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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1894)
WtiKi.v DemIcrat, $i S per year in advance. $ .oo at end of year. :rui:o:isr:DA3r Wants an Office for Cap. The Pen dleton E O says: F P Cavines?, fathpr of W W C&viness, ia in the city today visiting Captain N B Humphrey at trie Golden Rtiie Hotel. MrCaviness is now 32 years of age and came to this country in 1S62. He is Active yet, and attends to business matters w ith a vigor which v fluid do credit to a younger man. He said : "I came up on purpose to see my old friend, the captain, whom I have known for 25 years- Cannot we elect him to some office ? I do not know as he wou'd want such action to be taken by his friends, but you cannot show tne a man more worthy of support than the genial captain. Let's get in and make him accept some office It 1 were yonng I would take my coat off and put in my time in convincing people that Captain, Humphrey deserves hearty support." I Mr Caribess has been an extensive j traveler, and few corners of the United I States have been left unexplored by him. At one time he spent ten years in constantly going from state to state-? and relates many interesting experiences. He is now feeble, but says he likes to! mi in the world ami wants to have something to employ his time so long as he lives. Coyote Scalps. Thirteen coyote scalps have recently been presented the county conrt for the regular $3 bounty. They were all rejected for the reason that the indications were strong that the scalps were brought from over the moun tains and Tere not killed in this county. There are no coyotes in the part of tlie county where it was claimed the aui mals were gotten. Driving the Brain at of the expense the Body. While; we drive tbft brain we must build up the body. Ex ercise, pure air foods that make healthy flesh refreshing sleep such are methods. When loss cf flesh, strength and nerve become apparent your physician will doubtless tell you that the quickest builder of all three is Emulsion cf Coc Liver Oil, which not only crcLes ficsh of and in itself, but ti ir..-jl;.rs the appetite for other (iV.K'.3. ! naml b? croit a 3owr. N T. All eriiirtAJL at-mzr wmtm )! mi ib mm CUAR01AN S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Notice ia beieb7 givkn that the undersign ed guardian ct Aicbie C W itson, a minor. , . , . 1 ,, in acoordaoee iwttb "cente granted b, the County Coo. t of Linn County, Oregoa. to sell the real estate belonging to said aucri w ill on Saturday the 3.d day of Ft b, 1S94, .t the hour of 1 o'clock d in, at the Court House door in Albany, I inn County, Oregor, ex po's for sale, at auction, to the higheit Li 1 bar, for cash, the following described reaj estate belonging tossid minor, to-it: An undivided one-sixteenth of the following described tract of hftd commencing at a point 00 I he north line of the Donation Land claim of VinosLt Watsoo and Mar . Watson his wife, r9.40 chains east from northwest ernerofaaid claim, it being not No 17961 claim No 172 in tp 11 S R 4 west of Willsm e'te meriditu sue running -.hence East 32 lo chstui to thence sooth 10 25 chss then-- east 8.19 Ms, thencs toath 18 28 c liv thence west 40.2V, tnence north 28.53 chains to the ( 1 f b-sJuning containing lo5. 55 a.res, note or leas, all in Linn boun ty Oie no. sui ject tr the life estate of Aaron Wi'aon in said lsnd, Also toe fol owiog: An undivided one four", n cf the following tract of laiic, Resin ning at the. sonthweat comer of tha Dona tion Land ' 1. of G H Huxhe snd wife, claim No 78 in tp 11 S E 4. west of Willsm et'e Meridian ami ruoninu ihenceat 1.7.41 chains to a poiut that is 28 links north of an oak post set on the south side cf ibe connty road thence south 20 SO chaius to a stake, thence west 5.22 chains 10 a take, t'jeoee north i5.70 chains to a stake en the north line of the Donatioi Lsod elaim of Yircect Wataon and wife, thence wec 7.97 chains to an interior coiner of said Watson c'a ni. thenoe noith 5. lO chains to place 'I lemo ning, coulaiuing 15 acre, mors ut lev, in L nn County, Oregon, tunjec. tn the life eatate of Aaron Wi'eou in sa'd la d. Albiny Oregon, Jan 4 h. 1SS4. H C Watsom, Gosrdrsn o' Archie C Wilior. Assignee's Notice. In the matter of the assignment of Henry Freeman insolvent debtcr. Notice ia hereby given that Henry Freeman Ponnd haa assigned to me all his property for the benefit of all bis creditors in accordance with the laws of the state of Oregon relating to general assignments by insolvent debtors. All creditors of the said Henry Freeman Pound are noticed to present their claim under oath, to me at the office of Blcck burr & Watson, attys , in the city of Al -bany, Oregon, within three months from the date of this notice Dated .lbanv, Or , Dec 8th, 18tf3. B. H. Ibvinc, Assignee. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE iS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE WJtU danrignwl bu flltd hU floai iu the MtaU of EnwiiM E lUabrouck, decemned, with the county clerk of Linn county, Oreyotk, and that the county court of said Linn county, has flxad iurday, the Uth day t January, .H-,'4, t u hour of 10 o'clock la th fortnoxMi id aaid day, mnd tha eounty court house aa vta plcm, for tba hearing of objection if any u aaid filial ao count and tne aattiement of amid eatate. Dated December Uth, 1804. Yr R BILTEl', O W WRIGHT, Admin de Sonia non cuaa AUfor EaUte. laeumaritoanncxu. W TAYLOR. House Cleaner Garflener aiJ GefleralJolitier. Carpet Laying and Cleaning, Ch'.mtry Cleaning, Whitewashing and Window clearing a Specialty. Call at Doot Black shaving parlors. Sland ai Lkiidreth'a CENTRAL Poultry anil Fisl lutt. Broadalbin, between Second und Third Sb., ALBANY, OR. Poultry, Fish, Oystera, Claiis, Game in Season. Everything nice and fresh. Give us a call. SCHMEER & CALLAHAN w; thus msktiiK .00 t( 935.00 FEB WKEK. Parties preferred who can furnish a horse sud travel through the coun tr;a team, though, ia Dot necessary. A few vacancies in towns ami ciliea. Spare bouts may lo used to good ad van tig B F Johmsos (Co. 11th and Main Sta, HichtnoD i, Va. Dr. Price' Cream baking Powder Moat Perfect Made. I'ennoycr has not made a cranky move or several days. W hat Is the matter? A Rainy Day club has been formed in Salem. This simply means short skirt6 in wet weathei. Thi ElwooJ and Modoc nre fighting the Altonafor river traffic. The result is some very cheap rates on the Willamette. A hunter on one of the mountain meadows near Camas pralilc killed five cougars in one day. The largest was nine feet long. Although Roseburg already has a re publican paper a movement is on foot to (tart another one. Some people have pecu liar ideas of long felt wants. Atjent Fronk has received a supply of Midwinter fair tickets, which will be" put on the market when the fait opens, which will otcur some time dining 1S04. Ladies Aid Society meets to-morrow afternoon wiih Mrs L E Ulain at half past two o'clock, for the purpose of elect ing officers for the year. Let all mem bers be present. Cltyiwarrants sti'l bring 85 cents and no sale. State warrant are at par. count v warrants are at 95 cents, school warrant's are received as collateral security.--Salem Journal. Frnk Morrison and Colonel I 11 Kith- Ian have purchased the Portland weekly j Dispi'ch bam font- Noltncr, and will cor! tin lie its publication on the same lines as heretofore . Saturday the O P tnia run into a eou pie feet of snow at Detroit. Several trees fe'l across the track tills side, thus blockading (he trai.i, wh'ch was unab'c to return to Albany until yesterdav after noon. A circular from Albro Akin shows j In 1S93 the world brewed 137,000,000 bar rels of beer; used up 1, o3 1 000 bales, of j hops, produced 907,000 bales, leaving a soor.age 01 1 -5, coo Dales. C W Lamson, cashier of the defunct bank at Junction. Is out of luck. A few months since he opened a racket rKore In Forest Grove, and list week he was forced to close the same on account of a number of attachments, Gray's liver has a world beater in the fat woman line. She weighs 350 pjunds and 6he has to stay at home because she would swamp any of the small boats which furnish the onlv" transportation facilities the settlement affords. The Salem Sia'esma 1 says that the state ax levy for this year will prohablv be mi. Is. Last vear It was"f mil. together with a" special tax cf onc- seventh of a mill for the support of the ' siatc university and one fifth ot a mill for the supoort of the Oregon national guard The history of I803 will be the history of I ! the daikest eprch of the nation's life since ! the civil war. The fire losses in the Unit ,.hni ii,. . ut. .1 eJ States it isbeliexed will rea-h a tout of f . 60,000.000, a figure greater thtn that of any former vear except 1671, ti.e year of the eieat fire, when tS.000 buildings ere burned in Chicago with a loss of $192,000,00. It is always darkest just before dawn and the sun of properitv for 1 8y 4 h as already begun to rise ab-ve the industrtal horizon. Spokane Chronicle. Mr Frank Staff, of Salem, spert Sundar in Albany. Miss Xora Zej-ss has returned from a trip to Chicago. Dr J W Thomas, of Wolalla, is in the city the guest of Mr E A Parker. F O Brecken ridge, of Portland, ia spending a few days in Albany. Ex-Marshal McFeron has returned to his leather apron, and is no aciivelr engaged in draying. nt i v visiuiwuriirji 11 A Ui;il HfUl to Portland thU noon with his daughter who U a hSJ ' T x . . 1 t onnty Commis-iocer .1 W Fu'h -Mrs Lena R Jetlenes is out from Ya- qnina visitinz her tarem ;t ; Mr and Mrs W A Cox. " ' Ex-County Assessor Villiams has been in the city today posting the 1 k . on matters np the Santiam. ThosJ Elliot, of Camp creek. Lane county, announces himself a candidate or congress on the Populist ticket. J M Lawrence has been elected editor of the Salem Daily Democrat. Mr Flagg will continue to itatlish the Week It I Oregon Democrat. J R Weatherbee, the new director of physical culture of the Stale University was in Albany yesterday on his way to Eugene to begin his duties. He is a psasaaatswi me -san-i and : character that count in life's battle. Mr L P Keller, ii7ing on went out earlv to shoot a Juniper flat. ! oyote which j had been howlin? around th nramiiu After disrharging his Winchester at tha animal and just as be was throwing out the empty shell bis gun was in some wav discharge!. The ball went through the door and bed. Mrs" Kelley bad risen from bed aud escaped the charge. Tut SniKEr Car Lise. The loss by the recent fire which caused the destrur tion ot the street car plant has been ad justed with the London & Lincolnshire Insurance Company at a tew dollars over $210j. Amove is on foot which will prooaoiy resnr-in a great impiovememi to the street car franchise. A man reo- I resenting the Edison A HawtiaM Mawtrta . ' . h Ujn I, CU- 11 Light Co is on the wav from New York c'ty for the purpose of bnylust the fran chise, if done it will bs transformed into an electric lire, and as well a rral electric motor power and lighting for the city will be furnished. The move ment is an important one for Albany, and will generally be hoped materializes Better UO than Demi. The Cor vallis Gazette, "a paper in a dead towr. gets off the following aftar a desperate effort: "Ciod bless the man whofirst in vented sleep," so Don Sancho Panza said and so says Albany. They had quite a . fire down there the other night, but! ee;med unaware of its existence. Officer ' Mc Lagan, as usual at his post of duty,' noticed the light and suggested to Carl Hodes, at the telephone exchange that a tire was raging in Albany, who in turn notified them that the town was burn ing. Had an Oregon Pacific train been handy, the Cor'allis fire department would have taken their apparatus Jown and put it out and thus avoided awaken ing the tired people of that sleepy town . Bio Hcstiso. The Oregon city Cou rier tella of some hunting that makes quite an item: "W G Clark, an adven turous hunter and trapper, who used to shoot I dians with Budalo Bill, has been spending a year at ttsa headwaters of the Clackamas and Molalla rivers hunting elk and deer acd trapping. Though tbe 1 snow was last winter twenty feet deep at ins cabin on the soalli side of Mt Hood, he killed 120 elk and about 200 deer, and secured a number of ininK, lynx, sable, ox and o'her skina. Tne furs and elk. deer and bear meat be sold with lb ' ot a packer, and he makes tba years bunt very profitable." Foil City Officerm At tbe meeting of the city ccuucil tomorrow night there will be an election lor three night watches, two being also engineers, a street superintendent and a city attor ney. Considerable interest is bsing manifested in the contest. For night watch and engineer of No. 1'aare Mr Moore, recently engineer of the motor, Chas Burns, Jack Roecoe, Mr if y land and U O Hale, and perhaps a fear others. For street superintendent: 1 C l)ic'ey, Jas McHargue, J N Hoffman, George Hughes, George Burkhart, A 1) Morris, j Ben Johnson, J W Reecc and others are j candidates. I. A. Morris & Co, Flour acd Feci Store, Have removed their ilore to oppordle the Rims House, and have on hand a full stock of CHOPPED FEED: Custom chopping done. CORVALL S FLCU.t, B.iAN, SHORTS CERM MEAL. GRAHAM, BUCK WHEAT RVC CinilR UAV t nun g ii i l i buvii) nn i CATS. STRAW AND A RENTS MAKE FIVE DOLLARS a day selling the greatest kitchen uten sil ever Invented. Retails for thirty-five cents. Two to six can be sold in every house. Millions aold in this country alone. Don't miss (he greatest opportunity ever known to make money, oasi'.v and quickly. Sample sent, postage prepa'd for five cents. McMakin Si Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. COIXiEOII XT 3ME C3 Satnrday afternoon Prof Lewis of Pa cific University led a balf hour's devo tional meeting, subject "The Holv Spirit." The topic of "Commit tea Work" was taken up. J K Johnson of l'acilic College, F K Washburn of Portland University, J A DupauMttt, and .Mr ISrown of Port land, Mr llandsnkcr of Monmouth, Mr Doughty of Corvalliaand others spoke on the subject. "The relation of the gymnasium to the association" was presented by J R Weatli erbeeof Eugene, followed by Prof Powell of Forest Grove and others. It was urged that the College Y M C A should take some active Dart in brinuir.a : about iulet-collegiate athletic contests. I The time has fully come for such con tests in Oregon and if the College Y M (' ' A does not take the matter up other or ganizations will, and thus our nssocia : itons will lose a grand opportunity to gt ' 1 hold of the boys, who are interested in ! athletics but who are not interested in Y MO A work. j An interesting question box was pre ; si-.l. over by Mr Dummett. The evening session was opened w ith i a song and praise service, followed by prayer !od by Rev Trow of the t'ongrega- ! iionai cnurcti. pare j Hunt made ap propriate remarks. Dr McClelland of , the Pacific University was introduced as the speaker ot the evening and spoke on j Iheaabject of "The centra aim of Col lege Y M C A Work." The lecture was ! thoughtful one and was appreciated by all hearing it, Yes'erday's services began w ith a con secration meeting at U:30 o'clock, lead by J A Dummett, closing with 11 circle a d the song "BllMWd be the tie that binds." AtlOtoO Mr Hum spoVe at the Pres byterian church, aud Mr lacks, of the Portland Y M C A at the U P church. j The latter showed how men's sins lead , to their poverty in times like these, and J called attention to the fact that you do not find Christians amoug the beggars : and trarnpB of the day. At 4 o'c.'ock Dr Driver spoke at the : opera house to a iarge audience on Social I Puritv . W hile the Doctor wanders some from his text be strikes bard blows that ahon'd be digested. In the evening the farewell were held at the M E church, before a ; packed house. J A Dummett presided. rbe committee on resolutions reported expressing thanks to all who have so well asaialel in matting the convention a sue cess. IMe followink were called for acd I responded with eLort remarks Carlton Sf' PI58:,,.e",1 ra nev BinTulw nev j 1 nooeu: K W Emmett, Preiident Albany Coilege ; Y M C A; Mr Tempieton, President of j Y M C A state I'niveraitv Prof Powell, I of Pacific Univergit ; Mr Brown, Prea ' ident Willamette Cnivraity Y MCA. Prof Iewia, of Forest tirove; Mr Wi!- Hams. President of McMainville College ! Y M C A : Mr Brown, President of Port land University YM C A ; Prof Loyt, of Pacific University: Mr Handsaker, President Monmouth Y M C A; Mr Doty, President Agricultural Y MCA; Prof Hawler ot Willamette I'niveritv : Noel H Jacks and Mr Hunt. The con vention closed with the circle and blessed ' be the tie that bind, lr Driver giving the parting remarks. THE UELLTlitNS. We your committee on re.vlutioc. law i leave to subaiit the following- report 1 Resolved. That we return thank? to the Almighty Father for his manifest ble?ini-s during the sessions of the convention, and upon our work among the collezes of Ore gon, ana with his continued blessing we go i trom here witai a lenewot zeal for tne work, and with increased energy to piw CBaVa our laborers in this portion of the Master's vineyard. 2. Resolved. That our tiLs are due the Southern Paciao R R Cow reduction in fares to delegates. 3. Resolved, That our ruost heart v thanks are tendered the Apollo Club and others for furnishing us with muiic during the con vention. 4. Resolved, That we here; y extend our thanVs to the Herald. DaOaXX uat and Tele scope, newspapers of Albany, and other papers giving space to reports of the con vention. 5. Resolved, That we render our special hank? to Professor Lw. of Albany College. or his ut!e ami efficient leadership ot tnnv..nHnn Resolved. That our heart v thanks are due Dr I D Driver, of Eugene.Prvs Tlumas McClelland, of Pacific University. Prea C H Chapman of the Slate University. Pres K N Contiit. Albany College, Prof Lewis, of Pa cinc College, and Pmf P L Campbell, of Monmouth State Normal, for their valua ble assistance in our program. 7. Resolve!, lliat we heartily appreciate the wise counsel and inspiration of the State Secietary. J A Dummett, and also th-. as sistance of Mod II .la k-. .'crctarv of the P :: : V M C A. 8. Resolved. That wc heartily appreciate j the kindness of the International committee, i in New York, in sending to us tha Inter I4MMI College Secretary. E Lawrence Hunt, whose preset and inspiring i ua'c '.r0 .-1 8?". "elP in cir meeuftga I " , , .. 9. Resolved, That we render our heart felt thanks to tha many kind families of Albany for the hospitality of their homes, linfl tllA VtfV rmttl 1-i rwl nrw. tplti irli?rli WO I have been entertained. 10. Resolved. That we record our appre ciation of the courtesy of the Albany Col lege in granting us the use of their build ing, and of the wo-k of the entertainment committee for t'tie completeness of the pro visions made for our reception and enter tainment. H. S. Tkmpletox. A. K. PataUHW, D. C. WllUAMS II. V. attar. A iitiisv iAt.i A tirand Uniform ball will be (riven by F Co, Second Reg iment O N i, at their ha'l on 2nd st Wedneiday evening Jnn HI, 185M. Mr Leymans orchestra o Salem have been engagel to furnish music. Tbe public are cprdially invited to como and have a good time. Spectators tickets 25 cts. Danco tickets $1.00. A grand concert will precede dancing. The annual meeting of the Ladies Aid Society was heiJ yesterday afternoon. Mrs L K lliain was steeled pre-idcnt; Mrs Reason McConnelf! vice president; Mrs W R Uilvtu, secretai v ; Mrs J K Weatlitr- foJd. trtaatirer. Advisory boarj. McCoimeM, Mis Mrs J M Weathei ford Mr Irvinj;. A lean at Libanou hired a riK tn corre to Albany and meet sister ea the overland, atih w is charrd 110. 00. tin th'nks the price wras deciiic il f steep f.- hard tlmrs anil is itivicg tho livery insn so ne tree advertis ing. Lancashire and not London A Lanca shire Insurance company, in which the street car was Insured . The papers for Hie securing of the tctio'il bonds were expressed today to tba agent. An Albany Jewf.lrv Stork jftatih patronizing Is that of Will 4 SlarU. 'Ihey cairy the finest line of silverware, waichcs, cock and lewelry t-nerallv in the vallev, and sat isfactory prices are always given for the superior quality of goods they keep in stockj rsevr buy without calling cn them . BOKN. xnyaaasun . un ixwaoa i-nminir Jan 9, 18U4, in Albany to Mr ami Nrs W S 1 hoinp.-on a jrirl. Dlt.U. KEKSKE At the residence of Win Knotta, aliotit four miles north of Cor vallis, on .lau 0. at 7 o'clock a in, Miss Lizzie Keesee, aged 24 yeara. Mias Kccsee was ono el the lirst persons whom the Man abuut Town met on coming to the Central Willamette, and he bus a kind remembrance lor her, aince then her father, mother and one brother have died. Henry Keesee, of klatiiaui county is the only surviviug metuber of the family. HMiGEIiS. At Leljanon Oregon, Jan uary 6, lfy4, Mrs Nancy liiggers, uj.:ed 70 yijiirs. Mrs itiggers whs born in Kentucky :i rid earr.e to Oregon in 18.r,3. She leaves the following children to mourn her loss. Dr O W Bigtffirs, of Maker Cty. Mra Fry ana Mumnm, ioivnte, vvasn, Mrs Heard, of i'ortlarul, and Mra Kin" of Iil) - anon. TTJESD K. 1B03 aXAKRIktZIS According to our annual custom we give below the marriages in Linn county for the year 1899 ns show n by the records in the clerks office. Several returns have not yet been made: .1 AM'AUV. t; v King mid Matilda 3 Hanrahaa. 1. N P Settle and Paaline Bode. 4. K E OonnleV and Martini I Gray. l.t'ighton Jeffenes and Lena vox. .1 V Mane and Ada M De How . W M Mania ami Etta 11 Baker. Phillip Lewis and label le Senders. K V, Cooper and Halite M Pearl. Roliert Pepnerling and Areeka Mont 12. 8. 8. Ill 18. gomery. IS. .las Fitzgerald and Mall L tlatts. V.i. Henrv Sylvester and Addie Kitwater. 36. 0 H Dinwiddle and da MeKinney. 2D. Dnncan Berry and Florence A on 28. T A Edgar and Ida Staart. KKllUfAItV. 'V ti Perry aud Carrie M Meil H W Wallace and Lillie Mi-Bride I'll Ross and Aila Lock wood G W Richardson aad Mary Osborn. Audrew Cross and Catherine Put man W 1 Warmoutli and Kate Stalling. Albert L Cole and Maud Wvlio. August Slmltr. and Dasie A Keeney. A A Hurrell and lella MeKinney. .las K Munsev and Ida Maple. 1 IS. 15. ia. 34. W 1 Moore and Laura L Word. 25. A Kichman and BsessMfc fmati hoffer. !.. Silas E Keener and Kva liiiikard. Homer W Rive and llattie Pickens. Huit Roberts and lailu Mcliec. M D Phillips and Anna BcUoaaer, .. 17. MAKf II. I. Kdward pAvlestor.e and Izorn Marks, lohn V Shook and Sophv Potter. 5. Frank Wieland and Bertha Phieny. . H t Snilling and Etta F Allen. 15. C K Skinner and Kit Vale !:. Clyde A Reach and Gntce Rogers. 15. Cnas li Henderson and Kinm.i A Crockett. 1. .1 M l'o- and r.i S lUltir.wre. It. 18. Thos Cheshire and Millie . I Han. Russell A Kent and Alice tioin. Jos F Watsun and Julia F. Swank. Wm Arnold and Ktta Ritrgs. J.s ALr.uns and Elizabeth Corwin. :. W Homer and Carrie Cooley. :. '. r. Adamson and Marv 1 Claud 1 Campbell rnd Ktfie Kld.-r. Ml W T Rinebart and M Olivia tiilbert. J3 Frank lliomus ami Alhe Lake. i". (i B Franklin and Caroline Uolman. :). Jos Crabtiee and l.ucyF.d wards. :). L J Con net and Mary Thompson. SB. Wid Ailams and Luella Stockton. ;). E L Ross und Fannie Word. 2j. Saiiiuel Menoher and Virginia Shields. 30. J F Simpton and Ada Anderson. MAY- John Bender and Theressa Kecfner. Eilward Schmeer and Alice Brown. W A Carey and Ollie Fnvl:inL PT A Trite and Hattie tiraf. (i W Burtt and Kate Edward. Ull Allen and Klanor Carter. 3. 10. 11. 16. 1. W B Booth and Meltina J MUler. MB. I ranklmL Andersou and I jum Vf- j nciT 12. ChMer i laines and Jennie ieurge. 28. Arthur Smith and Anna K Dike. 'X. Chas E Smith and llattie "honor. 5. J P Cwwi and Ida B MjioVi. 6. J J Leonard and K B Rutherford. B. J C Kittewell and Kt!wr Hsllowav. MK Kml Close and Mand Heeley 12. F C Craddock ind Julia li V.lm. 12. Thomas Skellev and lrnciila Hudson, i'.. W M Hawk and Ktla Walker. 2. B F Shannon and Carrie Davis. 26. t ; S Huston and Elia Shejdierd. 27. Edward L Whtleranl Ltiza .ini. CS. J A Cwwy aW i trace McCormick. 2. J C Km.!:ey and Khodd MeKinney. A Chas 0 Rawhngs an-1 EJna Clean . 29. Lewis L Matney and Mattie Temple. 2. W 0 Donoghae and Margaret P;ui- j ea ' L C C Corbin and S S Williamaw. 4. C B Lj'iney and Elpha Lviuev. 27. William Wiggs and Hattie Fas. ' T. N W I-eabro and S E Kleimliammer. 9. Johnson Lee and Lizzie Copemhaver. 12. John Tweetiie and Effie Spaiingw. 13. Peter Arp and Mary Freese. 16. W 8 Stitt and Allie Hessroan 2. Iavid E Hare and Nellie i.iatts 12. Chas B Kennedy and Mary Poir.deiu-r. ; !'.. alter Simmonds and Ida Roat. W i !!-:. lii i-.n and Marv Fmr.k. 21. Peter Satgol and Theodocia Clara. taV R Lawton and Carrie M Eves, "i6. )' Burtensluw an J Maud Eaton. Geo E Skirmer and Vina Galloway. !'!:- jo .wer and Fther Teal. W H Ribelan and Elin-.r Wilson, das Lu Porter anl lalli- Cane. C II lialwax and Nannie Mulholland. Ben J B:irker and Helen A Warner. Frank E Parri.-h and Myrtle M Kceb- a 9. 10. 20. 30. 31. ler. Fred I Fish an i Man- Ballingvr. 7. ft M Altone and GeCanHM Hatten- 12. "' H Morrow and Carrie B Spink. 13. Jasper Keeney and Zilla Ames. 14. W t. .lar-ks,mand Minnie Feery. 17. Bemy Zimmerman and Susie M Colo 21. Henrv ier lew and Ijzzio l'oheman. Jl. Heo Honicht and Alva Miluollen. 20. Nevin McCormit k and Mary' Vaatis. 24. Wm'H Keehn and Ollie P.owell. 2t. C Frot and Manr L Foder. 2'i. Gao F Shaw and Mttie M Hitter. 26. F R lievine and Henrietta Smith. 24. J M I'uiinan and N'ellio M Kusell. 27 W F FoMh and Hosa Beard. 27. C I Anderson and Marv M Hall. 27. F M ( ainpliell and F M Hyde. 27. Lee Baker and Sue lJrijrjrs. r,. ll.-nn- M Hayes and Florence Beard. 29. G S Blevins and AlawOda. 30. W II M. .Hey and Mar- M- Chase. 1 . Chas O Bice ana Ibsetti Wiseman. 2. Caspn Kropp and Man- Blank. 4. A C I.ibby ;md (iraiv M Baal. .ri. .1 X Hoffiuan and Ida Ibtlryinple. H. F K Iiii sson and Lillian Kniaiiten. 'h-vi!le Swink and Maud Mcl'brrsnn. 10. Will T Ch i-' und Melin-,1 Tanif 11. J B Warwick and Ida I'lnllips. 11. Sharp and Minnie Largp. li. W C Sunford and Lucy Davis. 10. It I Snell and htbel Cwl. 10. H J Phillip and LUHe Pnriloni. IS. W W Smith and Bonnie Swann. 15. W F Snyder and Mollie Montgomery. IS. J N Long and Minnie Mclkinold. 17. las (iray and Mary Tillman. 18. Honry Ballenscifer and Kffiii- Buoy. 29. Kdward Becson and Huldia Warner. 'S.. G G Bctts and Kate Beeson IS. J L Bartholowmew mid Ruth White. 22. J T Knitrhteii and bin UatWaVatd. 1H. J F Mc Oaniel and Nellie Purdy. IS. Jerome Williams and Lillie Chnnibers. 22. J II Lyons and Pearl Zumwalt. '.. Jno Kmestlierirer and Julia Piitman. 31. Kdward Paine and Callie Spotingf:r. Xovi.MUiflt. 1, J H Butler and Florence Busey. 2. W It Ulackbuni und Fidelia Jackson. 1. 1 C K Scott and Celia B Smith. Samuel Stringer and Jennie Pnvon- port linos Slierfy and Annie Leedy, 2. Jas Woolridgc ;md Oma UsvancaT. 7. Murry Earrctt and N'am y Piigh. 7. Fraiklin Oola und Allio liarrett. 19. Walter A Tool and Norah a Hold worthy. 18. K N Matloi k and Maud Pendleton. 22. Adolph Avers and liura Myers. li). Allic I) Klder and Huppieloniu Mont gomery. 19. Will E Chandler and Clara Head. 211. Alex Smith and Kllie Cochran. .1 W Wolf and Mary Pratt. 26, Andrew I Kanfcrd and Minne Curtisi 28. M E Williaius aud Annie Ct Farrel. UlCCKMUKIt. 7. S V McFeelcy and Mary A Thompson. .Ins lliirbin and Mania Mutton. 8. H V Jackson and A Ida I'arristi , JUtKEIIIU IU1U Jl ll. i.ii.o.. ' C'ompUm und ElilA Siuelsor. V Vrice and E 1'i'rry. 6. 'I 14. .1 1- (i. J B Keeiiey and htta Wiley. 15. Fred Slahlman and Fannie V Smith, 14. Jas T Fawver and Jennie K Cardwell 112. Wm M King and Amelia A Fox. 15. Alex Rennie and Celia M Taylor. 21. Alox Dumond und Mny Hideout. . J A Ur. Price's Cream Bakins Powder Forty Years the Standard. Wekof prater, Ye6tcrday there was born, and died, to Mi and Mre Fran k Wleland a child, weigh ng i-t p ounds. Henry Itlacuman has been nppolnted collector of Internal reyenuc for thedUtiUt of Oregon. A meeting of the Presbytery of the U P church for Oregon, is being held at the church to day. Mrs Nellie Raines died at Salem on Jan (ith at It e very old age of t7 ve.trs IJer son-in-law Lewis Pettyjohn, ts nearly So years of age. When you go to the Midwinter fair have Jessie ltcrker check your baggage near the ' main entrance. Jesse leaves on the loth U begin his duties as baggoge custodian. There Is current to-day a rumor that W Q Westacott is the choice of the adminls- ! tratlon as a compiomlse candidate for the ! S alem postofl-cc.- Salem Journal. At the annual meeting oi the stockeo'.d- 1 ers of 'he Salem Water co.npiny, yctter day.the following officers were Jul T elected ' i J M WaUaos, president H F Wallace, vice ! president, and J M Martin, secretary. I Sheriff J E Note ltd ilt-i that rain , has fallen right alont- lnce his arrival In California with exce,. of tnrec days and frots have occur. I 1 number of tnn-.-s He savs the climate doae not compare with Oregon's Eugt-nr Guard. Coivallis Q A C and.Mu'.tnomah Juniors will pUy foot ball at Corvallls on Friday ! ev.n match. We.e it the rol Mnlt- June 111. mis promises to be about an nomah's thougli.Corvallli wiuld net score ' i In this game CorvaMs stands a good ! chance ot winning Hairlet E Sladd-n and Sidney P SUdden have so.d to E Whipple, of Cheyenne Wyoming, 2o acre of orchard land. King ju.t northwest of Eugene for th sum of j Arm,, p r-arrell: inner guard. J A Mc Jo,ooo. Tnls seems to be a ptetty good peron. outjer jmani. N D ( onn trl- Kilt full lrl.- M-Ur. I. i . T . .. .. .. valuable propetw. --Eugene Guard pretty good haul limes item . - -..-k A : j Mr Sam May, of Harrisburg. yam in the j city today. Mrs R.Saltimirsh. and s.-a Harry, came up from Portland this noon. 1 Hon and Mrs R A lrvice returned this no m from a trip to Portland. Billy Dugun. the well known Salem ptsaadasr, has ban in the city. Percy Yonng and Carlton Sox re turned lat night to Stanford Cnivt-n-ity. ThoniiU Kay. of Salem, passed through Alltany la.-t night for San Francisco, on l..:ii.e-.-. Mr James I-uper, el Lane county has been in the city several days the gM 't of ; his brother. M r George Luper. Reilly. formerly of the Oregon League I pitched in Saturday's game ltwoen Uak . land Itovten. the former winning 3 to 1. Judge William Hale. Circuit Jndire of one of the South Eastern Oregon distriil. ' is in the city the guest of his father Milton j Hale. Burr Power OMH down fmm Halmey to ; day to attend his brother Frank, who is ly i ing dangerously ill at the butue of Mr K A Parker. j Mrs B L Power went to Salem this noon. ; a dispatch having been rveeived announcing tb- dangerous illness r.f Mrs W R Power a! that 1 itv. Look oi'T Boy. 4e arc reouetd Lt the marshal to call attention to Pec 22 of Onluonce 152 which reads an follow,.: S 2-J "Any person ir persons who shall stand in or uixm anv street, allev r m.I ' walk within tlie corporate litcil of the city i "f Albany, after Wing notided 1y any p .- I lice officer of aaid city to more On! shall on ; ; conviction thereof before the recorder's , court. I? punished by a fine not exceeding i s 20. or by unprisxmment ic the city jail n A j i etceeding 10 day, or both, at the disere -: i n.Hi of the coart. is also called to sacticn4 of the same oitlin-iaie. which imposes a arte of , not leva than twenty nor more than one ; hundred dollars upon any person or persons ; who shall resist any peace (ifBcer. or who : ! shall refuse to awist such ofSoer in the die- cnarge ot lu iuni. or who aholl by anv tiM-an iii.l ur i.nm lo M-arM fmrn n. d i : officer. The police forte declare their pur 1 poHi to enforce these laws. j Wiu. xot Rm;istkb. Contrary to ex. ' pectationt the Chinamen are not letpattl mg in Salem, in fact sav they von t. lt, .i " :.i i:iT" i i : .i tliey are afraid, of hi binder theft the :.ilr !i. t t-vn I to from laMHiliai1lls, and they can't afford to bay the pirtntes re- piired. Onlv nineteen have retrtatered in Portland . The same retoli will oscur in X I luhl- TIumv wdl mmrmt ita ikIu. tn. strains arenarwlwed fn, t ... paies to do so. An effort has been made la eaaat the tVle-?ial irf.!irr.. njlr rrv n-gistering: but tbey are not so eajofr I f,5. ' - . t . . .. i tha: he It not a candiiaie foe sirce'- cjm- , A National 'mwt-' H Chap-1 mUloner ,nd h.s nol bn. man. pnesulent of tlie l cung People's So-' , , . . .. , . , , ! . iety of the Baptist church'of the' United ! V'", , h, W T T i ! States, will be in regon the la,t 4 Uii- b"n f j! oriV nJ '"k."1 lnStnu, I month, when he wdlspmk at Hjee dffer- V' r-nt T,nta in the state It will be Aiuany s 1 " 'kng a va privilege to Ir on the list. Mr Chapman " ,on ,or ve,1 ' ' will be at thi citv on Mondav the 29th. ' Marshal Lee has ord rcJ she tin horns The other two c:tv favored will Iv Portland on the 2th. and Medfortl on the 3Hh. . 1 hf. 1 '. 1 . loe om-.trs ot it r a . 1 . and private secretiiry of the reniver. al the , Oregon Pacific, have lew thsronUnued. , discovers of Aer s iarsiprilta-the Ibe roavl will be run on a lied rock basis. . average Hmti of human life ia cUUbted Nothinj? has yet Iwen heanlform Mrtlark. COjn:rie.. haa been SorssMtrwW leogthed. who ism San lram;sco. He will pro!'-; Aver s Sarsiparilla U ever v where consld ah!y aecure some other xt than the v , errtl lhe ...,j,rs b!t3d purh'.ei. the Ba lammette to do tv lmsirs.s. without a San j perlor Medicine Francisco ollie. ' . . . : . , Te proaiptnes with w: i.-h Aver s Av Anort Max. Whyr Iienuiso his ! Cherry -Pectoral atop a hacking couh nneli were returned to him all shrank and Induces refreshing sleep I ing Then send yours to the City Ijowlrr. mantioni. It never fa'Is to give Instant up y wash them with'ut sbnnkiiic r theking ti'.cm ma curtains. rough. Speeial care with i KemeniW the p!.w 1st t oppSt Cnar!e t' K BrOWneli. ti.e irroc.T. is in hia new I and commodious: ipiatters in the P 0 block. : where he is prepared to irive sa!i-faction to I the first clasr- trade . f the rity. c.u! :i !.;in , for pure grtteries and gootl trealr.Knt. ! Mv fail Hoe if MACINTOSHES ar.rl JUS AMLH-". including mini novrltie fci ladies, mit'es ud children, it m. ale. SKVcLr.. aavrpM) iMacillNKS neatly warranted I y a th r-uih!y cr man, at r"M French's jewelr n goo. repaired aud nretect ork srre AlVaov I No better pieparition ftr ever teen in.-cnttd than the hair hai Aer's tlalr Vigor. Il restores the original color lo faded and gray hair, and imparls il.' natural gcsa and freshness, everyone so much admires. Its reptilaifon Is woild wide. are low !ervo. Are you all tired out, do you have tha tired feeling or sick headache? Toucan) be relieved of all these sj mpto'ns by lak j Ing Hood's Sarsaparilln w hich gives nerve and oodily strength. Hood's Fills are ras In action. Clean towel toleverv customer at Viercck tin vinir par lore. Tho norle-aigne.l, pro printer ft the Fiuicrr House desires to in'orm tba pnbiio that he haa reduced the price of board without lodging to $2 per week, with lrdiiiK$ pcrtweek. SitiK'e msala 25 osnta. The public is Invited lo call as I keep good beds ami set a good table. Have !ir wood for Sale. Carncr of Urosdelrun ant Water I atrcets. J II MiaAsTOA. Hath. at Virrccka shaving and hair tl I Don't you know io have perfect health you mast have p-.ire blood, and the best "way to have pure blood la to lake Hood's Sarsaprllla. ibe befct blood purifier and strength builder. Hood's Pills may b had bv -.rial for 2 ,c of C I Hood & Co. Lowell, Mais. i.eiter WSt, Kndowirg is the list, of lettsrs reii.aiiiing in the prist oflics at Albany, Una county, Oregoa, .Ian 8th ,1804. Persons calliua for these loiters must give the dste on which they were advertise.! Hums, Thomas Kverhart, Carl J Houston, Wm Parker, Wm M Smith, S Wetzel, Lawyat Cutislev, A K Kennedy. JmnM .lenks, J P, Jups Paonaaa, Baq, J Walker, Harvey Thos. Momtwii, P. M. Higheftt of all in Lc¥ing Power -Latest U. S. Gov't Report J m ABSOUTEUir PURE "WE ID IST E S ID-eVTT A public installation of the new officer I of laurel and Alpha Iodges. K of P was given last night liefore a large audience of I MOtben ami guests. It was a marked i suness, greatly en jojed by all. An overture by tlie Y M 0 A orchestra j OWkfled the exercise. Rev I V Poling, of I Iudiieiidenee. offered prayer. L M Curl, the retiring Chancellor Coinmander. deliv 1 md an aildrcss of welcome full of merit land well presented. Miaaaa Lizzie and ; Lillie Karrell were heard in a duet well j rendered. Ihe new olliiers were then installed bv ggfr ' 'r'i'",1 St? JfSHh 0 I ortland, in a cereiutitiv full of interest. OfBoEra: Chancellor Commander. II W I V right; Vii-e-Chanrvllor. .1 R Wilson, . Prelate, II A lieininger; Mater of Work. L M Durl; Keeper of records and seal. Q K of li,.ir L C.t't I ji:t..r n i ropM, miu-ter oi . n , .tic lain aii ei'i'itieut ao tr- -- . Mr Mo ter w.k ftiltowetl l.v MBU In- tl... rtff--ti.ta.l t mmA tt... 1 - '3 - " " ' ... imm . ' . . 'VI UITI I 1 11 I: a . II - .! . iL . rtr- m . . iiiM.iiiariou oi ine new omt;rs or A 1 1 lia i-"imV- coiriucufu in sirs 11 11 iiewiir. , Mrs tlochsteiller and Mrs Hen ton as repre : sentatives of the grand lodge, a very pretty thirg. cloning with the decoration' of the 1 officers by the Ooddess of Flowers and 'fairies and a tableaux of much beaut v. ' 'rtio-rs: M E C. Marv MeClain; E S. Mair I Parker; E J. Alice Hli banls; M of T. ' !ga Hewitt; M of R and C. Julia Karrell; M of ; F. Flora Clifton; P of T. Maggie Harris. ' ii of (J T. Florence Conn. Mrs Langiion was heard in a vocal solo, j as always being greatly appreciated. Rer j Poling delivered the address of the evening. a rich effort. Mr M otter sang several I humorom songs, when a delicious repast ' was Krved tliat did credit to the caterers. Toasts were called for and Dt Hill answer ! ed for the grand lodge. Mrs Hewitt for ; the grand temple. Mrs Allen for the ' Knights, and Mr M otter for the ladies. W hen adjournment came it was with the fe- ..!i; that .-. good and profitable time had I -I I . I 1 mm mm mm X3E3: Mr P flu Mil went to Harrisburg this Brenner returned to Portland Mrs W:a McCulloch. and child, came down frnui Harrisburg this noon. W H Burns i arting as t" P agent dar ing the illneas of Mr Frank Power. Mis Ln'u Clark, of iJakland. is in the eity. being railed here on account of the iilness of bersjtter. Mrs K S Condit. Mr Wat Mosteith came up from Port land that noon to attend the wedding of his iacr. Mua Miaavva tomorrow morning. T L Wallace left on last nights overland t -rvan tranctseo. whera he wi; probably I Lxate, triveling tar a wnolea b .-rme there Rev Iavid Th..m;an died at Beaumont. ; Calif., on IHjt 13. He sraa once a resilient -f LinncKinty. at Oakville fcr a number .f yvars. B P eir. Of lordan. I.inn cmunty. Or. is in Pend'eton and mar rtav here: lu Aotra-t be came to Ctnalilla conctv !o mm pwi im owtm a iow n. wooau reram. ' m this trip he visits J B Kennedy and will probablv pun base a ranch northeast of town, lie will return to h- home Sunday evening. Pendletoa E O. Eignccby las ;ery ison'y five milta. Dante Sa'l will do the "Comer Gro- ceT' ' ,trouh ,he "" " It Is asserted that the Portland Savings iian sii open reoruarv i. A rnirc iha: ul ie cf trr' bencm to I'cxtlanJ Mr Geo Hughes, informs the Pvwocatr to move on and as well to make lr young men of ihe clt atj: whom there has been coniJerab!c complaint be he.c the-r cives. Oi-.rinc. lht iiit hill r tliirr aln.-v. tK even in ilie w r: casrs of throat and lung tiouble, and is the best remedy for whooj-ing rough The city council las! evening adjourned until Tuesiiav ot next week, arhen citv olficrr iS be elected. In the mein time ; 'he n and means commlvce are work- ' m. on a scheme tor retrenchment, so that ! applicants f.w office will know wnat they 'e getting tefoie election. James H Fos'er and W T Foster of Gates yesterday drew j each from the county as bounty as bounty on the scalps of a hear apiece which thev had slain. I About ail themoncv the hardy pioneer ot j the nn untain sees these davs, is what he geis for bounties on wild animals. -Silem ' Journal. K.ias Downs finished sor ving a sentence oi one vear In the Oregon penitentiary a dav or two ago. He was sentenced from l'iiiati:ia county on conviction of obtain ing money by false pretense la Pendle ton. Mr Downs is ad old newspaper ma-.-, lie worked for years on the Boise Staid man and Walk Walla Statesman. Super intendent Downing a ne ought never to have liecn sent to 'he penitentiary . Democrat STonTU ISSMViaiM- Will At Stalk. lrwclff If you waut a line smoke eall for Joarpli white labor cigar. The bes';roaat -ntfee in the oity al Ol mad !oyr a Hodges & MsFillaSst. the leading draA lore, Albany, Pi . Will ft Stark's large line of silver ware has crtated a great deal of talk. Pa ronise home industry by smoking the ,'clehrated white lab-ir cigars, manufactured by Ju'ius Jorcph. The O K Grubber Is rold on trial. To try one does not mean you are compelled to' buy. Mfg'd by Jas. Finxky & BOSja, Brooks, 'If religious beliefs perplex tou, and you desire a faith at once reasonable and uplifting, send for free liberal religions reading lo postoflice mission, 34C1 Yam hill street, Porllar.d. Or. Awarded Highest M rfpalUiBaking USJiPowder. The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millionsbf. Homes 40 Yc '.fj the Standard- Baking" m Powder IM II l-HOl M IMM.-: Tuesday evening, Jan ft. Prosent Mayor, Recorder, Maralial. Street siiperintendi-iit and councilman Whitney. ' Pf.-itTcr. Walters. S. hell. Bnrkhart and Mardiall. The old rules were adopted for 18ft4. The ways and iaw eoaaaHttat niiortel important matters under consideration, and I moved an adjournment when made until j Tuesday night. Jan lo. A I. Iamb, Chief Kr,ginif.T reported tlie ! property 111 good condition except 500 feet of hose which it in bad condition. Tlie! report shows the expenditures of the comp Modes to have been during 1KI3: No I it, j "37.04, including uniform; No 2's' a576.7l. including uniforms, H k h Co, IlisS 90, and rhnrairal engineer: No i -Ts, $12 .10. A petition of Pfi-iffer et al asked for tho 1 appointment of Charles Bums as night-' watch and enjfiner for No l's. The reiiort of the tax collector showed. a'0.71 collected of the tax of '91 j 7I2 59. of , tax of '92. $10.8X5.00 of tax of 18(. De- 1 limiucnt tax of 19!W, $3231. Applications for position of engineer n' . No 1 's and nightwab liman, Charles Burns: C 1! Hale, with revomniemlation of No 1; E F Ilyland- For position of nightwt.h, W A Ifc Clain. For engineer of No 2's and nig'.twabh- I man. John Jones. For superinten'ieiit of str-U. Benj lohn son. A B Morris, ; W Burkhart. n motion all were laid on table nntil next meeting of tlie council. Wm his attornery C E Wolver ton. applied for permission to repair bis wooden building on Second street by build ing it out to the street, and putting a glass , front therein. On motion granted unani- j mously. Complaint was made of a home in the ' Third ward freouented by several yonng I men. which has Vectme a nuisance the ; neighWhootl. It was suggested that a formal complaint be made Petition of ' W Maj-ton. asked for priv- s ilege of moving frame building on Second : street to line of street and placing glaas ; front therein granbsl. Till. I ; tai Cl KSI sDtBl Jan Sth. Mr Morgan, of Tangent, hasWn spend ing several weeks with hi sister Mrs WU-I 1 Lam ion. The little child of Mr Lvnch a. who haaj bam quite sick with diphtheria ia alout well again. Mr and Mrs Jay Swank, of Lowson. re centiy spent a week with their relatives here. Mr Wilkin is slowly recovering from his ' paralytic stroke. M! Haves, of Eugene, was visiting her j nicoe? teat Mis Jones lart week Mr M--ms. 1 Salem, has shipped sever-1 al carload cf beef cutie from this neigh-! btarhood in ilyt post few weeks and will ship j liatfiu- load today from the Wiii '-ughby , awa Hiram Curtis spent ju Christmas vaca tion, with his parent here- it ias his first visit heme for t wo year. Nearly all the young people who ire away attending school came home to celebrate Christmas. Mr Ander-'O of Halsey. was in the neighbor hoou last week hunting up old ac quaintances. Mr Bern and wife and daughter will re torn to Coburg this week after a six months residence at E J Wiiloaghtiy'a. Miss Davis, of McKeniie. was visiting the Misses Allingtam a day or to Last week. Miss I hum' school was dismissed on ac count of a case of diphtheria- She lacked one week of havinj; taught her term out. bat will not resume school until next . nimaer. Notice are up for anew her school meeting ' in district 5ftv-!ive. Linn txunty. gness tbey will gt a school house after awnite. Sss Just 1-i.TTi.u. A fc-rmer Al'oany man writing' from San Jose to a friend here. anion? other things. k.v: We have had for two weeks rain in the vai'.evs. and snow in the hills and mountains It froze a wa- ! ter pipe solid last night. Tne roads are I perfect muJTioies. frozen sclut. Ibe n;.-st disagreeable weather here every nigh: The weather u of a damp, salty cold; people from the east say they suffer more from the ; cold than lack there. A boy froze hit eirs j while wwrking on a street car. Tell my ' friends to keep away from tbe Midwinier j fair. It was got up for a take in. There are people robbed in day light in sight of j tne polio?; w .men an-1 men casing t- r r.euv About all the rmgbest class, oi foot paL and cut throats will be there. All that aoaaa are liable to le robbed . fhe monev , will all be left in California. They will gat it from the foot pads if tbey have to ar-; nvt them to get it. 1 have leen herej long enough to learn some tamgs. f., I r t-r TT... c,..-- 1 crespwdent from J.icksri county wri:e: pressexl here at Gov Pennover's open letter t l IV lUtAl IU.UKfMU.-il V J. ; to the president of tho I'm ted States. There is not a single case ot destitution or want in Jackson county. :nd it is safe to assume that there are few looking for work but what can find employment, either in the mines or on tho farms of lackson countv at living wages. As a calamity howler 'the govornor outhercKhnl Herod and spread dis- may and consternation through Use ranks of his own party. ty his uncalled tor com munication lo our ehief gxevutive. Tub TBnroa Wl I Ktr very largely No thought n a'se us what wc aie. can ras through the mind without lesving some effect, however sl'ght. Many slight im pressions, in time, make mighty changes. It's the same with tbe body. Abuse it with poor food and lake the consequences. MC purity and certainty in groceries and baked goods, go to Parker Bros. s'OrM. AND INSTRI MKN rAL Ml SlC. Miss llattie Warner a graduate of the conservatory connected vrilh Gales Col lege, Neb, Is prepared to give lessons in vocal and instrumental music to single pupils or classes, ut reasonable terms. Miss Warner has had a thorough educa don and is an experienced teacher Her evidences are. Prof H A Bhorey, William A Trow and Mrs lenr.le WffAR 'Em Out! The wav todo it ist" lake our wash ing 10 Ihe Chinamen. If JOu want your work well done t living prices ake it io Richard fit Phlllip'K Steam Laundry. They know how without banging ihcnV around a pole. Seethe Sew Improved Singer ftwing ma chine. The bit is always the chespe't W S tardea, ajfraat. ottioo a'. KM Knn.-h jewelry atora Honors World's Fair. PRICE'S a UK STOCK LACKS nth- : 1 a 1 rrri . -n utti uuers. inty win. come, ihev will be ea itv tied. Tliey will 1 Oy at THF. FAIREST PRICES EVER MADl FOR SUCK QUALITIES, j Visitors are BELIEVE but not asked to e a own are goods to CONVINCE them that we arr leading the trade in STAPLE AND FANCY DRY COODS.LADIFS FINE SHOES Btcw If you want VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY call on us. Yours Truly Read, Peacock & Co. r Baker j lerRr sdalbhi ai4 firm laic. CCIIRAD aVIYtR, FFtFFiElGF. uUt U 5- ti'assearr, lined fraisa. Tobaeee, aaaai, ', Et Causae Jlc s 4saiwari Vegetable. tlgra Mptee.. Tea, tie.. (ac nenit,rf that ia k"t ia mzrw.j and poaay store, H:$-mk asarket ytictpmi&Uir ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE Ladies: The Secret Of a Fair Face Is a Beautiful Skin. Sulphur Bitters a Will give you A lovely Complexion. avail 1 vf rVsxt I ;-oeut oai to A. P. Orttwy Do r-ott..- , Mass- for best mcJioal work ptiaosawd M rw. Dr. -aUer W ail lat e i Tb MaM CUiTverattt artf Life , St udalSi SmB4 at 1. 1 1 B C.riU s. Sbe tells aWtrl all eaJerts. (as latasin awe fatare; lee M uawlai. ihasnt ansa ana ! i- -.-. V - rararaaaveaai leal tie,-.;. Wall Paper J rtfs, PaintK, Oil.- (iia.-. lito J. A. CciiimiFg ALBANY, -:- CF.EC0 Notice Of DiSSOlutiOIl Notice is hereby given that the firm of 1 Senders & Co heretofore dotng business nndr the hrm name of Senders X to nas this dav keen dtsaolved. Mr Ado'.ph Send ers retiring. The new firm w'U be com posed of Mr EJ Schmeer and James Cal lahan who wU! continue tha business, anI will collet' I arnouo's due '.he old nrm j snd pav a.; us debts I ADOt-PM - H'- " SCSMSIR. I FARMERS LISTEN. We hae fine i lot of ficsh grass seed, of almos: every ; kind, including cheat, and we want to sell it. Come ar.d see us. STEWARTS: SOX WANTED At the -tcie j Allen Bros., formerly owned by BUTTER, EGGS, IjARD, BACON, and CHOICE APPLET for which possible. Hi pay Oie best cash pnee B F RAMP i k:y. m.d. Physician ami Surgeon, OSee V fi.iirs over I Us IMUlK .'I inuai Roeiiljris. si corner ICth ar.a CalaHoU si. FOR KKNTrf Th opern bouso store, splendid location. Cat! on the secretary t I ho DaaiccRAT ofllce for pai ticulars. IPLOWSAHDHnRROWS. Bargains for farmers In both riding and I T. walking plows, disc harrows.lron harrows, etc. Price tn proportion to 50 cent r r heat. It vrtll pay you to call and see us. STEWART,' "OI Notice for Publication L' S Lnnd ( 111 v; Oregon City Or.,- fiovensoer 2ad, 1893 Notice is .6roby given that in eomplU Min-ij Willi tbe ptovieion. cf the act of Congress of June 3, entitled -An act for the sale of timber Isnds In tbe states of California, Oregon. Nevada and Wash ington Territory'' as extender! to all tba public lands states by act of August1 1K92. Allitrt K Holrr.eo' Albany. c onlv j ot Linn state of Oregon. ha this day tiled in mis oinoe nis sworn statement no 29f!4 for the pnrch8ecf the Northeast 14 of auction No. 25 in township no. 10 8 range No f East, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for He limber or stone than for agricultcrat purposeand to establish his claim to .'.id land before ihe Register snd Receiver of .hls office at Oregon City, Or.on Tuesday the 6th day cf Kebruary, i&)4- He name as witnesses: C H Dalrsmple. Francis j Holmes, 0 V Adam, A Wir.k, all of Al I ban, Or. Any and all persona c'airnin ! adversely the above described lands ar j requested to file their claims in this effic J on or before aid 6th dsy of Ftbruary j t89. ROUERT A MlI.I.F.B, Rejjis'er Notice for Publication S Lasu Ornr k, CerM City, Or. Oct 50tb,ISt3. Not:c ia hereby en tb t inci-op ance wiih tbe ataveaJM of the act CongruM cf Jane 3. 1 1 entitled "Ah me tor tbe sale of timber lands, in the states of California, 'n- rm, Nevada and Wash ingtoa Territory' aa extended to all the Public Land titatea bv act of Ans-nst -1th 1892, Annie W bitlock. of Ctrgon City county r.f c'ackamaa. stare of Oregon, hie thi day n'ed in tnia office ber sworn ' tatement Ko 2954. for the porchase cf th N K ot asctlon No 9 in township N 10.S range No 4 K, and w ill cfler proof t I show that tbe lann aoasbt is nwr I valnable for its timber or stcna than fo j agricultural purp ,-.-., and to establish bar claim to aaid land before '.hi Ritc'.tUr I and Keeier cf tb's office at Oregon City. Oregoa. on Thursday, tbe 1st day ! of February. !fc94- .She namisss witnensea: Hiu.lh, Wmomith. -J i litrr . . ' ; Tbompaon.a'.i cf Berry. Oregon. Asy and t a'i persons ct-iminr; -j :-. - - . . the ahov, I desicribed lend are reqaeated to fi e the , claims ia this office on or before said 1 day of February. 134. KOBEBT A MlIUEB, j " Re lister. Notice for Publication., U. J. Land Office, Okegox Citt. lu'r 3'd. 1&S3. Norc: is hereby given that ic corcpli ance with the provisions oi the act of Con gresa of June 3. 1S7S. entitled ''An ac: fi (he a!e of timber lai.ds in the states o California, Oregon, N"evada.and Washing ton Territory, "as extended to all the Pub lic Land States by act of August 4, 1S92, Daniel M Large, of Albany, county of Lino, sta-'e of Oregon, fcas this day 'filed j in tats omce nis iwora statement rso r37, j for the purchase of the N W . cf section j No 12. in township No 10 South, range 1 No 4 East, and wU offer proof to show I that the land s icght is more saleable for i its timber or stone than for agrtccitcral purposes, aad to estabsn brs ziaim to said land before the Register acd Receiver of this office at Oregon City. Orea-on, cn Tuesday, the 9th dar af Jansiary.iS. He name as witcesacs: L W LaugbeaJ. J L Berry, JB Whitney, OB Wirn. ailof Green lUsin. Oregon. Any acd a!! per son claiming adversely ihe above de scribed lands are requested to file their claims ;n this cigce ou or before said 9th day cf Jacuary, 1S94. Rc bcst A " Register. Timber -zA, Act -IcaeS, 1STS Notice fear Pcblicatioc. United States Lasd C ffi.-e, Ort goo City. Kvtic: is hereby gien that ia cozptatee with the peortsiooB cf tbe act of Cccrssa of Jane 3rd, 1S7S. eatiCei "An act for the sale of timber lands ia thi state ef Ca ns.-roa, Oregon, Nevada acd Washington TeaTitorj, ia extended to a.1 Psblisl.'nad States by act of AafuatL 18?CfcJ fuakie.ef Na-, oasujt v cf Marion, stale oi O .-eject, baa ta day Sted ra this effiao hia aWfcrm eUtenesa So. SS33. tor the pcrchare cf the K R of SectioQ So. 10 m Tonabip Xo, 10 S, Esrga No 4 E, mad will effer proof to show that Use taad swght is more valaabie for its timber or atone than fcr agrienttarai pur poses, and to establish his claim to said land before the Bestster and Betas sta atf tnia d noa at Oregoa Ci.r, Orapaa, oa WedEeadav, theSltn day cf Jacnary. IS9L He aaBoes s witseanes: t hae rbotnpene. John S iih, Alien SoaUs, Beatiev tieorze, all cf Xugara, Mut-. Co, Oivgon. Any and ail persons c :ixao adveraeiy the above described land are res)cested to rite their claiv. in this etSee on cr b. rore said ittb daycf Jaroary. 1S34. B.OBEF.T A i5ILL E. Kgsster. Notice far Publication Land OrricE Orsgox C-ty. Oa.t Oct iad, 1S93. Notice : hereby given that in compli ance whh the provisions of the act of Con gress cf June 5. 1S7S, cntt'Jed "An act for the sale ct timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Waih; ton Territory," Mrs Luta Laughesi.i Albany, county of Linn, state ot Oregon, has that day filed in this ctfice her sworn statement No 29o, tor ihe purcfas cf th N of N W '." t: '- ot N W and S W jl S E tj of section So n,in township No 10 South Range No 4 Eas:, and will offer proof to show that the lar.dscu;ht is more valuable for iu timber or sfffmr than for agricultural purposes, and ioetab.ish her claim to ssio iand before the Register isd Receiyer cf this office at Oregon City.Ogn, on Tuesday, the 2nd day ot January, 1S94. she names as witnesses: DeWUt Dan forth, of Detroit, Marion Co, Oregon. O Fox.of De:roit.Mrion Co,Oregon,Wiiiiatn L. LaugheaJ. ot Green Basi l, Mar-cn to, Oregon, Carlile H Laughead, of Albany, Linn county, Oregon. Any and all per sons claiming adversely the above de scribed lands are requested to file their claims in this orSce on or before said :ad day of January, 1894. KOBERT A MlJ-t-aR, Register. Timber L&a3, Ac. Juae 3, 1S7S. Xttle for piUiCft;cn. Uiiitol - : ..--si 0cv Oron Ct:". Ort-ywa No tv rubor L lS. Nttio w- Iwvby pwc thS in cplaace viih .. vision of the wt if OoiiisW of Jae X 1TS. eoUUeJ "An act fr the bilv of limber iAjcis in the sLeUes w (.Wifomia, Vrvvr. Nov y da jmd Vas!unjcun TtMrilory." as txtccdtxi to &Ii th INiblic iaazid State bj act oi Auc wt . 1 -Vi. Ohaxle H- Dfebrmple, of -Vlbanv, i'ounqr of Linn, rt. wnt-vw. laJ4 iui.m iuti m iiu imw hts wvrn sttmcu. No. for tbe varcHase ot the S K l, oi Section No So ill Towr.-u,- No W S, iwuie N.o 6 V-ast- and will offer proof to Know that the laml oencht i dioiv . .Me for its timber or tone than tor arriciltural jturtwwess and to establish hi claim to aii betVaTe the Uerister ami Receirer oi this, vfti'.v at Oregon Oity, OnfaSL oa Veimiay. the ly January. ly. He Dtunw a witnewBe: F L Holmes, K W Beeman, 11 Wink. O V -Vi.imss, all of Albany, Any and all jhtmiu claiuum sdvr I the r.K ve described lauds are rjueted to f.'e their claims in thiit iwilice oa or before said 24th daj of Janu ary, tew A. M nil. uaapsa I sway aci juae o, 1STS K tic for publicat'ou. , United BMaSS Lar.'l Ot&ec, Orcson City. Oresc. IVtober SSd. 1SH Notice is hereby civ-en tlat in cuicuJiance with the itforisiuns oi the acc ot vusnss sf Jtme X lsTS. entitled, ".In ael for the seie ot timber laints in the States of t'alifornia, Oregon. Nera.!. aud WnshinBTon Territory." Johu i Ciiaij'bell. ot Marouett... lounty of Marinette. Slate of Jlk-hi-iraii. has this day tiled iu this efiace hi sworn statement No .O. tot the purchase of the NW ol SK. Kl--- SV and SWV of SW'v of No 2S. tn Township No 10 Ssuth. tlanse No Kjst and will otter proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to estatuish his claim to said land before- the lUt;istr iukI Kccviver of this office at fkMB I'io. lrsuc. on Tueeslay the -3.1 day of January. 1 Ho names as witu.sises: Kuuo V Smith. Edwin V &ntth, J L Berry. Berry P O. Mnrion Co. iuid rVnjik Perketl. DWroit, Marion Co, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-sle-cribed lauds are renuted to file their elaims in t his office on or before said SJd itav of .'auuaT. IS. lioaur A. MttJJes. Kcnister. Assignee's Notice. Notice ic hereby give j to all whom i. my coaoern. that on the 4th dav ef November, 1S3. Anthony Prepst: aud V C Butler duly made an itsiument to'tr.e cf ail their proper ty fortbe bent lit i t all tbeir creditor, in ecsrdao ce with the geeeial asstciaet t awsof the state cf Oregor; therefore alt persons having claims aaioat the co part nerahin tirut of aaid Propat and Butler trs hereoy notified and required lo present tbe same to me under oath at tbe offica cf W R Bilyeuia the City of Albany, Oregoa with in three moot ha from the date hereof. Dited this 17th day of November, 1393. Frxnkli-j r"RoriT, Assignee.