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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1894)
tijhB MOfra VOL XXIX. Entered at the roi Offlre at Albany. Or., a Hee ouit-t 1m Mnll Jlrt;cri ALBANY,ORLGON, FR1DA1, JANUARY 5, 181)4. tite A mitim., Publishers east Proprietors: T TrI URSTDAY" for Infants and Children. IHXRTT yaarV otTTatioa of Caatoria with tho patronage, cf salUlon of pmoii, permit n to poak of it without gnatng. It i uqwetinnahly tho ht remedy for Infant Mji Children the world Jjmm ever known. It is haraal . Children like it. It frlwea them health. It will tT their live. In it Mother have sothing which N ahsolwteJy safe, and practically perfect a a j child' Medietas. Caitoria destroy Worm. Caatoria allay FeTeri ihn a. Catoria prevent vomiting Soar Card. Caatoria rare DiarrhcBa and Wind Colic Casteria relievee Teething Tronhlee. Caatoria cum Constipation and Flatulency. lentraliae the cffaot of carbonic acid gas or poieonon air. aria doe not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotic property. toaetoria ---"wtcs the food. Tegnlate the etomachjandJbowal. riving healthy and natural aleop. Caaloria i put np in one-le bottle only. It is not eold In .twist. Pan't allow any one to 11 yon anything el no on tho plea or promise that it is jnst a good " and " will anwer overy pnrpoea." Soo that yon got C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. The Mew.ut & Sox Hard wte Co began business to day Matter the new naim. . A iWiyaltli In a New York paper read that the Oregon Pacific wai bid in lor $i 200,000; why the mhtfake, A farmer sa'd to us tho Other div, " with the wheat crop ould prove a fall tire this vear in some af the eastern Mate w're-e '.lie people are better able to stand the loss than the pec pl: of Oregon, so th.n e could get a decent p'ice for ours," .ialfin Independent. Selfishness hv the a-ho) Stale, A boy by the tiatM ol AMerson. who lives in I. inn county, about five Htttea from Coivalils. accidentally shot himself Tues day while on: hunting. The load from the gun took effect In the lit'11 hand and It was found necessary to remove the in dex finger. The member waa also other- vise considerably wis rc:lng easily . about 1.1 years o d Injured, tut it Inst recount the laaf . lie is gaatori down tho ad Uba i iii the the !:- this was in the Cor t'119 Tho fac-siaaile Children Crv for 31tnhrf fntttn. I a. I HZIIXjkBsninaaWaSBinTavrBraBWaniaB gof - T " SH AWashbum. Judge Sti-ahaa i his uoon Samuel Nixun. city lodK. Thos Zusman, i ity today. C L WcJverhm wont t. noon on log business. Ex-Sheriff J K Charlton ity today on liia way to Bttttn. J I. I'nderwocd ard family, o vallis. ar. visiting Albany iriends. Marshal Fleet C O Lee retnrue.l I Boon from a trip t.) Pols county. j Mrs M I Monteith is in the citv. tue I guest of bee father. A li Mcllwain. (ieorue Alexander, the popular editor ;i of lh I.ebai.on Advance returned home ti!ay from a trio to r.ugene. Miss Myrtle Miller and Rett K vVest broofc, o- Albany, attended the bmmM rade ball last Monday '.'or v a! I is News. Wz V I' Husey. of Rarruhurg. Iann county, t 'r-'r. n. an 1 S: i -s II C Sn.ljjras, of Lane c.iunty, Oregon, were married at Kupene on the eveniiiu' of Dec 26. 1893. G Tl Weimer. past r of the church of Christ. oSiciating. They have the beat wishes of manv fri-'n l in the two . em- tie.. MISFITS aad Good Enough? Then call cn thp undersigned for jour GROCERIES for they are the best in the market Alto a fine line of crockery and toys for produci the holidays. Perry Conn Good Times. The way to have fnem is by getting your HOLIDAY GOODS H. EWERT. B bat Sm stock of gold r.d tilrer men'n and iadio watciiw, rinpii. gold beaded caw an eleeant line of silverware and jewelry of all kinds to select fr tm C all on hir ' $r reliable goods at prices to suit the times. One effect of the present time trade closer to a CMB b;ui' tin fon. The records at eolkn foot ball tho that one more man is needed to complete the eimipniAnt of a team. It needs a tnaplain. All men in dariijer of death ate entitled to the beneM of clergy. Ej. The paiers are pivinir plentr of GhOgoa Pacific advice. The Salem ournai tan: The only way to ran the Oregon IV. i:. raiircad is for the government of Oregon to tike hold of it. with a receiver who will treat it as a public thoroughfare conducted in tlie interests ci the r.ii!e. Attorneys tiest aad Fay hove leen dropped from the O P pay roil . Good. The comjiany will run the lloap on the Willamette, asd even thinjr will bt r.e bel rock rat;s. 5!r ifadley has!i tise animal by the horns, and If be keeps np what he proposes lookout for goo-.l result. It will take rustling-. Now is a good time to help the poor. Tlioee in good circumstances instead of doi og evert thiuz themselves should r to- p ioy tboee in need of wot k- Let the right ki, ul of charity prevail. A c.'Teepoodtnt warns to know the oririn ' the phrase, "He isn't in it." An -at editor eavs that the eipres ron was C"at useii bv an editor who died and went V heaven, and looked around tor Mie man "i-o to itc paper anu reaa it three jea: I then rcfuied to pay for it. v Governor Pes Bmt is denounced red ho for IU. ec-nt decla ation that 240.0CO people in' Orron have no em ployment at.d 120 Bav no irK-ans o: suppor: Speakir: X abonl b?:ng a father lie is setting a very ' eiamp.e to t lie rising (feneration."' Oie mrii who chang ed his b ys name to sv'vetter IVnnoycr may loos out for an ii Terkin. The E I how I 1 tJTet- have Un made ihero for selling ! iqner V Indians, at a cost of $1..V;2.44. b 'axdarto make ex tra fres only one man is arrested a day. A Yamhill countv n:m asxl woman don't take mu h stock in each other, li C Stock advcrti'O that he will j ty no debts con tracted by his wife; ai. o! in the column Mn 1 Stock announct- that hewillpav none enntr EM bv Hennan Sto:k. The contract for cajTviu g the srail frriu Springfield to Foley sprin f in Lane coun ts', has been let to :: rv- ,-iileut of Kast'is, Florida; from Kiigene to I 'loretice. to a San Francisco man; from Eagi me to Franklin, to a Cbicago man; from F.ueto Bhadaw, to a Kentucky man. This watnds rather funny The men sublet t oe cwitnut. f'vo Dak(ta mc-n mot on the ftieeti of Salem the other dav. when tie immniatn ly broke loov- to his friend ab..ut tlw hard times. "Why." be said, "'this- is A lie!! cf a countrv. I came hro Cor work, and ( enU a dav is the most 1 have Ix-en abie to earn for the ):mt three montli." "Well. said ins mend, that is jn-t oena a oay more than a man can get in Dakota, ko e shouldn't find fault " Salem .lournal. The uigumenls in reference to the ap pointment of a receiver were completed last night. The attorneys arguing for a change of reoeiver were H II Uowitt, Wal iis Nash, Judge Itronaiigh, Judge Struhan anil Jadge Hryson : those against were Judge McFadden, J K Weathe'rford and Mr QadJey himself. Alloniey-tieneral Cham berlain made no suggestion on the subject, but insisted that all claims lie on a like footing. At nine o woo tuts morning court was convened, nut mo nrst case was ona con cerning the title to some land. The audi- nieiue waueu linpaiieiitiv iiuring tue nour and u half thus consumed. Tho judge then took up (he question of u re-sale of the Oregon Pacific. On advice from Judge llryson; attorney for the Farmers' Loan and Trut Company, the time for fixing fhe date of sale was set for February 1st. I'l l' judge indicated that ho thought tho latter part of May would lie good time f ir the sale. The question of a new receiver was taken up. The judge reuiarkrd that he had ap pointed Mr Hadlev, in the first place, on his own belief in liis fitness for the posi tion. He admitted that Mr Hadlev had com nutted many errors, but attributed them to his leg. J and other advisers. Ad rnittad that the road had run behind every month simi he took charge of it. Said that Le did not believe any one could oper ate :t without loss. That he thought Mr li.idicy qmU and would operate it as eco nomically as any one. That in the matter of attorney's fees and expenses then had loen extra vag-anee. That it should not oc cur again. Fhat he was of the opinion that it would he better to close the road ! ''cn. but that the strong sentiment against siub a course p-eventd this ;ution. In i oni !u?io:i he said that he did not know what was the liest course to pursue and had OOnoalted others, and that they were as much at sea as himself. His decision was that lie would hold the question of Mr ll.uUev's removal under consideration until February 1st, and give him time to make full and complete reports of the financial condition of the receivership. We are not advised what the men in tend to do. but understand they feel that the judge ha.s ignored their wishes so completely that there .is nothing further to be looked for from him If the men were wilting to take the chance of operating tue road under Mr Miller ami not under Mr I'adley. and were willing to take the receipt whatever tbey might be. we can see no good neasoufor not notapljiiia with their request. It must be that there is some reason be- mmi tins action t the judge which is not aptvirent to the ordinary observer. ii.e: is a strong feeling that Mr Hadlev I has l-een tried and found wanting, not ; perhaps so much in his own personal con-, duct as in permitting Muicahy to run things in an extravagant manner. The bed will have to be made of it. Ir Had lev will have an opportunity to show what sUiff he is made of. He should do this by not using discrimination, and surrounding baraadl by i-omitent men with the interest of the employes, at heart. Will he do it? Puring the present urlministratien tlie roadbed has len placed' in" good condition, with a large stock of ties etc on hand, and the rolling stock greatly improved. It is said one engine was repaired at a cost of $'1J00 when it w.l- jot needed at all. It is ' barged that it was tho plan of the land holders to get as much material and im provement as possible without paving for it. to be wiped out by tho sale of the road at this time. As a sample the company got in on the Santiam Lumbering Co alone ' r f-s io j ,,,;her- up the ru-i f r .r - mu ua i there is now huge quantities o! ; the material unused. How have the men i FEIDAY Yesterday afternoon at a meeting. of O P employes it was decided to continue work until the first ot February at least. No nioro material will be furnished though unl.-ss the moaey is is in sight. While there is some wood in sight there is no, enough to last yery long. The outlook is not the lieatfln the world ; but generally there is anthin after the heaviest clouds. The Corvallis Til es double leads the following, which is wr.rth even slugs: At the moment of going to preiot the Times learns on ositive autberi'y that heneforth Receiver Hadley will charge ncthing for his services as receiver. Never before in the history of Benton county was as lunch legal talent 'repre-ent. d in Corvallis as on Tuesday-last, fhe pro-fes.-ion was represented by the most brilliant lighte of the Ortgou bar a well as sor e of those from the ea-tern states. Inside the bar of justice which separated the fraternity from the laity, sat three ejrjdges of the su preme bench, three ex-circuit judges, the attorney-general of Oregon., two senators and one representative of die last legisla ture, besides four judges, Af Hie proliate courts, and other .ibUMsW UtRutVra. --Corvallis Times. The O PU to sn orphan inderd No f:i ' . 7 n . .1 liar Kmmm' f -1 1 .... . . , , v iii .1,. . -v. i-i . v, , iu ii iriiu ; j stent lowhrre and end nowheie and j It futiie tetj, i rcitIr. Sii'on sn. Another big hous?. The Irish were on top. The carnival bad evening was about as ! lively as a Chicago stock exchange meeting. me orogram gotten up by Mrx A Mart. ! and I i .ra Ma - m and K!la was a savory dih. An overtuie set Ireland on ! the move, llert Van Cleve sang "The 1 tower y Gremnliers," with a practical iilu tration. Encnied. Mr Arvh Hamuu-r was lieard in 'Wearing of the invn," which was well dore. "Tlie Linen Ped dler" a live Iri-h coinedv was presented by Hert Van Cleve. Will i Jalbraith. M Me Farland. Miss Flora Maon. Liliie Fanril and Lattk Ketchum. It took. Rev Pri b anl sang Kilsrnev. Mis. Hehn Crawford reail ane of Tom Moore's lst poem.-. Mis.. Liliie Farrell mvive.1 an encore for her presentation of "Kinging the Bells for Sarah." The grant! march closed the pro gram. The booths were well patronized, and several new feat -ires were noticed. The . larnival i- proving tue greatest success of the season. Tliose who attend get a world's fair of enjoyment at bust on a small scale The Americans will furnish the program tonight. It promises t le one of tlie lst of the week. Among other attractions will I music bv a guitar quintet, a comicfl recitation by Hugh TUher. perhafie the wonderful Italian bear, and an elegant series of Amen, an tableaux. It will be a patriotic evening and every bo iy should be present. Following is the program in detail : Music by the orchestra. "Columbia'' by Audience. Southern Melodies bv Colore.! Trio. Hecitation by Hugh Fisher. Old Black Joe. Oil McCulUgb. iuitar (Quintet. Whistling solo, by Walter tMk. Solo, by Mrs I....:,-,- Ieclaratio:i of lndcindcnre "From Federalism to Freed m."' Sleeping Oiri. MiM Xina Calbraith. Ooddes of Sleep, by Mr Bodeker. Isbleaux Iark Ages. America .lis- itivereJ. Priscilla, John AUIen and I'n- ;l;a. who have fumLshe-l these things to live 1 V? V""-.' ltL.1 S" 1-si'tenU tl- e unable to get their m ;nev j "r 01 .untou " Mavea. now thai thev are and other work is scarce. Mr H i'iley can make a record as a re ceiver if he will knuckle down to business it the riaht war. arn:val of Nations. The receipts for the three nights been f210. of which fil'2- was taten the dour at I cents admission or 51 cents and -vi at the booth. in ati u"n Remember the poor. The Oregon Pacific i at low tide. Corval is will have a skating rink this winter. 10 cents at'mUkion, 15 cents for skates. The meeting of the college Y M C A beginning at tnls city on the 6th promises to be a successful one. '51 s'udents sre expected in attendance. Receiver llad'cy should do his level bst to pay the rra'eHal men up the fc'sn tiani at leai-t psrt of their claims. This will be only human, for many are in ac tual need. Samuel McCoon died nt the residence of hi son, tiosmer P McCoon, yettercfay mctnlng, in San Iliego, aed 91 yesrs. He sr-as the oldest Kr.-e Mas n In tne United States, having been admitted In 1S23. It I icportrd from the head office at Corvaliii aat ihe Willamette Valley, w hic has been under atlchment st San Kranclsco, has been released and wid sail for Newp .ri on next Sunday. In ihe recent Woodbum fire the North-w-est Insuraaca Company carried I7000 Insurance, the State, of Salem, f 1S00, and the Farmers and Merchants, of Albany. 8600, the latter being on the bui.dlng ct'l' A Cochran. The Midwinter Fair id be opened on Jan it. It wiil be '.he greatest even", ot the kind in the history of the coast. -People st.ou'd go who can afford It -. but don't be evtiavagint la the matter. Rev Edward Kigby, chap ain of the house Is only 2S year's of age. He offers short. pointed prayei. ard when he preaches it is In the live foot bail rush of the day. from the shculder rs well as fiom ihe hesr:. An early rloslng movement to b:g!n next week Is in order smong the sores, (iiv e the clerks chance a, well at ihe m-rrrants There I little butiness done after 7 o'clock, and such a move helps everybody affccitd by it J M Wa Ute, II V Wallace and J M Kyle have bought thed:tch running from the Saotiam river to Salem and incorpor ated under t5.i.o00 stock. It wil1 b known as the Sidney Company and is in tended as p St for the Salem Water works. tjdd A Reeds Bruadmead farm In Yam hili covtn'i sat the Hlilsb. ro Indepen dent, Is pc:has the most valuaSle tract of land In 1'ic sta'e. There U under cultiva tion j-oo aires of land besides what is used fot pasture. It is said that St.ooO,- 000 h been spent in the purchase and improvement cf the place. The report comes to us fiom Oikville thai a number of young men there psr no attention whatever to the game law but are daily killing Chinese pheasants. Our information Is vessr reliable and no one 1 ced b su-prfsrd if s few arrests are msde in lest local'tr. It is said the officers of the law have both eves open just now. Prof Mitchell, of the Scio schools, fa in the city. II B Keniston, cf Halser. was in the city : , Boy Bother, the well-known mining' in ventor of t orvaili-. was in the city today. Miss Alma SU-rv. of Portland, is in the sity. the guest of Mr D B Monteith. Mr Arvh J'JnKm. cashier cf the Scio hank, was doing Albany yesterday. Mrs Jerome Williams went to Portland yesterday on account of the dangerous l inear tf her sister. Mr Carlton Sox. of this citv. row snend- ' -''- n .. M :- ; r-;-' H the College Y H C A of Standford Fniversity J . lurarartt. travung 1 M t A secre tary, was in the city tlav making ar rangements for the annual o 4 lege conver. SATURDAY" CHOARIVIVAI, NATION A packeil hotis' Was the result of the fourth night of Ihe Carnival of Natkns. It has taken the citv by storm and scored a sueows not antici pated. L ist night .,ver 20 tickets wre sold for the galleries. Kvery reserved seat M taken. There must have been GOO peo ple in the building. The program furnish ed by the Americans was of an entertaining nature. Columbia resounded thromh flie hall. The colored trio were encored upon presenting some live Southern melodies. Hugh Fisher declaimed humorously about a courtship scene, llert Chamberlain and Herm Swart did the liear ad in great style. Ihe guitar quintet. Misses Hattie Ball, Amelia Senders. Frank Powers. K E (ioff and ) C -McKarland. were heard in a choice selection. Tlie most wonderful thing of the week was the whistling solo by Mr Waiter Kliis.donc in the throat. It was a marvel cf skill as well as a great natural fatuity. A double encore resulted. Mrs Ingilon was lieard in a patriotic solo. Of course it was good. Jmdiee Newport read an original declaration of indepen dence that contained some han iioint rrom 1 reed mi, a scries of fflustritted tableaux wa one of the prettiM things of the week. Miss Xina ialbraith as a school girl studying her histor went to sleep assisted by the soc-thing wand of thelJoddess of Sleep? Mrs Kedeker. who recited with fine elocutionary effect the in cidents which brought out some beautiful tableaux scenes of tlie dar ages. America Discovered. John Aldenand Priscilla. Ring ing for LlU-rty. and ieorge Washington, when the sleeping girl awoke and Miss Hattie Qsftndk as ttw UoMessof Liljerty in a modern -cene took the wand. The grand nianh of the carnival of nations aaaed tlie program, and a live market aeene followed in which ti? different booths vied with each other for supremacy. The total receipt- were swelled to ar prox imately f:tuo. A Idl lot was taken d r's the evening on the btt represented booth, and while it was soruewhv. of an Sectioning anair. tne res-ju is satistactorv. for patriot ically we all like to see Am7ica oa top. Vote, ' A merit -a. 15s ; Japanese. 61: Ger many, SC; Indian. 55; Ireland. 46; tiypsy. Coon reiuet of manv tha nnhl wiM t continue.' one night, ami a program has ien preiored. sele b-l from the thrw nigi.U. for to nighu Carnival, to whhh 15 cents will almit one; reserved seats, at Mc- r arland A Hodges. Following L the sab- stance of Le pogram : Duet by Mr unci Mis Swart. Bowrrv UrenaiJir. hv Itert Van !.-ve and Awaard .Viud HOIAB AMD To-morrow dotes the record of i83. h lot ot household furniture for isle enquire at the Ladies Bazaar. Feed for sale. , Bran and chaf, at low prices. CH on A B Mcllwain. Call at A B Mcllwain's for bargains in boot and shoes. The best men' shoe in Albany for $1.35, elo tn ladler, for the same price. Thin or gray hair aad bald Vads, so displeasing to many people as maids of age, may be averted for a long time by using Hall's Hair Renewer. Jefferson mills flour is the best fancy pstent roller process. Every sack guar entecd For sale by A B Mcliwain at 7o cents a sack . The stste board of equalization have increased the assessment on town lots In Linn county 10 pei cent; that oh horses sr.d mules is decreased 10 per cent and on cattle increased 5 per cent. We are get ing tired . The Albany Democrat says the Oregon I'acifi.- is tlie all adsorbing topic. So no doubt the bondholders, whose money, to the aggregate of soar fifteen millions, it absorbed, thins. Slem Statesman B big revival has been be iron at the M b CfetlKb in Eugene. Last vear iii fasted several moths, resulting In 362 con version. Irt a caid the pastor says "So one can 'eh how long tliey will continue this yesr. One sfe-- in tfe A O C W order for the month cf January. Whole num ber in Oreeon S776. "increase durint- rroith of November 172. Who'e number ol n i-mbers in good standing in the cider Oc'ober 1. ibot. was lltasO. A B Mcllwain sells four or.e pound papers ol fresh roast coffee for it.oo. aid S pounds of granulated sugar for ft. 00, no 20 pounds ot extra C sugar lur fi.oo : gallons Pearl coal oil for 75 cents; sack of best pa'enl floor 70 cents. All gxxS guaranteed first class. lllr "A? oM m tho hills" and never excell ed. "Tried and proven" is the verdict o f millions. MmmoiiB Liver Regu- y labor fa the hPrrP Jonlj Liver JCtfC Kidncy medicine to Tha, n Pills which you ean pin your faith for a care. A mild tive, purely etable, ing directly on the Liver and Kid- Txyit, laxa a n d veg-act- An entire new progra-n Every night. That is t ,e order at Carnival of Na tions, Lait night the Germans fur n'.shed an excellent program under the superintendent cf Mrs Overman and Miss Eva Simpson. The orchestra ae re ceiving many favorable comments lor the music furnished. Mr Collins Elkins in a very taking makeup gave a recitation t aai piacoo. mm riign in nr miration m " af ssswsnsd d Tan e audience. Herman and llu oertlia s . . ... ,r j Desi-rves a Pessiox. - I tar.iel Harris erf ; Sheridan i a survivor of the Mexican war. j He served seven years in the 1'nihs.l States ; run and was off the coasjt of Mexico in i 1 ! . He was an ahU Aaman on the frigate j "Potomai " of 64 gun, and witnessed the combined attack of the land and naval forces upon Vera I'rux. The I'otomac's guns helped to latter the wails of the fi.rt- l!r. t.en rsoott commin lcl the 10,'?0ij soldiers !ande.I . . ' ''C11 SOU, iu im wu ,.v fh. .;. sr,I t IVrrv Ai IT;, I - ' a ' irlmn arTn-ritin. tta-movements of the fleet. I mie Han ZuL" a, 1 vPSir.n .I' 6s of age. and time has not dealt as ZlLll etclhi I hrM nTSr htlv with him as it might have done. 1. f;X:!' "c-'i h-!I!!" l- f:ffi though he Is .till cheerful and happy. Mr i it t.atiuil - . ic: irvrBv i-rt o m tui aevs 4 it ' - - -- - - - -" - j IlsUit" Pi'lUtVli (MIUIK IVUre IV ' 'IVa"i: PA-RONIZE, HOM INSTITUTIONS. I FARftflEBS k M UNCi W, i I !, Oregon. - l-'aturday was the liltjat daw we have had for sis months. To cut it short we will pay that over difficulties. Messrs fsagliml An oaraOn and Elias i'enland h;id a norxl old fashioned fight and it camo new Win; nn all-around one. but it ended with blood. Mr Anderson is an o'd num. Tl vc.'irs old, but if you think he aint blood.?)', do not tell him so. Hitrrisbur Courier. Tho citv council of Ashland has passed another trainti law bv whii !i oattatat people known us tr;unpshall U worked in the . . i ..e l. L i nam L'ariL-. anu 111 li-' i." i'-iw-u mp nuih. to te "kept iu close confinement iu the city iail on a diet of bread and water until Id shall be vrillinir to work." Ashland Reitfird. Even trainns now a day. are en titled to ncmetllillg better than bnad anil water. talent elocutions ri'y . Bert Van Cleve and L'l'y Karreb, as tramps sang a duet, heartily greeted A tableaux of a gypsy camp with arrest followed. The grand march of all the t.ations, a feature that will be repeated each night, and a very interesting one dosed the program. Those who did not go to the great w orlds carnival are paid by attending this local one, that costs only 15 cents to en ter, and more, but not very much before you get out. A new booth isthetirecian booth presided over by Misses Lena Marshall and Ulga Hewitt in soft U-ecian colors, and the that have an rxind out of the rear dor of their booth did r. live business. The gypsy booth ontinues a popular resort forjoting men wishing to learn of the future. Tha American booth did a live business An attraction is that of thre darkeys playing entrancing the guitar, harmonica and violin. A pair of scales is presided over by Mitts Galbraith aa the 'ioddess of Liberty, cocoa dea!t out by the tienuaii9 seems to lie the popular drink, but the .laps and paddies with their tea ami coffee and buttermilk did not leek for customers. To slight the Irish will fi I ihe program, ihe principal attraction will he the -Linen Peddler' The exercise will not begin until 8 ;'. , in idcr t- give lhoc attend ing midweek m ethigs an opportunity to hear It. Tom Point. The Salem board of trade strike- fr the shoulder in passing rer'iluti'.inV in which it denies the assertions of tha governor and brands his statements as f.iNe, and aver that, notwithstanding tne ulinif depression there is no wido- in 1N4. He gets ;i pension ot tier month, and went to McMinnville Wednes day for examination for an increase of a per month, which he ought to obtain by virtue of honorable service to his country. Sheridan Sun. The ffrtrmf Wtu REiisTKn. Y C i'teer. of tb internal revenue office. I was in the city todav and notiGtd the ! Chicamen of the city bv posting notices personally tiiat be would 1 at this i citv on Jan 12, I 1. Hand !. prepared to oseIy flowing garments ; nH-eivo application for registration, with at'.rtctive effect. A bah ; two unmounted ph'it.rai-h-. th- head of w hich must be at least I inhes from l-ae of hair to base of chin. Chinese mer chants may also procure certificates, but this is not necessary. Mr (ieer reports that the Celestials are all anxious to rogi.-ter. anl in this city they will do so. He was in Ndetn yestenlay. where they registered generally. Ix a Hot.i;. -The lioseburg Plaind.wler savs : tne of tho speculators of this citv re cently sent a carload of apple to a San Francisco commission house. A few days si nee he was sent a hi 1 1 f or WI . bei ng t he I al - ance due the commission house for freight charges paid and commission charges. I hi apples cost here in lioseburg in the neigh h'KHl ot 5CJUU. .,ntt n i rather touch on the speculator to lose not only the ' but fil in addition thereto. Kev O u ai.en left on laat evening a train for his borne in Oakland, Cal. There w 11, bss no service in the Caiversa list church ami! farther notice. Pros the 'itXAXETTE We have re ceived with compliment cf Lieut Harry Taylor, corps of engineers. PSA. the "Annual Itetort upon the Improvement of Willamette and Lower Columbia Kivers and Their Tributaries. Oregon and Waatr ingtm. in the charge of Tho II Handlnrv Major, Convsof Kngineer. C S A." This i' a .mi tuned ov an appendix, in wtnos is given a full report of the work being prosecuted at the Cascades, f 1'O.OiXI has (tea appropnated for improvements above ivniaaa. tan you put vour nnger cn it Daring tM Mat vear the principal work l.a. 'wen snagging. There is a I a lance of 17.477.$" available for work upon the Wiiiaruelte. The report savs this will be used improving bars, snagging, etc. Mr Hand bury asks for WO.CsJO the coming year and think that then 1.'.'JW or SliUW a year will keep the river in condition. The amount of commerce on the river justifies a liberal appropriation. The following stsosfl the amount of ho-iness on tlie river above Portland for the year ending June 9). 1;93 Ions f 4lAi, President. J j COWAN, Troasurer. ( Cowitn J O WBIiSSlAW. Kjcist -Geo F KIMIfwm.V ica Fro.l lanfc lnmMnoae- Weo VHXraptcn, V K itsmat, ' B Moatelt'i.H nii-fliisr, w;nL , .1 u WHsiinrti'i UJ "t-jrt. ) Writsnisn. auto ni.vniioT aobnts roo several Solid Eastern and Foreign Gsipyift IB 15 For r I MANHOOD RESTORED! WXTZZfr susruuUfd 10 cure all nervous dLsesBes.sucli a Wisak Mtnorr.trfssorlirain I'ow.-r Uiadtteue. WuStitntjiuBS, Lost Manuooil, NlKtiLljr KuilsHlona, Nervous ness.all drains aud loss of powerln(ienerativ)sOi'i;aris of eltbur aexcansea ! " ' 1 ver )- xi 1 1 n . v.ivtthffVjl .miri. u ki'f.s. I v, , ii.e n 1 I !h;iicr , rinlnm or Htltil- ula.its. wlilili If aut.i Inanrillr, Consunipllon or ItiMtolly. Can lie carried In Pa.sseBgers, rain LanaJbar.. . Live k Wool Merviiandi- (102.136! 7.660 14.6 9 L-.V7 41 14(1.86- H C Pavis Pi'Stananl A J Kirk... 231 45 Japanese solo, by Sieila Porter. li mbrellad drill by Japs. Carnival tableaux. I arnival of Kati -n-. Comic declamation bv Hugh Pisher. uitar yuintet The Italian bear. Bio !.!.;;. Fees. Fay A- Gest. the 0 P lavrj-ers have sued Jas A Blair et al for ?4- lO-i as remuneration for lesral aerrices from June lr todav. This is a samrJe of L-heek not often witnessed. Alljany is full ot more competent lawyers who would do the work for a tenth of the sum. Some of them are humorous: 'To servi'.s-i- of Fav a- liest. obtaining removal of T E Hogg as receiver. $1000." expense of John I Fav in New York assisting in removal of Hogg and obtaining raUcri prions to IW.000 worth of certificates!. ;). tor obtaining a continuance of a sale of the road from March 1 to March 7 the amount claimed is $2500. Another MI is demanded for securing a second twtponment of the sale to March 14. and - j. : osTxtavan tafl J nss J a .'.r.i ilar sum is charged. John P Fay's services in resisting the attempt of certi&ate-bold-er to remove C H Gest, F K Pendleton and John P Fay as attorneys for reoeiver are valnedat 2O00. with $190 extra for ex penses, and the price of his work in re sisting claims cf sVallis Sash and William 1 1 rsta Ira laiaa ssannsa and avJUsa. r testimony before Referee Huff or! in regard tossuae iou.;.te.i at si.oo. tne sertLoe- Kv3.'270 3 6 277.30 54.00 ui-rv. proud destitution or actual vvaiu in 'n-gon. anil that the governor in claiming that two-thirds of our people aro without em ployment while one-third aro without the uurans ot suusisianco was guniy ot gross misrepresentation; and we request our repre sentattves in congress to present tnese reso- ntions to the president of Uiei nitcd Mates ami to deny, in bota smate and honse, tlie truth of tlie governor's statements. While admitting tiiat Iregon is sultenng trom tne prevailing hard times, we confidently claim that there is less poverty here in proportion to the population man in unyoiner suueiii the union, and tlie prospects for tho future are excellent . Timbtek-s to WoB.sHii'. 'jopliia Dlckmao of Ankeny, came to Salem Christmas day to attend Mass at 8t Josepb'a cbu'ch. She started before day light and walked thirteen miles through mud and mire to worship for the first time in four years. After church she Btarted for Dallas to call on the Catholic priest Ihere for the purpose ol getting admitted to a convent, as she says. She wai round wandering on the highways by Deputy iSherilfJ V Clark, who brought her to Salem lust niuiit and she had a hearing before Indue HabbardthM morn ing. After careful investigation she was A CLUd Kajj Toe p'easanl flavor, gentte acti 'n and soothing effect o Syrup ot Fiji, when in need of a laxative, and If the father or mother be costive or bilious, the most gratifying rcsulis fo.low its use; so that it is the best family leinedv known and every family shiuld have a bottle. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World s Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. Thk Ctiifj. Side. At a meeting of some working men in Salem Governor Pennoyer's letter to t 'leveland was endorsed and the nvent resolutions against it condemned. The following live resolutions were also passed : Ihat it is the dalilsrate judgment of thia meeting that taxes, national, state, county and citv. are nnjustihaoly and exorbitantly hij;h and that a total yearly tax of 4 per ivnt in silcm i s especially extravagant, un justitiable and destructive of ths industries md commercial interests of the citv. Iliat the citv council should at once begin the i, re .'s- ..f rctren. hii'.ent and red Tin. not to- discharging some laliorer who supports Ins tanulv on tw to vsj tver month, tml ny mercilessly nutting the pruning hook to e.x- travogaut and exorbitant attorney fees, and tiiat the marshal s salary of el.fsJO shoul.i be reduced to $1000. and that the monthly salary of nolii-emen of S7' to $o0 without injury to the force, and all fees and com missions should be turned into tlie city treasury. When a doctor considers It necessary to prescribe sarsaparilla, he slmplv orders a bottle of Ayer's, krowintr full well that he wht obtain thereby a surer and purer preparation than any ether which the drug store can furnish. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is the superior medicine. Mr Caleb Gray, of Hahey. is in the city. Mr and Mr Ar h Alien went to Salem this noon on a visit. ! Manssetd. one of the old tim and popular drummer. K tn the city. tl V- -, l t r , , -vi r rrea reeo-r. c itjanoc. is now on the Lebanon branch. Mis Roberts, of Eugene, is in the citv tne pasl I tm .-a-raa tiaitunore. w a . . Latxssas mm neen iss.-j t rtoe namuc o: m aiacir.e aa-.i Alar-, r. not an.1 Mn J M Bioss. of '.iryaili hase been in the city the guests of Mr Win narrmn Mr Lake Dorris snd Miss Kthel Beilin- gT are to be m.irried in luderndeuc on noancaiar ot n-xt we?k. K K Muh-ahev. e x -so nerinlssadnl of the l i- raiinad. w-as a goes! at the Hotel tl- iaoiette v,!er :.. VHV ... m mm . Aixon. .. or toe n:-: ir :.- :- larmers w m: vicinsrv. went down lo Ai- banr Wtslhesday la traassnt besiness. Harrisbarg I'ourier. Mr Kd I rock left this noon for Portland where he will attend tne I..rtUnd B.! College. He will stop at Independence for a rew .lavs on a visit with a sister. Mr Robert Andrew?. one of the inspectors under Collector Black, passed thpugh the city this noon on his way to Portland from a visit with Halsev relative- and friends Koaooe Price, of Toio. has been doing Ashiano this week, the hi-.idavs being an vi j-i- f r iii extended visit to this cite Ashland Iteconl. I ermerly of Allsany. Mr Geo Hart, of rants Pas. who h Iveen in the city, thj guest ol his brother A 5 Hart. returniM nome today, iveorge was a shining light in tlie Irish bxdh at the t. arnival. Mr cf Lebanon, is in the citv to day with the model of a revolving harrow which for ingenuity urtases anv thing yet seen in the 'larrow line. It looks as if it would do the work in an effective manner Mrs W K Chamber nee Miss Bead, who has bad charge of the store of Head. Pea cock k Co. at t lis place, left Monday for Corvallis. w her-i she will make her future borne. Mrs -'handler has made manv friends while hero who regret to see her leave. Lebanon F.xpivss. Miss Gibiin. daughter of Mr Jno Ciblin. pratwietor of tii t t harles hotel of Albauv. s in me city, l he young lady has been erv iii for a long time and w as brought lown by her friends some six weeks ago for treatment bv lr I. J Lemieux. Under the doctor's treatment MissGihlin is rapid ly improving and her friends will be pleased to learn that she will soon be herself again. ,-.,.c: i Independent. Yesterday a f.imilv gathering was held at the residence of S K Young, of general interest from tlie fact that there were four generations ,--:' Had a child in the east lsen here it would have been five gen erations. Those present were: Mrs Alt- house, aged Mr and Mrs J W A'thouse. M;s s-.u-ah Althouse.Mrs oamnea Althouse. Mr and Mrs L E Wain. Mr and Mrs E F box and two children. Mr and Mrs H F Merrill and four children. Misses Annie and Kate Althouse. Mrs W S Miiler. Mr Phil Goodwin, Mrs Rebecca Young. Miss llettie Miller. Mr and Mrs l oung. Percy Young, and Mr and Mrs Xutting and two hisdrvn. Draggiats in Liqtiirl, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. The King of Liver Medicine. I nave oscd your Simmon Liver Regu lator and can conscientiously say tl Is the kins; of all liver medicine. I consider it a n.-:dieine chest in Itself. iEo. XV. Jacx ao, Tacoma, Washixjrton. avKT PACKACE-Sa s Use T Stamp la red oa siassta J F. FORD, Eraaidiil, Of Des" Moliw. Inwa. -rrite uadev J te of ;Uarch 23. IS93: 3. B. Mm. Mrc Co , r. Dofar, Oregon. tfvw;. : Op arriving horee .sat week, I fosrdsll well and aLxinuly a-raitiog. Oar itttla gill, e ht acd on-n if year old, wiio bsd wa ted a vi ay to Sj f .uixis, u cow welt. sums it aai ing. roc-, sad well Sahed op. v B. C.ogh Tare hs d'.ne it wra t:i. Both cf i be cfciiJiea lafcs it. Yoar S B. Coogh Cere haa caswd aad kept away 'l boarssBes fcm n.e - So give it ti e rf ace, wuh grtiD5fr all. Wja'tiag ;.oa prui i y. we ar oar. Wat Mats r Foed. I I I sM I at of Fay k Gest in artending to alteration of the terms of sale in abandoning the "upset price" and offering the property to the highest bidder for cash are listed at f 1000. with an additional item of $35. About a Foot Ball Gave. Several days ago the I'f.xiocrat gave its opinion that in the great foot boll game to take place in Portland on next Monday the Muit- nomahs will not score. Todav the Demo crat received the following dispatch frcm 1 ort.and: Ai!anv Democrat: Hew raoch moneT hive you to bet we don't score. Will LtrMxs. The '-kmocrat never beta; but the Man about Town has watched pretty doteJy the past year or two the foot ball history ot the 1" S and often forms an opinion on a com ing game. He believes Multnomah will not score because of a lack of training to meet so well a trained team as Stanford . Eeef is not enough. Fuot ball is a science. Stanford has some of it: bat Stanford could not score against Princeton. Yale. Harvard or Pennsylvania. Second. saXMatsc are inferior to college teams: thin.. crack athietic team of San Francisco, beta than Multnomah's, coached by Heffeltinge who also piaved. could not score tanlorvl. taniori does team wcrK. notnah not enough of it. Foot ball is times trocertatn ami there are surprises; but the Man about Town make allowance for the fact and again pi diet that Multnomah d?s not score ' - as aatf, aai cWerfal, aai ready LivatCare, byt " llTi i tjiiTl j iTT iTiauarai J s i asiatja fa:io e (uraafe ty 1 ACCMMING. LHUitUH HEBE MSIlMJisM XsVtssrBottae? Ouaeentadose. Gbzat Con7H Cvaa proraptiy t.-anj ail 1st as is e'i Cawbs. Crsn. Tfcroit, Buncim. V. fcocptzg ccja ara aattina. For Coiu fticu it hss CO ri-rtc has csred TJh9Csa. and srlU CTZX TOO It tzkeniatiaae. Soaby Dmais-i ca a gussi. astce. Fee a Lease Back or Cbest, use SHILOH S BELLADONNA PLAST&SLSc Keuc.iois Skrvices. It will be Mis sionary Fay at the Congregational church tomorrow. Servicesi at 10 ::4) and 7:30. Ir the morning there wnt be an address Missions and in the evening on Has Past and Present. At the Sabath sc the lesson being Review papers will bereadl bv nietnbers of the sc-ool. I anal an tni ileavor st 6rt5. Yon are wclo me. Resruiar services at the United Presbyter ian church tomorrew morning and evening J conducted bv Rev Riley Little, thm K.ndeavoiers meet at o:W and 6:SJ and Sabbath school at 2:30. Till. I Ml lit 4 M !T MUOL. People who hav tiled it, say that there is no better mrdioine f r dyspepda than Ayer's Haraapxril Is, It msv not eive ona the ths stomach ot an ostrich, bnt it so streugthem the allmrn'ary r.rgst s that diitsstioi ftf 'orJiaary fod becom-s eay and natural. ve.t unrSet. t 1 i-r leir. f or V.1, by mall iireunld. Wlttiafll order vro .in.n writirntiiitrDiiireiocaresrrvraBa inc money', mini nr un MvHi-is. j!. 11 rn iiK-iinniiiiT vi rue Mw-rrfse Mi'dii-ni book nvs swssssi u.uiu wraup.r. AiMivss N KUVJCavKJelSCU.. .Miisu1c'Tl-iuiiIvi,Cuicam. AI'i:ny.Or..bir J. A. C't'VVtt lyid b 1 I'll , I ..- A McKAIllxAMl, DrusKlBls. 'Cabinet photos from ? to joo per doacn. aniaigini; oicturco a 1 .....Jail,, iAv.a .avnn. fn, Y f MlSVtVSST . i ' j v, . -i ' ' $io.oo. vVe carry a large st'ack pf 5xi5 and steresccpic yiews ot i jr fHK LK t Hits PDOTOGRA r H ERft, cw' An hot anu Ln igraeabte Uativo arB KgfyR TomS d Mgglafa or Nft by maU. 23000. Ifi-Oo per packago- Bamploa froo. IsTsT VsTa The Fayorite TOOTS fOTOJa JA.V H.V for tho Toe th mid iacatu,tio. Car vain Sweeney, U.S.A., gen Plcjro, Cab, no tirsii i "Shiloh's Cataxdi Kemefly la ilio I icine t have cvcntWmd that would do trie gocvi." ITlooBOcts. Sold by DWWE, o u 1 1 rvu c r- t: a e ' SHILOH'3 CURE; beat CotJCnCtma pronyeuert othowfatL ForConlurnptioaftnas ....A . A tlvMaMlla a.T,f IfiW I't'llll UVI1VBJ, nil,'..,.- ou,if tauenintiae. ms3iunt.6uni.ti.vv OENlfi make (5 a day, Ureates t altohcn ntensll over Invented. Ho tc.ls36c.ts. 3io0 sold at every bouse Hainnle. poetace raid, five cents. Mo Makim dc Co, Cinclunatl, Ohio on!red to go to her home. Journal. She is sane. Ida t-TAYTON BaiDOa. Judge Hub bard vfHtenlay received information that the bridge between Linn and Marion counties at Stayton waa in n dangerous condition, and accordingly proceeded to view the premises, in coiniiany with Judgo Duncan, of Linn county. A close examination revealed that tlie main bridge was not affected although one of the pile i under the apron bad been knocked out of place. A few dollars will repair it thoroughly Salem Independent. greater than ever. 200 pages of choice M.I.W .arilV. liVsl i Una m-inn. There v Bsths at Vieieiks'shsvinfl and tt lo(? patlorr . S'. itl ? Il'it.inxvs. hu.ton in ill si:J;, ininsquetalie and acrlra liti for Foster haok and ent: n :rii. S K Young. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Po.der A Pure drape Cream of Tartar Powder. I'rovcd tu be the Bft Tested and proved by over thirty years' use In all parts of the world, AllcocW's Por o'ls plasters have the Indorsement of tlie highest medical and chemical authorities and millions of grateful patients who have beencured of distressing allmenls volun tarily testify to their irerlt. AllcocH's rorous i-iasters .ire purely ........ i-,WI,, TL.-v ere mild lint ,,n.-,-ri, .. sure and quick In their actio.i, and abso- utelv harmless. Beware of Imitations, and do not b de -celved by misrepresentation. Ask lor hair Allcock's, and let no solicitation or expla nation Induce you to accent a substitute. Our readers do not need to lie told what the Century Magazino is. It is a great work in anv sense. For ISM it will lie lit l'here will Ihv a new novel by Murk Twain important expeditions, limiting of fierce game, artists adventures, tramping with truinjis. unpun United essnvs of James Russell Lowell.etc. The St Nicholas is the prince of children magazines, the liest of all of them. A feat lire of the 18'.4 nmnlier will 1 ToinS.iwyc Abroad hv Mark Twain, a natural history series, a series on American authors, stories of India by Uudyard Kipling, recollections of wild life, wuiers on tho government and some beautiful serial stories, as well as tlie famous BrowniM. The prii of the Century is .15 cents a number, 4.X a year; of St Nicholas, t3.00 a ve ar. Any stbacrilier of the Democrat in good standing may secure the Century for3.50 or the St N .chains for 12.60, by leaving the tnoaey al Ihia office. Nvewill do the rest. Self Praise. fiit Yv'iuVttti th: fimt Una o sa"s-)les for suitings In the slate at WR Graham's, where he has a tailor with few equal on hand to make them up on short notice, (jet the best and most stylish sul!6 of him. A new feature will be the making of ladles' cloaks to order, or the altering of cloaks to the latest styles, and ha repairing of cloaks. Prices era bot- y. iom ones. 1 Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Mlghcst Award. Self praUe Is no recommendation, but there are not times when one mast permit a person to tell the truth shout himself. When what he says is supported by the testimony ot others no reasonable man will doubt his word. Now, to say that Allcock's Porous Piasters are the only genuine and reliable porous plasters made Is not self praise in the slightest degree. They have stood tne test for over thirty years, and in proof of their merits it Is only necessary to call attention to tne cuies they have effected and to the voluntary testlmonials cf those vvhj have used them. Bcwait. ol imitations, and do not be de ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for Allcock's, aid let no so)ici:atlon or expla nation induce you to accept a substitute. Wheat, 50 cts; oaM, 15c; h.xy,$S baled; wood, S3 to $3.50. taken in exchange for sevvlni' machines or organ on hand at E I ill s music store. Also on a'l book accounts of ( months standing S.-winc machines from $Jto$J with mv per sonal guarantee for 5 vis. WallUINQ iNVaTAVlOSS. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Uoldeii Common every day. A Little Daughter Of a Church of England minister cured of a distressing; rash, by Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Mr. Richard Birrs, the well-knewn Druggist, 207 AieGiil st., Montreal, P. Q., says: I have sold Ayer's Family Medicines for 10 years, and have heard nothing bnt good said ot them I know ot many Wonderful Cures performed by Ayer's Sarsaparilla, one iu particular being that o( a little daughter of a Church of England minis ter. The child waa literally covered front head to foot with a red and ex ceedingly troublesome rash, from which she had suffered for two or three years, in spite of the best medical treatment arailable. Her father was in great distress about the case, and, at my recommendation, at last began to ad minister Ayer's Sarsaparilla. two bot tles of which effected a complete cure, much to her relief and her father's delight. I am sure, were he bore tcv-dav, he would testify in the strongest terms as to the merits of Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J.C. Aver S; Co., Lowell, it ass. C'ires others, will cure you :- DXAl SR IN Harness - and - Saddlery Display in the Ooqi "Smiuky . Palronixs horns industry by smoking the celebrated white labor oigars, mauufactarod by luHus Joseph. One SataU Bile VMS ivarv nlgbt tors ceek sruusoTerpld Livers. BSC. ibr bottio. REVERE HOUSE LIB ANY - I - ORECa PFKIFFFleROrClM v R Those Pimples Art un-tak symptom tiiat your blood is not right IM of impurities, causing a sluggish and unsightly comp.fxi.oi. A few bottles of & X wilt remove all foreign and impure matter, c.caiise the bked thoroughly, atl aire a clear and rosy complexion. It is west effect rial, and tntirely harmless. Chaa. Heaton, TS Lairel Street, F!u!a., says "I have bad for yars a humor in my wood w hich made me dread to shave, as small bods or pimples would be cut, thu causing shaving to to a gresU annoyance. After taking three bdtWs m m m my 'ace ir all casar and smooth as ItCSKfl H should be appetite splendid, H tw sleep wall 2nd (eel tike running a foot race all tor the use of S. S. S. Treatise on blood and kin disease mailed free SW1FT SPECIFIC CO., Atlaata, Ga.