The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 12, 1894, Image 4

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    asssa aaaaarteaeeaaai a aiaaa. ..
1 " '-- 1 -.arT- - .
v '
J-ii-- i : I I J :
K 1 K
I it a A tit i rsatct id III caurts of lh
i . (' aAtisrs m rol,-.te
s( eei - at t '
KIC8 I It Faiaa block
it Bm.vk.r
Atterney at I .nd Solicitor In (tUaticery. Ooll
Uoris raado o all po'.nte. , . aits n led on
rable tonus Albany, OrOkrou
Attorney at Hw, and taToUrv Will practice In
all tlier-tmrt a this state Bpsstal attention riven to
eaaanvrtjont an 1 matter In prebate OMee: Next
doer t taMbli Albany. ejrii .
aaVl vefi ilil ate f U'lM,
It leI maters t 1 receive pr trap
7. " Bee r. 0 1 1 radio ' Tem,ile, Albany,
Attorney at Law, Albany. Or.
Attorneys at Law.
Albany, Oregon.
AtWarnev-at-L-. All letral badness; attended o
FLINNS Clock. Albany, Or
K. J. Ei. HILL..
Ptaycician and Surareon, OFFIC. Corner
Fer-y aureola, Albany, Orejron.
Physicians an Sanreons. OFFICE
and Browlalbin streets. Albany, Or,
attended i city and ceuntry.
Corner . econd
Calls prompt. y t
U3ivil Suuorji3ttari8
antiitl "!t"i a,uo pus flip si
IT '.OH'1 liiiei'i'li pun invisiii ati
-TCU la-l"V tMnonno ti puj
JNWd iO mi N3W0M
sand Xioinirwov mvos vn.i i
pau)mi.q pun p.i.m.l .Ip'.'S I'll" I1H
SOii poiisru 'uc.w(i mXB 8J,,. 1 AV0I1 -
uoitop; 'taieatnitstai Aog ' juon -u :tn,i 'inv.
rwun Himvi rt'Athu.'iowra ' ; 'avofl '. -hw
yuaoixno "JJ -pijo.u oin inoipstiiuqi iiOt
' : i .'M". i .1. t.i ,VIVr MM.tVq3 111 ; "!
Ciun.) 'Suusiiu ..! jo kjiw.v uojpim.i
ano.v e.ves -m ui-.i iroj mfaru'ild tasjq j
u.ti; a 'Sana Ap.xHlt u oj nijotl pint Moot pint is,u
li ' J..1 l.ij ttransil) IVUUJtt piMOOttl MAS
Mtpirqa pir kiubhii jo amiinli.s pm: iihs
uuuniisip put: SuuniJO) jo ,ii.i pt)MptHUa
Itonx m pr)ja ot mm m.iji vti i.nx.i.)
suBQNQM mm vunouno
Nkw Yoiik, December 2!i, 1893.
This has certain:y not been a very
happy Christmas for many people in
this vicinity. Times have not been bo
hart! for many years. The many chari
table institution are establishing five
cent restaurants, among the poor peo
t 1 at Mnnv nnnriOrla ..! a1a. Immm is $4.o..o anrt upward, u , 1 tainmcnta are also beiiw 1.1,1. Lh. m.
cuoKjtura quMit vtuw
Connie sman Coctau coattaoaa to uke a
strange view, for a IVinocrat, of ihe Inc m
ax and oiher taxe. He sriiooncea him
self ns "unalterably opposed to Ihe pr0p
osltlnn which confine the t.-.x to those
qaiTC 'Xiuno.-) ntvtiSul 'pioviui w
'xxaimvu WAHA IK
v.i.iii.i.i inon
Xrrkq 3njarin9 raq or ou.mj.ho aja oi mm
pinoAti nunivin o ": w .p.woi.uit nrjuit.i'
'H-nv Aiaiuua oil pun ".tjui o putt qioouie
ei nn si i p.uii.t Apiiopluio.) in aq mou pu
indTuo.Muam ivaj it BOi ppiiM oav sio.iav oa in
pu 'saiuaNXH vunoix.i.l oqi Muisn mal.Hi .
pui n jo ja.a a.eq 1 cojos Ituow aqt
oj.i 8;h I'li'i ' b -Mil 3uo too pip aq Vtm 04
uams aiaat puti qtiau aq U bjiuj daap t.u3
pBq kjim pun Ovvj ui h aavj
pate 'srt.o jit sq uo ajaja
aauo is.t, l.wp m i j in i 'j. a 1 1 B
etios bba an 'auos 2tuuuia
daap pt0 ouo lent ojoav
sttub pur 'spuBq 'sSa aniM
Bif 'vtnaotn joi auore lutq
sajrp )oo pinoo r aqiop
em nt isvj i.mis pimua
eq uaqi pur 'Xp r ami)
Ainnu os i.i a a sqiO. uauii
ui pano. eq o) pq a
r la.ia .aqj jqat im aq) sbav aq pirs tma
mbs oq.w auo A'WAa '.Hq siq B um (iBaiile
A'ipidrj )i proq puv aattj siq no BUiazos -gqiuoiu
OA) uaq.ii aios aq O) uvSiaq piiqo A1V
V. OHinBERLtlSf, n. !.,
Henieertalhist. 7SpecUist in dis
Office hours 7 to 0 a m: I o 3
ni . A . Oregon.
of the Bye.
and I M I
7ioe Preslucut
.K. W
, K,TOfJK0
TRANSACTS A OENKRALbauklngliaalnea
ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to sheck.
SIGHT EXCHANGE and t raphic transfer, sola
New Vork, San Francisco, Cbicafo and P 't llano
E. Tors E,W L3
S Bun. L. rum
Kss-aite I . Sox.
MJnj o).!rtui atq
e TiMM. o-X nI -ninorino 8naa naa
aios 9oaanH
'dJ 'pitos aoo V"U uijv
spawn tSari -uoxs aAa mis sjo.
m mm m
Notice for PuKiication.
U. S. Land Ofeick, Crrv, (.
July int. 1893.
Notice is hereby given that it com dM
ance with the provi-iona of the act of
Congress of June 3. 1878. eu:ntd-An act
for the sale of timber lanis in the atata
of Oa ifbrnia, Oregon, Navadar n Wash
uagton Territory," Albert Collvor, of
Green Ba&in, county of Mation, aute of
Oregon, hsa thldy filed in this office
his sworn stitennent No 2874, for the
purcbaaeof tha SEJ of auction No &m
township No 10 Soa-.h rmae No 5 Kast .
twt will ofler proof to ah w that the land
sought la more valuable for Its timber or
stone than ror atriicaltarai purposes, and
to eetabliah his claim to sast laud befrr
the Register aid Receiver of this office a
Oregon City. Oregton, on Wednesday, the
24 td day of January, 1894. He names as
witnes-es: Geo H Leteiiier, of Albany,
Oregon; Henry Albanv.Oregon;
J L Berry ,ofRrry, Oregon, H M Herben.
of Green Basin Or. Any "and all persona
claiming a i t ersely t l.e above described
lands are requested to file their claims in
this office on or before aa!d 24ib day of
Januuy, 1894.
Robert A Miller.
neither just nor iight thM 85,000 persons ' ceeds of which will be distributed a
liouKl pay all, hllc the ntuainder 170
free..- '
Wnattlo Mr C i; ; .'h :ons itaen'.s ihink
of t lie iilra 11. a will 1 go tree" of tax
ation if ilicy do not pay upon 'heir incomes?
the thousands of unemployed. The
weather was quite warm Christmas, and
the day was line; many oeuDle took ad
vantage of the sudden change of weather,
and Central Park was crowded with pe
destrians and carriages, looked like the
With wooltant txcd 99 pe, cent, cracker '"rluUB rrl" w J'y '' Christmas
... . . . . -
"j t'CI -biu nun ointr ncccssaitcs in proport
ion, are they likely to "go trie" of taxation
Still another t.ank has failed ; not 1
aavinifs bank, but and ohl atntA hank
if twenty or thiny uiiillons shall be collect-! Th St Micholas bank was established
d from Urg; incomes?
Do ihey pa iheir thaRupesj luxuiics
iuruiii the Fifties, but last wrek. the
Bank Kxaminers closed the doors of the
old institution It was discovered iidoi
W11H IiH r 1 1 1 I a null tlltf nun II. t, ' Hlifil-4) -i.n.., it. IY 1 1
r" - . SRirr:? " l " great iu , h under. i,fl falVn in'r. th. u.n """ouiu-riiieur. t.i trie iai uri, caiisea - uee, UfiOW in too InilPi Sfalne. 'I'li! . ..' --.. n
t?rtiiit fTriUniiini in W,il.tAi n...i nttAhU aha.i:ui.. . . . ; B9 1 nori I v rptKtr t on t h tVi!.,.,.
i . v .u . inntiv ,"i- tiiniciy unnreiiarpo ror ir nmi - r -.
"c I of Ihe leadiiin Bi anrinl Sirms In Hie ri'y, he tiiifTerinir
.. 1
mine in.f rnaiicvcnue UM on spirits'. txaniuiaUonhat the cupital of the bank
uecr nu lou-lcC'if
Mr Cocktail is a iluil-nt and he ihe
knows of the rule ot ttxaiioa iccepte.t
last by all standard Writers on ihe subjr
that taxes should be levied nitii teference 10
the abi Hy of the i idivitlml to pay and 10
the benefits which he receiies under the
Government. Does Mr Cn.k:an think that
a tax upon rongjmplion ccmpliet with
this iult? It is rigl.r, U i lmocrallc, that
nrnr man hvinn ,n . I'W, , ... ... I,
-k.j .,..' " 1 by the Seventh Begimeu
-w ," iy Fmnj "mc 1 1 ha evening ; and at a few
tor tne suppott ot ine .atior al Uovernmt-nl
as a man enjoOrg an irtcni of
In income tax un a'! above $5,000 would
tn.l to equsliz.- the burdmasof Goyetnment
Itjwouid in a m-asute relieve t'le p'lor wi'h
out oppressing the rich.
Fram Hon.. 1,1,1
San Fiuncisco, Jan 5.-Tbo revenue
cutter Corwtn. which was due last Satur
day, arrived at the entrance of the harbor
this morning about 11 o'clock. She did
not enter, but laid to off Fort point long
enough to send a boat ashore wilh d s
patebea, and then sailed in and anchored
off hausalito, whence she afterward pro
ceeded to Mare island. A reporter in a
boat met the cutter off Ihe fort and on
deat-ared to board her, but was repulsed.
His inquiries as to how things were going j tangled in contradiction
... iiuuii'uiu were unanswered, t he only
hint of new, was given by one of the crew.
....... i . . .. .Lr.i i. ... '
u,e' l" "" to the leporter:
," 1 VTe is big row on down in llu
1 II 1 14 '
ltW Mil KBED KKl 1. i F'H IJT- I
Of all the MHttiou made by the pro-!
nioter an t defenders of McKinleyism there ! A"iiy, Or, Jnn 5, 1804.
is none more absurd than the assertion ibat I ti(i,tors imorrat
the tariff duties ate pild by foreigners. It! "wing to the nun.ler (,f false
ts only in the last fe years that the advo
I heories
cates of high and higher duties havo tried j a ,'ie ca"e or causes of the great
of nilhlendlng thoughtless partisans The lla hl,r"a(J ovpf the entire country, I
0 v kk A Qv. -The following from the j
Harrisburg Courier in of general interest on
account of the prominence of the great that I
led to the present item :
ICd irinkard is thn ska erf Asms
ird who lives a f,-w tnih-s east of here. VA I
n'i ass.'Hliitii .a 1111. r.,( r..n.,l 1-; on v S v.. .r. ,, . )... t... Ir 1
- "', " nu.u . y j " m.m ..ui ass avasvsys now li r
at money a (f'm. Iwt summer - atb-ndrd
to leach this senseless doctrine in the hope i depression. Industrial and financial, tbat I RK'It?!?
, . I " ii s m s afvavswaf . ,ii ill. ail't j
will won a hii inin a n i.,....b;.. or.
innyitable rrsult ot their use of It has l,u ! Kive 2 u wha. in the iod T,lue ri'ks without III IslUI ricr .t atrtrvlA iitin In I
It is also rumored that the queen is on
Mure ..I.I Wealkrr.
Lt.Nno.N. an 5. Severe cold continuea
throughout tireat Uritain. The tempera
ture in many places is the lowest known.
r.ougn the thermometer registers i to 10
were depositors in the defunct bank. The
result ot the examination also dia-doaed
the fact PayingTeller Hill hid defrauded
the bank, by taking cash to the extent of
140.000 Hill has been arrested and is
held under bonds for trial
Madison Square Garden was the scene
of the starting of a six day bicycle race,
last aunuay night. A cone
IL.t ' .L.! . . . . . . . I..1 I
iiii in ineir larirr rejKMis and other public I '''J" l,uu ,,0l,lr. art- the primary causes
utterances they have been hopelessly en- i ani1 l,le remedy for Ihe same. The cause
j is the direct and logical result of repub-
It is so clearly a false and silly doctrine i Ucan f,nan(,'al ami tariff legislation. The
that we should not
ono- not find the leudi
republ'can party
"u us aueuruiry anil aiauonesly are
shown by nine tenths of their own argu
ments and pleas.
Kven Mr Thomas H Reed, whose keen
intellect and sharp sense of humor ought to
have kept him from making so foolish a
nd bis
ftir :i -iri'fl.. .
I-.. : :..-
, t.,i;r iu tnis mau n it was nectary
for him to borrow money to the extent of i
, $0 85 which he did of i rank Vanatta. who
, lives a few north of Haxrisbarg and
"iionimj mirnnwi up. LOiiniaiiK iit
JtJealwtthit if .wo did 1 frmer ha' lef n Partially corrected by the 1 Va,natta L1''"1'? ""nk
ng representatives of ho Pret dniiniMratK.n. the latter is now j JVMt. M
continual y cln,ginK to it, . " r con'"Iera,,on ''y cngrtas. and be ; pay the eXsnset of lrinkarl s shoring
I v.auw .uugrrss is now cons.iipnn that l"" ""tiKaru sir ,ng y denies, and claims
question. u:,der exnlicit h-siriirfin from : "' "M1 '""T w.1 'he money. LM thi
:i- it lilftv I Irinse-tsf.f L ... . . :
for every American , gn and kept it until sometime in July
when constable MftJIain. accompanied b ,
VanatU ca!leil on itriukard with a writ Of
irpicnn ui seasre isjision of the frin. ;
Ik... A ! . .
'w American peOfile,
toier knows tbat the chief issue in ibo
presidential campaign of 1892 was -he re
duction if our tSs a 1
........ ' - . 1 1 !.l If- I- I . ,. . . , "T- m
ter understoo.1 when the Deooie tonted ! l?tZ? '"L ve the giin
1 f Jiiuaie who in torn (-ave ir. v an-
is a
inlustriosly and rejieaiedly 1011'radicting
and retutmg biiuse.f
midnicht the lonu race wai baarnn. Fit
?S oooor i 5een professional wheelmen started, but
1 a 1 1 .
1 uve uae aireauy aroppeu out.
"rrtir Chauncey" has returned from
his travels in Europe.and arrived in time
to spend I liristmas with us. On Sunday
1 here have leen many deaths from exoos
ure. Outdoor work is entirely suspended
T Bis Bride.
tlKI.KNA. Jan .",,.. r .....
1 iio uiay irom ew 1 ork announces that ;
acknowledged his marriage' 'o M A Ward j iocfdj, and the other fact that by this bill of 'l'e ,arifl- und4
ll Jul S I a A . .1.1 1 a al - I j.huha.. a.. A
(be burden of taxation is ' i" duu "uicon
fort-ianers and home bv
should alwais be kept in !' "'nenl au,bonty on the tariff
1." - (Minority ' w,n'OT of Um-4 fixed as the tii
over all the law-making bramhei of thi
government to Ihe deuiocrati': arty, that
they, the pet.pie, did that with deliberate
insliucticns to repe I tho McKinley tariff
At Ihe very beginning of the report be l anJ revfe the 1 rinciptes on which ; on Mr Vanatta s own prop-ition U relin-
sii use tarin laws 01 ihe
atta. A few davs later Mc4'lain took nos- I
ession of the gun once more.
Mr Irinkard decided to retrain 1
; of the gun. Before doing this be calie 1
on r 1 atiaiLa aii.l ti..-matter was s.-tt!e
'This fjet tthat revenue from customs is j
mcert was giten ! H? f?1 hcr befon carriage three busi- ! ibe larger part of 1
t band early in j "tf, n u , ,no,flPkn- ,he iacomc from trantferred from f.
w minutes past i wh,th ls 10'000 a I our own citizens .1
I'ariaeraaal Fallarea
I :i0
Un formed. So wd were the principles
looiJ, tbat lh- logical so
me of that law was poin?
cd ou' immediately after i's pssaage b an
A nd I ue
. 1 . . -,, 1 .. - .....
years had '!"" a 'iaun on tn gi,n provided sir
iTiiiaaru womi: round he V.i- he had
mornimr a large hosts of friends hoarded I "'responding week of 1893.
San Fka.ncisco, Jan o. TLe Bradstreet Report. Page 1 , 1
I .Ti- I 1 1 !.. . ....... . r . t Jw . .1
mind curing 'be d tct fs'on." -Minority
Here is the absurd doe'rine, and be asks people. Whj even the OngtmUm f
; loaneil Kd. This wa i,romrtlv dono and ,
j Mr anatta wrote an order enabling Drink-
ard to get the gun from the consbdle !
Matter went , until f "briar-4
1 mas when YA took his gun to HiUey to '
-..'S't in the BWSaVIl It.,.rf. In In.. M-uninv !
itUB for Ihe he laid hi. tmn do,, r, iJ -V.n 'J .1
I hardes' Iime yrt known bv the American to iret it. lie was informed that Van:,rta ha,! ,
ui-"ii it. Beat rtesl to take it frorr. Van- pii
i..P a , AS J .a
t uauilltr AtTi DCV ffrmrfi .il tailnraa an
IS";WS rnto, it November and pted out g
1 ' 1 1 . , 1 , . a .k . .. Inminrlaa It... an ilirAiiol. Ad -. " - 1 trie Ir I nil rtf 1 1 . . ... it l. . .. . ' . . ...... L. . I . 1,.... ,. . ' is
fir. I'm, wis k anil zr lor the """" i"H f - vv- U"S" rl-i-, next dav r..l - father went down to Ha sev
a UaJIUEBeoa habit
Too much cannot fci aU ia regard to the
dangerot putting small articles m the mouth.
a New Tork Cent's! tuif. and nrneeeiled
down the bay to meet the Cunard line ;
steamer Umbria. The partv was an-
thorued to take our old friend PrChaun
MtaflM llainAV : i
n - a. a.v n , 1IUUJ I I XT Dllsl'bv UVUJTV f V : J- 1 f . .
passed tb Custom House officials. As ? f by LaP,Vn
Ne Marc Tkas I tu
Fknii.ktos. Or. Jn 5 D P Thorn p- i br il in mmd- 'or be begins on the
d. of Portland, arrived here today. D end page to show tbat it u ahanrd
an ir.ierview be said
argument and asterUrn But ihe reader 1 " 'rue the editor tried to use it for a ; and furnish intr bond
at once tbat Mr Reed himself does not Pr in advantage by asserting 1' to be lBe IP10-
Jon account ot ihe ' change." i!lo;ically as-'
ahnrd and ', mming, and trying to make the people be
in the stun of $100 g
-s.. -jsmr' ft.
.... '
Those who have a
have little sympathy
for the dyspeptic . They
can eat everything that
comes along. While
they can eat rich food
without fear of the
dyspeptic 's bad experi
ences, they neverthe
less greatly appreciate
a delicate flavor in
their pastry.
when used as a short
ening, always pro
duces the finest flavor
ed oastry, which is en
tirely free from the
many objections which
the use of lard always
produces. Test its
value by one trial.
Itefoae ail aobstitotea.
tlend ttrnas cents ta stamps 1 to X B.
Falrbaaat A Co.. Chicago, tor bankV
rvte lotroiene .w. -
lnsLx bondeed reefSsBalSJ
nlrtaafnlnrAt h
Made only try
-Chicago, new vosk, osrroej.
the tug reached the side of the Umbria , of unemp'oyed in Portland ii
and the familiar fWnr of Mr :vn. 'ounded upon facts. He aid there
- I .. . . . . t nO m.ire HIM. r.lll nf .n...lA .1
A great many persons Carelessly hold coins j V "r ' '. HW assembly : u , Z His ao of Jh .
. , , . , . of frieuds on the tug cheered the iHtDolar ( ,m 'on 01 tfae je'r-
oiuior. a etairuav was then lio.atB, nn
Tvo Jbat the slaiement false, and continues throughout tt iport
neVort-!ndh i, ""not :h,, Wrk f 'be Toundaiion of
his own reasoning rte tha i show
successfully he does this. For example
One ur twk Siue Shows. Tlte TiJinirt 1
Itevc, tbat the shadow ts greater than the says that C VV Aveis. of Ashland, who :
j subetance tuat produced the ahadew In P'auued and operate,! tlie miniature by-
bo 'bat other CMBfj ibai. the United Suie , .;T f fS, at l'V' p?rtSa"M kP'-
1 ,. ..... in , ,s ,,on iin-iRari ir. 111 uflti.'i - .
pins and oih;t articles ia hrir tn u hs
They fail to reiliz: trial an ordinary coij from the U2. and I Deos lieaceri.t.i '
which has been in ciiculatkn for a stcte of ,rom 'be ocean steamer, and boarded the reached
years aid passed through tbousmds of hand , V,8", It was a jolly party that lure reac
, ,, . ., ian. k.u uav
Brrldtdij t'.ld
rriI1tK -t V9..B iVKRRs
.' m.: ; r . -'.on.
rR.V3AcTa .-.nera! rUuYinj u'intss
t'EAWSIOirr iir.VFTS Sew Vork. San Fr
-coand Portland, Orcjan.
UXaJI BOnR en approved security
RECK VC deooa-.u subject t cheek.
COLLECTtONS made 00 f .. ..-.... ternw.
ISTUKti' f oaid ca Urns denoaita
Notice for Publication
U. S. Land Office at Oregon Crrr.Or..
OstinJ, 1S93
Koties ia hereby given that in compliance
with the pJovUioos of the act of Coograsw of
jane d. is,a, entitled "An -ci for the sale of
timber lands in tb states of California. Ore
gon, Nevada, and Waahinton Territory, '
MrsMelue Coiptaan, of Yaqaina, c -nnty of
Latajolo, state of Oregon, has this day bled
in mis omce ner sworn statement Ha 2951
is not only dirt), but mav Itoid tne gems of
the foulest dlseas'S.
Not mjny years agi the pullac wjs horror
stricken dy the death of a clergyman frOto
a Ca. rk which aa sud Italy hloksn into bis
windpipe by a fit of coughinj He wa
holding ii in his !ips. a. unny p;ople t!o
while pouring medicine fiom a botl'.e. An
Idabo Cit
Placervi le 2:1 belo
w. Tonight promise! to
triune. Warsnrr
II 1 i iu a . . . a
u.e oc HWXIU xitn a re.UIalIon tor tion with J S Snencer and fktiaer Fnrtland
'"Our goods are now met fcv forejajn ! i'emansbip. wl o would aKaert and teach i men. to in operation at the Midwinter
goods on our own shores at a nric msas . and find some tot,le to believe the ':r a I'laer uiine o! this sort, only upon
larger anu more elaborate s,-aie. He has i
coninny of men who have maoc i
requirel investment to purchase the I
n and r;ut up the wor-s. The
builuicir Ixas been canstruiei and it is urxra I
, the plan of a cyclorama. Painted scenery j
I of mo'inlains. and trulclies snrroun-i the
mines, and the artificial is shaded into the j
E. Jan 5. Winter weal her has ' UP of maleriaia plus labor and plus the Ule which a country impjte are paid by tSStiTi
Ic'heet l h0 Thf .',uPera - ptesent ra'e of tariff, on very nearly equal the foteigner ard not by the peop e who : the rer.ui
.'il v it w a.'l desrecs'' tlow an ! t " 1 Minori,y Rt Page 6 consume them . Or. U an importer cannot i ctrnceasitir
FromTermtnal or Interior PoiLts 'h
Mm Paciflc llroi
uo puj5 this price i The consumrr. cf
course, if he bcy and Mr Reed says it In
cludes 'the prtMent rate of tariff " Vnth -
recouj ikimtyr:t 10 fte fale ol his impor
by including ibe customs, 1 taxes. 1 in 'beir
price, it it certain tbat there will b: no
v...... k k .avu. a ,!! j iTftK is ctria n r a very
aii.d ry a hanotuli ol tacks whli) BS wai
holding in bis nicuth while be was paltiag
down a carpet, an.d w hich wete bijwn into
his lungs by a sudden fit of laoghier. Sterl
ing, caughing, laughing or an , slight invol-
up the bav on hal tuar boa', ami
perhaps the happiest man was Mr !-
pew himself. Mr IWw was granted an duplicate record,
audience w ilh "His Holiness," the Fope-!
; Mr lHtpew says that when be entered
the Popal chautxr. the l ope was aea'ed
in his high seat, and at first he feared he
won l make a "break"; but
llolmeajl" kianan.ln.l an, I bml f - 1 ......
by the hand, the popular American cit- te:'saf the excile-nent at Iwlb.l ? f,mPortd atood.j at their true market val- I ihe price of imports by tariff tax-
in fall fn.s.a a, I - rt .a ' .1 i . . lionoiUlU Over l ... a , . .. ! aataa a. II- .a a -
AlfKL-.Nu. x Z. Jan 4 Advices from n,f bere abul the foreigner paying the j ro-hrriai advance in the prices of imported real si as to give the spectator the im-
aaal.. I. a sTa - i S . .a.a a 1 . . a I . . . - a - 1 r - a , a. I. . V. a a, Jk at f a I I - -
Honolulu. Ikecen-tber ha raw lasasBttn
ri.en " His . h.e by the steamer Alameda, just arrived
commosi'ties. and the whole theory of pro
"Tse honest merchant who va'oes them ttction lo American industry through
Chauncey M ihe political situation was trrow imr in in ue, and pays the duty deauanieI bv the I 'on ,0 'be ground. man., tensity. The provisional a)isrni.,.nt t i ivernment ."-' Pave 7.1 ' that me find a nortiem .
l'Z2XZJJ" Wre,7 "..ever in it, determination
7 . .. ! " s saiuut, mam-atn us position, and was ro-nr,',
. .,ri.u(.,uie mo-. itjnu ar man in , preparations to r.iat a
provisional government was Iriorernment." Pge T.i
pr-ssion that he is under tO Qaasssa .kies.
! amid Oregon mountains, and that the tons
i of dirt and gravel being torn loose and run
"If into claices bv the mrmitrir am easwsaji
Why, thee, ic it ' tor the nrst time from their natnral heds. i
American ! ne gold bearing gravel
"in it vkj-jsn t!-a 1 1 on, .-vwuasrn ussapai
mine for use in this unique exhibit, and
le be Sine to tatUe
To all Mits EAST ami SOUTH
It la the DISIX6 CAR KHI TF..
C rnua Ihronch VMTIBI'L
1st tbe Tear to
I.a ....... t V X- ,
- - - - ... .-v " ... a - mtinii laa mail I . . a t - .
n.e new 3tletrooolltan Oners Hnnaa me member-of the nn t Ia.. ,.t i-- him ami n-at fr. -,, ,t.. .
. - r . . : i a . i a. ' r jt J- ' kk- wicixuc.
Inch uasopened verv recently laa arow island lad been notified ih iha, ,...,! u- .1 .a. a. . .. -
... . i a't . - " --o us um we uercitaltl souin rooitena
-in-ary spism oi itie tnroa: may at any !me uiouern mum itandsome auditorium. AL- , xpscteo to taate arms in defense of ih ,K. . l .
cause similar acc! Jem, . bey Schofel and Orau, the well-known ! Totrernn.ent. and a number had been ,l P"3-'-' J collecting the laoney as for two yean, and
managers, have the lease ot the building, ! unted for refusing to obey the order The : Pm bs pnee lo the coofumer. . or by
sn.l nn.l.r lli.l, m...... i i mintklw nl Ik. f.:u c... . , ... J : .a a
...t.icuiru'. anc iiiai' , .- -.v. ... ,uc i ultra cates nati wn'.lea wswiae upon iiie loreiiriier
. . ,n L. .... . 1 Y . I : . . I Bka ........ . 1 . . 1 a
, .a .kk kituiii auu iiaiian is ooing a ! w kaoaaa. ajoTemtnent reouestiaaT Uta
The boxes as usual ""render ot the otake. as trv I'nited
potion of ihe
ol Why should the merchant psy the dutr I PP!e putting forwaul toth Uloarical. ir
I MULflinn :i.i..i : . . w I at a .. .... . I ' w" eauiwa, au . , WT m
preparations to n-ist ana T...' i.VI " I Jreln maotilacturer pays it br ! reason as ioee to newer no a , trie whole imci of hy.Jni iiunintr.f r : i 6BPMlsWi (li IflBlB UTS IsOsffaaaWi
I might be made lo rtsiore the monarrhr "ould the Government demand it from ; lfee logicai resulw of which wee r.jicted , -urface ctming to betl-ro-k ruling wiU l B.'l-,. ftnarine Baan viaaaratrw
Ho-I OUt St tie time of iu enarfment. and Ihaa laiiiiiiiiiy carT".! OUT.
I thriving basioesw.
The organized foicrs cf the rolected In
leretts of the country are it wjrk to de-
have been taken bv the society astasia States had decided to fav.r ttaa -
. aT r r " I a. a so si I - sen, .'lavs SMIUU
tor the entire season, and on "nnsra of the oueen.
nights," the hoose both inside and ou
feat the Wilson t ill cr. tta'e ihey prevr.t a scene of enimated activity
or he purchase of thi E 1 of S E i an.t S .
J4 o it t oi msc 1 1 and J W ol W J of
Jsecuoa No 12, in townahio Ha 10 Sjuth
scno, oaxaos
.a . J H
J F. FORD, Enlist,
Of Des? MsTsJs, lowt, yrlu under date of
I March 23, 1893:
3. B. Man. Mrs Co.,
Oaf nr. Oregon.
Gemttmun ;
I Range No 4 East, -aid will offer proof to
ahow that the land fonght is more valuable
I for its timber or stone thsn for agricnltare
j purposes, and to establish her claim to i
i land before the Iletriater acd Receiver
T J Mria , this office at Oregon City, Oregon.nn Tors
day, tne '..od day of January. 1S91. She
names as wttneaasai: DeWitt D nft--th. oi
Det toit. Marion Co, Oregon, O Fox, of De
troit, Marion Co, William L
Langnead, ot txre-o Basio, Manoo Cv, Ore
gon. Carlile H Ltoghead, of Albany. Ltaa
Co, Oregon. Any and all peraona claiming
adve stiy tha, above djscribed lands aie re
quested to file their claims in this office on
or before said 2nd day of January, 1894.
Robert A Mil, eb.
galrcr an airay oi figures about the pro
duction of coal, liom another of a.', fr-m
another ol wool and now from the Pacific
Coast they are gathering statistics 'about
prunes and a! to be f resented 'o congress
to snow titat ihe whole ma s o! the people . "V "-7 l-f
wtk-ueis uiajte 1 00
War. K. H. Koilscu
of the country sbcu'.i be axe! ttr the bene
6t ot the f;. Wbea fstntiing these noranoe of j.rice and the business
j j statistics, these people sou j. if inspired bv '
( j tair dealing, gather in also the number oi
people who are conauiT.ers of these pro
ducts aad sho tow largely they would be ' thing to kick a!
benefited af they could aecuie live neces
saries of life. Ah, here is tte rub. These
Wattlaa far ass re
VAsiliNorox. Jan 4 -Omron Jemracraf.
no were rxpectiog offices were duapoint
ed locay wbea a long list was sent in and
there wete no appointments for Oregon
especial y as Ibe senate adjournment pre-
An Albany n-.. 1. a-j.:.: - -i a"g call, n-xt Monday
I make too mtKb'r T Z v:"L" " fron to people
some ven law t .mri,, .n.l .1 -r a , -r-rA-.u,ra iTii tev
' r '.'s """." i iK- iij m iom Mark er laaf an
There man w .n'd he ririti tn ra!a.
f .
Op arriving h .me last week, 1 foncdall
well and anxiously awaiting. Our little
girl, and oce-hIf jeara old, who had
wa ted aaay to 38 pounds, is now well.
F'sKs "a'i v, 'roa" nd well fleshed op
S. B. C'.t'gh .'uro has dine its work well.
Bothoft.-.e clkildten like it. Your S B.
Cough Cure baa cured and kept away a-1
boars, nei s from me. So give it to cen
one, with gre'tioj,, ftlr ). Wuhing you
prosbeii y. we are
V ' ur., M k Mats J F Foap.
.a 7'0 ' ,eel "esn and cheerful, and ready
Br.?,W'agi sjaal, cleanse rour sjstem with the
Headache and Lirar Cure, by Uainr two or' three
doeeaeach etk.
UI ortita per botdo by all drunpstsj
, BV) d uodcija psslBva jruaraatee Ly
1891, 180a3
aw rrr.s ispeaed September eife
A f. I corps of instructors,--
i :.uree ol -titiv arranged t- rs-s
all glides of students.
f"-7 moiicemcntt cfitrti to asMst
from abroad.
9i. i rNiT
Notice for Publication.
D. 8. Land Office at Ojieoon Crrv.CE
Sept 29th, 1S93.
Notice is hereby given tbat in compliance
with the proviaiot.s of the act of Conerau f
Jane 3. 1S7S, entitled "An act for the sale
of timber lands in the states of California.
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington 1 err I tory,'
as extended to all the public land states hi
act of August 4th, 1892, I bomts A Roe, 0f
Berry, county ol Maraoo, state of Ores on. has
this dsy filed in this office his sworn state
ment No 2949, for the purchase of the W V.
N W 8 28 and S X li J of section No
m townsnip .N 1 10 S Ran.x Inn 5 E, and
will offer proof to ahow that tne land sought
is more vaiuaoie soriu timber or atone than
foraatracultaraj poj-poses, acd to establish
bis claim to said land before the Register
and Receiver of this office st Oregon
City, Oregon, on Tuesday, the eccmd
day of January, 1894. Be names as wit
nesses: Wallace W Oaekv. of Berry Ore,
loha C Rie,of Berrv,Ore. T E Roe.o' Berry,
O.e, EV8mith. of Berry. Ore. Any and
ail person i claiming adversely the ahnve
described lands a e reqnes'ed to tile thei
claims in this offifa on or beiote said 2nd
day of January, 1894.
Robert A Milieb.
is probably not a business j the .-ity ihat
requires harder work for the i lSaajUrasaOsart
i any business with more poor accounts that Jai ksovtili.e. f. Jan 4 W B V amm
go to profit aad loss. Hard up for some- I mini-, broogbt eiirht nound of o ......
the bank In this city loday, which appear
0 le folly an, half gold and is supposed to
1 asm I. a a I . at a asanai .
-t-iiu a iute over ei'.V. It Wa ttien
The Astoria Budawt av, v ,ii.,,.
men are not woikiue to promote ihe la-! fTMn Portland stated to a Budget reporter
- . t Ka . . 1.. ,1a .k. .k .1 r k- . . . .
tereaU of the - a.-. - but that of ihe cUsaet,
hence ihey do not seek lo find out snjthing
about the common herd.
the other day. tbat there is liable to be
ble up there at any rime. He say that
SSaaa - 1 . IL . . .1 ess. u
"The American manufacturer has been
receiving 3; cent for each dozen of spool
, (of cotton threrad i containing 3 ymru.
and the English manufacturer only 2
c-nl. for the me quantity and quality o
rds " Page 38 J
liWiviBg cent from whom? The
' American cocsumer. of court. Who pays
the duly in thi case I
"The duties which bid been colirctei
sugar prior to lr.j bad
amounted to Ibe enormous turn of 1 ,460,-
So this money came out of the people's
cckett. Here isanolber interesting ref-
erence to the sugar du'ies, re gar led from
Ibe protective point of view
n barmooey with the doctrine of prt
W ' 1. a f
of wtich we.
niw feel the full force, ly the greatest de '
presjton toth in eximmerce aa.1 finance i
tbathateier visited the people of tie'
United State, which is the logical outcome ''
and resa t of ibe doc riae of pro;e Hon put
into practice, which is c'at legislation
ran to tee.1. and which protectionist fa
vor ratber than the good of The whole
y e i i-e peopte as a Diaes. woo tave I aoyexttures. t.-amp:ng witn traraps, anpao-
given this matter icv thoutrbt. wiiatont u?1 JBfl of JatneM Russell Lowed.etc
Our readers t .. nr.t need to be told wbat
the Century Magazine Ls. !t is a great
wort in any sense. For 1S94 it wiiJ be
greater than ever. pa& of choice lit-
ar-ktrtr-. aa-itV 1 It . i' ! .S-1. . n-a -.. ,
... .. .. - a Wk.C "kll . . . a. .. ..a
be a new novel bv Mar. Twin. important 1 i 11 '.ill U It 1 1 t! Q nnfiCTJllff 1B
exfaeditiocn, hunting of fierce game, artiste
fillaai DrawiBf tm
If UiM EjBipt
Best tLat can be a I and ia
wbieh a-i.sotxtrcoalti ioow are r-Ms free
and furtirshsd far boi lers 'A First ar
Steood Cissw Uaxketw, sa d
anowing tneir seltih interest to intervene
are unSinchicg believers in the simple
truth. laid down 'n the oft-quoted decision
of the sofrecie court, tba', "to lay wi h
one hand the 0rct of the government on
the properly of the citizens, and srilh the
other to bestcw it upen favored individ
ual to aid private etterpruc. and o build
up priva-e none stesaM a robbery
sattsBsl it i Joese under Ihe 'ijr. vf law.
an; it cal.ed titatiin ' T .en aeein the
The .St Nicholas is the nirtreof cciidr-Ti'.
. rnagarines. the bestof all of then:. A feat
ure o: Use 1S94 numlier will be Toa -Sawyer
Abroad i y Mark Twain, a nainral iListorT
series, a series nn American author', storieis
of India by Kodyard Ktj-iing. raxJiecrion
of wild life, papers on the government and
sasne beautiful serial stories. a well as the
fatootts Brownies.
The prs.te of the Century is 35 cents a
number. M.00 a year: cf t "Nicholas. I3.0U
a year. Any sa Write? of the Dexatar
in good staird-r-a. may secare the Century
iot or n.-e t :r. ... t r 12.5r. i.v
f . raCt-ai r' " 7" '?fn tec-ion. tleFiftv-r.tCcneredeesnsi il
four mile distant from Jacksonville and tbeir dutr ,0 if pro'ection to the growers j 'lt of Us clas !egi.,aU i. to circus- !S?Je Ecnejr a: oSoe- w " I
a a 1 .... . 3 . B aaa . l SaaBSaTa , - I . i J aB Ialaa4
ja,ai IOe ajfte of Jackson and cane. txet. aad aorgnum taar by way of I tcn-w are nin.ft fj- cjr sgrKUitara! pro-
....wok- uaa t ti-j v at aav n rue tie says that f I l. - v. -- a -t, sou - a.. .
feeling there against the Porliand &y-ffi?' .F"1 . lo di- bounty -'-JPsge 21
ings tnkotwd is soiaethiiur lerriMe. nu mu.f,u,n r.' taatment of I
The State board of equalization should
Il is N. J.
Southern Paciflc Co.
Express Trains leave Pertlarad Patty
One of the most impurtanl steps )e
taken by the democratic membeit of tte
ways and meant committee in the prepar
ation of the in-erna tevtcue feature of the be kicked out of existence
tariff bil is that reached yettetday l.y
which it was decide.-' to levy an incoece tax
of 2 rer cent train.! i. dlrid-ia! tnotma .t
vUooo and upwarJs and asjelM net
of err; ...rat or a If the most re.'.eem
ing Iralt of the bill an 1 we trust it will pas,
a it will In some measure release the toor
er peop'e from a pork, of Ike hear harden
of taxation imposed upon t -em in the name
of protection, and transfer it '. 1 i"he thou!- I nearly held
dertof the wealth owners -,f tit coanlrv.
Tliserare rich men. M many I dep.toV ! rffll7
m the defunct bank are now wifCant atbt dry.
mouthful to eat. The Budcm I ib.
they should be compelled lo settle as long as
either of the stockholder has a cent.
al liiMS, alfortliiig Direct an
Po'klma-i Keeper rer ratio ris ran taj
sscorayj in ad vsuaoe throox'i any
agertt as the rosad.
THROUGH TiCIvErs to an-: from stB
points in -America Eng aod aavl
Europe can ba purchav; i at uf
Dekst effioe of this exttr pan .
Fuii information eooeerri oat rtuas.tJme
af trains, rotiiea astd oar . s furn
tebfttl on application to aay agent or
A tslsian'. Genera! Pstsaaenswr AtS9t,
No 121 Flm sit, cor. Wa.srtrriart.on,
P :. .. t tJtegca.
C 9 Barkhxr.. iocavi agent.
did not gm the exact ioci'ion of bis vxl-
A .Id Wave.
Sas Khan iss... Jan 4. A cold wave
been seePie? over tiret-on. California
A Msrlste ft a V . a -
1m payment of the bounty. Mr Roed
say, is in harmony wi lh the dec rise cf .
pro'ection. Vy true. Well, who pays j ?r gr
toe bount) It takes 'be place 0f the old
tariff duty so far as the pro ected domestic
The Portland Chamber of Commerce
has given Pennorer a very live rap. He
deserves it. The,- claim' tba. only 5
per cent of her popalaiou are unem
ployed and dependent.
Snow was
mi snrmi Al 1 uma tl:ia tocrnioaj Ibe i proavtoen are concerned, floes she for
'emp-rature was 2 nW halo. tZL.. :
.k..l. , . .... ... m 1 1 .- J ' '- taau ajar i-x.u itii
- "s. 1 , , er ttw lor mat leysai'itv i , 1 . - . . ,
wa fshina, n. ,7 ZZi.. T. oM ' Are not ibe peV-e he-e ux-d 10
a. . , a. a- ' ... ..... .a . " at a . ,
lebachaol this mom i r a mA it procure the sum cf a-wut ld iav itti .a.
ng at rtoteoar. t.r, at Carson. Nev aed annum which the C.overnment
isa't Late. v- - --.
I 1 1 Thai Ead. . , IL
''uF,t.fc,coJu4-A, meeting !
ot the harbor commissioners lod a, "be to- ' hcie it one ihm- sdmirable in Jie
cai reprentallve of the ore- ,..;, cubliran nar-r
U'l... :..a . a. . r. at. .. I w -
na; i- iiieuiatii-r 01 itentnn 1 ... . .ua, luewxiuiir isnti'.t r.t :.aM. t .
sssti .T . " ' r.... ,a, 1. r ' X. T" - B 1 liasaaaaa.. n
I . mwwm .witkcki itirir jam vesr, l ' --aa-- -kk.k viaaw rent tor Its
i against '. hk- year before Linn county P'rn quarter on the
2utts, (of wKic a we p-oluse sboat
00a roerl ifcan on consume.) to the
home snxrWe'. l-ecai-e if we aitem at to ex
al p-a Uc t far wii h
we have oa -e. 1 - man atartur: airtl :
do n! produce b it eeuid u e, wc are coed
fr om 60 to t ; . n - ceitot t"e price of the
ntanalactaie, tac l-.e we can land the-m sere
Hence we an ;a:--ical.y confined to Ou,
a.. . -
per I ""- mare- la whi: j set 3i- w i.jt for
n j 5 n i buy tch awstasl a --rt as we cai
I with a ficticious value adj-d of frn-u 61 to
' I C ed, to which
cr aut
ik:r Pre, f tcaar.
- M. frenci. aetep railroad time
Hay yoar rocerie of Parker Brew
17 1? (rt; - m uCoin
- - oresven eheosw jast eeearised mX Cosar
sexa wall. Tht
j Uo per ceil on wo
IprobxUy ectersa Itrg, ot cett of sioddr
Re-. tit mxnnfacure of whirl- ha. Ka. kaa . n ...
Wheithastbe au-hoe ity j wooderfajly increatcJ on er th? operalio-.
it has trr rower it em- i el tae Isasfislss law s. . r - at a
.a. .... I J - - "--M. ka. t it to rarrt out irt lati,-. Va a;..t I .a.. , .
Ui ' : t iHKai re-eoyr i.jr i!.ceetl ar.e
VJiai job prtBter, Flion Black, a A
aaa work.
k- rtte cr!ebratcl Havana filled S jar
at Ja.iaa TcKph't.
f H .a -.'-.vjiotao aaj sarc----
. ':n. '.!; .ail li em. o.
Oiegon Pacific faioA
I Tf I IB try. steer ver
TlHE -sCaEDCLK- xc?t Sundajal
Chairman Wilson was disposed tob
ficetiousln bh speeth to the Journalists'
Club at Baltimore. The corfllctir.g and
abs .ro ciaims of the Mr Kinleyitet certaloK
iiiC'ie lo.rony: anu Mr tvttsoa yiehlid to
it In aying tbit hie tarifl bill was ev-'ved
after the committee nai laeen inform?! by
persons from various ;,ir: 0f fh? rouatr
that there are no wage paid to Ishorer in ' discharge
. tii..tu iitji i-e company is going. " T s'tisaitiB ninoera it no
; f" wt'inea. so far a Ihe San Franciteo ! cowsrdlce csute it to wat er a this res
The repoit o! Referee Huffb d on salary " " COaCCTBd- ! I to Ieocr,tt , n Con,e may well
to be allowed Wallis Nash for eervire'g aBiiaat . earn from tneir adversr,
rendered lo Receiver T F. Hogg. Using bOKDOB, Jan 3 A b inding snow! .tag--
the amount due bint a $2,016.12 in ad- : ''. sccoropanie.n y a heavv wind and Ts. n i
d.tion to allowed bv former order of ! -uriou. . aTprevai-ad ia lhe k , ,1"' 4 rper welcome, ,0ctt-.r
thecourt adopted, and present r. ri v., i channel la t nicVf .irTill" , VS. "Khed recruit. Hon Gallaah. A
' I ordered to pat satd amount to Walli. ,' Ttanet. Counlv Kent, m, Z .iTZ u00, renn.tlyaol. ae,ker of tba hetute
oa . Ti.n l 1 a" - . . - SSBJ
t - A iiur .
Booth I
MS", a. I Lt
10 23 r a I Le
l:lfia a ! Ar
mositTLrl, I ft,
Satt Praik-.ic
I North
s si a '
ar I
Lv I 4:23 a
Lv I 7,00 r a
Gladstone has
A clear fiead
' bore trains atop a. all statin ia from
nd to Albany Inclusive, alsoTsn
hedii.Haleey, Harrisburg, Junction
lrvli.-g, Kttgene and all stations
oietiuigto aaiilaod ineltisi'e
ia foreign landa; 'bat ail go- s are broagh
o the Unit-rj Stales as bala t. and thai af -er
tHer are p'aced in the custom house
here the foreigner !ejs j,i an I pay the
duty." Mr Wilson rKd no; exnaitt the
i paradoxes of high protection in this state-
m-nt. We are told also that, though the
foreigner pays ihe. duty, the aim of the M:
Kinley bill war to shut out as many im
port as poitible in orrje: to give the por
foreigners from becoming imposeiishcd by
supporting their own g jvernments and our
too. It raises, wages without inctea ing the
cost of the proiuclg. and lowers prices by
preventing competition. Truly McKinleyism
Is a.wondeiful sts'.em.
oj repieter.Ulre from tStii r0 ,col bj, a
lit!. Iba. 0.-1 f.
.1 iaatlakJ V. a I -.a . ' . . . '" i "0v
C T Wanliow has Wn r,n., ,1-J J-rt-laJ il'tTTZr r - PBsr-1 . a . ta ia ueueveti tfiev tonnderetl nn, at n.j aime 10? mt
1 1 a nous- tki a orv-11 1 a.. . . . .. 1 1 : , a , .
1 : . - a-w. .w..... 1- n" '. . 111s n is .ir. som b.1 I ..
mainmg v ease I was rescued.
n ;j - i deprestian afc- the e.aeal of ifa
purctaaiag clause of t he S her reao Ut" is lo
equsl the M Kin'ey Tar.3 root acd
trmch. as t.le peopl- aaye . u r ic ed ;a
grcu to do, and pa in i a b?ad the
on bill wnich it now peod.nij bei re
gre, ar.d it framed anja vl dirierent line j
from lhe Mc Kmiey w . rnejlatttr wa
ocme t'.rictl) on lioej ot piotextsoa tastarS-
Ba of reyeae or making revenue a teCsrd-
Fur pt.y's take.tlon't aiwsilssail gr-ar b"e
) hecaus io j ee liualiUj with ir.d!e!i-n. ' Lsst Atbaaa towa t,
No good was ei er eftVc.ed bv snarline and i baavr OocAntBtt ir
i fietting. iVtr w man (unlets itui hsppen to j "
j sea woman), and taae AVer's Sai-r-parilla,
. yam w; ; te.ieve .'fn, wf-.e'.hcr ma
I worn an
s.jL-'Wve Taewiwa. rtSOsvB)
S.ILlll O- rral.ia.W.S.s a,y
.s.arnr asawssr, U: a
Advance was : ary contideralioi. a i
one often witnesses.
plated the milksoj
as siily piece of business 1
t je re
1 ne whole affair dis- 1
t haracbT of the man '
The Stab? Board of equalization has ad
jonrned. lt has caused confusion by rais
ing some counties a few dollars and lower
Ing others, and there is no more equaliza
tion than there was before. Linn county
is raised from $9,277,117 to f9.40S.679.
mostly on town lots; Marion county is
lower-n a million; Multnomah .1 million
1 wo millions is about what the entire Ktate
is lowered. t Is to 00 Iioi..I 1 1, nrrt la...
j islature curtails this equaliaition lmard.
ill (autace The Bill
t-HIMiTOX. Jan .'5 - l:enieser.tatiyA
aau,, ian.y
83 'it a I Lv
!:':.', r a I Ls
y:.r u I Ar
Pert land
Ar' fSOfr
Lv I tzu H
Lv I 7 .Ot a
WHY? Eccauic hr follows diese
rules: "Keep the headcool, thsfeet
warm, and the bowclt open." You
can have a clear head and live to be
ninety if you do the same thing.
When the bowels fail to move dur
ii.'t the day take on retiring two
Smith's .'.ma Bile Beans, Their
action is lo Bid tbat you are not
aware of it. All day your mind will
be clear and cool. "Not a gripe ir s
barrel of them." Ask for rmail size.
Take no Lubstitute for SMITH'S
:10a v I
9 .10 A M
l:lra I
Sails a I
a r
so a
: r
t.3r a
Di'iintr Cars on Ogien Routes
Attached luall Thrr aujh Trala
rTe.i aide INylaloa.
StTsi n l orn I A Ma AND I Watt ALLia,
Mail raaiSsAUT (Eaospt Sunasy,
7:SU A a I
I2:lt e w I
If RIM TlsAlit aILT ( 8.1I...S.'. .
Akw staaaaataaaaastaaa
J Caveat-, and Trade-Msrks obtained, and all Fat
a ant business conducted fur Moocratc FCBS.
J Ooa Orncr is Oeeosm 0. S. Patent Ornci
S, and w ran secure intent in less Uiue Uuui ihos
remote Irom Waslnngton.
Send model, drawing or photo., with deserlp
Jllon. We advise, if patentable or not, free of
t chars;. Our f e not due till patent is tecurad.
A Pam.'hlct, "flow to Obtain l'atenta," with
S eott of true in the V. S. and toreiga oo-jntrtss
sem ki.c. Att'.icsa,
GPP. PATEHT Orr:c. vvachingtoh D -
T:7S T a I
Ar I
B:e6 r a
1 rs
:!!li A s
fi.'O I
People who have tiled it, aay that there
is no be'.Ier medicine f,,r dyspep.ia than
Ayet'a Sarasparilla. It mv not e ve one
the lhA atomach el an ostrich, bi t it to
strengthens the aHssTtsty , rg.11 a thai
dieeltiel of 'ordinary f.Mid h.coin, a ay t,nd
I he t'eaturv depaitmtnt presents a la'cla
showing the monetary systems a d approx
imatet stocks of money in 'lieajrsale and
per capita in the principal countries of the
world. France i the't with a pet
capita circulation r.f f j6 St. The other are:
Balglum, $-670; Australia f.2o .,5, United
States, $26 oJ; Ne h 'lnl. $24 34; China
80 all in ailver; Rt)iiman-a, $461; Seryla
$427; Sweden S2 71; r,lr,e, , f2 30; Cen
tral Ameri-an ststes, 83 78;Jaran.$4; India
'3 44; South t merican ta' as tri 67; Csn- j ,arl ) t' stify 10 their rrcrlt
liuarbnteedto cunt Mliious Atte --mm
o tHon. StnaU Win lit
rrovrd l be the Beat.
Tested and proved by over thirty yeais
ue In a part of the woi Id, Allcock's Por
O'ls plasleis have the Indorsement of the
highest medical anJ chemical authorities
and millions of grateful patients who have
been cured of dlttrcslng al.incnts volun
tary of California, says there ia no doub!
'"' "' :-riu um win be taken into the
democratic caucus and changed ia ome
particular,, and says then it will pas.
Omy iis the Mills bill was treatesiin
this way. He did not say wha'. changes
he though! would be necesaarv to make it
A rirest Tarsasa
Grow for congressman, at large In that sUte
T case Republican proteciionist wlo have
been accustomed to contider Chiuncey M
Depcw at safe authority to quote will be
somewhat puzzled to know what lo do wllh
the statement w..ich he has broueht back
aero the oreso wjtJi MsB that ail over
Europe there Is gtvs: bainet depretsion.
rear oi court. II mat terlousdv dt
hri -a'i .iinr." " I ' "m" lW the hard lime, in
...., , .aauuiuu nana Of UJ mla.1 ilal.k ...
ada, $10; Cubs $12 31; I'alv, $9 at; Greece
$12 22; Norw.y, $6 6i; Iltninark, fit 72;
Russia, $8 17; Mexico $5 "Inc- ihe state
ment was tabulated ihe U Baited S:ats his
darreau-d 10 $15 55 The tib!e pu s the
A I h oc k
1 vegeta'i.e.
omniertv was almost destroyed by fire
this morning, by hoi ashes setting fire to
the wiodwork upstairs. The rooms 0r the i
Commercial Club, which were in the build I
mir. were conipieic-y ruined. Ioe., gilO,
A Big Dead
W.y.t.t Wali a. Jaa 3.-J K lalmislon.
president ef the Walla Walla Savings bank
now defunct, was taken before a justice of
the peace this morning and arraigned ,
the charge of cmbe.-.!emen! (lin., . .
the abseuce of one of ibe defendant's a.
lornevs. tne examination was postponed
until January 22. Bonds were fixed at
aVaO.OOO During the afternoon, in churge
of an officer, defendant went about town
endeavoring lo secure bonds, but wai un
successful. The bond was reduced to f 10-bUO.
ulcly harm est
IJeware of Itnltatlons, and do not he de
ceived by misreprc'tentation. Ask lor
A a 1 ... .
Stock of gold money a, a oof o.o.oo: Silver I "Z'; " ,-,c,,u. or. P!a
- - ' . ...... , tiiuurc
oregoa la 1.
Porous Plasters .ire nurelw Washi.Vhtov I.,n 'l VI ,
The mild but effertive 1 'lilt -ed in 11 i Ii ii.. truln tr n I. Ill a !..
sure and quick in ,hcir actio... and abso! burse Oretron. California n K Iifu
j o, t.niieii oy ttiem in iiie snppres
TThroiifirh TicltetM
to all point in the Ktstern State., Canvla
Burt.te can be ob'ained at oweet ra'e from ft U
Prone, Airent A'Mny.
K , . lasia K f. HieiBHS,
sfanaarer Vss't O P. nd
Prt'n.S Oreawn
you to accent a substitute.
A Goon Pun. It I a good plan lo
subtciibe for and read carefully your own
home 1 a per, as It is the aim of this pa;icr
10 oi.iac nn euiicntinnai lac 'or In the
I v the n o osiirn to i.nv tnivii...,! I j - . . iiiai, 11 you are out
J r , - ........ aa, q
Is an rIT.ii t ft) the ri.Ii. Well t'n
$'i93,iioo'; uncovered pap;r money ,f 2'
The Oregonian will (Uc'are that ih at
tempt make the rich pay a .fait share oftla
taxe. to ilh ihe sovc mei.t, as 1 i
sion of Ihe rebellion,
slates will receive:
Culifot Km
Under the bill these
at -r'SJ-tDeqtzalitis.ia. a ur.aurr.aH. (lw
asatlaatfaa twu boxes of any .irrter t . t
fii TOB BAH, WYDgAT.Elta OBUr JtALLlf., r
wealth ( f Ihe country has bi en crcsping lax
a'jen along lime and me hoal of the organs
of (hat class la .10 terror to In, -t fnirdesllng
people. Lei th: I'. come lav b: imposed by
all mrars
'i be 7Vrgu t aats wilh an nident de
gtee of pride of the fact lhat its ediloi'
mogul, Governor I'eni o)er, It the most e
tenslvely advertised man in the country.
But e t'o not see that this r.otorle'y is
crediiablc. Benedict Arnols", Wilkes Booth
anil Guitawu were r as well kroan In
ihelr day aa Governor Pennoyer. But
their course of life wat not held up as ex
amples to be followed by the ridng generation.
a : .1. ...i.a. . . a
J'"i " 111 10 it. crease votir Income
then here It the place o find' It. In an
other column you will find an advertise
ment of B F Johnson A Co, of Richmond,
Va, lor workers, that mav Interest vou.
Whatever may be Ihe cause ol blanch
ing, the hair mtiy be restored to its origi
ns! color by the use of Ilia! potent remedy
Mali's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Rrnewer.
cme Sruja.'. Bile lAi7e7e7aafl7t fore
iwfk arouse Ten ! 1 'dyer. Sou. per hoitlw
$ :te,182
3 ',9M,9l.i
Flveakalrrs Drew ard
Ubumn, Jan 3.-At Cottbus. Baranden-
OU'i:, a IliriTO mo,. bar f aUilJ
" - ' '-- --' v siiaiujeit were
saaung 011 me spree, when the ice gave
ni .ou ot mem tell into the river
wenty were rescued ar.d the other tiv,
tbe t iitoa bill bat I
putting the shove ia print the rtptiblicaos 1 hee" formula.ed 01 he ainea of retecue '
j oi Pennsylvania were nomlnatoig GaKutba A ! regaxdlets cl proltction. And while ibe I
bid doe not uige cur aniT s)tlem at j
I rhnt tMSSjsty of is praxecion tur.t at we s
cuid Oct re yet it is s 'Jisrough change of
he times. Too while the McKinley diii
was dictated br the bsniiieirie of the meat
ure-vs the manufactures, without consuming
tbe wiiti- ot tbe people who pay tt- ;,x
es. The Wiiton bill tsaasss intra rwasf I
-a.-... a- (
tion the needs of lhe gorcrnn-.eut I'orlreren i
ue. Alto Ihe interet-a of the sssmls a I
well as the mnufctura No Mr E MtBT 1 1
predict the passage of the Wi s:n bid which j
carriet wilh it the repeal of the McKinler :
law. for I I.e. -eve he r&ri in powe under I
stand thiir icstructicns irom t: e pttant
(the protevtione-M howl to tl.e contrary not
withstandin,j. And when mis law shall go
Into opetation, you will tee this c'oud of ale.
prestion which hang D,tr ,e poipleof the
people nf the tnited States disjiers. as ,
snistt before th tun. We will te-uai our
soeaiii' ioitior.r, peace a' d pio-inrny will
prevalei the ISUM, anj tjtoa If furjher taritl
reform stioal l lix-om.- tteeessar' it will be
an ea..y mallei to ncccon; tli i; for :t.e avill
of tne people will havj prevailed no. And
men il woat.t l Ccr aln to prevul
Clop Hopper
wholly owixg to the
apprehension of allirations in t.e UcKirle
Nobeiler ptcparslion fcr lhe hair ba
ever Leen In.enttd than Aver't Hair
Vigor, it restore the original color 10
faded and gray hair, and imparl that
i-alural g oat and ficthnets, everyone to
mu.h sdmirct. Its reputation U world
Send for
Addresr, RKV. F. N. CON01T,
Albany, On-gon
Direct Line
Quick Dispatch
Low Freight Rates
"t"e. Points and
Betweea Wlllaitte
San I
oceai ifEiis; iithtfat
rsoa aa rtaictaco
wXlazcett Val'.ey, Bays ltaa, n-Ji.S3are.
SSSS y-ta.
WClaates-.i Vai:r. 3tv -.h, 19th aad SStb .
Snilnh's VittliSer
la sit... .... . .. 1 -
dysiaepsia. r,.ul llyer, ve.h.w akin or Sid
ney trou aie. It 1 e'laranteed tolLiv. vo
ae'ioei. Price 75j. Said lw !.-....,.
T3- LOO aafsaaaS
The Oomptany tivwye :h rtgnt t
hauge ssailins dates without notice.
RIVER s f f lUKKs
teasel U'as'" leavat PartU-il Wednesday aad
Satwriav Saw.
U C DT.Oen ArXSilasn Street Waarf.Parttaae
P R Vaasb-i, Geo Ay. Sta Fntaeiaeo. Caal.
R E Mulcaay, Oenerat S tjs:
lhe tiraalae Aad The ahai
A CLIld I n ni .
Tne p'easant flavor, gentle action anu
soothing effect o Syrup ot Figs, when in
need of a laxative, and If the father or
mother be costive or bilious, the moat
gratifying results follow its use; so that it
. mc icsi lamny remedy known
every family should have a bottle.
filnloh'a Oare, tne great oough sod croup
50' is for salo by us. Pocket size contains
w nt- li' tloms.only 25o. Children Uve it
oshay ft Maaon.
We are slill selling Dress goods and
Ci esand Jscke's at greatly reduced prices
for cash. We Invite you to examine Ihe
Rfil, PtacoiU &Co goods and prices.
Vki, You Cam aie th: finest line o
sables for suitings In tne Hate at WR
Graham s, where he has a tailor with few
equals on hand to make them up on short
"i ' L9"he bc,lt ,n8t stylish
cults of him. A new feature will be the
tr.ak ng of ladles' cloaks to order, or the
altering of cloaks to the latest styles, and
ha repairing of cloak. Prices are bot
tom ones.
Every good thing has it host of l.n
itatcm; every genuine anlcle lit counter-
aens. Aiicimiutors ulwavs chooee He
most valuable and popular anlcle to
counterfeit, o that when they c aim tSelr
" vquai. ur as good, or the same
at -00 anu-k-ao-a, ' tbe public mav tiep-nd
upon It thai "So-and-So'" article Is ihe
oest 01 tne Kind. The aham prove lhe
genuine n-erit of the thing It coptrs and
never has this been better Illustrated than
by the Imitations of Allcock's Porous
Allcock's Porous Plaster ia the artdard
of excellence the world over, and Its Im
a ,",,helr ''' th theirs is "a BOid
rant. . ck," are only et.iphaslzfna, this
factand admitting "Allcock's" to bv- u,e
acme of petfeclion. which It Is their hiuh
est ambition to Imitate. The difference
netween the genuine and these Imitations
which copy only general Is as
wide as that between copper and gold
The only safe way for purchasers Is to
always Insist upon having Allcock's Por
ous blasters. They are the only perfect
plasters ever produced
renay Wise aad lo a nil Fosllab.
The man or woman who does not sup
port their own home paper can be proper-
Ish. It brings, fu. Instance, to your door
opportunities for securing the best bar
gainik In everything. If r0a v,m "
ploymcnt, then we assist you. That re.
minds as that the advertl-ement of B F
oh nson & Cti, Richmond. Va, in another
t'lumumav prova of re.i i. ......
A l. tnan... ' AUU
prevul very re-
iCJ I I lsBaJ.llltssSSS-sSa,sasaw-rw
anBNaaxra 'TnirrrT
or sent by rnatl aaaaav.m.
osanpeea xitrat
AO strteeabas Laxa
, a-w aa ffflMVe.
Ur. Pricx-'s Cream faaakinsr Powder
For': Yeart tits ataaataf.
When a doctor considers it necessary
to prescribe sarsaparillx, he simply order.
a bollle of Ayer's, krowlne full wclltHr.t
be will obtain Iheretav a surer and purer
preparation than ar.v other which the drug
store can furnish. Ayer's Sarsnparliia is.
the superior mealicine
t Jto, ' Fayortte TWH KffSU
MM W t or the Teeth and iTeatla,aSo.
Heir Praise.
Self praise It no recommendation, ou!
there are not limes when one must nerxnlt
a person to fell lhe truth .hot
When what he savs is sunnorted Wikl
testimony of ctheie no reasonable "man
will doubl his word. Now, to sav that
Allcock's Porous Planers are trap eani
genuine and reliable porous -Masters made
Is not self praise in the slightest degree
They have stood tne test ior over ihirtv
a ears, ami in prool ot their merits it Is only
necessary !o call attention to the cuies
they have effected and to the voluniary
lestlmonials of ihose who have used them.
Bewaie. ol imitations, and do not be dcr
ceived by misrepresentation. Ask tor
Allcock's, and let no solicitation or expla
nation induce you lo accept a substitute.
Captain Sweeney, U.S. A- San Dieso. Osl.
Bj run- Starrh BetrsedjktjSt
SHILOH'S cure;
Tbjb Gbxat Cough Ccaa tjexaraptxreaTCi
Wberesll others falL For Coruucopuon lt has
Bo rival; has cured thodtaada, and will eras
IDC, If taSea In time. Prjc83 :t; ii ;ta ti,M.
Red CrownMills
aw ntMBBl n.ora sitrKKioa pok sAau4a
a : miihs ess.
ar. 1
CUatftla riaTrottry,
sa mercury win scrcaki destroy the sc
use eai I
SSBSJ and corup'.cte.y uv.-:i: ..e t'uj waosa ajredsaa J
when euterir.K it through tdkOiu.: ttaa fur'biecs. I
mm mm city
t) 1 DATd TO
Olives In Bulk, saner kraut, mixed (
Pickles, chow ,ho, cianberrlcs, lemoa. !
1 naKeu i.ominv, and n.-w raisins at C E
j Brownells
stsisB anirirs stteaum ecver t-o u-.-.i e-evpt oa
proscriptions fatal tepuUMS -ajaj . ,.i;is ta (jjf
eJaavaae they wii do is t n f..' .1 1; 1 . ko.v! voo
van possibly derive rroot i'.e.e. j';, ' t a:atrrb
aurr-, ii... uu tan tl real OT a . .1 . .Il !'. -V ,n Co.
ak'icsao, a. , no
lntcriially. ..,: ,,. dir
mucous s'u rfaces oft h
atarrh be t'ire -
taken illiernaliv lit-. rl ia n, . o, TV..a '
by F. J."yheney A, t ... T.-.-tintonials Iree. '
. SH H CJ.rk' Uliver W M", R Ellei
Anderson, Receivers. '
For rates and general Info, mation call
on or address r.irr.n A a.t...-.u a 1
... ............. a.o.. i r-, -skoic-aiii ..-ioanv
onu-i taktn i vJregon, or '
1 and tx? H HI'RT bitdt a
Hall's " HLKIBCRT,Asst.Gt-n l. Pats. Aet
254 vvashlngtonSt.,
Portlanb, Otto.-
It U
Bold by lriigb-lsts , prici JSC. j.r botae.