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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1894)
jffltott Eights mmmmt VOL XXIX. Entered at the Fo m at Albany. Or., as Second-Mass Mall t. ALBANY.OKKGON, FRIDAl, JANUARY W, 1894. HTJTES A HI r Tl G, raadlsaers ti4 Frnprletors; NO IXXIOBI'VXIK, OltAR iSTTBR SATURDAY Cei STY Ctt BT. for Infants and Children. IHXRTT years' otserrattom of asllltoiaa of pwioni, permit m It la nnqneatjonaply the heat remedy far Infanta and ChUatren tke world haa ever kaowa. It la harmleaa. Children like it. It aflree theae health. It wtU save their Urea. In it Mother! have aaneethfaag which la ahaolwtaly ai and, practically perfect, aa a child's medicine. Caatoria destroys Worm. Caatoria allaya Feveriahneea. Oaatoria p raven ta ToIMa; Soar Card. Castoria einros Plarrhoaa and Wind Colic Caateria roHowoo Toothhaa; Trewhloa. Caatoria cara Conatipation and Flatulency. Qaatoria nentraliaaa the effect of oajhonio add srea or poiacnona air. Caateria, doea not contain morphine, opinm. or other narootio property. Caatoria aaaiaailata the food. roarnlates tale rtanaeh and howel., jjai healthy and natnral sleep. CaMoria la pnt np in one-aixe bottlea paly. It ia not aold in hnlk. Pent allow any one to aell yon anything elao on the plea or propUa that it ia " jnat aa good" and " will anawer every pnrpose." that yon get C - A - S - T - O - The fac-aimilo aianatare of Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. PAr.Qr.iZc, HOil THl FARMERS & MERCHANTS IORHCI CU- -Lilian 7, 3V aKAii. Prwideat. J L COWAN. Treaaurar. t Cowan, Geo F Simpson, iV F Rd, D B Mon'eitb.M srarnoargjl W l J E VVeacbsetord. CJ MaMtrt vVnUtnun. also Diarratc-r locn roa several Solid Eastern and Foreign Gompaaiev tor Ukc JLcjit JLoary. a snls S3 85, hi A " aaaaV X'-aB v. IW W. L. DOUCLA8 Shoes are stvlish, easy fitting, and give better satisfaction at the prices advertised than any other make. Try one pair and be con vinced. The stamping of W. L. Douglas' name and price on the. bottom, which guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them. Dealers who push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoe gain customers, which helps to Increase the sales on their full line of goods, n.-y can afford to ae!l at a le.a profit, and we believe yon esn save money by bnne aU tout rwntr of Ibe dealer njtr Used below. Catalog-tie free upon application. Vf. L BOSC1AS, Kroetita, aaaa. For sale by the E BLAIN CLOTHING CO. Jewel Stoves and Ranges The Best On Earth Matthews Washburn. SOLE A GNT Is the Best Good Enough? Then call on tlin underf-ignod for Jy our GROCERIES and produce, fur tliey Also a fine IruiFarlntK. A Hk for it. For sale in Albany, Ore, by J. A. Ct'M.lNU Caatoria wttli the. pntrnnncn o to apeak of it vrlthont Kaaaajhajri R - I - A. 1 eg every apper. INSTITUTIONS. Oreswaii J O WKr-aAW. SooeUrj' Geo F SIMINON. Vica Proaidanb -PtBJCTOM W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE 6ENTLEMEN. 84 and 83.50 Dress Shoe. 83.50 Police Shoe, 3 Soles. S2.50, 82 for Workingmen. 82 and 81.75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES, 83, 82.60 82, $1.75 CAUTION If an? dealer offers joa W. I.. Oonl shoes as a rMud prlr, or aaya be baa t hem with- mt in name stamped on the bottom, pat him darn aa a fraoci- are the best in the mark ct line of crockery Perry Conn MANHOOD RESTORED! This wonderful remedy m tiuTeMiLeed to cure . i nervous dlneases.sucli as Weak Memory, Iviss of Urain r'wtT, 11 vsdsehR, Wakeful ubi9, .Lost Manhood, NUfiiil KiiiiinloriH, Nervous firktf,all drstiiH and loss of power In UenerativeOrKauB of ciibsr sexrauMid by overexertion, youthfatf errors, exeesalve uwj of tobacco, opluua oritliii ui .its. whtch lend t.) lnnriiiUr, Consumption or Insanity, ( an be carried In "t pwrket. 9t per box, for US, by mail prepaid, with a .I order we five a written vusrsstec ts tare or rurnad she money, bold by ml tukn no of her. Write for True Medical Hook sent sealod tn pluiu wrapper. Addreso AEUVEsEKU CO.. Musonie Temple, Cuicauu. and by UOlXiKH & McKA HLAiN I, OrujjglHU. THURSDAY Anotler atlac(itrtnt of SSjoo for roal has been mud against the Willamette Valley. It cost $67,11337 to run Salem last vear, ai:d her total assessment is aliont the same as Albany's. Mr II C Watson, who lias been ill for a couple of weeks with tonsili'i?. is again able to Im out. Mr A K llerslmer, the Corvallh grocer, has failed. Mr Hershner i uvea ted f200O in weitliless carriaf factory stock, which helped do it. The First National Hank, of that city has taken the store. l.oi'al Temperance , : tomorrow. Undoubtedly the-flall was not open fi.r ihe Loyal Legion i last Friday, buf tomor row the ireellng arltrta held Immediately af:er tchoo" as usual Dent ferret it child en. Supe.inteti Joal. Kvcn the Insurance coniiani' s I, ate naj faith in ifieOiceon PCtf R U under its pieser.l unsettled condiiimt and ah I'te pol icies cm the prcpeitv hae been cancelled. with the exception of thosi o.t Ihe i and lugs. Coivallis Times. Tuesday eveninc, a hoy named Louis Arimueld, agtd tj years. wns beating his way fro n Ros burg 'o Wilbur on the overland. Ihe tiain docs not stop at that p lace, bo he jumped hum the rear car.i wjirr lie was stealing a Tide, and was J'jTTX most instantly killed. The Corvaliis O A C team Mtve dial lenged the Multnorr.ahs for a game of fool ball at Portland. If accepted and played the Man abaut Town predlcs the former will not score and that Multno mah will wipe the jjriund will-. Cot va lis to ihe tttnr of 53 or (k points. The annual m-cting of ths stockho'ders of the Farmei s and Merchant Insurance company of Albany wes held yesterday af ternoon. Most of the old elite -tors were reelected. The name of J L Cowan was dropped and C E Wo vtr.on elected. 'Ihe Kii'tlerj;ur-tn Association met at the resldjnce of Judge Mcmtknye Wednes day evening. Aft;r interesting int:odu:t- 01 v cxercte, listened to an tnt'.ruulve ad- dress by Mrs Tatham.on tht fundamental principles of Froeble's system of a'r.Jjr garlen work. The al'tmiane as not large, but those prefect aent feel ing IDcy hid spent a very pleasant iiv profitable evening. UraW A Strnlck. It was reported on the sirrets that the I O P railroad had bin. H.-d up bv a V S marshal jesteidar. This Is a m s ake, as the train is running rtjjular. IJut we I understand lint the ttiir. Resolute. ! b?en tied op at Yaqulna b said officer. ) OorTaHta News 1 . Mivor Fltnn of .,I,U .1... ,h. the I agon bridge across the Willamette at ibat place be made a toll one. Even with toll the city will be compelled to lew an eight mill tax. Ah J still our citizens grumble at a fire mi'.i tax with a free bridge. Eugene Guard There Is quite a sentiment in favor of making lh bridge a 'oil one. at least for a few y ear. 1 1 this is done the men who paid their suoscriptions Ml ol course be I Card are ont for the marriage of Miss given free passes. A vote of the people ; Minerra Monleith and Mr John I torn. Jr. will sett.e and the rasprity will rule. to occur on Jan 11 at the home of Miss Lrle Craxloa began afend!n the pub- j Mouteith. lie schools I aster day. In the afternoon Mrs Fd Elder, ol Junction Citr.wife of atr'Cf ss he was p aying when ano'Jirr one ol the freight conductors, came up txjv F".'ifd nim and he leil so hard and i fron, that city ibis noon to attend the in just the right war as to break a bone. ! Galloway-Barker wedding. A new steamer being built ar Portland j F H Pfeiffer has purchased some of the will be calleoalhc Eugene. It is io run to i flock and Dxtures of Ioenic'e Bros and that c'.ty. Ret assured, though it will be j will move them into the Broadalbin store only semi occasionally. It is io he regTet- be it about ready to occupy- Boenicke ted though tha: the river is not r.a-igab'.e j Bros will retire Itom the business enlite right slong. y A tam n HI Tlie Irving corres pondent of the Fugene Uuatd says : For ihe past five nights the peopleoi Irving and vicinitv have listened to a religious debate between Rev T P Haines, of the Methodist Church, Pooth. of Junction City, and V Millard evangelic' Propo sition for deba'-e: "H Milliard, do affirm that there was war in hea.'en Michael and his angels fotignt against the dragon. And the dragon fought, and his angels, an 1 prevailed not; neither was their place ior.nJ anv more in heaven. And that the dragon was cast oat to this earth, and his nnzels with htm. &md tbal Ola body of flesh and : blood was in atio for one of the angels to ! dwell in an I I, J. wa? tlt-t !.Iel lat nigh: by two for the atfirm.ttiv- and three for : the negative. The chairman then sub mitted the proposition 'o the house and j called for a rising vole, which resulted in about five to one for the affirmative. Peohatf Becobd -In estate of Samuel Pickens, Mis Julia Pirfcen?, eaecutor. Affidavit John Nichols filed. In estate of .Io L Dixon, bond of $4000 approved . In estate ol Caroline litirxar, report of eale of personal property approved, also first acconnt. In guardianship of Lewis Cox.a minor, eventh account filed. In estate of Andrew Vail, 1 Andrews, J f Hyde and C B Mon'ag-je were ap pointed appraisers. In es'ate ol N G McDonald. A R Mc Donald was appointed executor. I F Miller, Thos Large and W E Arnold, appraisers- Will admitted to probate. Work roa the Idle. We unders'and that the Southern Pacific company has contracted with some parties in this vic inity to furnish 5000 cords of wood for 'hem, the bulk of which, if not all, is to be obtained on the Bonnett place between here and Cobtirg. This will furnish, work for a number of men for some time, and tramps who are wiliii.g to work wilt be given an opportunity t earn some thing by chopping wood. The marshal had five tramps in the city jail a few nights ago and offered them work there and three of them went over but the other two did not care to work and skipped.--Eugene Register. DaWLaMD imam -Mr Chares Syfers. recently drummer for the Standard Oil Company, was taken before Judge Dun can today and examined by Dr 1 ill, and found to be insane. Mr Syfers was re cently Itl, had lost his position as drum ner aad had bem depressed for some time, resuling in rofiening of the brain. BotL the reethod and results -when Sjrup of Figs is taken; U Is pleasy.ut and refreshing to the taeto, and nets gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleans :s ths sys tem efl'ectually, disjicls colds, hcud aches ard fevers and cures habitual c Jnstipation. 8vrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kiad ever pro ducod, plcaaing to tbo tasto and ac ceptable to tbo stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable subetaacoi, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have mado it the moot popular remedy known. Hyrup ot rigs is tor sal la dim and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly lor any on who wishes to try it. Do not accept any f bstitute. CALIFORNIA FIB SYRUP CO. SAN fRAHClSCO. CAL. LOWSVIiM. KY. NEW K0i tt.t. This forenoon Judge Fullertcn held a short session of circuit court at t'orvallis. The matter of a receiver was brought up, and Mr Charles Clark was appointed to succeed Mi itadiey. Mr Clark was tne first .-lloice of the employes, and his ap pointment wilt give general satisfaction, lie knows the business of the road thor oughly, and is said to he a young matt of excellent executive ability. Bill of Ir A G Prill for $300, countinu- ed. P B Biheu was appointed sup of dist 2. Uan Mctireaor reappointed eup of diet IS. Win Sammate, reappointed d'st 4-1. W A Siltniareli dist 51. A L Kichatdeon, leappointed dist 0. II C Davis, reappointed, dist 33. (iCO Reed, dist 10. The foll"wirg biili were allowed: Poor it-count--aid Hail family, 5; Mri Clark. ft,; Mrs P A Henderson, $10; Ladies Aitl Society. $30; Cox lamily. !'; Mrs Rolierts, SjJ: Sarah Preenel', tiu: k l Kemp, 5i0 , Mrs Hoekenbern, IS; Klinbetb sborn, So; Sarah Hines, t&; Heuderson family, $10. Aiiicneii. lwis .V Maver Co SIO, -M v"'uU yjMarl,.alnUowry - OlJrTwarde. reUte on lax i 3 60, nonnty 0 00 Santiam Lumber Co" 2 00 Mrs M Fennell 3.50 (i t Russell ItM B T Fisher, acct poor 7.50 D L lvvaney, roada 2.00 Man McGregor, roads 2.26 li C Coolev, poor tlarrisburg Lumber Co Mr llardman, roads Jas Connor W H McPherson, Acct roads. . . Harvev Shelton, road sup diet 2 I aii McGregor, sup Wrii Simmons, sup dist 44 Martin Riland, sup dis 51 .l it Tidotsou, roads and h.idges V G Moore, aid-poor G W Hawes, bounty A 1. Richardson, eup dist 9 H C 1 ', sup dist 33 Jas Nichols, supt dist 26 G W Youug & Co, roade .le,-ry Hav, acct roada P W Spink, roads 14.15 . 1 62 . 12.00 7.36 . 10.00 . 44.00 . 26 26 . 3S.0U . 21 00 . 12.00 . 2.50 . 6b 2 . S6.U0 . 34.00 . 15.46 . 1.25 . 3.2.1 . 32.00 . 10.20 . 62 00 13.14 .104-00 1640 . I3.S6 . 1.50 COO . t 00 2 52 . 2.20 . 0J.76 " 1,1 A cn. sup dtetIO Foster Mill Co John Burnelt, sup dist 11 WM Kimsey, road w L Metlmacher rgon agf Malone. pre ex Matthews & Washburn, mds tl D , ' r oarKer, rtasoa. J S Bennett, poor. Lydia Jewett, poor N Bashor, roads 1 Shea, supt dist 50 Jos Mayer, witoefs Kimsey & lavis. sundries. . Judge Ftillerton went to Roecburg this noon. License was issued today for the mar riage of N i tiallowav. a popular South ern Pacific man, and MissCormL Barker, daughter of Mr A 1) Barker The cer emony will be performed at 8 o'clock to night V,has Murpoy has accepted a positiaa n a hardware store at Salem, .:. i ex pects to remove to the capital city in abonl ten days George Fish haa a sim itar position offered him in Albany and will make that place his home after the 1st ol the month Corvali - Timea. Mra S K Young gave a party last even ing ii. honor ol fercy i oung and Lartton ho are spendiag their vacation at home, it was a social affair ot murb interest. Sixtv vouna- petple of the i itv sornt several hours oroflLablv. mostlv in social intercourse. A pleasing feature was the selection ol partners (or lunch, served in three em tons atoned small tables in the dining room. Well known quotations were divided in two and plac ed in separate dishes.The young man and ladv, upon drawing, whose slips termed the quotation vrere made partners for the lunch. The repast was a simple bat choice one. Thote present were: Rev Riley Littie, Mr and Mrs Redeker, Capt and Mrs Overman, Mr and Mrs Sox Misses Velle Irving, Sarah Allhouse, Ethel Davis, Flora and Vesta Mason, Annie, Mary and Kale Allhouse, Ava Baltimore. Mildred Burmister, Mol- lie Luper, Marv Cundiff, Guesie Blod gett, Mary Williams, Nona Irvine, Annie lad tie, Eva Cowan. Bert ha Ellis, Hettie Miller, Maggie Simpson, Ora Flinn. Eva Simpson, Olica Hewitt, Annie Flinn, Pearl Vance, ljra Vance, and Messrs Rici-ard Wheeler, Eiliot Irvine, WsH Lyons, Carlton Sox, Cland Vunk, t M Mclailand, Olto Ie, M Turner, Sam Worrell. Luther Klkine, Walter Ellis P Goodwin. L E Hamilton. Ed Bloditett, L Siu'n-k, Van Wjleon, Collins Elkins, H Fisher. W Peacoc's, E lloiton, and Mr and Mrs Isutting. rnor BaIa Edttot 5 . )rmoci at : Tano-ist. Jan 3. 1S94 The condition ol our reads is deplor able. According to my observation it is mostly due lolbe way in which thsy are w oriied. Thev are plowed and uraded up until there is onlv about one-foutth oi the space left r,n which to travel, the rest is tlilrhcsand ridges, lhev would lie bel ter if properly draioed and not plowed at all. Melmd w here this plan is car ried out there vou will find the beet roads, ami wheie 'hey hava been graded up the Irgheet thev are almost impas ajsble. A L BRiiMixrAKMKB. The Lincoln County Iealer says the biainc does not rest on Mulcahy alone, but oi others just us much, for the recent 0 P iiiiMiiuiiugenieut. The truth is the road has been under the circuit court, and it u, the cotjiCk business to know that the bus'ncHS was licirg attended to. PatOM La tiutri-K Mrs Luther White, a nioncer of 1847. died of liurrim' at Brownsville on Jan 4. at the age of 72 rear. Mrs Sarah I Sawyer died at tha smile alaea on the same day frcm the same cuiiw, she was J4 years of age and has lieen a resident of Oregon since 187. AcciDKNT on TiiK o. r. leaterday ;w the fri-'ight, train reached the bridge at KiMvvillc the brakeman, Mr Van Horn, known as hante he lrom iiitving cotno from that road st!Voral iiioiiIIim iiiro reiu'hed his heiul out to one side antl was struck by the bridge and knocked off. falling alwiit twenty feet into the bed of tlie ert!fik lielow, -1 - . , 1 1 r . 1 1 ticulariv on his head, and it was thought ut not slriKimr in tni' w.ttcr. ne ieti pur his skull was fractured. Ho will probably live, though the result carmot ba foretold now. llucku.Kham's Uye tor the Whiskers does its(woi k thi iron li 1 v, oolnring s aaifurmjlirown orhlsuk. which, when d'y, will neither rub, wash off, nor soil Hneo. Thousands of lives are saved annually by the use of Aver's Pectoral. In the treatment of croup and whooping cough, the Pectoral has a most marvelcus effect. It allays in amn.alloti, frees the obstructed air passage and contro b the desire to cough. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. nssHl oia ffisug 'q3B. io:s pnn uorindusdbo Sana cus iusaoj II K Cauen, minis, S22.70IJorilered paitl. Her i Contii iort jf V Hutk-r. dist 87 37. bill JS0. lmictl . Crow, acct poor. $19.20, ordered (Mid. Settli-iiieiitM were had witkHM? roml su iiervisots antl appointiiientaf wade as fol lows: Dist 30 IW 4 .'3 22 45 Old Sup Thoa Turner E N M. Law C Carey Chlie Peters J II llcott W .1 Bteele i Wt-Uargue J A' Burkhiut Thomas Friun tS W Colbert las Ware Bill Allowetl $ '20.00 20.00 K.OO Sti.00 m. oo io.oo 34. 00 19.50 loO.OO J4.00 Jas Curtis reapprtlntad J ii W timer reappointnl 1 -41 10 14 ; .so 41 4 19 70 112 31 J Shea n-aprolnbsl 2C.0O T F Miller Frank Smith W A Thrift J H Itebham I. M Ajcbambeanlifi.OO Hi. hard Warner 4'2.0(i M Achcsiii 40.00 :.oo 44.00 Frank Kirk A W Standard n-ai pouiU'd Tlie El wood st, a oung man, Is steward of this boat. Lebanon pa s the Electric Light A Water Co $i2o a n.optn. Her receipts last year were t lotia, expenditures, fiioO. The populi.t meeting appointed for Saturday evening at Ihe Court House has been postponed on account of the speaker expected lor the occasion being sick . A debating tocietyhas been organize! at Tallman with Ihe following officers : Preiider.t, Robt Gilson; vice president, ! Trout mai; secretary. Mhs Ida Smith. Meetings are held eac't Saturday evening and are largely attendc '. The question, "ResolveJ, thai man is a creiiu'e of drcumstarce." will he discussed at the next meeting. Mr R W Ha-lley will lente inConallis. (ak e up his rei Mr J H Wallao 1ns iiurthal tlie irro- cery businet of vV T nodes m the Thinl wanl. and movul to this iiv from the countrv. Perry and Hoc Conn. John Coon and I'harkre Murphy went op the river this morning duck bunting. A big score is looked for. Sheriff Jackson and Drl L Hill went to Salem this noon, taking Mr Chas Syfers. -nu nutted to the asylum. Mr Syfers is in a bad condition physically aa well as mentally. DavidFry. foreman of the Express, is in San Francisro. taking in the Mid-winter fair. His brother, who ha been working on the Oregon Popolut for several months pa, ha come up from Albany to tike hi place for a few week -lbanun Fipres. I'r K J Thompson returned fr.m Vc Minnvill yesterday where he performed the marriage ceremony of ML I "orris to Miss Ethel llellinger. The wedding took place yesterday morning and the happy couple will make Independence their future home, where they havv already gonv to bouae-keeping. Corrallis News." Who Va CRAtv.-Son.Uy evening a irentiemaa from the Sotiam appeared a the sheriffs office and swon out a warrant i-harjpmj a man named ilarper. of that otintry wilh m-.uiity. says the Salem la- dedent "n Monday Morning a dep uty sberiO ieu for the location aniiM with a warrant for Harper's arrest. Late this afternoon IVputy Sheriff Cooper returned from the Santiam wi:h I I.iri-.-r antl be proved to be a very m man. He said that he conld not understanil why he should be charge-.l with insanity and believed it be the work of an efsnny. narper brought before Judge Hubbard, examined and immediaiely discharged. He was without a cent to pay his tare bark home, and for th great injustice done the man Judge Hubbard allotted him V5 out of the county fund to pay his expenses back to his home on the r-antiain. The entire co-w h.uld be ' taxed on" to to the complaining witness, who should be made to serve it out in ja;l if necmaary. Colui.1 Y M C A. The lege Y M C A convention for Oregon, began at 3 o'ctea this afternoon at tha college chapel with a good atti-ndante of delegates, about bftv from outside colleges, tat re Wing about ten each from Oorvalli. Eugene. Salem and Portland, with others from dif ferent places. More are expected from other schools tomorrow. Tonight Rev lnver will deliver the address, which prnmis to be a treat. Un ao-our.t of not a mam- arris ing BBS noon a were expected entertainment was not called for from all who ;intraid; but may l tomorrow . pRErsREt) rm RonnKRs. The Selem Indep,ndent say: A N Ihish ha given an order for a pieoe oi onlnance with which to lo up anv set n meg who ir.av take a notion to come the James act on the bank of LasU k Btlsh. The new weatton is a magazine. Winchester shotgun. It will hold six shells loaded with buck shot and the six loads can la? emptied a quickly a out of a self cocking six (hooter. The gun is to he cut off so that the barrel will be but alnut 18 inches Ions Such a weapon in the hands of a determirsed man would prove a verv effective affair, worth a dozen or two revolvers. A Dakota Titkkv. The Lebanon Ex press tells the following: Mrs l VV War ner and tL-iughter returned last Saturday from the east, ihirinjr their absence tbev visited the world's fair, remained a short time in Minneapolis. Minn, and Ipswich. S !. Thev also visited Conway. XI'. where Mr Warner is buying wheat. Thev brought with them a turkev frozen under the average climate of North I'akota, to wit, 35 deirrees lielow zero. Ami when it got here, it wa still frown. The Warner and Stewe family ate it ami say Oregon turkeys are preteratile. As Imi-oktast Trip. Chas Clark, the new receiver of the Oregon Pacific, and W F Crosby, will leave tonight for San Fran cisco, to make arrangements to settle the affairs of the road at that citr. and if pos sible get the release of the W'illamette Val ley, so it can liegin making regular trip. 'he result will lie watched with interest in connection with the road. Mr Clark lias a big task on his hands to get the road into n respectulilehimncial condition. It is to be hoped he succeeds. Card ok Tiiankk. Mrs A Cohen and family wish to return their heartfelt thanks to many for kindness and sympathy during the recent illness ami after the death of their husband ami father: iirticu!arly to the inemliers of ths A O V W, who were constant in their attentions. Eruption eftsss lain CaWasJ Ed Venncy, IlrocUille, Oi.tarjo, Canada, says: '1 nave used israndretn s t'l i lor the past titteen years, and think them the bctt cathartic and antl-bldlous remedy known. ror some five years I tutlered with an eruption of the skin that gave me great pain and annoyance. I tried different blood remedies, but, although gaining Mrengltl tor nt ning was uiitriievco. I finally conclude I to lake a thorough course of Brsndeth's PI1U. I took six each night for nights, then five, four, three, two, les sorting each time by one, and then for one month took one every night, with the happy result that now my skin Is perfect ly clear and has been so ever since." At Mk a i. Times do vou ever conside the quality of the food you are eating? It may be good. It might be bitter, purer, fresher and more wholesome. Ia It not worth while to make sure that your tea, coffee, lugar, baked tooils ami Innuinern bleother groceries aie of Ihe best quality? There Is such a trifling difference In the prices of the best and ths worst that It does not pay to buy ihe worst.even on the false ground of supposed economy. The best is a ways tne c""l'"1 ' ' mo aatUfactnrv and durable. and the verv tne cheapest, because the best of everything In the grocery line kept at Parker Bros. .N.-W . M Hprd Phokxix Arizona, New Years Hay 114. Editors Democrat : As I sit here in the open air, this bright sunny day, I visit, in mind, many places ami many people. The holiday season is always suggestivo of home, and for me there is but ons place worthy that name. From thinking I Ml to writing, and. be hold, a letter to the Democrat is the result. 1 have received a good many letters of inquiry about this southwestern portion of our great country and tlie quetion asked in the letters received suggest the outline of this letter. A to the climate one can onlv string together a list of complimentary ad jectives. This has been. 1 am told, an un- usallv wet saon. Since I come hare. Nov '"tli. it hat rained two nights aad a port of one nay anl mere have been just two cloudy aays. All other Oay have tn sunny and bright from sun up to sun down Imagine it! People talking of a wet sea son to an old webfooter when tlie sunshines every day a little bit and all the time for twenty-nine davs in Iiecember! In on average season. 1 am told, the sun s-hines all day during throe hundred and sixty oat of TSTT 1 i l I . r . . . tue uiree utiniireo ana eixiv-nve aays ot the year. nere i am snung just now 1 think a theruioneter would register 70 de gree and it is 10 o'clock a m. I have never been able to learn how hot it does get here in the summer. Uut I have heard of the man who, dying, ahd feeling sure that he w a doomed to the region of the Fire Fiend in tlie world to come, asked that he might go to that region by way of Arizona. For. says he. afrer the heat of Arizona I shall be comfortable in the plate to which I (tO- The humidity is very low, here. Ths air is absolutely dry. This make the intent-' heat tolerable and even pleasant to some. Ihe night are nearly always cool, and, a in our own Willamette Valley, the heat of a summer lar gives wav to a cool and pleasant air at night. Many of the new comer live in tent the vear round and in summer time every bodv. nearly, sleeix out SB Honrs. Phoenix i now the capital of the Terri torv ami is in the Salt river vailev. Thi valley i. a nearly a I can learn, about one hundred and twenty-five miles long by forty mile witte. A large proportion of thi xa'ley is arable. The principal feed for cattle i aitalfa. Wheat I tar ley. and other grains gr w well. Oranges grow and ma r , - - - ture earlier than in any other portion of the I'nited States. But my! what prices! Three pounds of apple for twentr-five cent' Think of it, ye of the land of red apples! That figures abot $5 per bus don't it? There still remain in thi valley consid erable government land But it is going rapidly. I have seen on one side of the road a bright, grain field a Oregon boasts in May while just across the road every thing is a barren a a desert. On inquiry I bnd the difference due to irriga tion . I .and i useles without water right, and hence some of the largest interprtass are in the line of canal project. Ijand varies from gJ5 la WO per acre according to location and with the Land usually goes a perpetual water right. The valley is rapidly being covered wilh a net work of canals'. Oo either side of the valler is a range of rough ragged mountains when.'e the water Bows to the valley, and whence comes the cool air of the night. Monev is a easy here a any place I have been. It doe riot grow on trees. Bat it seem to he tolerably free. Of course m dustrie on a large w-aie. and which depend on earstcrn and northern capital more or less, an frrling the tlepreasion out the prospect seem to be bright for thi region. There are numerous and neh mine through thi Territory and new ones are being un covered. Ready money command good rat's. Loans at 18 nar cent an not infre- 2mwsh- Taxes, iroding city rate, a irTsaxgh a seventy mills, and prices are rally tugfc for everything. 1 tat popabUion may be divided into two (lasses. Those here for health and those here for money, and trade proceed upon the old princirle that in every exchange somebody mtut be cheated and some one generally is. But af ter all one mar travel a long way and not find a more whole hearted, genial and gen erous set of people. School, churches, charitable invitation and society average well with older com munities, ami there is an abundant new ror all to work upon. A fine specimen of the Indian as I ever caw are in this valley, great big. broad chested, robust bocks with all the fantastic features of the painted warrior and squaws lanouen ana pwnieai in tv ana ranou colors. There are many relics of the pre historic occupants of this valley, and one can not but wonder at the evidences o an early civilization little behind that which now obtains, tt hence these people came , and whither they have gone is the theme j of many a learned and eloquent diaquistion I but the mystery of their being and ctviliza- U n remains to t fathomed. There is a sprinkling of Mexicans tn this Territo.-y but the population is predomi-1 nentiy American and Pboentx is American IB ever feature. We are having today bv way of a New lear-i eelaJarataOsi a helo dav w athletics in the open air. A game of baseUvll between the lawvers and business men. foot-racing. hivrse racing, bicycle-racing. eTerythir.k that is done elsewhere in mid-summer goes on here in mid-winter under most favorable irvtimstoiice. There are other things worthy of note DSJMkaM but thee I will reserve to some future time. So wishing you. and other old friends the compliments of the seaon 1 remain. Yours very truly, JAMS3J. c'hari.ton Moni-.v RKTrnxEn. WhiU walking down First street this forenoon an honest man found a bank book containing consid arable naosasy. It was taken into the bank for which the deposit was intended, and the owner. Mr Dodge, was notified before he had discovered his losss. He rushed to the liank as a man would rush for a train and found his money all right It is very gr.ittfving during these hard times to know there is one man who will restor money . Last nlfiht a small snow storm visited Albany and Ihta afternoon a s'orm of big hatls. WtuuiNO Invitavions. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Golden Common every day. "Smiley. Wben Baby was sick, we favo her Castoria. Vhon she was a Child, aha cried for Castoria. When site became Miss, she cluag to Caatoria. VTUen she had Children, she gave them Castoria si i it it if n 1 1 A t.LOW AY BARKER . On Thurs day evening at S o'clock, at the residence of the brides parents in this city, by Rev. K. Prichortl. Mr rsathamel L tiallowav of Sulem, and Miss Cora le Barker. The -wedding ceremony was a very happy event. terfoniied in the presence ot a good sued gathering of relatives and friends. Mr iiiid Mrs Oalloway were remembered in a handsome manner by their friends. A de licious repast was served. Both are popu lar young people who deserve the many cm i nl.'.t ions they hays received. Speaking in anticipation of the event the Salem Independent says: "Nick," as he is known bv his friends, has charge of the wires of the Western Union Telegrauh company from Portland to Eugene.and is a joiiv fellow; and a ravorite among an nis mentis, uis nrutw is a ciitsrtuiuK ouujj lady, who will lie to him a true helpmate. J The happy couple will come to Salem to rrv r is morrow, ami wu take un their residence in a handsome cottage on South Commercial street. afeX.X)G-X The College Y M C A couference of Ore gon is holding its third annual session in this city with the Albany College Y M C A. The young men with tlie help of the young ladies of the College V w o A. Dade com plete arrangements for the entertainment of their guests before the holidays so that when the delegates arrived there was noth ing to do DM to show them to their places of entertainment. By three o'tlocV, vesterdv aft;rnon. the young men Wi.-n-embled in thechanel and many of them had already formed numerous ooiaintancet among the delegates oi oiner colleges. Several rsons were heard to say that they had met so many that they did not know whom they had met or wnom iney noil not. 4 " . .. . j very interesting devotional cervice followed by an introduction service oocu pied the time from 3 o cloc to 5 o'clock. A song service led by tlie Appolo !ub" was of a nature to fit one for the excellent intellectual repat that folbwed. in the evening. K Kmmetf. president of the AHkuiv College Y M C A and President K X tonuit delivered addresses of welcome of an entertaining diameter, warm with i hearty welcome, to the fine loeking gather ng of young men present. I bey were reiv-,ii.led to bv President P L Campbell, of the Monmouth State Normal school who brought out in well rounded sentence the felTcw feeling of students henever and wherever thev meet, and a well the wonderful binding foroe of Christ that unites vouns antl aid as brothers in all places and thus felt assured of the welcome extended. The l iuitar Uuartet aa heard in a t,n- ular selection that pleased so much a second was demamled. Rev I D Driver delivered the address of the evening, on the subject of "Myrade, their relationship to Nature and Science." He started out with the proposition that ignorance is the ba.,i of all progress. He told of his offer of $1000 to Col ingersoll for a single instance of progr outside of the (liscu-kion oi t unstianity. ite could nt do it. Reerred to China. "Africa, etc. Ad vancing his thought.- he came down to the subject of rnvrai tes, and on the sabiert of evidence referred to the fact that February, did not have a full moon, something that will not occur again in over a million years. In nature there must be one com pensation, gravity: in the moral universe then is only one commandment, obey the law ; the tea commandment are simply ten precept, there i one shall and nine pro hibition. As an illustration of the con troling of nature the speaker referred to the dying of a bird in an ingeniu manner. So myracles an not sapernatniai. they an nature controlled. The eye does not see nor the ears bear, it is the mind. So you will only see liod with tiie mind Speak ing of the Bible he showed how then had never yet been a correct translation. The address was a continual mass of argument and illustration, eloquent and convincing. Thi morning the work of the conference began in earnest, with written reports from the various associations which showed that the I vt year ha been one of advance and profit. taWsspp from the blackboard wa the heading under which the statistics of the Y M 0 A work in Oregon was discussed. Several student from the various school took part. Between 11 o'docl and noon Bible study was disrossed. It wa fed that man prayerful study of the Word of God wa needed as well a more reading Tbo McCSeHand. of Pacific University, will ce'iver the address thi evening. - Mrs EX in I at her home in the city with R K Montgomery, formerly of this city, is now night operator at Grant's Pass. Miss Edna Allen came down from Al bany to assist at Prof Davis' concert. Miss Allen is a musician of rare ability. Jefferson Review. Ed Qoinn returned ths noon from Salem where he ha completed h: labors on the reform school building. Hon R A Irvine and w'.fe went to Port land yesterday, hoping to secure help for Mr Irvine's health. Dr Chamberiin. wno has returned from a i trio to San Francisco, reports having at- ten-kci tee midwinter rair. aoooi iar- onlv thing on exhibition was the Uoddess ot l.ibertv Ivmg -vn her loo in the sin.i. The building are incomplete ami there are some -h -n. out there is little to be seen vet. Rev Andrew Jackson Stevens. Baptist minister at Talent, near Ashlanl. has teen tried for heresy and found guiity wa reocommended that his oarae Is" withdrawn from the ministerial roil. Hi only of- fense is in being a soul sleeper, believing that when the body die the soul s.eep un til the resurrection day. A meeting of the social OHB last evening was a Mitxx"s. Aprons and necwies rSBM and much ain!i-mer!t sx occa.,!onel bv the matter. A Sne lunch wo served. after which a general social time was had Those present were: Misses Cad Warner M.isr.'ie li.u-kcr. Ida tsilier. lildie lwris, ljuira IratMunt. Hentlev. Nea.a Marshal. Maggie Kirk. Martha Ridov. ' irace L.xiney. Sadie Tnuvx. Mert MilW. LiUie Mc- Htirgue. Ella RisJeT. Lillie Crawf-trd. Mrs laicv Haves. Jessie Hunter. Yandran. and Messrs Frank Schnvder. Ailrt Stellmarhpr John Cartwnght. Allen Ohamlierlin. Oran Neal.ind. Ixirenr-i boss. m Hand. IVrt vVtbrook. 1' V K etc hum. m Hawkins F W Ross. Ed Mitchell. Elmer Ccnn. Jas Hunter. Fred Bnickman. Bert l rawfonl S lUvscoe. Wm Xoland. Chas Sears. Herlert Shannon, and Miss Kssa Mark v. Mr Kd Stark, and Jean Simpson, from Corv.uU Rkliuiovs Bamvtcaa. Communion service at the Concregational church to morrow morning, with offering lor torei:n missions. No services at the Evangelical chnrch tomorrow. Rev 1. S Fisher is ont of the citv. Regular services at the V P church, morning and evening, and S S and C E's at regular hours. The Y" M C A will not hold their usnaj service in their room tomorrow but wil' join with the college convention in a men's meeting in the opera house at 4 D in sharp. Rev 1 D Driver D D. ot Eu gene, who is possessed of one of the most versatile minds on this coast, will ad dress the meeting on "Social Purity " Every man in Albany should ear this address. All members of the Apollo club are requested to be present. At 10:30 ft m at the Presbyterian church the pulpit will lie occupied by Mr E Lawrence Hunt, the Internationot College Y M O A Secretary, ban scuol at 11 :45 a m ; Junior Endeavor meet''ug at 4 p m The communion service that was to be observed tomorrowmorniiiR has been postponed one week Wcause ol the unfavorable state ol the weather. Wheat, 50 cts; oats, 15c; hay, $8 baled; wood, $3 to $3.50, taken In exchange tor sewing machines or organs on hand at E U lira music store. Also on a' I book accounts of 6 months standing. Sewing machines from $25 to 135, with mv per sonal guarantee tor 5 vrs. ExBc.-lrnrc oran I vi hamalaa Athletes and man who ake ordinaiy outdoor cxeclse such as walking, running, bicycle riding, lumping, swimming, tennis, etc, are often the subject of acute troub les. The experience of an cx-champlon walker will be ot interest to all who are aftllrjed. Harry IJrooks writes: 'No. 314 East 19th Si., New York, April a, 18S6. Numerous statements relative to the merits of different plasters having been brought 10 my attention. 1 ake this opportunity to state that 1 have used AUcock's Porous Plasters for over so years and prefer them to any other kind. I would furthermore state that 1 was very sick with catarrh of the kidneys, and attri bute my recovery entirely to AUcock's Porous Plasters.""- Bumbaux), B F Craw was directed to take chargr: of i.ewis Hawkins as county charge. R L iJevane J A Bilyeti 60.08 2.00 Wm Mespelt M A Lucas John Conzer A Craft B L Bryan ' 0 P Card G W Colbert H E Cady W Nichols C M Griires! Albert Itondall reappointed J Meeker A Trnax reappointed John Wither reappointeel I, B Splawn Wm Davidson reappointed reappointed C W Yates 7 12 I 17 99 f 29 10.00 'O.OO mm SOjQO '4.00 40.00 .'54.0 16. ' XI 23 Bill of B Gem $12, continued. Bills allowed : W W Parish, stationary J K Hand. prel. ex W C Sanford, axct roads GiJl A' Calavan. roal .1 1.00 3.00 r,..o Myers k H i ggi ns :i,40 ;:.2i 1.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 83.30 10.U0 C.OO 15.00 iJO 1.00 J i. Morgan, road B N McLaw, roads Fo hay : Mason Dr Jones, acct poor , . 'ohn L'sher, janitor Brioe Wallace, treasurer John I Davis aid Streithoff C Robert, roads 8 M McLane and Harrison family H Harris, bounty. Marshall Berry, bountr Electric Light Co '. ExC W Syfers 25.00 9.00 5.00 o2.50 8.00 .00 E T Fisher, surveyor J'irdwohl, roads W .M r.-, poor John Hamilton, bounty , Wm Rumliaugb. roads 4 25 II Bryant, acct poor 3.50 eaon A" Ilavis. acct poor 2.00 A'ljournel until Jan lo. A Jesrersea la tialta :l a tireenleaf Lodge No. SI. A O C W. of Jefferson, had a public installation of its officers Friday afternoon, followed bv a literary and musical program and Mat. i i rand Master Mackev. of Aibanv. was present and condactei the in-talUtion ac cording to the beautiful aad impressive ceremonies of the order. Dr Mackev also delivered a short, but very eloquent address in eulogy of the order and its accomplish ments. Several pleasing vocal selections weie rendered by a quintet composed of Mi Rowlaad. French, and Messrs Frank Robertson. S F Johnson and Archie Seh" maker. with Mis Winters as accomDanist. after which an extended address, covering all points of public interest i the order. was deliverei bv Mr frank iMvev. grand official instructor The meeting then broke up ami became social. The tables were all wade J with good things prepared f or the occasion . I sincerely wish 'govern or Pennover had been present to have sees iv e silent out magn inoent answer to h stan der ...c. . . . . on regon which was presented at tha table. 1 he greater number of the aqmam and their familiea an from the snrrOnndings country and their cheerful faces, finely clad bodies, well loaded baskets and their gee eral appearance showed no signs whatever that this part of Oregon is Lacking in the n e- i sesitii i of life or even its luxuries. The whole entertairment wa highly enjoyed by members and guests, and cannot tail to result in large additions to the order in this place. The probabilities an that a Isgree of Honor lodge, an adjunct of the A U U W. will he organized hen soon . Following is a list of the officers iost in stalled: N H Looney. past master work man: !. H Piege, master workman; s li RasseU. foreman; A B Hadedaon. overseer-. i Robertson, recorder :C M Smith, finan- w K V , ..I ii i Mr fgwMe; J R-Metsger. inside wairjsnsan; J X Moot, outdde watchman. JeSersua Jan 5. aa The. bond of Charles Clark, receiver, are on'v $5,000. These of Hajjey were 150.000. A 5 : a -1 1 ' 1 f j.-.vta.-: forsale enquire a: the Ladles Bazaar. The Annual Convention of democratic clubs will be held at The Dalles on Jan 9. One of Joe Myers teams ran away this afternoon for 'he first time in stveral days. Hard time, prices, Columbia smelt 5 esjSSSB per pound and salmon S cents per pound at Hyde Market. Ab3ut four inches of snow fell this morning. In Ihe afternoon it changed to rain, making walking decidedly s'.oppy buslne. Hon John Wannamaker, an eminent authoritv says : The time to quit advertis ing is when vou go out of business or all the people are dead. The C A C toot bad team of Corrslil clairr. the championship of Oreeon Were thev to plav Multnomah one game there wouldnt be enough crow left to even croak. Tne Iocs of the street car co.-npa.iv by the recent file is being adjusted. There is talk of changing the motor to electric ity, the proper thing. Thin or grav hair aad bald Seaas. so displeasing 10 man v people as maiksof age. may be averted tor a long time bv using Hall s Hair Kenewer. It is claimed ihat the attempt to com mit Mr Harner. of New Oetrott to the insane asvlum was simplv the work 01 men wanting to iump his clim. Haiper was proven entirely sane, by the com mission at Salem and of course discharg ed. The matter should be investigated. A Racking Cough Cured by Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Mrs. P. D. Hall, 217 Genessee St., Lockport, N. Y., says : "Over thirty years ago, I remember hearing my father describe the wonder ful rnrative effects of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Daring a recent attack ot La Csrlppe, which assumed the form of a twtnrr h , soreness ot the lungs, accom panied by an aggravating cough, I used varioua remedies and prescriptions. While some ot these medicines partially alleviated the coughing daring the day, none of them afforded me any relief from that spasmodic action of the lungs which would seise me the moment I attempted so lie down at night. After ten or twelve suah nights, I was Nearly in Despair, and had about decided to sit up all nigbt in my easy chair, aad procure what sleep I could in that way. It then oc curred to me that I bad a bottle ot Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. I took a epoonful of this preparation la a little water, and was able to lie down without soughing. Itt a few moments, I tell aalesp, and awoke in tha morning greatly refreshed and feeling much batter. I took a teaspooniul of thj Pec toral every night for a week, then grad aally decreased the- dose, and In two weeks my cough was cured." Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver a Co.Lowsll, Mass. Prompt to act, sure to cure (J.N. Duncan, county Jodjre; Wm. aid J W. eiKh, 0,maMt'nr.) "As oH BA thebiils"an4 never excell ed. "Tried and proven" the verdict o f million?. Simmons Liver Regu lator in the only Liver and Kidney medicine to which you can pin your faith for a cure. A mild laxa- -tive, and purely veg etable, act ing directly on the Liver and Kid jm' Better Th an Pills neys. Try it Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. Tne King of Liver Medicines. " I have used yoorstmmons Liver BssjaV latorand can cnJeniiouly car 1. E the king of all liver medielns, X eortrdder It a nwdVineehest in itself. iEo. w Jac ao. Xacoma, Washington. SW-EVEKT PACKAGE- Use Stamp fa red on wrapper. Those. Pimples Art teS-tale fymptoms that jwar (Aood ts not rijktfulloimfrtiritks, mutiig a sluggish and unsightly eamaletim. ; A ietz bottles of 8. . S. an' rcntortt ail foreign ana impart matter, cleanse the Hood thorough.':, and gire a cfrr uaL, and entirtl'j harrrdets. Oass. Heatoc 73 Lar-I Street. Fdjasns I hare had for veais a hemes- in en bsood .:r. Eia: n oread to sha;ve,asaBSBbasaor Eaajsas wscid be the oasing seama to rapeatisaorisce. Sfsii liltaelstMassaJlati ary face is aU dear and smooth i T.-eaSss oa blood aad sine diseases mailed face. 1 sniri cu, Atiacs, Ga. FARMERS, ATTENTION IF : TOC - X. ANT - t WACON HACK. BUGGY CART PLOW HARROW.ORiLl SEED ER FEED CbTTER, or auv kieve of a fartc I r.- or Ve- hide, call on or address. B, F. EAMP r csate Poet Oftr aibany.O VISOR MEN East!.. Oaicth. Prraiesallj tiiriiias' WEAKKESS. HEaVOUSfc-33. OESillTY. all tie trmSa ?" r -1 ? MsSjsal 1 iraitk, ilcklrSf, imcT ,eic. FtUr-irrt-ajKl , iOYckpsaBslM SBai lOsEaT rtvajc w rry v rga- rwlsstaB Ost ! lK'T -SCBpfca. aU!VlaBsKisvav Tlafllenirillllljl I III II If rri tar:- ERIE KEOiCAL buffalo, is. C2 o. M. HcFarland, Dataiani IS -:- Harness -and -Saddlery Display Ifo in the Ooof REVERE HOUSt a'-BANt AS. f F K IFFF r Ki PU ! fcl i K .v-ts.,anti Sl.OOper Oae cent a dose. Tats Criit vSmw nil nriipr, f-iL Cotfha. Croup. Sore Throat, Throat, Hoaraeaesa, wt opinf toujn ana Hoaraeaesa, Asthma. For Consumptioii it bss no mas. has cured thousand, and WtU CURE vou if taken in time. SoM by thruis on a guar antee. For a Lame 1U -k cr i'h--t, use SHILOH 5 BELLADONNA PLASIKR-W. I L0 H SCATAR R H REMEDY. Have ytm Cat! This r, tnodT Is ana ran- j teed to cure you. MosVWeia LiKvtorfree. ACADEMY -OF- lady of PerosRal E8lo FOSHAY A MASON s-a-iiaca-.a aaa aavan. Drfiogistsaod Booksellers, ,. t.fcr John B. Altlea'a pnbllt t. llora suicb w soil a araaaast - t.H. waetso.'; LOST. -Valise entiiuin severa' ar doles with uanjes ou. If found pleas. return to 11 Parker or leave as Paiker Bros. Will FT a rewar.l. seta, -sr- e DotUeCwayM bbbb m m m jm rVHTTiw ft-aa nromrtiv ettrcs