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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1894)
Wht MtmtuA, The republicans are getting ready to do their best in the senate, but in spite of all they can iio the bill for the repeal of John I Davenport is bound to pass. The criticism that the Wilson Mil does not go far enough is voiced almost as fre quently in the tariff debate In the house as is the complaint that it g09s to far. This looks as if Chairman Wilson had struck the golden mean. Tbe manufacturing inierests of the country will be satisfied with the Wilson bill alter it has become a law. Their pro tests no are largely a matter of form. Pass t lie i.ill and let them go back to busi ness. And no there ia a deficit in the Ohio State Treasury. As Mr McKlnley has been governor for two years, and Is still govern or. It cannot be a breach of privilege to Sail hts attention to the fact that his party is GCBWriag Mr Cleveland tor a deficit in .de btfore be took office . It is Well known that many uerman Citizens take every mean possible to avoid military service). It is reported that war- ran: are out for no less than 250 persons In r.crlin in are thus charged with the offence of deter. ion, some of ihem belong inr 'o noble families. ''One deplorable result of excessive meat eating," says Mrs Ernest Har', in the London Hospital, "fa the Ill-temper which is ui 1 fob: a chronic complaint in England. In less meat eating Franct urbanity is the rule; in full and rice-eating Japan haish words are unknown. There are some who ot-ject to the Wil-on bill because its duties are too high and other because they ure not high enough, but ever ensible peison in the country knows tha the best thing possible for the country now Is to pats t're bill and get back to business. Tits democrats, by voting to place aaga on the fiec list, have driven the nail stil deeper into the republican cofiin. Thiswll make sugar cheaper to the people, will shatter tha sugar trusts and the refiner's tiust, and will wipe away a direct tax on an article which enters hit 3 general con sumption. Blame for the issuance of bonds does no rest on Secretary Carlisle. It rests primari ly on the republban party, which bfi wil' extravagance looted the treasury, and by unwise legislation debased the currency an slatteird puhlic confidence ; and fecondail ly cn congress for not immediately enact ing a law that cculd cover into the treasury money to the amount of the seigniorage or mat woui.i autoonz: ne issuance ot paper currency. Carlisle's acbi was made abso lutely necessary by republlcgn extravagance anu aemocrauc inactivity. An Oregon paper has a spiteful remark about Thk Oregoxian's comments on the proposed income tax. The Oregonian does not oppose a- income tax. It knows of nobody who, so long as a democratic policy prevails, is likely to hive any it. come to pay a tax on. Oregonian. Or if any one should have ai income he could have it assessed at one filth its set ui va ue and thus escape taxation. Isccims are taxed in a number of coun- Irit , and tbe sy stem seems to work In every one jus: as weil as that cf property taxation or any other system of taxa'kn in operation Nor should the opponents of the Income tax bill now before Congress worry any over the false re'ura which they imagine will be made Of ccuise, s:me pteple -till make false re turns and some will dispose of their bond ard flecks in such a way as to escape tax ation or. them ahojetber. Tnat it to be eaptct '.but wWi all the d;dging an I false swearing the Government will still derive large rtvenue from Intnn's. In one German State alone nearly $30, 000,003 was realized by income taxation .1 C . . 1 . i - O .0 u .- . 1 w nstai jcar 01 1012-1093. i should be remembered, too, that the rate of halloa was lowered in Prussia in 1892 for small mown, and that a radical c iangt was ma le In 'ne reporting. They were re p c I formerly by Government officials. and ioi IU- people themselves make the returns. No affidavit is required, but every (axpa)tr understands that if he is convicted of underestimating nis income he will be taxed on frcm four to eight time the amount he falUd to report. Pru-a' new 8) stem went ioto opeiation last year, and it resulted in increasing tbe numoer f income lax payer from 1,997, 63t. to 2 433.86o, and ihe amount of iheir 'ucome taxes fiom 89.487,680 to 114,886,105 mirks. There was an increase In every one of I ha four classes into which the la cone las payeisof I'ursia are divided, and an increase alio in the amount paid by each exc-pt be firs' cliss, lor which the rate was lowered. The ir.Conns ia 'this class range from h tavern 900 and 4.209 maiks, and the rate of taxation is considerably below I per cent. over 9 per rent of the income tax payeis are in this c'a-S; an 1 they pay 36 per cent of i he ' o al 1 evenue from income laxy , Tnc m elates compie the 1,781 inhgh i'an'.s id I'm,-. 1 whose incomes are ore in u Its. The rate f'r them is 4 per cent, an i their taxes amount to abut 3 per cent rif (he tntal-rev.nue erf'td from in comes. A Vrrilt K MI.VEB RILL- Meredi h (Jco-) of Pennsylvania has offered In tits house a bill authorizing oaners of silver bullion, mined or produced in the United States, to have It coined Into standard si.ver dollars of 412?-; grains s any L'ai d S'u'es mint, upon the same term' and iondition- 'hat gold Is now coioe1. I he ilo'lars cii:cd ar; lo fe legal tswdef for all deb k or demant.'s, pub lic or pi :vae . If 'Ids bill : . , the proper rettiictijnt piohibiting the importation of foreign silver for coin gj ic should pass n:TKL Poultry anil FisH Market. BroHualbin, between fciecond and Third Sis., ALBANY, OB. Poultry, Fish, Oysters, Clams, Game in Season. Everything nice And fresh. Give as a sail. 8CUMEERA CALLAHAN Static-.ery, Toilet Artij'es, Musics Instruments, Ete. bodies 4 WM, The Coinei Druj Stor.," A.uany,0i DRUGS LIGHT ISBKEAKINU- To the mind of every thinking man the death-knell of McKinl.vism was sounded in 1892 Republican leaders, it is true, ure attempting to make friends for that effete monstrosity, by alleging that the string ency through which the country is now passing is caused by the effort now being made in congress to reform the tariff. Hut these leaders are making no headway. Their attempt to frighten is a miserable failnie. The people have been too often deluded by these protection leaders. The republican party will never make another presidential campaign, pledged specitical'y to McKinleyi9m. Mark the prediction. The Oregonian has many enemies in Ore gon; more in its own party than Ibero is among the democrats. Whatever may be said as to this unpopularity and the causo of it, nevertheless it can not be gainsaid that the paper is edited with marked abil ity. It can discern the tendency of the times quicker than any other republican paper on the coast It frequently finds itself at cross purposes with its own party by disclosing such "tendencies." A very remarkable and significient ariicle'appeaml in the issue of that paper of Sunday, Jan uary 23, under the heading of a "Tariff For The Times. " In this article that pa per says: "For the past ten years the great object of legislation has been to diminish excessive revenues." That is gosple truth when we consider the motive that inspired the construction. of the McKinley bill. Hut there was another great object in the pass age of tlat bill . It was the purpose of McKinley and his confreres to so fasten protectionism upon tha country that they would never be able to shake off the great load. So confident was McKinley, after tbe passage of his bil, that he had secured his purpose, that be openly boasted that the democrats could not pass a tariff bill in ten years. Now, how, did McKinley proceed to reduce the revenue and at the same time rasien protection upon ine coun.ryrnepm sugar upon toe tree 11.1 which reduced the revenues about sixty million dollars per year. This was purely J a rt venue tariff for the whole tariff tax on i sugar was about six.y six millioni. Sixty millions of this was paid into the treasury of the United States and the other six millions into pockets of sugar producers in the South. In order to further reduce t ae surplus revenues in tha treasury that had accumulated under Mr Cleveland's first administration, McKinley provided for a bounty ot two cents a pound for all sugar produced in this country. This reduction amounted to twelve or fifteen millions more. Then he largely increased the duties upon woolen and cotton goods and many other article to a point partially and sometimes wholly prohibitive. Thus Mc-, Kinley thought, and boasted openly, that he bad irrevocably fixed the yoke of pro - tection upon tbe necks of the unthinking people of the country. His great mistake . raa in premising that the masa of the pee - pie were unthinking. Tbe Oregonian now frankly admits that all such schemes of protective legislation must be cbanireJ. This is truly refreshing. More than that, it is full of patriotic hope. It candidly ad -mtts that "judicious and effective legis'a tion must be devised to increase the rev enues." Yes, indeed. Harrison, McKm- ley and Reed being driven from power left a bankrupt treasury a; a heritage to their , successors. Oh, what a grave mistake the Oregonian made in not giving the advice it ' now gives, to Harrison and his codajutrrs Here is another bit of candor unwitiing!y adherence to theories have brooght our into tee present slate or dutre'5. This is too well-known to call for proof.! The financial legislation complained of was all enaci&l by a republican congress and thus it appears that we are indebted to itmi party lor tbe tils a nation now com plains of. That papa- continues: Neither party is guiltless. One has saerfieed rev enue dirertl to nila no nrotartion lo ar enue aireciiy 10 pile up protection to ex- eess. The other has sacrificed rawnnl indirect!-, hw dMimvina- indnatrta that yield revenue. . orde'r Tget rid of protee-: u., ' Bls pioirv SS t.fN . . 1 1 .. . I .- nu... aua toe repuoiroui part ne,acr.nce- rerenue dlrictly to pile up protection to ex-, eeaa. needg no be'ter nor more cooc!utlve proof than th. provir ion. of the McKinley i,w .. ., . " ,. . rT ' law abovg cited. Bet the democrats have not passed a tariff law since 1S60, hence the OggcoNiAtts allegation against that party has no foundation upoa which to .'.and Again it says: "Wait the country needs new ia neither a pure revenue aor a par prJtect- ive una, which s'ia I yield adequate revsn- ne without destroying industries." Well well, well. Isn't this coming down frcm a very high horse? Are we aoon to be trea'ed in the very near future to editorals similar to those that appeared in that paper in 18S1-2 3? Again it says: Te thing to do no is to retra;e oar mistaken steps ; to undo the mischief of both McKinhy and Wilson; , we should restore the duty on sugar an I put a duty on iea and cuffee to aft rr a sun and dequate ievene.'' Wa'.l this is fiee trade pure and simple judged by the Ciiterlr. laid down by republican papers themselves. But the OreooniakIs ar.ful if no', sound The hidden motive in Ibis proposition is ani.ther effort to secure such tailfl legislation as ill render it unnecessary to pass an income tag law. While it is sometimes d 1 ffi .-u 1 1 titel' "where the Okbvonian is sl," yet ihre 1 one fact II at miy always be 1 elieJ upon; it always has s scheme to ben. fit Hie rich a the expense of the poor. Ii farther says: "We should prune ti e excess of McKinley protection letvinj ad 'i'iate adva'orem pro tection on leki'irr.ate home .nanufactures and give pledge that this sir l net be d:s distuibed. " Comirg down to democratic advalrrm duliee. The light will have mud. more in tensity in a few months, lijt uy should be Oregonian indulge in f Mr!) .1 talk ah"ut Braiting adequate adva orem protcctun and giving pledge that tu-M tariff ra-eg snail not be disturbed? has saihority 10 make such pledge? One congress can r.o bind any oucceeding congress. But th csy of high protection is pasacd. Whe the popistftta inset in S:ate conven tion, ill will not be mim h sailingwhen they proceed to a s ate.-nenl of ihe issue of the compaigu the adoption of a platforas. There are tlio e v ho will Insist trial ml money (juestiona arc at issu Some aill latlg'. on in king free arid unlimited coinage of allvcr the u:ily isjuf. O. hers will insisi- that the acretary ol the tiear-ury must b instructed If) i-sae two tiOJgand ncillions of grcentacas and loan it t land owners at 2 per cent peraonum. Sergreg of o hers will insist on the pany taking poiitiaa on the tariff quest i n while othcig still insist on dodging it. Kas'er Sun.isy will enmf on Mairh ac h this Tear, an J Thanl-skiving Div win occur NVvemhr - j0''-. ' Hh, T UlllCL. O llCi -S I proclainallon uj gubern ituiiai The highest elevation alKive the lev. I of he sea in any state or territory ia In Aiarlsa Mt St Ellas which is 18,231 feat Tag area'aa al'i'u'e lit Pturtda Usivftsert, The aaapsorad ar a of Canada la ov.t 1 090,000 square mi'es. KKEKTKADK The resolution uf Ihe Towa Miters' as sociation to poition congress to "throw open al Aim-rii m ports so that the millers can get 'heir products into foreign ports" is an open declaration in favor of free trade It Is rather singular to find an association dominated by republicans demanding freo trade. Bat the fact is, as The tllobo has repeatedly 6aid, that all agricultural states have everything to gain by free trade. A protective tariff Then levied to promote and develop a certain industry benefit that industry at the expense of tha con sinner uud to the detriment of all other in dustries. Protection restricts tiade and we can not restrict trade wit-out injuring those lnuustri s iv w 1 use Burooxu prose cution we aeoamnlate a surplus for export. Hy imposing tariff taxes of an utmost pro hibitive nature we have driven our own merchant marine from the high seas and reduced the foreign market for American farm products to the minimum. High ocean freight rates, aisde high because we have decreed that freight shall be hauled one way only, coupled -itti an unfriendly feeling by re.t -on of our pernicious tax system have wrought sad havoc and well nigh destroyed ihe foreign markets for our farm products. American farmer have minimize, the injuries by diversify ing fanning but the f.u-mers have never theless suffered heavily by reason of this. That farmers in thii country have felt the weight of discrimination in favor of man ufacture and against farming is provn by iuB- .a. uiujpt is wu" o-tM"i made so bv burdens tha' comoelled the farmer to si udv and p'an aH night and fFSftE' !fAM W. true that Tnr.masO.i work ill dav iiudbv i ha farther fact " 1 ?" H Battle. Wash. Jan 29It Is said work all Oay, d by he UirUHr tact t W v-r of tlrvation. Pnneville will donate County Surveyor Ames will be chaired to except 111 extreme y fe'i lie and productive them a few barrels of Hour and enough fat mornw with "sweating" his subordinatea sections th former la o.ided down wito nioitgages. If the le rittions to inter national trad? were done away with, as the Iowa Mitten' association wou'd have it, farming w.hi d lecome more profitable and farm lands W011,.l .r,. ,.v Puh UKV in vjll,e. , But we cannot wa .,uin Chinese tariff walls in lavor of tae manufacturers' pools nnd (rus!g withcu( Ul0 consumer nml aU ihn ,,i ; wi f,r, ,i... or 0!her kind o proaaets for export, suffer- - . . ... . ing as a direct result, t ariff advocates contcLd that their ideas vhen carried into practical enee' wm aev.'lope a 'huna mar- ket." This has bren tricsl for a century.; and we are, even in the face of trade-de- stroyinglegi.lation. exporting more farm products now than ever before For the ; ,hirtv hl .,. war , . is j tiffj- anj (bat ,dbteJ ..h,me marke, ret a future contintrencv. Tc ! v , !,ll lheUwa the right step ! ers- association has taken has adopted a course which if followed ; out by our g0VCTnmau voaU m,ke fJrm. jn(r ;n America th most profitable indus !rj in tlie world -Council Bluffs Globe, ' mmmmmm, mmmmm M Tne mean ar.naatr.ii (rain ar d melted j now, ) at I'-r land Oren - 4 iu:hes 'This is r 1 V tne fj. .n, stittn Alabama, 64 1 inches, Arkatw 53 siaefaea Connecticu. a9 t inches, DU'ilciof Co ambia, 41 S inthes, FiagiaU 63 6 inches Georgia 55 9 inches. LoaistaM 64.0 inches Maine 59.1 i.i:ries, Itraaaassppi 57. S inrhrs. j Ninth CaroBaa 69 S i acauta. Rhoi ! iaas) ! So inches. South Carolina 57.3, Teo neasce 56 5 inches. Vlrglaia 5: 4 inches. fVaCaingtjn gi bjebca. Tncse arc the binta. po n s re ar'ed. In addi'icn to Ihe ahovi s'oilowin pjHis hsvr a -s' g-eatei ratUU than A ban.v. Oregoa: Louisville : Kentacker. 3cno.i acd SprvgfVe.d. Mas- , New Jersey, New ork City. Pa.e.-ire. 'r.hiL.I than A bar.v, aexa aaa jarsmown - si njinil Tae wettest pU'M .n tKe world la Chr ; raponee lo Assam whcie tae average annua ralofau is 61a : 1 -ry. nrm 1jntls . u ,a m, . Kmu! ... j a,..-.:! t-,., ; . r -.Kii i . ,.,.,.,...;,. f . s hsi sail: tu. usa - ... . . . i .- . . - f TTA 71 , tcolaied iuin iusi aafare tbeood of Mr Harrison's AdrntMstraltaa. bich u noW - - t,.,.. " ' . " 7 V v- v 1. Mrhoreteis'orrrwin;: from Sf ark tanks. Thecaase of th; eliciencr, o' course existed long hsf jrc a DxnaoCrataS re-Uent Biilioo- . ..1 ......... a a 1 . . . 'jti I..- w. rr.c ui. s a Dal!ar Congress ex'.rjv.isjnce and McKin 'ey sriff As 10 where man tii -t a; j eared i; i be I yond doubt tht his earliest home was ;n 1 southern Earope. cr Aii, or nor;h Africa. j Nj earlier traces of him have been lounj than those found in the area England, France ad spaln. t.iat is now Ai.drew j xkaon's tody servant , a very o.d daraey. whose name is L r.c'e Alfred, is aitjout loo. Tiif-v nro.Ke to for mo -er tv V.ltaMl f-orvs lUs-. 9 J ..... ... ...... .ii,i. ....s. tingirshed. Of comae thete is no chance for their recovering anslhinr II iniuallce was done a jo yotrs aijo or murr it i a'e to remed y it aaw. Iqq - It is fily to be expec-esl that a conven tion of protected persons 0u d resolve .lift .ft. . la. if a-'S VBVTJ VUa f Ii l If ,T sl ' ' I ft-Cft I 'jU'f "lail f, f IlOfl 1st 1 hi (al ! KgS nf I a a aj-wa. a iuiic -, ICIJ, OIlirM r U still.vlng.t Jackson', old home, .he 'er j A larre part of thct.i-iness portion of the ! section a 1 he N .4, of the NF t n I ' of ..unbar Una, ,n , he rr: age, near Na, isilk lie ads a, anhle to gajy was p't,'. abon. building,, being; .ectn Sin tp j S R ea,: of the ?- 1, Xrl, i Wi A K E Specialty of SuEIlVsida fruit tFOCt PMr Salem- t i icmany an: come mere, an ; nas "sruycu. i nc nre spreaa so rapwiy ma. :. i.mette tlarldian in liilHam Co.t).. ...n. . urt-sn Basin oouatv o' Marion r.r Vt MM. it-n ,, - , . , agreat fund, f anecdotes about Old Hick. ! Jj-e Uepartiueat was unable to with it. Done by order of ihr H.r .1 N ID ncan, jgreiron bJ. 7tbknilot " lH 5 10 OT 20 ACT lots at 50 tO 160 nr . t .11 la for a. 1st:. ll-. -.. ri f t . I .r. I i . I ,n,l .v.. r - . . . t . , t . . . . . I . . ! S S 1 . . t o'v t . - . . 11 . ; ;"st i i- wiwj tii oi mt i,r m , or n st aieineii i .-so as, ;i.rr,r tli . urch v Or SlliaiiCaitn I'lVniS'lI ; ct n r t m c ! Lewiston brought steameraand two hand Oren, for the Countv of Unn. i h the 1 of lbs s 1 of S ' . K i, of 7; i V lOPg -DM i ua.anc t- r - , engines were sent from Brunswick. ea! .d said coun affixed, this Joth day of and N E '.of M El'of saa-tion town i r partlClllaS. Tiie NarraiAasett Islands no it r , luth . J . . , , . , ( .. , u--11 lire omi-i ui .1.. 1'UUilI, r- that pr MtaMia good thing. Hecce ; ducing wagei ou the svs'em. was 'made the niouiipolis's who are fed and pampend j public. All the employes of evtry depart at the extK-nie of consumeri by our tariff i ,nnl are "ffected by the cut. which ays' eja, can never he sutlictently thankful forthe "hliBings ' Ihoy enjoy. Oregonian. The first repoit of U:i scaaon'a wheat crop in tlie t'arj.uh I'r vincc in India ha1 been issued. TLa peospeefs are unusually good. The area planted , .n increase ofjsix per cent Over r.f ;hn preceding crop. Zookajiats claim tht t 'ic stungth i.f the ion In i-i ! fire I'tr.h. Is oalv sis y-nine per cent of that of the tiger, and tl.e strength nf the hind limbs sixty-five per ctr.t. There are 1200 ChcroWec Indians 111 North Carolina who 0Wa 74,000 acres O, veiy fine land and l ave four I'livrrn-nrnt schjo's. The ex pna'dier I'r if.; or B irk, if he reltirna frcm California -which he pgoh ably will not nhoul i be liunned ol i-ll men. The crimed ui eged igains' him which he has not denied are too filthy for bumari ihoutfht MarctWT. fillhv I The p-ople'ii parly is (raining stri'iig h every day. It is now ev di-nt that the People and lbs) ilm icr.its -v 1 Ii have 11 ma jority in the next leg sU'.urrr. Astoria Budget. No 009, of thi! New V.rk Central, is sii:d ta have Made the rite of Yli mi'eh per hour. No locomotive us yet producad in Kng'and hatt come up to that scratch. Mote ginseng is produced in West Vlr uillia than in any othrr State Three liun ! dred tliouscn-l ilolln.s wo'lh of Ce root are so'd ever) ya ir fi 0 Cli II". 111 that will u. ' Jas A Oar- "I lielieve in U ilf mf I tiniately lead to fre' trade I field. MTSriTS Third class cities all over the U S are nennaj notoriety by offering fate purses l 150,000, mre or loss, for the Corliett Jackson light. Dora Pennington, of Ashland, became acquainted with Clarence Dunn, of Han Francisco, through correspondence. They became engaged and she neatly left for San fraaoaco, to l' married. Dunn prov ed to be a lake detective and N (1, and was found in a Chinese den. tif course they were not married. The moral is plain. 'I '.(id Uer, you Jim. We knew you would win," was the message Corbetts mother and father sent to him upon hearing of his victory over Mitchell. It the Lord is an endorser of brutal prize fights, the cham pion is undoubtedly entitled to his blessing. Corbet! should lie pnnid of his parents for the religions interest they take 111 him. Welcome. Tlie following is a sample of an Arkansas Country dance, one that 00 urred Monday night: News is just rcceivad of a free-for-all tight with revolvers and knives at a country damtt. !aturduy night, at the house of James ForDM, near Alvimi, Clark coun ty. The light grew nut of 'oo free indul er ce In a bad quality of whisky. Before it was ended lewis lones, Charles Koss and Sam Powell were killed, and Walker Jones snd Sam Jones probably fatally wouniled. Several otiiers vere more or less seriously cut or shot. The Prineville Review says: The resi dents of LebajiM and vicinity must be pretty hard up. At a meeting Ik Id in that 1 cny hum wees, ii-soiuhuus w eiu M-M'.i en- dofsing Pennoyer's Christmas letter to the citv la.-t wtvs resolutions were lussed en oeei to suusiy meir nunger unui times get - The liolJendale Courier has susjiended with the following notice: With this is sue we bid th.' readers of the Courier fare well. We have been struggling against fate for the last three months, hardly know ing from one day to another where the money was to come Horn to jwy for onr paper, and now with an empty w.vxlsfced. an empty poc -et book. 600 "busted" scribers.' ne credit, the last month's Ub- paper over flue, me ta.-t wei s etiition new in the express omce t u i. ana with jujtj ; ; due us on our books we are obliged to -sus- ,.,nj nrrTn TPMT 0 lfllHlBil HIC NSWo. , j Fired I pm . , , i"J,"". Jan J.-ita lonowiug statement ha been made bv Admiral i,a . hlnl. comman :er of the United State fleet lto j an'kiro, Jjn . lbe following in this harbor: The insurgent force on Cobras island llPri,l.c 1t.. , .htn .1. I'nited States flag 1 protested to Admiral dc tiania against this action, and his re , pone was that he had warned tbe com- mamler of the ship when at the bar at lUo as to the whereabon's of the danger line. 1 mwmva is usma 10 cea nnng liotii tbe guns on be island of Cobras and guns of the insurgent warship Tr.uano a ; opened fire Saturday npon 'he lrk Agate, -; v s..l.jEi Iron: N-w York, i w.,r:.d ,'h, l"e iiama at once mat it tee are were re peated I would fire back I also warned Wr rim h . e '.oocne.1 an American ship or A. y. su u, said ;x . : .in gooJs I would consider him a Abo tie fcl aatog: An ao hricVt 00a-l',r1''- ; f. artn if tba tract, f Uo, (.Igaallr reaslaa iraacls i aiog a: th a-.l:! rr.rcf lb 1 .- T , .. r Isoc loid alsim t.f j H ao.t wife. J&WV T' Jan ci.i- KJt ia tn SI4 west of ITilW ll. f ' . ' 57. m"T f?,' "" ' ar a M.nduu, ar..l running :hecc asl U.41 'r:Vl. v, i Vw ' 1 ' rtt" 7i - K'Ku- tic tension fraadever knon in the "sonih have been unearthed, wbich will lead ft 'Ik arrest of probably ICC negro's im-li-j itn. aral 00 evidence of bl own manu- ' , lac.are xrami pennons lor Oiiien. ' tion for two I5th distric ' cWrr.ccrat district Lemuel i V Urn by W3 totes, thuj succeeding i in I ii ello-., oemotrat. In ba Icthi cusiric'. i-auoTe Riraa-t. cemocrat. wa; sestnl onr FrwSnaok K.ri4 ! i-a-as .raaries. IJrJ?9- " Al i norta bava ln r-irt l saaass mst Tssa Elreflaas V-w 1 -JO Tc : . 1 .1 ' r... 1 anai r.i aarv-a I'aoo in said Mas. !.' sa : :. Htn and ai .... is raited in the ci.xtion of one n,v" ' V"; ".v ." ,w' sad one republican. In the Uth I 'ZCfL .i. . ... K., . . , . , .-.t I oqsioiw 01 Areata v wv laseaa .'y Uaianr !efealed t ill- i The de- 1 disaster at Cumtibt. Paraaagua and An- I E Tucker Nana E Tucker aarv E Tucker ; uk! lis i. s. ,oon the- !0U,B 1 " ttd that these place have ! and Ida I Tucker and to III otners kno.n 4u- ' ' - 1 . - - - - - v I occn ruptured by the Insurgents and that l ttZS h4" "d. aban- I doninj their arms and muaiUoni of war. Bll lr.) I .. J! Ihb evening passed an ordinance levying a lax of 5 mill on the dollar. This will raise a little less than l.V00O. without making i any provion for the payment of tbe float- ing uei. ntgh Waier r'atajroajti. in It ia understood on excellent authority tbe Cbiseaa Ccia:s are sericulk a swaaa flood. t wiuesi'read s Big rire -TH. Me, Jan ---ne of the most l.romet-e meridian in Counts Ore diaas rous tia-es in th histo.T of the citv t i-n.i Th S W t ol (K Is" 1. o( . . ! IaEAVKXWORTn, Wah, Jf taS . --J ft3IM 1 li-lnnn Iho r.-.n.l.,.-lo I n rhirirn of fh.i . .-.,,1, ...I..! .1, r:s v 1 1 - i : wa run over by cars lat night and fatally 1 I .... j ...-v vu luc - im in I'nui r ' , - i 'DJureo He was Urlng:ng a freight train i .-.-. n , .i.l.. ...I a. ti f.M, .... i . t 1 - " - ' - .... -. u.u iuc i. ui j the boxcar, and was run over. A Krdnrilun la waara ,. . , , j Jaha, Jan w. Union I acific labor i V . w-e""rre; 1,0 !"e ' In', P ' iiuiiiiiiui in ii!iriy 111 per cent, jiiusre oer Duadv not on v enjoined the men from striking, but cut the p.iy and ordered them to work on at the reducil pay. A Terrible Kailbqaake Sax Fiiasi isco, .lau 5JH. Advices re ceived yslerday by the steacisbip Belgic, froca Cnina, unnoance the complete anni hilation by Mrtkqpnkt of the town of Kuchan, IVrsia. I welve thousand persons were killed in the awful disaster, und where was once an important and beauii -ful city of 20,000 thero is now no'-hing hut death and terror. Paal sum. Khoelag,, Jan 28. Tba long-distance gnowshse race from Mon'rpal to Lachine, nine mili s, for the championship of l':in--ila, S iturd.iy afternoon, was won hy 11 (lov.iin. of tliM Argyle club, in CI minu'es and i'-i seconds . a Live Tlawa. Big Siosk Oar. Va. Jm 28. Three Virginia officers tracked the two Fleminu ' brothers, outlaws, from this county lo West Virginia and lound them linirsdav m Uesfgs, a lonely little mountain town, more than 50 miles from a ruilroad. Cal Fleming wag shot instanlly through the hram. Ileenan, his brother, shot each of the three officers. Hp was shot in the chin and hud the fingers of his right hand shot away. He shot IM Hall through the back of the head. Doc Swindell through Ihe neck und John Uranhiiin through the right lung. Then he gave up. $20.00 REWARD' Company F. will pay the above reward lor the arrest and conviction ol the per "ii or persons, who so maliciously des tined weailng apparal at the armory on theeyenlng of January 16, 1894 '' if raiiglotia beliefs perpleg you, von deslie a fallh al once reasonable nd and uplifting, send for free liberal religions reading to postofhec mission, 346 Vam- street, Portlar.d, Or. A Railroad War. Chicago. Ian 29. War measure were today adopti d by the Union Pacific, which announces i'r intention of reducing ra'es 1 between Missouri river and North Pacific I jcoast points, whereby passenger tariffs will be reduced $19 from Chicago ;o Port-; land and Pin111 sound noints: 815 of) to tepok?no And similar polnis, and $14 to 1 Montana common points. If the same rates are put in effect by the lireat North- ! prn and Northern Parilic. the I'nion Pa- ! cihe will make, a further reduction of 31 Womlnutnl in Ibr Prrshlent Washington, Jan 2!). The president ent the fol'owing nominations to the sen ile : Collector of customs, John T (iiiffey, iiOs Angeles, Cu I; Thomas Moonlight, of (ansaa, to be minister lo Bolivia; K L Iroebstrhig. postmaster at Phillipsburg, Hont; William P Watson, surveyor-general of Washington; John Y Terry, reveiv- of public money at Seattle, Wash; reg iitera of land offices Thotnas J llolton, Ids Ange'es, Cal; Solon U Patrick, isalia. Cal. An Itlaad t'aplwrrd U10 Jankiko, Jan 25. (Via Montevideo Jib 29.) Karly the morning of the 24th imt a strong force of insurgents landed on lhm Jesus island under cover of Sre from their launches and captured the earthworks hdd by tbe government troops. One field gun and a quantity of ammunition alw fell Into their hands. Knough prison er! to lood one of the launches were made by the insurgents. It is reported that 2o wire killed and 70 wounded . a Mrk Caar i ?t PKTEivsni ua. Jan 29. The czar is I seriously ill of indue. bronchitis and lntamiua'iou of the lungs. His tempera tue Saturdar night was lOo, but some wlat better last night. .his evening tbe czar s condition is im 1 Drv,l much p ; i,v reauirinif tberu to nive him from 10 to I SO mr iHnt M toelr vmrfH m rnnitlfl.r:i'mn of holding pi ices in his office a"d fie!d corps. An attempt will be made to kim from office. Aaather Oar oust Datton, Wash. Jan 2J While hunt -with ing this attsrnonn. m company tierg Robinson, agesl 12. f barley Conner. aged 13. was accidentally shot in the left j Ti with a rifle. Hi. rerovcry is very . doabtful. as lb bu'let lo.laed iuat under- . notfh the brain. , GUARDIAN'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Notice is breb givtutt" the understgn ed liasrduua ( Aicaie C Wiia n, a minor laaeacrdsoce with a Hceoa granted by tba 1 t'oart cf Ijon County, Orr09, to all the real estate I aluBgtog 10 said mu U wiBoa Sstardav the trd day of Fab, U94, ( the hoar ,.( 1 o'clock o m. at th 1' urt ttt.uar . " . . 7. . ,C ; doot in Alb.y, I 100 tooaty, Orajjoo ea - !"" . r .' ,l oc'?' lJ lb. h!'., b,d. , " .". ,r u'".w aetui rsai ' T V ,n,r " .as;T:dl o-.iatnth cf :ba btlaariM d:r:bcd tract if lard mmenclOtl at a j poiat on h rturth lice ef tbs I;oaliou Uud nUnuous resident utn and cultivation Urn r.f Vino. M W.tso- snd Mary VVataoojoflBU,i ij Xlt ieDtTx Mvers. Fresl 1 h" 0 eh"", l fnal T?bTfl ' My. Marshal Clark. Canlwell" Clark, all .orner.f.Md c m. tt King no! S 1 .9 ( , JtK.,, , ll-urUT A Mil leu. cla.m i ' . . to !s K sell vl Vt illam- , ti- sti I . t, N'i i . . .4 ...... .1. r .. , . Umit B- 1 r - . - - Oe ,.k,lni In ftAMltf ih.nv l.dtt'. II f 1 ku hao.-a east 8.19 chs, ihe'.ce soath 18 2S eb-. t!-o w'st 4-J :"i ;nun, t.ieoca nerlh ?8.t3 hai. Its tbo rlac f beiacing eont-iaicg I 'c cri we or less, at! in Ijr.n .""nan- v I l a ..r. . as s r- - If a ! . s . . J.-a n ,n lac! toe lira eut a! ' cbato Us a is iot that 1 2 boa. ooeth cf s oaa poel oa It. oa-.b s! e c Ih c-Qoty j . s.. taaaaasa aaa s ft siaas to a 'aka. tbecc srtb ,5.70 chl).(. tV stk no tba north , j.!,, fotcs-.r vt said Walaon eUnn ' taaoe o-r.h 5. tO chaioa to tiae -1 beii- ' "nag. eaataasaaat 15 acres, more ra. ir L on Ctwoty, Uretco, eoeiccs lo tber-life CITATiOH . . . r (A Oaar fo-r eflXr imr, nt rtr,e. f,. Cke Coy cf Lin In .he matter of the eat.le of P B Tack-! I rs j 1.. ( . LTA.caseu . iuv. 1:1 r. nrs,: er .1 s -v.-s d unknoa i having anv inlere? In ihe esute of p B Tucker deceased, greeting: B IN THE S AME OF THE STATE OF OREOON. Vnu at hrt.. Mt.A . I quirad to appear In I he County Cbast 1 : the State nf Oregon, lor tne Count r ol ; Llnn at tke coin room tbeieof at Albanv 1 in the count v aforestiid. on 1 he j yh day of March. 1S94 at , Viock in the 1 alterooon of Iha! dav. Ihcn and ihere to how cause If anv you have whv a license SauM nor laa.ta In -T I ISi.i.l .J ,1.. ad-nintstralasa- ol ih aaSata ol ..i.l -I -. ilcrncinir ard dirrriinn him ir. aasH th in mnwrl. Ivln'..m m Aa. 1 - m m - - - - ! crlbed as fo.lows. to-wli : J The west half of the norihwest quarter : ff .srlUn . ... , , 6 SS - ,k. 1111 N V I'avsk. Clerk. rXECUTRIX' NOTICE V.' iT 1 1 ' i ' :. t.Aw.1... : ii i ia : . - v .. . - imnii ( III it i I WIIOIU 11 , may conrt'rn. that 1 was on the 10th day of January. I S4. duly appointed eteoutorof of William G Mrntgvniie . .ieoease.1. by the County Court of I.irin ('mnty. refron, therefon. all janr-on hav ing (iaims against the estate of said dare- ! dentr.rehereby and required to j prevnt :ieh Claims to me with the proper 1 vouc'-c.-. at my residence near S in. 111 ai. ' routi!, within six months from the date' hereof Itatad this 12th day of lanitrvy, ISH4. W K Bii.TEr, "How Aim .Muxt.-.iixif -r Attorney. Kxrs-rto A STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. Nolioo is hereby given that iha aantal mealing of UsaWookboldaraoftlia Alhaav Hnl ding arid l oan A kxeriation still lie held on Friday, Feb 1 I, IStll at iha hour of 7:30 p ! said dav, in b- Rank of ireg ui bill dlug l.i Aitiuiv, I inr l.nuntv Oregon for the purpose of electing niae diisetora and three auditors 10 aer v lor tha torui nf one y ar next ensuing from aaid men'ing, and unili their suceeaaora ra e!e l;1 and qualified and to transaet such otliT bualuew aa uiay come bufore th aasoclatio-). Doim by' order of s-ld assoela n this 14th day of Jaju rv mm. CBWi n. UHStiwsit, Haorntary. President Assignee's Notice. In the matter of the assignment ol Hen Freeman insolvent dabtav, Notice is hereby given that Henry Freeman Pound hag assigned to uie all hi property for the benefit of nil hie credi'ora in accordance with the laws af the atate of Uregon relating to Ksnsral aaHignmema by insolvent debtors. Al creditora of the said Henry Freeman Pound ara notified to present their claims, tinder oath, to me at the office of lilacB burt & Watson, attyi , in the city ol Al -bany, Oregon, within three months froas the date of this notice. Dated Mbany, Or., Dec 8th, 18M3. B. ff . InviNg, Assignee. M rat. Dr. r-attcraon-t ullr. Th. Nntttit Clairvoyant ami Li' Ki-nlcr, ia uaw her, and can Is found al hr rcsldcnre, next door J H Uouglll'a. sh tella aisiut all suMecla. issa present and future; love trouble, slwnt frieuda suJ businsss. You oau hear froaa vur Usag llanJs. 1 - 1 ; 1 BEIC RBBR I'aiker Urns, grocers. r. M. Kren-ili kr-upi railrearl tlu.i Buy year froreri of Par hi Hr( area nm isutdvad at Ctmn Jlyrs. P J Siniloy job printer, Khao Block, d"- !irst class work, Sntoka the ! :.-:. rut'-d Havana filled 5 cent oigar at dulius Joseph's, l)c V! II R! lis. ohysionn and surgeon Alba-iy, ' )!).' 1 1 . 0l ntli bi city 'or country. BOMWTBtNO TO JtEUZUBEB, if you're a weak or ailing woman : that there's only one medicine so buto to heli you that it can be auarantted. It s Hr. Pierce 8 Its Dr. fierce a ta- vorite IVeaeription. In building up overworked, feeble, delicate wo men, or in any " female cmplaint " or weakness, if it ever fails to bene fit or cure, you have your money back. It's an invigorating, restora tive tonic, a soothing and strength ening nervine, and a safe and certain remedy for woman's ills and ail ments. It regulates and promotes all the proper functions, improves digestion, enriches the blood, dispels aches and iiains, brings refreshinff sleep, and restores health and strength. In all the c'uronic weaknesses and disorders that afflict women, it is guaranteed to benefit or cure, or the money is refunded. Nothing else can be as cheap. With this, you paj; only for the good you get. Notice for Publication. LiXD OPM( E AT OBEHiOX ClTT Jan. fth. 1-Vt. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of hi inu-c-tion to make final proof in support of hU claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Albany .r.. on March 6th. I!M. viz: Ltvi Pierce U K No 7225. for the S ' of N K !4 and N .4 of S K V. sec 2. tp II, S It I E. He nsnw tiw frvllnwino wilvuHcur . In nrr.vt. til Notice for Publication. UsuOn ai Cii'.os Cnv. Ck., tflltlna i hereby g-.vefi i'. the fallow ing naino seKtltsr has 6 , 1 co'icss of h a loteulinn to make final proof in support ot Baa claim, ao- that ai J protf w. 1 si.ale ti(or im 1 o ' -.- I -rk Co, at Albany. 1 r on Var-n '..b. lr.-t .z M.Ml.iSC.irk.ll K.S". fUMI I r tb .s J of V KM and N K i rf S W 30. tpltS KIK He ttvo lot lowing ("i ficte hi -oiticu? ou residanco upon aod enttiraiion of aai 1 land, rig; Levi PJerce. B nery My. ra. Card wo I C ark. Frei Myer. .l of Lae -nib. Urn Co. Ure. !.-,!.- A Rcjisler aH8 CF FiNAL SETTLEMENT. Notice ts HiRurr givex that the in. aerscg-iMii sasteuearai. r -1 ib ea .1 J S aavasaawata . ilimaanl, lass 1 wah las CSrrk 4 la Oseartr Coast lor Una coast), Oragn. ksa anal aoroeral la as4 ratal. a4 la C IW0U Curt ba laasl la is a si t4 Ftbraars .lsi, at tbe U.m rt I o ciock a aa ol as-J sas aa tae CaawtJ tbsb.n.r .4 iasli I in W y W wmMt saiaair-at aaaaaVaaaS g asU aaUle. Aai pers. n bs .as stSer- I vaaao as at artiissMai c as 0 ratal a.- aotsSnl tola prraret st J rjii llse ski- itits-fced bi oevte- a Uta i S Dski id Trent Uau Iw se, isa. w KIM Bare II, ADMINISTRATRIX SKOUE JS Una oasois. Or, asiiy arssasatssi .seeuu 1 e,u ay sad utaaaart atXiigdstsMUu '".I'f.'.'t?1' 1 J""" iZTT.'.Zi VJ " reitx ir ih GgsJ . f St., ur.a cswa j. Orr- S -m. I aiUiia sis n?;.lhs Ims this da's ; lasted Una ' be Cta das o Jar user. ISM a a KsscTitar la.NALD. aaSaStaVSS ' B Butcv Airaay far TJ S Land Ornot, Oaavaoa Crrv. Oa., Jaly lltb, I93. Nr tic ia hereby given tha: In c impll 'anr-swlih tha prnviaiona oflbe act of! c0or proof to show ibat the land sought . ia mora va uaoie for it limber or stone than for agricultural purr.VHi, ann lo j ' hi" ei.m ro aaid land before ihe He.- - an I Kaealvag ol this offloe al Oreeon Ciiv. "rrgnn. on vt ednessday, the j Hlh day of January. IMU Ha nsuift. as I wllnesnsa. Geo If I'iteliier. ol A oany ! )regon;Henry .tisen,of lhny,"te-gori, i i Berry.of Berry .Oregon; A Is Collvar, 1 of tJteati Raaiu, tlrego . A ny and all) j parsaiu e aimii g amerssnlv the above I ; dass ribatl lands are reouettvd lo file ibe'r i I elaim in lhi .-.IBce on or b f rn si. iMlb lay of January ISM, Robert A Miller, Register. EXECUTOR'S Nomca is iiKHKnv ottBMtu all v. .... m it may i-.4Hs.rn. that n Ui Iitth dav of laxcmtwr. Ian, I ws duly apisinlcl rsr. ukir .! the last aill anj trstamtD' of Jiarlh 1. Dirkam, t,y in , i -uut; 1'otirt ol Linn county, Onvn. and ihai 1 hvrfllcdm. Honda aa such t-arrvlor, n.l that said Uiuda have ia-cn appoireil by amid court; therefor II nsrsois having c'slms against .! tal ar .rl.y notiflrd and rvjuirad 10 prrsnt Ihe same Ih rouchcrs 11 nis at the ogle of V R Bil ulnthrruvnf Alba'ir, Linn ciunty, orsjon thin sis months from th dat heraof bat l Una JSIth .lay ct December. 1HS3. ItinrSf Fassaux Pso nT At., m ey f. r Ese.uli r Eawu FOR EXCHANGE. We have 50 aotas nf very choice aurliur ban land, am tat ! for plating, adj lining tha city limits of Portland hich w are- cflar iog at th low price of one. thouaand didlara par acre, suhjct to an inrumtirance of $16, 000, moat all of which ha two years to run Th equity of $33,900, we will exchange For improved farm land in the Willamette val ley. Wgwill also exchange equity in some very central proapactivs business property, w ini; (rood rental, for unincn inhered farm land. If yon are on the trade write for full particulars 1.1 Loxo & Ct mug, 131 Sl street Portland .'regou. ANTKD. Kuahir.g Canvaaer of good dreaa. Liberal salary and on ansa paid weeklv; Permanent paaitnn. BROWN BK03. CO., Nurserymon, I'ort'snd' Oce goo . SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETiN 1 Notice ia hereby given lo the legal votei of School District No, 5. of Linn County, State of Oregon, that a special school n eet ing of the said district will be held at the Court House, Albany, Oregon, on tha 30th day of January, 1694' at 7 o'olook in tha afterroon, for tha following objeote: To levy a tax for the .upport of the aohnola of said district for the ensuing yea", and to pay the interest on the distriot debt. Dated this 16th day of Jan, i89. C H jviawaRT Dratriut Clerk. J K WuniUNRs Chairman Board of Direotor. m A 4 r o ST. JACOBS OIL PAIRS find sOl tbe Reduced fromjjf-; gj: ine r "The CrtaUtt e alt tur PrrhiUalt." The lorcmo-.t r-icn ot the world write the literature ol conumpurr.eou acUvity for TrlC FORUM. Etr) ;reat subject Is tatci ep by The Forum aihen It naturallf casus 1st public attention and Is treated bj tha best authorities, without regard to parties cr creeds. It aill keep sti; thoughtful reader Informed on the tasks and problems al the time, as no clher periodical does. To many thoughtful people, the price ot Tbe Fornm has hitherto been pro hibitory; indeed all tbe great Ueviewa have been too high in price for the masses o Intelligent readera. Hut now tbe number of readera ol thoushtiul literature - men and women who wish really to know what U :- cn in the world cut side the narrow limits of particular aecu and panic i i great enough In tbe United States to warrant so revolutionary a reduction in price. Tbe Forum discusses important fubfects, but it is r.ot dull. The literature of contempo raneous activity la. In fact, the most interesting of all Btseatanu American citizenship implies that a man shall know the opinions ci tbe foremjs m:a and tbe latest great achievements in every direction of activity. SIZE AND QUALITY UNCHANGED. The Foram ia mr as cheap as the raagariaes of mere entertainment. THE CHEAPEST, THE LARGEST, TrfE BEET, TnE GREAT fiE.EffS. The Forum Publishing Company, Union St; aire. New York. 25c. a Copy. $3 a Year. At Perry Conn's Barrel of Pickels, Chow Chow. Fine California Honey, Horse Radish Roots, G rass and Garden Seeds. Always keep on hand a choice a well as a superior stock of ; FORTMILLER h IRVING liiciertakcrs E KtFI'oritir'i ci i ne 1 !. ccfBr. Also ttiiia! icte ard r.'ch will b o'J at I tie- J.o we; EMBALMING proper m -XTisA CRAfcCfc FOR ALBANY, - MASONIC rhe Oregon Land Co sVitn its J1YSJL - - Grmv !.-. corner L!-erty ai - . I MEAN w 'ill sell all crrt'kerv Here ar OST 50c for 25 car J .... ... jvuj- ana saucers AO to l iivnlsit at.- n v..c JA set. , r.. v.. hvery'hinr' n proportion. ( all on n.e and you will J. NEW P is NOW rULfi OF FIRST-CLASS Fl'KNITCRK. CONSISTING onisat. chair, BOT T OM 4 LB ANY CIGAR FACTORY .1. .lOSKI'll. Proprietor, II s - Jt rV S r MK UKsMlafCI lnOTOwKAPF.Ri,(lon T. CHAf KEY, M.D. Physician and Surgaen, Ogle Spataus over tb Bans ol Oregon. Reaidanc, norner loth, and Calapoela it. XjioR KENT, Th opera house etore, I1 splendid location. Ca I cn tha secretary at tbo IIkmccbat office lor pat tieulara. World Koocua aba CUJH la BVUB. orum 1 line of all staple grocet ies, cr.v?kery. and iaUibalmers, . i e 1 f . ela ic. 1 1 ih sre ord caste al suit. I ic at p. 'it r.ii.l r Litlug Praflls. care cf the dead a HEARSE OR SERV r.l- TEMPLE, - - OREGOf horr.e oSce sl - OHllGO sT - j :sute street, branch cce r Poelltr-asJ BUSINESS. war. and holiday gocds &' some nrices: l amns -,-irti lanins. worth t2 tV) f,,r i m a - T-a.-v cents pe? not b:i deceived. Gradwohl. URN ITU RE, etc.. inbich I will iu.ll at PRICES. !lios. Brink. Jabl net photos from $ i .50 to a. 00 . .- . oer i- ioaen. tnlaising pictures a peclalty. 16x10 crayon: framed 0.00. V oarrv a large stock of II of 5xS and sterescoale views of Or- A RENTS MAKE FIVE DOLLARS a day selling the greatest kitchen uter. sll ever Invented. Retails far thirty-five cents. Two to six can be sold in every house. Millions sold in this coantry alone. Don't miss the greatest opportunity ever known to make money, easi'v and qutaklv. Satr.ale sent, postage pre pa' J for five cents. Mc M akin & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. 1 SHERIFF'S SUE: I A (if Circu-l Ci M of hf. Stale of Oitgf for lie coun y 1 f I-nn. J M Waieis, v V.hti Jo'.iDsen aod K UJ hi s. i'lsintiff ,T)tff,Lrar Kiitiis is lit-reai? uivea thtt cnde in by v rtoe of aa cztcation leaned oot (I It circuit court of tbe aUte of Oreg'ir, for Linn Ctnnty, and to me riirtcteo and delivered npon a jndgment rendered asd eLlered in thr first asaaaaea in the- cinuil c Bit rf the aiate ot Oregon, for I-t county, rr. the Ilthday-f March. 1803, :n favor f f M Watera as plaintiff, and against abti lohnwn and K U Johnson as defendants. r'for th sam ot f 103.5.3, with interest there on at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, from the Uth day of Maich, lfe93. anil, paid, ami for the farther sum ef $23 as exsts snd l'hnrsment,aDd he-reaa said plaintiff Joly procured a certified tranaciipt of said judgment, nKned t.v the c!erk Of said circuit coart of l.ane Conntv, aod dd on the llth day nf December, l3, have tbe same daly filed sod docketed r,y tbe e'erk of said circuit court of Linn Cnor.ty, io the jadg ment lien docket d the said eircoit court of tbe state of O.on, fr Linn County, Ore too, aod upon said txcnt ion issued out the said tircu t court cf L'nn County, said judgment aforesaid I did on tbe IM y ot U cemer, 1893, dol. levy npon, -dinner to th ca nmao 1 of said rit . the U'inaft-r desc'ib - -rtv, to ait, lo-. Jfo. oe (l)i tit fo 4 ) in Warren a:dl wz. loth . o! Iirlai. ia Lton Coon'y Oregoo, ih in f-arsuarce of said writ of execo tu . f aaul levy and 'o satisfy -aid kn.' . coata and disl or--mr-la, atd ac ir t, I atll on tbe 6 h dav cf Feb rv 1894 at one o'clock p m, of aaid day. tsa frMt door of '.be Lmn CawatT court Bie, in ibactty f A', aiv. IMn Count which ihe 'Sid V'ashti Johnson and K D boac-D, bad, in and to the the above des - ibed real property, cn the ITb Cay ct eeember, 1893 at public sactiou. to tha ybest bidder, for cash in hard, the pro. ids to be appLed io iatsfactf-a of said (Motion, coala, acd accruing cnata. Dated tLi 3:d day of Jar.uarT, C C JACKStHf. Sheriff of Lino county, Oregoa . SHERIFFS SALE 1 1 I Im the Cirrm t Ctmri of &mtn oj Orryum for tke county of . Heary F1ecktn-4in and Julius Mayesf paitntra in busioean nnd-r th 8 tc Plaintiffs, i name of Kleckenatwin. ala ver A. Co. John ROroasan I Oe rge l ' htdicg r Defudanta. Satle e Is hereby cdveo fiat by Vrtoe ot an ex cation du j- tssnad oat of aod on er tbe seal of tba above named martin th- aborp emit ed a--ion to me cireCed ar.d de'Mvered. I di I in Linn county. Ore con, co be 19 h day of Cea-a-m'- . du y levy upon the- real propeitv brein fl r described . and 1 anion SaturdaT, - . : t!a- t-f Kabrnaiy, UH. at tha front d-orof the Cor: H ose io tha efty of A baav. Lien 1 ocnt Orezoi, at th hour of I o'e ock p 1 r fiuairl daT ; el at rubdc anetino, fir eaah in har "d lo the big-tis-t bid k i ih- riiht. IB e and g j ofth-Sd cs-'s-cdar.t. Ceorsa D in so-- to tba real irr.Dssrt peraiiarea oaacr-tje :. to 'lrv ajf! el ; err- tio"". said rea prop-rty be:ng; de r b -lu follows, tr.-ar j-. Lot "00. vcxen (7) na tiiock yo L3hn Hrs.ta,aa' 2nd ad At ! lion to tbe etiy r f Albany, Linr. County, ; tirs-go". Ih3 pr Ti- ar.s cj asiii , aa.e be app.:ei. firat t- the pavment, ' of the aecraJca; e of and vpoa sa.d ' acuuoo and exp-er -et of sale yoivd Io tha payment of plaintiffs claim, aa show a I by Mid exacauoo. asouwog 1 thm : tom of five hundred doi ara arret seveniT five '-eni '.'.M.7' :;h icerFst tb.rn from tbe l; dav of Arri; IsS. lea Xh9 wm dIsiS ri j Iberecn r.c iLs 2fi day of JoIt. rai-c ihts 3rd da.y ml January ItSH CC JACK-OK, Ser-ff of Lliin Co Or. Notice for Publication C S Lavo Ornc x at Oebcon Citt. Oa., jaly 1S. 1893. i herebv given that in compF ance with the prcs tsiona cf the act of Congress ot June 3. iSrS. er.Uiled "Asl ; ct for ihe sale cf timber lands io the J lates of Cal'.fcrnia, Oregon, Nevada, and ' t ashtngton Territory. ' Edaon V Bee- man, of Albany, County of Licr.gfat- ! uregon, has this day fi'ed in tt.i cfCcc I his sworn statement No ;SSo, for the pvr jchasetd the S r,of SEJ and S t,cf S W i of -section So in Townaliip No 10 Siouth, Rane No 6 East, acd -aiil offer sroof to show thai ihe iaod sought is more: Taioabi; fr its tit be r or store than for agriculture parses, to enajijs, his claim to said land before tbe Register ana Receiver of this office a: Oregon Citv. Oregon, on Tuesday tne 6:h day of February. 1894. He name as witnesses: H F Colovin,;of Green Berin, Oregon, John IH'.ev, of Gre-en Basin OTgon.C H ralrirr.p. of A bacy. Oregon, and F L Holmes, of Albanv, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely liar above described lands 'e requested to file their claims in this office on ar before said 6h day of February, 1S94. a A Miller, Krister. Notice for Publication. S. Laso Crr: a. Oaa Citt. Or., 2cd,IS9S. Notice is hereby given that ia compU ance with the proviso -ns of the act of Congress of JuniS, t87r enrUIed'-An act for to ! of cmbw tansia in tha . j ot Caiifarnia, Oresrn, Nevada and Wasa ! ington Territory as exvnded to all the puonc ian.1 stales ov aot ot Acgusc 4 vcr Francis L Holmes of Albatny. eounT of Lins state of Oregtn, has this dav fili in thl office his sworn slate meet N i"s2 for the purchase cf the southeavst X of aaction Jso 23 in township Xo 10 5 rang I ..v. o cbs , aaiu win oner proof in snow , ihat the land so-ight is nore valuab.'a for j its timber or store than for agricultural j purposes, and to er-.abi.ish his claim to iu ;uj wi'-rfiss negi'tsr and Kecviver ef this office at Orasgon Citj .- r; on Tues day; the 6th day of Febrcarv, ISM; Ha names as witasssse; C H "lairTTnrlar j Albert EHoIidk; o V Ac"ams; A W ink, a! o." Albany. Or. Any and ai! persons Iclaining aanaxaaii stvore escribed lands are requ- 'rd te ft their claim in tniaotnca ou or b?fort sj-d 6th dav of February; 1654 KOBBST A Hill all. Register. Caveats, aad Trade-Marks obauacd. , . i as- otDus-aesscoaaucteuivir Mocxaart: Frra. Oua Orncs is P oitc u. S. Utist o. and w can sacur pucat In .ess uat ttiaa l&u IVISVICUV'UI - ... - steed model, drawing or pooto,, wiia drserip- r rJoo. We advise, it paten bl or no:. Ire off caargv. vur lee not due f. : r-alent ia sacarad, A MMagr, "RowtoOMain Patent,'' srtlh coat of aase in the U. S. aad tunsga cowntra ssvat free. Acd: ess. C.A.SNOW&CO. .. MMMMMA as. , a ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THK rS JersiaTied has Ihu day been apiw.unteJ adiuin latrstor with vh win nxed i f ih uie of J..,h ssaiuuervil.,, decssaJ. by th .-owi-v vvurt of Unn wuuly, Orrgun. and all iwrn aiv-icsr claims agaliist aaid sti r herebv re imrel to ervseiit iha same Julv at E.r ttune atxut six mile east .J llamsbanr Linu eounu, Oregvu, srithin six ninths frvm the da:. arof. laid IVermbe. 5ah, 1SSS J J Whitney, Ally orAJmia. TE CT-tlSIES. Aduioiatrvtor WalQaper, Jru8fs, Ptxintaia Oils., GlsAst, Ete J. A. Cuniiuing ALBANY, ORECO