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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1894)
rinorrat. Webki.y Dkmocrat. -$i 75 per year in advance. $i.oo at end td year. MONDAY 1S9. A happy New Year. The two Independence papers are t war. The grippe has a tight grip on Albanj people. There were 303 marriages In Marion county during 1893. The bublic schools of the ci'y will opon to-morrow morning. Thrie were 133 marriages ar.d vorces In Lane county duiing 1S93 19 di- A tramp is reported to have been in jured by the cars at Harrisburg list night. T'le Degree of Honor A O V V will be organized at tfe Hall on Jan loth. Keep the date In tour mind. There were 1S1 marriages in Linn county during 1S93; In 1S91 the number was 196, in 1891, the number was 16S. Boenicxe Bros, confectioners, m:de an assignment to day for the benefit of their Creditors. V G Tweedale is assignee. The following are F M French' num bers: 1st, 708; 2nd, 157; 3rd, tilti; 4th, 546; 5th, 248; tith, 281 ; 7th, 27; Sth, 239; ttth, 73; 10th, 2(30. A meeting of the city council will be 1 held to-night, when the new city officers ' will be morn in. The first meeting of! the new council will be held to-morrow 1 night. Jefferson mills flour is the lest fancy patent toller process. Eery tack guar enteed For sale by A B Mcl.wain at 7o cents a sack . There were J51 members admitted to the A O U W order in Oregon during the month of December This a remark ably healthy grow th. The new Year was rung in at midnight by the ringing of bel's and blowing el whistles, including one on a river tteamer that seemed to have the grippe. It is proposed to raise cranberries around To'edb. The land is said to be suitable for It, R A Bensel! will probably engage i.i the indug:ry. Will Mack today received tv expreta a dog supposed to bkVe hero scut as his loat dog. Ic suits the description of his, thongh -tit not hit. lieeavs the owner of- this m aog can nvo nun tv ciiong amt psyvnTOm the other nil? bts was a nwWtnrinna I exoaess charge?. This do nlot mvatetv . or j t. There are about 75 a En- ich of tne Mongolia-. must fur- I nigh the getsfrnnieot two u. mounted photogiaphs lt4 c A P K'apher informs us that Chinaman will be about Guard. ihe cost to ead)h 81.;.;. Ruiterfe Tne largest fish caught in the Colura river so far this season wss a curirin measuring 1 1 feet 5 inches long too weighing ICS pounds, which ss landed at Knapton, Wash, a week or to ago. Tpe head alone weighed 1(3 pou'-i1 and te fish yielded 4:7 pounds of edib'e meat It was announced thai the Oregon cihe would put the H3ag on the nv apain. Th? com nan v teleranhsi to Ca Young to go up anl take her ou', b 'when he arrived, was inforn-.ed hew expected to run for half pay and take pro Uses for pay. The crew was included an She reduction, and thev all struck. Eighy of thm cane down vest-rday in small boats from Corvallis six eoir.g to Portlan on the El wood this morning w here their will enter their clrims for wages du;. In dependent The Salem Independent begins an be about an enter;ainitten. a the ptn"en tiarv as ro.lows : "to err is ftuman iorgive divin:." Men who commit cr m against the commonwealth and go unpu ished, are greater rascals, if possible, ths the men who commit like wrongs and ar punished as p f r the penalty of the lai These men, of tne latter class, who a confined in prison ce Is to make reslltu lion for their transgressions, online re pent, not as many do hy making public declaration to that effect, but bv steadfast ly resolving within thernselve to be tetter. Bold Highwaymen. The Roseborg Review says that more particulars of the Coos boy stage robbery have been re ceived tiuss McCuHoch.the mail carrier was four miles this side of Mvrtie PoWEn rw-.-i i tl. :' . wh?n the highwayman appeared, irpT compelled him to ride on and leave biT pack horse. He went on about a mile, oanaii and aeenr.a assis tai.ceR retnrneTInKinjUettmettierMM bad , r.ned the poacn containing'be registered , covered ieeuing out of the harnesa shop letters, and disappeared. He left no clue of F K Shafer, rapidly spreading, i.iirn- ! kS hia identity behind. How much ing that and the adjoining store, oeen-1 there was in the sack is mt known er-'pjedby Mrs E Racey as a millinei v (tpt that $460 was registered at Coqnilleratore. Nearly everything was burned' eity, and $100 at Myrtle Point. There (The building was owned by G W Eppler ' waa no doubt some from Empire City I and wM we insured hhafern t'ock and Marehfield. i was insured lor G0i, while Mr(Ra,',., - . , . , ... , . 1 atoek was nninanret Hoe 1-- . Death or Mrs Babr.-A diapatch was "ocfc was nninsnred. "f,r, -s was received this afternoon from Redlanda. j Calif., announcing the death of rs Rev 1 W B Barr. The particulars are not I known. Mrs Barr was a resident of Al- t oany ior several montns, leaving ncre . alwut the 1st of .September with her ; husband, for Lo, Angeles- During her short residence she many warm ' friends in Albany. She waa a woman of , noble. Christian character, as well as an accomplished lady, who gained the re spect of all who were fortunate in her friendship. pTkiter of tbe Pioneer Home desires to ln'orm tbe pabiio that be has redaced the price of h,. . i w;lwiiit lodging to 3pr e. k, with lodeiM ti DST W 'S . 8ii.Biem3ab20:eBU. Bath tit Vierecki'ibiviog ttiog parlors. id lair Regard is never en tertained by tlie children for a medi cine that tastes bad. This explains the popular ity among Scott's Emulsion, a preparation of cod-liver oil almost as palatable as miik Many mothers have gralt fui knowledge of its benekls to weak, sickly chiV; en. rkMs i at N. V. AlldmaiU. U.S Land Orrica, Obbron Citt, Or., July 11th, IS93. Nrtlcn ia hereby given that in e.implf anoe with the provisions oflho aet of Onnaiaaa cf June 3, 1878, entitled" A n act for the sale of Umber lauot In tbo states of California. Oregon, N vada and WbsIi ineton Territory," Henrv M Herbert, of oroen Basin, county of Marlon, state of Oregon. has this day filed intiiisonic his sworn statement No 2878. for the 'nrehasi oftheSiofNW Ji'.seo 27eSBJ4ofNBi andN Ejor H E Jof section No 2H,ln town ablp No 10 South range No 5 England will offer proof to show that the land sought la more va usble for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, ano to eetahlla't his olalm to said land before the Heglaier and Receiver of this offloe at Oregon City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 'itth day or January, 1894 Ho names as witness. Oeo H Letellier. 1 A. nany. Oregon;Henry Suseus.of Albsny, Oregon; J Tj Berry.of Berry .Oregon; A K Collver, of Oreah Bssin, Orego I. Any and all persout claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file the'r claims In thUofflne on or b foresaid 2tth day of January 1894. Robert A Miller, Register. 'i W. . ... .7 1. i I . 1 I El I L . - f i ( I I I .................... HI.. '.II I .... ... S.'ZaZT. T,.h.. tir .rTl fcrl !t ,"8..rnf Company'. Increaae I following language: r. "7 Rnxd.lhin sd Wat.r " .8"8 aaT.,a w? near v SS000. -l'rovided. also, that said bridge, at intt J II MER.S5I.A. I -,e !ncreae ,n surplus about IM and option of said city of Albany, may 1. Friendly little ones of Portland, in in Mr Wallia Baldwin w ent to yesterday. Rosehiug Z II Rudd returned this noon fiotn an extensive trip to Hnlsey. Mrs E E Purrish and son left Saturday for The Dalles, on a visit with relatives. Miss Ramsey, of the public schools returntd this noon from a visit with Halsey friends. G W Davis, clerk of the school hoard returned home this noon after K visit with Shedd relatives. Mrs 0 W Irvine and children are pending the holidays with Mrs 1 C Dickey, of Albany independence En terprise. Miss Margeria Prink, of the Portland public soliools, returned to Portland this noon after spending the holidays with her parents here. F II FfeifTer is making arrangements to open a confectionary btore in the Young building nearly opposi'e the Democrav office. Judge Fnllerton went to Toledo this noon to hold an adjourned term of cir cuit court. Hon J K AVeatherford, of thie city also went to attend to one or two important cases. Mr (itorge Humphrey, of the US marshals office, was taken seriouslv ill last night at his home in this city, and is confined to Ins bed; but is now con siderably improved, we are glad to re port. W P Ba brock is acting as secretary and physical director of tiie Y M V A in place of .1 R Wetherbee, resigned, and Wni Evans is acting as his assistant un til a regular appointment shall be made by the board of directors. alcni Inde pendent. A good selectiou. Mr Bryant the efficient OS lot oat su perintendent of the reform school came I up to Albany last night and returned j this noon with Garfield Sutton, who has leen out on parol for several mouths. ! Gar did not appreciate his lilerty by : conducting nimself in the proper BMUV ner and to was taken back. 1 he regular meeting of the C hau'.auqua Literary and Scientific circ.e will be held 1 at the residence of C H Stewau to-morrow night, at 7 :3n. The roll call will be' responded to w ith origii al poems on Mc j Years, the question box will be devoted to Oregon, politic !, social ar.d historical. All interested will be made wclCOtTJc. Tun Carmval of Nations closed last Saturday night. I'.wasa success from top to bot'.om. and rereiveil a support that was vtry tlittetinir. Even though many were tired oui the bouse as again packed. The program made up 1 11 " 1 , In 11 .111:, iiiixk' . 111 1-11,; i:n- in t Old Black loe and nlmi.l- ed. Otherw'ee the parts have heretofore I been commented on. One of the attrac- tions of the week were the Indians ar.d j cowboys who su-tained their parts in a . spiendid manner and added much to the j 1 success of the carnival. Tne Irish booth took a vote a? tojthe handsomest yosng ' lady. Mis Tiny Arrici reserved the bijhest vote. Eva Cowan second. The heaviest man weighed n the scales was Assessor Deakins, the figures lieing 24S pounds. The German and American booths lead in the amonnt of sa'es The tntsl receipts tor the nve nights apprpsimately and the net receipts Mill K.. .I..... . . , f 1 1 1 I Jano Mrs MrCullagh did some good en I gineering, ably supported in every de- will vm. Li v..-istriiriarv .'lev Ui.aifll parment. 1 be carnival of nations will long be remembered in the entertain ment history of Albany. Another R. R. Plurky As:oria. In the midst of hard times Astoria men be riD another R R out to civilization. The Columbia River Railroad C Satur day tiled articles wi h the secretarv of eUte. E A Seeley, W Kriibt and W B Smith are those forming the companv. The object set forth is to build and main- tain a railroad from Portland westward Iy along the south bank of the Columbia river to Astoria, thence across Yonne'e bay through. W arrenton and through Flav-1 and New Astoria to the sea coet at a point souMi of the United States mili tary reserve; also from VVarrenton sout I parallel with the coast line to a point on tne coast at or near Tillamook head in Clatsop county ; also from a point on the John Day rirr, to be hereafter selected Ba the point on sa'd river to be crossed by the railroad from Portland to Astoria. : , westward! r across the divide to he Wal- ; luski river snd down that river acrcsa IYoung-Tler to Warrenum. The capital toe is tixed at 3,W0,'J. d Tided into ,0tJ share?. The principal office is to xjmt pij be at Portland. ' Fnta at JccrsaoM. Jefferson was visited b van oil .er fi re Snndav mornine. i Abont2:. o'clock a m flames were j:";"w- " " un" An Innovation-. The bote! busses nve 1 een discontinued and the ! .tree! er ..... :. pnseengers today. The car Joes nsnfaT easy service, and the change will sjo doubt be a satinfactorv r.n-. The car will lie at all train- froml:CO to 10 p m. Wosr Do Ir. Messrs Walker, Hop-1 kins and Sullivan, of the O P have been circulating a petition among O P em- ! yes asking them to work for two I tnoNths at 50 p -r cent nav. It will no; be grafted. The men declare thev will , receive K'gular wases or none at all. - iy io,'sj. i lie latter part oi the year businegg wag better than in the earlier months, the premium receipts for the months of September and November be ing each about $7000 in excess of the re ceipt for the same months of the pre vious year, and business is a'eadilv im proving as the year closes. A I'tsiEHTKi) Soldiek .Some lime ago a soldier named Frank C Prenton, was in the city. He had escaped from fort Canby and gotten as lar a Alhany, when he b. ind himself in destitute circum stances. He divulged the fact of his de sertion to Mr Henry Taylor and agreed to give himself up if Mr Taylor would keep him. Investigation revealed the fact that he was what'he claimed to iy.-. and Mr Taylor took hini to Vancouver last week and received the$C0 reward. Aktzb the Tkami's. About twenty tramps attemptod to get out of town on ilie freight tram Ihursaay afternoon. They boarded a car, and when the train i got ready to leave a biakeman came Iatcjig and told them to get oir. They re fused and showed fight. Tne brakeinan then called the remainder of the train crew and the trampf were forced oft. They then took to showering roc ks at the trainmen, but no one was hurt, ilie marshal then ant in an appearance and drove them ou&wf town. Kugene Reg ister. The Things Wk Aat very largely u.aku- what are are. No thought can pass through tbe mind without leavlngtotne effect, however slight. Mantoslight im pressions, In time, makaknifgh c, changes. It's lhe sair e witliilfp body. Abuse It with poor food and take the consequences. For purity and certainty In groceries and baked goods, go lo l'arker Bros. Dr. Price's Cream Baking; Powder Warld's FalrHlahest Medal and Diploma. OCAL AND iNSTRCMENrAL Mb'SIC. Miss Hattie Warner a graduate of the conservatory connected with Gates Col lege, Neb, Is prepared to give lesons in vocal and instrumental music to ilncle puprs or classes, at reasonable terms. Miss Warner has had a thorough cduca. lion and Is an experienced teacher Her refeiences are; Prof H A Bhorey, William & Trow and Mrs Jennie Lee. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder Moat Perfect Made. Ir Frank Illodgelt, of ! the city. nic Hitirnoc wi icujiuijja ijwr in.'. Licar- , i,r tut TUESD ATST CITY COU1VCIL Monday evening, Jan I. '804, Pi esc id Recorder Benton, Marshal M- lYro:i, Marshal Kit vt Lea, street IQperitt tendent, and OOUncUnien Whitney, Stewart, lluikhart. Marshall. Pfeiffer and cuiici! 111.111 elect Schell and Walters. In the absence of the mayor Councilman BnrkhaH was elected mayor pro ten. The following bills were ordered paid: K K Ciwhv S17..V. V P lUnnt. ll!.."0 Amer Fire Hose To feV.4. 75, W D Morris. $i.".0, N .1 lh-nton. $24.i5. hYport of street sutierintendent showed that during the year work done amounted to f(Uk).(0 for property owners. for for city, total 61003.07. Paid tnteOMr 199 1. -".). Work .lone. 10 blocks graded. 9 blocks of alleys unproved, 23 cross walks put in. 7." boards in trails, 3 bridges built, :t walks raised, 15 catch basins lowered. . 1 1: 1 - 1 mm:, iiiifi hi 1 i 'IHltl lll'r ,11111 1111MII" KliKIS in center, or -utters cut lower. Mbani has 1 000 cross walks and about 50 miles of ! walks, and with so much there is no wen dor mere is kicking;. He closes by boa e ! baa; the city authorities. The recorder read his report which shows j the following Amt on hand .Ian J D8 $ 9 93 Rereived fcranca -J77 '2' : l ii ense, saloon 47t 00 License, general 168 10 Taxes. lbSOO 86 : Bridge Mipscriptiou 9059 00 j Stnvt work 4:tt RS Damages to canal bridge 20 00 I Rebate on insaeanes 1 90 ; Drv'n ptpe 1 00 20410 84 . .919856 04 . t 'v.M 01 .LXa.7 04 .3 40; 19 8. 219 8 33 DISBURSE KTTB City warrants paid Interest on warrants Total Bui on hand JanL Outstanding warrants Jan 2,1 (hitstanding warrant.-Jan 1.1 "l4. a oi-2 3 Bonds due 1911 . 7.V 0i is . . 17vVl f4 . . 2250 69 pJJMO 64 idlii"".!- '.'7 . 19856 -i Warrants issul dnril Accrued int. on Kind Total Total W, sud in 1893. Indebtedness Jan 1891 Pnipowi f.r which 1 iry sued during 18M -Mavor and council . .a 91 wan ants were is- $ 90 00 1!'". 71 1115 10 1 154 113 50 4 J0 00 335 50 J) 00 1966 83 ."joo 1698 10 4i t CO 1 1-7 M damage 1 1 ;-!.:n Marshal U.hmce salarw 1 9S Manhal. salarv 1SU3.. nm'tcr Sunt. trefs li.'d:inre 1892 Supt. street.-. 1 ,.:. . SuiiejW Treasurer I' r ire department. Electric lurhts. . S?wers Sundries Tne bill of WinVier to his horse bv leason for of WW taken up, atid on motion wa- ii-al- !v w- 1. The chairman reported the bonds g treaanaar, reconler and marsk.d elect filed. .... H approve-l. ... . . . . Adjourned sine lie. and tii- new coun . il it.- it. with M.: r 1 ,0.11 m :he chair, all present. 'n takinff his seat Mayor J-lirui deliver ed toe following address: lientlemen cf the cxmmun council. I docT.i it fitting at the peaaanl time to make a few iuggestions fur your consideration, touching the baanacaal condition of the city, and present for your judgment and action, what in my opinion would improve the present condition i our city finances. The indebteiness af the city is now in round numbers $IUi.0UO consistinir if a on-i-timr w a ! V: .Wanda H oafamg debt " "'-' lhe ordinary enrrent esusuass P f "? clt' eovprnment. exchuhni; iaaneat u I'Jwc iicn ana,an;ang t r pun- ituiu,eiwill.-. envpi r-1 . i- Pi nnated at fl 'i.000. I The interest on the p-.'.hiic debt is as fcl jlows: Bonde-1 debt $7V.X) at 6 per cent inter es 53U). Floating d-V. -'"....0 s per .ent intor-e-t. HhO Total crdmary aapanaes. 121.100. . 1 "? "'come ot tne . Hy for KM next year ;u estiniateil a tollows: Tax on S1.7S7.00P i the amount of Om eitv I aamamient .lunpi at si Mnlin sia ASA I other soan ?.00C. Durins; the last five yeei the aversuje I lamount of taxe on tie - . r-'d P.. ' year inat sum u :: of the revenue, I ",v': J 1 I H0.W6. Thi e" "f f netttof oaf in- j tome .f, ," ! ' It will be diffictilt, by the n rigid econ n,-T- irtail er.j.-n.--- nffichsaUy to I eaeess without aam firing the! ' r- I,r Vide for tin- I f the float - I . . , . . ritv it will be eeceaaary to either raise lhe rate of taxation or reaort ta other mean- than the prt?nt to increase the revenue, The rate of taxation ii high now and ousrht not to !. raw- . I w.mid most re- I spectfnlly reconunasKl t . your honorable Jhody that you take the nee, es.-ar- stcjw to : 'v- t"" r'n ,h" travel "ver the brhiy croJ the W illamette as wni l rrsssnnaljls j uu just. 1 u income irom mis ilfalTe over the c --.iry rvpenae vt collecting the "au" onF,.lt t0 ' iT',n 1,1 '"V- :l "J,n "ni'--ient to keep the bridge in repair Ka.v Fr e uiuauii on me ooiiceti U'-it ! of the city. 1 ne a t of rontrre-- f 1 ' etittr Ifi. D:. authorizing the city of Albany to build tbe ' iindf... r.rr.v ii fttr llio . Lirmmr . .f t.H the passage f wagons ot veliKia of all for the trar.-il of animals and foot passengers, for such reasonable rate of toll as may l approved from time to time by the Hecretary of war, but the same may. at the option of the city of Albiny. le a free bridge for the passage of vehicles and foot .fi--engTa tiierisin.' ' This ksavBS the question at all titnts oik-ii . iii f.... - . , i l.-'.l . 'll... l-I 4 lJ Ll.e cu oi .mi.iu toiinin-i nit- L: !...;.. ,.r u....... .i...i it i :.i.... way to aacertain use wtan ox ue c nv n tliat subject ;s to holn an ii tiun for that purpose and give tlie lieople an opjKirtunity to vote then." n. I therefore suggest that you make -the necessary provisions for such an election, if this method of increasing the revenue of the city commend itself to your judgment. No order or system has lx-en adopted by the council, or observed by the city othcials. a to tho payments of the titv warrants. I These warrants hnvo been received in pay ( ment of taxes and license, and in liayment of any obligation due the city, without unv regard to the order ..f their issnancn. It baa renilted. when tho citv i in de-t, as it is at the present time, that these warrants are brought up from the laborers and ol hers who are unable to hold them, at a largo discount. The element of tincertainity as to the time of payment add to the amount of the charge for caching them The em ployes of the city, tlie men who earn their monev by the labor of their hands are the iiriiM iiial sufferers: and uixm them the loss mainly falls. To remedy this I suggest that all city taxes and license should be paid in cash; excepting, however, the delinquent taxes now due the city, which may M collected by the city marshal, and that city warrants ba paid in the order in which they are is sued, except those issued to pay the inb rewt on the bonded debt mid the salaries of the city police. 'i"he peace and good Order of the city, which depends largely ujkiii the efliciency and impartiality of the police force, is ono of the first considerations . The police force should be. placed under no linanciiil obliga tions to any man or set or men, in ooitiin ing money on city warrant, with which to support themselves and families, which under the present fctate of affairs is liable to occur. ProvhuOB should be made for the i payment of their salaries out of the first monoy that comes into the treasury each year. i he credit ot tne city ucinanus mat tne ititurest on its bonded debt bo paid prompt ly as it becomes dae. " I therefore surest that you provide by proper legislation for tho payment of the police foroo and the inUtrest on the bonded lebt lirtt, out of tho annual revenue of the i Hy, and that all other debts or claims ill- lowed or established against the city lie iiuid in tho order in which the wiirnir.ts -iierefor are issued. Ikinl Councilman Whitney moved Hint, inas much as the mayor's address embraced im portant suggestions, that it lie published in the two eitv papers, the Dkmocuat and Herald, which motion prevailed. The following standing rwinnltleei were appointed: Ways and Means Marshall, llurkhart and w hitney. 1 Ordinances - Bark hart, Walters. Whitney and Accounts and Current ney, Burkhart, Walters. utieets and Public Pfeiffer, Marshall. Expenses Whit Property BcbeU, Licenses -PfeifTer. Schell. Marchall. Fire and Water l'feiffer, Walteas and Bchell. Health and Police Walters. Whitney, llurkhart. Short Icy after 2 O'clock this morning a tramp sleeping in a box car near the S I'de ii in I r ,1 P? 1 P"-"""" Winjrfroni the street ir barn near bv. He cave the alarm. the Ml was rung and the deportment under the new efSoBH on hand. No '2'a engine did not work on account of an injured valve, for which a new one was received and set today. No l's put a stream on the liiuMing: but the names had -oread so rapidly the entire building was .destroyed lietors the engines were set. In fact it was ! only (Hvssihlo to get one car. near the door, out, and that one is nearly ruined. Jack Koscikj was Jivpmtr in the building; and was a awakened just in time to get out w ith his bad, clothes, alarm cloak and a few other articles. The tire is a destructive one. The motor cost fct.SOO, two cars S1SO0. building about (MOO, a Hat car and other a intents makes the loss nearlv $8,000, on which there is an insurance, of fci.oOO in a Philadelphia companv. The origin of the fire is unknown. The engi aeer, Mr Ifoore. nya he knows tha fire was entirely out of the motur. lliere is a pre railing opinion that it was incendiary. Tlie lo a is a serious one to Albuny. a it mean the stopping of street car traffic for nana time. Instead of starting near the motor its Origin was undoubtedly in the woodshed, fiifferent iews are being given. some rather enipliutic. An examination of the place reveals ths fai t that an oil cm containing lubricating oil. kept in the front part of the building, was in the woodshed, where it had un d mbtedly lwu iknred on the wood . The matter should be thoroughly investigated. The motor proves not o have leen ruined as at first thought. The wood work is all rase, but otherwise m-arly everything is inia t. The motor and car gotten out can lie put in running condition, it is thought for several hundred dollars. Sheriff Jackson went up to the front ye ten lav on business. Mr Conrad Meyer is at business after n illness of several weeks. again Mr A Cohen recently stricken with par ahjak is lying at the jwint of death, which is expected momentarily. After the fire this morning Mrs T J Wil son furnished the firemen with hot coffee which was greatlp appreciated, and tne I LfUOCSAT I requested a) return their: heartfelt thanks for the kindness. f ii f n . -i - .,ii it .u 1 iioiuion. .uiri .1 I. :-r sii:ji ui eight or ten year with 8 B Young, lias re tiivsl and will be a gentleman f leisure at least far a few months. H expects to re main in Albany. Tli- Chaatawaaa Circle will meet at XIr W; ter Monteiths this evening instead of meeting at Mr C H Stewart. Sickness in I the lattcrs' family i tlie caue of the change C f place of the meeting. l-.i-t evening a Biaiqnamde party was j given by Mrs Tiev- Montcith. in ' honor j of her sister M:.-- Stella Porter, lhmcing! was the Onder of the evening, and games i vers pfaayeiL Tb,e present were : Misses: Efl dgett, KiaaOalbmith. M.u-g-i ir !e Hopkins. Man i i'ro-'oy. Ksteila Porter, i I ina Arrrick, Pearl ance. Mae Pollick. Kin.. Price, ' ra Flinn. Jci I.-.--I.". Moliie Laps I'. Klra Wheeler and Hattie Galbraith, and Messrs James WiUon. WUI Galhrartk, Harry t'usi.k. Basil Kwert. W :, r Pe.u-c k. i!aud Yun". W K Km mett an l Arthur Porter. Receiver llaJlcj has reaigcel uacoadi tiocahr. As court is in srsskwi at Toledo- ! it Is riobihie a j:-sor wi: be appjiated , at oc:e. t the meeting of Safety Lodge No :.; IOV V to be held It 1 -venln it i newly elec-ed ctTiccr wihbs installed. All members are specia.iv requested to be nrcsen'. at iheir new Hall over lhe te gon Bank. No'abslsadinf the inJ and rain and the so cabed fact that everything v. as in fjvor of the Webfoaters in the great game of f .ot bad r!o MuitaoRsl anj S'an ford. jcsier.'av. tbe farmer, as rejicte i by the Man abo-it Town, failed to score. The Smfufds made 14 points, ill in lie second half. Mr Will I.ipman ill be able 10 keep bi mooey frcm lhe ficl that the Man about Ton dies nat be'. 11 AT IT t It has been reported a $1 admission to the Midwiuter fair en- ai'?'! one to see everything. This is far '. L. I It I., il 1 , U. .l I the ad- 1 ii.....-.:.... 41. ...... ,11 ... J . 85; Hawaiian Village. V', DtBttVa Infemo. I 25; ColoradoOoU Mine. 25; Chinese build- ;.. . ". i i r.,..,tr,. .... Mirror M;ue. L'. Mirror Maze. -": Automatic Race Cucras. ZSt Uiwn'sSooJptare exhibit, 25: iigyptian hall. 'S. iiricntial Village igafei. 10: Cairo rtr.-.'t 'ir.ite!. 10: trienhil thentre. 'Jt; l lriential concert, 'i5: I 'ancing girls. J-": Camel trip. 25: Donkey trip. IS; Hannted swing. i"; Heidell-erg Castle. It); Heidelberg LonuTt hall. hs-iuiru an . mi-.ion is only 50 c-nU. Here are a part 01 MHWn of the costs in ceuts : (late fee. 80; HawTi- hch something over ir.d above nom .tnn Cvclorama. Sfl: Booao's iltH, ! inal qnotaUons are obtainable. . here it Fifth Wheal. 26: Santa Itarlora Sea lions. ! much ottnng from the eatern sec- White Cloud s Indiaiii. ; vi"io1? fumlv- Mvugh small in oompari--itie. 2-: Oatridh Farm. 15: S? w,'h "lXh l-rev-ons seasons, yet had the village. 'Jo: V a,;,..., . -.t: i-orty-iiine Mining Camp. Fortv-ni ne theatre, 25; lorty-nine dancehouse, '2l; Foote's Theatre. ''': hlectric Theatre. 115: lapanese Villaire. '2t. iloumanian Concirt hall. 25; CwpBm Halloon (!round. 10: Hallonn Trip. 50; Scenic railroad. 10; Grand Stand, Athletic grounds. 25; Mnm my exhibit, 10; Merrv-go-round. 6; I'hi n 0grasll,5; T-tal. elOTO. Fatal Accident. While hunting bit J on the farm of N H Loooey, neiir Jeffer m. 97 J Dyer waa accidently killol Mnndnv - -, ..- ecuiiiir. in i"iiipan un one ru .ir f.oonev litile son he went hunting. bnt the liov became tired and went home. Mr I ver not returning in time, a search wits instituted and his liody found near a fenco. ' me barrel of the gun was cocked and it is supposed thai in climbing the fence with the gun at full cock it slipped and one Inu-- rel was discharged, the load striking the unfortunate man in the buck of the head, near the base nf the brain and lodging in the skull of the forehead. Mr I Iyer was a son-in-luw of S A Clarke, of Salem, having married Sarah Clarkt-. a few yean ago. He was also a brother-in-law of Mrs N H Loonev. linow.NsviLi.K all Kioiit. It will 1 hishly oratlfjrttujr te the jn'ople of Brown i ville to know that tho interior department has approved the bill of Hermann to -ettle the title of tho hind recently filed on by on e Monk, in this city. The bill was intro duced by Mr Hermann in the interest r if the property owners and has been explaine il In this paper in a previous issue. It m probable that the bill will pans early in tho present session of congTetm. There was s time when soino of tho people felt rather sore over tho matter, but tho imparting of this knowledge will net their minds at rest om e more, and wi; trust will teach such land rustlers us the one referred to a lesson. Times. Wbar Em Out! The wav to do It Is to take your wash ing to the Chinamen. If you want your work wetl done at living prices take It to Richard & Phillip'.. Steam Laundry. They know how without banging them around a pole. 'If religious beliefs perplex jou, and vou desire a faith at once reasonable and uplifting, send for free liberal relieions rcauing to postoitice mission, 340 Yam hill street, Portland, Or. Bawnra Macjiine.s neatly repaired and wrranted by a thorooghly competent work j mn, at K M Frunoh'a jewelry sore, Albany regn. ... :- , f ce tb".Mow Improved Slngi r sewing ma chine. The h8t is alwati th cheauest. W Sawden, agent. Office at V M French jewelry store "W E! ID 2ST E S JO.A. "ST 920,000 school bonds A: Sfanwood, bankers sold today to (ay of Boston, at par These bonds bear and a bonus of ' $l.r)5. per cent and 194, but tho lraw interest from Jan 2. buyers airree to deduct all nterest until such time as the monev is drawn by tho district. Buyers pay all at torney fees, furnish blank bonds, and stand all other neiessary expense. Tho probable date of the receipt of the money by the dis trict is March 1st. This is one (if tho best sales of bonds renortad. Thmiirh not settled jit is probable there will by new bids re ceived tor the building. 1 be plans have al ready been accepted. A Ml The San Francisco Ilrldgc Co has made an assignment. The first dance ever held In Crawfords vllleotcured last Frlaay. The Ashland Tidings and Jacksonville Times are now semlwciklies. A lot of household furniture On tie enquire at the Ladic. Basaar, Hard lime, pi Ices. CnientWs smelt S cents per pound and imon S cents per pound ct Hvdes Market The Y P S C E pusin-ss meeting of the D P chnrch. announced to le held to 1 night, will be postponeJ. By ordei of the President. Thin or gray hair and bald 'icaus. so displeasing to many people as maikgof age, may be averted for a long time bv using Hall's Hair Kenewcr. With many clergymen, public speakers, singers, and actors, AVer's Cherry Pectoral is the lavorite remedy for hoarseness and all affections of the vocal organs, throat and lungs. Its rnodyne and expectorant effect are promptly realizes "A snake in the grass" is all lhe more dangerous from being unsuspected. So are many of the blood medicines ojered the public. ToaroM all rl.k. gW your druggist for Ayer" Almanac, which Is jus', out foi the new year. The Corvallis Gazette savs: LincoUi county Is but ten months old and is now ! $15,000 in Many of her taxpayers: are probably of the opinion that countv I j division is not w':at it wa". pending up to ( ; oe when the m.ttrr was pending in ' legislature a jeai- ago. T.e meeting of tt.e t'hautauqua cire'e, 1 last evening with Mrs Re-lckei ara an interesting one. Considerable was learn ' od about uregot, WaSOrj . The roil call ; brought out several original poems dls- playtnc talent. The next meeting i!l I held In thiee weeks with Mr v.ewart, j when a good program will be presented. Mr Miller, the fair er of the lost 'Mid Gladys, visited Newark. Ohio, tut found ; that the chlid detained by the detectives st ..... . aj inai prce was not Ids daughter Alma Gladvt. it will piove an other Charlie Rosa Case. Alma (i a Iy wilt he heard ' rom ail oer the L" S bat wii! not be i he rtjlit oae. Mai;sfir It A (rjiham. of the Roseburg ft Ccos bav railroad, who was in the ci'v last Salnrday is in good spirits over the rxtu ' of his recent visit to London. He slates that money i rjetting eav in Eng land again, and that the tinancia, strin-1 gency In the eastern states is no! so bad as it it. Mr Gratsaas stasrted lor Coo i countv Sunav. PERSONA X. Mr Nellie Monteith went to ftajUnaa thi- noon. la "en-- has been issued for toe ir urt tige H C Wilkes and Con Glaze Mrs Annie Williams arrive-l in ItthJ this noon from Roselxirg. on a visit witL i parents Mr and Slr Frank t'arrell. Jn.lm Sinhan and Hon J K Wi:- came over from Toledo today, a lal mr ion of court being held there. Little was dene oxept the bearing f tuJt.cns. The Job ca.v was osntinued. Wni Montgomery, a pioneer oi 1 vW died ! at his home near Soio on Tuesday. Jan "J. 1 1894 at the age of about lOj.wr. He was a I brother of Mrs J W Cubic k. of this city .and I was a man highly respected. fmm lh(.:r lrin nf nWhi to Illinois hiu ,h ltV. ,1 ; t.iiwrn Illinois, thev came thrvuch t-lentv of snow in other places. "How were time, as hard as in Tegon. 1 e ani many unw earner. Absolutely rKMning doing. Acorcing to the Times the following Al tny people have leen viitinf friends m liromsville rerently. F. K Power and wife. Mr Kd Houston, who has len the guest of J C Knger Mrs H 8 Campbell and son. Wil liam, the gnet of Mrs V A Calder. W W" right and family. Mrs Judge Hhuklmrn. lawyer Hewitt. Ikn Ixvngbottom and b.-otje, Jsajwrintendent Mover, wife and son. Tut: Market. The Red Crown Mills report from Port land received today shows tbe following: Tte local market is Itarelv ste-adv with price rather against sellers .exceftimr when - ,, v . " ,. f "? T,e T'o average VVing nea an.i tor u.. uaiiiy mue cu no demaud exists, lor Walla '-.alia lst price we hai f are 2'j c. ssT1! ami for valley about 92; . . Kxporters appear to have want well in hand and n not talk as if there was any immediate improvement in prospect. K-astern markets ruled weak and went down under comparatively Lirge neitt and small shipments. The increase in tlie I efffTl of l''raging hovers Kurone is doing but little buving at present and the position af trade abroad mav be called "of a waiting character'" She visible sunplv of wheat is 0.2.10.e0 bushels: on Jan X lsat. it wa- Sl.2tH.000: Jan 4. 192. t5.f3.Xtt: Jan 1".'!. 25.- M7.tX. Olives in Bulk, saner kraut, mixed olckles, chow chow, cranberries, lemons, naked hominy, and new raisins at C E Brownel's. When a doctor considers it necessary to pre:rlbe sarsaparllia, he simply orders a borilc of Ayer', krowine full well that he will obtain therebv a surer and purer preparation than any other which lhe drug store can furnish . Ayer's Saisaparli a i the superior medicine f 100 Ilfwari $100. The reader" r f tbjs pnrx r will be pleased lo iearn that t'ji n- la at least one dreaded disease that science has been aM to euro In all Its stares, and that la C atarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only Kit ive cure known to the med ical fraternitv. Catarrh heinir a constitutional disease, requires n constirnflnsail treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby i:rlrovlnr the foundation ol the disease, and Rtvtnri the patient strength by building up tho constitution and assisting nature In doing its work.. The proprietors hare so much faith In In curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case thai IS tails to cure. Bend for list of testimonials. Address, P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo,, - Sol v Drusci-"' ,5- Dr. Price's Cream Raking Powder Party Years the Atasosrd. si a ft it a s 1 MAI.ONI: -I.AKi:. On Jan 1. 181U, at tho office of Kelly .V- Curl in Albang. by 1. M Curl J l .Mr YV M Malone and .Miss Alary B Lake both of I Ana county. BO UN. FRf )M AN. To U10 wife of lliomivs Kro man living three milos South of Albany, on Jan 3, 1894, a boy. niEis. COHEN. On Tuesday- af ternoon, Jan 2, 18'r4, at his homo in this citv. from tho result of a paralvtie stroke. Mr Aaron Uolien. aged oi yours. Mr Cohen was born in Prussia on rsov 19, IK16, and camo to Oregon in 1863. He loaves a wife uid six children. The funeral will be held at the residonco of tho deceased, comer of lhird and Wash ington streets, tomorrow forenoon at 10 o'clock, and the remains will lie bnried in tho Jewish oemetary. Highest of ail in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report ADSOLLfTELY PURE COIiXiBOIl ax o The College V M C A of Oregon will hold its annua I convention at the college in this city, oeginning on Friday afternoon at 0 o ciock. roiiowing is tne program: 1 Fridaya fternoon Song aervicc and I'e votional exercises lead by Traveling Secre tary ltuinmett. Introdnctions. Friday evening 7 :.'W Praise Service led by A)ollo Club of A' any. Words of Welccme. by K W Kminett. Presiilent "f All.-any ( 'ollega Association and Pres K N Condit. Albany College. (luitar Qniatota Bwponaa Pres I L Cambpell. Mon mouth Stale Normal. Address - Kev 1 1 Uriver. I I, of Ku gene. Saturday incming. 9KK1 Itevotional ex ercises, II S (iile. Pies Salem Asaociation. llrief written report of the associations, lessons from the bLsck board W H Ijec. Iri.-usion K K lloughtv. ''35. Stite Ag ricultund College; J W Keynohbf. "Ji. Wil l.imette, and others. ireetings E Laa-rence Hunt. Interna tional College Secretary. Bibe Study The Actual and the Possible. K l. Hunt, ihscusaion Prof George w liruoe. I'ram Mate NormaJ; A w tosbav !. Ail any College: TS Handsaker. Mon mouth State Normal: J A I-aurie. Jr '94 State I'liiTersity, and other. Hederal I'lscumion Committee Work J It Johnson, Pacific Cl lege; K tv Vfaalc ourn. Sfi, Portland I niversity. 12:00 Intermission. atnrdar afternoon -2m HiUe Head ! mg. Holy .-pint. IV- Th N-w:in A M j neuM t-ollege. Ilesation of Absolution to lymmviutn J'ph K Wetherlsse. Physical Iin---t"r State t niv.-rsity. I .- ..--i.-.n W T Fel- 1'iws, Mt Mitmville College, and other Kc-lation of Asciation to Athletic. Prof 1. t. I. e.: p.(, 1:.. I'niversitv. Ihsua-ion S Shia.:h. Pacific I'niverdtv. aa,! others. 4:I'J -tartin lio; 1 raveuug Serretar- Purumett presidim;. 30 1 ntcrra isa ion . S.tunlav evening 7.30- t'tniae led by Appollo Club. Address Pres Tho. McCieland Pacific rniversitr. D 1 Sabljtath meeting. 9:15 a. m. M'eetiag tor 1 erwnal ttwasmg. ) A I'ummett. Ioor cloaed at 9:l- sharp. N.nead m ttel afterwanl. 10:.'10 a ni Charvh Service. 4 p m Meeting for men only. 7 30 p m Aalimae Aggmiv Christ- t:- '- f.i. r ;n Life, I H hapruan !ate I niver-ity. Farewell Baastaaai p...- : in the delegate, city pastors, and ri.itors. urn t-TATE sartj. Kber II Kojdes to K C lledinarr. 8agaa. 10 w 3 iHrt Mi Kurjy to Mount Story, 40 acre. 14 K I Yoonaer to Peter Reuttner. :I3 f : --jC00 10 1 4.000 a. :X 101 1. 01 i. ma ad. Sadaville. 3 Smith. li ii A Stafford to O S acres 14 w 4 . . , Stillman B fneli to S." ?3.4 I acre. 1:1 w 1 j Enoch Sylvester to Amelia A Bsyt-ves-Xtrr. is) acre. Jas Ceilds's j homestead A J ID H H Hewitt. lt seres. 10 w2 J L Hdl to 1! M Parne. 40 aw. II w 2 John L Wigleto Wm White, IS acres. US w 3 A J Pinner to B A and M J Stafford. ICO acre. HI w :! . James McKinley to John Paul and I.evi Withe. 100 acre. 15 K K N MoCaw to Jx'per Koucdtree. 40 acres. 15 w 1 Advektimso Pats. i me of the linait ' most libere! advertisers, this year, infom us that, n.-twitiistaxi'ting the prevailing hard times, his ca.h sale this fall have 'cen much greater than daring the season f I886L I'aringtlie month of leceniber he took in nearly S-. mere than he did in the corresponding month of last year. tf -"iir- he is now a ttrm believer in the n-e of printer's ink. if rightly applied. Cnite a numlr of business men C90U ltkewi.- lw converte! if they ssoabj try tlx effnu of the same. iuarl. This is undoubtedly the experience of some Albany business BBS. Whii-? sales havn Ijeen less tlvire has Ixvn as much cash. -Oead accounts" will l caiv hereafter. mciiD Hta Em. Jaa M Kyi,-, the president of the Oregon Fniit and IVo duce company, wrenched one of his knees very ladly at Allmny night before last. He w.ts en route to Corvallis on the steamer Modoc and went ashore at Allmny to mail a letter. While walking along the street he stepped into a hole m the ironnd and ieu injuring ins Knee quite severely. .Statesman. Fi serai. Notice. Th ineiu V-r Safety Uxige No IS A 0 I' W will meet their liall on liiurvlav morning at '.' o clock sharp to attend the funeral of thi late A I ohen. Iiet all members attend. C w Beais m sr. Ax Ax,:nv Max. Why? Because hi flannels were let 111 mid to him nil shmni op. Then sand vours to the Citv Iuindrv . i i .i -- . . . . - - uB'v wasu mem wun ut snrmking or making them rough. Special aire with aie curtains. Hemetulvr the place 1st t nppSt t'harles. A" Albany Jewelry Stosk Worth patronizing is that of ill Stari . 'lhey carry lhe finest Inc of siiver ware, watches, cocks and ewctry gtnera iy tn the valiey. and sat sUclry prices are always given fjr the aperlat BtaaNty of good they keep In I'ock. Nev-r buy without calling m hem. " K bVovraall, the prooer, is ta lii. new an .1 commodious ijllllwi in the I 0 block, when' he is prepawl to give satisfaction to the first class trade of the city, call on him for pure gTceerie-s and tood trcMlment. ( leaa towels t 1 every customer at Yiercok ill IS ing pai I. is. Mv fail line 3US A MKIts, f M ICINTOSHK-I and nc'iidirg mauv aoveltie fo r ladies, misses ale. 1 cliiidren, it now S B Younr. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Highest Award. A RENTS MAKE FIYE DOLLARS a "Vilay selling the greatest kitchen utet. stl ever Invented. Retails for thirty-five cents. Two lo six can be sold In every house. Millions sold in this country alone 1 -v 1 .,. . . r fori i miss tiie greatest oppoituntty eycr known to make monev, easl'.v and autcklv. Sarr pic sent, postage prepa'd for five cenls. aCMAKIH iV Lo., Cincinnati, Ohio. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. DPRICE'S Tile nnlu Pnri. Ptunm Arr..u. j . v..i. t.iun Baking Powder i.h mi. The regnlar meeting of Tangent grang wiu held I e: 5trd with a grood attendance Irarigi-wi ojiened in good fonn at th One application for initiation wa- read and referri"! U th pr'ier rnaiiairtnn . The regular order of baauMas w;oi gone over, each iart reieiving the rcinired at tention. The lecturer BDD0tted two prominent n.f inU-r- to lead in the discuwtion of the iuetion. The raining anil treatment of children. This is a very important subject, one in srhich all would frly bike a part, give their views and experiences, and tr' to learn frnui ear h other a better mode of family government. The training of child ren is imdly neglected, anil why should not this be made an important feature of the' grange. This being the last meeting of the year the rile rtrraiir the aieetaoa of officers for the ensuing We took a we and partook of a nice little lunch prejared by tlie sijiten. At this time the Tangent band inarched to the ball. 'l"hey were invited in and as- ' sisbsd to clear the table of iU refrehmenU. ; w hen they gave us an exhibition of their mususd ability, which is good. All ling in readiness we again resumed businew. when tlie following officer were elected: AJ.. L S Smith: O.. A J Olin; L., ti W Kullie: A. S.. U S Bridgefarmer; hap.. J A Mrisbev: Treas.. 9 B Olin; Sec., lena itridgefarmer. . K.. P M .Sliart.; F. P.. Minnie Mdhee: F.. Lizzit Smith; C. Ada Knighten; L A. S.. Elua Scxjtt- Intaliati' n the 2nd Saturday in Jan It H F Hayes. Public lecture at one o'chxi to whirh ail are invited. We have a good set of officers and expect to have a flourishing grange the coming year. A UiTC C w Bead returned from Albanv Tharsdsy. The ;redito of theO P in this section are very well pleased over lhe defeat of Miller lor receivership. They think Had Icy do belter now than he ever did before. I: is rej-rteo. that C W Read is talk ing of buying tha'.'P. but maybe be won't. Master Claude i-j jaon j making Fraakie 'Drummond a fct Claude and bis mother once made OiatecUieir home, ai have a good .nany friend: It is the opinion of your corresjvdent Uuit the Salem Board of trade is off k tec they say that Gov Pennoyer's stateoerf. to the effect that one third of Oregon's people are in actual wan, is false and misleading. Although I am n?t ac quainted a i!h the state of s flairs in other places I can safely say that at least ooe-baif of the people here do not know i a r- -x: met 1 : u is . . : from- The governor may be wrong, tut he surely staled the exac' state of affairs as far as the upper Santiamis concerned. The treats are aurely on tie Gates cor respondent of the Herald. H-- ays in speaking of the democrats "and tbe rest of them are on their read to Hawaii to enthrone her wencbship.'' Tbe demo crats are all at home a . '. will ass st Cleveland in bringing around the eate of affair that existed ic tbe islands prior 1. Anr fAnin!. intertere ee . The tiales Literary is a rising institn- Uou. It meets every Haiaiwat evening when a program familiar to all such so cieties is carried through The qteetion for discuss: ...p. at tbe lasi mee'mg was : 1 Resolved that the Cnited States should inncx Hawaii. II was aeciaei in me fc'Brmalive after a very interesting and itatruc'ive debate. The affirmative was ie bv John Gidder and E C Neal. tbe tea: 11 c br T J McCiary and F I Bevier. Th roll ol'inerabership show about 25 MtoaTV. SSUSi TTT i nun: ratsitt. Sammary. Stat too Albany, Or. Month Dember. 1S93. Bssssttaa stove sea level. -17.7 feet. Mean tempcal r, 43 4 Dapaalasa frai cs.rrual, 3.' Maatmam temjierat-Jre. ."S: date, Miniuir.m teBt..rturr, 31 ; date. Sti . -V t. Mean of matitaara ternterature, 49. Mean of mm acu temperature. 0 Ne. times u axisrtoa Jen.pertare 00c or 's v. 0. N ,. times mm tntsai tsseratarv 3"" or be'ow, 3. ToUl precipiUtKin i.ti "he. TVinrtcre from normal. 3-4 inches. Total depth of onm.lted snowfall, 0 rathei. Pre vailing direction oi the wind. . (Ca, of cloocless days. St, of ps.t'y cloady das. 7 N't of cloadv davs. 21. Ns. of daxi 0 which .01 or c4 raiser sdw cvn, 15. lstsoa h ch hut rJl. 0 lite o which s- .is fell, 0 Iat t rhandi r storms. 21 . Hataaaf fchl fiait.T II. It SS. 7. is. Oateaef kWbng cr lejanoas tivt,0 TlaVci . hal-M, 0. lla'.es of iuur halo. 10. John Ba:aa, Volsrstoar nbe wv. fVOKltl lIPfBlM- Vil! il Start, rs icweler If you sot a tine true te call for Josef h wtiito labor Cigar-, Tbe beeims t ooSee ia the city t C mad cfcytr a . Hodges .v kief mat, aha laatfaf rs lore. Alharv. CV. Will .S: Stark's lai "V si;ver ware has created 1 great d "al of talk. Pa.ronia-! home ir.'ut try by sxoking th elehrstr.1 white UKir ejs V. mannfactared bv la'ius Jo'eeh. The 0 K (.rubber Is sold on trial. To try vne doe jim tneu" oo vr compelled to buy. Mf',1 by Jas. Fi snev ft os. Brooks, Cawillae pait- for a'l se ir ? machine., slso the SeM oils, needles. elc,. for all se!ng mirhlnis, bicycles, U. at K 13 Will's music store. Sewing m. whire tnd organs repaired roaorable, ar d all work warranted. Needles prepaid by 'nts'laoc a dozen. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Pc woer A Pure drape Cream ot t artar Pen 4er- Albanr Mntkrt Thee.'. 43c. Oats, 'J5s Flour, f4.0i. Mutter. 10e. KgR-i Ini, IS lo ISe Porlc-bamt 12 to 15c: shouldera.S lci'. II to 13o Hav. laied. J7 o atoea, 40-. Applet , 4" Hops. UK lirie.l fruit . -plums, Bo, apples, 9e. Chickens, $1 u.i pnr dosen. Beef, onfcot, 1. Hogs, (trtsaed, 0 i w;5c: n. 1 . Air monui; No Aluov UR STOCK LACKS noth-; ing hut buyers. They will , come. 1 ney will be satis-1 fied. They will buy al THE FAIREST PRICES EVER MADE. FOR SUCK QUALITIES. ; isVrl tn ' iniwcu uu 1 Visitors are not BELIEVE ut are omvn 11 ; 'g00(S 0 CONVINCE them that no ore lealiner fViii iraAft STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, LftDIFS FINE SHOES etc. If you want VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY call on us. Yours Truly Read, Peacock & Co. New Advertisements. w AN TED, -A gi'i to do general Inquire a, this offis. housework. : CSr. - Vaiiae conulnlnc aevral ar I'dciea with narrea on. If found please return to H Parker or leave at harker Bros. WMI pay a reward. FARTED. A family in town or country who will take a boy twelve yeais of age who wants to go to school aid do cfeoring taking care of cow or borse to fy part of bis keeping. A reasonable amsunt in addition wi!! be paid by bis father for hi care and keep nig. Parties will cah at thii offise. CtOCSlY W ARRAS VS-Bonght snd J sold by H F Merrill. I. A. Morris & Co. Flour and Feed Store, Have removed their (tore to opposite the Run House, and have on hand a full stock of CHOPPEO FEED: vUMoro chopping dore. fJoSYALL S FLCU ;, B3AM, SHORTS CERM MEAL. CRMirM, BUCK WHEAT, RYE FLOUR, HAY, OATS. STRAW AHD CENTRAL Ponltry ail M totH Ilroadalbir: "oet-s-eea aetoiru aal Tciri ALBANY. OR. Fisk, Oysters. Cte, ae ii Seasi. Foahn, r.verything nice and fresh Give as a cah- SCHMEER & CALLAHAN DRUGS i Stationery, Toilet Anises, Musisa Instmments, Etc Hodges k IM&i ! The Cornei Drug Store,". Albany,o N3TICE 0 F FiNAL SETTLEMENT. v-cTiOE is HEREBY cms THAT THE O. tt Use OtuiiT Coert lor Una eooatv. Osspm. anal aceoest in sU estate. ad ta Cmnt ..: t '. .. r . t s ! im Use Coaati I Oxsrt rooaa 11 tbe Coon Hc-jse m -i coestr, fce lhe buriac ol objeetsebs il any u mkl secoentaad lar tUeat ol euJ etute. AnV karinar :. -i to the stttltment .A m-i rtat are mrby netiftrd to be prewot axd make itw I'.Vtshed b oe- ct Hoa J L'aatnn, J aijo twifcl l Sta. lsSJ. Wa RCXBarCH, aass) EnetarTe a llict!au, attorneys Kr admr. W TAYLOR. Honse Clem Gardener ail General Jetter. . T - ' I.aving ami Cleaning, Chimcey JtcauhSsA Whitewashing and WinJow cleaning a -pciaity. Call art Soot Black Stand near Lndreth'e sreaving pastors. : ! XAVMBDEMARKs CUPY rutin To. CA I OBTAIN A r.tTSJITf For s write to svSsS l S N V CO.. wno hare has nearrr OfST veers' nerieeee In lee relent bsaiML CitmmBnlcb. (lens strtcslT cewiodenUal. A tjneSkeek of in tormatloo eoneenune PsHenSs ead how to ob tain these sent free. Also a cetelo&ae ol mechan loal sad aoteMWe hooka sen t free. Patent taken taroech Mona ft Ox receive aeelal nollea Da the scle e HSe Alt' 1 lee m. and thas are hrooaht widely before tbe peMtc with out cost to the Inrootor. This sctendul oarer. tesoea weeso. ewaaatiy uraaaTatea.neV far tfaa uuwest eopolatloa of any soentloe week. Irs the wwMfc ea a year. Nmpn wpeaesst eopM,M oral oun tmiraine naiuon. DKmtniy, suss yea: ml. as cents. Krerr Dumber onntai oful plates, in colore, and phesacraph of ccw boeses. with plana. 1 lalMt dMlfrw and M 1 pmuu enaonns oeianra to seow Loe ill NN ft CO, NSW VOlvK. Ml BSttiL.Sil. n ana secure cenrjacta. Aoarens Wall Paper I rttrs jPciintwe Oil (.iaih, Etc J. A. CBiming ALBANY, CREC0 I) KfsWllTRM We. CAir Ala 1 fiAIir MAKKS aT Assignee's Notice. i Notice is hereby given to all whom is my i eowcern, that on the 4th day of November. 1 1S93, Anthony PrcpsO and F C Batter duly made an aasignment tomi of all their proper ty forthe benefit of all their creditors, la ectirdsa ee with the general aaiignnient awsof the atatecf Oreoa: therefore all 4 persons having claims against the co-partnership firm of said Propst and Butler are hereby notified and required to present the same to me under oath at tbe offioe cf W R r;u. in th Citv of Albanv. Oreaon with in tin ce moothe from the date hereof, lilted this I7th day of Novsmbsr, 1893. Fkaskhs i'ropst. Assignee. Notice for Publication US Land f fnee, Oregon City Or., Borember 2nd, 18U3. Notica Ih hereby given that la coroplU ance with the provisions r.f the act of Congress of June 3, 17H entitled -An act ' for lh sale of timber lands In tne iates : of California, Oregon. Nevada and Wash ington Territory" as extended to all the public lands states by act of Anguat 4 I 1842, Altrt E Ho!me o' Albany county : of Linn state of Oragon.bsatbia day tiled ' in this office his sworn statement No 2984 for th purchase or the Northeast 14 tit aoctios No. 25 in townhip no. 10 H range No 6 East, and wid offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for hs timber or store than for agricuitcral DurDOie, and to eatabllah bis claim to said I land before the Regiter and Receiver of 4f.ii office at Oregon City, Or.on Tuesday the 6th day of February, 1894. He name as witneiKp: 0 H Dalrymple. Francis Holmes, O V Adam-, A Wink, all of Al bin, Or. Any and all person c'aimin adversely the above described lands ar requested to file their claims in this effic on or bef ire said 6th day of February 1E94. Robert A Miller. Reiter Notice for Publication S LASbOrnrr, Crfccs Cmr, Or. Oct 20tb,lS93. Wott0S ii hereby en thtlnoivp ance with tbe prov na of tiie act O.ngrtsa cf June 3. 1873, entitled "An act 1 for the sale of timber lands in the Mates i of California, Oregon, Kevada nd W'ah ington Territory,' as exunded I all tha i Public Land State bv act of August 4th ! I82, Annie Wbitloek. ofCregonCtty : eoumy f C'ackarcas. state of Orecn,has ; thi dsy filed in thin office berswora statement So - 'A. for tte purcbaae cf th 1 N E K of Sfetion No '- in township N 10 S range !o 4 E, and v ill cfitr croof t show that the lana Bought mor vainabl for its timber ar atone than fo agricultural purp-KS, 'and to establish bar claim o said land before he Rreiater and ReeeUer cf this office at Oregon City , Oregon . on Thursday, the 1st day or teOrnary.'-tH. aae namr a witnesses: Srci-.h, Win .-nith, J Ltlr., C Thompson, a: 1 cf Berry. Weaon. Ar.y nd a'l persons c; ;rt:nr adve-srly te above described lands re requested to fi e the r claims in ibis office ou or before said 1 t day of February. 1S54. Kr. BEST A Mil LES, Ke lister. 'Nfyi'iPO fur Publication, JC. fe. Laam Office, Orecos Citt. July 3rh 1893. Xovee is hereby givca that in ccrrpH ance with tbe pros'isiocs cf the act of Con ' gress of June 3, 1S7S. entitled 'An act fi 1 the eale of timber lar.ds in the states o 1 California, Oregon, Nevada.and Washins; J ton Territory ,"ai extended to all the Pub , lie Land States by act of August 4, 1S92, : Daniel M Large, of Albany, county of I Linn, sta e cf Oregon, has thi day filed I in this oSce hi; tworn statement No 37, s for the patcLase of the S T ! . J section No IX. in township No 10 Scush, range No 4 East, and wBI offer proof lo show that the land lugbt is more vainatie for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis tuzim to said land before the Register ar.d Receiver cf this office at Oregon City, Oregoe, en ' Tuesday, the 9th day f January ,:. He names as witnesses: L VV Laugaead. J L Berry, J R Whhney, C B Winn, ail oi Green Batn. Oregon. Any and al! per sons caiming adversely the above de scribed lands are retuisted to rile their claims In this cfce on cr before said 9th day ct January, tSo. Robert A lliu.ii, Register. T.mhr iad. tct -I i: foe Pabhcatioc. Usiitd Sutes Land C face, Orrgfia Notic; is herebv given that is coicptUoes ' with th-: provnjOBs of the act cf Co cartes of Joat 3.-d, l7s. eaiitlei "An act for lhe sale . of Umber iacda ia the state cf Ca-ifO:aia, Oregon, Nerada aad WashicgUn Territory,' ; aa extended to all Fabli: Liad States by act of Aogu-st 4. lSSe.Chas J Hiwkle.of Kiagara, cuaatv cf klari-jc. state oi O, eg-jc, has ths I day f.led in this effke his swore stall .! Xo. tor the parcita.'e cf the N E r, of Sectaon No. 10 In Township No, 10 S, P. .age ' No 4 E, sad will offer protf to tho- that the laad seegbt is etore vairuKe for its ' timber or aceoe thaa for agrieaitsrai par poses, and : 3 establish his claim to said Uatd Defore the Reenter and Receiver rf taia of fice al Oregon Ci.v, Grton. os Wednesday, , naSith day ct janaary. Is -. He sames a witaesset: L has fbi leaiienrs. i John S.titfc, Alien Smith, Beetley - r re. lai cf Niagara, Marion Co, Oregoa. Any and bB frsoas clanricg adversely the abova : deacribed land are req tested to fik their 1 claims ia thise&ee oo cr bef. re said -4th i dar.of Jaaoary. ML EUISEKT A iilLLSK. EgUter. Noticje for Publication. Land Of f qh Okecox C-Tt. On., Oct ; .-. J , i Notice it hereby girt-j that in conaptt , aace w ith the provisions of the act of Coc ! gress cf June 3. 1S7S, entitled "An act ior I the sale cf timber lands in the states of . California. Oregcr, Nevada and Washina Albany, county of Ltaa, stite ot O.cgon, : has this day filed in tiia OiEce her sworn INXafMWX.SK If ot N W aad S W i of S E l4 of section So njn tosrasbip so ' 10 South Range No 4 East, and will offer proof to show 1 hat the land sou h! It more ; valuable for its timber or stone than far ; agrtcuiturai purposes, and to establish her j claim to uio iand before the Register and I Receiver of thi office at Oregoa Ci'y.Ogn, . on Tuesday, the and day ot January , 1S94, 'She names a witnesses: DeWitt Dan j forth, of Detroit, Marion Co, Oregon, O j Fox,of Detroit rion Co,Uregon, W illiam i LLaugheaJ, oi Green Basi.e, Marioa Co, I Oregon, Carli'.e H Laughead, of Albany, , Lian county, Oregon. Any and all per ' sons claiming adversely the above de 1 scribed lands are rcqaeatsd to file their j claim in this office on or before said ;nd day oi January, 1104. Robert A M ill ir , Register. Tlmbw Land, Act Jane 3, 1S7S. Xctie for pabliat.oa. Cnitel States Land Office, Oceaon City. Oroeoa November 1. Notice is hereby id veo that in compliance with . t:; provisions rjie act cr 1 octrees or June a, ' IsTs. ectilled "An act tcr the sale of timber Uatls ; ia the states of California. Oreewe. Nevada I and YasV.nto:i Territury." as exteejoW to ail j tbe IibUc Card State by act ot' Aasust 4, UaV, 1 Ciarics U. lhdrymt'le. of Albacjr. County of Liun. Slate Mi l 'rveor . has this uay tdt in this office hu swwrs .staieaicni N.i. 2-s.. f.-r the iarvhasaoC the tlli'iv' Sietion No in T..w-rhi o 11 S. I KantteNuS Eat. and will o.rer t sf to toov ( that ttve lud scojcit is more vafoable for its liuiocr or stont 'ttn ior axrtettrumi purposes, and l eetablish tus eliitu to said btcd tvfore the lvoiosler aivd Uev-.. :..- Citj. Oreewu o.i Wednesday, titv SWh day ot Jcuiuary. l-e He nam as ttn-ief t 1 I'.". m . t. w Beemac. It Wu Ji, O V Adam, al! 3 h y.Oasv Aay an.l all ix-rms clainiu: s.dsrsly tue ahre aafribsd latuis are rsiavtc,l lo dK- their claims in this ofKce on or belVre said Ultn l: of Jan a ary. WHm KoiiSir V. Miius. Kcsrister. Timber Lnd. Act laae 3, 137S. M 'tiee for esshiieetaaa. United State L ic. l Odicc, Orc-Jou City, Oregon, tk-tober i: J-'.! NHsr' is bvrel) tven that in compliance wilk the pruvision vi lbs act of -s of June S, ISTS, entitleiL "Aa act for the sale oi itittbec lands ia the States of California. lron, Nt-vada, and Waahtiurtou IVrrit rj. " John I Campbell. 3 MaroneUe. ttni'.'.t of Marinette. State of Michi gan, has tncs m-M iu tttjj otr-.v ft is sirri statement Nt s, for the purx'hase of the SWl of SK. inj SW Vs and NV of 8W ol Section No 's. in Township No 10 South. Kanso No t Kast and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than lor agricultural uurpoeew, and to etrtat'lish ha claim to said land beforo the Kejnster and lU'eeiver of this office at trcaon City. Oregon, ou Tuesday the Ski day of Jar.nary, 1SW. He names as witnesses: Kuaene V Snuth. Kdnin V Smith. 3 h Beny, Berry P O, Marion Co. aud Frank l'erketl, Detroit, Marion Co. Orettui. Any and all persons claimuur adversely the above-de. cribed taiuls are teunested to tta their claims in this office on or before said 'fd day of January. HH, BoaaaT A. MlUlB, Kegister. Assignee's Notice. In the matter of the assignment of Henry Freeman insolvent debtor. Notice is hereby given that lleary Freeman Found has assigned to me all bis property for tlie benefit of alt bis creditors in accordance with tbe laws oi the state of Oregon relating to general assignments by insolvent debtors- All creditors of the said Henry Freeman Pound are notified to present their claims, under oath, to me at the office ol Black hurt A Watson, attys , in the eity of Al -bany, Oregon, within three months from the date of this notice. Dated ilbany, Or., Dec 8th, 1&3. It. II . Ikvi.nb, Assignee. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Yej the Standard.