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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1894)
Site Mmwut TfWtT Democrat. $i 7s per In advance. $2.00 at end cf year. j ear Regular meeting of llie V 0 T V at tlie hall tomorrow afternoon. The Lincoln County Leader and Toledo Post are embracing each other in an affec tionate manner. There will be a special meeting of Beu lah Rebekah Lodge tomorrow evening at half past 7 o'clock . Let all member at tend. The military ball occurs to-mrrrow night. An excuidon was expected to morrow nigh: from Salem, but. o iiij to the high water it will be impossible. It. is reported that Mr Smith, one of the keepers of the Cape Foulweanher lighthouse, had killed a silver grav sea otter one day this week. The fur of this otter is the most valuable of all others. Lincoln County Leader. A tramp scared a joung lady near Denmark, Curry county, lately, so badly that she ran off in the woods, and was lost for two days and a night. She was alone in the louse when the tramp tried to effect an entrance. The S P are puuirg electric carch lights on their engines, nd the two Hogg engines running Into Ashland, are to be equ'pped soon. These search lights ate very powerful and long c.istance peepers Into darkness, being able to threw a ligt.t for miles. Come to the evangellsic meeting at the Congregational church to-night, Meet ings wl'l be held eao. evening of this week beginning it ha f past w-ven con ductedbvthe Rev Cephas C'arp. You are cordially invited The Willamette Is 24 fet t'j ive low wider mark this a!ernoon and is slowly, rising. List eveni: it was 17 fait above low At ILrrisburij it sck ed 4 Inches .f trie Novcmb r rise, and was continuing to rie At Eugene it Is falling. At Albant ly'.j feet was Ihe November rie. Senator Mitchell h.-ts presented to con ercss a "petition ot the b;.ard of trade of Eegene, Oregon, prajln hat an appro priation of $"5 000 be maJe for the ;-n provemer.l of the Willamette river in ihe state of Oregon, between fiarriaburg and Eugene in that stale; which was referred to the committee on commerce." The Ha'e Cuildir.g Associv.ion held their regular election of ofFcfrs Lsi wek. The following o.ficers were e reed 'r.- ihe ensuing year: Prt-tl Jent, M V Kcons, treasurer, Caleb Gray; Secreisn, HG Plymate.vice president, D J I-otJ; direc tors, D J Isom, V O Ur.d and W H Gulliford. Mrs C O Lee went toCervallie this noon to visit relatives. Mr Gso C Stanai J went to U : o a ns villa today on business. License wa issued todav for the mar riage of Mr Harvey England lira Sarah A Crowder. W r : 1 1 . 1 r - Roseburg. where he will work on the Soldier b Home. Mr Lonner Raleton, of Oler, K. O , re turned home this noon after a couple days visit in Albauy. Mrs Richard t'oDn and daughter re turned to their home at Portland this noon after a visit with Albany relatives. Rev Mckee, of South Dakota, arrived in Albany last evening and will occupy the pulpit of the Raptist church for awhile. E L Power returned this noon from Salem. where he left bis mother, who had been dangerously ill, sligbty better, with prospect of recovery. C A Langhead left today for San Fran cisco and the east, going from Albany via the Oregon Pacific line. He will be gone several months Yesterday was the SSth birthday of Rev J L Parrish of Salem and ho cele brated the day by preaching at thn First M E church in the maraing. He is l e oldest piener in the s ate. F H Pfeiffers new confectionary stoie, near the Democrat offi-e ii a neat place well located. Mr Pfeifler lias just re turned from Portland, where he made some choice purchases for his trade. Drs Mr and Mrs Deere arrived in Al bany from Wasco, Saturday evening, and will locate here permanently. They are successful practitioners and built up a splendid reputation in their recent home. Dr Mrs Deers is an old resident of Albany and has many friends here who will be glad to see her mate this her permanent home. Committed Scicidk. Eugene Camp bell, aged 33 years, brother of the pro prietors of the Guard and for years a compositor in mis omce has been mist ing since Wednesday morning last He for a much needed rest and arrangement 1UE Astor i a Kailboad The sub has been completed whereby he was to jcriptiono to the railroad subsidy are leave for San Francisco one week from coming in steadily, though slowly. Yes next Sunday, on a two months' visit, terday about a dozen of the contributors His habit had been to commence work I to the former subsidy brought in their at his case about W o clo Keat h forenoon. On the morning in .question he came to the office short y after that hour began work but in a few nrnu't-.- he resumed his hat and coat and walked 00! without remaining his intentions. Nothing pe culiar was anticipated until shortly lie fore 10 o'clock wben.ashe did not re turn, this strange turn in the face of his closely regular habits, surprised his brothers and innuirv as to his w here abouts began Guard. Hisbodv was ! fonad tlnrtv-five miles from Eugene. A pen knife w itb blood on it and a wound 1 in bis body tbowed that he committed ouictde. OlVa BaVJOYflB Both tho method and teaulte -whor Syrup of Figo it taken ; It is ploosnnt tnd aofroibing to the tasto, and acts Sentfj jet promptly on the Kldneye, aver and Bowels, cleauseg tiio sjs tern eflectuallj, dispels colds, head achoo and fevers and oures habitual canstipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind over pat ducod, pleasing to tho tasto and ac ceptable t the stomach, prompt ! ita action and truly beneficial in its cfTects, prepared only from tho most, healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities command it te ail and have mad? it tho moot popular remedy known. byrup of Figs is for iaje In 59o and $1 bottles by all loading drug gists. Any reliable druggijt who may not have it on hand wil pro cure it promptly for any cue who wishes to try it. I)o not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIB SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, C4L uoumiitE. nr. row. - r. Assignee's Notice. In the matter of the assignment of Henry Freeman insolvent debtor. Notice is hereby given that Henry Freeman Pound has assigned to me aft his property-for the benefit of all his creditors in accordance with the laws of CTCUI 010 ill nv.i.uiuaui.c 11 11.11 1 1 1 u mn n cm the state of Oregon relatia to general aSBlgliuieuis vy IlllUIICUk UCUIB. aaH creditors of the said Henry Freeman Pound are notified to present their claims, under oath, to me at the office of Black burs & Watson, attys , in the city of Al -bany, Oregon, within three months from he date of this notice. Dated lbany, C;-., Dec 8th, 1&N3. B. il. Irvine, Assignee. ! I I THE til CATION OF TOLL Albany, Jan 15, 1 SJ4 Editors Deniocral : Will you please publish this article for me as there is quite an agitation over the steel bridge crossing the river nt our city. The question is shall we toll the bridge. A few thoughts on this question may be of benefit to the readers of your valuable paper. This city has the bridge and can any man now living inside of the corporate limits eay that this is free to him, as his property is taxed to keep up what should be kept up equally by all. Proposition 1st is, has not the city of Albanv paid about 1-5 ot all the costs of over 40bridges now inLiun county. Ioes not this city pay yet on all new and re pairs on the bridges at this time. I hope any one can now see lio.v this is free, yes free to 7.000 citizens that ought to be taxed equally to pay with those thnt are now paying. The fact is now plain that there is only 700 paying the entire ex penses of this structure which 7,000 ousjit to be equal in. Now is there any other way to equalize this only to toll. Now Mr Counties come to the front ard equalize this bridge by taking it where it should be. Is this bridge of no value to the two counties that join on each side? Now is the lime for this city to ask Tor equal righ's and there is no other war only to toll the structure, or the counties come to our aid and then make it free. This will be justice to all, and I ha' is all we can ask. But if I. inn and Itenton will not come to our aid, go lor toll, a small toll to keep it up. This is just, and due us. Now there is aomo that wants to license all trades. This does not work, for we are charging ourselves to pay ourselves, or in other words, Albauy is in debt $5000 per annum fortius bridge. Now you tax our traders and the trailer adds a mall per cent to pay his license thus we pay all the en' ire anit by the city of Al banv. Whiie the toll will not help will be equal to all. It A lives 5 miles from this bridge, and ciosaes the river as often as R, should R pay or have bis property taxed to pay for it. Ans No. Now A i a county man, R is a citv man, you see the city man is paving the count- man's toll as it now stands Free bridge! talk ahont free bridge while, there is $5 000 to be paid each year. Who pays tins? Think what this mesne, S5000 to be paid brCOO tax payers. while I It should be 7000 Those proposil ions j cannot be argued by jus ICJ only by a let. To further ihuaUate, pay my county ! .ax, including all the oridge' csls of the countv. Here the county ceases and I have to pay on the Albauy bridge Is his justice end equal to all. Com Ao irs. tolMBHaOL A specific trade tax will not meet with favor among a major ity of the merchants of Albany. They already pay their share of the taxes, ao'd there is no more reason why they should pay extra than the capitalist, or lawver or doctor or any one else. Eugene Citv ' is ran on a five mill tax. Albany car. tain ly can be run on an eight mill tax 111 me 1 cense revenue Ih.a canoe. 7 jw'8 Tho alone. cnjr cu ue run on c-Htw or oAl leaa than formerly. This will do the business A small revenue might be added by tax ing all kinds of intinerants.and pa haps a a few other tilings that will not be an additional burden. But the merchant should not be compelled to pay bis eight mill tax and a specific tax in addition There is no justice in that, even if a few ! cities in the 0 S do have trade taxes. ScsrKXDD. Portland Customs ln-1 spectors W .V Chambers anJ Roliert An drews have been suspend -d by Collector Block, pending an investigation into a charge of carelessness prefer, eti against them. During the recent visit of the steamer Signal to the port, while the above-named inspectors were on duty, a : contraband Chinese passenger managed to eiuue tiieir vigilance and got asi. .-e These facts have been transmitted to the ' W S Drown Samue'Niion. J E Willooghby. or a pehc tra.le tax. I nder the repre treasurv department at rt'ashinirton i H Bishop. J ii Havworih.VVtn M Ihtvidsoii. etfw that it wa a ground hog case. Mr Chambers was formerly of Salem.and i' lmcv. J E B.sman D S Busev. I and tnat we had to have one or the other, a Mr Andrews, of Haleey. Tlie latter is a i Sweat Home-J K Crsen. A F Hamilton. "n'd- . A a. mAl!'!"r o mao of re iable character, and alien the matter is investigated it will prot-ahlv be touna mat ne was attending to btabnol nees. WuATDoLsIr Mean. The Lincoln ; Connty Leader says : C C Hogue was in the city last night. He brought a deed from T Engerton Hogg to W M Moag wherein the Col transfers all the Yaijui na docks, wharf, right o way and all ' terminal property that remained in his 1 name or that he was in anyway inter-1 ested. The instrument was a voluiui nous document, covering about nine pages of closely printed tpne-written manuscript in the description alone The consideration earned in the deed is , 5 00. It is evident that Col Hogg wishes to get the title cf his Yaquiua property out ol his hands, for reasons best known to In itself. ue" oeeas. ine property owners in some initinm irk clinMi- ili.M.!!;.. I.. . . .. n. , , ., . fc , -, .. ,-. ! .. i, , ... - . ..... ........ i..Huti.-n- wer p.i--M en-iorsing i en more liberal, and it is likely that the I .Shelton. judgt -; V V Scully, Bobt Bitrk- noyef', Christmas letter, as well as the bonus will be a big ne when it ia com- hart, clerks. Uo'vernor himself, as a gentleman of unim pleted. James W Xvelch, who owns 2-0 1 Scio A J J .hnson. T M Munker-. J A peai-hable veracity demanding free coin acres in all, has subscribed & acres, j Bilyen. judge-.; Frank Uill. CSHajniah, auj denouncing ail laws looking to and ihe an Dnsen Investment Co. will clerks. , WJPj4 a ,v,n.,.ntration of the currency. a- nanu .n tiieir aeea today, llie tongue I & uiu, bi uuiunic uan giver; ir acres anu l about a mile and a quarter of waterfront, I which is 20 per cent of their entire pron ! erty. Aslorian An Amionmext.-F C Avers A Co., of , AMat Crandall. clem-. T . , , , ' I Ivorth lOWltMn II r llaruman. los Lebanon have made a general assign Elkins. E E Hannack, judges; (i W Rioe, ment to J W Menztes for the benefit of i yy (' Peterson clsrks creditors. The assignment roll shows! Halscv-Frank Frisbv, Marion Smith. U'--''e8t" 10 1,6 94 and liabilities j .lhn Pearl Judges; A M Beeves. B A 123.,. The principal creditors are (Stafford l.-rk-- f?8-u-r .rt80,n' A A Keee, 1 ' Sbedd-J B Do vis. C J Bkedd. If B ua oa, v.irn m-n, sexton & Co.. llo.OO; Corbett, Failing & Bo'iertson. 829.58; I A-an uros, rieiuinan Lo., 32.b7: S A i Nickerson. $10.17. As Octooknabe is Dead. Mr Charles PbiUln Graff.father of Mrs John Althouse nn Aitnouse ount v, died ; and Mr Fred (iraff. of this in Portland last evening at the advanced age ot 8b years. Mr draff has beer, a resident of Albany for several years part of the time, coming here first about twenty years ago. He was bom in Ger many, and was a roan of sterling wonh. Violating as Ordinance. There is an ordinance making it an offense punisha ble by a fine of at least 15.00, for boys , , jump on and off trains while in motion inside the city limits. Conductor Huston, of the Lebanon train, complains that boys are in the habit of jumping on his train while moving on the switch, often nearly losing their lives. If not stopped they will be prosecuted BaixfiTAKtN -Today 43Ciiinan:en had had their pictures taken by Crawford .v Paxton and six or seven rao'9 were ex pected, preparatory to registration. $1 25 tor the necessary pictures is paid. There are about 120 Celestials tributary to Al bany, but only about ba'f of the number will register, which is a laiger percent age I ha i in most places. "!f religious beliefs perplex ou, and you desire a faith at once reasonable and uplifting, send for free liberal religions reading to nostoftice mission, ti Yam hill street, I'ortlar d, Or. Wear 'Em Out! The v. ay to do It is t tike your wash ing to Ihe Chinamen. Hyou want your work well done at living prices take It to Richard Si Phillip's Steam Laundry. They know how without banging them . around a pole. C E Brownell, the grocer, is in his new and commodious quarters in the P 0 block, where be is prepared to give satisfaction to the first class trade of the city, call on hire for pure groceries and good treatment. By using Hall's Hair Renewcr, gray, faded or discolored hair assumes the natu ral color of youth, and glows luxuriant 1 . . . . . nd ttrong, pleating everybody See the New Improved Singer (twins ma chine. The bwt ia slwy tbo cheapest. W Sswden, agent. Office at.K M Freauli iewilry ttora We are still telling Dress goods and Ca esand Jackets at greatly reduced prices for cath. We Invite you to examine tho Red, Peacock &Co good and prices. TUESD aTST Petition of W K Savage ant! others for division of road, district No 11. WJH granted and John Jenkins was appointed super visor of the new district. Waller S Hyde was mated a five schol arship in the t Irpgon Agricultural College. Petition of J ti Gross and others for a j county road was granted ami viewers ap pointed. Hills allowed: N P Payne, fees 822.45 1 1 arrisburg Lumber Co IL54 F H Moranda, ncet pixir 8.75 .las MillKmks. Met roods ii.OO M A Miller, ncet roads 3.00 State ngt llamford 0.00! Murk Ourt is. ncet roads 5.00 John Morrison, Met poor 4.00 0 S Mikado, witness 10.00 W A Thrift, ncet roads '20.00 K L Bryan, Met roads 4.00 Portland hospital. Rictpoor "1.00 II ti lVvanoy. ncet roads 10.00 J R VVvatt. exam, insane 5.08 State ngt Spaight MM Stites & Nutting, delinquent tax list 261.15. Following i the jury list for the coming yea-: Ijcbanon. WT Davenport. E K Kecldrr. M A Miller. A T John Craft. J W Vil.,on. W L Moore. 2 T Tntelove. C S leaver. J W Burkhni t. H F. Savage. D An drews. A .1 Adams, J C Hilveu.J W Bland, J G Boyle. J K Ctwrlaton. ' Crawfon'.sville. J II Edwards. Q W Glass, Win Intend, T A Morris. Rowland. D II Pierce. M Fhilpot, 0 Batter. Albany. John Fox. Wm Frv. S Foster. A J Hunt, M Hyde, C K "Hawkins. G W Hochstedler. II A Heeker. W T Jor dan. L C Marshall, J A McFeron. R Marsh, Mart Miller. Frank McKnight. H R Hyde. Pele IJiley. Kd Chamber?. M H Willds. 11 F MeTill. Henrv Sett lent ier. A Wolverton. 1 M Hal-ton. l" F Conn. W H Millholleti. A 15 Matthews. ti W Cline, D I) Hackle - man. Nun Mullen. rr.uilc 1 rites, T J liut- r. rjhbe I'eters. Mor Hens'aaw. H ..i...t ton. Mat Scott. H I Lisselie. Th... il . - kins. W W Crawford. A B Mtni. C W Tatea, J A Pnga, John Pronet, M t Dsw : son. Jessie Aichibald, P H RcdM, N Bridcea. .1 H t'.ildwell Mil Rata (V ft I ChnnhiB. John Cteten, Smith Cox. hedd.-!JenrvTreerfc-n. H K Uircetl, ! .1 A Hedeide, f I Porter. J B Cornett. J R I l' W 1! McCJnuick. J C Davis, 1! W wonojott, J M uiu ton. I LlateH. Fnwk Frisbv. I J Haves. Alex 1 Kirk. U V KoonU. S 8 Luper. J M .Miller. ' A 11 McMahan. J A HcOnUoeh. Miirviu Smith. H S Owen. .' W Palmer. John j Pearl, n C Davis. John Miller. John Ooof uiing. V A Crisp. V, M Allen. N II D.ue I man. Jas Boud. C Allinham. Chas Rran Idon. S Drock. Center-D F Hardman. Lnwwood A (.loins. Fox Valley F. A Hester. W K Potter. W F Hammer. W T Turnridge. Jordon C W Richardson. Calivan Mad ison, A M Shelton. II H Phillips. Scio O E Holdriilge. ileor Harris. T F Miller. O McDonald. Hanry Rav. Ichn Comnton. John Cmi. H T Stanlev. U A Poindexter. ii M Nelson, li W Ph.iii-. M V Lilyea. Jas A Richardson. J W OaiaOB, John Curl. (1 W Morrow. R D CaUivan. Frank Crabtree. fwaaall J M Hosier. M IXmning. rm Looflx'm. i.p-wi:--. ilia .1 K Ir-.-iv I. II t.r.-.i- C H Cable. Henry Blakeiv. John lfoaCaa ery. E A Evans, I II Ambrose. W C Coolev. Peoria J .vfcKonkie. Sjracuse A Farlow. LC StraUoc. CVm Hale, ST Crooks. Hollv-G W Pugh. Waierloo O C Ferguson. W A (Sieason. J M Lindlev. 1 P CanU. Martin Rvland.C II Wliitney. HamnSM-T E lirinies. E E lpmeer. IS J Phih ! Nye. pot, jack McClure. J Xre. Bonrr 1 Slielbiirii--Ci T Coin II I Follis. W It juu. aj 4- .muwsiu. v r uron. a v c tin-man. ; S Liviile. M tact sou. R W Wm ingrain, a r. .iier-. TiUigent J E Jea. Ceo (.'.nrhran. L B S Laiper, Jos Simpson. A J tMnoati . A P Blackbcrn- weil. Plainview Scott lTr-l Franklin Bu'te A T P. flrtnam I Y McCnoa It was ordered lhat so much of East Al liany precinct as iiesea-l of Main street in Alliany lie attached to and made a part of Price precinct and that the voting place be at toe 0101 cannery and that the remainder ' ecinct sha shall be sateehoi I to Cent nd Albanv and this new precinct I ( calledJKa-t Aahosry. The following judges aid clerks of elec- j j tion for IS4 were ap;ointed: j Sooth Brownaarillo wl A Templeton. ' wnnamaw, ir vusaaw, juuges; j tt i.i.i 1 Tiii i.i- 2 J t 1 iDInine. J w swank, derfca. 1 I;.w. f 11 II ,!,!. 1 11, 1,1.. Bnolburn J w Miller, Daute Urnlgsv. i jusm r-manraon, jtmge; . . ninjn-. sransas Munkers. c'.erV. South Lelwiuon John Iennv. CB . -iontaii ".. 1 III SOW . JauflTIS , A Miller. faaj,, jattges; J W EU i-n. V jLJLl W Polo- j Fran.lin llutte-W W Rii hurdson. U T j Fowell. D Meyers, judges;!! L Sutherland. L, Bichardson, clerks. North llarrisburg K E UusaLIUr. D S R c j.- Ma!ton, judges; Otmon Smith g ,, ft ,.lerK(1 ( 'raw fordsville J II GLtSS, M Sbakle- ford. Norv Hice, judges: eo Fiudiey, D C Swan, clerks. South H arrisburg M Cunningham, I, Douglas, 0 Wr ISriggs. judges; C L Mor ris, T J Anderson, clerks. Sodaville W R Hardman. A Parrialv. H D Klum. judges, K W Fisher. W L Jackson, clerks. North Ilrjwnsville -R 11 ! rover. OP Coshow, W A Templeton, judges; K N Thompson, II A Stanard, clerks. Waterloo Francis Bellinger, W A (lleason, Stephen Powell, judges; J F Whiting .1 MLiaileT, clerks. Orleans J Y McCune. W Hamilton, Robert Smith, judges; O V Yates, John Mc-tiregf.r, cleras. Rock Creek W B Babetteon, E B Bur- . ., ...... t m ger. J u Barnes, judges; r, a Hester, u i Henncss, clerks. Center Alex Brandon, II Farwcll, 1 W Wilson, judges; Dean Wheeler, V W Crawford, clerts. Sweet Home-J M Ware. 0 M Russell, Frank Ruinbaugh, jul ges; ( B VVhitcomb, Il F Burnett, clerks. Hantiam J C Hiirilman. Jas I'eery. K Arnold, judges; J M Flaughur, H Kelso, clerks. West Albanv. 1) Froiuan. C W Watts, Ceo W Cline, judges; M ited field. EE Montague, clerks. Jordan 1 bos Irons, 1 P doodiiia.ii, W Richardsen, judges; Peter R Bilyou, C W Mullen, clerks. Fox Valley J B Trask, W E Potter. K, Midline, judges; A TZuinait, C 11 DovU e clerks. Tangent J II Scott. L f Smith, J E Owenby, judgen; J Beard, L- B Luper. clerks. Syracuse John Conner, 1 C Stratton. Jas Davis, judges; II W Foreman, W E Fisher, clerks. East Albany Wm II Huston, John Isom, N II Allen, judges; Virgil Parker, D W Ruinbaugh, clerks. Albany A n Wood in, i - i.i Bberman Thompson, indues, P KK alley, O C Mcl'arhind clerkn. J ' i ii 1 1 ii 1 1 n i The nnderiii,;ne , pro i iuter cf the Pioneer House deaires to inform k pul-iiu that bo baa red need the price of . turd will, out lodging to t3 per week, with i dying $ l erjjweok. Single maals 26 oenbs. 'i ne public ia invited to call as I keep good beds suil tet a good table. Have fir wcod for isle. Corner of Broadalbin and Water street. J H Mekanda. The Military ball occurs at the armory tonight. The Sheriffs office wot. full of Celleillals to day, registering, about s'xty getting papers, A cordial Invatlon Is extended to attend the e-unge Istlc scrice at the Congregation al church tontght. Arrangement arc being made to Intio duce the live gaire of biskct ball In the Y M C A gymnasium. The Altona Is expected from Salem about 6:3.) to-night with forty couplet bound for the Mllitaiy dance. The adjourned meeting of the city council tonight promises to be a live one. It will have its bands foil of finance. The hour of meeting of Iteulali Rebek ah Lodge this evening is at haif past seven Instead of 7 o'clock at published in a morning paper. At Washington ytticiday Senator Dqlpli's bill granting light of-way 10 the Albany & Astoria rail road over the Grand Ronde icserva'.lon was favorably reported Yesteeday mornings overland it expec -ed to pass through Albany t. .night. The trouble as usual is in the Cow Creek car famous for lit land slides. Before the opening Jof the ball at the Armory tonight there wl 1 be a concert given by the orchesta from S to 9 o'c!o k. Mcl.vmau's orchestra has a tine leputa'.lon and all s'tould attend. The Willamette this afternoon was 28.- 3 feet above low water, and vias at a stand still. At Eugene and llai risburg It wat falling ginduallv, and it was expee'ed thta would reach Albany to- light. j The 0 P trains are bavlog a hard lime j these day (or l.x miles or so east of Pen ' dlrton. Then: aie nine or ten landtlidet : between there and La Grande, white snow in largi drifts bothered the engl 1 neers la a number of places. Piovide yourself with a bottle of Ayer't I Cheiry Pectoral, and o have the meant j at hand for conlenuing successfully with ; a udden cold. As an emergency medi ! rine, It has no equal, and leading physi cians every heir rrc mniend It. The continual succession of boils, plm 1 nle. and erup'.ioi s from which many suf -; f.-r. Indicates an Impure slate of the b'ood. j The most effective reme.'v is Aer'j Sr- ' , 1 ..-..:... 1 ,ro"'!h ,ho '"''-. ,hc "kin c,esn r"' c c,r- For pl.y's sake, den 't grow land grur b'e heCSOM yoa arc troublej with tr.digetiion. No K00 was ever effected by snarling and !,c. "g- He a in.n (tiniest on happen to ian). ar.a rake Ay-rt .arp.ri.a, I Which will relieve icu, whether mar. or 1 woman. in r mncisco cn Mr '.v...!;.,,. Rash 0 P Da u.-iu.-ss. Mr and Mrs li M Dealt went to Pert- land th - mxn. Mr UuU Viereek and son Islev have boon in Portland, where the " went to have one of the eves of the latter ex - auiined Tr.r. infant daughW of Mr Chad Mans- . eld. who has len ill for several davs with brain fever, was reported dying this after- . noon. C A Laughcad. tiie mnfevtioner lem. was in the city today on his San Francisco and the east. Thin the well knewn engineer, a- some t but his brother. . of !a- way to ia not u-at. ! mnv from i Mr 1 Wmslow arrived in A Chicago Vi'.tenlav and left on the overland for San Francieo Mr Witisiow is the t stic-cessor of Mr KJ Kedeker a repre-enta- 1 tive of Hil -bard. Spencer. Bartlett i Co. of Chicago, the leading bar 1 ware Ami west of S New lork. Hi rout t- --jraewhat clian-.! I from t,ie old one. He will travel from the t-h-tvon line J.i San Francisvi. with bead- luarters at that city, while the tiortlh'rn I representative with headquarters at Port- land will po wrath to the California line Mr s inlow and Mr Rexleker were at one ; time ia the he.v.1 eft: together. m.'T HMD KiTiiicn A paper waa cir culated today on the streets, asking, f "r signatures to the proposition, in substance, "which do vou pre'er. a toil for the bridge. J" ' : -ii,r Ind t .(. I n ti... win. I nf an ... . . .1.. . . 1 . . ,la . la 1 . .1 iLjartice llie proper kind of a retrench- meat alone will l suthnent, a a UtUe rimring will convince ar.v o'e. io slow. Mr Counciimen. I Tin: FaVSIXn l!ti.iTti. Mrs F A ' Farley, who ieft Salem in a r.lhcr melo- ! dramatic manner List l"hurwlav. i now -taring with hei coutin. MrsJudge hel-y. at Corvaiis. Mrs Farley walked to th' re form school and from their went by Jrain to Albany. Mr Farley caught the irxt train at Turner and R Howe I on he AIrib.v- There both took the Oregon Pacific train for Cor raiiis. Mrs Farley is no staying there and Mr Farley is -kinnhing for a job. Mrs Farlev admits that she was half crazed (when she left here al that her COWTSS wns unneccjssarv.- -Salem Democrat. PKssovrji EaUMMOSBB. A meeting a held in Lebanon Saturday evening lo con - ,;,w linvertmr Pennnver's addmw 10 nreai- ' . -- : y . . . (ient Cleveland. Dr J .urtn-v Ir j S Courtney presided. ! r ii,,u, -r tK ,.,-,n.-ii..i ik.-r , .- .' - rt in(? for a volume of sound, circulating medium of gold, silver or pai.T. up on the credit of the government, of not le than sWI per capita, repudiating the action of tho Portland Chamber of OssBanoees and the taxpayers committee of 100, a.lvi-mg them to attend to their bus . nes as liovemor Pennover is to his A Lebanon man in tending the resolu tions, received too late for publicationtoday. j says: Allow us to suggest that the citirens of . encli sfjilp viioitld miH-t f-nrn.xvs uri'i sand delegates to Washington and demand of conpnsw sucn legislation as win give reuei to the people, or request them to get down and out. and go as Judas did to their own place, and let the people by an election fill their places with honest men that will rep resent the people and give them what Al mighty God designed they should have, their daily bread. The Idea of a free peo ple and sovereign people in a land of plen ty, starving to death for no other reason than that they have been roblxil of their rights, and that by those to whom were en trusted the legislation which should have i those righu. Arouse toy country men and come to the rescue. Yours for justice. Ciukik Couxtv. --A B WsjdboH, who was in Beta! day, said the entire country to the south and east is c. vera-1 witli snow. At his place on Eagle Rock creek. 15 miles (southeast of Prinoville, it was only two feet in depth. Thursday Billy Combs and wife. Mrs Coshow, aliss Snoderly and Johnny Backus were treated to an unexpected and unwel come bath in Uehoco. they were coming to town in a hack, and when at the ford half a mile above town, Mr Combs thought he would drive into deep water and wash thn mud oft tho wheels, but the channel uaa been changed by the recent high waters, a deep cut having been washed out.and when the hack struck this over it went, throwing all the occupants, together with Ihe wrays and laprobe, into the stream. Review. An Albany Jewelry Store Worth patronizing it that of Will Stark. They carry the finest lineof silverware, watches, c'ocks and jewelry generally ln the valley, and sat isfactory prices are always given for the superior quality of goods they keep In stock. Ncv.-r buy without calling cn them. l.i'iier i.isi. Following is the list of lottsra remaining the post ollioo at Albany, Linn county, 1 i in i , i . ..... . , . r - "re8on.-"" '-". - crOD uo.,? j these letter rnu.t give tha data or. which they wore advertised. A ntrel I Carrie llurber, Mrs N t lars, wm A Doty. C K Elliott, W S Hodgins, 0 8 Huston, llert Iiearetl, ESttaa Reed, ii M Turner, J D Snyder, K 8 Miller, Francis Freeman, W H Holconib, 1) C Jones, W J May lie, Misa Oakley, O T Rudolph, (Jeorge Miller, John Wallace, Walter Thos. Momteitu, P. Paul M. oitv ooTJioraxiu. Tuesday evening. Jan 10. j Preacnt Mayor, recorder, marshal, stieet superintendent, chief engineer, foancilmen ! Whitney, l'foiffor, Burkhart, Marshall, Walters and Schell. The ewnmitteo 011 ways ami iiieiuiH re ported at length, advocating the greatest ; economy on ucooiint of the present deuress- j condition of business, ana recommended the following: That the quarterly allowance cf $100 now ' made to each of the two tiro engine com-1 panies 19 reduced to 1;-, and that the l ily pay for coke and coal . That tie quarterly allowance of 10 to the hook ami ludder couipanv lie reduced i tori. That the lire engines lie kept in tho hall of Linn engine company No. 2, and that the services of one engineer and nightwntch ' i. .i: .t.u uautw wii np, I'liat hereafter all ti lire companies use ; the hall of f.inii Mi.'iii rompiuiv No. 2 ' place of meeting. That the city i-hould stop paying $2.r for ! the use of teams for bo engines, and 100 ; a year for the place for the council to moot. lliat the council meet in the hall Ot the j city building known as Albany engine COnt j pany No. 1, and mate other and reasonable I arrangement for the tin of horses in case of ; fire. j That the salary of cry treasurer of J'JOO . be reduced to $100 per yea'. As the city has no finds with which to i make any street improvements at the pre, time, the office of sl-eet superintendent should be left vacant, also that of city sur veyor and city attorney. That it wonld be only justice to the merchants and business men of Albany that all itinerant mer:haaU, peddlers," and every person who goe from house to house selling any article or articles whatever, either by subscription or otherwise, should pav a license for such privilege. The bridge across tla Willamette should be replanked before another winb-r. and cost of such repairs will not be IflM than $1000 We are already behini nearly one year on the iwyment of interest on the bondod ' debt. Llie prompt ia;ment of inteMl on : the bonded debt as the tame be-.vnues due should le provided for Provisions houid ! j be made for the gradtiit liquidation of the j I tloating del t. If $20OU of this debt were to le us of this' burden. to be paid annually, it will tice ten years , ; ures shouU u a,iopte.l by the oencil iook- illg to ,hat en,, Various With I ft for t the I accomplishment of Uii Hinse ave lieen ! : sutfgesteI. anions tlie pmpoaod rmtiious is: ! Fint, a reaonable to1! on ti,.- tr.'..-i ..-..-r 1 tj new bri.le acrciss the rivej. fltruil. I . thA lifiensinir nil tr-jda and rini.-! iin. j within the citv. It will be neve-tan- for1 the city to reoort to one or th othtr of the i mentioned methoiL. whkh would in ' K' measure relieve the prisen urgent 1 wman- and leave the city its tr-Unary ' revenue to make and keep up its irdinan ! 2Sli?3 , tl V,1""'" JlJlg, S "n. w , V fZf "Vll ""P0"1 . t l hat it will oondnei ILo pabuc interest . . ,, . , ,- ! -.- 10 aae a.i uies anil iKeu-. ia..iin il-u. j and that all city warrant should paid 1 j ;n tlie order in whii h thev are isjd. v - oeij that,. i,suJ ln ,u-;nent of sdaries of 1 : the miKm f,,ni n,l in'romr nn Iu,ia1 aeoi ct t..a citv. 1 be pnmen two items should be proeiaad b cf thes lirst. oat I of the citv revenue. i'B B Mi-tiv c is By am. J J W 11 1 r. i On motion the rt'rort wis ad Kf fetitton of M. lonug atsmi non to move building 0:1 lot Uoek W to tiJewallt and l-ut in g!a front. Keierred 1 to committee on fere and water. The recorder wa directed to advertise for bid far city pr'.n jng an 1 taisoners. bearding of A communication wa" riad fum N P Pavne notifying the city that a W wa in , Salem, furnished mnuc f-?r the occation. order by the city as a part cf the general opening the ball with a hort program, an assessment interesting feature being the "Capital City A communicauon was read fr-m J-inn March" coruposel by Prof McLyman. One Engine Co. No. 2. nvomrr.en iinr John of the members of the orchestra i Mr Frv I Jones as engineer of that cvsnipaiv. also Whittier. a fo'mer resident of Albany, several communications from Portlutd en-) Among the Salem people present were M.j dorting Wnt S Reere as an cnj.nsr j Sherman and two taaghters. Lieutenant Application of N C W Baste fnr super ' Kobtin atni Henry. Mi Kohl in. and Dr intendent of ttnecL wa read. , Yin'?. A pleasant time is reported. A ratoiution wafisiead bj Jade W hltney aatfaorizing a - - aeTeettaa to d i si whether th j high tea' bridge diall he a frea or toil b-us'. take place cm Nor N ccbssart . The income of Al Feb 5. 1S91. . banv the coming ear according to Metct A rrsoluticr wa read by JnJge Whitney Flinn s figure will be $19.0.V from 'a! i s -- . a .1 aT : .aa ; " , .iec;rin? .- oi cuy mutt-., i.igm wtt.-h an.' ensinet r of Engine Co. No. 2. iity sorteyor and supet mtenoeut cf streets be abolished, and unarimonsly adoptel. The salaries of policemen were hied as follows: Nightwatchmen and engineer. 70; special night watchman. For nightwaichman and enginrer. I (J Hale receiveil 5vo".e and Wm Eeese. L Mr Hale wa declare. I etectosl. W A McClain re-ived 6 votes for spec ial night watchman and t. declared oisoted. Johu Sr hmeer r-eivevl 6 voles for ponnd. master and wa.- d.vlare-l elected. The matter of ol lectin j the dog tax was discussed somewhat huraoriu-lv. imt luth ing wa dene. Cnder the recommendation of the way and means committee matters prouiiscous- ly were discussed. 1 ouncnnian .i.irmnau that the council change it place cf meeting to the hail of Albany Kngine Co. No. I. Car ried unanimously. The committee cn way I and means were given cliarge Vf tha mat ter, to make the cliange by 1 eb 1 . The matter of making arrangement for the getting of tlie tire engines to tires was on motion ieft to the committee on tire and water with power to act. The following judges and i leaks of the special election were appointed. First ward. Iavid Iroiuan. W CTwec laje J U Bushnell. judges; C W Watts, T M Redriold. Clerks Kewnd . w,inl-S M Pennington. B Froman. Cal Bnrshurt jud ges: J K Wvatt. P R Keliv. lerk-ward-N II Allen. A K B!inu. I'hird Creggs, judges; Frank wneeter and A Kanies, ONSte, The OOSnssittes on ordinances wer. di rected to prepare ordinance riving salary of citv treasurer fnjm $J0O to $100; also other ordinances that will provida for the incis ures recommended by the OOOaBUt-ee on ways and means. On motion adjourned after a very v. '..r.u inous session. Two Impartial Jfallrm Salkm. Or.. Jan 17. State tax levy mills. Total 722,T8'J : seven nulls in 0 M. 1,006,897. Eastern Oregon asylum located at Union, if necessary land and water rights can lie bail at satisfactory prices. Site on the Katherine creek neir h t springs and lake. An Albanv business man niowses that Ihe city isme 190,000 in besida, at I is r ent, pay off tbo floating indebtedness, thus saving 'i per cent interest, and start in on a 1 1 f 1 ! llf I . . . 1.1.-11 ousirii-sit i-usis. nn gne 11 in our readers for their consideration. Lost. Oa First a'reet between, .luck son and Ferry, Monday evening, a dar tan jacket culT. Finder leave at tbis office. My fall lino of M ACIM TO SHE s nd 30S AMEK". inotuding many n ivoltio orladins, missel ..d ciiild'en, ii now ale. el K Young. When Baby as tick, we care her Castoria. IVhen she was a CUIK1, tho cried for C'istoria. IVhen slin became Miss, tho clunfc to i ':..,. 1. When thn liad ChlMren, she gavo thorn Oastoi ' Mai'IUNM neatly repsired and j warranted by a thorcokhly oampotent work man, stJF M Freucb jewe!rvtore, Albany rngou. IKI. HAL.VERSKN.-On Wednesday morn ing, January 17, in Shedd, Mrs Nel son Halversen, at tne age of 40 years. The iliuiiMinnil born in iSorwuv. find w married in Minnesota 21 years ago. She I was the mother of nine children, seven of whom are living. She was a member of j the M E church and a woman of a pore, j christian character. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest 17. S. Gov't Report I J32S2 ABSOLUTELY PURE HOME M ABXIOAS The total Linn county li will prob. nuty lie 15.3 rr.lili. Subtcrlptlont for til leading newt panels ard macazines received :iv F L Kenton. . . ... ... vs ilulmoiriah unlors at Corvallis next Silur Ja. at ii A hr.t game is tupcctc I. A meeting of th- membert of the Kin idcrgtiten aSSOolatton will beheld at lie ' residence of Dr G W Vla.toii 'unight. The Wniameltc hat lallen about three I foot at thltckf, tincc yesterdav and U I now 25 (s t aboye low water and s'.owlv ; falling. i "Dreams" is the subj;ct of Rev Cephas C'app's dlaOSnroC at tlie Congregational 1 church tonight. Everybody invited. ' IJcgln at 7:30 sharp. j Magele White, the delivcryman, fell In the river at Simpsons warehouse lmt ' cvcnlnr and was rescued by John S'.ew 1 art. No other damage than imc soaked : wearl.-.jr apparel. Tiie ju iges ol el.c'loa apjiolnrcd be the ; County Court today are about evenly j divided between the rrpublicant, demo Icrats and populists. Hi chairman, : though, In nearly every case it a repub lican. J W Den '.ley was corulJerablv eicit-d. A man by ihe name of Wm Marshall had rorne shoes fixed, and hav,..g no money ' produced a check for f,3 on a McMinvllte j twin, which of court wis not change J. llr iivntly followel him up and iud him placed in the band of .thr mart:al, but It was no' a cige wiicre any thing C3uld be done. In Salem In o-der to relieve hard timet In city metiers it at advocated that li censes mifcht le paid in script instead of a.isays In cath as r.-rtuiied by ?cliv ordin ance. In Albanv in order to nelp matter " ' advoca'cd, a . ill be seen jy the wayt "nu meant corr.mrtees report.trtat licenses, "hou'd l patj !n , a.h. A. a matter cf tact a city should always take tier own siiran Anetiiin,? el not just. i-ja RSOA A I Jas Cardwell. of Jefferr ,a wa- in the city today Mr Ir-jwn. of Portland, i in the city the guest of hi siUT. Mrs I F Conn. Mrs MajT. of Stavtcn, is in thecitv tbo gu?t of ber daughter Mrs IV S Thomps-nn. I "r (iol Jen went t Albany this noon to interview the countv .ourt with a view to '"ing reii.-.l front ranmr.- the Davis ferry on the north fo.-k of the Santiatn. Salec. Joarna!. A cerre.a-.lent at lietruit ea-' tae I '.'i' kt tb. foil .wing personal Ti d -n an, fHipflMIIII. spent X mas witu bit r ;:i Ivrtr -.t J T Marinan. wife and r u M-::,.e. sj-ent the b;idays in Albanv. There wa a 20 i atteadanoa a! tiie mil itary ball last night at the armory. Besides many couples from this citv. there were about ten couplet from Salem, coming here on ino Aiuma. tm rvtarng itxu cionung at S o'clock. Prof M. l.raan' escheats, ol .mrre. under the present system. As now Leing run bv the council, under the svstem just inaugurated, the ordinarv expenses of the - ity will not be over $9,000. aboat like this: Mayor and council (210; marshal. 0, re, nler. 1000; treasurer. $100; po licemen. 91560: re department. IFJiiO. electric light. tUtt: street and sewers, less than tioux); aaaitiies. $1000. Total, 18,410. Tne interest account will be aliout Sii.. Total. 114.410. say SIo.OOO. That ieav ej a balance of over 4.000 with which to pay back indebted ne". Puring 1-K5. the am -ant of srmrranU isned were 1 17.960. This vear them will l a ---' ?.'.' -i iwrjeil Then why the neowuty of a bigger tax than 3 mills, by requiring the business men o! tne city to pay on tneir traoe; or exacting a toll on a free bridge. Neither one is necessary. Our people are already ' paying a sufficient tax and should express themtelveai emphatically on any further , harden. The revenue may though very : rnatiy he .sin.ewhat increase.! t-y lii-er.sing L hinoe laundries, und all kmils ol itiner ants. ! lata FnttW" an decidedly "w;u-m" ever the action of the city council last even- , ing in doing away with the engineer of No. 2's. The action was a general surprise. I ihe tlEXf OCaVAT is UtfOlUaeU uaM .No. :i ' will ta'e action for disbanding, and No. 1 1 ; are in poor spirit over the matter, and S some of them declare they will continue to 1 ue the hall. The firemen declare that the ;be of specialioliccman should have been U aiiousiieo, insii-aii ot tnat neui aj air josaw ,iii. i this s,.niii!.ent is neui i v a tr.-uiv others, though there is a division of opinion in reterence to it. It is evidently not safe business to do anything that will cripple the efficiency of our tire department, for it rem'e-s the citv liable to an immediate raise in in-urance rates, as well a in at r. i:.e degree, jeopardises property. OCAL AND Instkc Ml V 1 At. Mil SIC. Miss llatlie Warner a graduate of the conservatory connected with Gates Col lege, Neb, it prepared to give lessons In vocal ar.d instrumental music to tingle pupl'sor classes, at reasonable terms Miss Warner has had a thorough educa Jon OH and Is an expeilenced teacher Her icnccs are. Prof il A Shorrv. William 4 Trow and Mrs Icnrde I 1 'An towels t ihiviug pa; lets. s.-rv cusi.nerat Vic reck Tbr Best ofKrascas. Tlie reaton by Al'cock's Porous Plas ters are popular is that they may be relied on to cure. 1. Lame buck, iriatlca, stiffn'ss or twitching of the mutcles. a. Chest rroubles, such a pleurisy, pneu monia, consumption. 3. Indigestion. d) spepsio, biliousness, kidney complaint. 1 lie success, however, will depend upon the ccnulnaness of lbs plaster used. The popu arily of Alcock's Por nit Pltstrr has been so greot tb.u multitudes oi iaiitations have sprung upon every hand. The onli sure cure is to jet the genuine Allcock's Porous Platters. Brandreth'l Pillt Improve the digestion. Portland, Scramenlo, l.os Angeles Stccaton and Salem have the same insur ance rates. Albany, Or, Butie and Helena. Montana, Salt Lake City, Tco n, and Walla Wollt, Wash, and Spokane, have the same isles . Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. PRICE'S - iim The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum, Used iu'Millious"of Homes 40 Yers the Staudard. M mm Powder New Yong, January B, IS94. 'i he new legislature having organized at it ji ii. , . AioKiit, me political tongues are wagging in .. mmJ ..... m . , . ' . I ... - iii ii a muw umnner. i ne republicans le ted John A Malty speaker of the As sembly, ard have a suUtanliai workingi I majority in the senate also. Already man "dark horses" are looming up to view, for i the guburnatori d election this fall. The problem which the democrat are trying to ' probe lie in the advisability of again norn-1 nating Governor Flower. The friend of the governor, of OOOSJO, lielieve that Lis faithful services, will 1 rawardcl by an other term; Flower by the way bas preai-; dentia! aspirations. OHser democrats gen erally Uiat so called' 'Cleveland Democrats." , argue that if Flower is again the candidate, ho will meet with the sarue fate, that buried Isaac H Maynaxd la-t jear. They also claim the I lower is Hill's Sgorehead, and of course anything that Hill advocates the friends of the President, take it for granted, I they mustantagoiii7e. The "anti-snappers" or indepemletit democrats, who revolted against the Hill machine have started an organization of their own, and some of the ' best demoi-raLs in New lork ha.- become identified with the movement. Kx-Mavor William K Urace and Ex-Se. retar- Charles S Kairc-hiid are the prime movers of the 1 1. 1 ar a new Hail S II I SI I It is a ipjrnl tlunt: for the democrats of .New York: it is a bad thing for Tammany II.JI, and th-: it liecomei a good thinif for the citirics of New York. Itecau-e the independent o.-anization. i pleJwl to light Tammany. Persona ly Mr t'latt is a man of ability and considerable wealth, being president of the United .tala- Express Company, and receiver for ; the Xew England railroad Considering these facts it teems hardly like'v. that Mr Ptatt will attempt to follow in the footsteps of the high handed and fearless gantr of politicians, calling themselves democraLs. who run the legislative mill at Albany Iat winter, hince the election of republican stabs officers, (the first in eieven years. 1 many candidate for the governoihip have appeared. Yi-.-e-president Levi 1 Morton IS advanced by some as a prohabihtf . a , well a Edward B Harjr. J Seal Faatett and Cornelius M R!u. n tu- j 1 ui j-sh vi 1- Taa a s- a un s tt: n. decide! at Mauim SonaM u4 last Saturday n'ght. waa a great surpri.-e BO the many wheelmen who attended the race during the week. The world' record . for 142 hoar g--a-you-pleae was IMH mile, up to but Saturday night at ten minutes li .re mi-Jaigf.t. where Echoes. completed his !'.-n nd with just 10 miles to bis credit. The second. Waller, wa credited with 1TM miles und the ei-chami-ion Martin ha.1 travelled 1430 miles Tiie wildest enthusiasm prevailed in the massive amphitheatre when Sehork roie his last lap. carrvimr a huge Ainericalh flatr. Fully 7U00 people were in attendanoe at the l '- ' .- . .1 m , 1 cic:. 1 inaocuurv uie was launv rur- resedui and tbs ir.en who fir.Uhe-i among the ; hrst six receiv! tiie foUowing division? of . the purse of iaIM. Sdsock. 1200: Waller. ' $: Mart:.. $;; aJfaert, O50; Van , Emburg. t-VrJ. GflldeB,$U0. The winner. Albert HiocX. ha estaolisbeti a r-r rt -r l. hich bi-is Lir to remain for manv vears. : Scfaock s endurance and speed ha gained I for him the well deserved reputation, of be ing the nstf distance champion of tre ' rid. Par'ng the last few davs we have lost several prominent citiren. Adotnb L ,' 5saneer. i-re.;.i. r.t 1 ::.- i- r-i i E-i : .1- tioa. died at hi home. Mr Sanger was very prominent in Hewl.rew circle. and the 1 pulkic cboc4s were dosed today, as i I is the ' uav ot h.) faiaeril. A ol apoplexy carrie-i off Orlando 15 Potter ve-tenlav af- ' terooon at the l"ni.n club. Mr Potter was a prominent hocinecs mem. Wa. F. II. KoELst u Poor Titles How it your title. Do yoa own the land yon are on. Since it as learned that part of Brownsville was with out a good titie considerable interest ha bean raanifeste-l in sack matters. Another very peculiar case tt at hand- Tears age. a man nainel Ujltwaer kvatett HO acres near Lacomb: tot never Sled on it. Af terwaiU he gave up the land to a man namol Oum with only a verial tran-fer Uum alandoneii it Hie OftC clauned it in lieu of it regular section and deeded is to Wm I acker. 1 . r rr ei . n 4 a Seattle dn:i. He and his wife are now both dead. At the recent tax sale, it was sold for taxes and bid in bv lieorse Clark. ' who owns an adjoining farm. It now transpires that IA acre is government land, only 40 acres to tne U a.' t at the time ct the sole and that is th Ixrwt part of the pnnertv. Martin an-.l . Charles TiKker. ..ns of Was Tucker, ob- j tain.d knowkxle cf tie fact, and vesterlav went to Oregon Citv and tiled on property. ' The mortajre. an-1 tax p"rchaer are hence ; "oat in the cold. An additional inter- i eting thine in conr.ev tion with the matter IS the tact that acres ot Mr I lira prop- j erty is also governni-nt bind, a fact he has j not vet learned. Whiie having an eye on ! the Tucker fan-.i Mr Clark has lost siyht of BM own title and sill need t r::- towards 1 Oregon Citv tetfvc! h's titte. nsiii c; rt?.- Woi Si 5tit, ite' If yea wast a tine smok call fcr Joi.r, white iabcr cigars, Tb best,ni.t on la the citv t.- safal el oyer a Hodge t stefavrtaa t tor. Alhaov. C . tha Issdtag Will tt Stark' large line of silver hat created : great dal of talk. 1 a.romxe ocme irauttry oy sn-.okmg tne celebrate.1 white lai.-.r siiars, msrufactared by luiios Joseph. The 0 K Grubber is fold on trial. To try one does not mean s ou are rcmpelled 10 uuv. 11 rj; .1 Brooks. bv Jas. PlatXai .V Thk Tatneoa Wl Eat very largely make us what we are. No thought can pass UllQtjjh the mind without leaving some effect, however slight. Many alight im pressions, in lime, mske r.'.igbty charges. It's the same with the body. Abuse It with poor food and take the co.isequenccs. For purity ar.d certainty In groceries and baked goods, go to Parker Bros. Dr. Price's C ream Bating Powder Moat Perfect Made. Albany Market 'Vine' 43e. Oats, i'5. I "our, f 4 on. fuller. 'i3. KaigM. -. Lard, 12 to 15c Pork-hams U to 15 ; ahooMara tj 10ai si-. n to i3c. Hay. baled, IT. o aloes, SH Apples , 4r Hoa lbii. Orled frill' pluuis, fo, apples, Hv Chickeim. i 00 i-r dOKsn. Beer, on U ot, IH: UR STOCK LACKS noth ing but buyers. They will come. 1 hey will be eatis- 'fied. They will buv at THF. FAIREST PRICES EVER MADL FOR SUCK QUALITIES. ! Visitors are BELIEVE but not asked to shown are goods to CONVINCE them that we are leading the trade in STAPLE AND FANCY DRY C00DS.LADIFS FINE SHOES etc. If you want VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY call on us Yours Truly Read, Peacock A Co I. A. 31 orris k Co Flcnr and Feed Store. Have removed LI 1 a. their .tore to ooposi e i lhe Ru't Hoi , stoca ol use, and hate on hand .- .... a lu!I j ! i CHOPPED FEED: Custom chopping done. COBVALL 3 FIXIM, B3AN, SHOSTS GERM MEAL, CRAHAM, BUCK WHEAT, RYE FLOUR, HAY, 0A1S. STRAW AND W TAYLOE. Hons8 Cleaner Gartaeraiia General Jollier. Cartel Laying ard CeJnnsr, Laying arj Chim ey i - , , , . . - s Oesnatajt W hitewathmg and Window clearing a Bpecienv. Call at Boo: Black S-and aliasing parkj.-t. . ' Lndre:h's CENTRAL try anil M bht Broaoaibin. between Second and Third St.. f ALBANY. OB. Poiltrj, .Fish. Oysters, (IkiBS. Gaae ia Seastn. s.:. ' , .-. frsjst. Give a a ail. H CALL AH AH ' vnjs, aLsainta Oil) Giasjb, Etc J. A. fuiiiinirg: ALE- ''V. CFECC DRUGS Siaiicnery, Toilet Artiiles, Musics lastrument3. Etc Hodps & iMai, The Cornet Drug Store,". A bany.QiJ FARMERS LISTEN. We have a 6ne lot of dch era seed, cf tlmos: every kind, including cbca', and we ant tote it. Come snj see us. STEWART & SO WANTED At the Ml re Allen Bros., formerly owned by BUTTER, nrmq HiUaiB, j liARD I -'Mk'l land CHOICE APPLES, for which possible. 1 will psy the best cash prise 6 F RAMP Assignee's Notice. Notice is hertb given to all whom i- m-y coacern. thst en tho 4th day cf November. 1893, Anthony Prtpst! sndF C Bathw d-K made an istgr ment lo'ino of all their prapae tv fortbe benctitrlaii their cieiiter.-, in ccirdan c with ike gecersl sttigrmeot swscf tho state cf Orecor; tfcertfore all ' persona having claims sa.aint the co part i uerahip tit in of said Propst sad Bat'er are I heteby notified aud requireit to present tbe i taaaa to mo uodor oih t tho eflie tf W B ! btlyee in tho City of Alhsny, Ongon with in thiee month from the date hereof. 1 id thi I7th day of November, 1S93. Fkmiun i'ropst, Assiaine. th. Dr. k-atterseit Wallnce Th N.-lfl Clairreyalit a'd Life KelJcr, it now h. i ... ami can ba found at her resilience, neat it j J B IVopU's. She tell N-ul all subjects. )a riresent amt futore; love troubles, absent trlrsos aa4 asaasaess. ou .an hear mnu nr uail tier 3. V IU" NTS MAKE FIVE DOLLARS a ava ' in ,. i - ,o a-day selling he greatest kitchen uter.- st evel nivctticu. ivciaiia iui iiiiny-in c cents. Two to six can be sold fn every house. Millions sold in this country alone. Don't tnlta the greatest opportunity ever known to make money, easl'.v and quickly. Sample sent, postage prepa'd for five cent. McMakin Jt Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. T. C NAt'KEY, M.U., rbyticlan and Sargeen, i-Slce Vi stairs over th Bank ol Ongon. Kvid-.nce, cornea- ICth and Calapooia tt. FOR KEN r.i The opera house store, splendid location. Call on the secretary at the Dkmocbat office tor pat lieulara. Wall Paper, o Wotice for Publication US Jjand rfliee, Orrgon Oily Or., hoevbt i r 2nd, , .; Notica i V.ereby given that In eomp!l ance with the provisions cf Ihe act of Congress of June 3, 1878 entitled An act for the sale ofllmbor lands in tne state of California, Orison. Nevada and Wash i.gtr.n Temlorjr" as txienrtnd to all the publ Ic lands stttesby act of AUKiit4 1892, AltsrtK Holmwso' Albany county of Linn stato of Oregon. b this day ti :ed in this oflite bis sworn statement Xo 29C4 for the purchase cf the Northeast 'A ot auction Bo. 25 in township no. 10 8 range No 6 Eatt, and will offer proof to steer that the land sought it more valuable for its timber or store than fir egrlcultcral purposcn.ind lo establish his claim to said land before Ihe Register axd Receiver r. I .hlt office at Oregon Ci:, Or.on Tuesda y j the rV.h da of February, 1894. Re nam e I at witnesses: C II Ialrymp:e. Francis i Holme, O V Adarn, A Wink, all of Al i bin. Or. Any and all persons c'aimin adversely ti.e above described land ar requested to file their claim In this effic on or bef re said 6th dy r f Fibruary Robert A .' Iillek, Rejiitter Notice for Publication snOrnr-E, bnEcosCm-. O.-. 'ct 20rb, 1S-J3. Not.o ii ikitij , :nt anoe arfdkHss pjr 1 ; , . Oemmmmt Jtvtm z ,, for the sale of timber lands In the t-ts cf California, irt-sson, Nevada end Watb ingtoa Territory," a ezUnded to alt the Public Land States bv act of Anirutt 4 . b. 1892, Annie hi:',oc"k, of Oregon (.'it y c.nniy r.f C icksrr.iv sta-e of Ore t or, ,hss thl day fi ed in this office her sworn statement No 2354. for the pnrcbaacr rf th X E i of section No 9 in township N 10 8 range No 4 E. cd still cfler prcof t show that the lanl soa:nt i m .r valuable fir Its timber cr sjton? than to grkuliural r.arn-f. and to esitah'ish ll.V.1 " iKill'Cl 1,1 fcU'S UIU.T f. L ' I 1 1 city. Oregon, cn Thnrsdsy, the 1st osy of February, 1jL She Dtxaswuaeecs Smith. Wm ornhh. JLlferr.. V Thompson t:: cf lis rry. Oreyoe. Az.j and a'l persons d -imin tul vesly tbe abov described lands re reqaeated :.j fi thn ciaiins in Uia cfH-:e on or before said 1 , aay or tebruary. im. Kc-BESCT A MirLEBL K- -i-'jtT. Notice fur Publication , C. b. Land Office. Oaacov Cuv July 3'd, 1S93. Not:c; is hereby given Lbs! in ccropa ance with the prosUioct of the act of Con gres of Jjae 3. lis,, entitled '..Vn act ft the gale of timber lar.ds in the state, o California, Oregon, N'evsda,and Wasbirif ton lerrirory'asexteT.oVd to ail the Pub lic Land States by act of August 4, 1852, Daniel M Large, of Albany, cour.ty of Linn, sta'e cf Oregon, rat this day'f :d in tht oce hi, tworn ttatemerit No i I , . . "' i..c puii.i.aor :ne w y. tt section , . - ... ......!- - .0 aiu'ji, :i: ; So 4 East, and wbl effer proof to show ! that the land t ght i more valaable for ' it timber or stone than for agricultural ! purposes, sod to establish bi claim to j said Unc btfore Use Eegtsteracd Receiver . cf this office a: Oregon City, Oregon, cn ! Tuesday, the o,-.h day ef Jacuarv.iS He names as witnesses L W La'-gbead. 3 L .'Berry, JB Whhr.ey. CB ttirn, all of ' Green Ba-m. Oregor. Acs and al per ; son claiming adversely the kbove de- saibed lands are rejurtd to file thttr ; claims In tbis cce or before tcid 9th , day c?J January, 1894. aERT A : r. Register. Timber iausd, 4ct Jut 3. 1STS Xoti.-e fy United Siste Land C nice, Oregon City. Kwtice is hereby g-n that in with ih prr risir. cf s 5ct of Cecums of , Jan 3Vd, 1578. esiitiel -An t for th rats ! cf tiabsr Isod in the tute tf . . , - .a. Oreon,Nevads asd Wsshingtuo Territawy,' J ssextJMld to ail I'oUie Ltad States by act ;of AsgnM4. l32.ChasJ Piwk' JTiagars, ooontv cf awsiicn, state oi Orcgee, has this 1 day r?U-d 10 this effice his sworn tstree3t I V- Oll 1 .1 I . m , ai .ae c . ice is a ' , or Section Sa. 10 in Township Xo, 10 S, Rature . - , w vi.a y 1 t in ' . 1. I the land sabt is more vainsbe for its timber or ttooe than for agtieoitarai pur poses, acd tc estavUish hi cisian La said lard I nefore Ihe Eeajuter and Receiver tt tela f . So at Oregon L'i.y, Omens, on Wednesdai, the24to day if jaioary. 1S34. H assaes s witnesses: Chss rhezpeor, Jo: :: Sxith, AKeo Smith. Bsotlev Iwca-e, sli if Xisgsrs, Maibin Co. Oregon. Any and si! penoaa ciaiilra tdverery the lbov I desciibcd lar.i are rr-je!ed ro tile their jcisia s in thui iii-- 03 or : :' .re a .id 24-h 1 day cf JicBtrv. 1S94. KOEEET A HILLCK. SLs(iaetr Notice for Publication Laxu CrricK Gkegox C-ty, Ob Oct ;d, 1S93. Notice is hereby given that in compf:- cce wkh ihe : rovisiocs of the set of Coc i gress of Jur.e 3. ii;S, entitled "An act iur irtc aaSecJ timber sands ui the states of i California. Oregon, Nevada and Washiag ' ton Teriitorv," Mrs Lu!u Laugbead. of Albany, county of Linn, state ot Oregon, : lias this day filed in thia office her suorn , statement No 2950, tor the purchase of ihe ' N S cf N W Jf.-S K ol N V and S W of N E "-j of section No txdn tcarnshin No . 10 Soutn Rarge No 4 East, tnd wiil offer -. proot 10 shosr ihat the Sv-ujht U more valuable fcr Us timber or stone than for agricultural purposes- and toesUb.Uh hei claim to saia land before the Register ar.d j Receiver ct this office at Oregon City.Oga, i on Tuesday, the Ind day ot Janeary", 1S94. she names a witnesses: DeWitt Dan- ; forth, of Detroit, Marion Co, Oregon, O Fox,of Detro::.Mrion Co,Oregon,Williaua ' L Laughead, ol Green Basia, Marion Co, I Oregon, Carlile H LaugheaJ, of Albanv, . Linn county, Oregon. Any and all per -. sons claiming adversely the above do t scribed lands are rcoucstfd to file their claims in this office on or before siij 1 day of Jan ary, isa. ERT A MlLLfcR, Register. Timber Land, Act Juno 3, 157$. Nctie lor publicrtion. Unite.! - UuJ Ofice. O.-x-sc-s Citv. Ortna afasvtaJHSSt 1. 1?f8. Xvcioe is hen-bj- intra that ia cvxrlisnee wilh Un pros isiousioi tlie act ot t'uratm of Jane S, 1ST, ec titled "An act f-r thesaie of tiaiber iaoOs in the states oi California. OnMjoo. Nevada and Wash-.tntton rerrilory.-' as eitecvtexi to all t he Public Land Stares by art ci Aofi;-! 4. l-i Cbaries H. ttalrymple. of Albany. IVuinty of Lim.. State of Orvson. has this ajec ffle.1 in this, office Sis sworn staiemenl No. asSl, fur the pareimsi. S lhe S K of Section so Si in Township No 10 S. Kai-' So 6 Ka:4. and will otfer pnxf to iscow Uiat tho land souht is more valuable for ita , timoeror Mono i.-um lor aamcuaaral punses. , and to establish hi elain: To said land hefutV tho ; Kv.srwr sntl .t this ottice as Oteaoa j City. Orvn, oa Wi-duesJay. the snh day of ; Jsrinary, Mi, ! He iMUnoo as witi-.sse: F L Holmes. E W : Bsaaaataa. H Wink. O V Adams, all of Albanj. ln. j An- and all MSSaM the atwn doribed lauds are tviuested So hie their claims in mis omce oa or belore ssiil S4tU da- of Jaiiu ary. 1st. HoasBT A. Mtujca. Hi -.St.T. Timber Land, Act Jt am IS7S. Nitiee for pubiieit-on. Caited States Lar.. I OSaVeea Orcso iVtoU-r i,i : ty, Ores-aa, Xotjce i hervtiy civen that i eompUane srith the prvTisions ol ttieaet of CoiiktvsS of June a. L-TS. eoUtW. ".In act for lhe sale of tiuiher lan-ts in the States of 1'a.ifomia. lrei.n. S'evaila. and Washington TiTTttoo'." Johu V Campbell, oi Maniac tie. I utility of ataniuette. Slate of Michi Ksn, has this day hll iu this office his sivin siatetuent So , for tlie purchase of the S of SK. Kl-2 SW and N f, of sff'i ol Dtsirlaa No 2S, in Township So to South, Kan So 6 and will offer proof to show thai the 'land soughs is more valuable for lis timber or stone than for aaricuUural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Keirister mid Kecviver of this nth ee at Orvayn City. Oregon, on Tuesday the 23d day of January. 1SW He names as witnesses: KuReuo V Smith. Kdwia V Smith, J L Iterry. Berry P O, Marion Co, and Krank IVrkett. IV-trott, Marion Oa. lretfiii. Any and 1 all. person claiming adversely the a cribtHt taiuU are tv-im'sted ti' hie their M gJJJ m , of ntx-ve-ites- . .. .'..- m Janoarr IsiM. KoBSBT A. '! : : t . .. Bnaiiise. Notice of Dissolution Notice is hereby given that the firm of Sender & Co heretofoie doing business under the firm name of Senders & Co bss thi day been dissolved, Mr Adolph Send ers retiring. The new firm w'll be cam posed of Mr Ed Schmecr and James Cal lahan who will continue the business, an-1 will collect all amounts due the old firm and pay all its debts. Adolph '- . , SCanSaMSJU Dr. Plica's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Miss -t Medal anal I