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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1894)
A POl'lUSTSEUKIV! LHiliT. A tttbacrltoei u Oh Democrat, calling .lims.-tf a "'populisl," ukt us lo publish the tailiT plana of the peoplei party platform adopted at Omaha. lie sayfa democrat' claims there is no tariff plank in the Omaha plalf nn and he contends there is. Our j-oputUt friend s in error. 1 hrt it no tariff piftfck in the peoples party platform and so far as platforms go the views of the peoples party on the tariff ia not known. Most of their leaders ignore it and say it is not an issue. A few of their leaders are tariff leformers, notably, Jerry Simpson. Our po, ulist fiiend asks another very per tinent question. It is this: "Is it trae a the OregONiun and many other republicans tle;e that while the Wilson bill puts wool on the free t'at it makes no material re duction in manufactures of wool?" For the hun-rcth time the Democrat finds it nec essary to denounce the statement as false. If "Popuiisl" will read the following par agraphs he will see how utterly false is thi statement of the Oregonian. Let us ex amine into the reduction ia duty on woolens as made by the Wilson bill aid tee how much truth there ia in the above statement. Under the IHCtiinley law the duty on woolen md worsted yarns, valued at no more than 30 cents per pound, is 276.66 per cent and under the W ilson bill it ia 30 per cent. Valued at more th'n 30 and not more than 40 cents per pound the duty under the M:Kinley law ts 118.79 per cent and under the WiUon bill it is 30 per cent Valued at not more than 40 cents pe pound the duty under the McKinlty law is IC5.42 ptr and under the Wilton bill 35 per cent. The reduction on woolen clothes valued at not more than 30 cents per pound ig from I63.09 per cett to 40 ptr cent. Value 1 at more than 37 and not more than 40 cents per pound the reduction is from I14.S6 10 4 j per cs t. Value! above 40 cents per pou.-d the reduction is from 59. 50 percint 1040 per csot. Woolen or wor.-ted s'.iawls valued at not more than 30 cent, per pound ate reduced from 150 pcr een: to 40 per cent. Valued at more than it and not more than 40 cents per pound the reduction Is from Io.3- per cent to 40 per cent. Valued at ataove 4 p-:r cmt the reduction is frotn S$,6j to 4? per cent. The reductions on b'-ankeu valued at not more than 33 cents per pound is from SS 22 per cent to 15 per cent. Valued at more than 3? and not mor: t an 4-) cents per pound the reduction is fiom too per cent to 30 per cent. Valued at more than 40 and 1 ot mc e than 5 c:nts per piand the reduc ion i frm 103 90 per cent to 35 per cent, Vilucd at more fiaa JO cta'.s per pound the reduc: ion is from Si 33 per cent 1035 ;ei cent. Th: reduction !n the duty Mi kC claa of Va'.s of wool it from S6 pet teal to 25 per cent. On another class from 1-6.4S ptrdtat (030 per cmt, on another fiom it 4 22 1 er cent to 35 p..r cent ard on be U si ciaas fiom S7. 26 per cer.t to 35 per ten . The reduc. inn on one class cf flannels is from S4 93 per cent lo 25 ptr cent. On anoiiicr fiom ttn 31 p;r ctnt to 33 pr cent aaptail (rocn 103.22 ! .ent to 3; pet Ccrr. ;ni on the last fiom 96.54 per cent to ao pr: c.m. Tr.e same g.;aera.l is made in the Ju-.y uii women's snd children's dress gooc's, fell?, j kshes and other file fabric. 3 ' vminji meboi.ijs, carpets etc. Can any one after reading the above facts say that the vVilscn bill doe rot make a very mi'.eiiil recucliun in the duties on waolens? Let us now rcduc: these comparative duties lo simpler forms. Dado the Mc Kinley jaw cn every $loo worth of woolen and worsted yarns imported valued a, not more thar. 30 cents per pound a duty of $276 66 irnt be paid. Under the Wilson bill the duty will be Jj on t OIoo. Under the McKinLy law the duty on $tOo worth of woolen or worsted goods tne duty is (1 1 5.S1 Under H.e Wilson bill it will be 49. "Pop ulist" from this can see that the Oregonian is continually a tempting to deceive him In fa:t deception seems to be one of the necessary means reto'ted to to make people contcrfed with the scheme of protecticnism These ua'ementi here are raada up from the Wilson bill itself and the per centages ondcr the M.Kir. ley law ar: made from he itCMdt of the treasury department. The Salem Joarnil says that the executive eo-miii tee f the Republican National com- ., 1.1 .. e . m . : j r iuhih uiu uii it euaaiucied une siroc of policy, by passing resolutions, first, for admission ot Utah lo the Union; lecrad, for admU.i of all territoiies. Yes, we remerr-ber once of a criminal going btfjre ihe court and pleading guilty la order to secure as light a sentence as possible. Now, the-e ripublicans, seeing they cjt no longer keep U ah New Mexico and A-jna out of the Union come up when their rt( is not needed and dtcidedto favor the admission ot the territories. Theie is no credit in this coarse. BIX POINTS, out of many, where Dr. Picrce'a Pellats aro Setter than other pills : 1. They're the nnallcst, and eas iest to tri.o little, sugar -coated I, nlea that every child takes readily. 2. They're perfootlj easy in their action no grijiinr;, no dis turbance. S. Their effects kutt. There's no reaction itftcrwanls. They regulate or cleanse the system according to bizo of dose. 4. They're the cheapest, for tbey'r i gwtroRtttd to give satis faction, or ymr money is returned. You piy only for the good you get. 5. I'ut up in glass are always frcbli. 0. They cure Constipation, Indi gestion, liilious Attacks, Sick or Bilious Headaches, and all derange ments of the liver, stomach and boweU. It cures Catarrh in the Head perfectly and permanently Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. SPEC AL SCHOOL MFETIN Nc lice s hereby tiTen lo the legal vow I of 8bn I No. 5. el Liuu Count,. Siuld i.f i ro, th it speuia! school a eet in., ef ft tt id dutiict wru be bald a' the Onu.l liounf, Albanv, Oregon, am the 30tli dey of J-.nuary, 1894' at 7 o'clock in the aft r,o..n. for th- fo!owii.)j or j.-cta: To levy a tix fr tl.n . Uj.porc of ine solan's of said diatriet f rihe e.. uuk i to py the iutti'V t, n,d-r. io .!' f . Dated tiiis lUtu day of J in, ifcDl A H Stewakt Drstiict Clerk. J K VV'kathirjohk Jha nn.n Bo .id ot Directors, WILL THEV? Iu a few dajs a ttctUftg of wool growirt will be be'd in Salem tc pro'est attains the passage of the free woo', feature of the Wil son bill. Now in whose interest are tlioe i . -. 1 r . , . ....... i.o 1 .. 11. ... r I u'.wiwi lew iu upcitiv r 111 ttiui. un. i-'u thoy consider or ever recognize the interest of the great masses of the people ? Not at all. They know there is the same antago nism between their interests and the Inter ests of the great masses of the people as here is between the interest of the man who buys and the interest of the man who soils a horse. The buyer wt;ts the horse at the lowest price possible, and the seller wants the highest price possible Hut no one urges the passage of a law to compel the buyer to pay a large price in order to benefit the seller. But the wool grower insists on just that kind of a law. What motive will Inspire these wool growers in whatever action they take? Purely a selfish one- They are se'f interested and super latively selSsh. They would not spend much time and large sutns of money hold ing meetings all over the country and sending paid lobbyists to congress to se cure legislation in the interests of the massts. It is to promote their own inter ests that they thus meet, and the fact that they have money to spend in this under taking shows that protection to them has been remunerative. When have the mass es of the people under the blessed influence of protectionism made money to spend in going long distances to hold public meet ings? The truth it this is the most prepos terous and cold blooded attempt that has yet been made to prevent the execution of the people's edict to untax their eveiy-day necessaries. It is to be made at a peculiarly ii'ting t'rae- These wool growers, with ar. aver age protection.of nearly 50 per cent oa their products, as shown by the import s and far more than that thiougb prohibit ory rates, meet in midwinter, amid a peo ple shivering for lack cf comfortable c'o'h ing, to protest against the pas .age of a bi-1 that will enable tbeso same shivering people to purchase necessary cloning cheaper than now. The English landlords who tried to put up the price of com daring the Irish funi ine were their historic prototypes. Instead of meeting in a hotel parlor over their canvasback and wine to discuss ways and means of diverting congress from its duty, let these wool growers call a public meeting at the opera house in Salem or Portland of the men who have but one coat, or half a coat, and the women a ith one poor shaai. There are enough of them to fill several hal t. Lt their or ators present to this audience the enormous offense of the democratic committee in pro -1 posing to make wool free, and to reJuce in consequence the duty oa imported woolens from 10 J to 40 or 40 per cent! If their "protest" does no: evolve a boomerang of cyclonic force it will be be -1 cause the victims of McKinleyisni in these towns have been nuaibrd into a stupor by their want cf "rrotection." PKOVESTOO HUCII. Qroavcnor cf Oi.i '.ajbi.nd fol.ower of the cause of protectionism mije a ridiculous spectacle of b m,t ia the hous; .Mturiay when debiting t'tie tVilscn bill. He called attention ts a suit of cl t'be ahuh he wura and for which he sai 1 he paid Lo 11.- then exhibited a suit which tie soil he ,vaf- chased in tngiand and tjr win, n tie paid ,16.5,. This salt be declared -a. in'erior in quality to the A-ne-irai suit 11 wore. . . w 1 nis orgumen-. wa maoe kk toe ear or ..e cooaumer. It mm intended to prove that . . ine .wcaunicy laiiu Ul 70 p-: t-ctic aai euit bought in Englaid hat no vffrct on the price of the American suit, but like al tariff arjumr.ts t'als proves too much. Le as look into this matter of buying a suit in j tion. But the statement that "debtors are England for $16.50 and importing it isto powerless to avoid tLe rehure of their this country, When Mr Groiveao'.arrivtd property and tfceir homes 10 satisfy at a at New Vora with that suit of cloihe, the : small percentage the claims of their cred fint thing he hai todo was to present him- j ilors" is labstar.lially and praciral y nn self to the collector cf oastom. This officer 1 true. Any one abroud rcadirg . took the soil of c'oties and weighed them. Weight sis pounds. Collector informs Mr j tion that creditors in Oregon were bean G that oa tne weight of these goods there lessly pursuing their debtors with judg is a duty of 4vX cents per pound. M' G 1 ments and executions an I that men were reluctantly handed out $2.07 tot the priv ilege of bringing this suit into his own couotryi : The collector smiled blandly and at the same time told Mr G tbat in aldltioa to this tax I duty ct $3.97 on the weight of the goodt ' there woa an ad valorem duty of 60 per cent on the cost. Now 6j per cent of $16 50 ; isued than at any time for tbe last taenty as sny school teacher will tell, you is $9. 9a ! years. Times are bard and more men ore ThlsadJedto the $1 97 makes $12 .87 ss oul of employment in Oregon than for tbe tax Mr G hod 10 pay for the privilege j many years, but there is no excuse for ex -f bringing this ta?t intr hi own country, j aggeratings or magnifying a condition of f we add this .ax of $12.87 10 tre coat of things vtlrch all regret be suit In England, JU6 50, we find this suit cott MrG $39.37 in Nea Vork. Now if we i an buy an American suit ei clothes for f !o 6Vl that ie. ai good or superior in qua'ity to an English Suit that coits lo New Yoik i'J 3?i hat is Jieneed of protection opon rady mode clothing? Taking the case a9 made by this great apoitle of protection, our American manufacturer can ea.ily comrete tod even outsell the Engliah manufacturer. Then how tdly is tbe cry set up by the east ern manufacture ra that the passage of the Wilson bill woull ru'n their bu-lneaa. The uuiy on teaaa sun unncr tae present a 78 per cent aad under the W iben bill it is 45 per cent which la entirely too much. But the Democrat ould rather tee the duty placed at 45 per cent than permitted to reason at 78 per cent, hence it urg-s the paisige of Wilsons bill . The Herald comet ont in strong term against the proposition to enact an income tax law. This is the republican policy. Under ibe scheme of ro ectioaism poor are made to py at much or mora taxes (ban the rich, while under the in come tax bv men are taxed according to their wealth and their ability to pay . The policy of the republican party it to shield protected monopolies from tbe burdens of taxation and those burdens are thrown on the common herd. How bng will tha mas remain blinded by partisan prtj udices? This opi'Osi io i to the inco 1 t ?: is purely partisan and selfish. K -public-ant feel if they cm defeat i this, v ill en able them to have nnre and hub r Unff du'ies. At the fine time tbey kno-v they would thus place the protected barou and millionaires und'r obligations 'o tbam and that tbe party woulJ thus sc in. thuir aid in carrying eiteiiont Mr (jto Kinley ha. been sppo 11 irtstr tt Ciawfordiv.lle. Ml I capable, honest mat), a gjjJ n. ,1 Democrat and will make a i;a ,.: p 1 pos' .v is a suun 1 nssi -1 Ii should bi obierved iha' two ol ibe mos: h'ishly pi or anted emiat'i tt i" the wo" d Ita'y tad I U.ii' d -t 1 , it atmmig ing the severest tinancial lia.d..ij,, u d with all their high tariffs they caimo raise sufficierit revenues. And in Italy 'live l'vi an srmy to support, while hett ihcie are, only small garrisons and large pensions matssse i.jl. 1 he cnnimi.U o.i coim-ge of t .e buute liar deil led lo recommend favoiabiy U imJ', illl privldinjc lo; He c diiaye l I, ilver sriiiorage in toe treatur to lie umiu it if l65 '5iSl- shlt bill should pass at once. BROAD Tlitt's- l'lucer cotwt has .1 bro.iil tire ordinitnce .which is working we1!. In falling atten tion to the success of Placer's ordinance, llio eminent, ti-.voril 1 111011 try: Tbo wagon ro led over ti n Mad should be a road maker, riot a rend destroyer. It ought to conse've hnuliUK the heavitr than tho lighter load. The broad tire does this. In France are found the best roads In Europe, and over them roll only tho wheels of broadest tires 1 is the 'aw there that the load shall be distributed over the largest posiblo surface consistent with tho weight carried, the po er exerted and tho need 1 of the people to wheel 'oads to market The tires of the French market wagons nre all tie way Iron three to ten inches in width. The great, r number are from four 'o six inchs Then, too, ti.e I hind snd forward wheel- do not tnul; I R-ieh niir 11F wiist'ls track alone, and tl its , - . tne combined wm u or ;:e tour tires serve the purpese of a road roller to kiep the roof of the road smooth, compact and fiee from cut outs, or oat m ijeuerdly k.iown as chuck-holes. In On'a'io the Department of Agrieu't ur9 advises that for wagons without springs the tire should r.cver bo less than two and a half inches in wid h for a load serve ( - I as 'niiuil I "UVJ t v Ik in , awl I ,WV, S of from SCO to 10CO p-nm on each wheel. Umatilla cotintv it is 1838,000, iu Union For loads of from MM 'o oVOO pounds to ! county it ia t0O,00O. in Yamhill V1.000, the wheel each tire should have a diameter WJ. Aa a matter of Uctthe to'al amount i.. .1 Tt,;. 1 of money, notes and accounts in Muhno- recommendatlon will be adopted in Onta rio this winter. It ought to be adopted here. We need si eh regulation more than it is needed in Canada. Cut no ordinance of this kind should lie ir.ip ed upon t! e peo pwwwe. ir-j "" v luai oa iu rs ot venic-e can iiccoiumoiute themselves 'o the new lule with ut suffer- ing heavy cot. The adop ion of the svs " .. . ., tern will at i nee make n.a tfst its economy when it begins 'o crr.te into use, for it is a mones sarine device for all whi contribute to tbe c instiuclion ac.d gnod nxids. Dii'i Colil m mtenmce l'nbiinf. ol ;;lkBA N SiK S Ills BS) M: llermanu ba t .e very 'rn.ltrcst fee ' ii.g for iiop growers sn.i none for hep cor.! j ! umers lie h s in'icducd an ameedment ncreis.s the duty ptOVMfefl for in the Wl m the road would pay up all past in son from S la 1 5 cent oa hops. N jw if w debtedneta and three montl a in advance. ! can exoort ho;s to foreign tountrbs and c! tbetn in comretnion w tl. foreign h. p , then our hop g'oweis nee ! n i pro'ccti-n Wt:, hen.letatsre Accori'mt 10 the 'tecore j de; a.tmrntat Wadnngton , . ! we impMr edurng'hrcl,T-n months end mg Njc n'..-- 3, ii) 1. pwnda cubed in OJOMBOSI tlie delicacy of her intcn and w ea:.'t.M dann ihe imc pdoj ! tion ami watneI her not to make an exhi 13.314.633 oaJ- l2Ci U.e'h o. i bton of Wpslf. The Chronicle tan , . ' the edit, rial a a venomous and :.t- of Njvetnt.-r 1S93 we imivte! S9. 644 tack. The tight i still on. -sands an ifx irt 1 4 10 49 no ia !. Thj I coniun- of hon and ho 1 irolactiaa are a i thoutiut t mes m t.- nu-iic-iu thtnhop .ot er and ;it Mr H ixana dvc!e all hi lime atMaoabect t psMM4isg .he expenses olth'aiiiy. Cm niii- 1 r yir 'leirj and tin. cf poc f irsm. Tbe governor s atntfiit mas Icttrr th.i'. " ,:a .- i- in his C he S't Curi.t- mas in the bis or- of V: n when than two-thirds 'f i rfoii!e ore more ithout emp'ocnient nd more than one 'jird '-a ith- oat sokctent mean- cf support, and tka , , , .1 . deb ore are powar.ess U avoid tbe ot tneir properly and tban homes to satiety a tma j pereentjg.. tee c atms of their creditors" is cot rorne out by tlie facta j coming within Ibe observation of every one ' who cares to arriva at ine 1 t - 1 . .. tenih Th. ; governor u.niseti aumi s n i cis letter U 1 I,;. Un.e ; needed qualifying ar d changing. Tb:s he j ... . . , . I Jtt wi mjiuk tu jk.uiiaiii iimi wwie ww , two thirds of tLe people are not remuner , ated so much in their employment as unde i Cleveland's first or IT irrisun's aomii-istra ment ouid raucnally come to tre conda- being turned oa' of :Leir hornet on all sides. But such if not the case. On thai . t . t . . . contrary debtors Lave r.t-e.y "ten !es free , I. .... ' from sncb pursuit Iran now. The cour . records all over the ata't r' ow that fewer judgments are taken and fewer executions I file Urccontan sv the w;v V llton fixes the wool and acoltn scKeuule In LU tariff bill leaves the woolen manufacturer better and more highly protected thin unr'er he McKinley law. How dje thi itatrment harmonize with that ottic' t a'.cmrnl ol Oat Rper declarlr. Ibat the ini.'ut jcttirim; nduitiiesoi N Rngioad are tu !.e ruintd by the paasage of fit Wilaov bdl or that manufacturers aril! becitnpelleJ to put their operatives on pauper wagei. Veiily the man abo defen s thesc'.eme cf p.otection - i ism hai a barj time krepiag himfif l. nim en tu Ke,htr 7- tattle of Maine co.tlnura to make a lu?IJ a.tol limi.-K,, ,: ht-use. The ariff Mli ay ord r t t it 131m; hiv t ie :ig'u of way, and et, ca;h 1'av, hco 'he hout meet,', this mm 1) ute le, i'- a popinjiy, 0.1 llir ll t'tr .1 - FJ in lift . ron.if'eeslli.n t.f . . ,,. .. , . v . 1 1 hit Hawaiian rcs.,lu iO'i. eateiday be ap- r care-1 In bia o'd rule w"ien tlie tpciker tharp y ta d: i.T-i . .. ... 11 . . ... ti -1 .1. " . " . . ":V . ' " ' fc . vst ax ijri'fi 111 tan t, v 1 1 tic 11- )i it I ii,C w ti.e houstr. T ,er - nuat b' some t.orr in thff maiirt v to ui . e t it 'f -tftinst these ro til ulai 11 fie ir -it lemm Will M tt-ri resume Mt irl I , lad t. spec! order adopts , committte "I ba whfl -ation of the tu iff btli ' ti e ear of lisll , - 11. us ll! -e.o f Ui 1, under lea i.scif 1 her c n-i ll. 1 el ia retired iu TaKatftM w Ii ' ii a a a 1 rnmenta ihoatd atas b.-ecestitli-a of goei aaa n a Wsoaasealfy ad a.l :. 5 kecon afcttltryt I 11 m ft; lent 1 limite l t.i ul' c nd ov I lie nc- fi - levied M Is t I' r lf tax 1 Iun c , qasf. being 1 on eangici 1 mi that ll . b jr t f ir .'ba' be unilc: ;n and (- itl nev-r be ma le un,f 111 on comsumpt nn K.., 1 bou'tl en ct an imc .n rich nia hs (OBsptlli tt of tbe Imi 1 '.mi of laxat Ttu i'i Aad m .us n hou-e has decided t y o rcuiisi Ier he r for dsc r ;c an loco ate tux. ty l t ;er m liters o t Ij tr dcatoc .. ,1111 tee ol I Ik id 6 'o s. 10 i.,ii in .. voi o aim' vii'c 'ii 11 c caucus cl the e an t ibie-1 c tu 1 e adup'td, hinie Tit's :- 1 1 mp I 1 ,!ie a 11. An btoaaai tax alii tuvc tu Or t unr other n.cani Jof i aittO otherwise ihe Wltiaa hi 1 mate led. The' ottaopsdlmn I" Janun'r en nue. or ally ami n- i. t.ble replete w't't rhol :e re dn y m.t e. ui a high ordtr and health, tone. Every resdei of tl.e Demociat w NI o l a fi.- 1 1'! sb iu I sc ,d for tlie Ctiaaaa) an only $1.50 per year. Address Coiatapoljlaa New York, MtSFITS A store run without advertising ia like a church without a minister. A minister is needed and ho is advertising The tnoro lively and regular the pastor the more prosperous the Church even 111 mill timet, and the fame is true of busim p. An eastern exchange savst ''For the firht time in the experience of fruit deal ers, r ranges are cheaper than apples." At least no time during the last fifteen years have oranges sold as cheap as ap ples A barrel of apples in the eastern states is now worth more than a barrel of oranges and three times as many apples can be sold with this discrepancy existing. V Ei Arrington is in the s'ate peniten tiary for three years, beeaiiFO bis ac counts were short as treasuier of loug lai county. He doesn't know how they fame short. It was all 'a uivsterv. To 1 . , , - t . .... . . . ... w . 1 . . OI property : nui lie simoiy naed other neooles muiu v alien b I.e.,! no rii-ln to. and the law said it was embezzlement At the same time he undoubtedly nwer intended to conim't a crime. The total assessment for inoiiev, notes accounts ami shares of stock for Mulino- i mah ceuuty. for the vear 1SU3, in round 1 numberi, is $H,4(50,i'CO, in Linn county j i.i.o.uuu, in latne county it is tji wj, i ...,. it ,o i on .inn . , mah county is probably more than ten times that of I. inn county . Pendleton instituted an early closing movement, fbe result has a familiar ring The K O save: Dry goods and cltitliinir stores ejral remain open to- . , 1 TH. w . . .Ti eut has been kept iiMtl enmg, when R R Dixon ttr..iifif nf tit. ffr ! ' j The agrcem i hursuay ev , w itliurea- on account of the fart that 0 : JJ Vauulian refused to join in the plan. i the other merchants v tber wilt now j disregard the contract," inasmuch as it ! liss oeen broken by one of those wb signed it. The rr-ult will be that all will m 1 lu it n ,1 ilia ri&arlr u i I in liswtiieir ' i""" Than are 31 federal aSce holder it Ur i g-Jn. while tbe state i entiUcI hi "5. The : apii:nttng power shoti! 1 do some ru The t I' men taki' thin?4 (Oo4 naturediy I In. . ,f ... . r.i- . ,rl...i t..,1-." flint f., 1. ti..cnl news I Sp.ib.inr has a s.Ma! i-'.-isalicn. Tt.e j "Chimes of Normandy ' is to be sung bv : Ulent- Miss Alice M Harrah. a well known v mnff soviet v la-lv is t-i takr a i.ia. The Review "in a lengthv editorial tor. csorrnn o st mumi . Our readers i j acd nee.1 to be told what tbe Century Magazine is. it is a great w. r : in any sense. Kor IS;4 it will be greater than enr. a pa(.-e of .hoicw lit - illnstra'ion. There will c-ratur-.- wits nasi i ""w Elvel " Mar - Twain, important ! rtant expclitions. h-inting- of n-Tve gsaae. artists ; adventures, traroptnir with tramps, unr lishtvl ewvs of lainc- Kusse'l, The M Nicha is tne princ-e of children's ' fivT-illaa P?' are of the 18s numUT will be Totn JNiwyer , A,,r3.ul i.y Mark Twain, a natural Li-b rr ttatar . .' tinne ... a n. aim series, a series nn Amencas authors , CI lni"- ".v natlyaru Mplinfr. reooUections '""'r"!::rr :r .,"craT,t "a 'ji a i.i me. t-ipers on ine covernnwn fcunWaWnieT f.1.,,!.,. r,r.,.;. Tlnri. .rf f r,in , numUr. H.WJ a rear, of ,t Nicji.Ja. 13.00 v-w. "ssaw ? Zi '"c."""1 , in gTod atasdini. ma v secure the tVntury a vear. Any m oscnuer ot tne l'E5fiRAT I for $3 50 or the St Sichalas for 2.f30. be - leaving the ux-r.ey at this office. wi5 r ! do the rest. I . j rr J J .J QT toe J?t ICfl jl.C- for f-CJ. ti.iaini.uniiiriM vvcitaera dees itaotk thrtroablv.colortcg a oa f.rto 1 roa-n or Mac, ahiclt. when d-v. neither rob, aafe off. aaraafl linen . K.rp., ,t.o ht. 1 !.d .t. .ay that there Ct 1.1. .1 I. t. F - . " ". y T"", ' a!'l"P" ic .V .! V TT i 5 tB - trnfithent the allm-ntary t rgai s that liaaatdaq ,f trdiwaey feed knatl rrry ard nalc-al. v ... Hi, I 1.' .III:! !V ll.'lt o , . , . . les for u:'ins In the state at IV R Grham'.wiiere he ha. a tailor with few equals on hand to make them un on shor1 no,lce. Get Ibe bct and moat ttyltah -" - wt . ..w win ire itte making of !ad!e." cicaks to order or the altering of c ovka to the late atylca, ard hi repairing al cloakt price "are bot tom ore or .ray hair aed bild 'lexut. o displeasing 10 main pecple as marts of age. may be a ire fled foi a long lime by using BailN flair Rer.ewer. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. A TToadrrfal Ilsrape Sax Fbancisco. Jan IC -Six Mrona bad a most niiraculou 1 escape from instant , aet ii,:. : 1 1, daalk this morninrr alwiut f. oVIork A. : 500 tons of lock, which had been looaena.1 by the rain of yesterday, came down from ! Telegraph hill with a ruah on a two ttory uc-u-c occupied uy 1 eier nrown, uit wile f j . 1 1 uiitiirii a.'U s '! v at IlstUII,''! Wl Faasuloa. As soon a, the tiu.U-rs began to ' Icntiih iillinii.lttia nraiL- fnr nn. , ..-.I I as a Inat, of rock fe on tbe roof ,hft 'yrll lSTm ' l'"!",' i,!uoi . & formed an arch over ihe occupanta of the 1 c N" ,a '' 11 SR ?nt .''i,?' house, all of whom were rescued uninjured ,,g " - .1 1-. 1,1 ; years cf age, whose leg were cut and torn n 1 1. -ii.-11,01.1. A8iii.Ni.TON, Jan Ifi. It h reDoried ... ZZl - , .1 . ,, , , . on fairly (food autLority that ( .trifle in tands to issue February 1 enough bonds to 1 restore the jrold reserve. It ii s-a id be , w li! 1-- ,,. .1 f-.-r I, ,!,. . at f i ... , ... Uhr.rto, ft.r, M,n Iht. t . r.r a ,z ' Tt. 1, a t 1 rmm , ------- - -s. gj prolxibly WlH I about $ld.0C0 000. r ltern separate cfTrs niejf:itinf (40, iwwcvw, su uu van uonaa boowki ine ec- I retsrv fsnio Ihrm. bare been nvilved st DM Iraatnrj) department. Afler Ihe Nrgrees Ltmi ROOK. Ark, Jan 16. Uovernor Piabar ha received information of a reiirn of terror which exists (he colored uopulat ion of the town of Illiuk Rock. Black Kixk is the center of a lariru MM afactoriag sad hiinbar district, Bnd oini to the present financial stringency a larue nnuit i- of men are out of employment Amo'.jf UMM are many lawless characters, wl o have Organ'aed for the nurnos of Iriviry ull the aegroet out of ton. Thtl I have 1 m.-ceedetd in intimidating many oil lie fjctory owners, who s 1 far have dis Cborgad all negroes in their employ. THU .ll CliVr 1 ,t HAN r ltAKCIflOO, Jia 10. In reg rd to the ium pubttabad in a local paper Solar day last that the ox-nueen of Hawaii had given tip the contest for the throne and ouid sue tbo United .Stutw for damages. Samuel Parker, prime minister of iiu queen, I a wir d Secretary QreobitBl ileny ing these astertinns in toto, Lloth l'uiker and 'tV C 1'eterson. the ex queen's ultor aaj -general, state that t'.ei sjw Liliuoka lltni lia'f an hour before they sailed from Honolulu on the Auitrulia, and sho was cry firm in bar determination to maintain her c aim to the throne. An m Sinuitler SrcKANE, sVath, Jan g, i,n 0I)jUill ainaytrlei doing business on u big scuh- was caiigtn ueie leuay, ami lo,tBJU worth of oiiiinii was capture I 1 he prisoner . 1 .1 1, 11 r. ... . .. gavo 1 ne n unc 01 a i imvis, out admits 1: is oot l is lino Iiniiie. His a,- 1 i.- excited tbo suspicion of t wo baggagemen at li e Union depot. OlBeari wee ruiumoned, IDavis arrested and four trunks seized. He admitted his guilt. A He:.. Fnr.sjjo, Cal, Jan 15. Sheriff Scott and posse, who left on a npec!al engine for Goshen Saturday night, returned today rather crestfallen. They were summoned to that locality by Maiinn ChiWera, who had been sent down by the sheriff's office, to spy around in that neighborhood. Su'- Drday evening Cbilder MHit up word he had been held up by two men, who shot at him and killed one of bit horses, adding he brlieved the men to have been Evans ;md Morell. It now appears that Childers, who is considered a ve'y unreliable otlicer, punched holes through the buciy cover with a s'iek, and shot the horse himself in order to poso as tho hero of an encounter with the famous bandits. Train Collision. Jekbky City, N J, Jnn 15. Two pas M Mt trains on the Oeleware, Laekawunnu & Western collided this morning on the west side of the Haekensack bridge, on the Moiris branch. An accommodation train from South Orange, N J. crashed into the rear of an express train from Dover, which had slowed up on account of the dense fou. Two ears of the express were telescoped I lie tries of the wounded could lie heard for a long distance, und 'he greatest ex dtenirnt Breve Med. E'ev-n were killed, munv wounded. Cvldrnllv Hulrlllr. Beams, "r, San 16 - Undertftker B M Day, who wis sent up the middle fork of the Willamette, Friday, after the bo-iy found dead with indications ot suicide. a,.:...! iera ,i.:a (..enin arnea nere tins eveuing As was sup posed, the corpse proves lo be ibat of Kugene t'.inipbell. wb i mysteriously dis appeared lat week. leatb was the result of an iscinion in the wrist and from ex posure. Ilci mana'e iatradmratt. Wasiunoto. Jan 15. Representative Hermann has offered, under the arrange ment lor amendments, amendments re storing quicksilver and nickel ore and wool to the protection list; also an amendment increasing the du'y on bops from to 15 ' cen, r--r pound, and a further amen Iment ., ; j J , , f , pnpona TaortBi T Wpw cut t , 2 rr t'Dt per ptjund Ittc ks:m Sax FaUWCnOO, Jan 18 Today the; 'ainb's extended south beyond Fresno The rain i etttN nilv wiIc.miii in it las Joaquin ratley, obere tbr precipitation this -wiii Las " bet-n ouifirative'v light, it wa snosrinir haTily thia morn- . n n ! . 1 1 . f . ,1 iin. . ,r i , i . 1 I1.,-!.;" in be usoun'ains. 1 : , !.:. Levf Sai.em. .'sn 15 The board of ttate tax !ey is expected to report tomorrow or Wednesday. Today Nfcretary Mcltiide was sti 1 engaired in computing the lev. It i prubaule tbat the Iwy wid r.ot be over 5 mil I. Jai t somrtaia: Washisitox. Jan 14 Some decisive ac!in to replenish the gold reserve in the ireasury will be taken within the next few week, if congres doei not take kindly to tbe suinrestions offered by Secretary Car lisle in tils annual report und provide at oLce some i;ixle of relief. The oo:y course left to the c-fficia't of tbe treasurr depart meet will be tw tbe icretary to exercise the au'bon'y gBHtted bim by the law of 175. anil to issue bonds for be purpate of maintaining trie gold reserve. f Eiaat tel fmWUKt, Gal, Jao 14 it i reporcd here this morning that Kvans and Morrl shewed up at llanfcrd loat night, and were met by the posse, and that a hfctt ensued. 0 one oas killed Later teas state that it u a ir-an alone ia a anKM who wat , bot nl tv b,w un. who see apparentl . ,n wajti:lJ'' " bln- u team ran aay. nor.- wa iona tnts -aorn- ,DS a uu.iet hole in Cim A Ttlale a-iarblag KffaEH, Kan. Jan 14. Til morning a intb of a'--t '10 cirn en'er d Ihe jad lire and lojlc out J it Car cu. i iutu tuy and hi ran. John liar, and mrg the trio .. .. . - , ..... to "'all rail. oad bridge, a short e! ot drFl All thi occsrred l teen the b-Mir of 1 acd 2 o"dock. About ., .l. i,,. j ,l. .aml .. t aiiflniMt tbe wiien-s f the north .rt of 'ce to n heard party of 15 or 31 ho s- "paf csbbb in ir-ui ine nciii. in-y left V"' ctr-ics ai ine---i - . h 3RKWu ,j the jail i. ? . T TJf r"i r ; " 'P d. "' " , Pf Ft , 1 . ,B.,n ? ? Norton s place, about '3D unlet nortbeaet of Rassell. Tbe crime for which 'he men wee .... . . PtsveM. ;an 14 -A committee of tHe ' Santa le railroad employee frcm I -a Junta, i Colo, have mfomed Governor Ware that l0. vaiXtr, conductor-. Ira'.emeo. tai'chmen and trackmon of all grd on ibe western division of H-e road bare re reived no oUrr .lore la.t CrUar many cf tbe men and t many of tbe men and tbeir families a e on verge of trvation An. Ilallaa I prUla; New Tan. Jan 14 Harold Frederic cables the Times from London 1 I have good reasons to br ieve that dur ing the coming fortnight cr tf-ree weeks there wid be a more or less concurred at tempt at revoiu ion in various jortioos of Italy. My principal informant ia a con -tinental publicia'. at present living in Luadoo, wbo baa bad much lo do with Italian poli ica. and i now in close com munication with partial there, 't wa u"e to him that I j ab! some time ago to foreshadow I '.r Sicilian tip'iaing an-f other connected even's woicii are now matters of hiMor. GUARDIAN'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Notice1 ia berr'ti gisto fiat tne un: rin- ed ttoardian c f A ne C W Ha. a. a nt cwrdaoca stith a license, giante-t' Court of Llr.o, Or. ., 1 t. real estate Uliiitu,; it .. 1 ! n.tiior, UJ the ! oa, lo jit .r ' alllo. I Saiun'iay tne 3nl day of Feb, U94. -t the ht.u of 1 o'clock u m, at th- C urt II. use do.r in Albany, I iun Countv. rein, ta - P" "r '. auction, to the hiahett but ; ber Ts. lh' Wh-w-nn dcs. iild ' " " ioor lc-ir: Ao ,w t j ' . .T lDe , .. ; : , , . point or. 1-1101 th Hoe tf the IKsDati. n Uud i- at .as a a aaa U,n' ' '...1 W.Uoo and Uar, H alm m " 1 1 0 chillis OA-t f.COl tlorlliaest r-a ,r . . ' . -at41.a A .. IO 1 ..k j taaajt el 8.19 ch, thece oth 10 2t . h-, thrttue aeat chains, tnecca octh ttM i cbaiio to Ihe fdsca f . ;,. coil .loinn . l(C.o5 ajaeaa, or lea, all in Lino 1'i.uu- ty Ora on, (ul ject tr tht life eslatt of ' Aarcn Wl'mn lo raid land, Also fOl Wtait : Au nndividrd 11 t- f'.urtn tf ti.e follnwiiiK trait i f loae mug at tho southwast corOt r t f the Daa Hoe ,., : cisim al it II 1 , , ai,.t stir, BlssflB N. "8 io t, 1 1 8 F 4. at of rt'iliam et a M. rulian ai;.r luiininv tlietcs east tS.4l chains to a poitil thtl it H h'iKs ucrtlt t.f an oaa utat et 011 tlie taola tjda td tlie conut. oad tbeuco snuih 0 HI chsii.s to a ttake, ihtmca wast 5.22 c'laina i .a take, tbenee north 1 5.70 cnaloa to a stake on the coith !. i f ihtt Donation Land claim of Crcent ' V .t-on tud aife, thence tvett T.f 7 chaina to an mte ir comer ot taid WaUon cla m, thence noith I lO chains to place f tcin ninc, com. mil, g l5 aort,more t r leas, in L 1 11 CuMt clFctcn tuoject to tba life ertaie of ' rtn Vr..,iu iu sa'd ia' d. Altar.. Oisvon, Jaa 4 h, ION. tl C Vi'atbox, link dun of Aichi.- C V New Advertist.'ments. IOsr.- V Jorscv CA'f b ak with wl it j hote, frojQ rXeraoa ffronatu's fa in. near Alliiny. r N I Kl, K md fn lly who will yep of agi ami roar ( all at this 1 UW. as . .1 . of tbo fauil i.iMltelALICe-8lBa'aa trhtibrbt a'ot't tbt bany o!eo dividend i iqnlre at (is-, 1 tilt ir tt-1 1 ffloa it tills giOVSiy .AIICS IS -Ilougbt auU sold liy ll V M nlil. Hir p i B., tndt. points for sale I oei.t s p i e. Conn's I, In li ill iloa (-'all at Horry t'ushit 1 C.iiv- a. r of good 1.0 oral alv y and t-tieuaa- paid weal It Ut.O. CO. gun . P un nejt 1 o.itio 1. BROWN Nuiterj .nee, l'.ltan.l' O.e- Notice for Publication. f AND tjFKI(K AT OkSOON C'lTY, Ok. Jin. 5th, 1M)1. Notice iK i.orefy (riven thst tho fnilow ing nair.o I n t' 'er It txf notice of 2il intonlion to uiak'i fit a proof In rapport ofhleolalm, ttdtbtt mid proof will be made rx'oie the county ink ( ijo. Ht trijf, Oro. on Marob 6. IMi.tUc Heeerv l Myers, II H No. 7353 for the 3 'A f the S K 1 , and S H of fl W ' i sec 2H, to It, S K , K lio namea the I following witu. i- - to prove hit oonlinuouH rMidenoe upon a' ii euitivatloti ofssid land, viz: l- vl Pierm, '' r dwell Clsrk, Marshal 8 Clafc. Fred Myers, ail of LMOWtS, Lttn Cq, 're. fiouciir A IfaXUUt, KgiaU-r. Notice for Pub)ication Luio Omci at or.KiioN Cm Jmu. fth. I8M. Notice li hereby iiwii that the 'ollnwi.i: MHMd wttli-r has bled notice of bif- intcn I'.on to make final proof in support of W cld'.u. mid that Mia proof will 1 made be for,; ihe County Clerk of Albany. Ore., on Mara Ith, 18M, Levi I'ior. M E No 722S, for tne 8 1 . of N B '4 and N 4ot S K & se..- -X. tp II, SB I B. He DOaMS Um following witMM I SO prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation nf uiiil btnil viv- 1ff.ii..rv l-"nd My-s. Marshal Clark. Cardw.dl Clark, all : of Ijf.ouib, Ore. IUibkiitA Mim.kii, Keginter Notice for Publication. LaimOmcK at Cbjw;os Cm, Ok., J s. 5 b. WJi. Notice U hereby given toot 'he flow ing named settler lias fi.tsd no'iceofbi Intention to make final proof in support of bt claim, am' tbat said pro f will be made before tbe County Clerk of Ida a Co, at Albany.Ore on M"r -h 0-h, ISM viz Marshal 8 Cirk. U E. Ko. 7tsfl lor ine tt . i.f M E ' and SKdSV:, s 'io. tp us Rll lie mm mm the tot lowiis nl'.iisu.j ! i tiovs hie r'lli.u ou raaldei ce ui n nd ruliivai-n of I sap! larui. viz: l r.-.-. II i.-r Mytrs, 17 order), I c ask, frmu My- rs. of Etc ifiib Uica Oo, Uri Boaaatf i- Millek It MM tr I1TI2 ; Cf FiKAL SETTLEiVIEKT. I V' Tict is uecci.v .ivr..' that the l.n. jrr...l . Jtiu,iiau.l.,r ! i be e4fet of I i S il k.. l.i.., asassaaq, h eial ink the Ccri .4 lb LVwiiv Court lor ;. .;, . uni), ttngtm. h ' flasl im4Ui In an4 att. ai itt Ojamy ' C.41A ha ftsed lb tab ... .4 Fcbnii.-j.i- -i, at th , buor 'A lu cluck p m of aud daj.arx. Uit Oaaaaj Court t fjtu at tbe c.urt ll'-use ia tl aaaaajr, I' the beari' C ,4 4.)e-Uocd if a -j to mid sccxjeiDt SJ.4 ifjt : avUteasettt of atid ejaale. Aat prs. bi :tij ; tlooa lo tbe etllttnect .4 J cetAt we bercb) Dtaift-d to W prratct tl malie ibe wuat. I-ub'i.hc-l bi aalaraf Uoo S S P-. u, Jul.-. of ,e 1 1 court tailed Ixt Uh, Hat, Wa ElMBAliill, Moclanr A IlsckltmAC, Adsuuatrator. , AUorDe f'.r A.tKf. EXECUTOR S NOTICE. VOMCE IS HEKEBV C1VCX To ALL W JoJI tr 1.1 amy .,.omi, thai , Uw l&h dar ol Ika.ta.tcr. 1 lil. I ae Jul ;.;.4r.!e.J tleaVe of the lae eot jm3 teaaxa' 4 JaeJi L traauo. 4eeaaed. by th Qaajaaj C'oart ..f Usa c .m.:t . orrvo. ar4 thu 1 te fUed mj bobdsas aaea emerrue. ard I tut eaid . toctd hat beer, approved bf aatd en-art; therefor ' all aaraaaa klfjaj -a.t . ,1 eeaai art: rett auaiSed kr ra)uire4 ' prty the mom ith prtfMr t uQehert a ee at t iSct 4 w K B.r ulntheiMt&! A. bait. Lit,i c toolt, Orrra j thltt els avjt.the frotn the bere.4- 0led thu tHh ia .f llexat. IrSC k tkavsr i ;. Paerai AUtraet f jt Eae-!itcr hae.-ti L V S UnuOj: n t. Or... . v Cin . t Jl, litis. lSO. Nc tic la hereby irlientha: ia oxp 1 an -a with lh pr'Vt-i n f:he a-: f, nareacf lunaaS. uti:ld"An act ! ibt aale of timber nn.n in tea atataa of t'sLftrn a, I Irejua, N -vada und ab ioeoa Territory," lionr M Me-rtwrl, of ' it.-: oasty c. Marion, ta:eof Oreit n hr.. iLtsday & ed ialhii cflic Uit ...c,i,.,,, 0f tb S of N W and X K . H K t'ol afclj No l3 -tomb ra: . a '. e . a worn statement t.." fcrlhe ,'urrhav of aetriina x.j f.'.o town rme ."o i K!.ar.d wilt cfittr t rof to ahow that iba land autbt la mora va BaMl or Ha Uotbar or :c-i:e than f.r a retcaltan' virit3, sot ta eitat-:.H hla cira 10 ai I lat.d ttfore ihe tTitr an.lRece:' er or im, rrn si ' Orea-on City, liregv.n , c.n W eAiaeaday, ihe -i nr 11 Jt,mrt. i-.'i lie nn; a ',-. Oeo if 1..- . -. ol a Mny Oreg-n.-HeorT doaeus of Atlrtnv.,eoa. , Brf..f Berrv., .rer-: A S C . ver. of Oreati Basin, "urejto . Auy and ail peraoti- c'airriig aritets'lT lb above de-r;bel .ends are rj jetted to ibe'r claim in lbi-.r3 on or b. f ,rvJ ' L'tth day of January j.4 ROeWaTt A Mil Law, EXC fQES KOTICE ,-v i it r.i it r. lit. 1 uo r .1. .1 tn GIVER .1. A ; .-at--r of tbe a ill Oud tea; trr,tit o' Fraak Shdd, deceaec-.', baa j fled with the . 'erk of Ihe C -rciv C cr: f r ' Lion CVaol.. , ()-ejo, bie tiol aec.-eo:, aed ; tha coart he : a see .'ith .lav .f March 1S9 at tba liner if 1 r.-rt n to, for hear- , tbi c.iona to ta - -d kt aettl aa?d eatat Tht. Jir.o.ey 15 I$94. I K W ra All I i.ay ! T.- wo NT YO O WOUK FOR 08 Xi !i.aJ, ".' '00 $35.00 1:1. i r.KK. ra . eletret n ii,t ct tumish a borae tad travel ihrcnj;li tht- coun trt;a ta-, Ihoojjh, is cot rccesitary. A fsr vacat c:ea to t ana sod -i.i-a. hf-o t may la cs-.l to .ol a.l . I ,p It K Jims. i Co. ll:h ar.d Mam Riatf mm i, Va NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. VOThT. IS IITRCBT GIVES TH VT THE VS 11 tier fctHtJ bw ft)-i hi f.r-aai ftcrurl ia Ihm wtai (4 Ej in K Hbrvuck. dNi, Uh th -eountT clSk cal LitlQ Ct'UDlv. 'TcaaV, ftvi thai Ih-r ct-anty -urt t n: Uan c-u (t, Lu flri IimniT. the Whditr IJwuiir.lK't,' the noarr, lvt. i iv t ; t'ur it iVr . ... a. i.. i. - ! mwii lKs , . .- th hftrntT of obj-it m 1 wy i- mid Antl enint ftiul ibi Mtilrturni of mtxJ :. ltxl iwjxmbtr Hih, MM, v k Run, 0 XT . f A :;::. .! "i. :.. u 1 ou u i tr I CS O 1 uual'l,el UiUlt rr 1 mi Sale ! . Ry virtue cf a chattel m rtgj-; cxa?a'ed ; hy NtafT.ird D'cktuu to liuaaeli tk Co. by 4ilai Se;dtl. attoruay In fact, dated July ' 1. I W3, a id lilel in 'lbs rdioa of tha easaatto -ecordar aud coOLtv c-'erk, i n J.i'y 11, and oiio.t hich dafaalt has Iteeii made. I ah-ll as I the, p-op.rty tberia im-otitMstl an.i Oat it Ins J, nsmrU : 'nn ix hoeaa Russell I Iracl.on No. 03BB, Osst No. 7 Diston it rater1 si-s maud'el, one 30 icc'i toll I sa ' ad M'l let t of " iuch ra lO.-r belting, it pub 1 11c am do.., forouh ia baud, a: Sttaart 1 Sox's f .' m-r plsce al l utinisa at tao oorref i m Ftrat staaa farrt streets, Ainanv, Or, oil Kiiday, Jan li). iS9t at I o'o'oc'a p m Oated at Albiny, Jan lO, 1 004, Rrsstt-L tl Co bv Allen Seilel ittorney ia fac . Mi itgagej. 'liv1 for HtH HltK Mada ao bf too cloat appllcsvlloa to buslnttt a vsra ir total strata, tsioal Kaaessas ta r i ouillfa, or bahiu contracted In youia. XVA.Jat. MatlW aia Victims to Xarsatia SabllltF ar Kaaaastlaa. Wartlii si ss ssasa sisisa. eaasa St , sasatsaasara jtsaaaaa wun aaytn s aaaa sno aaiaaia asat and uretetii. wiilt aaaual onana waatanad praioaluralT In aiiroachin wh ft aa w trat ,i tnosFiaofa of raaalu In many thooaand traatao ana earaa 10 too past en aaa years. .Oorroaib ,lof liunsluciiia PrssT. Is a tt It It m.l i. HtnicA flD raaui.i t traatmaat la ona whleb command! ItaaUT to all aenalble aaraona-ror tne raaact taat wa nipnly It uimn thalrjuiltuitiutof lu vilua. Nothing in tht war of tztiansa bseond a postal carat and a two eaol lostaaa!tatuplsaakad. Tba postal card for oaa In Mudtoa ua thnlr full addraat and tha post aft atatup fortti laittr raturnliiH tha ttaiement 0' Uelreasa for which we aupplr Utam with ques tion blank, tuba Oiled ont, and a Mlf-adilraatM nvtlODeroraae In reinmiiia iiwbaa Alltel. nyO sat at et vrtn wa roealve tbe atatamant t- kVtP"" 'ant we prepare Hutu itsj treatment and forward It OT mall orepara s unt tints trtaatsenl wa sand full directions for aiTna. Th a BrStlSTInsnnslSM. Alrtissllhih. treatment causes no pain or Incnnvenlauat ami doat not peasant attention to business. W! 'ear! tha mat tar of sanding order! tntlrelr wllhth?a oalng tha fraa trial treatment. Use Ing tattatltd those lending for trial twck.igea ot oar abUity to btnost them we feel that ther are mora largely IntereattHl than oarselraa lit continuing-tha useof tha PaaUliea. Wo make tha prlaas aa low aa possible, nna lha same u nil. Thay are aa foiiowai a0O for ono monihi 14.00 tor two montha; r.W tor lAraa rnontha. ,.c ajk ill persona noexHrtc treatment to send thoir nJdreaa on postal or by letter. All nitwit UlSl"!!"'. should ba addresstst ta THB HAWSiq KEMtCMr OO.. MfauCAasatlatS OKK. 4ST0 JACOBS OIL CURES PERMANENTLY V Ab&olluteiy The United States Official Investigation of baking powders, made under authority of Congress (see Bulletin 13, Chemical Division, U. S. Ag. Dept.), shows the Royal to be a cream of tartar baking powder of the highest qiiality, and superior to all others in strength, leavening power, and general usefulness. The Royal Baking Powder is thus distinguished by the highest expert official authority the leading Baking Powder of the world. FORTMILLER & IMG I'ndertakers IX TE K LEI 1 fcrtint't n I j i d tvV. V V ciftr. hich will ' m . A . toiia. ictea ard old at Tlt Lewtsl EMBALfsifNG lni lD pro; er HQ EXT& ALBANY, CKAFsCsi FOR The Oregon Land Co V!:n 11 I -ne Grae V a Bpt cash :a. 'cialtv of un 111 5. 10 or 29 Pivmein T ?rna: or partici I MEAN W 11 fell a ercrkerv C'Oi I tie re are some price Lamps, il)t" fur '2rt 01 ;c- Inn-ir. vrnrtlt tet- Cal cup. set. and saucers ?Jb to 10 cents a set : pla'es. Everytliini; fle in proportioB. t 'all on ne and von will not le deceived J. NEW P s ir ' 1 ' t 1 rORE i.N.W d-'Hi,, ' s vrRNITCR?. aTNISTI.NO euitc-nnii. .haitr. ItccLta. s 801 OM Q.LBANY CIGAR FACTORY fj 1 f AamPu t ',' f i iir. 0.1 v.t.St. I'lt IITOtiK 11 II II. It. IIV1IK. .'. II. lUMHSt.l U. MNY FORNITDRE C0.,.; ja-xsa - a jtti, Aa. X jtlXJ tttteri Klork. Ittur, Ore. 110 atarly Asa- ' Tt , - , . . BFORMITORk complete line of- li.MEflTAKI6 in all its briinches EMBALMING a ciulty tesidenoa oortwir 3rd on iti', vu 11 Str PLOWS AND HARROWS ? Bargains for farmers lu both ildiTig arid F walkitiic plows, disc harrows,lion harrous 1 etc. i ricea tit proptirnon ui 50 ceru wheat. It will pay you to cail and see u STEWART OX TLvRiieumatism. and Embnliuers. Vt cf n tla 1c. cloth tccd caakeu ai i ,citl n nt.tii rcit. in titrUlrih. LiflBg I'roHU. care cf the dead a ;clItr. HEARbE OR SEBVICi: ( tome office at S'tee; r.rh r-5ce r. Pnrtlaiu tracts iea; oai m: $50 to 60 balance acre iirv. ; iot at ime on BUSINESS. ware and holidmv coeds a( wortii $1.00 Gradwohl. FN ITU - to.. ah.cit I will aall at PRICES. TIios. Brink. irti'lsletora Jabinet photos from St . to to per dozen. Entatgir.g pictures a J speclaitv ixto cravonr framed f j , ....... o ...r.v". lt,n .s.- L cl 51 tM tilt I Stent"" views of (Jr - Kits, r Star Bakeri t r r tts.tnlblii rtusl s'lral St- ccms vEYir, mnttfiH, saaatt tl t r tt .In, - "icsMTttef , rled Frulia. TnbHree, Coflee. KK!,. t'ttnatsi fls t Qaeeat tears Ye-jrattable). Clxatw 'jiSeea. Tea. Lie.. t. every tLttitr Out Is kepi lit a 'lit!) Rrnl irsccrry ptort. hhetit mat ktt price paid for j ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE Shilolt'a Cute, tseajrraat c. ngh and croup Ct .rr, is I tr aate t y us. i. o t -ize contains a ent -ri v dotsis.only 25c. Children lave it a thay . Masoa. mW?i SUE: id th" Circuit Ctnrt of the 8 (a t (J Orrf for tht confy ft Ann. J M W.ter PIoifttttT. in f.D- n.liti vs cr Ms E DJ Vl.tiJo!.: N. tic h aeraay gif eu ihtt u;i,t' i by virtue cf an rxecats,n laaoed oat of th circuit court of the atateof O.egno, f'r CtObty, and to medic'ctci and deliverad opon a judgment rendered ar. , etitcred is the trat instance in the circuit c nit cf '.ha slate ot Oregon, for laaca toonly, cn the 11th day of March. 1893, in fator ff X Waters ts plamuff, sod gaict Vhti Ir.hntnn and K fl Ji.hnnon Uftndot. f for tha aura ot I03 55, with intereat hTe ' in at the rate of 10 per cent per arxoat irom the 11th day 'f, 1803. nnti. paH, I J t ,1,. (,.. l. rm ' 1 frfl . . (IV. Ijk U. lot I i .ui'ut. , .-. -. . disboraemenU, :.i.d hreaa said plaintiff dnly nocered a cetiififd tiar.e;ipt of said i-idans-.i, iiirr.ed 1 Ihe e'erk 'i sud cixcrit of Ijre Crocti, sr.i d A n ike 11th day rf Uecen Y', 18f3, have '!-eaaa doi 6!ed and dSctcd hy the cluk .! said circuit court tf f.:r.Q -' cr.ty. in the jdg metit Ilea decket '' h id circuit cot-rt f j the sta'J? cf 0.tor., fir Lmo I'custy, Oss-. j ,o..f aod'aton fUMl x-o.-tioti isai oat tie ai.! cir. U t c.-:r cd L'r.n B itjrH ; ',t f-.r'Ssid I did rx. te IJta j ,, .... u.i-r, Ifefa, ."a!, levi apoa, fc dtei kk to tbe eejiBtan-l ef t.l "teff i l' ii, the I tri'iiiaf-, r dcriel 1 i ..jirty, to ai. Lot Xo. ' (ljia ri :.o 4 14) in vrrtr.s ic.m lira tveaar c.tAne'.la in Litis rij Orgojl .I.. in t nr.cuce c f sa-d unit ' ' estewJ .o.i f tai.l l(-ey and o Mttefy , rr rt rot, si d f v-t or-n.e.i. iua eo,j. I 1 I o:t ihe 6 h ) f ly 1S.S4 . r cK ck p tr,, i be dct .- ' l I. i t. Ceci ty Coart Bie, in the c;t f .ram . Uirn Ooety, , .M.CB. 11 all U.-:ui.l. titV at : sotataay tub fbe aid V,bu Jet.rst, I K hrscn. lad. in acd l.vlta he "v"' ttd real pr-,'y. ntlw I J try sf fCCakbOf, lESHat peb::c -t.etri,. 'o the tbtst ' uUti. 1 r ca h tit'l. ym. cda to If aj.i lid ;a ,a'isfar;i r. cf tiii rtntion, co4, a d ucrr.-g en t. Dtl.d Ilia 3 d ("ay f J..- oa ; , 18'J4. C C JACK , X. ii r L:o- cxaT-. Oregaa. SHERIFFS r-ALE Im tie Ciren t Cnet of .ie St-vi' of Oreyas jar lis. con!y ctf '. He.iry Frca-n-lin aul Jnlius -r ;..). .--in bnalnen ander th. 11 it Fiai BOMBa t F.eckenaia, if r A Co. TS Jofin BO;cv an t Ge- rge i Ratting r. rvfnflanuaf Nrii e is hereby Riven fzrni br Ttrtoe at an tx -cation duly isnj oat ol an d oa ier tne ael of tbe above named court at lit aixive estit tv! ae.ion t ra cLreeras acd detiiv.-ed. I di f in Linn e tnnty, fjra con, on t.j t&.h day of I eeemtee. IM. duly evy upon the re! properr beret after described, and 1 wi.i 0-5 SainrcJav, the 3rd da of "abntary, ItS-i. at Ik front door of As Co art iioa lo the ray u" A'baar. Lien Conner Oreot, at tea hour of I o'e ock p m t f i.i c,. j-e.l at l u'j.;.- t;r:::n, for cash in hard- le tka high--: L : iei-a-i the ngr.t, ittte aad imeret ui tbe said csft-cdaijt CeoraaO I attnoec in ant. to the iea! propsrty t-erel aof ai iteraarUMil, to lauief.- aaid tx c-c itii", aa d real property t:n datecsk ,r t-1 as loltoara, t.i.w:-, Lot no. seven (7) tar t k-k No 53 in HeekLeman'i 2nd teaV uoo to Ihe csy c f Albany. Un: County, -Oresc". Ihj prortei. an;n(r f,oaaaaid j al riil U- ppli. first to the pavaaeatj of the accmiT g o.-t;s or and 1. toet tmml , exea.i-Tn aal expecse of sale ' rrnad Wr : the pat of ptoinUfTs claim, as ataMra by said execution, arr.ouc-. cj t the . tarn of fivt tnedreti doi ar 1 1 I 1 1 11 ffj nve cents (i0S.T5.) with ioiera-t tberwat from the 1 day of April ISc4, iea the sum cf fl;5 SS paid thereen fr the 3e day of Jo. y. MM, rtrC this 3-i dajaf January lfS4. C C JACK-JOsdfB ShertnT of Lian Co Or. S nonce ror rupiicauca 0 ar- . w as i - aLaaUV V1J1.L j Va5.JaV 1111, Vat - tj Um, list. N : .:c- herebv given "hit in coaarPI . " v. u.v. i.e et c 1 u ! Congress o: June 1S7S, entitled "At 1 ct for the sale cf timber iards ia thi tates of CaSifc.rr.ia, Oreeor,, Nevada. arJ Washington Territory, Edscn W Bee oj Albany, Countv of Ltnr.,Srat- ef Oregon, has this day filed in thu ece I I saearai tt VA .Cva t . . a - . . - -it,, pas of the S 4 of S E j and S V. cf S W of Sectioa No ;6, in Township Na Hi . Ra-.te No 6 East, and will ofcr proof to show that the land tough k re valuable fjr its titber or store thaw f-r sericulture parposes. and to eacatahak j his claim tc aid !acd before tbe Regioter arm Receiver of this cScc at Oregaa litv, Oregon, oa Tu.dar sne 5;h day of I rbtuarv. 1S94. He names as witneaaet: : M r' Oio:r.,;cd Green Basin. Oregaa, Jehr, Baiey. of Green Basin OregonjC H j nlri-Tip.'of A bany. Oregon, and F L Holaaca.oi Albanv, Oregon. Ay andoB I person c.-i-r.icg acvere!v the abore- described lands are recjues e'd to file ttsrir j claims in this ofSce on jr before told (tk jday of February. 1S04. i i Notice fo: Publication. j I". S Un. rrrca. Oatctx Cut. OrJ Xovec.t-.r 2 d,18aas! j Notice is hrv t- :v-i tbat in co npti i anoe with tbe pro-is ,ns of tbe act f Cocgreaa ef Jon 3. 1ST;, en'Uled" An tf for toe sa e f :r.l-er lauds in tbe Itstt ! of C ifornio. Oregvn. Nevada and Waai inirion Terriiorv as exndxi toa'-l tha t public land suUes by aot rf Angasi 1 1SK. j Francis L Holuies of Aitanv, oruivy tff J Linn stale of Oregon, has tbis dar tosj in mit omoe dis sworn statement NiM tor tho purchase cl the Mintheavst l ef section No ii in township No 10 raaaw No rt os-. and will cfTer proof lo s'sttl ' me lanu soiga: is irore vainab.efar its limber or sto e ihsn for agrlcaltaral purpoe. and to ertah.ish bis claim a aaid land b-ioretie Hesnterand Reeerear t f this office a: )re n Cist ; )n on Tnea day: the th day of February, lSfc Be natuee as witnesr- C H IsaJmnniK Aiberi E Holmes; o V Ac arms; A flaatv all oi Albany. Or. Abv and ail iniiattl ' etaia ing adversely the above deecribtfl lands are requested to ti'e their clavhatajH ihls office oa or before sa-d 6th day af ' Februarj ; 1S94. Koasrr A Mitixr, M Kngiata-n EXECUTRIX' NOTICE KOTICE is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that I was cu the 10th day ef Januaap-. KnjM. duly appointed exerotfj-fc the last wsll of W ilham 0 MonioineiA .'txvased. by the Countv Court of LiaS County, tlrvgon. therefore ail rsons har ing claimt agutast the estate of said dece dent are hereby notified and required iff preaenl such ciaims to me w ith the proper vouchers, at my residence S. io in saad ivuuty, witltin tix months from th date hereof 12th fin of Fsmu;rv. ISM. V h bll.TKl-. HoWARfl MoNTCOst-ST Attorney. KxectBa ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICL VOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TUK C , L"t viersisued haslttiajav been U'rantl a.lasks - -ti, annexeu m taatataat SKtmnwrsle, decvaaeJ, bv the unt Linu tvunty, trsior.. and ill (Jo court at cersaat ess cimis sgan.jt sai.l Iturvd to preset; t ,hs are hereby t asttaattat tt llarn'st-iri. Lata Oregjn. anthio ax niontha trooi lis data tenfkvl ia Haled rVc.n,hot 51 h, tS8S. J J Whitney, Ally or Admin. TE CX1MHS. Administrate! ACMINISTRATRIX'S HOTICE N OTK'E 13 HER2BV arVKK THAT THE B ISS in ,11 Kv th Cmlntv i,nwt fll oMMBMi Linn countv. Clreeon. dtttv .nnulnii .......tar .thalaat wilt ai d teatameut at Mi McDonald lata of tann county .Oregon.deoeaaed, All aona havittf taints amtnat said estate are herebv not-Bed to pre sent them property verioed to tba underaiifuad tt hia residence near tha tlty of Scio, Linn tvuny. Ott (fon, aithin aii months from this da's. Paled tins lha Cth day of January, ISaU A K atCtm-NAXO. w R Bavav tlxeeutse Attorney for Etecuter WASTED. A family in town of country who will Use a boy twelre years of aire who wants to g to echook and do chori og taklog care cf cow o horse to pay pa t of his keeping. A reaaoutble amount ia addition will tat paid by his father for bin oare and keep lug. Parties will cal. at thi? office.