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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1894)
WEATtaEKFORD A t'HAH B RI.AIS At tarne I La. Will practlcs In all Hearts of ths state Spr vl attention irtven tn matter in proS-As aadtucalr OFFICE-1" lhs f linn bloct Tjf U RUsYYKC Attorney at Uw ,ml Solicitor In Chancery. Coll i u m il .1 1 ' n'ntc Loans negotiated on labia term. AMany, Oroiron n Attorm-y at law. and Notary Public Will practice. In all the Hurt ot this Hat IpNW attention .riven to folleo'.ionsand mattom i i ptvsaU UIBce:-Upstairs on-Twttale Block Albany, uku V. SI nj'ili II leal rnst.ors wiil recnive pro atwn-i u B OU Nbrt Temple, Albany (J- WHITNEY . Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. M ONTANVE A HACKLEMiN, Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. JAMES J. CHARLTON. Attornsr-at-Law. All liavl bawnaas atteuded o promptl v: FUNK'S Bloek, Albany, On D R. J. I.. HILL.. Phycician and 'Surgeon , OPTICS Corns. Far -7 streets, Albany, Oregon. D IS.aM VSTO V at DAT IS. Physicians an Surteons. OFFICII Corner . econd and Brosdalbin streets. Albany, Or, Calls prcnpt'.y attended i c:tr and country; l . CHAMBERLAIN. N. !.. Homeopathist. 19 SpeciJIst in MM ol the Eye. Otfles hours 7 u 9 a m: 1 .o S m, and 7 to 8 m t A Oresron. F IRST NATIONAL BANK. Or ALBANY. OREGON rosident Til President Cashier LFXINN S. K,OUNG ..K. W. LANODON TRANSACTS A ORSERALban king business ACCOUNTS KEPT subjett to abeck. SIGHT E1CBASOK and tl Taphic transfer, o!o New Tork, San Francisco, Chicago and P "tland won QOLSCTIOXS UADKon tavorabls arms MM a. K. Toms K.W Lasssos I E Biurx, L. run EDTiitP F . SOX. TV CUsICK Ct.,B INaVsSR OP AI.BANT, OKKQO, TRASSACTa jeneral BaaWn? nsiitass. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on Saw York, San Fr n see. and Portland, Orf.--i. LOAN MONEY en approved seenritj. RECEIVE deposits subject to check. COLLECTIONS mads oo tar.xahle terms. ISTERE3T naid en time deoosit B INK OF Kt lO. SCIO, ORKOON. .T J Mrja . A 1 Jos salir FromTerminal or In-erior Poibts th Norton Pacific Railroafl la ibe line to lake To all Points EAST ani SOUTH! It ta the DISIBie CAR KOt TK. I runs Tbronzai VESTIBKle EUTRAIM F.VER1 DAY lu tba Tear to 1 ST. PAUL and CHICAGO l0 CHANGE OF CARS.) Compose! of Dining Can Uiunrpus) Pullman Brawinz Room Staphs Of Latest Eqaipment TOURIST SLEEPING CRS. Bast can be cocntrucla I nnd in which so -ommodailorj are b-th fiae and furnisbed for boidera of Firs' or Second class tickets, ai 1 ELEGANT OAY COACHES. A BtKafUsULlii tmnUn ik al linis, affording Direct an & Uainlarruptei S?rvi08. P11I. in.. 1 slwper reservations can be secured In advance through any agent of the road. THROUGH nCKErs to and from all points lu An: erica England and Kurope can t-t purchased at mj ticket 0C109 of this corrpaor. Full Inf rinatl n ponoern'.ng ratea.tlma f trains routes an 1 other letalls furo lahed on application to any agent ef A I CHARLTON, Asaistant Gereral PaaenKr Agent. Mo 121 Flr.-t eit, cor. Waab:ngton, Port'and. Oregon. CO II J kar:. ioeal agen'. HRO s SAi T LAKE. OMAHA. KANSAS CITY CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, AMD ALL EASTERN CITIES. I1 p)2 DAY -3 TO 2 HltA0 HHBIDQ QUICKEST TO CHICAGO UUnO AND THE EAST H fail DC QU'GK?R TO OMAHA UUro ako Kansas ciTt PULLMAN AND T01M3T SLEEPERS, FREE fECLLiHG CHAW CARS DIKING CARS. S H H Clark, Ollvtr W Mink, E Ellei Anderson, Receivers. For rates and general lnfoi mstion cs'l on or address Curran & Montelth, Albany , Oregon, or W H HURLBURT.Asst.Gen'l. Pass Agt, fJ4 Washington t., Portland, Okbgon urrtcaas ITCH'NC HUMORS Torturlnp, disfifraCSR eczemas, anil every species jf itchi.ii;, bur nine, scaly, crusted, ami pimply skin and scalp diseases with dry, thin, and falling hn!r relieved by a single application, and speedily and economically onrod by the Oticira Hkme iib, when tho best physicians aud remedies fail. Itching Skin for Yeara My dlseaso ("soriaslsl com nieneed on niy head. Spread r:i p Idly all over my body, not (radar my nails. Scales would drop all the time, suffering endless, and without relief. 1 cannot praise the (Tthtua Kemeiues too much, llavo made my skin as clear from scales as a baby's. All I used was .'i worth. DENNIS DOWNING, Waterbury, Vt. Skin Disease 9 Years Had over nine years a dreadful skin disease. First apcared a low small red spots on my breast which kept spreading slowly lo my lack. The spots turned gray, and began itching. Small scab s would fall off, and It continued all over my bodv. I tried all medicines, con. suited doctors, no nse. Then 1 gave it all up. Tried the Citiccra Remedies, they cured me entirely. My skin now pure and white as that ot a child. JOHN E. rEABSON,S"hatcoro, Wash. Itched Scratched Bled Suffered three years with pimples which 1 had to scratch until 1 would bleed. After doctoring three years, tried Cutici'ba Kkmeoibs. After using two sets am entirely cured. A. K. GRAMM, Fhotographer, Mt. Horcb, Wis. Large Sores on Face 'Was greatly troubled with blood poisoning. Large sores appeared T a on my face. Hands were in such K a condition that 1 could not use X 57 them. Tried numerous physicians 49v and remedies, no benefit, tried "rWm CmcrsA Remedies, and am now free from all skin trouble. SAMI EL J. KEEI.EK, 232 Fainuount Ave., Baltimore. Sold thronghout Ihe world. Pries. CcTicntA, (0c. ; Sop,e. ; KasoLvsxT, 1 . 1"ottk Ubcb add Ciixh. t'onr., r-ole Froprletors, Fusion. jgg- How to Core Skin Diseases." free. U. S La no OrricK, ObhsOV City, Op., July lllb, 1893. Nctic 13 hereby given that lu omp'l ance with the provisions of the act of (' ingress of June S. 1873, entitled" A n act for the sale of timber lain In the states of California, Oregon, N vada and .v smh ing'on Territory," llenrv M Herbeit, ot Uroen Basin, count of Marion, stttetf than for a rrlealtura'. purposes, an i to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver ot this offlj at Oroeon City, Oregon, on Wadneaday, the -4th day of January, 1894 He nmiett sa witnessea. Geo H Letellier. ol A osny Oregon;Henry 3useus.of Albany.Oieton, J t. Berry.of Berry.Oregon; U S Collver, of Green Baaiu, brego . Auy and all persons c'.aimirg aaversely the above described lands are requested to file ther claims tn this office oo or bt f re sai t "4th day of January 1894. Robert A Miller, Register. Notice for Publication. U. P. Lasd Ofeice, Oret.ox City, Ok. July Ilth, 1S93. Notice is hereby given tint It comp'i ance with the provi-ions cftbe art rf Congre-s of June 3, 1878. eutit ed -An act for the sale of timcer an in theatat-s of Ca iforata, Oregon, Nevada -n'! tVash iugton Tarrltory," Albert S Collver, "f Green Baviu. county cl Marion, state of Oregon, h'atbisdi'y r.le i in this ftW his aworn stie "ent No 2ST4, for tne purchase of th S E J of nect'on No 26.1C township No 10 Sou h rane No 5 r.t. sui ! will cfler protf to sh m that the isnd sought ir mre valusb'e for Its t:mtr or stone tban tor aciicaltural purpo-ev and to establitih his cairn to said land I r the Register a d Receiver of this ollirv a Oregon City. Oregon on Wednesday tlje 24th day of January, 1894. He nam as witnease?: G-o H'Lete.iier, cf Albany (,'regor; Henry Suaens.r f Alhany.Oregor; J L Beiry.of Kerry .Crpon, H M Herbert, of Green Basin Or Any and ai) persons claiming a 'T-r v tbe above described lands are tcqueated to Qie their claims in this offis ou or before sa'd 24lh dar of Januaiy, 1894, EoBf.ET A Miller. it tester. Notice for Publication v S. Land Office at Qnoaa Citv .Oe. OLl2a., UN Xctiea is hereby siveo that it. couipbince ' w1.11 n-i pJoviaioDS 01 ice act 01 ..uitresa 1 1 , Juce 3. 1878, entitled "An set fortbesaleof ! timber lands in ihe s'atesof Calif arms. Ore gon, Nevada, ani Washington Territory, ' MraMellie Cai.ntn, of Yarinios, c ncty of L,iuolo, state of Oregon, has this day hied j in this office her sworn statement No 29j1. or he purchase of the K i of S E i and S ;' '4oX K J of Sec 1 1 and N W J of S W J of ectioa No 12, in township No 10 .Sjath r .. , v.. V ..... , : , ,r, l : show that the laud ffcoeht i more valuable ! for ita timber or stone than for agri-nltore I purposes, and to estaolish her claim to raid 1 lana oeiore ine negl-ier acd Keceiyer 01 this oftcaat Oregon Citv, Oregon. on Tues day, the 2nd day of January. 1894. She names as witnesses: DeYVitt I) uf-.-th. of Detroit, Mar -on Co, O eK.n, O Fox, ol De trOlt, Marion Co, I. baughead, of Green li.'io, Marinn Cf, Ore gon. Cariile H L.ogb ast, of Albany. Lino . ', Oregon. Anv a. il a'l pe sods claim! Wg 1 ailv-erselv tiie ahiwi- c .-cribed lands aie rc quested to tile th ir c'aims in this office ou I or before said 2-id H..y of lanaarv, lh94. Robert A Milieu. Register Notice for Publication. D. S. Land OrncE at (Ji;koon t ity.Or. Sept 29.b,lS9.1. Notice it hereby given that in compliance with the prnviaious of the set of C- uurees or June 3. 1873, entitled "An act fur the sale of timber lands ioth slates of California, Oregon, Nsvada.and Washington ler. l:ory, ' as extended to all the public land states h set of August 4th, 1892, t'homaa A Roe, of Berrv, coatity of Marion, stab' of Ore 00, has this day tiled in tbls office his sworn state ment No 29 19, for the purchase of the W "1 N" W '., 8 28 and 8 N K ' of section No 29. in township S lo - IUok Noo E, and will offer proof to show that toe laud aooght is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, snd to estsbiish bis claim to said laod before the Register and Rvceivisr of this nll'.oe at Oregon City, Oregon, on Tuesday, the rtc. d day of January, 1894. He asnsM as wit nesses: Wallace W Cask v, f lierry Ore, Job! C R w.of Berry,fre, T E Ror.o' Berry. O e, EV8mith, of Berry, Ore. Auv and all pe.soni cluimiog adversely the aheve described lands are reques'ed to file thei claims io this office on or before said 'J id day of January, 1894. Robert A Miller. Register x - li enange iniindry work for o.1 '"all fUatiaeilaa Phlllipi t 'he ibm-.j Vteitii I -t'lmlrv. Scientific American Age-icy for CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESICN PATENTS, COPYRICHTK, etcJ Wot Information and free llandbook wr::o to MUNN a CO.. .' I Bhoadwat. New Yohb;. Oldest bureau for seeurinit patents lu Arieruw. ftvery patnt talcnn cut by us is brntuilit before the public by auctice given free of chareo in las Larrest dronlatlon of eny scientlfle paper in ths world. Bplwodidly illustrated. No lotelllyenl man should ba without U, Weekly. S3.00 a Kir; IhlSOsIx Binn.lis. A.ldress M1N A CO luas'.xss. am Uroaiiw v-v k w. Red CrownMills JOHN ISOM, PROFRIITOB. w raioaws n,nn srrEHioB 10s rAatf.ia a is has p. pa ssr, figTSTOKArse- iAflMflBS llM.n.n h.a ll.L rt.v A.I lllhtir.ll.. HQ, I' .....-'...a I ..I i . .. ... -7 ,y ..TTi 11 Is. 1 "" " '- "'ti-iiii'"' .-.vunujii). win n met nave umicrtasin as attorawjs sworn statemeutNoas.o for the . t,reh i , ck ft e avn ..e Si e , f se.-s-'f i ham F Cody. Utter known as , . , -. . , , ., , of the 8 I of N V .V,sec 27J3 K J4 of N K J etn " hin t,e e hl lf iers" ..Bnf,l0 Ui. u in Vow.,, and together to bav U,cw,on m.deby then, j andN Et4sEiofsUono,K,i,, town they caa be sUataeded by any such non- .yU f rtwni o ,;ener)l lUm(un at ofhcials reversed by their succeasors ' U:L.frh. . - . . i.ndtbed.tinguii.b.d frontiersman and in otBce. ,t e inrerenoe being that the de- I i.D,n ;.n,i.i.w iutlmliarnrsia,,.: mis is a favtb o; portanl y to tedace econt, we are indeed u.rtunate to iiave ci,ions were in in'rn'io na! v made wronr A I HE M'Ei It'll ONTKAtT LAW- Tlie Telegram Calls a tt-n i n lo that pro vision in the Sherman law, not repealed by the Voothees biil which, provides ll'st silver shall he a full let: i lender except v. hoi the contract provides tor the pay ment of some ither kird of money, and ijjs it this. I usr Bad bees re)esled silver would be Oa an rqu Uljf vllh gold so far a its deht- pa v I g power Is concei n- eJ. T hie H not Irae art far 0feg9Ba Cal Iff tnia, Nevada and 1 numl er ol other Mates ate covecrreo, foi "c have sftcific contmct !aws hich provide mat when a person ccmut to pay s i!rbi in a specific kind ol money. In bl kind f money he must pay. This law us paaaed in Oieon M early 1S64, r think What gave rise to its pateege n I! it ioiluction of iniiMi i'ii im' i sn.ti cai which ? , , ' 1 beln' at a discount ol aiioui 00 tier cent ' cr; used by a liafg of .lUrKine-d creiiitors win used ihem to pay gold drht. It was to p-cvent suth whole tale swindllag that -the ler;lsUiure paved the law. The potter of ihe stale 10 pass Stick a law is unqurst lontd Ii i one of the, te.-ivcd iihis of the stUs. Wi e;htr sn suth law eitsts ot cot Ihe oUctimlnation will be n.ade by parlies making contracts so long u one speties ol uicr.ey is mce v&luable thtn sn other. The 7g,iiw Is misstating facis. It musi be nearly time for grownup men j lo leave cf! this cln'dish ilk of c'osingm Ills I and cu'ting wge and do'ng o;herdtieia , things on account cf the new tariff. Hew msny if th - talamity slmekc.s lave ever read lbs) Wiboa bill or have cal celat'd just what effict h i liktly to hiye oa their particular Inilllll' yf And !ut one ot ihem all ever vo un'ari!y ra!eil t'leaaes j upon 'he general, ljut be refuses to say tvw, a wise decision and it wou d be we - tag around Hie 6r trees awhile (like our til be pays in'u the court eTOtf said to bare tismsV Vs hy, if the burdens of McKir-ley-ofListmplotes btcau-e of an in. ea.e ol anything lor publication, which baa a, if n (,ere made a tu e in a'l branches of ancestors in tba garden ol Kden be ' len taken from the mil: after be refus.d ' ism rest in for ign shoulders, cid you atie? It is alwfys ibe stsg- etrrer thai is to seffer tv aiiff ndiaitcn; when the siitf i ; put up, it is still the wage H er that mi'i pay. T'..e mocotonv ol bts iding has own tedious. The aailon bn- repudiated Hal- wages, no doubt T.ic.e a.e a giest man' unemployed men jna shoe g-ne"aily ia:es low in ilie mule: . As bstatl cs revives i tll be ha.der w get the iitUt kind ol help , and .mp!o5ers may have ,oP,v more. Bu j hey wtl pay just as Mile as they can, whether the lat rl l ' igh or !o-.', ani thev might as weli atkcowledge the ruth. Wheie the re' t.'rilTb goin 'u he'p libo.' is by allowing noie cons'snt tm; l. msat a aalamed daasaad. That will send wages cr. Tu- ihe prjliaas thai asget ae aveidirtc:!y reguUtd b y :. e rate af slatiaa I'- a Iranparent iuo..c . arj. Tom Keed'v mlnori y rtpo t oi '.bs JW;! son tai id till t.-e.. s aith fatx logic and miss'atemen's. He . Tin new y'xn jnvo'ves a new method of encoj ajing man iilsclo'es by givnij ttiem at is cal'ej fee ta mt'.eiia's -o thai what 6oes. h ! :.e ml 1 piys no ax sni arts: fco-v in o iCu sum(tion ray all the taaei lake socle i gooes as an cxamp'e. L'uV tl e MrKiolfv law, woo! go'ng in o tbe mi'l has a duly of 41 per c- nt and toe f'nihsJ r!odu.-t piji sn " "VT' aw-- a-- ; to pa's bo h tstev about t "o j per cent. Under the bi!! thsl goa into he miU pays no t xes ai-d the hnlshed product aheu it got In-j conaui'..oo pita about -5 per cen' 'I bis i an invalua'j'a about -c per cen' I his is sn iavahsan e benefit .0 the coo-u-ner Uo fiuds k much estier lo rut 35 per cen: ihan 112 per I cent a:es K-ed mace a mess of It on :b's - . poinr. 1 here ar: eleven thoun.l csbs. over fifteen thousand drivers and twenly-five thousand horses, and alt jaetber some nns hundred ard twenty thousand human be- iegs depend an thr cab industrv. The value cf ibe s'ock was aloot one million poonds. ard the yearling earnings are' 'tree million pounds. Tiie present season' fcas been a trying ore. and there are many ' ..... . men literally starving Tbtirct ief pjints j of cotnp'aint are bov license. ' bilkine." i i e, the disappearance 0f the far without " do,cn paying, the privileged cab system of the r'""J" by watca tne cox. panes make some e'even thouuid pjandi a ysar. acd the private railwav ; 1 A thoughtless aewapape d.Iares an in come tx to be " im rsc'i-ab'e snd repo lerous la dsscusshsa If is well tsal wo.ds shcul I "jsre some re'ation 10 fact.. Ir. iS 66 this tax yielded 10 the Treasury $73-l6o..,o frrrr. I'.ijooo tereonv sr.d In I87 tie lOHeciions were 66,0x1,9 x. iao.oc.0 person.. England w get, $65. ! from her Irco-ne tsx. Mow can It be said ihtt such s tax Is either imprac'.i-' able, preposterous ar ua i; j!a A coun'y farmer win his, for yens be.n eng.grd in lading ...ore or IfM sheep. I . . . , 7 . and who has. du.lng the same time. Keen engaged in buying mut 09 sh-ep an ! selling litem in Dm mirket, liforin the Demrtrat that sheep raised for mu ton alone, and .'ever sheared, is mare profitable than wheat at 75 cents a bushel, lie says the wheat raises of the United Stsits stand more in need . f . n. by pvy of a bounty for protection than do wx! growers fur Pro'ect ion on . A. Tl e conn ry is gradually sel.llrig down lo the -occlusion lhat the j revl ienl's po sition en Ilaaaiirn ma'.tert la the correct, site and honest one. anas REI'OUT OF 'OIK I 'vVIiITIO.V of Tn 1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK, ATAL1IANV, DJ TIIK bTATE )K OHKCO.N At the el'ise of husinesj, L'uc ISth, lmi:i. LmM ariil dlKOuntaj 1 7 . .a8 Ovrrdrmfu,Mctirti.l aixl uimecured 8 3!). 10 U. H. Bond Ut MMM rin-uUtiou 20(ix)-(((K HrcrniuiiLi on 0 ,MmflM SUjcIm, ocuritea, ate ?4St.:t5 Mfttag MMMl luniituie, and txlANHI ' ',00(1.00 Other real eaUta od doi tgtuin owi.e U 1m ' 0 (mi-: from National Iiynkiir.t rcteive uft-nts ' Oho from HULe Hauka and lnk-m U BU M One fpro approve'l reacrvu amenta tH 47 Cliecki and other caah Itema . ... 4?..H Notea of other Nl na I auks 2-0 n KractioiiaJ . urn m , rdcktlit nd cents 70.00 Lawi-tl Mokry Kcmikvk 1 jr fl me, viz: SffHe ItjTTttt I.- -tender notes 6"0 0( 88 Kadeniiitloii fund Hl'h I'. S. Trcaurer (live air seal SS circulation.) soo.uf Total 1 -.,wf'.i'i , i.lal.llllles : Capital so k Jialil ill SwrwfwS fund Dwowiasa profits, le.s sap nse. ami ta. . sM Natioin.1 llank imUs ntit-tauuil,- Due to iither National llanka . Hue Ui State Hank anil liankera Individual dciionita slilijeet to el,,-, , Demand cvrtilk-uU-sof tit-pitfit ToUl . ... m.owisi as ... tMBSJI .. lS.SWI.oo .. 2,is..!rr .... UtsiH , TaJtlJS ... 18,6 I 4.'.', Srars or Orroos, Ossnrri or bivs, ss : 1, E W l.ANiibos. Cashier of tho above sas ed bank Sal solemnly saear Ilia lilt- above staleinent ! is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. R W I.ANUDON, Cashier. HulMcrilwd arid sworn Ui before me this 01 h day of Dee., K.. (t. s.) CoKRSC-I- Attest D B IIONTKITH. Notarj P.ililk- for On (on. ii ruax bl HI.. IN, E YHitx. i- Directors. NEW TURK I.UTTEK, New Yoiik, December M. 1803. Perhaps lite most t ragic and sensation al scene ever wit ne.aed in a New York court, took place in Judge Barrett's court on Tuesday, during Hie trial of Dr Meyer, charged with poisoning a man known as Bryant. The case is an Inter esting one, nnd has aroused the tttmoil interest. Meyer poisoned the victim to procure his me insurance. i.iuvver Chat les W Brooke was delivering his ad- 1 diess to the jury in defense of ihe prison- Cr, Wilt II MHIUCUIV ic.imr;i a-UW , one of the iurors. fell forward out o! his chuirand collapsed. Great excitement entiled, and th i stricken man was car- ried into an adioining room. It was found that the man was in a tit, and that he had previously been an inmate of an insane, asylum. The court was immediately adjourned, ami it is feared li.e jury will ueuscna.geu, an,ial w Je CJI;Cl)rni tll, a,,itU(le new trial begun, as the juror has appar-! , " . . , B . . rally become violently insane. Lawyer of C oninussioner IxK-bren toward the pen Brooke who was interrupted in his ad-! sioners, iho following from a speec1! he made diess by toe tragic occurrence, had just . , . 1 1 . 1 delivered a most elouuent and masterly ai,,, The final trip o! the new c.uiser ' ' New i oru has Idemotisiratetl Hie lact that, the shipbuilders ol this country j can cope with those ol F.urope. Ototardyallernoon, without bein,' expected, ex-President Harrison, slipped into town and modestly reisleretl his name at the Fifth Avenue Hotel. Before i ihe reporters could get news of the ar rival of the dls4'.nsmiad vilest. General 1 1 Harrison had left the hotel ana walked ; j up Broadway 'o the tiileey House, where he paid a visit to his son Russell B Har-, ! risou. hsn intervieweil General Har- i rison, who, by the way. looks as cneety I 1 and heart v as a farmer's boy. said that ' private business brought bua to New ; l'i. nil4' iiv I'nui isiuocu . -i umu?, anything o! a poll ical r.aluie. 'O! comae ; I aha I do some shopping during nlv j sojouru, for the holidays." Aud as the ex-president said his his eyes seemed to light up and he certainly thought of UKi t. V.. aks w.ll Te.'eieea enn - . ' . .. .... 1 Blllllltrilll 'U5 Hum inn Liniiuiainci , Many prominent politicians have cal'ed '7 .", p Tl. iJi si i s ie.v t,is city, and the Union lapue Ciub oI; rliiiadelnbia wtn tender In in a reception, i In the early part of February (General "CS ! ie Btll,ter,l8 o! the U-land Stauford me ... j n t- u-ull t rn rt .trit;jera .Hii.iin , our hospitality "Buffalo Bill" lias just ; relurnea trooi Euglaud where he deleal- : ed a noted Knelish wheelman in a race between favonta blaca Iiorse, and a modern UcycU - He troab eith he BMtUr SiillUCUl Vlllll.ll IIIBISIICIIKV Caear ; he ia amWilioas. Cody desi.-es ' to obtain the republican nomination for , I 1 v 1 1 1 1 1 . , governor 01 .veurasaa ne braska and now aspires to higher po-' ...... -a !,. St. a ahoa rtt X . meu.uer ut toe ie;Btaiuie ui ,vc- i and now aspires to bisher po- litiral I t.v,.ra ".;lTal., Riil i. . . . . - I ahot. an expert horseman, and oaa long , poei cna r out ne snouiu rec.. i n that p.iot there is no .loestion for un words of Canlinal Wolsey ; "Croutwe'l I r " charge thee, fling away ambition," etc e'e, betore lie launches bis political as pirat:ons. Wm. F. II. Koiiacii vificvu iu :ism. I'SHI ant a hue stnukv call for Jua ( h s v..:.e labor cigar, Th- bestjmaat soSee In the city at 0 . ad 'Kr a Call on WIN A S'.atk fur bargains In Holiday jeweliv. Will i: Stark's large line of si vt- wre has created a great deal ol talk. Ot: jour holiday goods at llcdgts A MeKarland. rom. I he best stock to se'ect : JJ. tor makes five iriu. daily to YiKl'. ; sdd.t.op. Ixtr there 03 lnataKcaota I l : P"" ek, j v ms.sssvi i.wioon tria.. 10 i 5 d?T. tr -lUed jtonuv. Mfg d bv Jas. Finnpy i -01s, ! Brooks. me u Pa laruaocr ta sold on trial. To In selecdne vour hnl dav onrw'. An r.rt I r.n . ' . . :...; can on nodges .V Mcrarisrd. 1 ney tave a fine line of goods, embracing 'S, linVol nSgST Oet your bo!:day goods of Will i Stark, Thtir tock. lcau? it is large snd vsii- v. P Dr""u,e lnrr r io ve sv ;;"eirJ ornT : silverwa.c. Genuine pan. fr a"! sevlng machines, ne oi' "''dies, etc,, for all wTii"""' l"!' tt:'t E L' " "' rnustc note, bew inir machines and organs repaired reaMinab. ard all work warrsn:ed.. Needles prepaid bv mall aoc A Cleax lit. oan. Oregon ran justly l.,. . g . r . , ... ..fiiic riii.iiiv u-jiniiii-. ie: ais boast of as a financial record and as ! . , . .. . solid a standing as any tate in the Union. " st mo,k ,he u,m " ,0 " f,'t With a debt ilrcrilable by the nse of ci- Tared to leceivc the Wibcn b',1 when Ii is pliers alone, she ha $9.7T3.'tr in. mtstand- J seat ever from the Mouse. Tie weak of ing warrant, i-suevl the pra,t year. pay. nient n wbi h is prjvided Ly sUte lew. and redeemable at anv time. Ihirinc she reifived WtlfmAO and ex)nleI 5T6.:jf,jl.lU.incliiding$S7.1.V5.ISde!iciecry. tier e. I neat ! .i. tinls are .11 n nirt healthy condition, and in all other respect he is flninn- varv u-..ll , .!... 1 . . . - - - 1 . . v., 1 a. ia. II..L 1 . . .v , ... . tTlWyeT ' glsfllia sflsss Ula CsUaJ Ed Venney, BrockrIUe, Oi.tar says : Canada, ..'SV . , psst fifteen years, and think them tl cathardc and sntl bi.llous remedy k 'I :.. e lived I '. PI . S the ne jjj I nown 1 ror some five years I suffered v.lth an eruption of the skin that gave me great pain ar.ii annoyance. 1 tried different '.emu, out, aiinough gsining strength the ltcl.inK was unr.-lleved. I finally conclude 1 to lake a thorough course of Brandeth's Pills. I took six each night for nights, then five, four, three, two, les soiling each time by one, and then for one month took one every night, with the hippy result that now my skin Is perfect ly clear and has been soever since." arr. at sub I'aikrr Itro, grocers. P. II, IV neb keeps railroad time Say yonr grojeri-w of I'arker Broa I'i j j gr ; ai C ii'. .. . crnan; obwSSSS jasl .ei'eived BtOssafSi liiyers. P .1 Smiley job prinsr. Klinn Block, does first i-laas work. the celebrated Bawassa filleil 5 cent cigar at Julias Joseph's. Ii- M II Bltis, i.l.vsiv-i.n '.) s-.r.'.- in Albawv. tjslls mil-. I. oit, or C0UI: TV . 1 1 .. . 1 1 . . ... For pl.y's sake, don't growlantl grurr.b'a because you S' e troubled with indigestion. No go-id wns ever effected by snarling and fietlln-.'. Be a mm (unless vou happen to bea vomer. ), and lake Ayr's Sarsparllla uiLii v.i,i it-ic.a you, whether man woman. or BORN. CONRAD Born to tie wifeofMrA "-o-irau. ol langent, on wedneeday, .e tn, n ixi v AVA DEM Y of Pen PLOWS AND H4RR0WS Barjrsins for in both riding and walking plows, disc harrows. iron harrows, etc. l'rl.-eft i,l nrf.iori inn ... cr, wheat. It will pay you to call anil see us j g'-rl, whose mother liad recently oeen ra S VEWART OX I ,ore'' to I'ealth by that medicine. WA8HINGT0U LETTER. From cur regular CorretKndsut. Washligton, Dec. 25, 1893. President Cleveland and every member of his cabinet, except Attorney General Gluey, who is in Bo'ton, spent Christmas day in Washington with their families The day has been a quiet one at the Whit House, a large part if it devoted to the children and their Christmas tree which wa put up Saturday evenius, nl'hough M ,m, Mrs Ccveittntj tnf0,ma!ly sntertuined . , . . . , . , tevernl personal friend both at lunch and tit dinrer. The idea cf going lo Lakewood W J, for o few dajs has been abandoned, but Ihe President hopes to gel a little recreat'en U is week on a hort hunting trip. In view of thn miantatnruanhs which -n tilt tafe cf Judge Iong, of Michigan, whose ptnsion wa.i suspended by bin which is pending in a W ishmgton court is worthy cf attention: "I am not anxious i t0 worry or ct off my oi l comrades with , t , . . , , . , wLo' 1 fou8l11 and carried a musket am anxious toat they should get all lhatr duet. Yet, at the same time, as an officer of ,be luw bave a gworn tlu,.. ,0 .wrforB1 .. . , .. ,. t0 tbat do not 8et more tban are entitled to." By the way, speaking of pensions, it wa Ulev jicidcii y Commissioner Lochren .V?" .- . , , toat D0 oflicial cf the pension office could do bosineis as a pension attor ney before (hat bunau until he bad been two years out of office. Had Gen Uaum ... ... ,. , , ",nar decuion the bank ac of "Corporar'-THnner, wl.o was so uu account ncere- moniously kicked cut of lhal office by Mr Harrison atd aho is said to hive made a lArhiru a . . ...... allArnA. v..,,1.1 luk - very much smaller than it is It is, now be gove.Lintnt seivue. u it is well kiown in '. ashing'on that many otHcisIs make use of 'heir positions to atxumula'e infor- : ...i : .,1.1. .W... l t . .. .1 ,. . .... I attorney. government I service; and cases have been known ii, u'" 1 !cntry Uaraont stotcbed a sensational storv. that he nroDoastl comrl!intr . the derkt of ,he HC6Tyi uJ rIL,1niL ... . llieir iuarirrs in lord's olJ theatre by making the Idloaing statement: There is . . (I T oftcr of ,b, twparn-'eat to quai 1 ----- a-. - nJ officer of Ibis department to quarter, - ' .. - k-v"-- t j iDg not determined 10 be perfectly sale easiceas. Jto 6.000 appropriated by Congnrss for repairs to the eld Ford's theatre building has 'u expanded under j the directicn of the Chief of Kngineers ti e anny, as directed by law. and the build ing has been restored to the condition 1 was in Lefoie the conimeccetxent of improvements in prrgreasat Ike lime of the accident, with some consequent Irecg'keninE cf if foundations. While it is 1 robab'e thit it would serve it former j l-u.-.e, uu-commission 01 expei is appu.n. e : 1 y lie .1. RilmcDt to examine and re -pert t to fLr safety of fte buiJdir.g find that certain additional vork should be dose Ufcte it .ball be occupied by c erk. i n rej-crt win be ret rred Lack fur an i ettimale cf the cost of this new work, and j Ln returned the matter will ba lubtuit teu to congress lor furlter alterations." ,. , j adjourned lor ibe ted lo ctngms for lis direction a to Just before the Sen- be recess Senator Vcw- ' ee tnered a resolution against the iuart- I : t 1 , ..- . . , ex.og ti cieras in tnts ouiiding again The cf Coogsetsrcan s.hi wtnt ; hot ,0 spe.d , heir holiday was uouau.l.y j ,Me lh:S'e : onaequenlly theie is jas tow a decbed lull In the ta'k aboat the 'i. IUwaii.etc. which has '.ten con'.ant : - ' f a frevh stait asM week Jn the abenee I ,in on n,a"1 P't;aied for ihe haid : i r.d lorg s!ruab1'' tht la before two. 1 A -aaiaiittte of tie lioe Wwy ... 1 ., . CunB ee " ' ':a,J Ue' hol,ly ,n woiking npaa the Iniern- revenue bill, which it is hope! adU be tads' to le Ufcrttd to the breve when it i again assembles. Several democratic mctn l .. f , L - c . . - a-i 1. . : tb s.-nato.s has bee., so Ur , ,. ... , , i to lhe 8a'h'l"C of .wmit oiss'.iy cor h.ud len ahich will i uscfu! later on. Speaker Crisp, wno is st.U ii. Wavhin a 'On, is canfijent that t'eW'i'aon tariff bill wi I be passed by the Hiue before ihe (list 1 t a. . ....... . 1 el r ehruu r and thi. 1 w i.t n.vt ,r p.r. sary .0 de'v any mm the ,. Vht tobe id i thereon In oi.ler to get it throojl, b, .hat time (ritiiiri r-atTs iw ' cnv ci 1 niiae.pnia "coosi.ied ol 'ar or f,ur llf.l cottvees. lalSryi one sfstt of all l!.e lamllies In j London we s living in single roots. The po, jlation of Ireland In 1841 wsr S,-fAS97- Now It is a little over five million. . ' It census, taken in 1S91, gave ihefmc'r- j-clis a population of 4,131.421. M Jan. t cites varlois suthorl'.lea lo show that the wealth of UtS Cnilcd King.lom ax- ; cecds tj'; that of, ?(, 000,00..; ii-aiof all Earope, I of the Uui ed Stales, 170,000,000, . 000. It ia a novel and interesting slgtit, say a I.ubec paper, these da.k nighti lowaith lhe fiahemin In the bay "drive her.lng." Hie, fislicur.aT arrange a po'e with a shallow scoop on Ihe end filled with birch bark.tsith It set blszinj wl.":re the fisi. sre supposefl to he. In a short tiro Hie water will falriy boil with therr, so esger a-e Hit silly an.l f r light. A targe net I let down very carefully and filled, then diawn Into (he boat. The herilng- tsten In 'his way nun, ler hundred ot hogsheads in a season, snd are used for canning an.l smok ing pu. poses. The Itt'er Q Is i superlUous nlphahetlc character a nondescript of the worst ?aort, and of pi more .enl value In expressing or helping toexpresv our thoughts In writing than one of tl.e Cl.ins?e word signs would bs. It never ends an Kniiil. w'" . "nd rnnnot hegra one without the nld of me let ter u, being Invariably followed i!y ;h. lsr inentioneil Utter iu all words belonging to our language The man doesn't live who can ttU "why" of the peculiar relation ol lhe ,etlers rj .vnd u,or why the former was given ta rlout name. Some argue lhat its name val applied becsuse of the tall or cue at the 'wtVmof tbo letter, but the original ) VBst B sounded just as it is today, was made 4)-f'iout 1 he cae, t'.ie cliaracler much re- tj, ' 1 the English sign for pounds. "When your heart Is bad, and vour head Is bad. and you are bad clean through, what Is needed?" asked a .Sunday-school teacher of her class. "I know Aver's Harsaparllla," spoke up o little vvmu t 1'eobia, Dee 28, 18l3. As we have cothing eUe to do 1 thought I would start some Peoria items. Christinas passed off very quietly this year. Times wero so hard we did not have any tree. A three months terra ol school clesed last Friday. It was taught by Miss Bertha McDaniela. Sho liad good suc- cess in bei school. Miss Ann'e (.iilheiis, or.a ol Albar.y's old students, returned home Saturday to Bpi'inl Chistmas week among her friends. une day last week nve ol Albany s citizens ere up here hunting. Among them we knew were Charley Watts, Gr Ieinenger, Geo Cohen, Mr Whitney and hlnox Height one of Peoria's old citi zeni. It wont lie ver; good for theaa fellows scalps i! they are caught here again . reorla is right id it this w inter They have a spelling school and also a literary. There was a dance across the river at Cooris mill. Th music was famished by Peoria's orchestra. I wouder what has become of the Peoria dude? I have lost all trace of hi in. Mr August Fischer is expected to re turn to this city soon. j A sporting pary m going to leave for Alaska MOB on a trapping expedition Among them is the Professional Mr Puckett, who is a good hand at the ousi ness. School will open again soon tinder the skillful management of Mr Dick Fruits and assistants. Boxen. olkllLLE. The entertainment on Christmas night was well attended ; the exercises con eisted of music by ihe glee c'tib, a dec lamation by Miss Meda Brown, a dia logue by the little children ol the Sab bath seorx l : a 'ecitation bv Willie Mor gan ; a declamation bv Misa Meda Dan Ian 4n rd.l fashi,.nl fir., nlac ,lwv rated with evergreens occupied a een.ral j position on the Stage Mr Santa Claus, or one ol bis buys, t we Hunk the old " : .. I ..... - - t;.,..l ,", ,,,;.'.. ,,i f,. tMi. cliamboled the conUnta ol gr.p among the children. After the perform nnei- bv Santa I laos ir. a lew uresen were distributed. Kev A M Acheson . I. i.m... ville .gains, the world for e..," ",j i ai tlersoa shot tho Gout linger o'J Irs right iiand . acx-identallv, of course. Uit '.here is one thing evident. If his finger bail been behind the gun it would have lt-en on bis hand today, for bis gun is a front shot. Nine tunes out of ten boys get hurt by being at l tick. 'Next. m mmA pi iVt Aattt-. Ben ( .. ' l .icrcary, . mercury vrt;i re;y reaieoy to svraaa a if Mm the seas of a.-ne:iaaJcoa:p:c.. - , the whole rvateea whea eauriag it Ihtt agk -e eacoaa aarfaeaa. 8ach articles shc-.r! a- ier be ced eicewt oa precrip:.cs f. rn aataasa hi-urlaaa, as the Cliiaia mrr 1 . - ' i" I"" rc? cMMsawrsritviiRatvMr. itai.a catarra Cure. n;a:.Mf-i '. .-Ml ? 1 ..'.1 fQn a (o.. Tolevio. o.. esiota-iM. r.o mcrrary . aaJ U takes. tntcroa!;. ctir Ji.-r.::v ar-n the t;ci aca wicous surfaces i l;.n ystm. in Imytac iiail's Catarrh "ure I sarey'.a ret therecnla. Ilia taken loternaily aU is aiarte In Toledo. OXe, Mf isoid t. I dt r . J - . nrnrv 1 eauisvussusis rree. L'xatrrtrare afaa Ev-l !i j(up,..a A'ruetcs and man ho 'a. ordinarv .v.lou:do.r,rclse,uv.ha..a! v ; , . T . ' oic vc.c riding, lumping, ta.:nir.lcr, tennis, . . . . - . V e.c, are oi:en suojec:s 01 acute irouo- The espejiance clan es.-champlon " -- ."' " "- a;l! c-ed. Harrv txrOOks wrisea: iyh St.. New York, 3 April 3 1SS6 Numerous s-a'.emenis retails e to trse meris ol d:ncrer.t 1 :avicr , . , . - . , aa.,i.g wren inuuii . iu mj a.ic ..ic: . t . ake tl.ii optaorlunitv to state that 1 have' used A Hooch's Porous Plasters lor over 13 v ears and prefer then, to any other klnj. lu-ou'dfurnher-rore state that 1 was very ..... ..... a...... u. ...c .une.., aim a. .r.- bute my recoeerj- entirely 10 cock' Porous PU.tcrv. reaap SSsar aad ruaad Im Ult The man - -nan who does not sup j port the:- own home paper can be proper- iv c'awe-J ifnennr if and pound loo! !sh." It bring., Ir instance, 10 vour door opportunities for sccuiig the bevt ba fsassa in evervintng . 11 to. wsnt em- p.ov mer.-. t:.en e ioj flu", 'e - ......... j , .... ...f..i-iucn. .-1 i r ... 1 . ... ..... . . . 1 i. t. .-. rvr-i a v- 1 . . " a v ... ivaiiiimiiu. v x, in mo ner .lamr. .nay prove of r-s! in-ere.: aid aiue lo v ou. A tsivon Ptiv ft fa a md r!an . - f r aubscrtae I-.r anj read earefa: y your own I ape, a. .1 tne a.rn oi n;s pa,wr n ol this M3 to make it an educa'Tmal fac.or In .ne communuy. oeaiues mat, it vou are out of a job, or wish to lacreaac your Income, hen here is the place "o find l. In an- coiunn you will find an advertise- men', of B F Johnvon St Co. of Klchmond. I "waris, mat inxv In'.ere Whea Eabv- was sick, we- rav-e her CaiX.-eta. TTbea she was a 1 I.i: 1. she crk-t f -r Osstoria. Vhet. sh became- Kiss, she etuajr to Case. via. "STben aha had On. iren. sle pa.r theoi Castor ia At Mcal Times uo vou e.-cr cors.Je tbc quality of the food you are eating? It may be good. It might be belter, purer, fresher and more w ho'.esome. Is It not worth whl.e to make sure that you tea, -oflee, tugar, baked goods and innumera ble other groceries a.e of the bea. qualnv ? There is such a trifling difference In the prices of lhe best and the w.-rt thai il .Iocs not pv to buv ihe wvr.i.eveu on lhe false grouuo of s-.-p- o-. 1! econorn r The best is always the cheapest , because lhe most satisfactory and durahle.and the vert best of evrrv thing In the grocer v line is kept at Parker Bros. Buck. .,'a De fur ihe Wn.skers does itswoik thoroogblr, a aa-fewmrown or black, which, whend-y, wdi ceithrr rub, wa.h off, nor soil linen. Thousands nf livevare savr.i ann.iaii. - bv the use of Aver's Pectoral. In ihe ireatmen't f croup and whooping co ign, ihe Pectoral a most marvelrus effect. 1: allav in- ihe passage cslre to cough a.nn.atioii, frees iht and cont.o's the dcsl Dr. Price's Cream Uaking Powder Moat Perfect Made. lhe :eantne And The sham. Every g od thing has its host of Im itators: every genuine article II counter feits. The Imitators always choose the most valuable and popular article to counterfeit, so lhat when they claim tVir sham to be equal, or as good, or the same as '-So and-So'a,'' the public may depend upon It that "So-and So's" article Is the best of the kind. The sham proves the genuine n erlt of the thing It copies and never has this been brtler Illustrated than bv the- imitations cf Allcock's Porous Plasters Allcock's Porous Plaster is the standard of excellence the world over, and Its im itators In their cry tha. theirs Is "as go"Ki ss Allcock's"' a'e only emphasizing this fact and admitting "Allcock's" to be the acme of perfection, which It Is their high est ambition to imitate. The difference tvetwecn the genuine and these imitations, which copy only general appe.rance. is as wide as that between copper and gold. The only safe way fur purcha.ets is to always Insist upon having Allcock's Por ous plasters. They are Ihe only perfect plasters ever produced, No belter p.epaiation for the hair hat ever been in ranted than Aver's llalr Vigor. It restores the original color to failed and gray hair, and imparts that natural g'osa and f.cshness, everyone so in tub admires. Its reputation Is vvoild wlde. Shiloh's Vitaliaer ts what yon need for dyspepsia, torpid liter, yellow skin or kid ney trouble. It is guaranteed tofgive yoa satittaotion. Price 7So. Sildjby Fothay & Masse. TELEGRAPHIC MEWS. At blltetly Tel hno, CaJ, Gee 29. The excitement which prrvailcd here last vning on ac count of the etcariM of iir s Evaae from I jaii nan now uomocu. swim qaw is a. !l 1 ; i , -i .1 - . Nothing ban been beard FfOOl Sheriff Scrjtt I and p sse since 10 A M. and it ia thought Ihet nave followed Ihe bandit anil co.v- fed, ,atetoSamps.n' Flat. There is little douht that Kvans made for that section I and is now probably wih find. Kvans' 1 condition i ia rrgardad m agaiaat bia rough- ingit. rew paop , however, think the ofBcer will take him. ! i.uMn I hrorr. Skatti.k. Dec 30 That the Stanford , ... : 1 1 i i i ... . , M-aui mtii i.rt.' ii. in, hi He ii in.?, Multnnmahs from M;oring at Portland next i Monday was the unanimous opinion of the ; college men who saw the Califonuaos play ; ihe ' Varsity of Washington at West Seatlle t'MUv. Hie score was 40 to 0, and tne Stanford, ran Ihe ends with impuni-y, hot they were weak on defensive play, and the local men repeated!? drove them back by . 1 : i 1. 1 : ill l a on. . i s j s i or some mitplay they loaf the ba WIH Man'.' CaiCAAO, Dec 29. Prendergail, the mord -rer of Carter Ii ilarriscn. will be hanged for hit crime. 1 he verdict of Ibe jury said v and the people of Chicago ap pr veit. As ubl . defended as the arsaastn was. : ml a rone as the evnler.n- id I J eii to save his neck had been, the jury found him to be sufficiently sane to m rsponsi ble fo' the act and deman-ied that he pay the highest pena'ty for bis offence against the la. t ine.l ror uuirtuui iMaWWTtUM, Gr Dec 23 'n the circuit court. Judge BsWMM. who took the Drew contempt under advisment. rendered a deci-ion ve .'.erday Ibe de- ferd.nt. T D Gr. w. who as arrrt'(,l fr refuting to surrender the Hammervy mine on Jump tT Joe into the bands of T J i hapin.r-. t:-r. . ; w-r ;ipiH,irit-(i hy the; , f.nrf a.. mamVamm i fin(-i -,,., :,n,i r",ai , ,.,,,,. n- I give . . r- e,v-r 4 tl.I tttianl tllll MAT, Ier 29. The Mat st H -.i'e i,f . Mr Kuiiiy Morgan jfamt Aihert Ben , tngs and other-, iilininivtr'tors ( Jusi.h ! tVallate. of : almra. lor near y "3).f!0O. 1 Ihe amount claimed oa a twenf je- r' : bnajJ bill, was concluded to-av The le i lense sough: to show that Jo-lab Wallace was not tie tiecrepit o .1 man lhal the ' plain'iff bad repreenlei. Tb3 jury brought in a verdict in favor of Mrs Mor i gan fur I'M weks board at $16 a week. I awansnrisst to 114-310. aUA-eieft Dearly il.'0Xtl. Fever ssd War A vhe. lec 2. Nes i re- j ceived from Kio J neiro that veliow fever Si i . J , i . . . . j mml saai to toe oorrors or war. ana I sawasaseu 10 me wrrvrs oi war. an i ' "a: deaths have already occurred. ; The aulhori'ies are takinir every p-etao'ion to fita: a spread of the disease, bat are ! greatly hamperaJ by the condition of tho,' . "'' -' " - ' " ' most t:rn'. .rci. ac-.-,BrjaausJ be black' L"lt : u ! .1 . ."L vi a. roai?- rollowing the Bi that the black . vo.-ai. Djoaai DBS at lisO comos trie a J -itinai Buosmati'-n tr.a trie avni'.nrument i of the city and forts continue and that ! the forces of both parties seem O-rterraireJ to bring matters to a termination. TberartUad Eal dla: WaaauuiaiW. Iec '2. The .ujujii 3 . . . ..... . . . . A.i'ivi.Tii.v. m- 1 r- nn i n. J?" r"1? rriaiag ah O'lSoi ire,... ,r , . i a'CUlieri Ol Uii iresurv. allow that tha ,. --, - exnenaitures n rjt.dic L-ailauura for live c, ,.vc r.0 t. , , t eaj-uuj.uie-i ' 1 fKjcM.c l-u l l'airj jra 10. ;p p, ' aTsiUble is 3i.9S2. nn h,n PywSla. There is on hand for Portland's building r?Z' a-wVT 'JIa. . ?i .'PIT - ... r. . . . 1 r.rk comnieticcd so as to emp'ov MMM of : . . i r ! toe men now out of work. Itssv Cmscs ' Fbcsxo. Ca!. Tec 1 1 C-13 o'rfori j .hU erenioc Chris Kvan tt.e rw.tvriraw train robber, escaoed from the county -ail ISeDatV SberiS Kan Scott w:. rn il i'v llw. re-mlar eight jaiier. li n Mcritt. "belrg haCBt. He was aastrd be a tui named M ri ard ; :- aifear. '. thr.r Uin' -! lr.. gan but nit fa-ally. It was one of the most . danrg exapei on record. Mr Leave Keteatra Topeka. IVrc S& - Mr Ix-a was .- moved today by Qamaet IaeweJijig from r bar membership oa the state biard of r- chariUes. Tk cause.! gre-at ei- ctwment in popu 1st circles. It was toe ou'comecfa ! in? standing fsad nasssw . . . . , . . . . . , . . ine memuers or ice ivaard. and i.svmtinir ' . .. . . ... - CO ine S atC er.t t 1 1 i-.'V-T -' XI. ii.stw; in the interoi of harmonv It can:- to the governor's ears today ihat Mrs Leae I was nrenaririg i to 1 admioisnton vrano:: a-. ra:n u.rjo;a 'ft.- n- a-- .-.-t. i - j inn 11 1 sasssaj . i.und IvLixi.. He. 38. Adele . -t. aged a daughter ot ne of the ciuest j tamt'ies m the crv. ar s D;5 s mixed strychnine in'o a batter ; baked them and ate cf ibe fooi. : -r .:: of cakes. Ma"-g-.iret , cani in'o the r.w.-.i when r.u i her breakfast and al.v Iwvn in U ava. eat in garet noticed toe cvke were bitter be-Ame '. a tanned an -f a Socte was calle'. Five! minutes after tae arrival of the physician ! A.leie w.i s norpse'. bat-ng dt?J in ititeni ! agony. Th? vou-iger sit was saved. I'stasd lamtd. Lomkix, IVc 27. -The Pa'l i!s ikzette said this afternoon in a review of the ver"s trade of tireat Uritam that general trade has l?en worse than in Last year ended with .tn enormous loss of im pcrts and exports, btt as 19:5 draws to a close I Siei eems brighter ytb'U compare.! with the oreseot gloom over the countiv'. indui'ries. In the first II months of IS3.I imports declined over i.'IT.500 000. as cessj pared with the first II months of 1882, whileexports were reduced 891,000. a lis Last Oseoon Cu t. IVec 2;. Tl:e family of ; Joseph Hcchner is tLHich wor'ird over his! disap,earanoe from home, no tro of him I having been found since 4 :) o'clock Tors- 1 dav. when he was se.n on Main 'rtv' . It j is feared he has bfJOOaae deranged an 1 wanderv.1 awav. or that serious harm has ' hapiemM to him. Ni cause other than I reiiiyorary derangenie nt can. bfj assigned tortus'. IK- is ta.1 ' vears ot ace. quite tr'.iv. an i rf meiliuii. i : iw. The fami y woa d b:gtad to lean of j his where..' sjilts ... 1 m m a 111 1 ; 1 , 1 r ' Ciiit IVc -7. Tiie Northern P I clflc Railway Company, bv Silas M Pettit. I of I'biladelphia. general counsel, baa pre parel. and file tomorrow, nt Milwau- kee. M.w Judge Jenkins, of the United ! j States court, a petition for the removal of the present reoetvert of the road, Thomas, r Oaks, Henry C I amo and Henry t , Koue. The bill covers the same general j ground of the Ives comuiittee report ol alout a vear ago. Another R reiver Raad Xkw Yohk. lec 27. A I! Hoanltuan. j of the law linn ot Tracy. Uoardiuan k I'latt iij-earl before Judge Wallace, nf the: I nite.1 States CMrl at Albany, this morn- I ing and asked that a temporary receiver be : appointed for the New York It New Kng laud railroad. The court granted the re (liiest. and appoiated th" Hon T C Piatt, one of the directors of the road. A t blld Burned Ki"..v:nk. lee 27. The l year-old daugh ter of K O Pavis. living near Hadleyville. whs seriously and perhaps fatal If hurneil Monday by falling into the fire The tlesli OH her r'giit side was horribly burned and ' large patches came eff with the clothing' which remained after the (ire wa smother. ! ed. The 8 I Solid. Nafw Yum., lcc 27. Huutiiiglou says i lhat the ta'k of a receiver for the Southern ! Pacific is the sheerest nonsense, inasmuch j as the company is earning more than its j interest charges. It is not in default and does not intend to default. Today the com-1 paiiy adveitised tint the interest due Jan- 1 uarv 1 will be paid, including all Southern ; and Central Pacific bond?. Shiloh's t'ure, tne great couiih aud croup cure, is lor sale by os. Pocket sise contaius wenty-ttve doses,ouly 2oo. Childreu Use it eshay & M,.u n. We are still selling Dress goods and Ca esan d Jackets at greatly reduced prices lor cash. We invite you to examine the Retd, Peacock & Co goods and prices. THE SAME OLDCBaFf'- It is a misuse of words to call the deliv erance of Mr Iteed against the Wilson bill a "report.'' It is simply a stump speech. it is the time o!d flail, the same old straw, (jn.V !,;!!. tl.T- and r: l.rn 1 . I U-.n Af Af . .... , 4UII 7.I III iril 1 C I illl Itilld HM LliC .... ZT" The ieop e have heard ail that Mr Reed ,aTg , tJ0IJ jumJ lin jef jurinK the - " P8' tPn Tbey have not only heard that the way to make a nation rich is to tax it higher and still highr, but they bave w tbe h examined , . ,Al . tl"' t,',!or"", oft he Bold and McKinleyites, and have experienced I'm conditions which i those theories rrea'ed. The "shopplnjr ng! ': women," as Mr Seed said after IN ava- ! ln "i-rj- v- reponca on nigu tanu , , ,iriJ. , . , ... i m pri . The wcrklngmen have struck the year t ba'ance-sheet time and again since j, And ,t o it a toe voll r, ... , , , . . ... of 'he coan'ry bav twice repud: tied the theories and condemned the cond. lions, each time by more than 1 ,.100,000 majority. What reason or ra'evanc? is there in beating out the old chaff again V Does It! make a fact of a fall try to Lava it shrieked ! with leijhtenr-d shrillness through the) j njj passage of Iteed ins'ead of Will , ., , , . . fr("" ,fce aepuIcLral chest of McKinley The man from Maine, with his feit'dly I and strength of it, ted. omLt to be ashamed . to lepeal in an allege! refx.rt lo the House the puling platituds wb:cfa the an from , ijh'.o reserves for Iho backwoods stumps that bv tiio Wilson bid "Hm lamer iart of i the burden cf taxation ! trai .feir.Hl from j foreigners and bt rte by oar own citliens." Perbap- Mr led :!! answer UsJ piestion j hi,h Mr McKinley Las found it lst to! . . . . i ignore: ,v ny. n me loreigisrr ymjm , I tariff tax. did not your party abolish curl i inte' nal revenue taxes tod raie all the j money for t: e up-ort . rr.nien'. I Irom tiie hap's exiyjrters of effete deapo- . . tbc treaury where : u -ir; : '- speed two hi I i . I, - n. ...1 f u. acl fruttif' Ibis favored lan; with the poll of (be Egypt ians? To Uke a single eiarapt. wi I Mr Reed exrlaia how and why it wa that the 4or- osgivrs cou d afford o pay :i4.000,t last tlx; . II lu-iu'i s .i x fri. iv,!.wn l v ou wijoiens valued a: only Na.VWjaJVr Tiie entire report" is an icipaident peaichmeiit o' Ibe 'nteiligecce of the Arae ican people. It l ten y swr-s their r pealeI verdict, bat teilt ttem tify were fool ia rendering it . If this iadicatea. as i probable, the line I f Rep-j'- iciE J, Wilsnc will t- , ;r r : c. :n gv :Csf i::a . . , , , I ! Uts ,0 deb e thn ma ccofW 10 T t eoasweiaticn 01 tse jicniniey dim in Hoose. wti.; a was two weeks. The HorAi. THE GOVFKKOt? IsWWMft I At a ca'tar i meeting ol '.he I aid cl trans - a'- sa e:a. he : sr mr 0. he WiUaacctte hotel, the iclkaieg oia'.iins were ur.ia'.rz-jzs j adopted : I . -. :iVJ. 1 - .tfinuv vn ai .-.. Ureg.3 ha. aaie2 tneolttcta. pDsi :n coi- , a a 1 feres -poc n.31 ey ;Ce frjp.i jyao . .he prestd-r.i of the L r.i'.e I b'.ate a set costa.ntr.g c-rjuo stat-ment.' tnjarious :bc coawreaI:b. and ra'ctlated to create a erroneoos inpreanan ia the muida ' th-mt no', acaaaiatel with the f sets, -fcerefor ! ,. , . ,K.. v. , ; ikteTi::; those mi 1 etnpji-e a- a'-' ; esc I ' 0,e i "Ro xti T.j; e. tlae board oft r)4c an J notiafi men y S lem. o,t n ally dea; lie assertions cf the g;verno awal txssd his t;.'. : ta : -c. and aver rs:w.-B!asJ-. he 1 rca;.;ag deprti-lor.. ; .her: ia no widespread destjtutaon or acf mta. i.t O-ejon, aad that tiie never n if a clslmiifthat '.a'Jiirdv of mr peop.e I wo, asaa, ' , " ' ' Hi 1 wwswjs. v.itrs3ta:. salt wkv;?. was ft rc-e: -,v . - : sr.- r "e oar reptesep-auves 1 1 corbies, to p'C? theae rcola tins ta 'he p-resideot c-f" I :".::-: ...!. inj to -.env in tD..i s. a-- i . " ' ,'i 5,0 "r ,Se l'uti vf ,hc sJ,,t3t " tll" ' ment. tVheaiiaiUirjthit O-egoa 5 snf- fe-i '. on theprevatllng ttarl tunes. . .: . ak ,. ... v. v aw v aaa . ' a assrvat. s " a - o f-w,.. t-3 ., .rtirn to the popalfiM thaala : ,nv o her t.te ia 1 Cc'on. sn 1 -he pros ; pr" s f r t'-.e fata-e client I Wc L, DOUGLAS S3 SHOE &lhh. Do yss v&r tVen7 a art! rs tl try a ra. bst In tho .. ; '? fl .rr sa sa mm -s-liU FaasASiaS $2.00 I.7S FOR B3YS 1.75 i5 I stj a-"a DRESS SHOE, iwis !tta Isrt C .: t; S.'. t-v r v 330,$4.00sr "5 Sws Tbc. ft saaal to crsts-.i suit aad l?.-k aad r. ;---.. r ' L Casatsa Skats. Haessaad - r ' - y -. '-,-' - - i r y ' .Visa hmt s. . 18, Brocks, Mass. ja'by art Us Hi L Pa. BlaAIN. iLPISY BMsLRBIifl ISSTPTUtl ALBANY, OREGON LS91, Ter u I svewse.i.wer A 1 1 f laawiaaatnta-. SlAoSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERAL, . J UUmMtfiuiAL ttW J KUKMAl CLASSES. t i.irs et atudy trrangsd u. u , all's of stodeuts NaV.r swswtossncssss eftrti :o Uxdst- from .i(5j,. rr. i tovniT Gladstone has A clear Head WHY? Because he Mlcvvs these rules: ' ' Keep the head cool, the feat warm, and the bow els open." You can have a clear head and live to bo ninety if you do the same thing. When tl.e bowels fail to move dur sng the day take on retiring two Smith's StuZl Itile Beans. Their action is so mild that you are not aware of It. All day your mind wiil be clear and cool. "Not a gripe in a banal of them." Ask for small site. Take no substitute for SMITH'S Bile Beans I LOST.- Valise containing sevdtal ar -.ieles with names an. If found please return to II Parker or leave a: Parker Bros. Will pay a reward. IdonotEatPastry.l S WTr w ' How often you bear this emrKiinn. and tiic ex planation that usually 1 follows: "IamtrouDicu Hi ... i :- ' The wim oysptrpsw. explanation is not far to seek. In trie past t has been used as tne pnn- X cipal sliortenu'.g W all the result dys Tbe dvspeptic m pepna I 1 1 V A v n troubled providing COTTOLENI is substituted for lardin fwenantiotl of all food. -?r i , .... r i It is composea stncuj i highly refined vegetame ;i anri beef suet. When used as a shortening, it , u , , r. . . and proauces i;uh.tuu-- healthful pastry. Physi cians and expert cooks indorse it aasartitBtea. Send three ests i staaapa n W. K- . i. a r, Chieazo.(-r kMh ,i:ilas . IsasslSBS PSCMSS p-v ' " air.-.-. i-i:i.-.r.!. a-- CaurAmt U sold trf au -jile only by ,N. K. FAIRBANKS CO ST. LOUIS ana utrico. M CSV TOSS, sw EAST AND SOUTH HAST A ROUTE riF- 1 11 F. THE routliera Pa&aflo Co. : ; ose Caravaa TraiES SSSH I p. riivii i.v , I aas a a :.. - a L I If a'saf re'-ai-s sfa. ail s'sit-v from .. . bsoy inolnalve. sl-Tan- h-d .Ha ey Wirr Irviie. r.;l ins av.'o uaxiru sua, san-t tpesaa Psruaaa a vi? Ar' ) Lr I 3 L ! T O a ! - Lt Ar IZlV ii.ii a :lta I Tv SrSS a a I Ar 1 : i Lv Ot . a A' Ait-WT Atssvev Is. a; " 1 naa La I a V. a Ar 1 :25 r a Lt MBra ot P1U!11J:- E JrTi-X WtRB. -A5T- a s ra . A ar (a Dinir.? Urs on ugaen nuw. CARS Attack ea (a all Ttvr.mrfc Trals , a: e btvLlaa. resritta ajs swaaaaLia. ol San. sjifii ir.v:?r'.S- . ? . Mt a Utllr US Smtol c .-. :.t ail ruu sa&t (Ixt-srta--vvr- tserafLv rv-r.jai WeWjaavii sr T.v - .1 aa- : .:- A: S.' SB Tickets ft all fvJat ia "Sa TSvasara S - . ia aud , traaac SX in Fi-w -m Ik iik'alasl ;e rrwwa. lrw A.kaay ar: . . a iaaia. - - Ftri'vci Orre-a THE WEBF00T ROOTl RaiUodd, e . 1 ranr. ic U"urv" ; dlHU, steeelver TTMSCUErrXE. axrers Saadara.1 Utr; iYov ltr r. a, - s. isls, a. ajrrl - fulss. M r. ; L Twaataa, Ts a,s I lava re Crrallw,10i.- a.a 'Ame Aliway, 11:1 a. Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rat$. Between Willamette Valley Points and Sat Francisco raoa sax raaxcrsro WUaajet-.a Vailey. S. Rt, luh,Jaro. SRC VAwCVSA. 1 wICaattM TaCev. Satftk. Utkaoa Sb. 1 lhe Companv - mirss tba r.gat s aanga sailing dat ; --'ihoot notice. Rs VCR iTKHEKa. teara.1 "B" lev. ?: tas.ll vTnsviy aaa H C Oav.Gea ,A1.SA.a. n traiM Wtiv.-f.Pwrtlana D K Vaacha, Oas. AxX Saa Fraacuco, Ol. K K MuU-a&j. Owrveral Saps: ALBANY COLLEGE.:::: Send for Catalogue. Acidresf, KEV, E N. CONDIT. Albany, Oregon FOSHAY A MASON i) Booksellers Agents for John B, Alder's puoHrwatto. a akh we aell at pobUahar' - r. s. i ataaeaddec' ENT 13C THE TOH Cl3 krfvTOUUaassasaaac-wag swUvibyhaat.ria-UraiCEei:: . IA i- -'.ll'S two bOIM Of BT JJltr t yOKSALE HY DEALERS OI'SaAlX.a'T 1