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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1893)
rutoctat Wkkki.y Dkmkihat.-$ 75 per in advance. Jmhi at of year. TUESD aTZT This road continues the all absorbing topic, and as well as tbe most vital one before the people of this part of Oregon today. Sunday a mass meeting of employes was held at the opera house to hear the report prepared by U C Hogut OD tbt I condition of the books of the present management. It showed a bad state of affairs, an expense account that was ex- j travagant and unnecessary. Among i other things telegraphing with the east cost as high as $500 a month and the ' traveling expenses of the superintendent, receiver and attorneys we-e of a fancy ' character. Favortism was shown in pay- I rnent of accounts. For instance Mai cahey's father was given a job of receiv- j ir.g wood uptheSantiain at $100 a month, a new office created for him, and he was paid in full. This is a sample Receiver Hadley was present and ad dressed the meeting, seeking to excuse himself, and as much m possible lay the blame on Mulcahey. The general opin ion ia that that gentleman really run thing? and that Hadley has simply been a tool. The sentiment of the meeting was on the line heretofore followed, that of se curing their pay and running the road under a receiver friendlv to the Mt loves. Charles Clark and John Tay, having refused to accept the office of" teceiver ,the name of Mr F .) Miller was presented and endorsed, and is being urged for ap pointment at the hands of fudge Fuller ton. He would fcive general satisfaction. Una niu ning h special train went to i ej vervains loaned witii creuitois ana others interested in the matter. Among ' others there were about twenty material men with hardly a cent in their pake's, bound to receive justice. Of the 130 present employes fully 100 were present in that city besideea large number of old employes'. They all meant business. On their arriva' It was learned that an j effort would be made by Clark and I Hughes to close the road up entirely, i This caused intense indignation. An en- , gine brought a man 'o Albany wiih a re- j monstrance to any such action, setting forth 'he vt'al importance of the road to t is part of Oregon, ard nearly everv body signed it. At least three "refused. A man wi'h a pencil when tne Daaa crat man saw his paper having the names of Win Vance, V Conen aa4 Mr Craxton of Wade A Co on is who refused The confirmation of the sa'e was Ix-ing argued at press 'ime and it is probable it will be a day or two before 'here is any decision. In the Early Days of cod-liver a . oil its use - was limited to easing those far advanced in consumption. Science soon discovered in it the prevention and cure of consumption, Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil with Hypo phosphites of lime and soda has rendered the oil more effective, easy of digestion and pleasant to the taste. Fr? pjrrd by Sc-,-1 Bown. X Y. All dragpu. MsMiawnwHiHwwnaw Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Pare drape Cream of Tartar Powder. New Advertisements. LOST. Valise containine atvral ar licies with i.n on. If found please 1 return to H 'arker cr leave at Parker Bros. TITA5TED.-A family in town or II country wha will take a t,oy iwelve yeaisofage who wants to goto school and do choriig taking care rf cow or horae to pay part cf his keeping. A reasonable ameuot in addition will be paid by his father for bis care and keep lug. Parties will cal, at thiv ofBea. IfSSSZ WAFRM.A,r1n'S-Bo,,'bt "Dd ! AGEX1S ir.ake $ a day Greates aitchen ntensil over invented Ke tails Mens. 3lo6 s Id at every house Samp e, poetag'. paid live cvnts. Mc Mak .V Co, Cinci.inali, Oh'o TTSOR REN T.Ths opera bouse More i; splendid IrM-ation. Ca 1 on tba secretary at tbe Dkmockat office lor ;ai ticnlars. WE wANT YOCTO WOBK FOR C tllUS inskilr;- 2 .OO t( $35.00 PER WKEK. Parties (. ricrre'l tio cvo farnisn a horse aad travel thrr. ugh tbe couo try; a team, though, - no', necessary. A few vacancies in trwnaand abise. Spare boors may l e used to good advantage. 8 F taaanaa ft Co. 11th and Min Sts, Bichmoni, Va. AGENTS MAKE FIVE D?)LlIi.RsI day selling the greatest kitchen uten sil ever invented . Retails for tldrty-flve cents. Two to six can be sold in every house. Mldionsaold in this country Dor.'t miss the greatest opportunity ever known to make money, easi'v and quick. v. Sample sent, postage prepa'd for five cents. McMakin & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. W TAYLOR. Hoesj Cleaner Gardener and General Jollier. Carpet Laying and Cleaning, ( himr.ry Cleaning, Whitewashing and Window clearing a Specialty. CaTl at Boot Black Stand near E.r.dretb's shaving parlors. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. NONICE IH HEREBY GIVEN TO AM- WflOM IT may concern, that on tlie lfth day of LtotcuibtT, 1H93, I wu luly appointed eiejufr ol the Jat will and tenia men of Joteph L lHckatn( ileccaaed, by th t County Court of lion county, Oregon, and that I have tiled my booda aa auch executor, and that aaid bonds have been approve! by said court; therefore all perseos havinf e'aiir.s sjrainst said estate are hereby notified and required M present the same with proper vouchers o ue at the office of W R Ril yeu in the Citv of Albany, Linn county, Orcfron, witbln six months from tlie date hereof Dated this 20th day uf Decemler, l - : W R BiaYKU Hit N I, LI K PKOfHT Attorney for Exscutor Eaueutor NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UN dersiirned administrator of the estate el J 4 McRechnie. deceased, has filed with the Clerk of thrj County Court for Linn county. Oregon, his final account In said estate, and the County Court has fixed the tHh day of February at the hour of 1 o'clock p in of said day.ana the County Court room at the court House in Haia county, to' the hearing of abjections if any to said account and for settlement of said estate. Any persons having objec lions to the settlement of said estate are hereby notified to be present and make ihe same, Published by orrter cf Hon J N Duncan, Judge of said court. Dated Dec 6th, lb3. Wm RUMBAUGH. Mon tan ye & Hackleman, Administrator . Attorneys for Adrar. PLOWS AND HARROWS Bargains for farmers in both tiding and walking plows, disc harrows.iron barrows, etc. Prices in proportion to 50 cent wheat. It will pay you to call and see us. STEW ART uOX "I'm going down street to give mytel to a policeman,"' is a new slanji expression The woolen mill s taki.ig a holiday for a few days in Older to let the ernpleyci celebrate Christmas properly. The PtadWtO Dai! Tribune is to be revived. This is a time for the news paper, sarcastically speaking. Jo&aCanovan, of Tangent, met with' a peculiar accident. Another man wns cat- ting tring from ehi -kens leg when the knife slipped inttinjr the formers wrist bad trash. The Linn County Natiot..ti Bank has been doing a live business to day paying tbe 35 per cent dividend. County i'.c.i urer Wallace received checks for nearly $i;,ooo. Bight deeds we e tiled to day dividing the o d Monteitb Estate, which ha, re mained intact for so many years. There were two deeds each In Mr Walter Hon teith, Chas Monteitb, D B Monteitb. and M J" Monteith . A couple weeks ago VftU Mack lost a fine bird dog. He has been unable to recover it. Sunday night lac mate, a fine bird dog valued at $50 disappeared and undoubtedly was stolen. Both are red and white. A Walla Walla young man wont to a ball at Miiton at one lime. The sets were all full but he insistei on dancing anyway, and because the tljor manager would not make a place for htm be proceeded to whip him. He was fined, and as nMtal, out of respect for Ms parents, his name was kept out of the paper, which is gelling to be quite a chestnut all over the world. At the Plkmlila dection J iSichel a elected president of the council : C C Mat ing, M Vanderpool, George Cline and Joe Harkle councilmcn ; A C Palmer, town attorney; J H Templeton, treasurer; M 11 Bell; r.-corder; Joe Iol)son, matshal The Mcrli company recently in Albany sold just eight tickets in As.iland, and left its hotel bills unpaid . When in Albany the proprietor claimed to have lost bOO0 since .caving Chicago. Must nave reach ed the bottom of hit purse. The raihosd line the people are affect - by the hard time. The cslimattd gross earnings of tbe Northern Pacific railroad for the month of Movant ber. 1 were ft.'.'.SjS, and compared with actual pross earnings for tle same period of iS; of $..,393,042, a decreos I of $ot:(, 304. lieorge Haaaphrey epenl ChrUtmai in Albans. Mr Frank Powtr. of Selena, M city. Pmf Howl.uid and wife wen; t i on the noon train. J IJ Stockman iwtarned thiaanon .Miami from trip to Portland. Mr Cart wright f the Populist Christmas in H.uri.-burg. Xev Menem ;uid family vreut t vallis this noon on a short "visit. si-nt -ori : Prof Russell wont to Portland this noon to attend the state teachers as.o iation. L;jene has been issurd for the mar riage of J M Miller a-id Nettle Smead. Mr Will lowan. of the 1" S collectors Sot, is spending a few days in this city. Mr and Mrs Robert Huston, of Cor vallis celebrated Christmas in Albany. Mrs Prof Hawler. of Salem, spent Christinas with her parents near Albany. Mr Conrad Meyer, who has lieen serious- I v ill for several days is greatly improved to day. IV John GeawjnaWfer, of Arlington, j swnt Christmas with his parents t.e;ir this city. Mr Ixjng. recently of the Amity Popgun. will take charge of the Oregon l'opulist of ! this city in a few davs as editor i'r- .nr an.i :rs weers. 01 n aco w;n ; , locate permanently in Albany for the pane- 1 uoe 01 nieclic'ine about Jan 10. A letter from Mr Ellis Knox, reeah 1 k , - . Countv Clerk Fayue. ann.Kinces that be ia j no better. Prof Roberts, of the Eugene ecbool , ?peni baDOaUl in A.banv the guest oi Mrs .Sarah Althouse. Dr E Doajaa, of Hartisburg intends leaving for the east January 1st to take a post graduate course in medicine. Oeorge Colwell, a son of V H CorweD, of j this county, now with Mever Prank, at j Portland, spent Christmas with i.:- r :.- Lieut Milton Davie, well known in1 some parte of Oregon and Mrs Blanche I Hates, a ian Francisco actress, are to be j I married eoon . The love match started I in the Yoeemite valley. County Treasurer L V Amnion, of Koeeburg, Saturday was sentenced by Judge Fullerton to a term of three vears in the penitentiarv, and to pav a if e of ' f4U,UW, for embezzling county amounting to about ,000. nenda Carnival of Nations. Tonight j Japanese feature will prevail with Ua the lowing program under trace nper Lora Vance as superintendents: 1. Overture, Orchestra. 2. Music, yuartet. S. Solo. "I've got you on the List. " E E . Drill. Twelve young ladies. iioir. 5. Solo. Miss Stella Porter f. Vocal Solo. Mrs Lan lon. 7. Tableaux. Thoe taking yart in the ;irr.bre'.lii ilril! are: Mis Grace Piper. Mass Ava Baltimore. j Miss Ina Marsha.1. Mis Lida Galbraith. 1 Miss Eva Simpson. Mi.s Murj- Cundiff. i Miss Maggie Lurier. Mi.-.- Haitie Galbraith, -'ii-- e-u -l!-on. .sii-s Uvr.i .in. Mi I Eva Cowan. Miss Emma I'friffer. u i I j Marguarita Hopkins. Piano, Henry It. I kins, director. Cbook Ccrxrv. O C Maxwell, form erly of Squaw creek, is new teach ng school at .S;ofly. James Elkins, who spent several moths looking alter his ranches and etock on Beaver, will leave today for bis home in Albany. The bills allowed by the county court t the last term for the care of pauperc 1 amounted 10 fi'Jo . 1 he pauper ac count ia getting to be one of the heavy expenses of the county. P B Done, a former resident of this county who ha ten farming near Pull man, Wash., the Das', three years, lias returned to CrooK county with the avowed intention of making this bis fu ture home. lie says Washington is not the country lie once thought it was. Review. Some Runaways'. Although not orach of a runaway day there were thre, Al bany. 0m of Joe. Meyers delivery t.-.itiis Wjk a upin this morning, making MvaraJ close calls for utore windows on Kir-t itreet. It fnghteneil the dray team f tjaiaey l ropiit, which aUo got a very live move Mat into its limbs and ran for the depot. This aeon a hone lefore a dug cart start! from near the I 0 for the country and BH le some lively stopn, leaving the cart along the way. SfSPEMvEI). QtlODg Sing U Co wl.o have l.-esft doing business for a long time in this city have suspended, owing, as tl.ey say to tbe hard timet and "banks no pay. ' The company t.icy say is all broktn up. They have been doing business in Albany eignteen year. WANTED.-A housework. gi'l to do general Inquire at this office. Notice to St.ockholderg : j Notion is hereby given that the annual stockholders meeting rif the Fannors A Morchsn talnsuranes Com pan v of Albany Oregun, will be held at the company's office in tbe citv of Albany, Oregon, on Wednesday, January ilr'd. lh!!4, -i tho heur of 2 o'clock p 01 of m d day I 1 1I10 purpose of sleeting (I (:,n s) direei.nof! naid company to serve one year and to ,,u.,u, ...... 1. I. ... regul-rly come beforesaid meeting. Dated December 2nd; 1893, J O WK.rr.tJM AN; W F Read; Secretary President. T. CM ACME V, Phj-sician anil buren ijllt.c Upt.i!rs nvav SI i Buik ss ptvu Koauunce, corner 10th and Calaiieoia St. M th. Dr.' I-atternou Wallare The Xoted Clairvoyant ard Life Reader, is nosv here, and can be found mt her residence, next deer J B CougiU's. Bli tells about all suldects. pas present and future; love troubles, absent friends and business. You can hear from vour dead To aid Digestion take one .Small liitc Bcaa alter cutlua. W. bottle. "WEDNESDAY Last evening i special train relumed from CorvaJitS with I large iiumber who 1 had been to so1 what lodge FulleHoo would do. During tbe long ligaments on the confirmation of the sale the court room was packed during the entire afternoon. Ar guments, some of them shoulder strikers. were made oy lodge tironaugh, on behail of certificate hotdera, H H Hewitt for the employes, Judge Plinn fur the old Oregon l'.lcih ro;.d. Wnllis Nash for employes and ethat creditors. J K vVeaiherford tor several Creditors, against continuation and by Hughes and Clark, the leiaewinlal'ma ia the lilair faction and .1 K Bryson, for con tinuation. Judge Kullertoii in a few re marks showing that he appreciatiated tba sHuation and respected the demands of the laborers ordered the sale set Hide. Hughes and t'lark came to Albany last night and left this noon for Portland, t hence will go eastward. Another sale should be made wfaea times an better. In the mean time the road can be run eery economically under a receiver who has the interests of the nmployes at stake. It is of great importance to this valley, and though now under a cloud will j emerge in the future B more important factor in transportation. While contem plating the present management it is we'd 10 remember that enough money has been raised and spent to build the road to Boise City, a fact that makes its own suggestion in iold letters. A dispatch fr, m Corvallii just before press time stated that they werj diacnenng the nia'ter of receiver. Mr Hadiey simply stated that he would resign if desired. heretofore 1 an inter-1 tne n'pvrt of Mr Hogae, retailed to, on examination show eating lot ot information. It shows that Mr Hadley and Mr tlet had been juiid ou ly t2.tHX each for services. that this amount was foi the from March 0th to May lath and was at the rate of 910,000 per year and thai no bills had yet teen riled for their HjlliOM from that time forward and no bills for Mr fays service-. That if they wen allowed at the BUM rate as the bills on Ua there would le due theae gentlemen about 17,000, Mr Hogae showed thut then had been a loss in the receiver bsi-ne- of over $00,000 but that the earnings account had been so manipulate,! as to show 1 a loss of only about f-'l.OOO. He- gave the items of these peculiar entries, among them being over $.:4X) for alvagaoi the w lawaa 1 Alice lil. m, hard and about 400 far ma-l teriiU sold and alout S;!0Cti loss on wood bought and shipped to San Francis,.,. Bjg showevl that, the oirating eaMBMM a,-xunt had been decreaaed improperly by failure to charge up ties and wood when naad. Hie . bills for personal exnses of the heceier ' aim m alturneys amounted t..r nine: .mouths to ewer ITbOO. Mr Malrahtij'e bills in particular excite,! a great deal of cMnment. 'l'hey were over 51.V." pir month , and preaenaed many peculiar items, but they were esceoletl in aruoat by those of! I of Mr Geat wkech aakoaatad to over $ per month. A lull fee expert services on tile, in favor of Mr E C M Hand for 910,000 for examining Col Hogg's books ' L and the same man had filed a bill for ex penses of over y iWJ in the .ime matter. The ataaa and liabilities were shown. Mr j Bogna mad,- a stiiteruent ti-vt the toUr1 J amount still due on payrolls and bills Ear 1 material is about $i6o.ouoo to November ' 91th, the date to which the books had been 1 written up. He said that the office meu ! had given him access to all Uv,ks and M- counts wer well and neatly kept except the , 1 wooa atxvuni wLicn was s-j lu.ny rmM that nothing verv definite could W said 1,U! !:- lle "bowed that Mr Hadl-y ha.1 1 taken in abont g22T.000 and had mid-it all , t but abont 14,fJ0fJ on Nt 'The payments on account ovenilr inh. i cf nnvrolli he 1 gave a over fit '.wo, at ihi .ogo wen on account of the payrelU of the former r iviver an i ov. r llirS Ocul . 1, n...,..t ..( Mr HaclVy't statement pal Baned in theOrw- goman. in that trtement Mr Hadley places his pajaaaitl en account of Ins iciv rolls at abovt v.i.-.jO. Ai Mr Hadley a'i Bjittad in the meetinir t:. t'. Mr lf-jroe Sgures were correct, either he must have made hi S.-jres smaller for a pnrpooe r the clerk who gave to hita made a uiirtake. Bepo Iniiainapn CoxriMo.-The iiri-gi n Se-;tintv Ikind 1 iiuiunv, of i'ort- land. I Iregon, is an entirely different affair than the bond invetsi:,cnt concerns tliat are in trouble with the iist' .lerarttuerd. as noticed from time to tiuie in the paper. Thi com nan v ha- n multiple or anv other device by which chnanaor f rand can play any part in its operations. It is simply and equitably a distributor of monthlv payment frrmi holders of lnL. ac-ording j to the amour t paid, m me oecaseary time to matiin. a ls.nd. The !-,.: itre r.;:m Ijered consecutively and are paid consecu tively, onlv dropping eat those uienibers that have lap-d by reason of nonpaym.-nt Of monthly installment.-, with a provision of surrender of the t-ind in a iriven time, bv 1 which the amount isid into the redemption tAJL. I birned to the lxnd holder. The plan being similar to the well lataldillWll asosn,crit , plan, its sur ee i in its growth, which is as certain as any successful business, and in t the lap--s whi. h are mad.- definite and j certain by ye-.irs of monthly a-sesment and installment history This company has , submitted its plans of oi-ration to endnent J j legal talent, and Ijeen aeenred that it is absolutely ligHiinatn aasd eqsitable- Its ! -i'l' 1 ; , plan. .f doing Imsinesn have nl-o been ex amined by men of acknowledged business exiwrieii. and judgment, and by them ! cide-1 In I a cafe investment of unusual advantage. The company invite the inont tiiop 'Ugh investigation of its ptaitt and tbe reliability of its management. gaaiaa wurraiitcd Ifacnaaa asstly repaired sud y a fSoroaebK cumpeteat smik-, at K M Prodi jc!ry, Aliaov, Or-gi.o. Mv fa I line ja.mi ks f WACIWTOSflE rc'u'lirg msiiv noveitio for I aii- , Bsiasos ale. clilid'er. 11 now M K Yui.nt . Vc are still seeing Dress goods and Ca esand Jacket at grcatlv reduced prices for cash. We invite you to examine llie Re'il, Peacock icCo good ar.d prices. Holiday Crocks.hv. 1 am our my sleek of faricy crockery not in:cr,d to carry such goods ard have put B price On tpy it'cV It. S K Young. closing I do longer to sell II ure, Iras & atal AIliaDy, V a I: dra Pn- ..iinnrewt !ifen-shailtK.tlM?s.ieiiju cutued, Blhl ' - . 11.. 1bu K r Tin; Tamiknt QbAMB. Following are the in-w otfieer-: afaster, LFSmitbi over- seer, A .) ''lin: Iwtun.T. .lohn Scott; sb-w- urd. "I W Kutlie, A 8, I 8 liridgefar r; chaplain. .1 A Milihite: trcaj-urcr, Mrs W K Ol'lll, Bfs H'laijf. Oaiia liridgefarmur; gate keeper; U Sharp ; Txmona, Minnie McGfaee; tlorn. Lizzie Bmitn ; ceres, Ada Knighten; LAS, Eliza Scott There will be a BMtt- I ing the saoood Saturday in .lammry to in-1 stall the ofioan. Bcvrarc of Oi:, for ( utarrh that ctsiilaln Mercury, as mercury svill rarely " troy th sense of, smell and compe 1 ' ra.ixe the wboio system when entering It t: roe ! I be musoaa surfaces. I Such articles sit inM 1 ' r be used except on vrescriptioas tv tare Phjrsirlaas, oaths damasolhev w 1 .!.: 11 t-1 to the stcmmI yoo 1 can possibly derive Iroiu them. Ball's Oatanta f.'.ire. miiiiufin . : i ' '.' 1 . I .' Inner A Co.. IS&y&g$!, ' ' 7ti&fiS I mucmiHMtrfai est. i i ; ,i. In Imyinglfall's I Catarrh CBN be sure i .a the genuine. It la i taksn internally and I do la Toledo, Olttot 1 by F. jTVlien. v a- -.. Testimonials free, a a- bold by tmtcgti i-, pi. . . ir ugius, Peoplu who bavs tiled it, say that theru is no better medicine for dyspepsia than Ayer'n Harsspirills. It miy not give one the the stomach ol au ostrich, but it so strengthens the alimentary orgat . that digeetioi ol cr.linsry food becomes easy aud natural. Feeble and QSprioioas appetliea are best regulated by the use of Ayci's Cathartiu I'ill". They do not debiliate by t xcessive titntilatioa ; but cause the stomach, liver, nd bowels to perform their function prop i !v. As aa af er dinner pill, thev are un- q lalsd . nq Jul -jqr, -!' HO'U.V fiaM -Hi rtUdOOQ IIUS 34. .' O l '01O3 JOJ .U11.J it is 11 mooes 3, Artistically and otherwise. Nothing more entertaining has over been produced in Albany than the Carnival of Nations begun last night at the Opera House. The booths are beautifully made ' up, displaying in a marked manner the 'characteristics of the nations they reran , sent. The gypsy looth first on tho right is j an elegant structure. It is gracefully pn ' sided ever by h'uck eyed Alitu Arriek, who ! tells the fortunes in a captivating manner; assisted by Ora 1'linn, itollie Lupei and C II Hart The Indian booth, a tent, was filled with towering braves. 1' rank Elsiae,! A Me Keron. l'.d lilodgctt Mr Bloom and Charles Cueick, COmiorted by two dusky maidens, Mi-s Ashbv and Miss Powers ihe American booth, profuse in red. white and blue, was the center of puinp'un pie cater. The liv) . young Americana, Miss Bertha Kllis, Miss f Guard, Van Wilson and others were the attractions. The Qermaa booth, with its ma 1 . 11.-. U ua ornaments, was ine meeca tor Cocoa drinkers. Mrs TbOS Overman, Miss Mae Pollock, Mis 8wart, Herman Swart, Bmil Bwart, George Washburn and Claud V unk wi'it conspicuous among the inhab itants. The Japanese booth was very handsome with its many national 0nu nient Here yon can get tea and wafers. Mi-s tirace I'iikt. .t. Yavce. -sta 1 Maaon, the afiasea Galbraith, Curt Winn, Ed Ctttdck and others waited on those wish ing tea and wafers. Then came the Irish i booth with its plain apartment and green surioiin.iings Mrs Hart. Misses r'loru Mason. Annie Hum. Edna Lunar, LIU Mead and Messrs Will Lvon. Will 1; d-1 I braith and? others dealt out the i hipt Hj ' Murphie- ;uul sandwitches and coffee. To-night a tinvian lKth will 1' added. I The program prceeated was a choice one. j a palatable Japanese dish. The V M OA j orchestra furnisheil some excellent music. 1 opening the program with the "Bohemian jOirl." A male quartet sang well. "EE (joff. in Celestial attin- sang amusingly "he got you on the lit.'' a long Japanese xro. Iwelve lovely voung ladies pre s'nt hI a fan and umbrella drill in a very aesthetic and artistic manner. Stella Porter, in I 'ninese costume, captured the audience with a solo, htrs Langdoa waahcaidiina solo, as alwavs grcatlv pleasing everl-olv. A Japunes,1 wedding tableaux clnaed the program Tonight the Gareaaa nation will preaani ' a program ander the superintendence ofi Mrs ( ivernmn, as follow: Overture. Orchestra. National Song, t 'horns. Recitation, Collins Klkin-. Vocal I 'net. Mr and Mi-.- Swart . Dob h Sng. Kert Van ClaM rafaleaax, ""Tramp" Dr UtHer. (iypsy Recitation, Eva Siinneon. I'uet. Pert Van Chile and lallie Furrell. Ovp-v Camp and Arreat. ' Noena KBOad miss this carnival treat. Reserved ti.-kiu t Hodge If: Par ian ee cen:. Ticket at tbe box 15 ctn:, rt.i,dren 10 cent. lr order to avoid cant jion ticket of difftre nl color for cacli price wid be used. OD Feed for "a'e. Bran and thaf. at !o price, (.'i.l on A 11 Mciiwain. I iuitra'.ed talk to rmcn Tbnrtday (: u oj bad pat? 1' o'clock, ltc 2$'.h a! the rtoam of tt- ii Cg Bilriaaare Itlmrti . Jefferson mills tlour is the best fancv pater.t roller process. Kery sack guar, enteed. t'..; efr. A B Ucl.waia at 7o ccr.ts a ack . Li., a! A Ii cllwaia f jr barn-.s in , boo:s and shot. Tbe best men' shoe In I Albany lor rtao tn ladic, for the same price. Mvertislog fat Imsiowa. if it mt.'t Uiicte, it Hua'da't he a part of hgnnm Tne amae sl3 eaae4 aliliai adrrarlnaaa in hie tai'.cesa has no butiueis'lo b to ha: oeasaod aaaacsaly io't Fa. A B Mcllwaifl sell four or.e pound papers ot ifesh ,oat coffee for ?;.oo. a id IS p-jund of granuUted sugar for :.oo, and jo po,:nd of c'.r C safiar f t fl.oo: J gallons Pearl coal oil 1-ir 7; cents; sack of best pa'ent f.jur -j cents. Ail goods guaranteed firs: class. A fue at Woodfcur.l Sunday r.ight caused a loss to Bruce Bros, of ."- 000, jo,oo:. has Ui;lc, fa 700 !r.-.irar..-e, Jt.jco. JA Knlgi.:. 4 I : r 1 A rord, f 1,650, insura Adims, fio; L G Uarroi Macs, 1,500, insurance Too.-e, l.7uo, insurancr Cochran. f'Kso, insurance, '. J W Q'jau'.ebaurr. Jjjo Tl-.e lire rtar'ed in Bruce I!ro. fljlowhlf n explosion. Go - error Penr.ovei slanders Oregon -t.. pwj., .JU, .. iiituTii v........ In tbe hitorv of Oregon when -nore than two-third' of it people are without em- play men t an n-.or-than one thiid rt without sutneient means uf upport." T : ay poesiWy be true of Portland. but it is not of the entire state. It w id ne i ISI scrp up ixniiwr r s rcjiumiun for being ihe biggest crank in the world. PBRSOKAZ. Hon W 1! Bilyoai was in Salem laearr. j Mr 1 i W Wright and family are visiting j with relatives in Brownsville this wesk. Hon b-ff Hyen was in the city today on 1 his way from S. io to hi Marion eoantj bop ranch. CO Havne. who has Usen buildinx I cistern for the Ashl.ind water works re nrwd to Albany this noon. Iri.s,s wriaht. .f M' Istinn villa i all the Kev.-re Ilotw. where h is pn-pared toj attend t. I.ador a. lung teeth, an I will in- -ure th" jmir.le-s extracti'-n 4 teeth by a I .ro ess wiii. ii he uies. R.-v aad Mrs T Wilson left today for Kngene on a with their daughter Sirs 1 ' I; Watson. Mr vi!-n has pswasasaa a) small fruit farm m-ar that rity and ex."v1.s f to move urn it in the sprint;. A I .Mui.TTli Tl!"Ki:. l-u-t evening Mr Aaron Cohen, an old resident of Al 1 bany. was Mtting at the tabid with his and f-mily. when he was taken with a paralytic "troKe, anu wm six aosul uinonwious. ly ing in a critical condition, perhaps show ing a slight improvement bxlay. I'pi Wallace and I 'avi were sent for and did all that could 1? done for him. Mrs Ott.j Cb-lau met with a peculiar ac . ideal Chri.-tmas evening. BtM came up U hind he husband in a joking manner, when he threw hi hand lnuk over his -li."ii,l, r forg. tting that he had a jatknife I in it. hitting h.-r in the ear. cutting ipiite a garb in tlx) lobe. I'r Wallace sewed it up. flftUK 'Em Olt! The viav todo it Is t take your wash ing to the Chinamen. l(yo,i want your work well done at living prices take it to Richard ei Phillip's Steam laundry. They know how without banging them around a pole. No Shxhvkikg . Briag on your fine winter underwear. Wc guarantee not to injure tbetn, as we take great care to wash them In soil water. ( ientleirreiM starched work a Specialty, Tho white laundries of Albany arc getting tho Chinese cornered. Give as yoOf work and they will oon eavc. Cirv Mrs (J Simpson, pioj.rletor. Jtus i )Utll 11 sTbeaaw and from liriiiils I wife have moved ;iss to Murvsville. Carafval oabmital!! carnival: Clean tovel to everv cut,niner at Vtereck tbtviuf; parlors. Holiday Hax DKEacMiBrs, Largest stock of silk and linen handkerchiefs in the city at S K Youngs. Whatever may he tlie cause of blancb Ini;, the hair m -iy be restored to its origi nal color by the use of that potent remedy Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewcr. Dr. Price's CreaTniiaking Powder Porty Vears the Stanlard. BOKN. WOOIIWORTH. Deo 24, 1892, b) Mr worib a lioy. Ibi (lliristinim eve, and Mrs Ole Wooil- MARttlrllt M 1 1, 1. 1. It Dec 24, 1893, Miller, and Ltnii county. SM1-.A1J. In Albany, by l!.-v I T Abbott, Mr J Mrs Nettie Smead both Highest of all In Lc.vcning KcM ABSOLUTELY PURE TA.M.KST. Tamiiat, Or. Dec 31 sf 189 1 ....1.1: 1 t 1 1 , . piiiuie hoodi mvs cioeeu until alter the holidays and then there will bo about hnv niontiis of Kbool, rhere was an entertainment held at the M E Church Sooth on Christmas al w hic h a large crowd was present. The was well gotten up. Christmas exercises. Song, Glory to God in the Highe,t; prayer by Rev C G Har mon; song, Christnns Time i- t ,m in ; recitation, Wayne Reidj one, doe I ehornj . (ilory to liiMl in the Highest; oration , Miss Maggie Maud,- Beam; The Gate Ajar, by Minnie HeGhee, Maggie Maude Beard, Ada Knighten and Mini H lie Simpson; solo by J K .Jenks entitled The Ufo Boat; Sing. Silently Falls the Snow- flakes; wand drill by the boys; long, tin Glad New Year; why We Love Cbrutmaa; recitation, PheU- licit: somr. Follow Jmni J tlu children; dialogue, by the children; iimufiu. ii) uieriioir; reclUllloli. I. I'Wi.i ji Francis; song, by the young men; MMur, HOM of Israel; revltatiun, Martin t'allo wav. We see by tile Hes, News, edited by Mis lazzie Smith here at Tangent, thai a new society has l-en orgaajaad in Tangent. The News savs the name uf the society is The Iregon Bachelors Society. Mr and Mrs Henry Sett.Viuire. of Albany, spent their Christmas in Tangent, ana Mi-, Bessie has also been spending several days here. Wishing all the readers of your valuable aper a Merry ( hn-tiuas and Hai p.- Sew ears. HEIL CHVATt Kill: W Is Kirk to s B Qobie, , m rea, ISw 9 " 9H&S0 .'ese S Mi Fer-n t C!..;- It-;. a rea, n CO ') Robert A Remne to W 8 Trier, tot 9 and 12, bloc k :. Banadsnrs rg 190 ) A latidlaw to J W t'r: - acres, l'i a- 4 F M Tutford to K::.i'th Mohr. 0 a, res. 11 and li w i and ." . . KoUrt A M. rris t.. I.uira Morris, lots 9 and 7. bh k . Harris urg 1' 1! Mont.-.tii e: . t.. , :.: . 9,000 900 teith. M a. res. 11 w t 10 Chas Monteith et al to H B Mon - teith. '.TO acre 1 1 w 10 I B Mi.nt. itli et al to M J Mon- , teith. acre, il w 3 u ' Also ye other deeds dividing Mon teith estate. Hohert A Kampy to 1.,'un it Cart wright, lota 9 and 12, btochi B, Harrisbuiv TJ0 S K Voting to Kyal Hut. bins, tyl I aiT, II w I ... 9,490 Harriet L Conaett to William 8bei ' ten. 1C acres. 13 a 1 I32J0 Llla.'STMM vear, pasted lie great holiday of tbe off quictlv in A'.banv. Though it looktd dubiora at cne time a go-.i nun noiulay vrsents were dis- tributed an I'maoy children made ba I'T. The Sabtatb sctios! festivities er- .. successful. Ti.e general ran oi presents it no longer of the extravagant Mature, but tu"re of an every diy makeu p The Maa About Ton ta a c up'.e atc:.- : glisten at r!aees. The ex ercises in the Pianhjrlaiiaii ant M v. Church South Saturday evening were of an entertaining nature. Pro! Ila land did the Santa Claus act at the former place . It is pleasing to notice that Santa Ciaus : uose is becoming juite oog and of an aggressive appearance. He was weli a;- i parele.1 for a cooler climate than Oregon, an.! the pleasant gingle of sleigh bells ; added to the effect. At the Congregational church a 'ive social time was iiad.and tbe .10 1 - - 11 t t ate exercises and good disniassut pre ente. At the United lrebyterian church the program was varied with an arbor and an electric star, and besides osual exercises bv the children a santa Claus BCt ,n wilicn trie oid fellow wasst-.own t:t. j in , Dr phase, that of anger. but he wan iMA hv liand cf l.rnwniM and rr.rr. J aolt nrfivni n-cscnu. At the ralh.she -bo'rrh Rhriatam ve 1 liisii nsii wa. I oeld. Tre exercises were reported of an interesting character Tne TiiiNt; Wl Est verv largely make us what we ate. Noihougbt can pass through tbe mind without leaving tome eflec:, however slight. Many slight Im pressions, in lime, make migb'y charge. Ii's the same with il,c bo'y. Abuse it with pocr food and take the consequences. For purity ar.d certainty In groceries and baked goods, go to Parker Bros. s'ocal ANti nTacssaa rat Mvatc, Mtsa Hattie Warner a graduate of the conservatory connected :tn uales Col lege, Neb, is prepared 10 give Ieon in 1 vocal and Instrumental music to single lis Warner hat had a thorough cduca lion and is an experienced teacher Her are. Prof il A SoOVCY, William K Trow and Mrs lenrie I uadtrsifa, d pto prietrr 1 f the P4sSW Mouse desires In in'orm ibe pahitc that he has rednd the pries of board without liMlgiog to 3 per ivaak, i h Irniicg $ per wS. Single m ssU ?." nts The public i 'avtlesj to call as I keep cooi beds an.i set a g i table. Have tir STSSfSfi for sale. C rner at Broadalhm ard V.'stsr treeta J II Mtr-sM's. Glovks For BLOUBAYS. 5 button ace and suede, inonsoiictaire and arritx. Agent lor roster rcntemerls. ,S E Ycung. h and Hath at Visa ajBB akaviag tting psrlors. aad iiair Shiloh's Cure, tne great aaagkaad croup cure, is for sale by us. Pocket size coatain is tin do, s-ociv 25c. Children l.n it oshay h Maaoo. 'When your heart Is bad, aid vour bead is bad. and you are bad clean through, what Is needed?" askcj a Sunday-school teacher cf her class. "I know Aver' rsarsaparilla,' spoke up little girl, whose mother bad recently been re stored to health bv thai medicine. No better pieparstion for the hair bat ever teen Inventid than Aycr's ilair Vlor. It restore the original color to faded and gray hair, and Imparts ihat natural g'c and ficsbness, everyone so much admire. Its reputation is svoi Id -wide. Shiloh's Yitsliser ts what you need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow akin or kid ney trouble. It m Kiiariint.ed to'aiive you satisfaction. Trice 75c. 8 ald'by Pas hay A Maser.. ce $1,10. t I' ' . V 1.7 1. cTs stlTT . Vis s, nioo.j ss 1 . .. . . . . .- , f.cwo. ss L.I . . . - ... 1 A-., ' f SjVMMl HW , J HO ;,U rHflupi 1- Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. DANCE'S on M of The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions'"of Homes 40 Ye "ro the Standard Power. - - Latest U. S. Gov't Report Baking Powder 1 01 xi 11. mm naoMMiai Tuesday evening, I -- 20th. Proaent Becorder, strict su.rinfeiid ent, city attorney and ward eonneifinen W hitney, Stewart, Pfeiffer. Marshal and Burkhart, The following bills were ordered paid . HcFeron - Propse, 9t.5i); Stewart A: Sox, 91.65; Horace Powell. $2.00; lohn House WOlth, :.o: John Orton Fnmk Wheeler, ::.00; Wm Morris, i-40. N J Hen ton, 952.4ft; John Leedy, tS-i 80; I F Hadley, io.50; R N Comba, 92.00. Hill of John Winkle for d .image to horse continued. S K Voung was granted privilege of ex tending front of buiMing on Btendalbin striset. fjnenjee to s-ll liquor were granted Wil liam Bros. Uiblin A Howard, Marx Baum-t':u-t and Pete RrhlnieM The bond of tan citv marshal w.i- ,o.. 1."X), of the treasurer 910.XJ. The marshal was authorized to notifv property ownen r,n alley between Broadnl- bta and Ferry strict. 2nd and drd to clean up. The recorder raumtod the re.- inl of a r- oato "f 91.2U on tlie insurance on the build ing of Alliany Kngine Co. No. 1. on the re nt ruling of the P. I.'l . 01: 1 11 (iM iiuais l( vou wai.t s boe srook' wbito labor cigars. call for Joaeph The Lestjrnaat aaCea in tbe city at Com ad vr a w'alt on Will i Stark for bargains In llollda) iewetrr. Will A Stark's large line of iler ware hi created i great deal oi talk. i-o. sour holiday goods at Hodges HCFarland. ihe bct stock to select trcm. U - rn.akearice trios dally to Vieteck' addition. Iotr Iheee oa iDstailmeoU of i per week. Trie O K Cfobter i sold on trial. To try one doe not mean sou are compelled to bur. Mf'd ty J Finney A: oss, Brooks. In wlcc:i:ig sour hnljdey goods do not fail to cali on Hodge, a: McKariand. Tney l.a' a fine line of goods, embracing a large stock of pljsh goods, including as elegant line of perfumeries, etc. Get rour holiday goocJs of Will jc Stark. Thtir stock, because it I large and vaii - cd. and their prices because the- are loss will make it an obiet. Beside' '.he v i 1 itc away to 'heir customers 7? orth of silverware. Ger.ulr.e pait ir all sewing machines, alo the tesl oils, needles, etc,, far ail e'ng rnscidne. bicycles, et:.. at E I" i moalc l Sewing machines and orgir.s repaired reasonable, ar.d all work warrsn-ed. Needle prepaid by mail 40c ciozen. Al Me. T.sir Oi, vou cer c . .a :;. 1 the f ou are ii: may be good. It might be belter ,1'jrer. freher and rr.ore w hoiesome. is it nat worth while to make sure that you- tea. - ,!Tce, i-'j-ar, baked goods and innumcra bleother groceries aie of the bet' quait'v? 'there is such a trifling diflirence in the of tne best and the worst trial it i'.ces not pay to buy ihe worsi.even on the fal grotnMof suprosod etoromr. The best is alwavs tiie cheapest , because the rr.ost satisfact-srv and durable.and the serr beat of evers thing !n the grocery Jir.e is kept a: I'arkcr Bros. if religious beliefs pcrp'ei yoa, and vou desire a faith at reasonable and uplifting, send for free libera! re'.igicns reading to postor&ce mission, I4I Yam hid street, I'ortiar.d, Or. . Thousands of lire are saved annualir bt tbe useof Aer's Pe-:tora!. In the treatment of croup and whooping cough, the Pectoral ' has a uaOM marveScus effect. I: a!ar in- ; awieaatloii, free -.heocs'.ructedair paape an.i cor.tro's the desire to cough. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Mo. Perfect .Hade. srir i-ralsr. cll prai !s no recommendation, but there are ro! times when cne mast permit a ,-crson tj "eil the truth aftOOt hlmelf. M :c:i what he savs is supported bv the testimons of ethers no reasonable man i'l doubt hi word. Now, to say that Allc'.ick' Porous Planers are the cnlv genuine snd reliable porous plaster made is cot self praise in the slightest degree They have stood tne test for over thirty J ears, ar.d in proof of their merits it is onl's necessary local! attention to the cut e they have effected and to the voluntary lestt-nonta' of those sshj have used them. Ilcua-.t ol imitations, and do not be de ceived by misrepresentation. Ak for Allcock's. asd let no solicitation or expla nation induce sou to accept a substitute. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World s fair Highest Medal and Diploma. A 1. 1 id aasjaaa To,-pleasant rlavor. gent'e sction and: soc:!-lnjf effect o: Syrup ot Fig, sshen in j neel of a lasative, and if the father or! mother he costive or bilious, the most I tfratih ing results follow its use, so that it , i the be fami! remedy known and Id have a bottle. evarv ft Wam sh: IsVtTAVIOSS. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Golden Common everv dav. Y Ii 1: o at W R sa"'-es for suitings in the tate ffifcham's, where he has a tailor with few equal on hand to make them up on short notice. Oct the best and most stylish suits of him. A new feature will be the making of ladies' cloaks to order, or the altering of cloaks to the latest styles, and h; repairing of cloak. Prices ar? bot torn ones. Or. Prlce'a Cream Baking Powder WorM's Fair Highest Award. I Wheat, JO cts; oat, ic; bay,$S baled; noiiil, i.5 luvv', taken in IHftlBBBti ftii sewtna machine or organs on hand at E U V Ill's music store. Also on all book accounts of 6 months standing. Sewing machines fiom $.15 to $35, with my per sonal guarantee tor 5 yrs. I'a.roniao home industry by smokirg the .elrbrated white !alr cigars, manafacturdd by lu'ius Joreph. one Oman mi Man evsrv nintit forn etwk arooaeTaciaa Livers, Mc in-r u.u,, $75 Worth Of Silverware Will be prftented the customer.-? of WILL & STARK, pjiuiiiie IIOIiII4V gifts, and it won't cost you a cent. They have the finest stock of goods in the valley in their line, as an inspection will convince any one. Call and see for yourselves. Good Times. The way to have them is by getting your HOLIDAY GOODS H. E WERT. He ha ! headed can I Call on lii r i line Block of trold and silver an e ennt line of silverware r reliaUe gooda at prices to Is the Best Good Then call c Ulfl Endereigncd forfyour GROCERIES and produce, for they are the hest in the market. j ' the holad&Yfl i j ' ' Also a fine line of eroekery and toyg for Perry Conn BUY HEATIN6 STOVES PEOlkl' Matthews FORTlLLER A IRVING rndertak?r U'K ki : ; ant ly c r. I ; Vuiial rob VV shtch will be seM at Tfas- l.owr EMBALMING and 'be proper MO EXTRA ALBANY, - CHARCfc FOR - MASONIC I MEAN W ill sell all crcttkerv COST- Here are some prices: Lamps, wortb 50c for 25 cents: lamps, worth 00 for $1.00 cups and saucers Z5 to 40 cents a set: pla'es. 40 cents pei set. Everv'liin: 'lse in proportion. Call on me and you will not be deceived. J. a LB ANY CIGAR J. JOSEPH. WHOLESALE Cnly White ;UiiJ( I'HOTOUR APH t 1 Tii r. 1.1 The Oregon Land Co sVltn its SL-LaiajVE - - .tie Grny HocL, corner Liberty t MAKES a specialty of Sunnyside'fruit : tracts near SaieraJ Will sell 5, 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per ere email cash payment or particular. men", and ladies' natches. rings, irol, and iewelrv cf all kimia t.-. r.. suit the times. Enoiigh? AWashbura. and Enibalniers. lit e cf rr etaiic. clc'.h ard siccd caskets al st-its. tn bioac!cth, satia , ess! tt t ir.etr Liaise PraSia. cart of the dead a spec! HEARSE OR SERVICEtf TEMPLE, - - OREGOI BUSINESS. ware and holidav eoods ai Gradwohl. FACTORY Proprietor, RETAIL Labor Employ 8J Cabinet photos from $1.50 to $4.00 pei uoacii. wiiiaisuis; j-iiuuci a (rVSJAfMspev-ialty . i'xio crayon; framed iSior $io"oo. vVe carry a large ssock mmm' of sS and terescoril- view of Or- KKS, egon. home office at - ORlfcJQ-O. T- and .'state street, branch office In Portlaaai G long time on. balance Notice for Publication, D S Ind CDifo, Oregon City Or., November 2nd, 1803. Wot tee Ik kfereby (liven that in compii ance with the piovinionii r.f the act of ..ngr of June 3, J878 entitled -An act for tti- -a.- oftiinter lands in the utatas ' of California, Oregon. Nevada and Wash I Ittgton Territory" as extended to all the ! public laada t-te by aot of Aurimi4 Albert E Holme or Albany et tintv of Linn atalo of Oregon. ha this day tiieil in Una office hia a worn aUlement Kn 'JSK14 for tba pnrchiaeof tho Nonhat of aeboat No. 25 in townnkfp no. M s range No 6 East, and will offer proof to bow I that the land lOHaJll more valuable for j ila timber or (tone than f -r apriculttral j purpoe.-,and to etabliih hi claim to said I Lend before the Kegiter r,d Receiver of .hi office at Oregon Ci:y, f)r,on Tuesday , the 0th day of February, 154. He name 1 witneeM-.i: 0 ii Jj?lrvmp:e. Franci I Ho!me, O V Adam, A Wink, all of Al ban, )r. Any and all pcron c'airnin ! adversely the above described land ar rerjuered to fi.'e their claims in this effic j on or before said Oh day of Ktbruary -04- Robert A Miller. Rei; Notice for Publication S Lam. Cs . H B, CtE'ox Citv. Or. Oct 201k, 1VJ3. Not ed is hereby en Ih t Ineriiop ance wi.b tbe prtrv us of the ect f.' .ngrtss of June 3. IS", entitled "An act for tbe sale of timber lands in (be statra of California, Oregon, Nevada and Wash ington Territcry," as exbsnded to all the Pufilie Land States by act of Ansost 4.h, : letrz, Annie wnuiocir, Oi twegoa VttJ county Ot C'ackamas stare of . . - n,hi thi day filed in this olGce berswom. statement So 2564. for the purchase rf th N E H of issction No I In township N I0.S range No 4 E, and a ill ofier prror t show that tbe land sought is m-,r valuable fr its timler or tr.n than fo agriculiurai purposes, and to establish bar claim o said ianl before Ifea .''. .- end Reeeiser cf tht offlc at Oregon I Ciiy. Oregoo . on Thursday, the I-t day of February, l-'M. ril.e namts -t-: John Smith, Win oiitb, J I. lierr. . C Tbompson,a;l cf IJerry. Oregon. Ai;y and j a'i persons cl .immievivftrsly t'je above desjcribed lands sre re'jaeatteii'to fi e their claims in ihia oftlce on or before said 1st day of February IBM, K .... -i A Mil us, Ke Usur. N oti ce fcr Publication-. U. i. Land IJri ice, Obegon Citv Julj 3rd, Notv-e is hereby giver, that in compli ance ssith the provisions of the act of Cor, ' gres of June 3. en'dtled '-An act f 1 i the sale of limber lar.ds in the states o ; CadfomU, 'Jregon, Kevadavattsd Vahlng ton Territory , "as extended to all the Pub ; lie Land States by act of August 4, 1S92,! M Large, of Aibar.r. county of j Linn, sta'e cf Oregon, has this day "filed ; in this office hu sworn ttatemen: No 237, for the purchase of the N W !4 cf section No IJ. in township No 10 Sou-h. range No 4 East, and w: I offer proof 10 show 1 that the land s jught is more Tsinable for , it limber cr stone than for agricultural purp-jses, ir.d to establish hi iaim to . said land before the Regi.erar.d Receiver j of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, cb ' Tuesday, the y.h day f Jajiiary,iSs. He name a witnesses: L W Longhead. J L, Berry, JR Whitney. C'B Vsirr.. a 1 of Green Basin. Oregon. Any and all per iods ciiming adversely the a'tOv- de scribed lar.ds are II stul to 5ie their claims In this cce oc or before said y.h cay csf January, :jsy. Robert A M illeb. Reais-.c. Timber land, 4ct Jet-. 3, liTs Njtice for Publication. United States Lacd C ffi-, Oregon City. Notice is hereby geo that in compliance with Ihe prensksas of tbe act al Ccci.resa of Jan 3rd. IsTs. ee:i:l -An act for tb saie M tisber laad in :fc f-ate :' Csilo.tu, Oregon,Nevada aad Washington Terhtoty.1' : as extended to ail I'ablu- Land States by act of Aagc5t4, IS92,Caaa J H inkle, of Niagara, cocatv cf Marion, state oi Oregon, has this day tiled in this office hU ncm rtatetcest , No. 11S53. tor the parefcae -:' the N E :4 al Section No. 10.n Township Nc, 10 , Range 1 No 4 E, and will offer prucf to show thu tbe land s.-mgh: is n; re valuable :', r is . timber or stonej than for agricnitarai par- poses, sal to establish his claim to said land , tssfore ihe Register aad Receiver f tnis of -1 fiee at Oregon Ci.v, Orsgco. on Wednesday, ( tbet?4tb day cf January. 1554, He name u sn'.cerse: Caaa flion;pcc, , i Jbn 6-nita, Alien Smith. 3otIv l.eorje. all cf Niagara, Marion Co. Oregon. Any aad ai'- perss-sj cl aiding adversely the above descr-bed land are rej4".ei la rile their j ciains in tfc-.s cce oa or bfsre said ft.h I day of January. ROBERTA MILIAR, Register. Notice for Publication. Latvia Orr.cE Oregon C.ty. Ok., Oct 2nd, 1S95. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the acc of Cot. 1 grew of June 3. i!7, 1 nihil ll "An act Scr j the sale cf Hasher Inn in the stales cf , California. Oregon, Nevada -d Washing ! ton Territory ," Mrs Lu'.u Li ug head, of Albany, county of Linn, sU'.e of Oregon, has this day sled in this ciEce her sssorr. : statement No -oso, tor the purchase cf N S Oi N W m S E ol N W and S W I of N t !4 of section No tt,:n township No 10 South Range No 4 Eas:, and wil'cftir proof to show that the lir.d scugh: is more j valuable for its timber ar stone than for j agricultural purposes, and toestab.ish her 1 claim to saiu land before the Register ind Receiver cf this otSce at Oregon Ci'y.Ogn, ' on Tuesday, the ;nd day id Janiiars", iS4. iShe names as witnesses: DeWij: Dan- forth. oCDelrolt, Mar:;.-. Co, Oregon. O Fovcf De:rc::,Mrion Co.Oregon.U illuta ; L Laughead. ot Green Basin, Marlon Co, ; Oregon, Cariile II Laughead, cf Alba ly, j Linn county, Oregon. Any and all per- sobs claiming adversely Use above Jc i scribed lands are rtcuesird to ale their j claims in this office on or before said .nd day of January, Robert A MuxtR, Register. Timber Land, Act Jaae It, !: -Nsi- .orpathciLcn. tnkHl States Land OtS-, Ors? Oregon " Noyvmbvr L 15. SHi," is heppby irc lha: in emp!iaoe srith th prusis-ions of the act ,.f Cots-Tw of Jon. S. 1st, entitled "An act for tbe sai i-f tucbor . m th stale of California. Oroo.,n. NeAnsda anJ Washington Territory," as 1 1 liswkjij to all th rablie Land tStates bv a.-t of Aas-.:t t. I-Wl. Chad H. ttslrjoipl. nt Albany, t'ot'ntv of lann. State of Oraaea, has this iay rdoit ia nas efike MB wrr. stau-aien: N... for the stm-has t th S I of BbeBiob no 19 i". rosnaaaip N, 1 S. KanrNi-A t!at. sr.i w;l'. , tt-.T :-,: to -:ow thal th laud sought is n-.or valuable lor its tiiubor ,r stone than for agno::ltura psftsgBssea, and to eetatsltsh his cUiai to said i ,: J U f.-r tnv Kvvstr and K-vivt this i.tti,- at tSrvsjun Cttj. Orsu. oil Woilnoesia. :t.. Ji... v. January. 1V. He aami as witnem: F I. H '. -.. -. E V ; Herman, n Wink, O V V r Albai , ... j Anv and all a rsons l iaitmug .-id, vrxi, 1 r.,-i,b, , I dtwcribod lands are rtated to n. tneir ila I iu this BBBee oa or belorv xvid 24th dav of Jaau- arj . ltoBKST A. V iixsk. Kogistor. Timber Land, Act June S. 17S. Xjtice for publication. United Stat, Lon.l Office. Orecoa City, Orvaxr. Oetoter2sa. lst Notice is hervl.- 0um that iu vni..uu.c with the pnvi:iMis of the aet at t'alSalSSB of June S, lSIK eutilled. "An aet for the sale of timher lands m the States f California. tn-K,.:t. Nevx.ta. aud Waahinirtou Territory." .hih'.i 1 t'aaipbaU, as Maruuetie. County of Ma.-viu. tte. fsite of Miehi can, has this ilay hUsi ia uaa office his sworn statement NoJM, for the purchase ot the XW'i of SK. f.'sw a aad SWs of 8Wv of Bsetvea No 3S. iu Township Nate South. ll..:;i.-v Sojfci-t and will offer tnH.f to show that the lausl BoasaKI is more valuahle for its timber or stowi tlian for agricultural purpose, aad to sssBsWa ht ,-hum to said land Mm the li(Cist r and ll eeiver of tins SBHS at tltr-tfon City. Oregon, oa Tuesday the Sd day of Jauuars. t-. Ha SSI is as witn,ssi: Euavue V Sunt!., Kilwiu V Smith, J L Berry. ISerty V O. Marion t' au.l mat IVrkett, Dettoit, Marion Co, Onma. Ary and ail rrihsri laudst are rrtuteteil tu ale their claiaw in this oftis e ou or Wforv jsais.1 iSil iUiv of .'nuuarj-. taU A. MlLLKlk. KegUter. Notice for Publication. Lam- Oith e at Ckhih n Cn v. Oi:., Oct, 2Sth. 1S'J3. Notice is hereby given that the fallow ing named settler lias tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, auC that said proof will he made before the Count v Clerk of Idnn Co, at Albany. Ore, on Vvc 19th, l9o viz: Edward W Scanian, Pre D s No mt the 8 H of N E , sec 15, tp 10 S R 5 K. He ns ties the lollowiiig witnesses to prove Ins ooitinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: K L Correil, Neil McRea, J L Berry, A Jones, all ot Berrv P O, Lluu Co. Oregon. atoaaai A Millek, Register.