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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1894)
if lie AN OI'EN LKTtEB TO liOVKKNOK I'KNNOYER- Lebanon, Orejtn i, 1S94. Deir (iovernor. I have tcad j our Ch'istniai letter la Picsulent Cleveland and can lay that ti is a remarkable one. Not on account of the Iruthlutnest of its statements nor any candor shown In your manner of expression, for It is sadly deficient in both. But remarkable for Its weakness. Now Governor, all of us Orrgoniins know the motive you had in view in wilting that letter. Its weakness consists in the fact that you thought you had kept your motives hidden from the publl when that motive stands out in bolii relief in every line, More than two-thitdt of the people of Oregon at first sight of your letter said It was not written for the President but for the people of Oregon to read. It is the geneial impression here, that. had you really believed that the President would follow your advice and recconiemd free sil ver to congress, and that Pody should pass a free coinage lawj resulting in ircntdlate prosperity to the paopie, you would never have written such a letter for then you would have no calamity howl upon which to make a fight for the United States senate next June. What induced you, governo-, to say '.has, 'two-ttiirds of the people of Oregon were out of employment and more than one third are without sufficient .neans of sup port?" Did you not know that your state ment was false? The people know that It is Your best friends do not know what to make of it. The people see very clearly that you aimeJ this letter as another step in the oi rectior. of placing yourself at the head of the people' p.uty as the-rcandidate for senator. You say that "debtors are powerless to avoid the seizure of their property and their home to satisfy, at a nall percentage of the! value, the claims of caeditors. "Now, governor, it is a fact, borne out by the court records in the last six months there have been less seizure of property under execution than in a similar period for many years. These statements of yours that are so untrue eausrjpeople every when to beg;n to de nounce you as a political deamgogue .You governor, are a man of large wealth. Under the constitution of this state you have a salary of I15X) per year. You draw more than twice that sum. People are a'king why you do not use this additional sum unlaw fully drawn from the hard earnings of the people to alleviate some of this distress so: pathetically discrited in your letter. They ! say practical and cot theoretical help is ! -- .. . ... ui slaving people need, it is crmmcn alk, bow. however, you are scheminge tand wire pu ling now and not helping t!i poor except upon paper. The people t-n-drrstand you governor. Candor. Loteis of t":e od i and incon gruou would be much interested in a Utile volume recen j puolished bv the Federal Govern ment. It i supposed to be a list of the principal expoit.s to the United States from cities and counties where Government con suls reside. From Turin, according to thi record, we obtain gnn.tocks from Naplei cuttle fish bones; fiom Portugal, argols and antimony; from Moscow, horses' manes from Riga, objects of bivine service; from Baiceiona, cream of tarta.l'corice' glycerine, ackasses. and oil paiatiugs.-from Tuxpan, Mtxxa.vinill, chiche. hony, cedar. sara par..h and deerskins; frcm'Colombia, skin hids, divi-divi, and bananas; from Bathurst, British Africa, ostiich egs and everlasting flowers; from Sierra Une, gin get, palm oil and monkeys; from New Zea- acd Kauri gum, gold and sansag? casings rom SaraOa;wrecka?r. coDiranH curio and f Accorairg to statisticsjast turnished hp ;Le Geological Suire tbe projection of coal n the United States last rear was 179,000 000 tons. Of this amount Pennsjlraniu mished jv.-r 99,000,000 teas, or more than oue-half. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. ATONICK 18 HEKF.BY GIVES TO ALL W.liial IT 11 may waieem, that .,n the Ulth day ol De.mlr 113. Iwluv appointed no, uu,r ol the last will and u-stimcn- rf J'weph L Dlckaon, dpceasxd by th Oinnf i-onrtof Linn comity, Uregen, aid tbv I Sled my bonds a tuuh caecutor, and that said bund has ba api'roved by said court; therefore ll iM-rno . hrinr e'.ira .niiit sa d estaie am hrtby notifled sn.l rc(ulred 'o prrasnt tha asm with praptr vouchers o me at the sSss of W R Bit MM the Oitv of Alba- y, Linn c unty, Or. - thin six moi.ths from th date hrnf . ltd this 89th day of laS. it llisrau S-a.n.Li. Swaaa Atioruey lir Kiecutor ExsraUi PLOWS AND HARROWS Uar?iiB for farmers In both ilding and walklni! plow, disc harrows, iron harrows, etc. I'rlces U proportion to 50 cent wheat. It will pay you to ca'l and see us STEWART -OX ct?Zart?a 1 1 , "n-snn. A. P. Arnmtronu, l'rlu. swaneh sVhuul : famu Be. Collxie, sal,m. Orsawa SWSSS nurses of study, ssuie ratas of uillioa BnsincsN, .Shorthand, Trte?TUinf! PlnmanAif, ami Enctuk DtfiarlmtnU wm e issfisu t 1, 1 ,,'in it,! t niv tlr." fVn!u-j4 t fjio:; ft f.n 1 1 sp M!llil -The opera houiss store. location. fa 1 on tho seretHry ticulars. 1 the DsTMOCSAT offl e li r pat 'died. EVENTS OF 1 S'J.t JANCARY t Prof E N Ilorsford, noted chemist of Harvard, died. a Dr Wm C McKay, old Indian ti.hter, died. 3 Chief Rabbi, of Jerusalem, died . 4 Pres Harrlsvin issues amnesty procla mations to Mormons. S Andy Bowen defeats Joe Fielden at New Oreleans. 6 W S Ladd of Portland died. S Prof Knapp, founder of Knapp's Insti tute died. 9 Oregon legislature organized. Fulton and Keady officers, "it Senator Kenna of W Vsdied. 1 1 Benjamin F Butler died at Washing ton. 13 Creed Haymon l, S P lawyer died. H Wm R Handy, son-in-law of Senator Mitchell died. 15 Gen Rufus Ingalls, U S A retired, died. 16 Francis Annie Keinble, no'.ed actress, aiea. 17 Rutherford B Hayes died 17 Rev T F Campbell, of Monmouth, died. 19 Annual election Chamber Commerce. 20 Joseph Winsor, the R I inventar died. 3 Associate Justice LQC Lamar died. 23 Bishop Phillips Brooks, of Boston, died. H Gervais National Bank suspends. aS Princess.Margarette and Prince Fred erick married. 25 Sheridan bank closed. 27 James G Blaine died. 33 Blaine's funeral. 31 English parlimtnt reopened. February. I Minister Stevens establishes protector ate over Hawaii. 1 Heavy snow storms on the Co'umWa river. 2 President Harrison appoints H E Jackson dem associate Justice of the supreme court. 3 Chas Sartons, husband of Nellie Grant, died. 4 Mrs W C Whitney died. 7 Ex-Chief Justice Weir, of Idaho, died. 8 Eidie Foy, well known comedian, died, 9 Ferdinand .Le Lesieps sentenecd to ! penitentiary. 10 H C DeM lie, eminent playwright, died. 12 Dr Norvin Green, pres W U Te' Co, died 13 Judge John Schofirld, of I 1 Supreme Court, died. 15 Street car wrecked at Albina, three killed. 17 Rear Admiral Case, U S Navy, died. 18 Serranus Clinton Hastings, Ex-Supreme Jadge of Calif, died. 19 Celebration of the Pope's Golden Ju -biiee. 20 John C Eno, absconding bank presi dent, surrenders. 20 Gen G T Beauregard died. 22 Governor McKinley makes an assign ment. 24 Allen Mauvel, pres Atchison Toptka and Santa Fa R R died 24 Jor.n W Mac'sey. millionaire, shot by W G Rippey. 26 King George Tubon, of Tonga U'.ands died. 27 James W Crawford, celebrated racer, died. 18 The great bottle ship Indiana lannch ed. March 1 Sale of the Oregon Pacific R R poat i poned. 2 Cleve'and arrives in Washington. 2 Ex- governor Bishop, of Ohio, died 3116th birth day of Robert Emmett. J . ".f , Irish patriot I A ".i . r tieve-ana inauguratea. 5 Gen Thos Reynolds, of tbe rebellion, died. 6 Ex-president Harrison arrives at home, 7 Col Hogg removed from receivership of OPRR. 8 Bob Fitz Simmons, middleweight nocks Hall out. 9 Hawaiian treaty withdrawn from Sen . late. 10 Big fire in Boston. Loss M.500,000. 10 Koshland Bros' of Portland, fail. 11 BHg Gen Hagner retired of U S A died. 12 J W Hyatt, treasurer under Cleve land, died. 13 Princess Kaiaulani, of Hawaii, visits White House. 14 Blount starts for Hawaii. i7St Patrick's Day. i7 Jules Francois Camil'e Ferry, French statesman, died. 18 Ex U S Sena'or Armstrong, cf Mo. ded. 18 Squire Abingtcn, English sport, died, j 20 Sentence of dea'h parsed on Carlyle : Harris. 23 Behring Sea arbitrators meet in Paris, ; 24 Matthe P Deady died. 24 Elliott F Shephard. editor Mail i Express, died. 24 Benjan-in F Burcb, of, died. 25 Chas H Gove, of Portland, shot C J Smith and then committed suicide. 27 M Kashland, of Portland, indicted. Gen E Kirby Smith, Confederate eneral, died. 29 E D Farnsworth, ex-grand s:re of I 0 0 F, died. 30 Mr Dr'Tom Vann found guilty. Aran. 1 Gibjou Peacock, editor Philadelphia Bulletin, died- 2 J A Knight, of Corvallia, pioneer, died d Arrest of G E Richardson who stopped S P train at Drain. 5 Bishop Kip, of the Episcopal Church 8 F, died. 7 Geo I Seney, well known philanthropist died. V h.x-governor A G McGrath, tf 8 C. di-d. U C B Bellinger appointed U l)gt Judge. i2 John A BeU, managing editor Detroit Free Press, died. 13 Jefferson's birth day. 16 Eclipse of the sun. 18 August B Chiestreshf, botanis'. died. 19 13th anniversary of the death nf u;B . raeli. 20 Widaw of General Hancock died. 24 Special term of circuit court 10 try Morg W'assom . 24 Dr A M Lorea died at Helena Mont. 25 EK-postmag'er general Wwiaraakcr at Portland. 26 74 h anniversary ot Odd Fellowship in US. 27 Gen John M Corte, of Boston, died. 30 105 anniversary of inauguration of Washington. Mav. 1 Worlds Fair opened by Cleveland. 2 Judge Bellint-or take his snat. 8 S Dai.uoe m live, ai Portland. 3Gjv Pennoyer sends his "I trill attend to my business'' message. 5 PI W Le Compte Sec S ate of Mary land died. 8 CarlyleHarris banned for the murder of his wife. 8 Cary Crawford drowned. 9 Lord William Paulet died. Ii Gen Edward Townsend. ex adj Gen i3 Jaa J Corbett at Portland. 15 Geary law decided constitutional by Supreme court. 17 Grand Lodge 1 0 0 F mot ut Eugene. 9 Infant.; Eulalia arriw.-. in New York. 21 Thoniat4tearne , of Portland, ditd. 24 Gen Ralph W Kirkham,. hero of Seminole war, died 25 Z B Moss, of Sweet .Home, commits suicide. 27 Deputy U S Marshall slot by Sontag and Evans 29 Jim Hall whips Frank SI via in Lin don. 30 Decoration Day 31 Rev Dr Briggs tound gui'ty of heresy Si Jefferson Davis' remains buried ut Richmond. 31 Assignment of Laos Liming & Co. June. 2 D P Thompson arrives from Turkey. 4 George Potter English labor symptha izer die.i. 7 Edwin B oth,the gieat tragedi n, died 8 Mc Kinley nominated for governor of Ohio. 9 Ford' Opera Home building in Wash ington falls. 10 Jobs, bant at Corvallis suspends. 12 Sontag, the Calif train lobber cap'ur ed. 13 Llack, Murphy and Gra-ly receive til eral appointments. 15 Pioneers meet at Fcrtland. 15 Hank Vaughn died 16 Masonic Grand Lodge at Portland ad iS Commencement exercise at State Un I versity. 19 The Bank of Oregon and Linn Co National Bank suspend. 21 Senator Stanford of Calf died. 2 j Lizzie Borden acquitted 23 British Flagship Victoria sank oft Trip oli. 26 Gov Al'geld of M paidons Kielden Xeebe and Schwab. zSJas Lotan coUec'-cr cus'oms removed. 30 President Cleveland CsVtlt the extra ses sion for Aug 7'h. JlLV. New ,'otk 2 Dedication Mounment a Gettysbug . 4 Fourth of Jul v. 5 Commo tore Sim OIickwood U S N diei- ed 9- 5 Capt Humphry's foot crus'.iel by rail road train. 6 Doke si York stM Princess Victors Mav. of York, married. 7 Justice Blat.-t-.foi,l M U S "aprerae Court died. 9 James Mc Muilcr. oldest :: .ri in Ky died (iged 117 io Co d storage buildings a' Woil ' Fair fall 13 VV H Enochs mem'iCr of congies 'mm Ohio died. 14 Nat Blum .. . -ted. it Young - Man - Af'ai i of-liis Horse, Sioux chief d.e1 14 104th liftlliatj of tiie f'll of th Basttle. 15 Wm Dunbcr atfrs'e ' for snuggling. t6 Reor Admiral K r Enfc'ri.h retire died. 17 James LottM arrested. IS Rear Jdmira Mci .n-ton S..itS U S N stfesL 21 Gen John G V.'a'ker L'iel. 21 Rev O D Tay lor of I he Dalles cow hided by Mis lialcomb 2j Gen Wm Vjedever ex M C Calif died 25 Vice Presidcn" S:ev.-.ion at Portland 28 Dr James C Bit-heior, eminent mason died. 31 First Nations: suspends. Ban. at The tlle At lit sr. 1 Jonn Sierheosoj.u. c:i-kno2 ear boiiber died. a Col Chas II Jones of St Lesris RepuJlic Lecomes editor of V Wot Id. j 4 Sarah K Bolton, Indian poete., ditd 1 7 Congress convents in sp-cial session. i 9 Rear Adm'-a' T A Jetikin died. I 9 Geo-pe Makepiece Toi historian dhd. : 1 1 Jo' n B Wright, manager of Fords The- rater at Lincoln's death.diec'. ArGtST. 13 Big fire at Mmreapolis. M Steamer Annie Favon wrecked on Snake River. 17 J Logan Cbipman M C died. 20 Rev Father J F Fierens. priest died at St Vincents. 23 Duke Ernes', of Saie Coburg-IJotba died. 27 Rt Rev Wm Ber.nelt Chester Prot Bishop died. 28 The Wilson repes I silver bill passed , 1 be bouse. SKITEJinKH. 1 Chas W Dar.naU. P G Master I 0 0 F Ca'if. died. 2 Home Rule bill patixs Parliament. i DrTbalcber (iraves commits suicide in Denver jail. 3 Jerome Bonaparte died. 4 K 8 Cochran commits suicide. 5 John S Dwight. musical critic, died. 7 Hamilton Fish, cx-secre'.ary s'atc U S, died. 1 1 The parliamtnt of religions convene a' Worlds Fair. 12 Hairy Minor, founder of green gcods business, died, 13 Fred L Ames. Bos'on millionaire, died. 15 Ch-rokee strip opened to settlement. 18 C n'ennial anniversary laing corner stone of canito . 19 A.exander T tiat, Canadian t'ates mnn, died. 20 Samuel Mark?, Koseburg pioneer, d:ed. 26 Albert Moore, English artist, died. 26 Odd Fellows day at the vVorlds Fair. 28 Por'lana Exposition o;ens. OONMB. 1 Rev Benjamin Jowett, English scholar, died. 2 Rev Thos B Pack, of Union T'nco Sun, died. 3 J I) Rice, of Grants Pass, killed by Black. 4 Kx governor J I! Groonie, of Md, diid. 7 Mrs 1. S'ewart, of N V cily, died. 'J Chica?" Day at the 'Vorlds Fair. 10 James 0 Heustin, former Pffgwf as'ocia'e.1 press, died 1 1 "Wedding I),tv" at Port 'and Expo sition. 13 Union Pacific R R placed in hands of a receiver. IS Ex congressman ) L Thomas, of Vd. died. 17 Marshal McMahon, f ''aris, died. 18 A g;!,500,000 fire in New Vork city. 18 Mrs Roaeoe Conkliug died iH Lucy Stone died. 18 Cnarlei (Jounod, couifoser of "Faasi" died. 20 Rev Dr Phillip SchoiT, greatest au thority on exegeois, died. 23 (en Tl'f.iriflH L Ciitd nden died. 24 Rear Admiral Walker W QMB died. 26 Tbe battleship Oregon limnche 1 26 Rev Hadatray, cuaplabi of tbe house, died. 28 Patrick Eugene l'rendergast murders Carter Harrison. 30 Silver repeal bill r asset the renufe 1W Sir John Ablrtl,ex-premi(ir of Cdn- ada, died. 30 Tbe Worlds Fair ends 31 Mayor Rinbart, of The Tlallis died. No 1!ER. 1 Stieet car plungei through Madison 6t bridge Poitlaml. 1 Silver repeal bill from senate pisses house. 4 Alexander Montgomery Calif Million aire died. 7 Christian ijcss shot ts T H Leibe and then suicides. 8 Francis Patkman, eminent historian died. 9 Piof Hagen of of Harvard, (he greatest scientist died. 9 Annie Pixley died in London. 12 YV D Shepherd G C of K of P o Idaho died. l34lUnk at Miltun robbed. 15 Gen James A Mc DomM, noted Vir ginian died. 17 Prince AlexandeF ol Battenbrrg died. 21 fery Kusk, Sec Agriculture under Harrison, died. 53 Emily E Ford, grand daughter to Noah W.btr, died. 23 Pennoyers.Thonksgiving 24 Kx governor John J .'acob of W Va died. 30 Thanksgiving Day. DccuHsitm. 2 Dunb ir found stui'ty . 2 The Earl of Warwick die 1 4 Congress meets. 4, great sccntis. lUd in London. 6 Ex-sena'or Xoiva) of Union Co died. 9 James C P. ioid. Calif pioneetdied. Nat Blum tells his story. IS A II Pullman, Bro to Geo vV died. 20 Samuel Sinrlair, noted newspaper man died. 23 Edard Stanhope ex-member En cab net Jled. 24 Henry Peltitt.K 'gllhsh dramatist Jied. -5 Christinas l)jy. 26 Kobeit C Fisber, millionahe ol N Y died. 27 State Teachers Association at Portland 25 Evans, ibe tra:n robber es apes. 29 Prendergjast, murderer of ll trrison tound guilty. 30 Sir Samuel liakcr explorer die L 31 Hon N Wheeler, sewing michine man died Items in the papers in of Oregon indicate that proving, though slowly. different parts times are im- Have you turned over a uew oaf, and will you keep it turned over The brt way is .o keep resolving to d. right the Vtar round fVmt wait f..r Vw fmwm rbu now that New Years is here it is a good time to begin. Attorney lieneral George K Chamber lain has made arrangements to locate in Portland in the law business and ill move to that city in a few day Mr Chamberlain has been a resident of Al bany for about fifteen years and it will be with rsgret the residents of 'his city sec mm go eisewnere. An eiieht foot of silver and stold quartz lias tn disx-overeU under the city r Tacoma. ad there is si lively secret ficht tt.injc on lor possession. Ao assay siioa ine iitisriz tocarrv fl.x in silver and iJ7 in jtolj per 'on. It is loratd in the center of population and a dis covered ly accident while a roan a dirging 1 fishy. cellar, raja an ex. Dvcktadl AH Kurope is talking about the decision of the Cour: of Appeals ol Holland in a case of assault by a young man who kissed an girl in a street of Ttrech:. The Judges dismissed the case, declaring that "to kiss a person cannot be an offence, as it is In the nature of a warm mark of sympathy." The au thorities of Hol'an.l areezrectinc a laree m:.. !! iniji !. T, . l ....k..tJ U .- .T s The Salem Journal tells tbe following the illustration of the character of church choirs, bat not in Albany : In neighboring town af e the new minis- - - 1 1 1 . 1 r. usiiruomwo niinost everyoooy ue m siru tne cnoir. Eunice It sav .... ao it again, ne got them all tin in front to .m. .n. il... tl. , mmmm . mi... mru i . ' anl directed a long nraver at them oar- ticalarly . He prayed rntil everylKsdy s knee-bones were sore and then asked for three or fonr others to follow in short pravers A wicked black -eyed girl who sang alto who wag si, ont and "suicu 10 go nome sam, -yesao; 1 want to get another half hour to sleep " It tickled the unregenerate "young folks' to, the meeting broke oj . circular In which be advocate law mak j OK two hours per dav the lmil of work of A disaii ii from Spokane thd each man. He hod that labor-saving ' Mc r.T.'.tri a : S;i ten bach, have made an machinery has made such progre that I signment. I hiring yestenlay afbuioon a one man i now able to do a much work uumber of judgments were obtained, and ; as twenty 75 years ago. and lie Wlieve later in the day the Citizen's National Rank instituted a claim for 10,06. The mem bers ot tbe finn went there from Allauiy. and are note-1 for enterprL-; and pul.i'c spirit. IL-t week a Bonanza young man went down to Spragtie river lo majTv a sweet young damsel and r--turned home with"ttt any buckshot hol in his coat tails. The reason why the skirts of his coot csraped o-iiiu I.-noraiei iiiie a pepper fjox. is I cause the girl's ohl man couldn't tre! a brad on him. Hetrie hanl I hard. MM such IS life in we-t. hlainalh Star. Deluded (--.(.:.. are again preparing f.r Uie near end of the world. A Battle Creek, kh ciankii ana: Ellen C Wnito. tho nio.neror Arlventism. says tbe end of worM I is fast !ipprachinjr. This was convevev to her in a ision. She cannot tell exa. t.'v ueii uie nay win come, but that it will i come soon, l he eltlers here have enjoined all who can to sell their personal effects and to go out into the world and preach the gospel- About twenty families in obedi ence B) this injunction have sold th.-ir houses and gone wi hinthe la.t month, and as many more have their places advi rtited for sale OIVI3 KiXJOY&J Both tfie method and results wi1Ci Syrup of Figs ia taken; Ii ia plensanl and refreshing to ,ho taste, tnd acts cenily yet promptly on the Kidney. Liiver and Bowels, cleanses the sy.' tem oftectually, dispels colds, head ache9 acd fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to tho stomach, jprompt In its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the man healthy and agreeable aubstazecs, its many oxcellent qualities commend it to all and havo made it the mont pcpular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for aaie b 60a and $1 bottles V all leadisg drug Biste. Any reliable druggist ho t.ay not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept anv substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRAHaiaca tin J louisvims. nr. ,''v to .f.r. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. An Ineoiue Tax. Washington, Jan 2. Advocates of the individual income tax proposition were triuinphat at the meeting of the demo cratic members of tho ways nml means committee this afternoon. Eleven mem bers were present when the linal meeting was neiu at the treasury Uepmment nt 4 0 clock. The issue was joined on two propositions; one to levy a tax of 2 per cent against individual incomes over 4HX) and against not incomes from eorporu tons,and this passed. Prttltaulr a Fake. Oakland, Cil, .'an 2. By the merest aocident a dynamite plot of which Mayor Pardee would probably have been the vic tim lias beerl "iliscovered . A Portuguese saw a piece of cardboard fall out of a woman's pocket as she left a local train at Broadwiy and Soventh street. He picked it up and on reading it found the following written upon it in a scrawling manner: ' Joh, have everything: isady when the time comes. Have the dynamite at Pur dee's office next week Everything will work. Your son, Nick. Please bum this note." A Tarsus Baak. Tacoma, Jan 2 Depositors of the Merchants National bank, which suspen ded last summer, are circularing petitions urging the grand jury to make an inves- ; ligation of the tr.anner in which the bank's ' affairs wee conducted. Charges of mis-j manavcoient are freely made. Nelson j liennett, member of tne republican na- ; tional committee, is president of th- bank. : Lay Siege. Monievidko .lan 2. Flushed with: i victory at TUge, Lie rebels are now lay ing I stem to Santa Anna do Libramento. The I ' Herald corrsspondent in Hio tends word that the steamer Magdalens, arrived there ; from j'tfnambuco, it ports that Captain ; Ba--er,"wtne Ntttheroy. has bad trouble, with his crew, ad had shot one or two. 1 1 KrrrMer rd far. I Oodks. Jan 2. The Jarvis A Cnklin Mortgage Trust Com) any commenced ! suit in the fourth district court today fir 'be appointment of a receiver nd the foie closure of mortgages for e2.0T0.C0O, with ioteret -t 7 per cent from October 1, 1891, A 1 rslar. Anacobtes, Wash, Jan i The store of J II Jmkins was entered by burglars Monday night, and tber nearly beat Jen- ' kins to death before makin him din:loe the hiding ; lace of l"J0, which they secured ! I L, TirlSMm. A'asiisnuHin-. Jan l.-lt is irenerallv agree.) amoug democratic senators that the financial imevtion shall remain untouched in congress till tb tariff bill is disposed of. Voorhee said today that no ff..irt would be made to pre his silvtr bill until the tariff is out of ti e wav. When reached, however, be thought it would prove a solu tion to the problem, li'and also announce he wil! not try to get his free-coin ge bill tip in the houe ti i the tariff bill is passed The Carlisle bond-issue proposition will also probably git e way to the tariff. s the latter is considered a matter of primary impoi'anc. and iu decision may put mat- I ters in such a condition as to make the' issuance of bonds unnecessary. After Thr Aaarrkl-t. I'aais, Jan 1. The police raided the an- arcbisl quarters in many towns of Franc ' today, seized tne forms and copy for to-! day" edition of 'be anarvbist journal. Fere ' 1'inard; also searct s. the residence of Fize i iteclus. a brother of Paul Reclut. who h Iwn missing sitce the throwing of the iu-.b in the chamber of deputies- At Havre the police searched 1 ! louses, seize! a lot of correspondence, and recovered a o'en bonds for l.VX) franc For the tneft ol these bonds three anarchists were imprisoned some months ago Cp to this' writing. :U mnflt of anarcbis's have l.m made in I'aris and suburb, and 2i at 1-jons. Ta r) Athlrtlr Cambkior. M.. Jan 1. Today tbe iiew allelic rules which are to purify Har vard athletic, wen: into effect Trier are the Seal product of nin years' work by old Harvard coscher and men who are ' kaJers in athle'.ics The primary purpose or i r.e ruie going into enect today is to purify ail individual and team athletics r" from any tirge of rnfriona!im. Tue fXUs take effect The rules are very ' ( r.ct in oening arsaieurs also debarring from the col.ege atbfetlcs all but bona runst. nasa. jau l. caar es Iksi- min. one of the best known enwirsem o the Noitbwest. has been arrested by Spe c,aJ Agent McCor. on a . hari.-e . . . r,f ln)lt. . ging opium Met oy wa sent out from - -m- ' f. isashmgton to In est urate tbe rumors of extensive smuggling said lo be earned along tbe border nortn of Spoksne a this rrt i th. it f s.;. on tviksne. and this arrest i tbe result of bis investigation. , Bod man Us been chief engineer on one ol : the boats on Kootesai Uke A Sew Mrs Kansas Citt. Mo. Jan 1. Se relary of j -"late Osborne, of Kansas, has prepared a ! tht over-production is responsible for the id eness cf millK.n todav. ttradj 1 r a u 1 Peknawbcco. Dec 31 Tbe cruiser i America is reported off shis port, and it i I said that so soon as she is re'dy to put to sea again, both she and tbe Nic'beroy will sail southward. During ihe last few davs ! tbe Nictreroy is taid lo have comple e.1 . her crew and made a I oilier arrangements necesstry to sail. It i rumored M at the two cruisers will be reinforced bv other ! vewU. and that the fleet will thnail fr ln'. and upon srrival there the shi: and ' inl f m - will make cJmbine.1 attack up.-n the IMuraeal vessels and endeavor to end tfce rebellion wilh one de'ermiued engagement. A saaaii.g aaalr. Asiii.snd. Or. lec 31. Bb W iCOX. boy IrJ or 19 vear old. was shot and seriously wounded by Dan Qoanrall. at Har- vey s Earm seven miles north of here, last eveiurg t 'on well has heen arreste-1 and ' will l.iiv- a preliminary elimination Tues- day. Both parties worked at Harvey's ranch, a so doe Conwell's wife. The report is that Wilcox either insulted or " iiurr.-;e.l with Mr t onweli. and onwell ' K.auori. mm ir u, wnen ine i ptille.1 a revolver and shot through Conwell's fhnt. the latter hred four or hve shots in return, j one (file shots taking f fleet in r cox's alxlorien. Tne doctor, say there are t chnc to ore against bis recovery . though Wiieoa is reported slightly belter tcd A Brave affair Tacoma. Dec ol. A half breed Indian named fc'rnk Sisco was thot erly this morning while atlempling to break in'o a saloon. Otbcer liiish shot him live times before the Indian was caught. A short time afterward burglars were discovered breakrng into Miller A- Grin ned' genera! store in West Tacoma. and Officer King chased tbsm. Tne burglars opened fire on the officer, and for three hlocks both pursuer ami pursued k;;t up a .unning nre at eacn otner. ine oiiicer wiis finally s'mt in the side, an I the des- I eradoes escaped. faff a last (ian Accident Vanc Ot VKIt. tt'ash. Dec 31. Vrster.iar "linn i" .i .vi iirt, an uticie ci council man Dirt of this city, and his son were out shooting near Hrti'li pra'rie a very pain 1.1 t. . . . ... iui acciueni oc'urreu. uoin men were lining through a brush thicket, the son in the lend, with the barrels of his gun cocked laying across his shoulder. A twig from a smal tree pul ed the tripgir. discharging Ihe load ol buckshot, which hit his f.i her in tbe left shoulder, inflicting aa ugly wound. t nolnrr War S.s l'ltANrisco, Dec 81. War between the Central American repu'jlics of Hondtir. BJ nnd Nicaragua is imminent (lenera M Agui're, of Jjounduras. urrived by .. Paclfie Mail s'eamer yesterday. H) s 1,0 that just piior to bis leaving, the cong" .tionuuras passed an act Riitliom.'ys j.Vsident Vasi'iue. to equip troopi and '"K 1 are war against licaia?ua his d on. A t'Llld Eujays l'nn p easant ll.ivor. gentle acti'Mi anu soothing effect o Syrup ot Figs, when in need of a laxative, and if the father or mother be costive or bilious, the most ((ratifying results follow its use; so that it Is the best family remedy known and every family should have a bottle. ROOT AND II It A NO II, tin? poison in your blood, however it may have come or whatever t.liapo it may hu taking, is cleared away by Dr. Pierce's ii(len Med ical Discovery. It'H a remedy that rousts ev ery organ into healthful action, purities and en riches the blood, and through it cleanses and invigorates tho whole system. Salt-rhcum, Tetter, Eczema, Erysip elas, lloils, Carbuncles, Enlarged Glands, and the worst Scrofulous Sores and Swellings, arc perfectly and per manently cured by it. Unlike tho ordinary Spring medicines or sar sapariliaH, the "Discov ery works equally well at all seasons. All the year round and in all I cases, it is tjunraiitetd, as no other blood medi- I cine is. If it ever fails j to benefit or cure, you have your money back. You pay only for the ;ood you get. Safe to eav that no other 1 Isn't it blood -Ctxxl ' ' urifier can be "just can be " lust as ! If it wen-, wouldn't it be sold so?l IJy its mild, soothing, cleansing j and healing properties, Dr. Sage's j Uatarrh Remedy perfectly and per- j gaaneully cures Catarrh in the Head. Aoknts YASTEnon!"aJary andCommission or THE ONLY AUTHORIZED j Biofirraphy of JAMES G. BUIU By Gail Hamimox, his literary eiecutor, with the ; . 1 of hi family, and fur Mr. Hlsmc' Compl'to Woikr, 1 TwEXTV Years or Com. res," and hi later book, "Political Hi ssiuss " One prospectm for these 3 CE-T SRLLlMo txyiki in the mar- I ket. A K P Jfrto of Me.. took 112 orden ; from tint 1 10 call. : agent' profit $19C 50 ! Mr Ballard fO. took 15 order. 13 -eai j Kuasta, in 1 ds ; proht ;..!.25. E S U ce of Mass, took 4JT. order in '2 d.: proht 1 $47.25 J Patn Ig of Me took 43 .rdr from 36 call; pr.itit $75.25 K A Pa'mer I N. Usk. 53 o-drrsin 3 days; profit 9US.25. Kx lisivr TrakiroRT ai'en. It ytiO wish to make LAJttiE immxiiately for term to iHnp Bill fyb. Co..niirh.fooi i OR SANDsCN'B iLECTRIG BELT sin 1 aaniwn' WITH tUCTBC- NArjiETi: susrtlsosr BIST l r. .... w 1 wsr XFikix nl 1 us rew SM'Ui r l LaMU s 4 TVtA r turwi v 1 .- Sfw. rlSjUJI'itay ! Tim t li-lp'it U .it .t t.., I3t m - sk 1 . . '.'Imsi!i lui I 1 . 1 1. . I"-- a tt4-3'v4i ft leay.s ssts ja r tX a Sks Sc rWsl II r ! tiSl TSH f -it ' . . - s r - fi-'fisiBti " t r lss-t ar-t tfiu ewari ! iillll;alfviM.ii) 5srtk ... -i-! twm-t tak- !. tafsaM. frssaw A&Crssn aAJrDKN BZsC7niC CO.. Mcw.Ta First St.. PORTLAND. QE. Star Bakerj I or r wclsxltslst ssnsl Klrsl Hi- CCK8D tWlF, FF.CPRIE1CR. .i. U rrn l. 'ssaia atf, rlrd mUm. Tsbarro, sagssr, ::., Kta,. asafl sir liaeesiasrari Vegetaklra. " ltfe. T. tie.. '-- arylk. tkal 1 kef .r rttj sad frTj .. llvtft soartct nc fmua for AJ.L KINDS Oi' PRODUCE WANTED At the stote Allen Bros., rrle DJli Hit, EGGS, LARD, BAGOIST, and GE0IC3 APPLES, for which I will par lh l-rt casl pnre possible, 8 F RAMP "wawaawsaw TV tiai kit, n.n. lc',, sa!en. cats tfratatts rr th j lT?Lawr Wtsal tttattsfcat. M ris. Dr. IlillerMii-HuIlK,,. Th N..tnl OtlrToyai.t ard Life KVkkr. is noa rwr. n,l rn S foun.l at bar twhtcti-, wil Jv J U O.OK1I1V Kb Irlla mUvt all u' u I nrrwnl sn.l fulurr- Iot tmublta, slarnt frici!s and huslm w. Vou canhrar fmu scur draJ I Notice of Diseolution Notice is hereby given that the firm of r Sendeis A; Co heretoloie doinit biil nr.. i .:uuer ...c nrtn name oi vernier ,v Lo has this day been dissolved, Mr Adolnh Send ers retiring. The new firm srtl be cam posed oi Mr Ed Schmeer and James Cal lahan who will continue the business, anl will collect all amounts due !hc old firm and pay all lis debts. AuoLril SstNnRs SCBataUUt, FARMERS LISTEN. Se have a fine lot of fresh grass seed, of nlmos: every kind, Including cheat, and we wan I iufi It. Come and see us. STEWART iS: SOX NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY UIVEN THAT THE UN. denilsiied has filed his Anal aociunt in estate ol Emellne E Ilasbrourk, deceased wun vne county ciora 01 Linn couutv, Gtwjna nd tht the county court ot said Linn county has flvwl Saturday, th ISthday ot January, IHtw: ,'tthe hour of 111 o'i.Io. 1c III th. f. .r..i ., ... ' ' .... . . the county court house as tho iila.i t. 1 Bf tn Bana ol onjection llany toaid flnl count saw me aeitienieiit oi aaid estate. Dated lxjMniber 14th, 18S4. W R BILYEIT, O W WRK1I1T, Admin d Saui non cuiu AttytorEsWU. tcatacisntoannexo. PAIN, CURES SPRAINS, BRUISES, Reduced . from "A Grtalut ef at! The foremost men c! the 1 ne j ol contcmpontneus activity lor THE TORLAl. Eer (reat su'j;t Is taken u? bj Th Forum when It nsturallj COO) Isle public attention and is treated bjr t:-.c best authorities, aithout regard to parties or creeds. It ottl seep an. ti.oughttul reader informed oa the tasks and preklsais ol Ut time, as M o'.htr psstsslsfsl does. To many IfcllSHlltflll psopte. tfce price of The Forum fas hitherto been pro bibitor j ; InJccd a!l tt :;rcat liew have been too hish in price lor the masse of intelligent readers., o"'. no Oss number ot readers tit thoujhtiul literature men and women who wish really to know what is soin on in the world out side the narrow limits ol parli.alar cU and parties - is great enough in the United States to wTOlt .o revolutionary a reduction In price. The Forum discusses important aubircts. but it ii not out!. The literature ol contempo raneous activity is. In tact, the mist interesting -l all literature. American I III I Sttlp Implies that a man -shjil krw the o;:n;ons A the foremost men and the latest great achisscmcnu in every soractaSB ot activity. SIZE AND QtALITY UNCHANGED. The Foram i now as cheap as the mrrs2:e8 cT mere ertertalnBeut. THE CHEAPEST. THE LARGEST. THE BEST, OF THE GREAT SEVIEWi The Forum Publishing Company, Urriosi Square, New York. 25c. a Copy. $3 Vcar. The B-it Shoes S5, v as- v-j i irs frfi t 7 Vassal. 5 if L. DOUGLAS fc!-oes arc aat: faction at the price advertised than any vinced. The starry ing of V.. L. Ti guarantees their va:-.e, saves thousands t ( Dealers who pesh the sale of W. L. 1 Increase the sales on their full line of cc assd v. b!!- yon wn uis wer It. r-- !e bv 'm a yh. ,fck ml.--- nnsa-rw -' I This KTffiBrSr:s T"trii if inn - ------ - " rr " V! W. LEBLAIN CLOTHING CO. FORTMILLER & IRVING rndertakers I : t d s fmtt k a o tctia! tote rdsi;'. hi which will be sold at Tits? I.o Meal l.llr.- PreSts. EMBALMING rd '' ?raTtcit cf the dead a specialty HO EXTRA ALBANY, - rAFCi FOR - MASONIC The Oregon Land .'ie Gray J'fcc'fci MAKE? a specialty of :unnvside fruit tract ruar Salero Will sell "i. 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 yT ere sjjial 1 cash payment !i time on balance or pa'ttic .ila.s. CIGAR J. JOSEPH. 'AHOLEbALE OdIj White Labor Bmpioysd NEW My sruitK t . f n am sats F ruu amirs'. I. BOTTOM MEAN BUSINESS. ill soli all crrc korv ware and holiday goods at COST- Here are some prices Lamps, wort!; 50c for 'Jr cents; lamps, worth $2 00 for $1.00 flips And saucers :T to 10 cents a set; pla'es, 40 cents pei set. Everything else iii proportion. Cf .11 on me and you-will not bs deceived. J. t'HE I .Ktlinti PIIOTOIiKlPHt V JL 5) SC a y f Z " MIMatmaU m hi RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, SWELLINGS, BURNS. 50c. to 25c. a Copy, $5 to $3 a Year. orum cur rtricdUatt." or id write the lit.-ratura W, L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE $4 and S3.50 Dress h S3. 50 Police Shoe, 3 Soles! S2.50, S2 for Workingmen $2 and 81.75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES 33, S2.50 82, $1.: CACTIOS-U aaay de Hers you W. L. Dooeti abor at m redaeI i rir or say ho kas larm wltk I n isaroe ataicpedl (Ata buttons, put html down sva "Ish, easy fitting, ar.d give bette her make. Try one pair and be cos o ra:ne and price on the bottom, whtct .-- srnurv '.3 t! - wear therr-J Ji'ioes train customers, which he'.rs ti mr ; o m-: at a 1 r r r f 1 f-al.r ' -: 110t. Ct.lS, ! -.. Ms c rl . l :h ; r d o! casket ai u;-lr"ri. i-r.oilsm.i HEARSE OR SERVICE , TEMPLE, - - CR.EGC! a-. ORii'G-O sie street, tiranc1 -Z.ce u PortalSasl FACTORY Proprietor RETAIL UPN1TURE, - 7 0PrUtS.T-t HT.NTTUUF. CONSISTING ooea. tc., which 1 will sell ai PRICES. Thos. Itrink. Gradwohl. Cabinet photos from $1.50 to f4.tx per doxen. Bnlaiglng pictures a specialty. 16x30 crayon; franitd for $10.00. We --arrv a large stock of 5x8 ami steresco'.'''- views of Or- KS, vil'J" . Ladies: The Secret Of a Fair Face lis a Beautiful Skin. Sulphur Bitters Will give you A lnvlv 1 Complexion. JL J! Ban , kkun for best UKwlval work j.'.i. H. R. IITDE. tr. n. I0INDIXOEB 4LBASY ! coi iraltimoR IJIofk, - - iMfcg, re. F U R IN ITO E complete line of idertaki:c -Va all ' raffa ff - EMBALMIrV0 h,. V orar 3rd V .:.? oxs Notice for Publicatioi D S Land Orriii at Urxcon Cmr. Jtrty IStn, lS9Si Notice i herebr given that in coccJ with the provision of the act ' congress ot June 3, 1S7S, entitled v. iuc taic i'i tiniDcr .ard in tl tase ot ai:Icrr:a, Oreeor. Nevada al ' W I ....... "f -. 1 f . man. 05 rticany, toantv of Unri.sat- of ; Oregon, has this day awes in this cTce ( his sworn statement No ;SS9. for 'ne Ps-r-chase of the S of S E j and S ij of W i of Section So 16, in Township N0J0 l South. Range No t. East, and will of er ; proof to show that ihe land tour ht Ms m. re valuabi ; f r its Ut ber or stone tn , f-r agwculture par;oses. and to esta ii.h h:s data to said land before the Register arc Receiver of this orfice at Oregon ! City, Oregon, on Tn sTar tne 6:h dav of j Jebtuary, 1S94. 'c names as witnesses: M t Colosin. of Green Basin. Oregon, t John ra:ey, of Green Basin Oregon C H j lVilrimple, of A bacy. Orgoe., and F t j Ho m.f, of Alban , Oregon . Acy and all ; persons c.sirstir.g sats easels' the aboves urscrtoea .ancs are rvejues ed to file their claims tn this otice or. r before said 6ih day ol February. iSa. KAMlLLta. Ergister. Notice for Publication. I". S. Lad Once, Oxccox CTtt. Or. 2cd, 1S93 " j Notice is hereby ulven that in eompli ; anoe with the provisions of the act of fortress of Jons 3, :S7S, ent;Ued"An act for tne sale of s.nibtr laads in tha spates 0 Ca tfornt. Ores n. Nevada and Was inKton Territory." as extended toal! the : public land states by act of August 4 !. Praocis L Holt rJ Aibanv. eoun.v or Linn statof Oreson, has this dav file i io this office ois swvrn statement N . is' : 'or the purchase ot the southeast !. of I saetion 5io i5 in township No 10 H ratine No 6 eas , and will offer proof to show tint the laud so ..gut is more valuab for its timber cr stone ttisn for agricultural purpose, and 10 erublish his elaim t sam !anu i - names as said land b-t re the Retiist?rand Receiver mw ai 'rec tiy ; Or; on Tuss stn day of Kebruarv, 1SSH; Ho s witnesses; C H nal rtmnu. Albert E Holmes; . V Acants: a ink' ; all o." Albany. Or. Any and ai! persons' e'ain ing sirerealy tha above leacribed 1 lands are requested to ti'e their elaiuia in S this o(Hc" am or bjfore sad tUh dav ol ' February; 1$M. KotlKRT A MlLLBK; I Register. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THE KB ha thus Jay ktSBl llntJ admin isttKr ilh lh will aanxvl ot the tata uf f asuti S.ouuwril!. decvasej, by the .vunty cwort ,j Uan CAMuity, ttrtwaa, and alt sasaaaa aamie claim against said eatata am herebr rtT liiirtJ to prrasnt th asm iulv TriSvl ta" bm at c-.y tome about six Hamsbari Linu sawaty, Orvj n, within six laoatha from th dat, Uateil Pei-imbei 5th, 1S9S. anas TE CSIMES. - J !22s. , aaaUnsstsato, Atty or A.ln.m . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. IksfOtrai IS HEREBY OIVEX THAT THE CJ. taasafaal have been artKHnted administrator of the eatate of L Gerhard, late ot Linn county Or deceased. All persons bavin claim against ' aaiil eatate are hereby required to present them duly Termed as by lw leuired to th uirtlersigned at Ooryalii. Otsaaa, within six month from the da'eheteit. Dated thi stth day ol Nevemrxr. lsa LEO GERHARD. . . . . HEJiRY G ERH RJ W eathertor,! Jt Chamberiam, AdmirurtritiT. Attys for Admin. , D. ii.Uavik J r WE wAJsT YOtjTO WORK FOR US thus makiua .OO $35 OO tEK WEEK. Paries (tfn500 furnish a horse aud travel through tbe coun try ; a team, though, ia not necesaarv. A fw vacaocias in tc was and ciuee. Spars hoars may t e used to good ad.antage. 8 F JoUKB'v J Co. 11th and Main SU, bVchmonj, Va.