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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1893)
Sic Mmntmt I UTS IIKIKPI.Y TUU A type of firearm has been invented in England bf which compressed gas is utilized ns'catt of powder as a propelling force. The eigftt-ton anthracite soal in the laayhrania exhibit at t:ie WorU'i r air was sold f $200 to U A Morse. In Moscow the winter cold is so Intense that it fictzes quicksilver, while the summe temperature is as high as thu' of Naples, During the Fair the Kerns Wheel carried 1,453, 6n peisons. Urosi icccipts meie $7 00,000. According to the London Board the Trade mpoits increased during October 630,000, and exports decreased compared wiih mij oils and exports of October, '92. Superioi , the laigcst fiesh water lake, is 400 tidies long, .60 wide' and has an area of 32.000 squire miles, or about half that of Missouri. Its sutftce is 635 feet above sea evel. The Victoria Railway Bridge over th Lawrence at Montreal, Canada, contain! 3 000,000 cubic feet of masonry work and 10 500 tons of iron. It is said that the sudden expansive ferce exerted by wa'.er at the moment of freezing is probably as much as 30,000 pounds per square inch The large..! room in the aorld unbroken by pillars is a drill in S: 1'eterst.urg, 6aox 150 feet. .. CUmsmimmtm riUwiiM raiitoad It is said that hard rubber uied as an in sulator for electric wires will prove hiehly I valuable in packinghouses, tanneries or ' hiJe warehouses w here quantities of the salt and ammonia are Most insulating ! substances deteriorate under the Influence o the named mli.eril and fluid. Land is not so dirt cheap in America now as It was when Lord Ual'imore's company bought thousands of acres of fine ground' for less than that number of glass bead r,in. eluding the site of the city of Christiana, "for wnich was paid one iron kefle of the bigness rf tive qumts or thereabouts." Rog er Williams X)ught Raode Island for "forty fathoms of white beads, stiung," ant it is only about 255 years since the site of New Haven, C". was bought for "twelve coats of English cloth wclvt sprons of mixed metal twelve hoes, twelve hatchets, twelve por ringers. twenty-four knive and oc.e Fieuch knive? and potns.-' Probably the only bus iness transaction on record that beat th;e and is not Ameaic-rt, w.a the purchase o Esau's bir bngfe, for a mess of porrioge An.MjmehO', has faid tha: if Jacob had been an Aim-' lean he won d have Jone bet ter t aan ne .id. tMteasfof 'aishl py n ES'i "(.io:ri lge down," h would havs uwe i it t" riin. The ei tire .' i a acts of tht d iamond mine at New J ior-'oc:te.B, South Afeiica, was taken d taring the first had of this year by a ndic e whose contract enptredat midnight June 33. Just before sunJown on the las day of the contract the largest white dia mon i in the world wasfoucd. It is three nches lorg, from i1;.' to Sj inches thick ar.d weighs 971V carats, or yV ounces avoirdap-is It is pjrfect in olor, except for abl -ck s; ot ia the middle, which sill it advbaMe to cu: it in two. Tbe late Cyrus W Field made an attemptt some years ajjo to maintam a monumen for lorin And'e, the British py in our Rev olution, whose cap uie led tj the discovery of Benjamin Arnold's treason. Mr Field's attempt was frus'rated by some 01c or more paitiea, who in the night defaced and de tr yed tie proposed memorial. Tnere may hive been reason for ihis, in the fact that no monument had then been erected to Nathan Hale, an American spy, who was captu:ei and hang-d by the British in New York. His last words were, "1 regret tl)at I have but one lifr to gire '.o mi country1' A S'atU'. hearing this insciip'ion has Ven erected on t e spat where the gallows stood. It was unveiled Nov 25. the Ilo'h anniver sary of the day when the British evacuated New Yoak city. From the know n properties of aluminum to resist the action of silt witer. It is being used an alloy, 12 partg to SS of other metals for bolts lor hca's. In this shape it forms a combination ith copper which is of a blight it low color, and is x-ery lougt. It is claimed that the business depres sion of the oa,t summsr has cost the m II opera'ives of Lowell alone some half mill ion dollars, cwing to shutdowns, etc, and the op-ia'ive is r.o" by far the only loser. When tht arc is once ob'aioej between caibon electrodes, according to M Violle, a French physicist, the electric current may be Increase I 4a or 5 times without raising lie temperature cr adding to the brilliancy of ihe ligh' . Tie 1110- .xtrnsiie ai.d celebrated salt mine in lb wor.d is at Wieliezki, nine mihg Iron Cracow in Gabcia, a province in Austria Hungary. It hag been worked con Inuous y for 600 jears. An firm is usine the silk of the wi d silk worm, from which is woven a sof', substn.itial fabric of light tusson or pongee snadj. 13ayTJOYfiB th ho method and rezulu ivher nt of Rji ia taken; It is pleasant ' . r frcsliiug to tlia taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tern aflectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. 8vrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt ia its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its maay excellent qualities commend it to all and have mado it the mcst popular remedy known. Hyrup of Figs is for sale in 50e and Si bottles by all leadica; drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand wiB pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it- Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FHAHQI8C0. CAL. louisviui. nr. new ram. r. I S. . MPB . WHY ANI WHAT ? The last class gn limtel ut Albany Col- leg numbered twelve, ten young ladies tad two young men. In the present 'enior cla's the proportion .s Dearly the s.une, five tj one. Why this des"i ipancy in num bers? Are the young ladies more anxious to have a college diploma than the yO"Dg men? Have they more courage in under- taking and accomplishing the hard work L necessary to graduation? Have they a high-1 er appreciation of the valne of a college I education? Or do their parents show- partiality by giving their daughters great er educational advantages titan their sens? it is possible that young men sometimes are deprived of a college education by having to help secure the means for the gwdua- tion of their sisters: but a case of this kind has never come under my observation. 1 have known brothers to help in securing an ........ r , . . education tor their sisters, and vice versa; but neither were themselves thereby pre vented from graduation, if they wished to be the owners of a college diploma. 1 do not, therefore, believe that the partiality of parents will account for Hie discrepancy in the last graduated class and t'ae one to be graduated next June. It might possibly be accounted for in an other way. I have heard of families in which there were ten dauglners and two 1 sons. If all the families patronizing the college will average five girls to one boy. tht discrepancy may thus be accounted for without much difficulty. Hut the question j is, will tbey do it? 1 am not sufficiently familiar with the gender statistics of na tive Oregonians to answer this question 1 am very much inclined to the opinion, however, that the state is not Biffin fllltlT pTTentTeTutftrTo nuvuir- isn iuc u'scrppanCT under consideration, and that we wi:l have ' to look elsewhere for the solution. 'here. then, shall we find it? I do not suppose ,llat an" one reason can Klven ' f count for tbe discrepancy; but I am v ry ' mucn inclined to lec ne let mat the nrui-1 cipal reason is in the gender itself. I am sorry to take sides against my own sex, but I do not see any other way of doing. "When there is a wi l, there is a way," i: is said. The girls have the w ill and find the way to secure the desired college ed ucation, even if tbey have to do it by their own earnings. And tbey, as a rule, on tbe Pacific t'oast, seem to have a higher appreciation of the value of a college education than boys. They know that in all the great enterprises i nf tha .i in .kll. ili.r Hin a -l , .,, , I eahrad fiw a weak and exi-ti---f..r thir ciplined mind is a power, which will make .... , f- gtrfd ,.l hVMC them leaders in tbe onward movement of the race; and hence their eagerness and efforts for the attainment of this powe giving mental discipline. And they see( too, that educated women are coming more and more to the front, and that without ed ucation they will not be able to be in the van in the march of advancement. Wha, then, is likely to be the outcome of this desire and determination of so many young ladies to secure a college education? It locks very much as if somebody would be left. Young men who have no ambi'ion to qualify themselves for positions wi.ich lead to honor, wealth, and, will not be very likely to secure such positions. Toere are already many of them tilled by- young ladies, who do their work well and to the satisfaction of their employers. Not many years ago. lady book-keepers were seldom seen in tbe counting room Now, they are numbered Ly hundreds. And if any of them have manipulated the books to their own advantage. I have foiled to I r .-. ti 1 . , ... ucax ui is. joey arc cmiaeni ) ir-stworuy, iheir employers sav. and I co not spena more than their salary. And so it is in evcry sphere of labor. Thev prove tbecn- cues wu iu o iuc irusi eouiuoi.eii io . , , , . them. and are not unfreuuently entering new fields of labor. They are not confined j to the limits of the school-room and nettv . ... clerkships, but are advancing into tbe re gions beyond. They are becoming leader in all the moral n,l re iirions movements iu 'i me nori huu re lgious movements af the dav. and are making thnir inflnen,- felt in the elevition and advancement of ' : ski .1 j 1 . the human race. And tbe time may not be far disUnt, when their influence in tbe political world will be felt as never before. Already two states hive granted them the right of suffrage; and it is hard to tell bow soon other states may fall in line and female suffrage be extended over the wbo'e country. This will, doubtless, depend in some measure, upon the results of the movement in Wyjming and Colorado If 1 the intelligent and infl ctial women in these'stalays exercise tht right granted them, . sdksht ngn , lidc. j when m the ponncat'on ot corruption in places, sni in the breaking up of p!i- rings, the Jay may not be far distant omans influence at Ihe bal'ot-bcx will be 1 fe't from 5Iaine o Oregon, and bom Canada OB tne Gulf of Mexico. I am not advocating soman', iiht I am only spea.n.g of ihe couise of events in tbe past sn J.i rest ntsnd like Patrick lUnry judging of the future from the past. From the days of Adm down to the present tim, woman's influence has been everywhere frit in the world, but nowhere more than in the United States of America in this last decade 0t the Nineteenth century cf the Christian era. Not more than &f y years ago, 1' was onfined chiefly to tbe family. Now It is a remendous power in the church, is the school room, through the press, in Ihe 'em J perance cause, aa i in all the of : this progretsive age. And toe greater the mental discipline and consequent nullifies I ions of women lor any sphere of action . the greater her influence in all Ihe onward ; and upward movements of this great nation and the world. President Thwicg, w!.o ha, made the auhject a matter of special Mast. affirms that "a college-bred man has two hundred and fifty times as great a prob- ability of of attaining fame as the man who has never attended College." Wbal is true , . . . , of men, in the matter of edu;allon, is also of woman, witl this difference, that the has fewer campe'itor, so far as . the grauate of Alhany Ccllege tie concerned. If oac j ..... graduae has ss good a chanc lot the attain. ment of fame ag anotb she has ' tbe ad - van'age of live to one Wh'', then, aie the Chances ol ibc young men o' A bany.who think they 00 nui need a cuU-.e education to enable tin m 'oa'la'n cclebiitv in tne con te.t f r fame and t.igi, posiiions of bonOl ani inlluence in the coinmei cial,t i .-Jprofess-tonal, he littrarv, the poljiica1, or the religious world? Attording lo Pieti ent estii.iate, tiny ore few and far-between, liut 111 His estimate of probabst ties, he did not lake IBS femalr- graiiuaies info consideration. On the Aloany Culiege lauis the )oung men liave but one tha 'co in lif teen hundrcd(25ox6 t$xj). This is certain ly not a very encouraging uulluoli fo those who have sny aspiratious lor promo'ion and fume. M;,ny dthappjintme'i. j are in vitable.unless t I encmber of male graduates f Albin CjII ee is grertly increased. A S Two firms in the LfeacathJta distiici haver'O eir I I e;r I , 1 a t..,; min ers me same rateof wiges that they received before the strike. The production of sue nails to overtake that of cut nails at piOllilstS vt,y i eatly date. It exceeded the production steel cut nails in 1 891 . of , , woman nas ucen grant- elapatenton a lasting and so'e-l-ying machine. J MISFITS f,,. hol 1 acreage next year 111 Oregon I will b imms-nae S"iiie i ear tlie prices Will M tilt od tlien there will b action. So it jines in h I matters. a re-i The Evening Telegram states that Mayor Mason of Portland bus donated ! 400 sacks of Hour to the needv famili s of that city. Mr Mason is not rich man bat the Telegram aava he has a heart as l)i' 8 Kocky mountains llig liearts """ drin holiday seaaon . Kx-Iud an Agent Crawford w ill prob- ablv be superintendent of the Kastern Oregon insane asylum, which will prob ably be located in Pendleton. This is counting your chickens before they are itched, b"t there is lots of fun in "it for 1 , n?'b" nlence of dull tin cs ia the fact that a book agent sold about fifty copies in a week or two here. People WbO bay books On the installment plan pay more in the long run. It is a satis faction though to know tl at our people appreciate good literature. Why shouted an excited attorney in Kansas, "you can poke your tiead out of the court room w indow and call for live beers and get them in two minutes . " And be thought he bad made a great point against the "administration" for the non-euforceiuent of the prohibitory laws. Hut the opposing counsel prompt ly opened his watch and p feed bis head out of the window calling loudlv for five i beers. The watch ticked oil two minutes and the malt beverage did not come. The court rule.! that h ltr m.o not on tbe lawyer who made the bluff and there was a recess ot ten miuutes. One of fte live advertisers of the V S is , ui 1 ix ' i.-1. 1. . ' . '.-''-! I some p3VU uiiuK tney nave to quit adver- tising entirely lev.iuse tunes are not a lively as sometimes. Mr IVmglas has just made B i-ontract with the DkMOCBUs for bmm than donbleitig his praasut ad eat Mat ment. Some st vie to that. S nearly all the mat concerns ot the t S are keening it "r " " ...-miian, one isking a slight reduction. lly 1 eave of tbe chairman J H W lleOfl made a few remarks relative t a resi.ilntion which he read. Ihe resolution was to the purjiort that if the lahoren and material men could be paM in rail out of the but of $900,090 then the sale sh mid lie confirmed. Of course it didn't carry. Mr Wilson tateel to a reporter that he did not appear in the intere.-t of any one eoni-enuHl in tle present s.i!.. iveingatcot !!! ccaeher amouuts to something while it List latne liii r- rer the same rate frm the I" of C. The latter will receive 3W from Port and for two -.-L- . w-i-i , .....I , 1, ... !..,: 1 u game against Stanford, area f Heffelfinger plays himselt will probab.y not make a point. The leading ..thleti'c club of San I Franciiioo could not -core It i.- thouirht bv ' sxonie that the uiembem of the big college elevens get some of the receipts; but all they get i expenses and glory. TW- money goes to the college athletic association. Twenty yrais an 1 there wrrc bat t'o or three roanafact jie's of !.oist-hi.!e :a:her in this c .nntrr The consU np:l n of this leather i Jtrgt, md raps, cieasirg Six Ne- Yntt 1I1 part mints, ihe poli.e, fire, chatitlea Bad cotreclion. e u:a!ijn. public woiks and s-.rer t cost for taaiintalnan-e miie tha' t. X .no a ear III! I MI HI um K1 mi Hoi - Our readers do wot aoad to be bid what the Centurv Magatine ia. It i a great t 1 W0TK many sen. For IS-.H it will he lamaier than ever. 2000 rwiv-s of .-hoice Ht- ; eratur? with 10l"i i!'a:-".r.,-i There will ; l a n.eTf "o'1 by .Mar 1 wain, it:.: expeditions, hunting of fierce game, artists . j. . . , , ! adventures, trumpmg with tramps, nnp-jh- iukI nf 1.- Rntl T--.n ... The St Nicholas uthe prince of diildren's ' mapizmes. the best of a. of then;. A feat- are f tie- lv.n 5.-S., '.--., - i . iSawy-r AIroa), ,.v Twain, ai rlr S.lrr I series, a series -n American authors. stori i of India bv Kudvard KnGiisr. rx j!e. tion I ,- -. u-i ...i-.. cf wild life, rapers n the g vernment and 1 some lieautiful serial stone. ; . - ;". j- t;..- fan.-i'js Hrvwiii. - The pnee of tbe Century is 35 cents a ffMalw, HM year: of St"Xit-hclas.'$3.)W a year. Any m lcrilr of the DKMOCaUT in gool standing may s.vure the Century for $3.50 or the fst Ni. ii .las for fSM, by leaving the money at this office, xv e will j do the rest , I perl. Brr , rB . baasploD Athletes an4 man ho take ordinarv outdoor t xecie u. i. as walking, nianinsr. bicycle riding, jumping. wiTimii.g, tennis, etc, are olcn itir SUOIcOS ot acute troiita 1. "P'':'gnC: ' 'n ex-cbamplon wa.ker w.-. be of v . rex to all who a,e afflicted. Har, , IP Iu . re.- ' 0" 34 Ea.i 19 Ii - . New York, nprii i, 1000. umrnn statement relative to t mei a ( afferent rlas-er- I having been h utjlsi my BttentJaa. I "' "V. 'i. r. , c ,n" ' "Te osed Allcock s Porotw Pa.iers for over ao . , wn ,,,iK w other kind, I ,c with ca -:rr, , I kMnevs and attri". 1 I w o 1. I i.r- '.r- ( ' w s : a s : l v. - . , I bate my recoverv ei-iireh t:i .'.ccck's -'oro P a t, r-. j Haby was sici, sre ?arc her CiiteHa. XTben she was a Child. shcrisl for ViAaria. When she became Miss, she dhsaaj la ' 'SJG' ri. "TLen she ld Children, she (ra- them CSsstoriv 1 hi- (.ranine 'ml Tbr Htmm. Every good thin., has its host of im itators : -verv c-niitn,. jrli !. Itk ctm.. i fei's. The imitatora always choose the I most ca'uable ai:d popular article lo I COAinlerfeit, so that when Ihey claim i ieir , ' . '". s'", ' . " ' i the. I as ".-so nd bo'", he puoni: mav oep-nd , upon it that So and So's' article is ihe j hest of the kind Tbe sham proves the epu,n.e rr." ' 1 ' hc ' h copies and never ha. this H,n b. "er II ustrated than uv , i., : .: . , ,, ,, n I "y tint . Il, n of AllCOCk S Porous Plast' is Allco k' Purine P aster the standard I e'fi-ncr the world over, and its im Italors in their ;! a tta tnet-s i "as en-vl 1 iwk,a . 1. ,.h,.i,i,,., ..... 1 fasct awd avdmininK "A Ico U'";o be the acme d peif c ion. si.ic' I' tht-ir bij est aanbiion 10 lmtiae The difference netwewa the genittm ai.d t est-imitations, l icb copy otiU genera, appeinmce. Is as wide as that b ween copp r and gold . The only afe ,iv foe purchasers i u always insist anos bavins, AUcock'a I'or- rus plasters Thev a.t the only perfect plasters ever produced. Penny vws.- ami Pi.unii rssllssi Tbe man or woman who docs not sup I port their own home paper can be prope -j ty c'awed as "penny ie and pound fool j !sh.'' 1' ' rings, for Instance, 10 vour doi.r j opportunl ies secuii'sg tiie best bar fanna in evcryuisng, it vo i want eni p'oyrnehi, then we assist you , 'that re minds J that tbe advertisement of BF ohnson ti I (i, Rictimoi.!. Vn, In another 1 lusnn may prove of real Interest and aiue to you. A doou Plan. It is a (Ood plan lo iibsr. ihe f ir anil rea l sreful'y votu own tsotne f aper, as it is the aen of this paper to make it an educational factor In Ihe coinmunit). Besides that, if you are out of a job, or wioli to MCreate your incoiri a, men nere is me place o nnd It. In on column vou will find an advertise- men' of H V Johnson & Co, of Richmond, v, tor workers, that in.av Interest vou. Olives In Hulk, s.iner kraut, mixel sickles, chow chow, cia.iberrles, lem. flaked hominy, and n:w rai Brownells. n . Ina C 12 TELEGRAPHIC HEWS. lltu 1 11 sin 11 11 aa 1 1. in San Kiiancim-h, Dec, '.'.2. The Bght be tween sonic 90 insurance companies doing business m tliis- city und certain leuding met chants took 11 new form yesterday. l""y insurance companies, who alleged it lust incemliaiisin anil aet'l tr;iuit, re fused la pay a loss of over If i i.t,fK:ll claimed 1 by Bayer & Reich, wholesale woo'ens and , ladies furnishings, wbo-e establishment recently burned. Many other merchant in sympathy with lluyer t Heidi, began canceling their policies with the compan- ies which refused to pay. and in one day. 1' is said, over S.WJ.UIH) was withdrawn. The I'acitic Insurance I'nion comes to the relief of these companies by jussing a stringrut resolution prohibiting any eom pan'y in the union from rewriting insur ance that lias been canceled, to effect a boycott of companies who are lighting Buy er iV Heich . vt 111 Men . Washington Pec 'jo. Minister Men doneu belli ves a crisis ia the Brazilian rcvolutU 11 is at ban', and the deceive atroke will be made this week. He says the two great ironclads of t lo rebel com , mander IfeUo and the flotilla of litt e tor . nedo caft hastily improvised bv I'eixo'o are rapidly neuriug each other. The nun ister says that the inliision is almost 1 er tain before next Monday. He recognize thai the little torpedo and dynamite boa's are treniviidou-ly overmatched by the rebel ships, but counts much on the ability, of the smith boats to ma ouver quickly und discharge their novel aaplonrea. A I .mi On Orrcon Washington, Ms 88. -The 1 Iregon republicans expressed regret that I'ennoyc .jas uro-en out again, especiat y as nis screed was printed under headings, "Pov- 1 , ert Stricken Oregon." "A Pauper State," and similar disagreeable captions in the Kistern papers. Senator Mitchell said: "Wriil-1 a ""-m'1, t' '"-v ' th , question 01 tree coinage. I know 'hat 1 ire gon peop'e are in no worse condition than Other section, of the country." ( A 1 IMMMt Arrr.l il BasUDA ClTT, Or, Dee M.- S f Murphy, ex-cily treasurer, was arretted iu this chy ; yesteidjy afteru vm on a warrant sworn out by Mayor Palmer, charging him with eiube.z emrnt of cdy funds. The sheriff found M' Muiphy Bl home and when tbe officer iirtide known his mission ihe pris oner a-Ke,i lor an Hour to nre.ilt the n, . to his wife. This done. Mr Murphy coiiseyed to the ci'y jail. sa t 1. .. 1 sk.w int San FnAXCtaco, tt JadarhM from , the ataVemoat of the iaming of the South ern I'acitic rat road, the wave of deurei.ion that swept over ihe country appears to have done less injury lo the Pacific rouit .han to any ether section of the Catted "Ita'ea 'I Tie gro earning! of the road up lo Ihe en ! ot IJ.-'ober amounted to L 137,000. This ta 126 1 ,000 less than for - sime time l.wt year Al h--ugh there will 1 a decrease in the earnings of the road 'nis year, it will be less thsn that ex ! S?f!S ? rulroads in other Hons of the country. l alal arridem PlIBUNR, Or, Hec 2T. James P I Husbee. of this city. Masonic grand lec j ; turer. who has l.een engaged in Ttffrial du- j ties in tle Willamet e valley for era! months past, while returning borne ib'si merning on the east bound I'nion Pacific ' : train to pis. rhnstma with his family, in , some nnaccountab e manner wa. ttrjwn m the steps .,f a chair car. s'nkin on 1 1.. train was joat entering the citv limits. It I w U s..aie hours after the accident that the j body was found. !l is supposed ice and I fro- on the platform caused bhu to slip. I . his head striking the tie and rails. -I ,111 t.I VI, TaCOXA. Wash. Iec -25. Defore a IWi day trowd rnmlring thousands the' Vivienda Club s f yatbail team met tbe ; fame u eleven of tbe l.elau I Stanford, on' ''!-.-K.eventh-strtet BTOunds Those wbj 1 aucniieu me game were well repaid, i r th iXl player did much beter than m -t IMIIIIM fn.n.t. I, i.l a. feo.'ding tl. ren strorn Suaaiard team own to le tfcan poi'-'s. which, everr- tiing coeiajdeeu. was doing remarkably ' a 44 to 0 i favor of ' WeJI. Toe scare ' The Wlfhl Way FaMOKMOOt Iec 25..-Tbe Salvation' Army here attimpted t"-lo.v lo ny , ro5' "ere attempted U I 'hr.-ima. cheer into San I taMCaatO s dar - ' et home- and 10 gladden the hear"s of thousands in be city aho have no homes or sifter In a former dive cn irard avenue, recently transformed into a SaWa-; lionist s'ation. table are tow arranged to ' seat 4-" -s,!e. In th;. j.Ia e over X i j""r' ,! 'd wororo ere given their t-'britmas dinner. Tlie sasat il Poiiti.m. IVc iV Nat Bit havinir trfen released fnm custody on iI7.C.Jt oonds imposed by Judge lie linger on Sat- urday. wiil after a brief stay with his family at La ilrande. hi him direct lo the n.,tina ml i ! m-ith ika ,,a..I r...rrs.A of ir.trr..-,,,, f.., l.,i,i. ween and lie' g land, incidental!. . for ' him-.'.'f at the democratic throne cf nolit- sU(Xc-d in mlerv iewir,g the president and Secretary Cad .'.e is not doubted here for a j moment and the ..titcome of bis nenT ver.- ; ture will l watched, with profound inter- iieai aim iaiiciai irrace. inai he i est. Muikey. mho w. convicted rf acy to smuggle I hiaear, was a!o eoawpif a lowed " r nome to spe-d Christ aa as. r.d lef 1 for Taamsa tasl .i.Ka rs-.l 1 r. j noo. th other two Coavh te.1. aie in t.iwn. 1 tm nave ot been nnrved staea the trial. ; and are m 'iieir original bends. Litan 1 and St id Hack, as to the wnvic'ion of whom lb-jury i Magna, are under the I same bonds a Ijefore. 4 Bis ftte San Fk.sM isi 1. Dteft. At II HO this morning a fin? broke c ut in the block j bounded l.y I lay. ( ommercial. Sarsome no Unlesdorff streets and in a few min-1 utes one of ihe biggest lires of tbe year I wa raging. The block was composed of some of the oldest brick huiMing in the ! i'y. Il is now timated that the damage j wii ream nun a mi lion 1 ne ; rincipal losses ore: Ya'entine A: Co. printers, torn one baadred thou-and; insured for 125,000. LOOK AT TBE SIZE irdinarv pill. Think of all Of till; the trottblo and disturbanee it causes yon. Wouldn't you xvelcomo ttotne tiling easier to take, and easier in it3 xv-iyr, if at the came time it did you more good ? That is the case with Dr. Pierce'c Pleaaant Pellets. They're the Bmallcst in size, tho mildcet in action, but tho most thorough and far-reaching in re sults. They follow nature's meth ods, and they give help that lasts. Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, Sick and BiUotU Head aches, and all deranirementa of the Hum . 1. r . , aa.cj, nioill.uai ailll UOWClM ai'O promptly relieved and peniiatitiitly cured. "If vro can't euro your Catarrh, no matter how bad your oaso or of haw lotl r.tMlldillir, xve'11 pay y01l fjoOO in cash." That is what is p.-omiecd by the proprietors of Dr. Bace'a Catarrh RemedT. Dooan't it. ):-ovo, better than any words could, th' thia is a remedy that cures Catiirli ? Costa only 50 cents. See the Mew Im; rove. SI iger 8witg ma eh n, TUa I - I Is lw tCs chHspe. t I W Sswden, acn. Olliee at K M Frinuh'i jeelry storo 1 CURES PROMPTLY LAMENESS, SOOTHES, SUBDUES, CURES. NEW M V, STOKE is fW HJLI. OF FIRST- lied room ants, then', 1 unges, etc., BOTTOM Reduced jf ; rpho forum m10 Cnatftt cf a.'. cur VnWtai.' The fircm . men of (be world write the litcratar ul contcmpuranc-iUa tM.;Uity lor TMi FORL'M Eer c- f aiect i iaken up b Tht rerun wfrtn It niturallj comet IMo pubiic atltn'sion nd is kNM d the bttt authoHtict, t-tthout reaard to partiet imw a-asjaffaii rtader informed on the taakt and problcee ol tho time, ti no other periodical Cott. To many thoushtli:! peopie, Um price ol The rorum hat MttMerta been pro hlbitor ; inJccJ alt the gffstal Vevic haw been too : ! in prkee lur the ma o ol iri!i. ii- . ::i reslcr. Uul no the numher ol reaJer ul tltoj'htlul literature men unJ MPeaWttl uho wtili rcU tu know hat II uti in the wortj out siie ttte r . . limit- ol particular anJ parties it Kr"t cni ogh in the I nttcJ SttVtM ti Witrrant vi rcoluti irnr. a rcsJuctiort in frice. The f'cruni i!isxU'-o Important tvbjects, but it U nut (lull. Tbe literature of contempt rancour actiaity 1, in tact, UM mis inicrc'in; of all literature. American ciOzenthip implic that a man hall kno the opinions of the l nmuii men and the blot ,;reat altUtemenU in every Uuccticm of attrtittt;. SIZE AND QUALITY UNCHANGED. The Fonim is now as cheap as the the cheapest, the largest, TrE The Forum Publishing Company, I nion S;uare, New York. 25c. a Copy. $3 a Vcaar. HAVE YOU TSS5D 35SBS AND FAILED RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, KIDNEY LIVER and BLADOLR COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, L .r.E-BACK,&c 16' mi f j; z . -a - i 1 si tm - s (tli -la m V.4 t.t - : CE'.ESAL OefV." . i . t a i t . - it AT .V. T sjA-am !- Mr 1 ' j f - . I !,. I vlam aW t w i x a. :raoajl rv ' ia l '. t- " a mrf raafi fss:. ; ntt m v i m ft I I tar.. . ftajatfL J HtJM alt Ksat e n f 4 m naw Im vav trxatt .- i ' - . . ' ftt. ml fcsrs-s otj,. f w - Irair i:rs. II A. WsS lfallTkM far aaftafa j- I bawa ta r. pmmrmt !, k tm aftaJa KMVOUS E' h t ' i r tt . J 9M 4 -. 1 . a t a ; afftw'.f -a -J r. tJ 1 -. if. a. i taarcu -" ft c apsrtjTf ba.-i f t : r. : . . faa tt. -r it a. I, a-'. l la riss sifti.j. ai i Uft - Mfti ft r-w;-.' -aWiTTsraf. sjaan li ;.ift. THE DR. SANDEK ELECTRIC BELT ftasOBaaSstaaaiTar :c sit. rj Ss to a Sa so aa to ba w -ti d--.r -k --sr atrct, aad ti anvos aaAlar. I r Itfatfvd c-3 T-:- t ri ielal.j tr'.t UiwtrSs:! a i'STLs, or spwforfsSS ft3.0ae. Ilbuu iasrrnT'-a f lr-iric s.p.BMrr. 'r '.-. ......ff T.n4c.r..w( w. .rrat tS.Ss.wa aa; - - ... i a maiaa ami I siiSbib .'iianlni I ii. or pan. or Mosey ttr1mn4rd. Tbm pass .-4e4 la vrftata fca mvt sil f cssosii i 7 ar. -. n .li'ia sssia ir ia . arj wi.. c--r . cu .. : w iwrt.&.Ja.L .-s m :. r I ... . - . a SANDEN ELECTRIC CO. I?2 First Si., PORTLAND 0REp j sj jjjj AJ.L KINDS OV PRODUCE for infants H'iUtt ysvr.' otrrslion millions of persons, pormii H ia njaqnostionahly 1h best romody for Infant, and Children tho world hsaa st- is hsrni''- . "iiilrsi.o liko it. It tris-aa thorn hoolth. It will aaro thoir liraa. In it Mothara kar omathino; which i. .oIntoly afe ssnd prstcticaJly pert re mm a child's aaodlcinos Castoria dostpoy. Wnrmv Caatoria allaya Fovorlahnoaa. Castoria proyeata Tomit Ins; Sonr Curat. Caatoria rnro. Dlarrhcra anil Wind Colic. Caatoria rolioves Toethinc Tronhlos. Cssatoria enri Constipation a nil Flntnloncy. Caatoria nentratiaaa tho offooti of c-srlnnio acid gaa or poisonona air. Caariadooanot contain morphino, opintn. or othor narcotic proporty. Castoria assimilate, tho food, rctrnlat"'. tho stomach and bowals. BiTtnf healthy and natnral lcci. Caatoria ia pnt np in nns-il hottlos only. It is not aold in hnlh. Don't allow any ono to sell yon nny-thinr; o!s on tho plaa or promi.o liat it la " jnat aa goodand "will answer overy pnrpoao." jaw that yon got C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. Tho fac-aimllo aignatnro of " Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. - - PA-RONIZE, HUM 1 INSTITUTIONS. Tft FARMERS k mm INSURANCE m Albassjr, Orssajoas rtKAtl, 1 ' J 1. COWAN, Treasiiror. muKOToKs-' lnwan He.. KMhnpMon, .V K K.nt, I) It M.Miteitli, st starnoarrr.lj VfJOu. 1 I K Weatbartora. OJ stu.irt. 1 o Wrltsaian. ALSO DISTRKT AOBNTS rOH J several Solid Eastern and Foreign Comple) SWELLINGS. I) EffifigSt? P UPN1TURE, 'LASS FURNITUBH, CONSISTIKO which I w ill n il at PRICES. Titos. Brink. 1 . Ill rarjaiines cf mere entertainment. best, cf t.-e c Bf. . iA d.:. ka? Dzara cixi nttc nn.t '.. Ho TO .- rf lr Bsaf j wi ja-t rarattifte ' z. U. ' . - jaw-. 1 tt - m ha . I' ;ra ltalt ' , aV s'C" -r I r n i "s.,r . f n, -' . I i aft- 1 ...u.i-. a :-! Ill bra lib, f,r A fi t -t as I W-MTf My -tTi "" n cr n.-rtm ir. a-eti.' - -a rrt;s'; .- HI ft ;ni. 1 f . -,m ' ? -' . :. Ir.i. :"&o,;if. , i ' ' T CtAf has Q& tt ? d--r ' ' . ? - ' e ;rf? rwax sf Ttta.ry vib.-i. i-s WmTtrtiy uw4 mat . m - A '.'.tv'ivcrtritvffai ' imc o2 foarr-a 1 gpOal ?V-r UTo IJMI f lTt. tt . - -.iiiii i niaa. VaWk ftjftaj rsv i. " I ; 3t-'ir'aTt JMV MH Ifbi 1 LaA.tla UztJ ' . ' s rt.l MiN : . t)f bfr i sa ae4 Lrtmu u4 . . cn.rC Fa9fwM C-.-AC .-j , . ' I. ' . ' r ... . 1 a a ".; T. ts4 If p . - BcJi. , -V CAR CURE YCU! U.iSC JACK 6MO r HEUMAT1SM. : - t : r vc- if-K. ' A . v - ; .-a.- r i - -s f r a : ' .i . l." ft-rt't ot-..iat fra ib ft Htft 'fa TSfeava t( Tftfaa - ; . . ' 4 a . tA-.- tft j . . . I a '. a '1 ; i . : . , rt ba ft 4 av r n ft. aaaall aW-ftstss ft-a ft rft il 1 ft--saT - rf r br."ft It ft 'jal a ta f : ir.t J Icetut.a4ss.sritfYf q i taotbti bat c r "' - ' i vwal twa yaw ' 4 i a. ft l- -ii rA.a .' - I t Baft ?-.': I I It a t; (ktb.4 fbaaa btm Cayaa by f; M -1- i aaavj :t 4 ti -vt I tta la T "--. 1 u. tastj arc 1 . i ti '.a ftft-3 mm 4-4 ,a f. vo it I m -xt b ' 1 el- to lata " .lb ftft faaa rfa hitFU Tifrta LOST VITJUiTV a tT?KC I t .. - - .v. ab. Java ssl, aM I I T. MM . TV- h - - is,oa a-A-rtftsfi ya 5 .1 Law bas- a , rasa . j '. I 4 1 fst ba ' . j .at -after ft- uf. t ft Wat aft af tftsr . I r i a-I Iwlaa t art a ft ba.csa M; sasaAT7 ft-a aur f . fcx. a i aaa. 4ti ftbn I M tfc baa I'f- 1 i 1 B-aCs Lr i" S-fcsra NH imr l'fitl bCBXlsJaV and Children. of ta.tnris with tho patroaaaro of na t speak of it withoat gvaaaiaa;. ia on ovory wrapper. J O WRr.-.MAl. tSocietart' tieo NIM1MON. Vleo Preaidonb URSTOCK LACKS noth ing but buyers. They will eotbe. They will be Hails' fled. Thev will luv al THE FAIREST PRICES 1 F0R SUCK Visitors an? not asked to BELIEVE but an Bfeown goods to CONVINCE them that wo arc leaditte tho traile STAPLE AND FANCY DRY C00DB, LADIES FINE SHOES etc. fyou want VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY all on u Youra Truly Rkad, Peacock & C o. If. K. IIVI.K. XV. 11. DOrotMIB. D. . AAJIKa I ALBANY FDRNITDRE CO., IWCOPORATBD llaltiinorf Blotk- - - Allianv. Ore. F URN ITUR E om.l.-t.f lintr of UKtERTAKIWC in all its faaawtaa. EMBALMING I . l - -r;..-r 'ir url I al.'.toia tra DRUGS. Stationery, Toilet Articles, Musica Inttrumen'S, Etc Hodces k McFarlano, AO I. A. Morris ii Co, Flour acd Feed Store. Hive rrrrtoci the Ru Hoot, .tock ol their iorc to aypOaSftg nd hate on hir.ti fstl CHOPPED FEED: Vus'.otr. cf - p; ir i1j-. CORVALL S FLCU i.BRAM, SHORTS CERM MEAL. GRAHAM, BUCK WHEAT, RYE FLOUR, HAY, OATS. STRAW AND Star Baken I ori'ri.-rtniiiiii ami s-'ir-t l- CCKFAD kITff, FECFIinfil. 1( . d t rff Is, fti 'aaicarr, ried rraslsst. Toburro, ssaa:ar. I!, f , S-'ssoasrss '1 Huri umnir. arftfclaas. a Uai plCis. Teas. Cte.. r er-lA.-i Ihs: 1. ki mwii .r. J o-ss. ST, t.k."S. . . rasa . fv llukwi FA R M MRS LISTEN. ae bit Kate hot of Iresh araaa aacaVof almos; even l:.i t . s. . . . . i. " .LiU. hu.u.iij; 1 1 Ti , .r.u w c .v SCSI it . Come see us STEWART & SOX NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. N OTICE IS UKRKBY t.lVEN TJiAV TH) : I X, ttenifciitftt has flla h rJ ftaa rt m , ihe MbU of Enw ttifj K Hftt rvt dLt. ti- aajaA I with tht? aMwtf cittk of Ltnn c uulv, t itmm J Ihal Ihr c-sunty .ar .sf u L1 an osiir. ,Kft j firxl SftiUttJftV. tha- Ulb tUy ft JftT.UftX, feflftV i ; bsaar of m oVKxk in tSa tewaaw) ti ftsjaj f fcv, auj ' th omnif cr x:rt h uc a u( pla- ri ' sas ; tha htan h aftrJaWtli n ;( v sa f jnil ' cwoDt ansl ihf axtUrr.rci.ts4 kv J catate. ls!cJ IV-xttlKf Ulh. !s;-s. W R ftTL'fCr, A.lmin Ar Nmiis nsl. cuiu tetnicnl-1 sane so . i ru;ht. attj aa issass Assignee's Notice. In tha matter tf the assignment c f Henrv . hrerniaD I' iacohrtM iK'btor. I Notice is hcrf!v gfaaja that Henrv Freeman IV, und Iwa aaalmnil tiimtal) his proper iy for the baftftflk of all hist creditor' in accordance .nth the lava ol I tba) atft'ie of Orasjon relatias to general I ftaaaar' aaaes ta iv iMohrant dabtor a AU cre.l .tors of ti e eaid Henry FVllliiaH ' i'or.nd aro notified lo present their eliiims . I ii' uli r ftfttb. to meat the othce ot Diack I 'Urs kV Wal son, attys , in the citv of Al I buy, Oregon, w ithin three months from the date of this notice. Dated slbanv, Or-, Dec sth. HISS. U. II. Ikvisk, As lift BUS). Assignee's Notice. Notice ic hrret yiven to all whom i. mT cossisern. that oa tha 4 th .lav -t Xovenitser, lbKt. Anthony Trcrsf aadV C Busier duly maiie aa asStataWSat taOata of all their vrojior ty fort he benctil if all their creditor., in ccsidaa aa snih Iho general aasit-nnient asrs of the state f Orrior; then fore all persons h.iviu;; claims auaiiist the .o part nership linn of saul I'ropst rod Hatler aie here'ov notilied aud reiiuired to praaaal the aiuo to aaa under oath at the ottics if W K Milieu in the fits of Alhsnv, Oregon 'jrith in tluce months from the .!" h reof. Dated tins 17th dsy of Hove at bar, isflfi, Ku.iiiKi ts rKOi-nr, AasifMr, Wall Paper, I iruoN, lr'n.ints Oil Calm., i'.il J. A. C.tiiin..i! ALBANY, :- 0REC0 Ladies: The Secret Of a Fair Face Is a Beautiful a as 3 Skin. 3 Sulphur Bitters Will give you A lovely Complexion. fspn.l I '.'-iisat .tirci-s to A. P. OMsray him: - u. Xlars..ftlf Urst wetli' sr-.rL BssSjSSStJSSI Ao KS T W.x NT on SaUirv an-I ','om mis OfTHE ONLY AUTHORIZED Biopptii of JAMffi G. BLAINE, GAIL HlUi,... r, fc lilry wWlr tha BO- .;TiiAr, of 1.11 isjaasty, ant :r Mr'. I...rr,r.h-'- VVoikf, j Years of I'wmm," aod hu later bo, 'PotXncaL Dcacoasamtm " One r.rrpec'n! f..r these .'! rt-r sklliso bo!s in the rnir i s.ft. A K PJ rdn of Me..t'joV lit Bistsfs i t'.-ai tirst II0 calls: aeot'. prorit IM 50 , Mr- Kl'ard f O. tuk 5 orders. 13 -ei I Ku.sia, in l s: proh- I N" Bias ! Ms. tok T. crders in '1 da;.: prott '. $4 J PatstaVa f ! took 43 orders i 'rr,m ." r;is; profit 75. J5. E A Fa'mer I at X. Dak. 53 onaaaan t&sfti fsasH I $9.25. Ei li sivi TrafeiToar kiseo. I I jm with t-jmske LABOE MOl' ;V r.t irf.midjs't'r for tnns to TliHfon KH To!). (kJirackaCwi DR. BAEIf'S ELECTRIC BELT - i . . ; i s: ' ft . a - Li t t aasa r-vrs-4 Irrilia am: m-xt ; r iftcMai a't. - a im tla . t. - ftft i ; - I .i '-s-ft iff lR ftAC a -1 i- a mA 1 ra'A or r-wi tsravai'tr lifts, kk Msrimti.tM f vv.i fcav srrsrr : tm-t ara. I It ITa All sVtLT t is.t . s i t : l - :-at. .f.'wl;U.l t'l ti ft aiftaWal. fr-eas. a : . r ra . tsAjvDKN KiaKcrrlxic oo K . 7 2 Frsx St.. PCRTLAWO. 00L W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE Ptt. 0: ysa srar ftssa "a . s - -i iS 7 s riir. best in the orid. " .i;:ts Cr:;: ?. r-Ss 1, tl "a4rsl - . t' i rotate S3, t-j-T:,S3-5,S4 :3cr $ t S-ot. T-.r -'". f I Is c.:.:-! -riieasd kc aai ii . '. 1 " : : l)K::.- . :'i ear, "!i rv.-rSas'- V L C:.s-is SSar;. aaj ,-- a if'! 'aa s saa irr J uoi i.i-AS. rrfitoa, ITaaia sua IU.AIV. ILFAI1 COLLSO'ATS IRS?PU?I ALBANY, OSlcuON 1891, ier iri ,'cr a pcl ftrptraabar atf A f. I corps 'T iniTctUirb, CLAoSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERAFT COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. ra7 ' - mij ..ruEi' fta c-s--alf SjimJai ::::-.- .N,rei. lavs asvas.-. j , ,TrrJ lo WaJ- rcas cVjavf. rr. iiartr s mvoir ARE YOJ a r.ewjaj,cr tc-. publisti.rcr a. I! you .re. cr s: ot be abore. sr. act tor, artist 'rtlserr fcter steil in VJ . si: 02; read A LIST. THE JOUF DO VOL vnt ta reacb above? 1 heai s-eri!s in the Joi iT. . . : in n i.ioa j-rai. AftsM i :a "t s aa i'plic.Joa. A !.L N FOHM N. i. :i: -. anl I Saaa sc rasxr. asarisaaav New Ttiaa If T WANTED At the tton term Allen BrOftt BUTTER, EGGS, LARD, BACON, and CHOICE APPLET he best cash price for which I will pay possible. B F RAMP CEMRAL Poultry ani M MM. Bro.'.dalhiii. bfthiftfta, Svond and l'liird Sts., Al.0A.sY. Oli. Poultry. Fish. Oysters. Clams, (.ane in Season. Kventliinj; nice mid fresli. tlive us a call. SCHMEER & CALLAHAN ilumiKfel to cure Bilious AUAC&aaai tft ku ion, ff mail kuie Ikacr. wfaQTs. J tmHmm j - C ,' a Vajfttaaaajsj t, - :- ftxm ah.: i : I hn ft 'T -"sasa r t syra asa. a.- ut i la. si e f -i .ts ftrri- tV . s ; rum sftrsss. aftarjar iliin i IUstftr. Bar aaftat t aitiaT - vt Mam wmw rftssTft- i: i . i , . rtat kM aaaiftft.:.tfcft j4mV ftaasaaraaaaaa rrr : S nbM AAtJan'Sjsa c.t o ar Salcftf S-W f -aa-a ft 9- "X: -as a 3 5.' bs2-G3 42.50 a' -TV $2.00 42.25 aM. I $1.75 Notice for Publication U S I.ANI. Orill r (IMajoa Crtx'. On.. v, IS'.h. Mtt. No'lc- is l.-iebv xlven Ihal in coir.pll ance sith the piosfaiosxa of lie set cf Cossgrcaa 01 Jur.r 3, 1 f-7 8,'lcd "An I ct for tl.e sale cf litasisf isrds in Ihe States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Tcnitory, '"Kdscn W Bee man, of Albany, Count v of l-ir.p.S'ati of Oregon, has this day fiUd in this tiCce" Ma sworn statement No 2bSj, for 'he pir ci.ase of the S ( jof S E ' acf S of S W i of Section No if,, in Township No 10 F ."south. Range Vri East, and xsill offer'' proof to show that ihe land nought is 'more valual4 fr i's ti-i her or store than for a-T'.cvrtture purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register ana Jsseceivrr of this office at Oregon A !My, Uregon. on Tuesday tne 6.h day of raaitiart-I0Q4. Me names as witnesses: M Colovinof Green Basin, Oregon, John Daley, of Orcen Basin Oregon. C H ! Ia!rimple, of A ban , Oregon, ar.d F L ' Holaaca, of A! ban v, Oregon . Any and all persons claiming advenely the above- j dfscriied lands are ret'ues'eJ to file their claims In this office or. r before said 6;h j day of February, 1804. KAiliu.EK, Bsaiatar. j. Notice for Publication. IT, S. I-an.'j Cim i. 0..o ( nr. Or., ffaraaitii Tif.lfJft. Kail m is hereby given that in compli BSISM x itb the provlair.n. &ftr y. : of 1 ' - t. s of Jrn i 3, Wi", n;ils1" An v ii,r tni- m-e of t tntAr latids in tha males ' o' Cs if.rnia, Ores: n, Nevada and Wash ington Ttrriioryy" a extended nail tbe public land :at'es by act r.f Aogust i Wti, Krancis L Ho.:n of A.tany. cennjusr i Linn state of Oregin. hsa tnti dav fiie in tbl office bis r-i tlalssaent N . 2S92 for the porchsjstj ot tbe 'uthafct i at aaetfon Sfo2ia to-n.hip No 101 range . , No 6 a-, and will effer pior.f to thttw 1 the iar.d so-.ght ia n-ore valuab e f r timber or to e than for agrico toral MirixKi. sn l to enari ih hi- la:m isl I'.V. a ... n t. . . . I I ffa'O man w'firiun .r5.-vri nvnei it this office at Oregon Ort); Or; on Tne f dsj: the '.h day of Febr-jary. 1(H. ffS naines as w. mesne: C H fal rrmnls; Albert EHo'mf; u V Acarn: A k, a, osAJbsuaa, Of Any nd perscna , c in ins; aisera.v th triv- fccri bert ands are n r-.'pd to fi e tneir c aimarh this office on or bifora. i k.'n daof Kebruarj: UN, Kcsspt A M.'tui; heginter. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. IS HIIBI GIVtN TJfA THE ITf- .ai-Bet-v-. Ii . Stcrmd. xratitT eoart .At I L &n eoaiitr. i s iarKra sre heftir rr- ' scr:a vm ass ax r. . tac srsoes am ausea kas Isst d De.: ct. Sch, IMS. i..- ' I-.i..-rz. L3 asiiaiss tmm tbe Asa . T E CRUTEaV ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. N'lTICE 15 HEREBY CITES THAT THT CS-ocrKj-"- ka.e been aftvAascd adsaaasUMaraf tht srU 4 LOthsrd. !! ' Una r.-mKj, Or, Saaaaaaa. aft persuoa hartaaf mil aaaiasc saM bu sre herebf liailiJ w rntax ism 4a.y .r.te.i s '. r tow icqoiml u. ik at-drs-i ar Csjrraiiis. Urejori, "sticB sU bouJm trcm tb as r-je.r A le- - ;' is 4 y i tr.r ."S6. 1X GERHARD. HE GERHARD. yfai.berl'ri A lai!erjm, Adisiijaraicss Au;s t ajftsaas. EAST AND-SOUTH. THE SHASTA ROU' or lrit- Soutnern Pacific Co. Ss Ax .aisTTai Li 1-3 s L tjt ' a L Ar rmasarf Saa Fr-:-sos -S3.' a :Te'.rsias a: .pa. ail statio t trora n i to Albany irn-'lusiva. alao Tan hd 1 .Halaay. Hai I tsftmi a Jnoobo lrviti. r' and as! stations oietaiglo isalsDEi ia? asis ail, rarLT - ? is IMSrs i vaera 1 Ls Lt Ar p iiaasi Arvsor S-sborc ar - P a Lt :--- a Lt T jCCa afa 1 Li .- a a 1 Ar I rr a I L LboJioa Aiaaas Li Li I JsH . A WLLMAr BUFTFT SliEPERS.i ( Di.tiriftr Cars on Oden Fbi SECONQ-CLaSS 8lEt?!MS CA ittarhed la all Tarmx Traia. ATesi lAc MTlsloa. KKTSSrr POBTLtlBI t cJ Us:, saisjiui taaaafafta sssay, ! rsc s 1 IMS r a 1 Li SI Ar I S.-t r a is r CSw-t. KtrsKS rasis (ftaB SisAaf . ; kat s I Li Ar vonlsaa V IS1."!' - Lt I S-'a s TllroiXArli rrielcetra ;vu .- -'yi-t-i :-. .'s-sis ul Ear,. I is .ots'a rra C ft FTaak. .s.-f.-.: A:bisr.T. KOEttLftB K P.aOsiS-RS. w. .. - ssatO T. b4 psrtSi 1 Orrtv THE WEBF00T ROUTE ; Oiegon Pot Hailiodfl, K W HABLSY. Kecctrer TIME SCH KLU'LE- tccs SnD-lvrs.1 la.iA!ts IftM r- -w Taquiiia. 4.8 Uave Cs..-rs:iis I S r. a . Leaia Cenralli,10: s.a t,rrl .- Taqoina t:4 . a.i imii Albaay, 11:U a. Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates. lametaa Willamette Valley Points and San Francisco acfCftN sravaec sviumu ro sss rsaxciscu WU-anwt'.s Tataj. N Hft lth.SSro, rsoa ta:-ims. ajTflaisatH Vaiaw, Nov ikh. tDthand Sth. The CompaaT rt-svtyea th ngnt hanga sailing dates without notloa. KsYKK M K lli'.Ksi. seami "sssj" leives INMllaat JMiureii r) a a. SI Isl tl 0 Dav, dan AkI, Salmon Srst Thsrt.rrlian4 l R Vu(m, leu Ai't. Su Fraaciscu, Cal . U K Vluis-ah, Uscsrsl ut: Notice of Dissolution Notice is hereby given that the firm of Senders & Co heretoloie doing business under the firm name of Senders Co has this day b-en dissolved. Mr Adolrih Send ers retiring. The new firm w'U be com posed of Mr Ed Schmeer and James Cal lahan who will continue the business, and will collect all amnun's due the old firm and pav all its debts. Adolph Send.-rs bl'HMIU, Tbey Inerease appetite, purity Uj hc aateniandKCtanUMuverJUiic HeajasA- J