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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1893)
emonut VOL XXIX. Knlrrrd at .tie om.c at Alliany. Or , Rca4CIaa Mull iim i. ALBANY.ORbGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1693. -litis .i RgfTtM, rahMsaiefl aad rrepHeterss ( el for Infants and Children. IHIRTY gsBMaf observation oftorittwjth th patronage of illUona of pssraons. par-mlt bi to speak of It wrlthont cglng. It im nnqnasvionahly ths hest remedy forjfnfanta Mid Children the world haa ro known. It Is harnllesa. Chlldrssn like It. It afvaa thorn hesvlth. It will mto thair lives. In it Mother havrs abaolatsxly nafe and practically porfeer m a THTJKSTjAY ; A. 3E ; SCHOOI. 3 XX IXjUltUHr public icbool ss thins; which ! medicine. Castor-ia detroy Worms. Castoria allay Fewsvrishnasa. Oastoria praventa vomlslwa; Soar Card. Caatoria onrei Diarrhcna and Wind Colic. Caatoria relieves Teething Tronole.. Caatoria extras Conatipation and Flatnlonoy. seta of carbonic acideaa of Can trtn doo not contain morphine, oplnan, or other narrsotio property. Caatoria -,1-te the food, rag-nlatsss the srtnmach, and howls. arlviiasT healthy and natural leep. Cartoria ia pnt np in one-slaw hottlea only. It i not sold in fanlk. Pont allow any on to Bag yon anything also on the plea or promise that it i"jnt a. good " and " will answer every pnrpoao." See that yon get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. The fao-aixnila is on e-rery rignatnre of lldren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Pk-mUii Hjv? fft'STtTUTlCMS. THL FARMERS k MERCHANTS IHSUHftNCE CI Si ak OF OsSOOH. Tlio first vesoel bnilt in Uio Willamette Valley was the "Star ot Oregon." Joseph Gale, headed the enterprise, and launched : 1m litte craft M;y lf, 1841. That was he fore an axe had been swung on the present townslte ol Portland. Hale sailed the little era it to San Francisco, sold itaul invested the proceeds in live-stock. He organised n company ol col mists and drove overland to Oregon, laO head l Cattle, li'H) horses and males, and nearly 3000 sheep This sloes, was sold to the settlers and did much to mak them prosperous. Joseph (isle was ore of the leading spirits in ihe early BnJ trying days in Oregon. In 1843. ha, with Al anaon Bean and David Hill, constituted the executive committee of the first pro visional government, performing Jointly the functions, of governor, lie settled in Washington county, beyond Forest U rove, and his name is perpetuated in that leetion by the well known land maik. Gale's Peak, and the sttcainliale's ceek. He died in Wallow a county a few years sga. -Sta'esinaii. O. P. Noma. Judge .McArihur, of Portland, was in Corvallia yesterday and tiled objection? to the confirmation of the sale. II II I f c n ill. ttiresenting !,e lahor ers went to Co rial lis this noon. Judge Fullerion has ordered the receiver to pre- - inspection, au aer dtrett. Oenrvl and I W-itt wilt mm Isl- leaves. l:ie lloag was tied up vestelday and there will ns river l-allie for awhile. i':o re is oat opinion in reference to the Oregoniaa tclt gram. and that i! wa- .1 lo in the interest of the management. The men must have 'heir pay, that' what. I'ntil the 88th mafers will he taken coolly. n that day CorvnlUj will bo filled with employee. There it no question that Judge Fullerion will see that justice is done. Important RsBOLlTTtOX- On ec 19th, thfl executive committee of the Pacilic Insurance Union passed th following renolntibn: "Resolved : l hat the ruie published by "Circular No. 17i', second Series," levying a tax of 10 per cent on the premiums on buildings located in the state of Oregon ia hereby suspended un- . i 1 1 i. , ... lanf i , I . .i juu u is . i , ano n. t : - - are per- tax Recent to i day si i li r n lay afternoon Bono nice class work has hewn pre pared by too pupils and w ill be on ex- hlbtt at the central building, l'xients and friends of educatio.i are specially invited. ThO following program will he reodered, beginning about - o'clock. p BO : Rooara so 7 a mi 8. I ns'ruiiiei tal music, Kva RosGoe; I rccitation, Nellie Koehay ; recitation, Ola Miller; declamation Claude Lanibsoni Instrumental music, Mary Parrish; reci- ai i.m. Edith Kambaugii; recitation, tlattie Oleen ; daclama'ion. Willie Wa! lace duett, Maud Uulbort and Edith Cliiawell; dialogue, Lntie B tern burg, David Ootlieb and Joseph Bethune: in- I strumentaJ music. Joyoa Browne!!. SOOXS No 5 .m 6. Msrciiing song, pupils of grades ." and li : essay, Origin of Christmas, May Tei hnne; recitation. God Blow onr school, Elsie Conn: recitation, Grandms'i Christmas. Frances French : recitation, When Sainit Claus Comes, Tbesa Kauui- gart; recitation. C.renee Tnrner: l.otlia ous'er : rccita ion. Our t hristmas llhty, Kaiie Pame; recitation, liu i Strange Ciiild's Christmas, Klta liislev ; I reading. Aastie and Willie's Prayer, S W ianij Klayo: music, Christians Tune, lpils: recitation, Bomebody's o popus: lecusiioii, c?uuictiuMj j Mother, ola Norraan ; recitation, The ll.itile llatoh Girl, Clare Browne!!; reci T an ion, Kris K riot tea Surprise, Edith IRar.kin: mu?:c, Erroa Watts: recitation, Beye WantesL, Koy Parker; recitation, ffasnerleas Joe, Hattie devenger: rect latiem. Merry Chriataiae, Lacy Iorris; musk. T'.e Old Home on the Farm. Car tie Bavkhart and Birdie Hayes ; recita tion, A Boy's FUgh'S, Walter Ellison : reeltatian, a Chruitmas Sleighride, Edns Jackson; recitation, A Fellcw's Mother. Charlie Stewart; recitation, Watch Yur Wards, Lavems Enapp ; music. Hour by Hour. Cth pupils: Christmas litits, t:;a FEID A J Bilreu, of s'cio, was dav. the lily (o- if KugeM, was in the i. line down from F.ugen' wv I. K. dtot limit .ciiine eat to mas. of (iilliam rright, has nton, two h 'ir homes H 9 10 II 12 ' h- i ight-' .: ( '.Jii. In -iiil 14 fKaWf Alhunv. I'' pisiting tin' I 1" I'oifc counfv to '"J 1 U-gins asBssani wat.h- ol Atunie I this .Ti Hpud.-iue in .1 . I - een BBC iruot ot Albany, OreToa. CEai, Preeideet. i U COWAN. Treasurer. J O V. RT .'M A IV. SoaefcH 3 Geo F SIMrsoS, Vic v Preeilnnb I CowaD, Jeo V Simpson, ,V t Ras l, D B Monui:'i, t Sterac erg4J Wirto, ic J C WeetbsrtirJ. 0 J Sttiirt. i Vriuman. -ALSO DliTRICT AOXKTS rCK J Hughes, Kiteila u r t- n to, Sarah Neelv ; mitted to reiuud to the insured sue! and Edna rrouian: tec::a:i n, A Church as u-.av have been collected.'' Bpider, Mabel McCoy ; lecitation, LttUol All who paid insurance oa the M per Uenine. Minnie M.r:.,; ; rvcifHon. The r.Vse . .u'd call on agents for the excess. Boy About the l'iace, 1 hnrles Stern'oerg : recitatic". Merry Christmas, DOyS oi the I A New Coxi-asv. The Waterlt o 1'ilcb 5th; maaio. Goodnight, gtrla of 5th and I & Posrer Co of Waterloo, I-inn countv. 6th. teachers, Ida Uiack and Hc'en ' fiWd sr:ic!caol incorporation in the office Laml'sn. :-cre'arv of State McBride vesterdav. Booms RO 3 and 4. i The capital stock ol the corporation is S I aS AM tkm ikiHl la tn An all Son- W e.c :i.e :jt c:ta'. i. C hnstmns j connected ith the OMiatkM of a general stockings, irtue Ne man : derryChnt- ; eiec(ric ,,iant.,ucl) ,8 building and mam mas. Harry Sogers; Flora s tainingssactrie railway telegraph, and Ine.t she.tur. : New MuWpIicaUoa, Nellie t(.tpllone i., etc. ttwen vSaUvkM Fnrdom ; A Penny He anted to Give, ; ftnJ A:banv. The iocorp.Jrst..r are K R JsaninaClark; New Year's Eve. 1 ;J Bumphrey.O fennins. Geo Medley, I B Livingston ; How To Make I p. Maggie wirt A O McKee and I M Kn.fong. The Stewart; The Holiday s Acrostic, t. I) de ..r k. t. ,r.,.. f A 1 1,U T.. V ,. r -- Wi - ' - . . . illl a ' a V i i , t J. l aa Bt: Hon I, Briyos city today. Itov WiMiley thi noon. Sam May. the ll.irri-lmrg'uier' now ii io me city today. Mrs K E Davis and lliirrishurg- toilay to spend Joseph lllakelv. t nil county, and uncle to Mrs flj ban visitnig- in this ity Goasad sfeyer and I Alhunv groi-ers. nr- corfim hj illness. Dr C 1' Uaunbarlia left overland for San Leamlro, the holidays. i'lto i ..mi.. . . and w. sint Sunday in L-hanon, nuauy oi s t iiindiuan CO KM left today for pond the holid'.vs. Mr I his duties tonight as engit man. Miss MiMrc.1 Bunnciter noon from u M-verai moni l ortlatid. where she has h Bellinger. ntair men. win advertise to buy reo-i' r i eertificates. They will find plenty of sellers if they do A tehgiam rOCStved t'slay announces tl.p death ol 'h-o Shott, father of Mr- Cha PauTer, of this city. Mr Shott died at Mjerstown Pa., at the age of HI years. DrGeO S Wright, of McMiunville. will ! at the Heven- House on Tin-day. K--i;. and rvuiaiu sevi r.d days. TIiom- wih ,ng hajfth iaiiile--l extracted "ill do well io call on nim. Mr At. h Allen, foaasrly in the gvoeesj hiniiis in this city, now of Ilayton. Wash, arrived in this city last eenin to iend the holidays. Mrs A Her has bean ben' several wk. Judge Duncan, Oounty Clerk Payne, and Assessor Peihias returned last nigiit frfm aalees, where they snpessad the state Board of Fpaaliation. llie Utter alas attended the ateeaassj convention. Messrs Hughes and i.irk.the rvprMita tive of th-' Blair faction, who hid in the Orrgoa Pact&c at gBW.OOg, arrirti in Al bany last night and hare tone to OorvaBis toprajpare for the confirmation ointot on the 'J:h. It is the prevailing opinion that a settleiiM-nt f the current indelrf.lnc. asiijuntinp t- al.ut Wt..'.M. will 1 made and the sale conhnneil. Apportionment of School Fundi for the year 1J3. Dec 16. No of Name of Cler'4 DM 1 o 3 4 No Pupils lfesirtei. Funds Total Th" Examiner ay Goact Mihs'.r, ot Hungers is !n the Oregon Innne asyium ; but none of the oiTicrrs know any tbing at-out it. It it id thst 0hKS and Hujhes had $551,000 on hand epre! (or bidding on re 1 iregon ficnic, a lc. ihst ir.d:ci a I eitlcmtnt with the cmp'ioic. Toe Oregon Pacific U r.ot cmrdoTlng ar.r more tundt tfaaa it nurds ootetdeSnf I 1 "Irf ht tir nin H..l mr Kiu t a. W r ... M ! ford I I 1 I a mA rt 1. aaassa wa SB rna.l I a. a ..aaS ' .... .1 y av.suw..iu;.itiuiurt, MUUlftlurar.prr,. ae. rjn flafh? th" TOM several Solid Eastern and Foreign ConpaMebg Health Officers Speak. City, State and National Authorlt: report the Royal Baking Powder in ,every way Superior to all others. i.tttie to t er:. i nma ,iA ,.,i,i. ; ,l. .;. A.i khart: sonsFive Little Chickadees: I 6 ' ' rWirstlons, Annie's aul Wihie's Prayer, ' Jttoen Siatb Firman. Hon.I K Weath- iar.d.e Ijiugliiicau : taraudma. Ai'a Mc Pesoa; At t iiriiSuissTime, tiuv Bogs ers: l!puii.'a riirisOi.aa Vi.esii. k nM''1 i-v-- , 1 v - V - T' T I iwra a. 1 un aios scsieiuaT. ; pav e i to 1 ' ,' ' f nil ' . . ! 11 was dec:. led to line Atlornev i.eneral tie Btoctunnith, John Bur.hart; Oar 1 chamberiain pnafa the account of the Christma?. Nitia Chamterla-.n : A School ,f. fn.t. ir. ,,v.u,,i. tna noy'i Troubles Martin Meissi ; My Ship. ', , ' ;, ..i,i.. i, s ,1.. Margarette Cundiff : A Merrv Christmas, lirafojida aamiaal ,be !.bs. and the se cant witi l-e nied against lbs estate ot c . rl v- , r . . . t:i. - - - . ....... 7 o - as ... In vitolicui . 11 big c.J plot thunder tote the t e aroacd A'binr '-'..l coon. Ran .eitie.l.jiinson; hen Sana l a :-1 Vines, :e htcPhersOD : 1 wonder Who is' re probable. rooms 1 asm Tony Song. Nos. land?; Christniss, Dora Worrell : Listening. Lena Sayior; The Verv Best thinir, Benlah Huthiirt, Eranres t-:ead, Nellie Hackieman ; January octurrcnccs in the Wiliamct'.e vadtj. At a meeting of She employe of the O I al Miti fi'v tr!erJlv the c realtor, of McFeron, Edith , ,he rod dectdeJ to go 10 OOvvallei on ihi I-ertfia IrorrtS; -S-h on f rr-r- trananriri.linn if lh-v ir-n ex iling Up the Babye Stocking, Clinton j fe. If not. anyway. ira i.ey ; iir.i v Hi . ... tsjwm . r ipiiiii Santa Clause and His Works. Viola Ital tiuiore ; A Disappointment, Certna Saj lor. Christmas Story. I'.essie Cameron Clfnton Conn, Ella Clark. Ruth Bryant Voleaa Smith. Irvin Shahs, Liai Pro STATE CHEMIST, CALIFORNIA: The Royal fulfils requirements. Our tests show it has greater K-avenir. ; than any other. STATE CHEMIST. WASHINGTON: There is 00 question thp Royal is the strongest, purest and most wholesome '. . powder in the market. U. S. GOV'T FOOD REPORT: Royal Dakikg I ;haw : Pb Dean Kess'er; With Rein- j 1 ear doa- and Si. ich. Belle Crail ; New tlls. .N'i-a Sedga lei's r.i in : Wst'liing for Santa I -in-. Lillian i.'anii.l; ttood Luck to Christmas, Frank C'irvenger; A iollv Time, Fatl Fronk, Frances Coales, klmer Ries, Harvey i'arer: i Wonder Who He Is. Moritan Barnes ; Christmas. Tawna Aw brev : Tw :n. V. Twinkle Little i'ar. .Vli-s 1 ,r , Time is Com ng. uhown a pure cream of tartar powder, hihcit of all ;:i leave 1 in strength. CANADIAN OFFICIAL TESTS: Royal Baking Powees . 'commended as of highest excellence, and shown to Le greatest of all in leavening strength. SAN FRANCISCO BOARD OF HEALTH : We Royal Baking Powi conuauj T trove and recomraend the absolutely pure and healthful, composed of the liest ingteui sts, of the highest strength and character. BOARD OF HEALTH. SEATTLE. WASHINGTON : Y iad in analysis that it is entirely free from any adaltcratior., are heartil' recommend the Royal Baking Powder for its rjc. 1 strength, purity and wholcsomcncss. BOARD OF HEALTH, TACOMA. WASHINGTON" : ! 1 judgment the Royal is the best and strongest Lakh.' posnj . before the public. BOARD OF HEALTH, SPOKANE : Certainly there is no bei ng powder known to us equal to the Royal. DR. B1NSWANGER, UNIVERSITY OF ORE O : my opinion that there exists no purer, better or strong -powder than the Royal. I confidently!1. Do not permit the slanderous stories of in ested parties tz influence you in using any " other than The Best, The Royal. A baby buggy, a shawl, pi iow ar.J package left In front ot H'o a couple dais ago. The owner wii'i please call and prove property . Haw did It happen. fester da Governor t'enr.oyef appoint ed Si P Mm to ty. county judge of Ease county, vice V M Townsjnd, deceased. Judge Moss is a b-othtr of ci .Wti'or M' , of thi countr, anJ it a nsaa'of o'id Indgafcsn and wonh. A meeting of Ihe Kindergatlci Asso ciation was lic?d last evering at the rcii cf Hon L II afontanve. Arranee tier's room; A Good mcr.ti were considered for Laving Mr Velnia Davis; Chris-- Treat and otLcr lec;uer Lere. The next Baa. Mviden Clark ; lteantifn'. Minaie ' tncc'ing cf the association wili be held at I .vt le, Olive' Adams, baa Redfield, Viola ! Hr Kestnea.on Jan. 10. Newman. Hand Beatley, esta Wallace: JoltvOles: Nicholas. Charlie Miller; O Merry Day. Demon Btinsun ; Welcome Beantiful Christmas Day. Mi.s Dyer'a room ; Christmas F.rty Year- Ago. Win field Boyce; A Rabbit's School. Stanley NeeJande ; Two Sides of the (Question, Harold BnmbaUgb, Issie Cameron ; I'm Jolly Sar.t 1 Clans, Charlie Shupp ; I'hri'stmas Torfcev, Bdedn Trites: On Chris'icas Morning, M"S3 StiTgaic s J feits. Tlie ImTutor ulwavs choote ihe room; A Letter to Santa Claus, Isaaclmot VSlaSble and popular article to Botler; Santa Clans, Frankie Harris ; counterfeit, ho that when they c'aim leir A ChriatmSS Stocking, Hlla Ijtmb, Ntl- Ul-aia 10 be equal or goo !, or thi same lie Craig: A Visit from St Nicholas, Jes I as "80 sad-Bo's," the pahllc may depend Lebanon ige. A F 4; A M. SetSsrshty eventtg electen tne fdloalltn officer: E E Hamanack. V M : W B lvca. s V ' J V Huikhar', J W: E V! Miiler, See. i J Wasaom, Tica; U T Cotton, Tyler. Tlie money . :tiibuted br the county school superintendent, at given eitcwheic, ill maieiialiy b:ae6; school ma'ttrt through Ihe Oaastty. Prof Rusc,s promptness h the roa'.ter I rerr com mendable. This .- -. year and ihe moan is now fait. 'The combination peculiarly noticeable si Yaqaina hefe Ihe tide rea:hcd hs highest point, at Nye creek sweeping oeer ihe balh hoae, on the bank at ihe mou'h ofitsc ieh. ' " l t.ri't testis iliet ai.1 beghs to irorrow night )ih lrcr at the Presb . -teiian and M E South and asocial a! llie Congrega'ioral church. On Monday eeer.lng tr.e ftap.nt and M E churche will have tree and ihe V P Sabbath school an arb:.r with Santa Clam. Klmer MonUiguo' old ruar diol last night of la grippe. She was bcsrSed this morning1 in DsoeseeJ -tjl-. lite Leaalar Aad in shaat. Every good tiling has its host of i m i'ators: everr crnuine article Its countcr- sie Myde; When Santa I laus comes. Earl Mayo; Christmas Bell) Mirs Car-other'- room : A Kliyiue. Melvin Kes-sh-r; Christmas Morn ins, John Inii bo'tom ; Up on the Housetop. Nos, 1 u;i;! 2. Irl. home men at the upon it that So-ami So's ' article I ihe , bctt of the kir.d. The shim proves the i genuine Tent cf Ihe thing h copies and 1 never ha this been br Iter Illustrated than ;by the imitations, of AUcock's Porous I Plasters. I. Ailco;k' PoSSSUS Piaster is ihe standard of e'celicncc the world over, and iti im . itators In their ci v thai, theirs is "as good ' es Allcork s ' arc only emphasizing lids j fact and a imitthig ''AUcockV to be Ihe ! acme of perfection, srhlca it is their hlgh- c-t ambition to imitate. The difference netweCTi the genuine ar.d these Imitations, which copy only general appeirance, is as wide as ttial between copper and gold. The saf;- av for purchaieis is to I aiwavs insist upon having Allcock's 1'or OSM I'lasterb They are tlie only peifect j p'islers ever produced. Is the Best Good Enough? Then call on Hip undersigned for your GROCERIES they are the best in the mrtrket a fine line of crockery and toys for L Irvine end w ife, id Gervaie, Cai Ue ll lu AlUaUT Ull a seseim iia visi t tho guests of Hon R A Irvine. 1 l vu taaahan. representing the la- has ?rs of anulaa Bay. rctnr..e this neon. He reports the Hay greatly excutu. J . ) r.ushns. Il was taken ill la-t even ing rnHe work log rear "f lhe CHy restr trant, and taken hum . lie is iro.v consi derably iai, 'roved Mr Ed Ouinn, "O has been working on tin reform scliox Ot several '..ays, re-1 turned', home tli. noe to spend Christmas. He iif return r.estweek., w.i r rt tv .-al a iftivA a I evH .V.:.C, 2 . .I-! " - so. Treade.ce .l Mr home paper can ICi. 1 is . "nv . - . . 1 - - Arch Hammer. Tlie pre waw . um of mtorit. Those taking pa ft were May Foeha y, F.lva Conn, Erma Watts, Lima Parker, Jessie Clifton, Kyi Abbett, Dslbt K Ui'rkliart, I-oma lletib. n. Norma McCl tin. Foesie Kneebt, Theresa Banm- gart. tstella Writsman, Ora DulVuiHe. Birdi o Jlav?. Earl Ahhett, Grace Lvhsg- stoiie.- ' Lai a renin vm h.eld :t. MeCo y. Four boards were nperated.anu an ev tiiiiur of !iv contests had Tlie Orcgoatsn siys: R E Mutcahy. general superintendent ol Ihe Oregon Pa cific, yesterday rlose4 arrangements lo accept Ihe management of a ! ah road on Ihe sound He will enter upon his new duties cart)- in January. Mr Mutcahy will not slate at present the road he has ac cepted a position with. Following are the new officers of Ihe lodge of Pythian Si'.:er of this OaVl Mis Marv McCtaln, M E C: Mrs Mar'r Par kcr.'F. S ol T. Mrs Alice Kicnatds E J of T. Miss O ga Hewitt. M ofT; Mrs Julia Farreil, M of R and C Mr Cilfton. M of F; Mrs Vaggtc Harris, P of T. Mrs F.orence Conn. Q of O T. Si!ni fhi- msrtlisl ssmaaSa 1 Cievenger for violating theclly ordinance, and put him in the calaboose. His father, W H Ctcweoger, came up and put up Si i ,2s as bonis for Frank's appeaiance for trial the ncal day. r" rank appeared at the hour set for trial and j lead guilty lo ihe cnarge and was fined $; and costs, making $11.25 In all. The iccorder. in whose hands the bond money had been placed. just applied that money to pay tne cost and the fine. Kcfore the trial Mr Cieven ger requested the return of his money as he only gave bonds for r rank's appearance and did no". Intend to pay ids fine, but Ids demand was refused, and suit will be brought to recover the mores. Ibnon Advance. 9 30 111 11-d :tt H :v, IK 37 as 189 ) 41 i-2 4d 44 4.T 4'". 4"J :o :.l 54 65 57 .'ft ''J CO 61 08 63 64 60 n 61 ls tr3 To 71 7.1 74 1 M EM v". s4 5 M n Mi 90 91 92 U 01 a. '.S Sr7 tes '. 10t 101 tog 108 104 106 K. 1"7 Hs ICO 110 11a 114 117 m 131 J II Peary C T Leever ) C Cox 1 rrean Morris. CH Btewart S A Dawson E K Ilainiii.ii k . . T P Jiiutes L Itii iiardson. I B Smitli John Sander Frank lliaxer. . . . A Priory ( ' L Shaw I M Churchill J A Uoberts 1 ' F Iluuiiiian .... I I leni Ed ('handlers J A Jones W .1 Turnndg ". . Mil lnu.-l Hilveu. . W Vilon I i L Ke,w 1 11 lleGnee 0 Scott F A Evan L Whealdon ..... DM Wheeler ... C IiSteen L C St rat ton Jaiiiisi Oee 1 H sS'hitney .... F ii lllunihart . - r W Vales II B Sprenger II LAhrliercker. .. John W Pugh.... John Lauhncr .1 w 1 teeter T J Anderson ) W liennett W C Nicholson.. . Thotnas Tui ner Mahlon Hawk .... I M Dhilisutt .... It L White J II W,Kle J H l'.ebban II C Ihsvis FCStanard A J Kirk S K Teiapleton. II Oreen Cskmslsa ssaDassaU W F Hammer . J Mealv J F. Dow J !t Traak P K Pilyeu J B Wat::, fa A P Talent T .' Kodgen ..... A K MUWdd. . . Ihomavs Boisson i'.rr.X Mi'.ier T D McLaun . .. K F Truaa Silas Ke)"DoJiU K PUH W W PcLand J Bord J ! Irvine J T Follis F M.j. 1; NwtCrajitrs .... L H TMnve .... A F. Cooper E I kw a- J M settle J K rwadd.ll i tV Arnold S iricfaard A Cmpbrey li F Coffev rjnapatt Rachel Tbom;son J K Curtis W A Craft SSSnell iJiiaiieth Wiiey W 9 IVrwell , Wai Irwland H 1 lev Sbellon W E Savage W M CsMSf A C iaines ll Holmes A J Fleming S S Ijeeper J AHemand Isowning Murphy If F U odaker Minor MoQneea . Kirk Wm Ilaker W I Cralstree.... W J 1 rabtree . . . W E Crawford. . E H Cornett .1 S Mvers P A c'arrell ..... J S Neal 31 Vt ts'J 50 1034 CO 61 i'i 44 I f C'J M ilia 3'J 4u mi" Csi 50 44 71 :w 71 4U 56 71 105 $ 45 Hi Vi 8S 4l 74 71 S6 1S2 27-. 110 M 51 4" :W 231 41 47 67 4s 71 41 49 M 41 3t 5 43 tS 60 53 2S 42 171 :) 6ft 71. "C? M 17 10 24 4-' 29 40 47 s 37 174 44 . SI C5 1- Is 6 J 13 29 iti OS !4 41.K0 C4.XU KNlJO co.oo 1240 90 72.00 61 JO 30.00 52. nit 92.40 H2.S0 lit -i 158.40 4;.so 4H.WJ 47C.40 HI. CO 00.00 V.'.-slJ s.'i :m 43.20 H5.20 4 00 67.20 5.2" latLj j 45.00 20.40 54.00 C7.20 66.00 62.40 4- .00 88 SIM COO 68.40 2fi 40 KJ.40 icwfoo ;.oo SS.60 ci 36 26.40 '27 .CO 45.60 61 3& 57 Co 1K.50 277.20 54.00. 56.40 104 40 57&J 55.20 59.20 5- 80 61.20 49.20 4 ! 20 43 A 51 OO 42C.i 7'..2u fs3 60 -A") 'J.j 06.00 is yo :.O0 H eg 46 20 is 1 if.CC 30.00 3G.00 2C) .00 .60 r. .20 .40 T.40 5.60 .60 80 50.40 34. SO tooi 56.40 26.40 44.40 20S.-U 52.! 36.00 :v7.20 7is 00 lCt.60 i4. n 70.W ssan 1100 7.2) M 4- 14 40 SATURDAY Sec t e Gypsy Queen in elegant attire. Holiday teckware at S E Youngs. Holiday slippers f j; men and women at S E Youngs. A Phltoniaih hog .sHh-d jo pound., big for Oregon, Holi lay K'xt'ls closed out regaidiesa of cost at ItodgeSsfc M.:l'arland'. Tlckels for the firemans' ball will only he $1 hsvi.'sj ceen reduced from $1.50 212 tramps were counted on a freight train passing thioug'i Ashland on last Sunday. Art exchange says Captain N B Humph rey , of I'endt -ion, has join' d the psople's party. The Irish shasas "The Lhien Pedler" will make sou forget your trouble st the carnival nest ween. Prices slaughtered on Holiday Goods at Hlgc & McKar land's. Call and see and be convincid. The easiest way to pet a fortune is t0 have it told to v.-.u jy the fortune tellers at the Carnival of Nation next Tuesday evening. Make your wif' a pre;n' of a carpet Sweeper. BE Young Carries Bisaell's ondy wfli be Christmas, one of ihe holidays the Democrat always ob serves; hence ihcre will be r.o paper on the evening of thai day. A couple of 1 ears ago a suit was brought on n quo warranto to dissolve -he charter of tr.e Oregon Pacific. It u said this will now be revived 'us- the certificate ho ders. Geo C'a dwell, aged about ly rears, waa yesterday taker, to th- peniientUrv for life, having murdered a man last ' Jure His father, Chris H Caldwell, was sent up for life in 1H.I7, for killing a man The regular meetings of Safdv Lodge No 13 A 0 V W, coming on Christmas nd Ne k ears nighu, through s dispen sation granted by the D G M will be held on the Tuesday rights Ciljoming. The DaSSOOtaT was right The Albans dispatch of Wednesday to the Oregoaian causing vt much indignation, was sent by the O P Management Mulcahy did it himself, so ifce Oregor.ian says. An Albany mr who adverti-.ed for a hired girl in the Divjocsar received an answer fICm a Saleai girl, who demanded his geneology teforc she would come here. Fortunately the ad had rec-ntlr secured one. Oregon is to 3: liesrd from In acres! navigation. A C Speer of Josephine coun tr, has a hip made of alurninum that is to carry isoo pounds. Fans at each end will be propel.ed b clectrlcitv, from stoa- btterie. Jr. the Chinese conspiracy tilai the ta ing cf testimony was completed yesterday ar.d argument ' begun. Judge Bchir.g-.rr ao.iounced from Ihe benc.i that in tne case of defendant Glen G Hoteaa he would set any olhrr verdict than "nor euilty'' aside. 3 lnc usjai Chns'mas exercises of the Baptiit Sunday school will be observed on Monday the 2sth, sr.d will be prec eJtd at T br a rrost unique and impressive program, lobe rcBdered by member of tlie primary ar.d intti mediate departments assisted by others, in which a To-n Thumb Santa and his cneery liitje wile will a prominent part, "princi pal features of decoration will cocsist of an evergreen ps overhung by an arch. A traveling fr-.m the east yesterday afternoon, after seeing the Urge collection made by the students of the public schools for the poor, said he was thinking of re movtag to this coast, and if he did. he would certainly locale here. He was quite enthusiastic on l!e subject ar.d remarked that he right of people resided in Eugene. He bougi.t three dollars worih ol groceries and ordered them delivered to the room. Gard. Tan O P. Matters seem to be worki in the interest of the laborers on Ihe Oregoif Psattnc. Mr Maacshy has resigned as sur ennoent and air llaoiey will resign as re- 1 1 ret provided the sa,e is not ronnnned. and it will not lie. this was the situation an (riven Mr Eames last I HSlillg 1 'harles (Jlark is the choice of the employes lor riiver and will prolabiy 'je apiiointed by Judge Fullerton. An examination of the ljorks and account iA the receiver was made yesterday and a report will be made at a mass meeting of employes in the city Vt marrow. The investigation made by the saanWfe committee and attorney have rev taltd peases Of extravagance that were in a businesH sense. The items i alley's bills for expenses are ridiculous a well as serious. For entertainment and such matters they run about gJOO per month. He charged fer nearly everything even the daily creasing of his pants may tie hidden in some of the items. ''Entertain ment ' is the prevailing squib, and it is BsasnMe the road under tbess heads paid for the balls tlie fellow was constantly at tending through the valley. One interest ing item is sfcWo for private detective ser vices. No wonder be resigned, and the sooner he leaves this part of the U S, the lietter it will be for him as well as the com munity. He was quite a meteor while he ktoU'aaJSeWr' 1 jktHtrW'A-extra Va gant, and shows that they were playing the game for all that was in sight. The books onlv show that Had lev drew J2.000 on sal ary, that in the first eleven weeks, and Get 2,000 and ?1 068 for expenses, but the per sonal eipen-e account of the former was sufficient to keep the wolf from the door. There is considerable doubt as to the re- of-nt p'ir hasersj obtaining a continuation by -i.-ttling the current debts. The public i- ivtting tired of speculation anyway. Spicna Scnooi- Following is the result 'A the examinarion of pupils for term ending Is 9: Gen. A. Deportment. Better Than Pills "As oitj as thebilLH"anrl norer excell ed. " Tried aad proven" H the verdict o f million?!. Simmons Liver Hogti lalor m the only Liver an l Eidoev meylicin'.- to which yon oan pin your faith for a cure. A mild laxa tive, and purey veg etable, act on the Liver and Kid- Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to lie taken dry or made into a tea. Th King of glass M-dieine. 1 hasaa nd rourSlmmons IJr Reen lator and ran s..n ientlouiy say it is the king of all liver mlein. I eonsider It a in-llcin chent In ltef. ijma. W Jacx fcosr, TaojDia, WaahmgUjn. SS-H KKV P.1CKAM -. 4a-.. ... . u . .lamp m reo oa Bavard Bridges Hi &4 Loyd Bridges S4 'X Iazzie Bridges 69 &4 Ie!ta Bridges 85 54 Grace Bridges S5 Ss3 Clyde Burkhart 87 92 DeVsie Burkhart 85 ts4 Limiie Baltimore 93 94 Yira Baltimore 92 94 Viola Cos 75 94 Clarence Cox 78 93 John Houghton 93 9K Lawrence Hani man 90 91! FredHardman M 93 Grade Hard man 75 Si Loyd Harilman 8J 9:1 Bessie Hammer 94 94 Kva Hammer 91 88 Libel Hammer S 9 John Keebler 79 93 CU-ve Keebler 63 S3 FfEe Kes-bier 90 95 Blanch Keebler 75 94 GraiMkhael 9 95 Bessie Michael W 94 KtEe Michael 95 93 Harry Mullen 79 94 George Weisner 4 94 Fred VYeisner -3 94 Amelia ALsnex 7 94 Edward WeLmer 87 ?4 Chas Walker 94 Psrariie Walker 82 & Q L. CatrvAX. Teacher. nahi af sTila . say j -. . : ii per BcCjs? use cen: a c jee. This Gazar Cor iu Coxs prompcr cares where mil otaera faU, Cosha, Crocp, Sere Threat, Kcr?-eta. Whoopuxg Cc-b aad Asrh a. for Cc-s-i-oa it has no rival; has cured tn-i aria CURE Toe If taken in time, field ty Urua-gistj on s auar-ar.te.-. Tor a Lease Ba-ii or Cbit. liie 6HIL0K S BELLAtiONNA PLASTERJSc, OHILOH'Slk CATARRH REMEDY. -I.0 a jo 2.4) 2".4d 16. rign pieaeaert eroainole party tha residencu of Mr And.. and produce, the holidays. for Also I n, t Vtlsrauil r .mill t'ouilsh man or woman w ho docs not sup- ire propcr- iv C S VeU as'jiennv' W1SC and pounu lool ish." It hrinyi., for insta-ic.-, to your door opportunities for securing the hest har gsin In eserythlog. If yoa want em ployrncr.i, then we asuistyou. That re minds js that the sdvertisemcnt of B F ohnson A: Co. Richmond, Vfl, in another flume may prove of real Interest und vaiue to you. A Goon Plaw. It Is a aood plan to suhscrihe for and read carefully your own home paper, as it is the aim of this paper Mrs E F Sox canied-osTthe honors. maaing snai to mass itan euucsiioaai iac:or in me mat nr.intu. Thriw nri-si-iit w ere : ttt ieaammunitV. Resides lhat. if sou are out V Perry Conn ALBANY CIGAR. FACTORY ami M rw c (iv uiwi iriiiPiri'ii. .mi I Mra Fred Blumberg I taasn here Is the place to and It. in an- MriinilMrsI' 1, l'owcr. Mr and .Mr otter column vu will find an advertise l RIaiti Mr -in, l Mrs (1 II Stewart. Mr .... J - II M, - " " J' - -- , .1. JOEFli, WHOLESALE Only White Labov ti'roprict or I RETAIL Employed5 MAWHOOD RE STORED! fflS SffrffiRSE g and .Mr W H F.-ench, Mrn Kev LitHe.Mrs aHe.leker, Mj K'Uot Irvine, and Wis" Kiniiia Sox. iri;uvo KIIIEOLT. On last eTnainf, Wedneiday, Dec 20, at the boaafl of lire Hideout on 6th street Mr. I A lmsead and Miss May Hideout were united in lnarriaate.Rev .1 T Ahhett, ofliciatinu. A bontefnll of relatives and fiiends witnessed Hk; very Impressive coreraony performed under a beautiful floral horseshoe. After the ceremony genuine congratulations followed, and a llellCIOUS Weuuing lsl1l v an ncnui. The nappy couple were rememtered with, a valuable lot ot presents, orna mental and useful. Tin: urooni is a young man of splendid character; the bride is a lifelong resident of Albany, for years a faithful compositor on tho Oemocuat, nn accomplished young lady of great worth, whom the IiKMociiAT prediclH will make a Htar nroof iwife. Mr and Mrs Duinond have tlie congratulations and best wishes of not only th! entire Office, out all lor tunato ir. being acq Bala tod with them. meat of Ii F Johnson & Co, of Richmond Vs, for workers, that msy Interest you iiess, an nruiiis unti Im, , t.r wr mlaO,Mi,ttvrbs...flj ,1...- ....,.. . .y orerererlliin.youtlifsifw im einesslTB xnwof tubaccs .opium urst im ?V"'JrLhl. il'?"5 '"Ucmta- Ctmaumptlon jr Insaollv. Q n lie earrloiln vest porket. at uraa. by mall pruuslrt. Wttti lU order wa lv a svrlllrii miarsntri loiurrnrn ,'unrt tin- mom -y. Holil br all Pflr,"- Ask for it, lake ni nther Write A,t free Meill. m I MikwnlwiM In plulD wrapper. AildresASi! KVJCSEai 'jcu..MasuuioTa ujule.Ouic. kuo. Winn Haliy v as (.Ick, we nave her Pattorla. When slii! a CliilJ, sun crlel for I 'antorla. aaasn she beaaaa ml. she ehssg to Onaasas, 1ien elic hatl ( Till Jrer, slie gavo them Castoria Olives In Hulk, stucr araut, niixed n'.rt.'tles. chow chow, ciantcrrles. lemons. I) aitfi.1 hoini'ty, and new ralefai at C li i BrossneHs, 1 At Ms At. Times do vou ever conside the rmalitv of the food vou are rstinc? It mav be eood. It iniirht he better, purer freslier and more wholesome. Is It not svarih while io make sure that your tea -nffee. snirar. baked eooils ami innumera lilaother groceries aie of the be6t quality ? There is such a trifling difference In the prices of the best and the worst that It does not pay to buy the worsl.cven on the false ground of supposed economy. The best Is always the cheapest, because the most satisfactory ami uuratue.ana me very best o everything in the grocery line is kept at Farker Bros. All. RlOOT. By reipiest. oa aBOoant of the distorted versions, the lH:MK'nT .--tarday did not publish fth ibnns fr ::i the Salem p.iers alsmt Ir. K. L. Irvine. As one oi Hasse versions has haasatvan in the city, we present one from last eveninjr's Journal directly to the point: An un-n. -r.--ful attempt was ni.lde yesterday to have a prominent medical man of this city coin nutted to the insane atllnsu. Thnw f-ideni newspaiiors have tbn-e different atwoanta ol the matter and all are wnvnir. lr E L Ir vine, of Genius, was formerly sivond phv- ician at tlie stale insane asylum, uiuicr Baal Lane. He was brought to Salem, ac- iinpaiiuM hv his wife and Is-fotv (.mintr Judge Hiihlianl. Hit. Jessup and Cart- wright, pa-scsl a very critical exaiuiiiatioii upon him, and he wjis discharged. All the tticials at tlie court houws ugn"iil in liro- noiincing him iierfectly sane. K J Hariling did not make tne complaint as reported. Tun Aataastms.-Hie state Isiard of udi.knr. r..t..r 1 i , lirivusi t hi-. f.i .iii-m.. n's.ihition: That we. the assessors of the I state of iiegoB, bslievna it to ls to the -st interest of the massi'sof the la-ople of the state, do most heartily recommend that the next legislative assembly of tho state enact a hiw. providing for the deduction of indebtedness, where a corresponding credit is assessed and providing for the assessing f niortgagi's. and tor collecting taxes on the samo . Vacation. College students left their deskti today for their homes to spend the holiday vacation, an event long looked for ward to. A number of Monmouth students arrived on the Modoc and hastened to the dejKit. The noon train from OorvaUtS brought a largo delegation of Agricultural college students, who gave a live salute SS they stepped from the train. ip bam b's Zip hum bee O. A. 0. A., 0. A.C. When a doctor considers It necessary to pres;ilbe sarsaparllla, he simply orders a bottle of Ayer's, krowina full well that he will obtain thereby a surer ansl purer preparation than any other which ihe ilrug store can furnish. Ayer's Sarsipariiia Is the superior medicine Bess tsTAvt ssaaa. .! :Ter - n Mv.-r- to l ee Bilyeu. lot 6. hi 10. wheeler's add. 8cso . . .0 I M l'.al-t. n to J S C.virtner. lots 2. 3. 4. '.. 0, 7. 8. . and 10. hi 23. U s a. Id. Ix-lianon Lea Bifyeu to Jefferson Myers, lot n. Seio '. Martha K Sshoiiling to John Cart wright, lots L 2. 3. S, " and 6, hi .1. S's add. Harrisburg Jasper (yiUespse to W J Guv, lots 1 .m l 2. hi 21. R's add. LsasaiBB, Wm M.Sulchrist to H Bnant. a00 acres. 11 w I state of regon to 1 L Baker. .S) acres, 14 w4 John A Millanl to F M KeslSeld. 32.21 acres. 1 1 w 3 and 4 . . . . StnM ..( i regs.n hi William If Kd- wards, ltvt.tio sores, 10 w 2. . -. Wiiliam H F.dwanls to James H Payne. 104 Cs acres. 10 w !.. Keulien Tivev toTheOOOtM Hanlin. eeaa.ll HI . Wm II beadier to H 11 i lunee. 40 acres. 14 w 1 . J M Manstield to W sexes, 15 w 4 is alter-Chntrh Brown. 44-" 300 10r U00 ." 1.010 ::.i!l 193 lti.OC) n 524 20 50 :t00 Wannaso Isvitavioss. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Golden Common every dsy. Uuckiiiiihsm's !)ye for the Whiskers di its woi k thorosghly, colnring a oaiform brow n or black, winch, when a-y, will neither rub. wash off, nnr mil linen. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. shOcAI. AND iNSTBl'MEN I Al. Ml'SIC. Miss Hattie Warner a graduate of the conservatory connected with Gates Col lege, Neb, Is prepared to give leisonsln vocsl and Instrumental music io single Tai, X-ti C sat th: nint Ui sa"-iles for suitimrs in the state at W R Graham's. where he has a tailor with few euuals on hand lo rnnkj them up on short notice. Get the best and most stylish suits of him. A new feature will be the ir.aklnir of ladles' cloaks to order, or the altering of cloaks to the lates' styles he repairing ol cloxks. Trices torn ones. A I 1. 1 III Knjojs The pleasant flavor, gentle action and soothing effect of Syrup ot Figs, w hen in need of tt laxative, snd if Ihe father or mother he costive or bilious, the most gratifying results follow its use: so that it Is tlie best family lemedv known and every family should have a botlle. Mrs C Ixv went to v. oTvaliis this noon. isjo Fish and wife came over from Cor vsliU today to spend Christmas. W B Isntt. of Iji' tvmntv. a former Chief engineer and City BBBsaaLnsBB, i :a the city. Hugh btliaaar, a son of Judge Bellin ger, of Portland. i in the city the guest of Mrs lana HurmesteT. F B Vaughn, tiie esaaasal I V at.-ent at San Francisov. i in ta.. , ity. He ss after Muloajiej . . i. Sir 1 . , I. . ! . . .- . . - - .. v 111.41 W. l H WJJ OUST !' an I B tiio isaasasasses beionging to Cha- Houe. U.-SV' f .. 1 - j .... sr.,-. wit, in mm -ijig ui in neaiiines-. W I! Blain went to Laltsaan tii noon, and will prssach in the M K s : :;: rr w in rmng. Mrs S S Train aad .liughter. of Al -lany. are istting at the residence of G M Whitney. Kugsme Guarsl. Ir G A Whitney is lying dangerously ill at the Bay. The gr.p is very prevalent 'and quite severe -n tne Kiy this winter. Mat Stanley, formerly of the Albany hase bail club, ii also nlafinsr with the San Francisco club. He caught on Monday in the game against B-ton. Mr Chester sWls rvtomcl this noon from near IVrtiaml where be had been on aocount ot th death of his brether. Harvey Skeels. who died from a paralytic stroke on tire loth. .1 W Has burn, formerly of Corvallis. has just been elected i ity attorney of Whatcom. on a ssilary of $10.1 per annum and polled more votes in the rait' than both of the op posing c.uiiiiaati-s vvmiunexi. Wm Shields. Albany's lapidary recently ut a large w.i'er agate with as "much skill and precision as is done bv the hv the Isest saBBOBOinaa lapidaries, this is something ew can On wen. r..i Giiir. w ho has Kvn acting us janitor for the i Ml A for several weeks was ex amined last evening bv lr Kllisand declar ed insane. He was taken to the asylum to day I v Marshal McFeron. lxng has been there twice before. His insanity is of a temporary nature. -peaking of the wedding of Alex Rennit and Miss Cecil Taylor, of Corvaliis. in this ity, the Times savs: It was not a conven tional affair, in that the parents of the bride were not aware that the expectesl event was to happen so soon: but for all that may auenuau the popular eoapn warm weapons" on tno latter s arrival in town early Saturday morning. Fercv A Young :uid Ciu-lton Sox arrived in Altsanv this moniing from Stimfonl Uni versity, and will spend their vacation here There were alout thirty other Stanford Stu dents on the train, amomr others lieiiur the famous Stanford foot Isullpeam. eighttvn in numoer. iney win play witn iiuvmaon Men. lav. with IVrt lownsend darittK th week and with Portland on New N ears, and will probably win even coal An interesting social event of the week was s progressive hearts party given by Mr lurgi Washboza at the home of his parents on Wednesday evening. The first pciae ssas won Ly Oiseus McFsriand and the booby prise by Miss AJita Arruk. The lunch eras also ii hearty one. Those present were Misses Mary Gondii", Nona Irvine. Ora Flinn. Mav l'olhxk. Mollie I.uicr. Pearl Vance. Josie Ltselle, Stella I'orter. M.isd Crosby, Marguerite Hopkins and Al ita AlTtck, and Messrs Kmil Kwert, Waiter IVanvk. Claud Vaak, 0 Kealto Weatherfonl. Roma MeCuUonh, Orville Dinwiddle, Will Campbell and George Washburn. WosaERFfL CavE. There is a cave in Josephine county which is more wonderful than many of the readers of the Democrat are aware cf. 600 chambers have already been explored, the largest being 300 feet in diameter. In the "Lord's supper chamber"" there is an almost perfect fjkc-simile is lime stone of the famous painting. "The fairy chamber'' is in a stratus of California dia monds. The tornado chamber ' is visited bv a wind storm everr 24 hours. In the rain chamber' there is a perpetual drizzle, and the "steam chamber'' is constantly ailed with steam from an undiscovered - :r e A Sr-.:r.t - staiagmites is the feature of the "death chamber. ' and toe 'bridal chamber"' is ornamented with a solid stone four-post BasBsaasI unoccu pied. Then there is "Sullivan "s chamber."' so called because of a mighty arm and fist pendant from the ceiling I this chamber is -inite near the mysterious wind orifice. 1 and others too numerous to mention, much less to describe. An effort is being made to have one of the chambers reprodiKed at th- midwinter fair. are you . ararrt .- Tha rerraecr is snatran- teedtocurar&u. Pntccjcts. Injector tree. FARMERS, ATTENTION IS : VOL" - X- ANT A WACON HACK. 3U6GY. CART PLOW HARROW.OPJLL SEED ER FEED CUTTER, or any kind of a Fa"r. Iip' or Vei hlcle, cs"' on'or addre. B. F. RAMP rcUe Post Oft re ibanv.O VIGOR 0FM s I n lt. Qarcih. PemiMStlj RiK: rti. and art bot 'if religious beliefs perplex you, and vou desire a faith at once reasonable and uplifting, send for free liberal religions reading to postoflice mission, 346 Yam hill street, Portland, Or. A Etta Finn. Lost, Knglisb setter pup whiW,with lemon spots. A lilieral reward will lie paid for his return or information whereof, by W A Macs, The Boss Barber. Thousands of lives arc saved annually by the use of Aver's Pectoral. Inthe treatment pupils or classes, at reasontble terms. locroiip anJ whooping cough, the Pectoral Mi.. 117 mm 1. ii tii. a limrniKili . . L i . - i i . . Miss Warner has had a thorough educa tion and Is an experienced teacher. Her refeiences are: Prof il A Shorey, William a Trow and Mrs Jennie late. has a tnost marvelous effect, lt allays in animation, frees the obstructed sir passage and contro's the desire to cough. Well Pbekstf.p. The popular comes! drama Nevada was presented last night t a fair audience in perhaps the best marine of any amateur play fcr some time- Th characters were all well sustained. If th DaasocasAT were to offer any criticism it would be that the parts of Jube and Win Kye were made too cocspicius at two or three epeschs in the play when they should have been in the Isackground. Both though were wei! taken. Mr Herman Swart as Jul rarely having an equal among ama teurs in the darker role. He immense'" Mr Al Chamberlin filled the difficult part c-f Nevada snth a splendid tn smpssOB ot it; f.d Uiiidgett as ermont. Hugh t isher as Tom Carew. Pervy K Keiley as Dandy Dick. M D Swart as Silas Steel and Fred Fisher a Jerden. displayed excellent talent. Miss Ora McFarlaud excelled us Moselle ansl Martha Bislev as Agnes Fairiee and Laara Treabaunt as Mother Merton were gixxl. The plav will tw repeated tonight and deserves a good house. A five round boxinsr contest betxreou Jul and Win Kye wiil clcs the entertainment. Ltsra Oosuaii CoonxiL. At a meeting at Scio. on last eilnessiav the Linn coun ty council passes! res.vlutions asking that a dividend be declared bv the Linn County national Bank and that the school superintendent make an apportionment. Tne resolutions have already been answeresl. A dividend has eeu declares! and an ap- psvrtionment made. The osaasal electesl the following officers: John Bryant presidsmt: Asa Lewelling. visse president: J B Smith, secretary; J ii Holf. treasurer; B H Irvine, chaplain; K H IVntsui, lecturer: J Clem. Stew-snl- V! R lvilveu. diVrkeerr: B II iHirby. assistant divrktvper: l. sajiitei to staie alUimce. J C lein and 1 M Holt. Probate Matters. In the estate of Wm MeCull'vh. final account was filed and hearing set for Feb 5, 1894. In tvtute of Alexander lVwning. final ac count was fihl and hearing set for Feb oth . lsvt. In estate of I. A Serrling. mveatory and aiuvraissmient files!: real estate. il.sXK': lr- sonal property $20. Citation orvleresl is sued. In the estate of Andrew Vail, wilt ad mitted to prebate. Alva K Vail executrii. In estate if Jss L Dickssui, w ill was asl mitted to prolsate. with Frank Proiist as ex esutrix. llond fl.000. Kxc ampmest ifficeks. The following otfirers for the term beginning January 1st. lsJ4, were electesl last night by Orgeana Kncamptuent No 5. 1 0 0 V : PC Anderson. C P. I O Writsman. H P. C W Sears. S W. II 1 Roans, J W. B L Burkh;u-t. Scribe. K A Parker. Trees G PBnstoll, M 11 Kllisand C W Ssmts trustees. SfV Eas: it Ny, NESVOUSStSS. YJsis OEBUTTY. m -a w ! ssyr t ksnf l J F. FORD, ImA 1 i e of Of Pes Mxnsn. tows, writs. JNlarch 23. lSf, s. B. Vep. Vro Ca. Dufar, Greece. Or arrt.iag h-me jt week, I toardall ell and anxiously a'araatiaa. Oar lutle girl, est! and oce-hslf years old, who had wa ted away to 5s founds, is r.-w wdl, strong aai sijcrvm, and well t!sb--d. op. S. B. Osaah Ture has dite its wo.-s weil. both at be childteu like it. Yoar S B. Coach Cure has cored xd kept a Way aU boarfeci sa from rue. So give it to jvery oce. wi;h greetings for all. Wishing you ; f -1 y. we are Your?, Mb & Mas J F Ford. If yum .,-. (y.ium- saj oheerfaU a:s! ready for Us SnatH work . cleanse rvsur sv-srem :sfa sbss HeaJsohe snd Lis at Carv. brtakiaf lJ or tarsa Kjswsseacn dsstc 50 cs j.t i sxtsi by aVaajhSaJ sSS3 1 an.leijs rsssiiise ywsrxjtos-1 I ACI MMINC. Baxioioos Skkmcks. Servtoos at the Baptist chnrch tomorrow 1110111111' imd evening. 1 reaching by Kev .1 Is. (.riKuu ot Oregon City. Allure invited. Other ser Vices us usual. fTnifni enlist chnrAl Christmas service ami BXxnon at II it m. Inthe evening. Rev Mr Allen will deliver a livture on Marriage. All are invited. RavJ K Groom will deliver an address to tho Y M C A tomotrow at 4 p m. All who OOBM will Ui Blade welcome. Mr Groom is a gooil speaker. United Prosbytetiaa: Services as usual by Bev Rilev Little. Morning, "A (usxt Conscience." evening. "The Birth of Je sus;" S S 2:1'.0; Y I" $ 0 K, 0:110. You are welcome. Wear Em Out! The sir to do It is t- take your w ash ing to the Chinamen. If you want your work well done at living prices take tt to Richard & Phillip's Steam Laundry. Thev know- how without banging them around a pole. The revival meetings st the Evargelic al church are well attended. Noble J Uryaus and wife of Philometh, will be present this evening and conduct the ser vice. Pa.ron;se home industry by smoking the celebrated white labor cigars, manufactured by fu'his Joseph. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. 0. lH. McFai land, -:- osaler Bt -:- Harness -and -Saddlery Display fa in the uooi REVERE HOUSE kUJANY- 3RECI AS. PcfJFFERiROPUH.T! K Red CrownMill JOHN ISOM, PROPRIETOR. ew reooasa slock scrsaioa roa raisi'. as o SASSK8 rsr. ftEsST. STORAGE WOiLl f I RS ACADEMY as -OF- laiiy of Perpntnal Heip for sale In Albany, Or., by J. A. CUMaslNU aaf by llolXiKtt a Mck'AUIJlMn,) 'Smagiau.