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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1894)
tills man VOL XXIX. Entered at the os nice at Albany. Or., a mtohiI-iI:, Stall -, ALBANY.OFI.GON, FRIDA1, JANUARY 19, 1894. OTITIC A l rriC, I'ublislicrs and Proprietors: NO 4 for Infants and IjumTT years' observation of aallllon of peraona. permit It la vuaqnestlopably the ttoat tap world hea oror luiowa. It Mtmm tham health. It will mt a thing which U abaolwteJy madlolne. Camtoria destroy- Www. Caatoria allaya Fewertshnose. Oaatagia prevents, vomiting Soar Card. Caatoria en-re Plarrhcna and Wind. Cello. Caataria reBove Teething Trooblea. Caatoria on-'oa Constipation and Flatnloney. 7y'"da neetraUae the effect of wlwaic acid ajaa or polaoaona air. Caatoria dooa not contain morphine, cpinm. or other narcotic property. Caatoria aaaiaailates the food, regulate the ataanaoa and fcowel. - sritina; healthy and natural aloep. CsBOtorla ia pnt np in one-aiae bottles only. It ia not sold in balk. lont allow any one to aell yon anything elae on the plea or promise that It ia " jnat aa good " and " will anstver every pnrpose." Bee that yon get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. The fac -simile ( sdgatnra of f Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Jewel Stoves and Ranges The Best On Earth Matthews & Washburn. SOLE AGENTS Ttw Best Shcs S3 S5, e 2 5 W. L. DOUGLAS Shoes are satisfaction at the prices advertised than any vinced. The stamping of W. L. Douglas' truarantees their value, savea thousands of BV far lie Lcj.t li-ootrj. sWm m Mi Dealers who push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps le increase the sales on tneir luy line 01 pooos. Th-y can afford to aell at n 1s p r srf we bellere 70a can save money by bnrlnff nl your footwr of tTtr- Jer : . i BgQSl below. CaUilosuc reo cpoq appllcati'a. W. I. 1XUC1.AS. Br3-.LU.j, asM. For sale by the E BLAIN CLOTHING CO. Is the Best Good Enough. Then call on tl.f- i ndereigned for'your GROCERIES nd prwduce, fur thev are Also a fine Ps'RONIZEi HOM TH FARMERS & KMTS INSURANCF CO! Albany, sv tKAi), Pi9sildent. 1 h COWAN. Treamirer. Joo F yhnpsou, JV r" J R Wihnrt or 1 -also 01.1T110T aoknts roa ; several Solid Eastern IIS MANHOOD RESTORED! KiikraiiLed to cure n-. i iiei vouts dia"..a.aiicli mi Wa drntriiUli. k for H. In AHjuny.Ore.sby J. A. CLMXuMi SaToaa aau nut 1 sisu Far sale Children, Castorla with the patronage of to apeak of it wlthont gvteaalng. remedy for Infanta and Children ia harmleaa. Children like It. It their lire. In it Mother harp af and practically perfect V a BjflMajaJ ia cc, every 411 ; '.V.I W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE FOB 6EKTLEMEH. S4 and S3. 50 Dress Shoe. S3.50 Police Shoe, 3 Soles. S2.50, $2 for Workingmen. 32 and 61.75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES, 33, 82.00 82, $1.76 TACTION. If any dealer offers you W. I . Doaelas shoe at a reduced price, r says ho has them with out tba name atampea oa taa bottom, pot him down a a fraud- stvlish. easy fitting, and e've better other make. Try one pair and be cor. name and nrice on the bottom, which dollars annually to those who wear them. ti e lest in the market line of rockery Perry Conn IHSTITUTIONS.- Orcgcei-- J O WBn.-iMAIT, iSooiJtar Geo F N1MPHON, Vlea Preald&ni, niKKOToHa - iid f) H Moutfllt'i, M swrnoorg,J WJOu it 0 J Stu sit . ) Wrltaman. and foreign Goipaiieii Thla nnnil Set-fill romada Weak Memory, laosn of Urain Power. Ueadacb, WakrulDM, Loit Miiboo4.Nlhtlv KutiM.ona. iit!.all ilraini an-l l of power! 1 Gffirtiv(rt,Atis of eUlier m bt OTr exertion, yuuttaftel rrra exceani0lie of totavc?u.opluxi M, INtTVOUi- MX cauKwd , vi'Uthfiil errors, hichisi va no. nf r . it, ... di.i nm uraiim. tiljnta. wbleh lan t. IntlrmUr,Consumptiou cj JnnanUy. ('an be carried In -vest pocket. 91 per bo. fur Mi by mall prroald. will, a ordwr wo li n' wrltlu n BUttranU. lo rur or rufuttij the luunev. Hold h r all -m jut -k.-i. viper boi,ei:ur uy man tvepald. wiihal uTltlen BuarMitlww lo rur or rufuUil (he money. inko n other. Write fonree Madical Book tnt hpaIsmI lnp.ulii wrapper. Audreas M fiUVJCSJClCDCO.. Masonic TeiuuJe.CUICA.uO. and by UODtiKti A McKAlllaAND, DraggiiU. THTJESDAT Tlic eighteen pupils tit the Merlin dls-! tiirt in Josephine county are all bov, and i the teacher is a man. ! DomIm coun'y hired an cxpei t t0 t mnlne lhe records of the county and now j . he ruins i i a tiill lor SSi.l 3 . The coon- ! tv courl is now talk lag of "opening" the expert. The latest fad i.i Corvallis society has il roost assumed lhe form of a mania atid the demand for mandolins and guitars was never 'qttalcd. If ''music has charms 10 socitlie tie savage hesits"' it may be a coo Intoc. Timet, Suit tat been Lrgun to foreclose a j mor'gaue lor 555, roo as;a.nst the Por'land 1 I exposition propei tv, which cost facoo, j It will go by the board. The his I been badly managed, the- same exhlhlt btinj; made yt ar after eir. 1 Following are the Be officers of the 1 Linn County Bali Beat Council 1 of H : 1 President, li M l'altii, r ; vice-president, ! S A Dawson; secret arv, HC Jordan ;' treasurer. A t; ITarahaH: nireni Mart 1 .Miller: chaplain, I nopMi gate keeper, J t'nn; trvs cc?, II b Williams and M H Wilds. Mr. A A a boaid- rtVtt, a boarder who had s.curcd a bill of $15. due Mrs J, with a horse She charges that he Rot posses sion of the animal unlawfu l when it was turned out on tle road b . mistake. Salnn Jcurna'. Bariiett seems to be Bg urinj,' in a RO'd SaM cas-s o-n E sgrna to Salem. The r.atern Star Lodga A F and A M intallol lhe following new officers Ist night: Matron. Mrs t' 0 Kellay; Patron. I R Wyatt ; Associate Matron, Mr ' K 'Volverton ; Secrlarv, Miss Zulu Winn; Treasurer. Mrs K Lanploti; 0 adact' res?, Mrs 1 (' Hehal ; Associate Gendnei ress, Klixa ('Brothers; Warder, Mrs K C Marshall ; Marahal, Mrs Alice ixve: Sentinel. W E I'.alisr; t'haplain. Rev K R Priehard; Adah, Mrs B Redtkcr; Rnth, Mrs T L Wallace: Ksther, Mrs A B Matthews; Marttia, Miss Kdna UlMrt Kiecta. Mrs C O Lee; Organist. Miss Rose Train- Reixitkd. The Ti nea says: Lee Porter.of Monroe, is on:e more 'he happy head ot a small family. On the 10th of last August it w ii! In. renienjleml, Le and Ityear old Lilly Cain figured as principals in an elopement, and through frightfully false swearing of a certain Dutchman secured a mariiage license and were made hneband and w ife bv a Ilarrisbun: justice. Three weeks later VOIIthflll Mrs IV.rtr; ' ! Lrrv- '..' T m'm bed. and ioard and hied awav to San Francisco, returning subseouentlv to live un ner aunt at L rowlev , folk countv. and the explanation of her mysterious movements was thn and still is denied the public. The Times Monroe corres pondent, however, relates that voung Mrs Porter has just assumed the mar riage relation she eo adruotiv ended live months asro. Receiver Cues: Home. Receiver Charles Clark returned this miming from Sad Francisco, where he had Uen to make arrangement! to get the Wil- iammette a"ev on, of the c'utchis of the!a-.v. As 8V in bonds ware re quired this was not dona. Arrangement) ere made tisoueh for a boat to carrv he freight at a rhartsrae ofJtrt a dav. If this ran be raid the boat will be kern un::in;. A b '. is a r.f-cessitv and it is probable a contract wiil be completed by means 01 which ccean communication iil be fcept up with San Francisco ne Meamer lel orte will leave San tancisco for Ysquina citv next Tutsdav . in. an.l , .....srn Coinrg in place of the illamette valley. Is Marios Qoanr. Ifca following is statsment of the amonnts of warrants iiawn on the different ac:ount 'rem Januarv I, 1S;3, to December 31. ISJJ. in Marion county. Roads and bridge-, 17 Vi" 75: supervisors. SI .913 - pauper, ...-. ..7 : criminal, $.".I.7.1 : stationery. 2.3ti.l3; conit house and I, ; clerk. S3 861 ; recorder. 2S4 75; s"ieritT. ji'74ia: military. 40: baliffi $309; sehof! superinten dent, 'r.i ;: Co m ice. 11,500; Co com missioners, MOG.ZS: inane. 3'.18; iurv 2.219 20: coroner. SAl-IO; resurer 1.200; 'uel. S414 10. assessor, $1 S3&J3 lection, iT'Sti; his ttv, 5S32.50 b-?untr, 1J83 U : tax relate. 7 Wa! services. ?1,073: indiin. o!diers il. !"!; school examinations. $177. 7" stock inspector, 1311.70; j i Igmert coDts, F-,t v). The record hss not yet b.en made np n vno count . Tub CiGiBETTE L.vv,- It shall be un- lawtul to scl', i-arter, trade, give or in nv manns' fiim:ii to any minor nnder age of eighteen yean any tobacco, cigars ir cigarettes 1 1 anv form, or any com pound in which tobacco forms a com ponent part, without the written consent or order of -uch minor's parent or guard- an ; and when such minor has no paren or guardian, then in that case consent may be given by the county coort in the county in whico said minor resides. Anv person violating the provisions ol this t, upon conviction, is subject to a fine of not less than eo nor more than taO, It is also unlawful fir anv minor undsr the age of 18 vears to smoke or in anv way use any cigar, cigarette or tobacco n anv form whatsoever 111 anv public highwav, street, i.lace, square or resort. and any minor violating this provision is uhjetto!a tine of from one to ten dollars or imprisonment of two days for each of fense Roasteu the Prea HEiis The Kugene Register savs : Rev J II Weber, well known in this city, gave the Poeton clergy a a aking up on New Tears dav. He upbraided them for what he consid ered a lace of divinity. "Ministers are afraid to preach alajnt hell and damna tion," he continued. "We lift philoso phy ; we give 'sin a theoretical sermon ; ve sav nice things 111 the pulpit; we hoot at the iieople. but we shoot over their heads. But I tell von there is nothing so old or nothing so now as the story of Jesus. You Yankees don't like hell. ou don t believe in hell. What of it? You will go 10 hell whether you believe it or not. Let me warn yon in iod'a name." Death of Mai IIashiiaw. The DaHO cuat has iust received a dispatch from Portland announcing the dealti there 01 Mrs John Hans'. aw, nee Mvra Mansueid today, from the etlects of child birth Mrs J II 1'pham of this citv, was present at the time among others. 1 he deceased was a resident of Albany for a good many yeais, until a few years ago, and was greatly beloved bv all who knew her. She is a niece of Mrs Jonas Davis of she 'd soft's Emulsion of cod-liver oil presents a perfect food palatable, easy of assimilation, and an appetizer ; these are everything to those who are losing flesh and Strength. The combina tion of pure cod-liver oil, the greatest of all fat pro ducing foods, with Hypo pho phitt-s. provides a re mark able agent for Qui k Flesh B aiming in all ail- m u nts thai v-xc associated 111 K 5ss)f 3esh, l,pf.r' 'l ! S-.-ls 1 r-i.Fi.. rlirmlsta, Wire for Colds, levers an Qenarai He. , small mum li- a-is. zsc. pr bottle. Joiinao:;, u ho keeps U4 I IswawataalM Ill il srrrrrrriWn I Jmlgo Flinn was in Etijreue yesterday on business. Dr P A raine, of Ktigene, was in the cltY yesterday. Mra I N Coadll is tepoilfd cons'tder- nl)iy btttMT today. Mr L Sender, ia lvint dangerously ill s$ his home in this city, a fact many will regret learning. DrTC Maekey returned last evening from Portland and other pUeei on a visit us (i M of the A 0 D W. Ratal H Kincaid has been editor of the Iftlgsns Journal since 180-, Bnd is not vt a millionaire. Stratire. isom monteith wedding. Mr John lsom Jr., and Mi's Minerva Monteith were united in marriage at the resideifo of the bride, on tltli street, in this city, nt 10-30 o'clock this forenoon. Tits cerein .ny was performed by Rev B 11 Mehatd in an impressive manner, a beautiful rlaf service adding to the effe t 09 wt'1! as Mendelssohn's weddin? march P'a.ved by Miss Annie Houclc. The rooms with hatdsomely decorated for he occasion an.l evsrvUiins went ofl merrily, i'he guests were shown the rich display of wedding presents, and I were then taken as they had wui-rr nu iterant "inner was aerveo uj Mr Van. Iran. It was a repast worthy of a presidential party, consisting of many chobv dishes, ending with ice cream. Mr and Mrs lsom left on the noon tiain for l'ort'and, on their bridal trip, and expect to return to Albanv at.d mate this city their home. They have the best wishes of many for prosperity and happiness. Those present at the wedding were Rev and .Mrs Priehard. Mr John lsom. Sr., Mr and Mrs Frank Wood. Mr and Mrs 9 II Pf?irT.'r, Mr and Mrs Duncan Mon teith, Mr? Waiter Monteith, Mr Wat Monteith, Mrs. I V Pine. Mr Casper Van dran. Miss Ma.y Vaiulran. Misses t.ussie and Nellie lUodgett, Mr J R Whitney, Mrs Thos Monteith, Miss Minnie Mon teith. Mrs C Monteith, Miss Annie Monck, and Mr and Mrs Nutting. Fu. os tuk Stule r. This morning a man claiming to b- a Catholic priest catkd at the Catholic pars mage and was given a brerkfast. About noon he was walking on Btoadalbin street, when he fell in a Iieu;keu to be taken to rather Metayer : but Rev Metaver declared him to lie an impostor and refused to take charge of the man. Who he is. Is not known, lie certainly Las no papera or evidence 10 indicate "that lie is ahat h claims. Ot a Assts-MaNT Judge Duncan it esdreda format rolificatlon to-dar from the stale boa id of equalUi'lrn that ton iots had been raised 10 per cent in this county and caltie 5 per cent, while horses have beta decreased 10 per cent. This all! cause a toft! riise of nearly $300 000 and considerable work to prepare tbe bocks The malter of exrmp'.ions a'to wl'l re quire some doc'.oiirg in te operation. t rupnc n oftae 1MB C a red EJ Brockvil.'e, Ontario, Canada1 savs- 'I have used Brar.dreth's Phis for the past fifteen rears, and think them lhe bet cathank and anti-bi,liout reined r known. For some fire vcars I suffered r.i-.h an eruption of ihc skin that gave me great pain ana annoyance. 1 tried diHerenl blood, but, although gaining strength the itching wjj unrriievtd. I finally conclude! lo take a thoioueh course of Brandeth's Pills. I took six each niahl for nights, then live, four, three, two, ie each urn.ehs onr and ihmm. . menititoOTi ooe every night, with the hjpnv retutt tha. now m skin i uerfecl- ly clear ar.d has been to ever since." lf Praise. Self praiye is no recommendation, but there are not when one .-nost permit a person Xo 'eil the truth about himself. When what he says is supported by lhe "esfin-.onv of ct tiers no reasonable "man will doubt his srord. Now, to sav that Alicoet,' Porous Platters tie the cnlv genuine ind reliable porous plasters made is not self nrahe in the slightest degree. Thev have stood tne test for over lhirtv tii-. and in proof ot their merits it isonl'v necessary to call attention to the cures they hve effected and to the voluntary irsttmor.ii's rf those whs have used them. Bewai ol imitations, and do no: be de ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for Allcock's. and let no solicitation rr expla nation indurr you to ac:ept a substitute. Olives In Bulk, sauer sraut. mixed sickles, chow ihow, cranberries, lemons, flake.! hominy, and n;w raisins at C E Brcne's Shilob's Vitabr-r : what ya need f.r "ypepMk. fsvpkl iivi-r, yellow akin or kid eey troaajs. I: m aansstetsl tofgiv jnn aattstactior. Trice 75c. 8!d,by Fnthay & Maaoc lhe tienalae An I The Kaasa. Every- good thing his its W of Im itators; every genuine article its counter feits. The imitators always choose the most valuable and popular atticle to counterfeit, so lhat when they c'alm t'leir sham to be equal, or as goJ.' or the same as "So ar.d-So't,-' the pul.lic may depend upon It that "So-and So's" article Is lhe best of the kind. The sham proves the genuine :rerlt cf the thing it copies and never has this been better Illustrated than by the imitstions of Allcock's Porous Plasters. Allcock's Porous Plaster ia the standard f excellence the world over, and its im- tators In their ety thai theirs is "as gol its Alicock s ' aic onl v emDhasizlne this fact and admllti.ig "Allcork's" to be the acme of peifec'.ion. ahlch it Is their high est ambition to imitate. The difference between the genuine and these imitations. which copy only general, is st wide as trial between copper and gold. sue on iv sate sav lor ptuc!iacrs Is to always insist upon having Allcock's Por cus plasters. They are the only petfeel plasters tvrr prcdiictd. Penny Wise and Poem! I uu 1st I'he man or woman who does not suo- poi t tluirnwn home paper can be proper- y c asfe'i as - penny wise and pr-und fool -sh." It brings, for instance, to vour door opportunities for sccuiing the best bar- gamu In everything. If you want em ployment, then we asrlstyou. That re minds as that the advertisement of B F Il 1 1 n & Co, Richmond. Va. in another m 1 may prove of real Interest and ui t o vou. liackiuchsm's Dve fur the Whiskers does itsfwm k thoroughly, coloring a aniform)brown or black, which, when d-y. will neither rub. wash off, nor soil linen . Thousands of live are saved annually by the use of A vcr's Pectoral. In the treatment of croup and whoopinp cotigh, the Pectoral nas a most marvelrus effect. It allays in animation, frees theobstructed air nasaaie and contro's the desire to cough. Yfsl, YOJ Cv SSS ta: flust -line o sam-jles for suii.lnijs In the state at W R fjriham's, where lie ha a tailor with few equals on hand to make them up on short notice. Get lhe best and most stvlish suit of him. A new feature will be the making of ladles' cloaks to order or the altering of cloaks to the latest styles, and ic icpainng ui cioaus. trices tri bot tom ones. Thin or ijrav hair and bald Seaos. so dlsplesslng to many people as maids of age, may oe averted for a long time by using Hall's Hair Renewer. Khiliih's Cure, the grsit cough snd croup cure, is for sale by us. Pocket siae contain wenty-Hve dosos.only 25o. Children leve it osliay & Mason. THB CBTiESTlVA. 1 Messrs (iwr and Tonkin, internal revenue office arrived in Albany last night and wi'l be iu Albany until Monday nih!. prepartvi 10 receive applications trom l tii neaa for registration. Thoir heaiUiuarters will lie with Sheriff Jackson, ut the Court House. It is probable a few 'will register, in is.ilatrvl cases, where it ia neeessarv in order to hold their jionitions. Bnt the hotly of them will not register, The reason af- ready given in Albany 1- that they are too poor to get the pictures. This is merely an excuse. The real reason is Uiut they dare not. A little CVlestiel of Ihis city stated u few weeks ago Uut he would regis" ter. but this time he says: "Me no register: highbinders -ut iny heail off," whicli4rives the true situation. At Salem nine registered at just the lat moment. They went together and secured their pictures for (5 cents apiece, and seemed to lie afraid the city Cele-tiali would see them ut it. All were from the country but one. Fifteen weie registered in The Dalies and twaahhft&win Astoria. laataerpiiMa?or.'. W 'depor tation will follow in the jpue nitlmse aOect-edbythent-'. Linn county Celestials wilt be obliged to go to Portland after Monday if they repent and de ide to register. Tba DgMOCXaT is informed this after noon that several of the city Celestials, ac- conllng to Jim Thev are p-ttii head?". Westall. will regi-ter. to their the matter in City governments everywhere arc re t eliciting- ' An Albany- man sdverti.e. in a Sa em papir 500 tons of hjy for sale. In Maiion county the court did not ap point a single populist as a judije or rik of clectio... ard hence they aie ina I, and propose to lake lhe mat er Into the courts. The Ladies Cong't-g V.lom-i Ms!onirv soctcly wi I meet with whh Mrs Woodin at :Joo';lork Saturday. Subject . -Woman 'n Heathen Lands. 1 P.eaae come on time. The last co-nty court of Crook authorized (he paysnentcfa bounty on wild animals, and there will no longer be any necessity of sendu the sci-fa to Albany. Through the caielessnesa of hunter Jas and John Wil.baiks rave lost two lost two valuable hoses. It Is to here grel'ed the careless r-ci are not kcown so they could be prosecuted. The Del Norte to ran between jan Francisco and Yaqulna Is a 600 ton steam er, it has consld;raMe business ahead, among o:her things a big cargo of a heal at Ysquina awaiting shipment. D W CooiWge, secretary ut the state board of equalization ! 'an cr.thoalaatlc horticulturl:. II; has growing en hU fruit farm near Eugene some 500 varieties of fruhs and nuts. In this number are included 70 varieties of grapes. The Masrot Gun C'ub held its mor.t Vy shoot yesterday afternoon. blue rocks were &1.0I at- D B Montei'h "br jke IS; Geo Froman, 17; David From an. 17; Grant Froman, 16; John Brown S.lth Jones, 14 ; W E Baker. S. The Portland Telegram is pubashlng a s'tort hlstiry of Lsoncl Siagge, the re ceiver of the Oregon Bank. According t it S-sgge served a term in the penitentiary for forger v, and h!s past before he came IO lhe N W is not very we'l known. The malter Is causing c,ui:e a sensation. Fallowing are ihetffkets of lhe Degree f Honor A O U W instituted in this cHy, which starts out with a larre rreoibership and bright porecl Mis Maggie Bar aa: Past Clurf , f Hosb Jtafi Joors. ChUf ofrjo-ar ; sin Wr IA a- ner, Ladv of lionet; Miss lter-.ha Kiefer. Chief of Ceremonies ; Mi's Birdie Anlvn, Recorder; Sirs A L l.amo. Financier; Mrs 8 F Purdoro, Receiver; Mis Al Ssior, Usher; Mis Lena Meter. Inside Waieh man; A D Barker, Outside Watchman: W y Read. Advisor to t: of H ; Mil A D Baiker anj Mis Mrytra, Maid of Honor. "I'eifect'v lovely" is what all the ladles say about the calendar for 1 syj. published by C I Hood A Co. proprietor of Hood' Satsaparilis. It i a unique ard beautiful calendar, which combine rccuracy f dale and other useful and va'uabtc irfir. mation A hh lhe a'lrac.lons of cmlnsn'.. Ii i a very desirable and serviceable gift, fhose ot our readers who have r.ot already ecurd or.e, can dj so by applying to the druggist or sending six cents in '.amn or one or 10 cents for two copie. tc C I Hood a Co, Lowell. Ma. The matter cf re-.txrehment in ;he cJtv expense la hilng considered b ll.e way and means committee, ar.d w.i'. he votej on in different form by lhe council next Tuesday. It is probable provision wi! be mad; a vote on a to'.i on the briJge. for a tiade tax, for lhe tils s prying lhe expenses of the i"ne department "directly without allow a ces. Perhaps a ni;ht watehmanwill be done away with; but exnediencv of t .Is is doubted. The street suprrintendert will undoubtedly be retain ed, there is woik for a mn cansiantlr if he will do it. The two erglne houses will be ke pt intact as now, and should be. Tnere will lie other scheme mentioned without bottom to them Th at Toll. TJ p at Al talking about rlaring a toll on the bridge across the Willamette. The bridge at Salem is free and should remain so. iwilem Statesman. The bridge at A'lrany should remain free also, if the revenue to keep it up can possibly Ire raised withont lhe toil; if not a toll will lie a necessity . lint i the situation. W K and Fiad Yates have a democratic uncle nameil l Moss, wliom iic.crnrr Pennoyer recently appointed county jdg of L.ase county. How they can put up with democratic uncles when it is said their re publicanism is of such a nature that a win dow in trie south side of th:r dwelling wonlu not lie tolerated is indeed hard to un derstand. Corvallis i iazctte. Coirallis Iiils an indebtcdnos of 817,000 and thinks her hack is broken. Albany's indebtedness is now altout $136,000. How about her back. (iiuette. Her liaok is all right. In the first place our indelitednrss is less than $100,000. and that is enough. A CLIld 1 ii j o . The pleasant flavor, gent'e acfi-.n and soothing effect o Syrup ot Kigs, when in need of a laxative, snd if the father or mother be costive or bilious, the n.osl gratifying results follow its use; so that it Is the best family known and every family should have a battle. Eaperleaer .fan tv! hanipluii Athlete and man who take ordin&ry outdoor axerclse such as walking, ruaning, bicycle riding, jumping, swimming, tennis, etc, are often the subjects of scute troub les The cxpedance of an cx-chami!on walker will be of interest to all who are afflicted. Marry llrooks writes: "No. 314 East 19th St., New York, April 3, 1SS6. Numerous statements relative to the malts of different plasters having been brought to my attention. I ake this opportunity to state that 1 have used Allcock's Porous Plasters for over 20 years and prefer them to any other kind. I would furthermore state that I was very tick with catarrh of the kidneys, and attri bute my recovery entirely to Allcock's Porous plasters.'' When Batiy waa alek, wa gave her Castorta. When she waa a Child, lio cried for Caatoria. When she becamo Miss, she elunj: to Castorla, 'Alien she had Children, she gave them Castorla We ore still selling lircss goods and Ca esand Jackets at greatlv reduced prices for cash. We invite you to examine the Red, Peacock &Co goods and prices. Mr lid ( Join, of S io, was in lhe city to day. Mr Frid Goawtj of BUverion, is in the city . Mr J;hu Webber, Of Portland, is in the city. The Mcrs Jacob, cf Corvallis, wi re in the city today. J M Kalst1.11 and family went to Portland this noon Hon C J Bhodd and wife, of She.Id, ore in the city. 0 B Hart went lo Halrey this noon to at tend the teachers iustitute. ITcns J K WfatheifcrJ aodM A Miller returned this noon from a trip to Portland. Mrs Henry Williams left last night for Sacramento, Calif, on a visit with relatives, Mm J H I pliant came np this noon from Portland, where she had been toattend Mrs Myra Ilanhaw. ester lay Mr Sam Conn had a big piece of llesh bitten from one if his cheeks bv one of !iis dray hors. causing bad wound. W E Chandlrr. formerly of ihis city, ha iu-t ben elected president of the YP S C E of tha Congregational church of Cor vailis. Sam Case; of Ccrvollii, imitates a phen cgraph so well that he tried it during a Methodist revival there, getting himself into trouble. Cncle Billy Wright after a mKiessfuI horse nidi ih Hlin trip up the valley ax far a Corvallis returned to his home at f-'alem yesterday on lhe river. l.en Coirpson. of the B K Commisii,n was in the eity yesterday and toi'ay. lA.t evening he insjwcted the 0 P bridge and prcnounced it all right. The building of S E Yjung. opposite the Dkmoc hat office is Ijeing move.1 to the street. It will I.. rcii:'iel-i and occupied by F L Kenton u a grocery store. The remains of Mrs Myra Haoiiaw will 1 brought to Albany to-morrow noon for burial. Mr John Webber is in the city making arrangements for the burial. In rewnse to a an patch that hi mother was dying Mr K L p.jwer went t- Salem yesterday. Tins morning Mrs Power had rallied and showed a slight improvement but is in a critic... condition. Mr Heary Kesee, of Bonanza, was in the city today on hi way to Corvallis. being c:d!tl there by the recent .leath oif his sis ter. Miss Lizzie. He had been nearly font days on the -ay and hence was too late to ! present at the funeral Mr Ketee i P M at Bonanza. Wash Philips was in the city today for the first time since hi return from tne world's fair. He is more of an Oregon Lan than ever, and doe not consider that there is any comparison let ween Oregon and the east. Mr Frank F-wter and Mia Maud Straight two prominent young- people of Walla Walla, were married in that city last Wed nesday. The latter snt several days in ABaasry several months ago. the gcest of Mr V M 1'rvn. h. :':: .uati Hwxieo. In estate of K A Westerveit a comusission was ordere-i is -sued to take the testimony of W II .Smith at Uinghamton. Calif, as' one of the wit nesses to the will. Uizabett i.resham wn arjoa3d gaar dbn of Lemoii Uretham. bond ?j00. Utile Svfer appointel guardian of estate of Chaa v Syfers. insan. Torn I lloOO in the esLste of Am hu Wilton, a minor. 4,-.:asdian apvointcd lo sell real estate. In estate of L A .Sert'.inir. petition to s-iU lronaI proiasrty granted In estate of Jos thxon invent-iry Sled. Real propertv. SU50; neraonai iironertv. S'&lA'.'.. Petition to sell ierst .nai proirlT. Kl '' In est-le of OtMan Hnrjhes. Srt account approved. CLums orderei paid. la ti- esriate of Mary tialloway. inven tory filed. P.Tsonal property. $70.55. Or der, si sold. In estate cf Wit; Q Mantgoinery. will admitted to prabate. appraisers appointed. In estate of Samael Piekette. J ft ilslstU oatiik-d as esectilor. Lb3a.vo.. J B Long, editor cf the Ore gon ropulist. was in the city last Saturday. WaaM liere he made a proposition to A lci- Adun to run a popnlut per in Ku-iTi-r.e. but we are not inforrae.1 as yet whether Mr Adams a-.ept-d the proposi tion or noi. Jos Buhl has received a fine oil painting. B cvJiecrion of rose, eieruted I v and Al bany lady. It hang in his room. I a.-! Monday the infar.t dagliter of K B Fry, cf AlKir.y. was Itrought to l-ebin m and Imri'sl in the. Masonic remeury. It was Inrn Sunday morning and only lived about 24 hours. Less snow fall here thin oat in the tniddte of the valloy. There was less titan half an inch of snow here last Saturday morning, while at Albany there was alioot fmr inches. and at Salem about four inches, and at Salem about sis inches. Kxprvss and Advance. A Mattkh K-wi.Aixtn. A man at We anon hired a rig to come to Albanv ad meet a sister on the overland, an.l was cbarge.1 tlO. He think the price was de cidedly steep for hard times and is giving the liveryman some free advertising Al- May I 'i:i.srKvr. ibe I'onxnu been misinformed about this matter 1 ne j two gentlemen make hosts of friends wher p ntioniaii spoken of hired a team and car- CTer thov go. Bv the war. it is stated on nasi- of our liverymen Mr wincli tie was charged only a reasonable price i. then hired two voung men to drive the team U Albany and luck, and for this sesv ice the voung men charged him 15 each. The gentleman has complaint against the liverymen, but thinks that the two young men value their time pwtty highly. Lebanon Advance. SavKH TtJUHUfa lajl night Marshal 1 eabooatd wren tourists and this morning had them do the wood ad for an hour for their breakfast. Thev were all lead broke. ine had spent his last cent the night before, another two nights before, another had been in a hospital, one was an optnun ::enu, anomer a sauor wno tan leu his lioat, etc ami that is the old story con stantly reieated. The men were ordered to move on out of the city, which they did. Tiik llniiiT luKA. HiversiSiM fanning i- to lie the great panacea for the OlOgOB farmer. ludgeON Penny has set a good example in this respect. He owns a 70" acre farm adjoining the town of Layfayette. He has "0 acres set aside for hops, liiO acres in timothv aud clover. 125 acres ready for prune planting for which he received last week lo,&50 trees, and will also raise wheat, oats unci fruits of all kinds besides going into the hog business on n large As HoXaT Max. The pocket liook of Mr Kichards nt Stayton had a close call. It was lost with some money and valuable paper Mr A M Brown found it Ota the. edge of a cliff, nearly ready to fall off. and being an honest man returned it to the owner. The man honest enough to return monoy to its owner these hard times is entitled to the lirst premium every time. a Tuk BitowNsvii-LK Bask. The new officers of the Browtisvilte bank an: JM Mover was re-elected president: W R Kirk, riot; I. L Say, cashier; and (.eo H Coshow was eNvtetl assistant cashier. by the director?, via: .1 M Mover. W R Kirk" and Mrs V P Klmore. A dividend of 10 per cent was declared. A Good Plan. It Is a good plan to subscribe for and read carefully your own home paper, as it is the aim of this paper to make It an educational factor In the community. Besides that, if you are out of a job, or wish to Increase your Income, then here Is the place lo find It. In an other column you will find an advertise ment of Ii F Johnson A Co, of Richmond, Va, for workers, that may Interest you. Whatever may lie the cause of blanch ing, the hair miy be restored to Its origi nal color by the use of that potent remedy Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hatr Renewer. One NnuLl Bile Itcan everv niirht fore 4n-k ni-ouseTcrpld Livers, sac. per I Heavy rms to-dav The Oregon City fid a K bosild be irv tlx. we want It uo tbk war. Wor on the Boidiers Homt a' tmrg win begun next Motsstay. Several prominent S P men are lug a ueneral insoectlon nl the r .i Itoge- mu- Scaator Dolf h arid dative? an addrr before the New York Bar Assccii-lm at Albany on Jan 15th. ale Gleason, the in iba it v aner a trip to an lranci', with (Jolden Hale friends Ofl a visit Frank anl Fied Mer.der.liLl! of Harris burg found an old can of ponder, and ex perimented to see If old powder would burn. It exploded, badly banting the faces of ih? boys. The place oppoji e the Devockat office being remodeled by 5 E Young has not been rented 10 F L Kenton, a slated ve terday bv the Daocar, In fact has 'not been renter to ny orie vet. Mr Calvin Dub ber. brother of Mrs C C Crandall, who has been ill in this city for the past year, died last eveningat .''o'clock. He wa buried this afternoon in the Ma sonic ceinetarr. All subjec het been praclica ped In Cofsallis except the f nt bi next Fiiday hetecd Hi- OA Mullnomah Juniors. The r i' dtop gi ne and lhe game will depend coniderabit on the tact ot whether they arrall jjr.'on- .r no:. If none cf the regutar eleven p'av. Van about Toa predictL Corvallis will' win. At a meeting last evening the Mechanics Band was le-organized and Wm Richards wa clctcd leader. The Mechanics ha always been a credit to Albany and prom ise to be tr.uch so a ever" under lhe re organization. The world' record inedong distance railroading wa beaten by a run New Or, leans to Chi-ago the other dav. The distant of i 5 mile was run in 13'', lmur, an average speed of 67 a, mile per banst, At a rreeiir.g iast evening McPhervon Post GAR installed lhe f.iliowing offi cer : Commander. J D Ker.diick : S V C. R Brawn; J V C, I ) Miller; surgeon. L H Monianic; cha;.ain, rt D Breckinridge quartermaster. H Worrell ;0 of I), H D Mrrand ; O of G, John Cotton; a-jutanl, A B Woodin; sergeant major, H D Hv man; q jarter-nas er sergeant, I B Beam. A Toleco girl w riling lo the Yaquina Bay Newf. cars: U i'.ie, my brather, sav he I going to jc a great politician when he gets big just like Senator Crosr.o. Pa pa say he is just as gooi as Crosno, now. Papa and msma don't always agree, es pecially when tney talk about President Cleveland and other large men like lud je Swift, who wa at oar Xe Year's ball. Rev I II Fisi Hon Jeff M night. Hem Jeff lony. f Salem, is in the city, was in the city over pent lat night in Ai Mr alter l.von. of tl r-form scfacwl. I'-rmersy ot u.e .-layton i sites citv todav. was in the B I KirfcpaJrtcl.of the Lebanon tipr.i, was in the ity this noon. H C Melt ahon. of the Salem indeprn- iiea:. an ei nan" savs. weald use to g. to vxjngresa. imb t no u .n.v. Ueo r fiin .".nd famuy arc pre paring to BBBwsa to litRimem 'n--sn and wilt Tiik Asnland Xheir home. Ccrrallis News. Mr and Mrs Jis-a Wheeler, are now at Le Uato, til if., greativ improved in baaith. They seem to nave found the place . . : i . . .1 - -i- jii sune.i i' ' uieir iu. Miss Mildred Barmestcr went to-Portland Icuy to r..;e 3 ii-.i. ;:i masse. i:n i expects to remain alsiut four months. She will be the guet of Judge Be.linger. Lionel Stagge. or whatever his name is. was in ajaaas a w. ;. a .jttie over a year ago in the interest cf a bolidav edition of the i.lregonian. St is n.w the talk of Port land. Kosooe Price, who went north last wswk was imnaediatelv taken with a severe attack y isthrua and -r:ipe!led to retarn to hi home at Hotel Oregon, where be recovered himself after a - day's seige- Ashland Kecord. The funeral ol Mrs John Hansliaw at lhe Congregational church this aflern.n. was attended by a large number. Mr Hanshaw. Mr Manstse'.d. Mr and Mr- Chsirch and otheri from Portland, an I Mr and Mrs lavis and oliiers from Shedd. being among Uiorse present. I ne deceased leaves iranv to st: vara the death of a good woman. I leputy Collector Lansrell is in town for a day or two to register the Chinese. There are nearly thirtv who make their ter in Ashland, and all have had their pho tographs taken and are ready and willing i.i eotnpiv vim t:-.e uw. unie it tni .--a. woman, who has rot patronized the pictura man yet. Asiiianvi r.AoiM. PrT C Mackav. Urand Maatar, and i tank Davev. tlrand Iecturer. of the A U V. were in the citv Saturdav. Th.e pX))i authoritv that Hr Maokev lias the D 8 consuianip to Japan corralled and will a cept as soon a the term of his present om.s expires, in atsjiu lour wecSs the IT would make workmen out of all the Japs. t... tawawaaw ssisarye . A Tkaps Tax. The city tvuncil will iiavt its hands full providing for satiafal t ory revenue to meet the yearly exjiense. A trade tax will not give satisfaction. Busi ness men are the ones who pay the heavy taxes on the regular levy, an.l they say a trade tax siuip.y adds to the burden, when they have thair hands full anyway. Itin erants should bo tax-d heavily. The home mervhants should lie favored, the ped lor should pay for his privileges How shall the revenue U r.ii-c-i. ProUibiy by re trenchnit nt. A 1.1. to Rli.istkii. No ftValiall have vet registered here: but several will, t mw- tont C 1 axton toiiti pioturvs tor two or three vesterdav. and some this afternoon. ,'iin Westfall made arrangenients for eight or ten mid San Wa for about the same immU'r. Wetfail nys ail in the city w register. 1 he c UBSM population liere is not very extensive, and has gradually been decreasing. A Laxd Slide. A big land side 00 allied ut Oysterrille this morning de'aying the passt'iiger tram until about 1 :ot. when the slide wius removetl and the train started for Alliunv where it was exinvted ut t:S0 o'clock, rhe wires were down, the other side of Wrenn. preventing communication with the Bay until aboof il o'clack. Poopls who hava tiietl it, say that there is do better medicine fjr dyspepsia than Ayer g harsapartlla. it my not give one the the stomach ol an ostrich, bnt it so strengthens the alimentary crgars that digestioa of'ordinary food lirconirs easy snd natural. ciuarsnreesl to curs Btitous Attach! 't untlou, Small kule Utuvr. fro led to be tha Besl. Tested and proved by over thirty years use In all parts of the world, Allcock's Por ous plaster have the indorsement of the highest medical and chemical authorities and mdlionsof grateful patients who have been cured of distressing ailments volun tarily testify to their merits. Allcock's Porous Plasters are purely vegetable. Thev are mild but effective, sure and quick In their action, and abso utely harmless. Beware of imitations, and do not be de ceived by misrepresentation. Ask lor Allcock's, and let no solicitation or expla nation Induce you to accent a substitute. . I'. A SICE MEETlSli KnoxBi ttk Ckanok Hall So. 22, Pit H, Janr.ary6, 1894. Altii-. then has been quite a storm niging and the wenther has Ijeen inclemeni f r several days, there was quite a good number of patrons in attendance at the reg ular meeting of the Linn County i'u-ui..--Council P of H. m due time the house wa called to or der by the Worthy President, Bro J II Scott in the chair. The worthy secretary read the minutes of the last regular meeting of the council and stood approved as read. The agent asked for further time to make his annual report, and time wa granted. Cnder head of new business, the worthy treasurer, A G Marshall, offered bis an nual report, which on motion, ret- r. was accepted and placed on file. Motion car ried. Also, the worthy secretary offered his annual report which was very thorough and seemed to be satisfactory to all the members present. Motion prevailed. The election of new officer for the year lS'jt drew out several remarks by different members present, and it wa thought i - to proceed with the election, and, on mo tion that v; proceeed with said election. Motion carried. The election resulted as follows : Presi dent; H M Palmer, of Riverside grange; vice president, S A Danson: of Harmony grange: lor secretary, a J Jonlan. ot tuiox Butte grange; treasurer, A G Marshall, of Hanuoney grange: agent. Mart Miller, h...ji Butte grange; chaplain. J t Propst. of Harmony grange; gate keeper. onn. of Knox Butte gran"e; truitesa. M if Wilds and H S Williams. '"be next meeting cf the council will be !d with Harris burg grange the first Sat urday in February IHSS4. 1 he president declared a recess for din ner. Alter dinner the house was called to or der and proceeded with business nnder suggestions for good of the order. When uaen an am anaataa r-p-.u.v Bro H S Williams on assessment, and state board of equalization, snowing up some of the inconsistency of the same to the satis faction of all present Bro W M HiUeary. sec of Oregon state grange, made some good and wholesome remarks on several impor tant questions. On motion that a vote ot tnanks it- ten dered the members of Knox Butte grange, for the use of their hall and the sisters for the bountiful repast furnished. On account of the day being very inclement there was not as nui real Ijasiness done as might have been. The retiring president was called on to nake some remarks suitable for the dav. which he did in a very desireable manner. A vote of thanks waajter dered tha worthy president, and all the otScers for their ser vices. On motion to adjourn J W hfM Scribe. Reucioits Sevices. The usual ser vices will be held tomorrow in the M B church. At 3 JO p m the pastor will preach will be conlinueti at the M E church each evening next week. Rev 1 D Driver. D. 1'. ot Kugene wsii preaca each night canng next wo-i. Aii are cord iailv invited. Retralar serrices at the V P church to morrow morning and evening. S S and Y PbUList Use lesroiar boor. Lverrhouv is welcome. In the at-senee of the pastor. Prof W VY Iiavi. of Jefferaon. will ensidntt the ser- riees at the Kvangelical church tomorrow ramming at 11 am Ia the evening Rev L r urser win ocenpy tne pnipu- Rer C H M -Ke- is expected to niilisas the I 1 Ol tomorrow al the usual 4 o'clock meeting. A mala quartet will fnr- nuin usune. Bible olass in the Y M C A parlor at 9 a m. Ail members ar reaested to t present. Obituary. Wm Q Montgomery died Jan I He was born in Baaari. county. Kv . Mar LtU. Crossed the plains in 147. and in I52 settled on the place where be died. Was united in mar nege in 1 152 to Miss Mary L Cnsick. tiet-ame a member ot tne L nnsttaa cnurrti in 15. and was an exemplarv Christian to the dav of his death. He was the father cf IS children. 10 of whom are still living. who with their mother mourn the loss ot a kind and affectionate husband and father. Brother Montgomery has alwavs been held in high esteem by those lhat know him. for :: isiest principles and unswerving integrity. Km t ItOODSAX. Wanted to Ripe An amusing inci dent aeeanea at the site of the street car barn, recently burned, this noon. The car. with its charred top and broken windows. stands in the front or the burnt puce, a libinidated lookintr soe.ta.le. A eonnlo ;ust trom the train, wiui their hands tuil Kcsrvraev. rushed throach the ram tor the car. got on the plattorm an-i were aiout to enter for a trip down street, waen arrested M the cneers ot several wno were watching the mistake- Tney "caught on' to the joke, and hastily fled to the sidewalk and fnm the scene. AVPB'C Sarsaparilla ' m " SMiTn, of Towanda, Pa., whose constitution was completely broken down, is cured by Ayer'a Sarsaparilla, Ho writes: " For eight years, I was, most of the time, a great sufferer from constipa tion, kidney trouble, and Indiges tion, so that my constitution seemed to be completely broken down. I was induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and took nearly seven bottles, with such excellent results that my stomach, bowels, and kidneys are in perfect con dition, and, in all their functions, aa regular aa clock-work. At the time I begau taking Ayer'a Sarsaparilla, my weight waa only 139 pounds ; I now can bt-ag of 150 porvids, and was never in so good health. If you could see me be fore and after using, yon would want me for a traveling advertisement. I believe this preparation of Sarsaparilla to be the best in the market to-day." Ayer's Sarsaparilla rrsjmd by Pr. 3. C. Ayr k Co., Lowell, Has. Cures other, wii! euro you ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. sS TUTIi-K IS 1IKKK1IY 01VKN" THAT THK I S dersiifue.1 bave been at(K.iuted sdatmisi rasor of tit MUtu ol L uertisrvt, late sa unn eiiuniy, or.. ikveasvsl . All raoiia bsving claim iriut asul estate are hereby requirad to present th.m duly verinml u bv law leaulrcl to vh uudereiiriieil at Corvallis. Ureson. within six monihs lrm the ila'e here J ISctwl this SSth Jay ot Xovsmher. 11S. LEO GERHARD. UKNRV GERHARD, Wsatbarlunl WI I'haiuberiain, Administrator AUy Kr AdmlD. j95k WILL Si w si CLEAR i fLONQl SKInI sk LIFE I mental! w E STRONGl EMER6Ygjjp. NERVESJ SarsaparillaI "Aa oH M thf! hills" and never excell ed. " Tried and proven" is the verdict o f millions. Simmons Liver Regu lator is the only Liver and Kidney m m 1 jajagpisassa m Better medicine to which you can pin your faith for a cure. A mild laxa tive, and purely veg etable, act ing directly on the Liver and Kid- Tha n Pills neya. Try it .Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to tie taken dry or made into a tea. The King or I -leer Medicines. " I nave naed your Hlmnou Liver Beau lator and can conacientloaeiv- say it is the king of all liver meri!.-lne. I consider It a medicine cheat In ttaelf. Geo. W. Jack sos, Taooma, Waahinaxon. ar-EVZET PACKAGE- the S Stamp ia rei mm taaMaa .I a f,si a Seta, Will Sl.COperElottae: (Joe cent a dose. This -.t.Ii Cor'a Cttbb crcmTitIv evra when ail ottaesa faff, Ccagha. Cr-p. Scrr Threat, Hsaraeaeaa, Whoopiag Cs-t h and Aathrna. for Cossss;tiaa Stnas no rival? taa curei thonsiia. sj: I wtil cxn TOC if taienla vne. Sold by TJninists on a guar antee. Fee a Lame Deck or Cheat, tase SHILCH 3 BELLADONNA FX-ASTESJSc, CATARRH REMEDY. veroucararrb? Ttss rEXaecrisa-narss- teedtocurerou. PrJct. ijcta. Injertorrrse. ALBANY COLLEGE.: Send foi Catalogue Adores?, REV. E. N. COSDIT. Albany, Oregon OF Eii:.. JclcAK f-cra:.; as.?. r.'. WEAKN1SSS. KESVOUSKZSS. OEBitlTY. and aH tte trc's at - ttvswavaityri-ac -sj.- " eicva- iar tukIU irf cTtrwctk. fit-askt-, fwllt. . fevrrycaeatt a ? ti.- EMt4aMsaN. ZVAZ BEDwCtt. c:. Red CrownMills uohN isom, paoraiirroB. 1 ic-j-ss. r. frTKKioa aaa AiriB AMI HMK5 TS, -iEST STORAGS FACIUniB REVERE HOUSE sLBAN, I FhlFFFP- rR) COPYrUunTS. (' I OBTAIN A PATENT V Fore Prompt answer and aa benest optnian. write to in the s .... woo nave naa msnrsnj eam Oonuunnica- suseuy tlJ. A Uaadteeak f In. S B to ots- lormauosi concerninc rateata aai cos tein (tMsasennee. Also a csuatorue ol w an. bib. D.K.1KB seas ire. Pyra taken UusausH Mann A Co. raearea asMial notttnthe ScIentlSc Aaaericaa, and 10 are bttnehs wMsty b4orethe pobiie wtth oat cost to th inventor. This srtewnd paper. "aasw, aMstantly illastrated. aa by far t he BaiMlna Edluon. moniMy.iSstaTear. Stasia eopsea, M eenta. Every muutxr contains beau- nnu pu Dlatea. In cokvrs. and Plaotceranha at new out ders to shoe tke dealans and secure contra -is. A.iiir. wim plana, enacitna alt NN SN I CO, iw Yoiia. 31 Bitutuirar. aLPUNY COLLSBIAiE IHSflTUfl ALBANY. OREQON 1891, 18QS3 Tersa Wpeaed September Sic Irst A f-- 1 corps of Instrnotors. CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARf COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. t Durat ol study arranged u a n; all grades of students. Sftxiai tv4iuctmtmt$ rftrtst U tltUr. from ah-jaJ. KIT. KLBBAT M t OVOIT ACADEMY OF tadj of Pemetnal Help AUii&u'eA til veoe ft