The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 12, 1894, Image 2

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The Oregonian ig remarkably hot unde
the collar, because, (as its edltot claims to
believe) tha state board did the tax payers of
Portland Injustice 'ti not reducing the asses-'
ment mad In that county. The De nocrat
would like to tee fair dealing In taxation .
I is a ordinal tenet of democratic faith tha
axatlon should be eiiusl, and Portland
hould be treateJ fail ly. The presumption
s that the state board did right in the mat
er. But the Oregonian is estopped from
oirplanlng. Sjme y&irs ago when Linn
ountv was assessing niotttges at par, Mult
nomah v. as assessing them at So cents on the
dollar. The Oregonian raised no pretest a.
ainit this injustice lo the people of Linn conn
,but tacitly endorsed it, It evjn went sa far
as to sa) (so we are informed) that Linn county
was the father of the mortage tax law and tha
we ought to bear that burden at a punishmen
for passing such a law. But we do not be
ieve that Multnomah is treated unfairly tr.
tlhelr assessments this year. It ts true tha1
some property is assessed higher than it could
uow b sold for, hut this is as true of Linn
and other counties. It was manifest in
justice on the part of tha board to raise th
value of (own lots In Linn county to percen
Tl.e trouble in Multnomah county waajha
p.ior lo the to the agsage of the presen
assessment law that taxpayers of that coun
V escaped much of their taxes by means o
arge deductions for ir.debtebnoss. Now they
can not escape. Trie Oregonian as.alway
in the lead waging heroic wa'fare agains
the law allowing deductions for injebtednes
and the mortge tlx law. It secured th
repeal of each. It bow sees the isult. Le,
it stop its incendla-y threatnings anl a),
vise people to be law abiding citizens.
And now a convention of wool
to meet in Salem shoit'y to aikke forma
protest against the passage of tbe Wilson
tariff bil". They Invite those who favor
protection to hops, prunes, lumber and cia
to meet with them. How cunning. The
purpose is to appeal to all who are in the
protection combine to unite against, the
Wilson bill . Well, when these selfish rep
resentative of protected interests get lo
gather wliat proportion of too citizens of
Oregon will they represent? Not osein thirty
Will they, when they meet together discuss
all B.-th i'l le whollr iinnrpd -t. i
j a i
lights of the great masses are never consider
ed in assembles of lhpe who meet to promote
the cause of protection A man who will be
so stupid as to say or believe that the in
terests of consumers are promoted by pro
tection should be sent to an asylum for the
lessee. Selfishness is the whole foundation
of the scheme of pictection. Coold the
mises be heaid i tA'ashiogton as the class
es are, the e would oe very little delay in
assing IRe Wilson bill.
all the peculiar troubles that
beset a woman. The only
guaranteed remedy for them
is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription. For women suffer
ing from any chronic "female
complaint ' or weakness ; for
women who are run-down and
overworked ; for women ex
pecting to become mothers,
and for mothers who are
nursing and exhausted ; at the
change from girlhood to wo
manhood ; and later, at the
critical " change of life " it
is a medicine that safely and
Certainly builds Up, Strength-
ens, regulates, and Cures. !
If it doesn't, if it even fails
to benefit or cure, you have
your money back. you are sure of, if you obe
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, is either
a perfoct ami permanent cure for
your Cntanli, no matter how bad
your case may
uc, or $o00 :n cash. '
Ihe propiieton of - the medicine
promise to pay you the money, if
theycan't cure jrou.
Easily Made.
W waot rnaur raca, wtraen, tort, and g iris ts
work for as a few boars daily, right ia and arf ui jl
tlieirowB homes. The business la eaay, pleasaoC
strictly honorable, and paj-s batter than any other
offered agents. You have a clear fisld aad no
eomiMtltlan. Expricnf-e aud special ability on.
necessary. So capital required. We eqaip yen
with asjstytsaksg that rou need, treat yon wea
ami help yau to earn Ua time ordiaary wage.
Women do aa well as men, and boy and girl
miike gool par. Anyone, anywhere, can do tti
work. All sue;eed who follow our plain and sirr
pie ili jti ,.. Karnpst work will rarely brine,
Jon a great deal of moni-y. Eyerjtblng is ner
aud In great demand. Write for our pamphlet
circular, and receive full infortnall'.n. K'o harm
dona If too conclude not to go on with tbe
George Stinson&Co
Box 488,
Hamper's Weekly,
nsarm's Himi ia fccyund all teiuiiiis;
Journal in Aroria, in it sp endid illustrations, in
eerpa of ilininuiahe' contiitutors, and in its ra
army of readers. In splendid line, it diawa on tha
hiabest order of ta'nt,tbo mei. bast fitted by pa .i i iet.
aod training to trrai lb leading topics of tbe day. In
fiction, the most popular stiry writers contribute t
it columns. Buperb drawings by the foremost artists
illustrate its special artictcs.ilastoriesi d every rot
able evsiit of public intercat; it erntains portrait o
trie i'.ing-uishid men ard women who are making; lb
hisioiy of lb time, hit special att.utb n is given t
tho Army and Navy, A mateur Sport, and Music and
the piama, by distinguished experts. In a aond.
Harper's Weekly combines tho news features of tb
daily paper and tha and literary qua 1 1 tie of
theratgszin with the solid critical character of tb?
rer YeariS
II Mi I'; I. .s BAZAR
Pnsiaxe frrets all dbier.bcts in the (Jattssl States
Canada and Meaico,
Tbo Valtinrauf the Weekly begin with the first
Nur ber for Jnury of each year, When no
lime ia mentioned, subscrlptluus wil. begin with the
number current at tin time of receipt of order.
Douud volume of Harper's Weekly for three year
hack, in neatel'th him. ing, will be sent by mall, peak.
ago ild, or by exprcii, free of expanse (provided the
freight dans not exceed ono dollar per volume,) for
ft 00 per relume,
Clutb, cusca for each volume, suitable foi bindins,
will be teutby n ail, post-paid, on receipt of (1 each
It'-miUa' ces should be made by rosiofll e sb.i.ey
Order or Draft, to avoid chance of ioee.
Newspapers arc not to copy Litis adve. ..assssat
without the expres order of nasi It Usutus 1
Address: MAUI KKfat; 1 BOTUU.. Naw Yoia
. I'iS.'Alll. StESKRVf.
Through the kindness of Hon R A Miller
tilt register of the U S Land office at Oregon
City we are enabled to lay btforeour reader
the proclamation t f the president setting a-
part th great rejerve of ptib'.ie lands in the
Cascade mountains.
The Cascade Kange Timber Reserve ex
tends Lorn the Casoade Licks on the Col
umbia river to althin lo miles of the Cali
fornia line. For 11$ miles it is about 3O
i miles wide, and for 30 miles, between Dia
mond Peak and Mt Pit, it is 60 miles wide,
embracing the summit and slopes of the
Cascule range and comprising 4.500,000 acres
The reserve is larger thau wag necessary, j
Though the bill was Introduced In congress j
with the object to secme the timber on such j
reseive, many sections included have, be;n
surveyed and have settlers on than..
The following is the president's proclama
tion: WhffllAt It is provided by section 24 of
the act of congress approved March 3rd, lS-
- !
jvjics... in any (Mi. v. .uc pumu
wbollv or in part eoversd wi:h tlmtr or
undergrowth, whether of commercial value
or no., a public reservation!, and the presl-
dent shall, by public proclamation, declare ,
91, entitled, "An act to repeal timoer cm- , su,pS -j anj ; SOuth, to the point lor tue i ... . ..,r...,,.iaiie.r .ku aitemoon n.v the ice breaking on which i made De-tote the t'ountv Clulc r l.lnn
tureia. and for o.her purpoies," "That corner irWMf I south, range ! e Impossible but the niarriage " ska'ing The bodies were !,!, '... A -ry. t'r. M-r. h n IK,, v.r
the president the Unite 1 State, may, from j g cast; thence northerly along the unaur- this aged pair ig duly and officially re- J JSStSSA PTE TI 1 " f the SE ' a" l W " .
time to time, set apart and reterve. In any j Tevcd line between ranges S and 0 e-ist. to f?" ..I1"? Un J,!rco M""' 1 boy attended the ceremony and goon after ? tp H,K K He 'iam'" 9?
state or territo-v public land katrinc sk. k sss. Z , 1 an-lk f?W " to the tllp ,,,,,": . 8.".""Cr following witnewe to prove his
the establishment cf such reservations anl ; sections 'M and 35, 2C and 2-, and 22 nnd
the limits thereof;" ( j g, to the northeast corner of section 22:
Aa WiitREAs,Th: pa'jbc lands in the thence westerly along the section line be
state of Oftgon, within the limits htreiuatter 1 tween sections 15 and 22 to the southeast
described, aie in patt covered w'tb tim' er,
i and it appear that the public good would
I be promoted by set ing apart and icsei viog I
said lands as a public reseivation. j
Now, thereicre,I,Grover Cleveland, pres i
, dent of the United estates, bv virtue of ihe southeast corner of section $; (hence north-Bro-r
" ! -A k ,. l .u. . .,.. .v. .:- It 1. ;
in. 111 ui . . - . . fcj ".iiiuh - 1
! foresaid act 'of
congress. Co hereby mike .
knon and proclaim ht there is hereby
, K
reserved frura en.ry or s;ttlement and set
apart as a J'ub'.ic Reservation all those
certain tracts, pieces or pa.cels of lani ly-
:ng and being situated in the state of Oregon
and paitlcularly described as follows, to wit.
Beginning at the meaner corner
at the intersection of the range lino be ! northeast corner of section 32, noituerly to
tween ranges t; and 7 east, township 2 the point for the nortacast corner of sec
nortb, W M, Oregon, with the mean high- ti0n S. westerly to the point i.r Ihe south -
-o 1 .. r n.n.1- nn .UA . .... .1, Kant- nf IS. Pa- ! . I k C ' - '- : ' "
innihia river in taid atate; thence north- i
. i , i i - t . ,
easterly aiong said mean nigu-aier mars
to its intersection with the township line
between townships 5 and 3 north; thence
easterly along said township linj to the
northeast corner of township 2 north.
range B eusr; locoes souiusriy aifti. "t
j range line between ranges 8 and 9 east, to
the soutiwest corner of township 2 nortt;. '
range 9 east : thence sontherly along the (
range line beta een ranges B nd 9 east, to
the southwest corner of township 1 north-
range 9 east; then easterly along the Base
Line to the northeast corner of township 1
south, range 10 east; thence southerly j
along the ranp line btwteurangeslOtndJ
11 east, to tbe aonthcast corner of
ship 4 south, range 10 oast; thence
erly along the township line between town
ships 4 and 5 south, to the southwest cor
ner of township 4 south, range 0 east;
thence southerly long ihe et boundary
of township 5 south, range 9 east, to its
intersection with tbe west boanstary of the
Warm Springs reservation; thence south
westerly aiong said Tndian reservttion
boundary to the south vest corner of said
reservation; thence southeasterly along the
south boundary of said Indian reservation
to a point on the north line of section 3,
township 12 south, range 9 east, where
said bonndsry crosses tbe township une
between townships 11 and 12 ssu'.h, range
9 eas ; thence easterly to the northeast
... . .... - - . (.
.vnuou. mm tmmmf v w w. .
Ibence soutbery along the tange line to
i"ci r'ugrn j uw i coii, io uc wum-
ast corner of township M south,
rang 9 east; thence westerly along the
TbirJ Standard Parallel South, to the north j Done a, the city of aebtngtAS, this
east corner of township 14 oato, range 9 1 2Sth day of September, lsir.). of the Indc
east; thence ssutberly along the ran-ie line ! pecdencc of the United States, the 118th.
between ranges 9 and 10 east, to the south- j
8,!t corner of township 15 south, range 9
east ; thsnce easterly along the Third
standard Parallel South, to the northeast
corner cf township 16 -i h. range 9 east :
thence southerly along the range line be
tween ranges 9 and 10 east, tc the south
east corner of township 20 south, range 9
east; thence easterly along the Fourth Stan
dard Parallel South, to the northeast corner
of township 21 south, range 9 ea?t; thence .
souther. y along the range
line between
ranges 9 and 10 east, to the southeast
corner of rownshiD south, ranee 'J east;
tbence westerly alenjr the towrstiip line j
between townships Z ard 24 south, to the !
sontheatt corner of township 2U sooth.
range 6 at : thei ca souiberly along tbe j
ranfe line between ranires G and 7 east, to i
the southwest corner of township ao soutb, 1
range 7 east; thence westerly along fi j
Fifth Sandard Parallel Sou'h. totlte noint
ior tne nonn west corner or ;ownsuii o
south, range 7 east; tbence southerly along
the surveyed and nwsurveyed west boun-'
daries of townships 26 south. 27, 28. 29
VT!v , ,1.
nd .10 south, lo the southwest corner of j
township 'JO south, range 7 east; thence 1
westerly aloig the unsurveyed Sixth!
Standard Parallel Soutb. to tbe pond for
tb-e.i,-a. .,,f,..-n.i.i., r. an,,. I.. !
r - 1 - m . 1 - nr I
ee m i ii i
runue i i east; thence southerly along tne ;
surveyed and unsurveyel wttt ltoundaiies
of townships 01, 32 and 33 south, range7
east, to the southwest corner of township
33 south, range 7 1-2 east; thence easterly
along the township line bet een townships
33 and 34 south, to tbe northeast corner cf
township 34 south, range 6 east; thenre
southerly along the east boundaries of
townships 34 and 35 south, M-tf 0 east,
'o the point of intersection of tbe east
boundary o! township 85 soutb, rangx 6
east with the west shore of Upper Klamath
Lake; Continued to-morrow.
Thence along said shore of said lake to
its jjtersection with the range line between
ranges 6 and j eait, in township 36 scuth
hen:e southerly along the range line be.
ween, ranges 6 and 7 eas', o the s'jtitl.east
orner if ton!iip 37 eoutli, r.intt 6
east; tb rtM Wystcrty-slawg thj f ts'ij
line bet accii lonihip 37 anl 48 south 10
the southwest comer tf town hip 37 sju h.
rane 4 eari; r.heoce north :rly along the
range It e ltetveen range. 3 an l 4 east 1, the
northwest, c?ro(ucr lo dp 36 south, rAny,. 4
east;'hence 'ss'erly along tne Eighth Stand
ard I'arallcl South to the HOubwest corner of
township 35sout i, range 4 east; thence norr.;.
rly alongthe rsiige line between 1 ang 3 and
4east,'0 the southwest corner of ti. it nalilp 31
southrang: 4 es' ; lh;u.e wes'srl) dun ihe
township line ti.-twe.-., to vniht; ti iitsj 32
outhtothe soutliwest corner of U was tip 31
,cuth. range 1 est; thence aorqitfiy aljn
the surveyed snd ur.surveynl Wilt.ttnet c
Meridian lo fit northwest corn;r ttl lo v.i
ship 20 soiih range 1 els'; thence eca er.
V s'ong tiie town ilil;i 'le b.- "n-n ioviislrp
I yauil J..Oll , w 11. e UWifklHst curmr of
township 2n outh, range 1 cas' ; tiience
northerly along t'i range line between
range 1 and 2 east, to the northwest r.jr.
ntr of township 18 south tange 2 east
.henceeasterly alaiig the tow nhip kW
betwien tnwrghlps and iS south, to
tbe southeast cjrnerof towns dp 17 s mill
range 2 east; ibence northeily along ihe
range line between rng; 2 an! 3 e.nt
to tho southwest corner of township 17 south
range 3 east , thence easterly along 1 he iur
ssioj and unsurveyed township line between
townships 17 and iS south, to tlie point for
the southeast corner cf township 17 south,
range 4 east ; thence northerly along thesar
veyrd nt unsurveyed ranges 4 and 5 east
subject 10 ti e proper easterly or westeilv
otlseta on the Third, Second ami first Stnr.d
aid Paiallels South, to the northwest corne
ot township 5 South, range 5 east; thenca
easterly along the township line betwem
towsships 4 and 5 south, to th southeast
corner of township 4 south, lange 6 eagt
thence northerly along the range tine be
twten ranees 6 anrl 7 east, to the northwest
comer of townsnln 4 south, range 7 t;
. .
thence casta ly alonjf the towt'ship line In
tween township 3 and 4 south, to the IsVaU.
west corner of section 34, township 3 south
range 7 east; thehec northeily along the gur
veyed section line between sections 33 and
' 01
34 27 and 2$, 21 and 22, 15 and 16, 9
10, and 3 and 4. to the northwest corne
section 3 of said townthip ar.d tange
thence easterly along tho surveyed mi 1
unsurveyed township line between town
range o east ; tnence, weseny aiong tue
t.wnhin lino l.eiw.eii lownshina 1 and S
my uiie oeiwwo iowiisui i mw -
to the south, ast corner of section M,
, . o . .1 . ;
hip 1 south, raoge 8 east ; thence .
northerly along the section line between
corner of section 16; thence northerly on
the section line between sections 15 and 16
to the point for the northeast corner of
aectiou 16: thence westerly aloug tho see-
lion line between sections 9 and 16 to ibe
Vlty .1 : 1 lie ev Ltuil ii"i.u - 1 . 3
B and S and 4 llUii 0, to the northwest err-
ner of section 4. township 1 south, range 8
J . '
j east ; thence easterl) along the Base Lir.e to
, the southeast corner cf section .53, town
!, hip 1 north, range S east; thence along
the unsurveyed section lines northerly to
tba rolI1t for the northeaot coreer of sec-
! ;, XX. wMfswIr to ilut noint for tbe
, .w . - , - -
along the unsurveyed range lire lietween
ranges 7 and B east, to the point for tt.s
northwest corner of township 1 uortb.
nwvc 8 east ; thence westerly along the un
. .... ... ..
surveyed township lire between townships
land 2 north, to the northwe.t corner afr
township 1 north, ranje i east
northerly along the surveyed and
veyed range line betwoei ranjs C and T
ess. to the meander comer t i intw
section wiih the mean high vater mark on
the soath bank of the Columbia river, te
place cf befinnirg.
Exreptioir from ihe fort?? acu effect cf
this proclamation a'l landu bich may
kaTe been, prior to tb- da!e hereof, em-
braced in anv leo-al entry or covered iv any
lawful filinir. duly of record in the rroner
t--.j c. L:.Lir" . "1 - " S" i ii ' sssss
irnea una osnce, or vyou itur.
any valid settlement .as been made pw
suant to law, and tbe statutrry period
within wbich to make e'.try or Sling of
ecord has not expired; and all mining
claims duly located and held axortling to
tbe laws of Oka United Ststes and rn'e
and itgulations not in ror.flic'. therewith: !
Provided that this excep'ton shall not
toappiytoany particular tract of ;anu
unless the entrvman. tettler or claimant to comply with the law under
which the entry, 6 hng. settlement or Io
( cation was mad
j Warning i hereby eipreaaly eiveo to all
parson not to enter or
ma'-e setliement
... . . .. . . ...
j upi sue .rati "I lall- imiei IUU
j proclvnaUon.
j m witness wce'eoi. i nave nereanto sc.
j my hand and caused ihe seal of tbe United
. State lo be affixed
QhjsWsta Cl.EVEI. .NO.
Received and 61eJ at the iar.d office in
Orecon City. Xovem'er 1 ! -.:
imm't rats ON THE IX OMKlsX-
What ii all this chatter we hear about
the monarchical nature of at. income tax?
1 1 - a tax which is levied in Switzerland
and nearly every oiher republic lecome
monarchical because it I . i-vicl in tireat
Britain ?
The lariff i a fv.-iite tsx
in almost
T .
every country ruled by Vion or
it therefore monarchical?
Monarchies tax tobscco aad spirit
Must our internal revenue aysdera be ahol
isbeJ aa tnonarc'uieiiV'
mere is n'tt a monarchy "naer tne san
but taxes real eslalp. Ileal t.-late taxes
must alao be monarfliica'.
l.l I . I . . . I It-- 1 I
.-iu.j uu. i.i nuvm 1
poll taxes and deg laics ? Theie are sirr. -
ilar taxes in monarchiei.
In fart what tax is the e that has not
, .. ...... . , .
b?en, is not or may not 'ie levied under a
monarchical form of government'-1
Miall tha free ami enlightened ;op!e of
this great and (.louou. RepeMte be oppres-
mmtl I ,on,r,...i, ,11 ,5er . v l,.rer'
Oon Willi a I inxc-. iiiey arc monarcn
This monarchical rubbish is monumenta
nonsense. There is no argument in the '
ceaseless repetition of an empty form of
words It is we.iri?.'iiic and should be1
" wi)en sensible people are discussing a 1
serious question the parro's' cages should
be covered .
A dispstch from Pittsburg Pennsylvania
forecas's the coming of better times in the
- following way :
The Sligo Iron NJills, on the south side.
win resume ofieraiions. iiou jie turn, tin bight hundred men will be em-!
a i) 1 -t t 1 1 11 ,.
f Hirer Bobertswlre and roi mill will
turn, for tho lir.'t timo Miner:
The Tenth Btrcff mill of the Olivet Iron
and Steel Company u ill resume on Tsse
day. double turn.
TSe mills of Dilworth, I'orter ei Co..aiid
A M Hyns & Co . which have been In par
tial operation, wilt also resume in full Dti
Tuesday . A eenservative estimate of t t
number 0' men that will be emi loyed 11
Miee mdl 1 laces the number at 3 000.
Canie K"riiace No 2. st Keating Station
nn ihe asaliiaapra and Ooii Railway, which
lies been l lle almost a year wfll he put in
blast next week, giving employment to 2jo
work men.
100 r -.rara ot00.
Tlio readerr of this paper v
learn that tin r. i at 1 ... 1 on
bu clcaae-d to
1 11 :ided disease 1
that scienco Irn Men idilu t. cars in all Its
ctags, and that Is Caturrh. Mall's Catarrh
Cureistlieon. , t ' Ij cure known totbc med
ical fraternity. Cutarrli bwlmi 11 coustitutionnl
dircaa. require? a constitutional treatment.
Hall' Catarrh Cure, lit taki n ijiternittly, acting
directly npon the blooit anil mucous surface of
the system, thereby dcslroving the foundation
of tbe disease, and giving the patient strength
by building up tbo constitution nnd assisting
suture in doing its work, Tbe proprietors bava
r.o much faith In it curative powers, that tbry
oiler One Hundred Dollars for any cas fiat Si
falls to curs. Head for list of testimonials.
Addr, F. J. CHENEY &. CO.. Tolsao.O.
W Bol y Druggl-' ''5c
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
A Fare drape Cream of Tartar Powder.
buy 1000 eords of wood ami luiv
it pre
pnfed for the market
C H clement lms sued the Sul -m States
man for 83000 for libel. The offenM con
sisted in lulling Clement 11 Jim Crow lo
t active
Nowadays a man hag to make a fool of
Rimwll to receive notoriety.
Dr D.iver eayg tho matter
with Job
The Doctor
...... 1 . j 1 1
Y'."e ? , " pox
o v it h.-i vi i((iiini.
One of the largest dry goods liouges in
the city informs the WUcome that iis
holiday trade tins year exceeded, by
several thousand dollars, that of lS;2-3.
lThe management found a whole lo'.ol j
: people provided with "mifflcient means
of support." Portland Welcome.
A wonderful anniversary, tho 100th, of
marriage of Mr and Mrs Jean Szatli-
ic-uru, iiiey were 01 iiiarriagenuie ajie
Asm Hungary at tliattimea brule-
i iuuoi icavkcu mc nc vi -
f,ul a bride that of 15 the pair mutt now
be at least I -0 ana Ilo yearn old.
' .
croom must have reached the aire of 2ii
1Iiom arc times when
hen we should hate ,
owdtma iu each otlier.
When we should love
our neighlior as .
' e urselves.
i When we should, not be scared t ilcath at
von- thing we see.
U'Un .k..l.i ... f.t. fcl.
state lias a witty way ot ge ting revenge
oilier uav ue wns iiuuig on u .-siaic
" ..'1 h ' , m J"? ,'
j ports. '1 an. surprised. amid a friend.
. -that you should find it necessary to read
law on a street car." "I am not reading
j aw." said be. "I am reading the decis-1
though, stand high in ether states.
1 -
A fire abna - soamle.1 lai h1ws,1u
Bonnff. the firemen from South '.ik
! were the iirst at the scene of danger,
fine residence of U A Ba-,fonl. I the fire
When we should pniire for a pniroos ! out. .tturday night John went out to "do ! w ... . na; n a -nlXZl .
future. the town lie drank heavily, and soon , . .T V . . .. . Tii 1
! after returning to bi ho'el a great crash for0 tonnty lerk of I.innt Allany,
41 . . . , John's wife had ""r "V1, Wa-,:'1: v,VvHu. ,er :
A I twyer who cannot whence fUi,W ,,:,. d k, ia ,, ... II K N" 7225. for tbe S a of N . )i and j
1 case before the curt f tins .,i. 1...- m,. ,uf..ii . li of ! K 'i. w M. to II, h It 1 h. Me
! was all in tbe flue and a few pails of water ue. w 'veu lo da-e ha re- ' a of H fc . and E . X W , aat j
i put it out. Mr Riniford wjuldn't allow i1 varieos comment Tre royalists 20, tp 11 S K 1 fc fie, MM.teM
! he engine to come in f or fe,u U.e mtmmm I V g bj I . mniJ1gjmMBi
, would tromp up some of hi
aituae ami
1 77-, mmm
-i as. :- ii i.i. . .
The a P 8 C E electe.1 oflii-ers on
lelec-te-l i resident; Miss Anna I'at'ison. I Z? 9cal S.0. g" a"J"i
vux piilent: J KWilliatuson. reconling y forces of the I ntied b'itc.
; secretary: J w Fisber. corresponding ec- ; ioV a ktrsisri
l. '" Hrt?Uen.swT j SaLcsi.ctr. .'an '.-The report of the
Mi,s ten lhrift u tiMtitig frien.L Jretv. comr ittee o! vis;tuig physicians lo East
I W e acsnowlnlse a lueaaant cull from her. . . : 717r Z ETl " ...
Call ajrain MisJCora!
. a
fr .
cif fa m. i ti
. V tauv'. i j!i lla'jrUr ll-v
came in on hi in unawares. Mr." law-o'n
.k. .... T iL"
"A '.'T .,'1 I V I I . . .......
; ZZ1 ' :.V i T . i" l! A .vr
, tt'.r cl.iss al our citiren. Mr. lis je.i
i to surprises. The wr-k of i raver i- !in
oueerveil here by uieetintrs evsrv afternoon
at 2 o'clock
Mr ri M Mone nas gone to Portland.
ne JianTs v. leant a.'l t:e can with retraM to
: -mil oners; as ne wanu lo put up a large
: onT .e sun ir. ir-r.
r.ev .i .si A.nvr. .mil; A Laniturd
w,.nt In Allc.nv Ttie-nluy to ottend a nm-
. ing of Presbyter-.
i.itti.k IDsimS.
rcastla in s-
Jnite a nnmlier of our vounir PMpla at
saw a " Mia iwi t U7Ut
.1 T . :. : ., ,. - ai
'"""' ;-l
'" mn. oser in innjion cc.toty UBS
: w.v
There i, some Ulk of a wedding in the
ik oi a vesminf in me
; near iGtiire
' affair.
Itisexperteu to be a arandi
Mi-- .'txrtlia M 1'aj.iel i I tchinir srbeol
in llalsey.
'lithe.ts an! Hrattain have a Urge cum-
ber of Sne muthin r.adv for market. Tbe
price being so low thi-y lon t fevl like dii
posin? cf them et-
Mvss Annie U;then his returned to her
home ui Aibany where she will attend
-ihool the n-maind.T of tiie winter.
Mr Fruits ha- resignci his position as
teacher in this place ar.l Prof Hates will
take hi place.
Mr Henry Freerksen has leen danprr-
oueiyij!; we are in hopes of ber re-
Bo ut.
v line it is over ihtrfy seat ago
( Ai:cocV's Pnrrjo riters were first intra-
1 ducca t tne mrd'ral '-rofeasion ar.d pub-
i lie, tbt. marked sjccrt and ur.precedentd
popciari'y wiiicf. mev met with not only
continues, bit s-eadllv increase. No
o;hcr plasters l.ave hern produced which
gain so many rs'lrr.oriala of high value as
.iiosc cootlntaotialy a -corded to Alcock a
j I'orous riaater. ami tic oniv motive tor
!. these excepttoral tilbaCM Kes la fact of
i"m meatcmai ana p urmareuti-
their being a mejtcinal and pharmareutl-
' . ' 1 .......
I "I - - .' . . - .. A I
j tional proof of tiie true value of Alcock's
, Porous plaster ile in the fact Ihast thej
, arc bdng largely imi ated by ursciupu'
Pc'on". who c'k to dcceivi- the pub-
be by offering plaster, which thev claim
; to M .slme. KquaL' 'a good 'better,
j 'best porous plaie'.' etc, while it t In
! gnerai appearance only that they rescm-
! 5v VJlst ,h,e Ti'C"tfJ
I o . ". If. f " are !mlla"on ol Alrock,.
As'oid ilcalers who
attempt to pvlm off
plasters that are
Inferior anti worthless
.. ... i ... . i i . . t . .
for the
ErapiUn of the shin tared
Ed Veaney, Brock yllle, Oi.tario, Canada.
'f have used Ilrandrvth's Pills for the
past filtren years, snd think them the best
cathar.ic and antl bbllous remedy known.
Kor some five years I suffered trlth an
eruption of the akin that gave me greal
pain and annoyance. I tried different
blood hut. allhouah eaiiiins
"Irength tin hching
was unrrlleved. I
I nnMi : ' 1 ' 1 iu iiise a inoiougn course
, of Brandeth's Pills, I took alx each night
c n.. i.j.j , .
lor nignis, men live, lour, llirec. two, ie
,, each hv .nA . .
month ,ook one VKry nljht w(h m
I happy result tha. now'my skin I perfect-
; )v ck!ir arid ha, Dren l.ver Snc(.' ..
sieir rralsr.
Self praise I no recommendation, but
there are not times when one must permit
I a person to tell Ihe truth about himself .
A' ben what he says is supported by ihe
1 ti-tlir.nnv of ethers no reasonable man
j will doubt hi word. Now, tossvthat
; Allcncu's Porous Platters rc the only
! gen Otoe xnd raHable porous plasters made
. is not self praise In the slightest degree.
They have stood tne test for over thirty
I years, and In proof of their merit it Is only
I necesjary to call attention lo the cutes
they have effected nnd to the voluntary
testimonial of those wh.o have used them.
Bewait ol imitations, and do not be de
ceived by misrepresentation. Ask fdr
Allcock's, and let no solicitation or expla
nation IrsdllCf you to st -ept a substitute.
Albany Market.
Vli-i... 43;.
Or-lx t5
f 'our, ti.Wi.
iiiier. 'Jiin.
Kutun 25 s.
fajntt is to irn
i'nrk limns rito l5:hoiii.irs rtto loe:
lie. . 11 to lie.
Hay. lulled, tl
t0 atottrt, H.
A(ple , 4'
Hops lr.
ii'! f.'ii II il u 1111, Ik;, apples, Oo
lili'horis, ! Oil inr dossn,
Hatr. on ft ot, IKd.
Hons, tlu-t "c 1. 8j
A Ills: Bailie.
London, an 9. The Libson correspon
dent forwards the following mail advices, I
ijrougiu irotn Kto by ate steamship Clyde,
under date of l'ecembcr 20: An important
Imttlo has been fouglit In the state ol Sao
PUK, in wbich the government troops. 1
I--V1 . . .. , ,,7' 1
miller lieneml Argalio, were defeated by ;
the insurgents. T.iere were I0.0U0 (roonsi
?vKed Wtlo. Five hundred of j
the government forces were killed and the ;
e.. tancu jii-'nris. Among me i
captured ure lienerals Silvu and Telia 1.
Rldn-i Ealer.
San o, ,lun !!. A bund ot 02 1
Chinese were brought from Texas yester-1
day en route to China, and placed on the I
siennier tiueliiv wtiieli kiiIIo.1 lbtk -.ft. i
for Hong Kong The band were captured
while attempting to cross the holder line
from Mvi. -t Armotl in.. 11 (sii1sIai1 Mil IVa
gangplanks of tho steamer and kept watch
over the Chinese quarters.
Uruuiiril sitll. Lu.i...
, ,
1 i iiM.v. Jan 'J John Curl Sorenson. i
agtnl 15 years, and Charles ti Davie, atred ;
10. were drownpd in Hoodlum lake this ;
iswai 4 Like It.
VAStoi:v"Kit, Wash Jan 0 -There i a!
ersal feeling of regret and disappoint
t. regardleas of uartv alliliations. here
over the failure of J A Mundav to secure '
tbe appointment of collector of internal
revenue. Monday's turn-down is lm.k-o.1
upon here as one of the hardest Idowa flu. '
democracy has received in Washinirton.
S4tsas k.oekol 1 nl
Bi'kfaix), Jan 9 -The story of John L !
Pall van's latest knock nm h. J...
Ic,iiao club, knocking her husUnd sense-
a -- -
Walla Wai.i.a. Jan 9. Tbe snow, i
which aocumula'ed to a ip'b of 12 inches I
sinco January I. is going off with a rush)
tTTl i
rain set in.
m ran bm M a 1 as
Sn . ...
viftOKU, 111 Jan Abe Auatraiian
s.eamer Wairimoo arrivel todav. hrinncr
P ff,
I I II. a...
he '- nfkprea dispatches ajpunst
be order of ihe l nited Mates legation.
I bu. It is doubtful if allot them are landed.
I'''"""""".-"aoitiieni an; landeu.
. I accouudiabed h Cleveland, and the annrx
..iu a, cuofij,.!,.
inwi .u...i-t.v . -
alion .ball ta.e place. Tbe situation has.
in fact, settled into one cf glaring Jtiince.
i ,n which the royalists themselves admit
ditCmlTTt " AXjitl r ""L7ZJ
- a mmm a 'it'. sa It'l Ul lilt VUUtril
v iw utr wit. :.'..ui:fu j j t ran' i.
i .
7 1, l 1,.
s luuiiP 4ii in ni wsi8 nr.mifiav.i it a niaui
. .1 . .
1 ,ue :enpiu oi time required for a
mWkiWUm by t e board, ii
will i K-ver.! davs .efore a derision
1 i be reached a to the site.
irr uusks
0MMX. Waah. Jan $ - Tbeci y was b
: arrest eici etnent this morning on ' ibe ro
DSDf csinine credence that C F It asssssH
cashier of tbe i irst National bank, had
oifaj.pea'eJ. Inquiry revealed the fart
I bat Kusvli. wh,. tu-i J.n r .,:... f
I'ir.1 V.llmi' l..V (.,.
saspcrted o! raisms; notes to cover a "hor- I
I Ilge. lr lark ba been here
since rriJay . haturday some i.T?gu!aritie
; u
was tJssciveml. Ku'seil -aid he could ex -
Main. Hn If I: i. . ...l.. .h .
HoeSr .n.l -ai.i 1- ,. m,:
i . . , 7 ... vwc
rssawfso nearly nea I
i - . ,
HsU-i-xer. Of. Jan s M.- CH'U How
ard, danffbter of T K Howard, of the
croetry firm of Stan tc Howard, of tbi
i, ....i .. i. i... :i. i
TET' 7". 25
act I jea.'r.nsy. Mis Howard had been
going witti a young man of this city: he
west borne frtn S tn-iav schxJ testerlav
. .... ii..-ii iu rat;
("", another young lady Thi made Uie
Hoarxi so angry tht "be took a doe nf
poiti. warn cai aid was
mooed, and after a hard ilr
was saved.
in ili r triers
In Voasa.JanS.-Toe Herald , d..-
v... lut 1 1 Cl ' 1 (I I
pa'ch frciiu Managua. Nicaregaa. sats
Nicaragua invacers of flounduraa hive
e woo
T- 1 ' V"
CssfOfM ti e town of Nacaome this af'er-
'"oil. Nacaome is In the prolines of t'bo-
I lotera. and i aitua'eJ not far from tbe
j eily of ihit name.
j Vwnivi:i J.n 7 T;, i. in
t-r.ff lull !
win occupy tue a' en'ian of the bourn nu ,
I rn tbe coniinz wr ;:. After four uv of ,
. iiattaBBS effort to c ue the presence of
votmg detnocralic .ltjoni-n, the house
1 opteti. iul MMM mlj-jomnieat. 'ne
' ;reme expedient of ordering tbe arrrst off
j all member aWnt without leave. Dep-
ulie were sect out in all directions lad '
! night to serve on A! mem'ien. aH
sent wrhoot leave 21 democrats a-d 19
, republican. The democratic leader- ex -j
I press tbemselres a confident 179
press inerose.yes a conmient in xo ing
..... ' J " TP. II I .n im hn. . . . I . I.
, 7 - - " -- ' 1
K vel -Irjps at noon,
uai rae.waier
Sew Yk. Jan 7 -BartOd Fmieric
j cab!,, the Times from London: Suddenly.
I and if not from a clear skr, at !eat from
an unexpected iiuarter of' the horizon, a
i lightning flash has startled Kurope. There
i v "TVv ni-ht;ncoun'." "
ween and Jrencii forces the
i nusn up i ne river in tiic tger valley in
that'i hinterland between Sierra
: one anil S-negambia. Three well-fc
...... ..... i i. ii.ii-suu.n
I wm,M I.', I, , fi;..... ...ill, lit 1.1 .1.
M li ! i. -Kile,. VUHVI-, ntii. iu eii.ti.ft
soldiers in Britisn uniforms, have been
l.'tglish omcer. with 10
killed by Trench weapons,
Thi is revent-
Rtill a Wystrry
CitlC.koa. Jan 7. - A special to the Inter
Ocean from San Kranelsco sys tbe revenue
cutter Corwin is still anchored off San
uuen'in and all efforts to approach her are
proving tut ne. A story has gained cu-
rency today that among those on board ia
Minister vsilii, who ba been given his
passport by the provisional government of j
Hawaii, and toot the earliest opportunity I
10 leavp me scene or m enort as a diplo
mat. This story, like that alloat yester
day that the Corwin had prisoners on board
has but a circumstantial foundation.
rreBeried Dralh
Sax K ia n cisco, Jan 7. A scnsaliona
munl.'r occurred hem this af'crnooa. Harry
i Pool, a young man wtdl known about
town and of a well-to do family, was shot
and almost instantly killed by Mrs
tick. I he aged mother of Kstrulliu Sliat
tuck, n young and pretty chorus girl at the
Tivoli opr.i house. .She severed her con
nection with the Tivoli company lust night.
Young Pool was sumniored to Miss Shat
tuck's home on Stevenson street this morn
ing, where the girl's mother met him and
demanded that he marry Mis SaWteek ot
once. Pool lefused. and Mrs ShaUin k put
a pistol to his temple and shot him dead.
NOTK'K is hereby given to all whom it
may ennccrn, that I wns on tho 10th day of
January. 1W4, duly apjioiiitotl extvutorof
the last wsll of wUluktn G MoatvMMqr,
di-ieaseil, by tho County Court of Un
County, Oregon, tlicrcfoie :ill natSUBJ lutv
itiH' claims iigaiiist the istate of said dece -ili'iil
are hcreliv notilicil nitl rriiiired to
present such tuilM to tne with the proper
vouchers, at my residence near Scio, in said
couutv, witliin'six montlts from the data
Knted this 12tli day of limn vry. ISM,
W H BtXTEV, BowastD MoNTnoMicrv
Attorney. Kxeeutor
T U8T..
Va'lse contalnliiK sevsra) ar
I i if in-, wit 1 name mi.
If found pleaaa
rturn to It Parker or leavo at Parker
Bros. Wil pay a toward.
9100 Itcwnrd, 9100. I
The fendcre of th) 1 paper will bo pleased to
learn that there in ;.i oa dreaacd disea-w
that sckncu baa been n il to care in all lu
atttftvt and tliut Is Catarrh, iiall's Catarrh
Cure ia the only poaiuvs ears now known to
UuaaadJcai fraternity. Catarrh Mat a con
stitutional disease, requires a constitutional
tmlsssnl ll ill -' atsrrh euro is taken Inter
nally, actiu-r iltr. i ily upon tho blood and mu
cous Mtirfmrf of t li r: aytfastt, thereby destroying
the foiitnlution "t fie, 1011 irlvlnir tho
patient at tenet I. I 1 1 nur -it t ttitconKt itut inn
ISSJ1"! " '''"r' '",',""' ,H rk- K
pnipnii' mn li fitiin in its curattvs
kwr, thattbey onr Da iiumlrad Hollars I
fir any ease thut it fall-, to cure. Bend for
"VTtcHENEV & CO., Toledo. 0.
soid by Druggist.. 1
. "rrfTSTrrssr
Genuine paitt fr a'l sevlng machines, ;
also the best oils, needles, etc,, for all j
sew'ng mschlnes, bicycles, et:., at E U
Will's music store. Sewing machine and
orgms repaired reasjnahlc, and all work
warranted. Needles nrenaid lv malt aoc t
-n- -.. - 1
I N l UlTICI A'l
Okk'.on City. Ok. .
Jan. jtb, lb!) I
Notice is hereby given tbst the follow
ing name 1 settlnr ha ti ed notiee of ois
intention to aiaki fina! prool In support
of tils claim, and that said iro f will be
re.s!itn'-e ii on 1
of said liu via: Iyvl Pierre, ': rdwell
t'ltrk, Marshal S '-lak. Fred Myora, ail
of Ij.eouib, Uaa Co, Ore.
Hokkut A Mll l.HB,
Notice for Publication.
Lasd timer, at Orimn Citt
l., Kit, tWLl
' I
i ' t 1 a.l..L M-M : I
" ET .
name.1 settler has hied notice of hss inten-
BMsaiitai lli. lawsamaai asssasfaasi a tn : r.v.hi
. ..nunu'iu" rpsj iemur ;uiu CUHfaHW I
V " U 1 v, ""i , J , C. n'Ti" k 1
Myers. MarshaM. lark, ( anl well Clark, ail
of Ufmb. Ore. Huiikut A Mii.i.r.n.
lUister. t
NotiCO tOV PubUcatiOD .
in r
LAM.Orru R at Chinos t irv. On.,
in .l'rr ivii
I tlaall 1 hasaKt? ilsal lk. t .iIasv.
. "" " f VJ. I
" ea. "0".01 "i" t
Intention to stake final proof in suppnri
of til claim, an ' that 1 pro f will i e '
lntol, t,for. ,he Coun-y Cirl
( M Albany. ora on Karak fttfi
Marsaai S Cirk. U E, No. Tin
.rk nf Linn !
h. ll;via
Marsaa, S C.rk. Ug, No. Tl.a5.fjr the
ous residencw upon
aakl land. tIk tvl Were. Hnery
My rs, Gardwa'l Ciatk, Fre i Myers, au
ifM!:,,,b' Unn Up " .
' Kourj-T A
ii Li.ce.
J .ifc,f?Wl dpr?Tf . tM
I UM I. ttj.ll . VsiTs lT 1, Tn v'J -. . l.lTW.n.
CauX tu at teal hm t4is tivjc A Fcbnusr? sz th
boor of I o arhxli p m of ki t r v i tb . wwy I
Coon room tW Vrt llmtc a u-4 ommir, f
I Use hMtt -4 esrtva if aj t mntM mt-i U I
j rtlietiwal ti m3 MiU. An v kmv-xg V)cr-
I IkM ttf'.n MtlkaTMCl g a J ett r txtrb I
I (4l&wii (A bt pRMtVtl ft ' mat.
rbltivb4 bj re.- cf H -- i N Ifoanst, Jv&gi f
m4 -ttit . 4 HafaScfista, Adbktmimnlar .
AU ' i - A'L"
xici: ia Hrti.i:'f tilt ex to au. u s it ;
oawessw. taw am fha V h asu 4 lKt mlar.
tft m Jnlc BJMlA'tfmi f I. fiLif . J lk. '.. I t
.--,1 uaaMtt f4 Jamtvh L Dsraavm, l'.:.oJ. br ta i
i eW
Oswaar Cowrs mi Lias oauaiv, Uuaasi. ar J Usv I
sassas L ,
s riii i iitm-or, ami kssS tmM
i bawd lassw kaaa isra4 mj mtU mtmaX
hetrt tt .
s .; Mlw ba'tnr jr.-... .
as ! i-5 th.
i.a mj,. km o biiii. e. j.s
sullu litr of A:b-.
Paled .hit tth aj .1 ImnitKr. lsSC
K UiarR 1 ii l
AU'sti fr Eicvi a r
C S Laata Oiri t
Oatsamst Citv. Os
fJ llth, isso.
Mrtlc ia hereby sliver, that !;i omp i ;
anoiwiih tha piwWMta sflb a-' f.
" nare-s f fano 3. IT-. entitled" tnid'
for th se e -:ii. In the states.
of Caiistoa . Oresras. va-ia- d '.ih
ins; t Terriiory," Htrrr M Herfi-.t, of '
rxn fta-in. coo at y of Marlon, atatenf
Orepoo ht-s nay fited in this niTlc- hl
I arworn statement No-73 fr.rtb U'rh w
j LS . of. 'v.2T-s.? afS i
i m -4 r - r. j .ii i-j a-..n war
ehirsNo U'h rane No $ Kt,and will
tt . . . 1 . 1. . . . l , . . ;
" nar vu:! lUlioil-r or stone
than fnr . me i'i..r. ... ,n
etahiu- tth tat9 to aai.l lan.l -':
! tha Kei'er and Kecolver ot ihia offi je at i
(Oracon Ctiv. rs;..n. cn Wxio.tay. the 1
It'.h day of J!.urr. 1.-9I li ntniss as
wl:n.ea. Qao !! Lotel . -. i a osnv
treiriin:!Ienrv ."uneiia of a I hn v.teon.
a '. . rry.o. ntrr. ,' ieon; a. t: iver,
Cf Qiean Rssin. (iresio . Ant and alt j
- r- 11 flerAiV 1l.e almvu i
I tsa -rlbed land are rej Jee-I to fi'o their
elaint in this. -.Ill M on or b f .re ssi.i ;M: h
lav or jtiii'r ivm.
Ronr.RT A Mailt,
a. it. nvnr. tv. ii.iimhm;u
Callimnrp Uiwk. Albany, ftrr.
ror.ipleto line of
in all iU branches.
EMBALMING a -specialty.
Hesidems! corner 3rd anti Cal.ipoiia 11 r
Stationery, Toilet Anises, Musica
Instruments, Etc
Hodps k MM,
The Cornel Ding Store,". Albany, 01
New Advertisements.
OR SAL15 -20 ahate of Albany elec
atoox tue bjst (lirliteml
in this uits. Knqulre at
pay I iur stouk
this office
WANTED Pushicg C.nver of cood
dre. Liberal aalarv aud evienH
p.-id aeeklv; Perrnansnt position. Bi'OWN
l!KO?. CO., Nursery mun, l'ortlaml' Oic
goo. We
country who will tako a hoy twelve
yeatsofafre who wants to gn to aohoni
anddochorjng taking rtarw tf cow or
hnrso lo pay part of his keeping. A
isaaouable amatint In addition will tie
paid bv his father for his care and keep
ing. Parties will salt it thh otllas.
old by II F Merrill.
1 P Ill 1 1) IJ f) lH
aei' t.a a . i . mtm . ej i
Reduced t, rsc- if-;
rhe Jibrum
, "Tid ef all ear PtrteJUalt."
The foremost mcp of the world write the Uteratfrr
of contcmpurMKOus activity for THE FORUM.
Entry qrsat tbjet( U faaas up b Th Frum when It naturally cones 1st
public attention and is teaui fer the beat authorities, without regard to sarttts
or creeds. It wlit keep an? thcuh'.ful reader InformeS on tk tatts ar.d problem
of th time, as r.o 0th at periodical cses.
To many thouzhtiul jxnplf, ihe price of The Forum ha hitherto been pro
hibitory ; indeed all the zreat Ucvlew s hate been too high io price for the masses
of intelligent readers, liut now the number of readers of tboustbtful literature
- men and women who wish really to know what is groins' on in tbe world out
side the narrow limits of particular tret ami parties- is great enough t th,
Lnited States to warrant ao revolutionary a rrJ!"c.;r,n bs pric-. The ForurB
discusses important subjects, bat it is r.ot dult. Tbe literature of contempo
raneous activity is, in fact, the most Interctinz of all literature. American
citizenship implies that a man shall krow the opinions cf the foremost men
sad the latest great achievements in every direction of ortivity.
Tbe Forum is now st cheap as the msftajinea of. mere ectertainneat.
The Forum Publishing Company, Union Square, New York.
25c. a Copy. $3 a Year.
i I
l iidertakers - and - - Eiubalaiers.
II TE KkEP rcntrit! cr. I ard a full Ire cf ii.etaHc. c! th said weed caskets ai
VV ctffiis. Also l-ni'ial ictes sr.d sclts. rn bioatfcloth. rtir.uslWfir.etr"
which will he .'.' at
The? Lowest lag Profits.
EMBALMING nd he proper care of the dead a specialty.
The Oregon Land uo
sj: ir - -
.ue Uray .:-. co ier L.iery anj
MT A K F.s a tciahv of Sun:.
" W sell 5, 10 or 20
-r . -. tail rash payment
or partieQla. a.
fc JTill sell all crrrlterv ware and isDiitlay ;ooi ai
ff COST- Here are some prices: Lamps, worth
V fiOc for 25 cents; lamps, worth $2 X for $1.00
cups aiui saucers 25 to 40 cent? a set: pla'es. 40 cents pei
set. Evaryliinj5 else in proportion.
'all on mo anil
vou will
Y sruRB iSisuVV H'U. OK f 1
i f tci room et. cbaue, "cace. eii
.1. JOSUFIl. I'roprletor,
fill; .sfcvfatTO lnoTOCJlta.PHi:R'i,eKOn
mmm belt
"iMm?r WU&v'Mit Vrila U Ws-akce! rti)ttiMr ftr-i
itnlic. of bralss, aerff fer.t.r -. cr : ?
avitial evhssMttsM. trml, iot, t.rvua dtt!ii. alerp.
Iraaars, lawfuor. rhtnvsuUUsa. tvltla?? , Ur m i ,j ' ;
roBi aiuts $gM bM. lumhM, wiHjn, fDiri m .Th.
te Tttli Utr? bsjjl ovntatua V oaderiii 1 l pra U or-j
M othvrv, Nl pVM fwrrwDl thai U laftaKttT fU ar th
. ' or foifoti i, tnKJ. aod will rsa :. f ttr aSoa
ia?aaa ar aa 1 . Tfcotiaaoda har Waa .t,r -H bv il t aar
t. " r.'fn aftrr all Mttar rr-- ' r-.e aad -
tjlra a uri 'Trent ct trliain'al) la t it and et err alaar itai.s
luriMrral hi Hllllh rLM IKIi 81 SftStHtMl,
f .1 h. . r- strtt'.tr .'. irttneu MOKMril Alt HIT Oi
Itta.iia aad i.-crvua .trri.e'h IRakTklEDtiiCUtclMI Qbm
gf ti-4 far tHati rated Put, aU'ta. maf ril. tsraWd. rraa. Jtddraa
z.rexij&vv xixiXictxixc o.
No. ,78 First St.. PORTLAMO.
a ncsvspaper wr- r, acthor, artist
luibllstitrcrit; miser?
If you r-.-, ct-: 1 - Interested In any
ut tha above, , 1 should read
"nut f rejeh thf above!
hj n iVfrlls in
'; ua Joi'hsai 1st.
11 pll 11 $.W a year,
t... 'i in -.ate on application.
AI 1 t OltMAN,
it..; 1 aad Proprietor,
ti. Na.-eau TittBr. Nsw Yomt,N.T.
OIL Perfect Cure of
home c:;e at;
- ORi-'o o t
;t-le ilxeet, tjtx n n.
."ruit iracts reai Salem,
acre lots at $50 to $60 rr J
lonti time on balance
not b;
- ., which I will cell at
Thos Bricks
Cabl .let photos from $:.50to4.oo
! a o rrr doaen. hnlaigmg pictures a
WJWffJ peclaltv. txio cravon? framed
'tV' ''1 c.o'oo vVe carrv a larse stoc k
of 5x8 ami steresccrt" views ot ur-
1 AaKSTS 'VVANTKPonSartatv.lCs'mmissioii
Bionraphy ot JAMES G. BLAKE,
Jjll. i u jjuj v uiiuuw
By Cm. ll.01ii.rox, his literary exeoutoi,
with tha oo-optiratioo of hi fatnUy. an.l (a.
Mr. Blame's Complete Wrtrkr, ' TWBSTt
Yrars or Cost; res.," and hi-. later bot,
ItllillL! Pllst llaaitllH " One proapectns
for the 3 tiar sat-LiNt; book to the mar
ket. A K V .1. rdan of Me.. took 112 order
from titat 110 calls: ageD' profit $ISW 50
Mrs Ballard of O. took 15 order. 13 -eai
Russia, in I dv; protit $26.23. K N Rio
of Mass. took 27 onler in 2 days: profit
$47.23 J Patrldua of Me. twk 43 oders
from Sti calls; protit $73.25 . K A Palmer
of N. Oak. tool 53 ouler iu 3 days; profit
I $93.25. ExcLl'stvtt TwtmTOKy aiven. If
I you wish tomske LAKliE MOKdY write
1 immediately for terms to
Tliellcnrv Bill Pub. Co..Jorairli.l'oiiii
.;. r..'..i ha been bv the Coualv IVart of
l.uni county, Oregon, duly appointed exe.utor
of th last will ard testament mt N tl VU OomtM Ut
ot Liitu coisnty,Os0,deoaard, All person having
aim aitainst said cctate ar hereby notlfled lo pre
sent them properly verified to the undersiirneu at
hi reaidcuc mar th City of svio. Linn eoanty. Ore
iron, within dx mcuus fmm this da'e.
bated this the Oth day of January. 189.
A K aflHi.NALD.
W K BiLVSV Executor
aft V-torney for Cxecawr-
I U the Circuit C-irl of tie Slate of Origa
for the conniy et
I J M Wateia. P'smtiff.
i Vashti Jo'incn ai d K D Johxsar, Defendant.
N: tice is hereby x'vea tnst uiI' anA
; hv v:rtoe cf ar. exf cation issnerl cot M tbe
: circuit coort of tbe state of Oregoo, for Lina
I Ccaat, anrl to tne dirclet anrl delivered j
1 npon a jodfisaeut recdererl a-d etlared in
I the first instance in tho circuit c- 01 1 ti :h
j slate ct Orecon, for Id fOOD?,rn 'be
i llth day of March. 1S93, -n ff I j
Water a plaintiff, nd rga.r.t ahll
fohnson atid K I) J. hnsno d,feodBt.
for thn uto ot $103 5.'., with luterrat fhre
! on at tbe rte tt 10 pe" cent P" nom
I from the 1 Ib dav of !. ', 1693. anti. paid. ,
s.,d for tbo for'h"erom cf 23 a coat and
iibarnienU. and " said plaintiff
dnly p.ocnrd a eertiried transcript of
i said jodjroent, 1 tuned bv the clerk of said
i cireaut ciact of Ijine t'coot. , and did on tha
i 1Kb da, if Decemlier, 1S33. have tlse a.nw
1 doiy filed and docketed y the e'erb of id
I circuit court of Lino Ocnty. io tbe jodg
' meat lien dooktt of tho said ctrcnit court of
1 the tat of O.ego ., f r Uon County, Or
, soo, and opon sd . xecntioa ad ooto
the slid crrcn t ccor of L'nn Cr-aofy, o
aaid iodsmeot sforid I did 00 tbe ISta
, Ik t... I f-Att Anl . lavv DC ID. B
A. . rtl 1J r.v ni r , -- j
theconmaol of id nt cl
' rrpsujii
eat p"
1 hi. ck V
Uie LrrTOfT - deC'itv
rt, ior, Lot So. I IJia
, 44) in W.rrens addi'.ioc loth
..,. i l.u.n I'MBir Oreaoo.
too oi
a .s. . i.t ... 1 ezca
-. .uJ f aatisl lew and o .'.i-fv aa
,J ( nine. ' . t;o..e a.. -. " . .
: .. I .11 .... Ih II h dav cl r
- . Ka j;s n...f ' ana
mt r , " 7 - . .
"ry 1S94 at ore r. cioca p m, - " '
he f root dcr r of ' he Linn Coouty toart
ase, in the city . f Altany, Uon Cuantj,
efoo. r!!all trittbMit'e a-i
1 is rich Ibe aid Va.bti Jobi sv-n o-l W. D
Johnson, had, in and to tho the .reread
cr.'ed real f.rrf.iy, 1 n ine 11
Ii..r.ljf ls,o5 t r.nbr.c t uct oe . t
bisbtst '.idde. for csb ic har, l
ft. .'m !f. t. - i . ..' . A in lalmfaeti n
.... t ... -I K .
i e.-ctioi , costs, sad acroirs; cost.
UtUd tiU 3 d day of .Tarnary, IVM.
Sh. riff of Lino county. Orecna.
la (Jut Circa t Cimri of il V OrrtyM
for tke annty of 1 ad ton .
Ifenry Fleekemfe in aad
Julius Mayer paitntn.
in bnsinan under the fi ir fiasnims,
nsme of FltckensUin. Ma-
yer .V Co.
. John BCrcac au I G.rge It
i Ridiczr. : 'u i . :s.
Notk-e in hereby ttven tiai by v'rloe ot
an exatsra do jr istaad oaiofandnn
!er tbe saal of tba above mated court in
lh above eaiit 1 a Ion u ma airWed
cd delivered. I di j in L:cnTJn:y, Or
r e.rr. !.' .?.h !.y c' l(mb, IfSH,
du'y evy apon the real propenv herein
after decenbed. and 1 wdli on Saturday,
m3rd dstyaf Febroary, ISM. at tba
front dior of tbe Co irt House in tha city
m" Albany. Uos Counts Oreeoi. at tba
Hour or I o clock p m cr sail otay us:, at
public suction, for esh in band, lo tba
highest bid lei a;i the right, itt'e aad
interest of the said dsatidant. ( eorw 1 '
Kidinrr in soil to the real propswty
hereiiaf.i itevrribei, to aatisf' aaid ei
ecarJoe, sa': I ret! isroperty bete 'ieTt-
; ad aa follow, tc-wi. Lo: bo. uvea (Tj u
' block No hi in Hecktetaati'a 2nd adii
! tion to Ihe ctiy ' f Albany, IMtt CjcbJj,
Onpni. Ifcs prJoean- aria eg '. m said
j sal r-fil bo pp.:e . fSrat ts tb paymect.
the acemirg ;b or aD.i upon tad
election and ezr-enes of sale eeed to
he pajiect of plaiudtb claim, as att-xn
by said execution, amount eg t tho
; sum of fire band red doi era and sevoty
i five cents (fiOO.TX : with interest tbsBswn '
j from tbo 1st dav of AprM ieSi, !c tbe
inmi.l(lr:J thereon ur tbo 3rd
f day cf July. 1S4. Dat d ibh Ci.i d-j of
; Jar.'sarr l-;ii.
SUertff cf Li .in Oo Ori
Notice for PuhJication
C S I a. sii Orrrr az OEeo Ciit. Oa..
Jt4, lS:t. 1633.
S'a-Jcc i hereby given j ir comB
; airh tne previsions of te act rf
j Congress o: June 3, 1S7S. entitled "An
! ct for tbe sale rf timber isrc in tfee
I tates of Cailftrcia, Oregcn, Xeaada. ard
: shi.-gton Tem'OTj, -E&tcn W Bee
I man, o! A'banv, foontv of Lhtr.Srat" of
Oregon, ha this day ftjed in this ofCoe
his sworn statement Sa 1SS9, for ttte PTr
chase of the SfjOtSE and S-,of S w
i of Sectton No a6, in Township Nj 10
south, Ra-.-ie Xo 6 East, and will offer
proc f to shew that the Sand tooght Is vatoabi: fjr t's tis bcr or store than
icr ar:culture panoses and to establisli
!i t-; uin to uid land before the Register
tc Receiver of this orScc a'. Oregor;
(Uy, U.-egoj oa Tarsday tne 6:h dav cf
Keb-tiary, 1S94. He narrjr as wi cesses
M F Coio;n,:of Green Basin. Oregon ,
John Daley, of Green Basin Oregon C H
Oilrioir., of A bans. Oregon, and F L
Hoitnts, of Albanv, Oregon . Any and all
person claiming adversely the above
described lands are reoues-ed to file their
claims in this office on jr before said 6 !
day of February, tS.
i. A V-lier Register.
Notice for Publication.
C. S La
;)5 Cm. Or
Jftlioe is h rt tiv aiven that in com pli
ance with ihe provisions of tbo art of
Corsres of Juo iS, IS7H. entlJesP-Aa act
for tne ss e of s.mber lasd io tha star
of California, Ore-r ir, Nevada and Wash
ington Terriiory.' as exwnded toall the
public land states by act nf August 4 lsr2,
Francis L Holuiea cf Aibsvay. couu.y or
Lins state of Oreg.oo, has this dav file 1
in thi office his swots siatemect N - 2595
for the purchase OI the anotheast ! of
section So 25 in township So 10 S range
So 6 eas, and will offer proof to sbow
ifaat the land so-igbt is uore valuable for
its limber or stone than for agrlcaltural
purposes. avi 10 v:ah:Lh his claim to
sakt tatid betcrethetveeistsrand Receiver
tf this oSiee, at Orey on City ; Gr; on Tues
day: tho 6th day of lbruarr, ISM- Ha
names as witness: C H 'Dalrrmpi;
Albert EHoImes: ti V Aoams; A ink,
all oT Albany. Or. Any and ait parsons
ciairt log adversely tba above describe.!
lands are resjossle.1 to ti e their claims iu
this offi'jo 00 or before aid 6th day of
February: ISiM.
Kens sit A Mills?;
i. asi-oei ba Ibis day been anokat) adsate.
trtor with the win aaaexnl tt tltt relate o Joawtk
S.vtasursia, deceaMd, bj the -uorny cvurl ,J
Una cexutly, ttreaua, and all person,
ivisr claims asabut said estate ar hereby re
luireJ to preawst the tame Jaly vcritw to at
at iy boeae abmn i, miles w .V Harrksbars, Linn
.antv, OregM, wiihiii six mmith frooi the dsie
tkstetl Dv.mbei :th. 1S93.
JVhiter. Adnuuastritor
Atty or . Jrein .
I -T".
! J'-StSiSS
I iectstxl . AUranao baviac ciaiea -aiat said
eautte ire berebv required to vrvsrnt theni aulr
rerifleit as hy lw teqalred so the ui,deripii at
email ia. tireoa, within six month ham th
tia-e here if.
litJ thi Slth dav of Nmi .Vr t98.
1 B0 t.EKIlaRD.
Wlhcrtorl A t'haraber.alo, Atlniiuistralor.
Atty tar Avlmia.
r!Viiti4.l 4. o
Bv virtue cf a chattel mnrtgsjre
Kv a "" . ,A V...i: A
... U I.V.MT...U iU llUfllftW,. ,
Ailei Seidel, attorcjv in 'ikjr i V i
1 1. 1S93, aad riled ia "the jJIfjPffr
, , asjdafti lC LfOtliy
recorder am ooaaty cjsdf on Jotv ,SfXi'
ti! it 1 hlchdgK b beeit made, I
shall sed the projdTy theria menUooetl and
deserlhstl, iism Ote ix boras i:ueaell
traction em-mex. No. C22t, one No. 7 Mak n
!"."w,w'r.natn-d'ei- 0De 80 ,c' aoiiU saw
ad 140 feet of 7 ,ch ntoUt beltin at pub
itc suction, for eiah in baud, at Stewart A
Sox's foi mt r place of basin sa at the . . r -r
of Post ami Ferrv street., Alhanv Or, oa
Friday, Jan i9, iS84. at t t,'eiock p m
Dated at Albany, Jan iO, 1S94.
KrassLL Jt Co.
by Allen Seidel sttoroey in fet.
HOP poles. osHlar, pointed, to bnndla.
for sale I leant mi. n-n '