! Wheeler's erocer v store. I
i It weigh 1 5 pounds. Corra'll Sei. .
Ail the ladies imerettad In kindergarten .
work, are requested to weet at the'r rooms '
- I ne o:d L niled fres'jyterun church) cor
4th and Washington Ht Wed af ernow at
a joociock. Mrs W A Shick.
Some das ago a corr rspordcr.t writing
from Peoria stated that the shingle mil! al
that place had been removed to Benton
county. The proprietor requests u :o
say lhat this wa a mistake, and that it
still remains at Peoria, where he will sup
! ply all dema-dt for shingles.
The Dalle Chronicle tats: It costs In
; salaries abot t75"o a year t rug the pub
! lie sch - of Tne Dailn The teacher
P.v fcr nine months in the year
i iiiiuws, per month: rrincirai, it?o
stslant princ:pa; -.-to teachrrs Sec
each . and evcn teachei fo each. The
salary of the fchl clerk amonn' to $3oo
yearly, which bi Ing the um up to $7320.
An immense nu.nber ol hop vine are
being set out through the vallev, and there
it liable to t e an overproduction . The
e a c, 'orval.i sav fc-ncr
of Monroe pretin:t, ra ia the city let-
terday and inform us that he I making
; reparations f et out 3:, 000 hop plant.
Itetlde h!, a great many more wl'l be
planted this eaon in the upper rn 1 ol
the county.
Percy R Kelly i in Kngene aeknag as
stenographer for the referee in the cise of
Perkins et al agt J K Noland.
Dr Littler has moTed into his re .idence
at the corner of oth aud Jack-on stieets.
where be will be found mornings and even
ings. M Senders and J W Snft ha e former!
a partoeTship in the insurance business and
opened an office opposite the 0 V Dillon
Kerry st.
Miss Emily Failing, daughter of tlenry
' Failing, the Portland banker and
ist, will lie united in miunage to Lieuten
ant Henry C Cabell, rpiartermaster 14tb
infantry,' Vancouver, on Feb 14.
Isaac Fox. of Albanv. a brother of Mrs J
Knight, of tUw city oaaoe to Corvallis a few
days a&o. He was sick at the time, and
since iirriviiiir here lus ccndition lias be
come such that he is not expected to survive
long Mr r 01 is an old soldier, we are
told. Sews. Richard Fox is meant.
Hie rumor is current from a nearly pos
itive source that H B Couipscn. president
of the board of railroad commissioners, will
be a caadidnie for governor of the state of
Oregon on the democratic ticket. He seems
to be tho unanimous choice of all demo
crats Unt are the fountain of political in
tellect on this subject. Saleia Independent.
Eleven newspaper men of the oust pass
ed through Albany this morning on their
wnv I.oriiH from the midwinter fair at S in
Francisco. Thev were C 0 Seymour of the
Chicago Herald: George Ada, Chicago
Record: John T McOuteheon, Chicago Rec
ord; John M Maxwell. Chicago Mail; . nu
tJreen. Chicago Post; Irving J Lewis, Chi
cago Times; (ioorge Balling, Chicago Inter-Ocean;
Edward 1- Shuman, Chicago
Journal; E E Hates. Clevelasd Plaindc.ilcr;
W H Simpson. Pittsburg Dispatch; and C
HnlzfeW, StiUiU itunK- Jt'J Anlubahl
of the San Francisco Chronicle was also
with them.
To preserve a ycuthful appearance as
long as possible, it i Indispensable lhat the
hair should retain l's natural co'or and
fullness, There Is no preparation 10
effective as Ay re's Hair Vigor.
It pi events baldness, and keeps the scalp
elean, cool, and healthy.
loiter bist.
Following is tho list of letters ren.aiuing
in the post offioe at Albany. Unn county,
Oregon, Fed IU, 1804. Persons ealling for
these letters rnuat give tha dte on which
they weresdvertiso.l.
Wayne Adkins,
Mrs" Emily Hm If hart,
E Dow Esq,
fctn Carrie Fresh,
Oscar Hodgkins,
Mrs Ellen Miller,
(1 W Reeso,
C W Acheson,
L D Carl Esq.
H K Frimplo.
Miss Carrie Gray,
Miss L Kearney,
Miss L E MDrgan,
I. C Staver,
Mrs R M Stoa
Johnny Williams,
Tkob. Mosrrarra. P. M,
Highest of all in Leavening Favvor
Wheal is 41 cents in Salem.
A good many drummers are circulating.
St Valentines day is next, and the usual
take offs are being exhihired.
A new saw mill is to lie bi.ilt at the
mouth of the Miviteiibuidi by the Enterprise
Lumbering company.
Sheriff II 1 Wcl!s. of I'oU county, has
offepsl u reward of $lrto for the arrest and
conviction of the arties that robbed the
safe in the Dallas pontotiice last week.
hit of e220.4J indebtedness Hamilton,
.Fob A: Co'? assignee has succeeded in get
ting together e"';,441 in eah. Kather
slow work. A 10 ier cent dividend has
lieen declared and the depositors are in
Some of the seUlers up tlie
.Santiam, it
r eik. anil
repornsi. recently nitM tour
livided the amonif the inhabitant
needing meat. It is a case where shooting
game out of season might be considered
'. justifiable.
i The graduating ciass of the Salem pub
; lie school propose to lie oa time, and will
give the graduating exercises Friday even
: ing of this week, consisting of the repre
sentation in costume of scene from Walter
Scott. A novel idea.
Yesterday a Portland man was in the
city after a type writer rented Prof Russell.
It had been shipped to San Francisco, ai -I
had also lieen promised to t 'uxick ic Co as
a security for $2.'.. Let a man get t.:rted
downward and he irenenillv ee" to lie a
pretty tough customer before the public is
! through w itli him.
The two yonng men who disturbed the
meeting at the M F. church have now been
in the city jail seven davs. Their time
will be out next Saturday. They are hav
ing a lonely t'me of it. Yesterday morning
ing a f i iend took them a paper to read. He
was let inside. The door was locked, anil
, it was nearlv 1 o'clock before the visitor
got oct.
Mr J II I 'rooks, of Prineviile. returned
from a trip with two cars of horses which
he took to North Carolina to sell. JJis
experiment was entirely satisfactory. Mr
. Crooks i firmly persuaded that Oregon is
' ahead in everything and that lie would not
exchange situations with what he taw east
; of the Rockies. Oregon, while we com
i plain of dull time and depression, is cot
a cirvunutance to the eastern states.
J 8
Morris, of & ic
Morris, of S ia
Kdiioin. of &
was in the citv to-
Wae in toe city to-
wa in the ciy
to lay.
Mr 1 U;iti
0 8 1 owning.
State Penitentiary
Mrs i G t'olton
in Salem visiting
Sa peri ntendent
is tn the city.
si tbe
nee ' lenevieve Georce.
came up from Portland this noon on a visit.
Mr A A Kees'. of Lebanon was in the
city this noon on bis way home from a trip
down the road.
Mrs R S Wal'acv of Salem, has Warn
ed home from a several months sojourn
in California.
Mr Ralph Knar-p, the typo, of Browns
. ville. U in the city with a patent gate, the
- 'tt in the field .
Mr Ralph Knapp. the typo, of Browns
j viile, u in the city with a 'patent gwte. tbe
best tn the field.
Mr J R Stewartson. ef Kingston, on the
o. p. formerly an A'bany butcher, wa in
city itoday after lt.' prune trees for his
Mr J R StewartsMi. of Kingston, on the
1 P. formerly an Albany butcher, was in
the city today alter
KUO prone trres for
u;s ranch.
Mis Hail, the lavi wima-j.
ber of the Salem Rainv lav club
and mem-
came na
from that city this noon. Her friends were
ilisappi-'intexl in nt seeing her in a rainy
day rait.
Tbe Albany Social Club have secured the
use of the i A R hall ami will give a bas
ket ocial ami entertainment on tbe even
ing of Feb H.
T L Wallace arrived in ihe city this
anoraJasj1 fr.'m San FxaaMaaea, on nis way
Portland, where he will represent Schil-
ling A; to. wholesale gnwers.
Mr an.l Mrs Mac!: Monteith came up
from Portland last night. Iieing called here
i liy the serious illness of t!ie latter father.
Mr A B Mdlwain.
Mr and Mrs Gorna IDtrh. ajred 70 and
71 years, celebrate-1 their gold wedding in
Ashland a few davs airo. after a happv
j weJded life -f fifty years. The bride. Mary
. lane Lincoln, was a cousin of President
I Lincoln. Mr and Mrs High have nine
( hlliimn ill! livinc anil m ,ml ,n.l A.i
prand chil.Len. They had a high' eld time
at the celebration.
The Cai.iiocs OrERi Co. The popu
larity of all theatrical exhibition is best at
, tested by the box office receipts, taking this
i tact as a test ol merit 1 be Calhoun Op
era r iuianv is in i.ani of exvi.ene a sucr.s. fer notwitbstandiuir the gen
eral cry of hard times throughout the coun
try they have lieen playing to tbe utmost
capacity of the theaters. On Tuesslay. Feb
13th. Allianv theater goers will have a
cnance t- witness tins splendid organiza
tion in Balfe's 'Bohemian 0m." It will
lie handsomely mounted and gorgeously
cvtuuel. 1 tie company tins seaon is
stronger than ever before, and with a tine
cast of pricipals. grand chums of 25 well
trained vt iees and their own capable or-
cht-tn, an enjoyable evening can bo look
ed for.
Ite-erved scat- $1.00 each now on s;i!e at
Hodges A McFarland's drugstore. Ikm't
put it off until standing room only is left
but buv at once.
Bin I'antiiku Stoiiv. -Albany hunters
with tlieir bijr gar.K storie should leurn n
lesson from the following
from the Wo f Creek corr?spondenco
of the i .runts Pass Courier: Mike Malcney
went out the other evening to hunt up a
str.iy bofiae. He found it within a 'inarter
of a mile of his house dead, with a panther
preying on it. and another panther coming
in from an opposite direction. He tired on
the feaiting beast and his cracking- riHe
started up a liand of live full gr iwii )m
thers, which s'at;ered in as nunv direc
tions. while what few hairs Mike bus lett
on his pate ascemic.i heuvenwanl with
their tingled ,iiiit. snapping like a Lelain!
oscillatory smack. The bovine was a two-
jaar-old; tho panthprs now nuinler four
and Mike is building u high picket fence
around his house.
Tnn LouMsa Am Societv held their
regular meeting at the residence of Mrs I.
E Klain, presis-ent of the society. Trustees
of tho Orphan's Home were elected at fol
lows: lion J K W Bathes hard, L Flinn.
Parcr R Kelley, J M Irving. Dr W H
Davis. Secretary of the advisory board,
Mrs J M Irving. Mrs Blain invited the
members of Uie society to an annual candy
pull ut her residence Iriday nig'ut.
warded Highest
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum,
Used in Millions'of Homes 40 YeTO the Standard
Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
The question which Mr A J (Jarothers
wi-iies to have discussetl as to whether the
soul of man sleep from the day of death till
the resurrection does not appear to ths
ordinary man as an important one.
If the bible teiches such a doctrine it
must Ire in a very obscure manner, or the
doctrine cotiid not have been lost, in a liook
so constantly studied, and thus required a
reward of 500.or any other sum for further
search to find it.
It would appear also that tii- question can
not be settled by any amount of discussion
owing to the absence of any possible absolute
Again, admitting th- dor-trine, for the
sake of argument, of what interest i it?
If a man's spirit falls asleep at death and
awakes only at the ri.siurrw-ticn, the inter
mediate ti me will lie to him an if it Kn.i
never existed.
It seems a useless arrangement for tbe :
I)rd to (lertnit billions of souls to be created, I
live on the earth a few short years and then j
stow them away iu cold storage works for'
an indefinite time.
It is not like his work in other lines j
when a piece of his creation has done its
work in one line lie has fixed hU laws, so !
that it is very sure to be used in some other -line.
We desire to speak reverently, for we '
believe an earnestly in a future life as any '
soul sleeper but me think such a doctrine
impugns the wisdom of tbe Almighty, by j
assuming such a waste of time and material,
by lumbering up space for ages with a lot
I slumbering souls, when they might be do. i
ing some work somewhere.
Also, it might be ased, of what benefit
is this slumbering process going to lie to
the son! itself ? If th? answers to the
questions cannot Ire found in the Bible.tbey
may find a response in the minds of thought-;
ful men.
Kill I STATE 111-
V A Cileaaon to UrifEn, 15x-V)
feet, Waterloo $ .'5
LJward K Savior to Ifcvid Urock. 'fl
acre 12 w 1 l$a
A P MaiweilltoJ Ss EUintev. 161.41
acres 13 w 4 4000!
J B Ramsey to W H riullifonJ. 140.49
acre U w 4 400'
r 1 Hoffman to M arc Us B lever. 4t 33
acres II w 3 :9rXr0
Daniel Bridge la Martha Fucker. 4
lot, block l. Shelhurn ,VX)
M Oanlner to H il Hewitt. 80 acres
9K 708
J J Matiock to R X Matlock, S3 acres
I4wl 20
Id.i A Morri toAddie Moon, lot -1
and 4 block 15, H 's 3rd ad IXjO
J II Johnson to Mary C Hkkman. 40
acres 12 w 2 KX)
Jas C Sabin te J D Rennett. I Jot liar
risburg . . o
R Hiatt to Jos Buhl. 65.7:1 acres II w
w c Das
to Q W
11 1'JW I
R L Austin to fl
ai-res 1 1 w 4
a Hughes, il7.S8
W s Hiiiips to Mr- K A Philips. 150
acres BIZ.
Marth-i M Batcberbi Isaa. Mket
and wife. ISBjOl acr 10 w 3
K Summer ids to Martha P Sianat, i2
x J4-.I feet. Hamsbure
Ii N Xafock t.. I I Matiock. SS acres
14 wl
L K Coyle b K M Hiatt. S of lot U
block 3. Lebanon
FliaSI Nunez. Tbe remains ct Ifr
Hli Knox will arrive on the oreriand train :
to-m-wrew morning and will oe conxvyed
his reiJer.. le funeral will take
atan at the M K church at 10 o'clock in the ;
forenoon after which tbe body will be taken
to the eemetet y at Knox Butte for burial, i
The public are inxited to attend the serricas
at the church.
Look Ot :. Several vcunj men and
their gtri. the Dtmxril U inforrred, -hare
been in the habit of pulling trees
down to th? tidcwalt and tearing news
paper boxes from tvu in the Third Ward
The marshal sacs there will be troun'e if
this i not stopped.
A Vaaaaaaftaa dispatch ars that Attor-
nev ierTl liner states tnat the cases
against James lot in. ex-coilector of cue-
totn at Portland . Oreircn. hitnev L
Boje. chairaian of the state republican
central commitw for Tfiaelia, f-ied back.
the wealtbr "hiceee merchant, and
others indicted fr alleged complicity in the
amujrctinr ot opium and t turxte. will be
proswnted to tne bitter end.
Tm Tuuccs Wa Esr
very largely make u what we are.
No1.' can paa through the
mind without leaving some effect,
however sl'ght. Many alight im
pressions, in time, rr.lgh'y
changes. It's the same with iu
body. Abuse it with poor food
and lake the consequences.
For purity ar.d certainty in groceries
and baked good, go to Parser
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, Uokieu
Common every day.
MP PaButT.
While it is over thirty tears ago
Allcock's Porous Plasters were first intro
duced to tne medical profession and pub
lic, ths marked success and unprecedented
popularity which they met with not only
continue, but steadily increase. No
other plasters ttave '..crn produced which
gain so many testimonial ol hih value as
those continuously accorded :o Alcock's
Porous Piaaicis. and the onlv
motive tor
these exceptional tributes lies in fact of
their being a medicinal and pharmaceuti
cal preparation of superior value. Addi
tional proof of the true value ot Alcock's
Porou Plasters lies In the fact lhat they
are being largely imitated by ursctupu
lous persons, who seek to deceive the pub
lic by offering plasters which they claim
to be the 'same,' -equal,' 'a good, 'better,'
best porous piasiev etc, while it Is In
general appearencc only that they resem
bieAllcock'. Evciy one of the so-called
pdrbus plasters are imitations of Alcock.s
Porous Plaster.
Avoid dealers who attempt to ptlm off
inferior and worthies plasters that a-
purchased by them at low rate for the
purpose of substitution.
At Meal Times da von ever con side
the quality of the food you are eating? It
may be good. It might be better, purer,
fresher and more wholesome. Is It not
worth while to make sure that you tea,
;offee, sugar, baked good and innumera
ble other groceries ate ol Ihe best quality ?
There is such a trifling difference !n tbe
price of the best and the worst that it
docs not pay to buy the worst.even on the
false ground of supposed t-conomr. The
best Is always the cheapest , because the
most satisfactory and durahle.and the very
best of everything In Ihe grocery line U
kept at Parker Bros.
Honors World' Fair.
ing Dut buyers. Ihey will
come. - They will be e at is-
hed. They will buy at
Visitors are
asked to
gooda to CONVINCE them
ihat we a leading the trade
If you want VALUE FOR
YOUR MONEY call on us.
Yours Truly
Read, Peacock A Co.
Star Bakerj
(srEr Mlltln and rirwt If.
ii. d Km 11,
rled f'r ail.
tte.. r Ltn kept 1 a par
Trtj zA j
(. H t..M
rkt prk fmiA for
At the ttote
Allen 3 o ,
formerly owned by
for - hieh
I nil! pay ti.e best caah pn
General Jote
Carj et
Laytrg are C'ean af, Chim-. j
Clcaninjs, WhtiewaihtRg and
Window cl earing a
Call at Boot Black
shaving pario.-.
'.and at La-.c:.. 's
B. B. BTPK. W. H . DIXPIXeEX. D. H- .'aMEis
tUltintre gkk. - .Wan.. 9re. ,
complete line ef-
in ail iu branches.
EMBALMING a ciaity.
Residence comer 3rd ansi t. a!Apooia Str
Wall Paper,
I Irups, faints, OH
GlaHa, Etc
J. A.
. V"T seeing me greatest Kiicnen uie-
i l ever invented. Retails for thirty-flv
cent. Two to six can be sold In every
bouse. Million sold in this country a, ore,
Dont mis the greatest opportunity ever
known to make money, easi'.y and quickly.
Sanr. pie sent, postage prepa'd for five cents.
McUarik k Co., Cincinnati. Ohio.
Assignee's Notice.
Iu tbe matter of the assignment of Hens
Freeman insolvent debtee.
Notice is hereby given that Henry
Freeman Pound has assigned to me at!
hit property for tha benefit ol all his
credi'ors in accordance with the laws !
the state of Oregon relating to general
assignments oy insolvent debtors- Alt
creditors of the said Henry Freeman
lui nd are notified to present their claims,
under oath, to me at the office of Black
burn Jt Watson, attya, in the city ol Al
bany, Oregon, within three months from
the date of this notice
Dated llbanv, Or., Dec Sth, 1S93.
B. il. Ikvikx,
Assignee .
rat. Dr. I ntterson Wallace
Th Not! Clairvoyant ard Uf Revlar, U son
her, and can be found t her rwdence. ull dvor
c outrtit. n 1 el la aiiu ail raiect, raw
1 ruture, loe truuDiea, arwant tmioi an
Vou San hear tram Tar d rtni.
$20.00: REWARD.
Company F. will pay the above reward
for the arrest and conviction of the per
son or persons, who so maliciously des
troyed wearing apparal at the armory on
the evening of January i6, 1804.
WKwANTYO.) Wlitv e")1 OS
ftaajMUaj .33 . S33 03
I' UK WEEK. Pa prfcr.l sf u osn
furnish a horn aud travel through the coun
try : a team, though, is not neosssary. A
fnw Ticanois in towns and eitte. Spar
houis may be used to good advantage.
B F Joaaaoa YOo.
Uth and Main St, RichmonJ, Ta.
Notice for Publication
U S Land Ofnee, Oregon City Or.,
No rmber 2nd, 18tr3.
Notice is hereby given tbat In eompll
: ance with the provisions cf the act of
Congress of June 3. 1878 entitled -An act
for tbe sale of limber Isnds In tbe Kates
' of California, Oregon. Nevada and Wash
. Betas Territory" an rxtenrled to all tbe
pnbi Ic land mates by act of August 4
( 1892. Albert R Holme o' Albany c.eunty
of l.inn state of Oregon, bus this day tiled
I in this office his iworn statement Ho 2904
' for the purchase of the Northeast lA of
: miction No. 25 In township no. 10 N range
! No 0 East, and wfil offer proof to show
that the land sought fs more valuable for
It timber or store than for sgrlcuiterat
purpose and to establish his claim to said
land before the Register and Receiver of
.hi office at Oregon City, Or.on Tuesday
the fjth day cf February, 194. He name
a witnesses: C II Dairy WSpVe. Franci
Holmes, 0 V Adam-, A Wink, ail of Al
ban. Or. Any and all aersoos c aimin
adversely the atcve docribtd arc's ar
requested to file their claims in thi ffic
on or before - d 6th dry cf Ftbruary
i?94- Robert A Miixfr.
Notice for Publication
i 'i 1 CrricK, Guzrx'S Cnv. O r
Oct 20ih, 1893.
Not:ei is hereby giyen theat in coopll
ance wi.b tbe provjtleuK of the act of
CngrtHs t,f June 3. 1878 entitled An act
for tbe sale of limber land's in tbe sta
ef California, 'r-gcn, Nevada and Was
ing'on Territory," as exUmied to ail t j 1
Public Land .Stale bv act of Auk ust i I
1892, Annie WhitUjelc. of Oregon Ci
i county cf C acLamas. state of Oreon,h
I thi day fi'ed in this office berswor
statement No 2954. for tte purchase of th
N K of auction No 9 in township N
j 10 S range No 4 E, and vi ill ofler proof t
! ahow tbat tbe land aoucht mot
; valuable fcr its timber or stone than fo
', agricultural purpotwa. and to etabiuh
1 ber claim 'o said iau-1 before .he RrsriAter
and Receiver of this office at Oregon
S City. Oregon, on Thursday, the 1st day
j of Febrnary,!s&l. -'be nam. as wiicesees:
J John Smith, W rn omilh. J h Birr., C
; Tbompaon,atl cf Berry. Oreson. Any nd
j a'i peraons el - adve's-riy tba abov
described lands. re reoaeiled'to C e the
claim in ibis effite on or batata said 1
day or February. 1 -v4.
Be titter.
Timber Land, Ait
for pablicrtioo.
Jaae 3, 187S. Xotie
CnitM State Lcd (ALce, Oregtn City. Oregon
Sornatier L 18.
Sotice i hcrebr rivea thai in emnpUacee with
tbe pruriiotu of trie art of l aagrrm at Jant- t,
li7s. entitled "An act for tbe r of urabrr lua
to the fUte of JiforDia. Onwon. Nevada
and Washington Territory." mm extended to alt
the Public L:.d State, hj act Ancurt 4. lsiS.
rsrse a. uajjmple. of Aitjar. , t .. ..-,. j afl Lins.
Star of Oresroc ha this dr
I hi sworn statement So. 29. for the tmrehase of
. the Sk'!, of Seeu.-h to M m J---m-r-'i.. So I .
Rn S- 9 Eat- ar .i -wu. tier proof to uw
; ihat the land ujnzti is more vainabie for il
I Umber or stone than for agnc"ltaral pnrpncea,
and to eftabliM his claim to wid land before a
I nteifiT and Receiver of thi ofbee at Urecon
City, Orenon. on Wednesday, the Xtib day of
janoar; . tM.
He name mf witness: F I- Holmes. E W
Beeman. It Wink. U V Alans, all of Albany. (Jam.
Any and all person claiming adversely the alesre
ihnilbed land are re, seated to rile their claim
in tbj office on or before said itth day of Jara
ary. IW. Eosbt A. M riaxa.
Timber Land. Act
for Lubiicafoc.
3, 1S75. Xtic
Caited Ss&re Lac i OtScc.
Or c : :. i . Tiro-.
October S1 K
Notice i hereby giren that in compLi&.rtre -with
tbe prurifcioe of tbe act of Congress of Jane t.
LsT-. er.t:C-.J. "An sal I kka a. - I Sjsakai
nai W as i.rgtoo Territory." Jobs D fampbeX of
Jtarauetie. ("otmty i.f Mar jnette. State of Kichi-
gar-. tr.s oaj n
jceret:t So .. f-.--. ' ;--
of -b ,. E! SW and SV -a ot SW- o( SeeSMB
N -- T tt--: - S il - .-v SS rmn
, and will offer proof tc now tba: Uie land sought
j t more valuable far its timber or stone than for
agrirriitora! ;s&rposs. and to swtahhVih hi rlaun
I to awid land before tbe Kr-jr-ster aad Keceirsr of
j ttu office at Onaroa City. Oregon, oa Tuesday
'. tbe 2Sd day of January. 1st He name as
: w-.-x.-k: Eocene V -fmith, Edwin T Sm-ib.
i J L Berry. Berry P O. Marion Co. and Frank
I Pes bett. Detroit. Marion Co. trregs.n. Any and
an c-a---nx lr-: .; it.- n.
-.bed Ur. : ar- r- .z- -i -.. .- . ta in
tbi office on or bef ere day of January.
.?'! 1 ra
wis.v a cn:cK
j Tuesday,
Th Famous as
In folk's
BoliGmian Gii'l.
Complete Chorus and Or
chestra. Bpauiiful Costumes.
Prices Si . 'XV Resarred seats c a sale at
! Hode A' McFarland's. Oaitery,
B cents
Stationery, Toilet Anises,
Inrtrcniems, Etc
Hodies 4 McFariaii,
The Cornci Drug Stare,". Albany ,or
Dr H E Beers. Dr O K Bee
Physicians and Surgeons
Special attention given to diseases of
women. Houm 10 to li A M, I to 4 and
7 to S P M. Offices and residence Blum
berg Building. First Street, between Lyon
and Elswcrth .
For Sale or Trade, a honss and lot in
good location Iu Albany- WHI sell
cheap Cor cash or wiil trade for land part
ly or wholly ir proved not very far from
town. Caller write to this
th five rooms.
V block and
this offlee.
trooi i (.-. Call at
Tee partnership hrtofcr ixtaticg and
doing a hlacksmithing basic under the
name of Ctamer A Bo-vman ! dissolved by
mutual consent this day. A I! claims due
she firm at owing by it will be settled by
the old urm at th shop 00 Scocd street
between Perry and Washington. Mr
Cramer retire and Mr Bowman will con
tinue the business. Eabruary 1. ISO 4 .
CaaatEBdw Bowuax.
OR SALE .20 shares of Albany elec
l? trie light atoe1! the bast dividend
pevlm; stojk
this ofloe.
la this city. Enspiire at
WANTED. Pushicg Canvaer of Rood
drs. Liberal salary and extenaa
paid weeklv; Prmanent peaitioa. BROWN
BROS. CO., Nurserymen, Port'and' Ore
goo. T.
n and Snnraan. lie c tristairs urn the
of Orvtfoti.
Kuaidance, corner 10th and Calapooia St.
LOST. A Jersey oalf.b'ack with white
none, from Horaoe Froman's farm,
near Albany.
WANTED,-A good family who will
take a girl 12 yeats of ao aud rear
aa one of the ramhy. Call at this office.
sold by Ii; Merrill.
FOR RKSTrf Tha opera house store,
splendid location, fail on the
secretary at the Democrat office tor j ai