The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 29, 1893, Image 4

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    i' El 'hKKFIIKD A CHAM
IH it 1, A I
Atternevs l law. Will praetlot in all osurlt ( the
statu Spec .1 attention uiieu to manors In prch-.t
1 1 . ' n. OttVMln the r .inn blocs
It Itlll.Vt'.l'
Atternsy at iw ml Solicitor In Chancery. Coll
tons made ti ill io'nt. bains negotiated on
mole lenna. Alhany, Oregon
Attorney at law, and Notary Purnlo Will practice in
all the courts of this state Special attention eivsn to
collec'ions nnil mattera i.i prthats tlttlce:- Uiwtalrt
alaaon-Twclala Alhatiy. Oa-ii
B Xrtt'ils st f .
II leral ruiticri wi I recilve prjmp
t 0 Q fall i.v-j Temple, Albany, 0
attention m
Attorney at Law, Albany, Or,
Attorneys at Law.
Albany, Oregon.
AMES J. I'll attl.TOle.
All Ural business attended o
F LINN'S Clock, A'.bany, Or:
JJR. J. be. si ILL,
Phydcian and Surgeon. OFflCK
r7 elrteta, Albany, Oregon.
Phvsidana an Surreona, OFFICE -Corner . econa
ana Bicsvlalbin streets. Alhanv, Or. Calls proaipt.y
attended i eitv and ceuntry.
F. ( II IHBKRI.tiV , N. n..
Hemeorathist. t3T SpeciJiat in dissases of the Eye.
Office hours 7 to 9 a m: 1 mS m. and 7 u a
ni a. A
IR8T XtTlOXtl, BK.
Tic President
TRANS ACTS A GENERAL banking bualoese
ACCOUNTS KEPT eubjoct to check.
SIGHT EXCHANGE and tet raphic transfer, to d
New Turk, San Francisco Chicago and P-itland
.O JjECTION? SUDE on favorable verms
j r Tocae E,W Liaaeoa
E Guar. L. Fuss
Sdwaao f . Sai.
Y ('t'tlt 'i A' f t. BtVKf.RI
TRAVSACTa rensraJ BauYinr nsntaa
aco and Portland, Oregm.
LOAN MONEY en approved ascurily
RECE VE deposit aabjeel ta cheek.
COlXECTtOSS mads on lasssBMa vorms.
ISTERE.ST paid en Urn! deoosits
Mi or u'io,
.T J Mrsa
. A J Job
till" M 1
if tAiv mtfi
at ace so by too close application to business se
vere mental strain. Icxaal ICarresaa tn nisl
dle life, or vicious ha bits contracted in youth.
W BAK lCIlir are victims to Xrrrsai
Debility or Xxhaaatlaa. WaMUaar Vrak
aeaa. Ininlo- Ury l.ases With Early
uj in TaaafinlHIddlc Atr4: lackofetcor
and slrerurtb. wub sexual orvana Impaired and
wiTa1 Sv'ssr
knowledge of resatla In many thousand oases
treated and cared tn the past Bfteen years.
Ourmeltnidof Introducing lrW. HARBIS'
Mtiau BSKDItUATEB P.tsni.i.r
treatment Is one which commends Itself to all
sensible persons for tha reason that we supply It
upon their Judgment of us valne. NcAalnc In the
way of expense beyond a post. a I card sad a two
cent postage stamp la asked. Tbe postal card for
use in sending us tbeir full address BiHl the post
age stamp for tbe letter returning tbe ataisaieid
of tbeir case for which wo supply them witb que.
envelope tor nee tn retnniin it wraen siimI
mini, w no ni tea out. sua a seirsaoar
Ual wAA When we receive tbe statement
P b (&B on blank we prepare eight dars,
VTViai treatment and forward it by mad
. preparing postage. Alone with i be
treatment we send full directions for using. The
treatment Sana as no pain or incrmveaienoe sad
doss not prsveot attention to business.
We lesvo the matter of sending orders entirety
with those using tbe free trial treatment. Uav
SDST satisfied those sending for trial packages
of our ability to benefit them we feel tbat they
are more largely interested than ourselves in
continuing the use of the Pastilles. We make
tbe prices as lot? as possible, ana the same to all.
They are as follows: ST.00 for one month ; HW
lun.'iaiunuu; sajsaaDS vuree montns.
WS ask all persons needing treatment
we ask all pervma Deeding treatment to send
their address on posts! or by letter. Alloommu-
nlcationsconfldentlal soil should be addressed to
1 ne nassn, Ktsitue CO., MfK.Chess'sts
seZT, skw VTl h k
Send for
Address, ItEV.
Albany, Oregon
Are teU-tah mmptom that your blood
in m rxrjnijull oj tmpurttxu, caunurj
a sluggish and unsightly eonivltxion.
A few bottle of fj. ,y. 8. wilt rtmorel
all f 'reign and impure matter, eleantel
the blood thoroughly, and give a clear i
una row complexion, u is most effect
ual, ana entirely harmless.
f haa. Heaton. 73 Laurel Street, Phlla., says:
I have had for years a humor in my blood
which made me dread to shave, aa small boils or
viiuKsss wouiu no cut, tnut causing shaving to
bcagreat annoyance, alter taking three bottles
my lace la an clear and smooth as
it- should be-sppatits tpUndid,
alsarD W..1T mnA lib. i
foot race all for the use ul S. 5i. S. 9
TreaJi. ?SXooi ,nd ,kln disssses mailed free.
SWIFT SPKnirir! r:n k.t.Zl-A-
- w., .iiii, Udt
aSSSSasSJ msiinmiusasiii
I I J '.. . af I
t ej :i
- - . W 'Jz; Ih
vs " n aatttssaa.a waaaraaaw ;
;-j i wo hbxea cf onjr jtjast 1-
c , neat. ijr-UE'ZTii: rjt:.
sb MAbON
s asu s nt an
I J Ii I as
hi ttr.f.ifiKnim oooK.seiiers
i ts for John R. Aider's puolleatloi s
' -u wwiia- iiiini-ser-N prtonawlib
.wa.l la.'
I n H tf : a
i Irsn tos sis lo eerv cust wnar .u Vo reck
lb it lug parlors.
5a BBEi
Tortnrlnp, iIlsfimK eercni.-is,
mill every species A iti lnnir.
bu rn in g, Bcaly, cnistcil, anil
pimply skin ami scalp eliseases
with dr . thin, and falling lialr
rellcvoil by a single application,
and speedily and economically
cured iiy the Ctmowii Hkmk
iif, when the bast physicians
and roinotlies fail.
Itching Skin for Years
My disease (psoriasis'! com
meticcd on my head. Spiva-l imp
idly all over "my body, cot under
my nails. Scales would drop all
tho time, snlTering endless, ami
without relief. 1 cannot praiso
Have made mv skin as clear from
scales as a baby's. All 1 used was sr worth.
DENNIS DOWNING, Vvaterbur.v, t.
Skin Disease 9 Years
Had over nine years a dreailt ul
skin disease. First apis-aivd a
few small red spirts onmv breast
which kept spreading slowly to
my back. The spots turned gray .
and liegan itching. Small
would fall olV, and it continued
all over mv body. I tried all medicines, eon.
suited doctors, no use. Then I gave it all up.
Tried the CcncntA Rkmkiufs, they cured
me entirely. My skin uow pure and w hits as
that of a child.
JOHN E. rEAKSON, 'Whatcom, 'Wash.
Itched Scratched Bled
Suffered three years with pimples
which 1 had to scrati tl until I would
bleed. After doctoring three years.
tried Cvtictra Ukjikiuks. After
using two set am entirely cured.
8 A. F. liHAMM,
rttotographer, Mt. Horeb, Wis.
Large Sores on Face
Was ereatlv troubled with btoid
poisoning. Large sores appeared
on my face. Hands were in such
a condition that I could not use
them. Tried numerous physicians
and remedies, no benefit, tried
Ci-net'RA Kkmkmes, ami am now
fret from all skin trouble.
232 Fairmount Ave., Baltimore.
Sold throughout the world, rrlee. CuTtcraa,
Mc ; SoAP.Sic.; Risolvsst,1. Totter Driq
akd Cuax.CoRP., Sole Pioprietore, Poatoo.
9- now to Cure Skin Diseases," free.
U. S Lan-p Oftice, Orec.on City. Or.,
July 11th, 1S93.
. : . i i. . . ; . i, ,. ! .. ... . I
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled" A n act
for tbe sale of Umber lauii In tbe slates
of California, Oregoa, N vada and '.Vaah
ington Territory," Henrv M Herbert, ot
uroen Basin, county of Marion, atsteif
Oregon has this day filed iuthiarttiev bis
sworn statement No 2873. for the . nrehise
of the S i of N W V.sec 27.S E ' . of N K i
andN E '.of 8 El of section NoJ?(,lii town
ffer proof to show that the land sought
is mora v usble for its timber or stone
than for a rrle Jltura'. purposes, am to
establisb his elaim to said land before
the Register and Receiver ot this oftlJ- at
--v. - - "
Oregon City, Oregon, on Wenneaday. the
'.'ill, :. n t T...n. 1 dQl Ho n. . . . .. ..
24th day of January, 1894 He names as
witness . Geo H Leteliier. ot A oanv
Oregon;Henry ouseus.of Albany.Orejon,
J Berrv.of Berrv.tiregon; 11 to'lver.
oi uieinDiaui, urego . any "ou ii
persons c.aimir.g adversely tbe above
ilAaerituul lanrla ara rwinausil tn fi' I bir
claims In this.-fflcs on or bif ireaaii 24th
itavnf Jnsnirr KOI
day of Janua'V 1S94
Robert A Miller,
Notice for Publication.
U. 8. Lasn Ofeice, Oreoos I'itv, Ok.
July 1 1 th. 1693.
Notice is hereby aiven that ir. comp'.i
ancewith the providons rfthe act f
Congreis of June S, IS7S. entlt'ed -An act
for tbe sale of timber lac s in tbe ;sl, s
if Ca iforata, Oregao, Nevada n Wa-h
iugton Territory," Albert HCjIiver, ol
Hreen Basin eiunty of Mation, state of
Oregon, h .1 .y filed in tbi- office
hla sworn nt te lent No 3BT4, for tue
purchaae of: i s .M No in
township No 10 Sou. h ranke No 5 tvast.
aad will offer proif to sb w that tbe land
sought Is m ,re valuab e for Its timber or
stone than tor a?iica'torni rurpo-es ana
tn OHtabliab his claim to saia land tief.-r
the Kfsgister a d Receiver of this offle? a
iresjo City. Oregon, on Wednesday, tbe
24tn day of January, 1S94. He nafltsa ad
witnes-e: Ojo H leteiiier. tif Albany
Oregor ; Henrv Susens.i f Allumv.' iieuou;
J L. Bei ry.of Rerry .f'retor.. 1! M heiberc.
of 'ireen Baain Or. anv a-i 1 a.t persona
claiming adversely t tisivs described
lands are irqns-J ... Qio ih ir c airns ii
(his offl io befo-e sa d 24"h ay of
Janusi , Hyt
r.oar.KT MlLLEK
il -nie'er.
Notice for Public itioQ
U. S. Lanh OrricE at Oreimn t ity. k.
Uttlev, 1MB l
Notice is here! y eiventhat in mmple.c,,
with the provisions o( tr set ut fTirsgrtrs f
Jnce 3. 1S7S, entitud "An c- far tha sal-.f
timber lands in libs g ates nf C'aiifui ata.Os4 -gon,
Nevsd-i, and A ,il In.ti.n TrriLurv.
Mrs Me lie C tiin tn. al Yaiijnn; t a sits of
MB X1I0, state fjr asm, asa this slsw Sled
in this oftice ner sw rn satcmer,' N.
Of It purch- e uf tn. K J nf s E J si H t.
latal EI ..f Hswllaiatti VV ; VV I r.i
I Sectioa No 12. in 'oa nslip N' 10 Sawlti
Range Not h. , a..ri will cfTaw proof f
show that the la 11. 1 -rcghf la rrorr valat) It
for its tinbfr o . ass Lbta fo- Itai
purposes, a .J t . . 1 . . .1 1 . r etsisi la a !
land before tr.c R t-'cr 1 .1 It c :vi-r rd 1
this office at O .g. 1 f t .-, Oreg n.n T:r
day, tne 2nd da) o' Jaaaary, IS114. HI
names an wi'm-ss. l Wif f ef. ih. of
Detroit, Mar on I r (t ri.r, O Fox f I).
,...r SS T 11 ,,-it t
Langhead, ,.( Gsatsa 't.sio.Mar..... f... Ore I
gon. OarttsS H L.u.n ad, of A'hai y. Lion
las, Oregon. An si .1 al pe s"ns clvming ,
. a T. t C'"M ,-,-i' r'" I
iinested to 1 e lbe c aims m 1 bis nfhee on
or Uforesaid 2 d d,v al Jsuaarv, 1894 . '
RobektA Milieu
Regis-er :
Notice for Publication
U. S. Lano Oriic-E atOi.ecov (in 0a. i
cpt aalwb,UWt,
Notice is her .-by given tbat in cmtliance
with the provisions of the set of tun cress of i
June .. Ibi6, entitled "An act fir ihe sale
of timber laods in thi states of California,
Oregon, N'evda.and Washington Iswritory,''
as extended to all the pnl.lic lacil ststaa hi
tctof August 4th, 1892, fhomas A Roe, of
Berry, county of Marion. stst r f Oreson.has
this day rded in this ,-ffice his sworn state-
ment No 2919. for the purchase r,f the W
S W 4 8 28 sr.d S H N K 1 of section M..
a, in township N 1(1 S Range HaO K, and
flumn is uoiouj Kiicu iuai hi i.. in . , . .
ancewith the provisions ofihe act of,'" . e
will offer proof to thow that tne lard sought i neg'ecicl, ce fir would t.a- e tense of
ib more valuable for its timber or stone thtn ! rieiv ah ir bs it. ,n.i u..i -a
.,.. , . . r I a .rmn I I I, rm I .... . .1 I . ...I...L
I 'i'j.i ' ,1,1 Kl r-iaill ,n .l
his State! to s.1,1 land Wf,rethe ! '
and H-ceir.r of this t thee at Oregon.
City, Oregon, on Tuesday, the sre-r d
day of January, 1894. fie names asa it-,
nes es: W CaiWv, of ,ry O.e,
r.h j C R . .f Cenvlre, TBI' , fterry, j
O e, K V firaatibi 'fBirry, I in. Ana IH
all peison claiming ailvir.e'y t r sbava
descried lands arc ieqnes'cd te Bts taei
claims in t 'lis office ou or bfo'e oaic! 2 id
day of Janatry, 1894.
HoBKr.r A Miller.
Scientific American
Agency for
Por liformstloii and free Handliook to
ML'.NN a Co.. 361 Broadway. bTaar youg.
Oldc.'t, bureau for serunna parents in America.
Everr patieit rain'ii cut by us is bronrlii before
the puuic uy a nonce given froo of charge in tha
Scientific incncatt !
largest circulation of par tclsntlflc rper In tl
wonu. npienniiur iiiuauateu.
should be without it. Week
nr. s 'i.ihi a
If!v S A r.o.
sear: aijslslx months. A. tarts
ruaias iLus. istii Uroailw- vn 1
rl cuy.
t Caveats, and Trade-Marks ohtained, and all Pat
ient business conducted fur Moocsatc Fees.
'Our Orncc is OreosiTt U. B. Pstcnt Ornct
J and ws can secure patent in less Uuit Uiau ttausr
a remote from Washington.
bend model, drawing or photo., with descrlp- f
inon. vis auvise, u paieniaois or nut, iree ol
a charge. Our fes not due till nalent la secured.
j A PaaieHLtT, "How to Obtain Patents," with
'cost of sr me in the U. S. and fersiguceunUtsSa
stent lie
J Or-p.
sent lice, auuicsb, e
PaTgNT Omcc Washington . D .
aTM asmn '
i wK-Jtf!ajf
ltt'Nin LkiW
Manufactunrtia the east and others who
promote tho interests of the protected na
bobs of the country are dying their bunco
game again. They are laboring to frighten
the ppop'e over the Wilson tariff bill.
They led alarming stork's how manufiietur
ing e-tablishmenU are (hutting down and
what diro calamities are to befall the pto
pit if the bill hll pass. Hit, to their
ch'gnn fsett f reo themselves to the front 1
and contradict what these men ire sa ing 1
On the dvr the Wiiaon bill was given to
tho.mhlie the ass ., iated nress bro-.iLdit 1
r i c
news as follows
Norwich t'onnl Deceubei 5 -The Sbo
tucket Cotton Mi l. at tireenville. 111 this
town, will brc,in running to morrow with
its full force of workmen. CiK) in number,
j It has bet n run at half its capacity since
1 Septembrr lsth. The Fa Is Cotton Mill, of
j 1 ipial capacity, is now runnivg, with nil
j of i's employees at wotk.
Pittsburg December 5. Local tanneries,
j which employ many bun-'nds of men and
' have been idle sln'-e early summer, are
i resuming Two large tanneries have e
I sumed in full and others win soon follow.
! The prospect for the taunerira hero has
i much improved.
Ishpemiiig 1 ftftcb
I ' i. ' ir . t 1
! t and 7 of the La e Superior Company
, have resuireti wo'k with a full foice. Su
! isilinleil'laiil Charles Hall says that be un
j licipates emp'oying a force of 1,000 to l,
; "2011 men by the tirt of tboyesr.
Bristol (Penn), Dateenhet 5, l-cedom's
big carpe works, v 'biota shut down five
wteks ago on account of dud trade, will
j start up to-morrow morning, giving eni
' plovment to CX10 pel sums.
,V . . . . i - t l r T.
! N--'
r osioria tvsnioi, unamuci o. me
idle tor several months, will rsume
morrow, etnpoying event live mm.
Munciei lndi. December o. The Nelson
tilass Ooaapaaf has started its plant mk-
Ad of Mancia'i eight g'ass
facoriis are now at work.
So ail these tales of ibrr ca'amities van
ish in o thi" air when subjected to the in
fluence of the sun'igb: of tru't and fact.
Tt-e Oreonian mikca a must cneies
rartissn,eciion: atiack upen be deanaeratlc I
' members of ihtf wivs arU
mjjns commi-
, re a ,hr wi!sor) UrifI
Wi'.l-out reason or escaae i calls tb-rm vil
lage advocates and cross-roads ita'a an.
It is the d)ingwaii of. Ibsae w! cefend
, , ,
lne mos. nr.jjs- and uu t ireijuitab svstem
rcv-rnue WgnUtioi laat
statu.e books of baceow
ever i!:graced
When the
.1 hated provit ior.s of the McKin cy bill aie
j -,..f,j fpnm ... ,,.
! the rieople of ihe COUn':v svill l ever DCrmift
I ,he rrotected brc, la jin: oie ucn tne rasi
I1 " 1
l burdens Lpon them again,
j sis'.ed by the poivrrful (?;
even t'aoujh as.
inlluercc tf the
It is sat t to say thai nineteen o-l o
" '
twenty repuldlcan piptrs in fie Isn j hive
assme.l that CKtclaud's policy wis to oe
the American aaraj force a: Hawaii to or.
erthro Hie qi.cen. .;a :,.ai if comtstoi
light that :!.e rrtsi :t:.t . v;.n . y I r.-s !e
such ue ot the rr?:!itary Icrce, it would be
tbe liglu ihice for incsc papcis to ma's,
the amende i ctorable, but wi i they dj i--.
Nay, they will s art icme nc far jr'e.l tslsa
hood anJ follow it up etgnWQnali sjatil i'- 1
knocked out bv the fru'l-.
Wetrake ibefo:,ui3g I plea id, ur.para.
el offer by which aay one can sreure
h's win-er leading chpsr -r than vei . For
cash in adraitr and we i ;rnih the
Dsmecrat ant New Vork World for fa 4
Democra1 ar.d.taicr a ssaeh ?t 1. is Uep
ub'ic Dtmora- and For-m 415
DaaieciattWorM. and Beyil ie 5-t i Drm
rc'a' Wor'd
iegaai 1 i'cc for these
7.25 Horn i. la u
th Ilcm r y and a.i
faraia, ij o;.
i ir f,ut !;ca i
' "s
The obs.jvatory met- o -. tf deter m loir g
jrnt is ver, sluiide in princlcle. The ob-
enrer tirnv t. ni- ea Ski . stars, an.!
Chooe Oite for hi- aibseft tloa, .'e , ta
logue gt.ii g I. t .- sac (to tbe hund'ed h
of a seconcltit which i.a- -a !! b: on
his ruciiiiijii; hr t' tn t-i'i 1 1- II e t'rvcope. i
' an J at tne initsnl t iii s' a- 1 . oast be rarr i
( dian reJords -lie 'i-n had ca ed hy his clock.
I The ca'alos-ie giv-- th - t- tirnr ot pss
j agr, aad SMsteas bcc0 t lers lias n.e it
1 is an e'ro
Bj 'hi new piaa
raj lickrts to I ;
Iecriii!r. the I
adopted in 11 j g.i
l '
trive I r will r.iak
Tne gover: n.ent i
sup; ly h'ar k cards
.u- his own ticket
ii k- I stamps and
The passenger will
tu ' dmum ! " -k 11 1"!' e on
a cad the narce of his staring point and
destination, and flit as u any stamps as;
the pubHsh-d list of fares calls f -r
last 8aleaa Iwdrftmdtn wan's the Dsn
OCRAT to accept the atatemsnt of tbe Ore-
I gonas on a po'i'icI rratter as conclusive
of he wi o!e r"aU'r Omt Scott, We-d
McMafan, why do you punch os with such
a joke? You are really reduced to danger
ous ground when you are d iven 'o the nec -
Mgify of ca'l'ng in the Or'gonian as your
saving witness
Boutele uf Maine repreieins a ' ully wi h
out aping one. In tie houe ystteiday, he
with b' char cfearlatie of Tom Reed
another M line m.n, a i lie. I the epithet
"dem.icralic ntarixr" to the presl.bnt
rtis nafa'sartllft training srat evidently sadl
' I mi l sun men
lL. I.I. i t , .
'kr ''k ,,e mlk,nK fr,e"l,i fjr lhe
te r t "lid losing their Own.
" lie Te tgram aa dig presidents, Haaa'i
mc'sa;.i. i, .fisappoinlin-'. To li e Teleuram
en'iy i After b-iviaa reseated time
an-l I haa iii-aln I a'- lh presidcrd intended
u uic innnari lorce o replace lhe (plecn
on herU.rone it must hi disspointing to
the Teh gi am to fin i i here wa no '.ruth in
h;H it had l.een saying
Tn? rrtsi.lent has aipj n ed John P Irish
naval ofTi-er at SanI-ram io, Wavne Mc
Vei;'i satbsaiailnr to Paly and James II
Forney Daitrd S'n'.es dist'ict attorney fcr
1 he de n
Cnicnjio hi
ed ihe nn)or of
ml y.
uru. BUs
tes-k .. T,
ererr nlgl.t 6t s
'rets. ssc. per bottat
Gladstone has
A clear Head!
WHY? Because he. follows ihese
rules: "Keep the head cool, the feet
warm, and the bowels open." You
can have a clear head and live to be
ninety if you do the same thing.
When tlie bowels fail to move dur
ing the dry take on retiring two
Smith's Small pile Beans, 't heir
cction is to mild that ycu nre not
aware of it. All day yourmiml will
be clear and cool. "Not a gripe in a
barrel of them." Ask for small site.
Tako no substitute for SMITH'S
Saw YottK, Deesmbor loth, 189.1.
The cloud of discontent which lias been
gathering over our gallant cltiarn
I aoldiors, htg at last burs', and resulted
in a lensation. Tlie Kiifhth and Sixty-j
ninth regiments, were disbanded tilt) '
other day, in obeyance to orders issued
by Brigadier General l.otiig Fitzerland.
Tho news of th? diibantlrnent of these
two regiments, sored like srilrflre in
nilitia circles. Some thought the step
taken by General l'ilerland, to DC wise,
while on the other hand, the move was
denounced by others. Ouarrels caused
internal distention, w.iicli was the cause
of the trouble. In the gallant Sixty
ninth, the action Ls taken ai an insult to
the Irish element, as the regiment was
compose.l in the most part ol .if, emlants
i i I'll ii h c lie i o is e. I
t .i. i. , , it
Since the announcemeut of the bold
attempt made by Valliant the anar
chist, to kill M Dupuy In the Chamber o
Deputies, the police have been active in
V.i, V , . i L a t .1 .. Ili.l v i l i .. I ,1 y .,t
our own blood thirsty and beer drinking ,
anarchists. Superintendent Byrnes was
closeted with his various police captains
and a careful watch is being maintained
over the resorts on tbe east side w here
tha long haired, lazy, and contemptible ,
anarch is' s gather to indulge in a coudeui
nation ol human society, and a scooner ol
!H?er. Former experiences have been I
demonstrative of the fact that the podc
of New York, are fully nble to de'est the
,.. !,. ..a ,..n,a tl... ai . . I a iva roll let
A rronnnent
feature in New Y irk this
week, is the three cornered toll aid match,
at tbe concert hall of the Madison Square
(tardea. The honors of victory are
ing soutfl.t by the C:ree leading billsrd
lata in ta eonntry, Jacob -haefer, "the
wissard,'' tieorge F Slosson. "the stu
den'," and Frank U Ivee, "the young
At Abbey's new theatre, on Broadway
' ?'"ZT- I,rre ttSw ffi
weeks.suppo'ted bv that most charming
and talented actress. Miss Bl en 1'erry.
Cuder the management ol Xlessra Abbaj ,
Schoeflel.and lirau.tbe pice at Aldiey's
handsome theatre, are so high that only
thoee well to do can afford towitm-ss a
performance of one ol Mr Irving's plays
To be explicit tbeoutrage ol asking 1 50
for the cheapest seat in the bouse, is al-
most barefaced robtrv Allowing that
ir Irving is a special attraction aud that
being from Kurope, the prices of seats
should be increased, it is nevertheless a
fact that the management for Mr Irving,
has asked a price w hich is timply extor
tion. Not many years ago we could wit
ness a performance either of a shakes
Deriiin. or modern uagedv, al a cost
which was within tne means of the ma
Sllllll SB3 Ullllill Mil lii.Bti.v
. (v o( ,,)e wonie ,j ,,t.aved by a
' - . . . .
man who was superior to Mr Irving or
', any other '-European a'.'.raction. ' With
all due respect to BIr Irving, u can tie
aid that Kdwin Booth as an actor and
interpreter of Shakespeare, a decidedly
su-enor t i t!ie t:ig.;r!i tragedian, as
i' "X produced by Irving and bis Strong
.inninv f isininaniiin nlavsril. nothing
cotnpsnv ot "ompanion players, nothing
' but the highest praise can I tsiven to the
able English actors, "llectetl" by Lord
Tenrjys..;i was the ti ret play produced by
Mr Irving and the Ixindon Lyceum
I company.
anv. Altbo verv successful in a
j ;it
iterarv sense, it lacag the dramatic force
which an audience always enjoys, wi.en
seeiaa Mr Irvinu. "Tbe Its-He ard
; "Louis XI were also produce'.! anJ in
belli tbese piays Mr Irving renewed ins
remarkable success of former year. As
Mathiae in 'The Bella
Irving is in bis
glory and jTliaps is without a rival
, '
I lie revival ot anakespearc s cotuciy
I r.-hant of Venice" was a most enjoy
able success, noih for Mr Irving and Mifi
ler'y. "Shylix-k" wagplavedby Irving,
and as Tortia Miss Terry again dsmon-
st rated that she stands alone as a perfect
hakespearian inte preter. of this most
charming r Ie. Mr Irvmg'a cl.ararttf i
zation of Sbvlock was forceful and artis
tic but it lacked tbat e'osjuence which
marked the memorable portraval of
: Boatbi'a 'hylock.'' finest prijduc
l tion of ail was that ol the historic play,
jfiom Miakespeare. King Henry TU
Mr Irving c'aved Cardinal Woiaer. Mr
Terris plavcd henry, and Miss Terry de- ,
lighted tha asdienca as th viriuout
. Onaan Catharine. The mounting of the '
plar rails forth tbe most unanimous and.
flattering praise, for tl.e artistic and
i tasteful staging of this old p'a. For a:t
and nature. Mr Irving's conceplior. oil
stage direc'ion is indeesl woaderfal Tbe .
scer.? in Henrv 111 are tne nnest anu
most aprropntte ever witnessed in tin
J city,
K. II. KnEiJ-ll
Tit 11
omr time a rcsclu tsna i aootted
j by the aem g'sngt csl ing upon Govern
or reinojer to a.-cep; nothing Hi; . c.
stitu'ioial Silary Jlj-Kj per ; ca' I:
arenas tbat tna egis'at'ire.ha' p'v d d va
floa ssssss ta be pat4 to the goem. t f r
has Services tn va'io-tt boards. I: ponies
to thi Cice ihd the et-luroar latro
da ed the resolu'un in ;be gTSrge, rvbie
IW.'ttn by Ihe gov:rriir bcu' 'he m l r
i rrpiiei inn nwawe as I as au:ior oi tue
raaotaitosts ptnad bt tpe yagc. l : gov.
erno-. be'..' in rrvlcwed abia. 'he Mailt r
' ten Is back she f lowing Su'diraa like an
"Tbe gorrrn;i now rective oi,!y his
' constltu'ional sa!iy for the dis:hirgc of
; h.s con.titutl iral rtu'ies. If the law un
looses upon him i 'si i cullts and i ro
i vidcs for their pa;, rre 1 he is fjs:ly tctit'rd
; to such Cum; ensation. The g' must
' therefore, be in favor cf the governor do-
ing socttt ing for nothinc, or of taking aw.iy
these other duties ard lot.terilng ibtm
uton boards or commissions. I am greatly
surprised in learn that Judge II - it Ihe
I author of ll.ese rcsolutims. because from
1876 to 187S at jud;c of tlc icpreme coert
I he look 1,000 v early above Ida conatHu i
tlenal salary for d jine what was irlct'y
bis constitutional duty."
The Kvenir.jf Ttleram aays:
The i leaidSM has made a very clear case
agtinsl S evens on the accusation tha' the
latter was an anncxaiionlst, but that doesn't
straighten out the Hawlti-in muddle It
doesn't justify lhe attempt to ri store a r-lt.n
monaniiy and lo ciushout ihe American
civilization that exists on lhe l-lad. It it
no great Clime to he an annexationist If it
were, Thomrs JeafcrtOn aould have died in
llic i enitenliaty. for he was a notalde ol.l
inncxationlkt. So nas James K Polk, and
' he dernocialtc paitv of his time. So was
William j-j fjiainl and tjii lohawn a Italnls
True, Jtffcr-on was an annexatbrist. He
favored the annex dlon of Louisiana Hit
h; as an lioi.est man. ?g cl. He neither
s'fitnpied t Steal) Use by force, o
c'leal lhe oMngis of thai f.ilr Isrtttarr.
He simply went to K.ance an.! 'rniered Into
an honest, s rat fortrard sfrecirrent it:i
France to buy Loatstana. lie boaant It an. I
pstd f;,r it. Idlewlse.l'rcsiiler.t I'd k, afier :
barlnj Butijiaga'sd Mtvico, might have!
claimed Ca Iforata .is a compitrrd provinc
but, Polk al8i was an l.ontst man. lie saatp" '
ly entercred into a treaty with Mixico and I
bought California and j aid for it. So. like- 1
wIse.Andy Johnson bought Alaska and paid I
'or it. 'I he Telegram 1- very unloriunalej
a making compui-or.s. Thrre is no aim
brity bewtecn lhe open, honest purchase of j
Louisiana, California 'and Alaska, and the
or forcibli takl ig of Hawaii by Stevens
Albany tterlirf.
Vlioni 45e.
Hals, '..'
Poor, H 9.
attar, 'iOr.
Kggs. SO.-,
letrd. 13 io ISt
Porg buns 1 to Hi
11 . II b l'lc
thru 1 ftr, u 1 1 lOaj
Hay. 1st 0.1 7
vo atoesi,
Apple , 4r
Hops 115'.
Dried f.-uli pi 1 is i ,, Hpp
('hlekens. ', 0 I fsaf I htao,
Heef, on f, st, Ma.
Hogs, dre ne.l. 8 .J
A few days ago the DattfOCRAT had c
cukw to malt)) the following aUtemunt:
"States' rights" pure and simple is the
doetrino that all the powers of legislation
mm iiuiiuiiisirmioii mat are not ueleguieu
lo congress by the constitution of the LTni
l"'e9 nor prohibited hy it to the states are
reserved to the states
The MonnUiinrrr, taking exception to
i his, tays:
s is some more secession doctrine I
from the editorial columns .of the Albany I
Otmoertv. Our cooteinHirary would have
been absolutely correct it ho change! Uie
word "slates' und inserted peoples And 1
on this tbe rebe'iioei of the southern tatei
pivoted." ' the people were sovereign'
they hud no right to secede from the union; '
but If sovereignty res'ed in the uta es, tlien I
-'. T' " t"mu .ur"-,u l".p P'
. . - "J . ....
inrv nail rue'iif ruilo I rt uru
. lne
. -i, i,, vu itiiersi v not oiuiiiuir
I Hot ... I l .u;. - -- ,.. .Ttt 1
rl tilt. .It.,., . f .. A t
.. .. ...v " ii Buouu tins iiursiiuil nil an
' time, and we are sorry last tho old
trine of "states rights" us supporters in ;
Ing democratic party.
1 eaer wants us to change the !
word "states" and insert "people." This
we could not do without do'nar violence to
an old written documeu', long siuce for-
gotten by some people, and wholly ignored
by others, called he
cona'itutuin ol tna
fJaittd S'ates. Th t
t' tha constitution reads as follows:
Tl . . . ,
i tic powers not He eg-teJ to the I Ulled
IUH I iV lin f iirit ',. t . , . ..r.
I i . t . . .
" l' lo -tie sUlcs, .re rescrve.1 to the Mates
lespeciive y, or fo II1C psoplc.
This is -i part of the written constitution
of the country, made to be obeyed. Be- There are, it is true, a number of democrat
cause one oiiotca this amendment he is BO- , ic Bepresen'ativcs. nit s arg . however.
cused jf being a aectgsionist by one who
seems never to hse rosd ihe cantitut!on
or has r.o dansatftaa to rerjnixr its va
lidity. 1 be wofds "state" and "people".
-PP-r in the amendment, but it
require but li't power of ccmprehensicn ,
to e that ibey are ue I in'erchamreablv.
In the ilatise "Teserve.1 to the
specttvely, or to the people."
f'a'es re-
the word
"people" means people of ti e state re-
- ec'ively and not teople of ihe I nited
Slal(fs The rebellion in the southern
. . .
t-tates htngi-d on Ue .luesllon whe her the
s ates respectively or the people thereof re-
s; ectiv-ly had a right to peaceably secede
hfsan theunion.Tbis lues'ion was submitted
north to the arbitrager t of the sword and
decided adversely. Many eminent men, both
and loath in the antebcPum days, such as
t a'houn. Davis, lireely and even Lincoln,
bad (romulga'r-d I ha idea of peaceable'
wdhdrawal frtm tbe Union, but that con
tention was set' lexl forever by the sword.
But tbe war did not abororate. but con
flrmd 'he con'tttution. hence tbe tenth
a mem! men I is as ahd'v in force as before
(te ,r. fbi, smendment particularlv
, .... .
draws the fine of demarkatlan between
state and feileral authoiity. Under this
amendment it will be seei ti 4ft
can exercise on'y such powers as
are del-
gated to it. It has no original power
i's powers are derived frvtn tie constitu
tion as nude bv the sta'es in constitution-
a onven'ion
assembled The powers
reserved U the states resuective'v. or to
the people, can be exe'cised only by tbe
s'ates acting in their state capacity.
The onion was creaeJ anl ettahlisb tf !
the :a;ts, acting in tt"eir su:e opacity, J
This is cleaity prcven by the constitutian I
ilse:f wherein it Is prov Jed that "the rat-
fficat.on of tiie cenventien cf nine att'.e.
thaJ! be tufhcUh! lot tte establishment
, cl this constituticn ltween the s'a'es s;
ratifying ti.e saase." Alio in the
tarn ? ir-
I tide la tha aWaststaM daata ae f:nd these
words: --Ibjo.! is convention by I've un
aninout conent ut ihe sta'ei prestnt' etc.
The M..uniains:' ta'cm-i ihat tiere it
sori.t more seceiion doctrnt la tbe columst
of the A'btiy 0.-mcr' is n oVy false
bat . . : .; .1 abu-d for :ur words
e..U 11
it fount S.C-SS1SO1 d j;-:iae are substantially
, tbe and of te constituti on of the Cn'tjsi
State Taat the first twelve amendment
; to i" cjukiisixs are iiraiiartovisoiuaepow-
' tr of tr federal roveir.toer.1 nreda no nroof.
If the Moun'aiaeer eOxtef aviil carrfulle .
read tbe t.fta'.c.r, of tbe c art futon of.
the Unite? Stues, he wii not be slow,
.11 1.0 nest in lovetlg"ior. 1 in afrivirg st
be conclusion iris! tl States tre supreme
in tatt esercise ot tlwat poarar alrch thry
have never detegtveJ lo Ihe gci.ei a; gcvsrn- j
i-.rt. anj tha- he frdtra. g . cjr.rr.ent is
supreme within tbe sope "I the nossats
del' gstsvt lo It be
n el tbe
United S at-.
(aal titre
.al u, Maaoraar.
I'. iiTi.tsn.O e.Iec. il Af er bjing or.t j nurs jurv in cawst re
li-.igreement ge orilere.1 further
Tata TanMa Wa K vt
very largely make ut what ae ire.
Notticiugbl can paa through the
mind without leaving some effect,
however slight. Manv slight Im
pressions, In lime, make mlgb y
charges. It's ihe tame with :!
lKa!y. Abuse It with poor f id
and take the consequences.
For purtftw gr.d certainty In grocrrie
ai d hked goods, go in Parker
0 1 r gard prn
pn. ter f
hePi.ireerhouse.les:.-.sIoiBnrm !
the put - that he has reduced th.. price af
hoard w 'shoot lodging to U per wills
daii i j I ir week. Single mnl. cents
1 he ou)
it invited to call ss I teen gorwt
nags si
a lie 1
It ng u
set a gi.! table. Have fir wood lor S
ruer of Hroadl
boii ai d V, ater
J 1) .Ml K, SI, A
Yierecks shaving and hair
aett sjkkk
I'aiLer tiros, grocers,
f. M. French keeps railroad time
I'-uy your groceries of Parker Broe
Ft ie rii-risi at Chan's.
retn- cheese juat "rl it III! ml flbai ll
P J Smiley job printer, Klino Block, dotas
first class work.
Smoke the celebrated ilavnaa fillod S oenft
cigar a r Julius Joseph's.
il- -t H iihvaioi.i.1 ao,I anrnm.
". 1
!' ' :i Osttt nutle bi on, w
untry .
For pi.y sake, don't growl ami grur. We
because you are troubled with indig-estiorr.
No good was cverrffected by snarling and
hatting. Be a mm (unless "nu happen to
be a woman), and lake AVer's Sarsparllla,
which wi I lelievrj you, whether man or
Si si-gM.Kii.Quong Sing 'ft ' vvhol
nave t-een rsOtag hmlneaa for along time in I
iiiiscn v nave suspended, owing, i s t.isy
say 10 the liaro tbrei and "bsks Bo pay.1'
The company tney say it all brokci 'up.
They have been doing busi-iess In Albany
eighteen yeais.
Wheat, 50 cts; oats, i5c; hny.lfS baled;
wood, $3 to $3. 50, taken In exchange for
sewimr machines or organs on hand at E
U W Ill's music store. Also on all book
accounts of 6 months standing. Ssvvlng
machines from $.!; to $35., with mv per
sonal guarantee tor c, yrs.
W'hatever maf be the cause of blanch- j
tne nalr m-,y be restored to Its origi
nal cuiur v inc use 01 mat potent remnfy
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer.
Hhiloh's Vitaliaer is what you need for
dtwpe ptit, torpid Hear, yollow skin or kid
'y trouble. It is gutranteed toTgive you
aatsttaatlea. Price 75o. 8jldy Foahay Sc
From uur regular L'orreSondent.
Washington, Dec. 1H, 1893.
lteprescntatlve llolman, chairman of the
democratic caucus has, after consulting
with his democratic colleagues, decided no
to call the caucus which it has lieen deter
mined to hold to consider the Wilson bill,
until after the Christnutl recess. There
are several reasons, all good, fur this de
cision. Many democrats have already gone
homo to sjiend Christmas and if the cam us
nail been Held tins week it would com:
qnently have been slimly attended.
Ij,.. I
sides, those who Spend their holiday a
home will get an opportunity to learn just
how the Wiltson bill his beta received by
their constituents which will enable them
to lay before the caucus any objections
,i i.
may eUt. It ft, in Lie
- i '"j
fortunate that the bill has been delayed,
It will enable the
lemot.rats as d
has never lieen
done before consoll
,1 ahout (he details of a tariff hid.
j The republicans of tbe lioute have an
nounced with a great Aoariafa of trump-ts
that they will not vote wiln aeaftOI ffi
who opiiote any section Or tha Vrftlsoa bil
to amend the measure. A mote uuneces-
. sary announcement was never mice 1'
j was, of course, made rolely for thi- purpose
. ,,f mtp1i; n, ,., .,v i.d tl .. 1'ii.f
.... ,, . . ae
. t' , . "
It : f I i . r.. 'itn i - t . ? . rv u.-
,v Ainniu iur ui.i u ruactit 111 uiiik aw, i
the repub'lcans wodd only vote with them.
as tbe republicans would like the country
' to believe, who a ill endeavor to get tbe bill
amended in caucus, 'jut failing in that
there are not five of them who will refase
to vote for the bill.
The House has shosrs itself la he thor
oughly in acrorj oi'h th iwlicv of
the democratic pirif b
ajvantage ol the unavoidable deli v in e
ting ihe tariff bil! rtaJy to pis bill a!
milling Ij statehood Ctab, A'''3t anj
Ne Meiico, a!t'.oi;g i reju 41 an rlfttoaiSSai
ing ma te it ncCiarv tot the'cc on
rules lo r-porl conMujig Orders tfore It
Could be dure The eopl; of ihcae ler
rt;orie are n ' liae'y tj firgrt this repub
lican ti ibualermg.
Congressmen, particula, ly ihoe who
have !en so precif itaic In tier ftijlb less.
will r?o well to spend a part of tbeir Chrst
' rr.a holiday in s'.urtjir.g PreaHsill Cleve
land's special me-sssgc inj the Hawaiian'
, aaCBasaMa of whicn it Iteata, It wi'l not be
I ne-esarv for ittm to endone the l'reil
'cent's Hawaiian Jh:y in ita rnt.ittf to div-
cover Ism sbtarO .Senator Hoar".
wk a-
remark ahou: impeaeVment were
I a . r l
I has bein neither technical nor ae-.uat
j tioa of either i!.e letter er the spiill c ihe
; cosstitution by the rrcsniect : tbe i :ea t'-.i
j ihire had len ss conceived by ma tgnan
j partisans'; ip sni nurturpj Vy tuch men
Mr J R sovereign, the new held of the
Kaigb'.s of Labor, i in Waahing'oxi. in
aitenianceurson lh coafewice of the Et-
' ecutivc rooiriittr of ih; lti metallic j
' League' with wbtxh he Is in
j Speaking ot tbe tariff be nid.
out anj out dee trader. The
I am an
1 protection of Amman labor is a Celonon.
La'jcr it not proseciexS. Insntnt cspiial
raCBsTta a bona ir. the form ol protectioc.
, sr. i 1; i ti.en o;;'.k)sal wdb th: CSpitatiat
to give a tbare ct the bocat to tabor la the
f Jim cf increased wages. Bu" this option
it seidoaa. tt eve-, exercised." There t
' lood for refJrction in these wcri of
)y in padtion
, , .
ot vstw oft the
; Sorerewn, win certaia
' to spesk from '.Le
.'. u. rarntr
Keprcseaunve Ca'.bertson. chairman o
Ue House JuJiciarr ccmmittee conndeis i:
rc -v . oubifttl ahtt n a bsr.krep:cy b Ii o
' ar t k'nd 1 I get 1! : ujh the- li- - -
sdho-gh Keprescntatis ltaileT
w m maearor 10 utn WB so.-ai.isry was
i tui ei i: I and Kep-trota:lTe 0 r aid in
ifoiace a r. bi!t mrsdilying the Toerty
bil!, ahsca was rectitlv kiitrd in tV Hcue
It has stout been decided :l-ar the
TtnH ttt WW ttiall Talia 'tr '" i -so in
beritance tat, but It is sib i. st-
lii whether '. i s tax sS.v take tlie pi t:e ot
the propos'J ir.ccw-e ut oraoait be in at-
d:t:iin KcCa It it t o: cxi.sidrei prab-
able by members ut tbe ways and means
f SSaaslllai tl.a.tJ-c ftnltrea' leienae bst
trsVl be rrporud to lie llotrse utltt' sfttr
, the liolviayr. The tarfl Hit wia uc re;ot eJ
to th: House to-m urcw. ntlcss orcetbittf
jO'w UQixpeC'ed tbafl prever.'. u'. i' aid awj
I be called en tor deistte anti! afttr tie i rr-s
VSWtttil lOVslBltm-
.t yaa want a !iae mok
call far Joa-vh
hue ibjrctgar.
The iea:,riat .-o'fee :n the dtv at I'- niStl
fc-r a
Call on Will Jt Sairk for bargains
Holldat jeweb V
Wi.l .V Stark's large line of silv e' watc
baa Cftated a grest deal ot talk .
Get yossr tioHday fcoovla at Hodges A
McKarland. The best atnek to select
j from.
Motor niakes five r it 1 dally to Vtereck's
addition, l.otr thrre an tii-tallments f $1
per week.
, The t K Crubbcr i.fold on trial. To
try one does not mean von are escmpeiled
tobuv. btls'd bv Jas. Fixvev.V vks.
,, ,
In selec:lnj your holaltv gcot's do not
fail to call on Hodges v McPariand.
Tney t ave a fine ilneof goods, crahracinig
a large slock of nlu'h coods. Including an
elegant ilne of perfumeries, etc.
(Jet ycur holiday goods of Will V fstark.
j Thtir stock, because it is large and vail
I ed, and their ptices because thcry aie low
will make itan nbiert lies li'.w the v t I
give assay to their customers $75 aoi-th of
stiver ware.
Genuine psrtt for all sowing mischines,
also the best oils, needles, ctx for all
se:ng micMnes, Mcyclet, el:., at B I'
Will's music store. Seing ma rbhies and
orgtns repaired reasonable, an i all work
warranted. Needles prepaid bv mall 40c
a dozen.
rreted lo lie the Bel.
Teated and proved by over thi rty vears'
( use In ill parts of the world, Allc sck's Por
I otis plasters have the indorserr ,ent of the
highest medical and chemical luthotitics
and mdllonsof grateful patients -who have
been cured of distressing allmc nts volun
tarily testify to their merits.
Alicock's Porous Plasters .- re purely
Vegetable, They arc mild but effective,
sure and quick tn ihclr acliim. and abso-
uteljr harmless.
Beware ol Imitations, and do rt' be de -
Cel red by misrepresentation. Ask tor
Alicock's, and let no solicitation or expla
nation Induce you to accent a so xMditute.
When your heart Is bad. and vour
head Is bad. and you are bad clean
through, what Is needed ?" askc tl a fiton
ils v -school teacher cf her class. '( know
Aver's Harsaparllla,' spoke -ap a Utile
girl, whose mother had recentl.y been re
stored to health by Hint medietas-.
ivu ocuer picparation icr tne nmr lit e 1
ever Leen in.-entid than A.y-era ilair I
S.- L -. . r .
Tlgor. It restores tbe origin ai color to j
faded and gray hair, and Imparts thai j
natural gloss and fieshness, e-veryopc sol
mucn aeirnires. its repuiatto n Is vroild
Shiloh's Cure, the ureat cor tuh ....1 nmsn !
re, is for sale by ns. Pooke; size onntaina i
wenty-live dosoa.only 2oo. C bildreu lore it
oshay ft Mason.
Will At S-'lark. th- eweler.
Hodgot & Mubarianrf,
tore, Albany, Of.
th a bnsvU'ig dra f.
I A California nun in 1884 Willi new
: Ixirn son Urover. Now hn is mad. and ha
1 changed the nanu- to SjriCWtjr J'ennoyer.
, Will tho boy live it rait.
Wright.-! Taroma, repr.rts '.
s-nt by the street depari-
that for lii)
nient of that city
were rispiired to
liosse .
manual latftOr,
rapt riidfaniiiiili and
Some of the Salem papers are gettii
.ew lears edition
biograbiral cketehe
whieb will i ordain
f prtominent nu n.
i in- iiioeisMiuoiii -ays tnatjiist
aw sws as .sew tears is past JI will DUD
lish corrrs t sketches of eaea men m paid
for. A great scheme.
A valley pas-r down the river with than
contemivraries isiasts of more want adds
DVerv dav than all tin- others nrtiLined. It
. , , -. - . . . . r.
j " lw''or ",r'T- wl'"" """'; ol in- other,
I " . Ul lull' - ai. Iliaill. II STrii t
take th- public long to -atch on.
city council report-
A majority of Salt
'i in lavor o! one driver, the i Inet engineer
t.i act as driver; two policemen, oaa day
and one night, tin- strwt fatea to lie cut
down two iin-n. that haboa, Is- opt in a
rented room iio-tead of tl- oonaft jail, that
supplies be on :. re;uir.itioti. They can
thu, rave 4,-, 1 ;i .
Hie date lurd of isjualizatiot! generally
goi-s on the plan ot taking the highe-t pro
rata ;usi-Miieiit and bririgwig all the conn-
iii-s iii to it. a wrong Uo-is It approxi
mately corrri t the ;ises.-ment should stand,
or the Isiard should e-tahlish a rat.- pn -vious
t the as-suient- and then a t on
that bau
A Califoruia jiap-r wij
t'regrjn ap-
propnaxed ?yi.isj for her exhibit at tho
World's fair and she made an exhibit and a '
grjoil one which will and thousands of
settlers to the (date, anl be srorih millions
cf dollars. All this is not so very snrpris-
ing altiiouir.i the monev name! w.uild
scarcely V- enougn to send one of our public
r .
u,r.iimaiii;.i ,ii iinwiur uiii t'j iur tail .
lesti-rdav a sett.'emnt was nad in win
:t" I - win -
1 , ""
s small bal-n
f-mrtei-n or Sfteaa difl ron
are! oniv in on-- . .s.- w.,
jui'l in cash. Tbe mitter teuniriatoil with i
an aggregati- indel.t. dn -- due one man in
stead ' f -everal. Tbe affair L very sugg
tive of.what a few dollars put in circulation
doesfor a community. I-t tlte O Patea be
paid and the Linn ounty Uank -!. I c-it ,
f lr cent of its denonits
anil th'Hjsands of !
,: uuiiais tji uciHii wouei i
sett'et and .i3air- I
appear Basil f..r awhile.
The Turn of the Ti le'" i- the title of a
i drama to be prxiuoed at Toteslo by locV
taient during Ust holiday s. "I'll tear your
I piiverinjf bean frim yotir issv,m and cast
I it to the fishes of the se." is a werfu!
passage hurled at tho lea. 1 1 r.o- lady by t:w
nine Haw is hardly srpai
aj by aborai
the Ifalies. His name
CLemerts -V etle He oomnseneed bv breab
in'- !.i- ' n; thre; 1 .:.- .bor..-.- ufti -
t j ward a horse stepped on his frt. cntunjr
ins i-ig ! as neauy a a iix-ait rarttr
nju'd nave don it. Iist snmnier he was
inliy iwiierburaesl. while investigating
it etplosive jmwer. with other ckiidren. A
1 few -iavs ajpj a mule kidked him in the ab -
domen. Yesterdav morning at 9 o'cioik
was shot in tbe stomach with a o2 caliber
I Imllet. and still lire. The billet went
I and came out again withou
! internal organ.
TtttttATftBI SIB -1 Mi lln I -
Oar readert da not nee-1
the Century Magarine i
wort in ar.v sense. For
lt4 it w-ili be
rreater than ever. 3W tyagvs of . hole lit
lure with 10t) illustra-in'
Mr i be a new nov-d bv Man Twain, isnortant
! expeditions, hunting of fare g-.une. artists
1 adventures, tramping with tramrss. uniat -
I i:.ta .. .-.-. ,, ,
uiksbmi- . i.t.-.e - j.i-M . M wr:i.HC.
The St Nicholas is the j-rimi? of children's
mags Tines, the best of all t the-?:. A feat-
nre of the 1S94 namlser will l Tom -a-rycr
Aur-eii l y Mark Ti:-.. .. ha- :r r.
s-i ie. a BSBBXBJB "11 .s Hi-, e laUiOOTS. sautSBS
of India by Rod yard Kipling, recuile-lions
id wild life. Dapers on the irovertiinent and
si ir-:! .t... - r .. - - ... . -
1 fa rams BrTTsnus".
lne pnee . f the tenturv ss 3. cents a
ctimlr. f4 " i ;.-..r f Ni. holas. $3.ii
lumlier SaiBI -lv.-.- . t Vi. i. K.1
v.sar. Anv n ix'-.-er ot the I " hat
.lis good standing may -wire the Centcry
! jr 3..a r tae N iehjla f r - ..
leavini; n; ney at this onW. V e wxd
d . the r--t
ir rralw.
Self prai- ' no
there ate not tin.e
reco-r. men oal ton ,
en one .-nut: permit
a fertort t i 'cil IBM
Wncn what he sav
testimony of other.
uta about htmserf.
... -Pr , -r j.,. ,i,
no rriwiaMe man
wijt tioub bts wcr,. Now. to sav thai
Aiicv's I' p.siter. arc the cniv
is not self oral se ir, the s it c-t dearee
1 hrv line stood tie tcs: Iur over thirrs
' year, and la proof of their merits it is en! "v
. r.ecestan ocatl attention 10 the cuies
they hawe etfrsc-ed and lo lhe voluntarv
'estinoiit -. . ofataoat wti ihsve used theni.
Itcaau of smi-atior.s, and do not be dc
ceivcj by mlsrepresertatior. Ask tor
Alicock's. and !et so solicitation or expla
i nation indnsr you to accept a substitute.
$100 Eeward. $100.
Tkemrfersof this paper wr.t be pleased to
Mara that there is at least oae dreaded disesae
thai science has been able to cure in aU ita
stares and that ilsi ill Hail's Catarrh
Cure is Ihe only positive cane now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh bring a con
anitatioQal disease, requires a ensaatatatfoaaj
trvatmtot. Haii's Catarrh tire is taken inter
aalty. acting directly upoe the blood sad tcu
ccus surfaces of thesrsiem. therebv destroviot;
the foundation of the disease, and gtvinr' iho
JiV..! i..'!.h ,hlrbui!.iint;upthe ci.i-.stitutapa
'" 'TTT as i vj m liomic worts, l at
Bsajpiiators have so much faith io its curative.
po-airs. ma: they offer One tlundrvd lv!iara
i"r a-
anv case that it fail tn .. .r.. .-..i r.,e
11s, or lest icion:. lis,
.-.ildres. r.i. CtUtMafl etCO, ToJedo.0.
AJ-Scid bv Liruccis:j. , ai
No SaBUjssvaifG Briitg cn your :.:u-
winier underwear We cuar.-.nlce not U
injure them, as we take Rrers; care 10 wash
incta M sott water (.lesvtiemens starched
I work a specialty. The white laurdi ies of
auisans arc getting tne v aincse coinered. us cur worK ami thev will soon
ev. Orv Ijtt xiirv.
Mrs C StjtPsoN. pior rietor.
Mt foil l ne nf MAtTNTO-HRs and
: 309 iAMTUs. iaatfostaag assist novrlrae
for iadi", asissSH a,. 4 ctuldren. is now
i ale. mK Yo-.rB.
Ve ate still selling Dress goods and
1 Ca esan J Jackets at grcativ nMuced prices
I for cash. We invite you tocxamlre the
! Read, Peaoocfc ft Co gs.sds and prices.
Ilof.inY CKov-Ktr.Y . I am
out my s'ock of fancy crocVerv
I not inlctid to carry such goods
j und have put a price on mv stock
I it. S E Young .
I do
to sell
B0r.1n.vv II vxnKi nciiii ss. Largest
stock of silk and linei handkerchiefs in
the city at S K Youngs.
1 ov as
For HOCUMYa. 5 button
suede, monsquciaire and
glace and
biarrl:. Agent for Foster book and
Cense uteris . SS Ycung.
See the New Improved Sluger
ohino. The r-a. t is always tha
W Sawden, at;ent. Ottice at F
jewelry rlnre
sewiug Ml
heave, t. J
!l I re nob's
Skvviso Machines neatly repaired and
warranted bv a thoroughly competent wvuk
man, at F M French's ewalry sore, AJbany,
i.eiter l.tsi .
Foal efttt Ing is the list of letters ron.aining J
in the post otfios at Albany, Linn county, 1
Ore ron, Dee ISih, 1S93. calling for
the 1 l"ers must give the dtte on which I
the' wer0 advertised. 1
Allen. Uutev Barnes, Uenor.i 1.
Crusoti, A II C.Kiivr, I. 11
Haniels, H A Ibmu. I W
Hiutayiii, J Howell, C II
John,, btra Locinda M Okamoto, V
SchiaMiiann. August Smith .V Jordeun
I're. Wagon Hoad Co.
Tjios. MoMTrrrif, P. M,
n I' slum
CoRVALMS. Dec, 22 Attorneys Hughes
i larke, who bid in the property at the
(r" 'Pacific saV, appHed ai th- oftice
tolay fJr a ntatpment of the floating in-,
iieoii-unes1. sgainsi me propnv, wrueri
I aaigeeta the probability thai their people
; ate considering the plan of buying up the
j claims in order to secure a confirmation of
l the sale. The statement furnished ag-
ireiates . WK Inclnrlirie a..000 at-
I tornevV fees eon racted dnrine th? Ho-zr
Itir Tarin- Hill.
WAftMlKCTOX, De-. 22. Ther; is an
I'lh-nt purpose to I urry the tariff bid
through when the bOBM reaembl-. It
1 is probable that Lie tesaiaw "ill fregin at
JI o'clock In Ci.. morning and last un'il 0
at night during the '.onsideration .of tbe
bill. .Many people sr-j urging that t'" .
.ii-ii, i-'i
),ill Im passed at
an early date, so tl a
bustnesi affair may be adjusted to ne ,
new conditions. Several demoer.i'ic maaa- ;
j bers of the house who sigr.ed Ihecah for aj
MUCM on the tariff bill, do not lielieve it 1
will cow le held.
ftarl lajTseiur,
I't.KNAMKt ( , lire, 22. Startling rn-l
mors have reached here from various
f'jurces. which lend an air of credulity to
; them, that the innirgent tleet at Bio ia
: neiro. a'ter tare days' doullory figh'int'.
j male a determined attack in force and
captured the cry. It is added President
S Peixoto has resigned in fav.r of Adm'ra!
III Kello and that Peixofo is a pris'jner
Though this inagecera' ru nor. it i rigiit
to add that the jeoplc of Perninibiierj do
not credit it.
A ifcrnsiblc (.mrrinir
.'a k AriUM. Fla. Dee 22. The Do-I
I val Atbeletie Club received a st btk to j
day in its effort to pull off tne Cafbett-
Mi bell iisht I ' e a torney tor the elnb ,
appearesl before liovernor Mi'cVll at Tall-
! -4has and made appi cation for a charter, j
i This the governor flat y refused, stating
' ihat uuder he v-r ' f a charter tbe club
I nroi.wl ; tl he, of KloriCa.
Aft.-a Traasa a.las
Amikiisojc. Kan. Iex 22 Kx'reme op-
pOMUOB to 'i (vtBOr lweiiicg s irarnp
I P Prs'.l by Ma.or Te-hune. who.
owir . to the nuiurT of recen' tramp out
, i : itiL. aaL. JL.i I
l.ij; -u"i an iu,.'iii.iin .
of police to furnish each nigfct patrolman '
sum a biacWenake whip. Every tramp i
riJI Ije wnipped out of tbe city and whip- (
ped ag.iio jf he returns.
Tired mtthe Do,
Oakuuid, Ca!, Iec 22 I' jono3,a An- ;
grelio. an !ta!ian from Sacramento coantv.
- , . I -. '.-.. . I i train t .-. t . v with
' i;abe on his Isdy. He had (rone iri'e
; closet and s'abbed himself with a pocket-
j knife. He has an ha lucination that the j
! devil is in him. and that blood letting- will j
JetMastaat. When bit by hi-r-eelf be;
falls on his knees and nays constantly.
rteal Qalt VSrk, Dec. '2i. Th-?
iregon fa
use', r.imnlirations muitinlT. Betides
--1 tying ap ,t Jsin Francisco of the steam
is f
er ii Jtme'te atley on soppiv claims,
tbe river boats Hcag and" Thn.e Sisters
r - nr w tie at tbe whirl here in possession
off I of the crew, who received not'acatiou ye
terday frwm baperintendent Malcahy that
river r perations. for toe lck of paying
business, were to b: snspended. and that
their snfices were not needed - Tbe men
ilecJined to be cis.harged until -"1 dart of
ha ; anraii servk-es. aggregating f.'
ifcnhcsimns. aad ive notice that fc-r the
in I l'j dart allowed bv law thev woald ho -1
Use , I uem selves in readiness tor service ai au
hoars.. Th's will cot the company about
5-o oer dav. !r. rd?r to save the crm-
pony expanse they cave net ye" libelid
oca? s.
TtM- Mlltaaawilr
j S.o: Frascisco. 1c 'Ji. No boat
Tfc-i-t f. r :ru 1 iniKscin las-if;e tnrlav
- i owner of tfce ' . r.e . ar..-e'.et
wii! 1 charlc-r lit nia an-i Aceat lav failed
I secure a re'exse of the attaciuenti on
) WiflameOe Vai er . Sberiff Mciade beat!
i the L'ni.-3 niarshal in petting ti
I .t , . . - s 1
! ptastrT on l-c vessw.. icsieruay i-a
wanted to 'ay her cr in ineapensise Sau
' aiito. l:t the :.e.-;rr .le:iird to permit
J any removal tJ at arouid lake bar oat of
, ... ;a-:--::u..-.
Taal aijlwsst
SaiJiM. Dec 21. Dr Rowland. Rich
a' :- r. .,!. i
Williamson re amed today
fr Kts'- rr. r.. w: :a ' :-er.
viewing sites on l-haf af the state board
las' the ka-atirra of the branch insane asvl-
nrr. Tbe fottosrinr. Pint were visited
1 Haktr City. -orth Powder. Union. La
by ,''tSr. ie. fendtetcn. .ii.lon. tleppoer. ta:co
and Ite Wal es. 1 be pbysicians wist re
port to tbe board t trustee ot the asyiam
at its marling tue first week in Janu -ry.
Whisker lb- t ease
. i - n . Wash. IVc SI.
A vcunz
i tnsn committed suicide at tbe Hotel liear-
' dan '.ast night bv the niort.-bine route Ut
- ul j (.n ostnkins: hard f .: rvral days.
! Tois rrornins be failed tit appear
breakfast, and at dinMt-i: was renirkid
j'hat be bad r I beea seen. Then Lit
1 ! ri II . ai and found tbe
man dead. He was knewn bete as
lUllaann. was tr:n ortn
4 Kettle teniae
Piuixavnttxi. Dec. Of. There is greit
etcitetneat over a wei!-.-..i'b"ticatei re
port thxt the KepubUca. .i' moat formi -
tlante snip tn tbe lirax r-snrsent "eet.
aocompantcil by tbe A (u. a- aD. haa been
sighted heasling cortt-.ward apparently for
this pjrt. As the .Nictaeroy mailed sontti-
ward W, and as
tie At:. erica is
jr t r- , , ... .
I the !A., nf ., werv.
J honorary members. Committees were ap - j
1 pointed "to tirecmre a nniform form for ts-
; sessment-rcli Vsv-Ws. also to urge county
1 courts to rnvvide a.ssescirs witii abstracts)
I iitiil m.oK Ynrlr nf Yamhill.
I introduced a resolution asking that a law
' be ent.-.e,! nrori.lincr for deduction af in-
debtness and taxatiiva of mortgages. This
j was laid on the table. Tlie
the boar
I of
I moot again tomorrow with
I eiaahaition.
X raay rtt) ,
SrsOKANE, IVc 'JO. -Pisksencers return
ing to Spokane from the first round trip j
over the vikane ,v Northern, report tbe
arrival of ihe first through tram at Nelson
tuesday evening was the signal for tbe
wildest kind of demonstration that town
has ever known. The en' ire population
turned out. I.iiiuid letreshuients flowed
lavishlv When the passengers alighted
dewr.iKd h'.t.sss were nwaitiug them, and
took thorn over the town. A merry crowd
followed the laoceaiiou through the streets.
uuiking a tieaiendou dinn. I'verything
was freje In Nelson, und Meat of the citi
zens in town stayed up all night
ArrtBglen .ullt .
KosKisoRo, Dae east, The trial of ex-j
County Treasurer Arrinirton. which bus1
len gvung on for the past week, went
the inrv this morning. After being out
half an hour thev returned a verdict
guilty aa per indictment, and reeemmended
him to tke merov of the court. Arlington
was indicted for larceny of betaeea $'J"J.
IKX and iWlv.OOil public money. The de
fense has moved for u new trial.
A Big Eadenmrnl
Sax Ki'iAxcistO. lVs- 'JO. Mrs .bine
S'unfonl, widow of the late Senator Le ,
hind Stanfonl, and executrix of his vast ,
estate, yesterday confirmed the tele-graphic
report that the Inland Stanford jr univers- i
i'y is lo receive an eniowmeut of ut least ;
t90O.fJ00 from one of the brothers of the '
late senator. In the latter 's will jsW.OtKi
is bei)ueathed his brotlter Thomas Weldon
Stanford, of Melbourne". Australia. This
j bequest bus been turned over io the uni-j
Mast Keutster
Fuaniisio, Pec
20. Collector
has received
his instructions
about the re -ristraiion of Chinese under the
McCieury act. He is ordered to give pub
lie noilce at once to the Chinese that they
ru ' up 111 neat watcbliaita1bottle8.8iijBr
eutiUii. Srtatl ti-ai UShDs. kSu. Bjer aattlwf
ehatiire laundry work for "oou. 'ali
ou Kieharits ai Phillip, at ids Aioaow
e'teajti Laundry.
on- me carvs.. a nerve n.iva: uii a oe-
Itaeeai the - vemmetit and reyaaoaiarf
Aa.r tteei
I Salkv. -. fW 90 - Tne coantv as-
1 sesaurs ct - gua mat ttere today and or-
i ganized. Ilsai decided tn have a per-
j maaent association Geerca Sears, ofi
. Muiessomab cotintv. was r.:;A chairman.
land U O Coffev "sevrcarv. Members cf
I had for dinner
was tbe beat I ever ate.
Thank to COTTOLENE, the
new and successful shortening.
Ceasiac made ooij by
CHICAGO, ti."' "OUR, 0TOIt.
A Seveae Law.
The r j' jh peo-
tiese sts; 's - hso
va It. fee-, ther
-' tsvs a I- aL,Sr
v yrt 5 ?
'.y make
ae.iBTT- saj de
stroy a-I ratad
ti-ai sm
A., 1
rtj are rarerenteij to be. Coder
. .'. fi.ttii of tsa ': a
. .-..' .- rwa resale adsi-
- i;, : 1 eof tbe Dust Bofitt
'. t. - rrr Net
-. . 7 j-aa- taas srtli
, aa t I grands cf
- a rt ara to swell
. i ti . a-... si-, a ii srfikiw
?s aaaat eoan : nrr ussd.
.1 ;- es wa-er ases ara
sat -at Ertsri tcadlsa
-- e:,a:. : -e are aeat.
I - : ; c:il! I waj Into
1: t a 1 ttam
'.a to
I . Baas K-vbatbty
raa-r 1 atssw saaaafa
- I
- 1
, w -1 ie 1
19 - . -1 I ari abasia
-' a leaf SSBa and stsa,
: Si.ta rsver: .r strssurea.
t .
t- I
ui .: .: .t.zf -tanma tar
- :ri- i - kd ISBSt SavS BW
" -x ; : a iaT-r ill: suair
tic :
pa 1 a at 1 :-. Je a r.elt!3n ti rca. fix
crier la: :"i jtr.
: : il j t IJ
T tii ;sa;:rT .':
c-J.j ia roanl
tils -t le
3 ass
to ;
the 1
- .
irtce aoe per pcaaat. r '
FromTenninal or Ia'sncr PuiLts iha
- j
la ihe line ta take
To all Points EAST and SOUTH
ft ta tke DIXIXC. CAR Kl TE.
II raws Thrtsaartt Vi sum I.
I at tke Tear to
riirnims.eil rtf flinir Tarx rnnrniaa
! jW1" W. T
rallplaH! ItniWlD SlWBlMW'V
m LatrM rVjQipmfnt
j Fast :L at ea b eonstrncue 1 and in
; which a-ootnodii.--o are bsrh
and furc.ishss.1 f r 's.dders of First or
5. food Ciasw tiei . su d
. n, ... ; at s.imi'iiri'li
A uj luidd Idi u dt jj.i Ujj.a last
j jj Hjjtigi affOnHfl I DlTBCt W d
Cn iiitorrap t ?i SsrTics.
PoIImat tCeaper reservations can b
ssjeurad Jn advance ibrouxb any
awat of the road.
' THROUGH TICKEIS to and from ait
i points in A met ids England an J
' KUrOPe Cn P purenssstsl at SIT
be purchsjas-i at
ticket aiEoe of this conr paagfj
Fall infsrmaii-'o eoncarning rates.tiuta
f trains. natas aa J other iatails far a
ishe i oa application tj any agsn: ar
A I CalaRLTOS.'stant Genera! Pasaencar Agent.
No Pit Fir.t M. cssr. Washingtaa.
Portland, Otaron.
C Q Parkhar'.. loaal acsut.
ass au
S H II Clark, OliverVW Mink, K Sllei
j Anderson, Rectivers.
For raies and general hi tot mation call
on or address Curran Je Mooteith, Albany,
I Oregon, or
W H HCRLBURT.Asst.Gen l. Pats. Agt,
aca Washington St..
Portland, Orsson
jag &
msmm hho